,------'--'~-:::9:1';~; . ~ --~ - Tyndall c= .}~<-- - r Target

PUBLISHED SATURDAYS BY THE SPECIAL SERVICES SECTION FOR PERSON· NEL OF THE AAF FLEXIBLE GUNNERY SCHOOL, TYNDALL FIELD, FLORIDA· Copy Prepared Under Supervision of Public Relations Officer. Special Service Officer: Carmanding: Capt. Owen 0. Freeman Col. Jack L. Randolph Photographic Officer: Public Relations Officer: Capt. J.A. Dickerman Lt. William B. Pratt Editorial Staff: Sgt. Arnold Milgaten, Sgt. Saul Samiof, Cpl. Neil Pooser, Pfc. Harry Bardi. Art Work: Cpl. Marshall Goodman, S/Sgt. Fred H. Slade. ONE KORE ROUND Photo~raph and Reproduction: M/Sgt. w. Busby, T/Sgt. J. Mitchell, Sgt. G. Neit%ert, S/Sgt. F. Churchill, Pvt. L. Shaw, S/Sgt. J• Montgomery, James J. Corbett was once asked what was the one greatest S/Sgt. R. Keough, Sgt. P. Terry, Sgt. J. Marsick, Sgt. A. Loudis, S/Sg~ thing about fighting or boxing. His repLy is a cLassic. J. w~~ster, Cpl. E. Tackett, Pvt. W. Daniels, Pvt. R. Chapman, Pfc. H. "fight one mon~ round. 11 Tihen your arms are so tired that you Care. can hardly lift your hands to come on guard, fight one mpre The Tyndall Target receives •aterial supplied by Ca•p Newspaper Ser- round. Tihen your nose is bLeeding and your eyes are bLack vice, War Dept., 2011 E. 4·2nd St., N.Y.C. Credited •aterial •ay not be republished without prior per•ission fro• Ca•p Newspaper Service. and you are so weary that you wish your opponent wouLd crack you on the jaw and put you to sleep, fight one more round. Remember that the man who fights one more round is never SEEKING THRILLS IN THE AIR whipped. Army men could profit much from the cLassic response of Jim ' I was one of six · cadets picked by the commanding Corbett. Tie need the courage of fighters at aLL times. If we officer, Section III, Kelly Field, Texas, to fly for aLLow discouragement to creep into our Lives, our s·ervice is of the news reel cameras. Little use to our country. There are many things that •ay get That night I wrote my girl: "Honey, you keep a us down: being away from home, tough details, thoug·htLess companions. Remember this is wartime, and even though you sharp eye in the local movie house and you'll see may not feeL in the best of spirits, try to t.i.iJ:.! One more how yours truly is going to fly against the Japs." round. A word of discouragement might destroy the spirit of We were disappointed when we were told that all a squadron -- or of the men in your barracks. Pry to keet the camera men wanted were shots of formation flying smiling no matter how difficult it might be. God gives us along the hangar line at about 150 feet altitude. our faces; we give ourseLve·s our expressions. A sourpuss is The formation consisted of two elements of three made, not born. Tihen the goi·ng is hardest, fight one more 1 planes, with the second element stepped up and ech­ round and you' l be a wi.nner. eloned to the right. I flew the left wing of the element. As we approached the camera, I thought: "This is a pretty tame show we're putting on for the people." I eased my plane a little closer to the SUNDAY 8:00 A.M ••••••••••••••• Mass WEDNESDAY 9:00 A.M •••• Protestant Sun­ 12:15 P.M .... Protestant wor­ day School ship Service 10:00 A.M .•.• Gunners Mass at 5:30 P.M ••••••••••••••• Mass Theater 7:30 P.M •••• Choir Rehearsal 10:00 A.M ..•. Protestant Wor­ THURSDAY ship service 5:30 P.M ...... Mass 11: 00 A.M .• Gunners Prates tan t fRIDAY Service at Theater 5:30 P.M •••••••••.••••• Mass 11: 15 A.M ...... Mass 7:30 P.M ••••• Jewish Service 7:30 P.M ..•. Evening Worship SATURDAY MON DA Y 5:30 P.M ...... Mass 5:30 P.M ..•....•. • •.••. Ma ss 7:00 P.M .•••••.• confesstons TUESDAY (Also, the Chaplain will 5:30 P.M ••..•••••••.••. Mass hear confessions anytime he is 7:30 P.M .••. fellowshlo Club present at the Chapel)

ti g hte ning the formation to provide at least one thr 111. Something happened, perhaps it was a gust of wind around the hangars; anyway my plane swerved toward the leader. My wing-tip struck his elevator. The nose of his plan~ was knocked in the air. "My God, we're. going to pile up," I thought. But we di9n't, due to the alertness of the second el ement l eader , who pulled his element out of danger. If he had been a shade slower, six planes might have co llide d in mid-air and we'd really have had some­ thing for the news reels. Wh en we go t to the ground, the leader said: "You were pretty cute weren't you? You just about cost this country six badly needed pilots, not to mention the planes. Or perhaps I should say you nearly cost us only f!Y~ pilots because mayb e you won't get your "See Joe! I told you this was Arabia!" wings." August 7 1943 THE TYNDALL TARGET Page 3 "BELLE" AND OOIGINAL CREW CAHERA RECORDS VISIT BY wHEHPHIS BELL E• AND CREW TAKE TYNDALL FIELD BY STORM Deliver Message of AAF Members on Ba t t le-fronts

Tynrlall Field pl ayert ho s t this week to the ITI)St famous fighting ship of Worlrl War II and the mem­ bers of its crew who carried i t on 25 bombing missions against he Axis over Europe. The ship is the "Menphis Belle, " a gallant, battle-scarred Flying Fortress which was flown back t o the u.s. by her original, e qually gallant crew. Swooping low again and again, Above, left: Tyndall's famous the proud giant finally cam~ in guest of last Thursday, the "Mem­ 40 p, . (Thurs­ for a larrling at 1: M phis Belle," is caught by Camera­ crew stepped ou t day) and as her man S/Sgt. Johnny Mitchell as it they we re on to the laming apron is surrounded by a throng of on­ ring greeted by five hundred chee lookers who scan its battle-scar­ G. I.s, officers, civilia n em­ red fuselage in . search of tell­ ployees ann leading citizens of tale bullet holes. Panama. City. Above, right: Major Robert In the ceremonies which immedi Morgan, the "Belle's" skipper, ately followed the landing, each leans casually over the speak­ member of the famous team stepperl er's podium as he descri~es sev­ up to the microphone and deliveT'­ eral ~dventures that befell the ) .!<1 a oersonal message to the atrl­ ship and its crew during their ience, which stood spellbound at 25 bombing missions over occu­ their feet, and to the h..mdrerls Pied Europe. listening to the firs t WDIP broarl­ (The I I th member of the crew cast to emanate from Ty nrlall refu.sed to pose for the photo­ Field. grapher. Her name is "Stuka, n ' SPECIAL ORDERS • and her mother _and father would In addition to relating inter­ probably spin in their graves if esting personal anecAY, Am. 11 and cooperate to the full e st Hall by the enlisted men and at 8:30 P~.- TYndal l f 1eld Rad !O the Officers 1 Club. Mor e than The new Tynrlall quarter­ OUR FRONT COVER Playhouse PrOgram over WDLP. five hunrlrerl G. I . s and their master has been in the service Pictured on the cover o! this 8:30P.M.- o.r. Movies at Recre­ for many escorts of Waacs am Tyndallettes of th e Government issue is t he recently Ct"J!l!lleted atioo Hall. · ye ars. Prior to act1 ve duty AAF plaque which adorns Wash­ 'ftU&liY, Am. 12 were on hand at the Rec Hall Dance the field's Ferleral ington Circle at 8:00 P. M. - Regul ar weekly G. I. to pay homage to the enlistert men he worked with the entrance. Land Bank in Oklahoma investi­ was CcnBtructed by Dance at Rec Ha ll of the crew. · 'Ihe plaque Reere- ing farm loans. In 1930 he Capt. Charles F. Brunner, hnc}­ 8:00 P. H. - Opening or new Arrangeme nts anrl rl.e t a ils fo r gat rece iverl a commission in the scaping officer, and his staff. at1on Hall r or tyndall' s Col ored the "Be lle's" vis it were 1mde r Recognition for their part in Army Reserve and in 1933 went the supervision of Ma.1 or Lo r en the project is extended to Mr. PRimY' .&l.G. 13 cn duty at CCC camps in the Ennis of the Sub--Depot and the Bryan, Sub-Depot Co1m1 ande r , anrt 7:30 P.M. - B'ICllf at Post Hospital Ei ghth Corps Area in Oklahoma. Drafting Department of the D. Lt. W.B. Pratt, Publi c Re l a tions w1th T/F oreheetn. Sgt. Bo1le l!.ll, After serving at Fort Sill of T. guard~ at the plaque and Hed1ea.l Det. talent. Officer. he saw rluty at CCC district Standing "Belle," on a n a tion­ at'e Curtis Bull and Cpl. fiJNDAY' Am. l!J The e adquarters in Oklahoma C1ty M/Sgt. h the Qu&rd Squ!rl­ 2:30 P.M. - BMeball gae, T.Yn­ wide .1unket, arriverl h e r e where .on James Carter at and at Muskogee, rcm. all Tenwloee VB, ElUJn Ftnre. from Mobile, Ala. Buckingham 13, 1940, he was ordered Nov. The photo was snapped by Field, Fla., was announcerl a s rl u t y at Gunter to active John E. Mitchell. its next rlestination. Fie ld, Ala. T/Sqt. Page 4 THE TYNDALL TARGET MY FAVORITE PHOTO ~ -- .. _£ News "SNOW JOB" ',•. :~ ' 'J' From ~'/ ®. . Other Camps ~llib~~ TIJ:r THIS IS THE ARMY 'This is the Army,' the QUESTI ON: IN YOUR ESTIMATION, motion picture version of Irv­ inB Berlin's all-G.I. show, WHAT IS THE MOST IMPRESSIVE opened last Wednesday in New THING ABOUT A WOMAN? York for its world premiere. Inte rvi~ws and Photos Steep prices ($55, $11, By SGT. SI UPCHURCH $7.70, $5.50 and $2.20) were charBed for the premiere per­ formance, the proceeds of which Bo to the Army EmerAency Relief. (The Beaver) OPENS HIS MOUTH TO WALK 92 MILES Cpl. John Price, stationed at Camp Santa Anita, Calif., spoke out of turn not long ago and had to walk 92 miles from his company's desert bivouac to headquarters back in camp. SISG'f . PAUL CB L7RCRILL, 1Hnt , He boasted that he could This is the LEAST favorite photograph of one of Tynda)l's Nich.; Lithog ~ aphe ~, Rep~o­ hike back to the camp almost leading Non-coms, T/Sgt • .James Mangum, often referred to as duction: "first, I notice a as fast as he could ride, set­ "The Classification Colossus." Mangum's chief claim to fame, girL's s anne ~s, he~ speech and ting the ma~imum time at 30 in addition to aiding Captain Tannen in setting up the field's her tact; these quaLities, o~ hours . His e.o., a literal efficient classification section, is the fact that he was a the lack of thes, isp~ess s e minded man, heard him and ordered, "Start walking, sol­ member of the first group of unfortunates to "serve timew in 11ore than anything else." dier." Skunk Hollow before being admitted to Tyndall proper. ' Carrying a strip pack, gas Hamlet, North Carol ina, gave up Mangum to the armed forces mask and canteen, Price re­ in January, 19~2. One week !fter his Induction he was assigned ported to the C.O. just 28 to this field and five months later everything was so well hours following his boast. under control that he per111itted himself to be persuaded into . Price said that he ate two writing the first "Taler" colu111n for this paper. However, this ba~anas, two apples, three pieces of pie, two and a half "Winchell ingw took up too much of his time and he was forced to quarts of milk, two quarts of lay down his typewriter and wrap his tale telling talent in moth balls early this Spring. ~ - coffee but only a half canteen of water. He smoked 29 ci~ar­ Previous to ~is induction, ~yt. Mangum served as secretary to SG'f. BEN J. 10KfAKA , Bronx, ettes and chewed three packs the surgeon at the Ft. Bragg, N.C., station hospital. Experts N.Y .; Link frainer Departs ent: of gum. guess his age to b~ in the vicinlty of 25 years, since he re­ That evening, he played HKatu.rlloLLy, a girL's appea~­ baseball and after the game he fused to divulge that pertinent information. ance is the first noticeable ran around the former famed Mangum's interests are varied, but we bel leve that he is par­ thing, but she could ha~dly race track for an h~ur. tial to classical music, juicy stories and classification re­ s ake a lasting isp~ession un­ Wott'a guy for the Infantry! cords. His hairsuite has probably caused him more discomfort less she ~ a balanced s ental Robjns Fjeld News) than anything else, for on several occasions members of his 11 ake-up." staff and Personnel Tyndallettes have pooled pennies an~ turned OVER 100 MILLION V-MAIL them over to him ,as a hint to get a haircut. And while' on the LETTERS SENT IN YEAR subject of haircuts, we must admit that the above picture does Since the inception of V-Mail little justice to our former columnist. The photo is of the service a year ago , more than type common! y referred to as a "snow job. w Mangum does not 100,000,000 of the letters fly, except off the handle, on occasions, and the only reason have been sent and received, the War Department announced. ~or ·cal ling the photo~ "snow job" is because Mangum probably The first V-Mail letter was i ritended to use it to foe I his staff into getting up another mailed from an overseas point kitty f_or a clipping. to the U.S. A few days later the initial one from the u.s: PfC. HERB O'DELL , Peekskill, was sent out. In one year of N.Y.; Link fraine~ Depa~ts ent: service, 50,000,000 letter~ "In a wo san's appea~ance, I photographed on film, have Prisoners Want Chance 'to Study Like a neat hai~-do and a been sent overseas; 30,000,000 INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - (ALNSl we know of no better organization neat, fesinine appea~ance in have been sent to the U.S. and her cLothes. I could only the remaining 20,000,000 let­ -American prisoners of war in to turn to than The American Le­ ters were sent in their origi- Gennany want to improve their gion, as we are all potential mem­ Like a girL with ni.ce s anne~s time by studying for post-war jobs, bers of this organization and many nal form. (Th~ Besv~r) and great versatility." and have asked The American Le­ of us have fathers or other rela­ NOTf/ING TO WORRY ABOUT gion to send them information for tives in the Legion at present. Pvt. Paul Knoyer, of Akron, that purpose. Staff Sergeant Joe "The problems that confront us 0., recently received a letter A. Dillard, Air Corps, initiated the seem to be divided into two phases from his wife sayinB that his idea in a letter from the German -first, the maintenance of health draft board has put him in camp where he is a P. W ., to the a nd efficierlcy in the present en­ Class 3-A l!lnd that he probably national headquarters of the Le­ vironment and, second, preparation isn't BoinB to be drtdted for gion. Sgt. Dillard is making a sur­ for dealing with problems concern­ a while. (Camp Edwards, MassJ vey of the Americans in his camp ing our future. Being prisoners of to see what subjects they want to war, we have certain advantages pursue, and the Legion is planning over other members of the armed RED GOGGLES AID GUNNERS to get text books to them if there forces. There is opportunity to re­ !/5 CL JR~KCE i. LOYE, Green­ Goggles with red plastic is any way it can be done. think one's scale of values, and if ville., !enn.; Post Dispensary: lenses are found not only to help gunners to estimate how Sgt. Dillard is the ranking Amer­ we had the proper material there "Nost of the gi~Ls I 've s et closely bullets come to the ican non-commissioned officer in would be opportunities to under­ recently wou~d have a lot •o~e targets but also aid in adapt­ the camp, which is for non-com take new lines of study or to con­ tinue old ones for which time is ad sir e~s if they took th€ es ­ ing pilots' eyes to darkness. prisoners exclusively. The head Phasis off of s ake-up ·and The red plastic lenses act as non-com is a sergeant from the lacking in ordinary life! ' R A_ F. fla~hy clo t hes~ concent~ated a light filter, excluding all rays except those at the red Part of Sgt. Dillard's letter to on acting, dressing, and talk­ the Legion is as follows: A citizen of Illinois who is in the ing like ladies . I disLike end of the spectrum. The armed forces can substitute the goggle is unbveakable, weighs "I am writing this letter on be­ gi~ls who are flashy 0~ con­ signature of his commanding offi­ only about an ounce, has a half of my fellow American prison­ cer for that of a notary public on ceited; cosson sense is the perforated leather frame for ers of war concerning our post-war thing. " documents transferring pr"perty. ventilation. (Army Times) problems. Under present cond~ti9ns August 7 ~943 THE TYNDALL TARGET Page 5 PRE·SfDE.tCT TO PUT NEW FAY MERCER ANNOUNCES Keep Her Floatin' {or Rollin'} "MUSTERING-OUT" PLAN ENGAGEMENT BEFORE CONGRESS

To the ears of the millions of Miss Fay M erce r , long one of u.s. servicemen scattered through­ Tyndall's most popular telephone out the world, the JOOSt importa..'lt operators , this week announced part of Pres~dent Roosevelt' s her engagement and app~oach i ng message last Wednesday night was marriage to Lt . Oscar Louis Ans­ undoubtedly the part which dealt ley of Ocala, Fla. with •Mustering-OUt" pay for all The couple wi ll be married on servicemen upon the War's con­ August 21 in a mil itary ceremony clusion. at the Post Chapel. Capt. Brooks The President, amplifying his H. Wester, Post Chaplain, _wil l remarks on postwar plans in his offi.ciate. Wednesday address, told his press Major Thomas B. Carnahan, Jr, , conference on Friday that Con­ will have the honor of giving gress would soon get the plan, the bride away. The bride's at­ whieh is designed primarily to tendants will be Miss Ruth Brock, cushion the transition of service maid of honor, Ml"S . Vir gie FUdge, nen and women to peacetime ac­ the bridegroom's sister, ~~( iss tivity. Elsie Buvalich and Miss Kitty and unofficially called a Its chief feature is a pro­ Safar, bridesmaids. Amphibious is this monster Army DUKW" "Duck." It can be used in landing O'isioo for ~e nnntm' furlo~ Attending the groom will be truck-boat which feels at home on either personnel or supplies. This or llllster:tng-out pay at regular Capt. A. G. Casey, best man, and either land or water. It is a 2%-ton picture was taken in New Cale­ base rates not to exceed $100 a Lts. D.G. Moore, M.J. Converse officially designated "Model donia. month, in addition to famili and L Green. job allowances. Six Tyrrlall officers will form In general, the demobiHzation an arch of sabres under which the Vent:uras program cans·, for: . couple will march. The officers Squadron A 1. Three months' furlough at will be, Capts. J, A. Desportes. The o ld Ventura squadron is no regular base pay not to exceed and G. Powers, Lts. B; Steen, The boys of this squadron a re putting in a busy week in the ai r . more. The Manning table has broken $100 a month, pluS family allow- J,T. Patterson, G. Traw ~ck and Reports are tha t we h ave quite a the hearts of a ll. The new 344 th is , 1 ances. . W.J. McKinsey g gunners in made up of ·cooks a nd a few scatter­ 2. After that, if necP.ssary, bunch of sha roshootin The couple will leave after the · our g roup. Notwithstanding t h is, ed K. P.'s. insurance for 26 unemployment ceremony on a short· honeymoon in however, is the fact remains that Captain L eForce, L t. Rals ton and weeks for those registered with South Florida. They will reside som e of the students h ave discover­ F irst Sg t . Barbier a re t he sauadron the u.s. Employment Service. in Gadsden, Fla. ed a new, a nd sometin'les necessary, }lf~" rl l'<. 3. Special aid and emmsel re­ use for their fatig ue caps. (Well , it This month sa\~ 3. few p romot ions. ------A few of the old timers who were garding readjustment and re- ·COLORED TRQOr,SI saves cleaning up a bomber , any REC HALL way.) forgotten, or thought that they were, habilitation. OPENS TUIIRSDAY Wha t s tudent sergeant well-known received the coveted extra stripes. . 4. Special provisions, includ- · 1nu · around the "cam pus·· h as become, Those p romoted were : . To S / Sg t. ing tuition ~nd · allowances for• Final arrangements have been along with a broom and mop, prac- ~er~~r~ t E .S R upp, _W il ham B. Von­ those who wish to resume educa- completed for the dedication tically perma nent pa rty in t he order- re e, o gt. Cec1l McKmney, P as­ tion or follow some special.. ceremonies which will officiallY, ly room? W e'll miss his homey .quale Candeloro, W1 lhe W 1l son ; to next week. Cpl. _Ernest DeLetto, J . W. Gholscn, training_course. open Tyndall 1 s new Rec Hall fo-, . touch when h e leaves us r old Domm1 ck 8 h1 anc!. 5, ·veteran's creait for old- use by its colored troops. The We were a ll glad t o see ou 1 C.O., Lt. Flower. back in the fo la W1th the movmg of the squadro·1 on opening will take place at 8 p, M. 1 age and survivors insurance this week. there hasn't been a ny news coming the basis of service in the armed on Thursday, August 12. from any qua rter. It is up to you forces. It is expected that Lt. Col. fellows to get bits o f info rmation for 6. Opportunities for agricul- Jack L Randolph, post c01l11l!Ulder, Rugged • 69t:h our :;; quadra n news. Let's go men, le t tural employment and settlement will be present for the occasion. me have your bi ts of news. F. M. ' The f irst sergeant is seeking a new for a limited rumber of qualified Short addresses by Major Harry Mable, George 14 Qua rts \ iati na me for the s quadron. Come o n service men. Gallon and Joe Franza , stole the ------Fleming, c.o. of the Av on all you cvoks. let's see how good you show a t the information tease Mon­ FOR TELEVISION Squadron, Cape. o.o. Freeman, a re at thinkin g u p a few names fo r WAITING da y night. By a nswering the stick­ Special Service Office r , lst/ Sgtlil the· squadron. Something like t hose ers tha t stumped the "experts," these Long and Hickok and Jess Word, you u se to lure t he boys into mess beer hounds drew down five free ha lls. direc.tor of the colored uso, will bottles until the judges disqua lified In closing I m ight mention tha t c~rise the program. . them. That's wha t you might call P fc. P log-ger fell for the o ld a rmy Music for the evening will be liquidating ytlur J.; nowledge of cur­ Rli.f<. When asked if he could d rive by Count Dobie and his rent events. f'umished Plogl'(e r, not thinking , said "yes" a nd For the latest style in inspectio!] boys. Refreshments are also ended uo as Sgt. Ma ncin elli 's cha uf­ attire we refer you to Staff Sergeant ~cheduled to be served. fe ur. The sergeant has the s weetest Collera n , our supply sergeant. Wher: Although designated officially little w heelba rrow you ever did see the inspecting officer entered the as a "recreation hall," the new It is t he onl y thing the se1·geant ca n · ~ supply room somewhat prema ture1y not dr ive. building will also serve as a Saturda y, Johnny "snapped to" in his --cpi. ri ck J . J ohnson. chapel and possibly, in the near GI drawers. The inspector appeared Frede future, ll)Otion pictures will be amused, but our Johnny kept his mil­ ----- sh0011 there. itary bearing despite his scanty ap ~ and the draft about his knees. Wnit:e Flashes On Monday, August 16, an eve-· -pare! A b etter-than-usual squadron turn­ We say "Bood-bye a nd good luck " ning of musical entertainment un­ out settled in the sa ndy shade be­ to all the men who h ave left our der the heading, of "Jtlllllin' Jive" hind the orderly room to learn about squadron in the past two weeks a nd will be presented in the new Rec the anterior proboscis of the common we wish to extend a most h earty w e!~ Hall rmder the supervision of mosquito and the curious fact that come to a ll the new men. a me all bites Jess Word and the U3Q. you ma y confidently bl Our squadron came o ut on t op in on the fema-le of the species, as the the q uiz tease progra m last Monday maie is a vegetria n. ni gh t a t the Recreation H a ll by ta k­ now for an appea l to someone cut-1 ines for this pic­ ASTP AHEAD OF SCHEOO LE And ing 350th twenty points to their fif­ The in the outfit who knows how to tune teen. Staff Sergeant Thrasher was ture from an MB~ news sheet Processing of soldiers into the a piano. Whoever you a re, please do hig h scorer for our side, followed says that with GAIL MEREDITH Army Specialized Training Program something to that woefully batter~ d closely by Sgt. S teinberg , Sgt. Ma tz on the air, television is is ahead of schedule, the War instrument in the Squadron Day and Pfc. Mitchell. wever. WOrth W81 L inQ for. W~ ugree, Department says. More than 60, Room. A word to the wise, ho Tha t old tune " Where's Elkins" is but why wait? ()(X). men are now at AS'.IP rm.1 ts and' Better slip in and do the job after a thing o f the past. Business got so Mangum might catch Miss Meredith is a vocalist upwards of ro, 000 others will be­ dark, or T; Sgt. good tha t Cpl. Elkins decided to you and reclassify you as a pianq, into the ma il room. who is billed as "Six Ice gin the program in the term start­ move his bunk tuner. If you want a few lessons on addition, ap­ Like the little frogs that a ppear Cubes and Gait,• and after ing in August. In Boat, " see Pfc. H a m­ after the r <>. in Cpl. "Tennessee Shad" "How to Row a looking at the above photo proximately 17,000 men are at mont ree a nd P vt. Giaccardo - the Fields' new stripes appea red out oi you can readily see why the ial ized Training and Reas­ ers w ho went nautical in a. no-where the instant the promotiqn land-lubb (srAR) units. big way. ice cubes are necessary. s:l.grlnBnt order hit the orderly room. Page 6 THE TYNDALL TARGET NEWS FROM THE "KNOW YOUR ENEHY" Kade~ Kapers

Aviation cadets of Squadron A roared into their fifth and next-to­ last week Monday and really began sweating out the week of machine Welcome back: Sgts. Bako, Cal­ gun work and the final week of air­ vanezi, and Swenson. Now that you from C.I.S., you to-air. fellows are back Here's w hat some of them were should be ready to turn out some doing- Grover 1Pappy) Perkins was rea.! hot gunners. still t a lking about the ride a "hot" ·sgt. Kerr is salting away some or pilot gave him w h en he hitched a that fast earned jack for his long spin in a n AT-6 recently. Seems the awaited furlough. Watch your step, H . P . thought he could make Per­ Lee, or you're liable to pay taxes on kins' stomach turn over and he al­ it. I think it runs into three figures. most did. "Ditto" for Sgt. Chocquette. N ickna m es that seem to stick in­ Was it fate that kept Pfc. Bass clude Elme r McGough's "Turret {rom getting married while on fur­ H ead" a nd J oe Roberge's "Skippy." lough ? Mary Ann, from Tennessee, Incidentally, Roberge turned in one i.$ the lucky girl. Paul is going to tie of the weirdest performances of any t,he knot on his next furlough. At reported on any of the ranges when least, that's HIS side of the story. h e missed a ll 25 birds in one round of What is it that's bringing this epi­ turret skeet, then turned around a.nd demic of instructor's wives to Pan­ hit 23 fo r 2 5. ama City? It certainly couldn't be Shed a tear for Robert E. N ichols. the weather! Recently he got his first gigs since T ; Sgt. Simmons has been making he entered the cadets. And that cov­ quite a little time witl). a snazzy ers a period of about fi ve months. WAAC from this field. He. was Pete McKone is the little man w ith "gunner-of-the-week" in our last is ­ the big , c igar. Maybe planning to s.ue, and "Casanova"-of-the-week in be a politician. this issue. About a dozen of the squadron Sgt. Pat Shannon, one of our new m embers went out and caught them­ instructors, took three days off and selves something good to eat Sun­ took the fatal leap. Cong'rats to you_ day. They hired a boat, pulled some both, and take it easy, Pat! "J<1ppnJ pu-e U!J re::>n Jrpur u-e s-e WHY can't August 10 come soon a g lee club as they move down the 'Seds MaJ::J TTY ·?unrsJapun ~+Oq 'sau(~ua-urM.+ 'nW ·uorssrwqns o1ur ,pu-ersi, a~+ going to Apalachicola for the final all the instructors are NOT anxious punod 01 parreJ -e~n~s pawe1 a~+ ua~M •ure~pEJ JO 01p~-eEJ a~+ week of a ir-to-a ir work. ( 2 ) The to go to C.I.S. wh ole o utfit t hen w ill go to a n ew Uf pasn pu-e .Iaqwoq-aAfp £? O:jUf pa~JaAUO::J S'f?M 1] "ajjeM.1Jn7 The entire squadron extends their nal'igation school in Wisconsin- or pa1n01 AJ~9!~ awr1 auo a~1 JO Jaqwoq uowwo~ 1SOW a~+ sr 1! heariest wishes to Lt. Steen their· was it Minnesota- instead of return­ '88-SJa~unf

vVe'd like to know the whole st or y News isn't t oo prevalent a round a bout tha t chicken Vic s ta rted from her, but I'll try to make this colu mn town w ith last week. All we kn ow interesting in the temporary a bsence is that he got h ere w ith one wing a nd of Cpl. Marvin Ca rter, w ho is in a WAAC w ith a w is hbone in her Tallahassee on a three-day pass as m outh. this is being written. Pretty ni ce. Sg t. Hill couldn't play volley ba ll A r emark of his last week was las t week because he ha d "a good taken seriously. by some of the gang, book" he was reading. Cpl. Mazur is when he referred to the "Self P reser­ now reading it avidly. Incidenta ll y, vation Club." Some of the gals the title o f the volume is "Marriage down the street would make good a nd Parenthood." members of the Canadian Moun ted Don't b e s urp rised if Sg t. Mason Police- they always g et their man. asks you fo r a sa mplye of our ha nd­ Cpl. H. H . Willis is a loud dissenter writing . It seems some of his good to the idea of such a club, but then, friends dropped a line to his wife. he's been married only about two N ow w hat could he have to be months. asha m ed of ? Our yardbird, Pfc. J a mes C a rte r. is I suppose congra tulations are in taking a lot of bows for the very order for the boys who were cited f or nice appearance of the squadron "Good Conduct " awards, but the lawn. Just eight _months a go it was question w ill rema in how Pvt. Alex­ nothing but sand and scrub palmetto. ander got at the top cif the list. Now the grass is green and the Cpl. Cox must have done a good flowers_ are blooming. Which reminds job as orderly at the barracks. In us tnat a few of the boys recently fact, it looks like it may be a perm­ asked him if he watered the lawn anent job. every day, and when he said, "Yes, Pvt. Kammerer may be the quiet, this grass won't rust," another sa id, unassuming guy around here, but "No, but it certainly could drown." you should have 'seen him walk off Congratulations to Harrison a nd with tw o young ladies Friday night to Warren, who have just been pro­ and leave Dowling, Mortimer and moted to Corporal. Harrison is a Rogan hoiding the bag. warehouseman and Warren is the P v t. Stevens, quote: "There g oes ma.ior-demo at the theatre. my PFC stripe." Unquote. Some new duty assignments w ere Wonder where Pvts. Role and passed out this past Monday. Thirty Glamorous L~cille Ball is one of M.G.M's newest stars and Shull spent their week end? They of the boys are now working at Of­ appears in "Du Barry Was a Lady," playing tomorrow and Monday were not seen in Chattahoochee. May­ ficer's Mess, and because most of at the Post Theater with Red Skelton and Gene Kelly as co­ be they w er\! afraid to go a fter them report before 0400, the lineup stars. She dances, sings and acts in a role someone told them the state institu­ at reveille has a lot of holes. that gives her wide range to display all tion for the mentally deranged was Many thanks to the Special Service her talents. Others in the cast are located there. Officer for his cooperation in improv­ Tommy Dorsey and his musicians, "Rags" Ragland, Virginia 0 1 Brie11 According to Sgt. Seagle, before ing still further the squadron day the deadpan comic, Zero Mostel, Donald Meek , Douglass Dumbrille Cpl. Boggs w ill ask a girl for a d a te room. With the recreation hall a cross and George Givot. he alw a ys asks · her if she works the street just about ready to open ~------+------­ anyplace. If she doesn't work, Boggs its doors, the squadron will h avfl ner o f the Cl as s will e nd eavo r goes no further with her. many . much appreciated recreational to p a s s o n t o new fl ed glings some Lt. Da utrich is fina lly becoming a facilities. Squadron F of the qualiti e s which t o p n o tch true Southerner ; Crew s A and c Rain washed out the Red Caps' gunn e r s must po s sess. Ke e p up sta nd togethe r in saying th ~y heard base.ball game with Marianna Air the traditi on o f Squadro n F, Don. Well, fellows another tou g h h1m come out with "you all" last Base on Sunday, A littl e no t e t o t he new class : August .1st, at the six weeks has been completed and week. end F e ll ows , it does n't pa y t o be of the first inning y.r ith the score there are now 300 brand new gun­ ' wise g Cha rlie Smith is a P-T problem. H e u ys' . We hav e a pri v ate tied at 1-1. The men were disap­ ners to blast the enemy to hell. fo rmula f o r m says he is too old e n like that, and for calisthenics so pointed, but hope to see that same However, the leader of the pack we won ' t t o lerat e a bit of it. the instructor put him to carrying club down here again. will remain behind to become a n This i s going to be a tough stx timbers for the pier; now he has de­ -Cpl. Arthur E . Williams. instructor. Sgt. Huntley 'Gun- week s , perhaps the tou ghest o f cided h e is too o ld for th:o~ t your life, but it's go ing to make o r break you. · Have a lot of fun bed sores if he doesn't stop getting as the standard of values. Last if you get a chance, and remember Squadron in so much flying time in on his Tuesday Cpl. McKelvey a uctioned that if you do what your instruc­ C Simmons Bomber. an apple for $1.10. The lucl'Y and tors tell you, e verything will be EDITORIAL NOTE : This column liungry bidde'r w as Cpl. Regan . swell. They wer e students them­ is put together by Bernard If they c an talk their way into it, s e l v e~ and they know the rope s. Fra zier Squadron F has Giving squadron B the competition of Flight Cpls. Mendoza always had th~ 2, assisted by Eugene Kiv­ , Petrella, Kalter, Mas­ reputation f o r high inspection it so eagerly requested in last week's · eling of Flight 3, Curtis:·, York of seman, McGovern, Richa rds. Rizzo ratin gs and a high academic rat­ Target, Squadron C won the Satur- Flight 4 and Richard Craig of Flight McKelvey, Meeha n. Prozzio and ing aga inst o ther stude nt squad­ day inspection with a loud-and proud l: Any compla ints, suggestions, or Mawhinney a re going to w in the war, rons. We e xpect th e new class - 98 per cent. As a result of a lot news should be given these men. at least according to t heir after­ t o keep up this reputation. of back-bending, blister-building, cal- SO WE HEAR: Kellin hosted a lights-out discussion. You can h ear We miss Cpl. Delane y's fam ous lous-causing shoveling, dirt-hauling, watermelon feast for Flight 4 last them above two cal. 50' s. words ' b usiness is business' wheelbarrowing, raking and rolling, Saturday night ... Cpl. Richardson If Cpl. W. McDonald doesn't get a late l y. A c oke just doe sn't se em w e can now claim the· best landscap- can't remember where he was Satur­ new set of fatig ues, he'll have to get to taste so good without the co'­ ed and terraced squadron on the day night; those cokes do things to a pair of glasses to cover where he poral's booming voice ringing out over field. a guy . .. Cpl. Ricketson may have sits ddwn - or else bring o ut t he the clatter of bottles ... A word of thanks to Lt. In what is rapidly becoming a been g .o.t.w. but he hasn't gotten a needle and thread . .. J oe O'Bri en Wetsel, Cpl. Bader , and Cpl. Will habit, Flight 4 was "best will tell isms for barracks," Jetter from his frau in four days . . . anybody that Panama City the sw e ll job that they have done closely seconded by Flight 3. They Paul Cotter will tell anybody who is a red-hot town on Sa turday ni gh ts in supply. Als o , to the combined won the right to alternate, being first wants to listen that the booming -about as hot as mess ha ll t oast . . , effo rts of Lt. Berner and 1st all week in the chow line, otherwise night life of Morgantown, W . Va., Cpl. Perrin must be unluck y at lovw S g t. Wi llcut for the tremendous known as "the flight for food." draws in the citizens of Uniontown, if the old a dage about luck y in love, improvements m the squadron area, Highlight of the inspection for Pa., every Saturday night .. . It unlucky in cards is true. and the headquarters building. , Fl)ght 2 was the praise given the may be· therm.ometer-breaking Aug­ Lt. Da niel Chisa w as welcomed in­ Nobody could possibly realize the chan ges uhich have '•barracks wooden cartoon-sign, plan- ust, but after the chilly letter M to the squadron as officer of Fligh t 2 b e en made un­ a rty l ess he had followed them through ned and painted by Cpl. Bud Dill. Burke, last week ... Lt. Fra zi er, s tude of Flight 2, got from Culver, nt the months and noted the small This is the first gunner time any barracks l;ndiana, the temperature took a w ith Flight 1, was seen at a improvements which d~ily built had its own, original sign. sharp drop .. . Joe Dytko has a n recent P .T. forma tion. We a re in­ this s quadrpn into one of the SOCIAL NOTES FROM ALL eager audience when he speaks of formed; that he thinks e xercise is a most eff i cient on the field. OVER: "Daniel Boone" Kelly is "The Crummier aspects of Marriage" great thing- for other people. Mor e are ye t to come, including squadron gunner-of-the-week, the each night. He's only kidding be- Back hi1i1 into a corner someti n1e ~Iantin g of g rass and possibl y second week in a row that the g.o.t.w. cause he's happily hitched and and ask :Flight l's Sg t. (Jr.) E a rl securin g a workable radio and a re­ some ping pong and has come from Room 10 to Flight 3 cent Hill wha t d oes the name Irma mean pool tables. father. As a partin g word, .. . Who is the .. .. S; Sgt. Bill Mikoda we wish to corporal who doesn't · Bill Kleindeinst is back in the fold has been ga­ invite material for this squad­ pay his just lost debts? The Coca- again, no sale on that diamond ga over tha t white, one-piece bathi ng ron from the students themselves. Cola people will never ·make any Why do girls always say, "I'd love suit--and wha t 's in it- e,·e r si nce Any and all 'dirt • is welcome and dough the way he pays off. No to live in 1-.lassau" after meeting Ed. he first set eyes on it. Wh y don't will be treated as confidential. need to mention the name,- _score 19! "Horizontal" Donegan from Flush­ you let us see her, too? . . . I nci­ Bring all news about your room­ . . . . Every time Cpl. Kra kiski missed ing? . . . Ration cards, which w e dentally, Bill is now NCOIC of a ll mat e s and fr i ends into the order­ the bird on the skeet range, he have written home- for to relieve the student g unners who \\'ill compete ! y room and i t w i 1 1 a p p e a r in couldn't understand what made it food situation, have begun to a rrive with other g unnery s tuden ts from this column. Good luck to 43-37, see you again next week. duck . . . Andy Dolan will be getting · ... Food is taking the place of g old schools a ll 0\·e r the country. Pa,ge 8 THE TYNDALL TARGET WINNER IN USO BENEFIT GOLF TOURNAHENT TrnNADCES D()VN ROCKrn, 7-31 TYNDALL CFFICERS LCEE TO COOTIGAN 1 TARR, STAR EGLIN; · PIAY AGAIN T

Tyndall's smooth playing Off­ icers' baseball squad is sched-· uled to face the strong Eglin Field rdne here this af'ter noon. The game will start at 4 P.M. In their previous meeUngs two· weeks ago, the Tyndall t~am was deteated by the Eglin nine by a score of 6-1 and the local crew is out for revenge. Capt. Jack Dangler is scheduled to pitch for the Tyndall men with Lt. Stan Drongowski as his re­ ceive?. Dangler hurled against the Eglin Flyers in thei.r first contest and ..... gave up but six hits, however, his __. ' ..... - ~ ' ... six week absence from the mound ' "' .' was apparent as he issued 8 walks. It was during this game thut the Tyndall team pulled its first play ween Lt. Norman Gross made a sensational catch in deep center field and relayed the ball to the infield in time to catch two enemy runners off base. HAJOR LEAGUE STAND /NGS (Through Thursday, August 5) AMERICAN LEAGUE w L Pet. New York •• , •• • ••• 58 36 . 617 Chicago •••••••••• 49 45 .521 Washington ••••••• 52 47 . 525 Detroit •• • • •••••• 47 47 .soo Cleveland •••••• • • 46 47 • 495 St. Louis ...... 42 so . 428 Philadelphia •••• , 39 58 .40 2 !IIATIONAL LEAGJE w L Pet. St. Louis .•••••.. 63 31 . 670 Pittsburgh ••••••• S3 43 .552 Cincinna tti...... 51 46 .526 Brooklyn •••••.••. 52 47 . 525 ·Chi c ago •••.••• • •• 45 so .474 Philadelphia •••. . 44 55 .444 Boston ••••••••••• 40 52 . 435 New York ••.• • ••. • 36 60 . 375


1) Man O'War, greatest race horse of the Golden Age, competed in but 21 stakes. How many races did he win? MOVIES (a) fifteen. (b) Twenty. (c) Twenty-one. (d ) Six. 2) The Notre Dame backfield of 1924 was known as the Four Horsemen. POST Who was the quarterback? SATURD AY, AUGUST 7 8 (.a) Layden. (b) Stu.h~d-rehe,-, (c) Gif>P. (d) Rockne. "Good Luck Mr. Yates Cl aire Trevor, Ed~ar Buchanan 3) Jack Dempsey fought before a million dollar gate five times in "Ge t Go ing • Grace Hc~na l d, Robert Paiee his career. Who was his opponent in the top gate of all time? SUNDAY , MONDAY, AUGU ST 8- 9 (a) !'unney. (b) fi,-po . (c) Sha't'key. (d) SuLlivan. 8 Du Bar ry Wa s A Lady 8 Lucille Ball, Red Ske lton 4) What star hit .424 in 1924, the highest batting TUESD AY, AUG US T 10 ave rage in modern baseball? "You Were Never Love! ier• Fred Astaire, Rita Hayworth (a) H. llagne,-, (b) R. Hontsby. (c) B. Teny . (d) L. [)umche'r. WED NESD AY, THURSD AY AUGUST 11-12 5) What big- t ime golf'er won the most tournaments during the Golden "Th e Cons tant Nymph • Age? Charl es Boyer, Joan Fontaine FRIDAY, AUGUS T 13 (a) B. Jones . (b) Tt'. Hagen. (c) G. Sa,-aFen. (d) J.D. RockejeHe'r. •somber' s Moon" Georee Mont gomery, Anna be l.le of Referee Dave Barry's famous SPORTS QUIZ ANSWERS 'long count ' of 14. 4) Rogers Hornsby, then a mem ­ RITZ PAN AHA ber of the St. Louis Cardinals, SUN., MON., AUGUST 8-9 1) Nan O'War won 20 races SUN., MON., AUGUST 8-9 in hit .424 in 1924, be~t majo ~ •Presen ting Lil y Mars" "Pilot #5" his two-year car ee r. He lost league batting record compiled Judy Ga,-Land, Van Hef lin ~an c hot Tone, Ma~shia Hunt one race - in 1919 - to a ho rse since 1887 when J . E. O'Neil, of TUESDAY AUGUST named Upset . 10 . TUESDAY~ AUGUST 10 St. Louis, hit .492. In 1887 , • c indere lla Swings I t 8 8 Qver My Dead Body" 2) Harry Stuhldreher was quar­ however, bases o n balls were Guy Ki bb ee MiLton B e~le, Beth Hughes terback of the famed Four Horse­ scored as hits. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 11 men. Other WEDNESDAY AUGUST 11 members of that back­ 5) Bobby Jones won 1 3 major "Mis sion t o Moscow• •rnvisable field were Elmer Layden, Agent• J im tournaments in ten years of big It' a l te,- ·Rou.s ton ILona Hassey , Jon Crowley and Don Miller. Ha~L time golf. He won the U.S. Open THUR., FRI., AUGUST 12- 3) Gene Tunney was in the other 13 THURSDAY, AUGUST 12 four time3, the U.S . Amateur "Amazing Mrs. Ho l liday" •Eagle Squadron" corner when the fans paid $2,650, five times, t he British Ope n Deanna Du,-bin R o b e ~t Stack, D. Ba,-,-ymo,-e 000 to aee Dempsey's last fight three tim.,s and, the British at Chicago , in 1927. SATURD AY, AUGUST 14 FRI.~_SAT., AUGUST Floored by Am a t e u r once • In 19 3 0 he won 8 South of the Border• 13-14 Dempsey, Tunney won wi th the aid them all, then quit. ·~ugitive Planes• Gene A· ut~y Buste,- C~abbe August 7, 1943 THE TYNDAlL TARGET Page 9 TYNDALL SHARPSHOOTERS WHO WON SKEET COHPETI T!Oit BUCKINGHAM MARKSMEN DOWN TYNDALL SQUAD IN GUNNERY MEET A te8111 of gunners t'roa Buck­ ingham Field dereated Tyndall's marksmen squad at Fort Wyers last Sunday in the f1 rs t of a series of intra-Training Center meets between the two aerial gunnery schools located in Florida. The Buckingham shots, all or ·• whom received their gunners' wings last week, were first on . "" the Jeep Range, in air-to-air ~.2¥tt~ ~- .f / firing and in assembling the i.~ ..... ~•t:S. caliber • 00 machine gun. Tyniall won top honors in the skeet and moving base canpeti tiOffl, ,f High scorer for the day was ,1't"A Sgt. H. R. Hall of Bucld~twn, who ;il placed first in the moving base, .. Jeep Range and aiJ'-to-air firifl! ... r events. He was runner-up in ~?·:.- ~ ·'~l. :, skeet and the assembly of the ..; caliber • 50 lllichine gun. In sec were Sgt. right, Lt. WI II lam J. Cleary, ; S/Sgt. G. F. Rothenburg, Sgt. w. G. Morti111er, Sgt. J. R. z.r... Stiawalt for Buckingmm and Dunn and Sgt. J.M. Lambre. Sgt. J. R. Dum for Tyndall. ------~------4 On the Jeep Range, Buckingmm scored 230 hits to 121 for Tyn- dall; in aiJ'-to-air firing, 252 C. N. S. SPORTS SLANTS to 163. Tyndall downed Bucking­ ham 206 to 190 on the skeet range Latest ball players ticketed for Signs of the Times: because so my first examination two month::. and 194 to 176 on the moving base induction in the Army are Pitcher many physical education teachers ago and classified 1-A," says Dean, range. Howard Pollet and Sparkplug have entered the armed forces, "but I haven't heard from. no­ Jimmy Brown, of the Cardinals; body since." The colorful fellow 1 high schools throughout the Na- Si Johnson, Phillie pitcher, and . tion have been faced with the al­ is 32 and married but has no Ellis Clary, Washington third l ternative of eliminating athletics children. FOUR WAAC TE AMS IN baseman. Pollet has applied to his I entirely or hiring women to coach . Lt. Col. Harvey J. Jablonsky, draft board for voluntary induc­ boys' teams. Most of them have West Point grid captain !n 1933, BOWLING COMPETIT ION tion to enter the AAF as an avia­ picked women and at the New now is executive officer of the tion cadet. The other three face York University physical educa­ 515th Parachute Infantry Com­ Not to be outdone by the •men­ imminent draft calls. tion camp at Lake Sebaco, N. Y., pany, Ft. Benning, Ga. the lucky girls are being taught folks," and as an aid to keep Laid up with a lung ailment in how to coach baseball, track, Newest 4F in sports is hard their "girlish figure,• Tyndall's an Army hospital in ColoradQ is : basketball and even footbalL . :boiled line busting Tuffy Lee­ Waacs have organized their own Tom Kuzma, All-American back · mans, backfield star of the New bowling league. at Mic-higan a few seasons ago. Pvt. Donald Blair, former Dart­ Yoi"k football Giants. He was re­ mouth track ace, wants to race jected by his Baltimore draft The loop consists of faur "". n-. Lt. Gordon B. Benn, USNR, Gunder Hagg, Swedish wonder board because of defective hear­ ly matched tea.nB who have already former football coach at Phillips runner, under the same conditions ing and eyesight. caupeted bfice :ln match play. Exeter, is directing the Navy V-5 Blair had when he won the mile ~t. Jo Battini. of San Fran-· championship at Camp Stewart, Charley Whitehead, six times athletic progJ;p.m at Marquette cisco, is the league's manager. University in Milwaukee, Wis. Ga: Blair won that one in 6 New Jersey amateur golf cham­ Lt. Col. Wallace Wade, Duke Uui~ minutes, 31 se<:onds, wearing GI pion, has given up tournament Games are bowled each Wednesday versity grid coach, is stationed at shoes and carrying a pack and a play for the duration. Whitehead at7P.M. Ft. Sill, Okla. rifle. is now a staff sergeant stationed Thus far, the quartet of 4-girl at Ft. Monmouth, N. J. teams :Is being paced by Sgt. Betty Johnny Sturm, former New Dizzy Dean, the great one, is York Yankee first baseman, is going around St. Louis denying ·Freddy Sington, All-American Wilson, of Chicago. Betty's now stationed at Jefferson Bar­ that he has received his draft tackle at Alabama in 1930, left scores of 156, 129 and 130 for a calL Diz made a recent trip to his racks; Mo. but he isn't playing his Atlanta (Ga.) sporting goods total of 415 was the highest home in Lancaster, Tex. but he store for active duty in the Navy. any baUr'Sturm lost a finger in an pinnage rolled last accident last year and hasn't says it was to inspect his crops, He's a lieutenant in the U. S. waved a bat around since. not his draft status. "I was given Naval Reserve. Page 10 ~~- ~~~~~~~T~HE~T~Y~N~DlA~L~L~T~AR~G~E~T------~~======~ LEAD lNG CHARACTERS IN WEDNESDAY NIGHT RAD10 PLAY T IF COOCERT BAND TO PLAY THIRSTY? LISTEN!! I AT USO TCJ.mRON A new beer p arlor f or the men of Tyndall Field will shortl·y ding which The Tynrlall Fielrl Concert ~~ be opened i n the buil will present its third concert of f ormerly housed the Cl oud Hop­ the summer on the USO porch to­ ·p ers' orderly r oom. Thi s mo st morrow afternoon, at 5 P.M. welcome news was announced yes­ These Sunday p.y. musical ses­ terday by the Special Service sions proved to be very popular Offi ce , who will operate t he last smmer and the news of their 3.2 o asi s in conjunction with resumption will no doubt be a the P ost Exchange. source of pleasure to the htm­ The installation of a few dreds who have been lookill1; for­ more -f i xtu res i s e xpe c ted to ward to hearing the concerts once be c omp leted within t he next again. t1o1J weeks. One of the fte&tures of tomor­ Al s o welco me n ews was t h e row's pr011;ram will be "Headlines, • fact that G.I.s in e i ther. Class paints A's or fatigues will be served. Abo ve He f ou r mem be r s o f t he cas t and the director of Tyn­ a modern rhapsody which in to­ dall 's new Ra d io P l ay ho us e Gr oup. They presented their first with music the headlines From war to offe rin g, "The Rat Ma n," l ast Wednes day evening over WDLP. day's newspapers. "love-nests,• murder to birth, Left t o r i ght : s gt. Sa ul Samiof, A ux. Alta Moore, Sgt . Will Cro fts, Cp l . Beth Bus h a nd S/Sg t. Steve Libby , di r ector. Other this rrumber covers the entire g8!1Rlt of newspaper em6tion. me111bers of the ca~t i nclud ed Cpl. Ka r l HirMlelfarb , Pfc. Irving Another feature will be Cole Shbinsky and Sgt. Arnold Mi l gate n. Sgt . Dorot hy Bates and Beguine. • Mrs. Rut h Stabinsky were i n c harge of sound effects. Porter's "Begin the .A romanti c comedy-drama ent i t led " A Right to the Heart• wi 11 The program will consist of the be t he gro up's next prese ntati o n on Wed nesday at 8:30P. M. following selections: Merry Wives of Wirrlsor - OVer­ ture by Nicolai; Begin the Be­ CPL. TURNER AND QUARTET Band Box guine - Hy Cole Porter; Yarch - University of Dayton; Victor Her­ OF SENTRY DOGS ARRIVE If vou see members nf the :J08th bert Favorites; Three Slippers - Whe n attacked by low-flying Band. sitting at home a t hts. it's a solo for three baritone horns; planes, every soldier should fire not because t h e~· can't g-et dates. but on them, unless orders. have been March - London Hippodrome; that these · industrious noise-makers Song given to the contrary. This w ill Cpl. Raymonss t hP sto rk is hol·­ ].G . Barnes, and Lt. Hoover as er anw ">en tries receive r ing around the n'sidt'n•·e of S Sg t~· the officl!rs in charge, tl!nd to ll t h orou~~: h tralnin~~: unrler the V\rl fo rd Stoner. blend with the smooth running of But in S;Jite of all our othe r actil·- the squadron on the othl!r side s< r))l'rvlslon of 11r~· ans. II'<' found lime tu win the flag of the 1 ine. Lts. Barnes and 1 ffit I'll!' tors. for last Saturcia~··s inspP<'tion 11·ith a Hoover are well supported by such men as M/Sgt. Conrad (NMI) Sham­ Arrorrll np: to 11 sta t P.lllf'rrt 'mBJip score of !JI. :'\m\· ~-nu fe!lo11·s hal":! James Fannin and hy M11 .!or John W1lldns, Provost to admit that that's pretty darn berg, T/ Sgts. "Where the tropics beein .. " Tom Boyle, S/ Sgts. Waddell and Marshall, the rlo11:5 w1 1 l he used good. Solomons, and as a finale, Cpl. on the ramps anrl on the beac h Howel'er. the band as a whole is Wise of the Inspection Depart­ We boas t the most att ractive front. ThP arrival of possibl y unhappy. \\'h 1· ·.· H o11· would \'OU ment. quarters in the South. Eac h like to hal't' t•J . pla1· for a dance ~ nd Worrel, 'The Walking Cotter t>ll!;ht. atidltloll!ll cani nes for sen­ group ·of boys are unde r c om­ see your best \\'AAC girl friend P j n ' , 1 a c k s two weeks mo r e o f try <1uty Is PXpf'c terl 1 n the near dancing- wi th tha t ta ll Staff Ser­ completing his gunnery course; petent leaoers -- men wh o a r e f u ture. says Worrel, 'Sure will be glad gt>an t from the "8J:1rd" ~ Thi s takes being paid the highest sala r y Turrwr, who Is known as "Red" when this course of mine termin­ piHt'e tomorrow night at the r t>c rea­ ates, Good Buddy! ' ••• Thomas Fran­ in the worln for their importan t to hi s f'el low Guartty .hurry up and get cis Boyle, better known around task. They are aware of their! t"r0111 Colle~ Station, Texas. He some 'v\' AAC to ask vou or should town as 'The Crescec.t City Kid,' responsibility and 'you can rest has bee n A membPr of Tynrlal 1 's I say "you-all"" · just returned from a fifteen day assured that your boy will be of GilA rrl Squarl ron for the past t 2 Last T hursda~- nig-ht the T~ · ndall furlough from his home town well ta.Jren care of., Field Danrf:' orchestra went on the New Orieans . The Kid, has con­ months . O~r bound less acres of ope n air from r oast to ··oast from siderable cabbage in his jeans­ Wlwn qu t>rle<1 AS to his train- onp sidf:' nf Florida to the otht' r . seems like h e p i cked up a large country ar e av ailable to a ll during his 1np:, Turner r epllerl that "It was to the other side. Guests amo unt of 'Hush Money' campers . Rifle .ranges are plen­ well a. lmost stay at home ••• Tex Smotek, flame harrl worl<, belt I en.foye p rogra:n. which \\'il l be a throwing Roml!o, continues to tiful am jf your boy shows -aptl­ ever, I certAinly am ~Z; l llrl to be Wt>t'kly affai r, \\'!'rP .mf:'nrhf:'rs of the baffle and dismay the weaker sex tune he will be given a chance to hArl< .• crew r) f the ~ 1 t'll1J ; h is Bc: ll. wherever he operates. Tex at fire fr001 the air. en doing h:.P. in . the mornings present is operating in Lynn M Medals jn the form of wings at Mess Hall :\!o. 2 St'L'Ill to enjoy Haven. lrsten ing to the band reht> :ll'se be­ What M/ Sgt. was see n in a down­ will be awarderl to the boys show­ in twe€'n !l ::lO and I I :no n. m. While town movie last week, locked ing better-than-average s~ill. Canaries what an emb_race of death with Accent is placeci on neat n ess it nrfly help their mnra lt>, at tht' sanw little chicken? Some movie, eh time \ \ ' C hop(' t h t' ~- g-e t the r ho\\' out Sgt.? ••. Quartette of Broth!!rly anrl rli scipline. liith the chang<' pretty well on tin1e . Affection, namely the four Engin­ Boys are asked to do l i ttle c oatpl~t~d. our squadron co n sists In tht> nH'antinr,, if ~ · orr h a \'(' nnth­ e e rinR Clerks, have been disap­ tasks around the fi!!ld to mainly of maint~nance hangar m~n ing t <) do S rnonn. L'Oil1f! on d<,\\'11 and :-:if't: us in ·our 11t''.\' Sgt. Shambe r g is thinking serious­ program is in connection with doinaa and mis - doi n &s. T/ Sgt. ly of renting the b oys out to a hnnH' . Brrildrng :; :w . \\'p nrio·h ,., vn the war effort. We will meet Bob Clear is nursina a sore wriat 1 of lt.'t \' ) 11 1 · "' syndicate . for the purpose your boy at the train. which h<' r<'co ived when h<' fell .. ' Jl cr~· rn tlllr sand pr iP if haunting houses . y ou re l rr vk~ · . Located near greater Pana­ off of a wing. C i gars are e•• Waddell wouldn't look the same, ma City, Florida, we ar e P <' Ct<'d of T/ Sgta. Jnn<"s •nd Dos­ if he ever lost his pip!!. All he jard i n s: incidontally, Jones has tion s p eec h a nd look e d ri gh t at isolated from life's littl e Bo u rge o is when he mad e a s tate­ needs to make" perfect poster aomi!'OQt' in Jackaon, Wiaa., whn temptations. me nd t - i d your e a rs burn Wi !son? would be to acquire some sort of • ill bo miahty pr oud h<' made C th e ~ ca-ps unde ~ tne s ame man­ Waat .. r. ._. have t he ma kings of the best a canine spe cimen ••• There happens so f tball te a m on the post, a nd to be a feud going on down in agement Located in Tunisia, Guad­ Dippro, Col .. man and 'Home-­ it i a a u g ges t<' d we g e t a team the Line Maintenance Hangar be­ a!cana! and ALaska. . A! so , ad ­ Kin e' Bouri<'Ois mad<' Staff- cig· atarted . With break s in working tween Menard, Michael, and Howell set up in diatribut<'d at the ::anced units have been ara •ill b<' over t he a t i f f e c on s of one , Diaie Shorman Bar. S g t. Coleman shift~ a nd some pr ac tice the rest Si c:_i! y. . The bo ys in the T/ Sgt. Catlett. May the best man •ill brealc in hia 1t1·ipes in New ah ould be easy r yone to know that win' -Sgt. W.J . Murphy PLANS ARE UNDER WAY TO EX­ Orl the combinationnf a f u r· han gar we n t eve Line Ma in t en a nce lou1h, rat ina and liiOme n may prove H . mea n s Said thePfc : 'If! kiss you, PAND Ol.R SYS'IEM TIROLIGH GERM ANY, a Wa d House.' too •uch for him. We' ro all &lad Han gar not "Liddon' ITALY AND J APA."i. ho a pit a lired but wi 11 Brlyone be the wiser?' t o ooe Bil l Stodola make T/ S&t. S&t. · Dodd i a ADVT. He haa alwaya b<'<' n on th<' ball CQok and Stewart didn't h a ve any­ Sa i d the brunette : 'That de­ t h i n 2 t o do • h ii t t . That ' s and lo on<' of our bo ot lilced ....,ri, pends on how ITXlch you know about to ClU11p Croft) alx.•Jt a ll for now. (With ~tpolo~ies Lt. Brlda•ford mado a Sani ta• k issing.' · -Sgt . !:d St r ong August 7, 1943 THE TYNDALL TARGET Page 11 uuy AINJ~Wnzuu By BOB HAWK

1. Which of these do not have burglar's finger prints - glass- teeth: frogs, fish, birds? ware or a brass door knob?

2. A well-dressed woman might 10. If you had jodhpurs, would wear mink on her head. Could a you also need a horse, a doctor well-dresse~ man wear rabbit on or a barber? his? "Copyrighted Material 3. Give within five million DODGER STAR the average weekly attendance at Syndicated Content movies throughout the United KNOWS HIS OATS States, according to the Hays Did you hear about the horse office? who approached Leo Durocher and Available from Commercial News Providers" asked to try out for the Dodgers? 4. Does a kangaroo run on all Somewhat taken aback, Durocher frur legs? told him to take his turn in the batters box. The horse trotted 5. In theatrical parlance, what over, picked up a bat between his is meant by "papering the house?" teeth, and proceeded to smack everything over the centerfield 6. Distinguish between luxuri- fence . Impressed, Durocher asked ous and luxurient? him to take his turn in the out- field. The horse stationed him- 7. What is the difference be- self in Jeft field and caught tween a gazelle, a gazette, and screaming liner after screaming a kazoo? liner in his teeth, then neatly 6. Luxurious pertains to lux­ first base. YANKWIZ ANSWERS tossed the ball to 1. Birds. ury; luxuriant means profuse and If you want to play bobbing 8. 'You're terrific,' Durocher 2. Yes - felt hat. superabundant. for apples, but didn't have any told him, 'Now, let's see you 3. 85 million. 7. A gazelle is an animal; a apples - could you substitute run the bases. ' 4. No. They have long and gazette is a newspaper; a kazno grapefruit, or would they 'sink? 'Are you kidding,• the horse powerfUl hipd legs and relative­ is a nusical toy. 8. Yes, you could substitute rep_lied indignantly, 'Whoever ly small fore legs which are not used for progression. grapefruit. They will float. 9. Which would be more apt to the hell ever heard of a horse 9. Glassware. picture of a 5. Letting part of the audience give a clearer that could run bases?' in on passes. 10. A horse.

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I TYNDALL ''SWING SHIFT'' Gunners of thf! Week

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Eaton J Wis . J is the home town Entered Army Sept. 1J 1942 and A graduate of radio school a t of Squadron A's "Gunner of the received basic training a t Key Truax Field) Wis.J and radio o b­ Week. " ... Is 19 and a graduate Field) Miss . ... Hails from Grin- se rv e r's schoo l at Boca Raton) of the Water Di vis ion School in nell) Kan . J whe re he worked in Fla. J he enlisted i n the AAF in that town. dad's manufacturing plant. Wash ington) D. C. in Oc t. 1941. Previous to induction at F o rt Completed Oldsmobile Armament Was born in Southern Pines) She ridan) Ill . J was emp l oyed. as School at LbnsingJ Mich.J and has N.C . ) but call s Was.hingtonJ D.C. • truck driver. After bas ic train- been stationed a t Ro bbins Field) his home town .... Was hotel clerk ing at Miami Beach) Vande n Busch Ga. J Hattiesburg) Miss . J and Avon there previous to Army en listme nt . was sent to Scot t Field ) Ill . J Park J Fla. He received basic training at where he completed the radio Enjoys baseball and hunting . .. St. petersburg) Fla . J is 20 yean course. IS 22 years old. oldJ a nd is partial to foo tball.


Originally assigned to the In­ Born in Elmira) N:Y. J calls Entered Army in Jan. 1943 ... fantry) he took a break in rank Reading J Pa. J "home. " ... En list- Rece i ved basic training at Miami in order to transfe r to the para- ed in Fi e l d Arti ll e ry in Jan. Beach . .. .Is a gradu ate of the troops. . .. Met wit h an unfortun- 1941; tran sfer r ed to Tank Des- Armorer's School at Lowry Field) ate accident whi ch disqualified troyer outfit eight months l ater Co l o. him from jump ing and he was and in August of 1942) e ntered Empl oyed as a tool designer and grounded.· AAF. engineer in civili an life .. . Ho ped Meanwhile ) he had made 19 leaps Previous training was as a ir­ to become pilot but eyesight in­ while fly~ng and deSp erately craft engine mechanic at Mi ddle­ terfered . wanted to get back in the air .. town Air Depot) Pa.J and wa s do­ Is 19 years old and expects to ... Transferred t o AAF fo r flex- ing similar work at Robb in s Field) be kep t here as i B s t r u c t o r ... ible gunnery train ing . ... Home Ga . J whe n assigned here for gun- Will shoot in competition with town is Valdosta ) Ga. is 2.) nery course . .. . Was test engin- Fort Myers' gunners this weekend. years old. eer on B-25 at Robbins Field.