Reading Project: Byzantine DUE: 10/1/19

Read the following documents (Click the link) and answer the questions on your own paper.

• reading: "Byzantium--The 'New '." • document: "Justinian and Theodora." Questions/ 1. Why was Byzantium called "the New Rome?" Activities: 2. How did the carry on many of the traditions of ancient Rome? 3. What were the Emperor Justinian's military goals? How successful was he in achieving them? 4. Identify the Greek characteristics of the Byzantine Empire. 5. Why do you think Justinian decided in the late 520s that it was the right time to reform ? 6. What legal reforms did Justinian actually make? 7. What were the geographic advantages of 's location? 8. Why did Justinian build Hagia Sophia? 9. After reading the document, answer these questions: * Contrast the picture of Justinian found in each excerpt from Procopius. * How do you explain these two different views? * What does Procopius most dislike about Empress Theodora? * What were some possible reasons why Buildings was published while Procopius was alive, and The Secret History was not? 10. What were the major accomplishments of the Byzantine Emperor, Justinian?

• reading: "The Byzantine Empire--A Blend of East and West."

Questions/ 1. What pressures were placed on the Byzantine Empire for the next few Activities: centuries following Justinian's death? 2. How did the Byzantine government deal with these pressures? 3. What is an icon? How was the Byzantine Emperor's authority tested as a result of a disagreement over the use of icons?

4. What were the reasons for the disagreements between the Orthodox Christian and the Roman in the mid-11c? 5. How do you think the schism in the Church might affect political relations between the Byzantine Empire and Western Europe in the future? 6. How did the Byzantines influence the culture of early Russia?

• map: "Russian Topography." • reading: "Early Russian History." • web research: Map #1 Map #4 Questions/ 1. Why might a territory with plains and rivers be difficult to defend against Activities: invaders? 2. Why did the Vikings dominate the Slavic peoples for many centuries? 3. Why did Prince Vladimir feel it was important that all of his subjects become Christians. 4. How was the new government established in Kiev similar to that of the Byzantine Empire? 5. What were some of the accomplishments of Yaroslav the Wise? 6. What were the reasons for the decline of the Kievan state? 7. How did the Mongols rule Russia? 8. Why did Alexander Nevsky cooperate with the Mongols? Was it a practical policy or was it cowardly? Explain your position. 9. How did Mongol policies help to pull Russia together as a territory? 10. Why was Moscow called "The Third Rome?"

**Utilize your notes, the textbook, and document to answer the following.

• document: "The Life of Charlemagne" by Einhard, the German.

Questions/ 1. What role did the Church play in helping Clovis conquer other Germanic Activities: peoples? 2. What was important about Charles Martel's victory at the Battle of Tours? 3. How did Pepin the Short strengthen the Frankish kingdom? 4. Read the document and answer these questions: * According to Einhard, what kind of person was Charlemagne? * What things mentioned in this document make Charlemagne appear to be an intellectual person? * Why do you think Einhard tells us so much about Charlemagne's education? * What type of father was Charlemagne? * List some of the ways that Charlemagne was directly involved with the Catholic Church. * How would you account for the fact that Einhard's description of Leo's injuries is not historically accurate? * What other information about the life, customs, and values of the upper class in the Frankish court is revealed in the excerpts from Einhard's work? 5. What was the importance of Charlemagne's coronation as emperor? 6. How did Charlemagne govern his unified kingdom?