
French Army & The Armies of Client States Dispositions By Regiment, Battalion, Squadron, & Company September l8l0

Line_Infantry Military Division Regt Bn Emplacement or_Army_Assignment lst l Army of Naples 2 Army of Naples 3 Army of Naples 4 In Toulon 5 Marseille 8th Military Division 2nd l Corps d'Observation de Holland 2 Corps d'Observation de Holland 3 3rd Div/Army of 4 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 5 Alexandrie 27th Military Division 3rd l St. Malo l3th Military Division 2 St. Malo l3th Military Division 3 St. Malo l3th Military Division 4 Strasbourg 5th Military Division 5 Strasbourg 5th Military Division 4th l Calais Camp de Boulogne 2 Calais Camp de Boulogne 3 Calais Camp de Boulogne 4 Nancy 4th Military Division 5 Nancy 4th Military Division 5th l Udine Army of 2 Udine Army of Italy 3 Avignon 3rd Military Division 4 Grenoble 7th Military Division 5 Grenoble 7th Military Division 6th l Corfu/Fano Division des 7 Isles 2 Corfu/Fano Division des 7 Isles 3 /Terracina 4 Spoleto/Velletri 5 Rome 30th Military Division 7th l lst Div/Army of Catalonia 2 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 3 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 4 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 5 Turin 27th Military Division 8th l 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of 2 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 Nantes l2th Military Division 5 Venloo 25th Military Division 9th l Brescia Army of Italy 2 Brescia Army of Italy 3 Brescia Army of Italy 4 Brescia Army of Italy 5 Brescia

1 l0th l Army of Naples 2 Army of Naples 3 Army of Naples 4 Army of Naples 5 Plaisance 28th Military Division llth l Fiume, Illyria 2 Montpellier 9th Military Division 3 Montpellier 9th Military Division 4 Grenoble 7th Military Division 5 Grenoble 7th Military Division l2th l Magdebourg Div Gudin/Army of Germany 2 Magdebourg Div Gudin/Army of Germany 3 Magdebourg Div Gudin/Army of Germany 4 Mezieres 2nd Military Division 5 Mezieres 2nd Military Division l3th l Vicence Army of Italy 2 Vicence Army of Italy 3 Bassano Army of Italy 4 Bassano Army of Italy 5 Vicence l4th l lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Sedan 2nd Military Division l5th l 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 en route Brest l6th l en route Lille 2 en route Lille 3 en route Lille 4 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 5 Toulon 8th Military Division l7th l Lubeck Div. Morand/Army of Germany 2 Lubeck Div. Morand/Army of Germany 3 Lubeck Div. Morand/Army of Germany 4 Lille l6th Military Division 5 3 co in Ostende l6th Military Division l co in Lille l6th Military Division l8th l Haye Div Dessaix/Corps d'Observation de Holland 2 Haye Div Dessaix/Corps d'Observation de Holland 3 Haye Div Dessaix/Corps d'Observation de Holland 4 Strasbourg 5th Military Division 5 Strasbourg 5th Military Division l9th l Wimereux Camp de Boulogne 2 Boulougne Camp de Boulogne 3 Boulougne Camp de Boulogne 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 Douay l6th Military Division 20th l Army of Naples 2 Army of Naples 3 Army of Naples 4 Army of Naples 5 Verceil 27th Military Division 2lst l Brunswick Div Gudin/Army of Germany 2 Brunswick Div Gudin/Army of Germany 3 Brunswick Div Gudin/Army of Germany 4 Juliers 25th Military Division 5 Juliers 25th Military Division 22nd l lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 Maestricht 25th Military Division 23rd l Sebenico, Illyria 2 Sebenico, Illyria 3 Avignon 8th Military Division 4 Avignon 8th Military Division 5 Geneve 7th Military Division 24th l lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 Nantes l2th Military Division 5 Lyon l9th Military Division 25th l Halberstadt Div Gudin/Army of Germany 2 Halberstadt Div Gudin/Army of Germany 3 Halberstadt Div Gudin/Army of Germany 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rear Guard/Army of Spain l Co St. Denis l Co Landrecies l6th Military Division 26th l unknown 2 unknown 3 unknown 4 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 6 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 7 2 co Napoleon l2th Military Division 2 co Belle-Ile l3th Military Division 27th l 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en route Valladolid 5 l Co Custrin Army of Germany 3 Co Mainz 20th Military Division 28th l Madrid lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 2 Madrid lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3 Madrid lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co St. Denis l Co St. Omer l6th Military Division 29th l Livourne Toscany 2 Livourne Toscany 3 Arezzo Toscany

3 4 Livourne Toscany 5 Livourne Toscany

30th l Div Morand/Army of Germany 2 Div Morand/Army of Germany 3 Div Morand/Army of Germany 4 5 Co Mainz Army of Germany l Fusilier Co in Custrin 5 Mainz 26th Military Division 3lst l Incorporated into 7th Line Regiment 2 Incorporated into l05th Line Regiment 32nd l lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 4 Div Serras/6th Government Army of Spain 5 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain 33rd l Bopfingen Div Friant/Army of Germany 2 Bopfingen Div Friant/Army of Germany 3 Bopfingen Div Friant/Army of Germany 4 5 Co Mainz Div Friant/Army of Germany l Co Stettin Div Friant/Army of Germany 5 Mainz 26th Division 34th l lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 Givet 2nd Military Division 35th l Bologne Army of Italy 2 Bologne Army of Italy 3 Bologne Army of Italy 4 Bologne Army of Italy 5 Milan Italy 36th l lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 5 2 Co St. Denis 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain 2 Co Calais l6th Military Division 37th l Div Molitor/Corps d'Observation de Holland 2 Div Molitor/Corps d'Observation de Holland 3 Div Molitor/Corps d'Observation de Holland 4 Army of Catalonia 5 Turin 27th Military Division 38th - Incorporated into 37th Line Regiment 39th l lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en route for Valladolid 5 Landau 5th Military Division

40th l lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 en route for Valladolid 5 Wissembourg 5th Military Division 4lst - Incorporated into l7th Line Regiment 42nd l lst Div/Army of Catalonia 2 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 3 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 4 Asti 27th Military Division 5 Alexandrie 27th Military Division 43rd l Div Dessolles/Army of Spain 2 Div Dessolles/Army of Spain 3 Div Dessolles/Army of Spain 4 en route for Tours 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co St. Denis l Co Gravelines l6th Military Division 44th l lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 Valenciennes l6th Military Division 4 Valenciennes l6th Military Division 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Versailles l Co Valenciennes l6th Military Division 45th l 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 Nantes l2th Military Division 5 Liege 25th Military Division 46th l Malborough Camp de Boulogne 2 Malborough Camp de Boulogne 3 Malborough Camp de Boulogne 4 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Versailles l Co Arras l6th Military Division 47th l 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 5 en route Lorient l3th Military Division 2 co Bell-ile l3th Military Division 48th l Ulm Div Friant/Army of Germany 2 Ulm Div Friant/Army of Germany 3 Ulm Div Friant/Army of Germany 4 l8th Prov. Demi-brigade 24th Mil. Div. 5 Antwerp 24th Military Division 49th - Incorporated into 24th Line Regiment 50th l 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en route Tours 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co St. Denis

5 l Co Cambray l6th Military Division 5lst l Div Dessolles/Army of Spain 2 Div Dessolles/Army of Spain 3 Div Dessolles/Army of Spain 4 Lille l6th Military Division 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co St. Denis l Co Lille l6th Military Division 52nd l Genoa/Voghera 28th Military Division 2 Genoa 28th Military Division 3 Genoa/Tortone 28th Military Division 4 Genoa 28th Military Division 5 Genoa 28th Military Division 53rd l Rome 30th Military Division 2 Perrugia Army of Italy 3 Rimini Army of Italy 4 Forli Army of Italy 5 Forli Army of Italy 54th l 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 en route Valladolid 5 Maestricht 25th Military Division 55th l Div Dessolles/Army of Spain 2 Div Dessolles/Army of Spain 3 Div Dessolles/Army of Spain 4 Dunkirk l6th Military Division 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co St. Denis l Co Dunkirk 6th Military Division 56th l Brigade Gen. Harty/Corps d'Observation de Holland 2 Brigade Gen. Harty/Corps d'Observation de Holland 3 Brigade Gen. Harty/Corps d'Observation de Holland 4 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 5 Alexandrie 27th Military Division 57th l Hamburg Div Morand/Army of Germany 2 Hamburg Div Morand/Army of Germany 3 Hamburg Div Morand/Army of Germany 4 Strasbourg 9th Military Division 5 Strasbourg 9th Military Division 58th l lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 4 Div Seras/6th Government/ Army of Spain 5 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain Depot - Paris lst Military Division 59th l 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en route Valladolid 5 Luxembourg 3rd Military Division 60th l Raguse Army of Illyria 2 Raguse Army of Illyria 3 Geneva 7th Military Division 4 Observation Column of Gen. Gareau 5 Geneva 7th Military Division 6lst l Div Morand/Army of Germany 2 Div Morand/Army of Germany 3 Div Morand/Army of Germany 4 Worms 26th Military Division 5 Worms 26th Military Division 62nd l Army of Naples 2 Army of Naples 3 Toulon 4 Marseille 5 Marseille 63rd l 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 en route Valladolid 5 Belfort 5th Military Division 64th l lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 en route Valladolid 5 Belfort 5th Military Division 65th l 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 Ghent 24th Military Division 66th l unknown 2 unknown 3 unknown 4 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 6 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 7 en route Bordeaux Depot Bordeaux l2th Miltary Division 2 Co Ile d'Aix 67th l en route Lille 2 en route Lille 3 en route Lille 4 Barcelona Army of Catalonia 5 Genoa 28th Military Division 68th Incoprorated into 56th Line Regiment 69th l lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en route Valladolid 5 Luxembourg 3rd Military Division 70th l 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 5 en route Brest l3th Military Division

7 7lst - Incorporated into 35th Line Regiment 72nd l Boulogne Camp de Boulogne 2 Boulogne Camp de Boulogne 3 Boulogne Camp de Boulogne 4 Brussels 24th Military Division 5 Brussels 24th Military Division 73rd - Incorporated into 73rd Line Regiment 74th - Incorporated into 26th & 89th Line Regiments 75th l Guadalaxara lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 2 Guadalaxara lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3 Olmedo lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co St. Denis l Co Lille l6th Military Division 76th l lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en route Valldolid 5 -Louis 3rd Military Division 77th - Incorporated into 79th Line Regiment 78th - Incorporated into 2nd Line Regiment 79th l Triest Army of Illyria 2 Triest Army of Illyria 3 Chambry 7th Military Division 4 Observation Column of Gen.Gareau 5 Chambery 7th Military Division 80th - Incorporated into 34th Line Regiment 8lst l Udine Army of Italy 2 Udine Army of Italy 3 Avignon 8th Military Division 4 Chambery 7th Military Division 5 Chambery 7th Military Division 82nd l unknown 2 unknown 3 unknown 4 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 6 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 7 2 Co Rochelle l2th Military Division 2 Co Ile d'Aix 83rd - Incorporated into 3rd Line Regiment 84th l Milan Army of Italy 2 Milan Army of Italy 3 Milan Army of Italy 4 Milan Army of Italy 5 Milan Army of Italy 85th l unknown 2 Quedlingburg Div Gudin/Army of Germany 3 Quedlingburg Div Gudin/Army of Germany 4 Quedlingburg Div Gudin/Army of Germany 5 Coblentz 26th Military Division 86th l 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 en route St. Malo l3th Military Division 2 Co Belle-Ile 87th - Incorporated into 5th Line Regiment 88th l lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 en route Valladolid 5 Rocroy 2nd Military Division 89th - The men returning to France before December l809 - joined the 86th Line Regiment. The cadre went to - Santo-Domingo where it was divided between the - 26th, 66th & 82nd Line Regiments. 90th - Incorporated into the 93rd Line Regiment 9lst - Incorporated into the 20th Line Regiment 92nd l Como Army of Italy 2 Como Army of Italy 3 Como Army of Italy 4 Como Army of Italy 5 Como Army of Italy 93rd l Utrecht Brigade Gen.Harty/Corps d'Observation de Holland 2 Utrecht Brigade Gen.Harty/Corps d'Observation de Holland 3 Utrecht Brigade Gen.Harty/Corps d'Observation de Holland 4 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 5 Alexandrie 27th Military Division 94th l 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 Lorient l3th Military Division 5 Wesel 25th Military Division 95th l 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 Lorient l3th Military Division 5 Cologne 25th Military Division 96th l lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 Avila lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 Lorient l3th Military Division 5 Thionville 3rd Military Division 97th - Incorporated into the 60th Line Regiment 98th - Incorporated into the 92nd Line Regiment 99th - Incorporated into the 62nd Line Regiment l00th l 2nd Div/5th Corps Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/5th Corps Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/5th Corps Army of Spain 4 en route Valladolid 5 Metz 3rd Military Division l0lst l Army of Naples 2 Army of Naples 3 Army of Naples 4 la Spezzia 28th Military Division

9 5 Genoa 28th Military Division l02nd l Genoa 28th Military Division 2 Port Maurice 28th Military Division 3 Acqui/Savone 28th Military Division 4 Savone 28th Military Division 5 Savone 28th Military Division l03rd l 2nd Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 en route Valladolid 5 Metz 3rd Military Division l04th - Incorporated into llth Line Regiment l05th l Cherbourg l4th Military Division 2 Cherbourg l4th Military Division 3 Cherbourg l4th Military Division 4 Neuf Briasch l4th Military Division 5 Neuf Briasch l4th Military Division l06th l Peruggia Army of Italy 2 Peruggia Army of Italy 3 Faenzaia Army of Italy 4 Imola Army of Italy 5 Imola Army of Italy l07th - Incorporated into l5th Line Regiment l08th l Ulm Div Friant/Army of Germany 2 Ulm Div Friant/Army of Germany 3 Ulm Div Friant/Army of Germany 4 l8th Prov. Demi-brigade 24th Mil. Div. 5 Antwerp 24th Military Division l09th l Incorporated into 2lst Line Regiment 2 Incorporated into 2lst Line Regiment 3 Incorporated into Regiment de l'Ile de France ll0th l Incorporated into 55th Line Regiment 2 Incorporated into 86th Line Regiment 3 Incorporated into 86th Line Regiment lllth l Ulm Div Friant/Army of Germany 2 Ulm Div Friant/Army of Germany 3 Ulm Div Friant/Army of Germany 4 Spire 26th Military Division 5 Spire 26th Military Division ll2th l Arezzo Toscany 2 Florence Toscany 3 Florence Toscany 4 Barcelona Army of Catalonia 5 Florence Toscany ll3th l Div Serras/6th Government/ Army of Spain 2 Div Serras/6th Government/ Army of Spain 3 Orleans lst Military Division 4 Orleans lst Military Division 5 Orleans lst Military Division ll4th l 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Mont de Marsan llth Military Division - Formed from the lst & 2nd Provisional Regiments ll5th l 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Tartas llth Military Division - Formed from the 3rd & 4th Provisional Regiments ll6th l 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Tarbes l0th Military Division - Formed from the 5th & 6th Provisional Regiments ll7th l 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Oloron llth Military Division - Formed from the 9th & l0th Provisional Regiments ll8th l Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 2 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 3 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 4 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 5 S.Sever llth Military Division ll9th l Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 2 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 3 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 4 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 5 Dax llth Military Division - Formed from the l3th & l4th Provisional Regiments l20th l Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 2 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 3 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 4 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 5 Orthes llth Military Division - Formed from l7th & l8th Provisional Regiments l2lst l 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain 2 Co Blos 22nd Military Division - Formed from lst & 2nd Regiments of the Interior Reserve l22nd l Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 2 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 3 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 4 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 5 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain Depot Vandome 22nd Military Division


Legere Infantry Regiments

lst l lst Div/Army of Catalonia 2 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 3 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 4 Alexandrie 27th Military Division 5 Alexandrie 27th Military Division 2nd l lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Paris Depot 3rd l Havre l5th Military Division 2 Havre l5th Military Division 3 Dieppe l5th Military Division 4 HQ/Army of Catalonia 5 Parma 28th Military Division 4th l lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Paris Depot 5th l Cherbourg l4th Military Division 2 Cherbourg l4th Military Division 3 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Cherbourg l4th Military Division 6th l lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 Phalsbourg 4th Military Division 4 en route Bayonne 5 Phalsbourg 4th Military Division 7th l Magdeburg Div Gudin/Army of Germany 2 Magdeburg Div Gudin/Army of Germany 3 Magdeburg Div Gudin/Army of Germany 4 Huningue 5th Military Division 5 Huningue 5th Military Division 8th l Karlstadt Army of Illyria 2 Karlstadt Army of Illyria 3 Geneva 7th Military Division 4 Observation Column of Gen. Gareau 5 Geneva 7th Military Division 9th l lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 en route for Bayonne 5 Longwy 3rd Military Division l0th l Brest l3th Military Division 2 Brest l3th Military Division 3 Brest l3th Military Division 4 Schelestatt 5th Military Division 5 Schelestatt 5th Military Division llth - The cadre of this regiment was in the colonies. The men of this regiment who returned to France were incorporated ito the 5th Legere. l2th l Div Dessolles/Army of Spain 2 Div Dessolles/Army of Spain 3 Div Dessolles/Army of Spain 4 Div Seras/6th Government/ Army of Spain 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rear Gaurd/Army of Spain l Co Paris lst Military Division l3th l Div Morand/Army of Germany 2 Div Morand/Army of Germany 3 Div Morand/Army of Germany 4 l8th Provisional Demi-brigade 24th Military Division 5 Ostende l6th Military Division l4th l Corfu/Vido Division of the 7 Isles 2 Corfu/Casopo Division of the 7 Isles 3 Rome/Fossinone 30th Military Division 4 Rome 30th Military Division 5 Rome 30th Military Division l5th l Chreislsheim Div Friant/Army of Germany 2 Chreislsheim Div Friant/Army of Germany 3 Chreislsheim Div Friant/Army of Germany 4 8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain 2 Co Paris lst Military Division l6th l 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 en route to Bayonne 5 Macon l3th Military Division l7th l 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en route Valladolid 5 Strasbourg 5th Military Division l8th l Laybach Army of Illyria 2 Villach Army of Illyria 3 Avignon 8th Military Division 4 Grenoble 7th Military Division 5 Grenoble 7th Military Division l9th l Incorporated into llth Legere Regiment 2 Incorporated into 3rd Legere Regiment 3 Incorporated into 3rd Legere Regiment 20th - Incorporated into 7th Legere Regiment 2lst l lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 en route Valladolid 5 Wesel 25th Military Division 22nd l Army of Naples 2 Army of Naples 3 Army of Naples 4 Nice 8th Military Division 5 Nice 8th Military Division

13 23rd l Aoste 27th Military Division 2 Aoste 27th Military Division 3 Alexandrie 27th Military Division 4 Mondovi 27th Military Division 5 Mondovi 27th Military Division 24th l en route St. Omer 2 en route St. Omer 3 en route St. Omer 4 Metz 3rd Military Division 5 Metz 3rd Military Division 25th l 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 en route Tours 4 en route Bayonne 5 Verdun 2nd Military Division 26th l Berg-op-Zoom 24th Military Division 2 Antwerp 24th Military Division 3 Antwerp 24th Military Division 4 Metz 3rd Military Division 5 Metz 3rd Military Division 27th l 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 en route Bayonne 5 Brugges l6th Military Division 28th l 2nd Div/5th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/5th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/5th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en route Valladolid 5 2 Co Custrin 26th Military Division 2 Co Mainz 26th Military Division 29th - Incorporated into l6th Legere Regiment 30th - Incorporated into 25th Legere Regiment 3lst l 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Spain 4 Olmedo 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Navarreins llth Military Division 32nd l 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 2 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 Grens/Volts 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 2 Fusilier Co 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 2 Fusilier Co Toulon

Provisional Demi-brigades formed in Germany Regt Bn Parent Emplacement lst Legere l 4/6th Legere en route Bayonne 2 4/25th Legere en route Bayonne 3 4/l6th Legere en route Bayonne 3rd Legere l 4/9th Legere en route Bayonne 2 4/27th Legere en route Bayonne lst Line l 4/8th Line Nantes, l2th Military Division 2 4/24th Line Nantes, l2th Military Division 3 4/45th Line Nantes, l2th Military Division 2nd Line l 4/94th Line Lorient, l3th Military Division 2 4/95th Line Lorient, l3th Military Division 3 4/96th Line Lorient, l3th Military Division 2nd Legere l 4/l7th Legere En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 2 4/2lth Legere En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 3 4/28th Legere En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 5th Line l 4/27th Line En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 2 4/39th Line En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 3 4/54th Line En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 6th Line l 4/59th Line En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 2 4/69th Line En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 3 4/76th Line En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 7th Line l 4/40th Line En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 2 4/63rd Line En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 3 4/63rd Line En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 8th Line l 4/64th Line En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 2 4/l00th Line En route Valladolid, Div Drouet 3 4/l03rd Line En route Valladolid, Div Drouet

Provisional Reserve Demi-brigade l8th l 4/l08th Line 24th Military Division 2 4/l3th Line 24th Military Division 3 4/48th Line 24th Military Division 4 4/65th Line 24th Military Division 3/3rd Swiss Line 24th Military Division

Provisional Infantry Regiments Regt Bn Parent Emplacement lst Provisional Regiment l 2 Co 5/32nd 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain, 2 Co 5/58th en route to Tolosa 2 2 Co 5/l2lst ditto 2 Co 5/l22nd 2nd Provisional Regiment l 2 Co 5/2nd Legere 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain 2 Co 5/4th Legere en route to Navaire 2 2 Co 5/l2th Legere ditto 2 Co 5/l5th Legere 3rd Provisional Regiment l 2 Co 5/44th 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain, 2 Co 5/46th en route to Navaire 2 2 Co 5/50th ditto 2 Co 5/5lst 3 2 Co 5/55th ditto 2 Co 5/75th

15 4th Provisional Regiment l 2 Co 5/25th 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain, 2 Co 5/28th en route to Navaire l Co 5/l4th 2 2 Co 5/36th ditto 2 Co 5/43rd l Co dets/l2th, 34th, 54th, & 88th 5th Provisional Regiment l 2 Co 5/32nd en route Bordeaux 2 Co 5/58th 2 2 Co 5/l2lst ditto 2 Co 5/l22nd 3 l Co 5/2nd Legere ditto l Co 5/4th Legere l Co 5/l2th Legere

Auxiliary Spanish Infantry Battalions lst Bataillon de Ligne Army of Spain/St. Ander lst Co dets/4th, l8th & 30th 2nd Co dets/l2th & l7th 3rd Co dets/3rd, 6lst & 85th 4th Co dets/33rd, 57th, 72nd & l08th 5th Co dets/48th & l05th 6th Co dets/2lst & lllth Depot in Bayonne 2nd Bataillon Legere Div Saras/6th Government/ lst Co dets/24th Legere Army of Spain in Leon 2nd Co dets/26th Legere 3rd Co dets/7th & l0th Legere 4th Co dets/l3th & 26th Legere 5th Co dets/5th Legere 6th Co dets/5th Legere Depot in Bayonne 3rd Bataillon de Ligne St. Ander/Army of Spain lst Co dets/50th & 88th 2nd Co dets/43rd 3rd Co dets/5lst 4th Co dets/69th 5th Co dets/l00th 6th Co dets/l00th Depot in Bayonne 4th Bataillon de Legere Div Seras/6th Government, lst Co dets/l7th Legere Army of Spain, in Valladolid 2nd Co dets/2lst Legere 3rd Co dets/25th Legere 4th Co dets/l7th, 25th, 27th & 3lst Legere 5th Co dets/27th Legere 6th Co dets/2lst & 28th Legere Depot in Bayonne 5th Bataillon de Ligne Palencia lst - 3rd Co dets/8th & l8th Legere 5th, llth, 23rd, 60th, 79th & 8lst Line 6th Bataillon de Ligne St. Ander/Army of Spain lst Co dets/27th 2nd Co dets/39th 3rd Co dets/40th 4th Co dets/59th 5th Co dets/94th 6th Co dets/95th 7th Bataillon de Ligne Palencia/Div Seras/6th Government Army of Spain lst Co dets/5th, 24th, 26th Legere, l2th & 2lst Line 2nd Co dets/l0th & l3th Legere, 33rd 72nd & 85th Line 3rd Co dets/4th, 57th, & l08th 4th Co dets/l8th, 30th & 6lst Line 5th Co dets/3rd, l7th, 48th, l05th & lllth Line 6th Co dets/8th & l8th Legere, 5th, llth, 23rd, 60th, 79th & 8lst Line Bataillon de Belle-Ile (on Belle-Ile) 2 Co Depot/47th Line 2 Co Depot/86th Line 2 Co Depot/4th Swiss Line Bataillon de l'ile de Aix (on Ile de Aix) 3 Co Depot/26th Line 2 Co Depot/66th Line 2 Co Depot/82nd Line 2 Co Hanoverian Legion

Cavalry Military Division Regt Bn Emplacement or_Army_Assignment lst Carabinier l-4 Luneville 4th Military Division Depot Luneville 4th Military Division 2nd Carabinier l-4 Luneville 4th Military Division Depot Luneville 4th Military Division lst Cuirassier l-4 Metz 3rd Military Division Depot Metz 3rd Military Division 2nd Cuirassier l Bruckhausen Heavy Div/Army of Germany 2 Walsrode Heavy Div/Army of Germany 3 Hova Heavy Div/Army of Germany 4 Sieke Heavy Div/Army of Germany Depot Sarre-Louis 32nd Military Division 3rd Cuirassier l-4 Lunebourg Heavy Div/Army of Germany Depot Sarguemines 4th Cuirassier l-4 Caen l4th Military Division Depot Caen l4th Military Division 5th Cuirassier l-4 Metz 3rd Military Division Depot Metz 3rd Military Division 6th Cuirassier l-4 Abbeville l5th Military Division Depot Abbeville l5th Military Division

17 7th Cuirassier l-4 Rouen l5th Military Division Depot Rouen l5th Military Division 8th Cuirassier l-4 Beauvais lst Military Division Depot Beauvais lst Military Division 9th Cuirassier l Jorck Heavy Div/Army of Germany 2 Buxtehude Heavy Div/Army of Germany 3 Forten Heavy Div/Army of Germany 4 Steinskirchen Heavy Div/Army of Germany Depot Mainz 26th Military Division l0th Cuirassier l-4 Sarrelouis 3rd Military Division Depot Sarrelouis 3rd Military Division llth Cuirassier l-4 Thionville 3rd Military Division Depot Thionville 3rd Military Division l2th Cuirassier l Luckow Heavy Div/Army of Germany 2 Wustrow Heavy Div/Army of Germany 3 Ebsdorf Heavy Div/Army of Germany 4 Bodenteich Heavy Div/Army of Germany Depot Ponts 26th Military Division l3th Cuirassier l-4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain Depot Niort l2th Military Division Formed from the lst & 2nd Provisional Heavy Cavalry Regiments l4th Cuirassier l-4 Lille l6th Miltiary Division Depot Lille l6th Miltiary Division Formed Dutch cuirassier regiment lst Dragoon l-2 lst Drag Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 lst Prov Regt lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Chartres lst Military Division 2nd Dragoon l-2 lst Drag Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 lst Prov Regt lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Maestricht 25th Military Division 3rd Dragoon l-4 Cavalry Reserve/Army of Portugal Depot Soissons lst Military Division 4th Dragoon l-2 lst Drag Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 2nd Prov Regt lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Moulins 2lst Military Division 5th Dragoon l-2 3rd Drag Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 Brigade Gen. Seras/6th Government/ Army of Spain Depot Provins lst Military Division 6th Dragoon l-4 Cavalry Reserve/Army of Portugal Depot Namur 25th Military Division 7th Dragoon l-4 Crema Army of Italy Depot Crema 8th Dragoon l-4 Cavalry Reserve/Army of Portugal Depot Molsheim 5th Military Division 9th Dragoon l-2 lst Drag Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 5th Prov Regt lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Chateaudun lst Military Division l0th Dragoon l-4 Cavalry Reserve/Army of Portugal Depot Amiens l5th Military Division llth Dragoon l-4 Cavalry Reserve/Army of Portugal Depot Hesdin l6th Military Division l2th Dragoon l-2 3rd Drag Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 6th Prov Regt 3rd Brig/6th Government/Army of Spain Depot Schelestatt 5th Military Division l3th Dragoon l-4 lst Drag Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain Depot Namur 25th Military Division l4th Dragoon l-2 lst Drag Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 3rd Prov Regt lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Maestricht 25th Military Division l5th Dragoon l-4 Cavalry Reserve/Army of Portugal Depot Laon lst Military Division l6th Dragoon l-2 3rd Drag Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 6th Prov Regt 3rd Brig/Army of Spain Depot Strasbourg 5th Military Division l7th Dragoon l-2 4th Drag Div/Army of Spain 3-4 9th Prov Regt 4th Brig Seras/6th Government Army of Spain Depot Haguenau 5th Military Division l8th Dragoon l-2 4th Drag Div/Army of Spain 3-4 9th Prov Regt 4th Brig Seras/6th Government Army of Spain Depot Haguenau 5th Military Division l9th Dragoon l-2 4th Drag Div/Army of Spain 3-4 l0th Prov Regt 4th Brig Seras/6th Government Army of Spain Depot Strasbourg 5th Military Division 20th Dragoon l-2 3rd Drag Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 7thProvRegt 3rd Brig/6thGovernment/Armyof Spain Depot Maestricht 5th Military Division

19 2lst Dragoon l-2 3rd Drag Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 7thProvRegt 3rd Brig/6thGovernment/Armyof Spain Depot Belfort 5th Military Division 22nd Dragoon l-4 5th Drag Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Namur 25th Military Division 23rd Dragoon l Codogne Army of Italy 2 Casal-Pusterlingo Army of Italy 3 Codogne Army of Italy 4 Codogne Army of Italy Depot Codogne 24th Dragoon l-3 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 4 Castres 9th Military Division Depot Castres 9th Military Division 25th Dragoon l-4 Cavalry Reserve/Army of Portugal Depot Strasbourg 5th Military Division 26th Dragoon l-2 4th Drag Div/Army of Spain 3-4 3rd Prov Regt 4th Brig/6th Government/Army of Spain Depot Maestricht 25th Military Division 27th Dragoon l-2 4th Drag Div/Army of Spain 3-4 l0th Prov Regt 4th Brig Seras/6th Government Army of Spain Depot Haguenau 5th Military Division 28th Dragoon l-4 Reggio Army of Italy Depot Reggio 29th Dragoon l-3 Peruggia Army of Italy 4 Modene Army of Italy Depot Modene 30th Dragoon l-4 Lodi Army of Italy Depot Lodi lst Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Brugges l6th Military Division Depot Maubeuge 2nd Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Magdeburg Brigade Jacquinot/Army of Germany Depot Tournay 3rd Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Corps d'Observation de Holland Depot Turin 27th Military Division 4th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Naples Army of Naples Depot Naples 5th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 lst Corps/Army of Spain Depot Cleves 25th Military Division

6th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Vicence Army of Italy Depot Vicence 7th Chasseur a Cheval l-2 Pontivy l3th Military Division 3-4 en route Valladoid Div Drouet/Army of Spain Depot Strasbourg 5th Military Division 8th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Brescia Army of Italy Depot Brescia 9th Chasseur a Cheval l-2 Army of Naples 3 Rome 30th Military Division 4 Rome 30th Military Division Depot Spoletto 30th Military Division l0th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 4th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Brussels 24th Military Division llth Chasseur a Cheval l-3 Verdun 2nd Military Division 4 en route Tours Depot Verdun 2nd Military Division l2th Chasseur a Cheval l-3 S. Mihiel 2nd Military Division 4 en route Tours Depot S. Mihiel 2nd Military Division l3th Chasseur a Cheval l-2 en route Niort l2th Military Division 3-4 en route Bayonne Depot Belfort 5th Military Division l4th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 en route Pignerol 27th Military Division Depot Pignerol 27th Military Division l5th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 6th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Parma 28th Military Division l6th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Brigade Pire/Corps of Observation of Holland Depot Neru Brisac 5th Military Division l7th Chasseur a Cheval - Disbanded l8th Chasseur a Cheval - Disbanded l9th Chasseur a Cheval 1-2 Laybach Army of Illyria 3-4 Plaisance 28th Military Division Depot Plaisance 28th Military Division 20th Chasseur a Cheval l-2 Nantes l2th Military Division 3-4 en route Valladolid Div Drouet/Army of Spain Depot Bonn 26th Military Division 2lst Chasseur a Cheval l-4 5th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Colmar 5th Military Division

21 22nd Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Cav Div/2nd Corps Army of Portugal Depot Ghent 24th Military Division 23rd Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Div Molitor, Corps of Observation of Holland Depot Plaisance 28th Military Division 24th Chasseur a Cheval l-2 Dunkirk Camp de Boulogne 3 Calais Camp de Boulogne 4 en route Tours Depot Verceil 27th Military Division 25th Chasseur a Cheval l-2 Laybach Illyria 3-4 Reggio Italy Depot Reggio Italy 26th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Madrid Army of Spain Depot Saumur 22nd Military Division 27th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 4th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Liege 25th Military Division 28th Chasseur a Cheval l Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 2-4 Orleans lst Military Division Depot Orleans lst Military Division lst Hussar l-4 Cav Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Liege 25th Military Division 2nd Hussar l-4 lst Corps/Army of Spain Depot Maestricht 25th Military Division 3rd Hussar l-4 6th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Venloo 25th Military Division 4th Hussar l-4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain Depot Malines 24th Military Division 5th Hussar l-3 Stenay 2nd Military Division 4 en route Tours Depot Stenay 2nd Military Division 6th Hussar l-4 Milan Army of Italy Depot Milan 7th Hussar l-4 Magdeburg Brig Jacquinot/Army of Germany Depot Ruremonde 25th Military Division 7th (bis) Hussar - became 28th Dragoon Regiment 8th Hussar l-4 Brig Pire/Corps of Observation of Holland Depot Strasbourg 5th Military Division

9th Hussar l-2 La Rochelle l2th Military Division 3-4 Navarre 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain Depot Schelestatt 5th Military Division l0th Hussar l-4 5th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Schelestatt 5th Military Division llth Hussar l-4 Arras l6th Military Division Depot Arras l6th Military Division

Provisional Cavalry Regiments lst Provisional Heavy Cavalry Regiment (became l3th Cuirasisers) l Co lst Carabiniers l Co 2nd Carabiniers l Co lst Curiassiers l Co 2nd Cuirassiers l Co 3rd Cuirassiers 2nd Provisional Heavy Cavalry Regiment (became l3th Cuirasisers) l Co 5th Cuirassiers l Co 9th Cuirassiers l Co l0th Cuirassiers l Co llth Cuirassiers l Co l2th Cuirassiers 3rd Provisional Heavy Cavalry Regiment (Army of Catalonia) l Co 4th Cuirassiers l Co 6th Cuirassiers l Co 7th Cuirassiers l Co 8th Cuirassiers lst Provisional Dragoon Regiment l Co llth Dragoons l Co l3th Dragoons l Co l4th Dragoons l Co l8th Dragoons l Co l9th Dragoons l Co 22nd Dragoons 2nd Provisional Dragoon Regiment l Co 8th Dragoons l Co l2th Dragoons l Co 20th Dragoons l Co 2lst Dragoons l Co 25th Dragoons l Co 26th Dragoons 6th Provisional Dragoon Regiment 4th Sqn l0th Dragoons l Co 2nd Dragoons l Co 6th Dragoons l Co l6th Dragoons l Co l7th Dragoons l Co 27th Dragoons 4th Provisional Dragoon Regiment lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3/, 4/lst Dragoons 3/, 4/2nd Dragoons

23 2nd Provisional Dragoon Regiment lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3/, 4/4th Dragoons 3/, 4/9th Dragoons 3rd Provisional Dragoon Regiment lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3/, 4/l4th Dragoons 3/, 4/26th Dragoons 8th Provisional Dragoon Regiment 3rd Brig/6th Gov't/Army of Spain 3/, 4/l2th Dragoons 3/, 4/l6th Dragoons 7th Provisional Dragoon Regiment 3rd Brig/6th Gov't/Army of Spain 3/, 4/20th Dragoons 3/, 4/2lst Dragoons 9th Provisional Dragoon Regiment 4th Brig/6th Gov't/Army of Spain 3/, 4/5th Dragoons 3/, 4/l7th Dragoons l0th Provisional Dragoon Regiment 4th Brig/6th Gov't/Army of Spain 3/, 4/l9th Dragoons 3/, 4/27th Dragoons llth Provisional Dragoon Regiment 4th Brig/6th Gov't/Army of Spain 3/, 4/l3th Dragoons 3/, 4/22nd Dragoons l2th Provisional Dragoon Regiment Rejoined lst 2 sqns/Army of Spain 3/, 4/l3th Dragoons 3/, 4/22nd Dragoons l3th Provisional Dragoon Regiment Rejoined lst 2 sqns/Army of Spain 3/, 4/l5th Dragoons 3/, 4/25th Dragoons 3rd Provisional Chasseur a Cheval Regiment lst Div/Army of Catalonia l Co l4th Chasseurs l Co l5th Chasseurs l Co l9th Chasseurs l Co 23rd Chasseurs l Co 24th Chasseurs

Foot Artillery Regt Company Emplacement lst l Bois le Duc 2 Corps d'Observation de Holland 3 24th Military Division 4 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 5 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 6 lst Corps/Army of Spain 7 lst Corps/Army of Spain 8 Strasbourg 9 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 10 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 11 lst Corps/Army of Spain 12 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 13 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 14 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 15 Strasbourg 16 Strasbourg 17 24th Military Division 18 Strasbourg 19 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 20 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 21 Corps d'Observation de Hollande 22 In the colonies Depot Strasbourg 2nd l Army of Illyria, Cattaro 2 Corfu 3 Naples 4 Verona 5 Verona 6 Naples, Salerne 7 Army of Illyria, Laybach 8 Verona 9 Army of Illyria, Karlstadt 10 Verona 11 Corfu, Vido, Fano 12 Verona 13 Army of Illyria, Triest 14 Army of Illyria, Ragusa 15 Corfu, Vido, & Fano 16 Iles of Trimiti & Trente 17 Rome 18 Rome 19 Capri & Ponza 20 en route for Verona 21 Verona 22 Monteleone Depot Verona 3rd l 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 Army of Catalonia 3 Army of Spain 4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Army of Catalonia 6 24th Military Division 7 Army of Spain, Segovia 8 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 9 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 10 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 11 Berg-op-Zoom 12 Army of Catalonia 13 24th Military Division 14 Jacca, 15 2nd & 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 16 Guadeloupe 17 Toulouse 18 3rd Corps/Army of Spain

25 19 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 20 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 21 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 22 3rd Corps/Army of Spain Depot Toulouse 4th l Peruggia 2 Ile d'Elbe 3 Ile d'Elbe 4 Alexandrie 5 Alexandrie 6 Alexandrie 7 Alexandrie 8 Alexandrie 9 Livourne 10 Army of Catalonia 11 Alexandrie 12 Army of Catalonia 13 Army of Catalonia 14 Alexandrie 15 Venice 16 Citadel of Turin 17 Alexandrie 18 Alexandrie 19 La Specia 20 Genoa 21 Alexandrie 22 Livourne Depot Alexandrie 5th l 5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 24th Military Division 3 24th Military Division 4 Magdeburg 5 Magdeburg 6 Danzig 7 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 8 Metz 9 Danzig/Army of Germany 10 en route to Metz 11 en route to Metz 12 Metz 13 24th Military Division 14 24th Military Division 15 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 16 Saltzburg/Army of Germany 17 Metz 18 en route to Metz 19 Metz 20 5th Corps/Army of Spain 21 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 22 Corps d'Observation de Hollande Depot Metz 6th l en route to Rennes 2 Army of Spain 3 Ile d'Aix & de Re 4 Army of Catalonia 5 en route to Rennes 6 en route to Rennes 7 Rennes 8 en route to Rennes 9 8th Corps/Army of Portugal 10 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 11 5th Corps/Army of Spain 12 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 13 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 14 Army of Catalonia 15 Army of Spain, Navarre 16 Rennes 17 Belle-Ile 18 Rennes 19 Army of Spain, General Park 20 Army of Spain, General Park 21 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 22 Ile de France Depot Rennes 7th l Bremen 2 Ulm 3 Magdeburg 4 Mainz 5 Wurzburg 6 Ulm 7 en route to Mainz 8 lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 9 Magdeburg 10 Army of Catalonia 11 Army of Catalonia 12 Stettin/Army of Germany 13 lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 14 Magdeburg/Army of Germany 15 Wurzburg 16 Wurzburg 17 Wurzburg 18 Wurzburg 19 Bremen 20 8th Corps/Army of Portugal 21 Wurzburg 22 Mainz Depot Mainz 8th l lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 Boulogne 4 Boulogne 5 Boulogne 6 lst Corps/Army of Spain 7 Boulogne 8 Boulogne 9 Boulogne 10 Ostende 11 8th Corps/Army of Portugal 12 Boulogne 13 Dunkirk

27 14 Boulogne 15 Gravelines 16 Calais 17 Boulogne 18 Boulogne 19 Boulogne 20 Boulogne 21 Boulogne 22 Boulogne Depot Boulogne

Horse Artillery Regt Company Emplacement lst l Verona 2 Verona 3 Milan & Verona 4 Verona 5 Verona 6 Verona Depot Verona 2nd l Corps d'Observation de Hollande 2 lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 4th Dragoon Div/Army of Spain 4 Corps d'Observation de Hollande 5 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 6 8th Corps/Army of Portugal 7 Army of Catalonia Depot Valence 3rd l 4th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 Strasbourg 5 Strasbourg 6 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 7 3rd Corps/Army of Spain Depot Strasbourg 4th l Verona 2 Verona 3 Verona 4 Verona 5 Verona 6 Army of Illyria Depot Verona 5th l Bremen 2 en route to Besancon 3 Wurzburg 4 Besancon 5 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 6 Bensancon 7 3rd Corps/Army of Spain Depot Besancon 6th l Metz 2 en route to Metz 3 Metz 4 5th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Metz 6 Metz 7 in the Colonies Depot Metz

Artillery Train Battalions Battalion Company Emplacement lst Principal l Bremen 2 Bremen 3 Bremen 4 Magdeburg 5 Magdeburg 6 Vald Depot Strasbourg 2nd Principal l lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Corps/Army of Spain 5 lst Corps/Army of Spain 6 lst Corps/Army of Spain Depot Pau 3rd Principal l Army of Spain 2 Army of Spain 3 Army of Spain 4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 6 3rd Corps/Army of Spain Depot Toulouse 5th Principal l Army of Spain 2 Army of Spain 3 Army of Spain 4 Army of Spain 5 Army of Spain 6 Army of Spain Depot Metz 6th Principal l 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 Div Desolle/Army of Spain 4 Div Desolle/Army of Spain 5 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 6 6th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Auch 7th Principal l On the Po River 2 Crescensago, Italy 3 Anteagnate, Italy 4 Novarre 5 Chiari, Italy 6 Brescia & Lonato Depot Novarre 8th Principal l Turin 2 Turin 3 Alexandrie 4 Alexandrie 5 Plaisance 6 On the Po River

29 Depot Alexandrie 9th Principal l Corps d'Observation de Hollande 2 en route to Strasbourg 3 Corps d'Observation de Hollande 4 Corps d'Observation de Hollande 5 Corps d'Observation de Hollande 6 en route to Strasbourg Depot Strasbourg l0th Principal l Wurzburg 2 Wurzburg 3 incorporated into l2th Principal Bn 4 Wurzburg 5 Wurzburg 6 incorporated into l2th Principal Bn 7 Wurzburg 8 Wurzburg Depot Metz llth Principal l 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 6 6th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Auch l2th Principal l 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 Army of Catalonia 3 Army of Catalonia 4 Army of Catalonia 5 Army of Catalonia 6 Army of Catalonia Depot Pau l3th Principal l 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 unknown 4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 6 3rd Corps/Army of Spain Depot unknown lst Bis l Army of Spain 2 Army of Spain 3 Army of Spain 4 Army of Spain 5 Army of Spain 6 Army of Spain Depot Metz 2nd Bis l 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 5 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 6 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Pau 3rd Bis l Wurzburg 2 Wurzburg 3 Ulm 4 8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 Ulm 6 Ulm Depot Mainz 4th Bis l Army of Catalonia 2 Army of Catalonia 3 Army of Catalonia 4 Army of Catalonia 5 Army of Catalonia 6 Army of Catalonia Depot Toulouse 5th Bis l 5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 5th Corps/Army of Spain 5 5th Corps/Army of Spain 6 5th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Toulouse 6th Bis l 2nd & 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd & 4th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 4th Corps/Army of Spain 4 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 6 Army of Spain Depot Bayonne 7th Bis l Verona & Peruggia 2 Borgo-Forte 3 Vicence 4 Verona 5 Verona 6 Rome Depot Verona 8th Bis l Passau & Ulm 2 Passau & Ulm 3 Strasbourg 4 Strasbourg 5 Strasbourg 6 Passau & Ulm 7 Passau & Ulm 8 Passau & Ulm Depot Metz 9th Bis l Army of Catalonia 2 Army of Catalonia 3 Army of Catalonia 4 Army of Catalonia 5 Army of Catalonia 6 Army of Catalonia Depot Mainz l0th Bis l lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 5 Madrid 6 Madrid Depot Auch

31 llth Bis l Army of Illyria 2 Army of Illyria 3 Palmanova 4 Conegliano 5 Codroipo 6 Trevese Depot Turin l2th Bis l 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 6 3rd Corps/Army of Spain Depot Pau l3th Bis l Army of Catalonia 2 Army of Catalonia 3 Army of Catalonia 4 Army of Catalonia 5 Army of Catalonia 6 Army of Catalonia Depot Toulouse Pontoniers lst Battalion l Mainz 2 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 Wesel 4 lst Corps/Army of Spain 5 Hamburg 6 lst Corps/Army of Spain 7 Strasbourg 8 en route to Strasbourg 9 Strasbourg 10 8th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Strasbourg 2nd Battalion l Turin 2 Veron 3 Army of Catalonia 4 Verona 5 Borgo-Forte & Plaisance 6 Pliasance Depot Turin Artillery Artisian Companies l Army of Spain 2 Rennes & 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 Army of Catalonia & Wurzburg 4 4th, 5th & 6th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Strasbourg 6 Army of Spain & la Fere 7 en route to Strasbourg 8 lst Corps/Army of Spain & Bayonne 9 4th & 6th Corps/Army of Spain & Army of Portugal 10 Palma Nova 11 Passau & Douay 12 Turin & Army of Spain 13 Mainz, Turin & 8th Corps/Army of Portugal 14 Metz, Mainz & Malines 15 Verona & Rome 16 Auxonne & Army of Spain Armorer Companies l Lille 2 Spain 3 St. Omer 4 Army of Spain Train Artisian Company l Army of Spain

Coast Guard Gunners Department Company Emplacement , l Breskens l bis Blanckenberg 3 Blanckenberg Nord 2 Dunkirk 3 Gravelines Pas-de-Calais 4 Sangattes 5 Andresselles 6 Larochettes 7 Etaples Somme 8 St. Valery sur Mer 8 bis Le Havre Seine-Inferieur 9 Trepport 10 Dieppe 11 St. Valery en Caux 12 Fecamp 13 Havre 14 Havre 15 Havre Calvados 16 Dives 17 P{ort en Bessin Manche 18 St. Marcouff l9 Quinneville 20 La Hougue 21 Barfleur 22 Cap Levy 23 Nacqueville 24 Flamanville 25 Port Bail 26 Befosse 27 Granville Ille et Vilaine 28 Cancale 29 St. Malo 30 St. Malo 31 St. Servan Cotes du Nord 32 St. Brieux Paimpol33 34 Peros 35 Roscoff 36 Lenseven 37 Laberildut 38 Le Conquet

33 39 Plougouvelen 40 Querlern 41 Camaret 42 Crozon 43 Douarnenez 44 Audierne 45 Pont l'Abbe Finistere 46 Fouresnant 47 Concarneau 48 Moelan Morbihan 49 Guidel 50 Ploemur 51 Port Louis 52 Quiberon 53 Locmariaquer 54 Sarzean 55 Billier Loir inferieure 56 Croisic 57 St. Nazaire 58 La Barre de Mont Vendee 59 St. Gilles 60 Sables d'Olonne 61 Laiguillon Charente inferieure 62 Marans 63 Nieuil 64 Laleu 65 Tadon 66 Chatelaillon 67 Fouras 68 Brouage 69 Marennes 70 La Temblade 71 St. Palais 72 Royan Gironde & Basses Pyrenees 73 Bayhonne Pyrenees orientales 74 Collioure 75 St. Laurent Aude, Herault & Gard 76 Leucate 77 Cette 78 Aiguemorte Bouches du Rhone 79 Martigues 80 Marseille 81 Cassis Var 82 Sanary 83 La Ciotat 84 toulon 85 atoulon 86 Hieres 87 Hieres 90 Fort Balaguier 88 St. Trope 89 Sainte- Maxime 91 Iles Sainte Marguerite 92 Cannes 93 Saint Rapeau 94 Antibes 95 Cagnes Alpes maritimes 96 Nice 97 Monaco 97 bis San Remo Golo & Liamone, Ile de Capraia 98 Ajaccio 99 St. Florent 100 Cap Corse 100 bis Capraia 101 Finale Montenotte & Genoa 102 Savone 103 Sestri Genoa & Apennins 104 Port Venus Toscany 105 Pietra Santa l06 Rosignano l07 Grossetto l08 Orbitello l09 Ile Giglio

Sedentary Coast Artillery Companies Company # of Cos Emplacements De Dieppe l Dieppe Du Havre l Havre Belle Isle en mer l Belle Isle 2 Belle Isle 3 Belle Isle 4 Belle Isle 5 Belle Isle Ile d'Ouessant l Ile de Groix l 2 Ile de Brehat l 2 Sept Iles l Ile de Batz l Ile de Batz Ile Dieu l 2 Ile de Noirmoutiers l Noirmoutiers 21 Noirmoutiers Ile de Re l Ile de Re 2 Ile de Re 3 Ile de Re 4 Ile de Re Ile d'Oleron l Chateau d'Oleron 2 Dolus 3 Saint-Pierre 4 St. Denis Ile d'Elbe l Marciana 2 Rio

35 Miner Battalions Battalion Company Emplacement lst l Army of Italy, Osopo 2 5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 Metz 4 Gironne 5 Army of Catalonia Depot Metz 2nd l en route to Bois-le-Duc 2 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Alexandrie Depot Alexandrie Sapper Battalions lst l Palma Nova 2 3 Army of Illyria 4 Palma Nova 5 Alexandrie 6 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 7 Army of Illyria, Lybach 8 Palma Nova 9 Alexandrie Depot Alexandrie 2nd l Army of Spain, Madrid 2 8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Corps/Army of Spain 5 5th Corps/Army of Spain 6 5th Corps/Army of Spain, Madrid 7 Army of Catalonia 8 lst Corps/Army of Spain 9 lst Corps/Army of Spain Madrid Depot Metz 3rd l Corfu & Vido 2 Army of Catalonia 3 en route to Ostende 4 en route to Ostende 5 Antwerp 6 Holland 7 Antwerp 8 Kehl 9 Ile d'Aix Depot Alexandrie 4th l 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 4th Corps/Army of Spain 6 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 7 Madrid 8 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 9 5th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Juliers 5th l en route for Ostende 2 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 Hamburg 4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Mainz 6 Army of Spain 7 Flessingue 8 Breskens 9 Wesel Depot Mainz Company of Engineering Train l Army of Italy, en route to Antwerp 2 Army of Spain, Madrid 3 Army of Spain, Madrid Depot Metz 4 Army of Spain 5 Army of Spain 6 Palma Nova Depot Alexandrie

Foreign Troops Regiment Battalion Emplacement Division lst Swiss l Army of Naples 2 Army of Naples 3 Army of Naples 4 Army of Naples Depot Turin Artillery Co Army of Naples 2nd Swiss l 3 Co in Benavente/6th Gov't/Army of Spain 6 Co en route for Marseille 2 Toulon 3 Barcelona Army of Catalonia 4 Marseille Depot Bresancon 3rd Swiss l Unknown 2 3 Co in Astorga/6th Gov't/Army of Spain 6 Co enroute to Lille 3 l8th Demi-brigade provisoire 4 l8th Demi-brigade provisoire Depot Lille 4th Swiss l Valladolid 6th Gov't/Army of Spain 2 Astorgas 6th Gov't/Army of Spain 3 Reorganizing in Rennes 4 Rennes Depot Rennes Valaison Battalion 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia Depot Prats de Mollo l0th Military Division Neuchatel Battalion Provenceof Burgos 5thGovt/Army of Spain Artillery Provence of Burgos 5th Govt/Army of Spain Depot Bresancon 6th Military Division

37 lst Italian Line Regiment l-2 Italian Div/Army of Catalonia 2nd Italian Line Regiment l-2 Italian Div/Army of Catalonia 3rd Italian Line Regiment l-2 Army of Naples 4th Italian Line Regiment l-2 Italian Div/Army of Catalonia 5th Italian Line Regiment l-2 Barcelona Div/Army of Catalonia 6th Italian Line Regiment l-2 Italian Div/Army of Catalonia 7th Italian Line Regiment l Italian Div/Army of Catalonia Napoleon Dragoons 1-2 Italian Div/Army of Catalonia Chasseurs Royaux l-2 Italian Div/Army of Catalonia Foot Artillery Regiment l-9 Barcelona Div/Army of Catalonia Horse Artillery Regiment l Barcelona Div/Army of Catalonia Artillery Train Battalion l-5 Barcelona Div/Army of Catalonia Sappers ? Barcelona Div/Army of Catalonia lst Neapolitian Light l-2 Neapolitian Div/Army of Catalonia lst Neapolitian Line l-2 Neapolitian Div/Army of Catalonia 2nd Neapolitian Line l-2 Neapolitian Div/Army of Catalonia lst Chasseur a Cheval Regiment l-2 Neapolitian Div/Army of Catalonia 2nd Chasseur a Cheval Regiment l-2 Neapolitian Div/Army of Catalonia Baden Erzherzog Regiment l-2 Toledo Confederation Div/ Army of Spain Baden Foot Battery Lassolage Madridejos ditto Baden Train Madridejos ditto Hesse-Darmstadt Regiment l-2 Madridejos Confederation Div/ Army of Spain Depot Madridejos ditto Hessian Foot Battery Venator Madridejos ditto lst Nassau Infantry Regiment l-2 Madridejos ditto Nassau Chasseurs a Cheval l sqn Manzanares Prince Primate Battalion l Toledo ditto 2nd Nassau Infantry Regiment l-2 Barcelona ditto 4th Rhinbund Regiment (Saxon ducal houses) l-2 Div Rouyer/Army of Catalonia 5th Rhinbund Regiment l-2 ditto 6th Rhinbund Regiment l-2 ditto Wurzburg Infantry Regiment l-2 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 4th Polish Line Regiment l-2 3rd Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 7th Polish Regiment l-2 3rd Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 9th Polish Regiment l-2 3rd Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain Polish Foot Battery 3rd Co 3rd Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain Polish Sapper Battalion lst Co 3rd Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 2nd Dutch Line Regiment l Madridejos Army of Spain 4th Dutch Line Regiment l Madridejos Army of Spain 3rd Dutch Hussar Regiment l sqn Madrid Army of Spain Light Artillery 2nd Madridejos Army of Spain 4th Madridejos Army of Spain Artillery Train l Co Madridejos Army of Spain Miners l Co Madridejos Army of Spain 2nd Westphalian Line Regiment l 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 3rd Westphalian Line Regiment l 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 4th Westphalian Line Regiment l 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia Light Infantry 3 Co 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia Foot Artillery l Co 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia Chevauxleger Regiment 3 Segovia Army of Spain lst Berg Line Regiment l-2 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 2nd Berg Line Regiment l-2 en route to Dusseldorf 3rd Berg Line Regiment l Ile d'Oleron 2 Ile de Re Berg Artillery & Train 8th Corps/Army of Portugual

Russian General Staff, La Guerre Nationale de l8l2, Paris