The Old Mining College Centre Queen Street Chasetown BURNTWOOD WS7 4QH Tel: 01543 677166 Email:
[email protected] Our Ref: GH/JM 09 March 2021 To: All Members of the Planning Advisory Group Councillors Westwood [Chairman], Bullock [Vice-Chairman], Flanagan, Greensill, Norman and R Place S Oldacre, J Poppleton, S Read, K Whitehead and S Williams Dear Member PLANNING ADVISORY GROUP The Planning Advisory Group will meet via a Virtual Meeting on Tuesday 16 March 2021 at 6:00 pm to consider the following business. Councillors and members of the public can join the meeting by using Zoom [Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 830 9540 3221, Passcode: 582384]. If you have any queries, please contact the Town Clerk [
[email protected]]. Yours sincerely Graham Hunt Town Clerk As part of the Better Burntwood Concept and to promote community engagement, the public now has the opportunity to attend and speak at all of the Town Council’s meetings. Please refer to the end of the agenda for details of how to participate in this meeting. AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS AND DISPENSATIONS To receive declarations of interests and consider requests for dispensations. 3. MINUTES To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Advisory Group held on 10 February 2020 [Minute No. 1-8] [ENCLOSURE NO. 1]. 4. INTRODUCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE To receive and note the Terms of Reference for the Planning Advisory Group [ENCLOSURE NO.