Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations RETREAT RECORD LEGION OF MARY

Contents Cbpyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1941— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting Named by Pontiff as Youth Who Bolonged ______' on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue______310 at Largest Grand Penitentiary To Mormon Scouts DENVER CATHOLIC Such Event Ever To Becofflo Paulist Held in Diocese Charles Albright Jerks Sodas to Pay Way at REGISTER Regis College Chapel Is So Cvercrowded That Bsgis College, Where He Is Making bonferenoes Are Conducted in The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services, Little Theater Up Deficiency in Latin Photo Features, and Wide World Photos.

(B y B ob Sbnseb) The largest retreat ever held in the Diocese of Denver His father is a Mason. His mother was a member of the VOL. XXXVII. No. 9. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, OCT. 16, 1941. $1 PER YEAR was conducted by the Legion of Mary Sunday, Oct. 12, on Eastern Star. As a boy he attended Congregational and ------— — ------IB------the Regis college campus. Three hundred and ten active and Episcopal churches, went to a Presbyterian boarding school, auxiliary legionaries, including members of the Denver belonged to a Mormori Boy Scout troop, and got his higher Missioners Breathed Sparks of True curia and a delegation from the Longmont praesidium, were learning at a Protestant college. in attendance at the four conferences, which were preached Charles Albright studied these I'eligions and many by the Rev. Ernest Danneger, S.J., of Regis colllege. A member o f the Sacred College others. So did his mother and his brother. A year ago they This was the legion's second retreat and the officers and since December, 1935, H. Em. Car­ finally found a life-line in the . Next fall Life, Qod^s Presence, Into America diocesan director, the Rev. J. Roy dinal Nicola Canali (above) has Charles plans to enter the novi­ Figlino, several weeks ago in­ been appointed by Pope Pius XII as Grand Penitentiary, succeeding tiate of the order of priests at R egis c o lle g e this formed authorities at the North who converted him—^the Paulists. Bishop Vehr Recalls Queen of Homecoming week will be Elaine Hoff Denver school that they expected the late Cardinal Lauri. The Car­ dinal Chief Penitentiary adminis­ o f the Mercy hospital nurses’ school, chosen by the student council an attendance of approximately "You’d make a good Presbyte­ ters final absolution when a Pope from four contestants. Miss H off is pictured below at the extrente 200. This figure was based on the rian minister,” Charlie was told by Prifsis’ Labors in dies and heads - the Sacred Peni­ left. Other contestants are, left to right. Miss Mary Ellen Grace o f attendance at the first day of teachers at Wasatch academy in tentiary, which determines pen­ Mt. Pleasant, Utah, a Presbyterian St. Joseph's hospital nurses' school. Miss Josephine Walsh o f Loretto recollection, which was held in PLEASE SIGN YOUR IREPOPUIIIR ances imposed by the Church on boarding school at which he re­ Colorado Heights college, and Miss Lydarose Arnold o f St. Anthony’s hospital Holy Ghost church Dec. 3, 1939. SUBSCRIPTION CARDS ' both lay and clerical members. A ceived his elementary and high nurses’ school. They will be the queen’s attendants. The homecoming In the preliminary plans, made native o f Rieti, Italy, Cardinal It is imperative that people who school education. But the lad Tribute to tho missionaries of festivities begin with a parade from th^ Regis campiu Friday night, by St. Catherine’s praesidium, all Canali was bom June 7, 1874, and which decorated floats will be featured. Saturday afternoon the wish to cctatinue to receive .this shook his head. the Church as the first and truest the conferences were to be con­ ordained in in ’1900. One o f paper and the Regitter, Local Edi­ At Drury college in Springfield, developers of the Regis Rangers meet Adams Stale Teachers’ college gridders at the ducted in the college chapel but the most fervent admirers o f Pius tion, sign the subscription cards Mo., he was so active in Protestant was paid by Joseph Regis stadium. An elaborate pageant, depicting Regis classes at ten- the unexpectedly large number of X, Cardinal Canali is one o f the that were mailed to them last week. organizations that again some told Schrembs, Bishop of Cleveland, year intervals, in authentic costumes, will feature the activities between reservations that were made Fri­ promoters o f that Pontifra cause These cards may be turned in at him he would be wise to enter the and Bishop Urban J. Vehr of Den­ halves. In the evening a Gay Nineties ball in the Regis gym, sponsored day and Saturday preceding the Ask one of Denver’s more than for beatification. your parish church or they may be ministry. ver in a nation-wide broadcast by alumni, will conclude the celebration. day of recollection caused the 10,000 soldiers to name his fav­ mailed to the RegUter office. N^i In the winter of 1939 Charlie Tuesday evening over the Mutual meeting place to be changed to the orite orchestra in the Mile High stamp is required if the return en­ ran out of money and therefore network. Bishop Vehr’s talk Little Theater auditorium, which city and the chances are ten to Over 1,500 Slogans velopes we sent are used. had to leave Drury. In his home originated in the studios of station has a greater seating capacity. one his reply will be “ Joy Cay- We are hopeful that all o f our town, Roosevelt, Utah, he helped KFEL, Denver. The program was Father Danneger chose as his ler's,” an amateur group of girl And bsays Entered people now receiving the paper will out at his father’s drug store. one of several broadcasts calling theme the apostolate of the legion musicians that gives promise of take care o f this immediately. Many The opportunity soon came to attention to Mission Sunday, Oct. and stressed the tremendous good becoming one of the city’s most In Safety Oontesis new subscribers were added last help out somewhere else. The Paul^ 19, and to the desperate need of that members of the Legion of succeksful organizations. Already, Sunday through the cards signed ists, who had come to the town re­ missioners and their dependence Mary Can do in their work of re­ it is unusual when the Cayler or­ in the churches. cently, had no organ in their little upon contributions from Catholics claiming indifferent and lax Cath­ chestra does not play fbr the so­ More than 1,500 slogans and white frame church, only a piano, in America because of war condi­ olics. The Jesuit priest, using" data cials held regularly at .Lowry essays were entered in the Denver BE GENEROUS and they needed some one to play tions. The annual mission collec- given in an estimate by the Most field. Fort Logan, and Fitzsimons Catholic Register’s safety contests, Mission Sunday will be observed it. Charlie offered to do the ti(w will be taken up in all Colo- Rev. Archbishop Joseph Rummel hospital.’ which closed at midnight Sunday, throughout the Diocese o f Denver job, even though he was un­ raw churches this Sunday. of , pointed out that Mainstays of the rising organiza­ Oct. 12. All' the entries ar^ being and most o f the Unit^ States this familiar with church music. At the Cathblic priests, showed Arch­ every year the faith of four mil­ tion are Margaret and Geraldine carefully s c r u t i n i z e d by the Sunday. church’s summer school he gave bishop Schrembs, accompanied lion Catholics in the United States Salmon, daughters of Mrs. Eliza­ judges, Sergeant Henry Durkop, Tliere was a lime, not so long piano lessons to youthful Cath­ "each hardy navigator, each fear­ degenerates into indifference and beth Salmorf of Wheatridge, all director of the Denver police de­ ago. that the American Church had olics. less e:qplorer, each dauntless pio­ that anotheq four million aposta-. three of whom are almost daily partment’s accident prevention to depend largely on the mission­ The Albrights and the pi-jfsts neer.” But they did something none tize from thk Church in the same communicants at Holy Family bureau; S. L. Sloan, chief investi­ ary efforts o f other nations for its grew to know each other. Soon the’ of these could do. They breathed period. 'This large ffroup offers to church in North Denver. A broth- gator for the bureau, and Walter growth. Large numbers o f priests three Paulists ate dinner and sup­ into our nation the spark of true every legionfijry an inexhaustible , Charles Salmon, is in his first H. Marrow, president of the Citi­ came from foreign lands to do per at the Albright home. From life, God’s presence in our midst. field for the ipostolates of work, year theolo^ studies ,at St. zen’s Safety council. Because work among our people, since this Father John Mitchell, C.S.P., The speaker cited in detail A t Quarterly Meeting Oct. 29 prayer, suffering, and good ex­ Thomas’ seminary, Denver. of the unexpected deluge of comparatively young nation had Charlie got a book by Monsi^or the actual development of Ohio ample, the retr^Mit-master said. Between them, the Salmon entries, it may be impossible to not yet had an opportunity to fos­ Fulton J. Sheen called The Divine through the work of missioners. Benediction oS, the Blessed Sac­ sisters play a total of six instru­ announce the winners in the issue ter vocation's among a native clergy. Romance. He read it and showed • Bishop Vehr’s talk, which dealt Walsenburg Deanery of rament was giveV in the college ments. Margaret, whose specialty of Oct. 23, as plannedr although Today we are sending priests and it to his mother. The book clinched with mission work in Colorado, chapel by Father^Figlino. Many is the bass fiddle, also plays the the judges will make every effort nuns to Other countries to help matters for both of them. In Sep­ follows in full: of the retreatants were forced to sousaphone and violin, and Geral- to complete their selections by spread the Gospel to all the world. tember, 1940, Charlie, his brother, Archbishop Schrembs has given stand through this exercise. (Tum to P aget — Column 1) that date. Many o f them are working under Gene, and Mrs. Albright were bap­ you an account of the mission his­ DCCW Will Be Formed The closing event in the day’s the most appalling conditions o f tized in St. Helen’s church. tory of Ohio. In later years, the program was the recit'ation of the Religion in Education Needed Even before he received instruc­ lur tions in the faith, Charlie felt he colonization westward. Pike’s peak- Blessed Virgin in work of the so­ had a vocation for the priesthood. end its hidden treasures led many Denver Diocesan Council of Cath- any individual' organization affili­ o f Christ and His Church, nevM^ 61ic Women will be held in Wal­ ciety. This pledge was made be­ Schools Have Great Duty theless this should not be neces­ This summer his application for adventuresome souls across the ated with a deanery. In Denver fore the shrine of Mary in the entrance into the Paulist novitiate bleak prairies in the hope of for­ senburg Oct. 29 with the Rev. Ray­ the deanery sponsors commu sary. They are entitled to our mond Newell as host, assisted by Regis grotto. ... help. in New Jersey was rejected be- tune and a new home. The pio­ nity center work. The Greeley cause he > did not have enough neers were, of necessity, a sturdy Mrs. A. J. Distler, chairman, deanery conducts the catechetical Many o f the former great finan­ and Mmes'. M. Juanisic, M; Tru­ In Shaping U. S . Ideals Latin. stock as danger threatened them instruction of the Sfianish-Ameri- Central City to Have cial sources for the missions have jillo, and M. Maestas, and Miss With his family living in Mont­ from every side. It was the lurk­ can people of its local district. The been cut oiT because o f changing Isabel Mazzone, aH of Walsenburg. Mass Twice Monthly rose, where his father ha.s opened ing Indians and the forbidding soil Pueblo deanery operates a benefit economic conditions and war i A highlight of the conference “ The teachers of history and of of these difficult times and to another drug store, Charlie is now that made life hazardous and shop and assists with social wel­ the international scene. .Actually will be the presentation and dis­ the social studies in our high equip the youth of today td face attending Regis in the mornings threatening, but the glowing ac­ fare in the orthopedic ward at St. M a » will be offered by tbe it seems as though we American cussion of the youth program as the difficulties of tomorrow in an in order to catch up on his Latin. count of gold gripped the imagina­ Mary’s hospital, Ptleblo. Rev. Forreit H. Allen at Cen­ schools and colleges have .a sacred Catholics must shoulder practically sponsored by the national council. intelligent manner. Besides going to school, he has a tion and small communities grew tral City on the firtt ookI third mission in the scheme of American all o f the mission burden o f the Speakers on this program will be Meeting Held in Denver “ Our Catholic schools are des­ 42-hour-week job in the business apace in the Rocky Mountain area. Sundays of every month at 8 Church for the present, at least. the Rev. Barry Wogan and Mirs. As a preliminary to the quar­ democracy,” declared the Rev. Wil­ tined to contribute in a large part he learned in Roosevelt. He is jerk­ In 1860, Archbishop Lamy of o’clock. Hitherto Man has been It is a challenge to our loyalty C. J. McNeill, , chairman of the terly conference Diocesan council liam Kelly, superintendent of St. to the shaping of the spiritual and Santa Fe, N. Mex., sent his most said there only in the summer and to our generosity. We should ing sodas at a downtown drug youth division ifor the Denver dioc­ mepibers met in Denver in the past social ideals of the future America. meet it in a spirit o f Christian (Tnmto^Page!— Column 2) months. On those Sundays Mary’s high school, Colorado store esan council. week to formulate plans for the . . The teacher of the social charily this Sunday.— Hubert A. there will be only one Mass, at Springs, speaking Thursday after­ conference. Those present were Smith. The Very Rev. John 10 o’clock, in Idaho Springs, studies, if imbued with Catholic Fr. Kolka New President R. Mulroy and Mrs. J. B. Farley, Monsignor Mulroy, Fathers Elmer where Father Allen is sta­ noon at the social science sectional ideals and principles and if satur­ president of the Pueblo deanery, J. Kolka and Hubert Newell, and meeting of the diocesan teachers’ ated with the Catholic back^ound SEVEN DEVICES tioned. There will be Masses will speak on the USO and the of his subject, will find daily op­ OF PROPAGANDA Alumni to Build Handball Mmes. M. J. O’Fallon, T. G. (>arri- there

PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Oct. 16, 1941 Girl Musicians MISSIONERS BREATHED SPARKS Alymni fn Rnj||| CAMERA HOBBY RESULTS D O Y O U MERIT OF TRUE LIFE INTO A M E R lC A u "? « IN ARMY AIR CORPS POST HER T R U S T ?

Prove Popular (Continued From Page One) West. The state of Colorado was Handball loiirts (Continued'From P&ge One) his parents died and he was Tbee Speakers Joe. They knew his camera was adopted by the McCarthy family. trusted priest and Vicar General admitted into the Union in 1876, and the Diocese of Denver was likely to be concealed anywhere He attended, high school in Boston to the developing Church in Colo­ formally elevated from the rank and they handled him with gloves. and was in the photo department of the air corps of the national rado. This missionary, Father Jos­ of a Vicariate Apostolic to a dio­ Now Instructor at Lowry On October U At St. Thomas’ guard. In 1986 his foster-father With Anny Men cese Aug. 16,1887. Bishop Mache- eph P. Machebeuf, eight years That was the beginning of the, later was designated as Vicar >euf died two years later and the died; two years l^ter, Mra. McCar­ Lowry field sergeant’s photogra­ Apostolic of the vast territory of memory of his saintly life and (Continued From Page One) thy passed away. Joe tnen moved (ConMnutct~Fr^Pag$ On«) phic career—-a career which now The Catholic Parent-Teacher the states of Colorado and Utah. tireless labor is the inspiration,of to Connecticut to live with his sis­ league will hold its regular meet­ dine, a t&xophone artiit by choice, fessor at the seminary, and the finds him an instructor in' the ter. All this time he was busy It was a mission land in the strict­ tho Church in Colorado. He was purse taken up in the spring and ing Thursday, Oct. 23, at 10 a.m. doubles on clarinet and violin. est sense at the time and the lo^g truly a giant amongst the men of photo departmentrof the air corps. with his camera. at the Ozanam hall, 222 E. 17th presented to the Rev. John R. At present he has a class of 50 Margaret, is also a vocalist, A missionary trips of month upon his day and a Churchman of real It was nice to wander through avenue. Vidal, C.M., director of students, students. He teaches them all the number of their duets ere fea­ month that Bishop Machebeuf character and devotion. New England taking pictures, but on the occasion of the silver jubilee elements of fj^ound photography The Very Rev. Harold V. Camp­ made to his scattered flocks are one Joe was looking for a job. His tured by the orchestra. Both have I mention Bishop Machebeuf of his ordination to the priest­ as a preparation for taking pic­ bell, pastor of the Church of the of the epics of the Church of the brother had a wholesale drug store been studying music for the past and his pioneering spirit because hood. tures in the air. This course in­ Blessed Sacrament, will speak on the Church in mission territory is The Very Rev. Harold V. Camp­ in Detroit Joe came to the Auto­ the Community Chest and the ten years, and both were members cludes a study of basic mathemat­ mobile City and rigged up a photo always indebted to priests, reli­ bell, pastor of Blessed Sacrament ics, copying any kind of picture, USO. last year of the all-parochial or gious, sistei's, and lay people who, churcb, Denver; the Rev. Edward finishing room in the basement of Paul J. Ketrick, Ph.D., president 'Many parents who filter work, and photographing his brotner’s place of business. He chestra directed by Edward Libo' Deanery Luncheon out of a spirit of faith and self- Prinster, pastor of ' Holy Name any kind of an object— animate or of Loretto Heights college, has would n^t knowingly did some photographic work there nati. sacrifice, are willing to give them­ church. Steamboat Springs, and inanimate. Students are also chosen “ Education and National do anything that could selves and their lives for the de­ the Rev. Richard D uffy,^sistant but things were still too, slow. He Defense” as his topic. Mrs. Salmon is chiefly responsi­ taught the finishing procedure on possibly harm their velopment of the Church. None at St Mary’s church in” olorado was not getting ahead as fast as The Rev. Hubert Newell, MA., ble for the family interest in any type of a photo. This includes he wanted to. children unthinkingly of tne early priests was a native Springs, served on the nominating developing any kind of the hun­ diocesan superintendent of schools, music. She herself is a violinist of Scheduled Oct. 20 of the soil; they all came to committee that presented the new He went back to Connecticut tO' will talk on the virtue of the pat- do so. When ;you buy Christianize it To the miseionary dreds of emulsions, a thorough no mean ability, and, although she slate of officers. course in contact printing and en­ have one more look at the East. ronal devotion for the month of children’s shoes, be spirit of Europe in its priests and The Mass in the semina^ chapel larging, and a detailed study of There was nothing there for him. October. has long since given up public ap­ The Denver deanery's annual people we are indebted for the was celebrated by the R t Rev. sure that you’re not dry mounting and finishing. Sgt. His eyes turned westward, and The spiritual side of the league’s pearances, she has managed to luncheon meeting will be held at ear^ beginnings of the Church. Matthew Smith, Denver. Assistant endangering a child's Rindeikis begins his day at 3 a.m. Horace Greeley had found one program this month highlights the the Catholic Daughters’ .clubhouse, They assisted us when a helping priest to the Bishojf was the Rev. Queen of. the Holy Rosary, and future foot health. communicate her enthusiasm for He is busy with his students until more disciple. 1772 Grant street, Monday, Oct. hand was needed, for which the William Kelly of Colorado Springs. ‘^Religious Practices in the Chris­ the instrument to both'Maughters. 1 p.m. - He came as far west as Illinois. Buy shoes of proper 20, at 12:30 .o’clock. The presi­ Church will everrbe grateful. The Rev. Edward J. Fraezkowski, tian Home” is the virtue to be Margaret is not in school this It was then that he decided to en­ scientific construction, dent of the deanery, Mrs. L. A. In the growth of our own dio­ assistant at Holy Family church, The 23-year-old sergeant was practiced by the members. year but plans to enter Loretto Higgins, especially requests that bom in Boston. At the age of three list in the air corps. This he did at and be sure that cese the Society for the Propaga­ Denver, and the Rev. Matthias Chanute field and he. was impiedi- Mrs, T. A. Cosgriff will speak Heights college next September presidents of all affiliated organi­ tion of the Faith has played an Blenkush, assistant at St. Francis on the Red Cross. • they’re fitted by an ex­ zations attend. All others are wel­ ately assigned to the photo unit. with Geraldine, who is in her last important part This international de Sales’ parish, Denver, served In the past month the league has pert. We know the come. Reservations can be made He was sent to iLowry field in dvganization was for Us a real as deacons of honor to the Bishop 1939. sponsored schools of instruction science of fitting chil­ year at Holy Family high. It was by calling Mrs. J. Murtaugh, EA friend in the hour of need. The The Rev. Albert Dundas, C.M., was in Denver, Pueblo, and. Fort Col­ because of Geraldine’s schooling 6676, or Mrs. W. C. Kirnmms, 8P. Shortly after he came to Lowry dren’s feet, and our Church of Colorado acknowledges deacon of the Mass and the Rev. he was introduced te Margaret lins. The new officers and com­ that the orchestra this fall turned 9141. its debt of gratitude to those who, George Boenninghausen, Mora, N. mittee chairmen In these affiliated prices on quality shoes down a permanent engagement in This will be the most.important Mary O’Brien one Sanhrday night. by personal effort and financial Mex., was subdeacon. The Rev. The next Sunday while attending groups received detailed informa­ for children are al­ Salt Lake City. Margaret was meeting of the year and will ex­ means, first planted the mustard James Weber of the Diocese of tion of duties incumbent upon their graduated from Holy Family high press tne real purpose of a dean- St. James’-church he happened to ways moderate. seed of faith and encouraged its Tucson was master of ceremonies, sit next to her in the pew. office. echool with the class of 1941. eryJ It will represent a “ clearing growth and developi^t. Cath­ along with the Rev. Bernard Cul­ Music as a lifetime career holds house” for all affiliated organiza­ From that time on he called at olic people realize this debt of len, Denver. The preacher at the her home more frequently. He St. Kevin’s Parish Is no great appeal for either of the tions, with a co-ordination of pur­ rratitude and appreciate their ob- Maas was the Rev. Joseph F. Hig' Salmons. The fact of the matter pose as the need arises. Present- kept calling, with increasing reg­ Erected in Minneapolis igation to assist in spreading the gins, Pueblo. Minor offices were ularity, until last June 30. Since is, they admit, a career of any day emergencies call for such unity. faith in less favored sections of taken by seminarians. LORBER'S kind has not received undue at­ Mrs. T. G. Garrison, president of that time the calling has not been ' BfTTea. bor l ess the world. Special Muiic Written exactly necessary, for on that day Minneapolis.—Archbishop John tention in their thoughts. For the DCCW, will announce the pro This is the object of the Propa­ Catholic librarians from five Murray has announced the erec­ the present they find music profit­ gram of the quarterly conference Music at the Mass was furnished the young couple were married be­ tion of a new pttrish here dedicated 724 15th St. gation of the Faith, to be Cath­ by the seminary choir, under the Middle Western states, including fore the Rev. William V. Powers, able for both employment and rlc- of the council to be held in Walsen- olic in outlook and universal in its Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, to St. Kevin. The Rev. James R; reation. Three nights a week are burg Wednesday, Oct. 29. direction of the Rev. Thomas Bar­ pastor of St. James’. Coleman has been appointed pas­ Specialists on Children's Shoes field of assistance. and Colorado, met at Loretto Mrs. Rindeikis is from Montana, given to practice sessions with the The largest group of workers rett, C.M. The Mass sung was tor. Probably there has been sonje the “ Christus Rex” of Austin John­ Heights college, Denver, for the and she attended school in Mis­ Cayler orchestra, which appeared ever enrolled for service from the misunderstanding on the part of son, a student at the seminary for sixth annual session of the Mid­ soula. She also is widely experi­ last spring at several of the enter­ deanery in the Community Chest our Cathplic on this subject the Archdiocese of Portland. Mr. west unit of the Catholic Library enced in photography and has tainments arranged by Denver drive has enlisted this year. Act­ of missions. It is only within re­ Johnson played the organ accom- association Oct. 11 and 12. There ained no little recognition from parishes for Catholic service men ing as. majors, assistants, captains, cent years that the United States lanlments. A motet, “Laetaminl," were more than 100 delegates er tinting ability. She has in­ block-workers, and speakers are the was officially transferred, by the e x n t A f Travel, they say, is one of the }y the same composer, was sung present. structed many pupils in this work. follovring: Mmes. T. G. Garrison, Holy See from a missionary basis. most appealing features of their at the Offertory, ana a proces­ Miss Ann Samuels, general work, and in tho past summer they J. T. Tierney, John Murtaugh, L Our European bfethren In the faith FREE sional, “ Ecce Sacerdos,” written chairman, had planned a new and appeared in towns throughout the U. Wagner, L. J. Holmes, W, C for centuries have considered it a especially for ^ e occasion, was interesting type of procedure un­ Walsenburg DeaneryHf Klmmlns, J. J. Dean, A. J. Bonino, sacred privilege and obligation to state of Colorado. Geraldine, sung prior to the Mass. der the form of a “ Library Clinic.” who is secretary-treasurer of the L. A, Higgins, Frank Kohler, Ed­ bring the knowledge of Christ to Librarians were asked to bring DOOW Will Da Formed 2-DOOR Holy Family Pep club, is not dis­ ward Hegge, James McDonald, T. those who do not know Him. Some The highlight of the day’s cele­ bration was reached with the ban­ with them library problems pecul­ pleased at the arrangement, for, M. Smith, B. E. Shey, W. Sebrodt, 14 years ago Mission Sunday was iar to their own libraries that quet served to the visiting alumni (Continued From Page One) according to reports from faculty A. Cavana, Felix Pogliano, T. Aull, inaugurated with universal observ­ they might have them discussed members at the North Side school, W. Rockford, W. J. Pfarr, Charles ance to impress upon us that we at noon in tho seminary refectory. John Murtaugh, and L. A. Higgins The Rev. Louis Grohman, pastor of by specialists in the library field. PLYMOUTH both she and her sister are serious- Rausch, Sam Homer, Prank Muto, have a sacred privilege and duty to and Miss Clara Courtney. Librarians from the University minded students. Both were in R. West, T. Boenner, Howard Giv­ assist the missions throughout the St. Rose of Lima’s parish, Val The executive board announced of Denver school of librarianship, the upper brackets of their class ens, R. W. Johnson, J. G. Morrissey, world. Certainly home needs are verde, acted as toastmaster. Brief the appointment of Miss Nellie M. througlyiut high school and A. Verlinden. always urgent; they are the re­ addresses were delivered by the the University of Colorado, and Lennon as co-chairman of the USO quirements which we see and un­ newly elected president. Father the Denver Public library, the program with Mrs. John B. Farley derstand. But a Catholic outlook Kolka; the rector of the seminary, Denver General hospital, and the of Pueblo, and of Mrs. James W. will urge us likewise to remember the Very Rev. Thomas D. Coyne, Colorado General hospital sent Creamer as publicity chairman for TURKEY DINNER the distant lands where faith must C.M., and Bishop Vehr. In honor representatives so that the Cath­ the council, succeeding Mrs. Rose be nurtured and cultivated. of the occasion a free day was olic librarians might profit by tjie M. Hagus, who resigned. The Holy See has ordained that granted to the seminarians by^Fa- services offered by the larger in­ Immigration Committoo Formod THURSDAY, OCT. 23 40 per cent of all gifts received on ther Coyne. The next meeting of stitutions. An immigration committee was Mission Sunday must be placed at the association will be held in Oc­ Those working with library pub­ formed by the board members for the disposal of needy home miS' tober, 1942. licity were delighted with the book the purpose of assisting aliens re­ sions; nine per cent must be dele displays sponsored by the Denver siding in this country who desire a I gated for the furtherance of the Public library. The trip to the to become citizens. An office in - apostolate in lands made precious Jesuit Regis college library was the Little Flower social center at S3 S0 .IN'PRIZES by the*physical presence of our Ed Qualkenbush, a real treat. 2809 Larimer has been estabrished Divine Savior and the surrounding' At the closing general assembly, for this need and will be open countries in the Near Bast, and 5 Head of de Paul Miss Patricia Gallagher of Loretto every Wednesday morning from per cent is to be distrlbutei Heights college entertained the 10 until 12. Mrs. M. J. Payne is amongst missions in all parts of group with a delightful violin solo chairman and Mmes. John Bern- Wheret “ the world. This is a universal and Men’s Club, Dies The students of St. Francis de mer, Frank Palm, and Loretta comprehensive program destined to Sales’ high school, Denver, under Paul are assistants. care for the missionary needs of the direction of Sister Anna HOLY FAMILY (Continued From Page One) Loretto, presented a symposium, Jim McConaly, Jr. Janies P. McConaty, Hr. the-Chursh throughout the world. Saint Who Objected to The war, now laying its devas as a convtrt-maker har been entitled “ Creating Interest in 41 Tsars Expsrlsnes taring hand on so many of the by few priests; neither Catholic Authors.” Unjust War Radio Topic countries of Europe, places upon has his achievement in recapturing The Rev. E. T. Sandoval, S.J fallen-away Catholic men been The beauty o f Boulevard Funeral America the additional burden of ibrarian at Regis college, followed New York.-—St. Casimir, patron often paralleled. Deaerate men this symposium by a talk On the of Poland and Lithuania, who re­ BAZAAR assisting those missionaries and aersices, their completeneits and the missions that formerly had bene by. the scores found in Ed a friend college approach to Catholic fused to fight an unjust war at and counselor, and even the weak understanding sympathy with which factors in Europe. 'This becomes authors. the command of his father. King ' OCT. 23, 24, 26Hi probably one of the most trying and despairing were given a lift A trip and picnic lunch to Red Casimir III of Poland, will be the they are rendered is a constant source periods in mission history within and new hopo by the smiling, Rocks park and Lookout mountain subject of the Ave Maria Hour of gratification to those who call upon our memory. kindly director oi the St. Vin­ enabled the guests to see two of broadcast Oct. 19 over station ADMISSION FREE The Church exists for the salva­ cent de Paul club. It made no dif tho great points of Interest In the WMCA under the sponsorship of us during their hour of sorrow. tion of human souls. Hundreds of ference to Ed whether the man was Denver Mountain parks, the new the Fathers of the Society of the Parish Grounds, 44th and Utica millions throughout the world do a murderer or just the ordinary open air amphitheater and Buf­ Atonement. St. Casimir died in alley* variety of tramp, whether he not yet believe the saving truths falo Bill’s grave. 1482 at the age of 23. of Christianity nor have they even was Black or White, whether he heard of the live-giving name of was Catholic or non-Catholic—if Jesus Christ. Only America is free he needed material or spiritual today to take active part in this help it was humanely administered. ^Federal at No. Speet wonderful work and I feel confi­ Through the club’s chaplain and dent that American Catholics wil referrals to the Holy Ghost rec­ GRand 1626 prove true to the privilege that tory, no man seeking Odd was ever is theirs on Mission Sunday, Oct long neglected at the be lte r house. 19. Ed Qualkenbush was born in French Lick, Ind., more' than 50 years ago. Following his depart­ ure from the farm he learned tJie baker’s trade, and came to Denver Here you are everybody!! about 30 years ago, working In various local hotels and bake shops. Back in 1927 the Catholic Chari ties issued a call for volunteers to aid in feeding the poor, and Mr. Qualkenbush was among the first to respnd. Two years later he was placed in full-time charge of SURE, A MILLER the shelter house of the de Paul so- ciete at W. 13th and Cherokee, and still later assumed the manager ship of the club opened on Lari­ mer street. Mr. Qualkenbush is survived by his wife, Marie, and two daugh­ SUPER OPENING! ters, Mary and Ellen. The funeral will be held from Holy Ghbst church Saturday morning, prO' ceded by the recitation of the Ro 41st & B R IG H TO N B L V D .-ov er the Broadway Viaduct— auy by the St. Vincent de Paul ociety at the Day mortuary Fri­ Across Prom the Famous Grant Smelter StackI day evening. TJniversity Day’ to Be Held on Feast of Saint Guatemala.— At the recent cele­ bration of the fourrii anniversary JUBILEE OPENING CELEBRATION of the Pharmaceutidal society, the dean of the corresponding faculty H FRIDAY AND SATDRDAY AT ALL MILLER ST0RE8I of the National university proposed the observance of “ University Day” on the Feast of St. Charles WELCOME ALL^DENVER! Welcome everyone tvho lives in or near our Borromeo, -patron of the fdrmer Royal and Pontifical University city! We.know that more than curiosity will make you want to drive out of Santiago de los Caballeros of to Forty-first and Brighton Boulevard this week-end—for you will take Guatemala. The luggestion was enthusiastically received and the genuine civic pride In seeing the newest and greatest contribution to day will be celebrated for the first Denver’s growth. On an area covering more than three acres, you' will time on Nov. 4. Mill OfdRft fn$»\{ knmUU In U. 8. k. n s see huge, streamlined buildings housing the greatest center of food dlstri- Prominent Cubans Honor .bution this city has ever known. Late Priest - Teacher CottreU’e, Ml Sixteenth'. Denver, Colo, Havana.— Prominent Cubans In i- all walks of life assembled here to _____ • Plesee tend «e...8hlfte at 1.17. 3 for 3.40 ■ ; 41st & Brighton Blvd. honor the memory of the Rev, Ramon Vidal, who, in his 66 years 11^ IKl^ I I ^ ...... Sleevalength• Color...... Super Market in the Scolopian schools of Quena- Store Hours: bacoa, taught thousands of Cu­ bans. Three years ago a statue oi' WEEKDAYS Father Vidal was unveiled in the IP V I K n iili »j—" : m illE R 'S patio of tho Scolopian college { ADDRESS eeea*aa*ee*e^h *••*••*•••*••••• ■ He was decorated with the Cross SATURDAYS ^Jgjj*** of the Order of Carlos Manuel de t h e Man’s S t o r e - 62i s i x t e e n t h : .... . L- Cespedes, the highest decoration 5UPEB mBBKETa bestowed by the Cuban govern­ * -ft? iorfl fo include-2 % sale$ tBM J ment. HOLY NAME MEN OF LOYOLA PTA Convenes in Preferred Parish Election Is Held SING AT COMMUNION MASS . Trading List CONSULT hxat!ty..jrtgardUss o f age. At St. Catherine’s (Sacred Heart-Loyola Pariah) and received Holy Communion in Englewood HaD The Holy Name society at a body with them. An interesting Call, write or telephone (St, Catherine’s Parish) Loyola began a new practice Sun­ prograifi for the ensuing year has MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER At an election of officers held at day; O ct 12, the regular Holy been planned by the men— a pro- - (St. Lenia’ Pariah, Englewood) SDCTEENTH AT BOULDER the Young Ladies’ sodality meet­ Name Communion day. From their grram that will appeal especially to ^10 BiMTchuitA r#prnt6 When buying from the Kittleson enlisted in the coast olic Charities in Houston, Tex., The Esher Drug Go. of both Sacred Heart and Loyola CLEANERS & DYERS firms advertising in this gu^rd March 13.______which opens on Oct. 19. The Seton school of nursjng in Red & White Grocery schools at a later date in honor of Free Call and Delivery THE STORE OF FRIENDLY SERVICE the feast day. Colorado Springs was one of two paper, please mention that 2958 Jo»ephine St EAst 4349 28th Avt. and Jouphin. Young Ladies’ Sodality Ha* Party Colorado nursing schools granted 3160 Tejon St. you saw their advertise­ federal funds to aid in a national Tour BailneM Is ApprccUUd Htrt ^CHEERY 0122 ' 1-WEEK MISSION IN GOLDEN A party was held by the Young CLendqle 0228 Ladies’ sodality on Wednesday campaign to enroll ten per cent H. H. MAPLES. Prop. ment. more student nurses this fall as a MAIN 0 1 0 4 MAIN OlOS evening, Oct. 15, at the home of When buying from the ENDS AT SOLEMN SERVICES the 'prefect. Miss Rose Liuzzi. safe^ard against a feared short­ .11 Yeart o f Satitfaction About 25 young women enjoyed age in trained nurses. The cam­ firms advertising in this paign is promoted nationally by St. Philomena's Golden.— The solemn closing of John Mangan, Fred H. Gorton, the affair, and Father Morgan and Anderson - Harrington Father William Ferrell, were the U. S. Public Health service. paper, please mention that the one-week mission was held Peter J. Bettinger, Edward J. The other school given funds was Sunday evening, Oct. 12. The Mfller, and Patrick J. Connolly. guests of honor. Hostesses for the you saw their advertise­ Goal Co. evening were Anna Marie Wade, the Colorado training school of ; MARTY DRUG CO. EM. Hit \ Rev. Raphael M. Burke, O.P., who The laying of the new linoleum nursing, attached to the Denver ment. COAL—WOOD conducted the mission, imparted Kathleen Wade, Elsie Bissell, Mar­ ^ EAST DENVER’S L1QUOBLES8 DRUG STORE i in the church was completed this guerite Bissell, Rosemary Mantych, General hospital. 35TH AND WALNUT the Papal blessing and officiated week. Among the "men of the > 3301 E. COLFAX AT ADAMS ST. FAST FREE DELIVERY i at Benediction of the Blessed Sac­ Mary Liuzzi, and Rose Liuzzi. This parish who assisted with the work is the first activity of the group SEE rament. Large crowds were in at­ were Ernest Waters, F. H. Cor Catholics Fill Posts When buying from the §t. Vineent de Paul's tendance at the mission services this fall, and many more events ton, George Smith, William Wag­ are planned for the winter months. BCD firms advertising in this throughout the week, and the enbach, Edward J. Miller, H. E. tn Social Agencies number of Confessions and Com­ The perpetual novena services paper, please mention that PATRONIZE Short, John Pretti, Patrick Cod are held as usual every Friday ALADDIX The Chrysler. munions was very edifying. nolly, Louis Bolitho, Ray Smith, After the 8 o’clock Mass Sun­ evening. This Friday evening, the Several Catholics were e le c ^ TAVERN you saw their advertise­ Park Lane Pharmacy and Bill Smith. The linoleum'was Feast of St. Margaret Mary, is to posts on the Denver Council of day morning, Oct. 12, Father purchased by the Altar and Rosary ment. Grocery Company 1939 E. Kentucky Ave. Burke formally admitted the foL an appropriate time to begin a Social Agencies at that organiza­ T o22 E. Colfax Phone SPruce M 16 society, and the men donated their novena in honor of the Sacred tion’s meeting Oct. 13. The Very —CitAblUhed 1900^ lowing ten men into the Holy services in order to save the. ex­ SprcialiiiiiE in Pmeriptiona Name society: M. L. Delaney, Wil­ Heart. Devotions take place at Rev. Monsignor John R. -Mulroy CORN FED MEATS FrMh Druxs — Fountain Servica pense of having it laid. liam Kimminau, D. C. Vacher, 7:45 o’clock in both churches. was named on the executive board. FREE DELIVERY The Newman club of the Colo­ 1093 So. Gaylord Call PE. 4601 William Wagenbach, J. W. Klein, Parents having children in pub­ Miss Nellie Lennon and E. C. Day, rado School of Mines met at Gug­ lic schools are again reminded of Jr., were chosen re{^resentatives of SOUTH GAYLORD genheim hall Wednesday, Oct. 15 the special series of instructions the council on the board of direc­ Wesley Pharmacy Globeville Festival Charles Campbell was elected sec­ given for these children at both tors of the Commijnity Chest CLEANERS retary to fill a vacancy in that of­ Sacred Heart and Loyola churches. Those named council members at W ulej At*, at Soath Doimiof 1025 SO. GAYLORD To Be Held Four Days fice. John V. Gargan was again At the former the class is held large were the Very Rev. Harold chosen president. every Thursday at 3:45 o’clock;at Phone SP. 9771 V. Campbell, the Rev. Hubert Direct Plant Service the latter the class is held on (Holy Rosary Parish) A card party to be sponsored by Newell, Mrs. P. J. Sullivan, and The Store of Profeuiorud Finest Quality Dry Cleaning the Altar and Rosary society will Tuesdays at 3:45. John J. Sullivan. Service At Reasonable Prices Preparations are being made be held at the Golden hotel Mon­ PEarl 1350 MarjoHa Arnold for the annual fall festival to be day evening, Oct. 27. Everyone held Nov. 2, 6, 8, and 9 in the is cordially invited to attend. H olj fiihost Lorola. £. 18tli A t*, aad Raco 8L Yeor Patronasa la Appreciated at school hall, 4664 Pearl street. Friendly, neighborhood Pow- Many booths and attractions will 40 Hours’ Begin* Oct. 24 8t.Cath«rtn*'..38thAT*.aF*d. Bird. erine stations are conven­ St. Elisaboth'*—W. Colfax * 8th Rt. WESLEY MARKET be arranged. The Forty Hours’ devotion will iently located in every Den­ SOUTH GAYLORD GOOD CLOTHES NEED CathodraL E.' 16th A Waabiatton 1215 East Weeley at Downinc The meeting o f the Young be held in St. Joseph’s church, be- ver parish. They offer you St. Dominic'*. W, 33nd At*. A Speor HARDWARE CO. Ladies’ sodality Monday eveping, NOT BE EXPENSIVE Cathedral, East Colfax and Raca Fre* DcliTary PEarl 4300 ^nning Friday, Oct. 24, and clos­ most in motoring satisfac­ St, Franeia d. Sain’. Cedar and 8. COMPLETE LINE OF HARDWARE Oct. 13, was well attended. The ing Sunday evening, Oct. 26. tion. SUPPLIES Com Fed Meats When bujdng from the Broadway. president. Elsie Karinga, urged St. Ann’s circle members en­ St. John’*, Speer Bird, tad Clarkson loot SeoUi Gaylerd SP. 2MI Staple Groceries ST. PHILOMENA the several new members present;, joyed a 1 o’clock luncheon Holy Ghoet. 14th SI. and Tramont Fresh Fish Daily THE firms advertising in this 8th A t*, a Colorado Bird. BI. Sacrament. E. 23rd A Keamey St. as well as older ones, to attend the Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 8. Mrs. Parish Sodality union reception at Fred H. Gorton was their hostess. Washlnittoii Park St. Philomena's church on Oct. 26 The next regular meeting will be ENGLISH paper, please mention that Washin^on Park at 4 p.m. The spiritual director DEPENDABLE POWERINE PETROLEUM-PRODUCTS Cleaners held Wednesday, Oct. 22, at the Service Station spoke about Mary, Queen of the home of Mrs. P. G. Hokanson. TAILORS you saw their advertise­ BEARCAT-ETHYL...POW£RINE'72'6AS...POWERLU8£MOTOROIL N. W. CHRISTENSEN Most Holy Rosary. Refreshments Miss Anna Gargan, younger Ga*— Oil*— EUttery Service were served after the meeting. 901 FIFTEENTH STREET Unexcelled Quality and Service daughter of Mrs. Julia Gargan, ment Auto Repairing The sodality will receive Holy recently accepted a position as x- Combine Quality and Style 1187 S. Gaybrd BP. 7818 1001 So. Gaylord SP. 9931 Communion this Sunday at the ray technician at the Lutheran at Prices You Can Afford St. Louis* 8 o’clock Mass. sanatorium, W. 38th avenue, Wheatridge. Miss Gargan had Allison’s Food Store A Motorist 8 P)rayer been doing x-ray work at Gloekner ENGLEW OOD The firms listed here de­ hospital, Colorado Springs, since ENGLEWOOD ST. A.NTHONY, St. Catherine's SH O E S H O P and Creamery serve to be remembered HND ’TOE WAY ^er graduation from St. Anthony’s hospital several months ago. Tire and Battery Service Repairing That lasaMS Baalth, Ev eu et r ST. CHRISTOPHER, Comfort Fresh Dairy Products when you are distributing Mrs. Fred Clark, Sr., left Tues­ 8. M. BWIGART, Pfop. Opea Evarr Day From 7 A. H. to 10 P. H. PROTECT US your patronage in the dif­ day for Sullivan, Mo., having been FRED MAIER’S EXIDE BATTERIES E. HAMLYN & SONS 1927 E. Kenitteky Bay Mch aernlnf whea yoa c*t fa GARRETT'S WINES COORS ON TAP — MIXED DROIKB called there by the critical illness PRICES REASONABLC. Phone PE. 8940 ferent lines of business. year ear. 1801 So. Broadway Plmae Rag. 1008 of her mother: 2915 W. 44th 44th Near Federal Iddt 0. BmUwar Pham Air& m ;.„.l ,••,♦«. T':»,

Thursday, Oct. 16, 1941, PAGE FOUR XDffice, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER (jATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone * 4205 The Denver Catholic Register FANTASTIC STORY OF GREATEST CRIME IN P ru d en t.:...... Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, D.D l!di,tor.„...... Rt. Rev. M s^. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D COLORADO’S HISTORY RECALLED BY SMITH Everybody's Invited Managrintr Editor...... ’...... Hubert A. Smith, Jour.D. eilill DITY III Associate Editors— M. F. Everett, Jour.D.; Charles J. McNeill, A.B.. (Continued From Page One) crossing Cochetopa creek, had Carrying his bedroll into the house, Jour.D.; Rev. Walter CanaVap, J.C.L.,*Litt.D.: Rev. John Cavanagh. 600-mile journey, with a string of thrown some object into the rush­ he heard a voice that froze him to the M.A., Litt.D.; Rev. Edward A. Breen, M.A., LittM .; Leonard Tangney, pack muigs. Ute Indians whom, ing waters and, when questioned, into immobility. For a long min­ they met on their arrival in Colo-, had replied, “ It’s some trash for ute he stood, and then, realizing A.B., Jour.D. that the voice came from another S rado warned that the snows had which I have no use.” At the time fallen so deep in the higher moun­ nothing was'thoi^ht of it. room, proceeded to where he Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. Adams sent his chief clerk, as was to rest and unrolled his QUEEN OF HEAVEN ORPHAN'S tains the trails were impassable. (Continued From Page One) his representative, with the hunt­ bed. Silently, thoughtfully, he Elk, deer, sage hens, and ante­ gion in the social studies pro­ ing party. The sun was still high remained until the call to sup­ lopes were plentiful; the streams gram.” \ Published Weekly by were fiHed with trout The frost- in the west when Packer halted per. “ Frenchy” . nerved himself A id SOCIETY Plea for 2 Americai THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY (Inc.) painted aspens made shining pat­ with the statement, “ I’m lost! I to. respond, trusting in the dim terns* of gold against the blue- might get my bearings-in the morn­ light from the kerosene lamp half Immediately following Father 938 Bannock Street green background of spruce and ing, but I’m all turned around now.” way down th^ long table to keep his Kelly’s discussion was a report by pine. Bluejays raucously insulted The packs were taken from the identity hidden. A glance was Maria Amanda Lopez Knecht, head Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 scolding squirrels interrupted in animals and camp was made. A.fter sijlficient to establish as Packer of the department of Spanish at caching winter stores. Packer supper the chief • clerk quietly the tall mountaineer with the jet East high, Denv^, which was Card Party and Games laughed at the advice of the Utes spread the word that he would black hair falling below the coat entitled “ A Plea for Better Under­ Subscription: $1 per year. to go intp camp, and the men keep guard and, unrolling hie collar, “ horseshoe” mustache, and standing Between the Two Ameri­ pushed on. blankets alongside Packer, feigned the pointed Louis Napoleon goatee. cas.” In her mind, “ the cultural 48TH & FEDERAL BL\T). contacts are enormously impor­ Thursday, Oct. 16, 1941 As th ^ ascended, the clear sleep. Cazabon felt upon himself the too tant as a background for political sunny air became bitterly cold. Trtail to Kill CUrk well remember^ deep-set piercing and economic relationship” with With the foothills behind them, A yell brought the camp awake eyes, and wondered what was the the Southern countries. “ If the OFFICIAL: DIOCESE OF DENVER they entered an early winter. A shortly before midnight. In the thought behind that other dis problem is approacHed merely I p.m. and 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21, ’41 terraced world of white reached to bright.moonlight, Packer was seen tinguishing feature of the man- The Denver Catholic Regrister merits our cordial ai from a dollar-and-cents point of \ the frosty sky. The blanket of wrestling with .the clerk, who had eater, the wide, high forehead. We confirm it as the official publication of the Diocese. Whatever grasped the scout’s hand and held “Frenchy” had no trouble in view,” she declared, “ it will not appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or those shimmering white was proof of the succeed; for more than any other rigid the right wrist in time to playing the part of an humble ADIl^ISSION 50c of the Ofhcials of, our Curia is hereby declared official. Red men’s wisdom. The majority single factor the difference in saw it as a page whereon they stay the downward plunge of a peddler. He kept his eyes on h^ We hope Th6 Register will be read in every home of the bowie knife. Packer was hurled to plate, and sat hunched forward as cultural a n d historical b^k- Diocese, could write their own epitaphs. grounds has made a nightmare They voted down Packer’s decision the ground and bound, hands and though weary and half asleep. But We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in feet, with a lariat. when Packer began eating Cazabon of the century-old dream of Pan- the children of the Diocese for the reading of The Register. to proceed, retraced their steps to Americanism.” THIS SPACE KINDLY DONATED where the squirrels were chatter­ Threatened with death, the next saw other marks, among them BY THE JAMES CLARKE CHURCH, « URBAN J. VEHR, ing and began preparing a com­ day at the agency he made a con­ missing finger-joints. Packer told She yecalled that South Amer­ Aug. 5, 1931. Bishop of Denver. fortable camp fo r the winter not fession. It began with the state­ how he was prospecting, with two ica is no longer “ remote from the GOODS HOUSE, 1636 TREMONT ST. far from the ranch, near where ment that he had taken by mistake companions in Spring canyon, west reading public of t h e United the city of Montrose now stands, the right fork at the mouth of the of Fort Fetterraan. With tingling States, nor is it ilist a tropical, owned and worked by Ouray, head Lake Fork of the Gunnison river, relief the peddler saw he had uninhabitable coimtry. Now it is closer,” she went on, “ than any chief of the Utes. instead of the left. This led the escaped recognition, but there was “ DENVES’S MOST PROGRESSIVE LAUMDRy" five starving men to and beyond one moment of uncertainty after slab -«f land on the * habitable Registorials Five men, Israel Swan, Sherman the spot where two years later the meal when Packer reflectively globe.” W. Bell, George Noon, James Lake City was to be founded as looked at Cazabon. The sudden State’* Hiitory Unu*ual THE CASC ADE LAIIADRY Humphrey, and Frank Miller, the result of a rich gold discovery. fear that made the peddler close Dr. Hafen’s address, followed “ TBT OUR NEW SERVICE” accompanied Packer when he as (Continued From Page One) He continued: his eyes and bend his head as by an' open forum under the sured them he could easily traverse “ We started out with heavy though sleepy was dispelled when chairmanship of Sister M. Lilliana Complete Laundry Service the way he knew “ to a T,” and that whot» borderline acthitiei have with racketeering but are actually packs of food given us by Chief Packer asked that he bring down of St. Mary’s high school, Colorado 1847 Mirint WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER TA. tS;0-8STS controlled by racketeers. there, was no danger he could not not been registered, and literally Ouray who said he didn’t'expect to on his next trip a' small keg of Springs, outlined briefly the color­ The A. F. o f L. resolution de. conquer.' With packs on their bdeks millions o f domestic propagandists see us alive again, but it wasn’t blasting powder, ful history of this state. He re­ dares that “ the millions o f men they started south.; By Christmas selling thousands o f causes, foreign enough. Finding the snow too deep Cazabon, without breakfast, was called that its heritage, drawn and domestic. and women who belong to the trade they were on slim rations; in Janu­ from many lands and peoples, unions will not tolerate the racket, and heavily drifted''on the lower far away before sunup. That aft­ Wo are not familiar vrith the ary they encountered a roving band slopes we took to the wind-swept contains interest for every red- a / i O Kt h a t c a u n ti eer, the gangster, and the criminal of Indians and purchased what ernoon at Fort Fetterman he told status o f the institute, which has ridges. While the going was Deputy Sheriff Malcolm Campbell blooded student. The Spanish and in their midst. They will eliminate food could be spared. as its purpose supplying Americans easier, the distance wa? longer.” that "Swartz” was the celebrated French padres, Indians, trappers, Advertisers that ‘merit your patronage. They are Eighteed^ches of snow fell on Wh?h the five became too weak to man-eater. T h e officer knew and settlers all left their indelible marks on Colorado territory. Much r^able, consistent and appreciate your support. good or bad, but we believe a de­ top of th q )h 4 ^ earlier falls. The proceed, he had started for help “ Swartz.” He had con>e to that fficers who hold dictatorial power evidence of their civilization has scription o f t h e seven common six were in pitlkble condition by the believing, what was $i fact, that section of Wyoming fjom Buffalo ov'Cr* r the unions Maybe — and yet to be explained, he said. propaganda devices it lists will be end of February, Packer scratched they were within a fdw miles of with a bull outfit belonging to a FOR OUALITY CORN FED valuable to readers as an aid its probably not! through the snow for roots and Sister Mary James, in her "Sug­ The federation “ calls upon all the agency. He remembered dimly man at Tie Siding. A few weeks MEATS & POULTRY SEE judging t h e trustworthiness o f berries, boiled frozen buds from the gested Social Studies Progn'am,” national and international unions wandering for two days, and must beford, tiring of the monotony of made an interesting survey of a printed and spoken material. The stunted bushes. On this fare they have traveled in a circle. He prospecting in Spring canyon, he COAL to . . . amend their constitutions first is the name-calling device, by floundered onwtfrd, living skele­ system destined to inculcate the LUMP c o a l IS.Tt if necessary so that prompt thought it an hallucination when had “lurched into Fort Fetterman Catholic point of view into social NUT COAL 14.71 RABTOAY*S w-bich the pr^agandist seeks to tons, skin drawn tight over aching he stumbled upon the camp and and proceeded to “ likker up.” At make us form^a judgment without and diligent action may be taken studies. “ Particularly is it impor­ 1030 W. Colfax TA. 7297 bones, dazed, reason numbed. One saw Bell cooking at a fire. Shriek­ the hotel, wll^re he went for sup­ Pinon Fuel & Supply Co. examining the evidence on which against locals, officers, and mem- tant,” she declared, “ for teachers P. UUMFORO. Uzr. dawn they did not rise from where ing, Btll jerked the axe from a log per, he pulled a sjxrshooter from fcA AAA it should be based. He appeals to >ers who are guilty o f offenses to instruct their pupHs in high 25th and Deeatug GRand 5125 against the public laws and the they had fallen in the snow the and rushed at him, the axe up­ the front of his.belt and threatened our hale and fear' by giving “ bad night. before. Packer knew this school on tha part they must play names” to persons or things he laws o f the national or iiTtema lifted. a waiter who was delayed in bring­ in life. Their work, friends, mar­ When buying from the was the last camp if help could not “ I saw the fire of insanity"in would have^us reject. tional union.” Perhaps it would be ing a glass of water. Packer was riages, and ambitions create im INSURANCE just as well for the federation to be procured. He started, eyesight Bell’s eyes and I shot him. There token, to the old government jail firms advertising in this The sefcond method is that of blurred, reeling, falling, toward the portent problems for the school­ amend its own constitution, but was no one else alive. I found and locked up by the deputy sheriff room. And no better method for paper, please mention that glittering generalities in which the that would be a difficult thing to south. their bodies. It was plain Bell but the intimidated waiter refused , JOS. J. CELLA projpagandist uses “ virtue words,” instructing them on these matters you saw their advertise­ accomplish. Unions that are free Five Laft on ‘Big Mountain’ had brained the four and, madman ^ file a complaint and “ Swartz” 1120 Security Bldg. such as truth,, freedom, honor, and can be found than in the Papal from racketeering would hardly When the 16 prospectors who as he was, from suffering and hun­ was released. encyclicals, where an answer is ment. Phone KEystone 2633 progress, to identify his pro’gram. wish to risk their independence and ger, had devoured some of their These words, suggesting shining had turned back and spent the win Order for Arresj Wired there for the taking.” to submit to real control by the ter with Ouray, who had furnished flesh. 3Iy stomach revolted when Campbell wrote to Sheriff Louis ideals, appeal to our emotions o f federation. Racketeers in other un­ I . first tasted the flesh Bell^ad love, generosity, and brotherhood. them toward the middle of January Miller at Laramie. A week later Monk Gives Opinion 9 9 ions would certainly n o t place with lodging and food, their sup b^n cooking. I lay by the ^ ^ o r by telegraph came the order: 6 6 Thiidly, by the transfer device the themselves at the mercy o f federa Of Loch Ness Monster. Why Pay More? propagandist uses a symbol of plies having been consumed, a tong time, too weak to se|^n for “ Arrest Packer, alias John Swartz, tion officials who might take e f­ reached the Los Pinos agency in berries and roots. F in a ^ I. ate Inverness, Scotland. — Local something we respect and revere, at once, and take no chances what- (Trademark) fective action against them. May they were jovially greeted by what Bell had dropped.’! ^ ever. Identification marks: The Scots are discussing the potentiali­ such as the cross fo r the Church Pegler h a s been accused of or the flag for the nation, and Packer, who was spending his days Winter still raged i^ th e high forefinger on his left hand off at ties of the famous alleged Loch fighting unionism as such; there is drinking and gambling. To the hills. Slowly his strtpgth came the second joint, and little finger Ness monster as a worthy foe for seeks to carry over the prestige o f little basis for that charge, and eager inquiries he replied vaguely baejs, he related, a n ^ * cut steaks of same hand off at the second Nazi submarines. Specifications on the symbol to something he would there would be no excuM for con­ WM. W. MYER DRUG STORES that their five companions were from the bodies. l40king at Gen­ joint. The %wo upper front teeth its stature are a matter of con­ have us accept. The testimonial demning organized labor in lotq INCORPORATED trick, the fourth one listed, is “on top of the big mountain.” eral Adams with fydlight smile he gone and replaced by artificial onM jecture. The Rev, Basil “Wedge, because evil men have abused their remarked, “ Meat //ft out of a Plan’s O.S.B., o f the Fort Augustus mon­ self-explanatory. Statements for or power in the unions. We reaffirm John Cazabon, called “ Frehchy,” Wire me at once.” Colorado Owned Stores against an issue from prominent one of the party to whom Packer breast is the /.veetest I’ve ever The deputy sheriff ascertained astery suggests that the lake is the justice- o f the workingman's eaten. After/Cnaving lived on it inhabited bj^ huge plesiosaurus persons, the mote well known the claim to the power that organiza­ had taken a violent dislike, bluntly that Packer had again left Spring Englewood 800 Santa Fe Dr. Detter, are used. asked, “ How come you haf so moch for nearly tw'/'months. I’ve become canyon and had gone to a small survivals. The monster, he opines, tion gives him; we recognize the very fond or/ it.” has a snakelike head with hornlike Broadway and Ellsworth 16th and California' Thejfifth or plain folks device value and the need o f labor unions. of de money for de cards w’en yo ranch known as Crazy Horse’s h / ‘ projections and a mane, a neck has long been known among ^ li* At the tame time, we join Pegler haf none before, eh?” cabin on Wagon Hound creek. With 15th and California ticians as “ baby kissing. ” They Packer’s answer was evasive. It he packf^' such a quantity of the his brother, Dan Campbell, the offi­ ignt feet long and 18 inches in demanding that labor turn out human/.neat about his body that thick, a short, thick body ending would win our votes by appearing the gangsters who have polluted was known he had left Salt Lake cer, drove in a buckboard, arriving Wa Do Not Hava Spaeial Sale* But Sell You at Our Lowe*t to be just plain folks among neigh­ its house, lest the evil spread and City with empty pockets. The five when sighted the agency he shortly before dusk. As they en­ in a ten-foot tail two feet in Price* Every Day \*n All Drug Merehandi*a>. bors; the stratagem is not confined the destructive work o f who had gone with him.were well threy^' away a considerable amount. tered the yard, a man left the breadth, and flippers in front and to candidates for office but is used ipulous minority w ri supplied with funds. “ Frenchy’s” Pa^er said that as his mind was cabin. Wheeling into the haystack, short clawlike legs in the rear. by a wide variety o f leaders. The whole sound structure o f American question aroused quick suspicion ^ank for long stretches he, too. the two jumped from the vehicle, sixth method is one of adept de. unionism.— C J. McNeill and, noting this, Packer in cold Id been insane. It was recalled drew their guns, and ran to either ception— card stacking. The propa. fury turned to the little man with, at he had been in the pink of side of Packer, who called out, gandist uses emphasis and over' RE.4LISM i “ You’ve made an accusation that’ condition physically and appar­ “ What are you fellers foolin’ emphasis to dodge issues and evade IN PRAYER entitles me to kill you, and I'll ;4o ently mentally when he enter^ the a^ut?” facts. He resorts to lies, censor The quality o f realism, as Christ it the first chance I get. That's a agency on Cochetopa creek, 76 miles The deputy sheriff handcuffed ship, and distortion. He omits facts. Himself indicated, is an indispen­ promise!” from where Lake City is today, and him and read Sheriff Miller’s tele- He offers false testimony. He sable condition o f fruitful prayer. The prospectors demanded that asked Stephen A. Dole, private sec­ jrram.' Verifying the mutilated creates a smoke-screen o f clamor But the realism taught by Christ be lead them to the spot wh^’^ he retary to General Adams, for a ftogers, the officer raised the upper by raising a new issue when he is not so much the realism that had last seen their comrades. Pack­ drink of whiskey, explaining he had linand satisfied himself as to the wants an embarrassing matter for goes into the details o f our peti­ er promised, but kept delaying with come alone, after a quarrel over twV false teeth. They drove the gotten. He draws a red herring tions as the realism that recognizes the excuse, "We’ll jus^jbe wasting the route with hi%five companions, tea\p to the cabin. Packer remark across the trail to confuse and how utterly undeMrving a sinner is time. • Your friends^re safe, no and that he had subsisted on roots ing, “ This is the first time in 20 divert those in quest o f facts he o f the mercy o f God. doubt, iii Sllverton J r the Animas and berries and an occasiontjl squir­ years that I haven’t had my spin does not want revealed. He makes The Mrable o f the Pharisee and valley.” ^ ^ rel and_ rabbit. on. If I’d a-had it, you fellers the unreal appear real and the real the Publican is one o f the best Packet: spent .^ u ch time at Jud^en t was suspended until could never have taken me. I’d appear unreal. He lets half-truth known o f all t h e illustrations Saguache in thr^ San Luis valley, Packer could prove his story. He have gotten you both.” masquerade as truth. The final de Christ used to make clear His not far from the agency. Otto was shackled and placed in the log While Dan went after oats for vice is that o f the band. wagon, teaching. Yet, would any one ven­ Mears, who to become famous cabin that served as the jail at the team, Campbell told Packer to with the theme o f “ everybody’s dO' ture to say'that anv given con­ Saguache. ing it.” The technique ranges from gregation o f today does not con­ as “ The Pathfinder of the San sit on a bench by the door, and Juan,” builjfiir of the first toll roads Photographer Found Bone* asked for his gun. Packer pointed that o f medicine show to great tain its share o f Pharisees — the In June a photographer named spectacle, and is designed to ap­ men, women, and children, who, and thei^of the first railroad to a shelf where the deputy fa through .'ftat section of the state, Reyfiolds who was taking views a .44 single action, fully loaded peal to and foster group solidarity at least by their altitude and re­ for Harper't Weeklg came across marks, thank God that they are was c^wucting a general mer “ What followed made legal and It would be an interesting prar chand|» store at Saguache. One the bones, skulls, and what re­ newsnaper history,” concluded. Jos tice for each o f us to search for free o f the faults and failings of thf' men from Utah informed mained of the bodies, lying near these propaganda devices in ma o f certain acquaintances occupying eph Emerson Smith. “ Packer was Mea,^ that Packer had been in jail a clump of aspen trees on what has saved from the gallows by a blen­ terial that comes to us. .And, be­ the adjoining pews? ever since been called “ Cannibal the "world is yours"— if you pro­ cause the real truth is needed today Pride, the vice o f the Pharisees, at jSalt Lake City for counterfeit der of the legislature, at the last in “ I see that he’s spending a Plateau.” Each head had been minute, and after invitations to the vide for future security through as never before, it would be is hardly more than a species o f crushed by an axe and, evidently, valuable training to every one. hypocrisy when it finds place in \f.t of money, and while I have my hanging had J>een mailed. He was a SAVINGS ACCOUNT! Ail de­ ,dwn suspicions where it came from, while all were sleeping. The fifth the great attraction for visitors at Millard F. Everett. prayer. No man who realizes his posits ore insured by the F^ederal true position in the scheme o f still it might be some of his counter­ body, that of Bell, had been shot the state penitentiary; Colorado’s things can sincerely think that the feit stuff.” and the man added, “ Mr, and indications were present of a nationally knowi> No. 1 prisoner Deposit Insurance Corporotion— MARK UP ANOTHER desperate fight. All the bodies had good he has done renders the sin­ Mears, if I were you, I’d look Next week we shall relate the dra­ with $5,tXX) moximum insuronce SCORE FOR PEGLER ful man deserving o f God’s mercy. pretty carefully at every green­ been mutilated. There was no matic chain of incidents that led to Westbrook Pegler, that hard Even to think that one deserves back he hands you.” money in the clothing. the shooting of the men who were for each depositor. boiled columnist who is.America’s mercy is to exalt oneself far above Sutpieion Arouied The sheriff was called away from attempting to free him, when the most outspoken and most effective one's true deserts. It is to be un­ Packer, evidently seeking a Saguache. His 16-year-old sod was Red room at the Poet became redder foe o f racketeers in labor, isjtrob realistic about prayer. means of escape, bought a horse left as Packer’s jailer. Whati hap and Polly Pry showed herself ably smiling a sardonic smile these Humility, the virtue that gives from Mears for $70., Suspicious of pened was never known, but, when •heroine by throwing herself in IISTIN TO FULTON LEWIS, JR. the officer returned, only thei|' iron days. He has needled Bill Green one the power to see one’s true the money^, Mears returned one of front of 'Tammen to save his life, Famous Seue Commentator, Daily and the boys into passing a resolu worth in the sight o f God.Nlisposes shackles were in the room. A re­ the notes which did not look gen while B 0 n f i 1 s lay seriously Monday thru Friday, 9:30 P. M. KFEL tion condemning but by no means Providence in o u r favor. The uine and asked for afiother. Packer ward of $6,000 was offered for wounded.” killing the ugly fungus o f rackets Publican, the person who stood drew from an inside pocket another Packer’s apprehension. At the within A. F. o f L. unions. afar o ff and would not so much wallet and extracted a bill. As be years marched on, the “ man teter,” Pegler, who has accused high as lift up his eyes to heaven be­ tendered it, Mears’ sharp eves as be was generally referred to, American National officials in the federation o f fos cause o f the sense o f unworthiness caught sight of a draft of the Wells was giygn up as dead, sp com MORCAN, tering and defending rackets in that weighed on his soul as he Fargo Express company. “ That,” pletely^M he disappeared. But organized labor, will probably turn prayed, “ went back to his home said the storekeeper to himself, "Frenchy’’^dztbon was klways on his biggest guns on the resolution justified rather than the other.” “ must have come from one of the the alert, fearing an ambush from LEIBMAN passed at the Seattle convention of He was a realist.— Rev. Edward A. five men this fellow said he left the man who had promised to kill the A. F. o f L.— and Pegler’s guns Breen. after a quarrel. I wonder how he him. If he had been told that he and HICKEY make plenty o f noise and pack was the one destined again to place C> got it?” FRANK KIRCHHOF ADOLPH KUNSMTU.ER plenty o f power. Drive for Decent Films He was con^dering what course the man eater in irons, it is more The A. F, of L. has previously to follow when General Charles than probable “ Frenchy” would Insurance Since 1897 President Vice Pfretidenl and Cashier Started in Colombia have fled the mountains, yet it was “ resolved against” gangsters end Bogota.—Colombian Catholic Ac- Adams, the Indian agent at Los criminals in its unions, but its Pinos, passed through Saguache on this same man who for ten years tion, ■with the full support of tha had lived in fear who delivered his .752 Gas & Electric Bldg. resolutions have been so much ink Most Rhv, Juan Manuel Gonzalez, his way to the agency after a trip on paper; they have led to no ef to Denver. Mears told him of the enemy to-the law. Coadjutor Archbishop -of Bogota, Packer Recognized TA. 1395 fective action. If the new resolu is actively campaigning for sane draft and the growing belief among lion 'does lead to action, Pe.gier the Utah party that Packer had Cazabon had gone to TV'j/bming. motion pictures and a vigilant cen­ In the spring of 1883 he was driv- can lake a large share o f the credit sorship that will prevent offense to robbed, if not murdered, the fivei, Ha has fo r c ^ the issue, and he prospectors. Adams talked with 1"*ng a covered wagon filled with good morals. Tne Catholic press usehold articles and hardware, has turned to the record to prove publishes a critical rating of cur­ the Utah men. It was agreed to|^' bis charges. take Packer, by force, if necessary, » store on wheels, from which he MAln 5314 CSTABUSHEO IINCK IMS rent pictures ^and, in addition, jjjeddled his wares from ranch to The federation repeated its con there is a special bulletin devoted to the agency and make him lead slant defense against P » le r ’s- dc' to this subject. a party to the spot where, accord­ Ttnch. Late one afternoon he drew mands to clean housei.The A F ing to his story, he had said good­ up at John Brown’s ranch .on La o f L. constitution gives its execu' Synod Is Conducted in bye ta the five starving men. On Prelle erdek and, as was the custom, F . J . K i r c h h o f The American fixture Co. live council no real power over the land of the agency General wa.s invitft to atop for the night. Hungary Archdiocese M*auf*etimn ef the independent unfons that make Adams had full authority. Waterbury, Conn., Parish ^ C onstruction C o . up its membership. The Seattle B u d a p a 81.—The flO-year-old But Packer consented, although resolution declares ih^t the unions Archbishop of Eger, the Most Rev. somewhat reluctantly, to act ak Observes 75th Jubilee CHURCH PEWS'AND ALTARS “ have deemed, it wise l o maintain Lajos Szmrecsanyi, held't dioces^p guide for the party Adams said he W’aUrbury, Conn.—The diamond CHURdH FURNITURE the form and structure” o f the synod in conjunction with Ute con­ would outfit to search for the miss­ jubilee of St. Patrick’s parish wa? BU ILD ERS , present constitution. This means secration of the Eger Catheddsl. ing five. At the agency Packer was celebrated by the rededication of . . P BANK, BAR, AND STORE FIXTURES that action will have to come from All orders and congregations with­ searched for the wallet Mears— the church, at which Bishop Mau­ We Appreciate Your Patronage the very unions that a r e shof in the archdiocese, school inspec­ who accompanisd the m*n—had rice F. McAuliffe of Hartford pre­ Millwork of‘All Kinds through with racketeering. Pegler tors and professors of theologj'^, seen him produce. Nothing waa sided. The sermon was preached by has demonstrated that many o f well as the diocesan clergy, w*ere found. It was i;acalled by ona at tha Bishop Matthew F. Brady of Bur­ 708 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. FRANK KIRCHHOF 1232 ARAPAHOE ST. those Aliens are not only infected Invited to participate in the synojj. party that the priaoner, while lington, a native of the parish. . DENVER, COLO. % r

Thursday, Oct. 16, 1941 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE FIVE NEWMAN CLUB IN JULESBURG SOCIEH IN GRAND JUNCTION Young Peopte'e jiclhitiei COOD NEWS Wbtn rour child is leadinx his eliss with­ HAS ELECTION OF OFFICERS TO BE FETED AT REDLANDS out any strain on his aye*. Be sura of this by havinx his ayes examinad. CHOOSE YOUR OPTOMETRIST Julesburgf.— ^The first meeting brecht, secretary-treasurer. More Grand Junction.— The women Guadalupe, by Frances Parkinson WITH CARE - of the Junior Newman club was than 40 boys and girls of high of the Redlands will be hostesses Keyes, A social will be held Oct held in the basement of the rectory school age signified their intention to St. Joseph’s Altar society Oct. 25 for the Knights of Columbus after *the first Mass Sunday, Oct of joining the club.' Those who 23 at Redlands Community hall. and invited guests. Pueblo. — (Catholic High (Connell Nows) 12. Margaret, Lechman acted as enrolled Sunday morning were the Mrs. Clarence Prinster will give James P. Gray School)— A meeting of members The social meeting of the Cath­ The Denver Catholic Youth chairman and Kay Lechman, her following: Thomas, Joe, and Jacob a book review of The Grace of of the Pueblo Catholic high school olic Daughters will be held Tues­ council will hold its annual benefit sister, acted as secretary until the Lechman, Margaret, Catherine, PTA was held in the high school day, Oct 21, at the home of Mrs. ball in the latter part of January, ' Optometrist president and secretary-treasurer and Kay Lechman, Sally and Mar­ auditorium Monday afternoon, H. J. Elder with Mmes. Creel, 1942, it was announced at the were elected. Francis Shiel was garet Frank, Connie Klug, Bud Oct. 13. The social hour was en­ Sparh, Williams, B, Ficenec, and meeting of the council Oct. 9 in elected president and Irene Lam Mildenberger, Burton Lempke, 212 Colorado Bldg. joyed from 2 to 3 p.m., after which Winter Schedule White as ho.stesses. A paper will' 'the Knights of Columbus hall. Tom Robert Lanckriet, Barbara Sanger, the business session was held. The be read by Mrs. Ray Berry. Meehan, chairman of the social Peter Klug, Mary Lambrecht, committee, gave a report on plans Pauline Melchior, Francis Shiel, mothers of the students were host­ Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Ready and 1615 California TA. 8883 esses. Miss Bridget Ready of Denver being made for the affair. and Irene Lambrecht. The names \ comfortable v i s i o n a n d e y e c a r e V-i PIEBIO Pim si The appointment of the follow­ spent the week visiting Mrs. Win­ The council members decided to of I the others have not yet been Of Masses Begun meet in the different members’ turned in to the secretary. The ing committee was the chief mat­ ifred Creel and Mrs. Clarence ter of business: Ways and means, Rhodes of Grand Junction and homes on the first Monday of every meetings will be held every Sun­ month. The next meeting is to be Mrs. Charles Moore; hospitality, Mrs. Sadie Mahoney of Montrose. day after the first Mass. The pas­ held at the home of Miss Rowena ,TI Mrs. Edward Pettit; program, Mrs. They returned home Saturday. II tor will be the chaplain and will At Puehio Parish Adams, 420 S. Sherman street, on Albert Thomas; publicity, Mrs. reside at the meetings. For text- On Oct. 19 at St. Joseph’s Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. ooks, the group will use Studiet Milton Spiess. school hall the Italian women will Preferred Parish (n Religion for high school and Plans for the program of the give a parish dinner. Pueublo.— (Sacred He^rt Par­ Club to Help. adult groups. The first lesson on year' were outlined by the Rev. C H S OGI. i ish) — On the winter schedule, Pictur« to Be Exhibited Trading List conscience will be the subject for William McCarthy. Many im­ At Bazaar this Sunday’s High Mass will the qext meeting. Social meetings, provements are to be made, in the Miss Cecilia Cardman, Mesa col­ be sung at 9 o’clock, when the (H oly Family Parish, St. Mark’s balls, and parties will be planned school buildings and several of lege art instructor, has been hon­ Club) Pueblo.— (St. Francis Xavier's choir, under the direction of Mrs. four of five times a year. these have been undertaken by ored by receiving an invitation to St. Mark’s club will take an ac­ Parish)— At the penny circus to Fern Verlingia, will sing the Mass thd PTA, including the placing of display a recently completed oil tive part in the parish bazaar St. Mary Magdalene t be held in the parish hall Friday Th^president and the secretary of Our Lady of Loretto. Miss painting in a six-state exhibit at new curtains for both the high Oct. 23-25 by sponsoring a games afternoon, Oct. 24, for the chil­ of the Altar and Rosary society, Margaret Conroy is organist. The Omaha, Nebr. Miss Cardman says school and the grade school and table. W. Grisdale assisted the dren of the school, there will be Mrs. Clarence Vest and Mrs. J. R. other members of the choir are: that she will first show her pic­ Liddle, respectively, report that the enlarging of the library so that members in securing suitable School Supplies D PFAB fun,for all who attend. There will it may be combined with a study Tenors— Morris 'Lloyd, Anthony ture in Grand Junction at the be a moving picture, fish pond, the date for the dinner, social, and priMs. President Ray Seaman will hall, which will be supervised by Verlingia, and Wekls Allspauch; graphic arts exhibit during the be in charge, assisted by other vol­ 5e M IK E ’ S lOe X PHARMACY and several games in the after­ games party will be decided at the basses — Frank Carroll, Arthur Colorado Educational association the librarian. The room mothers unteer members of the club. Sheriden at West Colfax noon. A croquet set will be November meeting of the society. Berardi, Frank Manley; Altos— division meeting here Oct. 23, 24, were appointed for each grade, Gertrude Fanning, Margaret Pbonei TAbor ))31 or TAbor 0)61 awarded. The last meeting was well at­ Lou Lipis, Josephine Battesti, and 25. Variety Store one for the boys and one for the Blaine, and Jackie 0 ’Keefa,,will be PROMPT FREE DELIVERY tended in spite of the fa d that Mary Battesti, Ann Walker, Grace Mrs. F. Fritzie is general chair­ most of the women were busy on girls. Their names follow: For Beta Sigma Phis Hare Meeting in charge of decorations for the .5410 West Colfax Prescriptions Our Specialty man and Mrs. A. Valdez has the Ann Haines; sopranos— Alice A account of the beet harvest. the boys— 12th grade, Mrs. John booth, and Bob Nelson will direct candy booth. Others on the com­ Manley, Jean Provinzano, Ruth Members of Beta Sigma Phi Adolph Slavic is taking care of McGann; 11th grade, Mrs. B sorority held a model meeting its construction. Any members in­ mittee are Mmes. E. Keon, J. Thompson; tenth grade, Mrs. J Pottero, Ruth Thompson, Cecelia the Ovid fa c to r y ; his brother, Ed­ Monday night, an annual event to terested in assisting are asked to Zupaneic, F. FelHon, W. Burtis, B. McGrath; ninth grade, Mrs. J. Salvage, Mary Margaret Gray, be present in the school hall on St. John\ Helefr lanne, A. Oeschle, William ward, has a job in the laboratory. Betty Hauley, and Catherine which they invite their friends for C. Buckley; for the girls— 12th the purpose of demonstrating to Monday evening, Oct 20, at 8 Michlich, B. Kirsch, J, Beauvias, Adam Reese is in the Commu­ grade, Mrs. Vance Driscoll; 11th Bussey. o’clock. Frank J. nity hospital. He hopes to be able them a typical meeting of the Milton Spicss, George Arthur, J. grade, Mrs. L. Muhic; tenth grade, Any member of the parish who Ball Discussed Kunde Chicago Cleaners to go home in a week or two. sorority. Grassoo, Peterlin, and S. S. Wise­ Mrs. F. Scoggins; ninth grade, would like to join the choir is The Denver Catholic Young Peo­ JnTitea you to The meeting was held at the & Dyers man. Dickie Radke was run over by a Mrs. C. Balsick. cordially invited to attend the re­ ple’s annual mid-winter ball was home of Misses Marie and La Nel- CIRCLE John Ruinicic Expire* four-ton tractor on his father’s hearsals every Friday evening at discussed at leng;th at the group’s 1304 East 6th Ave, The final plans were completed va Creel, and Miss Marie Creel as John Rusnick, retired Colorado farm. He was riding on the tractor 8:15 in the church. meeting Tuesday, Oct 14. The Holy DRIVE Pearl 4546 for the Halloween ball and card president of the sorority welcomed Fuel & Iron Corp. open hearth and fell under the wheels. Fortu­ Family club’s participation in the Service Station DAVE MANASSEE, Mgr. party to be held in Minnequa Uni­ Speaks on Columbus Day the guests. employe and a Pueblo resident for nately, a large bundle of cane, versity club the evening of Oct. affair is to be handled by Barbara 675 Josaphina Cleaning. Pressing and Altcratloiis 40 years, died Friday, Oct. 10, at a which his father was cutting, held Anthony Verlingia was the The Knights of Columbus re­ EA. (SZS 30. This social will be sponsobed .speaker at the Columbus day cele­ Fogliatti and Roland Seaman. local hospital. up the tractor and saved his life. also by the members of St. Pat­ ceived Holy Communion in a body Bowlers were reminded that bration in the American Legion at the 7 o’clock Mass Columbus Rusnick, who retired in 1928, Pa«tor Take* Genius rick’s grade school. Tickets may hall. every one who does not appear or is survived by his wife, Mrs. Anna be purchased from the school chil­ day, followed by a breakfast Meet­ provide a substitute on his team Annunciation The pastor, accompanied by Mrs. William Sweeney was in­ Rusnick: a daughteA Mrs. Anna Renez Eckout, is calling on all the dren or from any of the members. ing at Helen .Harrington’s Tea will be required to pay a share of Heienickle, and two sons, Frank In^Jhe afternoon Father Mc­ jured in an auto accident the past shoppe, the money due the alley, since it farmers on the South Table Land week. AT LOWEST and William, all of Pueblo. Two to take a census of the parish and Carthy introduced Father Patrick Frank Dean Honored was decided to secure reservations DRUGS PRICES IN DENVER D E S E L L E M grandchildren also survive. Stauter, the new assistant pastor The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. for the season. to raise funds for the new church. Frank E. sDean, pioneer and i-UEL AN D FEE!D CO. for St. Patrick’s and religion in­ Leo Martinez was baptized and An old-fashioned H a r d-T i m e He was a member of St. Francis The list of the money collected widely known photographer of CHARLES A. DcSELLEM Savier’s church, the Hungarian and the pledges will be published structor in the school. named Walter Sunday afternoon, frolic will be the feature of the Oct. 12. Sponsors were Ernest Grand Junction, was paid an un­ We Ship by Rail Aid society, and the Retired Men’s on the church door Sunday. Pa­ next social meeting of the club on th e STORE Baros and Marcella Martinez. usual tribute by old friends and Tuesday, Oct. 28. A barn will be PHONE TA. K 05 club of the C. F. & I. rishioners who live in the valley, new ones among the photograph­ A Requiem Mass was sung for rented, for the occasion. An ad­ ZiOl FRANKLIN ST. S6TB AND w a l n u t Funeral services were held at the beet growers, and others will ers of the Intermountain West at RES. PHONE MA 1644 9:30 Monday at the George F. be visited after the beet harvest. Alumnae to Hold Joseph Roy Monday, Oct.^ 13. mission charg;e of only 25 cents per the annual meeting of the Rocky person will be levied and refresh­ McCarthy chapel and at 10 at St. Roy Crawford, husband of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith have Mountain Photographers’ associa­ .Francis Xavier’s church. Burial Crawford, has been appointed moved to St. Leander’s parish. ments and favors will be provided. DOWNING COAL t HUDSON SALES * SERVICE Dinner on Oct. 22 tion in Denver. _ Mr. and Mrs Guests may be invited, but reser­ 1660 Downing TA. 1476 was in Roselawn cemetery. engineer at the power plant in W. Eugene Griffith, former Dean attended the sessions of the Heart Attack Fatal Julesburg. buyer and as.sistant manager of vations must be given to the com­ AND HDWE. GO. association, to which Mr, Dean mittee in charge on or before Sun­ V IC HEBERT A heart attack caused the Gottlieb Macht has volunteered The inauguration of a fall and the Fox-Vliet Drug Co., has been has belonged for many years. day, Oct. 26. Barbara Fogliatti, “SINCE m t " death of Anthony Leri,, Pueblo to enter.the attic of the church winter program of activity for the promoted to manager of the newly AUTO.MOTIVE SERVICE He is a past executive officer of Dorothy Troxel, and Ray ^aman “ There's No Fuel Like an Old resident for 41 years, whose home and get the honey that has been Loretto Heights alumnae will take organized Albuquerque, N. Mex., SINCE m z the Rocky Mountain association, are in charge. Fuel” CONOCO SERVICE STATION was at 1706 Cedar. deposited there in the summer place on 'Wednesday evening, Oct. branch of the company, Evarts C. as he is of the National Pho­ 366) Downing CH. 3080 He was a member of St. Francis months. 22, at a dinner in the Olin hotel. Fox, vice president and general tographers’ association. 3260 Do'wning TA. 2515 Xavier’s churclv=and is survived by manager, of the firm, disclosed. Club Elects Mrs. J. Frederick Prinzing, newly . His fellow-artists and news­ his wife, Barbara, and the follow­ elected president of the alumnae, Mr. Griffith and family are al­ Officers ing children: Mrs. Helen Torri, ready living in Albuquerque. paper writers referred to him as will preside. She is being assisted (San Luis Rey Club) St. Joseph'^s Simon, George, Joseph, Sam, and Palisade Women At a shower given Sunday after­ the real “ dean” of photographers in the arrangements for the din­ "The regular meeting of the San Pete Lwi, all of Pueblo, and An­ noon, Oct. 12, at the home of Mr. of this part of the country. ner by Mrs. William Kelty, vice Luis Rey club of St. I^uis’ church, TA. 7080 6TB A INCA thony and Mrs. Mary Vercelli of president, and Misses Margaret and Mrs. John Larson, Mrs. John Frank Dean has operated suc­ SANTA FE SHOE San Francisco. Plan Activities cessfully photographic studios on Englewood, was held Wednesday, HUDSON MOTOR CARS Bisbing and Geraldine Gray, sec­ G. Larson, formerly Miss Sue Oct. 8, in Concordia halL New HOSPITAL Farewell Party Given retary and treasurer, respectively. Christian, ■was guest of honor. the Western slope continually since 1882. Next March Mr. Dean officers elected for the coming yfar Shoe Rapatring for Iht Wholo Family Santa Fe Oil Co. Mr. and Mrs. William Driscoll, Palisade. — The Altar and Ro­ Other alumnae who are mem­ Hostesses were Miss Mary Ellen West Sidt't Largest Service SUtioo will complete his 6()th year as a are: President, Dave Weaver; FEATURING INVISIBLE HALF who left Sunday to make their sary society of St. Ann’s parish bers of Mrs. Prinzing’s com­ Mortimer, Miss Maryl Beck, and vice president, Bernard Powell; .SOLING • HARRY LEISENRCMQ home in Los Angeles, were guests met at the home of Mrs. Jim Mc- mittee and who will assist her with Miss Carol Barnhart. professional photographer, a rec­ Wo Approclato Parcel Poal Ordcra ord probably not equalled by any secretary-treasurer, Charlotte Pyt- Waihfnf — Greafint AccMtorln of honor at a farewell party Vey Tuesday, Oct. 7, with a large the alumnae program for the en­ Those attending were Mrs. John linski. 74Z SANTA PE DRIVE Motor Tano or General Repairing I > given by Carl Olson, Jr. About 20 number of women in attendance. suing year are Mmes. Leo R'. G. Larson, Mrs. Walter 0. Christ­ other photographer in the. West. He opened his first studio in Gun­ Officers and committee heads friends of the couple attended and Plans were made for several activ­ Boyle, John Dinan, George Kelly, man, Mrs, Cann, Mrs. John Larson, will meet after the 10 o’clock Mass presented them with a going-away ities, the income from which will Edward L. Curran, James W. Miss Ellinor' Larson, Miss Betty nison nearly 60 years ago and a few years later moved to Grand Oct. 19. gift. finance the purchase of new’ cas­ Creamer, and Norman J. O’Dea, Pratt, Miss Elaine Factor, Miss The club will hold its monthly A L L E ]\ S BOB & VAN’S Mr. and Mrs. Dricoll were ac­ socks and surplices for the' altar and Misses Maxine Davis, Lorraine Helen Rafferty, Miss Lois Elliott, Junction. The Dean studio is to­ day, as it has been through all the Communion breakfast Sunday, Oct. SUPER-iHARKET companied by Mrs. J. F, Driscoll boys. The next meeting will be O’Mera, Jewel McGovern, and Miss June Marsden, Miss Marjorie 26. Meat Market and Miss Agnes Driscoll, who will held in the home of Mrs. Mike years, recognized as one of the Mary Nieters. Morton, Miss Gerry Reynolds, Miss The membership committee in­ 727 Santa Fe KE. 4067 750 SANTA FE DRIVE return to Pueblo after a short Huber. , leading studios in this part of the Joyce Lambuth, Miss Marylyn vites all young people of the parish FREE DELIVERY visit with relatives in several Mr. and Mrs. Louis Massaro and Perice, Miss Evelyn Good, Miss country. California cities. daughter, Beatrice Ann, of Bald­ to join the club. A list of coming FRESH FISH—FRI. A SAT. Blind Brother of Nun Norma Ne'wman, Miss Marian Mr. and Mrs. 'William Sullivan events is soon to be published. Fresh Fish A Beulah rancher for 50 years, win visited at the home' of Mr. Slavis, Miss Margaret Rizer, Miss spent the' weekend in Denver vis­ Peter Ruddy, born In England, and Mrs. Joe Merlino. Harold Sheets and Edward Mc­ In Denver 86 Years Old Betty Burnell, Miss Anna May iting at the home of their son and Donnell, both active members of The firms listed here de­ died Sunday at his ranch. He is Mrs. Alice Berry and sister, Mrs. Miller, Beck, Miss Mortimer, family. the club, .will leave Oct. 27 to join survived by his mother, Mrs. Ca­ Lannon, left for a month’s visit VICK’S and Miss Barnhart. Dan Quinn, retired roadmaster, the U. S. navy. serve to be remembered Call therine Ruddy; a sister, Mrs. Ca­ with relatives and friends in Cali­ John Walck, a brother of Sister QUALITY LIQUOR STORE has retutned from Salida, where when you are distributing therine Telfer; a brother, Charles; fornia. Mary Nicholas of Mercy hospital, he had been a patient in the rail­ a niece, Joyce Ruddy, and two ‘Kids^ Party’ For Beer, Wines Mrs. John Dwyer was confined who is one of the pioneer Sisters road hospital, and is much im­ nephews, Vincent and Richard to her home by illness. To Be Held your patronage in the dif­ BOTTLE or CASE of Mercy in ‘'Colorado, celebrated proved in health. Telfer, all of Pueblo. The funeral Helen Merlino returned from a Boulder Parisli (St. Francis de Sales’ Young ferent lines of business. Z40 Santa Fa Drira KE. 7143 was held Thursday, Oct. 16. three weeks’ visit with relatives in his 86th birthday at an ice cream Jerry De Rose, 505 W. Main, FREE DELIVERY SERVICE has been promoted to the grade of People’s Club) Canon City. and cake party at his home iij corporal and has on\^ recently A wiener fry in the mountains Buffet Luncheon, Baby Winfield, Kans. The elderly man returned to Camp Barkeley, Tex., above Morrison was enjoyed by St. St. Dominicks Train Injuries Take Life has been totally blind siAe 1892. Holds 40 Hours from war maneuvers in . Francis de Sales’ Young People’s Shower Rated Success club after last Thursday evening’s Of Prominent Canadian In spite of his handicap, he is St. Joseph's Altar society met meeting. The next regular meeting The buffet luncheon and baby keenly-interested in the 'world and at the home of Mrs. Frank Prin­ CHA8. BITX and ARNOLD JENSEN Boulder.— (Sacred Heart Par Thursday, Oct 23, at 8:15 p.m. f o o d Now Oparating shower that were given by Mrs. Three Rivers. Quebec.—Maurice its people. Kate Smith is his fa­ ish)—Thirty-five vested altar boys ster, Sr., 1302 Chipeta, with will be in the form of a “ Kids’ STORES Fred Savageau for the Ave Maria Dupre, a Catholic, former solicitor vorite radio performer. He was took part in the candlelight pro­ Mmes. D. E. Walker, V. E. Hoi party.” Every one is asked to dress OLSON’S BILLY’S INN clinic and attended by a group of general of Canada in the cabinet rather disappointed _ when the land, and P. K. Peters assisting. and cession for the ending of Forty accordingly. ST. DOMINIC THE RANGEVmW SERVICE Mercy hespital alumni on Wednes­ of R. B. Bennett, died of injuries Brooklyn Dodgers failed to win Hours’ on Sunday night, Oct. 12. After the business meeting .f. The council members will meet STATION day, Oct. 8, were a success> in a train wreck. the world series. The sermon was given by ■ Father paper, “ Church Bells,” given by in the recreation room of the rec­ 2750 W. 29th CL 3613 BA? GASOLINE — POPULAR OILS Mrs. Frank Hall, was enjoyed. 601) E. Colfax EM. Z731 Lawrence Lutz, O.S.B., and Solemn tory Sunday evening, Oct. 19, at 3)30 E. 6th EA. 1801 Phona GL. 9810 4tth and Lowell Benediction of the Blessed Sacra­ The 'Very Rev. Nicholas Bertrand 7:30. ment concluded the devotions. answered many questions pertain­ According to Joseph Hynes, The Knights of Columbus were ing to church bells, and gave a chairman of the boys’ athletic com­ hosts to members of the parish on short talk to all members. Miss mittee, plans are being made to QUINN PHARMACY Collins Pharmacy Monday evening, Oct. 13, at a card Barbara Wa,lker played two piano enter a basketball league this sea­ solos, after which refreshments 5000 West 29th Ave. party and social, the proceeds of son. Any one interested sho^J^ get PRESCRIPTION were served to 80 members. POSSIBLE' BECAUSE which will be u.sed for the children in touch ■with Mr. Hynes. DRUGGIST Phone GL 9942 of the parochial school at their an­ Mrs. De’Onier of Denver and Jim Baier, president of the club, PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS PHONE GL. )81) nual Christmas party. daughter, Ann Frances, are visits has been named bhairman of the ing at the home of her parents, Cor. W. 36th A Tennyson Your Business Is Apprecisted A location at 1927 14th street junior discussion club groups of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prinster, Sr. OF EXPERIENCE has been obtained by the women the Confraternity of Christian Mrs. De’Onier is a member of St. Doctrine. Constance Doyle has who will spon.sor a rummage sale James’ parish, Denver. on Saturday, Oct. 18. been named treasurer of the con­ Holy Family Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso De Rose, fraternity and chairman of the as­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schram and 505 W, Main, announce the en­ sociate membership. Out of many details, Horans family have returned from a trip gagement of their daughter, Erma, It is planned to continue at least For Quality Bakery Good* to Minnesota, where they ■visited to Leo Raible of Altus, Ark. three discussion groups within the MILLER PHARMACY Mrs. Schram’s relatives. They also Try Clarence Rhoades, 1337 Road, ...... le and under the leadership ■club of GL. ))17 Cor. W. 44th snd Tennyson extend a finished service ex­ visited friends living in Iowa afld its members in the coming season. Nebra.ska. entered D. & R. G. hospital at Sa­ North Denter’t Most Complete lida for medical treatment. Drur.*tore! WEISS BAKERY Students in the parochial school One Block from Roly Family Church Mrs. C. W. Wilson, her daugh­ 4024 Tanoyson SL actly as folks would have it. submitted posters and essays in the "Hakt Our Storo Vonr Headqnartera" safety first and fire prevention ter, Miss Pauline, and son. Cliff, K. of ,C. in Pueblo contests as part of their work in are enjoying a week’s vacation in English. There are no classes Phoenix, Ariz., visiting Lieut. Plan Initiation More than'fifty years of unin­ in the school on Thursday and Fri­ Conners and family. CONOCO SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Tony Stranger YENNYSCN CAFE day of this week, as the sisters are Pueblo.— (Knights of Colum­ attending the diocesan teachers’ and Mrs. Frank Turano and little SYAYICN 3955 TENNYSON ST. terrupted service to the people daughter, Shirley Mae, left by bus)— On Tuesday, Oct. 14, the meeting being held in Denver. officers of Pueblo council 557, E. R. EDISON Home Cooked Meals Members of St. Jerome’s society auto for California, where they will visit with relatives and friends Knights of Cblumbun, held a de­ GL. 99,35 W. Call for and Try Oiir Delicious Fish Dinners held a special meeting at 8 o’clock gree meeting and made plans for 88tb and Ttnnjaan ’ Daliver of Denver, plus the most mod­ Monday evening. They made plans for the next three or four weeks. Mr. and Hri. Oacar Taylor. Propi. the coming initiation. A Ladies’ We Appreciate Pawish PaUrenage for their part in the coming Mesa Countjr Girls Honored night will be sponsored by the ern methods, facilities, and autumn festival and also arranged From Leavenworth, Kans., program committee, in charge of for the initiation of new members comes news that three girls from Joseph Pollock, on Oct. 21 at 8 to be held Sunday evening, Oct. 19. Mesa county are among the 33 p.m. equipment, make such service Mrs. Gilmore, president of the students of the St. Mary college Members of Pueblo council 557 Altar society, is in charge of the elected to office in class and attended in a body the joint Holy ticket sale for the chicken dinner campus organizations. Name and K. of C. Mass at PUEBLO possible. to be' given by group 5 of division Miss Dorothy Tharp of Palisade Mt. Carmel church Sunday, Oct. No. 1 of the society in the school is vice president of the junior 12. The Mass was offered by Fa­ hall this Sunday beginning at class. ther E. E.' Behiels, S.J., at 7 11:30. s Miss Margaret Hall and Miss o’clock; and following the Mass a Helen Covington were elected, re­ breakfast was served for the WATCH ES Catholic Officer Is spectively, as .co-chairman of the knights, the council being host, at sodality’s nationel problems cqm- the 'Vail hotel. Grand Knight Mikus DIAMONDS When buying from the Ordered to East Coast mittee and freshman counselor of served as toastmaster an"3 speakers HORA the sodality. This weekend the were Father William D. Mc­ firms advertising in this I AND SON CHAPELS two Grand Junction girls are at­ Carthy, K. of C. chaplain; Father Maj. C. L. Driscoll, a Catholic, tending the sodality convention at Kevin Carr, O.S.B., of Canon City, detachment commander at Fitzsim- Atchison, Kans., as delegates from and Father Francis Bree of Ajo, paper, please mention that KEystone 6297 # KEystone 6296 ons hospital for the last four the St. Mary college- Ariz. years, left Wednesday, Oct. 15, for Funeral services for Remigo Activities planned by the five- you saw their advertise­ I5Z7 Cleveland Place Fort Devens, Mass.), where he was Gonzales, who died early Wednes­ point chai^en are a Memorial ordered to report The non-com­ day in St. Mary’s hospital, were Mass and memorial services in ment. Guaixiing Forever our Founder^ Ideals missioned officers of the detach­ held at 3 p.m. Frida.' at St. Jos­ November, and the annual Christi Opposite Post Office ment gave a barbecue supper for eph’s church. Father Nicholas mas party for Sacred Heart or­ "And Just as Retlahle" Maj. Driscoll Monday night, Oct. Bertrand officiateilr''and burial phanage children, and also a rabbit 18. was in Calvary cemetery. hunt in December,

- Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Oct. 16, 1941 PAGE SIX Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER 1 Pueblo Society Abbey School Will Have HaD in Durango Drama Guild Has Session Club in Pueblo ST. JUDE THADDEUS Top-Notch Debate Squad in Colorado Sfirings Hotel FE A S T DAY ViD Hold Party Gets New Heaters •Holds Heeting NOYENA Colorado Springs.—The Catholic returned to his home in I^k u k , Canon City.— (Abbey School)— leading roles in the forthcoming Durango.—The radiant heaters Drama guild held a meeting la. Pueblo.— (Our Lady of Mt. Car­ debates on the national question of Pueblo.— (St. Leander’s Parish) Foy the past several years Abbey installed in the parish hall are Thursday night, Oct 9, at the Hostess to her bridge club Mon­ Oct. 20 to O ct 28 mel Parieh)—St. Rita’s Altar so military training are Franklin —The regular meeting of the ciety met Thursday at Mt. Carmel school debaters have taken an ac­ Hammond and Jerome Wildgen, quite satisfactory and the hail is Antlers hotel and the election day evening, Oct. 13, was Mrs. hall. A Halloween party was tive part in all Southern Colorado Canon City; Jerry Kelly, Wichita, comfortable on chilly evenings. of officers took place. Mrs. Law­ George Barney. The club will Mothers-Teachers’ club was held in Dominican Fathers planned for Oct/ 29 at the hall. forensic meets, and this year will Kans.; Norman Halderman, Pueb- The Knights of Columbus paid for rence Starsmore was elected presi­ meet next week w th Mrs. J. the school hall on Friday after­ one and the Catholic Daughters dent to succeed Mrs. George fierls. , , Games were played and refresh­ witness another top-notch debate o; Joseph Adams, Colorado noon, Oct. 10. Sister Lucy’s room club at the Benedictine school. Springs; John Arambel, _ Rock for the other. Dwire. Mrs. Joseph Murray is Mrs. Mae Gillia is spending two St. Dominic's Qiurch ments were served by Mrs. Albert vice president. Palmer. Chollela, received the statue of the Little Massarotti, Mrs. Tony Scarlo, and Following the first meeting on Springs, Wyo., and Jerry Dignan,' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thornton of weeks in Los Angeles, Calif. ■Bakersfield, Calif., who had been secretary; the Rev. Joseph R. Kane, Flower for having the highest per­ Mrs. Sam Pantello. Tuesday, Oct 14, Father Lambert Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haas are Federal Blvd. at West 29th Ave, visiting Mrs. Thornton’s parents, O.M.I., chaplain. Members of the centage of mothers present. Plans Morrow, O.S.B., announced that Several debates are being ar­ on a trip to Oregon, Washington, Members of the refreshment Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conway, for board of directors are Dr. ‘ and were made to finance the needs of he had an exceptionally talented ranged by Father Morrow to be and California. committee for the month of No­ two weeks, left for their home Mrs. George Dwire, Mr. and Mrs. the school fo r the coming fiscal group to work with this year and held both at the abbey and in vember are Mrs. Sam Appuglise, Monday, Oct. 13. Miss Margaret Joseph R. Murray, Ruth Mitchell Sunday, OcL 19, will be Com­ year. Evening Services Mrs. Tony Venuto, Mrs. Tony that much enthusiasm is being nearby cities. munion day at Sacred Heart Conway, who is a nurse in Bakers­ Burns, William Haney, William * Nun* Express Thanks lanna, and Mrs. John Taulli. shown by the club. Guest* at Social field and a sister of Mr. Thornton, J. O'Brien, Mrs. W. B, Barthel, church for the Junior Newman Each Evening 7:30 The sisters 'of St. Leander’s The committee for the Halloween Those who will probably take Abbeyites were guests at St. accompanied them. M. J. Mclnaney, Mr. and Mrs. club. Members will attend the 8 party is composed of Mrs. Sarah Frank Cusack, and Eleanor Jack- o’clock Mass. school exprels their gratitude to Scholastica’s academy at a social Dr. 0. B. Rensch showed moving the women of the parish for the Sedita, Mrs, Mike Mangino, Mrs. held Sunday evening, Oct. 12. The pictures at the Communion break­ son Gray. Plans were made for Mrs. William Brannon is recov­ Charles DePalma, Mrs. Sam Mo- the presentation of this year’s play, ering from an illness. generous shower and donation of Bishop Confirms Virginia reel and square dancing fast Sunday, Oct. 12. cash presented to them in the past roney, Mrs. John Mulay. Mrs. Joe were enjoyed by the group. i ke Man Who Came to Dinner, Sunday, the junior and senior Mr. and Mrs. George Cresto of Newman groups will entertain .with week. Bacino, Mrs. ^ohn Taulli, Mrs. Tuesday evening the yout^ under the direction of Eleanor Asihma Mucus Pete De Salvo, Mrs. Sam Pantello, At Orphanage Gallup, N. Mex., visited the Ferdi- Jackson Gray. The proceeds will an autumn box social at Pyramid The regular meeting of the Altar women of the academy were pres- nando family at Brookeside Oct. and Rosary society will be held in Mrs. John Cozzetto, Mrs. Earnest ent at a movie, Th-e- Quarteroack, - & - go to the United Service Organi­ lodge,. Cascade. Chaperons will Coughing, Gasping Viagellio and Mrs. Jack Piscatti. 12. zations drive. Also announced be Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn Sulli­ the school hall at 2 p.m. Friday, held at the Abbey gym. Members of the C. D. of A. will Thsnks to a Doctor's prescription esUed Sodality Hat Initiation Braakfatt Pueblo.— (Sacred Heart Home) 'were plans for the guild’s annual van, Mr. and Mrs. William Ripley, OcL 17. Mendoco, thaussnds now poUlste terrtbli rS- —On Monday afternoon, Oct. 6, Monogram Club Notts 10th Year have charge of the candy booth at Christmas party for children to be Mr. and Mrs. John Krieling, Mr. currlnt sttacks of choklu*. sssplnc. couth- Members of St. Therese’s so­ Sister Maureen has been con­ inx, vhesslDi Broncbisl Asthma by belplns the Most Rev. Bishop Urban J. the parish dinner Oct. 30. given at the Antler’s hotel in De­ and Mrs. Neal Craft, Mr. and Mrs. fined to St. Mary’s hospital, but it nature remove thick excess mucus. No dopfs. dality. held their annua! initiation The Abbey Monogram club ob Vehr confirmed 28 boys and girls Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wet­ cember. A. G. Witteman, Mr. and Mrs. DO smokes, no injections. Just tosteltss, Sunday. After attending services served its tenth'birthday at a ban­ is expected she will be able to re­ pleasant...... tsbiet*.I. The The rapid, ' delightful psl’ at the Sacred Heart home. quet held in the college refectory ter was an eight-pound son Frank F. Lachowsky, Mrs. Alienne turn to her home in the latter part _llstlve______action.jmmoL, commonly — help* nature brlr at Mt. Carmel church, the group On Sunday m ining, Oct. 12, the •reicome sleep—a "Ood-send."* ■ ' " A prinf----- The Bishop entered the chapel in last week, with several guests in Wednesday, OcL 8. Newman club of St. Mary’s gave a Malloy, Mrs. Rex Tortner, Mrs. of the week. tusrsnte* wrspped sround eseh pseksn:kl e( had breakfast at the Whitman Jessie Garvin, Mrs. G. Van Mesdoni Insures an Immedlsta refund of The program consisted of piano a procession with the candidates attendance. Mrs. Victor Poma of Cortez was breakfast at the Antlers hotel Charles Hager IS recovering unless you *r* completely «*U for the sacrament of Confirmation, The club, made up of boys who a visitor in Durango Monday. following the 9 o’clock Mass at St. Malder, and Mrs. George Bohrson. from a broken collarbone sustained Isiled. 7on bsve everything to gstn snd selections by Miss Elvira Gobatti, Mrs. Mary Corder left this week nothing to ios« under this poiltive money songs by Miss Nicoletta Daginelo, a group of altar boys, and a num­ have received a major athletic Mrs. George Densraore enter­ Mary’s church. Hillard Kalamaya in football practice. back guarantee so get Mendoco from your ber of clergy. After, questioning award, was founded in 1931 and presided at the meeting, which was for Dallas, Tex., to visit her druggist today for only 60c. and a talk by the guest speaker, tained members of her bridge^club daughter, who is a Sister of St. Mrs. Louise Millinger and her Mrs. J. Farley.. ^he candidates on the sacraments, has been one of the outstanding at dessert Thursday afternoon. the first of the year. The Rev. mother, Mrs. Margaret McCarty, the Bishop Rsked the children fo campus organizations ever since. Joseph Abbott will again be the Mary. ' Tbt new mnnb^ri are Mleite Jean The Knights of Columbus held Thursday, Oct 16, the Newman have returned to their home here Tucci. Pbyllie Spinuzzi, Jan; Andenucfa. pray for the intentions of the Holy Short talks were given by the Newman club chaplain. to spend the winter. Mrs. Miiiin- Pearl Taibi, and Anselene Storzc. Others Father and for peace. theic meeting Monday evening at guild held a meeting to make attending were Hisses Victoria Criitiano, following: Wilbur Little, sports 8 o’clock. Mr*. J. J. Killian Buried plans for the October bridge and ger operates the boat service at The clergy present were; The Mary Ann Rotolo, Toots Pingatore, Rose editor of the Canon City Record; tea to be given at the home of Grand Lake in the summer. Back Pain and Continaro. Lillie Bongirno. Kata, Roae. Rev. Bernard J. Cullen, Denver Tuesday evening at 7:30 the sen­ Mrs. John J. Killian died Tues­ Dr. E. J. Burke, Pat McDonough, ior choir held practice in the par­ day, Oct. 7, at a local hospital Mrs. George Bohrson Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johnson of and^Mary Ann Arcbirea, Theresa Oeehl- the Very Rev. Thomas J. V/olohan homecoming program chairman; ato. Rose Marie Oecbiato, Catherine ish hall. following a brief illness. She had The ‘ Rev. Joseph ,R. Kane, Salt Lake City are visiting at the the Very Rev. A. J. Miller, the Rev Frank Tiaone, banquet chairman; Luppino. Sarah Paieanante. Loretta lived here 40 years. She was mar­ O.M.I., last week called to see home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Beau­ Kidney Strain Dlodosio, Marie Porreco. Hary Scoleri, Joseph F. Higgins, the Rev. Paul the Rev. Justin McKeman, O.S.B.; Wrong foods and drinks, worry, colds and Sara Diodoiio, Jennie Pingatore; ried here in 1906, and was a mem­ Joseph McGrady at SC Thomas’ vais, parents of Mrs. Johnson. overwork often put a strain on tbe Kldntya Fife, O.S.B.; the Rev. Francis J. Gene Crawford, alumni president; Backache. OetUng Dp Nights, Burning Pos­ Sara Ingo. Carolyn Salvo. Josephine Wagper, the Rev. Thomas Fitzger­ ber of St. Mary’s church. Surviv seminary. Mrs. Leo Neis was.called to Par­ Perricone. Anna Belle Parlapiano. Mary the Rev. Jerome Healy, (J.S.B., co­ ing are her husband, a daughter, Frank Mice! and son, Vincent, sons, Kans., to attend the funeral tages. BwoUen Ankles. lUieumstlo Fslns, DeJoy, Ellen Daeeenzo, Mary Cash, Con. ald, the Rev. William D. McCarthy, founder of the club; Bob Buser, Nsrvonsneu, Dltxlness. Circles Under By** Canon City CInb Mrs. H. Dunn, and four brothers, have returned from a visit in of her father, Joseph Spaulding,, and feeling worn-out, often are caused hi stance, Mary Jo, and Lucy Todero. Lo­ the Rev. John Kelly, the Rev. president of the club, and the Rev. , non-organlc snd non-systemlo Kidney one retta Fonnico, Lillian Constanza, Anna Bernard McKeown, Newton, Mass.; Gunnison. who died at Trenton, Mo., on' Bladder troubles. DsusUy. in such osats, th* Rotolo, Vera Costanza, Josephine Rotolo. Patrick Stauter, all of Pueblo. Augustine La Marche, O.S.B., sec­ vtry first daw of Cystex goes tight to work The Rev. Andrew Sucek of Sacred Edward McKeown and James Mc­ fl’he perpetual hovena to the Wednesday, Oct. 8. Mary Berta. Flora Fraterelll, Mary tor. The Rev. Kevin Carr, O.S.B., Mother of Sorrows is held every helping tbe Kidneys fiuih out excess soldi Bacino, Carolyn Taravella, Angelina De- Heart home acted as master of acted as toastmaster. Keown,' both of St. Louis, and tnd woetes. And this cleansing, purifying Salvo, Josephine Carlo. Lucille Delli- the Rev. L. P. McKeown, Seattle, Friday night at 7:46. The speaker kidney action, in Just a day or so. mty sst- ceremonies. On account of illness Entertains Guests Oy make too feel voungtr, •tranter tnd quadri. Rose Tizarelli. Josephine Geo- this Friday will be the Rev. Joseph the chaplain, the Rev, Patrick J. Concert Set \ Wash. Requiem -Mass was offered CLASSIFIED ADS setter than In years. A printed jnisrsntea netta. Virginia Latino. Pauline Geonetta. Saturday at St Mary’s church. Kane, O.M.I., who will give a talk wrapped srounibesch psexsge of Oyttex In- Estelle Gavata, and Rose Marie DiLullo. Phelan, was unable to attend the luret an Immeolate refund of th* full eo*l For Oct, 19 Canon City. — Members of th» Interment was in Evergreen ceme­ on “ Mary and Motherhood.” Rste Zto per word per Issue i minimum 11 unless you art completely sstltfled. Too bsvt Miss D« Joy Wed service!. words. If four or more'eonseeutlva IssuM Sunday evening, Oct. 19, fol­ Ave Maria study club held an eve­ tery. , At St. Mary’s school an as­ everything to gala tnd nothing to loss unr*''undif At a prettv wedding in Mt. Car­ sr* used, th. rate Is tOe per word ptr !*• thist posltlT* money back guarante* so itO lowing the Abbey-Holy Trinity ning meeting in the home of Mrs. sembly was held Tuesday, Oct. 7, sua Ptymtnt must tccompany *11 onUrs Cystex from your druggist today lor only iM , mel church Miss Lily De Joy be­ The first meeting of the sewing Idaho Springs Study high football game, local stude]^, D. G. Hayes Monday, when they group of the Catholic Daughters in honor of Mrs. Spencer Penrose. Ads received on Monday wili appear in came Mrs. Joe Blatnik. The bride their guests, and friends will B* entertained guests. The club held Catherine Duffy expressed, in the tha laaua printed for the fellowlng waek is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of America was held at the home entertained at a semi-symphony the regular study hour and re­ of Mrs. Vernon Honey Thursday, name of the students, appreciation DIAMONDS WANTED Try this Wonder­ Jack De Joy. Olub to Meet Del. 23 for her generosi^ to Catholic edu­ ful Treatment fog concert presented at the Abbey viewed the second chapter of the Oct 9. HIGHFBT CASH PRICES PAID FOR book. The Liturgical Year. Pres­ cation in making St. Mary’s new PIU Snffvring auditorium by the Colorado Weekend guests of Mr. and DIAMONDS, AH' grades snd sizes, loos* or FREE Springs Concert orchestra. ent were Mmes. Albcr^ Goris, Glen high school, possible. Among the in jewtiry. Send by intpred mail and re­ Your Noturul Beauty Idaho Springs.— The adult dis­ Mrs. Vernon Honey were Mr. and vocal selections were “ Christ the ceive cash by leturn mall. Satiefaction If you arc troubled with itching, bleed­ This engagement will mark the Justus, Vincent Donahue, John ing, or protruding piles, write (or cussion club will have its first Mrs. J. W. Shield and Mr. and King” and “ Mother Beloved.” guaranteed or shipment returned. Fre* in- brouiM out with ild iH first appearance of the Colorado Scavarda, Frances Wildgen, D. G. formation, NationaJ Diamond Jswelry Co., FREE sample of Page's Combinatlo* meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Mrs. Larry Knapp of Denver. All the afudenta of SL Mary’s Treatment and you may bless tht day yoe H. Seay Thursday evening,/ Oct. Springs group at Canon City, and Hayes, W. R. O’Brien, J. Leo Ster­ ISOO-H Hennepin Ave., Minnespolls, KInn. Mercolized ling, A. W. Hammond, Bruce After a visit with his brother- sqhool express their sympathy to read thli. Don't wait. WRITE TODAY. 23. a large group of local music lovers in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Loetscher on the death of INSTRUCTION E. R. PAGE CO Wax Cream is expected to be in attendance. McCoch, Alvin Hinton, and Fred Dept 3<7-B-2 Marshall. Mich. Devotions will be held Friday Timmish and Miss Inez Enger. John Vandenberg, Dave Hassett his sister, Barbara Loetscher. $106-1176 month. MEN - WOMEN. GET Fry chlo itm sat Skin evening at 7:30. The choir will Father La Marche has issued an GOVERNMENT JOBS. Prepart now for Bleieh tnd Beoutirier, invitation to the public to attend Columbus Program Held PTA Meets •xamlnatione. Met Jobs—full particulars ^ IF you suffer monthly ^ practice immediately after devo­ FREE. Write today. Franklin Institute. MereoUzed W »i Crum. tions. the concert. Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock A special meeting of St. Mary’s Its eflfeetive irgredienu huten th« oitural PTA was held Tuesday, OcL 7, Dept. C-11, Roehetter, N. V ■ctivity of tht » ia la Oikios off liUcM, dull Mrs. LaMeda Frances Camby In the past week the Rev. the local Knights of Columbus FEMALE PAIN Jerome Healy, O.S.B., professor of sponsored a Columbus day pro­ Seton Unit Will at which reports of the meeting in NURSES TRAINING 8CBOOLS or dzrkened lurfzce ikin in tiny, ioTiiible p ^ was received into the Church re­ Pueblo were given by Mrs. Maly, which makes you deles. This complexion lightencr used u di- cently. Mrs. Joseph Camby was political science at the Abbey gram in St, Michael’s hall. A MAK^ UP TO $26-$16 WEEK ts a Trained reeted revesls tns whiter, newsi underskia. school, was granted a membership large number of members of the Mrs. Gatherer, and Mrs. Dea. A PraetiesI Nuricl Learn qpiekly at home. her sponsor. Booklet Fret. Chicago Behool of Nunins. imMi UriMNi dlhtsoi loose lutfics ikU: Giru a in the National Geographic society parish and knights and their fam­ patriotic playlet was given by the delithtful sense of freihnesi. RedutM exeeee mrfeto The October meeting of the La­ members of the seventh and eighth Dept. R-8. Chicago. WEAK, CRANKY oil Diteolve Ssxolite Astxinieni in onwhslf pini of Washington, D. C. ilies were present for the varied Meet in Pneblo witch hsssi end oie dsi!/, oomini ei tvenmg, dies’ Aid society was held at the program. Father Justin McKer- grades, entitled Our Thanks to OLD GOLD WANTED home of Mrs. C. R. Hackethal The regular six-week examina­ NERVOUS, BLUE- T«toee« leedj,II^Try nan, O.S.B., gave a pictorial lec­ Other Countries, Gold—136.00 Ounce. Mail old gold teeth, »'fteThiSrf«Ul7re bellev. yoi. *i Thursday afternoon, Oct. 16. tions were held last weekend. The Mrs. Frank R. Conway was six-week plan has replaced the ture on the life of Columbus and Pueblo.— (S t Patrick’s Parish) crowna. jewelry, watch**—receive cash Ipr Try taking famous this was followed by community hostess at the picnic last week return mail. Satisfaction Guarantetd. Free Lydia E. Pinkham'g quarter system formerly used at — The Harriet Seton unit will information. Paramount Gold Refining Co.. Vegetable Com­ singing and. the serving of refresh­ honoring the Sisters of Loretto at ISOO-B Hennepin, Minneapolis, Minn. the school. meet Friday, Oct. 24, at 2 p.ra. at Pyramid lodge, Cascade. pound at once. It's ments. The students of Holy Cross col the home of Mrs. John McGann, Saersd Haart Newman Club* Meat PHOTO FINISHING one medicine made Ciillidlic12(ar&itIl)elfaK A$ddciaiti0n lege enjoyed a day’s outing at The Altar and Rosarjr society 119 Lake avenue. The meeting will especially for women that helps re­ Senior and junior groups of the ROLLS DEVELOPED - Two beautiful lieve headache, backache, cramps, Mott Rev. FraneU J. SpoMman, D. D. Preslrfont Phantom canon as they celebrated and tlfe Mothers’ club presided over be held a week earlier this time be­ Newman club held their joint Doubis Weight Prafesalonal.Enlani«n*nts cause of Halloween’s falling on weakness, nervousness-due to Rev. Bryeiv J. M'elntogart, L.L.O, Netienel Seeretaiy Columbus day on Oct. 13. They a meeting of the women of the par­ meeting at Sacred Heart rectory I Never Fade Deckle Edge Prints. 26c. functional monthly disturbances. were accompanied by the Rev. ish in St. Michael’s hall Monday the last Friday of the month. CENTURY PHOTO SERVICE, La Orata*. Rev. John J. Corrigan, Assletant 'Seeretary Thursday, Oct. 9. Wiscoaaia. Taken regularly-Lydla Pinkham'i Thomas ZaboHtiky, O.S.B., dean afternoon, Oct. 13, when plans Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vertal left A Reouiem Anniversary Mass Compound helps build up resist­ were made fdr serving the banquet Saturday, Oct. 11, for Glendale, was celebrated Thursday at 7:30 EXCITING OFFERS I I print* - I «n ance against such tired cranky largcmante, IS print* ar I ovtrilz* prints feelings. Follow label directions. at the Abbey homecoming Nov. 9. Celii., where they will make their at Sacred Heart church for Mr. SSe, Mallsrt (rtc — Work guarantetd Card Club Entertained home. and Mrs. James Murphy. MAY'S PHOTO. Box g70-V, U Crow*. Leadville School Wise. / Five Necessities Mrs. B. Scavarda and Mrs. John Dr. and Mrs. John B. Farley The Sacred Heart Riding club have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Scavarda were hostesses to the had an outing Sunday at the Bar- FREE BOOKLET “HOW TO TAKE BET In a Mission Chapel before Mass can be offered there D. Z. Phillips of Santa Barbara, Q-H ranch. Twenty members at­ TER PICTURES" cosy to get I Clip this ad must be an Altar, a Missal, a Chalice, Crucifix and two Enters Contest Ladies’ card club Thursday after­ Calif. and und trial rail with S6c (coin). Wc send noon, Oct. 9, when about 40 were tended. you dromptly. postpaid, your bookist, devsl- 5 % IB % Candlesticks and a set of Vestments, These you can Lieut and Mrs. John Henry Sul­ The St. Vincent de Paul so­ opsd nsgativss, your choic* of *0 dsokisdged 7 present. This club meets twice a livan visited relatives over the Leadville.— The seventh and the ciety assembled at Sacred Heart dated Rayton* prints, and soupon entitling donate for $107.00. month for a social afternoon. weekend. Lieut Sullivan is sta­ rou to tnitrtcmcnte. or *3 Rayton* prints INTEREST FOR LIFE eighth grade pupils at St. Mary’s rectory Friday evening for the Mr. and Mrs.-J. Leo Sterling and tioned at Cortez, of each negativo. Roy's Photo Sarrieo. Dspt ON school have entered the safety son, Robert, motored to La Junta regular meeting. Franklyn Sulli­ S3-CB, La Crosse, Wlac. MISSION SUNDAY TRYING c o n d i t i o n s Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Fleichli first contests sponsored by the Sunday. “They spent the day there van, president, presided. , CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY It Is hard to be a good Catholic of Sprinrfield, 111., have been visit­ Miss Dorothy Brown, sister of aONGWRITEIIS VITAL TO THE CHURCH Register and the Powarine com­ and were dinner guests of their (PEKING) ing relatives and friends the past Mrs. Joseph Gehely-, returned to MUSIO compooed to word* Sand po*m for in some of our missionary lands. pany. The majority of entries daughter, Mrs. Lambert Burger, Carn-ing out the wiih of the Especially because in ever so many week. Mrs. Flejchli is the former Colorado Springs lifter a visit in eonfldoratton. On r a g n e s t Rhymspg Holy Father, the Bishops of the from St. Mary’s were essays. and family. James Sterling of Pamphlet Fre*. Phonograph Rraord FRlCE ANNUITY BONDS ‘ places there is no chapelpel where Miss Martha Elliot and a recent Alamosa. if poem accepted. KEENAN'S S’njDIOT United States dedicate one Sunday At the assembly held Oct. 10 at Lamar joined the family groitF convert to the faith. • Before re­ Write 10 the riest ' may . _gather ' his people Dept BV, Boa 2U0, Bridgeport, Conn. a year to the world-wide misiioni St. Mary’s each room contributed there for the day. turning to Springfield they will Forty Hours' Held at Corpus for Mass, devotions anO instruc­ number to the program f Christ! Parish TOBACCO REV FATHER RALPH of the Church. According to cus­ tions. A chapel is most necessary Mr. and Mrs. Ben L. Vondra and visit in Denver and Wyoming. Dr. tom, the third Sunday of October Throughout the entertainment im­ family, Carl James, and Mr. and The Forty Hours’ devotion for. successful missionary work. Fleichli is a graduate of Annap­ GOLDI.EA? guaranteed eigarette, pipe or 176 W. Adam' St. - Chicago i- Mission Sunday—this year, Oc­ portant facts pertaining to the dia- Mr*. John Balagna and family mo­ olis. opened in Corpus Christi church chewing. 6 Ibe. $1.00, ten 11.76 Pay when You can build a chapel in the Near coverer of America were pre­ received. Pipe and box elgari free. Blvee tober the 19th. tored to Boulder Sunday to visit Mis* Fear Wed* with the celebration of High Mass Tobaeco Worki, Paducah, Kentucky. East for as little as Five Hundred sented. on Sunday, OcL 12. The Rev. An­ We urge our readers to be truly Dollars. The good you would do with Ben Vondra. Jr., and John Miss Bernice Virginia Fear be­ generous 'to the Mission Sunday Balagna, Jr., students at the uni­ thony Elzi, pastor, delivered the will live for generations. You can Boys' Society Organised came the bride of A ithony J. Man­ Collection. Bcci^ee of the War, versity. At noon the boys joined opening sermon on Sunday night. name the chapel. The Holy Father gino prior to a Nuptial Mbss in St Who will pray for you aid to the missions from the Cath­ On Friday afternoon of last On Monday night the Rev. Thomas will select the place where most the family for a fried chicken pic­ Patrick's church Wednesday mom week the Junior Holy Name so­ Gilleran, M.M., chaplain at Clock- olics of Europe has ceased. The nic dinner served in the mountains ing, Oct. 8, with the Rev. Joseph needed*. ciety held its first meeting. The ner hospital, spoke, while the con­ hope and life of the missions de­ above the city. Higgins officiating. The altar wa.s pend upon the charity of the Cath­ chief business accomplished was cluding sermon was given by the CONTINUE ^HE WORK the election of officers. The boy? decorated with palms and white’ AFTER DEATH? olics of the United States. Rev. Richard Duffy of SL Mary’s The (Church looks ahead. She and yellow chrysanthemums. Of every dollar received on Mis­ ^emselves conducted the meet­ parish. We cordially inviteiyou to Join the knows her missionary priests must ing, after receiving a few sugges­ Bazaar Is Slated The bride was dressed in white The Rev. Joseph Kane, O.M.I., sion Sunday, forty cent* ii given satin in princess lines. Her full- pass away. So, she prepares stu- tions from Sister Mary Ferdinand, and the- Rev. William Zolp as­ to the Home Missions under the length veil was of tulle with a halo American Board of Catholic Mis­ dents for the priesthood to carry who is their sponsor. ° sisted at the closing. Members of of seed pearls. She carried a muff Sacred Heart Mass League sions; fifty-one cents to the For. on. Will you sponsor a young man The officers chosen are Dick In Fort Collins the guild and the Holy Name so­ to be a mis.sionary priest? One of white satin trimmed with Swan- Ilf members (both Itvfnx and dee^sed) share In the rich eplrltual benefit* of eign Missions under the Society Cody, president; Bob Maick, vice ciety wore in attendance for the Hundred Dollars will support a sonia, tiny yellow rosebuds, and a Mas* Mid daily, to the end of iSmt. eapecially for the members of the Leairua. president; Bobbie Johnson, secre. Fort Collin*.— St. Joseph’s an hours of exposition of the Blessed For ioformatioB write: for the Propagation of the Faith, white satin streamers. Seminarian for one year of his six tary, and Johnnie MacLennan, nual bazaar will be held Noy. 4, SacramenL Large crowds thronged and the remaining nine cents to Miss Dorothy Fear, sister of the The PriesM o f the Sacred Heart the Near East Missions dependent years of study and prayer to be- treaaurer. 5, and 6. Tickets are now avail­ the church all three days. Thanks bride, was her only attendant. She Sacred Heart Hisolon Bouse. Ste.. Marie. IlL upon the Catholic Near East Wel­ cofne a missionary. able for the turkey dinner to be are extended to the sisters and was dressed in yellow marquisette fare Association. served on the opening night from women of the parish; the altar was INTENTION CANDLES with a hat to match, and carried a FREE FOR ASTHMA 5i30 to 8 o’clock. The price is beautifully and artistically deco­ What you give is for the spread Colonial bouquet of yellow roses of God’s Church and the bringing You can supply a mission chapel If you suffer with sttsoks of Asthms so ter 50 cents per parson.. The usual rated. / and purple sweet pea*. Fred Man­ of His grace to all peoples. Christ with candles for Holjr Mass and ■ible you choke snd ru p for brosth, if garnet, booths, and entertainment Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Griffin, all devotions of a year for Eight restful sleep It Impossible because of the gino was best man for his brother. Patronize These wished it so. He commanded, "Go itrusgle to bresthe, if you feel the discisr will be featured every night. Karval, are the parents of a boy, into the whole world and preach Dollars. Make this gift for your As the bridal party entered the intention.s. IS slowly wesrlng your Ilfs swsy, don't foil Five hundred dollars in Defense born OcL 10 at Glockner. Mr. the Gospel to every creature.” Let to send *■ once to the Frontier Asthms Co cRurch, Mis? Lillian Laily, at the and Mr*. Griffin are well known for s free trisl of t rcmsrfcabir method No Saving bonds will be awarded on organ, played the wedding march your generous offering be a token NOT *1UCH mittcr where you live or whether rou htve Thursday evening. The first prize in Colorado Springs, as both lived of thanksgiving for the Gift of In the ceremony Mrs. J. J. Mc- here for many yeai-s before mov. Two Dollars will support one of sny faith in any remedy under the SuiC. is $260 in defense bonds; second Quillen sang "On This Day” and COLORADO Faith. Let it be prompted by an tend for this tree trial. If you have suffered ing to their ranch at Karval last our missionary priests laboring far~a lifetime and tried everything you prize, $100 in defense bonds; third ‘^0 Lord I Am Not Worthy.” Men­ ardent dasire to have others share could Itsrn of without relief; even it you prize, $50 In defense bonds, and year. j in the knowledge, love and grace among the poor and neglected peo­ delssohn’s recessional was played ple for nearly three days. or* utterly discouraged, de net abandon four additional prizes of $26 in de­ as the party left the church. Fall Festiral Planned r of Our Bles.sed Redeemer. hop* but •end M ay for this fre* trial. It fense bonds. There will also be will cost von nothing. Address A wedding breakfast was served Plans are rapidly being com­ Remember your contiibutlon is special prizes of $10 awarded on SPRINGS INSURANCFr POLICY pleted for the fall festival of not related to membership in any Frontisr Asthms Co, Sl-J. Frontlsr, Bldg. at the Mecca to the mehibers of the IH Niagara 8U Baffalo, V. Tuetday and Wednesday evenings. Corpus Christi church, which will particular missionai’y society. It is Some people have thought of Immediate families, after which a makiftg the Catholic Near East To Address Newmanites reception was given at the home of be held in the American Legion Merchants . . . They are aiding Y O U R for tht general support of all mis. I. E. Newsom, president of Colo­ hut on Wedneiday, OcL 29. Mrs. sion.s everywhere. It is your re- Welfare Association beneficiary of Mr. and Mrs, Curly Williams. Would You IJke rado State college, and Mrs, Am Catholic press sponse to the prayer of the Good their life insurance policy. That ? Mrs. Mangino is, the youngest Dye, chairman of the supper com­ Become a Lay Brother D. Parmeloe, dean of women, wil Shepherd. “ Other sheep I have can be done. The proceeds will daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin mittee, reports a large sale of help begin or save a mission cen- be guest speakers at the monthly Fear. She is a graduate of Pueblo tickets for the barbecued ham that are not of this Fold. Them Would you like i* eonsecrat* yeur ter. We would be very grateful. breakfast of the senior Nownum Catholic high school and the Seton dinner to he- served bet>#een 5 and I must bring, and they shall oeif to God sj a Lay Brother, devetint your life to prayer and work lg the club to be held Sunday, Oct 19. school of nursing in the class of FOOTWEAR Ideal GleanerSi Inc. hear My Voice, and there shall be 7 o’clock. Arrangements call for MA.SS OfV h E m o n t h pease and quiet of the Meniatery T Directors of the Catholic wel 1940. 300 dinner guests. Anyone who BEST IN QUALITY. NEWEST IN One Fold and One Shepherd." If you. know a trade, place It In tht 0. D. POTTS The Holy Father has requested fare bureau held a meeting Tues­ Mr. Mangino is the son of Mr plans to attend is urged to pro­ STYLE service of Godl If you sre not skilled II Tsars In Iks Pike* Ptak Esgtoa Where the Charm o f Nitenets all Catholics to pray this month in a trade, we ehill be plad to teach day evening at the yeotory. and Mrs. Dominic Mangino and is cure tickets without delay from STATUE OF OUR BLESSED you one. Develop whattver eoed Is In I* Restored for Peace. Ask one of our mis. Patricia Dos* I* Wed a graduate of Pueblo Catholic high members of the guild. Following THEVORHESSHOECO. MOTHER sionary priests to o ^ r Holy Mass you for Cod's Ciuie. Write (or our ^hool, He is now stationed at the supper, a games party will be Hein 1841 32* E. Pikas Peak Aet iieokltt, "Tht Sslvstorian Brothtr." Miss Patricia Doss, daughter of COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. Colorado Springs, Colo. Fifteen Dollars will purchase a in honor of Our Blessed Lady, The Very Reverend Fsihsr Provtaeisl Camp Barkeley. Abilene, Tex., held.* All are welcome. A good life size Statue of tne Blessed Queen of Peace. Bocifty of the Divine Isvier, Btlv*. Mr, and Mrs. L, L. Doss, was where he is completing his military time is assured all who attend Virgin for one of our needy chap­ lorian Scniintry, SC. Nssitnz, Wl*. married Saturday morning, Oct training. The prizes, ipcluding the grand Will Your Children Be els in the Near East. HAVE YOlf REPLIED? 11, at Laramie, Wyo., to Robert Mr. and Mrs. Mangino left for a prize of $100, should make the Our memberships' appeal letter A n E N T IO N D. McClintock, Jr., son of Mr. trip to the northern part of the evening profitable and enjoyable. FOR PKOFe J " s c h o o l in g was sent two v.-eeks ago to many and Mrs. Robert McClintock. state; upon their return home Mies Haug, student at Seton Proud of You Later? It costs Five Dollars a term for of our friends. To'this date some Mrs. McClintock, graduate of Mr. Mangino will go to Texas. school of pursing, spent last week­ Now you ore young and can take It—'' a child in one of our mission FISTUU SUFFERERS Colorado State college last year, (ven get by. But, what Is it going % have failed to reply. This is a end visiting friends at Derby be like later when growing children needr schools, a school which teaches a serious loss to the'-iniisions. We The McCleary clinic,’ 2200 Elms was an auistant ih the college Nurses’ League Enrolls Mrs. Bond Pijeeview has pur­ support. What will they think of yoo- child knowledge of God. By your he^ of you to renew your member- Blvd., Excelilor Springe, Mo., is library. Mr. McClintock attended chased the house at 215 E. Jack- when you are 40 or more and you are gift of Five Dollars you grant this ship today. Dues are one dollar a the University of Denver. He is 300 in Pittsburgh Area son streeL stumbling along ''hoping'' for a break. putting out an up-to-the-minute Qualify now for a better position and blessing to a poor child. year. 122-page book on Pietula, Piles now a first aei;geant in the United Miss McAfee, who is attending greater earnings. Let ut explain bow (Hemoirhoids), related ailmente States army, stationed at Wichita PitUburgh.— Three hundred re­ the Seton school of nursing, vis­ you may prepare younielf In spar* time. and colon disorderi. You can have Falle, Tex. cent grsduBtei of nursing schools ited her parents in Las Animas We can hcli> you solve this all Important Send all communioatlona to problem. B copy of this book by asking for it The senior Newman club held a of this diocese have been received on Columbus day. ENROLL NOW on a postcard sent to the above picnic Sunday, Oct 12, at the into the Catholic Nursee’ League Robert Mcknight, student at Catholic ^ e a r East CDelfare Association address. No charge. It may save Loveland waterworks park in. Big of Pittsburgh, which is affiliated Colorado State college, Fort Col B LA IR BIJSIIVESS you much luffering and money, Thompeon canon. Sixty-five mem­ with the National.Counril of Cath­ lins, wag recently pledged to COLLEGE, INCe 480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St. New York, N. Y. Write today. bers attended. olic Nuries. Lambda-Chi-Alpha. Phone Main III* Colo. Springa

i l l m m

Thursday, Oct. 16, 1941 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE SEVEN

J! JUNIOR TABERNACLE SOCIETY S' JUNIOR NEWMAN CLUB UNIT LAUNCHES PLANS FOR BENEFIT IN PARK HILL HAS MEETING i The fall benefit of the Junior] sent to mission chapels at Christ­ (Blaaaed Sacrament Parish) and Mrs. Theodore Kittleson, who Tabernacle society was officially mas time. FEET HURTP The first meeting of the Junior had been stationed with the U. S. launched Sunday, Oct. 12, at a Miss Florence Rapp entertained Newman club of Blessed Sacra­ coast guard at Brandon, Ore.^ and breakfast held at the Lakewood Our Lady of the Snows circle on ment parish was held on Thurs­ who has been reassigned to New Here's Your Chance to Get Country club. Mrs. Marion Kelly, Monday, Oct. 13. The meeting was T1 B[ ICT. 21 day evening, Oct. 9, in the school. England, stopped en route from president, welcomed the delega­ devoted to the sewing of small Twenty-one high school students the West coast for a few days’ tion of over 80 members and in­ altar linens. Mrs. Helen Wehrle, attended this first meeting. This visit with his parents. troduced the guest speakers. The co-chairman of the membership The annual card party of the number is considerably less than Seventy-six women attended the RELIEF! Rev. Gregory Smith, spiritual di­ committee, was a guest at the la^t year’s attendance, but all October meeting of the Altar and DON’T fORGET rector, gave an inspiring talk on Queen of Heaven Oi Orphans’ Aid meeting. those present agreed to bring Rosary society on Friday, Oct. 10, the great benefits derived from society will be held at the orphan­ MR. L. J. LEHMANN On Wednesday, Oct. 22, Our age at 4825 Federal boulevard on more students for next' time. Following the recitation of the this annual social by 20 or more Lady of the Rosary circle will Proctors for the four groups this Rosary in the church at 2 p.m., Ur. Scholl's PeraoBBl Repreaentative, *a Tuesday, Oct. 21. In order that Well Kaona Foot aad Shoo Conocllor priests in the poorer missions of meet at the home of Mrs. Frances ye&t are Mrs. Margaret M b^be, at which Mrs. Vincent A. Smith, Colorado. Miss Miriam Marks, all friends of the orphanage may Burke, 2253 Vine street. Miss Miss Pearl Doyle, Prank Kelly, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Guiry, from the national CCD center in be able to attend, the party will be h Returning by Request Mamie McAndress of this circle held at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and Miss Mary NadorlT. Each rendered several solos, the busi­ Washington, D.C., praised the so­ is now in California on a vaca­ group has a student senior who ness meeting took place in Mc- ciety’s past accomplishments.l i ' Fol and again at 8 o’clock in the eve­ If you have a shoe or fitting problem that is causing you tion. Three other members of ning. Cards and other games will has charge of telephoning the Donough' 'ha it lowing the breakfast, Miss Frances this circle have recently returned members and searching out pros­ pain, inconvenience and lowered efficiency, be sure to en r ic h ed b r ea d Nadoi^, ways and means chair­ be played. To facilitate transpor­ The Rev. Richard Hiester gave from vacation trips. Mrs. Frances tation of the guests, busses will pective Newmanites. The seniors a very interesting talk on his take advantage of this opportunity. Mr. Lehmann, Dr. man, announced her co-qhairmen Burke visited in Tucson, Ariz., for the various groups are Betty for the social, which will be held meet the street cars at W. 44th travels in Europe, and Mrs. L. U. Scholl’s representative, is here for a limited time only to and in Me.xico, Mrs. Nellie Mc- and Federal and will return after Mahoney, group 1; Ruth Fulton, Friday, Nov. 14, in the Lincoln Wagner spoke on behalf of the assist us in serving you. , Enery spent some time visiting the party. group 2; Betty von Dettcn, group Community Chest and the USO. Evtryon* n««cl> th« Vila* room of the Shirley-Savoy hotel. relatives in Chicago, and Mrs. Mrs. J. Fred Doyle, president of 3; and Dorothy Garbarino, group mint and Iron with which The ticket committee will agein have Helen Wehrle has returned 4. All the members of the Junior Mr. and Mrs. James Palmer and ai its chairman Mrs; Helen Wehrle. Her from an enjoyable trip to Albu­ the Aid society, and Mrs. William their children are spending the 3 Days Only-Oct. 16,17 & 18 assistants will be Clara Lievens, Dorothy J. Ducey, general chairman in Newman club were invited by the Ihit bread it enriched at Naderff. Dorothy Meikenhous, Mar^rot querque and Santa Fe, N. Mex. Rev. Harley Schmitt, chaplain, to week in Creighton, Nebr., visit­ charge of the card party, will be ing Mrs. Palmer’s parents, Mr, pari of the Nalion't Healih Mary Berry, Isabelle McNamara. Mary Miss Mary Handly of Our Lady become'Members of the CYO. Benefit from hli wide expe­ Clark. Marearet Robinson. Kathleen of_ Lourdes circle will become the assisted by the following commit­ and Mrs. James J. Manion, who .and Welfare Program. Flynn. Ann Campbell, Peggy Kottraann, tee chairmen: Mmes. G. J. The annual novena in honor of are celebrating their 35th wedding rience . learn how millions of Margaret Volk. Helen Canny. Ann Mc> bride of Johh O’Connor on Mon­ the Blessed Sacrament will open Hugh. Dorene Regan, Louise Johnson. O’Byrne, W. H. Grimm, Steplmn anniversary on Friday, Oct. 17 day, Oct. 20, in St. Dominic’s this Friday evening, Oct. 17, at foot sufferers have found relief Martha Soran, Mary Catherine Madden. M. L. Moauro , Frank DeChiolero, Mrs. Ed' L. Curran will enter­ Mary Cronin. Catherine Kelly, Margaret church at 8:30. Miss Helen Flynn, 7:45. This novena will again be Rose, A. G. Tremlett, J. C. Ryan, tain members of St. Joan of Arc’s through Dr. Scholl’s Foot Com­ Sweeney. Helen Zook, and Lily Pasquale. co-chairman with Miss Handly on preached by the Rev. Raphael Miss Pat Vogel will head the patron Michael Allegretto, R. Morrissey, circle at her home, 1244 Dexter the social action committee for Burke, O.P., who conducted the fort Appliances and Remedies. FREE FOOT TEST committee and her co*workers are Mary the past two years, will be her at­ J, E. Flynn, and Harvey Smith and street, on Friday. Oct 24. Assist­ Catherine llackethorn, May Keating. Miss Katherine Smith. services last year. The Forty Learn from him of this quick, Let a* aiake PcHo-^aph priat* Lorene Esher. Pauline Curran. Margaret tendant. Hours’ devotion will open on ing Mrs. Curran as co-hostesses of your atocklaaed tect. Takca Taney. Betty Jo Adams, Clella Carter. Those who have made reserva­ will be Mrs. E. J. Dignan and Mrs. inexpeniiva relief. hnt a momeat . . . and tkere’s Members of the Precious Blood Friday, Oct. 24, and the novena Anna Marie Wade, Madelynne Nalty. circle will meet on Monday, Oct. tions for the party which is given J. A. Peterson BO coat or obllaatloa. Margaret Struck. Louise O'Brien. Billie annually to assure a good Christ­ and F Forty Hours’ will close on l.ou Weber, Mary Ann Woodford, Maxine 20, at the home of Mrs. Louise Sunday afternoon, Oct. 26, the Mr. and Mrs. William Drinkard Burke. Alice Vitry, Catherine Mall. Helen Johnson. Sewing of altar linens mas for the orphans are as fol­ and their small daughter are leav­ lows: Feast of Christ the King. RUDOLPH’S SHOE STORE RhoadtSp Josephine Hytrek. Josephine for the Christmas bo:{es will be ing for their home in Detroit after Palace, Anna Shea, Frances Jennings. The-)Modads met for the first FOOT COMFORT AT LOW COST one of this circle’s main works. Mmei. Fred Albl, Erneat V. Beck, a visit with Mr. Drinkard’s par­ Rofianna Nolan, Eileen Hititer, and William Berberich, Frank Bers, N. time tms season in the school hall 804-lStli Street, jetween Champa and Stoat TAbor 933S WB0VIN6S Delores Muilin. On Tuesday, Oct. 21, Blessed BmRrio. 1. E. Bona, Qeorse E. Brennan, ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Drinkard. Sacrament circle will meet at the Nellie Brehm, Frank F. Campbell, John Tuesday evening, Oct. 14. Chester Inrtutlont ttid Annoonetmrnt* St. Luke’* Circle Feted Our Lady of Lourdes circle held home of Mrs. Sadie Foster. The Carbone, J. J. Celia, Jr.; John Covlllo, Preiser was in charge of calling O C WITH DOUBLE $ 2 ^ ^ “ P Members of St. Luke's circle J. T. Cronin, Arthur Croat, R, J. Cum- the square dancing. He was as­ its monthly meeting on Oct. 14 at "•A e n v e l o pe s co-hostesses will be Mrs. Myrtle minsa, Mary De Francia, J. J. Doolina, sisted by hifl wife and by Mar­ the home of Mrs. J. McLaughlin, Stmpin 'Upon Rtqnot were entertained by Miss Patricia Hill and Miss Kathleen Simmons. Martha Doyle, Elit* Du Boia, Ray J. Lucy at her home on Thursday, Foley, Marsaret M. Foiter, Jamea E. garet Anderson, who furnished ac­ Guests of the evening were Mrs. Oct. 9. Most of the eventing was Gaule, Edward T. Gibbons, Edward Gust; cordion music. Twenty-nine Joseph Little and Lucille McDer­ MmiTT'S i spent in painting vestments to be Mmea. J. M..Harrington, Marion laeino, cpuples took part in the square mott. Awards went to Mrs. Blair Dinner Will Open Nick Jianacio, Archie Johnaon, Petar dancing. Cider and doughnuts Kittleson and Mrs. R. Taylor Sel­ Hours: 9 to 12; 1 to 6. Phone MAin 8487 J. Jnnke, Joaeph H. Kavanauch, Stephen lers. Keatins. P, Lombardi. M. Harranzino, were served at the intermission. POHERY, GIFTS AND PERFUME James McConaty, Thomas J. Morriatty Mrs. Edward A. Splear is in Mrs. Thomas J. Morrissey and Dr. J. J. O’Neil, Dentist Welby Bazaar Set Frank Muto, Edward O'Connm-. Lydii charge of all arrangements for the Mrs. Alfred H. Rampe, officers of Handiwork Sold on Consignment O'Hara, Joaeph Onofrio, C. PIntlll, Mary square dancing and Modad meet­ the Catholic Parent-Teacher Purcell, I.awrence Rabtoay, Marsaret Suite 722 Mack Building. 16tb and California Streeti For Nov. 13 to 15 Roberta, Frank Scherer, D. G. Shannon, ings. league, spent Friday, Oct. 10, in TEPEE TRADING POST Eudochia Bell Smith, L. Spatlone, J. J. Scout* Maka Good Showing Fort Collins at St. Joseph’s school Sullivan. Harry Taylor. A. S. Vatnino. conducting a school of instruc­ 7S00 E. COLFAX AT ROSEMARY John Vail, Mildred Veraldi, I, Viltrit Boy Scout troop 145 of Blessed Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Diilr ind Snndara Welby.— (Assumption Parish) tion for the PTA. Fred Voaa, Herman Wasmuth, A. Zar- Sacrament parish made a splendid — On Monday, Oct. 13, a general iengo. E. P. Zarltnso; meeting was held in the school showing at the court of honor for Mrs. R. L. Bona, together with Mmea. George Somnta, May Berryman, Mrs. A. V. Crouter and Mrs. Luke hall to discuss plans for the ba- Paul Santo, E. R. Harria, J. G. Coatello. the Park Hill district held at PRODUCERS CREAMERY PRODUCTS MEAN E. M. Rowland. A. 8. Groahelder, Thomaa Smiley junior h i^ school on Mon­ Henry, will be hostess on Fri­ baar scheduled for Nov, 13, 14, QUALITY PRODUCTS AT REASONABLE PRICES THE COLORABO WHOLESALE and 15. On the first night a O'Keefe, W. H. Nietera. John F. Har­ day, Oct. 13. Tow Dwyer was day, Oct. 16, when St. Joseph’s rington, T. J. Tynan, Leonard J. Dunne, circle will meet at Mrs. Bona’s spaghetti dinner will be held from E. C. Day, Monica Smith; raised to ,the rank of an Eagle home. 6 until all are served. Tickets Mmes. John B. Mastrolannl, Georgt 0. Scout. Four new scOuts were in Ice Cream GRANITE CO. may be obtained from Father Bader, B. Flachbacfa, Mary Bunch. vested as tenderfeet: Otto NeU' Mrs. John Wich accompanied W. P. Dolan, John J. Damaacio, Fred beiver, James Mosier^Bob Fahey, her husband on a business trip to Alt Kind* of Julius Porcellini, O.S.M., or from Lohner, William J. Devaney, T. A. Sandy Domenico, Mrs. Serravo, Kemme. M. B. Mahoney. George Hack- andid Robert ■ Nadeau. Frank Mayer the Northwest They will be away Milk - Cream MONUMENTS and MARKERS or any of the committee. ethal, C. L. O'Byrne, Harry Malrihlll, was raised to the rank of a second until Nov. 1. . Ward Cumminga, L. A. Hitgina. Paul class scout, and John Weber was BuHer 933 Bannock St. Order Now for All Souls* Day The following bazaar officers Roasmiller; Peter Wslah, Joaeph J. Wslah, St. Jude’s circle will be enter­ were elected: President, Charles 0. A. Carter, AI Hauk, John Barry. Lila given a merit badge award. There tained by Mrs. Carlton T. Sills at KEytione S297, Denver, Colo. 620 Curtia Street KEystone 28.51 Di Giacom; secretary, Angelo Do­ O'Connor, Raymond Ricde, Philip Clarke, were 29 visitors and 24 scouts her home, 2312 Fairfax, on Fri­ menico; treasurer. Father Porcel­ Thomaa O'Naill, Charles Dunn, Harry from the Blessed Sacrament troop day, Oct. 17. Crowley, J. J. Celia, Con Mahoney, Don present at the court. Regular lini; supervisor of the spaghetti Rolger, Frank Manicini. Wm. F. Jenninga, Members of St. Norbert’s cir­ meetings of the troop, interrupted dinner, Mrs. Sandy Domenico; pro- Hayme Duddy. Joseph Couraey, J. F. cle will be guests of Mrs. Raymond gram, Mrs. Josephine Seravo; Tierney, John J. Morrissey, Mary Dalton because of the nil night football Walah, Joaeph Schmittling. Harry Grout, Riede at her home Friday, Oct, 17. \ < y preparation of dinner. Altar and games, will be resumed this Friday AT THE DENVER Anna Fagin. Louts Stain, J. J. O'Neil, Altar Society Meets Rosary society; serving, Young Walter Koerber. J. E. Wolltnkaupt. night, Oct, 17, in the school hall. Ladies’ sodality. Walter Wade, E. F. Muleahy. 8. A. On Oct. 24, an investiture ^cere­ New members received.into the Rietenman. H. F. Seep. Albert Seep. J. mony fop all new scouts will be Altar and Rosary society at its last The first night a radio, donated R. Plank, John Dower, Leonard Swigert, by the Public Serviced Co., will be Harry Swigert, William Swigert, Herman held.-The dads and mothers of meeting were Mmes. Howard awarded. The second night a set Seep, J. F. Herman. Byron Welah, these new scouts are urged to be Clennan, H. B. Kerr, William Rice, lames Petrie, Morris Keating, Josephine present at this investiture. George Karl Neuberger, A. A. Russ, Mar­ of china dishes, donated by the Wathen. Ward Rodger, H. Kountz, Fer- Altar and Rosary society, will be man Bischofbtrger, and Adele Grlebltng; Brown, scoutmaster, is assisted by garet Wilkins, and M. Craig given sway, and on the thirdtn night Misses Stalla Donnelly, Mary Nietars, Dr. Fred Peterson. Guests attending were Mrs. C the grand prize of $100 and an Lucille Hamburger, Verds Reed, Eleanor CeaveBt Baaafit Slated Martz, Russel Wilkins, Margaret and Margaret Murphy, Jeannette Frants, Wilkins, Mrs. Wisener of Chicago, electric mixer will be awarded. Members of St. Joan of Arc’s It’s Coffee Week at Safeway— and all coffees will Christina Stahl, Margaret Maloney, Anna and P. B. O’Neill. Hostesses for The mixer was donated by the O’Neil, and Mary Flood; circle will give a card party the be displayed for your choice at Safeway’s low prices. the afternoon were Mrs. M, D. Young Ladies’ sodality. Messre. and Mmea. Richard Tremlett, evening of Nov. 6 in the school Marlow, James Brennan, George Party to Be Held Oct. 29 Joseph Lucie, S. Van Dyke, Fred Zal- hall for the benefit of the new bauer. W. A. Hunter, Eiigana Frants. Pope, and A. Hagerty. Mcs. T. J A Halloween social will be given convent. Mrs. D. G. Mulligan, gen­ Choose from— * Horace Anderson, Joseph E. Cook. Rogers and Mrs. Mark J, Felling on Oct, 29 in the Welby'hall by Thomas Egan, Herbert Fairail, William eral chairman of the ^arty, an­ Airway Coffee the Young Ladies’ sodality. Ad­ HeNiehols, R. E, Cuthbartson, Hubert nounces that there will be numer­ poured. mission is 26 cents per person. Smith, and Jo^n J. King. ous special prizes, as well as table Mrs. C.' Walter Kranz, chairman Masses in October are at 6 prizes and refreshments. of the Needlework guild in this Nob HUl Coffee and 8. The Little Flower circle will parish, spoke on the great need. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Porreco Regis Mothers’ meet on Friday, Oct. 17, at the especially at this time, for gar- Edwards Coffee announce the engagement of their home of Mrs. Earl Thrasher. 1909 ments of any ...... kind for eitherth( daughter. Rose Marie, to George Ivanhoe, with Mrs. Leo Boyle and adults or children. The garments Maxwell Honse Coffee Di Giacomo, son of Mr. and Mra. Club Has Meeting Mra. James Finn as co-hostesses. must be new, two of a kind, and Angelo Di Giacomo of Denver. Miss Dorothy Jane Reed of the same size. Any one wishing Hills Rrothers Coffee Mr. and Mrs. Charles Di Omaha, Nebr., is the guest of Miss to contribute to this worthy cause Giacomo are the parents of a boy, The Mothers’ club of Regis high Betty Lou Austin. should call Mrs. Kranz, EMerson born in St, Joseph’s hospital. 2403, and she will see that the theschool met Thursday, Oct. 9, in theschool Juaior Tabaraacla Meetiag Chase and Sanborn Coffee Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ferrero gifts are collected. Regis library. The Rev, Bernard Nov. 21 were the sponsors at tne Baptism Karst, S.J., principal of the high Mrs. Emmet J. Dignan was ap­ of William Americo Croce, infant school, welcomed■ thethi 150 ‘ members The October meeting of the pointed chairman of the guard of and other popular braAds. Buy Coffee during son of Mr. and Mrs William Croce. present. Junior Tabernacle society will honor for the Forty Hours’ devo­ take place on Tuesday evening, The president, Mrs. Walter tion. In these three days, Mrs. Dig­ Coffee Week! Oct.* 21,...... at the,home of Mrs..... L, 40 HOURS’ DEVOTION Wade, appointed Mrs. H. A. Grout nan will appoint women from the B. Foster, 1360 Eudora street. Altar and Rosary society, in pairs Week o f Oet. 19: Blesied corresponding secretary upon the Miss Kathleen Simmons will be co- Saeramant ohureh, Denrer; resignation of Mrs. Thomas Glen- of two, to spend a half hour in hostess with her sister. adoration before - the Blessed St. Patrick’s ckureh, Danger; sen. Expressions o f sympathy Robert T. Kittloson, son of Mr. COMBED Percale Sheets St. Patrick's church. La Junta, were extended to Mrs. Marie See- Sacrament. Any one wishing to be 1 ^ «nd St. Charles Borrotneo’a man upon the death of her mother. assigned a half hour in the exer­ churob, Stratlon. St. Augua- Mrs. Alfred H. Rampe was highly cises should call Mrs. Dignan, tine'i church, ^ntonito, and commended for her work as chair­ Gay 90’$ Ball to EMerson 1384. Size 72x108 1.95 St. Francis Asaiai’s church, man of the telephone committee. Mark J. Felling, Jr., as a mem­ Castia Rock, may hare 13 Following a picture representing ber of the International Relations Hours’ exposition o i the the work of the Community Chest Be Held' Saturd^ club, of Regis college, left Thurs­ Blessed Sacrament instead of and USO and a play by the fresR day, Oct. 16, to attend the annual Feel unusually fortunate in being able to buy these the Forty Hours’ devotion. man class a reception was held conference of International Rela­ y o a r eonvenience in the dining-room honoring the At Regu College tions clubs being held at Utah Indian Maiden Combed Sheets at this price! Ber mothers of tne fre.shmen. Under State college, Logan, Utah, cause combing is a process used on only the highest The Popular A .B .G . Doll Shop the direction of Mrs. Edward Mul cahy, chairman of the tea, the All ii in readiness for the “ Gay quality fabrics . . . makes them.softer, petal-smooth, Bell System Musical Program A limitad number of Imported dolls 90’s ball” to ba held in the Regis CITY OF VIEIVNA atm left in stock. dining-room was decorated ^ith luxurious! Slightly higher,prices on hemstitched gay autumn flowers. Refresh­ gym Saturday night, Oct. 18, as BEAUTY SHOP Expert Doll Repairing ments were served. Following a a feature of the college home­ hems. Doll Parts. coming. Look Your LoTaliasit social hour the faculty was intro­ Rcfulsr tS.OO Haehinclau Wav* dvan Fhoat GL. 7T7T 1119 W. Had At*. duced to those present. The proceeds of the affair will .“THE go toward the athletic fund, and (or li.SO whan Ihi* ad la prasontad from all indications the party will dll Tampla Ct Bids. TA. 9119 Optometrist and Optician Cathidral Mothers be a great success. Tony Lohman •...... 2 .3 0 TELEPH ONE and his Volunteer Firemen’s band Htlen Walsh will furnish the music for the ball. Plan Year’s Program The evening’s program will get t l l E C K E R S'.V“_____ 2.10 HOUR’ AMocIatt under way at 8:45. Novelty enter­ W. R.JOSEPH The executive committee of the tainment will include skits by a CABS Cathedral Mothers’ club met with ...... 45 c EYES EXAMINED “ barber shop quartet,” whose per­ TA. 2233 Sister Mary Janet, pEijicipal, and sonnel makes up the Olinger quar­ Is Now Broadcast at tht More Desirable Phtat TAher lESO outlined the activities for the com­ tet. This group is donating its Lowest Zonid Katas S lE -a te MaJsatIt Bldg. ing year, the moat important of services. Square dances will be ______48(? Hour of which is the Mothers’ club card alternated with modem numbers. party to be held in April. The Floradora chorus, including Charca-rUt* It at TBE DENVER—ltr*«t n**r Yours to Enjoy Mrs. E. J. O’Connor, program Marsilia Wobido, Anna Marie Clean Cnrtalns Maas a Far added glaaaar*. aetaruia at the chairman, introduced the Rev, Ar­ Wade, Alice Mursko, Kathleen brlihtcr horns— l O P . M . CMBOpoliUn - PIONEEB ODUNO thur Lucy, who reminded the moth­ Wade, Mina Wilson, Rita La Tour- W* de them up ROOM ers of the importance of member­ atte, Ellen Patsy, Geane Glover, basutlfallv. BUY UNITED STATES 'SAVINGS- 0 0 r F B E ship, Sister Mary Janet gave an Marie Celia, and Mrs. Claire Mar­ PLAIN BONDS AND STAMPS 6 n OUR SHOPPE . interesting talk on “ School Spirit.” tin, will be heard in a number of Curtain* THIRD FLOOR — CASHIER’S CAGE W e n Ja ^ nfkt BAMBOO A Community Chest movie was gay and colorful offerings. Num­ ROOM. Ree- shown. bers will also be rendered by the emauad • l| * Patricia Kemme asked the sup­ Regis Glee club. OosBievoiltaa port of the mothers in the work of The advance sate of tickets indi­ to eut.of-towD Hi-Pal, the school paper. cates that the ball will reach a Phone frianda. Slater Ruth Agnea’ room won the new high in Regia parties. Color- N.B.C. RED NETWORK attendance treat. ful decorations depictingjicting scenes of Cosmopolitan Botel The November meeting will be Denver in the 1890’e nave been IN D R Y i l s "Whore Denver Shop* With Confidence" Phone KE. 2111 BRAOBUBT 8. MORSE. Gen. H n a night affair, with class visita* arranged by the Regis student 2412 Curtia St. tion a part of the program. body. I 1

\ ■iii ii i>AGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyston^ 4205 Thursday, Oct. 18, 1941 Home—T ravel— Recreation Typewriter Exchange, ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIEH IN SQUARE DANCING IS AROUSING INC. FOR Club Has Tea at PTA Canpaip A Good; Typewriter GREELEY PLANS ANNUAL DINNER ENTHUSIASM AT VAIL CENTER Means Better Grades Loretto Heights Acliieves Goal SALES — SERVICE Greeley.—The regular meeting when their cars collided at Ninth With the sure enthusiasm bf the to the planned program that is \r THAT ADD TO of the Altar and Rosary society street and 14th avenue. Total dam­ young people at the Vail Commu­ being carried out by the members IHA.3297 ..7t7l7ihSt was held Thursday, Oct 9, at the age was estimated at $80. THE FUN OF BAKING (Loretto Heights College) (Preientation Paritk) nity center, 1904 W. 12th avenue, of the Sodality of Our Lad;^rom home of Mrs. J. D, Cummins. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Delaney left The Loretto Heights college Plans were made for the annual Mrs. Norman Rice, chairman of for an activity that promises many St. Francis de Sales’ high school W om b’s club was host at a tea Greeley Tuesday for Stanfield, ¥ dinner and bazaar to be held on Ore., where they will visit at the the PTA membership committee, happy hours of good wholesome under the guidance of Sister M. Pikes Peak is so white and held on Thursday, Oct. 16, from 3 Sunday, Nov. 16. Ci^tntqAt ta r j to 5 p.m. Guests of'honor on this home of their daughter, Mrs. Jack has announced that the goal of social fun, the members of the Emmelia, sodality moderator. fine you’ll see the difference Those appointed on the commit­ Michaels. They will also visit at 100-per-cent membership w a s Tuesday club, a group compose<|^ Edwin Winterboum, instructor occasion were the mothers and tee to have charge of the dinner immediately. Smooth, easy members of the freshman class. Santa Cruz, Calif., .where two sis­ reached before the campaign was of senior boys and girls, have at Baker junior high school and * Kansas City u are Mrs. Guy Jarvis, Mrs. Russell ters of Mr. Delaney reside. Mr. mixing and tip-top results The tea, held in the new den in Senriver, Mrs. Jay Doty, Mrs. and Mrs. Delaney plan to be gone closed. The primary room, whose experimented with square dancing volunteer at the center, plans to the residence hall, was in charge Anna Smith, Mrs. Charles Crozier, teacher ft Sister Mary Helen, will and St. Louis make cake bakfhg a pleasure of Mrs. E. C. Spam, president of about two weeks. and now plan to make it the major hold special classes in clay work Mrs. J. D. Cummins, and Mrs receive the room prize for obtain­ every Tuesday afternoon for the the organization. St. Agnei’ Club Entertaineii activity of the club. Buy Pikes Peak today. Marie Ryberg. ing the most members. Special volunteers, who will in turn in­ Members of the Press club will Repeated attempts of workers St. Ann’s Club Meett Mrs. James F. Alexander enter­ awards will be made to Margaret struct the children. Enrolled for entertain the students and their to introduce the old dances to the S t Ann’s club met Wednesday, tained at her home Thursday eve­ Sedlmayer, seventh nade, and the classes are Anna Marie Hett, escorts at the Press club social at group met with little success until Oct. 8, at the home of Mrs. Tom ning, Oct. 9, for members of St. John Fox, second grade, for hav­ Lois Fender, Theresa Nelson, Ro­ Wellshire Country club Friday, George Hay, Vincent Domenico, Seery. Guests of the afternoon Agnes’ club of St. Peter’s church. ing the greatest number of mem­ salie Mazulla, Margaret Hynes, Oct. 17. Guests and chaperons of Arthur Milner, Galen Rowe, Frank were Mrs. Frank Green and Mrs. Twelve were in attendance. berships credited to their names. and Betty Dugdale, sodalists from the occasion will bfe Dr. and Mrs. Veltrie, and Marion lacino, stu­ Patrick Montague. High prize Bridge provided entertainment Members of the PTA express St. Francis de Sales’. Other vol­ P. J. Ketrick, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. dents of Regis high school and Stainle.3 Steel Chair Car. went to Mrs. Patrick Montague, for the evening, and the prizes their appreciation to the sisters, unteers from St. Francis de Sales’ volunteers at the center, persuaded Costello, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Spam, second high to Mrs. P. R. Mc­ went to Mrs. Charles Crozier, high, who are donating a beautiful hand­ who regularly conduct music, dra­ Standard Pullmans and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Taylor. Grath. and Mrs. Foster, consolation. made lace tablecloth to be a few less timid members of the matic, social, and craft classes are Dining and Lounge Car club to be "willing to m '"e fools The arrangements are in charge The Junior Newman club met Mrs. Alexander served refresh­ awarded as part of the campaign Betty White, Annett Stout, Rose L, Dn>«> 4.05 P.M. of themselveiP’ for the sake of Ar St. j»4«ph 6;30 A.H. of Mary Kathryn Hagerty and Wednesday of last week at the ments in late evening. to raise money for new school Mary O’Bryne, Regina Rowland, Ar. Kansu Gty . 8:05 A.M. experiment and to laugh at their Kaye Blodgett, Newman hall. The get-acquainted Mrs. Beetham will entertain the desks. The tablecloth w'as made Theresa Woodman, Rita O’Leary, Ar. Si. Louis 1:20 P M. own mistakes' and the fun be 4>atr»r«; r«mrr/M«t ftmti Cja The first monthly meeting of the meeting has been postponed until club at her home, 1218 Tenth by Mrs. Iva Sutherland, who pre­ Gloria Billings, and Betty Caragh- Student Body association was held Monday, Oct *20. street, at the next meeting. sented it as a gift to the sisters. came contagious and spread to er, Loretta Sweeney is sodality ns” . on Tuesday, Oct. 14, at 11:30 in The senior Newman club met It measures 79 by 63 inches and the entire group. prefect. to K««s«a Oty M St Lous the college auditorium, with Jo­ Mrs. Starkey Ii Airway Weather us ekatr cars U) eban can Tuesday evenihg at the home of Obierver three months were required to Marion 0. Tackett, trained Yvonne Pearson, volunteer from sephine Walsh as chairman. Plans Mrs. E. J. Hoefeli, 1119 11th make it. square dance instructor, will di­ Mentf'Seving Hotuid Tnp Fer9$ for the year were outlined and Mrs. Stella Starkey, Business East high school, will serve as avenue. Preparations are being made for rect the group in exact dance BURUNGTON TRAVEL BUREAU members of the cabinet and council and Professional Women’s club news reporter for the afternon Fr. Froegel Escapes the annual Mass for deceased formation and explain the rather activities conducted by the soda- 17tk 1 Clunpt Sti. Fk. tQrstHe 1123 presented rules and regulations,of member, is the only airway weather flexible technique important to i^embers and friends of Presenta­ lists. the constitution. A skit, entitled observer between Cheyenne, Wyo., Uawi Sfohon Tidtfr Qtfp^obor 2701. Injury in Wreck tion PTA. It is a custom for mem the full enjoyment of the dance, Fanny Faux-Pas and Her Friends, and Denver. Reports are sent in John C. Moody is resident direc­ The Very Rev. B. J. Froegel, hers to sing at the Mass and the while George Hay will serve as which portrayed the “do’s and by teletype to Denver eight times tor of the center. pastor, and L. J. Price, Loveland, choir will be composed of Mmes. "caller.” Charles E. Whiting, don’t’s” of college etiquette, was escaped injury Wednesday, Oct. 8, in 24 hours. Mi's. Starkey has professional pianist, will supply the held this position for six years, and Harold Sheets, Norman Fox, Fran­ GEO. A. PULLEN presented by Shirley Horan, Suz­ cis May, Fred Nelson, W. A.- Bu- music. anne Bell, Mary Catherine Madden, operates from the Airport Cottage camp, which she owns, at 2419 cholz, Boyd Baker, Albert Gruber, Glee Club to Be Formed DKISK Stove & Furnace Margaret Madden, Mary Jane No­ John Walsh, Lillian Walsh, and lan. and .leanne MacKenzie. Men Are Donating Eighth avenue. Mrs. Starkey has Other center activities planned SPRAY’S Repair Company had a part in the local observance Theodore Fiske. Mrs. M. J. by the Regis students include a COFFEE Sister Rebecca and Sister Adella Payne w’ill be organist. We'Carry Stoker Paiii of the home economics department Their Services in of National Business Women’s glee club for intermediate girls Stove and . Furnace Repairs— are leaving Friday, Oct. 17, for St, week. Room mothers announced by the directed by Frank Veltrie and ROASTBD AND DELIVERED Steam and Hot Water Crates Louis, Mo., to attend the convention Dr. and Mrs. Myron Pedigo and president are: First g;rade, Mrs. Bryan Miller; boxing and tumbling Water Fronts— Fireplace Grates of the American Dietetics associa­ son, David, of Denver spent Claude Le Blanc; second, Mrs. for junior and intermediate boys FRESH DAILY Repairing Rectory Wednesday visiting Mrs. Pedigo’s Frank La Londe; third, Mrs. Lil­ 1S33 Ltwrencs Strest MAin 0733 tion Oct. 19. The theme of this under the supervision of Anthony Value, unexcelled In Quality Tea., TABOR 1321 DENVER. COLX). convention is “ Nutrition and Na­ sister, Mrs. A. J. Overman, and lian Walsh; fourth, Mrs. Gus Ibold; Porreco, Richard Phelan, Edwin i - family. fifth, Mrs. Paul Armstrong; sixth, Spice., Exmet., Baking Powder tional Defense.” (St. Cajetan’f Pariih) Hutchinson, and Harry Grout, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams, Mrs, Clarence Murphy; seventh, games for intermediate and senior St. Cajetan’s rectory is being KE. 7181 1124 Tenth street, returned re­ Mrs. Fred Kurtz; eighth, Mrs. Peter boys and girls of the center with BuilingtDn papered and painted and other SPECIAL PRICE cently from a two weeks’ vacation Ekler. John Gleason and Galen Rowe in needed repaira are being done by THE ___ ONE MONTH ONLY Arvada Circle spent in Dubuque, la., where they The seventh grade mothers, with charge. Herman Faulhaber, fresh­ SPICE Route Rtcover 2 pc. tet with velour Frank Lucero and his brother, Sam­ visited Mrs. Williams’ parents. M^. Francis May as chairman, will man at Regis college, plans to de­ or Upeetry uel, who are donating their serv­ Mr*. Burke Feted at Party < 5 ices. be hostesses and serve refresh­ vote three evenings each week at COLORADO To Have Party Paying compliment to Mrs. Mary ments at the November meeting. the center to lead informal discus­ 2ttl & Market Su. Denver V S r UPHOLSTERED Miss Angela Miranda and Tor- FEDERAL TAX NOT INCLUDED Burke of Pueblo, who spent a few sions among the senior boys and * FURNITURE CO. ivio Arroyo were united in mar­ Thimble Club Meeti Oct. 21 V. IM COLORADO SINCE 1904 J 2439 16th St. GUiuUle 2304 (Shrine of St. Anne, Arvada) dWys in Greeley visiting her daugh­ girls. riage Oct. 12 before the Rev. Ber­ St. Anne’s circle will sponsor a ter, Catherine, Mrs. Anna Smith The Tuesday Thimble club will nard Rotger, C.R. meet with Mrs. Harold Sheets, 333 Color and ^vitality are added to card -party in the church hall entertained at an afternoon bridge the cro'^ded program at the center The bride, given in marriage by party Friday, Oct. 10, at her home, S. Perry, Tuesday, Oct. 21, at Wednesday evening, Oct 22, at her oldest brother, Angelo Mi­ by the wholesome leadership of­ 8 o’clock. Special and table prizes 1119 14th avenue. 10:30 a.m. HOTEL MILLS randa, had six bridesmaids, "rhe fered by the Regis students who will be awarded. The public is in­ Mrs. Burke is a former Gree­ The first of a series of dessert VISIT DEL-TEET’S and see this outstanding ring-bearer was Manuel Padilla. find that there is no better way 1321 LOGAN vited.

on 'th e Regia college grid squad this.year In Contest Slated to Former. Parochial League Stars are numerous and among those who are playing important roles in the Rangers’ battle for gridiron recognition are the seven shown here. In the top row, left 10 right, are Lou Antpnelli, former H oly Family satellite, who has worked himself up to a But Alamosu Team Is starting post at quarterback; Ev Stewart, all-Parochial at St. Joseph's in ’40, who is giving veterajt Joe Start at 3 o’clock Brandiger a whale o f a battle for the first-string fullback spot, and Shelley Pittman, an all-league choice at Regis high and now a regular guard on the Brown and Gold eleven. In the bottom row, left to right, are One of the moat inspiring fea­ Mike Griego, ex-Mullen Mustang and a letterman at guard; A1 Miller, center, who captured ail-Catholic tures of Parochial league games honors at Joseph's last year; Sam Jarvis, another Mullen product, who is battling for an end post, and Set to Spell Rangers’ Offensive-Minded MuUeneers Set to Knock SI. this year has been the clean play Leo Nelson, who earned his spurs at Regis high. of all teams. This sportsmanship has been doubly emphasized in the ' Joseph’s Off Throne Hold for Two Years; two games Mullen home played with St. Francis’ and Cathedral Homecoming Saturday Galhedral, SI. Francis’ Tangle al I Members of the latter two teams both knew that Johnny Payton and Frank Zaring, Mustang stars, Parochial loop fans who have been waiting for one of were plagued with weak under­ Improved Brown And Bold Eleven Sel for Fray those “ crucial” battles to come alon^ and clear up much of pinnings and that a.twist at the the mystery surrounding the real strength of league teams right time could put either or both of the latest Parochial Atter Wank of Hard Drill; Don Kelley this year will feast their ^ es on one of the prepsters’ classics touchdown twins out of action for Sunday, when St. Joseph’s defending champions battle Mul­ the game, perhaps the season Shifind In Blocking Back Spol len’s offensive-minded Mustangs at 3 o’clock on the Regis Despite this knowledge, the Fran- grid. The battle was originally scheduled for 1 p.m., but has salians and Bluejays, even when defeat was staring them in the They said at the start of the season that the Regds been moved back a couple of hours. Cathedral and St. face, played'-nothing but sports­ ‘’’ Francis,’ both seeking: their first Rangers “had it.” They said the Rangers would grow man-like football, and, as a result, stronger by the week, until they were a representative team victories of the campaign, will lock the Mullen duo paced their club horns in the curtain-raiser at 1. Navigators Roll to victory, by midseason. Lacking the powerful offensive Wa do not mean to infer, Sunday’s 25-7 victory over Panhandle was the first in­ that carried them to two straight o f course, that, if either Pay- titles, the Bulldogs this year have dication that the critics and Regis followers ■were conrect in Grand Knights ton or Z eriof is injured in their surmise. And those same prognosticators look for fur­ scored but one towchdown in a future contest!, such inca­ single loop encounter and two out­ pacitation will result from ther substantiation of their pre-season forecasts Saturday side tussles, but have unveiled a foul play, because a hard when the Rangers tackle Adams hard-bitten defense that should Into Submission tackle can often do more State of Alamosa in the Regis give the MuUeneers plenty of damage than below-tha-belt 2 Jr. Parochial homecoming game on the Bro.wn trouble Sunday. tactics. What we are em­ and Gold sod at 2:30. Loffreda Switehci Lineup Bay Dillon’s Navigators paced phasizing is that not enough While Adams State, on paper, Coach Joe Loffreda, who has the Knights of Columbus bowlers credit has been given to the Teams Still in does not figure to upset the Ran­ had to rebuild his team almopt at Colfax Lanes Thursday eve­ two Mullen opponents for gers, Coach “ Sarge” MacKenzie from the nound up, is still shuf­ ning, Oct. 16, by setting a new avoiding the very things that knows the gentlemen from Ala­ fling his players around in a search three-game total of 2,640 and tak­ they are supposed to avoid, Unbeaten Class mosa always play their hardest for the best offensive combination. ing three games from the Grand even svhen a little transgres- game against Regis, and is taking On the line Paul Sherrick ha-s re­ Knights, who several weeks ago .sion might have been a great no chance of a letdown. He has placed Jim LaGuardia at guard in were in the fight for first place boon to their causes. rushed the Ranger squad through the latest move made by'the West in the league. Kelly Mariacher led St. Vincent de Paul’s, with three hard drills this week, including one Side mentor. His forward wall will the keglers with a 584, which in­ The support offered to Regis straight victories, and St. Clara’s, slambang scrimmage among tha include Tom Dufficy and Tom De cluded a brilliant 232 single game. Sunday was gratifying, not only sporting a pair of triumphs, con­ second, third, and fourth teams. Leo, end.'*; Bill Miller and Al Lam- The Wardens, by virtue of their to the college officials, but to all tinued to hold the top spot in the The Rangers are set to show even hrecht, tackles; Sherrick and Jim two-game win over the Trustees, who admire and appreciate the Junior Parochial league this week, more improvement this week. Canzona, guards, and Tony Mel- moved into undisputed lead in the efforts that are being made to after scoring impressive victories phy, center.. Bud Somma’s with­ league race. give the Jesuit school a real ath­ in the third-round of play. Wage Great Battle drawal from school forced Lof­ In ttie individual standings, the letic program. Such backing St. Vincent de Paul’s downed For Starting Roles freda to move Ed De Leo from dog-fight for first place between should .not stop, however, because the Blessed Sacrament eleven, 27- right half to fullback and insert Father Lawrence Walter and Ed there are still five games on the 7, and St. Clara's turned back the MacKenzie’s chances of pro­ 116-pound Charlie Lombardi in the Mullen continued, and,although schedule and on. that quintet of Holy Family dab, 26-6, In other ducing a red-hot attack for the old right half slot. Dick Lundborg and the St. John’s priest rolled but a tilts depends much of the Brown eames on last week’s slste, St. gi-ads Saturday is gi'eatly en­ Paul Montoya round out the Bull­ single game last week, his 192 and Gold institution’s athletic fu­ Vincent's home got into the win hanced by the battle being waged dog secondary. was sufficient to place him one ture. column by trimming St. John’s, by the players for first-string posi­ pin in the lead. 25-14, and the Annunciation team tions. Last Sunday’s game re­ Mullsn Lineup Unchanged While it was hard to single TEAM STANDINGS bounced back into titular conten vealed there is little or no differ­ In the face of these changes. out any single Ranger for a Te a m — w After Years of Trying tion by hanging a 40-14 defeat on ence between the first and secoTid Bob Windheim is standing pat on starring role in t h e Pan­ Warden! ...... 13 St. Francis’. stringers. Yet every player on the the Mullen lineup that has brought Trniteei ..... 11 handle game, because every the Mustangs two straight one­ Games scheduled this week are first two elevens wants to be in Deputiei ...... 10 men on the squad played at Uie starting lineup, and this has sided' victories. Ever;.* man on the Guardi ...... ) if he were in the Rote bowl, Holy Trinity Tigers Hope to * as follows: St. Francis’ vs. St. Fort Logan squad, with the excep­ NaTlaatora ...... S it was a pleasure to watch the Clara’s, W. 26th and, Newton; led to a faster development of the Grand Knight! ...... S squad. tion of Eddie Smith, third-string Chancellor! ...... 7 work of two men, who have Blessed Sacrament team vs. St. fullback who is out for the season' Seeretaric! ...... 7 received little o f the credit Vincent’s home, W. ^ s t and The biggest news in the Ranffer because of a broken arm, is in top merited by their play this Break Abbey ^Jinx^ on Sunday Lowell; St. Vincent de Paul’s vs. camp this week was the shifting ll- shape and ready for battle. The Joseph’s Bulldogs to a scoreless tie year. Joe Brandiger, operat­ St. Philomena’s, E. Eighth and of big Don Kelley to the ouarter- ' Mustangs have exhibited a potent in its first loop affair, dropped a ing from the fullbaek spot, Josephine, and St. John’s vs. St. back, or blocking, pbst. Kelley has offense in both games and will un­ was easily one o f the best Canon City.— (Abbey School)— the second worst defeat in Abbey ball ranks suffer. Of the 12 men Catherine’s, W. 46th and Lowell played at the key left half posi­ 2^-0 decision to MuMen and is TEAM STANDINGS doubtedly continue to demonstrate faced with the necessity of win­ blockers on the field and his On Sunday afternoon, Oct. 19, the grid history. Not since the pre- I'ho composed the squad that was TEAM— W L Pet. tion, but MacKenzie believes Doug Holy Trinity high Tigers may be Shouldice and Paul ^tocJtweU, be­ ’ that a good offense is the best ning Sunday or .dHbpping dangeij- efforts made the Regis depression days of October, 1929, runner-up in the state Catholic St. Vineenl d* Ptul'* 3 0 1.000 defense...... ground attack click as it able to accomplish something a St. CUr«'s ...... 2 0 1.000 long there, and that Kelley will be close to the cellar. The Fran- when Centennial trimmed the tourney last year only two remain. should. J o e McNulty, who team from that school has never They are Captain John Arambel AnnunciatioD 2 1 .007 rtorc valuable at quarterback, Although it is widely bruited salians will be strengthened Bruins, 61-0, have the Bruins St. Catherine'* ...... - 1 1 .000 started the game at left done before — defeat the Abbey and Ted Espinosa. Arambel was where he must battle for a firft aboul'that St, Joseph’s has been greatly by Dan Brown’s return, taken such a licking as they got St. PhiI6m*n*’i ....„...... 1 1 .000 -I. tackle, never played football Bears in a football game. In St. Vincent'* home ...... 1 1 .000 team job against Lou Antonelli pointing for the Mullen game, the and, with a veteran line, may be Saturday on the Denver greens­ the hero of Abbey’s last-second de­ before ha enrolled at Regis seven games played in the last feat of Reitz Memorial high, In­ St. Francis' ...... 1 2 ,.l(33 and Jack Scherer. Bulldogs have a big obstacle to too much for the Bluejays. The ward. Holy Family ...... - „ L ._ 1 2 .M 3 and his rapid development overcome in the Mustang’ weight teams are about equally matched ten years, the Bruins have Al­ The Reds scored in the opening diana state champs, in the national Blessed Sacrament...... 0 2 .000 has given the Rangers a line­ ways edged out the Bengal grid- St. John'* ...... — ...... 0 2 ,000 Shouldice, Newland advantage. The West Siders will in the weight department arid a quarter and twice more, iii the sec­ tournament at Chicago last March. V be outweighed ten pounds per man- lively contest is predicted regard­ man who should be a great sters, but this year the two Show Teamwork star before his graduation in ond stanza, and throughout the ' on the line and 17 pounds per less of which emerges ■victorious. elevens are booked to stage a tooth- second half they were usually deep 1944. and-claw battle at Bredley field. Shouldice and Bill Newland, player in the backfield. Despite LEAGUE STANDINGS in Bruin territory. The only Humbled by the Regis Reds Sat­ starting right half, showed excep­ this, the spirit is high in the Bull­ TEAM— W L T Pet. OP offensive power exhibited by the TP Interest In t h e Notre Dame urday, Oct. 11, in Denver, the Bears tional speed and teamwork last dog camp, because it is a known Mullen - ...... 2 0 0 1.000 51 2 Bears came in the first period when PREPARADE fact that a Loffreda-coached team ■Rezis ------1 0 0 1.000 -27 0 eleven, always high in Denver, is devot^ most of the week to tackling Sunday and MacKenzie plana to Holy F«mlly._ 1 0 0 1.000 7 0 at a new peak this year, as. any they advanced for three strai^;ht keep them together in one unit as has never Idst a battle for which St. Joitph's..... 0 and blocking and trying to speed up By 0 1 .300 0 0 one* attending the Denver "N.D. first downs to get into scoring long as they continue ^their good it has pointed. 8t. Francis’ 0 1 1 .300 0 27 their offensive game. Lacking teritoryl Then one of their passes Boh Bam*. Holy Family hlak BUI MUIcr, 8L Jo**ph'a Annunciation.. 0 1 . 0 27 .club’s smoker Wednesday night power and experience, as well as work. They showed more speed at In the opeping tilt, a Cathedral .000 0 was intercepted and converted into B«b Doyle, 8L Frandi’ BUI Koerber, Cathtdral Cathedral ...... 0 2 . 0 .000 8 31 Cfiuld surmise. More than 60 speed, the Abbey team has come the ^alfback posts than Regis has team that has improved markedly Regis’ first touchdown. Captain Donn Walden. Refta in d iv id u a l s c o r e r s coaches, newspapermen, and radio tu depend upon tricks and decep­ bad since the good old days. ■with each succeeding battle this p l a y e r s — TD Joe Berta and Scooter Morelli PAT t P announcers, rep resen tin g all tion and in this manner it hopes to year will be out for its first victory Zorinz, M.H...... 4 0 24 turned in good games for the losers, The one blotch on the Regis Wheeler, M.H...... - 3 $ creeds, discussed virtually every conquer the down-staters Sunday. The Holy Family Tigers are Si, Francis’ athletes now attend­ of the campaign. The’Jays, in fact, 0 1 but Berta had to leave the game at schedule last year, MacKenzie haa Wide. R...... „ 1 1 7 important grid team in the coun­ The Bengals are playing under rapidly winning the rather dubioue ing college include Jim Wilson and will be striring for their first loop Germaine. H .F .___ the end of the third quarter be­ always felt, was the homecoming .. 1 0 6 try, but no eleven, appropriately the direction of Harold “ Dutch" honor of being the "most injured" Clyde Hendricks at Regis, Gene triumph since Oct. 15, 1939, when H»rris. R...... 1 0 6 enough, received half the com­ cause of a back injury. Santarelli loss to Western State. The Ran­ Dunnehecke, M.H. . . . 1 0 6 Clark, former Regis college player, team in the league. Ben Lombard Clark at St. Benedict's, Atchison, gers lost three other games, of they defeated the Annunciation Soran. C...... _ 1 0 6 ments directed toward Notre was the Bruins’ best man on the Kans., and Bill Gorman, Cards, 13-6. In Howell Stone, Joe and, . although light, the Tigers and Vincent “Duce” Wendlina are course, but MacKenzie has always Allyn. R...... 1 0 € Dame. forward ivall. the latest casualties, but both are Parochial guard two years ago, at Kemme, and Clayton Jordan, all Gogffin, R...... ___ . 1 0 6 have one of the fastest teams in felt that the homecoming perform­ ' Thpt* not acquainted with recovering from slight brain con­ D. U. linemen, and Jack Grindinger, Peyton. M.H...... 0 2 2 history. Clark has developed a Abbey Basketball ance was worse than miserable. •Monheiser, M.H. . ' 0 the changes Leahy has Gene Grannell, Phil Soran, and 0 2 team that is going places in Las cussions received when the Tigers This year he promises there will be •Stone, M.H...... 0 0 2 wrought at the South Bend Animas county loop circles, and it Practice Begins were dusting off Littlston high, Herb Torpjy, backs, the Bluejays •Schmittlinz. R...... 0 0 2 school are amazed whan his Playing on a field of ankle- no repetition of a homecoming Mullone. h !f ...... is the fervent hope of every Trin­ 7-0, Friday, Sept. 10, on the sub~ 11-game losing streak...... 0 1 1 innovations are recounted. In Basketball practice got under deep mud in a driving rain, loss, and th e. Rangers will be St. Francis’, after holding St. ity backer that this is the year to wav Wednesday, Oct. 15, at the urban team’s field. . . . The Holy St Joseph’s chalked up its gunning with both barrels opeta. •Safety. the Georgia Tech game, for break the Abbfy jinx. '• Family eleven will battle Louis- example, the Irish went into Abney for all boys not out for the first victory of the season by football squad. ’Twenty high school ville Friday, Oct. 17, at SiSO tn turning back Oak Creek high, Rodie O'Dooley Headliner the tilt expecting the South­ Second Worst the coal-mining to w n . Louis­ erners to fill the air with lads turned out for the preliminary 7-6, as Charlie Lombardi, 116- Lkking drills being conducted by Robert ville has already bowed in defeat pound Bulldog halfback, ran He’s Tall. . . passes. N.D., as a result, used to Regis high by a 7-0 score this It took the Rens high Reds just Buser, assistant coach and former wild against the.heaw Miners, K. of C. ‘Sports Night’ to a four-man lina with three year. He’s H^ndsoine baekers-up and a diamond 48 minutes to do what no other Bruin guard. Despite the victory, (5oach Joe tertiary. The Tack taam was team was able to accomplish for Just as the ^car football material Loffreda voiced dissatisfaction . . . But so baffled by this defense the past 12 years, namely, hand was blasted wide open by gradua­ Cathedral high’s Howell with the play of the club and that it not only failed to com­ the Abbey Bruins a 49-0 licking— tion last spring, so ^id the basket- Stone and Joe Kemme, both worked the teanr long and hard All too often the lit­ Feature Best in Region guards, have stood out in all week. . . . Paul Vinnola, plete more than a* few short tle woman is a bit aerials, b u t it could gain both the Bluejay league de­ who needs no further intro­ selfconscious when Sports personalities will domi­ only 92 yards on the ground feats and were particularly ef­ duction, made an auspicious ising heavyweight boxer to be NOTRE DAME CAMPUS TOUR fective against Mullen, despite debut at Santa Clara last she critically com­ nate the first meeting Tuesday produced in the Rocky Mountain as well. Leahy has also revolutionized the 24-2 triumph of the Mus­ week, when he broke away on night, Oct. 21, in the mobilization region in a decade, will headline pares him with other I of the Denver Knights of Colum­ line play, tackling, and blocking tangs. Phil Soran's blocking a 69-yard touchdown jaunt the program. On the preceding to score the Bronco freshmen’s men. Tall men re­ bus for a membership campaign, with his presept club. His line­ TO FEATURE FOOTDALL TRIP and Jack Grindinger’s line­ eveningie will appear in the main men, inatAd of crouching low on cracking gave Coach Frank only marker as the U.S.C. quire expert, ex­ beginning Armistice day, Nov. 11, event at the Mammoth Gardens offense, assume a sprinter’s start­ Collins hope for better days frosh were humbled, 7-0. perienced guidance W’illiam McGlone, chairman of the arena against Andy (Kid) Miller. A conducted tour of the Notre ing halls, wa.<; one of the most pop­ evening’s program, will present at ing position. All'N.D. men are ahead. . . . Clayton Jordan, when selecting fab­ Following the fighting Irishman coached to aim their blocks and Dame campus was added this week ular innovations we offered,” Co- the Jays’ left end, came out Th- Regis Clover club, a hal- least four outstanding sports fig­ from Steamboat Springs will be to the features offered by the Den­ Chairman Al Douds commented. rics and patterns ures, who will address the knights tackles for the finid-section rather of the Mullen fray with a Igyied institution at the Jesuit high I Jack McCracken, all-time, all- ver N. D. club’s “ Varsity Flyer” “ We feel that it is one of the sprained anp and may be out school, organized its football team for their clothes. in the feature entertainment, than the knees, a practice that American basketball player and via Union Pacific to the Southern standout attractions of the trip, for last week and from all indications which will be followed by other would have been condemned as of action in the St. Francis’ That “ too tall” ap­ player-coach of the Denver repre: California game in South Bend people get a chance to see the tilt Sunday. . . . The Bluejays will field a formidable outfit. . . . interesting events. football lyresy a few years ago. pearance can be .senatives in the Missouri Valley Nov, 22. physical outlines of the real Notre For the first time in history, Rodie O’Dooley, the most prom- Unorthodox as all these changes worked overtime this week in league and in the AAU tourna­ are, i t . must be admitted that The club is running another trip Dame.” perfecting their pass defense, Regis athletes are to have an ac­ overcome. Men can COLORADO ment. Abe Shires, all-American Leahy is getting reaults from a via Union Pacific to the North­ Annual Sport* Smoker Held which was riddled by aerials tive “R" club. The aims of this look better groomed football player at Tennessee for Notre Dame team that is supposed western game in Evanston Nov^ The club’s annual party for men from the arms of P a ^ n and organization have not yet been and at theMme time KMTTIAG MILLS two years and now a soldier sta­ to have only 15 real gridders on 16, and reservations for both trips from Denver's newspapers, radio Zaring Sunday. . . . Most Ca­ outlined, but it ie believed that enjoy graateri com- A Good Swaattr Makn t Warm Frltnd tioned at Ft. Logan, will also ad­ the squad of 52. are being accepted by the club’s stations, wire services, and high thedral backers feel that with restrictions on who can wear 1711 WELTON BT., OENVXB dress the knights. Bill Welch, an­ f 0 r t, satisfaction, Minufacturan of train d e » at Cottrell’s, 621 16th school and college coaching staffs more experience and a tighter awar^ will be the first move. . . . Htih Grtda Knit CooBi, Ltdiat' Eniambli nouncer at station KFEL, who re- Parochial league fan* who street. drew more than 60 at Murphy’s defense against forwards, the “ BattT’ Butler, the new Red pois­ a n d distinction— Suita, School Bwaitara with Bainforetd broadcast the recent Brooklyn-St. watch with interest the feat* Official club trains are going banquet room Wednesday night. Jays will upset one of the top ing ace, who completed eix for eix, less self-conscious­ and Non-itratrhabla Cuffi at Mllli' Chil- Lome baseball games, will explain of Nubby Wright, former only by Union Pacific this fall. The fobtball film, HiphlighU of clubs this year. including two touchdown toeses, in Icnta Low Prica. how he was lol# to describe in ness. -nBEPAlRING AND CLEANING Regi* high *en*atien and now The visit to the 99-year-old 19i0; Notre Dame music, a record­ the i9-0 rout of Abbeu Saturday, detail the various plays in the a Santa Clara *tudent, will campus’ best known spots will be^ ing of a Rockne fight talk, and a St, Francis’ will be back in full i$ a senior who hds Seen on the games. - TABOR U ll RES.! EAST 4117 be *orry to hear that the handled by the Colorado club at IXutch lunch rounded out the pro­ strength for its contest with Ca­ squad for tico years. ■, . , The big­ The meeting Tuesday night is youthful Ca*per, Wyo., lad Notre Dame, and among the guides gram. thedral Sunday. Dan Brown, who gest feet on the squad are owned FROSH DROS. MOROANTI STUDIO open to all men eli^ble for initia­ ha* been *ideltned after a will be the engineering students at Arrangements were being com| missed the Mullen game because of oy Ed Sheehy, reserve center, who tion into the K. of C., according to *avai>a back injury. Wright N. D. on the club’s scholarships, pleted Thursday for a public numerous and varied hurts, is in was outstanding in the Abbey tilt. Importers & Tailors ORDER CHRISTMAS PHOTOS Grand Knight Herbert Fairall. Un­ had earned a *tarting po*i- financed by these annual football screening of Highlights of IHO in top shape hgain. In practice ses­ , . . The i9 points scored by the .NOW usual interest in the organization tion on the unbeaten Bronco specials. the K. of C. auditorium. Cards to sions this week the Fransalians entire Regis Muad of S5 raised 324 17lh Street 1 144S.iS CRAMFA BT. is being developed, and a record eleven and icintillated in “ On our last trip to South Bend all former “ Varsity Flyer” pass­ gave every indication that they the Raiders' total to 89 for the Opposite Brown Paltco Hotel Oppoalt! Poblla Btrrlco Co. attendance is anticipated at the Santa Clara’* 13-0 triumph in ’39, the campus tour, followed engers and announcements in the would play beiier ball than they season. Ths Rsds, msanwhils, CLERICAL CLOTHES evening’s program. over California U. by luncheon in the university din­ daily press will reveal the date. have thus far this year.. . . Former have kept their goal line uncrossed. RIDE REGIS COLLEGE vs. ADAMS STATE RIDE WITH WITH Adults 55c (tax incl.) Ticket office: Cottrell's THE Children 30c (tax incl.) Saturday, October 18 at 2:30 621 16th Street ' THE ' RANGERS HOMECOMING . .. . . FOOTBALL RANGERS I.

PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Oct. 16, 1941

9 W 9 9 mim w w w w wm At St. Philomena*8 THE C. 0. GILL LIT1L[ PLIMII Community Chest, DSC to $ ENGRAVING GO. Sodality Union to Climax Announcing! WEDDING STATIONERY StoTt HoDeaice, Prep. BEGIN Oil CI Membership Drive Oct. 26^001111 Drive Oct. 27 1751 Champa St. MAin 3046 0 ;19 A New Service One of the biggest jobs the tivities and welfare to be provided for Your Fra* Car fFath— Atk Vt The Very Rev. Monsignor John climax to the membership drive public has to perform in carrying by the, USO for the boys in the F R, Mulroy will preside dt the being conducted this month by the odt thr national defense program is that of providing the means training camps is the work of the ROY GUTLER’S Sodality day ceremonies of the parish sodalities affiliated with the Denver Soldiers’ Recreation- cen­ Denver Diocesan Parish Sodality union. A large number of sodal- whereby the United Service Or­ Bridge D-X Service Station ganizations for National Defense (Holy Family Newa union in St Philomena’s church ists, their families, and friends are ter at 1514 Welton street, which To note Spanish Nationality day, may provide a vital service for the is affiliated with the USO. Here, 715 South Logan In order that more people may Sunday, Oct. 26, at 4 p.m. The eipected to be present for the im­ Oct. 12, the adult clubs of the 2,000,000 soldiers, sailors, and and at the Negro branch of the SPruce 9856 be accommodated this year, the celebration is being planned as a pressive services, which will con­ Little Flower Social center held a sist of the renewal of the sodality marines in training camps center at 2563 Glenarm place, the turkey dinner ah-anged by the Al­ popularity contest to select a queen throughout the country. Luncheons tar and Rosary society will be pledge, reception of new members, men from Lowry field, Fort among the young girls of the clubs. Logan, and Fitzsimons hospital served on the first floor hall of the prayers for peace, a sermon, and Miss Marjorie Ramos won. Her This is definitely a civilian job • Hostesses entertaining find recreation and comfort and Thrifty Home Owners school Thursday evening, Oct. 23, Solemn Benediction. attendants were Misses Carmen — a job of “ the army behind the eight or more at luncheon Order awninxi for spring deliverr cow. St. Jude Novena army” — executives of the Denver establish wholesome social con­ from 5 to 8 p.m. Invitation tick­ Assisting Monsignor Mulroy at Marshall, Lupe Main, Lupe Perez, Community Chest point out, and tacts through the co-operation’ of at The Brown Palace will As little «■ Sl.OO down* 50o weekly. ets are being distributed by the Benediction will be the Very Rev. Margaret Campos, Beatrice Jara- be given, without extra captains this week and arrange­ Joseph P. O’Heron, deacon, and millo, and Sally Abeyta. accounts for the fact that the more than 20 welfare groups, such as the Churches, the schools, ments have been made to serve the Rev. Francis Barth, O.P., sub­ Chest financing campaign this charge, the use of a beau­ A G E AWNING GO. A parade was formed with a YWCA and _YMCA, clubs, lodges. the largest crowd in the history To Open Oct 20 deacon. year, Oct. 27 to Nov. 6, is-a joint tifully furnished Skyline I ll SoDth P.nB. Pm iI is» number of floats decorated in the Catholic societies, and private so­ of Holy Family parish. The din­ financing effort to provide $702,- Apartment for the after­ Following the ceremonies at St. Mexican national colors. The 275 for the work of the Chest and cial agencies. ner will open the bazaar, which Philomena's church, the sodalists queen and her attendants led the its 52 social welfare agencies and Part of the sum of $75,000 to noon bridge game. will be held Oct. 23, 24, and 25. will meet at the Ozanam club', 222 parade on their specially decorated to provide $75,000 for the work of be raised in the forthcoming joint it Conanit our Hsitre d'hotsi TAbor 7372 *f1 * The response to the awarding of At St Dominic s E. 17th avenue, for a reception float. Children in the parade were the USO and the Denver Soldiers’ H«rmsn Sntttr and a get-acquainted social. ** dressed in typical Mexican cos­ financing campaign of the Com­ Rijkin a 1942 Plymouth car is far ahead Recreation center, established munity Chest and USO will go to Phont TAbor 3111 of former years. Because of the Rita La Tourette, jiresident of tumes. A pronam was held at here last May by the Civilian Mili­ Tailor to Men West Turner hall, where the queen the Denver Soldiers’ Recreation hourly cash prizes, everyone is (St. Dominic’s Parish) the Sodality union, and Anna Ma­ tary Hospitality association. center to provide a one year’s ■ FRANK W. CASE, urged to make returns early. was crowned and a social followed. A solemn feast day novena in rie Wade, chairman of Our Lady’s 'The $75,000 to be raised in this budget in maintenance and opera­ Manctger ALGANY TAILORS The high sc|iool sodality, spon­ honor of St. Jude Thaddeus, the committee, are in charge of the A. Zaragoza, I. C. Mackintosh, and campaign is Denver’s quota of a tion. 1716 STOUT STREET arrangements for the celebration. F. Romero were in charge of the sor of the candy and homemade “ Patron of Difficult Cases,” will nationalitiwal fund of $13,765,000 More than 18,000 Denver and cake booth, 'has*Vioe made final ar- be conducted in St. Dominic’s Union officers, chairmen, and par­ program. sought by the’! USO U for its work of ish sodality prefects assisting them Miss Dougherty to Leave Colorado boys will be benefited by rangements and has promises of church. Federal boulevard and W. equipping and maintaining .service the work of the USO at the train­ include |Mary Keniery, Teresa St. Francis Cafe many cakes.fc( Many more, however. 29th avenue, beginning Monday A farewell shower was given by clubs near all the military train­ ing camps from coast to coast are needed. Schmitz,^ Mary O’Keefe, Marion ing camps throughout th.e country, PfownPalace NOON evening, Oct. 20, and closing the staff for Miss Mary Ellen throughout the country. Tuesday evening, Oct. 28. No­ Macken, Virginia Grout, Elaine Dougherty, director of the center, where wholesome recreation, so­ LUNCHES e W V Mrs. Minge, president of St. Joint financing campaigns fior vena services will be held every Becker, Mary Flaherty, Emily who is on a three months’ leave of cial contacts, spiritual guidance, L ' ^ DENVER T-BONE STEAKS EVENINGS Rita’s circle, reports that her local human needs and for the evening at 7:30. A relic of St. Caplis, and Elsie Bissell. absence, owing to illness. and other phases of welfarp serv­ 411 14th (at Tr.mont) booth is stocked with many pieces USO are being conducted this year Under Management of Jimmy Short Final plans for the observance ice are to be made available to Patronize These Firms. T h e r. of exquisite needlework which the Jude 'Thaddeus will be venerated The Girl Scouts are planning an by .jhe Community Chest organi- (Cocker Cab Co.) every evening after the services. will be made Tuesday evening, the men in military training when Are C o -o p e ra tin g With Your members have worked on in the overnight stay at the center, where zations in 48 cities outside Deqver. Paper, year. All clients of St. Jude are invited Oct. 21, at 8 o’clock, when the they will ^pend the evening play­ they are off duty and away from government supervision in bar­ St. Lawrence’s circle, under the to join in the public exercises. monthly meeting of the DDPSU ing games, telling stories, and mak­ HAVE YOU racks. leadership of Mrs. McCloskey, has The novena booklets may be ob­ will be held. The session will take ing apple suckers. A good break­ Official announcements of the MODERNIZED YOUR the hope chest full. The booth tained at the services. place at St. John’s school hall, 6th fast will be cooked and served by INSURANCE? will be located in front of the A games party will be held in avenue and Josephine street. All the girls and their leader, Miss USO concerning the need for stage. the church bisement at 8.;30 Fri­ sodalists are requested to be pres­ Nellie Valencia. funds to carry on this work ex­ Protect yoursel/ againtt nete ent. plain that the government cannot Infant* Baptized day evening,' Oct. 24, under the Some of the members of the en­ htaardi. supervision of the Holy Name so­ The prefects from all parishes in provide money to be used by Richard Andrew, infant son of tertainment group were asked to private groups and organizations / / ciety. which the sodality is organized will give three numbers for the Mon­ HORACE W. BENNETT Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mallinger, in work of this nature, because the have a special meeting Friday day evening program of the Colo­ & CO. was baptized by the Rev. Leo M. Members of the junior and government cannot sponsor finan­ night, Oct. 17, at 8 o’clock in the rado Conference of Social Work, a il Tabor Bldg. Pb.n. TA. U 71 Flynn Sunday afternoon, Oct. 12. senior sodalities \yill receive Holy cially an enterprise devoted large­ FRANK ENGLAND. Jr.. Uonag«r The sponsors were Edward J. Communion this Sunday at the Holy Ghost hall. Those who will which is being held at the Albany Iimronr. Droirtant attend are Mary Ellen Feely, Rose ly to spiritual guidance for per­ Brown, Jr., and Mary Mallinger. 7:30 o’clock Mass. Breakfast will hotel. Spanish and Mexican dance sons representing widely varying Liuzzi, Mary Gutierrez, Barbara numbers will be given by Bernice be served in the basement of the religious beliefs and creeds. The Martha Lee, Infant daughter of Bates, Agnes Carey, Elsie Kasinga, and Lillian Martinez, Mary L. Ro- ^W har parents can do in the Mr. and Mrs. Uohn Howe, was church immediately afterward. government can and will, however, Patricia Weadick, Regina Tynan, dart, and Louis Rodart. A Span­ Prospective members for both the provide the buildings- for the 400 baptized Sunday afternoon, Oct. Frances Millard, Judy Henckel, ish song will be sung by Gillie Si- 12, by the Rev. Edward Fraczkow- junior and^the senior groups are or more serviefe clubs to be ^ w ay of sound, early training Virginia Battaia, Annette La Tour­ gala and Zeke Ulivarri, who will ski. Mr. and Mrs. James Sweeney invited to m end this function. manned and operated by the USO. uring thavitolysan baler* tdiool-sgt, ette, and Helen Larcher. also accompany the dance num­ The six great national welfare D whil* childrtn era undtr eemplat* In* were the sponsors. PTA to Meet Oct. 23 The Denver Diocesan Parish So­ bers with their guitars. The boys organizations affiliated in the work Nuoncaelthaparvnt.merotlianhalllhalrlif* Retreat Held The first PTA meeting of the dality union is composed of 13 are rtiembers of the young married of the USO are; The Young Men’s hobiti and choroettr Iroiti pr* dtvalepod. ypar will he held Thursday eve­ parish sodalities. In the month of group of the center. The annual retreat for the stu­ Christian association; the Young It't your rttponilblllry during ihti* fer- dents of Holy Family high school ning, Oct. 23, at 8:15 in the school October, every parish unit is con­ Coach John Martinez reports a _ motlv* ytort te too thol your ebild grows auditorium. An interesting pro­ ducting a special membership Women’s Christian association; S ootla u , makftt a was held Oct. 13, 14, and 15 under good record for the week in foot­ the Salvation Army; the Jewish itreiglit end strong In mind end tmelleti the direction of Father Crispin gram has been arranged, part of drive. Special invitations have ball. (U wall ot In body— net miuhopah Ilk* Ih* "bant twig." hot, glow burning which will be an original skit been extended to all girls who have Welfare board; the National fir*. Hi-Way is Pfirman, O.F.M. Father Crispin The Little Flower junior boys’ Travelers’ Aid society, and the Na­ How aerly can Hi* monlal and amatianel training el written and enacted by Sister moved to Denver recently and who children boginf In many ooMt tlx monlhs li net lee Mrly an economical all- is a missionary for the Western team defeated the Cathedral soph­ tional Catholic Community Serv­ province and is stationed at St. Raphaella’s eighth grade students. are not affiliated with any parish an eg*, child ptycholeglili toy. waather fual. society. omores in a practice game, 6-0, on ice. Elizabeth’s church in Denver. All PTA officers, committee a 30-yard pass from Aragon to Typical of the program of ac- You wont your child to b* honttl, elart end Mlf.ra* Vincent Fiorella, Bill Keough, chairmen, and room mothers are Bon). . lovable in ditpeiillon . . . winning in parsonellly. Lucero. Outstanding players on Those end mony other desirable character traits can be Harry Brachle, and Bob Gallagher, requested by the president, Mrs. defense were Martinez, Trujillo, Holy Ghost Society fostorad in your child through "My leek Heuta" training. who had been injured in football 0. F. Haeffner, to be present at Lucero, and Cavy, and, on offense, practice, were able to return to an im portant council meeting Hare era only a lew of the mony dotlrebl* trolls of mind, Memlier Drive Is Pacheco, Aragon, and Lopez. San­ disposition end ochitvamoni ropertod by pertnl usersi class this week. Monday, Oct. 20, at 2:30 pjn. in chez did a fine job of blocking. Forms New Card Gtub the school •auditorium. • OrralapiMnl el saHwelianco end saH* Saturday,. Oct. 11, at Curtis Homemade candies will be sold A card club has been formed by ' oxpfvsslen. a fraporoHan far schaal, and fat bettar 15,000 Attend Holy Name park, the Midgets defeated St. • Ability to chatM and mak* fritnds. by the PTA in the church base­ the members of the Holy Ghost werk in echttl. Fer ezaniplet A Rally in Reading, Pa. Slated by. Group Cajetan’s, 20-0. Harris, the fleet- • Slimuladanaf ImaginaHan anddavalap- netlefhwida survey shewed Ihe grades ment at the games party Friday Altar and Rosary society. Parties R io Grande Fuel footed halfback, was the sparkplug intnl af Iba cteaHve IniHnct. af children wha "My Baak Hawse" evening, Oct. 24. for the team. will be held in Holy Ghost library • Dovoleprnont et pawots ta cancaniralo Irelning befere slarHng scGtal la bd Reading, Pa. — Fifteen thousand There are now ten active PTA In order to interest Catholic! ^ t East high Sunday, Oct. 12. on the second and fourth Friday and fallaw iwiruettant. 9S.3% average er better. Patronize These Firms. They men, women! and children partici evenings of the month. A feature social circles, two of ■ which will girls and increase the number in the seniors downed the East Side “ My look Haus*’ ’ training Is NHlbl*...H IntlonHy adepts Itsalf te Ih* age or aptitude Are Co-operating With Your pated in tSf eighth annual rally select their patronal name this the organization, the Junior Cath­ of the first party, to be held on of the Berks-Montgomery Regional Trojans, 20-0. Johnny Martinez, at growing chlldran in guiding thorn ta wholotom's.lifa habits and character traits. Paper. week. Other circles that met re­ olic Daughters of America will Oct 24 at 8 o’clock, will be a It's an tsparitr^a af eentlonl Inltrost fer Ih* child...for Ih* pertnl a doSnlt* and Holy Name union at City park. former prep star, led his team to cently are St. Anne’s, with Mrs begin a membership drive Get. 13 an easy win. naming contest with a prize given tangiM* ptonofconitrudlvodovatopmanl. So simple andcomprohontivtthalGlIpar^ R. M. Murray as hostess; St. Cath­ by visiting the various parochial for the name selected to be used ants era able ta vsa the plan alfactivtly and save hours of pracieus lima. erine’s, in the home of Mrs. schools and explaining to the girls for the club. Since only a limited Charles Bellm, and St. Rita’s, with the various activities of the or­ Welfare Department number can be accommodated, it Mrs. George Stock. ganization, The committee for the is requested that reservations be MAILTHECnUPDN ARGONAUT HOTEL- made by calling Mrs. Albert Larche "TtNlinltEnsiMThotCould” The Blessed Mother Cabrini drive includes Gladys Fahrig, Mary Exams Are Announced Where Denver’s Society Entertains for Luncheons and Dinners Martin, Marjorie Simpson. Mar­ at PE. 3869. Your childron will levs thosxeerionoos _ sewing circle members will be the of the "bttleEngip*"andwiiroraspth* guests of Mrs. Thomas Burke Fri­ garet Cassidy, Theresa Baily, and InsUtationt and Indnstry FOR SPECIAL RESERVATIONS FOR BRIDGE PARTIES, Pat Smith. lM50oin»u™sndporsavor»nc4.Also TMI NOOK HOWI FOt CMIIMIN day afternoon, Oct. 17, at 1:15 Official announcement of merit CMters for Every P n r]^ e Bept.R.ZdOHarthMUWfanAva^Oikag* DANCES AND DINNERS PHONE MAIN 3101 system examinations, which will o’clock. Blessed Martin is the pa­ Juniors are asked to prepare Hospital—B obs knownhv wpfflv WofsieHoo M tho'*l«ok H«vM Ptan";th* tron of Mrs. J. T. McDermott’s their work for the Needlework he given prior to the appointment Art HttaJ Radiator Covsn ' Stt'Mfut;"eJl;SSVoru;a I HioFREEIOOKLET."Tk.Lllrt.E..l.mTholCoeld.''' Beautiful Ballrooms Privat* Dining Rooms story book todiy. . ______circle, which had its first meeting guild, which requires the donation of more than 700 workers in the county departments of public wel­ at her home. of two articles of clothing from Armstrong TH E SOOK HOUSE Street Addieu — each girl. fare, will be distributed by John C. The Little Flower circle, re­ Caster Co. The square dancing class, under Kidneigh, merit system supervisor forCHILDREN | ------cently organized by Mrs. Joseph RE. 4961 S40N.MIshltanAvavCMc*g*,lll. | iknt. DR. W. P. CARLIN the direction of Major Viggers, has for the merit system council for 12$ 14th Su* Dtnrtr .ctlWrea. Ates i McCloskey, met in her home Oct. the county departments of public DENTIST 9 and will meet next with Mrs. E. not yet been fully organized and all juniors wishing to join may do welfare, to any interested persons. 1458 CORONA STREET L. Botsford Thursday, Oct. 23. Mr. Kidneigh announced that ap­ Ave Maria is the name that was 80 by calling Miss Ann Limacher, MAin 4740. plications from persons desiring to O m C E HOURS) I te it A.H., 1 to S P.U. selected by Mrs. A. C. Reid’s cir­ At the council meeting Oct 8, take the examinations and obtain TELEPHONE CHERRY 3124 cle, which met at her home. Those Mrs. Harvey Smith, who organized appointments in the county wel present were Mmes. F. H. Kemme, a troop in La Junta Oct 5, told of fare departments will be received Ime is short- A. L. Sanders, W. J. Stapleton, the impressive ceremony and said at his office, 513 Boston building, and the hostess. that, although Mrs. Adeline Denver, until Nov. 15. Actual ex­ St. Rose is the patroness of the Gerardi, state regent, was unable aminations, both written and oral, JAMES MOTOR CO. circle sponsored by Mrs. R. Con­ to attend, she sent her congratula­ will be given at a later date in DODGE AND PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTORS ley, which met Oct. 7 at her home. tions to the girls. Denver and at least eight other Those present were Mmes. A. points throughout the state. The Expert Repair Service at Reasonable Rataa— Also Used Cart The members wish to thank the Anheier, S. Bueb, H. Barth, F. V, court for its donation of a bolt of actual date of the examinations 13tli &. UiKNiln KE. 8221 O’Brien, E. J. Phelan, J. J. Tin­ outing flannel, which will be used will be determined by the number dall, T. H. Wells, and the hostess. by the girls in the Needlework and distribution of the applications gmild. received. In addition to written Troop Ten Elects and oral examinations, perfonp- Officers elected by troop ten at ance tests will be given in some its first business meeting are: cases. Examination papers will be When yoLf go to see the Irish play President, Mary Ann'Stretz; vice graded without the identity of the president, Vera Murray; secretary, job applicant being known, for all Patricia M u 1 q u e e n ; treasurer, examination papers will bear iden­ this f a ll- Evelyn Killham.' tification numbers rather than The first social for the troop names. will be held Oct. 18 at the home “ Chances for new appficants to of Vera Murry, 116 E. First. obtain employment appear best in clerical, stenographic, and typing RIDE THE ONLY OFFICIAL ALUMNI positions,” Mr. Kidneigh said. “ Other vacancies are sure to come w New Club Holds in social work, professional, and lOAD sub-executive positions^ All vacan­ cies hereafter will be filled under TRAINS VIA UNION PACIFIC! First Meeting the merit system.” Candidates may take as many of orufUNLOAn t (St. Vincent de Paul’s Parish) the examinations for the diflferent types of employment as they desire Denver Notre Dame Club “ Varsity Flyer” The discussion club under Rte leadership of Mrs. C. H. Bettm^ in order to obtain placement upon specials will take you to see zer had its first meeting Monday, merit registers for more than one Oct. 13. Another club will meet position. Additional examinations will be given from time to time for the first time Tuesday, Oct. 21, at 12:30 at 1342 S. Elizabeth later as merit registers are ex­ street. Both clubs welcome new hausted and -will serve as a basis N. D. vs. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA for promotions within the organ­ members. Other clubs in the par­ ization, the entire procedure in­ ish will meet in the near future. tended to give the jobs to the per­ South Bend, Nov: 22 (Via UP) The Junior Newman club meets sons best qudified without regard every Monday evening at 7 :30 in to their social, religious, or po­ the school hall. litical connections. The party held by the Altar so­ Copies of the official announce­ F. C. H O G UE, ciety Oct. 15 in the parish hall ments of the examinations includ­ N. 0. vs. NORTHWESTERN was a success. Mrs. George Bader GinenI TriNIc Minagir ing details of the 25 classes of was chairman. DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD Evanston, Nov. 15, (Via UP) ' 4 Mrs. L. A. HiKinB will enter­ positions in six groups, as well as application forms, may be obtained EquiUbli Building • Denver, Coloredo tain Community Chest workers of by calling or writing to Mr. Kid- this district at a tea in her home, neigh’s office. Copies also will be 1219 S. Race, on Wednesday, Oct Campus tour . . . alumni tickets . . . official N. D, club backing .... posted in public buildings, welfare 22, at 2 p.m. All the women who departments, and major schools souvenirs . . . travel and hotel assistance, . . 20,000 miles of alumni signified their intention of work­ and will be distributed to civic ing for the Chest this year, or any train experience . . . organizations. others who are interested, are in AND REMEMBER—^these “ scholarship specials’ help Colorado vited to attend. St. Jude’s circle met Oct. 8 with John Gurtler Accepted j boys through Notre Dame! Mrs. M. J. Pfarr. Mrs. Leroy West won high score and Mrs. Frank Wiley took low. The next meet­ By U. S. Marine Corps FOR LNFORM.4TION, RESERVATIONS— ing will be held Oct. 22, with Mrs. WIRE, WRITE, PHONE, OR SEE J. A. McDonald, 1342 S. Eliza­ John M. Gurtler, 24, a graduate, beth. of Regis high school, was sworn in St. Vincent’s circle met Oct. as a member of the United States with Mrs. Bernard Shay. Mrs. Ray Marine corps Monday, Oct. 18, and COTTHELL'S Tharp won high score and Mrs, left the next day for the corps’ i | R. W. Johnson won the consola-' San Diego base. The Catholic! | 62116th St. tion award. The next meeting will youth is the son of Mr. and Mrs.! be with Mrs. Ray Tharp. Arnold B. Gurtler, His father is I DENVER Mrs. Frank Muto entertained president of the Elitch’s Gardens! St Francis’ circle Oct 8 at a company. Young Gurtler has long HHbridge luncheon. been active in dramatics. 1 TH£ DENVER CATHOLld RE&lSTER Telephone, KEystone 4208 PAGE ELEVEN Thursday, Oct. 16. 1941 Office, 938 Bannock Street flAi

SAVE OLD MAGAZINES, PAPERS New Chief Justice REGIS STUDENTS ATTENDING Of Supreme Court St. James’ Women FOR DE PAUL SALVAGE BUREAU CONFERENCE IN LOGAN, UTAH To Serve Dinner Builders So alarming ha* the shortage of To acquaint the public with (Ragts Colleg*) the national forensic tournament old newspapers and magazines be­ these facts and to encourage every Seven Regis college students, ac­ In Hollywood, Calif. A sophomore, (St. James’ Parish) come that paper mills engaged In one to preserve carefully all such companied by the Rev. Joaeph P. he lives at 1432 Downing street manufacturing for national de- Donnelly, S.J., are now attending and is a member of the coUege de­ The Altar and Rosary society S e c t i o n 11 fense are experiencing difficulty material coming into his pos­ the Rocky Mountain conference of bate squad and of other campus of S t James’ parish will serve a in...... maintaining production . sche session, the government ha* em­ International Relations clubs be­ organizations. dinner on Sunday, Oct 26, at the 'W: y ules. ployed experts who, through the ing held at the Utah State college The only freshman taking part Montclair Civic building, E. 12th T h e. American public, ac­ press and other media, are con­ in Logan, Utah, on Oct. 17 and 18. in the finals of the contest is Jack and Oneida, from 1 to 7 p.m. F O X COMPANY customed to burning or otherwise The Students, who are all members Teeling of 1441 Pennsylvania The following are in charge of & ducting a ggressiv* campaigns of the Rcgii collet^ International street. Teeling is from Re^s high li? destroying such commonplace the dinner: Mmes. Paul Fitzgerald, Sheet .Metal Manufacturers and Ointractor* things, is not able readily to throughout the nation. Relation's club, include Joseph school. Last year he was regional Dorothy Leydon, Fred M. Smith, comprehend why suddenly they The Denver campaign. \yc are Coursey, Mark Pelling, Francis champion in the oratorical contest J. T. Ransom, L. H. Behrens 1620 Blakd Street CHerry 7404 sponsored by the Americanism should assume. a position of Im infortied, will begin within the McCabe, James Harris, Louis Bog- Thomas J. Degan, H. Haffe^, BAMVtL B. rOX DENVU. COLOBXOO portance in the national defense next two weeks. Unlike the recent gio, and Robert Magor. Another committee of the American Legion. T. M. Murray, Leo Boyle, T, This was held at Bartlesville, effort. ^ ^ aluminum drive in which citizens member of the group, Jack Brit- Vleau, V. J. Halpin, M. J. Keat- were requested to deposit contri­ tan, a senior from Alliance, Nebr., Okla. He placed second in the di The reason, of course, Is that ing, .1. R. Plunkett, and Frank butions at designated localities, the will deliver a paper entitled “ Ea ocesan speech conference last Mertensmeyer. s t b u c t u r a l b txk l c o b r u g a t e d ir o n cvLvnn until now no one has e.xp)atncd rope’s Economic Future." spring, and was first in the dioc request this time will be zealously Tho menu will include fricas­ that vast quantities of shoes, to accumulate magazines and The group will take part in the esan extemporaneous contest. He DENVER STEEL & IRON WORKS clothing, ammunition, and other seed chicken, mashed potatoes, newspapers and, -when a quantity five round-tables planned for the was president of the Regis high W. CoUaa and LaciniM Stm t TAhei u n items are packed in pasteboard buttered beets, cabbage salad, hot ( P. 0. BOX IIH, DXNV£B I has been assembled, to contribute conference. These are on the fol­ school debate soeioty and was vale^ boxes. To be of maximum utility, rolls, preserves, homemade pie, them to charitable organizations lowing subjects: Europe and the dictorian of his class. In two years’ such boxes must be of a folding and coffee. which, in turn, will sell them alj future, the Western hemisphere? competition, Teeling scored over type. No substitute for old news­ St. Zita’s Circle Entertained stipulated prices to authorized the Orient, tho United States and 300 credit points in the National 2*8 TO 12x14 UP TO 21 PT. III.- papers and magazines has been St. Zita’* circle met at the home dealers. | war, and organization for peace. Forensic league ratings for suc­ NEW AND USED LUMBER 100 FT. 2x0, 2x2 T AND C ORE. discovered for this purpose. At a meeting on Monday eve­ cessful debate appearances. of Mrs. L. H. Behrens, 6401 E. Unquestionably many Denver! 6th avenue, Monday, Oct. 13. Mrs. FIR. 100,000 COMMON AND PRESSED BRICK. PLUMBING RADT't, PIPE, At the Denver ordnance plant agencies will actively co-operate! ning, Oct, 13, the International Re­ Jack Brittan, a senior from Al­ • ' STL. BEAMS. a production of 4,000,000 rounds J. Leonard Sw^ert was tho as­ with a view to obtaining vast lations club was addressed by Dr. liance, Nebr., alternate, has been of anlmunition per day is con­ Wilhelm Haas, a “Catholic Gortnan an active participant in campus af sistant hostess. The members pres­ quantities of newspapers and ent were Mmes. J. T. Ranson^ DENVER WRECKING 00., 1000 S. Bdway templated. The demand for pack­ magazines for the government in exile, who spoke on the importance fairs for the past four years. He ing boxes in that one plant alone George Dodge, Joseph Cecchlnr, the Denver area. of the Middle East in the present was graduated from Regis high taxes the imagination. war. He is connected with the school in 1938. Paul Fitzgerald, Thomas M. Mur­ The Sty Vincent de Paul Salvagej Foundation for the Advancement ray, Fred M. Smith, and J. C. Erei- bureau will, of course, do its fullj English Subject Announced berger. The high scores for bridge Montreal Sister Wins of Social Sciences and served as The subject for tho intercollegi­ share, “ Catholics," Leo Keleher, an official in the department of were won by Mrs. Ramon and Mrs. -^TH IS IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE Pharmacists’ Gold Medal ate English contest, “ Catholics and the bureau’s manager, said, “ are education for the Persian pvern 'Dodge. Creative Literature,” was an­ inherently a patriotic and chari­ ment. Dr. Haas stressed the fact Mr. and Mrs.' Oscar Vogel left table people. They will whole- nounced this week at Regis college. in the week for Mexico City, WALLPAPER Montreal.— Sister Jeanne Pha- that he considers the outcome of All undergraduate students' in heartealy act to prevent further The new chief jiiilice of the the war in thq Middle East to be They expect to be gone three neuf of the Hotel Died has been Jesuit colleges in the C hict^ and E awarded the gold medal given each destruction of these items for United States supreme court, Har­ the deciding factor because of the weeks. Prices Low — QutdUy Best which their government is in such Missouri provinces are eligible to year by the Association of Phar­ lan F. Stone, is pictured as the rich oil fields there. He expressed Several St. James’ parishioners compete. The papers are to m sub urgent need. high court opened its new session the belief that the German effort attended the day of recollection macists for students of the school mitted on or before Dec. 19. The' HIRHLINE PAINTS amt,VARNISHES of pharmacy who receive more “ They are aware, too, that no in Washington, D. C. in Russia Js exhausting the Ger­ at Regis oqllege Sunday, Oct. 12. agency strives more earnestly to prize for the contest is $100 And This is an annual affair of the than 80 per cent. Sister Phaneuf man nation. He called the Ameri­ will be divided as follows: First provide material assistance for the can effort to send supplies to the Legion of Mary. Mrs, Thomas J. ^obtained 85 per cent-

PAGE TWELVE Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHQUC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Oct. 18, 1941 Priests Are Hosts to Group SCHOOL GRADES ST. PHIOHENA’S SOCIETY FILL F E S IIL Your child’s marks if below average may be due to a HAS ELECTION OF OFFICERSi J| |]p[|| |)|;y^ JJ faulty visual apparatus. He must have a maximum IS B EIi SET UP of vision with a minimum of effort. His protection (St. Philpmena’* Parish) president: Mrs. Mamie Goll, third is an examination by our professional optometrists. The Very Rl(v. Dr. William M. vice president; Mrs. E. A. Hani- fen, secretary; Mrs. Otto Kiene, Higgins and the Rev. David Ma­ S I, E corresponding secretary, and Mrs, IT ST. JOSFfrS I 11 loney were hosts to the members S. M. Bishop, treasurer. SWIGERT BR O S. and friends of St. Philomena’s Al­ Mrs. J. F. Jordan offered her .1 tar and Rosary society at the (St. Joseph’* Pariah) OptometrlU, ^ home for the November meeting (St. Francis de Sales* Parish) monthly meeting, which convene^ She will be assisted by Mrs. C. F. St. Joseph’s parish annual fall “ At a general pariah meeting held at 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 13, in the festival will open on Oct. 23. It for Every Age Eitht Prices school auditorium. Seventy-five Lamberty and Mrs. J. 0. Rusho in the recreation room of the high Father Higgins said the closing will continue on Friday and Satur­ 1550 Cali/omia KEystone 7651 school Tuesday evening, Oct. 14, women were present. prayer. A social hour followed day nights, Oct. 24 and 25, The GLASSES INDIVIDUALLY STYLED the Rev. Gregory Smith conducted In the absence of the president, and refreshments were served opening of the festival will feature Mrs. G. L. Monaghan, Mrs. Wil­ a baked ham dinner to be held a full-scale demonstration of dis­ Norena Bsgina Oct. 17 cussion club work as a feature of liam E. Sheehy presided. Father Thursday evening and all the Higgins offered the opening prayer The public novena to Christ the booths will be in full operation. the establishment of the Con­ King will begin Friday, Oct. 17^, Busy Days Demand Typevoritert fraternity of Christian Doctrine in and expressed his appreciation to Friday evening the booths will be those who attended the meeting at 7 :80 p.m. the feature attractions, and prizes ALL MAKES STANDARDS AND the parish. Other phases of the confraternity were explained by despite the inclement weather. The Boy Scouts will receive will be awarded almost every hour. PORTABLES — ALL PRICES' Miss Miriam Marks of the national He also paid tribute to Mrs. G. L. Communion Sunday at the 8:15 Persons must be present to par­ AU Makes Typewriter Service center in Washington, D. C., and Monaghan, the retiring president, Mass. ticipate. Refreshments will be provision has been made for the and her supporting officers for the A city wide reception for the served Friday night on the stage 415 ,Utb St BAKNES SCHOOL BLDG. MAIN 14>5 confraternity to function in all its splendid work performed by them sodalists of the Blessed Virgin of the hall and those who wish to departments in the parish. The or­ the past year. He gave a brief Mary will be held in St. Philo- do so can obtain real Italian spa­ 1 ganization of about 20 discussion resume of the retreat he attended mena's church Sunday, Oct. 26, at ghetti or various kinds of sand­ 1- groups gives the confraternity a in September. 4 p.m. wiches. The awarding of the grand good start in that phase of ac­ Mrs. Sheehy welcomed the Fr. Maloney’* Aunt Die* prize, a Plymouth sedan, and also l1- m O D O R E i REQUIESCANT tivity in the parish. guests present, Mrs. R. W. Brad­ The Rev. David Maloney left the hope chest on Saturday eve­ Members of the music depart- ley, Mrs. J. V. Hamilton, Mrs. reqently for Brooklyn, N. Y., ning will close the event. Mem­ ent of St. Franci»de Sales' high Stanley Nowack, and Miss Alice where he officiated at the funeral bers of the parish, who have given IN PACE their wholehearted siyiport to llAPIflTTllAI ^ ebool will entertain the United Burtle, and the new members, of his aunt, Mrs. William Fish Workers of the. Blind Saturday Mmes. Belisle, Barrett, Gannon, baugh. preparation for the festival, guar­ t l A u l V Il 1 11AL; antee a full amount of fun and evening, Oct. 18, with musical and A. J. Dearhammer. The St. Mary of the Woods excitement to everyone attending FELIX DE BELL. 6029 N. Lowell selections. Mary Ann Mulligan, The annual election of officers alumnae have affiliated their Red Air Conditioned \ the festival. boulevard. Requiem Htia^aill be o^llered piano soloist: Mary Ann Imhoff, followed. Mrs. J. F. Jordan read Croas workrk with that of St. Philo­ Saturday at. 10 in Holy Family church. violinist, and Eileen McCarthy, ac­ the names of the nominees and mena’s unit, which meets in tho Altar and .Rosary society mem­ • MORTUARY Interment Mt. Olivet. W. P. Horan A companist, will participate. made a motion that they be*ac- basement of the rectory. The bers will receive Holy Communion , ^ 1449-51 Kolainath SL * Son Mrvice. Mrs. Margaret McDonald Boss cepted. Mrs. J. J. Dooling sec­ room is open from 10 a.m. to 5 [(this Sunday, Oct. 19, at the 7:30 '• 1 * WILLIAM J. FICKLER. 2467 Newton donated a piano to the grade onded the motion. The officers p.m. Monday through Friday. Mass. GOLDEN CREAM DOUGHNUT 00. *, ( Phond MAin 4006 ^ street. Huaband o( Mrs. Testie Fickler, i 1 i school. for the coming year are Mrs. Wil Workers may choose the hours The Rev. Eugene Witte, C.SS. 1 father of Mrs. Frederick William Barber.; R., will conduct the Forty Hours’ 244 East 20th St. KE. 9047 Mrs. Harris gave several vol­ liam Sheehy, president; Mrs. T. most convenient. More workers Requiem Mast was olTered Wednesday at C. Rhoades, first vice president; are needed. devotion this Sunday, Monday, and fl in St. Dominic’s church, interment Mt. umes to the school library. Special prices on large orders, also party orders. All types of Olivet. W. P. Horan A Son service. Mrs. C. J. Campbell, second vice Reservations for the special Tuesday, Oct 19, 20, and 21, in PTA Party Arouzez -Interezt Hugo. You've a Date FRANCIS EDtWARD FALLON. 1S16 luncheon at the Denver Dry Goods cakes and raised doughnuts. S. York street. Husband of Mra. May- Mrs. Herman Miller, •chairman tearoom preceding the card party The Rev. David Kinish, O.S.B., belle Fallon, father of Pattiann Fallon, of the ,PTA card party, and her and fashion show Saturday, Oct. was a guest at St. Joseph’s rectory son of Mr, and Mrs. M. 3. Fallon, brother of John Fallon and Mrs. Mary Brophy of assistant, Mrs. J. Freilingcer, an­ 18, will not be held after 12:30 for a few* days in the past week. Oct. 18 nounce that there is great interest Parish Sodalities San Francisco. Requiem Mass was of­ p.m. A number of fine prizes will Father Kinish attended the Cath­ fered Monday at 9 in St. Leo’i church. in the forthcoming affair to be be awarded. olic Library association convention Gay 90’ $ Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard aerviet. held Nov. 7 at the Denver Dry The next in the series of oli* at I^oretto Heights college on Oct. MRS. MARY ANN McCANN. 1276 Goods tearoom. From the early re­ 11. For LABORATORY TESTED Clayton. Mother of Dr. John McCann, fashioned socials sponsored by the Brighton: Martin J„ Marie, and Regina turns of the sale of tipkets the To Attend Mass PTA will be held in the school On Thursday and Friday of this McCann, all of Denver. Mrs, McCann, party promises to be' an outstand­ auditorium, E. 10th avenue and week the sisters of the grade BALL 89, died Wednesday. She was born lb ing affair. Some 40 special prizes school and high school are attend­ Wilkes-Barre. Pa., and moved to Denver Fillmore street, Wednesday, Oct. with her husband in 1918. Shortly be­ have been secured as well as usual (Annunciation Pariah) 22, at 8:30 p.m. ing the teachers’ convention in Regis Gym fore Mr. McCann's death nine years ago, table prizes. Among the awards Members of the Blessed VJrgin Study Club* Begin Work Denver. Pupils o f the schools are the couple observed their golden wed­ COAL will be a floor lamp, two tons of sodality will receive Holy Com­ The parish discussion clubs re- enjoying a two-day recess. Thli ip m donaUd b j MU»» 4 Drytr ding anniversary. She haa several coal, and many other valuable nephews at(]I nieces In Pennsylvania in munion Sunday, Oct, 19, at the' 'sumed work in the week. The Student committee chairmen of C A l i Prlntinf C«. gifts. reUgion. Both she and her husband had 7:30 Mass; the Young Ladies’ so­ topic for the fall semester, is the the SSC, student organization of special devotion to the Rosary. She re­ The annual membership drive the high school, were elected on cited the Rotary six or seven timet dality, at the 9:30 Mass. life of Christ from the revised every day, and since her husband's death resulted in the enrollment of well edition of the New Testament. Wednesday and Thursday. The ^ i a Bggg SERVICE QUALITY High Mass will be resumed Sun­ ehe offered daily two Rosaries for the re­ over 600 members; Mrs. Patrick The clubs meet at 9:30 a.m. and election was conducted by secret pose of his soul. Hr. McCann used to day at 10:45. The senior choir, ballot and only those registered Dowling, membership chairman, under the direction of Mrs. Harry adjourn at 11 a.m. Mrs. J. P. Guaranteed quicker firing . . . say two Rotaries and 49 Hail Mdrys every announced that three grades, five, were allowed to vote. The chair­ HARTFORD-ALCORN day for the repose of hit motbfr’s soul. Taylor, will sing. Mrs. Margaret McConaty’s club meets at her bolter heat, slower burning, lesa aah. Requiem Mass will be offered Saturday seven, and 12-B, had attained a men are as follows: Social com­ Simington will be the organist. home, 1325 Milwaukee, on Tues­ LARGE EGG Mortuary at 11 in St. Fhilomena'a church. Inter­ 100 per cent enrollment and day; Mrs. S. M. Bishop’s, 900 mittee, Anthony Melphy; Our LARGE LUMP CLEAN NUT ment Ht. Olivet. Boulevard service. ■The Altar and Rosary choir will SPECIAL A 4 A BARGAIN C Super C A | J would be rewarded for their ef­ Madison on Wednesday, and Mrs. Lady’s committee, Vivian Mar­ KErtton* 2771 FRED E. MARTELON, 6145 Raleigh sing at the 9:30 Mass, under the TON____ Dal 0 AT. TON D a C U Valut, Ten W a C iW 42$ E. CoUu street. Husband of Mrs. Mary Hartelon, forts. J. A. O’Neill’s bridge club is sub­ ques; mission committee, Dorothy direction of Mrs. Leo Ryan. Miss Finnigan; Eucharistic committee, father of Ernest Hartelon, Long Beach, Mrs. G. W. Phelan, press chair­ Helen Byers is the organist. stituting the work of the discus­ Calif,; Mrs. Marie Boot of Long Beach, man, attended the monthly meet­ sion club for the fall semester and Paul Montoya, and publicity com­ Calif., and Jack and Paul Hartelon; Miss Charlotte Ryan returned mittee, Bill Miller. Defeated can­ E L K €0. Call a brother of Ben Martelon, Old Mexico. ing of the Press club Tuesday, to school after a week’s illness. is meeting with Mrs. C. H. Lang, ^ M m . . . 363.53633 BUkeR ial St. Mr. Martelon died four days after hit Oct. 14, at the Olin hotel. 666 Elm, Friday, Oct. 17. The didates for the various committees brother, Joseph Hartelon, who wet buried Convert Baptized were Theresa Morgan, social; El Altar Society to Meet work will be done under the pat­ from St. Anne's shrine in Arvada Mon­ ■'^M. L. Moore, father of Ralph len Sedbrook, Our Lady’s; Flor­ ZOIVE CAB day, Oct. 6. Hr. Martelon was born in ronage of the Little Flower of The Altar and Kpsary^ society Moore, was baptized Thursday, ence Grisenti, mission; Patricia MAin 7171 Austria and came to the United States will hold its regular meeting Fri­ Jesus. Mrs. K. M. Noone will be in 1886. He settled in Idaho Springe. Oct. 9, at St. Joseph’s hospital by hostess to the Little Flower dis PimpI, Eucharistic, and Charles Prompt Conrtooai Serrico Later he moved to Denver. Requiem day, Oct. 17, at 2 p.m. in the as­ the Very Rev. Charles Hagus. Mrs. Orlusky, publicity. CHEAPER RATES Mass was offered Thursday, Oct. 9, in cussion club Oct. 24 at 1001 CLEAN NEW CABS sembly room of the re cto ^ There William Schweider and Vic Hebert The freshmen of St. Joseph’s Holy Family church. . Interment Ht. will be a speaker from' tne USO Logan street. New members will Olivet. Boulevard service. were spon^rs. Mr, Moore has high school were initiated this LOOP MARKET at the meeting to tell the mem­ be welcome in any club. MBS. JAMES PARSLOW. 1141 Harri­ been ill for several weeks. week by the members of the senior FIFTEENTH AND LAWRENCE ALTAR BREADS son atraet. Mother of Nellie F. Parslow. bers of the work being done in The Rev. John Doherty was a Card Club* Meet class. Freshmen came to school Requiem Mass it being offered Friday at the soldiers’ recrehtion center. Several of the parish bridge Free Parking With Porchaae of 80o er More at 1429 Lawrence 9;S9 in St. Pbilomena’a church. Inter­ visitor at the rectory in the week. carrying their lunches in tin pails SEWING The society will receive Com­ The monthly meeting of the clubs met in the week. Mrs. P. loaded with seniors’ books. Later ment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard service. F. Giblin’s club met with Mrs. S. Llttlo GIrli' Dreues. Enbroldtry, MRS. ANNA REILLY. 380 Downing munion in a body at the 8 o’clock Altar and Rosary society will be a party will be given for them. Honosnmins, Etc. street. Mother of Mrs, Kathryn Miller, Mass this Sunday. held Thursday afternoon, Oct. 23, M. Bishop. Mrs. C. F. Lamberty The firms listed here de­ Mrs. Ann Robinson, Mrs. Mildred Black, Boy Scout* Inipected at 2 p.m. A covered-^ish luncheon received the award. The next THE SISTERS OF THE Mrs. Georgia Harland, Charles L, Reilly, serve to be remembered SOLES will be served prior to the meeting. meeting will be with Mrs. J. 0. Hospitals to Enforce ' GOOD SHEPHERD and Frank J. Reilly; sister of Mrs. Cath­ Troop 126 of St. Francis de Rusho, 837 Monroe, Oct. 23. Utn'a Wemtn'a, end ChOdren’* erine Sheridan, Mrs. Mayme Chase, Wil­ Sales’ had an inspection by scout when you are distributing t e l e p h o n e p e a r l 24«1 liam Holzer, and Louis Holzer Mrs. PTA to Meet Mrs. L. A. Fair’s club was en­ Half Sols* i executives on Thursday, OcL 16. New Visiting Hours Reilly, 76, died Monday in St. Anthony’s The PTA will meet in Hagus tertained by Mrs. H. C. Cooper, your patronage in the dif­ hotpital. She was bdrn in Flatteville, G. Phelan, chairman of the Loop Shoe Repair Shop Wise,, and received her early education hall Wednesdy evening, Oct. 22, 356 Albion. Mrs. R. Lee and Mrs. ferent lines of business. there. She came to Denver in 1884 and troop committee, has been elected at 8 o’clock, 'The senior class will L. J. Dunne received the awards. At a recent meeting of the Den­ Loan Markat. Lewrane* ttraet 8ida DOJSLE’S one. year later was married to W. T. Sou^ district commissioner. entertain with a short program The next meeting will be with ver Council of Hospitals, it was Reilly, a railroad man, who died in 1915. decided to adopt and enforce Requiem Mass was offered Thursday at Scouts, parents, and friends of and the senior students’ mothers Mrs. L. A. Fair Oct, 23. Mrs. B. PHARMACY 10 in St. John the Evangelist’e church. the troop will visit the sugar beet will serve refreshments. C. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Stanley No­ strict visiting hours at affiliated Tho PotUeuUr Dranr church Friday. dignitaries. Many patriotic songs Lynch, and J. Applehans; were sung. The nail was crowded Lord, I Am Not Worthy." She Stenographer, typist, notary, phone* ans­ Anderson photos. 120$ 16th 6 t at Law. u m e n t . Oct. 10, at 9 o'clock by the Rct. J. Roy Grade eight, Sister Ann Thomas, wered, mail forwarded, reasonabit. MARIE< rence. MAin 1873. Fret newa cute. Fialino for Hr>. Katherine Maroney, with people on hand to honor their will be accompanied at the organ K. DUNCAN. 692 Denver Nat'l Bldg. TA vidow of Larry Matoney, pioneer lumber­ Mmes. Robinson, Bailie, Kelly, and Italian hero.' by Miss Mamie O’Haire. 6886. PRINTING man and banker. She died Wcdneiday, Heffeman; grade nine, Mmes. A wedding breakfast will be OcL 8. at her home, 6656 E. Sixth avenue, Devotions in honor of the Queen Hartman, McGinn, Anderson, Visiting cards 60 for 75e, best quality. of a heart alQack. served at the home of the bride’s FURNACES AND GRATES of the Holy Rosary are held at Feeley, and McCarrick; grade ten, Wedding announcements, commercial print­ She waa born in New Orleanc, La.. In 7 :30 every night in October. Many mother to the wedding party and Groceries • Meats • Bakery ing. Wheel ticket# always. We publish ths 1875.. She spent her early youth there Mmes. Grebenc, Powers, Roach, FURNACES INSTALLED 4 REPAIRED FREE Denver Street Guide. RODGERS are attending these services. relatives immediately after the H. H. York, St. Francis and E. J.-.Bradity, and later came to Colorado Spring* to and Dorchak; grade 11, Mmes. service. A reception will be held MURRAY’S PRINTING CO., 511 I4lh SL KE. 4064 make her home with relatives while she On Monday, Oct. 20, the Ital­ Poppish, Martin Moore, Thaler, S t Philomona. H. H. York. 621 E. Expoti. attended Colorado college, where she wai from 2 to 4 in the afternoon. Fol­ SmCB 1831 Uon. PEarl 2218. HOUSE FOR SALE a member of tbe flrit graduation eltif. ian section of the Altar society Gonzales, and Monckton, a ^ grade lowing a wedding trip, the couple Come in will meet in the school hall. 12, Mmes. L. Ryan, Glassnmn, Mc­ Phones GR. 1613>14>15 H er. marriage to Hr. Maroney took will reside in Santa Rita, N. Mex. Wtat Had 4 JoUaa AUTO REPAIR .East side nr. Loyola church. 5 rat. break- whenever con- place soon after her grijluation. They On Oct. 11 Ernest Marranzino Cormack, and Siniki. fast nook, hot air, full basemenL Ihcc. e*tabli*hed their home in Cripple Creek. Mrs. J. H. Schierbrock returned Tires, Auto Repairing, Battaries. Oft. cond. Owner EA. 0574. venient. You Mr. Maroney was one of the founders of and Eleanor Carlone were united The faculty members are Sister Sunday, Oct. 12, from a visit with Rnka Sta. Tulloo Garagt, 638 Santa Ft. are always welcome. the Firet National bank of Cripple Creek in Matrimony. Witnesses were Mary Patrice, principal of the high her sons, William and James, who MA. 9497. FEMALE HELF WANTED end he operated a number of mines and Mary Carbone and Lawrence school; Sister Evangelist, Eng­ are students atf the University of Tom Flaherty’s lumber camps throughout the region. Henry. ^ lish; Sister M. Genevieve, arts and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Middle-aged housekeeper for three adull They moved to Denver in 1900 and Utah at Salt Lake City. women. Phone Saturday or Sunday. Em. . Children recently baptized were ci^ft; Sister M. Vida, music; Sis­ 9016.______Mt. Maroney became a director and, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Struck were Reconditioned pianos, elayeta, grands, later, president of the old Hibernia Na­ Gloria Gavito, daughter of Henry ter M. Fiorina, Latin; Sister Rose host to their bridge club Sunday organs (pip* aad ratd), otehastraJ initro- tional bank. Mr. Maroney died In and Assunta Gavito, with Ernest Ellen, science and mathematics; evening, Oct. 12. COLONY GRILL R. WaJkar, 236 Broadway. SP BOARD A^OOM , Phoenix, Ariz., in 1917. Years ago, tba Sister M. Ruth, English; Sister 7364. Maroney home, now. the Creen Gables and Louise Capillupo as spon­ Miss Margaret Gihdhart re­ 1129 Pennsylvania. Single, double room. JACQUES BROTHERS Country clubhouse, was a merling place sors; Frank Capillupo, son of M. James, social science and turned recently from a three-week * Where Friends Meet Friends Twin bedi. Free parking and fraa phont. for Denver loci^y. James and Ruby Capiluppo, with Spanish, and' Sister Xavier, com­ vacation in New Orleans, La. ClVlL SERVICE TRAINING Mrs. Hsroney wis a member of St. mercial. • FINE FOODS Since 1902 Anthony Capiluppo and Lucille Mrs. Dan Hoskins* entertained HEN. WOMEN John the Evangeliat'a parish and belonged Solditr la Viaitor to the Third Order of St. Frencit. lannacito as sponsors; Charles a group of tiny tots recently in Prtpara now for coming government ex­ 28 E. 6th Ave. TAhor 6468 • MIXED DBINKS aminations. Delmar Institute, 'Tahor Bldg. OUNGERS Pharmacy Survivors Include three daughters, Mrs. Carroll, son of (jharles and Violet Pvt. Gene Telgmann of the 18th honor of the birthday anniversary Ludlow Flower, Mrs. Frank Freeman, and Carroll, with Albert and Theresa engineers has returned to Vancou­ • BEER • WINS WE COLLECT GAS BILLS — DEALERS IN GENUINE COLO SPKINO of her daughter, Anne, FLORIST flSta. Mra. Leonard Freeman: three eons, Colaizzi as sponsors, and Alphonso ver, Wash., after spending a 15-day Mrs. H. B. Fisher returned in MONET ORDERS AND STAMPS Arthur, Roland, and Carlton Maroney; Vigil, son of Eloy and Anita Vigil, furlough visiting nis mouei;, rela­ the week from a vacation'in Okla­ Axalea Moms, new hardy Mumt in full CHANNELED O B A N IT I 16 grandchildren, and on* graat-grand- 569 E. Colfax bloom, largt clumps burlaped. 69c. Feoniet, 3020 W. Alameda child. with Nick and Adeline Vigil as tives, and friends. Mr. Telgmann homa City, Okla., and Dallas, 3 for $1.99. PLANT NOW. Bouquets, 69c. Ixtcrment w m in Mt. OUvtt eametaty, gponsors. is doing clerical work in the army.. Tex. UEB'S. 2401 Qultaaa,_...... kiC' £