-1948 VIOT!ORIA VEHICULAR TR-AFFIC CENSUS AN APPENDIX T() rfHE J_t\NNUAL REPORT OF THE ~r()\VN ANJ) (j()lJNTft\T PLANNING BOARD FOR THE PERIOD 1sT J[LY, 1~)46, TO 30TH J[~E, 1947 PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLik\IENT PURSUA};"T TO SECTION 4 (8) OF THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PL4.~""XING ACT 1944 [Appmtimate Oost of Rcpori.-Preparation-not given. Printing (700 copies) £170.]. ~11 6\nihortt!.! · J. }. GOURLEY, GOVERNMENT PRINTiR, MELBOIJRNE. No. 81 [2s.].-7876/48. Town and Country Planning Board. VEHICULAR TRAFFIC CENSUS. (This Report is the Appendix to the Second Annual Report of the Board.) During the year, the Board was asked to express its opinion on various metropolitan improvements, especially those relative to traffic. In the light of changes during the last twenty (20) years, the Board was reluctant to give an opinion, since the traffic system of a large city is of such magnitude and complexity that it is impossible by observation alone to gauge accurately its volume and direction of movement at numerous points simultaneously. It was considered essential to obtain a comprehensive survey of all traffic movements before proposals of a satisfactory nature for the removal of bottlenecks, the creation of new roads and bridges, and the improvenwnt of road facilities generally could be advanced. When asked for an opinion, therefore, as to where the next bridge over the River Yarra should be located, the Board felt that it could not make a satisfactory recommendation without having at its disposal the facts gleaned from a comprehensive traffic census of Melbourne and suburbs.
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