Higher relief committee Daily situation report

Sitrep No: 0006 Date: 30/07/2006

1-Current situation:

• Israel's aggressions continued over many parts of , warplanes staged a series of raids in the south and Bekaa Valley, striking more roads and destroying civilian buildings and houses. Heavy bombardments took place in Bint-jeible, Maroon-al- Ras and Aytaroun triangle killing more children and elderly people. Israel plan to contemplate flattening villages to the last house has started, as UNIFIL political officer said the day before. It was impossible to evacuate the injured and to count the number of dead civilian due to Israeli siege over the area. i) “FLASH”: The latest of Israeli savage war on Lebanon took place early this morning as Israeli jets bombarded civilian buildings in Quana, slaughtering more than 55 persons most of them are children, women and elderly people. ii) Israel jets stroke a car in the southern suburb of , the driver escaped unharmed. iii) It also stroke a pick-up carrying vegetables in Bekaa valley, injuring the driver. iv) The villages of Ramie, Beit-Lif, Ayta –al-Chaab, Wadi al-salouki, , , Aytaroun, Bent-jbeile, Sawane and Kounin were under heavy bombardments for the past 24 hours, destroying houses, roads and bridges. v) A house was bombarded and destroyed in Nmayriye killing a woman and 5 children. vi) Israel attacks continued on the international road leading to Syria, many rockets stroke the road near Al-Masnaa and Jdaydet- Babous causing a complete cut of 2 lines main highway connecting Lebanon and Syria. vii) Al-Khardali Bridge near Mahmoudiye was bombarded and totally destroyed. viii)The town of Nabatiye was under heavy bombardments destroying civilian houses and apartments. Many dead bodies still under the rubble and it was unclear how many had been killed. How ever the cumulative figures of casualties in day 18 shown here in after.

Estimated No. of Death: 6670 Estimated No. of Injured people: 33125

• The large scale destruction of Lebanon’s infrastructure is affecting the health system’s capacity to deliver care, the world health organization said. The current health situation implies: a) Increase in risk for communicable diseases of the concentration of displaced people and lack of access to clean water and sanitation. b) Great risk for those already living with chronic diseases because of the loss of life preserving medications and support services. This applies also to pregnant women about to deliver and other in need for similarly vital event, WHO added.

• The leak of 15 tons of heavy fuel oil into the Mediterranean Sea has caused an environmental catastrophe and health hazard in the area, the minister of environment, Mr.Yaakoub Sarraf said. The pollution is expanding toward Israel in the south, Syria and turkey in the north and Cyprus in the west. A complete oil-spill clean up operation requires 50 million dollars, he added. A flash appeal was published by the ministry of environment requesting urgent international aid to clean up the polluted sites along the coast.

2- Movement of Displaced Population:

More convoys continue to arrive to Saida, Beirut, and the north from the south and Bekaa valley, as Israel continue to smash civilian buildings and houses. The latest figure of displaced population is shown here bellow.

Displaced Other Information

Schools 125,700 Official Figures, sheltered in 652 schools

Unallocated. (Estimated). 550,000 Sheltered with families, friends, churches, mosques, etc.

Neighboring Countries 220,000 Syria, Jordan, Cyprus, and Gulf area.

Total 895,700

3- Needs and Demand:

International aids continue to arrive to Lebanon from different international downers: • 6 trucks of the international/Lebanese committee of Red Cross, crossed the borders carrying medical supplies, tents for field hospitals and primary care medication. • 2 trucks from turkey carrying 80 tons of flour and blankets. • 11 trucks of United Nations carrying medical supplies and food items. • More planes landed in Rafic al-Harriri international airport in Beirut carrying international aids. The delivered/distributed food and non food items by the higher relief committee to displaced centers are shown here bellow.

Description Current distribution Total cumulative distribution up to date Food Basket/Family/week. 9,200 132,358 Food Basket/children/week 800 8,151 Blankets 8,200 87,912 Mattresses 900 56,796 Hot meal/family/day 0 63,465 Medical Supplies N/A N/A

Food basket/familyl5persons/week Children basket under 2 years Rice 3kg , sugar 2kg , tea 1/2kg , cheese 2kg, Children milk 3 small cans, cerilac 2 cans, 1 tuna cans 185g, meat 500g , spaghetti 3rolls , baby milk bottle , 1 biscuit box, pampers 1 peas 2kg , ghee 1kg oil 1.5L , jam 2kg , bag ,children powder 1 can , underwear 2 milk1.8kg sets, 2 pairs of sucks, children soap 2 bars.

4-Destruction/damages: Israel savage war continued in striking civilian houses and infrastructure. Israel destruction in Lebanon continued for the 18th day, more houses, bridges and roads were hit and totally destroyed. The bombardment concentrated in the towns and villages of the south and Bekaa valley. The cumulative figures of Israel destructions in Lebanon are shown hereinafter.

Description QTY Units Vital Points ( Airports, Ports, Water and sewage treatment 27 No plants, Electrical plants, Army brigades, water dams etc. Roads 600 Km Fuel stations 23 No Bridges 66 No Over passes 72 No Private houses/ Apartments (estimated) 6300 No Commercial sector (factories, markets, farms, etc) 160 No

5- Constraints:

• Lack of food and non-food items needed to serve displaced population. The available quantities presents approximately 50% of the actual needed quantity. • No access to targeted areas due to damaged roads and insecurity. • Targeting communication lines, mobile cellular antennas have led to disturbing all kind of communication between cities and villages. • Israel air and sea siege over Lebanon has blocked bringing international aides. • Many supplies especially basic food items are in extreme shortage, resulting in high increases of prices. • Estimated total losses had reached 4 billion USD up to date. • Targeting factories has drastically stopped all kind of local production for food and non-food items. • Unemployment rate has reached an approximate figure of 75%