Pool / Poole Pre-History and

I have divided our family history into parts. The most recent family history where we have complete public and private family records is not included here. This paper deals with two other, less certain portions of our history. This information is based on my best available information as of 2015, it is, of course, subject to future addition as corrections as we learn more.

I consider the last name in this section, Alexander Pool (II) , as "fully proven", however the establishment of which of several possible Alexander Pool men this is was established through indirect evidence (as discussed below), which is, inherently a weaker evidence/proof. Despite intensive search by many researchers, no primary direct evidence has been found for this Alexander Pool. All of the other names are well supported by both direct and indirect documentation.

William T Pool, Jr


This paper deals with the two "less certain" portions of our

Pool / Poole family history. (This entire family history is supported by over 950 references and is available upon request):

 What scientists tell us about our earliest ancestors

 What we “think we know” from and historical records.


 Table of Contents Pool(e) Pre-History and Genetic Genealogy  1.0 Pre-history and Genetic Genealogy 1.1 Pseudo History - Legends and Myths 1.2 Our Earliest History 2.0 Pool's in Europe 3.0 Our First Five Generations in America (David Poole and Descendants) 3.1 David Poole 3.2 John Poole 3.3 Thomas Poole 3.4 Alexander Pool 3.5 Alexander Pool II


The "Sound of Music" advises " let's start at the very beginning .... a very good place to start." Accepting that advice , I will start this family history with our most ancient ancestors.

With the very large number of Y DNA samples that have been analyzed throughout the world; the major patterns of human migration now seem to be well established. We can expect ever better definition of this as data from an ever increasing number of samples is made and analyzed.

ISOGG , the International Society of Genetic Genealogy , and the National Geographic's "Genographic Project" are at the forefront of the effort to collect and analyze chromosome data, and learn about the various peoples of the world. Included in this work is analysis of the migration of different "families" of man, and where and when various new genetic types emerged. The map below is from National Geographic’s Genographic Project and shows the early migration of "Eurasian Adam" out of Africa some 31, 000 to 79,000 years ago.

Please note: Genetic Genealogy is a new science. It is evolving rapidly, please consult the current ISOGG tree for revised information. The new "Big Y" tests from familytreedna and the newly expanded Geno 2.0 tests promise to provide much improved data.


Our Pool Y chromosome is type "G". Y chromosomes are passed unchanged (except for occasional small mutations) from father to all sons.

We are a rare G1a within the already rare G.

There are very few of us. The highest concentrations of G1 in the world today, occurs in Iran. Most scientists believe that Iran is the likely origin of our G1 subclade. According to the current (2015) ISOGG tree we are G (F2885) or G1a3; this sub clade (to date) belongs exclusively to our

line of Poole / Pool. This is currently the only G1 subclade that is negative for the Z3353 SNP (which was previously believed to be the defining characteristic of Y haplogroup G1).




Most of our ancestors were Pushed out of Europe NOV 20 5,000 YEARS AGO , But a few remained

December WE WERE FRENCH DEC 26 500 YEARS AGO WE CAME TO AMERICA DEC 28 390 YEARS AGO WE CAME TO SC DEC 29 230 YEARS AGO TIME OF DAY FOR RECENT EVENTS 01:00 (1 Wm Henry Pool moves to Greenville DEC 31 23 hours ago am) 02:20-05:30 Children of Wm Henry and Lula were born DEC 31 19 hours ago 09:00 – Grandchildren of Wm Henry Pool were born DEC 31 ½ hour ago 11:30

23:49 ( 11: MOST RECENT Last minute 49 pm) GREAT – GREAT GRANDCHILDREN

1.1 Pseudo History: Family Myths and Legends

Someone in virtually every Pool family discovers this story and claims it. Although it is a " myth", the historical characters are very real, and it makes a fun "tall story".

Blessed Margaret Pole Geoffrey “the Handsome”

 My aunt, Marie Clarke Pool was aware of this “Royal” story and may have actually believed it. The thought that the Pool’s descend from “Royal blood” is such a popular idea that virtually every line of Pool / Poole has someone that strongly claims it.

Sir Geoffrey Pole and son Sir Richard Pole married Margaret Plantagenet . Margaret was a possible claim to the English throne. As the story is told (at least some of it is likely true) is that there was hostility between the Tutors and the Plantagenet's because both made claims to the English throne.

Lady Margaret , countess of Salisbury asserted a claim to the throne. Her son Reginald , Archbishop of Canterbury wrote against the Kings’ divorce. King Henry, with at least two reasons not to like the Plantagenet's swore to wipe them out --- and for the most part, he did.

Lady Margaret was imprisoned and ultimately executed. The youngest son (this part may just be lore) of Sir Geoffrey Pole fled to Wales and hid.

In 1671 (a time after our David Poole had immigrated to Virginia) a Jeffrey Poole is listed in the Wales tax censu s, living since these long time periods are hard to "grasp", the table above show the last 46,000 years in the as if it were a one year period. In this illustration, all of our "documented" Poole/ Pool history same occurs in the last 5 days of the year! area that the Pole origin

ally came from. This Poole had two fireplaces and is, therefore assumed to be relatively wealthy in the standards of the day.

As the story goes, descendants / relatives of this Jeffrey Poole came to the colonies in the late 1600’s early 1700’s and are our earliest Poole / Pool ancestors in America.

See the next chapter for the "real" story.

1.2 Our Earliest Pool History : LANGUEDOC FRANCE

In this section, we progress from the “myth” finally to provable history.


I think the totality of the evidence that our "James Pool" descends from David Poole of Elizabeth City County VA, is convincing:

 Complete list of reference sources attached. ( full edition only)  Note "warnings / cautionary words" like "possible / probable / speculative where I consider the research "soft".

In this section, I have attempted to provide a little background on our family before they came to America. We have no detailed documentation, and have not even been able to link out family back to their French (actually Occitian) original surname.

What we know about out French Pool ancestors  The original surname is unknown, it might have been "Poule" or something that sounded like "Poole"  They were highly skilled wine masters from Languedoc France, hand-picked for an attempt to introduce a wine industry in America that might Rival France.  They were people of high principle, as evidenced by the fact that they were French Huguenots, at a time when holding such view endangered their very lives.  They were Occitan in terms of Language and Culture - very different from "traditional French".  They were smart and hard working. below I have inserted a diagram of the "Huguenot Cross" and a map showing the Occitania area, between Spain, Italy, and France.

Huguenot Cross

David and Daniel Poole were French Huguenots. In some ways calling them "French" may be misleading. The language and culture of Languedoc was very distinct from that of France. Their language was Occitan not French. Although an estimated 2 million people still speak Occitan, it is considered an "endangered language". It was the original language that the Troubadours lyrics, and even today, some learn the language to sing the historic music. The names David, and Martin were written the same in Occitan as English. However, if on-line translators are correct, there is no word like "POOLE" or POULE" in Occitan... I have seen no scholar propose what our actual surname looked or sounded like in Occitan. However, early American immigrants tended to have names that "sounded similar", so my guess is that Poule or Poole "sounded" to an English or French ear, something like "Poole".

Languedoc France

Languedoc was, and continues today, to be a

major manufacturer of fine wine.

Background Information: Occitian Culture

David and Daniel were French Huguenots. In some ways calling them "French" may be misleading. The language and culture of Languedoc was very distinct from that of France. Their language was Occitan not French. Although an estimated 2 million people still speak Occitan, it is considered an "endangered language". It was the original language that the Troubadours lyrics, and even today, some learn the language to sing the historic music. The names David, and Martin were written the same in Occitan as English. However, if on-line translators are correct, there is no word like "POOLE" or POULE" in Occitan... I have seen no scholar propose what our actual surname looked or sounded like in Occitan. However, early American immigrants tended to have names that "sounded similar", so my guess is that Poule or Poole "sounded" to an English or French ear, something like "Poole".

Who were the "Huguenots"?

. Historically, "Huguenots" were French Protestants inspired by the 1530 writings of John Calvin. At the peak, there were about two million Huguenots. The population was concentrated in southern and central France, including the Languedoc region of southern France, which is where our "Pool" ancestors lived.

Catholic hostility against the Protestants grew, in spite of concessions and edicts of toleration from the French crown ( most notably the Edict of Nantes) Religious persecutions increased, and ultimately the Edict of Nantes was revoked by the Edict of Fontainebleau which pressured many Huguenots to convert. While nearly 75% eventually submitted, roughly 500,000 Huguenots fled France for various Protestant European nations and to overseas colonies. Our own Pool line went to England and from there to America.

Early Wine Press

Languedoc and Wine Production:

Since the Poole family was brought to America because of their wine expertise, a short background on Languedoc and wine production is included here.

Languedoc was a major producer of wine at the time (1600) that the French Huguenot Poole family fled France (the original family name unknown, but may have been Poule). With an estimated 500,000 Huguenots leaving, England would have had a wide choice of "wine masters" to use to help establish a wine industry in Virginia; so it is assumed that the six families chosen to bring to Virginia were acknowledged experts.

Languedoc was a major producer of finest wines at the time the our first Poole families came to America. It continues today as the largest wine producing region in the world ; however, the quality of the wine is no longer considered to be superior. According to a 2009 report, the Languedoc- Roussillon region of France produces some 3 billion bottles of wine annually. Virtually every significant type of wine is produced in this region.

The history of wine in Languedoc is ancient. The were recorded to be planting grapes in this area as early as 500 BC. In these early days, Languedoc earned the reputation for the best quality of wine. The early Burgundy and Bordeaux were made here.

Since the surname "Poule" is listed by some as the original Poole name in Languedoc, it is interesting to note that one of the wines produced in David Poole's time was "Pique de Poule".

According to one history, the appellation "Languedoc" remained "impressively high quality" until the time of the industrial revolution, when production began to exceed demand. A phylloxera epidemic killed off the high quality grapes and the grapes stock brought in from America did not do as well as they did in other regions of France. Even today, there is no good defense against phylloxera; the diseased grapes must be isolated and killed.

2.0 Our Poole Family in Europe

This section is reserved for genealogical information about our Poole family in Europe. This is a story yet to be discovered.

So far, we have had complete failure in finding records of our family in Europe. This section is left blank in the hope that as more and more people get DNA tested, and as more and more historical records become digitalized and become searchable; we will be able to discover our Poole ancestors in Europe.

I will repeat the little that we know we know ("or think we know") about out French "Poole /Poule" ancestors  The original surname is unknown, it might have been "Poule" or something that sounded like "Poole"  They were highly skilled wine masters from Languedoc France, hand-picked for an attempt to introduce a wine industry in America that might Rival France.  They were people of high principle, as evidenced by the fact that they were French Huguenots, at a time when holding such view endangered their very lives.  They were Occitan in terms of Language and Culture - very different from "traditional French".  They were smart and hard working

Our Poole Name in Europe, almost certainly "transformed" to an English sounding name:

We do not know what our original name was in Europe. See the section on David Poole for additional information and speculation. In this brief section, we provide a little historical background on how Huguenot names were generally transformed by the English to "English sounding" names.

"The Romance of Names" by Ernest Weekeley (Trinity College, 1922) contains some generalized discussion on what happened to French Huguenot names as they immigrated to England. "

THE HUGUENOTS (from The Romance of Names, Project Gutenberg)

The great mass of those names of French or Flemish origin which do not date back to the Conquest or to medieval times are due to the immigration of Protestant refugees in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It is true that many names for which Huguenot ancestry is claimed were known in England long before the Reformation. ... The fact is that there was all through the Middle Ages a steady immigration of foreigners, whether artisans, tradesmen, or adventurers, some of whose names naturally reappear among the Huguenots. .... Like the Huguenots later on, they were protected by the State and persecuted by the populace, who resented their habits of industry and sobriety.

During the whole period of the religious troubles in France and Flanders, starting from the middle of the sixteenth century, refugees were reaching this country in a steady stream; but after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685) they arrived in thousands, and the task of providing for them and helping on their absorption into the population became a serious problem. Among the better class of these immigrants was to be found the flower of French intellect and enterprise,..

...the majority of the immigrants were of the artisan class and illiterate. This explains the extraordinary disappearance, in the course of two centuries, of the thousands of French names which were introduced between 1550 and 1700.

We have many official lists of these foreigners, and in these lists we catch the foreign name in the very act of transforming itself into English. This happens sometimes by translation, e.g. Poulain became Colt, Poisson was reincarnated as Fish, and a refugee bearing the somewhat uncommon name Petitoeil transformed himself into Little-eye, which became in a few generations Lidley. But comparatively few surnames were susceptible of such simple treatment, and in the great majority of cases the name underwent a more or less arbitrary perversion which gave it a more English physiognomy. Especially interesting from this point of view is the list of— "Strangers residing and dwelling within the city of London and the liberties thereof," drawn up in 1618. The names were probably taken down by the officials of the different wards, who, differing themselves in intelligence and orthography, produced very curious results.

As a rule the Christian name is translated, while the surname is either assimilated to some English form or perverted according to the taste and fancy of the individual constable.

3.0 Our First Five Generations in America : This section represents family we know only from historical documents like Wills, Deeds, Church Documents, Court Documents, and occasional mention in history books. Although this work represents years of work by a number of capable researchers, it is, of necessity, less certain than the information in the next section, where, at least in the case of our direct ancestors, we have internal family records, and rich family stories.

The First of Our Pool Family In America

Our line of Pool sailed to America from England aboard sailing ships like the one pictured.

Our first Pool ancestors were the first known Huguenot immigrants to Virginia. They were among the very first Poole / Pool surname people to come to America.

Theirs was and exciting and historic tale of adventure and accomplishment.

Below: Elizabeth City County VA

We have a near perfect DNA match with several Pool / Poole lines which trace back to a group of Elizabeth City VA line of Poole. Audrey Pool, (probably the best genealogist to have studied this line), believed that our joint line descended from these "ECC" Poole's, however she was not convinced that there was enough evidence to prove it. (Work by a number of genealogist done before DNA testing was available had made errors in linking our Pool line and created confusion that made it more difficult to develop valid fully documented tree.)

Some brief credits: There are far too many people who have made outstanding contributions to this research to list here. I note the following of being of particular help: Belva Cauthen , Harris researcher; Bill Avery and Donna Cuzze, Avera researchers; Joe Slattery, Audrey Pool, George Pool, Roy Pool, Barbara Pool, Dianne Pool Fowler, "Pumpkin" Pool ,and James Evans, Pool / Poole researchers ; too many Hudson researchers to list here, to which I add my own work

We have a near perfect match with a line of Pool’s that lived in Elizabeth City Virginia. Genetic match calculations from familytreedna state that there is a 98% probability that our common grandfather is 10 generations or less distant. I believe that I have successfully traced this line back 11 generations – so there is over 98% probability that our connection lines within this time frame. . With these strong caveats in place, here is my best current thinking on our James Pool’s Ancestors:  Alexander Pool – father  Alexander Poole.– grandfather  Thomas Poole - great grandfather  John Poole, Sr. – gg grandfather David Poule / Poole ggg grandfather

3.1 Family Group Sheet for David Poole

Husband: David Poule Poole

Birth: Bet. 1585–1600 in Languedoc France... Marriage: Abt. 1625 Death: Abt. 1660 in Elizabeth City County VA Father: father of David and Daniel Poole Mother:

Wife: Mary maiden name unknown

Birth: Abt. 1600 in Languedoc France Death: Abt. 1670 in Elizabeth City Co VA Father: Mother:


1 Name: John Poole Sr. M Birth: Abt. 1630 in Languedoc France, or VA, or England; immigrated, not shown as an "alien" so England is likely Marriage: Abt. 1655 in Elizabeth City Co VA Death: Abt. 1667 in Elizabeth City Co VA; Will recorded March 16, 1667 Spouse: Jane Poole Avera Boult?

2 Name: Jane Poole F Birth: Abt. 1635 in Languedoc France or England; immigrated, not shown as an "alien" so England is likely?

3 Name: Martin Poole M Birth: Abt. 1635 in Languedoc France or VA or England; immigrated, not shown as an "alien" so England is likely?


David Poule Poole

David Poule Poole and his relative Daniel are likely the first of our related Pool / Poole line to immigrate to America . In fact, according to Poole researcher Joe Slattery, he may have been the first Poole / Pool from any line to arrive in America ! In addition, according to the Virginia Huguenot Society, he was the first French Huguenot to arrive in VA ! Arriving in about 1720 , David was clearly one of the first very first Poole surname persons to arrive in the American colonies. Daniel Poole (believed to have been a brother or close cousin) immigrated at about the same time (probably slightly later). David was among seven wine experts that were brought to the Colony of Virginia with the aim to develop a wine industry in America that could rival France. Because the Huguenots were being persecuted in France, large numbers fled to England and America. I expect that the British could have picked from a large group of expert wine makers, and David Poole was recognized as a master in his trade.

The original French family name may have been POULE according to the respected text, "A History of Wine in America". However, although born in France, the area that David and Daniel came from didn't speak French -- so "Pool" or "Poole" may be just as close to the actual name as "Poule". (note the language in Languedoc in southern France spoken by the Poole's and other natives of Languedoc was actually not "French" but a distinct Language called "Occitan" called "d'oc" by its native speakers. it is a Latin based

language that dates from the 10th century. --the actual name as spoken by the family would not be French surname Poule -- my guess is that Poule is an approximation of the original Occitan name. Both the culture and language of Languedoc was very different from the rest of France). By most accounts, the treatment of the French wine masters was poor. Culturally different, with their own Huguenot Religion and Occitan Language, they were treated much like indentured servants certainly not the status / treatment they expected.; certainly not the status / treatment they expected. The wine venture in Virginia was a failure. Likely the combination of grape diseases, insects, and lack of understanding and support by the Virginia colonists led to failure of the wine venture.

With the wine venture unsuccessful, David Poole and the other French wine masters at Buck Roe turned to tobacco growing. As early as 1732, they had diverted their efforts to tobacco, with apparent success. The Virginia General Assembly was not happy about the abandonment of the wine venture and a law was passed inhibiting them from so doing on penalty of forfeiting their leases and having to quit the colony. Ultimately hard economics won out and Buck Roe became a commercial tobacco venture.

By 1647, we see that David Poole is no longer leasing the land at Buck Roe (see notes below). My guess is that by that time, he had made money from tobacco and was doing well. Apparently he went back to Europe for at least a brief time, and returned with wife Mary, daughter Jane, and son Martin in 1752. There are subsequent deed documents for Jane and Martin, but ultimately I lose track of them. John Pool, their eldest son remains well documented as well as his children.

After returning, we see that only Mary signed one legal document in 1755; which may mean that David was ill or dead by this time. I have followed others in estimating 1760 as reasonable date for David's death. The efforts of French winemaker David Poule and his fellow "vinearoones" failed.. Various documents give very different accounts of why; the truth is probably a mixture of the following. a) some say that the French were ill treated , and in anger failed on purpose (they were forbidden to grow tobacco as punishment for failure) b) some say the land, climate, deer, etc caused failure c) some say that the base grape root stock was not appropriate d) certainly the Indian raids, including one that may have killed as many as 1/3 of the Virginia colonists had an effect e) some historians note that the "get rich quick" mentality of the Virginia Colony at the time was ill suited to the long term consistent effort needed to develop a wine business f) Tobacco was a hugely attractive alternative crop.

Our David Poole was in very first group of French Huguenots to immigrate to Virginia. according to the "Huguenot Society" Early Huguenots in Virginia: "Huguenots came to Virginia as early as 1620, when Elias La Guard, James Bonnall and David Poole settled in Elizabeth City [from Huguenot Lineage Research, Melford S. Dickerson.]" These are believed to have been the first Huguenots in Virginia.

In VA on March 22, 1622 a well coordinated attack by Indians resulted in the massacre of 346 settlers out of a total of 1240 . Those living in Elizabeth City County VA were largely unaffected. As a result of the massacre, the Indians were driven far away from the English settlements.

· Very small early Population, Rapid Growth In February 1624, a census was taken ; the population was 349 The number of tithables in Elizabeth City County, in 1748, was 1078,. In 1759, the number was 1428, which showed a population of 4284. At the time of the American Revolution the population of Hampton was probably about one thousand people.

Unsuccessful at wine making in Virginia, the French turn to tobacco

Unsuccessful at wine making, the French turn to tobacco growing

In 1632 the French created resentment of the general assembly by starting to raise tobacco. A law was passed inhibiting them from so doing on penalty of forfeiting their leases and having to quit the colony. Ultimately, economic reality set and the effort to make wine was abandoned in favor of the very profitable tobacco.

Daniel Poole (Possible Brother to David) Daniel Poole worked at George Sandy's plantation, where a 2 acre vineyard was established. Sandy's Plantation was perhaps the best in Virginia

In 1625 his plantation had seventeen servants including two boys, and Daniel Poole, "a French man" with his wife and "a yong child of theires." Poole was defined as a "hired" man. Besides his own people, another twenty-two lived "in the Treasuror's Plant." In this number were two women and several Italians. [Pg 81]His was, perhaps, one of the best equipped plantations in Virginia. There were two dwellings, cabins, two stores, a framed house for raising silkworms, a vineyard of two acres, and an acre and a half garden as well as "one large fort palled in" and a piece of mounted ordnance. His 100 barrels of corn was the largest amount reported by any single plantation. His arms were extensive-thirty "armours" of various types, thirty small arms and twenty swords. He was, however, a little short on livestock having only nine goats and kids and two hogs

======David's Wife was Mary, her maiden name is unknown

David's wife is documented to be "Mary". We do not know when Mary first immigrated. We know that David's relative, Daniel brought his wife when he immigrated -- and Mary may have initially come in the 1620's with David. I have not found records of these earliest immigrations. Later, after government was better established, there are multiple later immigration records showing Mary immigrating with her children (see below) Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s about David Poole Mary's maiden name is unknown, In fact almost nothing is known about her. She must have been "brave and hardy" since she is documented to have made the Atlantic crossing several times with her young children. She was likely born in Languedoc France; and likely fled with David to England. there are multiple immigration records for David Poole and family they include ( some of this may be duplicate listing for billing purposes ?) · 1627 DAVID (we know he first immigrated in 1620) · 1652/53 David, wife Mary, son Martin, dau. Jane note Daniel immigrated at the same time · 1654 a John Poole immigrated (possibly David's oldest son)- Northumberland Co

· 1655 Martin Poole Northumberland Co · 1655 Jane Poole Northumberland Co · 1655 John Poole, New Kent Co 1655 David Pool and Mary his wife Northumberland Co David and Mary's oldest child was John Poole Sr. wtp notes: Since not everyone accepts this connection, I provide documentation below: John Poole was David Poole's eldest child, and by far the best documented. a copy of several documents can be found in the attached media section, Place of birth could be VA, England , or Languedoc France. The argument for England (see discussion below) is that I see no record of him being an "alien" (while his father and mother are shown as "alien" , meaning not born in VA or England) but I do see immigration (so not born in VA)======. in 1704, John Inherited his father's property 474 acres in Elizabeth City County. Also recorded deed prior owned by his mother Jane Avera, dcd. After David Poole died , there were several jury findings containing the following info (this from a 10 May 1670 dic.) P.149 Elizabeth City Co, VA, 10 May 1670. Wm. Alford, Gent, deputy escheater. Writ 18 April [1670] Jury find that David Poole was an alien and at the time of his death was seized of 420 acres, 50 thereof he purchased with James Vabrett(spelling?) who suffered death as a fellon in this County soe that the 50 acres more which belonged to Varbet doth escheate, which tract in the whole is 4 acres and is now in the tenure and occupation of Jane Poole, widd., relict of Jno. Poole , sonne of David Poole, deceased, bith which tracts contained 474 acres, David Poole being an alien and Verbert dyeing a fellon, wee find to escheate (names from the jury, omitted here) Granted to Mrs. Poole ======Discussion : where was John Poole born, VA?, England ?, Languedoc France ? John Poole's date of birth appears to be after David Poole's initial immigration to Virginia -- which argues for John being born in ECC VA. (possibly Yorke) On the other hand, there are immigration papers for John Poole from the same company that brought David and the other French wine experts. Although I do not consider the matter "settled" I tend to side with those that note the immigration records that show David probably returned Europe (to France or possibly England) and John was possibly born in Languedoc France.or possibly England.. I have seen some family trees that reference John as an "alien" but I have not seen any source document that documents that (possible confusion in docs, both David and Jane were "alien") The court records that list both David Poole and Jane Poole as "alein" also mention son John, but make no notation of "alien" for him; that would seem to support him being born in VA or England. there are multiple immigration records for David Poole and family they include ( some of this may be duplicate billing

1655 David Pool and Mary his wife Northumberland Co

Jane Poole , Daughter of David and Mary Poole Name: David Poole Year: 1652 Place: Virginia Family Members: Wife Mary; Son Martin; Daughter Jane Source Publication Code: 6220 Primary Immigrant: Poole, David Annotation: Record of 20,000 very early immigrants, with much relevant information. Taken from Patent Books 1 through 5. Title page states, "In 5 volumes," but up to 1979 only three had appeared. See nos. 6221 and 6223 for second and third volumes, published in 1977 Source Bibliography: NUGENT, NELL MARION. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1666. Vol. 1. Richmond [VA]: Dietz Printing Co., 1934. 767p. Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1983. Page: 255 there are multiple immigration records for David Poole and family they include ( some of this may be

duplicate listing for billing purposes ?) · 1627 DAVID (we know he first immigrated in 1620) · 1652/53 David, wife Mary, son Martin, dau Jane note Daniel immigrated at the same time · 1654 a John Poole immigrated (possibly David's oldest son)- Northumberland Co · 1655 Martin Poole Northumberland Co · 1655 Jane Poole Northumberland Co · 1655 John Poole, New Kent Co 1655 David Pool and Mary his wife Northumberland Co

Martin Poole, Son of David and Mary Poole

Immigration doucments tell us that Martin and Jane Pool immigrated in about 1652; they are listed as son and daughter of Mary. They buy land in 1655 as shown on the document below. They are associated in some documents with Mary Poole, wife of David.

We lose track of Martin after the 1655 land purchase.

From Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and grants, 16

1663 - 1666 Vol 1 Patent Book 3, page 308

WILLIAM LITTLE, 100 acres, Northumberland Co., on S. side of great Wicocomoco Riv, 4 Jun 1655, p 345. Adj. land of Daniel Crosby & towards land of William Thomas. Traqns. Of 2 pers: Martin Poole, Jane Poole.

3.2 Family Sheet John Poole Sr.

Husband: John Poole Sr.

Birth: Abt. 1630 in Languedoc France, or VA, or England; immigrated, not shown as an "alien" so England is like Marriage: Abt. 1655 in Elizabeth City Co VA Occupation: Believed to have been a tobacco grower Death: Abt. 1667 in Elizabeth City Co VA; Will recorded March 16, 1667 Father: David Poule Poole Mother: Mary maiden name unknown

Wife: Jane Boult? (maiden name uncertain, Jane Avera at death)

Birth: Abt. 1635 in Languedoc France Burial: Abt. 1704 in Beach Dr.-- ref Donna Cuzze; Burial: Possibly the Poole Cemetery at the end of Grunling Rd Death: 26 Apr 1704 in Elizabeth City, Virginia, United States Father: Mother:


1 Name: Thomas Poole M Birth: Bet. 1656–1661 in deeded land in 1688 must have been over 21 Elizabeth City VA Marriage: 1672 in Elizabeth City, Virginia, United States Death: Bef. 1725 in Elizabeth city VA; not named in Thomas' 1725 Will, assumed to be dead by that time Spouse: Jane? or Elizabeth? Baylis

2 Name: John Poole Jr M Birth: Bet. 1657–1662 in Elizabeth City Co VA Marriage: Abt. 1690 in Elizabeth City Co VA Death: Abt. Jan 1740 in ECC VA Spouse: Ann Copeland

3 Name: William Poole M Birth: Bet. 1658–1665 in unknown, may have migrated to NC; need documentation Death: Bef. 1715 in ECC; noted deceased in 1715 Thomas Poole court action; date of Wm.'s death is unknown Spouse: Sarah ?

4 Name: Anne Poole F Birth: Bet. 1659–1667 in Elizabeth City Co VA Marriage: Abt. 1678 Death: Abt. 1720


 Born in estimated 1630. Since he was shown as immigrating, but not shown as an "alien" he was likely born in England (birth in VA, or Languedoc France remains possible)  He is clearly shown as the eldest child of David Poole in multiple court Documents

 He married Jane (possible maiden name Boult?) she was descended from Languedoc France family, and believed to be a Huguenot (David is listed by the Huguenot Society, but wife Jane is not). They had three sons and one daughter- whose names and relationships are clearly documented in Wills and various court papers ( as listed in the references)

3.3 Family Group Sheet for Thomas Poole

Husband: Thomas Poole

Birth: Bet. 1656–1661 in deeded land in 1688 must have been over 21 Elizabeth City VA Marriage: 1672 in Elizabeth City, Virginia, United States Death: Bef. 1725 in Elizabeth city VA; not named in Thomas' 1725 Will, assumed to be dead by that time Father: John Poole Sr. Mother: Jane Poole Avera Boult?

Wife: Jane? Baylis

Birth: Abt. 1657 in Elizabeth City County VA; estimate, no original source references Death: Aft. 1725 in Elizabeth City County VA Father: Possibly Humphrey Baylis Mother: Children:

1 Name: John Poole Sr. M Birth: Bet. 1673–1678 in Elizabeth city VA; Parents married in 1672 Marriage: 10 Oct 1699 in Elizabeth City County, Virginia Death: 22 Jan 1740 in Elizabeth City County Va.

Spouse: Elizabeth wid. of Sheppard 2 Name: Thomas Poole Jr M Birth: Abt. 1680 in Elizabeth City County Va. Death: Abt. 08 Sep 1750 in Elizabeth City County VA. Spouse: Elizabeth 3 Name: William Pool M Birth: Abt. 1680 in Elizabeth city VA; (DNA proves not Wm the joiner)

Death: Aft. 1743 in probably Bertie NC,; confusion between Williams-- cannot positively identify which is which Spouse: unknown 4 Name: Middleton Poole M Birth: Abt. 1685 in ECC VA; the Points Plantation Death: 1742 in Elizabeth City Co VA; will probated May 1742 Spouse: Elizabeth wife of Middleton Poole 5 Name: Alexander Poole M Birth: Abt. 1685 in Elizabeth City County VA. Marriage: Bef. 1710 in Elizabeth City County VA (children's dates of birth are speculative)

Death: 13 Jun 1742 in Elizabeth City County VA. Spouse: Mary Named In Samuel's Will 6 Name: Jane Poole F Birth: Abt. 1687

7 Name: Ann Poole F Birth: Abt. 1690

8 Name: Mary Poole F Birth: Abt. 1691


Thomas Poole is documented to be the eldest child of John and Jane Poole.

NOTE: there were two Thomas Poole men living in the General Area as shown by the 1704 Rent Rolls. (a Duplicate Copy was found in England ... this second Thomas Poole may have been the one that immigrated in Oct 1666. The 1704 Rent Rolls show "our" Thomas Poole in Elizabeth City County and the other Thomas in Princess Ann County. The same roll shows a George Poole in Princess Anne County. (this last information is from "Alphabetical Rent Roll of V in 1704" available on the

More and more, Thomas Poole looks like he may be the common ancestor to several of the Haplogroup G Poole lines.. This makes his records and data of particular importance. Although additional references would be VERY useful, the existing data set between David Poole, John Poole, and Thomas Poole seems fully documented to confirm the linkage of persons. Based on known average rate of Y chromosome mutation, and factoring into the calculation that our genealogy records indicate no common ancestor within recent generations; familytreedna gives around a 95% confidence level that our closest common ancestor should be at or before this Thomas Poole. (with the large caveat the document trail, while substantial, is incomplete).

In 1704Thomas , Inherited his father's property 474 acres in Elizabeth City County. Also recorded deed prior owned by his mother Jane Avera, dcd. Note also that the Rent Roll of the Lands in ECC for 1704 show Thomas Poole to own 1200 acres.

John Poole Jr. sold or leased his share of land in 1701-1702 and he is not mentioned as being deceased in the court record involving it in 1717. All of the land escheated to his brother Thomas. When John's brother Thomas Poole, Sr. writes his will in 1727, mentioning land that had belong to his brother John (which Thomas now gives to his son Middleton) he is only giving a description of which land. It is not to say his brother John had already died.

Thomas POOLE SR died on 27 Jan 17 1725/26 in Elizabeth City County, VA. Notes from Donna Cuzze THOMAS POOLE, Sr.: c.1657 - d. abt. 1727. Son of Jane [Poole-Avera] & John Poole. He continued to live in Elizabeth City County and was listed in the 1704 quit rent roll tax with 1200 acres. We believe he married the daughter of Humphrey Baylis. In 1716, Thomas POOLE and his nephew John WHITFIELD witness the will of Humphrey BAYLIS whose estate is appraised by William COPELAND among others

Thomas Poole Will: 1725, Named his mother, Jane Avera, who gave land to his brother John., Thomas gives that land to his son Middleton. Also sons John, William, Thomas & Alexander. Daus: Jane, Ann & Mary.

From Elizabeth City County, VA Deeds, Wills, and Court Orders, 1715-1721, transcribed by Rosemary Corley Neal Court 5-16-1717 Proof of linkage Page. 137-138 (PG. 67-68 OF ORIGINAL RECORDS BOOK) Documents Thomas Poole and siblings, links him to father John Poole and mother Jane Poole, and names his sons. (only key portions quoted below) In the ejectment brought by Robert Westlock on the demise of Thomas Poole .... Whereupon evidence being heard and jury impanneled finds for the deft. "We find the last will and testament of John Poole dec'd pro and rec in Eliz. City Co. Ct dated 17 Mar 1667 with and endorsement thereon from John Poole the younger to Robt. Beverly dated 10 of 8br 1702 and hereunto annexed. We find that sd John Poole the Elder died seized of fee in the land in question. We find pattent granted to Jane Poole dated 6 Apr 1671 of land in question and annexed. We find a deed ack and rec in Eliz. City Co. Ct from Jane Avery to her three sons, vizt Thomas Poole, John Poole and William

Poole dated 5 Jan 1688 with endorsement thereon from John Poole to Robt. Beverly dated 23 8br 1701 both of the land in question and hereto annexed. We find a deed from John Poole to Robert Beverly dated 13 8br 1701 of land in question hereto annexed ,,, We find that Thomas Poole the lessor of the pltf is the Eldest son and heir of Jane Poole, afterward Jane Avery, .... Ordered that Thomas Poole pay to Thomas Avery acc to law for 15 days attendance for him aft Pasco Curle with costs at Exon.

The following names Thomas sons and daughters. 1727 Eliz City Title Poole, Thomas. Part of index to Elizabeth City County Wills and Administrations (1689-1800) Note pp. 78-78. Will pro. 20 July 1727. p. 103. Inv. rec. 21 Sep. 1727. Deeds, Wills & Orders, 1704-1730, Pt. 1 (Reel 5) Leg.-eldest son John,; son William; son Thomas; son Alexander; son Middleton the tract given by my mother, Jane Avera, to her son John Poole; to my daughters Jane, Ann, and Mary Poole. Exec. sons John and Thomas Poole. Dated January 27, 1725/26. recorded July 20, 1727. Witness Thomas Latimer, John Whitfield, John Bushell, Sr. Book 1704-30, Page 77, Elizabeth City County, VA Note from Bill Avery : Jane was already dead in 1725 when this will was written by son Thomas Poole

Jane? (or possibly Elizabeth?) Baylis from Donna Cuzze ...... +Jane? Baylis b: Bet. 1657 - 1665 in "Possibly dau of Humphrey Baylis" d: Bet. 1716 - 1726 in VA, Elizabeth City

WILLS, DEEDS, and INVENTORYS BOOK Pg. 84 Last will and testament of Humphrey Baylis, bing sick and weake and like to die. To son Jno. Baylis, the upper end of land adjoining William Baylis. To son Thomas Baylis, the land I now live on and to be divided by two men as they see fit so that each son gets plantable land. Wife and two sons to be executors. (Wife not named) Dated 8 Sept 1716. Signed Humphrey (X) Baylis. Wit: Thomas Baylis, JNO. WHITFIELD, THO. POOLE. Proved by same witnesses 17 July 1717.

Court date 7/17/1717

John Poole Sr.

Marriages Before1699 Spouse: Elizabeth Sheppard (Wid.) Marriage Date:10 Oct 1699 Elizabeth City Co., Virginia

Possible 2nd wife ? note: Will of John Poole who died Jan 1740 states wife's name is Ann Elizabeth Sheppard is believed to have died about 1720 ... Ann may have been 2nt wife

Thomas Poole Jr the age difference shown here between Thomas and his sons is large. It may simply be an error in the estimates of dates of birth.

Will: 1751 Part of index to Elizabeth City County Wills and Administrations (1689-1800)

Thomas Poole's will documents approx date of death, his wife Elizabeth's given name , and the names of his children. "POOLE, Thomas. Leg- to my three youngest sons, Howard POOLE, Thomas POOLE and Robert POOLE, son John POOLE; to my three daughters, Sarah POOLE, Mathew (Martha) POOLE and Elizabeth POOLE. Extx.: wife. (Will presented by Elizabeth POOLE.) D. September 8, 1750. R. April 2, 1751. Wit: William BUSHELL, John LEWIS. Original Will. Estate audited by Thomas LATTIMER*, Samuel WATTS, Baldwin SHEPHARD and Thomas BAYLIS, Sr. December 2, 1755. Order Book 1755-1760, p. 31."

William Pool William son of Thomas if very is believed to be the Wm Pool that moved to Johnston / Bertie NC. I have followed Joe Slattery and others in showing the connection that way in my David Poole tree. THIS WILLIAM is the one referenced in the Paxco Curle trial which stated William, the son of "Thomas is now deceased. That would be consistent with the reference provided by Roy Poole of a death in Johnston Co NC in 1763.

note from Donna Cuzze: It is possible that Thomas Poole's son William Poole, SR was the one who patented land in Berkley County SC in 1704 where there was no North Carolina formed yet. His son William Poole, Jr could have been the one recorded in 1733 on the Pee Dee River and in Bertie County in later years. ... could have been the one who lived in Johnston County NC, married Sarah Scott (brother of Benjamin Scott. This could certainly explain why Benjamin Scott became guardian of Thomas Avery's youngest orphans in 1761 in Johnston County NC ....

FROM DONNA CUZZE NOTES Record 6: May 1717, Thomas POOLE lost in a court action brought by Pasco CURLE. During trial, jury proved the land passed through heirs: John Poole, Sr.>Jane Pool Avery to sons Thomas, John Jr. and William (now deceased).

Middleton Poole Middleton*^ POOLE b: Bet. 1681 - 1686 in VA, ECC inherited land POOLES RIDGE from father Thomas Will: 1725 Named in father Thomas' will as was his grandmother, Jane Avera, who gave land to his Uncle John, and now Thomas gives that land to his son Middleton.

note from Audrey E Pool . Middleton POOLE died before May 1743 in Elizabeth City County, VA. He was married to Elizabeth. Middleton POOLE and Elizabeth had the following children: 35 i. William POOLE.

note for Middleton Poole (AEP) Middleton POOLE Will: May 19, 1742 VA, ECC: Leg.-son William my place "The Points" adjoining Thomas POOLE land, wife Elizabeth, reversion to dau Ann Poole, reversion to ""COUSIN"" Alexander Poole (not nephew).

notes from Audrey Pool on "a" Middleton Pool, possibly this one Middleton (This Middleton POOLE line possibly the one that migrated first to N.C. (Johnston County), then to Washington County, GA (1820 census). Later in Bibb County, AL (a) Middleton POOLE m. Mary Ann FANCHER cousin of Nancy FANCHER who m. , Zedkijah BOAZ - line of Ray W. POOL) Note: Middleton

Notes: (con't) who m. Rebecca FANCHER had a brother, Jason POOL who m. the sister of Nancy FANCHER Note: (A) Middleton POOLE d. July 16, 1740, probably this one and left one son, William and a dau, Ann. He leaves land to cousin ALEXANDER, son of ALEXANDER. Wit: Thomas POOLE · Jane · Ann · Mary microfiche record 1742 Eliz City County VA Title Poole, Middleton [Middleton] Publication 1742 Gen. note Part of index to Elizabeth City County Wills and Administrations (1689-1800) Note p. 128. Will pro. 19 May 1742. p. 139. Inv. & APRs. rec. 21 July 1742. Deeds, Wills, Bonds, Etc., 1737-1756 (Reel 6)

Alexander Poole After an extensive review of all the men from the ECC Poole line that had sons named Alexander; this Alexander Pool was the only candidate not eliminated because of known inconsistencies ( e.g. wrong place, or wrong time frame) Alexander Poole is in the "most likely ancestor chain for James Pool. He is also a speculative link in the ancestor chain of Nicholas Pool from the Haplogroup G Pools.

Alexander* POOLE b: Bet. 1682 - 1688 in >VA, Elizabeth City d: June 13, 1742 in VA, Elizabeth City Will: March 21, 1742/43 Names wife, Mary, names son Samuel. Thomas LATIMER is the appraiser for the estate. other children's names comes from the will of his son Samuel ( 1/4/1747) which names James, Alexander, Nicholas, and David

This Alexander Pool seems to be the first ( of many) with that name. Avera researcher, Donna Cuzze, has speculated that he was named after Alexander Avera (Avera is the surname of Jane Poole's second husband).

Will of Alexander Poole, Elizabeth City County, VA leg.-son Samuel, the plantation given me by my father's will. Wife Mary Poole. Extra. wife Mary Poole. Dated 6/13/1742, recorded 3/21/1743. Wit. Thomas Poole, John Poole, William Poole. Samuel Poole chose the clerk of court as his guardian. Mary Poole qualified, security, Thomas Everard. Book 1737-49, page 84. Estate appraised by Thomas Latimer, john Bushell, and William Poole. July 18, 1744. Book 1737-49, page 186.

3.4 Family Group Sheet for Alexander Poole

Husband: Alexander Poole

Birth: Abt. 1685 in Elizabeth City County Va Marriage: Abt. 1720 in Elizabeth City County VA (children's dates of birth are speculative) Death: 13 Jun 1742 in Elizabeth City County Va Father: Thomas Poole Mother: Jane? or Elizabeth? Baylis

Wife: Mary named on Samuels's Will

Birth: Abt. 1690 in likely Elizabeth City Co VA; no documents for date or location; was alive at time of husband Alexander's will Father: Mother:


1 Name: Samuel Poole M Birth: Bef. 1722 in Elizabeth City County Va; minor in his father's 1742 Will, so he was born after 1721 Death: 05 Jan 1748 in Elizabeth City County Va

2 Name: James Poole M Birth: Aft. 1724 in Elizabeth City County Va

3 Name: Alexander Pool Jr M Birth: Aft. 1726 in Elizabeth City Co, VA Death: Abt. 1767 in Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States; James and Alexander's father died in c 1767 Spouse: possible Susanna Mitchell

4 Name: Nicholas Poole M Birth: Aft. 1728 in likely ECC VA; wide range of estimates for birth year 1705 to 1730, father was living in ECC VA

5 Name: David Poole M Birth: Aft. 1730


This Alexander Poole is the only identified viable candidate for father of Alexander Pool (grandfather to James and Alexander Pool III). He is also a speculative link in the ancestor chain of Nicholas Pool from the Haplogroup G Pools. Alexander*^ POOLE b: Bet. 1682 - 1688 in >VA, Elizabeth City d: June 13, 1742 in VA, Elizabeth City Will: March 21, 1742/43 Names wife, Mary, names son Samuel. Thomas LATIMER is the appraiser for the estate. other children's names comes from the will of his son Samuel ( 1/4/1747) which names James, Alexander, Nicholas, and David

Donna Cuzze speculated that this first of many Alexander Poole men, may have been named after Alexander Avera (Avera is the surname of Jane Poole's second husband).

Will of Alexander Poole, Elizabeth City County, VA leg.-son Samuel, the plantation given me by my father's will. Wife Mary Poole. Extrx. wife Mary Poole. Dated 6/13/1742, recorded 3/21/1743. Wit. Thomas Poole, John Poole, William Poole. Samuel Poole chose the clerk of court as his guardian. Mary Poole qualified, security, Thomas Everard. Book 1737- 49, page 84. Estate appraised by Thomas Latimer, john Bushell, and William Poole. July 18, 1744. Book 1737-49, page 186.

Will of Alexander Poole, Elizabeth City County, VA leg.-son Samuel, the plantation given me by my father's will. Wife Mary Poole. Extrx. wife Mary Poole. Dated 6/13/1742, recorded 3/21/1743. Wit. Thomas Poole, John Poole, William Poole. Samuel Poole chose the clerk of court as his guardian. Mary Poole qualified, security, Thomas Everard. Book 1737-49, page 84. Estate appraised by Thomas Latimer, john Bushell, and William Poole. July 18, 1744. Book 1737-49, page 186.

wtp notes Children (note these date estimates by Donna Cuzze, -- AEP had an earlier date range for the boys (1700-1720 or so) which seems like a better estimate to me. g) Samuel Poole b: BET 1720 AND 1727 in Elizabeth City County , VA h) James Poole b: BET 1720 AND 1727 in Elizabeth City County , VA i) Alexander Poole Jr. b: BET 1720 AND 1727 in Elizabeth City County , VA j) Nicholas Poole b: BET 1720 AND 1727 in Elizabeth City County , VA k) David Poole b: BET 1720 AND 1727 in Elizabeth City County , VA

Alexander*^ POOLE b: Bet. 1685 - 1688 in >VA, Elizabeth City d: June 13, 1742 in VA, Elizabeth City Will: March 21, 1742/43 Names wife, Mary, names son Samuel. Thomas LATIMER is the appraiser for the estate. NOTE by DC:: Bet. 1682 - 1688 Named after his step family Alexander Avera? Record 1: 1756 Guardianship Bond received by court listed in VA wills index. Will: March 21, 1742/43 Names wife, Mary,

names son Samuel. Thomas LATIMER is the appraiser for the estate. NOTE: I think the date for Alexander is pretty close.

ADDITIONAL BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES date of marriage of Alexander's and date of birth for children is not known.. Most genealogists have bracketed it between 1710 and 1730, using c 1720 as a rough midpoint.

Alexander Poole is in the "most likely ancestor chain for James Pool. It is also a speculative link in the ancestor chain of Nicholas Pool from the Haplogroup G Pools.

Alexander*^ POOLE b: Bet. 1682 - 1688 in >VA, Elizabeth City d: June 13, 1742 in VA, Elizabeth City Will: March 21, 1742/43 Names wife, Mary, names son Samuel. Thomas LATIMER is the appraiser for the estate. other children's names comes from the will of his son Samuel ( 1/4/1747) which names James, Alexander, Nicholas, and David

Donna Cuzze speculated that this first of many Alexander Poole men, may have been named after Alexander Avera (Avera is the surname of Jane Poole's second husband).

Notes: (con't)

Will of Alexander Poole, Elizabeth City County, VA leg.-son Samuel, the plantation given me by my father's will. Wife Mary Poole. Extrx. wife Mary Poole. Dated 6/13/1742, recorded 3/21/1743. Wit. Thomas Poole, John Poole, William Poole. Samuel Poole chose the clerk of court as his guardian. Mary Poole qualified, security, Thomas Everard. Book 1737-49, page 84. Estate appraised by Thomas Latimer, john Bushell, and William Poole. July 18, 1744. Book 1737-49, page 186.

Mary (maiden name unknown) Named In Samuel's Will son Samuel Poole Will D Jan 5 1748 "Poole, Samuel. Leg. - mother Mary Poole; brother James the money in the hands of Jacob Walker, with reversion to brothers, Alexander, Nicholas, and David Poole"

Nicholas Poole Note: data here is weak without better references -- however it is a VERY interesting name -- I believe it is the first time we see Nicholas as a given name in David Poole's descendants. There is also a Nicholas Pool in one of the Haplogroup G members, Thomas Glen Pool (Barbra Pool researches this line) I think this Nicholas is "worth looking at" as part of the lineage from Thomas Jefferson Pool > Joseph L Pool, Thos J Pool, Alban C Pool > Nicholas Pool --- to the early David Poole line.

Estimates I have seen for the birth year of Nicholas vary widely -

speculative : CASE FOR POSSIBLE LINK BETWEEN DNA MATCH " NICHOLAS POOL "AND THE NICHOLAS WHO WAS BROTHER TO ALEXANDER POOL SR( who died around 1742) What struck me was:  this Nicholas was a brother to an Alexander Poole, my direct line(and DNA proves our lines are closely connected)  the name Nicholas is rare in the David Poole line,( this may be the earliest use)  the ECC Nicholas Poole is believed to have been born about 1710 to 1725 --about the right time frame to be the father of "Y haplogroup G Nicholas" from familytreedna Poole Project  this was about the time that some of the ECC Poole families were migrating to NC -- for example the ECC Nicholas Poole had an uncle - William Poole who moved to NC --and died in Johnston Co NC

The familytreedna "Nicholas Pool" (Barbra Pool's) line goes: Robert Lee Pool > Joseph Lilbourn Pool > Thomas Jefferson Pool > Alban Chapman Pool > Nicholas Pool.

Notes: (con't) ======

Alexander Poole Jr In Middleton Poole's will., he left The Points Plantation to his wife, then upon her death to his daughter Ann, with Reversion to Alexander (JR) son of Alexander. Since Alexander Jr. r and sons Alexander III and James were living in Mecklenburg VA when Alexander Jr died in about 1767 -- and not living on the Points Plantation, I think we can safely assume that Ann Poole, daughter of Middleton Poole, was still alive in 1767. ======

The proof of this link is indirect (and therefore less certain) than the other links in this descendant chain. The evidence / proof of connection is, therefore, provided in some detail.

THIS IDENTIITY OF ALEXANDER POOL IS STRONGLY SUPPORTED . THIS PROOF IS FROM COMBINING ELEMENTS OF EVIDENCE, WHICH IS A WEAKER PROOF THAN A SINGLE CLEAR DOCUMENT. (however, with Alexander Pool, Jr dying intestate, this is likely the very best proof that we will be able to develop)

A CAREFUL REVIEW OF ALL KNOWN POSSIBLE CANDIDATES FOR WHICH OF SEVERAL ALEXANDER POOLS THIS IS. ALL BUT THIS ONE COULD BE PROVEN INVALID. THIS IS THE BEST OF THE CANDIDATES FOR FATHER TO JAMES AND ALEXANDER POOL. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS NEEDED TO ABSOLUTELY PROVE THIS CORRECT CONNECTION.- BUT, WITH THIS ALEXANDER DYING INTESTATE, I DOUBTS THAT SUCH DOCUMENTS EXIST. This connection is made, in large measure, because several lines of Pool / Poole, proven by DNA to be very closely related, have been linked by excellent researchers to the Elizabeth City Co VA line of Pools. Any one of these would be suspect on its own, but the totality of the John Pool line ( Audrey Pool), Hardy Pool line (Roy Poole), Nicholas Pool line (Barbara Pool), and this James Pool line all having evidence of be from the "ECC" line of Poole is very strong. I consider Audrey Pool, with 50+ years working on this line, to be the best genealogists of our Pool lines; I am strongly influenced by her belief (which she states as unproven) that we are all from this ECC / NC line of POOLE / POOL.

· All l other Alexander Pool men identified (we examined 6 potential candidates) had clearly inconsistent records and were quickly ruled out except for one, who on closer examination, appears never to have existed ( a proposed Alexander , son of George Pool). I have searched and found no evidence that Alexander son of George existed (all other children are clearly named in documents), so I have concluded that this was a researcher error that has been accepted and repeated. · Unlike others, that he is not shown living in ECC VA or Johnston / Wake NC . Although not poof, this is consistent with the thesis that this Alexander who went to Brunswick VA. then Mecklenburg (and is the father of James and Alexander Pool ). · Strongly supporting this are documents which link this Alexander Pool to related Pool's who went to Wake NC. (see Audrey Pool's evidence below). These are proven to be from the ECC line of Poole (spelling of Pool generally changed from Poole to Poole for those that migrated to NC). This says that Alexander Pool is indeed from the "right" line of Pool to be son of Alexander Pool Sr. · Perhaps the strongest single argument is mathematical. . The number of generations to a common ancestor is so far out that a) the probability of an even more distant connection is an extremely low probability (since Roy Poole and I are perfect 64 marker matches, we have around a 95% probability of common ancestor at the distance of Thomas Poole or earlier ( Thomas would be 8 generations back for me, assuming this Alexander Poole is indeed my correct link).

SINCE THIS IS THE FATHER OF JAMES POOLE, WE KNOW THE FOLLOWING:  Named Alexander Pool from records of the Church Wardens  must have lived in Brunswick VA since James in sworn testimony states that he was born there in 1756  must have lived in Mecklenburg VA in 1767 since father of James and Alexander died there.  Assuming the ECC David Poole connection is valid, must be a descendant of David Poole and his son John Poole; and likely also a descendant of Thomas Poole.  must be born in a year compatible with James' birth in 1756  must not be a person whose DNA is identified by familytreedna as belonging to a different line of Pool /Poole.  assuming this is the same Alexander who was living in Brunswick in 1761 (likely because James was born there in 1756) -- wife's name was Susannah.

Here were 6 possible "candidates" for the father of James and Alexander that I looked at (Donna Cuzze, Joe Slattery, and others have also looked at this issue, and I have the huge benefit of, and agree with their excellent work). ) a) John Pool Sr. > Thomas Poole, Sr. > Alexander Pool -- ruled out ( died in 1742 in ECC VA). b) John Pool Sr. >William Pool Sr. > Alexander Poole.-- ruled out ( died after 1764 in Johnston NC). c)John Pool Sr. > William Pool Sr. > Alexander Pool Sr. > Alexander Pool , Jr.- ruled out d)John Pool, SR >William Poole Sr. > George Poole > Alexander Pool. ( eliminated, George did not have a son named Alexander - ) ruled out e) John Poole SR > Thomas Poole Sr. > Alexander Poole (Sr.) >Alexander Pool(e), {Jr.} - only remaining candidate f) other "Alexander Poole" via more distant link . Father of this Alexander Poole is the first of his line named Pool -- so very unlikely that other Alexander Poole's exist . (e.g. children of Daniel Poole or Martin Poole. No others found in our search. The additional generations to common ancestor is statistically improbable (see calculations, generations to most recent common ancestor below).

more wtp notes: Notes for Alexander Pool Jr, son of Alexander Pool Sr. (son of Thomas POOL): Alexander Pool Poole is proved as the father of James Pool by the extensive record research by Belva Cauthen. She spent a lot of time reviewing all available records ( in conjunction with her Harris / Hudson research) and the evidence that Alexander is well supported. This Alexander is recorded by the Church Wardens (who held quasi official status). Belva shows that this Alexander Pool seems to be closely associated with "affiliated" families that lived in the same areas of VA and witnessed each other's documents.

The following notes are from Belva Cauthen, whose help is gratefully acknowledged: (wtp 8/2010) \Alexander Poole, s/o Alexander Poole, bound out to Richard Ragsdale, 1767

Alexander Poole's estate sale money to go to Churchwardens, St. James Par. 1770

James Poole, orphan of Alexander Pool, bound out to Benjamin Ragsdale, 1770; to be bound out again 1776 by Ch'ward.

James pool married Ursula Hudson, daughter of William Hudson, in 1782 in Mecklenburg Co, VA and they, along with Thomas Wllborn and his son, William Wilborn / Cary Hudson, etc, moved to Laurens Edgefield County SC per the following Laurens co, sc deed. Laurens co, sc deed book J, page 146, 1809, William Hudson to my son-in-law James pool and dau Ursula; my son-in-law William Wilborn and my dau Cary; my son-in-law Jeremiah Wilborn and dau Polly of Edgefield dist, sc 1--two tracts on the Beaverdam creek of reedy river in Laurens co, sc; 2- two other tracts in Rutherford co, NC on Simms creek of little broad river. wit: Anderson Crowder, Joseph field. john lion, j.q.e.d.

An additional point of confirmation may be found in the naming of Alexander Pool (III) children. You will see names that appear to be from William Hudson's family. In addition, we see documents where Alexander Pool III and William Hudson signed together (some may be from William Hudson, Jr -- I do

not have enough data to know).

Alexander Poole, s/o Alexander Poole, bound out to Richard Ragsdale, 1767 Alexander Poole's estate sale money to go to Churchwardens, St. James Par. 1770 James Poole, orphan of Alexander Pool, bound out to Benjamin Ragsdale, 1770; to be bound out again 1776 by Ch'ward.

Samuel Poole's 1747 will noted that he had brothers James, Alexander, Nicholas , and David Samuel*^ Poole b: Bet. 1700 - 1720 in VA, Elizabeth City got the plantation d: Bet. 1747 - 1752 in VA,

James pool married Ursula Hudson, daughter of William Hudson, there in 1782 in Mecklenburg co, VA and they, along with Thomas Wllborn and his son, William Wilborn / Cary Hudson, etc, also moved to Laurens Edgefield County SC per the following Laurens co, sc deed. Laurens co, sc deed book J, page 146, 1809, William Hudson to my son-in-law James pool and dau Ursula; my son-in-law William Wilborn and my dau Cary; my son-in-law Jeremiah Wilborn and dau Polly of Edgefield dist, sc 1--two tracts on the Beaverdam creek of reedy river in Laurens co, sc; 2- two other tracts in Rutherford co, NC on Simms creek of little broad river. wit: Anderson Crowder, Joseph field. john lion, j.q.e.d.

Poole, Alexander. Publication 1756 Gen. note Part of index to Elizabeth City County Wills and Administrations (1689-1800) Note p. 83. Gdn. bond rec. [2 Nov. 1756]. ***GUARDIAN BOND******** Note Order Book, 1755-1757 (Reel 17) Subject - Personal Poole, Alexander. Subject -Geographic Elizabeth City County (Va.) Added Title Virginia wills and administrations. System Number 000535611

********************************************************************** PROBABILITY OF COMMON ANCESTOR BY GENERATION: Below is my analysis of probability of a common ancestor within a given number of generations. I provide it to help explain why some choices are much less likely. (Although, as Sherlock Holmes was want to say, " when you eliminate the impossible, the remaining, however unlikely, has to be the explanation". ). Probability of distance to common ancestor between William T Pool and Roy Allen Pool. Based on Y DNA 67 marker test .

Probability of common ancestor

at or before generation 5 thru 11 120.0%


80.0% 60.0% generation 40.0%


0.0% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Susanna Mitchell is a possible wife to Alexander Poole (unproven) we see the Mitchell in a lot of family names -- coincidence? our Alexander died in Mecklenburg in 1767 here is a record from Will Book 2 of Brunswick Co

Below is a Will that looks like land belonging to Alexander's son, Alexander Pool's former property (sold? was sold by William Mitchell to Ephraim Parham this helps support a tie between Poole and Mitchell - but certainly falls far short of a "proof" Will Book 2, Brunswick County, VA:-"William MITCHELL of Mecklenburg Co to Ephraim PARHAM* of Brunswick Co. 30 Jul 1784. L15 VA. 100 acres which formerly was the property of Ellick/Allick/Alexander POOL who sold it to Matthew PARHAM....

James Pool was born in Brunswick in1756 -- so Alexander Poole, his father , can be assumed to be living there here is a Will witnessed in 1754 by a Alexander Poole (Alexander Pool III would have been a small child) Will of Robert PROCTOR, 9 Sep 1754 Brunswick County, VA: Alexr. POOLE is a witness to said will. Note: PROCTOR descendants went to Wake County, NC. (aep)

here again in Brunswick in 1761 Will of Robert PROCTOR, 9 Sep 1754 Brunswick County, VA: Alexr POOLE is a witness to said will. Note: PROCTOR descendants went to Wake County, NC. (aep)

"Appraisal of the estate of William MAC KNIGHT dec'd as by court order dated 15 Jan 1759. Included were negroes: man Punch, man Virgil, wench Betty. Appraised by William PENNINGTON, Richard RUSSELL, Alexander POOLE. Returned to Court 23 Jun 1760."

"Allotment to Margret (sic) RUSSELL the widow Richard RUSSELL dec'd as by court order dated 23 Mar 1761. Included were negro man Darby, boy Jeff. Allotted by William MACLIN, Jr, Alexander POOL, George INGRAM. Returned to Court 26 May 1761 Account 1760 for John INGRAM, Jr dec'd by Mrs. Elizabeth STEAGALL excrx. Named: Among others were...

Benjamin INGRAM



Jeremiah INGRAM


William INGRAM

Allen LOVE, merchant


Alexander POOL


Note by Audrey Pool : these POOLES [likely} belonged to Elizabeth City County (now Hampton City), VA. Names familiar to the ECC,VA POOLES are: Alexander, William, Thomas, John, Samuel, Nicholas, Christopher, Humphrey POOLE. wtp note: Audrey wrote the above note in 2005, long before we started getting strong DNA evidence

Samuel Poole

Names of other brothers of Samuel Poole is given in his will Will of Samuel Poole--Elizabeth City County, VA Leg. -mother Jane Poole. Brother James the money in the hands of Jacob Walker, with reversion to brothers Alexander, Nicholas and David Poole. Exec. Mr. John Selden. Dated January 5, 1748, recorded 10/1752. Wit. Jacob Walker, W. Bushell, Alex'er Robertson. Original Will. note from Audrey Pool POOLE, Samuel. Leg - Mother: Mary POOLE Brothers: James; ALEXANDER; Nicholas* and David POOLE. D. January 5, 1748. Note: “Nicholas” is not a common name in POOL/POOLE . Nancy CHAPMAN is name of the Nicholas POOLE line in my files. was a minor in his father's 1742 Will so would have been born in 1722 or later (from Joe Slattery) Notes: (con't)

POOLE, Samuel. Leg - Mother: Mary POOLE Brothers: James; ALEXANDER; Nicholas* and David POOLE. D. January 5, 1748. Note: “Nicholas” is not a common name in POOL/POOLE . Nancy CHAPMAN is name of the Nicholas POOLE line in my files. (aep)

was a minor in his father's 1742 Will so would have been born in 1722 or later from Joe Slattery Will of Alexander Poole, Elizabeth City County, VA leg.-son Samuel, the plantation given me by my father's will. Wife Mary

Poole. Extrx. wife Mary Poole. Dated 6/13/1742, recorded 3/21/1743. Wit. Thomas Poole, John Poole, William Poole. Samuel Poole chose the clerk of court as his guardian. Mary Poole qualified, security, Thomas Everard. Book 1737-49, page 84. Estate appraised by Thomas Latimer, john Bushell, and William Poole. July 18, 1744. Book 1737-49, page 186.------

from Bill Avery'

Name: Samuel Poole 1 Sex: M Birth: BET 1720 AND 1727 in Elizabeth City County , VA 2 Event: Fact1 1742 Was a minor at his father's death 2 Death: BET 05 JAN 1748 AND OCT 1752 in Elizabeth City County , VA Note:

will of Samuel Poole--Elizabeth City County, VA Leg. -mother Jane Poole. Brother James the money in the hands of Jacob Walker, with reversion to brothers Alexander, Nicholas and David Poole. Exec. Mr. John Selden. Dated January 5, 1748, recorded 10/1752. Wit. Jacob Walker, W. Bushell, Alex'er Robertson. Original Will.

======Samuel*^ Poole b: Bet. 1700 - 1720 in VA, Elizabeth City got the plantation d: Bet. 1747 - 1752 in VA, ECC left will Will: 1747 Said he had brothers James, Alexander will of Brother Samuel Poole, recorded Elizabeth City County in 1752 ======

Name: Samuel Poole Sex: M Birth: BET 1720 AND 1727 in Elizabeth City County , VA 2 Event: Fact1 1742 Was a minor at his father's death 2 Death: BET 05 JAN 1748 AND OCT 1752 in Elizabeth City County , VA ] will of Samuel Poole--Elizabeth City County, VA Leg. -mother Jane Poole. Brother James the money in the hands of Jacob Walker, with reversion to brothers Alexander, Nicholas and David Poole. Exec. Mr. John Selden. Dated January 5, 1748, recorded 10/1752. Wit. Jacob Walker, W. Bushell, Alex'er Robertson. Original Will.

Father: Alexander Poole Sr. b: BET 1700 AND 1715 in Elizabeth City County , VA Mother: Mary (Unknown)

Sources: 1. Title: will of Samuel Poole, recorded Elizabeth City County in 1752 2. Title: will of Alexander Poole, Elizabeth City County, VA 3 Title: Estate records of Alexander Poole, Elizabeth City County, VA

in Elizabeth City County, VA

James Poole Samuel*^ Poole b: Bet. 1700 - 1720 in VA, Elizabeth City got the plantation d: Bet. 1747 - 1752 in VA, ECC left will Will: 1747 Said he had brothers James, Alexander

VA Deeds, book 6 >>> Brunswick County Indenture made the 16th day of June, 1755, between Richard RUSSELL and John RIEVES of Brunswick County, for 60 pounds, conveying 175 acres. Witnesses were Thomas TWITTY, Alexander POOLE and Peter JACKSON. Presented in Court on December 23, 1755. Deed Book 6, page 6.

David Poole Samuel*^ Poole b: Bet. 1700 - 1720 in VA, Elizabeth City got the plantation d: Bet. 1747 - 1752 in VA, ECC left will Will: 1747 Said he had brothers James, Alexander

3.5 Family Group Sheet for Alexander Pool Jr

Husband: Alexander Pool Jr

Birth: Aft. 1726 in Elizabeth Ciity Co, VA Death: Abt. 1767 in Meckleburg, Virginia, United States; James and Alexander's father died in c 1767 Father: Alexander Poole Mother: Mary named on Samuels's Will

Wife: possible Susanna Mitchell

Birth: Abt. 1720 in probably Brunswick Co VA Death: Bet. 1763–1767 in Brunswick VA? Father: John Mitchell Mother:


1 Name: Alexander Pool III M Birth: 1750 in Lunenburg, Mecklenburg County, Virginia Marriage: 11 Oct 1790 in Mecklenburg, Virginia, USA Death: Dec 1820 in Rutherford, North Carolina, USA Spouse: Anna Angelina Angelise "Anna" Crowder

2 Name: James B "Jacob" Pool M Birth: 05 Apr 1756 in Brunswick Co, VA; see Rev Pension Application Marriage: 11 Jul 1782 in Mecklenburg County, VA Death: 29 Jul 1839 in Laurens ,SC Burial: Tumblin Shoals, Laurens, SC; Traynham cemetery


Alexander Pool was born in Elizabeth City County VA. He is mentioned in his father's Will. He was also mentioned in his cousin Samuel's will, and was in line to inherit the "Points" if his cousin Anne had died young.

We assume that he remained in Elizabeth City until he became an adult, and then migrated, likely with other family members. We know that by around 1750 he had moved to Brunswick VA where he married a Susanna. Based on the date , knowledge of affilieated families, and that the given name has to be Susanna, Susanna "Sukie" Mitchell has been chosen as the strongest dcandidate wife for Alexander Pool.

see Middleton Poole's will... he left The Points Plantation to his wife, then upon her death to his daughter Ann, with Reversion to Alexander (JR) son of Alexander. Since Alexander Jr. r and sons Alexander III and James were living in Mecklenburg VA when Alexander Jr died in about 1767 -- and not living on the Points Plantation, I think we can safely assume that Ann Poole, daughter of Middleton Poole, was still alive in 1767. ======ALEXANDER POOL (JR.) IS DOCUMENTED BY THE CHURCHWARDENS TO BE THE FATHER OF JAMES AND ALEXANDER POOL. HIS FATHER , ALEXANDER POOLE, SR. IS THE ONLY VIABLE CANDIDATE FOR FATHER TO JAMES AND ALEXANDER POOL.


· must have lived in Brunswick VA since James in sworn testimony states that he was born there in 1756 · must have lived in Mecklenburg VA in 1767 since father of James and Alexander died there. · Assuming the ECC David Poole connection is valid, must be a descendant of David Poole and his son John Poole; and likely also a descendant of Thomas Poole. · must be born in a year compatible with James' birth in 1756 · must not be a person whose DNA is identified by familytreedna as belonging to a different line of Pool /Poole. assuming this is the same Alexander who was living in Brunswick in 1761 (likely because James was born there in 1756) -- wife's name was Susannah.

more wtp notes: Notes for Alexander Pool: Alexander Pool Poole is proved as the father of James Pool by the extensive record research by Belva Cauthen. She spent a lot of time reviewing all available records ( in conjunction with her Harris / Hudson research) and the evidence that Alexander is well supported. This Alexander is recorded by the Church Wardens (who held quasi official status). Belva shows that this Alexander Pool seems to be closely associated with "affiliated" families that lived in the same areas of VA and witnessed each other's documents. My Hudson line . Ragsdale line, and Belva's Harris like are among the closely associated families. I have included a large selection of Belva's extensive notes in my "Descendants of James Pool" family tree file. In addition, James Pool's sworn testimony (Rev War Pension Application) says he was born in Mecklenburg in 1756-- and there is an Alexander Pool / Poole shown to be living there in 1755-1761. Alexander Poole died intestate, so we lack a "Will" document which could prove (or disprove) the connection. Both Alexander and James Pool were bound out to (different) Ragsdale's. I think it is likely that the Ragsdale's were related (we know there were Ragsdale - Hudson, and Ragsdale - Harris connections).. James' Rev War Pension application files contains a statement that James' birth records were lost in a fire in his Uncles' house. That Uncle could have been the Ragsdale's, it seems unlikely that he boys would be put in a non-family home if a family home had been available. wtp 8/2010 ======Alexander Poole, s/o Alexander Poole, bound out to Richard Ragsdale, 1767 Alexander Poole's estate sale money to go to Churchwardens, St. James Par. 1770 James Poole, orphan of Alexander Pool, bound out to Benjamin Ragsdale, 1770; to be bound out again 1776 by Ch'ward.

Samuel Poole's 1747 will noted that he had brothers James, Alexander, Nicholas , and David Samuel*^ Poole b: Bet. 1700 - 1720 in VA, Elizabeth City got the plantation d: Bet. 1747 - 1752 in VA, ECC left will Will: 1747 Said he had brothers James, Alexander

In 2012 a 67 marker match has been made to a Poole / Pool line that claims descent from John Poole Sr., born between 1629 and 1637 In Elizabeth City County VA. Since then several other Pool /Poole lines have claimed this line, and some are now (2013) obtaining Y chromosome DNA data {2013 update, I now have clear document trail now ties this JOHN POOL to his father DAVID POOLE, A FRENCH HUGUENOT WHO IMMIGRATED TO VIRGINIA IN ABOUT 1620}.

======The following notes are from Belva Cauthen, whose help is gratefully acknowledged: (wtp 8/2010) \Alexander Poole, s/o Alexander Poole, bound out to Richard Ragsdale, 1767

Alexander Poole's estate sale money to go to Churchwardens, St. James Par. 1770

James Poole, orphan of Alexander Pool, bound out to Benjamin Ragsdale, 1770; to be bound out again 1776 by Ch'ward.

James pool married Ursula Hudson, daughter of William Hudson, there in 1782 in Mecklenburg co, VA and they, along with Thomas Wilborn and his son, William Wilborn/ Cary Hudson, etc, also moved to Laurens Edgefield County SC per the following Laurens co, sc deed. Laurens co, sc deed book J, page 146, 1809, William Hudson to my son-in-law James pool and dau

Ursula; my son-in-law William Wilborn and my dau Cary; my son-in-law Jeremiah Wilborn and dau Polly of Edgefield dist, SC 1--two tracts on the Beaverdam creek of Reedy river in Laurens co, sc; 2- two other tracts in Rutherford co, NC on Simms creek of little broad river. wit: Anderson Crowder, Joseph field. john lion, j.q.e.d.

======We know that when Alexander Pool,( father of James B Pool and Alexander Pool, Jr, died, he died without a will (intestate). We also know there was an estate, because the Church Wardens sold his possessions (I don't know if that included property, but I think it is likely that it did. We presume that no other immediate family was there. The boys were bound out to the Ragsdale family.(The Ragsdale's may have been related. I examined the possibility that the Uncle that James Pool speaks of in his Rev War Pension application may have been a Ragsdale, but I found nothing to either confirm or disprove this.

Poole, Alexander. Publication 1756 Gen. note Part of index to Elizabeth City County Wills and Administrations (1689-1800) Note p. 83. Gdn. bond rec. [2 Nov. 1756]. ***GUARDIAN BOND******** Note Order Book, 1755-1757 (Reel 17) Subject - Personal Poole, Alexander. Subject -Geographic Elizabeth City County (Va.) Added Title Virginia wills and administrations. System Number 000535611

********************************************************************** below is my analysis of probability of a common ancestor within a given number of generations. I provide it to help explain why some choices are much less likely. (Although, as Sherlock Holmes was want to say, " when you eliminate the impossible, the remaining, however unlikely, has to be the explanation". ). Probability of distance to common ancestor between William T Pool and Roy Allen Pool. Based on Y DNA 67 marker test this base case makes no claim of positive genealogical data. This is the Case that Familytreedna recommends one "starts" with. ( since there is always some possibility that that there is an adoption, etc in a fairly recent generation that nobody now knows about. COMPARISON CHART(note graphs would not display properly in the note section of ftm report-- so here is the data without the helpful graphs) Generations Reverse Percentage · 18.47% 81.53% · 11.89% 88.11% · 7.55% 92.45% · 4.73% 95.27% · 2.94% 97.06% · 1.81% 98.19% · 1.11% 98.89% · 0.68% 99.32% · 0.41% 99.59% · 0.25% 99.75

Susanna Mitchell is a possible wife to Alexander Poole (unproven) we see the Mitchell in a lot of family names -- coincidence? our Alexander died in Mecklenburg in 1767 here is a record from Will Book 2 of Brunswick

Susanna Mitchell is a possible wife to Alexander Poole (unproven) we see the Mitchell in a lot of family names -- coincidence? our Alexander died in Mecklenburg in 1767

here is a record from Will Book 2 of Brunswick Co, VA is a Will that looks like land belonging to Alexander's son, Alexander Pool's former property (sold? ) was sold by William Mitchell to Ephraim Parham >> might support a tie between Poole and Mitchell;

Will Book 2, Brunswick County, VA:-"William MITCHELL of Mecklenburg Co to Ephraim PARHAM* of Brunswick Co. 30 Jul 1784. L15 VA. 100 acres which formerly was the property of Ellick/Allick/Alexander POOL who sold it to Matthew PARHAM.... wtp note, this would only connect if Alex Pool sold to Mitchell at a date before his death

James Pool was born in Brunswick in1756 -- so Alexander Poole, his father , can be assumed to be living there here is a Will witnessed in 1754 by a Alexander Poole Will of Robert PROCTOR, 9 Sep 1754 Brunswick County, VA: Alexr POOLE is a witness to said will. Note: PROCTOR descendants went to Wake County, NC. (aep)

here again in Brunswick in 1761 Will of Robert PROCTOR, 9 Sep 1754 Brunswick County, VA: Alexr POOLE is a witness to said will. Note: PROCTOR descendants went to Wake County, NC. (aep)

"Appraisal of the estate of William MAC KNIGHT dec'd as by court order dated 15 Jan 1759. Included were negroes: man Punch, man Virgil, wench Betty. Appraised by William PENNINGTON, Richard RUSSELL, Alexander POOLE. Returned to Court 23 Jun 1760."

"Allotment to Margret (sic) RUSSELL the widow Richard RUSSELL dec'd as by court order dated 23 Mar 1761. Included were negro man Darby, boy Jeff. Allotted by William MACLIN, Jr, Alexander POOL, George INGRAM. Returned to Court 26 May 1761."

Account 1760 for John INGRAM, Jr dec'd by Mrs. Elizabeth STEAGALL excrx. Named: Among others were...

Benjamin INGRAM



Jeremiah INGRAM


William INGRAM

Allen LOVE, merchant


Alexander POOL


Note by Audrey: It is possible these POOLES belonged to Elizabeth City County (now Hampton City), VA. Names familiar to the ECC,VA POOLES are: Alexander, William, Thomas, John, Samuel, Nicholas, Christopher, Humphrey POOLE. wtp note: Audrey wrote the above note in 2005, long before we started getting DNA evidence that seems to support an ECC connection.

Notes: (con't)

------Susanna Mitchell

Below is a Will that looks like land belonging to Alexander's son, Alexander Pool's former property (sold? ) was sold by William Mitchell to Ephraim Parham

Though not proof in itself, this support a tie between Poole and Mitchell. Will Book 2, Brunswick County, VA:-"William MITCHELL of Mecklenburg Co to Ephraim PARHAM* of Brunswick Co. 30 Jul 1784. L15 VA. 100 acres which formerly was the property of Ellick/Allick/Alexander POOL who sold it to Matthew PARHAM.... (was the sale when Alexander Sr. was alive or done by orphan son Alexander?)

POOL - MITCHELL TIE >>> Genealogist Audrey Pool, who researched our Pool line for 50+ years, noted that she believed that the mother of her John Pool might be a Mitchell. She also provided a number of references that link the Pool and Mitchell name. Here is a 2013 email from Audrey:


From: Audrey [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 9:52 PM To: 'Bill Pool798246' Subject: re: MITCHELL, etc....

Bill, If I was following a MITCHELL, it would be this one - Southside VA-Granville NC- Upper SC. I think we’ve discussed this before, but think our John POOL’S mother could have been a MITCHELL. Audrey

WILLS OF BRUNSWICK COUNTY, VA, 1739-1750 : MITCHELL Page 107. Will. I, John MITCHELL of St Andrew's Parish in B, planter, being weak in body but of a sound mind, I desire all my debts that I owe in right or conscience, be well and truly paid within a convenient time after my death. To my son William MITCHELL - 1 piece of land in B on tussling Quarter Cr, containing about 400 acres. Also 1 Negro man, Caesar and 1 Negro boy named Olly. Also 2 cows and calves and 1 young horse and trooping saddle, and 1 gun. to my daughter Kersia* (Kezia) MITCHELL - 1 Negro wench named Moll and one tract of land on TAYLORS Creek. To my daughter Sukei (Susannah) MITCHELL - 1 Negro named Peter. Also one tract of land of about 100 acres, it being part of the land I now live on, on the north side of the branch. To my son John MITCHELL - the use and occupation of the rest of my personal estate, etc. To my daughter Judy MITCHELL - use of personal property, etc. Executors: wife Judy MITCHELL, and William MACLIN and James MACLIN. Signed: Jun 22, 1745 - John MITCHELL. Witnesses: William MC KNIGHT, Stephen (X his mark) MOSS, the witnesses thereto, and OR. On the motion of the exors. certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate in due form. (1740) John CLEMONS/CLEMEN(T)S, Will of Brunswick County, VA 1739-1750: Executors: My true and trusty friend, James MITCHELL and my wife. Signed: John (his mark) CLAMONS. Witnesses: John DODD, Robert MITCHELL, Thomas ROBSON. Note: The widow of said John (CLEMONS) married William LADDERDALE. Will of Thomas MITCHELL, 1 Jan 1774 28 Feb 1774, Brunswick County, VA: To my daughter Lucy NOLLY To my son Locket MITCHELL

In email above, Audrey Pool mentions that she thinks her John Pool's mother may have been a Mitchell as well as James Pool's mother. Since they are so close in age, I think we can now rule out James and John as brothers ( John would have been the youngest of the three, and therefore would have been with his brothers in Mecklenburg). However, they could well have been first cousins, possibly descended from Alexander Pool Sr. (this is pure speculation at this time, with no evidence other than the fact that Alexander Poole Sr. is shown having 5 sons, which may be the common link between several of the related Pool families ( including also the Nicholas Pool line).

Below is a Will that looks like land belonging to Alexander's son, Alexander Pool's former property (sold? ) was sold by William Mitchell to Ephraim Parham

>> might support a tie between Poole and Mitchell Will Book 2, Brunswick County, VA:-"William MITCHELL of Mecklenburg Co to Ephraim PARHAM* of Brunswick Co. 30 Jul 1784. L15 VA. 100 acres which formerly was the property of Ellick/Allick/Alexander POOL who sold it to Matthew PARHAM.... (was the sale when Alexander Sr. was alive or done by orphan son Alexander?)

POOL - MITCHELL TIE >>> Genealogist Audrey Pool, who researched our Pool line for 50+ years, noted that she believed that the mother of her John Pool might be a Mitchell. She also provided a number of references that link the Pool and Mitchell name. Here is a 2013 email from Audrey:


From: Audrey [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 9:52 PM To: 'Bill Pool798246' Subject: re: MITCHELL, etc....

Bill, If I was following a MITCHELL, it would be this one - Southside VA-Granville NC- Upper SC. I think we’ve discussed this before, but think our John POOL’S mother could have been a MITCHELL. Audrey


Notes: (con't) to my daughter Mary MITCHELL to my daughter Dorothey MITCHELL to my wife Ann Ex: my son Locket MITCHELL (This may be Lockhart/Lockheart) Witnesses: James MACLIN, Joel SMITH, Wm RANEY Next estate sale: Phillip PENN'S dec'd by Thomas PENN admr. Buyers: Abner GREENWODD Jno HIGHTOWER Thos HIGHTOWER Wm HOLLOWAY Richard LANIER James QUARLES Moses QUARLES Jeremiah WRIGHT Robt WRIGHT

Among others, but not familiar to me or our families. (aep) Will Book 4, Part 2: Brunswick County, VA: , William 14 Feb 1763 28 Mar 1763 Of St Andrew's Parish. To land MITCHELL where I now live to pay my debts. My land in Edgecombe County, NC near the town of Yarbrough and all my estate to be divided between my wife Mary and son, Olph...should they die, etc., then the whole to be divided between Wm & Thomas STANBACK, son of George STANBACK. Ex: George STANBACK Witnesses: Andrew TROUGHTON, Wm OWEN, James TROUGHTON Probate indicates that George STANBACK qualified with William THORNTON & Wm CLACK his securities. PENNINGTON, Sack (Isaac) 29 September 1788 22 Dec 1795 Brunswick County, VA Will Book 5 To my brother-in-law John BUGG land joining William FINCH, David & Merideth MOSS. To my niece Mary WALKER - land in Mecklenburg County, VA joining John HILL, John HARRIS, George MALONE & Robert JOHNSON To my daughter Lucy PENNINGTON To my son William PENNINGTON To my daughter Mary PENNINGTON To wife Anna PENNINGTON land in Mecklenburg, joining Thomas BINFORD, Jesse OSLING & other. To my son William PENNINGTON - all the rest of my lands I now own. (doesn't say where or how much (aep) ) Ex: Lucas GEE, my wife Anna PENNINGTON, my son WILLIAM PENNINGTON Witnesses: William SMITH, William MITCHELL, Asa GRESHAM, Edward BIRCHETT. Probate indicates that Lucas GEE & William PENNINGTON qualified with George MALONE, William GEE and William MITCHELL their securities. Appraisal of the estate of William SIMS dec'd 25 Aug 1780. Included were (negroes) Appraised by Edmund WILKINS, Ben WALL, Lockett/Lockhart MITCHELL. Returned to Court 28 Aug 1780. (Brunswick County, VA Will Book 5 - 1780-1795 Account of Elizabeth HURST by Thomas COCKE admr. Named: Among others. Noted was that the account had been audited by Thomas MACLIN & Edmd WILKINS. Noted was the Buyers: Amos ADAMS John BISHOP Ingram BLANKS John BLANKS Thomas COCK/COCKE Mathew DAVIS John HAMILTON Joseph HARRISON Sarah HARRISON Howell HOBS/HOBBS

Charles LUCAS Jr Nathaniel MALONE Lockett/Lockheart/Lockhart MITCHELL Thomas MORRIS Will of Briggs GOODRICH 3 May 1788 28 Apr 1788 Apparently there were questions about the of this will, but James FLETCHER and Lockhart MITCHELL "the handwriting was proved" as that of Briggs GOODRICH. Another person attested also, but the first "proved" writing was accepted. The first record was finished, and both were accepted for their value; the second "as to the residue of the estate specified therein as was not mentioned in the one written by himself." 1733: Brunswick Will of James FLETCHER. William POOLE, Lucy DUKE and Adam TAPLEY are witnesses. 5 William POOLE m. Elizabeth TAPLEY d/o Adam TAPLEY and wife, Elizabeth_____ John POOL Jr (Ray W. Pool's line) named a son, James Fletcher POOL

MITCHELL, James 13 Aug 1790 23 Aug 1790 "On Monday the 9th day of this month, James MITCHELL, being very sick, said to William FORTESQUE, that if Mr. LUNDIE was at home he would send for him to make his will. He said he intended to leave half what he had to Mary RAINEY & the other part to his brother John SAUNDERS to support his mother. In another hour & a half or 2 hours, both the sd FORTESQUE & Henry MORRIS Jr were present & the sd James MITCHELL repeated his intentions (& expired a few hours later).” MITCHELL, John Will of. 17 Feb 1799 23 Feb 1800 Of St Andrew's Parish To my wife Diana

Names negroes and if anyone wants them, I will post. (aep) Daughter Mary MC KENNEY My sons: John & James MITCHELL Daughters: Jane, Judith, Sally, Elizabeth, Dianna and Susan MITCHELL. Include Mary MC KENNEY Ex: wife Witnesses: Jas LUCAS and Mordicai HOWAR MITCHELL, William 15 Oct 1803 26 Dec 1803 Will of, Brunswick County, VA Will Book 6. To my wife Lucy Daughter Anna BURTON To my son Robert MITCHELL To my son Marcus MITCHELL To my son Clement MITCHELL Daughter Patsey C. MITCHELL son: Benjamin MITCHELL Ex: my son Robert MITCHELL Witnesses: John ORGAIN, Dudley DUNN, Ishmael DUNN Probate indicates that the excr qualified with John BAILEY & Miles COLLIER his securities. Inventory of the property of John MITCHELL dec'd Included were 10 negroes (not named in inventory) Returned to Court 24 Feb 1800 by Dianna MITCHELL excrx. Will Book 6, Brunswick County, VA. Sale of George MALONE's estate 29 Nov 1810, Brunswick County, VA Will Book 7. Names Buyers: Among others William HALL John HICKS Wm JONES James MALONE Jordan MALONE Lucy MALONE William L. TAYLOR James TUCKER William WARD Sale and Buyers on Jan 8, 1811: Among others. Benja GEE John GEE Peter GEE John HICKS Notes: (con't) Robert LANIER Jordan MACLIN Booth MALONE John MALONE Lucy MALONE Miles MALONE Robert MITCHELL David MOSS John T. PENNINGTON TUCKER Buyers 9 Jan 1812: Among

others. Jas MALONE Jordan MALONE Lucy MALONE Clement MITCHELL Note: The earlier will of CLEMONS could very well be CLEMENT(S). (aep) Robt. MITCHELL David MOSS Note: Many of these people above were on the estate of Edward BIRCHETT, 1802- 1810. There was a HOLLOWAY-BIRCHETT business in Brunswick Co, VA records. (aep) aep=Audrey Ellen Pool MITCHELL, John - Will Book 1 - Page 140 - Lunenburg Co., VA. Names: Wife - not named in will and evidently deceased. Son - James MITCHELL one pair spoon moulds. Daughter - Catherine MITCHELL, wife of Robert MITCHELL, slave and personal property but to go to her son, John MITCHELL, at age 21. Daugher - Mary YARBROUGH. Son-in-law - Jacob MITCHELL Negro and carpenters tools. Son - Isaac MITCHELL shoemakers and cooper's tools. Housekeeper - Elizabeth SAWYER furniture and stock, other personal property. Executors: Jacob MITCHELL and Isaac MITCHELL Witnesses: Reuben SEARCY, Frances (FJ) JAMES /s/ John MITCHELL Will dated 29 Dec 1753 Recorded: 2 Feb 1755 MITCHELL, Jacob Page 307 Mecklenburg County, VA Inventory and appraisal Appraisers: Bennett GOODE, Samuel YOUNG, Howell TAYLOR Date: 8 September 1779 Recorded: 13 September 1779 Edgefield District, SC 18 Feb 1810 Will of. James GOLEMAN (COLEMAN?) "I appoint my friend John MITCHEL & John HOLLOWAY as executors." Wit: Edward HOLLOWAY & Jacob HARLING. Signed: James (X) GOLEMAN Proved by the oath of Edward HOLLOWAY & Jacob HARLING the 27 Mar 1810 same time qualified John HOLLOWAY & J. MITCHELL. Edgefield District, SC Will Book: 6 March 1811: I, John H. HOLLOWAY, being perfectly in my mind. I give unto my beloved wife Sarah HOLLOWAY all my goods & chattels both real & personal to do with as whatever good in her own sight and I do hereby appoint her the said Sarah HOLLOWAY as executrix to settle all my affairs in this life. Wit: Jorden HOLLOWAY & John MITCHELL. Signed: John H. HOLLOWAY. Proved by the oath of Jorden HOLLOWAY & John MITCHELL the 15 March 1811 & same time qualified Sarah HOLLOWAY as executrix. From: A Collection of South Carolina Records: BOZMAN (BOZEMAN) BOZMAN, John. Box 9 Pack 165. Probate Judge Office. Abbeville, SC Admnr. bond. We Phillip FAGAN, Gibson JONES and Thomas EASLIN are bound unto John THOMAS Esq, Ord in the sum of 1000 pounds sterling dated this Dec 1785. Est. appraised on 27 Sept 1783 by Joseph JOHNSON, James Myrick LANG or LONG, & Isaac MITCHELL. (The date of 1783 & 1785 are used.) Buyers at the sale: Isaac MITCHELL, Keziah BOAZMAN, James Myrick LANG, John GRAY, Joseph DAVENPORT, John HOLLOWAY, John WILD, Phillemon BOAZMAN, James HOLLINGSWORTH, William ANDERSON, Wm PITTS, Jun'r, Isaac NORREL, William LANG, John GOOlMAN (?), Samuel LANSOM (?), Joel PERDUE, Benjamin COBB, Jeremiah TROTTER, Joseph JOHNSON FAGAN.

Notes: (con't) BOAZMAN Notes: I. John Lewis BOAZMAN m. Ann TILLMAN, both of Lunenburg Co, VA. II. Son Philemon BOAZMAN m. Susannah HOLLOWAY, sister of Mahulda HOLLOWAY who m. John POOL (RS) Note 2: Joseph DAVENPORT and John MITCHELL families are on land/deed transactions of Southside VA. (aep) Newberry County, SC: Grand and Pettit Juries: The following person drawn to serve as Grand Jurors: Joseph THOMPSON

Daniel PITTS Gabriel ANDERS

JOHNSTON Isaac MITCHELL Sen'r Isaac DAVINPORT (sic) Jun'r Adam LAGROUN (LAGRONE) Note: James Holloway POOL line - POOL-RHODES- LAGRONE intermarried. (aep) *John NEWTON Grand Jury, 1791: * Isaac MITCHELL Sen'r Sims BROWN Wallice JONES Pettit Jury, 1791: Isaac DAVINPORT George NEALLY William PITTS Benjamin PEARSON William RILEY Isaiah SHIRLEY *John NEWTON James CALDWELL, Clerk Joseph CALDWELL William ANDERSON John JAMES Among others. (aep) (1788) Newberry County, SC: Ordered that the said road be a publick road and that Isaac DYSON and Isaac MITCHELL Jun'r be appointed overseers of said road. Note: "We present as a Griviance (sic) that the Road leading from the Island ford on Saluda River to the Beverdam near the Widow REASES is out of repair and no overseers appointed for s'd road." Because of this "grievance" the above men were appointed.

JOHNSTON Isaac MITCHELL Sen'r Isaac DAVINPORT (sic) Jun'r Adam LAGROUN (LAGRONE) Note: James Holloway POOL line - POOL-RHODES- LAGRONE intermarried. (aep) *John NEWTON Grand Jury, 1791: * Isaac MITCHELL Sen'r Sims BROWN Wallice JONES Pettit Jury, 1791: Isaac DAVINPORT George NEALLY William PITTS Benjamin PEARSON William RILEY Isaiah SHIRLEY *John NEWTON James CALDWELL, Clerk Joseph CALDWELL William ANDERSON John JAMES Among others. (aep) (1788) Newberry County, SC: Ordered that the said road be a publick road and that Isaac DYSON and Isaac MITCHELL Jun'r be appointed overseers of said road. Note: "We present as a Griviance (sic) that the Road leading from the Island ford on Saludy River to the Beverdam near the Widow REASES is out of repair and no overseers appointed for s'd road." Because of this "grievance" the above men were appointed. February Term 1793, Newberry District, SC: Martha MITCHELL of this county a minor & daughter of Isaac MITCHELL dec'd lately of Abbeville County came into court and with the approbation of the said Court and consent of John SATTERWHITE Sen made choice of the said John SATTERWHITE as her guardian ordered that the said John SATTERWHITE Sen'r enter into a Bond of the sum of L 2000.... On motion of Ephraim RAMSEY Esq ordered that Marey SATTERHWITE wife of John SATTERHWITE Sen'r late Mary MITCHELL and John SATTERWHITE be appointed Guardians to two minors children by the name of JOHN and JAMES MITCHELL and that the said Mary be allowed the sum of l 7 s ll d 9 for the maintenance and education of the said children annually and the sum of L 1 s 1 d 9 for each year the said children are not at school... Edgefield District, SC Deed Book 10: Isaac MITCHELL is granted 250 acres from Barbara TUTT..28 Jun 1794 Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds: MITCHELL, Daniel -- Box 65, Pack 1569: Est admnr. Feb 10, 1785 by Isaac MITCHELL, Mary MITCHELL, Gabriel SMITHERS, Jas WILSON bound to Jno THOMAS Ord. 96 Dist. sum 2,000 lbs Inv. made Apr 12, 1785 in Edgefield Co. by Chas BUSSEY, Wm HARVEY, Jno CUNNINGHAM. MITCHELL, Isaac -- Box 65, Pack 1552: Will dated June 29, 1789 in Abbeville Dist. filed Oct 6, 1789. Exrs: Wife: Mary MITCHELL, Son, Isaac

Notes: (con't) MITCHELL, Nathan SIMS, Robert and Richard POLLARD. Wit: Zachary MERWETHER (MERIWEATHER), Benj MITCHELL, Rosana SWANSY. wife: Mary MITCHELL. Chn: Ursula, Catharine, Mary, Sarah MITCHELL. Sett: Legatees: Jas COOK, Robt POLLARD, Wm MITCHELL, Levi RICE, Elisha MITCHELL, Richard POLLARD, Isaac MITCHELL, Daniel MITCHELL, Martha MITCHELL, John MITCHELL, James MITCHELL. MITCHELL, Benjamin -- Box 61, Pack 1434: Will dated Mar 28, 1816. Prov. May 6, 1816. Exrs: Lewis MITCHELL, Basil HALLUM. Witnesses: Nicholas OVERBY, Joseph JOINER, Elsey BUNTIN. Wife, Judith MITCHELL. Chn: Susannah HALLUM, Lewis MITCHELL, Randal MITCHELL, dec'd, Elizabeth ADAMS. Gr chn: Polly Hail MITCHELL, Benjamin R MITCHELL, Morris R. MITCHELL. Est of Benjamin MITCHELL, Sr., in same package. Admnr. Nov 30, 1808 by Keziah MITCHELL, Lewis MITCHELL and Benjamin MITCHELL. Basil HALLUM bound to Andrew HAMILTON Ord Abbeville Dist. sum $10,000.00. HALLUM note: I. Elizabeth HALLUM m. Sullivan PEARSON of NC II. Dau, Rachel PEARSON m. Joseph RHODES III. Son Benjamin RHODES m. Temperance POOL d/o John POOL and Mahulda HOLLOWAY.

Note: part II of this study will be attached to James B Pool's profile, and part III in my (William T Pool, Jr) profile. The reference section and appendix will be attached to Part III (currently over 950 references / sources.