S. Giles Houghton in the Dale

Parish Website: walsinghamparishes.org.uk


The publication of the Annual Report provides an opportunity to reflect on, and give thanks for, our life together as a parish and benefice. The presentation of the yearly accounts and reports underline how well we are served by our parish officers and those who take responsibility for the day to day running and care of our six churches.

We all have a part to play in the mission and ministry of the church in this place: from serving on the PCC to helping maintain our buildings and churchyards; from enriching our worship through music, flower- arranging and serving at the altar to cleaning vessels and washing linen; from the ministry of welcome and providing refreshments to supporting and encouraging our Church School. All these tasks, and many others besides them, help to build up the Church in this place.

I don’t need to tell you that the Benefice of Walsingham, Houghton and the Barshams is a unique. This has been a place of Christian pilgrimage for nearly a thousand years and though pilgrims and visitors abound, the first call on our time as a parish needs always to be directed towards those who live and work here and those non-parishioners who are attracted to our worship and fellowship.

Archbishop William Temple famously quoted as having said: “The Church is the only institution that exists primarily for the benefit of those who are not its members.” Though far from typical ours is, at heart, a traditional rural benefice in which there is still real scope and potential to put our parish churches back where they belong at the heart of village life. This is one of the principal aims of the diocesan mission strategy Committed to Growth 2021, which our PCCs have begun to engage with, and presents a real challenge and opportunity for us all as we seek to live out our calling as disciples of Jesus Christ.

May God continue to bless and guide us with his grace and mercy throughout this year and in our future life together.

Fr Andrew





1 Opening Prayer 2 Apologies 3 Minutes of previous Annual Vestry – 2016 page 2 4 Election of Churchwardens 5 THE ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING AGENDA

1 Apologies 2 Minutes of 2016 APCM page 3 3 Matters Arising 4 Vicar’s Remarks & Statistics page 5 5 Electoral Roll Report (New Roll 2019) page 5 6 Election of Deanery Synod Reps. - (Every 3rd year - 2017) 7 Election of Representatives to the P.C.C. 8 Appointment of Sidespersons 9 Deanery Synod Report page 6 10 P.C.C. Report page 8 11 Fabric Reports – Terriers pages 9-11 12 Other Reports Mothers’ Union page 11 Christian Aid page 12 B.R.F. page 12 S. Mary’s Bookstall page 12 Walsingham C of E VA Primary School page 12 Walsingham Parish Website page 13 Donations to Charities and Fund Raising page 14 Treasurer’s Report page 16 13 Diocesan Guidelines for Safeguarding Children and Adults page 15 14 Presentation of Accounts pages 17-24 15 Appointment of Independent Examiner page 25 16 Any Other Business

FIRST MEETING OF NEWLY ELECTED PCC 1 Election of Officers – Vice-Chair Treasurer Secretary Electoral Roll Officer 2 Any Other Business 3 Date next meeting




Minutes of Meeting held in S. Mary’s Church on Sunday 13th March 2016 at 12.30pm

There were 33 parishioners present.

1. Opening Prayer – Fr Andrew Mitcham opened the meeting with Prayer.

2 Apologies - These were received from Mr M Lovatt, Mr S Parkinson, Mrs M Nudds, Mrs W King, Mrs Ia Mcilwaine, Mr Tom Marston and Sr Teresa SSM

3 Minutes of Previous Annual Vestry – These were accepted and signed.

4 Matters Arising – There were no matters arising.

5 Election of Churchwardens – The current Churchwardens for S. Peter’s and S. Giles and been nominated and Mr S Parkinson for S. Mary’s. A nomination form from Mrs Howard was received for S. Mary’s. S. Mary’s - Mr Stephen Parkinson and Mrs Maureen Howard S. Peter’s – Mr Brian Landale and Mr James Woodhouse. S. Giles – Mrs Cara Ross and Mrs Ann Fletcher.

In the absence of other nominations these were all duly elected to serve for 2016.

Fr Andrew thanked Mrs Judith Gallagher who had decided not to stand for re-election; for her dedication and personal support of him. He also thanked all Churchwardens for their hard work during the year.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.35pm.

………………………………………… Chairman

…………………………………. Date


Minutes of the meeting held in S. Mary’s church on Sunday 13th March 2016 at 12.35pm.

1. Apologies – These were received from Mr M Lovatt, Mr S Parkinson, Mrs M Nudds Mrs W King, Mrs Ia Mcilwaine, Mr Tom Marston and Sr Teresa SSM. 2. Minutes – The minutes of the APCM 2015 were agreed to be accepted and were signed and dated.


3 Matters Arising – There were no matters arising. 4 Vicar’s Remarks – Fr Andrew said that his report was the Foreword in the booklet. He said at an earlier PCC meeting the Bishop's Resolution under the House of Bishop Declaration had been passed and he had received a letter from the Bishop of who said he was ‘entirely content’ with this. We will receive assistance from the Bishop of Richborough. Our appreciation and gratitude to Bishop Graham was noted. Fr Andrew had received a letter from the two Archbishop’s of Canterbury and York about a Novena of prayer in the week leading up to Pentecost, especially for Mission and Evangelism. He and the churchwardens will seek to take this forward. 5 Electoral Roll Report – This now stands at 102. Fr Andrew there is no reason now, not to be part of this and all regular members should be encouraged onto this. 6 Elections to PCC – There are two vacancies at S. Mary’s and one at S. Peter’s. Nominations were received from Mr Michael Lovatt and Mr Andrew Dickens for S. Mary’s and HH Timothy Lawrence for S. Peter’s. There being no other nominations these were duly elected. Thanks were recorded to Mr Garry Getley for his time on the PCC. 7 Election of Sidespersons – This was again left to the churchwardens. They were happy for this to continue. 8 Deanery Synod Report – This report is in the booklet, there were no questions asked. 9 PCC Report – This is in the booklet, there were no questions asked. 10 Churchwardens Reports – These are in the booklet. A question was asked about the repairs to the South Porch at S. Mary’s. Work is due to begin in April to the stonework. 11 Reports from Parish Organisations Mothers’ Union – This report is in the booklet. Christian Aid – This report is in the booklet. Bible Reading Fellowship – This report is in the booklet. S. Mary’s Bookstall – This report is in the booklet. Walsingham CofE Church VA Primary School – This report is in the booklet. The number of pupils was reported to be low but two sets of twins had been born in the village so it is looking promising for the future. It is good that we are in the Pilgrim Federation. There is also a Toddler group which is growing. Donations to Charity - This report is in the booklet. Treasurer’s Report – This report is in the booklet. 12 Review ‘Protection of Children & Young People’- Miss Sue Kimberly is the named person for this and any concerns should be directed to her. 13 Review Vulnerable Adults Protection – Miss Sue Kimberly is the named person for this and any concerns should be directed to her. 14 Presentation of Accounts – In the absence of the treasurer Fr Andrew read a report from him about the accounts. Questions were answered about these as far as possible by Fr Andrew. The accounts were proposed to be accepted by Mr Patrick King and seconded by Mrs Josephine Loveridge. All agreed with this barring one abstention


15 Appointment of Independent Examiner – Mr Adam Bunkle was appointed as independent examiner again. 16 Any Other Business – Mr Brian Landale apologised for his lateness and said that Mr Paul Raywood who had been in hospital was home again. He also thanked Fr Andrew for all his help and work with us and Mr Stephen Parkinson for his work too. The date for the Churchwarden’s Visitation was confirmed as at Kings Lynn Minster on 16th May. The quality of sound at this meeting was mentioned as not good.

The meeting closed with the Grace at 12.55pm.

………………………………………………. Chairman

……………………………………… Date

STATISTICS 2015 S. Giles S. Peter S. Mary Baptisms 3 0 0 Weddings 0 0 2 Funerals 0 3 3 Confirmations 0 0 0

Communicants Sundays 901 1,109 6,995 Weekdays 341 188 2,044

STATISTICS 2016 S. Giles S. Peter S. Mary Baptisms 1 1 4 Weddings 0 1 3 Funerals 1 6 10 Confirmations 0 0 0

Communicants Sundays 1,005 1,231 7,322 Weekdays 319 132 2,020

THE ELECTORAL ROLL FOR WALSINGHAM AND HOUGHTON 2016 The criteria for being on the roll are as follows:- I am Baptised and aged 16 years or over and A member of the Church of or of a church in communion with the C of E and resident in the Parish or Not resident in the parish, but a member of the CoE and has habitually attended public Worship within the Parish during the period of 6 months to enrolment or I am a member in good standing of a Church (not in communion with the CoE), which sub


-scribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and also declare myself to be a member of the CoE and I have habitually attended public worship in the Parish during the period of 6 months prior to enrolment. The Roll in 2016 had 102 members. In 2017 the Roll has 105 members Lynette Sutton Electoral Roll Officer


The Burnham & Walsingham Deanery Synod met 3 times in 2016 on Tuesday April 19, July 19 and November 20.

19 April – meeting began with a talk by The Venerable John Ashe, Archdeacon of Lynn – “Dignity in Ministry”. He began by quoting passages from the Bible about how to live our lives and relate to each other; “Clothe yourselves with love” He went on to say, in this world where people are only too keen to bring others down that the recent revelations about Justin Welby and his personal life showed how a good reaction to negative publicity could be handled. The document “Dignity in Ministry” was about communication, inclusion, feeling valued and that the Eucharist was a bond of peace and the church was made up of fallible human beings. We split up into groups to discuss and then regrouped to present suggestions for submissions for diocesan Synod on 2 June The Lay chairman, Anne Prentice welcomed Rev. Alan Elkins as the new Rural Dean and thanked Canon Patrick Foreman for all he had done when Rural Dean. Robin Back (General Synod Rep) sent a report of the February 2016 synod. He reported that the shared conversation on Sexuality was being taken further to national level, this welcomes all into the main stream of the church. The diocesan Synod report involved the documents “Dignity in Ministry” and “Committed to Growth” Deanery finance – 32 out of 38 parishes had paid the recent request for a contribution towards expenses. This deanery has paid 96.4% of Parish share The forthcoming Christian Aid week was highlighted and we were encouraged to do something to support it.

19 July Robin Back, the General Synod representative sent in his report and was present to answer questions. The Bishop of Lynn was booked to speak but in view of his impending hip operation the Rural Dean, Rev. Alan E1kins continued with “The Heart of the Benefice: a Two way process” He produced 3 questions to be discussed 1. What are the strengths of my Benefice? 2. How, as a Benefice, do we do mission? 3. Where is God to be found in the Benefice? We divided into 3 groups, 2 laity and one 1 clergy, to discuss it and bring the results to the whole synod. Strengths of the Benefice – Open churches, different styles of worship available, sharing experiences, magazine for benefice, use of retired clergy How do we do mission – Lots of groups, Websites, need for more shared resources, Messy Church, Church schools, non-church schools, churches together do “Open the Book”, ministry to Pilgrims


Where is God to be found – Service and pastoral care, worship, quiet, Everywhere, in unity of Christians. Personally I thought it good to think about these things but would have been more productive if we had prior notice and came with ideas etc After the coffee break the Lay chairman took over and drew attention to to the Booklet “Committed to Growth Mission strategy 2021” and suggested we all took away as many copies as we thought would do for our churches. Cara and I took a pile for S.Giles and S. Peters and the vicar looked after S.Mary’s. Deanery Finance - local account is down because 5 parishes have not paid the small amount asked for. 45% of the Benefice share has been paid and the Diocese has stayed in the black because of 5 unplanned interregnums Christian Aid week – Creake had held a ‘Big Breckkie’ which raised £950 with over 70 attending. had done well as had Walsingham and other parishes Pilgrimages – Walsingham Way. The Anglican and R.C Shrines, the 2 cathedrals in Norwich, parish churches, Walsingham estate and County Council are working together to recover pathways to form a route from Norwich to Walsingham and a pilot project has been undertaken. Some parts were suitable but it was felt more funding and contact with landowners between Elmham and Snoring were needed as this part was all on the road Revd Andrew Thomson has retired after serving 24 years on the deanery Synod Standing Committee Thanks were recorded to Fr Alan Elkins and his wife Joy who arranged the R.Dean’s Soiree and to Frank and Heather Schofield for hosting it in their beautiful garden. The rain cleared up just before it was time to go

November 15 The speaker, Revd Canon Keith James said he had changed the topic as given on the agenda and would read a passage from the Bible, allow time for reflection and then speak about it. Churches face many challenges; 1. What to do with church buildings – How to grow in spirituality 2. How to develop as a Benefice-How to work closely with the local community 3. How to develop a Mission/Youth/children/Over 60’s initiative 4. How to ……(You can fill in the blank) Canon James read The Parable of the Sower and after a time to reflect repeated it, and after further reflection … listened to our neighbour. He summed up all the ideas offered To be a Christian is to be Open, undefended and immediately present to God, world, myself Open and present to what is good and growing to the seed that brings forth grain, some a hundredfold, some 60, 30…. After a further period to talk it through with our neighbour we shared together what would be our wish for our church and discussed how this dream could be a reality. After coffee the meeting resumed Robin Back (General Synod Rep) spoke about the Shared Conversation about Sexuality. He said it was hoped to reach an agreement about this. Rev Bundock said it should be remembered to differentiate between Marriage and Holy Matrimony, and quoted Dorothy L Sayers; “As I grow older and older, and totter toward the tomb, I find that I care less and less, who goes to bed with whom” 1 vacancy for clergy-Revd Clive Wylie offered –no other nominations


1 vacancy for laity following Frank Scholfield’s resignation – no nominations Frank was thanked for all the time he had spent on this committee and was given a small gift 1. Events across the Deanery – The Creake Lectures were mentioned. These had a positive feedback and were positively encouraged. Open Churches Week was also discussed. had a celebration for 90 years of the Queen’s Life. A Visitor Book had very positive comments also. In the Burnham's a piece of land had been used to set up a campsite which had improved visitor figures enormously. ‘Champing’ was mentioned, the use of churches to house campers, which was popular now, but it was not sure if the Diocese approved of this or not. The display work in Ryburgh was mentioned and the pealing of bells for those lost during the war and how they had invited relatives to church to hear these. 2. Any Other Business – church are holding ‘Christmas by Candlelight’ on 27th November. Members of Wells church are sleeping out on the Buttlands on 10th December. The Deanery Candlemass service is on 29th January 2017 at 5.30pm at S. Mary’s, Walsingham. Pam Miller

REPORT OF THE PCC - 2016 The PCC is made up of the following members – Chairman Fr Andrew Mitcham Churchwarden & Vice-Chairman Mr Brian Landale Churchwarden & Treasurer Mr Stephen Parkinson Churchwarden Mrs Maureen Howard “ Mr James Woodhouse “ Mrs Ann Fletcher “ & Deanery Synod Rep Mrs Cara Ross Deanery Synod Rep Mrs Pam Miller “ Mr Derek Buten Elected member S. Mary Mr Michael Lovatt “ “ Mrs Marlene Keeling “ “ Miss Rita Miell “ “ Mr Stuart Grout “ “ Mr Andrew Dickens “ S. Peter H.H Timothy Lawrence “ “ Mr Tom Marston “ Mrs Ann Sayer “ S. Giles Mr Bert Frew “ “ Mrs Dianne Green Ex Officio member Sister Teresa SSM Secretary Mrs Lynette Sutton The PCC met four times during 2016: 3rd February,13th March, 22nd June, and 16th November. At the APCM and Annual Vestry the Churchwardens were re-elected with the exception of Mrs Judith Gallagher who had decided not to stand for S. Mary’s, and so Mrs Maureen Howard was elected in her place. Mr Michael Lovatt and HH Tim Lawrence were re-elected to the PCC with Mr Andrew Dicken’s for S. Mary’s. Thanks were recorded to Mr Garry Getley and Miss Sue Kimbley who had resigned during the year. We said Farewell to Fr Stephen and Judith Gallagher.


Finance included that we paid the Parish Share in full and it was noted that the Barshams paid their full amount this year. The Benefice Share for 2017 was agreed upon. The Lent Appeal this year was for the Bishop of Norwich’s Syrian Refugee Appeal which supports refugees locally. A bequest was received for S. Peter’s. Fabric S. Giles – Work was completed on the Roof and paid for. A new Organ was installed and blessed. This was paid for by a benefactor. S. Mary’s - The South Porch work at a cost of around £10,000. was completed, also with gravelling up to the South Porch completed. S. Peter’s – problems with Mill Lane continue here. Church School The Ofsted report was ‘good’ with the SIAMS report as ‘good’ also. It was decided to hold ‘Messy Church’ starting next year. Figures of Mary and Joseph were purchased for Posada. The figures will be passed from family to family with a prayer during Advent. The ‘Open the Book’ continues on Tuesdays but there was no Yr4God scheme from September. Fundraising The Christian Aid appeal raised £918.59 with the Wells Area Branch totalling £3356.17. Winter and Lent Lunches were held at the Parish Hall. Sir Nicholas Soames gave a talk at S. Mary’s on his grandfather Sir Winston Churchill. The plans for Open Gardens during 2016 were aborted. Lent These lectures were given by Fr Graham Lunn on ‘Music for the Passion.’ Assumptiontide This lecture was by Fr Damien Feeney on ‘What does Mary teach the church?’ Deanery Synod Regular reports are received from this at PCC meetings. A new Rural Dean was appointed: The Rev’d Alan Elkins. The Deanery Candlemass service at S. Mary’s is always well supported by the parishes in the Deanery. The ‘Diocesan Mission Strategy 2012 was discussed at length and responded to. The Queen’s 90th Birthday was celebrated with a Tea by the Mothers’ Union. Mrs Helen Nolan was appointed as Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults officer. Services for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Assumptiontide and Remembrance Sunday were also discussed and planned. The Annual Vestry and APCM will revert to the Parish hall at 5pm. We continue to be grateful to all the Retired Clergy for their dedicated help during the Interregnum. Lynette Sutton

LITTLE WALSINGHAM S.MARY AND ALL SAINTS ANNUAL REP0RT During the course of 2016, we bade farewell to a number of villagers: Fr Stephen Gallagher had ministered at the Shrine since 2009, during which time Judith his wife served as Churchwarden of S. Mary’s for two years; Fr Paul Lockett, the Guild of All Souls Chantry Priest, went to be Parish Priest of All Saints, Shrewsbury in October; and Fr Graham Lunn’s term as Shrine Priest came to an end in November. We thank each of them for being the very best of friends and neighbours to all of us. By way of contrast, it was a great pleasure to welcome back to the parish Fr Philip Barnes, who held the fort at the Shrine during 2016, and in November to greet the new Priest Administrator of the Shrine, Fr Kevin Smith.

The Assumptiontide Lecture Mary as Proto-Evangelist: What does she teach the Church about Mission? was delivered to a packed church by the Parish Priest of The Most Holy

9 Trinity, Ettingshall, Fr Damian Feeney, and we were particularly delighted to be able to publish his lecture moments after its conclusion!

The required remedial works to the South Porch identified by the 2014 Quinquennial Inspection were executed during May 2016; the arch over the doors was shelter-coated, the stonework repaired and secured and the castellations restored and re-instated. In addition, the asphalt roof to the Sacristy was repaired and restored. Immediately following, we had a further area around the Church, up to and including around the South Door, laid to shingle, as the third phase of the ongoing programme begun in 2015.

The week-by-week care of our Church, the execution of her Liturgy and the fellowship we enjoy together would be impossible without the stewardship of time and talents which so many of our number offer on such a regular basis. We thank each and every one of them for all their efforts during 2016.

Another group we must thank is the retired Clergy, the Shrine Clergy and other local priests who give so selflessly of their time in order to support Fr Mitcham in so many ways. In particular, mention should be made of the most rewarding Lent Course on Music for Lent and Passiontide, given by Fr Graham Lunn.

Finally, of course we yet again must thank the Vicar for his tireless ministry to the people of God at S. Mary’s and throughout this benefice, as well as to the countless streams of pilgrims, so many of whom continue to see a visit to S. Mary’s as a vital and integral part of their pilgrimage to England’s Nazareth.

Maureen Howard and Stephen Parkinson Churchwardens


The north side of the church was completely retiled at the beginning of the year. The organ which Peter Dixon had loaned had to be replaced and the new one was very generously given by Peter Dixon. Fr. Andrew dedicated it at the morning service on 19th June. The attendance at Sunday services averages between 16 and 20; we are lucky to have Fr. Parry to officiate most Sundays and Fr. Andrew is with us very regularly. We are sad to report the death of Phylis Bowes, a regular attendee and also Fr. Michael Mannall who in years past had taken services at St. Giles. Thanks to Graham Howard our regular organist and to Gillian Lee who plays if Graham is away. The annual carol service was well attended and the church looked beautiful in the candlelight; we are so grateful to Bert Frew who decorates the church for this occasion and also with Dianne Green provides flowers all year round. Our thanks to Fr. Andrew for his support and all who help to make St. Giles a happy and welcoming place.

Cara Ross and Ann Fletcher Churchwardens



The congregation is at the centre of our existence and aren’t we lucky to have such a cheerful, generous and caring bunch of people. The church is always clean with beautiful flowers, the music is great and has a welcoming feel. Our thanks to all who contribute so much towards all of this. Our finances have improved and show a modest surplus due to an increase in income from the congregation and also an increase of fees for burials etc. Our reserves have benefited from a legacy from Mary Lockwood for which we are most grateful. Keeping our financial heads above water is a problem and any good fundraising ideas are very welcome.

James Woodhouse and Brian Landale Church Wardens


A wide variety of events and speakers have led to an eventful year for our Branch in 2016. One speaker in particular, told the story of the working of his Grandmother’s Patchwork Quilts,that was intertwined with the story of life in Kentucky. He is doing a return visit this year to finish the tales! Our local female Funeral director is also doing a return visit to introduce us to diving as well as a question and answer session. We held a very successful Afternoon Tea Party, in June, to celebrate the 90th Birthday of HM The Queen and the 140th Anniversary of the Mother’s Union. Members produced tea sets large, small, shiny and delicate. A variety of cake stands and decorated plates appeared and transformed the tables into a bygone era! Animated conversations were triggered by the china and the tea party atmosphere! There was a successful outing to “Houghton on the Hill” which is to be repeated in 2017. Membership had dropped during the past two years due to death, movement to other areas, and some others, who are unable to attend meetings, due to ill health but who still wish to remain as members of our Worldwide Movement through our local branch. In view of this we have had to discuss the future of our Branch in this place. Despite this drop in numbers the remaining members feel that it is important to remain faithful to the MU. After one year of operation by a small committee rather than a single Branch Leader, we will in January 2017 operate a joint leadership between Sue Kimbley and Susan Poole. Our Branch meetings are still to be held on the third Tuesday of each month. Members have been involved with activities in our village school ranging from hearing reading to making Christingles with the children. Support for the Haven Refuge is ongoing and two members were invited to visit the centre itself and were impressed by the loving care offered by staff and volunteers in this place of refuge from abuse for women and children. It was equally moving and sad to see the lost look in the faces of the women sheltering there from abusive situations. Quite an eye opener! We ended our year with an Advent Preparation for Christmas led by our Parish Priest, Fr. Andrew Mitcham, in the chapel of the Priory of Our Lady of Walsingham. After our meeting we shared soup sandwiches and mince pies in the Priory Refectory. We have been blessed with two new members to join us in 2017! Susan Poole


CHRISTIAN AID This was my first year proper as Organiser for the Walsingham Benefice. We were very pleased to have 94 envelopes returned which the Wells group emptied and counted, and reported back that we had raised £918.59. This was added to the Wells and District group making a Grand Total of £3356.17. This money helps all affected by disaster, conflict, crisis and violence in many parts of the world. Please look out for your ‘Red’ envelope this year between 14th to 20th May 2017 and give generously! Thank you to all collectors and donors. Lynette Sutton

BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP Bible Reading Fellowship provides the opportunity to study the scriptures on a daily basis. NEW DAYLIGHT covers a varied selection of Old and New Testament biblical themes, offering a short daily bible passage, plus thought-provoking comment and prayer or point of reflection. Also included is BRF magazine with articles and book extracts. New Daylight can also be obtained in other formats: Large print, Braille and on cassette for the visually impaired. GUIDELINES offers in-depth study and comment, covering biblical books and themes. The daily readings are arranged in weekly sections, each including an introduction and points for thought and prayer. If you wish to become part of our Parish group please contact Susan Poole Telephone: 01328 820717

SAINT MARY’S BOOKSTALL £1,055.37 in sales for 2016 saw an increase of £65 over 2015. I am sure this is largely due to the Assumptiontide Lectures being made available for sale on the day, thank you to Stephen and Michael. Local printers are now producing the lectures. The Bookmark of Our Lady has always sold well and is now in need of replenishing. Income £1,055.37 Cost £302.69 Profit 752.68 Kathleen Lovatt

The Pilgrim Federation of Schools Much has been happening in the Federation this year. Blakeney was the last of our schools to have an Ofsted inspection and received a good result. This means that all four schools are now recognised by Ofsted as ‘Good’ - a fine accolade for a group of small, rural schools. You may have seen the report in the EDP. In April, the diocesan SIAMS inspection (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) took place at Walsingham and the result was good.

The children have been working on a variety of topics throughout the year including the seasons, creatures under the sea, pirates, frogs, robots, Easter symbols, Anglo Saxons and stories from different cultures. Some excellent work is always produced and displayed so, if if you ever have the opportunity to go into school, I would urge you take a look.


Going out into the wider community is an important part of learning and supports the work undertaken in school. Visits have included Houghton Hall, , West Stow, Gressenhall, Wells and Bewilderwood for fun at the end of the summer term. The school was involved in the Glaven Eel Project, where the children looked after eels then released them into the river at the appropriate time. In December, there was carol singing and bag packing at Morrison’s and Tesco’s stores which proved very popular.

There were some special occasions too. Our Queen’s 90th birthday was not forgotten. The school celebrated with a ‘street party’ and buffet lunch. The children also sent birthday wishes to Queen Elizabeth via the EDP. The Drama teacher from Gresham’s School came to work with the children. Following this, they went to Gresham’s to perform alongside the drama pupils resulting in an excellent production of The Wizard of Oz.

In April, the Federation Founding Day was held at Priory with sports on the field in the morning and a wonderful service in the Priory after lunch. In June, the Federation held another Art Exhibition in Church. Again, there was an amazing display of children’s art work. The Walsingham summer fete, organised by the Friends, was a great success and £3,194 was raised for the school. This involved a great deal of hard work and the governors were most grateful to all who were involved.

Fr Andrew, with the Walsingham staff, organises services throughout the year and continues to take Collective Worship and RE each week. ‘Open the Book’ continues to be lead by Sister Carol and a group of parishioners. Events have included Mothering Day, Easter, the Leavers Service, Harvest, Christingle and the Nativity Play with Carols. The school is always pleased to welcome parents and friends from the community to these services.

Inevitably, there are sometimes staff changes and Jane Jolly, the Deputy Head, will be retiring at Easter. After a rigorous interview process, I am pleased to say Helen Frier, at present Blakeney Senior Teacher, was successful in obtaining the post.

Miss Dolan and her staff are committed to providing quality education by delivering an exciting and relevant curriculum for all pupils. Creative, innovative and irresistible learning, together with Christian values, are at the heart of the Pilgrim Federation. Maureen Howard Vice Chair of Governors

Walsingham Parishes Website @ http://www.walsinghamparishes.org.uk/

The website was established in July 2015, at the suggestion of the PCC, for use by each of the six parishes within the Benefice. It comprises sections entitled Home, About Us, Vicar's Page, News & Photos, Diary, Our School, Contact Us and Web Links.

The total number of ‘browser hits’ for the period January 2016 - December 2016 was 364,453. On a monthly basis this varied between 26,324 and 37,668, with an average of 30,371. If it is assumed a website visitor views between five or six pages per visit this means up to 5,000 or 6,000 people visit the website each month.

The ‘Contact Us’ page gave rise to 44 enquiries in 2016 and there have already been 7 enquiries in 2017. 13

The main activity on the website is usually found in the News and Diary pages. The Special Events page highlights particular items for inclusion in your diary and is an excellent advertising site for Benefice activities.

The weekly Pew Sheet regularly states “Items for the Benefice Website to Graham Howard - [email protected]” and parishioners are encouraged to submit items for inclusion on their website and fully utilise its potential.

Graham Howard Webmaster


S. Giles S. Peter S. Mary – Joint Projects

Lent Project: Refugee Crisis Appeal (Bishop of Norwich) £1,278.43

Lent Lunches 503.75 Lent Talents 301.83 S.Peter 82.00 S.Giles 346.60 Donations 44.25 1,278.43

Harvest Lunch: Christian Aid £210.00

S. Giles Norfolk Churches Trust 10.00 £10.00 S. Mary Community of the Resurrection 700.00

Individual Contributions 380.00 PCC Contribution 320.00 700.00

Friends of Norwich Cathedral 20.00 Norfolk Churches Trust 30.00 Forward in Faith 60.00 £810.00

S. Peter Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 200.00 Norfolk Churches Trust 20.00 Christian Aid 65.00 £285.00

Grand Total £2,593.43



S Mary-General Fund Other Cycle Ride 65.83 South Porch Stall 2,025.00 £2,090.83

S Mary-Fabric Fund ‘Book of Fire’ sales 300.00 £300.00

S. Giles-Designated Fund Norfolk Churches Trust Cycle Ride 127.80 Other Cycle Ride 320.83 Easy Fundraising 81.64 £530.27

S. Peter-General Fund Concert 205.00 Other Cycle Ride 65.83 £270.83

Grand Total £3,191.93


The Diocesan Guidelines for Safeguarding are in place to protect Children and Young People entrusted to us for their welfare, wellbeing and safety. Guidelines are also in place for the same reasons for Vulnerable Adults, these could be members of our living and working community or visitors coming into the community, either for a short visit or for a longer stay. As Christians, we have a duty to protect those vulnerable Children and Young People and keep them free from harm. We all at some time in our lives can sometimes feel vulnerable and need reassurance, regardless of race, creed, colour, age, capabilities and gender. The PCC will annually look at the policies and renew them as recommended by the Diocese, and a copy of them are then displayed on each of the church noticeboards within the benefice. Updates on any safeguarding matters will be sent to me from the Diocese. Copies of the guidelines can be viewed on the Diocesan Website, and hard copies are also available from the parish office. Any issues or concerns should be directed to myself as the named safeguarding person.

Helen Nolan.



Twelve months ago, I felt able to suggest that it might be possible for each of the Churches to move towards modest surpluses during 2016. It is good to report, then, that such has indeed been the case, with General Fund surpluses of some £900, £5,700 and £2,225 at S.Mary's, S.Giles' and S.Peter's respectively. Given that Consumer Price Inflation over the twelve months to December 2016 was 1.6% - up from 0.2% a year ago - this represents a very encouraging position, particularly when we note that, yet again, we paid our Parish Share in full, and on time.

And across the board, both regular and occasional giving has increased, thanks both to the regular members of our congregations and to our visitors, especially the pilgrims. And naturally expenditure has likewise continued to increase and unforeseen necessary expense continues to be difficult to avoid or postpone. S.Giles has seen roof works costing in excess of £20,000, whilst S.Mary's South Porch received restoration costing over £12,000. Without the continued generosity of our parishioners, such works would inevitably suffer delay and consequent increases in cost.

It thus remains the case that it is incumbent upon each of us prayerfully to keep our giving under review in the light of changes in our respective incomes. Likewise, when opportunities arise to review our testamentary dispositions, it is to be hoped that we will consider whether we might be able to assist those who will follow us with, perhaps, a modest bequest to our parish. And it would be appropriate here to acknowledge the great generosity of the late Mary Lockwood, under the terms of whose Will a bequest will be seen in the S.Peter Restricted Fund.

It is also necessary to report that the increase in Parish Share over the course of 2017 will amount to just under 3% compared - as noted above - with an inflation rate of 1.6%. However, provided we maintain and keep under review our present level of generosity, this should ensure that each of the churches is able to maintain the modest surpluses achieved this year.

Ann Fletcher and Brian Landale join me in thanking each of you for your generosity over the past year and in looking forward to your continued support in the year ahead.

Stephen Parkinson



The Treasurer also maintains the financial records of a Discretionary Fund set up under the terms of a bequest from the late Dorly Moos for the benefit of S.Mary's, which is under the control of the Vicar. Its balance at the year-end stood at £47,499.91 (2015: £46,641.83). These records have as usual been examined for the Vicar by the Independent Examiner, who confirms that they are in order.

16 St Mary Income and Expenditure for year ending 31 December 2016

General Fabric Organ Bell Total Total Fund Fund Fund Fund 2016 2015 Voluntary Income

Donations received 499.69 356.90 0.00 35.00 891.59 1,704.63 Weekly Envelopes - GA 8,111.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,111.00 7,485.00 Weekly Envelopes - non GA 2,676.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,676.08 2,512.00 Gift Aid 25,644.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,644.32 26,363.09 Sunday Cash 5,887.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,887.44 4,619.52 Other Collections 1,151.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,151.50 80.00 CAF & GAYE 757.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 757.50 420.00 GA Tax Refund 16,035.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,035.06 12,886.39 Friends' Income 704.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 704.00 378.00 ------61,466.59 356.90 0.00 35.00 61,858.49 56,448.63

Activities for Generating Funds

Fundraising income 2,209.04 300.00 0.00 0.00 2,509.04 3,921.25 Bookstall Income 1,055.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,055.37 990.10 Candle Income 747.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 747.03 748.78 Parochial Fees 8,348.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 8,378.00 3,990.00 Discretionary Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Charity Income - Overseas 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,367.64 Charity Income - Relief 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 439.18 Charity Income - Home 2,154.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,154.58 265.80 Charity Income - Secular 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------14,514.02 300.00 0.00 30.00 14,844.02 11,722.75

Investment Income

Dividends received 0.00 549.22 0.00 0.00 549.22 0.00 Change in value of Investments 0.00 6,847.73 0.00 0.00 6,847.73 828.16 Interest received 24.64 1,473.81 16.43 4.52 1,519.40 2,445.31 ------24.64 8,870.76 16.43 4.52 8,916.35 3,273.47

Charitable Activities Income

Insurance Claims 822.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 822.20 0.00 Pay from Benefice - Share 16,902.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,902.12 19,841.32 Pay from Benefice - Printing 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pay from Benefice - Expenses 1,177.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,177.22 983.33 Pay from Benefice - Misc. 270.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 270.53 318.66 ------19,172.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,172.07 21,143.31

Fundraising Trading Costs

Bookstall Costs 302.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 302.69 447.51 Candle Costs 797.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 797.46 948.90 Journal Costs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 Parochial Fees 3,229.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,229.00 1,725.00 Pay to Benefice - GA Tax 7,123.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,123.99 4,967.60 ------(11,453.14) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (11,453.14) (8,101.01)

17 General Fabric Organ Bell Total Total Fund Fund Fund Fund 2016 2015 Charitable Activities Costs

Charity Grant - Overseas 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,367.64 Charity Grant - Relief 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 474.18 Charity Grant - Home 2,824.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,824.58 225.80 Charity Grant - Secular 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Salaries and wages 3,430.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,430.00 2,980.00 Clergy Expenses 3,283.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,283.51 2,088.65 Parish Share 55,660.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 55,660.54 55,043.16 Travel Expenses 142.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 142.20 46.40 Sundry Expenses 1,438.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,438.58 1,177.55 Parish Admininistration 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 132.00 Heat & Light 2,759.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,759.58 3,244.38 Insurance 4,911.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,911.20 4,767.71 Church Cleaning 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 Church Maintenance 2,091.26 12,507.70 310.00 0.00 14,908.96 3,205.82 Churchyard Maintenance 1,325.56 3,890.00 0.00 0.00 5,215.56 1,480.81 Upkeep of Services 1,677.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,677.00 1,190.35 Printing/Stationery 966.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 966.52 2,037.67 Postage 45.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.72 58.00 Website 188.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 188.00 328.80 Publicity Costs 397.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 397.60 48.00 IT Costs 156.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 156.00 0.00 Equipment purchases 756.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 756.33 0.00 Equipment repairs 362.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 362.76 240.50 ------(82,426.94) (16,397.70) (310.00) 0.00 (99,134.64) (81,137.42)

Other Resources Costs

Depreciation office equip. 397.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 397.04 397.04 ------(397.04) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (397.04) (397.04)

TOTAL SURPLUS/DEFICIT 900.20 (6,870.04) (293.57) 69.52 (6,193.89) (2,449.00)

18 St Mary Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2016

General Fabric Organ Bell Total Total Fund Fund Fund Fund 2016 2015 Fixed Assets

Office equipment 2,645.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,645.04 2,645.04 Depreciation office equip. (1,191.12) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,191.12) (794.08) Investments 0.00 68,536.54 0.00 0.00 68,536.54 61,688.81 ------1,453.92 68,536.54 0.00 0.00 69,990.46 63,539.77

Current Assets

General Fund Current Account 2,755.29 (12,550.16) (65.00) 30.00 (9,829.87) 2,178.89 Fabric Fund Current Account 0.00 5,830.10 0.00 0.00 5,830.10 6,211.87 Organ Fund Current Account 0.00 0.00 40,736.05 0.00 40,736.05 41,029.62 Bell Fund Current Account 0.00 0.00 0.00 435.27 435.27 395.75 General Fund Deposit Account 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 Fabric Fund Deposit Account 0.00 6,500.00 0.00 0.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 Organ Fund Deposit Account 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Bell Fund Deposit Account 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 ------8,755.29 (220.06) 44,671.05 1,565.27 54,771.55 67,416.13

------10,209.21 68,316.48 44,671.05 1,565.27 124,762.01 130,955.90


Surplus/deficit year to date 900.20 (6,870.04) (293.57) 69.52 (6,193.89) 2,952.69 General Fund Retained Surplus 9,309.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,309.01 11,170.16 Fabric Fund Retained Surplus 0.00 75,186.52 0.00 0.00 75,186.52 70,082.19 Organ Fund Retained Surplus 0.00 0.00 44,964.62 0.00 44,964.62 45,299.62 Bell Fund Retained Surplus 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,495.75 1,495.75 1,451.24 ------(10,209.21) (68,316.48) (44,671.05) (156,527.00) (124,762.01) (130,955.90)

19 St Giles, Houghton in the Dale - Income and Expenditure for year ending 31 December 2016

General Designated Fabric Total Total Fund Fund Fund 2016 2015 Voluntary Income

Donations received 0.00 10,097.59 0.00 10,097.59 544.30 Weekly Envelopes - GA 8,539.50 0.00 0.00 8,539.50 5,112.50 Weekly Envelopes - non GA 196.00 0.00 0.00 196.00 188.00 Gift Aid 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,413.00 Sunday Cash 2,152.16 0.00 0.00 2,152.16 2,062.39 Other Collections 35.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 302.71 CAF & GAYE 761.00 0.00 0.00 761.00 385.00 GA Tax Refund 2,067.38 2,682.50 0.00 4,749.88 2,623.37 Grants received 0.00 10,476.29 0.00 10,476.29 9,350.00 ------13,751.04 23,256.38 0.00 37,007.42 23,981.27 Activities for Generating Funds

Fundraising income 0.00 619.84 0.00 619.84 3,540.55 Parochial Fees 216.00 0.00 0.00 216.00 0.00 ------216.00 619.84 0.00 835.84 3,540.55 Investment Income Interest received 22.20 0.00 0.00 22.20 27.02 ------22.20 0.00 0.00 22.20 27.02 ------13,989.24 23,876.22 0.00 37,865.46 27,548.84 Fundraising Trading Costs

Fundraising costs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 443.19 Pay to Benefice - Exps. 287.64 0.00 0.00 287.64 240.27 ------(287.64) 0.00 0.00 (287.64) (683.46)

Charitable Activities Costs

Charity Grant - Home 10.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 728.45 Parish Share 6,313.91 0.00 0.00 6,313.91 6,000.11 Sundry Expenses 27.00 0.00 0.00 27.00 50.10 Heat & Light 305.09 0.00 0.00 305.09 352.48 Insurance 921.20 0.00 0.00 921.20 886.79 Church Maintenance 77.64 21,388.16 0.00 21,465.80 357.03 Upkeep of Services 183.96 0.00 0.00 183.96 217.62 Printing/Stationery 6.12 0.00 0.00 6.12 7.69 Website 18.88 0.00 0.00 18.88 17.95 Equipment purchases 103.99 9,810.00 0.00 9,913.99 0.00 ------(7,967.79) (31,198.16) 0.00 (39,165.95) (8,618.22) Governance Costs

Fees paid 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,160.00 ------0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,160.00) ------(8,255.43) (31,198.16) 0.00 (39,453.59) (11,461.68) ------TOTAL SURPLUS/DEFICIT 5,733.81 (7,321.94) 0.00 (1,588.13) 16,087.16

20 St Giles, Houghton in the Dale - Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2016

General Designated Fabric Total Total Fund Fund Fund 2016 2015

Current Assets

Current Account 23,381.13 7,113.71 8,589.29 39,084.13 40,672.26 Deposit Account 5,405.89 0.00 0.00 5,405.89 5,405.89 ------28,787.02 7,113.71 8,589.29 44,490.02 46,078.15


Surplus/deficit year to date 5,733.81 (7,321.94) 0.00 (1,588.13) 16,087.16 General Fund Retained Surplus 16,020.32 0.00 0.00 16,020.32 11,155.42 Designated Fund Retained Surplus 5,570.99 14,435.65 0.00 20,006.64 8,910.63 Fabric Fund Retained Surplus 1,461.90 0.00 8,589.29 10,051.19 9,924.94 ------(28,787.02) (7,113.71) (8,589.29) (44,490.02) (46,078.15)

21 St Peter, Great Walsingham - Income and Expenditure for year ending 31 December 2016

General Restricted Total Total Fund Fund 2016 2015 Voluntary Income

Donations received 205.00 1,427.00 1,632.00 1,492.02 Weekly Envelopes - GA 3,691.15 62.00 3,753.15 3,884.95 Weekly Envelopes - non GA 1,097.00 42.00 1,139.00 1,143.00 Gift Aid 6,884.00 0.00 6,884.00 6,375.00 Sunday Cash 1,218.90 19.00 1,237.90 1,053.07 Other Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 121.70 GA Tax Refund 2,374.11 0.00 2,374.11 2,344.23 Grants received 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Bequests and legacies 0.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 ------15,470.16 41,550.00 57,020.16 16,513.97

Activities for Generating Funds

Fundraising income 270.83 0.00 270.83 215.00 Parochial Fees 3,712.00 0.00 3,712.00 1,361.00 ------3,982.83 0.00 3,982.83 1,576.00

Investment Income

Interest received 0.00 85.61 85.61 104.26 ------0.00 85.61 85.61 104.26

Charitable Activities Income

Sales 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 ------0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 ------19,452.99 41,635.61 61,088.60 18,244.23

Fundraising Trading Costs

Journal Costs 309.00 0.00 309.00 0.00 Parochial Fees 636.00 0.00 636.00 216.00 Pay to Benefice - Exps. 663.53 0.00 663.53 554.24 ------(1,608.53) 0.00 (1,608.53) (770.24)

22 General Restricted Total Total Fund Fund 2016 2015 Charitable Activities Costs

Charity Grant - Secular 365.00 0.00 365.00 400.00 Charity Grant - Home 20.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 Salaries and wages 780.00 0.00 780.00 830.00 Parish Share 10,588.21 0.00 10,588.21 13,841.21 Sundry Expenses 27.00 0.00 27.00 82.90 Heat & Light 785.08 0.00 785.08 611.19 Insurance 2,477.52 0.00 2,477.52 2,386.09 Church Maintenance 254.04 0.00 254.04 914.04 Upkeep of Services 229.73 0.00 229.73 233.43 Printing/Stationery 48.96 0.00 48.96 46.11 Website 43.54 0.00 43.54 41.41 ------(15,619.08) 0.00 (15,619.08) (19,406.38) ------(17,227.61) 0.00 (17,227.61) (20,176.62) ------TOTAL SURPLUS/DEFICIT 2,225.38 41,635.61 43,860.99 (1,932.39)

St Peter, Great Walsingham - Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2016

General Restricted Total Total Fund Fund 2016 2015

Current Assets

Current Account 853.71 43,988.95 44,842.66 981.67 Deposit Account 1 0.00 3.73 3.73 3.73 Deposit Account 2 0.00 20,852.56 20,852.56 20,852.56 ------853.71 64,845.24 65,698.95 21,837.96


Surplus/deficit year to date 2,225.38 41,635.61 43,860.99 (1,932.39) General Fund Retained Surplus (1,371.67) 0.00 (1,371.67) 1,159.80 Restricted Fund Retained Surplus 0.00 23,209.63 23,209.63 22,610.55 ------(853.71) (64,845.24) (65,698.95) (21,837.96)



Incumbent The Revd Andrew Mitcham SSC The Vicarage Church Street Little Walsingham NR22 6BL

Independent Examiner Adam Bunkle BSc (Hons) ACA Folly House 9 Church Street North Creake NR21 9JN

Bank Barclays Fakenham Branch Norfolk