842 . [KELLY'S

FARMERS continued. Outlaw John Maidwell, Pulham St.Mary Patrick W.Sth.hiii,,Wymndhm Nobbs Thomas H. Walpole street, reler, Magdalen, Harleston &. st Pulham Paul Thomas, Ashwood lodge & Abbey, Wisbech St. Mary the Virgin l'entney, NobesP.HocklandSt.l'eter, Overman Mrs. Elizabeth, Manor bousP., Payne Robt. & Son, Feltwell, Brandon Noble Robert, Bressingbam, Diss Weasenham St. Peter, Swaffbam Payne George, Bodham, Bolt R.S.O NobleW.Saxlingbam-Nethergate,Nrwch Overman Henry, Kipton house, W.easen- Payne Henry, Foulsham, East Norburn Joseph, Hilgay, Downham ham St. Pekr, Swaffham Payne Robert H. , Swaffham Norgate Charles, Tunstead, Overman J. R. Hurnham Sutton, Lynn PayneRobt.Gamble,Bodham,llnltR.S.O NorgateF.J. ,Wymndhm Overton H. W. & G.Clenchwarton,Lynn Payne Wm. West Dereham, St{Jke Ferry Norgate H. Edingthorpe, Nth. Walsham Overton Jas. Gt. Cressingham, ·watton Peacher Robert, , Norwic-h Norgate lsaac, Tunstead, Norwich Overton John J. Plumstead, Hanworth PeacockHomceC.Sth.Runcton,Downhrn NormanC.Lit.tleFransham,Ea.Dercham Owen James, Heydon, Norwich Peacock J.L.Feltwell fen,Feltwll.Brandn NormanGeorge,'fiT"etshall.St.Mary, Owen James, jun.Sculthorpe, PeacockJ.L.Manor ho.Southery,Dwnbm Norman Henry, Burgh Aptun, Norwich OwlesMrs.C.,Wymqndhm Peacock John Wm. Hockwold, Brandon Norman John, Gissing-, Viss Owles E. G..~orthWalsham I Peacock R. Hlack dyke:,Hockwold,Hrandn Norman William, Daffy green, Scarn" Owles Williarn. ,N'eedham, Scale Peacock Robt. Garbo:disham, 'fhetford ing, East Dereharn Page E. Six crossways,Hackford,Norwch' Peacock Waiter, Suton, North George, Barroway drove, Stow Page Frank, , Holt R.S. 0 PeacockWm.Crabb,Little Ouse,Downhm Hardolpb, Downham PageG .OrmesbySt. Margaret, Yarmouth I Peacock W. C.H1lgay fen, Hilgay,Dwnhm Norton John,BrandonParva,\\'ymndhm Page Goorge, , Watton Peake ·william, Scole Norton John, ~!ansion green, Harding- Page George, South green, l'ulbam St. Pearce George, Bressinghfl.m, Diss ham, Attlcborough Mary the Virgin, Harleswn Pearce George, , Watton Norton L.MattishallBurgh,Ea.Dereham Page James, Sbipdham, Watton Pearce James, Haynford, Norwich Norton Thomas, Elmham, Ea. Dereham Page J. The Laurels, Gresham, Norwich Pearce Mrs. Susan,_ Ellingham, Hungay Notley George, , Dereham Page John, Dilbam, Norwich Pearce ''\'alterWm.Sth.Lopham,Thetfrd Nott Waiter, \\'abourne, Bolt R.S.O Page Joseph, Bressinghan1, Diss Pearce William, High oak, , Nottidge Ralph C. Eccles, Attleborough Page Robert, Tuttington, Aylsham Wymondham Nourse William, Heacham, Lynn Page Sherwood William c.c. 13oundary Pearce Mrs. W11liam, Deuton, Harleston :NuLy Henry, Gt. Ellingham, Attleboro' house, Ashby-cnm-Oby, Yarmouth Pearson George Thornton, Hockwold- Nunn John, , Page Thomas, Ovington, Thetford cum-Vo'ilton, Brandon Nurse David, Wormegay, Lynn Page ·wllliam, , Norwich PearsonH.Hockwold-cnm-Wiltn.Branf]n Nurse James, road, Holt R.S.O Pain Jn. H. , Pearson John Hcnry,Manor house, Field Nurse Jas. Platten, -, Halt R.S.O Painter Mrs.Tabitha,,Nrwch Dalling. Dereham Nurse Jeffery, , Watton Palgrave George, North Runcton, Lynn Peart Thomas, , Norwich Nurse Robert, V\"ormegay, Lynn Palmer Alfd. \\'m. Thuxton, Attleboro' Pease Abraham DaYid,,Dereham Nurse V. West Dereham, Stoke Ferry Pal mer Frank Wm. West acre, Swaffham Pease Robert, Gt. Ellingham, Attleboro' Nurse William, Attic borough Pal mer F. J. Dairy farm, Tottenhill,Lynn Pease Samuel, Suton, Wymondham Nurse William, Gothic & Bridge farms, Palmer Henry, Lake's end, Wisbech Peck Edward, 'Vacton, Long StratUm Pulham St. Mary Magdalen, Harlestn. Palmer Henry, Lodge, ,Diss, Peck James, ·wacton, Long Stratlon Nnrse William, North green, Pulham;PalmerJas. Hlackboro',Middleton,Lynn:Peck John, Barney, Dereham

St. Mary the Virgin, Harleston 1 PalmerJ. The Elrns,Hingham,Attleboro' Peck Wi!liam, , Hungay

Nurse \Villiam, N orthwold, Stoke Ferry , Palm er J ames, Ilolkham, Wells ! Peele Mrs. E. P. Stanfield hall, Wymndhm Nurse W. W. Great , Thetford 1 Palm er James, Walcott, I Pegg John, :Foulsham, East Derebam Nursey Henry, , Norwich Palmer John, , Attleborough : Pegg William, Hindoh·eston, Dereham Nursey Robt, , Nrwch Palmer John, , Attleboro'.Pegnall Hy. Carleton Rode, Attleboro' :Nursey ·william, Besthorpe, Attleboro' Palm er J . rd.Gorleston, Yrmth · Pegnall Herbert, , Wymondham Offiey D.& M.N orthwold,Stoke FerryS.O i Palm er Jn. Glebe, Stokesby, Yarmouth : Pelgra,,e George, Leziate, Lynn Offlcy \Villiam Jarnes, Beacon hill, Ter- Palmer John, Walcott, Stalham j Penn Isaac, , llungay rington St. Clement, Lynn PalmerJohn Henry, llanham, Attleboro' Penn William, , Bungay : Ofley Henry & William, Orange row, PalrnerJ.R.Beck hall,,Harlestn: Perfitt John, Kirby Bedon, Norwich Terrington St. Clement, Lynn Palmer Kent, Hockwold fen, Hockwold, 1 ·Perowne Henjamin Cubitt, Bamr,y, Oglesby Richard, Eastfield, Walpole St. Branaon j Dereham & , Fakenham Peter, Wisbech PalmerL.Brickkiln frm. Tottenhili,Lynn Perry Richd. Thos. Saxthorp~, Norwicll Oldfield George, f::icoulton, 'Vatton Pal mer M. Trafford ho. Emneth,Wisbech Pestell John, , Stalbam Oldfield Henry, Ashill, Watton l'almer P. West Tufts, R.S.O Petchey James, Hrancaster, Lynn Oldfield Henry, Tottington, Watton Palmer Richard, Marsh, Terrington St. I Petley Charles, Attleborough

Oldfield Robert, Hreckles, Attleborough Clement, Lynn I Petley Williarn, The Abbey, Old Huck- Oldfield Waiter, Foulden, Stoke Ferry Palmer Robert, Besthorpe, Attleborough I en ham, Attleborough Oldroyd Rd. Tilney St. Lawrence, Lynn Pal mer Robt. Carleton Rode, At.tleboro': Pettit J. Wmmplingham, Wymondham Oldroyde Fredcrick, Wiggenhall St. Pahner Robt. E. Banning ham, Aylsham~ PhillipoE.jun. Botany bay,Cawstn.Nrwb Marythe Virgin, Lynn Palmer T.ForncettSt.Peter,LongStrattn;Phillipo James, Gunthorpe, Dereham Oldroyde J. WiggenhallSt.Germns. Lynn PalmerWrn. WalpoleSt.Andrew, Wisbech; Phillipo J. 'l'ivetshall St. :Margaret,Scole Oliver Henry, Docking, Lynn Parfitt Robt.ShoteshamAllSaints,Nr·wch: Phillipo Lewis,Lodge, Westwi~k,Norwch Oliver H. C. North end, Docking, Lynn Parfitt Wjl.lter,Billingford,EastDereham IPhillipo Waiter, Cawston, Norwich Oliver 1 hos. H. South Creake,Fakenbam Parish James,OldBuckenbam,Attlcboro' 1 Phillippo A. T. Tharflton, Oliver William, High house, Docking, Park William, The Beeches, Pulham St. Phillippo Hen:ry, , East Dereham Lynn Mary the Virgin, Harleston Phillippo Jas. Hackford, V>ymondham Olley G. The Yews, Toftwood,Ea.Derehm Parke Frederic\1., Beeston, Swaffham Phillippo Jas. \Vorthing, E.ast Dereham OIJey John, ,Attleboro'iParker Fredk. A. Piedbridge, Harleston Phillippo John, Grimston, Lynn OIJy Wm. Nathan, , Harleston Parker George Rowing, Woodgate, Phillippo John G. Hevingham, Norwich Orford .Alfred, Roydon, Diss - , East Derehan1 Phillippo 1,'hos. Swan ton Abbot, Norwich Orford George, , Diss Parker Henry, Oakland, Harleston Phillips Thomas, Shipdharn, Watton Orford Harry, Roydon, Diss Parker John, Burgh St.. Pe'er, Beccles Phils Aaron, Winfarthing, Diss Orford Mrs.M.A.SouthLopham, Thetfrd Parker John, , Fakenham Phceni:x: T. & f::i. Hackford, Wymon:lham Orris Alfred, , Stalham Parker Robert, , Swaffham Phoenix JohiJ, Winfarthing, DisJ Orris Alfred, Catton, Norwich Parker Robert, North Creake,I<'akenham Phoenix S. Low com.D.eophm. Wymndhm Orris Robert Wilston,Drayt()n, N orwicb; Parker Mrs. Snsannah,N ecton,Swaffham Phoenix Walter C. The Green, Deopham, OrtonGeorge, Stoncgate, Ayl.sham ·Parker Waiter, , Norwich Wymondham · Orton John, _J3eeston, Swaffham Parrot.t Fredk. W.:Methwold,Stoke Ferry Phrenix-Stone Miss Martba Ann, Deop-1 Orton John, Whin burgh, East Dereham, ParryVt'illiam,East Somertou,Yarmouth haln~ ·wymondham . · . Orton Thomas, Runhall, Wymondham Parson!! Isaac, Metton, Norwich ' " PidgeonJ.Stra.tton St.Mary,Lng.Strattn Osborn John, ·Banham, Attleborough _Parsons J. The Beach, SnettishaJ)'l, Lyun Pigg Mrs. Anna, Cattield, Stalbam •-' Osborne C.MattishallBurgh,~. Dereham. Parsons. William, Baldock .1. p. Aylmer Pigg E.North Tudden ham, East Derehm

Osborne Charles, Shipdham, Watton· i hall1 Tilney St Lawrence, Lynn · Pign.ey Willlam, Winfarthing, Diss Osborne, Wm. -, Swaffham ' partric!{. Wm. Wendling, East Derebam Pigott G-eorge,BaconsthQrpe,Holt R.S.O Osborne William,. , Norwich 1 )>artridgell. Little Cressi~gham~Wa.tton PigottJ. H.Uar.ninghm.Norwood,Nrwch Osler George, Southery, Duwnham 1 Passon Mrs. Alice. BI.IXton. Norwich Pigott Robert. Ivy farm, Upper Sber• Oswick David, Easton, Norwich 1 passon John, Bl,)xion, Norwich inghilro, Cromer Oswick Joshua,. Colton, .~o1'wich - Patrick. G. Terrington St.Glement,Lynn Pilgrim Willia.m & Morris, Murley St. Oswick ,Ph1lip, Lyng, Norwich , 1 J>~ttrick RicJu~onl, l{t.·ymerston, A ttleborQ' iPete.r ~ Wymoo.dham , ' ' Otway William, ., Harleston PMrick Robert, l:Ieachall;l, Lynn : Pilgrim George, Bacton,N<>rth Walsham Ougqtoa H. Walpole ~t. l;'erer, Wisbecb PatrJ.ck. Rt.. MDrley St..BptoJ..ph,A..ttleboro• Pilgrim John.- Wereham, St.Gko Ferry