Finance 1886
(No. 75.), 188 7. PARLIAMENT OF TASMANIA. FINANC E , 1 8 8 6. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Bis Excellency's Command .... I No. 1.-CONSOLIIJATED REVENUE FUND-BALANCE SHEET--'--1 January to 31 December, 1886. BALANCES ON 31 DECEMBER, TRANSACTIONS DURING BALANCES ON 31 DECEMBER, 1885, BROUGHT FORWARD. 1886. HEADS OF ACCOUNT. 11886. il!lt. '1tt. ((t't. il!lr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. £ B. d. £ e. d. 252 Consolidated Revenue Fund, 1885 .• 39,125 12 2 58,669 9 10 14,972 · 8 Balance to Consolidated Revenue Fund, 1886 ..••••••.•..• • •· .• 4571 9 253 Consolidated Revenue Fund, 15386: Balance from 1885 ........... 4571 9 2 Receipts .................... •650,154 8 Disbursements ....•••.•....•.. b666,116 11 6 Balance to Consolidated Revenue Fund of 1887 ............... 20,533 12 253 . Consolidated Revenue Fund, 1887 : Balance from 1886 ............ 20,533 12 0 Receipts Lfor redemption of De- 4033 12 0 bentures] .................. 16,500 0 254 Consolidated Revenue Fund,1887-8: Receipts [for redemption of Deben- tures] .· .........•............ 52,200 0 0 52,200 0 0 Consolidated Revenue Fun.d, 1888-9: " Receipts [for redemption of Deben- tures].·...................... 10,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 258 Debt of the Colony .••....••..•.. 3,357,300 0 0 1,087,620 0 0 339,500 0 0 4,105,420 0 0 259-94 Debenture Account , ••.••••.•.•. ; - 3,357,300 · 0 0 1,766,620 0 0 2,514,740 0 0 4,105,420 0 0 298 Outstanding overdue Debenture Ac- count .............•.......... 3000 0 0 3000 0 0 299 Codlin Moth Fund ............ • . 19 7 8 19 7 8 300 Scab Act Fund .•••...••••.•••••.
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