
making your journey UK and UK Rail

North America

New Zealand

Stagecoach Group is a leading international

transport specialist with bus and rail

operations in the UK, North America and

New Zealand.

We bring people and new ideas together

to deliver dedicated transport solutions. making your journey making transport public

more than the local bus company 2

individual journeys 4

travel partners 6

innovative thinking 8

behind the people behind the wheel 10

public transport with frills 12

providing for today, planning for tomorrow 14

Business factfiles

UK Bus 16 UK Rail 18 North America 19 New Zealand 20 more than the local bus company

Few companies can match the business success story that is Stagecoach.

In 1980, in Perth, Scotland, co-founders and were operating two . With entrepreneurial flair they built a transport empire that has touched five continents around the globe.

Stagecoach was floated on the London Stock Exchange in 1993 and now has major transport operations in the UK, North America and New Zealand. We have pioneered the development of efficient, easy-to-use, value-for-money services, and as market leaders we are about more than the local bus.

In the UK, runs , the largest rail franchise, out of Waterloo Station, London. We also jointly operate some of the country’s most comprehensive inter-city rail services. A quarter of the passenger rail network in the UK relies on our expertise.

Our bus services in the UK are extensive. We are also a major provider of scheduled, charter, tour and sightseeing services in North America. And we are a familiar sight for millions of people in New Zealand where, alongside our ferry service, we are the biggest operator of scheduled bus services.

2 millions of people around the world rely on Stagecoach

From major financial institutions to individual shareholders, Stagecoach

Group has more than

60,000 investors.

3 individual journeys

People are at the heart of everything Stagecoach does.

For young and old alike, transport is an everyday issue. As towns and cities are becoming more and more clogged with cars, the need for a reliable public transport system is ever increasing.

Making transport public, means more than new buses and trains.

It means providing low-floor access for mums and dads on a bus trip into town with their young children. Dedicated space on trains for customers who need to use a wheelchair. Services specially designed to meet the needs and transport challenges of rural areas. Value-for-money fares for students and older people who need to travel on a budget. Frequent services so you can forget about the car and still get to that important business meeting on time.

Simple timetables, clear information, and clean vehicles are all there on a Stagecoach journey. Our people are attentive when the journey is going to plan, and helpful when the unexpected occurs.

A Stagecoach journey is for every kind of passenger.

4 the need for a reliable public transport system is ever increasing

every day

2.5 million people

trust stagecoach

with their

travel needs.

5 travel partners

working with the key decision makers

Getting transport right is about more than buses and trains running to time, it’s also about relationships. Relationships with our own people, with our customers, and with the many local and national organisations involved in delivering public transport.

We know that customer demand and customer expectations for travel choices are increasing all the time. That’s why we have an on-going dialogue with passenger groups and carry out extensive customer research to monitor the delivery and accessibility of our services.

Within the industry our drivers and engineers work in partnership with operational and commercial managers. As funding gets tighter, performance targets get tougher, and the drive for best value increases, working in partnership becomes ever more important.

Stagecoach Group is committed to integrated transport solutions. In each business our senior executives are working with the key decision makers in local and national government, in transport authorities, and in advisory and lobbying bodies. Stagecoach has a leading voice in industry representative organisations, and through these partnerships we provide the services that best meet the needs of our customers.

6 our south west trains business operates over

600 route miles to

217 stations and has more “secure stations” awards than any other

UK train operator.

7 innovative thinking

Right from the start, Stagecoach has been forward-looking and has recognised the value of trying out new ideas. In a word, the key to our success is “innovation”.

.com, the UK’s first internet bus service, is a classic example. Using the yield management approach of the low cost airlines, provides low cost inter-city travel. By capitalising on internet and e-commerce technology, travel between towns and cities is now being offered to a much broader customer base. The innovation of introducing a web service makes it more affordable and, by specifically targeting students and young people, we are helping to create a new generation of public transport users.

At the opposite end of the scale, where tailored solutions are more important than high volume, other new innovations are in place.

Our ’phone and go’ Yellow Taxibus service combines the benefits of a fixed bus route with the convenience of taxi- style booking.

This sort of thinking goes beyond the introduction of new services. We are equally innovative in our business plans. Our ideas for better railway integration, outlined in the Platform for Change policy paper, have helped drive improvements that flow through to passengers. Similarly, our Kick Start proposal for targeted funding to support the introduction of new bus services, first developed in New Zealand, is now being taken forward by the in the UK and the Scottish Executive. The results will be better value for taxpayers and a re-invigorated UK bus network.

8 the web generation of public transport users booking confirmations can be sent by SMS text message direct to your mobile phone.

9 behind the people behind the wheel

The first class quality of customer service that Stagecoach provides is only possible by having the right people on board. It’s our drivers, our engineers, our customer service and support staff that really ensure our success.

Because we respect and value our people, we take our employer responsibilities much further than the standard expectations of equal opportunities. We are committed to on-going training and development, to provide our people with the skills and knowledge they need to do their jobs well.

Across the Group, we provide internal training programmes and open learning. We have a graduate development initiative designed to produce the managers of the future. In local schools we promote our engineering apprenticeship programme. We have also worked closely with government- funded enterprise agencies to provide work for long-term unemployed who have skills that are being over looked.

By providing continued support, we want to build a workforce that feels proud to be part of Stagecoach.

10 internal training programmes and open learning

a journey by bus produces 10 times less emissions than the same journey by car.

11 stagecoach’s Kick Start

concept has driven

passenger growth

of more than 60%

in three years.

12 public transport with frills

investing more in new buses and trains

For passengers, travel with Stagecoach is getting better all the time. With more comfortable seating, less noise, better air conditioning and temperature control, new buses, coaches, trains and are all of a consistently higher quality than the ones they replace. Stagecoach is investing more in new buses and trains than ever before and is setting the standard for other transport groups.

Tens of millions of pounds are invested every year in new buses for our UK operations, a commitment that rivals any other operator. We are also involved in two of Britain’s biggest ever train orders – a £1 billion fleet of new cutting edge Desiros for the South West Trains network and a massive rolling stock replacement programme with the introduction of high-speed Voyager and tilting Pendolino trains for Virgin.

With web technology it is easier than ever before for passengers to obtain accurate information on public transport services and Stagecoach customers can book certain tickets online through our secure e-commerce websites.

We are also working with other transport providers and local and national government to deliver integrated bus-rail ticketing schemes and other hi-tech solutions.

13 providing for today, planning for tomorrow

There is no doubt that public transport helps cut road congestion and reduce pollution. Stagecoach is committed to playing its part in building a sustainable environment. We set stretching targets each year to reduce emissions, cut water and energy consumption, minimise waste, and identify opportunities for recycling.

Every day we work hard to ensure that our transport operations are as green as possible. Our new buses and trains meet the latest stringent standards, and we continue to investigate new fuels and cleaner technologies.

To ensure compliance with legislation, we provide support and training for our employees. We are also working with other major employers to develop green travel plans that will reduce dependence on private cars to get to work.

In line with our environmental responsibilities, we also take pride in being part of the community.

Our services are often vital in connecting communities, from train services in main cities, to rural bus services linking small towns and villages. We aim to provide convenient and affordable public transport that allows everyone access to work, health, education and leisure opportunities.

Our community support goes beyond money, with hundreds of our people devoting their own time to local projects. We have become part of the communities we serve and regularly share our success with local people. Every year, we help fund the work of local, national and international charities. Education and young people are at the heart of much of the support we provide.

And as for Stagecoach Group’s plans for the future? We will continue doing what we do best, making transport public.

14 15 UK Bus

Stagecoach is one of the biggest bus operators in the UK, Hundreds of thousands of people rely on our services connecting communities in nearly 100 towns and cities. Our every day to access work, education, healthcare, shopping network stretches from Devon in south-west to and leisure opportunities in both rural and urban areas. Inverness in the Highlands of Scotland. We are also contracted Stagecoach is also a major employer, providing significant to run services on behalf of Transport for London (TfL). job opportunities throughout the country. Stagecoach has a 16% market share in London and we receive consistently high rankings in the TfL performance tables. We are working hard to increase the quality, reliability and frequency of bus services to offer car users a realistic transport As well as local bus services, we run inter-city and express alternative and help cut congestion. Our commitment to services in many parts of the country, and contracted innovation and a focus on training and development of our operations for local authorities., the UK’s first people is helping to drive up the standard of local services. low cost internet-based inter-city bus service, serves major Partnership is also key to improving public transport and we locations around the country, while our high-quality work closely with central government, local authorities and Oxford Tube product is Europe’s most frequent city-to-city other key agencies. express service. Websites:, provides key customer We are investing more money than almost any other UK bus information about our services, including timetables, operator in new vehicles as part of our commitment to put ticketing and fares. For low cost inter city bus travel go to passengers first. These new state-of-the-art buses meet the latest tough European emissions standards, while ultra low sulphur diesel is used throughout our fleet. UK BUS Annual passengers 760 million* Vehicles 7,200 Employees 18,000

Share of UK bus market

0.3% 14.5% 14.5%


22.1% 9.1%

3.2% 5.7% 8.3% 15.9%

Transport for London National Express

Arriva Smaller Groups

First Group Management

Stagecoach Municipals *This figure includes an estimate of passenger numbers on our Go-Ahead Independents London services, which are operated on behalf of Transport Source: Bus Industry Monitor 2003 for London.

16 UK Bus network

17 UK Rail

Stagecoach is a major rail operator and has an involvement in running a quarter of the passenger network in the UK. The Group has two wholly-owned UK rail franchises – South West Trains and . We also operate the Supertram system. Our rail business also includes our joint venture, , which operates two UK long-distance rail franchises.

South West Trains runs the largest rail franchise in the UK. Centred on London Waterloo station, it operates 1650 trains a day on a network in south-west England. A fleet of new Desiro air-conditioned trains is being introduced on the network

0001 at a total cost of £1 billion. Island Line, the UK’s smallest rail franchise, operates on the Isle of Wight and has received two Government Charter Marks for excellent customer service.

Stagecoach has a 49% shareholding in Virgin Rail Group, which runs the West Coast Main Line and CrossCountry franchises, linking more than 130 stations. The entire Virgin Rail Group fleet is being replaced at a cost of £2.2 billion with the introduction of new high-speed Voyager and Pendolino trains. Supertram, which has been in operation for a decade, was Britain’s first state-of-the-art tramway. It incorporates three routes in the .

The Group’s rail strategy is focused on high-volume commuter and long-distance services, and the Stagecoach Rail division continues to evaluate opportunities in both the heavy rail and markets.

SOUTH WEST TRAINS Annual passengers 143 million Vehicles 1,400 Employees 5,200 Network size 616 miles

ISLAND LINE Annual passengers 1.1 million Vehicles 12 Employees 40 Network size 8.5 miles

VIRGIN TRAINS Annual passengers 33 million SHEFFIELD SUPERTRAM Vehicles 829 Annual passengers 12 million Employees 4,700 Vehicles 25 trams Network size 2,375 miles Employees 255 (Cross Country 1,682 miles, West Coast 693 miles) Network size 18 miles

18 North America

Stagecoach is a major provider of transport services in North In Canada, we operate in the provinces of Quebec and America. Our businesses are focused mainly on commuter Ontario, providing services in the main centres such as services, although they also include tour and charter, Toronto, Montreal, Peterborough, London, Kingston, and sightseeing and school bus operations. We cover three specific Niagara Falls. The division is mainly a mix of scheduled geographic areas: the North East and North Central regions services and charter operations, with additional income of the United States, and Canada. Stagecoach is a significant from transit, school contracts and sightseeing tours. operator in the highly-fragmented North American transport market, where there are several thousand operators.

Our North East business covers the states of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. It includes significant commuter and local bus services, express links to Newark Airport and other destinations, an Atlantic City casino service, charter business and contract work on behalf of transit authorities and private sector organisations. We also operate New York Sightseeing, which offers the Big Apple’s premier sightseeing tours.

The North Central region operates in seven states in the northern Midwest of the United States, serving major cities such as Chicago, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh and Syracuse. There NORTH AMERICA 109 million miles are significant contract and charter operations, as well as Annual Fleet Coverage Vehicles 2,800 sightseeing buses in Chicago, scheduled services to Chicago Employees 4,400 Airport and a growing school bus business in Milwaukee.

Montreal Peterborough Kingston Toronto Syracuse Niagra Falls London Buffalo Milwaukee New York Windsor Pennsylvania New Jersey Pittsburgh South Bend Philadelphia Chicago

North East North Central Canada

19 New Zealand

Stagecoach was one of the first UK transport groups to develop overseas operations, identifying opportunities created

by international deregulation of the bus and rail industries. 1403

The Group made its first investment in the New Zealand transport market in 1992 and has operations centred around Auckland and Wellington, the two largest metropolitan areas of the country. We also run Fullers Ferries, which operates services on the Waitemata Harbour and Hauraki Gulf off Auckland, allowing integrated land and sea transport opportunities.

Stagecoach is the biggest provider of scheduled bus services in New Zealand and the industry leader in innovation and staff training. In Auckland, our 650 buses cover more than Hauraki 90 routes, allowing people to travel to and from most parts Gulf of the region. Our Wellington operations serve significant Auckland numbers of commuters with more than a quarter of the region’s commuters using public transport.

NEW ZEALAND Annual passengers 60 million Lower Hutt Upper Hutt Buses 1,000 Wellington Eastbourne Ferries 10 Employees 1,900

Note: Statistical information contained in this document is approximate, unaudited and subject to change.

20 Stagecoach


10 Dunkeld Road Perth Scotland PH1 5TW

T: 01738 442111 F: 01738 643648

Brochure design: McKinstrie Wilde, Edinburgh 0131 554 4441 main photography: Nick Wood, London 0207 720 2273 main illustration: Peter Seal, Manchester 0161 224 4064