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i- READ THE cz Chief Justice Warren LÄtSS ■ NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Monday Integration Stand ; FIRST BULLETIN IN YOUR RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia hod desegregated schools Mon­ ^AMttl.lcA'g STANPArTd d O U R. N I V day, Negro students being enrolled for the first time in Arling­ ■k'j WORLD I ton'and Norfolk. No violence was reported in either city;'ms mobs near the schoolhouses except newsmen covering the events. Meanwhile, the Virginia legislature continued in session VOLUME 28, NUMBER 64 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1959 PRICE SIX CENTS as solons conferred on proposed legislation to lessen the impact of integrated schools ordered by both state and federal courts...... f .8? By TOM NELSON For UPI ‘ ; 'Assistance Judge Boyd's Action WASHINGTON. — (UPI) — Chief Justice Earl Warren tersely I i MB rejected Saturday a request by the Arlington, Va., school board to postpone school integration which had been ordered to begin Monday. To Combat V Delays Library Hearing % ■ X, His brief order denying the stay ------•------7------7“ Another action on the part- of other Negroes uss the main branch meant that four Negro youngsters , . 1 District Federal Judge -Marion S. would enter Stvndfoicl Junior High ( 'Resistance Ss> at Fiabody'and McClean. Turner Boyd has again delayed a suit call­ Was turned away by library officials when the school, previously all- i’ Report Meeting By WARREN DUFFEE ing for integration of a Memphis in summer of L£57 at the main white opened Monday morning. . i I A public facility. branch because of his race. The school board had made a■_ ’For Camapign WASHINGTON (UPI)—Fifteen j Judge Boyd, who recently ruled In explaining his move Judic-..last-ditch appeal :. • A. A. C. P.'attorneys. last week ex­ said- he -would hot preside because denied ‘the’ postponement request. I Committee's volunteer workers Is < cused himself from the library case his. son. Marlon- S. Boyd, Jr„ is a His rejection was contained in : scheduled for 7:33 p. m. Tuesday. 'full weight of the government a two p-sentcnce announcement i * whose hearing was scheduled foi member of the law firm represent­ I Feb. 3 al -Universal Life Insurance behind the Supreme Court's • ; Friday, Jan. 30. Jesse Turner, dy­ ing the defendants — library offici­ handed out by the court clerk.- ■ building. school integration order. K- namic cashier at the Trl-Slats als and the city of Mepiplilsx Judge “Upon consideration of the '' W. C. Patton, director of the J Bank, filed the suit seven months Florence Allen, chief judge of the memorandum in support of thei; driv?.. said it Is very important that The bipartisan group, headed by ago when library officials announc­ ■Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals at application and of tlic opposition I all ward, block, precinct leaders at- Sen. Paul H. Douglas D-Ill., said ■i 'V"' ed that they would net let him and Cincinnati, is expecting t-o name a. thereto, I conclude that the test I tend the meeting.' ■. the' legislation would give local r replacement .sliertly. of extraordinary showing requ'red Attendance prizes wiU-be award- communities wishing to integrate I in these circumstances by Mag- K ¡s’ i ed. • ’ "r*; h’ the governmentis “massive assist­ Whites Don’t Want NO INTEGRATION num Tniport Company versus Coty, i' Patton, a- dynamic civic worlcet ance” to oounter the 'massive re- . ft 262 U. S. 159, 164, has not teen | !» This Is another delay of ni-iny ■ and speaker, addressed the Bro­ distance" thrown up by southern ■ ■ Illi delays In the cases fighting inte­ met. = ' I therhood of the Mississippi Boule­ states. ¡Ì To Give Up Parks gration in thrls city. The MS'U r “The -motion for recall and stay I & ’M vard Christian Church, last Sun- Dougins and othbrs-'said the bill’ case lias been dribbled back and of mandate of the U. S. Court of ,■ day morning. He also will address was not aimed al punishing the I I To City Negroes i forth since early 1955, and still the Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Is •th»! R»tired Teachers association Soul'll nnd did not demand imme­ segregationists have been able to (Continued on Page Six) 1 tins week. • diate compliance. However, it is ■ A proposal by the Youth Guidance get. the postponements they have | S .far more sweeping than either the ■:;>í Committee tp turn over Gaston. asked --for. integration through "moderate" proposal by Senate De- >v g ■ Community. Center ..and EsSota Judge Boyd who has rilled consis­ mocratlc Leader Lyndon B. John­ Park over to - 'Negroes has been tently against the nianuevers of Ne­ To Raise $100,000.00 son of the administration's forth- -.<7- È blasted by'leaders of 11 white civic gro attorneys. The O.. Z. Evers bus —coming bill. S3 clubs who have promised to fight case, filed in April of-1-956, lias also SEES ROCKY PATH ‘‘tooth-and nail” against the move, been—Hie victim of delays, was Douglas, acknowledging the rocky A MEMPHIS AIR FORCE MAN won a first place [receiving a $100 check from Col. Albert J. ' C.’ E. Hurley, head of the give-no­ thrown out last June by a three- In 1959 Heart path ahead of the bill, said he ex­ award for a meter-testing device made from McChristy, base commander in Phalsbourg, ground group, said, ^'Gaston Is not judge court panel - re-lnstated in even capable of handling all the December by the United States Su­ solicitation of funds. pected southerners to raise a fili­ salvage parts. Left is A2C Walter L. Nichols France, — (USAF Photo) The Memphis H?a.rt- Association buster threat against it. In a caus­ white folk in the area, and now preme Court. began its 1959 drive Sunday to Heart banks to collect funds have tic reference to Johnson's mldd'.e- they’re thinking about taking it The recent, suit filed attacking raise- $100,000.00. been placed in 150 city and county of-the-road measure, he added: State-Wide Meeting away from us. The community cen­ segregation statutes for city parks Nearly ten thousand volunteers schools. Approxunktely 500 /C01n ..."Then some ostrlch-like propos­ ter is only partially Negro, and the and other places of public recrea­ are-working in- the aiuvsal fund cards have been placed in business al, burying its head, in the sand Pupil-Less Horace Mann Of Negro Leadership DeSoto area is still all-white." tion'.'is comparatively young and raising campaign to fight the na­ establishments by members'of" the so that it cannot see the school Recently Negroes expressed their has not" as yet be;en, victimized by tion’s number one killor-heart di- Junior Department, 19lh Century problem, offending—and helping— Planned For Feb. 21 disgust over the Youth Guidance what has begun to be a share of "srase—Eilch. W. Merrill, chairman, Club, and others. ..-ï1!-'.': almost no one, will probably be Teachers In Workshops Committee plan, because it is still delays. ‘ ■ , - said. The Memphis Heart Association served up as a ‘reasonable compro­ A state-wide Negro leadership an endorsement- of racial bias in The Supreme Court' ruled out Division chairmen fcr. the 1959 ■s entering Its secopd decade;.®' mise’ ... I hope the Senate will techniques; (3) Preparation of test meeting has been scheduled for tax-supported recreational facilit­ segregation In May of 13-54, nearly Heart Filnd are: Marion S. Ebvd. prej^ss." Its . aidant fund LITTLE ROCK, Ark—When Gov. : Feb. 21 on the campus of Fisk not be misled by these maneuvers.” Orval E. Faubus closed the high cards for. books to be read by stu­ ies which has been decreed uncon­ five years ago, and not one Mem­ Jr.. Business; Grover Cole, Build­ ratyi y support re- The liberal version was sponsored dents; t4) „Discussions of general University in Nashville, accord­ stitutional by the ¿United States phis public facility has been ,ln- ing; Dr. Walter K. HofTnwn. Phv-. •sear*__ _ rt Association schools down last Sep;ember for | ing to an announcement made in by 11 Democrats and 4 Republicans. political reasons and . hardly in i education' books; (5) ~Work‘-.l L.in com-— SupremsCourt. tecrati-d. ' ' i ■. <.... t sictans; J. P. Snider, Schools; prógraihs?...... Wves os an "ex­ Memphis Uris week. A number, ot Charles E. Shlvler, Initial Gifts cellent means of advance program» . One of them. Sen;’Jacob K. Ja­ the best educational interest of the pe-tence classes; end (6> Participa­ Memphis' Negro leaders have been vits R-N.Y., said “this opens the ccmmunity. the teachers at all­ tion in educational lectures. C. Wlyttnev Brown is Heart -Sun­ of education and community -ssf- invited to attend the one-day con­ cmyday cnairmanChairman ionfor. „to„ the0 „third.„emu ...... , 'civil rights battle in Congress for Negro Horace Mann High began unanimous in this session.” The teaohers are...... ference which has been termed a straight .yèti •-rr:c.;i.X:ï:iricah'’ïftart . to engage in workshops designed expressing -.a desire to have *4he ■“Summit.:''Conferer.ci-':.' a.J* ' Increase In Boy serves as Campaign Committee The bill would nutborize the sec- to'.' improve instructional compet-,. with Its. afftlitucs/'lS the I children, out needlessly because of T)ie main Item expected to he Ofiaiftnahf... .: ■ . ... - jnita'r? health' agcncÿ" In the Unit- . I . ■ -rettur .•tof-i;he«nSg^eiS5ESitTcB'’ and-' ’ence when' student" classes are re­ the demagogic' attitude of Orval discussed is “registration and vot­ welfare tio offer legal, financial and sumed.' ...1' . — Events taking place during Feb- edésStatès devoting all its énergies - Faubus, rattan to the classes. “We ing In Tennessee.” tqÿiHip. reduction of premature technical aid in school integration want, to get. back, .to the job for Predicted By Executive j-ruary. sponsored b.v the Memphis cases.' The technical help could According to Dr l. M. Chris­ ilbnrl .Association, include a tour dcaflîs - and disabilities'"'caused by ... tophe, principal of the school, the 1 which w? are professionally -quali­ the many, terms of heart and amount to as milch as $2,500,000 fied.” said Mrs. Vivian T. Heg- Avery Chapel AME Site of the Department of Pharma­ a 'year for five years.' Mann staff has been engaged in America faces’ a large increase grade and through 17 reaches one cology in ccnluncticn with the blood vessel diseases. ‘ what is essentially a graduate edu­ wood, chairman of the English in the number of .boys eight to 16 of every nine. The secretary also could make teachers. “I certainly miss tile To Start Program Aimed - Current total -membership, is Uiiiversitv of’ Ternlesp-e nn. Febr­ Each year heart and blood ves­ grants for school buildings, teach-, cation course dealing with cur­ years of age during the next" five uary 1. Two lo’.itures will be-given sel diseases Cause lust production children, but their is no shortage At Teenage Problems years, says Dr. Arthur A. Schuck. above 4,780,000 boys and leaders. amounting to 650,000 man: years, ers and community aid Where states rent issues in education. Major-as- . of work," added Mrs. Evelyn T. Chief Scout Executive of" “the Boy Since 1910, he added, more .-.than b.v Dr. Jules Hlrsch of the Rooks- -threaten to close schobls to pre­ peels of the program Include: (1) Armen, registrar, as she pointed 29.500,000 persdlfc-have-beeir-m fellow Institute fcr Medical Re­ over t hree billion dollars hr lost vent Integration. This. aid would Study of educational literature; (2) Youth... .problems of youth and Scouts of America. search The first Iroture will be earnings and over 3S4CODOO.OO. in (Continued on Page Six) delinquency will assume .an Im­ In a message to tiloi nation’s the Boy Scouts of America. lost taxes. Heart diseases' afflict total 40-mllllon dollars annually for Demonstrations o f instructional councils on “We must strive to’make Scout­ given to the Memphis and Sbelbv live years. ■ ' ' portant role in the 1959 plans of. 536 local Boy Scout County Mvdtpal Society on Feb. 3 more than 500.000 cliildrcn ^i? Avery Chapel AME Church.. ac­ the 49th anniversary of the or- ing available to every boy in an- ganization to be observed during America,” Di\ Srhn^k wrote. and the o'lwr at the second EXTEND COMMISSION'S LIFE cording to announcements re­ r.ual W, B. Pollard Memorial 1p?.- (Continued on Page Six)— — In addition, the measure would leased by «the church this week. Boy Scout Week, Feb. 7 to 13, Dr. URGES SCOUTS SERVE MORE ture at Goodwyn Ins'.ffr'e on Feb revive the so-called “section three” It is believed 'tlxat this is the first Schuck called for sound planning BOYS. IN NEXT FIVE YEAR* 4. The lecture will be held at 7:45 Memphian Winn Highest that was dropped from the admin­ Negro church in Memphis to pub­ “predicated on an understanding “Looking ahead, for the next five p. m. Admission is free. The sub- istration’s 1957 Civil Rights Bill. . licly announce any plans lor deal­ and knowledge of-the current situ­ years,” rays the Chief Scout Ex­ jest is “The Diet' and' Coronary. Incentive Award in'' " It would enable the attorney gen­ ing with such problems. ation as well as past growth and ecutive, “we must recognize that, Heart Disease” eral to enter civil rights cases upon Avery Chapel, located at the cor­ development.” neper has it been so important’ or Heart Sunday will be held Feb. Phalsbourg, France . receipt of a signed complaint that ner of E. Trigg and Neptune, have L' He said that today there 'imperative that the youth of our designed plans to hold special' '3,617.000 boy members In the 22. when approximately 6.COO vol­ A farmer Hamilton-high school an individual had been unable to nation be trained to high ideal­ unteers will conduct a door to door get other legal protection. The classes for “teenage problems. Also ganization or 24.6 per cent of ism, acquired through unselfish student could be the winner,_pt a department could seek court orders NEW YORK — Tlic civil rights lions, of civil rights, not merely special classes for persons 18 years 14,722,000 boys between the service, by self-reliance, and co- $2.330 Incentive Award. Hilis’^ta-.' to stop-such violations. bill Introduced by Senator Paul voting cases. of age. and older, are being plann­ of eight and 16. operative effort, man Walter L. Nichols, y'lio.iiw Joluison's milder bill would ex­ Douglas ID., Ill.) is a congressional The Douglss bill, the NAACP ed “to help hold families together In order to maintain the same “They must understand and Read in This Issue . just returned from Plialsbiurg, tend the life of the Civil Rights "must," Roy Wilkins, executive sec­ leader pointed out .affords Con­ by strengthening youth and re­ ratio at the end of 1963, when practice the basic principles on France where he has. becn-statfca- Commission, give the Jlfitice;- De­ retary of the National Association gress an opportunity "to support the ducing delinquency.” there will, bo . 16,963.000 boys of which our nation was founded and cd whh the U. S. Air Force. ■ partment subpena powers in voting, for the Advancement of Colored principle of orderly compliance with Scpical effort® will also be made tliose ages, there should be 4,173,- recognize that security is the THEN AND NOW A-sc Nichols was notified.;in rights cases and create a federal People, said’here Saturday. the decisions of the United States to enlist young people in active 000 Cub. Scouts, Boy Scouts, and fruit of freedom ancF that with­ December that out of ITT sugges­ mediation service to help iron out Among provisions of the com; Supreme Court in the school de­ evangelistic and missionary work Explorers, Dr. Schuck said. To out freedom,: there ;can - be no iso? NAACP 1959 tions submitted - by personnel; on civil rights disputes. It steers clear prehenslvc bill is or.e foi- the rc- segregation cases." “to help increase the spirituality reach one-third would mean 5,618,- security.” his base ■ In IS53, he reco’vad.tiie-: of the controversial- “section three," ' slitution of Part. Mil which was 'Hie full text of Mr. Wilkins' and stimulation in all pliases of 000 boy members. Dr. Schuck entered Scouting as This is the first in a series of highest award given, a checkjot. -Christian- -serviced------—— f 100 presented by the Bass Com­ REPORT CABINET SPLIT deleted from tlic Civil Rights-;.Act. statement lollows: The Cub Scout program for bo.ve a volunteer leader in 1913 and three ... of the thrilling “Thé Douglas bill oilers an op­ The .church’s plans also call for eight, nine, and ten ybars old . is has been a professional leadei mander col. Albert J. McChrtSty. President Elsenhower and oilier of 1957 under threat of a .southern making “every Sunday School stories about the History of administration officials have indi­ filibuster, although it. liad presi­ portunity for Congress to support now reaching one of every three since *■ 19X7.. •? I During off duty hours NlclralS the principal of orderly compliance meber a worker in a program to boys of tliose ages. Boy Scouting Scouting’s, ideals and objectives t the NAACP . . . which will ' made a miter testing device from cated their forthcoming proposal dential and bi-partisan support. obtain other Sunday School mem­ would include extension of the com­ This part would empower the. with the decisions of-the United for ages from eleven through 17 have remained constant since 1915 celebrate its 50th anniver­ I scrap material, which, if purebps- bers as well as a church member’’ attracts one in every four of those he said, “while -the program, or- ed bv the government, would cost mission's life and the subpena fea­ United States Department of Jus- States Supreme Court in the school The special classes are- available sary Feb. 17th. tures of Johnson's program. There I tice, on its own initiative, to inter­ desegregation cases. The bill in- ages, while Exploring for those ganization methods, and operating ■ an estimated $900. Th? devlce,l.an (Continued on Page Six) vene in all cases involving viola- ( Continued on Page Six) (Continued on Page Six) 14 years old, and in the ninth (Continued on Page Six) (Continued on Page Six) ;. World 1OO% Wrong Club In 24th Extravaganza


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HIGHLIGHTS 'FROM 1,00 >E«ltENT WRONG CLUB BANQUET - day night. Mcny awards were presented to local and national, LeRoy Hardee view each other trophies in the center photo. J receiving the Pioneer Award from club president A. L. Tffqrrip1"’ The Atlanta:Doily Worl^.camcra captured three of the many sports I figures. In left photo W. A. Scott III (left) presents , the Darnaby was honored .as college spptts publicity man of the son, while the Atlanta Life InsuranceXorpppriy's Charles Grepnep highlight.)XCenes Jn.-the—iabaue photos, during the 24th annual national football championship trophy to Prairie View College year, while Hardee was hailed as football,.player .of the year and Mdss Kendrix, the Coca-Cola Bottling Company, l0olf-

FIRST OF A SERIES And Weapons Bills Fifty years ago when. the Na­ NASHVILLE—The State Senate state some S1.C00.030 dollars tional Association for the Advance­ last week passed and sent, to the act on the bill today (Tuesday). ment of Colored People was con­ House measures to make the Mem­ The reorganization would save-the ceived, the outlook for the Negro phis City Schools' charter perma­ slate some $1 dollars. in America was bleak. The- early nent and to permit the Pity Board Proposals before the senate, to death of the race had been author­ of Education to issue up to 25 make it unlawful for anyone tof itatively predicted by a famous million dollars in bonds for build­ sexually molest any boy or girl ;, BY JEWEL GENTRY statistician. Negros were being ing purposes. under 14 years of age. ..remove the speeded along to this dismal end In other action, the legislative restriction on assessments to be Gaylettes To Present Mid-South's Most Mrs.- Mary Pruitt, Miss Ida ¡Mae by semi-weekly lynching parties body passed and sent to the House levied on land. . Add to the duties Walker and Miss Almazine Davis. which strung them up, shot them a weapons bill; sponsored by Sen­ and powers of trie Soil Conserve- - Eligible Bachelors Friday, February 15th Members unable to attend were down, or roasted .them alive. In be­ ator Tom Mitchell of Memphis.. tiori committee.. .Strike a portion , Mrs. Dorenda Gray, Mrs. Rosa tween lynching bees, furious mobs, The bill would require that con­ of the State Code that sets the MEMPHIS SOCIETY will play a part in two brilliant scenes Nell Iles. Mrs. “Bootsie” Ford, bent on accelerai gig the process of fiscated pistols and other wea­ periods in which fireworks may -• on Friday, February 15th, when members of the newly Gay- Miss Margaret Bush and Mrs. extermination, hunted down Negro pons .save rifles and shotguns of legally be sold.. .Eliminate . the. Helen Prater. 4 v. men, women and children In the which firms have, a lien, to be .de­ conservation commissioner’s power lette Club will present the Mid-South's Most Eligible Bachelors streets of Atlanta, Springfield, Ill stroyed. to veto personnel'appointments to . . . and some of Memphis' best dressed men in a fashion DON’T FORGET ... and other cities. the state Game and Fish Com­ revue . , . showing what the well dressed man wears, lavish Don’t forget the Alpha Phi Al­ in the South, the Negro had The Seriate also has passed a mission.. tighten the law on the law which would.make it unlawful decorations are planned for- the event and one? of the city's pha Scholarship Dance to be given been stripped' óf...his basic citizen-" dumping of refuse., prob'bit pin--.' Friday night of this week at ’the .'hip rights. Which- hud been ¡ pur­ for persons- to loiter oh church ball machines from awarding free best bands will play for dancing after the activities. Flamingo... Get your reservations chased ini blood. He had been dis­ grounds, modifying a statute plays or anything else of value, made now through ' Mr. Robert which tit 'present applies only to BACHELORS NAMED franchised- and the oastle restric­ mechanically of otherwise. week end. Bridge was played after Lewis, Jr., Dr. Theron North- tions of slavery had been leagiliz- public schools, and a bill which Shelby County Commissioner A few of the bachelors - (from cocktails and steak dinner were cross, co-chairmen; Dr. Leland__ DESSERT-SALAD cherries.and syrup, sugar, salt; heat. would allow the slate Health De­ which the eligible ones are, to be ed throughout the region through COMBINATION Stir until gelatin i.s dissolved. Coo’.; David Harsch brought several pro­ served early In the evening. The Atkins, president or any active revision of state constitutions. The partment to provide five percent posals before the Senate. One was chosen), were named this week by ' Isabel’s lovely Orleans Street home Alpha member. We hear so much these days about add almond extract. Pour into of its appropriation for adminis­ the Gaylettes. They are Raymond United " States Supreme Court had calories, that it's a delight to find 6 1-2 cup heart mold. Chill until to permit the county to authorize wits an inviting spot' for a cold turned its back on t/he Negro’s plea tering the indigent hospitalization and operate with the city on plan James and Richard Blanding (both night with all of the members DR. W., A. BISSON left last a dessert which almost'firm. , Add plillled custard program, rather than five, per cent for a city railroad terminal, re­ Dental Technicians and natives of for enforcement of the Fourteenth is pretty to look layer. attending ... and they were week for Florida where he Is at­ and Fifteenth Amendments to the of. Its. actual. expenditures. location of railroad tracks and ell- . Datroit)-; Ernest Battle, Director Mrs. Cora Blackmon, Mrs. Mamie tending the funeral services of at, delicious to CUSTARD LAYER of Student Affairs and Public Re­ Constitution. Neither the Presi­ eat, and yet not STATE TO REORGANIZE mlnatlon of grade crossings and Bridgeforth, Miss ’ Ethel Hoose- his sister's husband. dent nor ,the Congress of the Unit­ 3 egg yolks 3? — The. House’s .top action Includ­ provide -for the financing of the lations at Rust College; Clarence man, Miss Estelle Edge, Mrs. too rich. In fact, 1-4 cup sugar county’s share in these improve­ Sprattens of the Memphis Post ed States lifted a Unger to shield this dessert: with ed passing tl:-e Buford Ellington Owena Langford, Mrs. Jessie MRS. KATE TIPTON, a devout him from the blows of his enemies. few grains salt Administration bill to reorganize ments. Office; Earnest Bailey, Science In­ Lewis, Mrs. James Ella Rogers, sliced bananas, 2 cups scalded milk worker and member of the PME He was being driven ‘ from jobs slivered almonds structor at; Rust College at Holly Mrs. Ann Stribling and Mrs: Lula church is in Gary, Indiana where which he had traditionally held 1. envelope unflovored gelatin Springs; Joe Carr, Instructor at Thompson.-v and marshmal­ 1 •4. cup. cold_____ ...... water Booker Washington High School; she is attending the. funeral ser­ and his children were being cheat­ lows pieces give vices of her sister’s husband. ed of an education. 1 cup sliced bananas , . Harold Winfrey, Instructor of Art NON-PARRELS MEET WITH -body to the mold. 1-4 cup slivered almonds at Melrose; Joe Atkins, Instructor MRS. BELLE PETTIGREW Strenuous efforts were being Over this spark­ 1 cup quartered marshmallows i* at Douglass High; Clayton Bullock, Mrs. Belle Pettigrew went all MRS. FANNIE JORDAN PERRY made to extend 'the southern doc­ les a layer of Beat egg yolks; add sugar and a Mississippian; Elmer Henderson, out when she served members of SLAUGHTER has returned to her trine into the northern states, tart red cherries in gelatin. salt;— Slowly add scalded milk. a member of the Harlem Finance the Non-Parrell Bridge Club at home in Gary after visiting friends where the Abolitionist zeal , was Mold fhe two layers In a heart Cook over hot water, stirring cons- in Memphis. The attractive Gary beginning to wane. Segregation In Company’s Staff and’ a leader of the Foote Homes Auditorium last shape, to make the centerpiece for stantly,. until mixture coats spoon. ITTA BENA, Miss. — The Devil­ socialites attending the dance were Greek- activities. in Memphis over Friday evenirig. The party was a matron (who still has her good education was taking hold in cer- a bridal luncheon buffet or for a Soften gelatin in cold water; add Paul Robinson, Enda Smith, Willie looks) is now a clerk in the Gary teln... northern cities. Discrimina­ men of Mississippi Vocational Col­ a long period; Rev. C. J. Reed, pretty one and the services were Valentine's Day tea.'The edge may to hot custard; stir until dissolved. lege will return from a' road trip Bales, Darmy Bailey, Larry Webs­ pastor of Warren Chapel AME superb. The usual dinner and Post Office. Even though all of tion in the trade unions was wide­ be piped' with whipped cream, or Cool until mixture is slightly thick­ her grammar and secondary work spread. Negroes were frequenlly to face a powerful Jackson State ter. and Sandra Pegues, and Prexy Church and an instructor at Doug- I cocktails preceded bridge. softened cream- cheese. ened. Add bananas, almonds and five on Wednesday. February 4, Isaac Young. The Jayceretfes was lass High School who. is a new­ • was done In the Gary schools . denied access to publ'c aceommndu- Mrs. Pettigrew had as her only from Le- CHERRY DESSERT SALAD marshmallows. Pour over cherry in the Mississippi Vocational Col­ organized for the sole purpose of comer to Memphis; William Haw­ Fannie was graduated tions, state civil rights laws not­ mixture. Chill until firm. Unmold helping people who is unable to help guests Mrs. Calverta Ishamel and Moyne and taught in Memphls withstanding. Cherry Layer: lege gym. The Devils had an, un­ kins, q. Porter School teacher; Mrs. Ernestine Braddic. Members on lettuce. Serve with Creamy successful 'try with the Tigers earl­ themselves. Bennie 'Tate, Headwaiter at River- after graduation . . . She lived Such was the climate in the na­ 1 envelope Unflavored gelatin . attending «'ere Mrs. Louise West- here during her college days with Dressing. Makes (l servings. ier in tihe season, but according to' “CLUB LA DONNAS” mont East Club; Walter Martin, ley, Mis. Jennie Tarpley, Mrs. tion when, an the centennial of 1-4 cup cold water CREAMY DRESSING Coach Collins, the team feels con­ Club La .Donnas was organized Band Instructor at Booker Wash- her______grandmother,,______the _ late Mrs. the birth of Abraham Lincoln, 1 No. 2 can «our red pitted cher- Elizabeth Plaxico, Mrs. E11 s e Finnie Reynolds, who was pro­ 1-2 eup- heavy cream fident. that the tide can easily lust August by Miss Janice Clem­ ington High School: Calvin DU- Owens, Mrs. Theresa Perkins, Mrs. February 12, 1609, a group of 53 lies. 1-2 clip mayonnaise or salad dress­ turn In their belialf. mons. The clubs purpose Is to pro­ ' -lafa’ who is with the Union Rail­ minent as. a" pioneer in Memphis, -white' and Negro clergymen, .social Nettle Reeves, Mrs. Bertha Stlgall, and was In the Real Estate busi­ 1-4 eup sugar ing The contest, will display the high vide better recreation -for young- road; Thonuis Doggett, Band In­ Mrs, Bessie Burton, . and Mrs. workers, publicists, educators arid few grains of «lit Whip cream, until slightly stiff; degree of rivalry as always is the girls. At the present time the In structor at Hamilton High; Robert ness . . . owning much of tlie plillairtiiroplsts called upon “all Mamie Pamphlet. properly on Mulberry Street. Willie 1-2 teaspoon almond extract fold in iniiyoiuml.se or salad dress­ case when these two teains meet. D innas are holding card parties ut Mosley of Mason, Tennessee;. Wil­ and the believers In democracy’ to Soften gelatin In cold water; add ing. A comparative unlil.vsis of tile two the Fcute Homes auditorium. There lie Linsey, Instructor at Melrose here she was the house guest of join in a national conference for MRS. RUBYE GADISON Mrs. Ella James at her new ranch -squads- is thus: Tile Jackson Ti­ areJ3. members in the club. If_any- High; George Canety, of Leeds, IS HOSTESS TQ SEQUINS the discussion of present evils, gers has tlie height arid longevity one would like to join this club Alabama; and John Cooke, Pro­ and Mrs.- James were residents the voicing of protests, and .tlie A Valentine setting was a real and Mrs. James were ..residence in experience plus bench resarve. contact the club La Donnas at 013 fessor at LeMoyne College.- renewal of the struggle for civil and This automatically makes Coach B. Lauderdale. Another group (from which the pretty "one v and" the word of Gary . . . and were friends of political librty."------■-----—..... pretty always enters in when ¡Mrs. Mrs. Slaughter’s parents both here The call, written by Oswald Gar. Collins’ Devils the “underdog — In most eligible bachelors will be' Gadison entertains. She was hos­ this hassle since' he has neither MODIFIED GERMAN POLICY? chosen) will be named later. and in Gary. She also visited with rlson Villard, then published of tess on Saturday evening to mem­ Mrs. Eugenia Williams Danner the height nor experience In esta­ The United States may be willing bers of the Sequins at her lovely .... and spent much time with of The Nation,, originated in "the non obstante blished players and certainly very to modify its policy- on German MRS. CAFFREY BARTHOLOMEW Florida Street home. In carrying Mrs. Gertrude Armstrong, a close mind of Mary Ovington, a New little reserve bench. reunification if it can get agree­ . COMPLIMENTS MRS. out the Valentine theme, Mrs. What the Devils have and con­ ment of West Germany and other friend to her mother. York social worker, who had been By THADDFUS T. STOKES, VIVIAN WHITE BIVINS Gadison also wore red. So did her horrified by a bloody race riot in sistently displayed is the stamina allies to some revised formula. Mrs. Caffrey (Sallie) Bartholo­ table setting carry out the same of determination and skill in Tlfe whole German situation is mew complimented Mrs. Vivian DR: T. R. M. HOWARD, pro­ Springfield, Illinois, in the sum­ theme with a Heart tree center­ Chicago physician and l mer of 1908, and who had res­ The Citizens Non-Partisan Reg­ paigners don’t need more money ta handling the ball. Speed and under intensive review in the State ' White? Bivins on Saturday even­ ing the dining room table. A full minent istration Committee which register­ oantlnue the drive would leave the thinking ability add to the be- Department in preparation for new >-'• ing at a cocktail-dinner at her political...... ligure ini Illinois, was ponded to the challenge of William course carnish hen dinner was in town last Week on business. English Walling, a southern-born ed about 15,000 Negro voters dur­ wrong .impression. Yes they need fuddlement of their opponents and exchanges on the subject with the pretty South Bellevue home. Mrs. served after a cocktail hour. journalist., who- had concluded an ing a drive last spring, has set a more money ...... what with the. certainly a high degree of aggress­ Soviet Government. Bivins, a popular and well known Prizes were all sterling. noble goal of just twice that, num- price of campaign literature, sup­ iveness makes " them a dangerous Sympathy is extended to Mrs. article on the riot ih The In­ matron and widow of the late Mrsr-Gadison had Miss Martha dependent. Magazine with this iluiher v —_ Qi)30,000 ZVniL * ' fnrfor .f-hothe ncurrent I1 r r n n f . plies and secretarial work___ not foe.-— , , Envoy protests rejection of Brit­ Dr. A. A. White, was married dur­ Anderson .as her only guest. Mem­ C. A. Scott whose father died at query: “Yet who realizes the ser­ 90-day drive which kickgd-off early I’d mention the cost .of. bringing "a Jackson State is currently rated ish bid. ing the holiday season to Mr. bers there were Mrs. Juanita his Social Circle, Georgia farm iousness of the sltuiotion, and what last month. . “ “ professional director from out of' "Rip.” Bivins, a well known Cleve­ Brewster Poston, Mrs. Thelma Har­ last. week. Mrs. Scott is the wife large and powerful body of citizens . Like any endeavor of this nature, Bwn. ' ' -¿.«rr- land business man. Before going ris, Mrs. Mildred Williams; Miss of the General Manager ’of the there are ever-present hlnderances. Scott Newspaper Syndicate." is ready to come to their (the Ne­ I might mention in passing that to Cleveland where she will join Grace Collins, Mrs. Ruth Mims, groes’) aid?’” -i ■ -And usually among sundry of W. C. Pattan of Birmingham, Ala., SHRINE CIRCUS TO HAVE her husband next week, the newly M'ss Ovington was ready. She hlnderances, financial support — who Is directing this campaign is wed was complimented at several enlished the aid of Dr. Henry Mos-' that—Is, the lack of- it- — sticks out- practically giving his time and social events by her many friends kowitz, a scoiai worker among the like a sore thumb. talent" to the drive. . . . But. the one on Saturday LeMoyne College Observes immigrants in New York’City who The lack of financial support.... in Directors 'and volunteer-workers 80 PERCENT NEW ACTS evening proved to be one of the later became influential in Demo-, this drive is not the’ .prime ) "sure of the drive have named certain »a rvl (J f lx o i I a *• "LTzoss* ntfziv« iFlalc- most unusual ... A Bohemian crat’q politics in the city and 'thumb” However, this does not organizations, individuals and Ne­ Tw‘er.r:y-two star-studded acts will- looping, jangle jitters, will be bols- ' . Party ... with all of the women state. Also she secured the assist­ mean that financial support isn't gro office-seekers as the "sore be unfolded when the Hamid- terous buffoonery, precision jugg­ dressed for the occasion. Religious Emphasis Week ance of Walling and later of V'i- needed. To say that the cani- Morton Annual Shrine Circus ling, sensational acrobatics, .clqwn thumb.” rolls Into town Saturday, Feb. capers, trapeze acts, aerial ballet, During ’ the cocktail hour the cussion groups with students. liarr who cherished his Aboli­ hostess showed pictures of several Religious Emphasis is being tionist heritage, as a grandson o! Tlie venomous question asked by 7 for a whole Week. Eighty per-1 foot juggling, teeterboard acro­ stressed this week at LeMoyne Col­ Prof.Lionel___ A. Arnold,. college_ William Lloyd Garrison, the un­ and colored persons to frequent cent of the show will be new acts batics, high wire antics,, elephants - parties and the wedding pictures minister and associate professor of the same market place at the same the workers In the registration (including the ones taken at the lege. Dr. Joseph King, minister of compromising editor of Tbo liber­ drive is ’ what are they doing to with new faces, according to and other animal motorcyclying ■First Congregational Church in religion and philosophy, is director time, or appear in an assemblage George A. Hamid, owner and from aloft, arid many; many dazz­ reception) when her daughter, the of the three-day program. ator, the anti-slavery journal. of citizens convened to consider register voters? Who will need former Miss Ann Carnes Bartholo­ Oberlin, Ohio and lecturer for the WaH’na and Dr. Moskowitz met them most in the coming election? operator of the circus, who is also ling displays of rare showmanship. graduate school of theology at questions of a public or political owner of the Steel Pier In At- All shows will be ’ at Ellis Audi-_ " mew was married, in -a brilliant with Miss Ovington in her New nature in which all citizens, with­ The registration workers : or -the affair last August. Mrs. Addie D. Oberlin College, will be^guest York apartment during the first political campaigners? lantlc .City. N. J. torium. speaker on the campus -for three "Jubilect" Set For week of 1909. Later she was to out regard to race, are equally in­ Jones, sister to the honoree, lead terested.' Also most of the Negro persons Hamid said he engaged 15 new There will be two shows daily. the games- late in the evening days. Feb. 16 — Music Hall write: “It was then that the Na­ acts, in Europe and Latin America There will be three shows for Ne­ Dr. King will speak Wednesday "He would see the black men who have declared-their intentions' after dinner. The Jubilect ...... 1959 Pre Jubi­ tional Association for the Ad-an- of running for a Board of Educa- during a tour of those countries groes on Monday, Feb. 9. and Friday in Second Congrega­ cement of Colored People was and women, for whose freedom a Among those attending were lee program is scheduled to be held hundred thousand of soldiers gave lion office have been accused of last summer. General Chairman Lucas, an­ Mrs. Leland Atkins, Mrs. C. C. tional Church and on Thursday in In Music Hall,. Ellis Auditorium, bom.” ? "doing nothing Among the twirling, whirling? nounces that on Saturday night Bruce Hall. He is scheduled to The call, which was issued on their lives, set apant in trains, in or practically Sawyer, Mrs. Hollis Price, Mrs. Monday-night, Feb. 16th. which they pay first- class fares nothing to help to register voters Feb. 7th will be “Shrine and Ma­ Esther Brown, Mrs. Stanley Ish. speak at 10:30 a. m., each day. The opening feature will be the Lincoln’s .. birthday, observed that sonic Night.” The Shrine Circus Theme, of the religious program is the celebration of the centennial for third-class services, segregated in 'tne current campaign ... No League, and most of the other civic , Mrs. W. H. Young, Mrs. A. A. inimitable Teen-Town Singers from m railway stations and. in places moral support financial sup­ clubs. Is also open to the public on this Latiing, Mins. W. W. Gibson, Mrs. “The Life and Mission of the W. D. I. A. Radio Station under the “will fall to justify Itself if it tak­ night. Ail the Units of Al Chymia Church.” es no note of and makes no re­ of entertainment; he would ob­ port .... or any other support." Listed among those which have H. A. Gilliam, Mrs. Alex Dumas. Masterful Supervision of A. G. Wil­ serve that State ailter State de­ Some of them have not even at­ not kept their promise is the Lin­ will parade on this night only. Mrs. Fred Rivers, Mrs. Thomas Memphis ministers have been in­ cognition of the colored men and This plus the nightly grand entry vited to visit LeMoyne on Thurs­ liams. ' women for whom the great Eirian- clines to do its elementary duty in tended a meeting. coln League Republican club. Hayes, Mrs. Marion Johns, Mrs. Male quartettes, Specialty-num­ preparing the Negro through edu­ I can personally agree with -part parade, with all performers, plus James S. Byas, Mrs. Bertha Ray, day at 11:30 a., m. to conduct dis- clpator labored to assure freedom.” Volunteer workers in the regis­ nightly a concert of Al Chymia bers and an original skit entitled Should Lincoln revisit the coun­ cation for tire best exercise of citi­ of the accusation. Of the four per­ tration drive also Injected another Mrs. Mar-jorie Ulen, Mrs. Ruby “King Cotton Goes To School" by zenship.” sons who have shown an interest Concert Band, under the direction Gadison, Mrs. Floyd Campbell, try, the call asserted, he would be thought into the alrcady-muddy of Roy Coates,, preceding the per-., the Foote Klome Kindergarten Immediately aware of the dismay Both Negro and white men and In being elected to the school board, wa.crs .. they expressed a de­ Mrs. Maceo Walker, Mrs. H. H. New Play Opens group will be presented with a pro­ women (actively participated in only two have aided In the registra­ fqrmance. The Circus Band will Johnson, Mrs. LeRoy Young and the Supreme Court was arousing sire-to see the heads cl the two big again be direoted by the "Brass fessional flair for good entertain­ in the Negro. “He would learn,” the conference which was held, in tion campaign. They are Rev. Henry political forces among Negroes meet Jewel Gentry. ment". New York City, May 31 and June Clay Bunton, and J. Ashton Etiyes. Band King”. Capt. Joe Basil?. This In Philadelphia She document declared, “that the at a conference table .... not only will be Basile's 17th year coming ■ PHILADELPHIA — (ANP)The This battle of talent will be dis­ Supreme Court of the . United 1, 1909, in response to the call. It Rev. Bunton_has declared his can­ concerning- registration but al­ Memphis links, inc. played from - among students at was a small but eminent group didacy. Ijayes is still toying with to Memphis. Known from coast to PRESENT GIFT TO BRIDE stage play "A Raisin In The Sim” States, supposedly a bulwark of so concerning the candidates. coast from the CBS TV Program, which stars Sidney Poltier opened Booker T. Washington, Hamilton, American liberties, had refused that gathered for this first “na­ the idea. Rev. Roy Love, and Lon­ G -orge W. Lee, tieimed one of On Sunday afternoon members' Lester and Melrose High Schools tional conference for the discussion nie Briscoe have not- attended any "The Big Top.” -. .. of the Memphis Links presented at the Walnut street theatre here every opportunity to pass squarely the most dynamic political figures -Monday. The play is unusual in plus a novelty dance number from upon" this disfranchisement of of present evils, the voicing of pro­ of the meetings of the Citizens Non- oh the local scene expressed On Sunday night. February 8111, to Mrs. Vivian White Bivins out a combined group, the Model Teens millions, l?y laws avowedly discrimt- tests, and the renewal of the Partisan Registration Committee. acts from the Shrine Circus will of affection and. loyalty just a bit that it was written and is direct­ ~ A—— - « izsvs-f AzT in this thought-. "Local, elections are ed by a Negro. and Counts. ’ ____I__ ’I5-' natpry and openly 'enforced in--struggle for civil and political 11- And directors of the çcnimltVto. hon-partlsan and the interest fu. be taken to tlv? Naval Hospital at before her departure for Cleve- Nat D. Williams is producer of such "manner that the white men berty?’ Included in the number said they "haven't- given any type Millington for an annual show land. Tiie presentation was„„ made_____ Written by. Chicagoan Lorraine electing the most suitable candi­ >nce-TAlttiea)-with--Hansberry, Lloyd Richards _fiie the show. may vote and black men be with- were many oj the signers of the of support to the effort. Rev. Love, dates should transcend ail political sponsored by the Commercial Ap­ by Mrs. Hollis Hi—J -1—-- -t— ouT"a vote in t'heir-|rovernmentm- -c-all------. . has 'also declared his eandldacv. peal and Al Chymia Temple. a group of the members (who mot director can also. take credit for party lines,______•* ■ i any success of the play. Poltier, who “He would learn that the """Su ­ EDITOR’S NOTE: Briscoe, like Hayes, is still ' toying He went’ on to say “to have a —Prof.cds from- the-vireusnreear—----- at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. preme’Court, according to the oni- . .The second issue of the series with the idea. - marked for ..he Shrine School for S. Jones (Addie) where Mrs. Biv­ needs no Introduction to theatre­ qualified person is not eriough in. goers, Is the actor who was told clal siatement of one of its own will tell about the brave, determin­ Now to throw some light on or­ elections. It is necessary to have a Handicapped Children. i ins is stopping until she leaves) judges in the Berea College case, ed white and Negro citizens, from ganizations which promised moral looking on. The get-together came he avould never succeed in that person who is not only qualified P particular' profession. has laid down the principle that many walks of life, who braved the and financial support to the drive. but who will also attract the n- as a complete surprise to Mrs. if an individual State chooses, it tlde-of-time to breathe life into Some have kept their promise . and Bivins . and it turned, out to Poltler’s -last movie, “The Defiant terest of both white and Negro cmes,” was selected the best pic­ may ‘make it a crime for white the NAACP. some have not. voters without sacrificing the es­ : Î be quite a little session for the Among those which have kept ladies. ture of 1958 by the all - pmverfull sential elements of Negro progress. New York , Film Critics. For his thejr promise are the Shelby Coun­ It would appear to me that all i dynamic portrayal, Poltier won the ty Democratic r club. Gruk-htter candidates seeking election in the —MRS.¡Tins. JULIUSjvxjxuo ISABEL fraternities and sororitas, the Bluff B IS HOTESS TO— LA- - JJOVIAL Silver Bear award at a European Club Federation Marks Eighth forthcoming election should support film festival. The award is the City and Shelby County C juncl the regstration drive morally BRIDGE CLUB of Civic clubs, Ministerial Inter- Mrs. Julius (Aline) Isabel was equivalent of the American “Os­ fnancially and spiritually. It fur­ car." xlenominatlonal Alliance, Baptist ther appears to me that organiza­ the gracious hostess to members Ministers Conference, and the Bap­ l. of the La Jovial Bridge Club last - “ Raisin In The Sun” has a top Anniv. Of Lelia Walker House tions and individuals who promised supporting cast which includes: tist Alliance Ministers and Citizens The eighth anniversary of the She was introduced bv Mrs. Valois to support the drive should. kc :p TWICE DAILY Claudia MoNeii, Ruby Doe, Diana their promises. Also ..it appears A Sands, Ivan Dixon, Louis Gossett club house of the City Federation S. Perry, vice ’president of the of Colored Women’s Clubs of City Federation who also.; present­ ■ He was presented by Mrs. L. E. lo me that the two powerful Ne­ and John Fleldler. BEEFEATER Memphis was celebrated with a ed the speaker an orchid corsage, Brown, program chairman. Hcttess gro political forces would, form a ! “Sun” is scheduled for an early of the meeting was the Annie coalition for (h's local election in opening on Broadway. program last Sunday. The club which was sent by Mrs. Mary L. house was donated to the Fetera- Robinson. Also presented an or- Brown Health club of which Mrs. face of the fact that.it is -non­ —ON— BEEFEATER tinn-hy the late' Mrs- Leila Wai - chld corsage was Mrs. Mary L. Annie L. Higgins Is president. partisan .. notwithstanding. ker. in whose honor it was named. Murphy, chairman ol the trustee Mrs. Valois S. Perry is club re ■ salve should be" applied to the Automobiles - furniture Do You Know That? Appearing on the largeljrjittend- ¡.board. In her..atoonce, the corsage porter. "sore thumb" to heal it.. The World Book Encyclopedia the imported ed' program were: was received by Mrs. Annie L. Equipment - Signature reports that if the coal mined in Miss, Freddie Jones, the main Higgins, vice chairman. You will ilk» our prompt the U. S.. in a single year . were English Gin speaker. Her topic was "Loyalty." Others, appearing on the pro­ used as paving material, it wouid CLOWNS'ELEPMAMTS friendly «ervice, eourteou» grain were: Mrs. Marie L. Adams, build 12 superhighways ¡50 ..feet that doubles . president of. the local Federation. WILDANlMAlSantOazBScE treotmert and detiro to help. wide and one foot thick all the Mrs. Inez Glenn, who. .stated the Ope.) Thursday Aird way from New York to San Fran- your martini purpose of the celebration; Miss ciso. *• . _ Jriiny Wights Until 8 P.M. pleasure Joyce Glenn, junior club member, BOX OFFICE OPEN who plaved music; Benjamin W GOlDSMITHS CENIRMTICKET OFFICE Saturdays 9 >A.M. to. 1 P.M. Salt Lake City, Utah, -put the Sims. Jr., and Miss Charlotte c RfStRVCP SEATS ONLY > sea gull on a pedettal. The World Brooks, who sang solos; and Mrs. Book Encyclopedia says the Sea AUDITORIUM iX Unequalled Geraldine Sims, program chalr- S irse irr' Gull Monument was built in me­ einte 1820 DIXIE mory of the flocks of gulls that man and mistress of ceremony. 'NIGHTS^^r laved the settlers’ crops -by eat­ MEMORIAL STUDIO Refreshments were served bv a C*"** Adul!s’-'Children! i ing swarms of crickets in 1848. representative from the Pet Milk the house of 889 UNION AVENUE - company. SATtillH MAT ?"ft WEEKDAYS3l5NICHTs8i‘ FINANCE CO. EXCLUSIVE HAIR STYLING BENEF IT SHRtNb I KAUlTIt S - ■ ’ A rope of spider’s silk one inch burroughs Designers, Builders & Erectors On the next day (Monday) ’dur­ 2 MADISON - JA. 5-7611 thick would hold up a weight of "Monuments. Outstanding ing a regular meeting. Dr. Hollis 1017 MISSISSIPPI BLVD. HOME OWNED - equal to 74 tons. According to The many years for courteous ser­ Price, president of LeMoyne Col­ WH 6-0248 World Book Encyclopedia, the rope BEEFEATER BIN vice and reasonable prices. lege told ’ of his ..travels through $ H RIN E C11» C U S R O X^ O f FIC E West Africa. He also showed pic­ Josephine Norman, Prop. HOME OPERATED would be three’ times as strong as Imperttd by KOBRANO CORPORATION, PHONE JA. 6-5466 3 SHOWS For NEGROES FEB 9 a one-inch rope made of iron. Mw York 1, K. Y. M tiW. OlitUM from Grain tures taken during the trip. 1 Srt-1, i -i’ ■«J ¿«.¿.J# Ä MEMPHIS WORLD • Wednesday, February-4, -1959 .(• - Got Offer From Mattiwilda Dobbs Scores ■ ■ J- k Graduate Schools In Florida In Louisville^ Ky.^RecittiL \ TALLAHASSEE (UPI)— Gov. LeRoy.Collins made a surprise recommendation Thursday , that?’(the .- next Législature consider . LOUISVILLE (ANP)— The breath-taking virtuosic facility,‘and ’Bout Says Sugar little lady from Atlanta with the she used this incredible mastery in NEW YORK — (UPI) — Sugar abolishing graduate schools: at‘the “state Negro university < and tnagnificient voice — Mattiwilda performances that probe deeply in­ Ray Robinson, middleweight.cham­ educate these students in White’ universities. Dobbs — who has -conquered au­ to the. music she sings.” pion said Thursday night He had diences in opera houses through­ LONG REMEMBERED received an offer of $500,000 from At the. same time, Gallins hinted grate, have no trouble mixing the out Europe, displayed her talent The ‘ newspaper editor further actor George Raft to challenge races in their graduate schools. last week when she was presented h-i might oppose the, private tui­ stated: “This was a performance Archie Moore for the light heavy­ tion plan which Atty. Gen. Richard OUIETLY DISCUSSED . , • in. recital at the Memorial audi­ that will live as ¿ne of the memor-. weight crown. -- - / This isubject has oecn quietly torium. She-was sponsored by the Ervin said was the only solution able musical experiences of Louis­ . He. said the offer was made by to the race problem in counties discussed by various groups for Iznfteville'chapter of The Girl" ville’s last decade. And don’t mark telephone from Miami, Fla. some time, but Collins is -the first Friends, Inc. . "'5 ; that statement off as a.hasty con­ where even token. integration of "I told GeorgeGeorgi I would be in­ the public schools would meet vio­ official-to bring it .out in the open. The: coloratura Soprano was hail­ clusion by a reporter completely, terested In the offer and’the, fight” The. first Negro student; enrolled" ed by . the 1,100 who packed tlie au­ lent resisitance.- enthralled with Miss Dobbs’ im­ Robinson explained, “and he’s com­ Tlie racial issue popped upatthe without incident at' the University ditorium and lauded by the‘critics. peccable vocalism and ■ great per- ing to New York Tuesday to talk of Florida Law School last Sep­ . William Mootz, the Courier- governor’s weekly news conference, sonil charm. Old timers in the au­ to me about it. ■ ■ and later at the Cabinet Budget tember, but Gollins said there ai e . Journal—music critic said of her dience were quick to agree that “No, he didn't say where the ¿ Ì about 18 at the A. and M. Universi­ performance:. never in their experience had a Commission meeting. bout was. to be staged.—He.is repre­ Collins told the Budget Commis­ ty law school Here. “Giorlaus voice, - superb vocal___ singer made so distinguished a. local senting a grdup of backers, I think. He said he understands that" since technique, and unerring musical debut.” ' ■ ’ ’ sion" that segregation at the gradu­ I didn't ask him what kind of a SB JO ate level is Hosting Florida tsto the Negro law school opened seven - temperament are combined in the Proceeds from the concert will guarantee would be made to Moore.” years ago,, it lias graduated six remarkable tirlisiry’tot Miss Dobbs. be used by the Girl Friends for U : : < ' ii / ' . . ’ : much-money. Hé jsqid even the Sugar Ray, said he understood 3» “massive resistance, "states of Vir­ students at a cost of $60,000 each. The : voice , itself is of astonishing the.benefit of their charities. Miss the phone conversation was being fl» -' > Collins ordered Budget Director beauty and radiance. Her entire Dobbs was accompanied at the pia­ ginia and "Arkansas, which, closed recorded on a Miami TV station, public schools rather than inte- Harrv Smith ter get up figures show­ . range has a- warmth and body al­ no by Paul Berl. ' . with Raft, Jack Kearns — Moore's ing the student cost of all gradu-. together rare in coloratura sopra­ manager, and sportscaster Steve ate schools at A. and M. Including nos; Few singers today are so com- EllLs before the camera. lawJ_ pharmacy, agriculture and ■pletely the mistress of vocal tech­ home economics. ■ nique as Mattiwilda Dobbs. She SongwTiter TO HEED NEW CODE WITHHOLDS OPINION spins soft tones of delicate light­ The Civil Service Commission has Sen. Wilson Carraway of Talla­ ness and" pliancy; sire floats with warned .. Federal workers to ' take hassee, who sat in. op the discus­ heed of thé new Code of Ethics for sions. as ..chairman of the Senate Bragg Freed Government Service. REGULAR APPOINTMENTS? TENDERED AT TUS­ a!ns in the Regular. Airjorce under the current Appropriations Committee, said he Woman Found Frozen The tenpoint code, approved by Would withhold his reaction to Col­ a joint Congressional resolution KEGEE INSTITUTE — Captains Lawrence E. Rob­ USAF augmentation program. They are present­ lins’ suggestion until he sees, the last r July, sets up standards of erts (right) and Alfred J. Lewis (center) Pro­ ly assigned to the AFROTC Unit at Tuskegee Two-Year Decline cast figures. Stiff In Prairie From Prison conduct for all Government em­ fessor of Air Science. (Roberts and Lewis were Institute as Assistant Professors of. Air Science. 10 was pointed out that a gradu- "CHICAGO — (ANP) — For th? ployees, whether elected or appoint­ selected for appointment as permanent capt- WASHINGTON, D. C.—Secretary nte-school. in order to be accredit­ second time in medical history a NASHVILLE, Tenn. —CUPI) — ed. Johnny Bragg, who wrote “Walk­ of Labor James,, P. Mitchell, reveal­ ed must maintain a certain staff woman was found alive although ed that housing has ended, a two- and equipment, regardless of the parts of her body were frozen stiff. in’ In the . Rain” in prison walked A 60-year old Negro woman was into the sunshiiie of freedom ’"Look Up And Live" Long Distance to Archie Moore, Rafer Johnson year decline. . number of students. taken to Hinkdale hospital Wednes­ Wednesday. ._ . . ’ In a speech before ihe National Collins also took exception to a day after she. was found uncon­ ' The Negro, convict faced almost Tributes Sacred Music Conference on the Moral Founda­ request- for $756,000 to build sep­ scious and badly frozen in a prairie certain imprisonment ’for life when NEW YORK — (ANP). — The tion of Economic Growthgin Wash­ arate ■ athletic fields, gymnasiums,, on the outskirts of the city. t he v.^ sentcnced^o Television program "Look Up: and ington, D. C„ the secretary, said: swimming pools, chapels and repair She was described as about 5 feet terms lor rape when he was only“ Live”, heard each Sunday morn-, “Incidentally, while we are speak­ shops for white and Negro inmates 4 inches tall, weighing 160 pounds. 17 years of age. He spent 16 years ing at 10:30 EST will present “The ing of growth, I thought you might of the new boys school ill Okeecho­ ■ Her legs were frozen to a point- in > the Tennessee /penitentiary Rising Shout”, a. survey, of. the Ne- ¡be interested in-'the new housing bee. ‘ above the knees and her hand« were ...here.__ gro contribution to the sacred figures, whlcli have not been releas­ ’“It" looks like both races could ■ frostbitten. Doctors said she may Wednesday lie was paroled.. For- i music of America —i the --early ed as of this moment. use tlie same chapel," he declared. have suffered a head injury. iner Gov. Frank Clement, who had ! transformation of the pagan shout "I enter them in this context be­ .The'lrest of the . cabinet • supported i . befriended and helped Bmgg, ; into Christian affirmation on Feb. cause they are exceptional. a $926.000 reduction in the recom­ In 1851, Mrs. Dorothy Mae Stev­ mended building program for this ens, a Negro, wrote medical history commuted his sentence to life just i 22. ‘ “In December, 91,000.houses were before he left office earlier’ this The~ program is producedJ in co­ institution without specifying what when she was found literally frozen begun— 'the highest total for the projects would be eliminated;; .? ... stiff. Although she lost both legs and jnonth. With the time served and operation with the National Coun­ month since 1950 and 40 per cent good behaviour, Bragg became eli- cil of Churches. ATLANTA, Ga. — (SNS) soon to be theirs, had nothing but Citizen of the Year — Al Duer, The parent-option-subsidy "pian,- . all fingers except the thumb on smiles and words of dear apprecia­ executive better than the two previous De­ which Ervin will propose to the her right hand, she astounded the ..gibfc-immediately for parole. Despite a persistent down­ secretary, NÀIA, Kansas cembers. Tlie Pardons and Paroles Board tion to. the 10O Per Cent Wrongers City, Mo, Legislature, also came up for dis­ medical profession by surviving her said .Bragg appeared-to-have been pour of rain outside, approxi­ for selecting t-hem as award - win­ National Intercollegiate Football “The remarkable recovery in hous­ cussion at the governor's news con­ . frigid experience. ______-rehabilitated, and that - he-has-a- mately 250 guests poured in­ ners. ____ Champions —..Prairie View ,A,..and ing during the latter half of last ference. year”’’reversed a”two-year down­ job in his uncle’s barber shop in to the Waluhaje Apartments Tlie Jamboree was jointly spon­ M. College, Prairie View, Texas. Nashville. He must report regu-. sored by the ATLANTA DAILY Homecoming Citation — William trend. Almost 1,200,000 were built Friday night to witness the 24th last year." Steal Robin Hood's Bow larly'Xo a parole officer for the annual awards presentation of WORLD, tlie Coca-Cola Company, J. Nicks, head football coach, Prai­ - rest of his life. .. - •—- the Atlanta -Life Insurance Com­ rie. View. College.______-i..-_____ NOTTINGHAM,' ESiglapd— by buying an already — established modern homesteader would have to Included in the first edition Building, Washington 25, D. C. farm. spend $15,003 or more, to prove up are news items concerning the is­ a plot of "free” public land.. suance of Lincoln stamps; mint­ A “homestead" is a farm, and. There is a lot of vacant public ing of a new Lincoln penny; by law. it must be used for farm­ | land left in the United. States. In joint session of Congress to be ad­ Relieves Itching, ing. It cannot be used for ranch­ fact, there are about '168 million dressed by Carl Sandbiug, distin- Famous Skin Ointment Has ing or stock raising. The soil must 1 acres of it in the first 43 states, Brought Help To Thousands! Stinging Of: be tilled. ‘ and some 270 million acres in Alas­ A homestead cannot be more Follow the example of thousands, get ka. , But very little of this huge COtOR For Rheumatic, Arthritic, Neuritic Misery! UGLY BUMPS (Blackheads) than 160 acres in size. Many are public domain of 438 million acres Black and White Ointment Trial size Contains ONE ACTIVE INGREDIENT Doctors Often Prescribe ft ACHE PIMPLES smaller. In the current era of is suitable for homesteading. 20cv Regular sisa^oxjly 35c and you modern technological - farming, a ___For„ ______years thousands...... of sufferers> times by so many loyal users! Help Simple RINGWORM ’ In the 1857-58 fiscal year, how­ have blessed the welcome paini»in re- yourself to greater comfort — fast, get 4% times as much in large 75c 160-acre plot is nnt-too rewarding. lief that ,the salicylate .action of Remember, price of first bottle back ever, only 266 persons received title _ brought’7time and time —•TETTER------«ECZEMA------GOVERNMENT.« AVE LAND____ ------.t_x —-> satisfied! Get C-2223 today sIzeTEveif more'reason to buy Black- to-a--mer-e-33,685-acxss.------.------—Why it's such A "pop-~ -7-:-.’-everytime you.use it-you’irbe Before homesteadable ■ lands be­ bo glad you did! Ask for C-2223. and White Ointment today! Cleanse Burning, IRRITATED FEET came scarce, all a pioneer had to [ar pain reliever," trusted many skin with Black and White Skin Soap. • Red, IRRITATED HANDS do was stake tout a claim on vacant public and, pay a nominal lee to Tonight, watch streaked, gray, dhU, faded, PRESCRIPTION TYPE RELIEF the government, build almost any burnt and lifeless hair disappear with sort of house, live in it for, parts YOE&B9. BTJ\CK STRAND Hair Coloring. See how BLACK STRAND imparts a new shiny, FOR RHEUMATIC PAIN of five years, and work pari of the lustrous, lovely appearance to your hair . .. land. At the end of the residence easily, evenly. Only occasional touch-ups requirement, the government would necessary at partings, temple and roots as give him deed to the land. hair grows out; Easy, simple directions 10 every package. Guaranteed to bring the joy It was his to have and, to hold, of youthful-looking jet black hair and it cost him practically' nothing FLUITO or your money back. Only 75c plus tax. At except his ■ time and labor. ’ Druggists Everywhere! But it a man wants a plot for ^BLACK STRAND ’ homesteading today, he must find it himself. > 5 SHADES - J.t Bl«k - Block - ■>«< This is because the Bureau of Brown - M«dlum Brown - Usht Brown Land Management BUM must clas­ Strand ProiuctsCii.Jli S.- Clinton, Chicago 6, 111. sify homesteading land as-having value chiefly for agriculture. And the bureau has no idea-how much vacant public land is of agriculture value. Much of the public domain Dr. FRED has not¿qven-been surveyed, much PALMER’S less classified. If a man does find some vacant Must Give You A land suitable for farming, he may rluko brings new sparkle and sheen, makes your hair look longer, LIGHTER softer, inviting to touch. Pinko docs’won- CLEARER Younger looking ders for dry, brittle, splitting ends, makes your hair easier to arrange. Gel Plulio to­ SKIM In 7 Day* Or apply Moroline! It soothes» day. Sold on a money-back guarantee. Monty Baek ' 'relieves, eases pain fast, protects Amber 25)1, White 50|f. Be sure to try it! '--’fikinus it speeds healing. Always keep a jar of Moroline handy in SSm. wkiM- ; . the kitchen and bathroom. * Mc-MXal 4r>H«» l Regular jar 15i FAMOUS HAIR D FRED PALMER’S Get'2'fa times nnoituMstuY- as much in LARGE JARSSi JOKO r

V J. Ally. Lockard To MEMPHIS WORLD Wednesday, February 4, 1959 Tennessee State's Drama Head Church Member Dies Collins, Mitchell And Speak At Alumni In Cliurch After Making Talk In Church Reappointed Director Of Group Day At LeMoyne A member of the Board of trus- Johnson Pace Magicians LeMoyn? College Alumni Dr. Thomas. E. Poag, head, de­ tees of St. Andrew's AME Church. JERRY C. JOHNSON’S LcMoyne against the No. 1 small college ■ and its majors have served in the will be observed Sunday. Feb. 8, at 246 E. Calhoun St. died in the partment of speech and drama at Army Special Service Division. 5 p. m. in Bruce Hail. College .Magicians showed this team in the nation — the power­ churCli minutes after he liad de- town Friday night at C.- Arthur Tennessee A. and I. State Univer­ A new program including future This affair is sponsored annually llvercd a brief speech. ful Tennessee Ail State Tigers, sity was recently re-appointed workshops for Army-AETA per­ by the Memphis chapter of the Le- ..Jesse Hodge. 882 Clack Pl., was Bruce gymnasium that thej; aren’t or Nashville^ Tenn., who did that Army-AETA Theatre Advisor and sonnel. and an experimental pro­ Moyne Alumni Association. Mrs. pronounced dead after he was a one-«an team while, at th: 150-85 job on Knoxville College' * Director for the Third Army Com­ ject for graduate students to do Ann Lawrence Hall Is president and rushed to John Gaston Hospital same Kmc over on the Owen three weeks ago to set a new mand. theatre practlcurri in the Third Elmer Henderson is program direc­ College hardwood. Patil Kelly's Tennessee scoring record. by the Lewis & Sons ambulance, Green Hornets gave sonic strong The re-appointment of Dr. Poag Army Command is being planned tor. . last Friday night. KELLY'S Hornets will faoo Stili- took place at the recent annual to further meet the needs of train- Speaker for the occasion will be At tlie time of the attack. Mr. Indications that they will NOT meeting of the American Education­ settle for a losing season. man College of Tuscaloosa. Ala., dramatic directors for the Army' Atty Ji. T. Lockard, prominent civil Hodges was speaking on behalf Wednesday' nlglit at Owen, and al Theatre Association where the­ tainment directors for. the Army rights lawyer of this city. Lockard of tlie church's trustee beard dur­ The Magicians flumped Laue atre - directors of the Six United 74-68 without a drop ot sweat ■'MUL come...... right back Saturday and the Department of Defense at has been in the forefront of most ing a celebration sjxmsored by the nlglilit to battle Coahoma Jr. Col- States Army Commands met with Tennessee' State. of the desegregation cases in Mem­ church for its members who were from their sensational forward, Army Personnel. Melvin Bailey, while the Hornets lbgc of Mississippi. The victory. 1 The theatre directors were in­ phis. 80 years of age or older. over Philander Smith Jr. Varsity Eight Ârmy-AETA directors will formed of tlie new job opportunities During liis brief talk. 2$r?Hodge fan . tlie I’hiland» Smith Junior President Ann- Hall will present a Varsity PanfherA off the' court gave the Hornets a 5-5 record, be appointed to aslst Dr. Poag in fcr undergraduates and- graduate gift to the college and greetings is reported to have said “I nope and h win Wednesday night will the Third Army Command. He I live, to reach 80 as our honorees. 98-63. It was Owen’s liomccomtng. majors in drama with the A. B., B.” will be brought by Samuel Peace. LeMoync unleased a weU-l^ilanc- put them cn the brighter side of will secure the services -of both £.. or Ph. D, degrees to serve as LeRoy Van Johnson, past president He added “the Lord has been good tilings for once this year.’ A Negro and .white colloge and uni­ civilian dramatic "directors or en­ of tlie chapter, will discuss the oc­ to me;” Then a noise escaped from ed attack, against the Dine squad versity theatres and community tertainment director under special casion. and the speaker will be his lips, he collapsed and died be­ which proved the taller Dragons’ IMPROVED BALL CLUB theatres to present plays, musical fore medical aid could be sum- undoing. Chester Collins, tallest Owe)) lias a much improved ball Eervices in the United States, Alas­ presented by Jesse Turner of TYi- man on the LeMoync squad, club ova- what the Hornets were comedies or variety shows at lire ka. Hawaii, Germany, France. Ja­ State Bank. moned ' eight installations in the Third At the time, his wife, Mrs. pumped the strings' for 19 points producing at tlie start of tho pan. Korea, Okinawa and Panama. Dr. James By as will render a to lead the Magicians attack. He season. In tlie 98-G3 drubbing 01 command. All expenses for the pro­ The positions range from the GS-7 violin solo and the audience will be •Rachel Hodge, was in the base-. duction will be paid by the Army. ment-dining room of th? church was aided by “Augustu: Johnson Philander .Smith’s Panthers, all level: S4S80 to 5880; to G59 level: favored by other musical selections with 18. Charles “Pete Gregory five of thc starters hit up in the Dr. Poag wll also recoi)Unend‘ col­ $5985 to$6995 and requires a degree from Mrs. Helen Chandler-Shelby, preparing food to serve at the cele­ lege and university theatres to tour bration. She rushed to the audi­ with 12, and Curtis Mitchell with double figures. in dramatics or music; or, exten­ Leon Heard and Miss Johnetta 13. in the five other Army-commands sive experience in classroom or Wells. torium. but her husband was un­ That attack was led by Charles Smith, who scored 33 and Who in the United States and Command formalized group instruction in able to speak to her. LED 33-30 AT HALF • Other survival’s include a son. iias consistently lilt in the 20’s in foreign countries. dramatics or music, or in directing It was the Magicians'.. little i i and 30's for Owen this year. Ills The Arm y-AETA project under and supervising amateurs or pro­ Club Plans Party William D. Robinson of Chicago. guard .Mitchell who sparked his the direction of professor Robert L. Funeral arrangements are being brother. T. Smith, who amassed fessionals in such activities; or. a For Valentine Day team that night, shooting and 19. and Willie McKissic. Ray Richey of Penn Slate College, pro­ combination of experience and edu­ made by the Southern Funeral hitting from all angles, going in poses “to provide guidance and as­ Mrs. Jackie Morton was hostess Home. Grimes and John Luellen. all of cation above the secondary school to tlie Shamrock Socialites club for crips, and stealing the ball. whom got 14 apiece sistance in the implementation of level. There is a 25 percent Increase Mitchell's fiery play led LeMoyne the'Anny entertainment program nt her beautiful home on Annie for foreign service. Pl. Plans were made for ths Val­ to a 33-30 halftime lead, and when arid encourage better understanding Collegeand university theatres Managerial Change center Marvin Doggett put the between civilian and military com­ entine Day party at the home of and community theatres interest­ Mrs. Florence Watson on Docatur deep-freeze on the Dragons with munities through the educational ed in the program to tour in the At Southern Bell almost the same lead with a Holman Replaced appeal of theatre.’’ St. The vice president was in Southern Bell Telephone Com- Third Army command or other charge of the meeting. MEET ATHLETIC EMERGENCY — Dorothy Hoyes, ’Texas ,Southern minute remaining in the game. The department of speech and commands are kindly requested to jiany announced today several Lane had been slain drama at Tennessee A. and I. State write Dr. Thomas E. Poag, Army Refreshments were served im- University student, accepts a donation from' Billie Nicks, Jr. in management, changes in its Mem­ LeMoyne has two games on card University offers both undergrad­ mediately following the business the recent radiothon sponsored by radio station KCOH to meet phis area organization which will I As Top Cager advisor at Tennessee A', and I. session. ' this wf*ck. The first is Friday uate and graduate degrees in drama State University the Athletic emergency at Texas Southern University which was be effective as of .Feb 1. . night at LeMoyne against the Ala. The' next ’meeting is scheduled West, Tenn Commercial Mau- ASM Tigers who nipped the Le- i A .dynamic Manassas High School to be held at the home of MY. and created by the fire that destroyed the Athletic dormitory, the agcr C. R. Woods said here that ! Moyne club in a thriller at Ala. I forward.. Carroll Blcdsae, on the Mrs. Clifton O’Neal on Argyle St. personal belongings of the athletes and all athletic equipment Fred J. Bledsoe. Uptown District' earlier in the season, and the strength of lus 35-point perform­ Among members attending were ^tored in the building. The broadcast which emanated from lhe Manager for Memphis since 1956 I Whiz-Kids will be out for revenge. ance in his team's 96-94 victory over ¿Mrs. Thelma" Hall, Mrs. Ester Barrets Chapel of Arlington, Tenn- WASHINGTON TSU gym began at 5 a.m. and con*inucd until 5:45 p.m. will move to Nashville where he Saturday night at Hamilton High Chambers, Mrs. Magnolia O'Neal. will head up the Company’s Sales School, the Magicians will be pull­ last. week, has replaced Booker T. Mrs. Etta Mae Flowers,1 Mrs. Jean- forces throughout the State. ing for lhe upset of the decade — Washington's Carroll Holman as nett Harraway, Mrs. Josephine Replacing Bledsoe as District this city's No. 1 basketball player. HIGHSCHOOL Bugs. Mrs. Teresea. Watson, Mrs. Manager — Uptown will be Mil ton Priscilla Burke, president and Mrs. H. Smith. Jr., who has been Dis­ he is a Deacon, and has also been Holman dropped to the No. 2 Around The Mound very active in Boy Scout work. spot. The-weekly "Top Ten Cagers” Jackie Morton, secretary. By ROBERT WALLACE, JR. trict Manager fox* the East area of Memphis since October of last The family resides at 337 Wil­ poll is based on the basketball play­ - NEWS _■ L.. Eider Blair T. Hunt To year. Smith had previously seiz­ liamsburg Lane. ers’ past* week’s performances and ed also as District Manager-South Couch “Joined Southern Bell in their performances of tile past two By ELIZABETH ANN LACY a ; Be 'Men's Day' Speaker Hello fellows and girls around (1) Lewis Koel and Barbara from 1956 to October, 1958. Chattanooga in 1948 and in 1955 weeks. A basketball player can be thé mound, and about tlie town. Harris Coming to Memphis from Nash­ was transferred to Atlanta where Idle for one wck and still make the and D'ARMY BAILEY Settle down and I will tell you (2) Edward Irby and Emma ville as District Manager-East will he was editor of a Company pub­ "Top Ten" but ca nnot be idle-for At First Baptist Soon all about the Mound! Blake two weeks and be listed. . Elder Blair T. Hunt, pastor of be George W. Couch, who has lication in 1956. He and his wife, Surprised: (3) Fred Malone and Joanne been Public Relations. Supervisor, Katherine, have two children, a THE TOP TEN Mississippi Blvd.. Christian Bolden Carroll Bledsoe. Manassas cen­ WHO'S WHO ON TIIE WHO’S WHO ON Church, and principal of Booker T. The Independent Social Club of in Nashville since September, 1956 -son and a daughter. 11. and TIIE CAMPUS whom Isaac Young is the Pres, (4) Wardie Parks and Bernetta Smith began his phone, career arc Baptists. The new District to spark the Tigers, hit fantastic CAMPUS SPOTLIGHT Washington High School, will be Nelson Today it gives 'ine great plea­ Bobby Collins, prex of the So­ the Annual Men’s Day speaker at gave Faye Williairis and yours in Memphis in 1940 as a'-Directory Manager is a graduate of the Uni­ 35 in Barrets Chapel game. phomore class. I truly a surprise birthday party (5) Charles Glass and Claratta Advertising Salesman and has versity of Chattanooga and a 2. Carroll Holman, BTW, almost sure to spotlight a very versatile First Baptist Church, Sunday Feb. Cash retained top spot with performance and personable young, lady, Lois Reuban - Washington, prex of 8th. Appearance of the prominent Friday. We had the best of eats since held many management member of the Jaycces. - Knights. I and the best of dancing, and the (6) Richaid (Dee) Settle and positions here and in Chattanooga Bledsoe came to Memphis from in Hamilton game and 18-poirit Williams. She is thè 17 year old educator during the aiternooh ser­ Thelma Jones Atlanta early in 1956. He has1 been daughter of Mrs. Recie Williams, Harold Middlebrook, Chairman of vices, which begin at 3:15, will best dancers. Namely Mr. “Cha and Jacksonville, Florida. He at­ show In Douglass contest. the Publicity Committee I Cha” Edward Irby, and we also (7) ; Ralph Jeffries and Carolyn tended Southwestern University, is active in civic affairs And he. and 3. Lonnie "Cheese-Whiz“ Butler, who resides .at 302 Carbon. She is climax the month long observance Thompson his family have been members of very active at NEATNESS: POPULARITY. of Brotherhood MontH by the men had the best of sounds plus the a member of the University Club, Melrose, idle,,, ...... - BTW as well as WELL-GROOMED ' of First Baptist, stated C. Moore, 'funniest clown (James Young) (8) Robert Jackson and Bren- Second Presbyterian Church, where -the Christ Methodist Church..---- 4. Carl Jones, BTW, his first ap-'CT some of the kids present were: stine Pruitt pearance oirthe two-weck oid “Top_-z in church, affair; BOYS general chairman qf Men's Day. <9> William Woods and Some­ at_ the Mt. Olive Aaron Harris, Cornell Winston, Sepical music throughout the day Wardie Parks (Cool) Brenda Gra­ Ten.” connected for 22 points in;-“ Mack and Jack Flowers. Willie ham, Josephine Malone, Clevern body? Warriors rout of Devils. Cathedral C. M. Sunday will bp furnished-by the ELSEWHERE: É Church. There Chatman. Alfred Brown, Paul Rob­ men ofthe chureh. Charles H. Cox, Bobbie Bogan, Eunice Wil­ 5. Joseph Gilliam, Jester, return­ she is a member inson, Herbie Hampton, Carl Wil­ Graham a deacon and choir' direc­ liam/Mary Jackson, Houston Mul­ The Bonded Social Club present­ ed to form by scoring '191n team's' of the CYF and liams, Willie Bates, Austin John­ tor, has formed a ’ men’s choral lins, and a number of others. I’m ed another of their swinging part­ 53-41 victory over Manassas.’ Junior choir. son. group for rendition of selected sure that everyone had a swing­ ies Friday night, January 30. They MANASSAS HIGH 6. Ray Smith, ¡BTW, coiuDectod ri" numbers. The program os a whole ing good time because I did. had an enormous crowd as usual. for a total of 17 in Douglass game. : - . Lois has been a GIRLS 7. Willie Gunn. Melrose, idle. member of the ..Angela Reed, Rosie Walls, Kaclieal is being planned by Prof. Leroy V. SPORTS: Some of tlie people who got in on pep squad (fui Morrison. Geraldine Riley, Marva Johnson, chairman of the pro­ Tlie Melrose Wildcats will meet this “gala affair” were Clifford SCHOOL NEWS 8. Melvin Woodruff, BTW, idle. ------Brown, Marian Pegues, Carolyn gram committee and church clerk. O’Neal, Willie Alexander, Riohard 9. Ralph McKliuiey, BTW, hk-";'' years. She serv­ the Douglass Red Devils at theMel- though not so ‘versatile In Douglass '”1' ed as captain las Mc/son, Louise Johnson, Patricia' Edgar H. Ds.vls, Sri, veteran rose Gyni. Feb. 4, I wond is _a true way ofshc whig point up a 22 -point-lead over the On the following night, Saturday, Dillard University in New Orleans; Wallace and Brenda Graham. trons’ Tea Contest’’ which is sche­ Butler. Willie Gunn. Charlie Lee, obviously lapping up all the glory, companionsmp an dtrust. (Doro- VSBtOrs. The difference in seor— ' Feb. 7, the Magicians will tackle Feb. 13. THE JAYCERETTES CHARITY duled to be given Sunday, Feb. 15. David Hussey, David Taylor, Le- Then against Douglass Thursday _ L . . . . ., ing c-atne in the free throws as the Ration’s small college No. il ORGANIZATION at the Leila, Walker Club Houts Rcy Strick fa nd and Company) night at Douglass, the “Eagle" i ’'’ 'J'l015? jPu-,dy’, ■ 11 a i Talladega dropped in 2S out of X team, Tennessee A- and T State - Would like-to express their on Walker Ave------.__. -and -the- best schcdiue (Llie_’ - ¡,¡...s wings again for the. touiphroted sltuatron that cals for ! 34 >. attempts. . ’ i,.'? University, in a benefit contest in thanks to the many friends .who The tea contestants are divided TLeague x.Arx».x. schedulei11 za fra»-for f thisto i f T’yearOO r— icis I I sti-ut,. and although again inactive. [ c°ns rteiai.on. ilaivy Joyner) Smith again emerged high scorer the Hamilton High School gym. • Pick The Winner came out to their first dance of the into- three groups. Division I_!s a brainchild of Coach J-bwisj. Tlie , it ill captured the attention ot the' Holmes. I ain a victim for the night as he swished the The following Monday night. Feb. Washington beat Douglass 61-42 year. Miss Elanor Addison president headed by -H. Smith; Division IT, Wildcats were idle' during tlie I fans while toe other warriors, ofthc subject so. no comment.” nets lor a total of 35 points. His '9. Coach Jerry- JolinEpn-s—Lenuy— -and—Manassas—defeated Fr. B:r- of the organiza't-ioh said she is sure by Atty. R. B. eugarman, Jr.; Di­ final examinations, and Fr. Beri-; hustled hard and long for a 61-12 ' . _Wlima Wartlt .Strildy is teammate Gene Bradley dumped nites take on the hard-to-Leat Fisk trand (60-4Tlast "week to bring our everyone who - attended the party vision m by O. D. Dotson. Each rand is the last, team on. tnetr. triumph, which was paced, by ’Carl; ¿eft up to the individual and per- In >16 to—gain_ runnenip laurels__ -University five here in Bruce Hall. record .to 22 right, • and only four had a grand time. Among the many division is sponsoring a queen. The. schedule — meaning if they get; Jcnes’ 22 points and Ray Smith's son must agree .to' be successful.” in the scoring department. .The game with Fisk will close predictions wrong. one of the top ball clubs in Negro one reporting the highest amount past BTW and Lester, the Bert- ( 17. 'Robert Owen?, “steady dating is_ 7 out the home season for. the. local' . Last, night we had Manassas over Collegiate Athletics. Their aggress­ of money will be crowned queen. rand contest could decide the CLIPPING “EAGLEIS” wings alright if you can get along with should have an idea of what he college:- Hamilton at Hamilton, and Lester ive play and deadly shooting abil­ The tea is scheduled to be held championship. Returning from the victory in whom you are affiliated.” (Sadie wants." ' .... ■Three other games, all .on the over Bertrand "at Lester. ity have made them a top con­ from 4 to 7 p. m. Jake Peacock, head coach .for tb.e Warrior station wagon, "how­ Lott) Albert Gi’eer, "It is a&ight be- WEEK’S PREDICTIONS tender for the Southwest Champ­ President of the civic club point­ the Lester Lions, is still making ever, big-fingered, hepcat-walking Harvey Duff. “It is not- for me. cause it shows what will happen 1 (BTW: vs. Lester, Wednesday night ionship. Only Grambling-stands In ed-out that tlie club is actlvelylen- no—promises as^_to_lusi_alCTeteraii_|_c;arroiy_.-yjands'’._ Helman... whose, according to Emily Post there is ociore it is too late." . jz. In Honor Of Carver at Lester This is the rubber the Tigers’ way. In contrast MVC gaged in a city-wide voter’s regis­ club coming out on top*. “No team 18 tallieis had also been a big help | noto^S"; Ruby Lewis. "If ttje* individuals -" game in the three-way battle for has ruled the South Central loop tration campaign. is going through this year with­ in the victory, thought it time Rosette? Proc torchi"'think It is plan to get married in the near CHARLOTTE. N. C. — Charles the title. Lester has beaten BTW for the past four Years. The Devils The meeting and the tea is open out losing two games,” says Pea­ tliat the ‘‘Eagle's” wings be clip­ just a matter of time and one lu’iu-e then is.it.for them." W. Baulknight will be chapel twice thisiyear. will try to continue have a 50-50 chance of repeating to the public Z. L. Bonnes- is presi­ cock. Jn spite of the fact that h 3 ped. Quipped Holman: “Darn you. Yours truly, This .business . of ol speaker at Johnson C. Smith Uni­ as nemesis, and the Liens will be as champs again this year.- dent. has new men in the lineup and Eagle. You’re showing off too duced another problem for War­ steady dating is more or less a versity on Friday; February' 6, readv for this one. Warriors, might Coach Collins has been drilling much. And quit trying to stretch rior Head Coach Bill Fowlkes. On straggle and in a sense it is fihe;„' sponsored by1 tlie Science Divis­ be complacent .after winning four his boys with defensive taotics de­ cut in here. Man, you really want tli-3 heels of Booker Washington’s when you arc physioally, spiritual- ; ion. Thè program will be in me­ in a row. By one or two points, signed to slow Jackson's fast mov­ somebody to think -you’re a big toughest week, here were two of ly. and financially fit. mory of the late Dr. George Wash­ ing attack. his stalwarts arguing wiffen team WHY DON’T - ington Carver. ;> , ■ we’ll take the home team ..“LES Game time has been set for 7:30. boy.” ■ 11K < But the “Eagle” was in rjo mood work and team spirit...would have Somebody write a book on “HoW"~. Mr. Baulknight is a physical A capacity crowd is expected, . to fly the coop, pooh-poohed the to count , much if the Warriors'are To Copy Without Getting Caught?’”~ chemist in the Aerophysics Section BTW vs. Melrose, Monday night of General.illcctric'$,4si'5 had pro- ce sacrificed to ineet this MEMPHIS WORLD • Wednesday, Februaiy 4, 1959 my weekly FlamesDestroy Annual Retreat Held Use It Or Lose It 0 At Fr. Bertrand High By REV. LOUISE LYNOM (XSK SERMON A CALL TO REPENTANCE: The annual Rotreat tor the stu- >. al consultation. The South’s Oldest and Leading Colored Semi-Weeklv Newspaper By dents of<-Father Bertrand High At the close of the retreat and TEXT: And. it shall” be said, Published by MEMPHIS WORLD PUBLISHING CO. Athletic Dorm the semester the old members of “Build up. build up; prepare the REV. BLAIR T. HUNT Shool was conducted by the Rev. way, remove every obstruction from Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 546. BEALE — Ph. JA. 6-4030 HOUSTON, Tex. — (NNPA) — Miohael Wemsing of Madison, Illi­ the School's National Honor So­ ciety inducted the . new members my people's way.” Isaiah. Member of SCOTT NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE PASTOR A raging, pre-dawn three-alarm nois. Prepare the way of the people W. A. Scott, II, Founder; C. A. Scott, General Manager Father Michael, O. F. M. has into the organization. MISSISSIPPI BLVD. CHRISTIAN CHURCH fire, which required about 77 fire­ take up your -stumbling block. We men and 18 pieces of equipment, been on the home mission band On the basis of character, sch- Entered in the Post Office at Memphis, Tenn, as second-class mail of the Sacred Heart Province of larship; leadership and service the are concerned today about Segre­ completely destroyed "The Onion,” gation and Integration over the na­ under the Act of Congress, March 1, 1870 Texas Southern University's ath­ the Midwest for the last 17 years. following students of Fr. Bertrand letic dormitory. Recently. His talks proved convincing end High School were admitted to its tion. Are we con­ THADDEUS T. STOKES______Managing Editor enlightening enough to move some chapter: Joyce Lynom, Harold cerned over the SMITH FLEMING______Circulation Manager Fellowship Miraculously, the athletes oc­ cupying the building escaped with-, of the non Catholic students to Moss, Patricia Neal, all of the 12th need for, Re­ TEXT: "If we walk in’the light ... we have fellow­ out serious injury. They chose ask far the privilege of confession - grade and Sheila Stiles and Alene pentance? Wlhat SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Norris of the 11th grade. causes ■ Segrega­ Year $5.00 — 6 Months $3.00 — 3 Months S1.50 (In Advance) ship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ . . . wisely not to use the fire escapes, made of wood, and which burned Sister M. James, B. V. M. invest­ tion? No Repent­ cleanseth us from all sin." ' — I John 1:7. furiously, instead, they leaped ed these, new - members in the ance. What caus­ The MEMPHIS WORLD is an independent newspaper — non-sectarian Turn to the word "Fellowship" in Webster's dictionary. Douglas Rights es Integration? from second and -firststory • win­ (Continued from Page One) academic hood, Fr. Oapistran, O. and non-partisan, printing news unbiasedly and supporting those things Here we read: "The condition of friendly relationship existing dows to safety. Arson Investigator F. M. admlnistrede the pledgle, and Repentance. Go it believes to be of interest to its readers and opposing those things Bob Bradshoeft said the jumps . Miss Crystal Strong the president through, go among fellows . . . spiritual communion, etc." eludes the language of Part IH of through the gates, against the interest of its readers. would have been fatal to less the 1957 .civil rights bill which was of the National Honor society the sturdy persons. Chapter conducted the ceremonies. prepare the way Secularly the lack of fellowship only begotten son. for. Jesus passed by the House in 1956 and in for the people. produces a hell on earth. Tire na- Christ is God revealed: He Is the 1957 with the endorsement of the ______of the world need best picture God "ever took." Tire dormitory,.. affectionately • Isaiah (62:10). The End Of The Trail lions *and races tabbed “the Onion” by TSU stu­ President and with wide bi-partisan Maj' God put fellowship. There should be a. fel­ If we fellowship with Jesus dents', was completely destroyed In support. lowship between America and Rus­ ..Christ it, will follow, as the night Boy Flimflammed it on the hearts of his Ministers and A few days ago Governor Almond of Virginia, possibly less than 15 minutes. The building It should receive the same sup­ Le,aders of the Nation to “Cry aloud, sia ... a lifting of iron curtains. and day, that there will be fellow­ was an old converted Army bar­ unknowingly sounded an alarm well worth weighing. He is. There should be a fellowship be­ ship in the homo, among the port today, for the need for addi­ Out Of $950 He spare not, to lift up your voice like known as an exponent of the segregation movement, now tween America and China .... a racks which had been moved to tional authority for the Federal a trumpet; to declare to his people races, among the nations and the campus, about seven years ago. .gasping near its last breath. He was the polemarch of those lifting of Bamboo curtains. There among all people. government in the school cases has Flashed To Others their transgression, Isaiah. (58:1.) . The damage, which included been demonstrated , by events in "^stalwart Virginians, whose foreparents carried the doctrine of should be a fellowship between athletic equipment and most of ATLANTA, Ga. — (SNS) — Oh, For-A Jeremiah! To Weep black ana white in America . . . Down here on these mundane Arkansas and Virginia during 1958. A 17-year-old youth apparently states rights too far,—the right to secede from the Union. a lifting of Jim Crow barriers. shores we are “like ships that pass the . athletes' street clothing and Over This Nation, And Over A ' other personal effects, was esti­ Unless the nation intends to try learned Saturday afternoon -that World In Sin. There should be a fellowship in the night; only a signal shown to uphold tile constitutional rights The governor in one of his conferences admitted that he and a distant voice in the dark­ mated at $120,000. it doesn’t pay. to flash a bank­ If Ever Christian People Needed among all people ... a lifting A drive was conducted by uni- of citizens solely through crossed roll as he was said to have tear­ would question the authority of the Supreme Court to the ex­ of selfishness curtains. ness.— So on the-.ocean of Ufc_we_ fingers and pious hopes, tho Doug­ An Awaking Call - It is Now. Blow pass and speak one another in versity officials and alumni to fully reported to police that he had the trumpet in Zion; Sound the tent that it had gone- in the interpretation^of the law, but he Tlie world needs a divine fsllow- secure clothing for the burned- las bill must be enacted by this been "taken” for - approximately •ship with Jesus the Christ, a fel­ passing; only a look and a voice, session of the Congress. The issue alarm cn my holy mountain! Let would not doubt the power of the federal government, behind then darkness again and deep sil­ out athletes. Rallies were held in $9a0. The youth, Willie Joe Yar­ all the Inhabitants of the land trem­ lowship to the end which' says, several Houston churches and on has been drawn so sharply by de­ brough. 57o Conway Pl., SE, was those decisions. “Lo. I am with you always.” ence." The brevity of life impels fiant Governors and closed schools ble. for the day of the Lord is com­ us to fellowship sweetly with each the campus. quoted by police as saying lie Went ing, it is near. Joel. (2:1.) Fellowship means understanding. Immediately after the fire, stu­ that parties and: candidates will to the corner of Houston and Ivy - In calling his General Assembly to order on Wednesday, With understanding we come to other in passing, for soon on these have to give an answer before 19560. REVIVAL MUST HIT shores of life .wijl come darkness dents from tire nearby all-white Sts., Saturday afternoon and ask­ the governor had another broadside. After, on the same day a knowledge of each other, and University of Houston came • for­ ed two men to call a cab for him. THE CHURCHES: two courts ordered'the schools of Norfolk, Arlington and Char­ learn "what makes them act like and deep silence.. But on the shores Revival must lilt the churches, be­ of an eternal morning beyond the ward with more than 300 pounds Police further quoted the youth lottesville to reopen, the governor in substance announced the thev act?" and "what makes them of clothing, but to little avail. The as saying he pulled out the $950, fore the judgem mt of. God hits this tick?” ocean of time and space 'the sweet sinful nation! In talking with a end of the trail. His critics argued that he had retreated, which TSU students were so large that Assistance all in one dollar bills, and showed A lack of fellowship in the home fellowship of life will be extend­ (Continued From rage One) church member one day, I realized ed throughout the ceaseless oceons the clothing did not fit. That was it to the men and they then "per­ all those-under such circumstance would, blame those for whom makes the house simply a dormi­ particularly true of the shoes. suaded" him to go along with them she knew nothing concerning the they trusted and voted to save them from the decisions of tory for sleeping in shifts and a of eternity. have been - reports the Eisenhower saving power of the Lord, but went Only as we practice fellowship to find some girls. the court and the Constitution of the United States. transient eating house. A lack of cabinet is Split over including some forward and became a member of fellowship between parent and down here on this t'srrestial ball stronger provisions.. Police said the boy told them as the church. When we are with hu­ the fellowship, of Some dared to urge the governor to resort to his police child creates a traffic jam in our will we enjoy Chief Justice Warren Javits virtually ■conceded that tlie he followed the men in search of man soul. We should help them to juvenile, courts. A lack of. fellow­ those we have___ lost awhile in the liberal bill had. no chance of win­ some girls, one of the suspects sug­ powers, in spite of the glaring spectacle of another governor (Continued from Page One) know more about Christ, because It . ship between husband and wife home,___ of souls, a place called ning approval from the Senate Ju­ gested he place the wad of money is an eternal crime to lead people before him who chose to make-some such desperate attempt, causes the mills of the . divorce heaven. Then and there we will denied.” diciary Committee, headed by Sen. in an envelope and mail it direct­ down the wrong path. Who is lead­ which was met by the United Slates Army. courts to grind over-time. know a perfect fellowship, for we Stripped of legalese, this meant James O. Eastland D-Miss. ly to the victim's home for safe ing us astray? Ministers. Leaders, FELLOWSHIP MEANS ONENESS will sea and know Jesus as He is, that Virginia’s long, stubborn But he predicted the Johnson keeping. — or ourselves let us think on integra­ The governor said on Wednesday that the state of Vir­ If we'don’t have fellowship. with and fellowship with the Saints. fight against school integration measure would reach the Senate tion in helping us to prepare the __ Let us walk in the light of the It was shortly after the money ginia was at the end of the legal line in attempting to oper­ people whom we see, how can we- had been dealt a .majorr-and-per­ floor some.-way. He said the liber­ had been "mailed" that Yarbrough way of the Lord make his path have fellowship with God whom Gospel of Jesus the Christ, then als 'then could,..present their ver­ ate a completely racially segregated public school system. He haps mortal, blow; ‘ ’ ■ - said to have become suspicious. He -way straight. we have not. seen? Fellowship will we have fellowship with God Norfolk, Va., schools, which had sion as amendments. then reportedly said he called po­ Prayer; Our Father, we thank conceded tqat he knew no other way to turn to halt the im­ means oneness and faith and love. our Father, Jesus Christ. God’s .been closed. by; action of -Gov. J. Sen. Gordon Allott R-Colo. said lice to the scene and the “mailing” Thee for Thy love to each pending admission .of Negroes to certain schools to which -Let--us - fellowship with—God,- God ;' only, begotten both here and here- Lindsay Almond since September, .at .a.news conference called by the was the last he had seen of the of us. Forgive us’for our failing to as revealed by Jesus Christ his11 after. Negroes had been barred. also .were under federal court or­ bill's sponsors, that actions, by Vir­ $950. share Thy love and goodness ders to admit 17 Negro student ginia Gov. J. Lindsay Almond and through loving deeds. Fill our hearts It might be of interest here to state that while the gover­ on Monday. other southerners "show they have U. S. ASKS EARLY ACTION afresh with Thy love that oui- lives nor was preparing to face his special General Assembly, a Charlottesville schools had been no intention of ever expanding the The United States has urged a may witness, clearly and effectively rights” of all groups. United States judge in Alexandria, another Virginia city, re­ under orders to integrate Monday committee of twenty-one nations to Thy power and life. May those but were granted a 20-day stay. Allot said “we desire orderly pro­ to focus attention on concrete about us see the .Christ wh'ottT'W' fused a request of a county school board to delay until next The integration moves in ' Vir­ gress, not necessarily break-neck short-term measures to*uplift sag­ love and follow In His name we September an order directing the admission of four Negro ginia came swiftly after the State speed 1 rogress." . ging economies. pray. Amen. • t children to Stratford Junior High School qext Monday! Supreme Court earl'er this month threw out a series of "massive re­ So, merrily the row goes on— sistance” laws written by the State "The sea drives us to the Barbarians, and Legislature. sea; the Barbarians drive us back to the Attorneys for the five-member between the sea and the Barbarians, we Arlington School Board asked the are either destroyed or drowned." Supreme Colirt Friday to stay the Governor Almond probably will be gaining company oil integration order. They argued along the way until the end is definitely reached for already a that it would not be in tire best Interests of the sclrool, the teach­ Deep South United States senator hos announced the decision ers arid the children of both races |g S'] rTHE IONE DEPUTY of the court was "an accomplished fact" ond that it $ould .to begin Integration at mid-term. U 0'1957, Wayne T>. Overholser. .From the novel published‘by > I The Macmillan Co.. Distributed by King Features Syndicate,__ not be reversed or overruled without constitutional authority It is that time again, and be­ 1. Joseph Holmes, 2. Joe Newson, or regulation from the people, or the Congress. lieve me ...... the seniors have 3. Morgan Hollov.'ell-k-'Wiibur Wil- ’-jPERPETUAL YOUTH’ ' what has liAri-K.yt-:u den was part ol it, too,- because:''nose, and a -.nwaty-lipped’ mouth. son, 5. Bobbie Fatton, 6. David ..frks town’iriafoliu.'ol Su uiade by ths best yet-. Hampton, 7. Clarence Pillar, 8. Al­ with worry in his voice' called the o, rreiualne . county, nas mure ou àri essential part ot Weston s a KnUe/ciu ieo Jown uit side uf The staff, headed by Clara Dove bert Anderson. 9. Lawrence Car- local newspaper recently and asked lus. mind than Laura Madden, even broad scheme of. holding Elk lus . Uie. Tten eno m center, 10. John Wesby. though she has announced to mm Negro History Week is going to make this book be tho if he could "run a piece in the tliai lie Is marrying liei. Price would River country a nd ¿keeping ■ins. mouth a ; down twist Witer he To Baise $100,000 example for many. ‘ paper about my boy.” be willing enough to marrv Laura settlers out. , -v '. smilea. which was. seldom oniy Speaker, Dr. Cook, Recently the seniors selected their | THOUGHTS FOR TODAY li lie wasn t the man in the, middle (Continued from Page One) If after repeated trying there is “He ran away' from home two 'l*. ? struggle of moncy-^power and turned his thoughts to the right side or ms muutn curied “Who’s Who” for 1959. Helen Scott days 'ago and we haven’t herd pride between two determined meh. the possibility of a split between upward. He *yus :he ugliest nian-^ - Of Atlanta, Georgia no success; try something easier. Sfaali oUUVa s Barry Madden school age, and in the United who has the most coveted title per­ from him since." he explained “I Madden and Weston, as he often Annual Negro History Week will Because “absence makes the *t1* . «e, s bankiir. Price suspect: Price nad evej seen; ana or.c or States, one of each 16 persons is a haps, (most attractive) really seem­ want him to please come home.” that Madden isn't the strong man tic did, butihe had 'never been able the niosi. yijpious. 'victim of seme form of heart or be observed at L-eMoyne, Feb. 9-13. heart grow fonder” don’t give the ed ' surpriséd. - teacher reason to addre 'you.' Asked his souls ...age, the father . ^appears to be. but is or can be domi­ to make up his. .mind how tar “You're siili wrong.' ^Priee said . circulatory disease. Research is Prof. Howard E. Sims chairman The “Miss Geeter Contest" is in replied, “He's 37.” nated by Cole Weston ‘ a cattleman The art of popularity is easily »?Sj.4r • rF do not respect any iaws. Madden would go m backing tlie finally. "T got the star from developing cures and saving lives of the week of activity on the cam­ full swing and Mary Calhoun Madden thought htf owned Price. cowmen, and he couldn’t now. Ralph Carew m the county seat.” through. batter diagnosis and treat­ pus, ’ announced that Dr. Samuel would like for all to know that she obtained by adding and multiply­ He found out differently when, offer­ ment and through preventive pro­ DuBois Cook of Atlanta University ing but never kept by dividing and ance squad. He graduated from ing Price a house zas a wedding pres* When Price reached Cronin's Cronin shrugged .us shoulders. thinks she would be thè best ever: ■ forerunning storekeeper store rie tied his roan at the-hitch grams. will deliver the History Week ad­ subtracting friends. electronics and radar school in 1857. ’‘Well, what do vou. want?* however, Betty Whson has news tor While In Memphis he ’ stopped Wait Cronin out of tlie country. Price rack in front. On the other side ? “Pni curious about some Since 1948 more than 32 ’million dress in Bruce Hall on Feb. 13 at refused.-Word traveled fast that Price her.’ at 887 Mississippi Blvd. - —- was Ins own man. One of Cole Wes­ ot the road'from Cronin's store things,” Price said. "Looks like Heart Fund dollars have been, 10:30 a. m. The basketball teams are con­ ton s ffunslinging cowboys.' Curly Miss LeMoyne, Pearlie Owens, Picked a fight with Price and was his woman's cabin. She was you’ve got a tew more calves channeled Into research to find tinuing in the “We must not lose called Rose. the answers to the heart disease will be on hand to welcome all visi­ Increase In Boy came put second best. It remains to than you had thè last, time I was pattern" set at the beginning of the be seen who'll be the next' chai- The tact that Cronin had sur­ here." problems. The University of Ten­ tors which will include scores of season. (Continued from Page Three) MEMPHIS WORLD lenger. . . . nessee Medical Schcol in Memphis Xllgllhigh OUUUUJschool puHtw.pupils. WAX” vived lor better than a year was “Got aif y prool ?" Cronin de-F -techniques have, changed—as thr proof of'hiy courage and, fighting inntiJetl.-2_Yun_ain..t u_i_fuoj. has received approximately $200,- —There will be Negro history -ex-- —Want Ad Information------—CHAPTER 4------12-2 wanted to ' reverse their result of study and -.understanding ability. He'd been shot al and hit gan. If there wiis any proot, you d 000 09 of these heart fund,'-. liibits in the library and Brownlee DELOW SADDLE ROCK the Hall, according to Mr- Sims. terms of friendship with Bev. of changing conditions - and in Call J A. 6-4030 twice: he’d shot 'lack and killed have tound if.” Tlie Heart Association' brings the Blount after they saw those mid­ necessary -to meet the needs of a 0 road paralleled Elk River, at least one man. He was still latest research information to tlie Deadline For Classified Ad Is Rose giggled. "How jo you term exam marks. rapidly growing organization.”' Tuesday tor Saturday’s Edition and and Price noticed that the. water here, a constant thorn in the side, know lie ain’t r tool, Walt.” physician in. its program of edu­ Oberia Taylor threatened the was high and roily and over Uie cation. Tile Heart Association, in He said the greatest, influence Saturday for Wednesday's Edition ot the cowmen: but judging from: Price continued lo ignore hert Pupil - Less Horace writer about the insinuation in the in. Scouting’s growth ‘'has beer banks in many places, lapping at what had happened this morn­ He said. "I never nave savvied its community' Service and pub- last column.... the base of the willows that or- . lio education program, sponsors (Continued from Page Three) . th-3 dedicated service of laymen ing, tlie end was near. your setup. Cronin.. Yu:rr business Erma Jean yells loudest when willing t<> invests their time, thcii FOR RENT dinarily grew high above the A tight tence behind Ruse^s- programs' to rehabilitate cardiacs, George Holmes racks up two points. conics-tronr^he~s(’itlers up tut to neat racks of pupils records energy, and their mon-ey in th< 371-73 BEALE edge of the stream. Two weeks cabm held a bunch of calves, all ¥ellow (¿'at. but il they pul all prevent rheumntic fever and bring dating back to 1908 that were Howard Wallace and Henry Lee “■ of hot. "dry “weather had brought the benefits of research to every­ intcreiit of training youth to ch I Grade Floor about 4.000 Sq. FL carrying Cronin's WC brand. Rose liieit money together they waded through and filed this year. iBolmes have mi much lo talk about I heir duty to God and count ry and Ideal for furniture and other re­ much-of the snow out of the was no puzzle. She was a simple- one. that Wilbur Wilson cannot hear.... wouldn't have enough to buy a Mrs. Amon said 4tat. tile clerks to preserve and strengthen oui tail line. Reduced rental. mountains, and it would not be minded woman. But Cronin was handkerchief to blow' then nose. arc getting many tilings done Queen Anderson is not wearing heritage and to develop a nation HOBSON-KERNS CO. long before the pass was open. that beautiful, brown banded, watch a mystery. He was plainly à man How do you get oft?'' Returned To Memphis tliat' they hadn't had time to get so that it may be-spiritually, dyna­ U. P. Bk. Bldg. When it was. Price would ride who lived on hate and fire and Cronin did grin then, ms mouth done since moving into the new’ Otha Jones brings that sofa pil­ mically, and mentally strong and over the range and have a talk low when he knows that the team tury, and sometimes he gave curling up on one erid and down To Participate in building. morally straight.” REPAIR SERVICE with Ralph Carew. Price the impression he would SPECIAL SUBJECT will be playing .... (that team Calling camping the heart , ol Call us for Refrigeration Repairs, on the other. “Regan. J don.t give i 4 The old‘sheriff had held his job actually welcome a fight with Registration Drive INSTRUCTION bench gets mighty hard without it). the Scouting program, the Chief Air Conditioners. Washing Mach- for a generation. He had been a damn how 1 come nut as long In'esT'EIectrlcaT^'AppITances. — Fa"str ..GolfiLAKcston. , ___ .___ _ _ -as 1 gel—under——mde;---- Earl Davis, a CIO-AFL member Among the most helpful activi­ TOP TEN HIRES Scout Executive points out that elected shortly after the Thorn­ . When Price entered the store, of the Union's Committee on Poli­ ties earned on are these that en­ 1. Surah Adams, 2. Narcissus current " and—anticipated growth courteous service. Reckon- 1 have or you wouldn t burg fight "jid the Meeker mas­ he found Rose sweeping behind be out here.” ? tical Education, lias returned to able, all teachers to become ac­ Dunn, 3. Betty Wilson, 4. Daisy would require additional camp sites SAM’S APPLIANCE SERVICE sacre had given the politicians an quainted with special subject in­ Watkins, 5. Katherine Wright, '6. ■anti facilities. He warned that good 1922 Madison Phone BR. 2-76X7 the dry-goods counter. Cronin was “You're under Maddens inde, Memphis to participate in an city- excuse to drive, the Utes out of on thè opposite side, a cracker wide voter's registration . drive. struction, Dr. Christophe pointed Ora Fcr.guson, 7. Helen Scott. 8. camp sites are getting scarcer. Colorado and open the western anyhow.” Price said.- "This morn­ Which is being sponsored by the out. Also Mrs. Betty J. Summer­ Geraldine Hurd, 9. Evelyn Ayers, 10. •barrel on one hand, the end. of ing he told me to . run you out of • REMODEL—REPAIR—PAINT slope for settlement. Within a a counter on the other. A shotgun the.country.*? ...... Citizens Non-Partisan Registration ville. the school health coordinator, Ruthie Wallace. few years he had tamed the east Committee, led a program in "teaching all the TOP TEN BOYS ADD-A-ROOM lay across ’ tlie cracker barrel Cronin picked up ins shotgun Memphian Wins On FIIA terms. Free estimates, half of Tremaine County while within inches of his right hand. Davis will- be an assistant to instructors first aid courses. Most ..1. Joseph lloimes, 2. Joe Newson, (Continued from. Page Three) the west end was still a wilder­ and pointed it at Price. "All right, W. C. Patton, director of the drive, of the teachers qualified for the easy payments — Carports, dens, Cronin had seen him coming, Deputy. Start me running." garages, rooms, enclosures, paint­ ness, with Cole Weston and hi3 which Is now in progress. Red Cross first, aid certificate. electronic AC and DC me’er tester Price thought, and was ready. "When and H I get the cvj. parent-teacher interviews; meet- ing, roofing, concrete, brick panel­ Rocking C crew the only inhabi- •'Morning,'Deputy,” Cronin said Davis, a resident of Richmond. Mrs. Vivian T. Hedwood, former ing the ■ emotional needs of child­ saves the base approximately $l£0 . tants. deuce 1 need,” Price said “I’il Va., works out of Washington, D. president of the Arkansas Teachers for batteries, 160 man-hours per ing, siding, additions. Phone for belligerently. - take you over the range to the ren: guidance in modern high_ estimate. Price rode on, glancing at “Howdy,” Price said. C. Association, who attended the.NEA school moral and spiritual values, year. — . county scat and you'll stand trial. -Both Davis and Patton directed workshop in Washington. D. C„ last Elis suggestion has teen forward­ Home Builders Supply Co. the Rocking C buildings across Rose leaned her broom against That scattergun won't stop ' me. Tnleresit and the ’learning process, 820 S’. Willett BR 5-8128 the river to the south. A sprawl­ a registration drive here last October conducted a Teacher Wel­ evaluation cf pupil progress, and ed, to higher headquarters, putting the counter and straightened up, so don't count on it.” Spring in which some 15,003 Ne­ fare Workshop. him in the running for the U'S'AiFfS ing stone house, big barns, cor­ her hands on her ample hips. She “‘‘Maybe- pii - grve you the evi­ groes were registered. The teachers are making aff ex­ the library and learning. Teach­ SALESWOMEN WANTED rals, sheds; all set. on tlie slope was not a good-looking woman. er panels are supplemented by re­ first place of $700 and the USAF MAKE EXTRA MONEY dence just to see if you can do Dr. I. A. Watsons, Jr., is.chair­ tensive. study of professional liter­ top award of SISXXO. above the river with hay mead­ She was too plump and her fea­ the job,” Cronin jeered. “1 said man of the drive. ature deal mg -with such topics as: source pel-sens Stroh as Dr. E. A In Your Spare Time ows above and below the build­ tures were rough. 111 — Arnold, chairman of tlie division Niche’s has also won other small­ SELL CHRISTMAS CARDS you belonged to the cow nurses. er awards. Among them were $25 ings. “You.: looking for. somebody, Looks like this proves:it” of education at plillandcr Pmitin For A Memphis Firm _ The range to the north be­ College; Dr. Robert C. Cannon, for designing a squad emblem.* He Come to our office or write: Deputy?-’ Róse asked. ' Price shook his head, "No, it -clinical__p-yhologist.'_ Fort Roots also did’ artistic Illustration for SOUTHERN GREETING CARD longed to the Mohawk boys’ Ignoring her, Price turned his doesn’t prove anything, i tofcf Hospital, and principals an dsuper- the officers’ and service club in COMPANY ----Broken—Ring. Price—bad never -gaze ter Cronin^, wlio stargtf~ftr you I d arrest you when I had the vlsory personnel of the public France. «8 N. Hollywood — Dept. 100 : been to the headquarters ranch, him with pure hostility. Cronin evidence and no sooner. _ But it WISHING WEttdk He arrived in Memphis last week \lbutrhe knew it was several miles said, “You ain’t welcome here, sobools. Memphis 12, Tennessee might be smart if you took Rose Regiitcrcd U. S. Patent Office. But 'toe Instructors still feel for a 30-dav leave enroute to a Lroni fhp river. On west of the Regan.” ---- ;; and sloped out of the country. I that, the program is no healthy base in California, lie plans to BUSINESS WOMEN — SELL -—lYellow ¿JGat lay. Red Sanders’ “So I’ve heard,” Price said. I’an’t keep you fiorii getting ß 2 6 .7 3 -8 7 ‘ 2 ' 8 4 6 5 4 substitute tor the children: “I cer­ leave here March 4. To fellow employees on lunch hoar Bridlebit. Both were smaller “I’ve wondered why. Looks like killed, Cronin. 1 figure some­ Y Y N W U B E O I Y E O o ; tainly w 11 be glad to sec the boy's Niche...... Is graduated„______from Hamil- . and breaks. Add $20-530 a week to , spreads than Weston’s Rocking you'd welcome the protection of thing’s about to blow or Madden 6 4 5 8 2 7 6 4 8 5 3 7 2 and g-'fls walk through the door." ton hl 3h school in June 1936. Three | present Income. Avon Cosmetics are ’ C. Still, they were big outfits, the law.” wouldn't have talked to me the W U U G U E J C B U P K R Dr. Chrin oplie said. “But in their months later lie enlisted ter the I In demand everywhere. Call JA dwarfing the little ranches that 6 4 Cronin snorted derisively. “Pro­ way he did.” 4 Ò 3 6 7 4 2 8 5 7 8 absence, tlie teachers are really Air Force. While in Memphis he 5-6933. ' clung to the tiny valleys tn the tection of. the law, he says. Well, “Regan, you’re looking out A I T O O N S T P F Y W o keeping gainfully busy with a lived with a sister, Mrs. Lulu Mae foothills or lay far to the west 7 8 2 . 7 6 4 1 can tell you mighty quick why mostJy for yourself, ain't you?” 2 5 4 8. 3 6 5 breat h and depth of experience that Wheeler, £23 Emmie St. NEWSBOYS WANTED tn the arid badlands that stretch­ you ain’t welcome. You belong to U L I F U I T I G. N H N T To Sell the Memphis World Tues­ Cronin said irritably. "Save.you would o J-crwise have,been impos­ . H',s wife,, the former Ida Scssley. ed on to the Utah border and bc- Weston and the rest of them seme trouble .if we left the coun­ 5 2 6 1 4 8 5 7 2 6 4 3 5 Is a 1953 graduate of Booker T- day and Friday. JA 6-4030. - _ . yond. O T I S I P M sible io have been provided cow nurses.” try, wouldn’t It?” F I L R H R Washington. She is the- daughter All-of this, Price thought, was à -A 4 6 6 2 8 4 7 8 5 6 4 ■ of Mr. and Mrs.. Hebert Sctoley, GET YOUR VITAMINS “You’re wrong," Price said: “I “That’s right.” N O R A V O D A L L N I . Y Vitamins Add ‘-Years-To Life—Add an old and familiar pattern In the don’t belong to anybody." - ~ . 950-E LeVoyne Dr. cattle country. The first man to “Well, we ain’t leaving.” Cronin 2 „ 4 8 6 7 5 3 8 4 6 2 7 8 Avery Chapel AME The Nichols are the parents of Life'fTo Years, Buy your vitamins, “You’re" a liar," Cronin shot jerked his head at the door. “Go U E U N L Y S C R G T S K ?. (Continued from Rage T! / c) wholesale and save 40%. Money- reach a new range took what he back. “You wouldn’t be wearing on: • Git”' • •/'1; - ; f. an rt-month old son, Rickey, Mrs. wanted, and If, like Cole Weston, Nichols and her son have been liv­ back guarantee. Phone FA. 7-5742. that star if you didn’t belong to Price walked out, knowing he to any .teenager, in Memphis. Tney he was smart, greedy, and un­ ’em.” had . accomplished nothing. He ERE is a pleasant little.game that will give you a message every don’t hecatearily hava rto be a ing with her. parents. REPAIRS scrupulous, he grew with the day. It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune. Nichols, the, son of Mr. and Mrs. Price rolled a cigarette, taking hadn’t learned) anything. Trouble H member ot Avery chapel Church, All types of gas appliances install­ years. his time to answer; Cronin was a was on the way if Cronin stayed. Count the letters in your first name. If the number of letters is 6 or stated the announcement. The pro­ Tommy Nichols of Amory, Miss., ed and repaired. Williams Repair Weston was shrewd enough to more, subtract 4. If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result is his native home, is an airborne tall man with long legs and in­ Price could smelj it' coming, "the gram was scheduled to start early Shop, 1232 N. Bellevue. Ph.: JA. include the Mohawks and Red ordinately wide hips and narrow kind of trouble men would later your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner ot the rec­ this month. electronic equipment repairman as­ 3-1494. Licensed and Bonded. Day , Sanders in a sort ot unofficial tangle and check every one qf your key numbers, left to right. Then signed to the communications sec­ shoulders. He bad red-fleaked be ashamed ot - Rev! Loyca ‘ Patrick is paste or night service. O. C. Williams. cattlemen's council. Barry, Mad- geen eyes am} a fai, blob ot ». f fsd the message the letters under the checked figures |ive yoy. tlie church. tion of' the 7486th Field Mainten- ——. «TATI LlfilUHV A»# AreHIV«» i tfute. 0'vi’>«Ti