August 14, 2019
PRSRT STD Postal Customer U.S. Postage PAID Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 Permit No. 454 Portland, ME The Cape Cour erECRWSS Volume 32 Number 13 An Independent Not-for-Profi t Newspaper Aug 14 - Aug 27, 2019 Serving Cape Elizabeth Since 1988 In the Spirit of Community 22nd running of the TD Beach to Beacon 10K By Kevin St. Jarre Photo by Sara Spidle Photo by Joanne Lee A young Beach to Beach spectator cheers runners on at the corner of Shore Road and Cape Elizabeth residents Jessica Butzel, Nancy O’Sullivan and Kelly O’Sullivan are all Route 77 as they pass by on their way to the fi nish line. smiles after the race. With nearly perfect weather for the event, hopefuls Abdi and Robinson fi nished third was Emily Infi eld, 29, of Portland, Oregon, Maine’s fi rst women’s fi nisher was 16-year more than 6500 runners participated in the and fourth, respectively. with a time of 32:39. She recently recovered old Sofi e Matson, of Falmouth, with a time 22nd annual TD Beach to Beacon 10K race, The top female fi nisher was Joyciline Je- from hip surgery and had not run a 10K since of 36:01. Corey Dowe, 26, of Farmington at and it was a pair of Kenyans coming out on pkosgei, 25, of Kenya, with a time of 31:05. 2017. Olympic favorite Scott Fauble, 27, with 36:34, and Heather Gallant, 38, of Wayne at top. She ran even with fellow Kenyan and defend- a time of 28:58, was the top American men’s 36:58, fi nished second and third, respectively Alex Korio, 28, of Kenya won with a time ing women’s champion Sandrafelis Chebet- fi nisher.
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