PRESENT: Cllr. Robert Bowditch; Cllr. Richard King; Cllr. Graham Hawkins; Cllr Bob Huxter; Cllr. Kevin Goodfellow; Cllr. Yvonne Dyke; Cllr. Caroline Pearce; Cllr Jo Mann and Cllr. Chris David

ATTENDANCE: Jessica Teasdale (Clerk)

Members of the public were present. The Chair advised the public that public participation had been missed off the agenda and asked Councillors if they were happy for public participation to follow item 4. All were in favour.

1. APOLOGIES AND APPROVAL OF ABSENCE Apologies were received from, Cllr. Clare Handford and Cllr. Peter Bailey. This was approved by the Council.

NOT PRESENT - Cllr Rebecca Knox and District Cllr. Mark Roberts

2. DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Cllr Bowditch, item 11d and e Planning Application. (Consultation period expired 9th September 2017 and members had previously been given the opportunity to view and comment on the applications.)

3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETINGS Parish Council Meeting 18th July 2017 A copy of the minutes from the meeting held on the 18th July was confirmed as a true and accurate record by the Council and signed by Cllr Bowditch.

4. MATTERS ARISING AND ACTIONS UPDATE 23rd May 2017 Item 6e – The Clerk had liaised with Mr Morse, member of the Netherbury Playing Fields Committee, and it was agreed that an external inspection of the play equipment would be carried out on an annual basis. Item 10b – The Clerk had received copies of insurance certification from the Netherbury Playing Fields Committee and the village halls in Netherbury and Salway Ash. Action: Cllr David to provide the Clerk with the certificate for the Village Hall by the next meeting. The Clerk advised members that the Parish Council have the Employers Liability Insurance Certificate, which is the legal document required.

18th July 2017 Item 6 – Outstanding action. The Clerk to look at other website options and report back to members. Item 8 – The Netherbury Network were grateful for the funds offered from the Parish for the materials required for painting the railings. Item 9 – The Netherbury Playing Fields deeds have been received. Cllr King has provided the Clerk with the land registry information for Salway Ash Village Hall. Action: Cllr David to follow up the ownership of Melplash Village Hall. Item 10 – The Clerk had spoken to the village member and they had requested that the Parish Council reconsider the decision made about a new notice board. Item 13 – On behalf of Cllr Bailey, the Clerk updated members on the work carried out by the lengthsman and requested that Councillors liaise with Cllr Bailey on any work that they would like the lengthsman to carry out.


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A resident of Netherbury village asked Councillors to reconsider their decision to allow a new notice board, replacing the one currently in the bus shelter. Having outlined the reasons for wanting a new board Councillors voted in favour and agreed to pay for the resources.

Residents of the village attended the meeting to voice their concerns about changes to the No.40 bus service, which included the points that: the No.40 bus is an essential service for the village; the new timetable is unworkable; the change in bus times means residents are unable to access essential medical appointments and that the Parish Council were not consulted or informed about the change. Cllr Bowditch informed residents that he had been in touch with Councillor Knox, requesting an update on the situation, and is waiting for a reply.

Residents spoke about the number of potholes on the road from the square in Netherbury to Pineapple Lane. Also the gully alongside the Brandon Plot has been filled when the resurfacing took place on Bridge Street and needs to be reinstated. Action: The Clerk to report the potholes and gully to Highways.

5. CORRESPONDANCE AND NOTICES a) Netherbury volunteer car scheme Cllr Bowditch had received notification from Mandy Alford that three members of the Netherbury volunteer car scheme were no longer continuing as volunteer drivers. Action: The Clerk to include a piece in the Team News to promote the service, thank those who have stood down and request that new volunteers contact Mandy Alford. b) Community transport Councillors shared concerns made by residents regarding the No.40 bus. Action: The Clerk to write to Cllr Knox outlining the concerns and request Cllr Knox attend the next Parish Council meeting. The Clerk to see if a Councillor can attend the West Western Area Transport Action Group (WATAG) meeting on the 28th September to present the views discussed about the No.40 bus. c) DAPTC membership Councillors were asked if they wanted to put themselves forward to be the NPC representative at the Dorset Association of Parish and Town Council (DAPTC) meetings. Action: The Clerk to ask Cllr Bailey if he wishes to represent the Parish Council. d) Local Area Partnership Cllr Dyke is due to attend the Bridport Local Area Partnership meeting on the 28th September and would feed back to members. e) Letter from retired Clerk A letter had been received from the previous Clerk thanking them for their retirement gift.

6. MELPLASH CRICKET PITCH Currently, Melplash Cricket Club have responsibility for the upkeep of the pitch, but have not been proactive in maintaining it. Action: The Clerk to let Cllr David know the details for the grass cutting service provided by DCC.

7. BUCKHORN CLOSE Cllr Pearce informed Councillors about her communication with Magna about Melplash residents using land adjacent to Buckhorn Close to play football. Magna will consult with residents on the use of the land. Action: Cllr Pearce will cost goalposts and bring costings to the Parish for approval, subject to the outcomes of the consultation.


8. UPDATE ON REVIEW OF ASSESTS The asset list was discussed and it was agreed as being a comprehensive list of Parish Council assets. Cllr King is registering the Brandon Plot and the Netherbury Playing Fields with land registry. Action: Cllr Hawkins to provide the Clerk with evidence from minutes to fill in gaps when assets were acquired.

9. REVIEW AND APPROVE RISK ASSESSMENT Members reviewed and approved the document. Where necessary, assessments will be carried out and reported back to Councillors.

10. ACCOUNTS a) Councillors viewed the external auditors report and certificate. Cllr King voted to approve and accept the document, seconded by Cllr Hawkins. All were in favour. b) The external auditor’s invoice of £48 was approved by Cllr King, seconded by Cllr Hawkins. All were in favour. c) The DAPTC invoice of £462.93 was approved by Cllr King, seconded by Cllr David. All were in favour.

11. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Planning Applications received: a) WD/D/17/001367, Lower Kingsland Farm, Salwayash b) WD/D/17/001538, Hope Farm, Netherbury. The Parish had provided comments to planning. c) WD/D/17/001384, 1 The Forge, Melplash. A Councillor had visited The Forge and had no comments against the application. d) WD/D/17/001624, Parnham Park Farm, Netherbury e) WD/D/17/001625, Parnham Park Farm, Netherbury f) WD/D/17/001682, Twinways Orchard, Melplash g) WD/D/17/001849, Lower Mount Farm, Melplash. A Councillor had visited Mount Farm and had brought the plans to the meeting. There were no comments against the application.

12. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Cllr David had received a letter from the Chair of Melplash Village Hall regarding the condition of the notice board, bench and bus shelter. Action: Cllr David to assess the work required and bring as an agenda item to the next meeting. The Clerk to get quotes for notice boards (to include the possible replacement of the notice board at Salway Ash).

Cllr Goodfellow raised concerns about lorries using the lane from Furleigh Cross to Silkhay. Action: The Clerk to contact highways to request a sign be installed saying that it was not suitable for large vehicles.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm.