A Classification of Fibre Bundles Over 2-Dimensional Spaces
A classification of fibre bundles over 2-dimensional spaces∗ Yu. A. Kubyshin† Department of Physics, U.C.E.H., University of the Algarve 8000 Faro, Portugal 22 November 1999 Abstract The classification problem for principal fibre bundles over two-dimensional CW- complexes is considered. Using the Postnikov factorization for the base space of a universal bundle a Puppe sequence that gives an implicit solution for the classifica- tion problem is constructed. In cases, when the structure group G is path-connected or π1(G) = 0, the classification can be given in terms of cohomology groups. arXiv:math/9911217v1 [math.AT] 26 Nov 1999 ∗Talk given at the Meeting New Developments in Algebraic Topology (July 13-14, 1998, Faro, Portugal) †On leave of absence from the Institute for Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, 119899 Moscow, Russia. E-mail address: kubyshin@theory.npi.msu.su 0 1 Introduction In the present contribution we consider the classification problem for principal fibre bun- dles. We give a solution for the case when M is a two-dimensional path-connected CW- complex. A motivation for this study came from calculations in two-dimensional quantum Yang- Mills theories in Refs. [AK1], [AK2]. Consider a pure Yang-Mills (or pure gauge) theory on a space-time manifold M with gauge group G which is usually assumed to be a compact semisimple Lie group. The vacuum expectation value of, say, traced holonomy Tγ(A) for a closed path γ in M is given by the following formal functional integral: 1 < T > = Z(γ), (1) γ Z(0) −S(A) Z(γ) = DA e Tγ (A), (2) ZA where A is a local 1-form on M, describing the gauge potential, and S(A) is the Yang- Mills action.
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