Faculty Accepts-New Contr,Act;
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Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 27 Newark, DE . Voi.103No.6 The University of De~aware , Newark, Delaware Tuesday, September 25 , 1979 - Faculty Accepts-New Contr,act; Gain Raise, ~etirement Benefits By DEBORAH PETIT • An.,increase in the pension plan to begin The long-negotiated faculty contract was the third year.- ratified Friday when faculty members ac cepted the terms of the three-year agreement • Some improvements in the tuition remis by a vote of 451 to 94. Approximately 70 per sion plan. cent of the eligible faculty members par ticipated in the decision. The faculty has been operating without a contract since July 1 when the previous two year agreement expired. The newly approved contract is retroactive to that date. Although the university administration and the American Association of University Pro fessors (AAUP) had been negotiating since March, the two parties were unable to reach a compromise on the salary and benefit packages until Sept. 10. The Collective Bargaining Agreement pro vides for an approximate 25 percent increase in salary over the next three years. A portion of this increase will be determined by a sliding scale of guaranteed increases. The rest of the 25 percent figure will be STEERING COMMITTEE COUNTING BALLOTS depositied in a merit pool each year to be divided among the departments for distribu • A letter of agreement establishing a study tion to outstanding faculty. Merit is determin of the use of part-time faculty in teaching ed on the basts of teaching, service and courses. This study holds the number of research, according to Dr. Madelynn Oglesby, courses being taught by part-time faculty con spokeswoman for the AA UP. stant until the study is completed and any The first year guarantees a five percent in necessary policy instituted by the Faculty ' crease with 2 percent deposited in the merit Senate. pool. • A letter assuring fac"Qlty involvement The second year guarantees a 4 percent in prior to any reduction in the number of faculty crease with 3 percent deposited in the merit positions. · · pool. • Improvement in the grievance pro The third year increases will be based on cedures. One clause provides for the right of the consumer price index (CPI) of the second the AAUP to file a grievance in behalf of in year. dividual faculty. """"'~1J<,,,.,"';;.,.,,,"'";;m;j!jWfi Review Photo by Jay Greene Unless the CPI goes below 6 percent, faculty Oglesby said she thought most faculty will receive a guaranteed 3 percent increase. members are satisfied with the terms of the M.S.·Students Roped Amounts deposited in the merit pool will fluc agreement. tuate with the CPl. Eight ballots were eliminated from con Under the terms of the bargaining agree sideration due to illegible signatures when the Into Leadership Roles ment all faculty are guaranteed 12 percent AAUP's steering committee members met By DEBBIE MILLER over the next three years. With merit in Friday night to count the ballots. The total As rain drizzled on their mud-stained jeans and t creases, some professors will receive the number of faculty participating in last week's shirts, students painstakingly walked on two-rope stated 25 percent total increase. vote was down by 10 percent from May when bridges or swung cautiously over "mine fields" along Also included in the Collective Bargaining the first contract proposal was rejected. White Clay Creek Saturday as part of the Military Agreement, given to faculty for the purpose of After the AAUP's lawyer checks the con Science Leadership Reaction course. voting, are: tract, the administration and AAUP bargain . ing teams will meet to sign the contract, ac (Continued on Page 12) • A moderate dental plan to begin in the se cording to Oglesby. ~~~~~~~~=~~::-----------__. condyear. On the Homecoming Rep Guidelines Approved By SUE MacFARLINE manned by one fraternity group-by 14-1-3 vote. The change regarding university Guidelines proposed by the member and one non-Greek, DUSC has been operating parking. PACPAC has ap Inside Interfraternity Council (IFC) possibly Resident Student since last April with only a proved a recommendation for the 1979 Homecoming Association (RSA) or DUSC constitution. The new by-laws suggested by a consultant to Representative Contest were member. must still be approved by Dr. make the Hollingsworth Lot approved at Thursday's A $10 registration fee is re Raymond E.ddy, dean of half red, according to Bob Sex Education · Delaware Undergraduate quired to cover expenses such students, and Dr. John Wor Ashman, DUSC represen Student Congress (DUSC) as photographs and flowers. then, vice-president of stu tative to P ACP AC. This Margarida's class pays close meeting by a vote of 14-0-5. The remaining funds will be dent affairs and administra change must still be approved attention ... ·.............. 9 The guidelines will differ donated to the university's tion, before they go into ef by university President E.A. from previous years' in general scholarship fund. fect. Trabant before it goes into ef several ways, including:· Registration forms will be The DUSC also approved 16 fect. Some possible small lot Classifieds .............. 13 • only registered student accepted at the IFC or Stu student nominees to fill Board construction is still under organizations, fraternities, dent Organization Activities of Trustees committee posi consideration. Editorial ................. 6 sororities, and hall govern Center offices, both on the tions. The students, two for Three campus groups also EtCetera ................. 9 ments may sponsor a can third floor of the Student each of the eight trustees submitted requests for Fun didate. Center. The deadline for committees, will be non ding to the DUSC budget Something's Happening .... 5 • voting will be by paper registration is Oct. 12. voting members. board. According to Joe Sports ................•. 16 ballot and without charge in In other business, DUSC ap In other business, the Presi Wade, budget board, finan an effort to curb past voting proved its proposed by dent's Advisory Council on cial controller, WXDR asked abuses. laws-specific rules of day-to Planning and Construction for $192 to produce a fall pro- • each voting station..will be day operation for th~ (PACPAC) bas ~pproved a ccontinued from Page 14) 1979 . ATTENTION ALL UNDERGRADUATES ·Foreign Study Merit Awards Available Now . APPLICATION ., _ AWARDS ~i~~~~~!:s~~n t9so DEADLINE: OCT. 15, 1979 AWARDS ANNOUNCEMENT Novem.ber 1, 1979 ELIGIBILITY: (a) Full time (b) Participating in undergraduate of the Winter Session 1980 University of academic pronram Delaware , abroad for credit PROCEDURE: (a) Contact the (c) Awards will be Honors Program of- . competitiver' on the fice- for an applica basis of academic tion, 186 South Col credentials and let lege or call 738- ters of support. r 1195. (Applications . for grants are also (d) A_ subcommittee available from the of the Advisory departments par Board/ for Expansion ticipating in study · of Study Oppor- · L ·- abroad programs and tunities ~ Abroad· will the International determine recipients Center). on academic merit. (b) _Up to 10 awards for Winter Session will be made. I SIMILAR AWARDS WILL BE MADE SUMMER SESSION AVAILABLE FOR 1980, AND FALL ~- SPRING T~RM 1980, TERM 1980. FOR SPRING 1980 STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMS THE AP PLICATION DEADLINE WILL BE NOVEMBER 15, 1979 WITH AWARDS ANNOUNCED DECEMBER 3. UP TO EIGHT (8) AWARDS OF $400 EACH WILL BE MADE FOR SPRING SEMESTER DY D S. ---------------------------~-~..,·.,-pTemue , t""""7- ore Campus Lighting Planned Old College, parking lots near ing and Residence Life, the Main Street, at Dickinson and Office of Womens Affairs, the Hollingsworth, and walkways University of Delaware Coor and driveways near Belmont dinating Council (UDCC) and Hall, the French House, the the Resident Student Associa Fann House and Rodney tion (RSA). complex. The number of A total of $22,000, coming lights to be added could not be jointly from the university detennined at this time, Col budget and a grant was ap eman said. propriated for the new These areas were selected lighting. The university will for additional lighting by a spend $17,000 now, and there committee which was fonned maining $5,000 will be used last fall by members of for repairs and additional in Security and various campus stallations, according to Col organizations including Hous- eman. RSA Finds Unspent $1,300 Resident Student Association (RSA) an The lottery system, a random assignment of IDotmcE!d Sunday night that $1,300 from a social students rooms by computer, has also proven was not last year due to problems meffective at the university, according to COIIIliilUI1liC~lti<>ns between students and the Stone. according to ·Treasurer Graham 158 East Nain 5treet,Newark, Del.- ~lhan. "Last year, the lottery system gave less than half the students their first choice in Pen cader and traditional donns," said Stone, Ph.: 302-737-.tUOO "and the .percentage has decreased each year." Appearing Nightly Weds. 26th RSA budget, distributed among 13 ac In other business, the Interfraternity Coun totals over $13,000. The surplus is in cil has requested that the RSA help supervise and Thurs. 27th from 9-12:30 in this year's budget. Miscellaneous the homecoming contest. Due to past con IPI»eru!es, acounting for $5,100 of the budget, troversies over possible stuffing of the ballot Uis;peJ:tse~d to the ·RSA' s five committees: box, the election tables will be staffed by an The Watson Brothers Duo lecuri1ty, finance, publicity, communications, IFC member and a non-member during the voting on Oct. 17 and 18. direct lrom a smash Stone, chairman ·of the housing com season at Rehoboth Beach. reported the overcrowding problem A proposal is before RSA to pay the $10 by a 16 percent increase in freshman homecoming representative contest entrance lmna11d for on-campus housing.