2020 Daily Prayer Guide for all People Groups & Unreached People Groups = LR-UPGs - of South Asia Source: Joshua Project data, www.joshuaproject.net 2020 Western edition (India DPG is separate) To order prayer resources or for inquiries, contact email:
[email protected] INTRODUCTION & EXPLANATION Introduction Page i All Joshua Project people groups & “Least Reached” (LR) / “Unreached People Groups” (UPG) downloaded in July, 2019 are included. Joshua Project considers LR & UPG as those people groups who are less than 2 % Evangelical and less than 5 % total Christian. This prayer guide is good for multiple years (2020, 2021, etc.) as there is little change (approx. 1.4% growth) each year. ** AFTER 2020 MULTIPLY POPULATION FIGURES BY 1.4 % ANNUAL GROWTH EACH YEAR. The JP-LR column lists those people groups which Joshua Project lists as “Least Reached” (LR), indicated by LR. Frontier people groups = FR, are 0.1% Christian or less, the most needy UPGs. White rows shows people groups JP lists as “Least Reached” LR or FR, while shaded rows are not considered LR-UPG people groups by Joshua Project. Luke 10:2, Jesus told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Therefore, let's pray daily for South Asia's people groups & LR-UPGs! Introduction Page ii UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUPS IN SOUTH ASIA Mission leaders with Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE) meeting in Chicago in 1982 developed this official definition of a PEOPLE GROUP: “a significantly large ethnic / sociological grouping of individuals who perceive themselves to have a common affinity to one another [on the basis of ethnicity, language, tribe, caste, class, religion, occupation, location, or a combination].