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5-22-1910 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-22-1910 Journal Publishing Company

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B) .Mail, Met Month; Single Copies, 5 cents. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, oil IN! I91D. 'THIRTY-SECON- D YEAR. Vol. CXXVL No. 52. Ilv Carrier, till conte a Month.

fui unnor i me I An rega nearly loo,0( 1 acres have been out of nt CIRCUS CFtOWD TRAGIC DEATH RUSSIAN JEWS Mnnwstorm In Oklahoma, PROTEST FROM STEAL thrown v SCENTS tlonal toréete In Oregon, and sildi Paul's Valley, Ok la., May 21 1 to the unreserved public it,, main proclamation of the president. t OF SAN BA.LINGER-PINCHO- T RAS NARROW OF AGED MAN EXILED FROM PRESBYTERIAN N SALE HEARING COS" S15.0Í RE ELECTRICAL STORM IN OKLAHOMA . May 11. Less than $ ... I 080 has been spent by the Bnlllnger- - ASSEMBLY LANDS Pinchot committee In Invest! gating j ESCAPE IN DENVER ROMES JOSE , the Interior departmeni and the rar- eli ti leal dial urbuncea, h t est service, The cost of printing the and ,t in isrthg ii ii storms ri'i.,1 ?Te record of the case duos not come out ' font over tin- lancer pnrt sotithe ,,f the 115,000 appropriated to detrás i nd noutheaeterti u, i iimn thf expenses ,,l I'oinliii linn tlti' v O LI AT - D A 17 DCDCCPIITlflM Pi legraph and telephone t ARRAIGNMENT FIFTEEN THOUSAND ftinninriiTii, . L onvi iiinv.-- i uitouviii iwii iinvvn in manj pia, es. it SEVERE money expended thteatenlng legions it Ar- 74-- ViPiDi'1"' t RY Y FAR OLD RENEW V kan-s-is- , ADMINISTRATION iloymenl of IN FLAMING 1TNT WIFE: lu'Jn Wishit t. i inndlll al:,! OE TAFT i ngraphers ami th of t ho Llttl" rivers The v per diem ami mile

ot - t Maryland Declar- en and Women iü About to land Her Husbant undreds Families Did n no- iioiii narren oj Covington of LIEUTENANT OWEN AND .adoes that swept away the to Qllc, Built Into Exile; Protest to Pre iwenty-flv- Rich In Phili- An ded by Employes Rcvolvei Stumbles, tfcCarty, s demolía) es that Estate GRIDE GO TO MEXICO' n houses were found today, Pene in, 'wo,,, i physician reported to, ppines Was Given to Sugai Averts Horrible Catastrophe Th he bail dress., ihe wounds Ueuten-an- Not Hurt, Won May Die of Shock. Faction to Those onto it Injured near MeOarty, somt Ti List at L088 Than Cost, El Paso, Tesas, May II. t a Sou! it. a. Owen an, i brl4e, formerly n had their clothes blown .Mrs. Kntii Bryan Leavltt, passed ,0 were seriously injured 'I 1 ' JSHI'SSl gsStlSl MSSeS on i ll Vlr Ht MnmillK .ltinrni laeelal were wrecked t Paoll. I., Mornillt: WlfSl Serial Laaeaa" Wire through here today Into Mexico lt" Mitrniiiit goaraal gaeeltil I r.i.,l viri Bj, Morning loarMl Son :i,i Wirri í I Uorulni .loursiil tn S n Of Mavsvllle remained int., el vtlantlc city, aiuv i. a etrona III. - thrii- wedding tour, with Jajttalcs an itar-nur- a Denver, May M. Charles May 81. An uxraign- Schenectady, N. v.. May 21. protest agalngl the Jeffries-Johnso- n Washington, their destliuttlon, i, eats "i and Bailey's Hik Top," the main tight scheduled lo he bold in sao oi Im'nlttratlon's 1 1 meal i ma not t and ,,1 illegally without the pale has francisco, t. tciinred tie closing ,! phllil'P'ne " anda the tent uto ctfeue. caught Ore here ol a linllel Juh ,11. iiiulH Horn tl 'feCti .'. i actually begun, thousands of them FOR hours of today' session of the Pres today from a cigar stump and burned due the accidental dla BITTER BLOW th.-i-i mi wound an general assembly hero. n n archipelago, Hie ol Covington SEEKS ESTATE OE llko an overturned ho! air hallo, in. ei' in hands calling OK Governor James , today " Mr. tlon ,he house his wife, whii is 7 4. Co,, per was pre- cities Where thej are residing within prevent - fifteen thousand people who tilled the M. Glllett of California to th. ,.- Maryland. for a Journey and his wife K. i paring a month. To the edict banishing flghi was hy the Rev. He I'vi'iyin.iy knew thai tiii seats to overflowing filed out hiio While doing s,. ltd iotreducsd controlled Standard was packing his grin, I from Kiev has been added an OF SPAIN I.. Forbes at Heat tie, Wash., and was Rockefellers the school children at drill. a revolver Iviim families QUEEN ' :,Ml1 Oelds she happened to find referred to the committee on bills and on company MISER smelted and a with tin order expelling the Jews frofn Knrsk. r. u omcyors controlled the ECCENTRIC Spectators first ioioke in bureau drawer, and overtures. Th" resoliiilon reads that th" discovering tiro, began to puggeatton that he had bet- Tula. Taint, ,,v. Kharouv. Yakal, rin M. QlileU, Sacru-ii- i, Hit gar quickly the norhans 'Governor Jarnos un u ueuniug Linuimai it, coats. The blase workings for her. iii ... denounced us '( looked" beat with their ter explain its slav and other eities The number Of 'in,,. Cal; leaped above heads and the i ase she should have us,- for Ii In looking t you "cünnl&K ertnilnatity their who t,, expelled tHlV ii,, whole world is ith effort to conquer 1 came from the cir- his alisein e. Mrs. Cooper approai bed famines ai,, i. from PaClfiO in ""' country." to redeem your state the Servant Giil Who Gave Him cus employes Who began tear out her husliiinil with the Revolver In ber these latter placjtg ranges from five tst, the whole diked States, front charged "tin the governmenl or ef- i on. ' B&.OOfl lume patches canvnss. Their hand. As she was croSslnn the room to iii, disgrnru iiie apprpauhlrtg fight ,,ld tii, "megnifieent estate of i met with no bettor success fot on a an, I' ll for- of those whe are ordored i Run Jose estate .in the Food Twenty Years Ago Files forts she tripped rut Numbers ot tr between Jeffries and Johnson will of tin' fire, upward, soon worked expelled M. Kried-- I OU Off gen- - the eating ward. Her finger pressed the trig have telegraphed fasten apon you and tl,p suite ublous inl n an attorney way peak. man. - Crude Will for Probate; Re- Its to the topmost jrer of the un. which happened to be the Jew ish member of ihe dum;i. represent as well us Uto country ot i nne-thtr- o tiii- price the women in Fam lands Energetic men and cool loaded, and it was) discharged. The to secure a suspension 01 tjte ofdst v Inch you are a purl. pnld nt Ihe time the by employes, assumed ,,r a - lativos Protest, the crowd aided bullet penetrated ihe abdomen of at an) rate longer delay In the "Virtue, ami patriotism de- 11 tin- deoeaes pre i '!;,. over it tii mur. orderly ., direction of the audience and Cooper, and he fell mortally wound oriler of expulsion, so thai they iiini mand that '.on save your slate and Ho referred the aetitvty in the il I U i liles were s,,,,u moving Steadily from ,,l. Cooper was placed In an aiito-ni,- , arrange their affairs. M. Friedman ia.t sacred birthday from the ..1 tin- ,'irm of Strong c Cadwal-de- i our nation's the exits. When a woman fainted or l,il,' hastily driven to a h,,s- - transmitted the roques! to Premier Madrid, Mm V Ou il,,- brutality of ,,1 Yntk of which Kenrs MitrninR ifosreal SuiíhI I f.ihd Wirp and illih. vulaarltv and Saw 0 a child shrieked, shouts ,,r reassur- I'ki Stolyplh, who told him that he COUld m - presiden a hi',ih,i' was May 21. Beeklng in- - WMdellvared stlH'bnr ihn Evnnsvllle, Ind., ance rose and Strong arms were t not law interfere, as the wis clear - - t M; Th" $i,i In,-- i advised M. "' fiinc.i-tlo- -- his Ile Friedman, however to V"1"- morality, reaped Henry W. Tart was r. memoei s,e Their mintatratloni ," a "The and McMurren, an miser. unavailing, howevwr, Mrs. appeal to the .senate In individual eases loutcom, t" pret and Hobday ,,i the youth of the that firm ut the timo." Interjected eccentric geoouohmeni which howevsii d int; in hovél is prostrated and it is feared si where the doubt existed as to th ;.,i,,i appeal to you to Mop this con- Martin, was foutld his I I .Mi. die the shock. legality of expulsion ami in particu- jutherwfse natural. The body law is your and replied Mi. Covington, "and of Mrs. from without ceremony In th test The in hands "fee," here the first tliis ii'.ir larly distressing burled ill,- nubile a, huge lias a right lo ss 11 under this couuellshlp that the pantheon o tin- Ssourbtl ntoiutsl pi ii,- fanntin "i V'lnoennes, Ind. i i t i: Bi'KiivO H is reported that iii Yekaterino-- I pi Cl vol, to execute it." destroyed and wrecked nit rs mi When ol her loss (be I Fiijjnr trust l I TEXT Slav province ar,- five told op- Independen! concern, the Penn- Mil It RAIN M there families wept bitter!) King Alfon Is Members of the assembly who thin May 21. Five who have boen residing slncn Hi,- right attempt sylvania Sugar Heflnlns company." i' Pittsburg, thousand TAFT LIFE MEMBER there Uondon, whore he attended yes pose proposed win ai- - persons yaw Oscar LeHoy, of Percy, llgt, and who. when they assorted appeal duplicated to Pros-,,- i. Mr. Covington stamped tin. "sugar wrapping paper ami which she I nner,, II e. n s un to have the fall two they were legally re the fed-,1- :, injrlijlously corrupt leges was written by McMurren over Okla., an aeronaut, thousand that entitled to King Bid in Tafl uní with a request tor trust" methods as Ihe today at Ellwood, main, were that they would late Ward. holding tight Its ting "desper- twenty years ago. feet through air informed The nasi lew weeks had bftCI mi. rieren, ,' in the and domina factors here, ami es, ape with his l o sent nut under guard Ilka ordinary on il,. of July, when the mai- ately criminal." McMurren, in the role of a tramp. Pa near trying for her ni inrtv Early Fourth only Injury being a b iken unless they left Immcidlat ' Monday. r.u'eirod t" wbift he described she ile, !ar,s. appeared at tile home ufe. his OF SUNDAY S L prisoners present month the approach ler Mini", up lie ' Vin- - ley.' UeRoy bad made a balloon ly. There has been no forcible ex- - 1, .1 Willis Baer of California us days dlscrepanc) in the where she was employed near confinement was'noted bj Ihe thirteen hut his parachute, soaked With pulsions reported from Kiev and report received from tin-P- i ,1.110 attorney general's opinion c, nines. She save him some brea, ii" physicians ,,,,,i twice Aurlng th presented of the t open the aer,,-nau- t ut ,! and eot f, e. hut this angered her em- - rain, relUsed until general measures for the expulsion that lollow. d the lifflcl IN ot th' rat ion im, ot San francisco, in i ar,- New-- 1 had almost reaoHad th" around. .lews from contemplated i which opinion Horn Nathan ployer ami he dun,- McMurren from: - were summoned iiniici the impression a" while'aii a mpany- so v ai . of An liotii later ASSOCIATION tar as ascertainable. . Callfornls lawyer, to the effect tut 01 ,1111,0 n. the place. He went In Ihe home thai the birth was Imminent, while vanee irai un.'. ing perlormanoe was in progress i I Mrs. anil asking for: circus hat th, present California. laws Hi,, sale of tha lands was perm lanilla Crant. iii,- sei lion of seats aper. w rote the following will, says grand stand would warrant police "i state offi- II,. sai,! It raí evident thai the "s carrying ii w women ami TAFT AND ROOSEVELT MAY t, fight. 1st" would not have pejrun o) Mrs, Honniiii. WhO was then Miss; cer ' the tr children, Then the t,ui fell overhe Acooriling to custom Premier ii,, i bin! of the movement In ti.ina in advance i the dSlnlon Maíllo Drain: struggling people, hut while many DEDICATE NEW BRIDGE the assurn "I ,1,, this (Je.j will Maule Herain. Roosevelt, William J, Canaleja Monies bore th bods t o. the Key. Dr, William H. Roberta llil unless it bad iron rind hysterica none iieouoi a, a Riri, gave a were thrown Into a room adjoining the queen's cham- ,,f Philadelphia from one of ids ii would "get tim ii,o,i pir servant whb me flra de- li.-i- serious Injury. The by the of Mr. MoKlnlaS of California KOOd lit,- t., eat. Was weak Bryan md Kins George Also ber for the official Inspection stated clerk ami treasurer lei I partment and circus attaches rescued tn,- ,,f 11 ready drop. an Aini iiio, Tex.. May 21. !l was of royal family and eour! Mir assomMy, rami in report bp ing it was a rcmiM kn'r ut mm honcer and near to w at,r-s,"- a k - members th those burleil henc.yh the ñff lanhottnced (he ne who had wilting i ho unís ami overtures committee. linn to say the r.ijtg'iiT com hy vi mill lb,- old inan she was Working for was ennvae. 'spii'itñic here Tfuhctionaries hen , ed teritatlonal brldgt litwoen drowns-RI- 1 I It was mated In report that 13L' six thousand iiillra to inch ursing her and ordetina her out ol' here. tills É Conor Wt'ie There v'"r. To., and Matamoras, Méx., will The a reset I he I irsl insta nee ol a Presbyterians had voted for a lands. TABLOID ARMY RATION be formal))' onened Juiv and 32. 'still birth in the Spanish royal fam- - While l"t; had voted against I ttoossveit, i ll Queen death shall lie In is. President Tait. Colonel Ilv although a lid of Isabella .my attempt m force Or. Roberts to i 101 r i w REAL FOOD 'resident Dins, Governor Campbell of 111. lived onlv resign of his positions. PAPER TRUST EMPLOYES Mrs, Irani and another itn GIVES WAY TO 1 either (B Jniiriini SxctM wirf pexas, - t tiie document ar,- dead. M.oninr taH and the governor ol TamaulH- he lust ra wa el TWents seven Presbyteries had not crude lungi in, .vi," i . WAGES i ." riemiii'i PBS, Méx.. have hoen invited att'lld. Onsen Victor!, ot, d, the report said. r. GAIN INCREASED Murr.'n's relatives will contest Tall. Mis. Tall, Colonel Theodori leged will. Washington, May Th tloosevelt, King Qeoiife of Knah nd Docilites to Talk, IS taken I, menu hermetically sealed packag Plosidellt 0UU ol Mexi, o am! Wllliatr Larimer - little Chicago. May 21, United Btates Dr. Roberts iiim- New V"ik. May 21- .- Ml the si stowed away in the corner of the .i. Bryan w re n tide Ufa tnembej s ol he resigns the im; employes of ntematli ra- Sim d, School Asum ía Senator William Lorlmer left here late the haversaek labelled "emergency the World's today Washington, D, ' SISTER OF CHARITY ornee oi treasu Ills opponents IS Papet company win to w ANOTHER GRAFTER supposed i n t i,,n I, Ml for Senator return tions" which was to furnish tlon he cm vent hete to ,,r claim t hat t he ding ,,i the two .' borlmer refused affirm deny the Monday morning; under the t"irm .sustenance the high private In Ihe a mid scenes oY grea i end ia s for re on be would a state-mfli- sberts too much un inin today or days. Is to ho l'",ii each I' those so h that nula "treemeni entele, ranks for two three "ti the floor of the senate early offfoei's of compans j II secretary of war ap- - had to he SUOSCI Ha ,1. Ihe the dropped. the ,i. tht weék, and then ask an Investi- and officers of the Pulp Makers and proves a of the )n- - A delegate from i !ana recommendation ' gation by thai hiiy oi the bribers IN COURT AS us resolutions embodied PLEAOS GUILTY board, In Its place h i, Panel Mckcts' unions. fantrv equipment eni sic 'm. chars, is .nade concerning his election. rt ,,l the committee on. an f six "I M The men receive advance will bo what is called the "haversack nomo William iservani , w ere heartily per cent, to 30 Into effect on August composed ot bacon and hard membership and 'a nadi ration" l - Million- - College, peclall) those urging tiie of this yeni a.nd have gained recog- and other food as satisfying to tow arda H,' he si t eave- in - lack Salem, Mass.. .da, By lile v. Ill ut holiday for working- nition of union, one of the main t he eye as to the mnlnlng was ai, il. the IN stomach. ituiu C., y SWINDLER Ihey PITTSBURG I ra-- of Isaac Wvinaa of filed concessions for which fouaht. it may be thai the emergency i Mash. Mts. Tail's nan ;J:" of ssiug with a itnanlmoiiH There will he no more Sunday work. government now proposed het " in the proba."' ourt, bulk tion, of which the and i bis estate, which is estimated ai in. il- Hon to accept Hie repon Used p ,1 has L'titi.too In stock, will be lee" omptlj' made III'. ly íin.Oiiti.tMili, is lef! lo Ihe graduate st, CURTIS NEW again in timo of war or In the "hikes." When Roosevel! wai m a Mi are. TRIE$0UT effecl wus almos! n school of Prlnceinn university Savings Bank Secretary Who memorial of Mr. Wyman's lasting af- French Religious Who Handled ol tin Lord's Das Alliance DESIGN OF AEROPLANE phi-- ' eg it for his if Cana, I: made an address praising toll fection, as the will alma mater. Millions nahlo to Account! he string ni immendstloaa of the SURRENDER I declaring that Ihe Sub- sSlEXPECT The chair limited I'liioun for Tiifl, $800,000; Pro- -' observed In the United amnion, is;. on. X. V.. rr of tler Bft'ch In the Roosevelt. ,a Mi i in anv other country, oven Olenn 11. Cut tier made a wlili bats and baskets went down the of Wrong. , OF once forty minutes today, cl os With S250 Fine, aisles and returned with a. stack ,,f VETERANS 1898 northern en4 ake Kenl OF RAMA lank notes hi, ore Hie hall bad hoen s. ii i : v PHKSBYTliRI s tin., - p lili lime- and alighting half covered. i lu-- !; or lly VI., mint .1., tu nal su.'.i,.l I .l Wirl nt i" ni mi the sutface the lake fn.v iimning .teiirn.ii Hsselal i ssesd Wlssl A youthful orator with raven hall , Lewlsburg, w. Vs., May 11, After safety, ills aoropluñe re tile He- Pari-- May 81.- Sister Candida, til" Pittsburg, May II. Jamos M. An- got attention of ehaii. finan- two days of argument the general ea,tttlibrluni and was tovi "I tit lo put in charity worker, whose involved derson, formerly confidential secretar', wit nomination CHOOSEJRIEF to of oi the soui horn Presbyterian iniiti lured. M.s i ol people." cial affairs led the sabido to winter, president of 'the of Nicáraguan Revolt mat, hi, in: Ihe be Hetit, secre- chinch toda) agreed upon a thorough I'uttivs has erjitipp, d Etnll eader cried, "William Jennings llrvan ,,! h. r associate, Dr, Leon ,, Worklngmon'a Savings Bank and Trusi tary oí the Oeuvre Ormesson, .reorganization the church work, nieilel with water tlgh Nebraska." (eneral designed to put It on a business basis. Iw company, who pleaded nolle contendré Receives Word From General , hie foundation, appeared he- ttlents a ml Ihe marine whlc The necessary ni was pledged ha rila of tile Special , in Ihe graft cases, was lined Com- The recommendation 's now rylnu ar, lirs't ver recent j General Elected lor,- an examining magistrate today i't oat i,v I!. s. quickly Duffield committee on waa 1 (ISO and co.sis Judge FYaser Mena That the Government of wrong- attempted, Aviators led The nomination of persons of lew and protested her Innocence slight inin this, today. .Anderson Was alleged lo have mander of Naval and Military doing. She was. howowr, unable to adopted with amendments, watei before hooks by cutting Stronghold 101 renown continued until flfi,ttO0 had The greal Changes are grouped mutilated the hank's n state of her des ten, been pledged for mis-io- work explain the complicated consolidation from tiie ledger pages that were SUP in Ses- I (ho char- under three heads, the A of 800, accompanied lo Order of Spanish Wat accounts. The ks of pOSed to contain the records of the choir which the woman o, executive couimuice or uoaiio. TO probably ",tnn or more delégalos, itable Institutions Standing enm- - SOCIALISTS OPPOSED ejty depository ordinance transaction, itv Wonting Jsawisl gwselsl bested Wlrsl sion in New York. managed showed receipts of aboul Hie conversion of the B presi- marched to the capítol grounds and , Counsel lor lir. i'. Illessing. of sai'.-101- mlttee on systomatlc rolence Into id Blueflelds Nicaragua, May II. I, ngcl along the steps while a praise 11.000,000 and a tola! déficit ELIMINATION OF PARTIES dent oi the common council, convic! Many personage :: permanent committee with enlarged a ,,, 'Have city completely surrounded and service was held in the open air prominent ., system ol bribery yesterday, filed moti gave to Sist, r Candid" for the support powers, ami new of gather for4 a new trial today, alleging 'ha' cut off from ammunition ami provis- Many employes of the building slop- III. rae! Igelis! l.sassl Uteri ing Iliads for assembly work. -- Of in ilic interests of was against the eVldotlcn ions, Expect surrender at any lime. ped their work lo g it and join in V May 21. Henry M he Charities es May a vote of 4 the verdlc! She devoted many years. Hereafter the live committees Chicago, II. Judge Thomas J. Kord. in This was tiie message that came to tiie singing oi hymns, btji there was Duffield of Michigan was elected whleh has will he on foreign missions, to IT the National So- and that Sh, was formerly a superior of Ihe those delegates l" to the Jury, presented 'general Juan Estrada, leader of the a bail same ,,n and there were few nmander-in-chl- ef of the naval and missions, to- his chartfe i home ministerial education congress m ,.r,i, ,.r St Anne. Nuns, but the cialistic here determined testimony in a manner that would tend insurgent fores, from Qeneral senators or representativa! there, military order ol Spanish-A- erloan ami relief and publication and Sab- day voting un- that sho left to refrain from where to support conviction. Mena today. The Estrada lores, war veterans at a session of the na church authorities SJ bath schools The committees on co- heir been elim- - some time ago. party nominees have District Attorney William A. Bltlke- der Mona, according lo the plan whii h tlonal comm. in, b ry lure today. the order lon, work and on schools and eol-- e inated at the primaries through the ley today from New ork ihad been decided upon, executed their delegations the Rl w put form ol returned The from am Miners on Strike. l wer, dissolved and under "aeration of the commission and announced that application wWld first move yesterdav afternoon at Ra- Mayor Proclaims York commander) had been Instruct home missions and ministerial educa- municipal government. I i Webb City, M".. Mas IL Seven be made to Hie supreme court of the ng. Dene Kg Almena allowei General i i,, vote f,,r Colonel Theodore tion and relie! respectively. today, lied non-uni- miners employed The congress adjourned late to have the ease of Chavarlas of the Madris fores (, Roossvei! and several months ago tic bun. Iii regard to collection. the after a report had I n re- that, il upon a Memorial Day at the Province. Biectrteai ami wnui. majority Frank N. HoffStOl adVanoed so close Rama, when be moved ' o mm., mlci'y ask, d Colonel T. W, up- churches are urged tn adopt -- ceived, parts had en (small in a I" Dog zin' wines here, struck todas the stating that the ma.v he argued within the uei body of bis forces felnl Draper of California, who is line In- ,! budget system is to s. on the refusal of Ihe compnin lo ell i'ntll this either the right nor the desire of in October. Hoffi i attacjf Chavaría s lore, At the sum.' aOd Il ,;.,n, existing days, instead Holiday abroad, to meet Ml'. Itooscvelt wage s. ale to figures will. ihe churches win take up only Interfere in any Controversy ot Moneado, at head of a crease the I . appealed from the ruling Judjre time (eneral the ask him if lie would accept. N pi eight "lie, :, year ass. Within th,- a obtained before the decreased lions lor 'mid. labor movement. Midi ill New ITOTk, who ruled that he the Insurgent detachment made forc- word lias boon received from elthei p. BuCys, a ore forced a ten r cent reduction work. Instead of nineteen. t'r .m justice. from Muelle de di- 1 Mr, was a fugitive ed march i be preameni ni in lilted SUlt, Colonel Draper or Boose veil and I'ri'-i- di ul stance miles west ot Kama and gnu Warrant hir Itank of forty of i a. territory of ihe letter's name Boi 11. x s and the governor therefore "SN0WVBL()C"kS VIOLENI DEMONSTRATION Belllnchasa, Wash.. Ma crop-- Damaged in RasMas. attacked r'ha varia ammunition and CS brought as a candidal, Il HEAVY s Now Mexico In tht 't r sped ivo forward .,, i today for the ar- May -- a severo provision "ar, issued Topeka. Kan.. train. ities. nave designated and appointed was staled, however, lhat he would IN res! ... Watty, president county. Kansas, t might The entire train with V'MUuift rounds ,,'111 RftAflR IN ('OI ORADO FRENCLf OPERA H0PSE h j. former Storm in Cla May II, 1 8, as Mem trial Day, be asked to pi tile ollh'o ol "f the Security Savings bank. to crops, and and a large amount ,,i nder-In-chi- Homo did much damage trees ammunition n tlon destt ma ef of the naval enctmp exam-ine- r - Commending this and Which was closed by state provisions were captured and t'hav- i ain lep-ten- t I demon-stratio- n the outbuildings. lag thai the propi i peel ;,nd honor ni. ni i,, bald in Denver Puis, Mas -- A violent is charged with down an,! the aria's supplies were cut off. QettersJ '. x v March 31. He Telegraph wires are w patt ber I, and next. ,i. heavy ih, opening perform- Is not known. now a position facing be skown thoe hose lotlsm .ind Trinidad marked MBbesxllng Jlli.onn June 4. lü"7 full extent "I the dumag'' Chavarla holds re- Mr. Roosevelt's name recelicd men ceil t i,ad traffic ance ol ih. Metropolitan opera com- - sev- Mens at love ot country Itnpellou them to snow tail has del., Welt has been missing lor Kama, with General his front spcc. ii inaking tonight, i telegraph the Cha tele! tonight. at Ihe rear. spond to tiie call to arms anal go forth tlon in the land threatens telephone pan) ai theater eral months mid there Is a reward GIRL and General Moneado New comma nd-- - se, Hon storm Thi i m up- SHOOTS DOWN los-- to light for those pi t no! pie which Minn lb. York laervl. e in thl- rio demonstration same c the f General Mena reports his s In the i i9t for his apprehension. I Iii ; th, national com- per nailer) is supposed t.. have feint attack as Small. they believed to be and belb i tve dinner to lias nrevallfd sine. and THEN TRIES SUICIDE ing that the higher, ihlef dggles "t ma,,,!, n Real Admiral Purn'll Inches oi - reported In th" i "i.e.! ih. displeasure o the people NEW MEXICO OPEN reí ogni- - Harrington (retired), the instmns Stonewall I nr s..o. over lb. failure ol (be company Ut re- LANDS linn, oi- - Directos Ii, citizenship demand roiier mountains. Hon ,,f ise bj one peo- tcr. nd, ,,t a day on which hi showed malting rnpidls and the moisture engage two ifreaoh singers. New York, May 21. rues-sag- a tins worth: - - - FOR LARGER HOMESTEADS Prívale ple. the then prcsub nt throogb th V"i mean asamla of dollars to farm- Th.- opera was Alda" and the sing- Den vi Mi received her,- tonight state Lhal . -- ! in era to against a - Now, therefor, Pells H. Lesser, folk now vald-- He was ki rs and stockmen in this section wen nip, llcl battle iMMknkl. tmtai shootinc Ol Hllcl Pll- Hans Richter, one ol the groiiost stock. ,.i hisses. Kinallv. m.,. mi- th, Aibaouerque, pleased with a nea Dreadnougb:. prospective crops and tor storm erics and In room here is ol ot citj "i - ter. II vears old. her Wagnerian conductors serloiml;, I re.,.- iw however, died Ogl and the oera. formerly of Chi- New Mexico, do hereby proclaim and remarked." said Iba d this Washington. May 1 Ti mporary tonight, Harry Pike, ia London, I IWT proceeded without It pt i, ,n. the declare Monday, Mes " s holi- mlral. that it w, liad had shl s ike nlll ocrrii withdrawals from the public domain cago, who was in the room at Itla. wmild lia.e Washington, May ji n, a Mex- rj Kaiser-ho- f day thioiighoui th, ty. and WOUld thru in HS7, Ibero noi tor power by Seero-Is- rapidly to the TohSJd'O Millionaire tii, Ucil. m south- , . siles were made tim,. emitted w a i w Spain Sunday, cooler Mine Wage nlo gl'i inciil in lobh N. May 21. "mi- camestlv request that nil business be. n any Ith ico. I'm r.'ihnger todnv ,,i approximately hotel, and. standing the Durham. C, The r all light, admiral.' replied east portion Mon. I. iv lair, warmer Saginaw, Mlh.. Mas "i. After " vic- N. Duke, nd labor be Suspended for that day. ThafS . 410 acres along the John lay river shot himself in the head. Both llion of Ibniamin suffering but if had not Arhtofla Pall" Sunday and Mon- three w.eks' conference total agree- In r. r. hos-idta- l. and that 'II person who can. the president, there Oregon; . 4 7 along were to county with a persistent fever ranging about was on a scale today. acres the tims taken the be, i, war with Spain I sin .old not day. ment reached Wind a, res Whs It Is Said both will Mil degrees, so alarmed bis local phy-s.oia- n in appropriate natrtotle and ,ni river in Wyoming: x.r.i'n r r.itgloiiH hose in have b. en president.' " West Texas pair in West; show The mines will resume Monday after sloag is said to be liv- today, a specialist fron sc: end lhat 1 th, price in ITtah ami divorced wife thai s I . r In and east being Shut down race pril Mid mil- charge servl-e- f,,t the dpy Brigadier Qeaetml Wnlt.i Howe. ers and nob north acres ilong ivr in Colo- ing in Chicago. His two yonnn sons Now York was v ir"U to attend tin- of sveh Monday will .luring w-- ek Use Hlue river be given needed nsslstanre. S. A., command, r Of the department portions Sunday; fair. ethers follón ihe rado. A I New girl is sua i" lionaire HlS son. Annus! Duke, also eer ",,,' h will g,. back to work, out "T.3f!0 aires in here. The Hitter II east, won liberal applause Wgisaei in noilli and went pot lions. v in, Mexico vor deaiennteit for Settle come from Laramie. Wj'o, s imnioin d to Durham. PKl.l.X l.DSTKi:. M,y,,r of th. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. MAY 22. 1910.

D NO EXCUSE FOR UGLY FACES SOLDIER MISSING ATTEN REAPS RICH 110 YEARS THE LIMIT Hoi it inscripta of death. Fiifiafionmnl Ci .. 111,, I, he-- . I : I use- - Mill Pimples Milk wyHviiivm t,Ai dorainary He Ouh'kl Bgiiialiexl. LIKEWISE ELEVEN HARVES FROM OFLONGEVÍTYSAYS ELKS' THEATER8

n .'mi of th- land fton Ih vealths ii rut anrtte ,,l ii i i. it I IIT0USAND aahlngtotl, ,i - CORNER CENSUS BUREAU il'Krn- tin fxr :i greal mri of iinl containing, in gf ONE NIGHT ONLY r.imlli .f th find rcf. in ;i I." iiii'si-n- day, ther un in il in- detected on i h. prim Ipal argument rtlplete of daj lime. Th actual immftti fgvhr birth in "f Ih in i . gai d ilii' jrillg inTOl Ii ai e,n í dents ití made by tb lnf i ml H Ithoul iin oiivonl, Monday, May 23 Veteen Mus Speculator Books Order Incicdibio Repoits of Pcrsoi '1 ra ii nut. as rule. In- pn ring restored i" Us mili rejected in rgltratlnn i AugUKtg Coui . p. ifty thousand Bales of llw. i to Greater Age Inacct II 'i .t III. II s 'l iiniloi.ll am .hi in' had "i i ii. .vans' , D. . . majority of : sos. hill ii" hnndlei purd drugs, Narran, Wliii h ntl - hi Nets About- rate and Unproven Accordir i i r. in tin- permvn l i,. Prigff 'V ni rtc-- l Hi' in, chili a In n ol i K'lft) north K.'.OOO. to fvlni tality Report, rep' Erirtered III the i, !.-- ' fur i Ih minor St. Elmo HtM lm Jti.B:.l) Drama ti.ed by Myron i,-- i u it POISONED COFFEE Mill. nnl ni Ml WMIVVI UUUh rl(y in .lit ll . n, 'I Rtrfctlj i, in la old nui', v ii h impnltd ii iiirlnu ii oí ine uecado. SERVED TO t'i,'ss I. Wltbl li .I it pocudblp unintentional a lii. is s.i, in hovi io iin- - wory or a -- i i it.n-i- i w irimnnh reign 1,11111,11 ii In, luivi ii ha iv ha rd a ml I I ii st-,- il in- - I i Itlini.i'tifd Soul, I." to l un low in III, ii actually xpctnrd rr, delivery in a yi ar. Ma ny ll lh:H l Ik- K lower 'l Icon is . I a: duu.1 in temitil i,, ihe v 4,. received are iherolj addreMi file i ill pioilui linn ,, (j , BOARDERS rear pftci ilia ilth iin- potoffio deprtmnt. To plu .M I i. l e lt"i- t I imon' no- of opnlnR 'ii,' rea-dlti- mis- tmdict i Inim to excearlvi an in "parlv directed is a paw iiini ii in under, y. n ml with I In- a, II kin.v ork oi iin- malting seel ion. ii Prices. 1 - 50c. 75c SI .00 ! ('iinl I'l'iin nina cy ",' mail'- ai-,- ,elsoll s a private posioi in throuith ,01111. i for It. Hi- - PAYNE TARIFF BEST You Have

FOR ULTIMATE M M, t II .1 I sed W '"I io W. Copper. p LOMMORI BOTTLING CO; Be i i Pi s uhl letled ml mlRhl lie ir a anmiiJ r,'uis(- Hon tenor handling and copy CONSUMER uting ttotiif) i Controllera of iia, famoni I - i. Hi., i. ith Massai-hii-.-ll- a Vlnlly record o 'il'till,-- ),l I u It It ll- - hettnr le and rnaj ,'P S.WKIA MINKHAI. WATKll lot- an, I u i --' i i i - expena t. t li "i William eiivettiea. proper methoii letalls the otitia.- for poataite Usa bottler of dr Hiving iin- extreme limit of in ii'hil ,li,',l in I hone 1 part me ill itltd son inllul i - death enfene'leñ ah Kinds oi KtKlai nl.i I IF 111 ilnlli II-- iiif- - more frequently b nttntnet III W'illiui ilaies llli'l Hired of lettem mi pulgOtt nvn i ,ir-S- ni, I lli: i rletnllglwl to fioons hv. in: "" partf unknot, n. RUSBAND ESSENTIAL after in.. n.i jrenertittont ih denlranle thel slrnlli'r ilch mual be returned Bouteli "j Illinois Char teriz s ra- -. r,- os. i lies should ha Hlinwcil llnil poison of huitumtt) miffht pei "lei'ti in all teltmition tejfli here , , a iii'proxlmate i., r l ip H Urn re I ill ,1 i,-- . ,1 ihis limit. ai asi Internen! present aw Must Suo j in llir i , s. Ice ii as I, I'he unes "it (how tha xhould n ih!,' the rtUm her nfi ri doe 'ding ,,ii.i,. Tu"., la i 10 very i 11 1 ."ii,l ov , t T For m h routi-- i,i Pour hoard-- . lime tha rttoal in Is cell inn iettn " ni cessful Revenué Producei S IN FAMILY illlil,- r, ilu- t deelaiona of r i:. ,. mem-.i- , 'loits. moil di and ii,,, letm-iiiy- tit! Hi,, i .i, family. mngl unerittt'g la.vmenta and ism.1 'ricei 'n '! I

-- i.r. i,l I gMif M lrr :'i from ilia

Should peeeh ii, which in- defended and da effect. laterminn. froiti Hi ry is ahrtwn by the lust rtoed th itfrpi-- i , i the i,ii i, i, rn in. i, ,,r ih,. uncertain leatha regiaN'red, ii report During the s e r n s JtM! mt I HlMM iitl I i ir i'iw i,., ni the standpoint "f la i'tl hdleldunl tatémenla il of human life. l out of Un- 41.000 in unir . i AT ultimate ,.1,1-- in, .,i in KMld, COMMENCEMENT rea til i ha ..1,1, si aervlce the total dismissals I , ., ti i, .I l In I'M n, I .1. i , ottli- KB. leaa If il l. i, i,,' 'Ml fill - is ted, Tin- iVere ihaii 1,1- , Hi th ni tin ,i ,,ilii' r Hi, v 'ah rtg in-- known ; ii number ,,f deaths. ,i i Charlth'i hm1 (VrrHitlalw Hi,- muiiirt hnd and imd tin ii in Ihe country'," n CANNON h reaaona for dtamiaaala I'l l - XT TH i i i iit Th-- QUALIFIES ill n .m Till TMH toll totllffhl, ' I fa Imynettlon nl Hildltlmnil tiirtff or THE the ; CRT 'id I. Hi i. i netpally Incompetence and ,1 MILITARY eat a to our I, Ihi'rrii,' i! un riXlvtltlK lnil'l ii"l i tt'Jl lllllli'H Rfui mus office liiinacrlp Obey instruí lions. N'o dlaml tributa i, .1,1,1 i r - -- i, ni,, muí nli. i" tin. pi iiii- urned in ih. i i, rei atever for gtettllng from the i tirity is the amount w 'I were, Jlnev. rhotva Hi i i other dishonesty on the I", ople wouldn1 contim 'Thr i r .'l,i ,l nkrv,'' AS EXPERT UPON s. Th is condition of affairs t t his Palien da after ib ,i,' niciurrd i" llr. U"!iti ll .ii "vvitlK-ni- t INSTITUTE I., the falthfulnegg and li"i iin Klitck np, ,,r ,ti, unleiu tryln Hie men employed In tin- "i THE JIMMY Rings on Their Fingers.

oswell Yest plttaburg huiiiiii-- tvho have been sui SETTLEMENT WITH jet ie,i by their vyivea lo an antiflii ÍPI0NEER BAKER , taoelety i a I isfa or . Rttttemi ,i,: ÉlRhteen women hav in jUkrl "I Unir living In entered Into mi ftlllanee, they hope I b i in- i i t ,,i er General Hitchcock nation-wid- e, i.i in thlr nlrgei-ve- a thai Intake ta have all huhbli 207 Street lhh I wettr plain rlnjs on their fima rs South First OF o'Mii- ,,!' ilia llln u y Exposition of Gentle Ail at HEIRS FIRST khuuld nli,, miirrjr, Mid li s ..lif e. I'nttl him io Huaeeptible Klrls that they ar I nWwHM l Ih- - II, pi ,,.1 k "I,,-,-- UN,-.- ll already mortgaged property. CI KMMU J. r,wl t, i i "inl aeriev V'olun 3 Billion S' h III,- Mild, "f iríaiy Letters copraei the aggeveratlon is made b I!,, mu II. .V . M.,v ;' i',,n,. lllle ,,f l.otiliel lí I L. B. PUTNEY .1 II. , UHlt ench dame I Ml nl ,1 lie MftXl' " M Ii of the that her auabnnd ii" .m H In- KSTABI.ISlltiD 1S7S. lm liiKlltiii,- Ixi ii ii flirt. "How could he with me a PRESIDEN IT npnd lliif Pis wife'.'" But, nevcrt bolean, Whoie.a i.- - (iroccr,, Floor lead A tatirnlhif nitli minr.i miiiiiM Rttd imi,,- - ihe rlni Sitios Agent tor )iiieu-i- i Wua PRESIDENT MAKES Hi JAl ) I HOI i: MAV .Ml MÍ CHANGES IN AREA lunaev itm OF THE GILA FOREST W. L. TRIMBLE & CO. 1 1S v Second si. Uvery, Peed and Sale Ntahlea. II .iVnl.'i lilllttftln.) ,,'iuii nave to be put on to n,,iti ror-v,-- r. luis Turnout ni lienaonable lit - .1, III - els,- iv I would prevent art- lolepllono 8. ud sin rmm .ill ov.i llHl iKtted II I'l'n. ha the North See 1,1 ii hoghand from alipplng ii into his l i"lln w ill dltiK i" thr liiin nittloniil Hon nee.r Ri i i,, mi in by i' eat pocket while in- twirl IPs mus-u'li- i' un ird Inn Inn re, ii elimina tlnn se.i from Mai rs di ml March I. iVij, lX.-Th- e office Inspector John R. Harrlai Irrgislatibly nl Miss Sweet ir sin- III" H, , yi,- never-bee- n ,,i-- in- OrlVI ol Ml. Mitel, oi varletyj M, kfl I, ,1 ,1 ,1 riildltlona in i u i,"- I.I Ir in U uore in." hie atom 11 n i s fH poiniM lm peetor sou m the .i, al Hrunttng that the Iinl" maid frnm M,,v SI ii ni rlouff i c l.iinoiiK ii eoOtftlned in he mili, ll hO e. l Kil, Me Ka-- hooi blink eyeiaati Ml .mil (AUthtlAMI liotill-1,,- . run lo Ih a v.ouhi not mi al i i so-a- : ta, WhO I o!, heil lite 11 man a' wedding rim;, MYSTERY lor Til,'! CWtr ,1 Mar- It II w SHROUDS "It pnatofftce 1 , would in- relieved ,t that moat É si s Interneeted in , I , reverá weeks atto ll mii, !t mst a nl i;i th in eadftll of all hallos. Ihe il m i,i i in mol pai i dmlm ,i 'oo atamna ami currency, malri. in lili linn oí 1" it , ir!, gay i ii ion to eu lit u ring In- liurglai iiiese reformer, lun how i un protection i : nihil, l.iinl rlvr, iivnlfli ni dote i ; : boul Hi., womtui I u I i ha t ennüld Hatrlann and hit aaaoei, i, married flirt? She rtited i" re nor I ho wear her wedding badge upon I CREMATION K .1 I'll! Ill t til io third finger left as sin- fleck her

WHO rS er l"Ve gO W 11 ll e I' i " ,' Tle ' ll Ii'' JliatlCC of Ihe w oil, lina filie b Washim transfer ii evident!) mlaaed by the Un- i ia ndaomcry Hons allium .i si department hd n Plttaburg ladies, who i,:,ve to do y reinul is encagi t their ated rotilnln soiiif prtt) thinking through a imnk) aim,,s-phor- ' p in,.. il" Inter' a- Btirei i Medli In, Tlu-- shoiihi iliaca Hi.- id,- ami rd ring Hi, lent cedar Mhd iai No 'i Itahy in- been themeelvu and ImptNW ii upon Market, M.,,1, .1 ir, I - ii their Third Street Meat ntlmutod i.ll0. ll. l olls "I ,e , , nrtll UHoll hubbiea, for is n,,i thr wedding ring Un- i re, lest, nhtl oo.ii un then ilia! as BJ rnrnecthi rfan'an a Nidge ,,i s, ii, loin, come down from Al t. M is, i iji , AND 811 , , shin under plained io i r Hi t, n ,,r, Is pt i atmnatt general ih. primitive Children I'll, qf fa plain I', .Poo. m les dtatlnguiahed anklet and chain with ME IT, STEAM SAGE i ih.- u.sis the uj which tin- aavage st !le lii report of hit em h Itrlton chained his i i mx límin.iii-d 1 Inatmmenl in the elal oral ni" from, t in- in 1 as helm 01 "itr i" her tack? I.ei Hi, aymbolisni I It,- allowing, to llu- ,,, Si hi in soul h i enl mirplUtr hi: he oompi, i,- ninl the hnaband be made Eberhardt & Co., N. Third Especially hen he In, hum comparatively eagy tu,- forest, ami iin If to wear of servitude. As til M i ,, si (Mf 111 II HIM. nJ is loioiiri Kiirt'n ft lor the egpeti crackairutn i flirting, where is the wire who publlclj would acknowledge thai her bus-han- d Like is t m era 1 not blind to all charm aw- !! hora American. Illli hell Take

IP- It - v . "The loss for ii lite ilepalt- fMALOYS i l I - l Ml-- - I i an end he no much more llti Will III lili. month ment waa retmhoraed hi' the general l I 1 i i birth "Am ll. 177; M a mi married. ill u;i ii in m i, govt Inrpec-i- , I inmeitt in if',i renlled lelilí in ...II spoil, ii If)) iba Sure th) a 'el Single men I BnHaaájvaBUi o Harrison, "r.tnounted i i 1131,- - "Hienl r luted up n hi-- iwns in danger o i I I going craw Post dei Hi IP- Mithpla. , some woman. - I '...St on Trun- - "l ha, i auppoaed that th- - loss w is rript. several hundred thottgnnd FRESh: la given us .,rtli far-- I dollars." anggeated Ho- - a nju gui . oniHtlon as Kinale kci "Why. fheri Toas Ih are mor.- Ihdn CO. 000 (torttvfftcea in Cauliflower. Wax ties ihe and we Hi it h uhl i ("iiitirv. read ol post, fftce I Auction lii ll lile i the Sale Beans. Green Peas. 1 Poatmaater Oenera Hitchcock then "' Mr. l: explained. thmnh the efftcleim .,f n KatUlxiav. Mai Jg, n ,.. Gooseberries. New the povtoffi, iuspe, tori. Hie htieglarg it a. uaualli were e.ipiure.i and in some In. '" ' '" ami from 2 p. ni. i,, S p. Beets. New Turnips. "" ' ' ''' "elt al .111. In, it IP,, follow u New Tomatoes l:r""'t' I'll,, Ml'ihnpe luiggU-4- , " Carrots. Me un. htigglig, i i oin, iiiiu- - piuit - New New I Potatoes. o:i. olnniiiiis -- ni t,. i 3 lutcka. :: luiriii . 1 Cabbage. ,f every tote '" Mngle and terri httmraa aptlwg rajpm, : hi , k Maine i.- Al ,ini. 'ska a torcí in- - Poises. ,, Strawberries. 1,1,11 gn rn) ,jl (o oiel ,.i it,i,., j, u r,.... aaalgned to them. ninl. aiylbun ami gcnih- - hairav thai Loganberries. the mail to tin- ir- - I tv.i-itini- n, funnel 1. drove 01 the niiion $ of'.iooi.uoe a i,, Blackberries. - - s. ,:1, ln.ln. , mail sorrel horar. Theae ,re sp,,.,Hl, Dewberries, Iioi-m-- of ir wagon.. ..,,, i,,-a- . ilii-- sui,- i,::, uiii pake ntae 11 Emt .riin,l , ,' maki itteitno Mr ,n,, -- ,. a hi ! '" business l,, i )lm. ,, "'; 1 all ad am- - Mag ih,- ., Hie Memory Lingers" "i rum ,,,r aart(,( j . il it HI 11,, - A. Maloy ;l j. lor ftUXe sal,- Pm kiaa i" ami i v spit. I the 2U CENTRAL AVE. J. M. SOLLIE, ning Journal Want Ad IO, PHONE 72. id n AUCTIONEER. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. MAY 22, 1910.

of the fourth round w hen I'oW , stopped a right sh Ing albo' Jk. The four rounds JOHNSON ANGRY AI gave prOmfise of Intt : Memsfc icored a cl i lo i he first ihli t) see mils ol u h i nn ? ONLY and drew first hi, '"il B lililí' I. Mir 25 when lie rappiil Pov 11 i.ll tin- - lips CARPING CRITICS t In The World of Sports In ,i. nct three rounds Powell jabbed the local man frequently with hi. I. .ft anil hail th lit,. ml flowing SPECIAL from hi nose. Memsic showed 'lit improvement " boxing nblltt) over For May only we will make his last BlMtlng ni' Powell, They met today ut 1 3D pounds. Fault With FREE service connections for live funs. Detroit us tl thr inciters ods That each of the 25 Gas Ranges inning. DARTMOUTH WINS NEW in this Manage Hi; 11. K JEFFRIES STICKS 10 ENGLAND CHAMPIONSHIP bought from us for $23.00 or BASEBALL TIM rol t :ino 000 100 4 Philadelphia ..010 100 r0x 7 over. Batteries: Stroud, Browning, I Pt Morniiif .Inn n il t atril VflN miii and Btanage; At k in. Coomb Fl SH NG Sin Ifco, i Remember this special offer is Thomas. uls of HOW STAND e, gave Dartmouth the twenty THEY - on 25 ranges only and for May WESTERN LEAGUE in i'v Knsland nihl'"ie chain- pionshlp today bj the narrow margin tins fnucrti- - May all ser- National League. ,,i of n point. It was BQWdoln'a only. After 31st Won. Lost Per Ct. . cm.- close t victor and e .(1411 Ontalia t. Denver i. White Champion Hooks Three fate vice connections will be I'lttHliuri? HI Omaha, May 21. Melter's pitching !.. é K.i i ill th tut Chicáis r' 11 and Welch's timely hit won for Omaha Big Ones Apparently Without ohitl oí Uir two college! ;it the f'n-in- h dltlon charged for at regular rates. H ..'i00 81 l-- V Bow- - Cincinnati today, 4 to 1. helnsr Dartmouth. he III, t lil of criticism, Nnv Yolk Hi 14 ,bts R. Fatigue and Is Able to Walk Score 1. E u Willi, Mierally Under Ranges are offered at regular Philadelphia IS - .520 000 100 100 4 7 0 It points, ii. o to or 18 14 .517 Omaha as been tbklng St. l.ouls Denver 000 001 000 1 4 2 Home, a new lull,- Vftuli mark -- not brought to f prices. Boston 1" ,Í0 Inches. TTw old re it Batteries: Menter and Condlng; until tills afl- - Brooklyn a - .310 6 Inches, by r Hagerman and Weaver. lci mads overed thai Kuerhil tsSSSl Wirel Uurlberl Wesleian. Dartmouth Hie big pavilion wen II Murntnf Journal now doors oi t The Gas Co. American 1. w 11. I 1, - ha Id Des Moines irliita l.iiniunil, i -- Al- d anil Won. Lost. Per Ct. itri Cal. MM till A inherit Des Moines, May 21. in the ,1 boxing, t th tin Phil&del) .stm irnme of the yenr in which "ii Ji gym nasi Y 504 W. Central .692 this morning, he seemed but itttu s Defeats Missouri New to hits were made, Des Moines tic Mn., Mfty t th) has cut .556 1 to 0. back ? Huston Wichita fatigued by the effort and went tOdas Kansas tat, Cnl" promise I letrolt Score 1!. to his afternoon fishing with s ie-- ti ? Clevelam ,481 Des Moines ....000 000 10x 1 rmlned spirit. These conditions Washings Wichita 000 000 000 0 sunn was less trying, as he nut only ? Chicago Batteries: Sage. ami Ha' two minnows which were landed nown, but ONLY si. LouM Shackelford and Shaw. easily and he walked briskly back to is training his indue. He shows enthusiasm In v, red his it. .1": TODAY his angling, which II th cause of re- WHERE THEY PLAY tame postp in. joicing among the camp followers, ALBUQUERQU E ANO At SinUS -- Tonek The painful eruptions on his back 0 Stole before the ame postp annoy- 1; League. which were the cause of much "i oui going tu t iusl as It suits National ance as he bent over Hie brook, have myself ami not thi nihil,'." declared at Cincinnati, ex- Boston PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE entirely disappeared. The tighter Johnson sutnewhat irilx ben quel Brooklyn ai st. Louis. pressed some displeasure at the fail- AMARILLO MIX tinned why lie di nut un Into the Philadelphia ut Chicago, ' ure of a new spawn bait to w.irk K innasiuni rtAs aid when I first Portland I. Oakland I properly, but he relieved suspenso at cante to Callfornl un une in the NATIONAL LEAGUE San Prancisco, May 21 th the training oamp by declaring that World is folng m dh tate the amount tenth Inning rail; Portland wt in- expected to master it thoroughly TODAY of Work that is don i RERE lakland today, o ti i. JOhgsofl. I have alw st. Louis I. Brooklyn 8. Scon ft, ii. i th lti motored down my own training and . 3 8 I i St. Louis, May 21. St. Louis Portland from Francisco iday, Tex nb let the public disturl ,11, In I 10 tlie first name of the scries today i rom Oakland aid was the first ti Berger, mn today slrapij 1 tark- - - Brooklyn in the tenth, 4 to t. I I'.atteries: (ire ni Fisher; with iiick- the work. With FOR RENT gr pitched lirand ball up to the ilnth ins, Christian am lother machine wo ano id Of me. I would inning allowing only two hits in the up until late in down to boxing, fitgt eighth Innings. I,os ngcies ". Vernon :. with Farmer ta he y at gp into the rlnK Five room furnished house. Score li- I. B. T,0 Angeles, May 21. Los Hub Armstrong, be right fur Jef- - st. Louis ....000 000 .02 1 4 had a batting streak today, i Brother .lack and This Aften )on, South Walter st.. Highlands. Brooklyn ....000 003 uuu o 3 Vernon 7 to 1. early in the evenini Batteries; Corrldon, Reiger, Scon where Jeffries appe weeks fur a fight and as I will work Modern, splendid coal and gas and Phelps: Hu ker ami Erwln. Cm i.os Angeles ring ' uhlbltlons ton! A uue Amarillo. right up tu July 2. you can see for pires Johnstone and Muran. Vernon give two exhibitions yourself that there will be enough ranges, electric lights, nice Batteries: Nagle mil Orendorl morrow. time I could ettilll nave postponed Pittsburg I. New York 0. BchaefeY and Btovall Brown, my work until the First of June, As arge yard. Pittsburg, May 21. New fork was led to meet in their first game sunn as am good and ready will shut oul by Pittsburg today in a tine Sacramento I, Sun Francisco 0. season at Traction park this box Iniir linns a week, hut (hut Is Inquire of H. S. Litlujow. game, Leifleld, well supported, allow- Sacramento, Cat., May 21. Jimi DURAN LIBERATED mn. From all accounts the ed hut two hits and not a visitor reach. Whalen scored a shui out this art! are ball players from the dlf-- Il was he same Old story on the Manufacturer of Blank Books. ed second base. noon. hrush leagues and are callable mad this morning," declared Big Han S(.ore fl, H. B. Score I!. II E Ing up a of the na- - as he returned to camp, lagging be. Loose Leaf Devices. Rubber ooi) ooo íox i 7 o brand Pittsburg Sacramento The local team has been bind Johnson. "Jai It is in grtsi noo 000 0 2 1 jport bldg. New York ... nnii San Francisco 100 BOND lu iied considerably and there shape fur road work and be sprints a Stamps. Morning Journal Gibson; : Batteries: Oifleld and I'.atteries: Whalen am spiesman a- - lot." O'Day little doubt that the tWO Raymond and Schlel. Umpires Willis. Williams and Ren ons win piay an exhibition and Brennan. seeing. The tame will enm-a- t that he SOUTHERN LEAGUE ,'1 o'clock and admission will noon h imoblle out fur Cincinnati 0, iinston Ian Charged With Practi a ride. Cincinnati. .May 2!. ncinns Sunday will be bunched hits off Ferguson in Hie At New ( ans 8: LfCi pavilion. John 2. Medicine Without eighth and won to :i. Sha was hit Memphis, a i Us. according to game: Mont- sntngi Amarino hard hut was effective in the pinches. At Montgomery First Appealed Case, ill be tin if honor. Ii- II- 4. Second and Who Scnre 8. gomery, 0; Chattanooga, )t athletic 3 1 Montgomery, i Chattanooga, Boston 2I0 000 001 12 same: Again Yesterday, will be om ooi otx 6 9 o l, leased NEW AMATEUR RECORDS Cincinnati 1; (tended In penguson i At Birmingham: Birmingham, latteries: and Smith irS to at- - AT KANSAS CITY MEET J Bnade and .Mi l.can. Atilinta. 2. smoker, At Mobile: Mobile. 0: Nashville. 2. be- i county jail at Mid Albuquerque A I Chi p hi ilphli lliull It ,i,i il. game pc cause he COUld nut furnish $1.000 AMERICANASS0CiATI0N decision Des Moines. May HI. Five slate bond in his appeal from the High school records were smashed nf Judge McClellan, who finad hint flanK. Commerce LEAGUE game this afternoon and one tied in the an- of M. AMERICAN Kan. in jail, prac- Albuquerque, $ioo or ninety days fur low a High school meet Established IS90 ft. postponed being reg- nual Slate III St I S. $aOO,tM)0.0 post- - ticing medicine without a which field meet nars this afternoon, CAPITAL AND ItPI st. Paul gamt held al the Drake stadium, ill.-- , 8, Washington 2. ularly licensed physician, secured his 27 threw the us 128 feel 2 inches Officer and Directors! st. Louis West Des Moines High won with j poned; rain. night, tin- a 45 H. M MKRPtlTT Washington, May 21. Although In- - liberty last when former heaved shut feet SOLOMON MTNA. W. HTItlCKI.Kit. At Indiana point Louisville 0 band, renewed their points, Iowa city was second with Washington drove Qalligan from the signers of his 1414 points and Cedar Ha), ids a rlose President Vice I'm. ami Cashlei Asst. Casbtss sec, .mi Inning, Bailey signatures, box today in the Tnlcil, third with I. Sixteen schools were J O BALDKIDO H. M- - DOUQHERTT ,A ' remaining In- i unihus wrk the Kan- - "ANr ",!"F.' was Invincible for the H W KKDLY A. M. BLACKWKIX WM. nings and St. Louts won to 2 on a lull ored "oi point wild pitch and a double steal. BASEBALL 1,1 the Mlssout WE MI.I, u V. COLLEGE 4 OUR UYGIKNIQUK TOOTH PAUTE Score Ii- H. B, LICENSE s witli To INTRODUCE Washington ...020 000 000 2 fi 0 aeROPLANFAGAIN ONE TUBE FREE 3 7 1 u. Pennsyl Kt. LouiS 010 000 110 At Prlncetoi OUR Gal-- o. "JIG Qotcli-Zylwu'k- o 1. WITH 60c JAR OF Batteries: Qroom ami Street; vanla, Mulch June i am 4; ligan, Bailey and Stephens. At West Pi V Wei Chicago. Max 21 Arraug, 111, Ills CASAVERA CREME Point, l. were here lata today to CELEBRATED :c o. HtLU IWU completed New York .". Cleveland I, At Providence Brown, Colgate, ítñnS hold the Gotch-Zybsck- o wrestling Harvprd-Prlnoeto- n THE WILLIAMS DRUG COMPANY New Y'ork. May 21. After fifteen At Cambrld GROSSES BRITISH match at th,- Chicago Coliseum mi the Mas fexcltlng Innings New York defeated baseball sn istponed until rtlghl of June This decision was 117 West 4'en I nil Hlue Front Cleveland today by a core of r. to 4. 22; rain. reached after Mayor Husse had re victory. in- - the local s seventh straight At Hanovei Dat tmouth Gar- II, sed lo allow III, in.ilch to be held M I 111 A N 11- B. Diego Garcia and Sulema '. BLOCK Score It. - hcrt, o. CHANNEL ANTHRACITE Cleveland At Mlddletown nils. Feb- W. i!. HAHN GO. "The Only Oeed 4 10 :i cia Secured Document CERRILLOS LUMP ouo 101 020 000 000 loan. 1. Jlllllll lahhi Ras a simile. (lullup Lump" New York At Lincoln: Nebraska, 4, Ame, Philadelphia, Max 21. "Jimmy" 91 (MID gOO 001 I 7 4 ruary 15, 1908, and Were MILL WOOD Phone KINDLUVO 002 000 At Delaware Michigan, 7; Oh Clnbb) of had the better Link. Berger and Easterly 1. Batteries: Wesleynn, Married May 16 by Justice. of the d bout xxitli "Vming" "Not a di'-a- Coal at a Obcnp Prisa" :nni Bemis; Curd, Vuughn and Swee- usseps, r city tonight at the Uoughrey uf iliis OogJ a ney. Kleinow. RACE TRACK RESULTS 'cessftilly National Athletic club, "Hat Uie BaaS at Fair Irtee" At Boston Boston-Chicag- o Mame on February 15, 1108, Diego Garcia BRICK. LIME, oou - postponed; rain. M lam i ilh and Sulema Garcia, secured a mar- j I. C. S.IINE WINS FROM Oakland, Cal., M al,-- First race, rlage license from A. K. Walker, pin 1. warn; wen NORTH RED SOX Philadelphia ' Detroit 8 furlongs, selling Hal nest bate cb rk. May I, l19. they THE SIDE Philadelphia, Ma il By a batting Adeiia., seen DenecH, third. Time, married, after presenting the same Inning, Phila- McClellan, a NATIONAL BANK OF ALBUQUERQUE N. M. rally in the seventh 1:1-- t-- S. license i,, w. justice THE FIRST 7 4. delphia today to furlongt tiii.1 peace, who made proper i ii.10.nog defeated Detroit Second race, of the I iit Morales ifosmal gnedal Lssised Miir 'I'he su i, i:,-- hos w,ni oown anil Surplus Inning seven successive bats- tk in the probate North Capital in this w.m: Pawhuska, return fur record la is. Franco, Mas 'mini I,, defeat at he hands ol lie I. S. (ti Deposits IIJMNMNM men made six hiis. Iiu lUdittR two ;60 office yesterday, ai-atn- r. 1 Scoring third. Time, cbrks Jacques de l.esxops. the French team b.x the score of to at UM erccpllonul facilities to pat. mis and Other di drOUS of open- doubles and a sacrifice fly, Third race, flitul itnth uf the young people live in started at 3:30 o'clock this af- par gegterdaj morning, Both teams Offers Daddy Gip won: Hi (ibi Albuquerque. The number of the flight across g but i B. 0, lads ing accdunts ' Time, was ternoon "ii double the played ball, the mill; Jim Ca H third. marriage license they secured English i,, nnei, He reai hed the proved themselves bettor batters. The ts.",, tin- uf the license e- - 1:119 number last Kngllsh and was liiu-u- handl-- 1.3SI). Diego successful! IToiirth race, mih ESlmhurst Issued yesterday was ! kej at Murphy, - pnerd iu the return tup , c, H. Bledsoe, catcher; pan; Lewisluii won: Rey Kiniln lec- offered no explanation of the hum Tlerney, first base; Grand Hotel third, Tlme, Hum (he tima the license pitcher; und; Chester Krum. Interval '1 be we. ni,, was magnlficenl when second base: Cowell, thiril was issued until the marriage took tin- - ground i.a Driers, 1:11 II- - fteroplam ruse from the base Loeba shortstop; NEW YORK CITY, i, rniw miie and i a rl place. for its darinii trip, ntsretofore accom- - Raff, center field; l.e T, my Of- left field. inn- Eddie Graney won; Edwin 'This breaks all records in plished onlj Blertot. right field, and ,. la.uls Batb Jus-ti- Tarte, Bronson Sanitarium Inclement, third. in Marriage line,'' said 1 Kiyer. seciuul: fice the Itising. Hi, took his ma-- i:,-,- Stephens, Baoa, A Famous Heme, with a kttOWn tu cunt Bos catcher: Time. 1:42 5. McClellan. "I've them hlng in a le over the cliffs pitcher; Chaves, first ha"' Hudson, sivii, 4 furlonom, purse: rern wait fOT Several Weeks, but when thev Mi niw. say and then In dad straight for Dover second base: Barth, third bagoj D won; Ukely Dleudonne, second wait two years and a half, It is to In fifteen minutes be had disap- Caffrey, ihortstop Johnson, left Time i Pride nf Ltsmoce, thiid he least, unusual." peared from view. A torpedo boat rieid. McDonald, center Held, Ouynn, ANNEX destroyer followed the course ,,1 the right field. NEW HARVARD OARSMEN STARS aeropia lie i Belmont Park. De Lesseps used a fifty horsepower WIN Belmont Park, May 21. First r OF SCHUYLKILL REGATTA monoplane culled "Acarabee." lie HIGHLAND SLUGGERS Buy Your Struct, Hv. r Aldrein Won: Loc ascended from the point at which On Broadway, at gist Semi-Quave- COMBINATION TEAM r, third. Time, crors-chann- el FROM K. Tfiwnliwl Bleriot started 01 hi Near Pennsylvania R. -- I:U2 5. 1 .l"ly, rose ui uluallj Porch Swings ( May 21. flight, and Screen Doors and A throuRh 7 furlongs: onon Philadelphia, II irvard w house made famous Second race. o an- t,, an altitu.i,' of 10110 feet. ;t hich Chepontuc. university featured the eight I personal won; IM. Hall, second; was traveling he was I leicii-loiiin- u . Jill- - II ttl U in Its splendid service, and nual regatta nf the American Rowing height he when nine Time. l:Z7. view Mi a light Tin Im- i ,,i r.a-- od. Aggrrsjaihin. p. First street attention to patrons the Grand third. ibler on the Schuylkill rive;- to- lost to ha.e. ni,,! i Lumber Company, 423 Third race, 5 lurwrig itwodatlon I, Eacopetle fol- Albuquerque by the thou- w .11 pedí, nal destroyer counts Its friends won: Novelty, second; day Tie crimson first the fixing Muggeri took an eight-oare- d lowed 'ii the wake of the rail. The Highland sands. Army und Navy people 1 junior collegiate event, SHmSJSJSJSjSJSjSJSJtSJ10a third. Time. .ml i, gams front team stop as do all experienced The ib tenting Columbia and the Univers- here, Fourth ra, e. mile: I d ,,i the Immaculate Concep- . I'Xss (. ITXTI II i,, mpos. more excellent llV" Imperial, see. ml. Inurmere, ity of Pennsylvania, and the Harvard yester-afte- n travelers. Fur Prince youngsters followed up an hour later ix less in s not 1: tion and Fourth want players, is Companv 1:40. 12 ln 111(1111113, quiet defiance and third. Time. Dniel. M 21-.- C0Unt 'I' l.e-Se- n, the contest ending Montezuma Trust race, Whitney Memorial bv winning the race for first eights, III, Hide buxs sensible prices, are hardly obtain- Filth s who left (': Is. Fiance, in en aero- In in favor of east ALBUQUERQUE) NEW MEXICO o 2 -' miles: the prise for which was the Steward line-u- p si.., i,ie, ise about 3 .: Straggle. The able elsewhere. W'nuSter up. plane at o'clock this afternoon, ..Iter .i hard Agent won; Time, 5:4a Sir crossed tin Kngllsh channel and folio s As for transportation facilities, fell, only two starters. New York and Philadelphia divide,! Sturapf, Capital and Surplus, $100,000 as as the of landed on Hie Kngllrh coast at 4:2" Highland Muggers New York's subways, elevated anil Sixth race, mile and an eighth honors lar number first catcher; Hopping and .loins, pitch- D BC 0111 planes is concerned. Each city won unlock ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS surface cars are nil l Tactically at Taboo won; Dandy The descended at Wonstoii ers; liisl has- - McOuade. second INTEREST Tim.-- . five firsts BoStOa was the only other avaitor lux. the door. Theaters anil shopping Berkeley, third COUrt farm mar SI. Margaret's buy. base; i thini las. Boat right, City to take a first. Harvard's two vic :i.s. - districts also Immediately at hand. going to half wa belxxeen Dover and Deal and shortstop; McCanna. left field; iles- l.olli- - iMe. tories her credit. , dining-room- s M a inland. .. n. ni, i I'i' i.l Zirhut, right Splendid Moorish 21. -- No records were broken". mile Douisville. Ky.. Muy First pass-g- , of many famous Th,- count said be hail 11 haz n lil are but one the race, fi furlongs: Robin Orey und - and hal the tCngllnh coast was Combination team Bledsoe tin- Annex. . Ben Band, KELLY & CO. of New w ond GROSS, features mi Donovan, sei BROKEN ARM STOPS lOVlgible i" him until he was close gtevens, catchers; Murphy and Uoehs, third. Time. :0 alun, it He (lew very high The pitchers; Tlernej first base; Hudson ( laa ..raced) Second race. 4 turlnngs: New IN a base. Absolutely Fireproof Molly Mog, MEMSIC FOURTH binding was effected easily in MOttd liase St.x.iis. third star wnn; Coletta, second; meadow Guvllll, Shoilslnp. I.o.-bs- . let! field.: BsMS, $1.50 Per Day. rpuards. third. Time. II Barth, centet field; Johnson, fight Wholesale Merchants and Dealers race, and 2fl vards I... I IM KI.IU Third mile lUMMJ field. GEORGE HI. won; Royal Report, second: Vernon Arena Cal. Ma 21. The Moln, .nal On Pane (.oneral Mummer. liright fight l.ew Pnwell Of San Philadelphia, Max 21. Cheered on in Wool, Hides and Pelts Provident anil 1:42 between -, Alice, third. Time. , a on-i- ii wins Track Mee. on a Francisco and George Memsic, of large crowd that stood In Also The Greenhurst. Lake race, the Bourbon, l,s - L'l The I'nlversltj Fourth 1 Ktorm Pennsyl- Chicago. Max - Pinon Nuts, Beans, Chili, Potatoes and N. Y. Chrystal Maid, second; Angeles, came to an unexpected driving mi the Navajo Blankets, Chatauqua, Jameftown. won; Jersey I tela-rar- e ,,, u is. .Usui ron from the Unlverrttj 1:40 l-- S. at the end of the fourth round. vania nnd chores of the Open May 1st to November Dr. Holzberg. third. Time. rlvei 'in- five littlo erulaing ,,l Chicago, 36 to 40 in their annual Other Native Products 4 furlongs: Labold When Memsi, went In his corner it Mai- - 1st. 50 Automobile Stalls. Fifth rnee, 1,,. the race dual ira, k ami Held meet on second; was found his rlsht arm was broken mot r nm 'hi N M : .Maps) won: Orientul Pearl, James were away 12:43 shal Field tui UM VMM I. M All.wiuernne Tucnrncsrl, Guide to New York ("illi between the wrist and the elbow. to Havana sent at Bouses st . . 55 M n. N. V.. nd Trinidad. Cola. Me third. Time. i. 111 - N N. M.: Loira ami special BMg sent and twenty vards: The fight was stopped ami Referee 01 k afternoon. u icos. t'aril uNn Sixth rare, mile to p.. well Áds Nssagsgj Camel mm: Miimt. second ; Fanias-11- Kyton save the devlsion Journal W.nnt Get Results 5ooooooooooocooc tod-i- and tonight, third. Time, 1.43 The arm IM broken nvai the close .in THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. MAY 22. 1910.

Fifteen Boys and Girls Will "LA REATA" FINES! G raduate From High School SCHOOL ANNUA 1 ; Next Thursday Evening ON RECORD if ill FOREWORD COMMENCEMENT TO (Hj W. " Merlin.) I Tin' prog-ree- 01 ill" cll gchoub ligh School Publication Woik during i In- pi year nnd ' hi proapecta' for the tniceea u( trie of Ai t and Literal y Achieve- BE BRIEF AND s, hooln In year i"'-- I heal i old In tin. inn,, im iri'i outline Make-u- p Cre- h SuiH'i'liii. '11,1,1, sterling, ment; Reflects V'.$."7Y'' flwMEÜWIgtaBBttB who lia Iji'.'ii i,,: several wars dit on Publishers, past i hit efflt ii ni i i "i the SIMPLE Hyetetn; "II I H,, in, un, - difficult I" point mil ii ii Find in apeclfic "l.a It Albuquerque High ., term he ad tu m, in made In S. h .' just from Ho- reait a gregi iii ' niv pit bib institution : ti urnul and the Uth 31 1108 Who neceivo Hchoole, even when ilnil progreaa IlilV lli.U'-,l- . silli'o lile 0 ,fiiiw hindfry. it bt by far tin- musj ! mas Will Enter Univei tichoola ii iv pot- inn eriul piece nl mretentloua ami nrtlgUc pttbllcatlon of mm Iii m i nlum l,ni in the hlgh- - a Jibe kind ever attempted by the public " Jv ... $f I . a a In. uls groat r t on nut Now Mexico; Others er i gptril ml r. ami reflecta ret! a In the i x- - liMll) Hi" flafl '.a' tlx- aúldénti ill Hen-- niiii' I li n.--l ImbrtiVriii ni; have been eral wl with their Idcaa mude In the puhlle " equip land abllltj i make 't a beuty. The mi-li- t , I 120 e of i rioii-- a though a annual haa nboul pairea packed a lull ni Une Itluatratlona; clever draw-- e folt, a ml II linjii il that tin- naa, literary gema, (klta and Jukt-.- i nmj ' iclaiivi- Ijari'ler iilliwarl nqr put I a ItOClei anil . lass all Albuquarctut High achOul, ill lireeent inn ...... u remoyi'tl 9 splendidly wuen togathar. n com y (in- in maatcrly tria will ii - ami Hlal ajpllutlon has en ami the buitdliiK mm I"- erected. a jachool has in en fortunate in having - "llofrevar, I in- public achnolH an unuaually gifted ataff. Tin- edt- -. a eii- - Ing commencement exerclgei Mm ,,i AUUquerqui have made lohg ttorlal staff ronatata of Otto Scheer, in Mar-- imiiii'iti't-inrn- i will un ur in tin- Klks Ntrhkta In the rliflil ill reel Ion: the a 'it" cblel Helen Heacopk, theater, beginning at I o'clock ami a iiuralonnl aplili niul enthiml gucrlte ns. .11 an.) William Grimmer, ha general public Is r,,i'dlall luv n the teii iri' ht eipecially laai Kenneth Hulcomb, in attend. N'evaV hMre in th a ni, lili. : tin. niiaiilllv tmrl fimit. a all Met 'lii'snrv. toke ed- - hlatory uf tjha lliuli achoM Ima thert itv oi the writ o ( iimpIlHhed l a lltor: Florence Ucder, assistant; Pred ,i i I!. lieeh a , mor- aluw ni a In' mis in nt jal is ilei'iil. a f.lll.lns. alllhll.' liim: chde raureaantailvi ' Kttid- - a edlv mi tin. riein mIiI in,, a ;ayMl.tani 'I reportera: Banlor AlhUumifiiue li,.i iinl kI'I" a 11. Ill' till- IllHt it LI inn. Fltli two IimJkit. ex imple, priman a '''lavs. Alleene Kllei .inniur. .laiiel ntf three xueptlona, lb member of muling1, the el liiimdalii'ii ni a lileauldt; aoulipmore, Bdythe Clarke; a Hi ii, In- it ra il uat Itla rlasH i r anil nit hn. lii.nililt i.iivatii'. a binen. Mabel Hail reared in Albuquerque and have at- I. Old. 'Ural sra.lea bin r I The line line uf i llalng and the tended Ha loaaá uII achuoli all a read with su m il....,,,., a general auqcéM of On- annual are du , a , i u- A rtu tile u ,,,'k ,.l II. e litiuu.WM their Htt0 tin flral grade In tin-..ii- p.m ep. n,.,i, a , : at ii a 'ugern. Faltar Jal la. David Mnseiiwabl. Hrli'iiil.i tu tin- rlnul year of ihri overed i. iuanit. ' lui.-nii,- . ,. v at inii-in- tin- yeara a ,,i ",,,,ii n, i ii ru Tin. aland JoHeuli í.ill uaaiatant. Ami it iiuii ii""i four "i .loin, i edit- - a tvltllOUl Wljill ouna lr. Milne, nrlncliuil ui Minimi rum- Hlal li,,ol. in tvltuaC honor Kpelllllgi rtel I., rending the 8"es im - i detllcatcil llic l.a (uat puhlb-llc- d aih. mil tfornersi Iu,s n Hume nunica i .ah In I lu'lji belli second volume of llcatu." H'orknd sub- hi gldt for the honor am innik'-- liy n aucceaaful otd buahteaa ma luger - 'I'1"' ti itelJIng. Mis. C'c.lte; .Ma- - 5 . r.f their Inatltiitloii. At work, nikfltteatcd l. lh two con- ik dedica to Pn Sol". ' niiaiieettaii. a ll'MlN i r . I .... M A m it '11111 HKRvedln, 1: ''.., they sinnd hpon atage ami recelvt l.eU 1... íly on of tl Mis. Henin undu t. i J. i.iii their dtplomaa they v. ill lie able tl a nits ..i.thlned .ma piibliKhed. Tin- a táeneral eatcem in which in- is held i de: Wblttb MlT. )eilli Webb. M. .1.: Mr l ea, 8a.ntle.g9: Mi I. K lilV a upper ifTinliH ,n. s, bu,,l I'm simjeuis nut .art n ula rl 01 Mr, f. t. . uk bin UpoU tln .r high BCbool llhih ,. Ci II.: ehel, l.ouis; i: - ii Il llb-- nub the confident f duty well done lime not .ml lieen gTeutlv in- leuunt bis Interest it Iciueli'i I ll II. Kllaa: itodrlsuez the . l.iss I, ,uil ami mi the albl. I ,1 til a un tro- -, '.ml devotion ñnWPRTIQFfl I CTTCDC II. A.; Mi M i. Slut.. Krne.'i mil for colora ami H is this i.. ,ltv:. a spun I,,!,,,,- and a fw ' ' 11 their A. s.. Blnanuhn, Üuleutln; Bayeta itnr'i u i loyalty mure tha s uthér iiitraliuii inn obtiiliu'd as a Sclll ue.lel'. I! a never hefoie. The ib, a tlu I'litln r. Fidel; Hi Id r. Pied ' in- ibiiii.' that btoughl aucoeaa in esoili . t i ; haa Ad-- I :; M. o Br lu n i - a em pa .,i be cél I has been Used llsl ek eiullu; May Croweíl, Kdgar W. this well, Itarary athletic umtaatu with oth- llih do i Bel a tn Tbum. -- - a . 9 I'l, A. r Initltutiona, Tin- Hljh marked, and tin- u,,rk along all aland. Colon, Tom .1. territorial . While. II - a linea widened a lidie-- I -l Carter, Helar; carter, 1. I.: Carnett iiii'.i has carried off numerous ii.m has and ileeneneil. ' young, It ml t Jose. is dlirlllU he past lour eais. Imtll ml The kM til ul 1,1 in a inn. i h Vim bet, M Julia: ha M ': Mol- - Win.: Dickson, Hutch; Dlcklnron he roatrum and in 'in- various tith a in. .si importan) adminlstrativ lie. Ma. :i. 3Mone, a Atttonll '.en; Day, 1: lildred. Allied 11 Rporti ,ii Bermlnlu s im dm i m 1 .1 i 111a proficiency ol be hub huol athlete" lin king In peraniiuel and iir, igrea- - K. 1'.: (Jarcia, Qorgontu; Haoacn, 1. E. Vi. lds n Uy to Or, Hell's Antis, pile - , n might be mantlotied ,1 ilunilj a- she plrlt in Albuquerque and a ban: Irwin, Mrs. Jess!,- ouell: Job M s. an Improvement after pasl y ear tliey del rita b s ml 1' Hn- new board recentlj im nixed a son. Mis. Minnie. TayMeld, Mis. K IP plication. We guarantee it M, football i 'In- el idir ni. ! glvafl prulllli'e already ot a Utility, a I.IIUi'll. Mis. Kilolllella I., de: M, i'.: Uabaldi iinl pleasant to use. SftO n a ml the lirsl iiralt' I ketball taunt I good jinlnineni 11,1 pnab that a;ti-s- i'iitaliua: Mritlnez. Vi a Hoké, Her- - box, ,11 tin- haikethail coui t a bode well lor tlhiique'rqlif s fu- - iile: Martimz. CeCltla I., de; Man nt inb z. Jui a cm n it hatu ndlna their vtctorlek over lure in aliona! $ imple H. de: Rock, Mis. Maty: Hy Kb llngbui Trv a Morning Ad iiUlleteH the hill, thi High a a a, mis, r, t'cttle: rtcebeiger. Dor Kinu. J, King, Hoy: i. Journal Want .,,11,,! VI . a rlrat-ctaa- a inxiiiiiiiun ..i itruiag, la hnilla attested by the laet that m, Hi blub achool laai ill Hie I'll! vnraltj next tall. Summer Rates to Thuse iiradnatis iyho m x decided t,. attend the wirsit' are IjilWurd Dor mi. Krank Utto, k'rad Calklna, Knast I I California Points Hall. Helen leileo.'U. M II l'y a ' I;., bet-Is- . Alleene' Kocler, flurellre Seder. 'lata Wilson. Kil;i' ' ' 'f ' Jalla, presidí ill Of the lile.ll gCllbol A via the Santa Fe i hiss ofgnnlaatlon, baa decided to adopt a legal career ami v ill enroll in the college dettartmém at tin- i nivera- - Tickets on sale the following to ol Michigan next lull. l.iKiuu up dates and the destina- the stud) ui ia upon the coVnnleffon tions shown below: IS iralimlnar work at tturj May 5. 7. 10. 12. 14, 17. 19, 21. 21 26. 28. 31. Mal i lile. Ti nn in Septet rtoaatiwa hi will rollow hualneaa June 2, 1 a eer. a ml Will elll er h Packard 4. 7. 9. 1, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25. 28. 30. lualheal t 'Ollege of Nen next September t,. lal Also additional dates in July, i d hanking ami hualnetM co Auuust and September. I'.'l.'l will loll,, II 1,1 i II Final return limit of all tickets, October 31. 1910. ,. Mines next fall. Mtu Sell ' linage in business in AibuqVcrctUi Stop-over- s allowed at Williams. Ariz., and all points in with bis l al her. ( olllllli lli i llienl W eek I "l I .' I I III California, south and west of Barstow. Tin- huccnlnureate aervlce M1 Im Los Annclcs, via direct lines $35.00 San Francisco, via direct lines 45.00 hils evening, thus iierrioni I II,.- , 9 ,rlu .lu,,..iuoe,li.iiM I., ,11,.,,, San Francisco, one way via Los An&eies an I 3. P. 50.00 9THc the .'eii.i'it ibe MetlnidiM eliiirib. I he promotional exerclaetf will occin San Francisco, both ways via Los Angeles and S. P. 55.00 I the Kill.-- opera house. Tllesdal 0VO Im:. M ,, '.'l e admbuilun Ii o an uinijo, via direct lines 35.00 Santa B: 35.00 Avalon, C 37.25 lillte Hill he Ml l'l. I" win ., , h in., ii receja! i t in- 'en trat High achool aaaerhuli rooms ot W. BALFOUR. A'jent. WedneSilav eVelllllK. ,l J .'i Tl,,- progrumn tin- pruniotlnni for I'ioI l Merliiig, suwrimeiidciil ol I lie Mbuqiicrque H School MTWTt and , olntllem eltleiit exet.'is. s tollo-v- : .lion. it I'Werclscl. Mai íi. , , . . , , . ., teli Heboid iiiehrstia flu-r- III,' rallies a .... ,,,, .. 1. r. Web, .nn, Margaret j fart- - l'ame. S, I nrett rapid groivih and strong l.solved Tlle telpsi. lareall Wink II b I i yow can Salb. InlM dire, tioii ,.' tli . Arthur P that tl'll it" ii umantal Bob, foiiiinen, , m, ut Prugraui. via, .q this manner en the as PtOPLE BY THEIR lee. Kngleiiiann. Hi Hiiih S. M elles, , CLOTHED, i IN iVS- WÁ Tin 'hanging ol tb - Wm Kectliitloli. H,, or Society. a ., v; tu NEAT A thereby iiuriv int da RAiMENT luring which another crpu oa t) . , ÓOOD RECOMMENDA- hall Tomín mill High S, h ,1 o in sha turn i in iii f iniituteii. harveated, at ' Recitation. Iluylng Tli k Ihtrodui tor. iternarki hi m ound fitted for thi- to ! TION. EVERYBODY i Paul Canth merlina i I hi ( In ni mill Violin Sol.,. h 'I illltuni Aiidnss Judge Kdwar.l il,,, r Is WANTJ To BE NEAT- Sol,,. M Is lolu In (0 him LY 0R.rSED

John Milu "Ogr.lphiea I pUaltiOn, ex, eed ,. Duster &Rovm i z,,i Pntriutli ludí IMploniue, Prvatdent oura In soutliiin fbimi t,n erops Pari I A J. Mah i rtci arc regularly taken, ami this s, i i I ! High uvheal ra is truc ven in part- - ..! Japan, In the nllltlon o t tat Sapellllt. ini- - i In ki.'i.ü province i r , f a It i w i i rlkai Where One Acre Suuports si, eheat, of tie, ins. or ut ur, manure (jm ' precede the atimmer crop v,t rica ot Three. " ottoit in the shantung province -- - U crop : i, inn r wheat or ut luirlcv MiW - . hum Ule minded pilgrimage i. an followed in the sumiller with a ero,, C0L0S CONQUERED ol lililí, t and si,) healis, of sweet pu- - MEANS , , iatoea or As tar uortli as SICKNESS SAVED u. Japan to study why their I'm lit la in-- i Paklng. Ill the latitude ila Mtii.ihc.jpi three to ot Cotumhua, Uhlo; Indtanapalli and in ii,,. ,,i the a,,, West era aetantttti auiH-ul- Hi Mr King talked with a huiUg .i ,,i in, tutists have much t" leurn rrum thum- - larmer who followed bin crop of - xx u h IIC ul I, Moverles o til" ah. e nillib tile Soil re-a- xebeiii one it unions and ihese tttet-at'- v arlth .. tb,- -- i.n, i i,.r ix.. ii t and perhape Be baga am, .Mar. rculiainc ih'oin folds .in,! Pueii- - forty, nun n uf ggl lliii ' amine, ol !:: gold per acre. tli,' heglngdna .i in re Tn.- la Huuuorttng Annlln r larmer plunieil a imp of n turni iii-- h laKln. in - 1.. ami in potataea at thi aarHeal tpior, A't.latti 'hue t!" a.le m tmJ !iv' dx T.k.- it in Niearlj all partx i denarlx potf- - lualt) the spring, marketed tlieni ... the yoang; 0 i bri end tvlluwcd with onions and then with cabbage, r. jtstag ::; p, r 4 ... i . 4 t"i thr." runa

Uettaeggk S" ir. P..H. fktM YOU CAN ALWAY l , I, guaranteed for r.ngixorm. 7. T, rfl 1 H E N V E VE DONE . . .tu.,, i aapp, d b amis and lipa, run- - TOW LAJNPKY. IT H A S THAT MFW I AAlf n V U aftei ahavlna U WAuONiALL. WE WASH sscabog. DRY BY NIGHT. 5Y DA1 ' - the t e THE to suffer with sore eyes when one lie LAUNDRY of QUALITY. lui-- e 01 Pianernmi r.ugie Kye Salve THE :n cure .',ui. W, guaraatan it. Vou IMPERIAL LAUNDRY rl.xk nothine ., COMPANY Phlla It. .r, aim. white ointm m ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL


il II- - bu.piuriiue. s. Mis?, s alien, led the Pearce-Uoo- wed- mar tin roirianti. in t ubi The br id snia id 9 ding, wore an elaborate Irrldes-oen-t sou park. Katharine Htrickler, imioris Huning gold grwh. Mrs, Petera The nil! Well, there were sev.ral. Mildred Fox of Atbu.iucruue, ami and fnd -, as charm iv; in .'inplc ami elegunt all better known tu Loa Angéltí 0- Stephanie Prager oi Roswell, wote ' th.- loll. we.l by ..f gray, .Miss gold-blon- de beau- i,.tv thai) AM.ii.nieniue guy the matron honor. Mrs. ty never Ifaic aaaallngly iton't hurry the athlVi ami if Melville o. ChohVoume of Atbuquer-nu- e shown more than Leatei in the town ol her fnvoHta you are wood at gUCBftllg, it's Worth The flower girb, Lorna or i tb veiling The w hile. and Barbara lluhtull, preceded the Mjaetlj turn-lo- ut bride who was by .tills iii. table wedding it waan'l the of accompanied her pi V , tí fá re (lily gowned the frivolous mind noUld con in set father. Mnok bom man was j f. in. llaunlgan Los le goW n ol w hite. tvllh real live "Joy ride." Just a of Angeles. tumbie-dowi- wagon A reeryiion ;l1 Pcorge fol- ;s gtrlckler In n charming creation ) ol the usual the home nne hly cu'di-- lowed the ceremony, i eih.u messaline, Miss Huntng in "Mex" variety, iiiinui cogtlmuug until . midnight, when Mr anil Mrs. rah- gink ami Mis' prager of Koa- - loned seat ami other' u. easoi'les of Hook x lie. stinted lor this city Hook has a tea nt 1 an.' 11 ale allow', An comftili ami oration. w I1' x east ward you automobile In which he and his brUle other striking 1 01 evening ly emlitiK the apee.l. cottalder- - are to go to San PranclBCO, ul- was worn 1) .'.i i."i Childcrs. It was couldn't expect much Their i (lia Coral i iv. o.) power waa two sleepy timate destination is the MMMtM i nf Ik ! t green an tin in princess atyle iui; the iiioiice Me.lltrria éMtf9fri$li-- Ih.okiiiK Tim diiv. i. a Spanish iiean and Fgypt, where t'.iey will pgM Bundaj y asliv mini;. Th h., si. mules. Society ha adopted the dear child I don't be surprised ñttj ,. sabe" specle--vva- s the next winter. The Los Angeles Can you guess? r i !had o. app. apb lad of the "no CuplU: and watching Mm In lado. announcement contented! wnuking ills clgurerte, party will leave Al'iuuueruuo lor Hits . a. germ eon-- idvaiitaue in a siinpl. there' evidently ol "'" of adv. nture or huld-up- s. t ity this moi mug it Includes Mi.--. leh and drowgy m I, succumbing weddings it's in the air.,""'' Of White chiffon and satin. And dreamed , tagion in and I unexpected hap-- W. S Mr. and W. H. Hook, to the fuscimU f the ithor dreaaaa worn prontlnénl 'Tla always the thai 'look Mr. slumber undUnd remember Cnntd isn't asleep R hril-dend- arid boy, though of stoic ,lr, Mr. and Mrs Frank Griffith, Ul dreams, is alertly conscious l( he busily preparing winged ar-- 80cl' ty folk who attend this is the but the was piungeo 11 the sea "t and Mrs Km T SttlmSOn, Mr. anil mains too long asleep Hut .. i ...... ,,,,1 ,.,,,n llanl ecent of the aoclal did al race, Cuin.i that lain t.. ve-- v .Mrs Wudham Mr. and Mis Payson, sleeps li itly and the credit, I the exceptional o crw helminu aurprlse find his faintest sigh flight Into apace Bo, Mr, Bachelor, n laugh-Id- a 01 Wl lib le BurroutWéd i" kh .111. Mr. Hogau ati.i the local members from the heart disturbed, II. .atine a- -- ..... M wh unit for h Atbuqueruuc . in ijueal of a to low 11. the wedding party 11 breath Horn fairyland, I you' Bp- - noted. Ing rowd stirs tho fancy beat beware. ; Hook'.-- " to Ills .1 mug- - - free' tud array Of daxsllng ln'i.utv and gilt bride is gossamer wings of tin- Infant .. .11, nl'ma nl .1...... Mrs. ChftdboUn Such an who n... nev befor ., aatoniahed nlficent bow-kn- of diamonds, with retorta with ; volley 1 Vhgeles wen II rash Ion had it of the aunharg-- called blind god, with true motherly It is a heart of the sano- gems eunnlngp . il arrows. V u sea. I Messrs. Mes the eyes of Uneducated outh' Cupid must have. solicitude and the arrow of the and II WTOUght 01 of 1111 . though. p ..tent appeal in the .enter strands lieen list iKiy busy some few child, etralghl Un- - lrs, Griffith, doubted th' oaughtt are and vv the ievveLs The gri i s months alio, one ol Messrs. as 11.. found. In the peao" rather attached our charming errtng in aim, If yu oon'l wish to Hanmgai vvlnnir. mother bus given the bride a UVTge social s i im Brov the faiorit succumbed Inatantly i,,. annihilated, under cover, else Phelp, Ipuaty in- - pendant ..f Roman gold set with one to the .11 you rn- - Hook. Albuguen b'sease don't i,,. verj' lo to At- - large topaz, two pegrls, two diainond member? Ml s niadya McLaughlin iise? Cupid's onlj Mesdames Jo the i;ni what's the , . tiLtors Y.s, ami numerous smaller diamonds An married lirys, n Biggs, and weal to t 'ti- - but well versed In l'isld, Fellas Let , child true wiui n Ml.ugui'l'uue. other gift from Mrs Hook Is the house Salt Lake to li i.-- before the social gel i, of heart and song and .vitii Walter iTIacher, on Adams street, where the young lu ...... n-- hail tinn the honors Ami nth. I...... a,,., .11 ople will an iheir r.turi isr stricken yi Th. Los Bgamlner' delight of the , r " r T One Wedoin sion th Hie it the most fashionable wi- beautiful slii.e Albuqui dings der held In New Mexho o. w as society, I I,, .'Sides DUt !'. .1 t St. John's Luis, opal church by elegance . utmost in ill AlhuuUeriiUe al ,s o clock tills ev est delail. was no able akes ph Suing, when Miss Hebccca Pearoe. "'V': ' pWPÍÍÍt the many touches of elltim. th eetlng n adlng. Some 0( F plOVell III) fair!) int daughter Dr and Mrs. John epth chara ml tuitc-nu- p are chronlcli J'carce of that eil.v. bOCgUe the bride '1 toning wi . nllfti .i' the day and of llurhee Ilook. a well linovvn mil-II- young bride, is whb ih lav . oiu inns, mall.' an.l clubman of Los Ange- only of fortune, hut ot all il the dotni les. Mrs.. Hpok, mother of the gloom, i honi she copies in coi ai l together with a number ol trleiids. Mrs. uarbuni 11. 's pil arrlvgd in Albuquerque, several days lured today, H.rii.i ill personal ngo from Angeles In a private vivid beatil to attendlSthe wedding Hundred A pretty var romane. 01 magnificent wedding presents were hall we suy legan r.-- i elved H um all over the country. marriage of le d Wi dneadti Mr ami Mrs. Kooh left lonight (el and Mis. II... k f in!' I Los A ngetaa but w ill spend their hon- - honeymoon, w hi i vmooil in effectual way ii w hi, their friends the Illl," , Mrs, M II itero. 216 South llro.ol-vvay- ' .'sti'ouml rain N ed by gave a UBLftV yesterday after-noo- n dozens oi them, nl t piled with rl. e, allp for her voung grandson, I'.rni pers Otero, who completed his eighth year pertinent to 11 icdsli 2 in. on that dale. Klght little friends eagerly Inquiring of r I look-re- a porter th. helped Master Rrnest to celebrate ana lis, BitMjMMUUe Criiger ol KOSWCll, brluCtmMUU nt Hie ice wootitng, the whereabout enjoy the soodles Utcidental to a and armiiii Both dlai were De Hurry knowledge ..f their who birthday. The? draff, start an inly refreshments wer the smile of the porter -'. V'erifó end l.'mmett Lee, Vincent OtefO, Reed tend ove ie program fdtlowsi Hansom, Oaks, Lester .aluzar w v, Negro as S and the jingle "i money h Robert right lUOJ ol the t ,1 and Milton Utero. afi. r the business mi. rest of Ills I , 1. Has In' shown him I seined to afford him ir. s s ' ure. while Offer f tin ntatlon ptoj ev will not ii ml ueation '.' ICxamples. the of Mr. and Mn Samuel 1,. Walker of bill from one of th,. in, utrfns et llv their Home in Induatilal e.iu. at Conn., huye bei n . of tv h k. brougm Bridgeport, who coming ..u gro Iraportant ? seemed to make no imp j isioii. the gnosis ot Mrs William It. Walton hers prepai soever. Anyhow they wi rnla ir the weri lav I. the past ten days, left vestir. out a deluge of rice and lili. LIU the ClUBU for cert t.uir lie Mis io atrikini for California points. Mr. Walker is sel. cttons i we herewith relegate th representing eastern capitalists. moo'ol oHHvhin. 1..1 uf ,irk backgi mude Katlti .M.ilh.w .1 Figs Pig er a .it .i. tri'te our llttellti .11 tin- urn is storj "Fore Miss Stephanie prugrr of Roswcll I It's the dire penalty ..1 being e tin wen ra thetlc humi entitle. ir rle w harming , '" an pi hose picture is addition Man in Shadow ii or elect the spot. li hi remains ly ajo blanket the to today's pajier. lcturns home tonight vv ' fixed. former opnvertei mi, .l.n Ml Cart right s listcai numbers i,, anting. ami win attend the governors recep- .lb i Song Kv There are to be two June weddlnga where the fragri nee of choice cigars evening to lu' a no dillvieut Juhllea "t tion in Roswcll tomorrow including ol i ll I' Oble 1 istia of Kfeitt Intel, st to our sorial wofkV blciided with ih rarer frakrance Surgeon ttonalities, What Tti llave.' She was accompanied by Oan i ll',. Miss, Qliidya L'h lldera, pretty rod the Am irlean BeattO' loses. Tlie many, sea songs, linn songg ami Blaii reception room. etal Robert Smart and .Mrc Smart, a. .Miss Blanche POr-- Paper 111! Rom barmlnsv.. is receiving much unioT table. iso in the Monduv those ol Ainel'ii Induulllhf li.-- ,, k.l.., ..ill ...,0.1 the ro.eritlnll sngeiii nuptial ntrrntioii. and her marriog", tf el. il.. .rate buffet suit night lei field will assist al th" piano, and tug Ai .Mis liar 1. dec-- 1 evening, and another Tuesday he II luti..- -' Dr. J, la an war. charmingly Hi in i'1'l nromlses to musical mom l.'to Edmund .Muer given by Mi-- Prager In the Inter's Atbuquerqdeans event of mu. li aoclal iiromlnence. li nc.v losi s. contrustink and hleia treal (teadin i VI i a sprays of dainty honor will wilh it ol tlie Ian.' N is to,he-- .home affair, marked by tiv th uaBBBMBMBBBiBBilMHaVLaaaBaBaBBWtBBaaai ( bevy ot learn v 111. Miss Prager was one the the simpli. iie of real elegance. The greenery, h extended over the .TO'" coming depart He urde the Bureau ce. Chamualgne punch pretty girls who acted as bfldosroaldi young people, a on i, Slates. decorations will I"' in bite ml ,11 KÜst. nluit aurfi charming lel'u ;i t evenlng.a mi for MisS and was a out masse fo ami the two county sisiio-- MtinirtM waa aerve tin ughout he .0 en 1,1 picture In the dainty plnli costume Edith antj Agnes Childera will bs theM mía lie l'oo.i niusi. urnisli .lever entertal or that event She Is very popular with dm only iitteiidn nt.s. The other wedding!1 d by the Fm hm.'v. us oth- id given call-- d Albuquerque society as well in mm .1 - is ot ' enlivened the hours and midst rile. hav ii lill. Song "Swi of the "month of brido" Hun hestra. i territory. I. (loco- 01 11 ee M- Iteln-cc'- er so. iul circles of the i . sist Mum Miss Julia Xusbaum. elm is w, II ( fbrth the est efl'oris of the Mrs. Hurl Hook l. Aniiiles. i- I'e.iree in IJ ojf'M es of th.' 'llghl lanlastie." It was e at vail known fur her beauty an. harm 'Ih.- members of C. I. A. to It ol ' iiite an array of beauty and fashion. L. Wll-aO- tide" is an event for this missed niHiiner. Society ha feted ami dirU'fl Qrunafeid, C. Brooks, Frank ami a "Jt L K gave an informul reception In gathering of beaut 11 Miss .iishaum antee the announce.' a represi mat Sam NeUBPidt, Ac 1.. stern. Aus- Wee spot tlie map Albuuberu,o6ani Mrs li. Livingston rial hi 111. n. Mrs. V. S. w honor of Mr find meat ot her engagement. The .1 fully gowned tin, liiown. Arm. ttuulng, W H ending 0111. ward frottl the offices, evening nt the home , Ilatlngulehtd looking. oi aaltUp, Friday ding win occur the evening ol no 'look, who Hahn, Prank McKee, Berthold Bpiti smiled s mp thetleally and compro; Render, s Broadway. "I w leiir n oyster white .satin a, ot Mrs tin - -- 9tn, at Ivan (irnnstehl reeideiice McDonald, Al Prost, Stephen hendlngly. aUslng "varietv is the l..r the umi anni- the Loa Angelea Roy Mush, recitations and curds were. h.'fe Miss Vie haum w ill mi r the Another Tom Ugnahy, Harry Wellh r. spi.-- of liio. ami t he hunch rom the .u me evening. ehar them i:1 M Wedn isdu Buiag. Htlmaon, was no- a goo4 amusement features e 111 hri.Je of Mr. Sohmiun S, trf, Hopewell. Chai ic White and Dr and City of Ann Is" were having nun n-- She ,as daiiili becoming, un Concluding with an elabórale half-petu- Angele. il and Mrs. pearcé; Misses peorce, Btrlckled time. Ami no writer of s..riet chat were Messrs and has iglc, net over satin front those present And so. iety is mi the "1 Fox. Prager, Hunlilg. Chllder. wilh the tcmaj feminine to the Van EatOB, RoUSe, char tlriffllh. .1 11 11 11 1, and Mesdames k, oilier betrothals and Hi le. Jlrs. Campfleld, Sehnster, .'.nil ri ml note Iho st n u MesdnmcH Feii- - on tho prominent society the dearest, Mi V'eigh ol Itaton; given b.v mors afloat concerning vi Leila Armiño; M.'ssis. Herltog, Plck There was .0 lust n, Pierce, Reub, 1.0s Angeles who - t Manglng, itutier. sil.', rte-- n lllngland, Pdol- whti itngerle, ,'ii lácc ami . .Mai- - O el lie. : ladles of the Ol'd ir of i eouplos well known ard. Alger, JamlBoii, sheerest, Matthew-son- Clark. Misses Rose, The th. w a wide-ha- t help er. Jlelili. tl. Xewi mil Tom liubbc! embroidery, ill with large 1....1...... I MogthcWOOn allll Jane ll.ollt parlies, bul llhlll't I.e. Their gentleman rlends v a, 1.1 v iol, ol same (tie a a era itnmed and shoes UkiMoiM and Mr W, 3. clarke ot remember delicate ahnd. The vvciirer of tills III The .M.iiaffey hon the I its of Mexieo. becoming e inn it- MM Seated in the tin -- that setting for the anima back of th wagon, feet dangling Sun Ange-- 1 thusiasl Mis MIb--s Kate Corbet! oi Tuesday evening A soeial t ha t's how . know itbotll iolet sinu s cty, planned ular pla . r ..i dunce muslo in tho I'ltj - i.. Tesas, was married in bi atOekings i . yes, a mi a charm- s Indulged in iniUI a hit life with lit ill! ifully end some oy ego, to Mr. A I. Itoosu of des of lite same at the one-teii- l lie! miaSlOM 00 IIITIIlg lo m inir touch .o..r Chicago Rev. W. E. Warren Off- belt of (his summery" dress. A renl- - kiddies Dppi r w hich Hie gil IJ httt ,1 iciated. optional blAck, whicn aeemi d IV f' tchina "gettrp. There was un. ".It amDhasizc the more brilliant itl r nil looking hloiule. 111 a Í s tha tall and AVe mill live without poellv. mUSil follow he fairer sex. The drama partake sover.-l- I: d white I. mad. loth. that st - and art. gladness ami sadness, according with lorn he . t white shoe- in. hut We (nay live Without Oils, lell 8, Hahn, version, though wlllt.-m'- A the theatrical and black relieving the dead and live without heart; Mr ami of tln tnolum holy was i ilbl v ions Utile 'woman, .hi oil trace petite and u.i. frlendc. we may; years i en w I.,, hud a bin hdaj hay ride night; v ltt tin- hearts ol s ml hall', was charming We may live without nds helped - that wilh gold brown live without books, of In Pttl. in. party all on Thursday. The Oc- heic must have heen a hurled hit or In a combination of bum 11 an.l w hile. Hie with-- , .,,i Miv hnforn blrthdoi Iftal nut civilized man cannot ou was her fourteenth sadness n the evening .0 Miss So nun li P i tlie gowns, which we out i ks. th.- partv followed a delightful Pearoe, Who" is endeared 1.. . -- t.iblish Identity ot mated Rebecca hop.- mas the ssued, lull ride on tb mesa, with ail the ami numbers as friends prove a ten w her Intimates the wearers. He may live without books b l. Miss ace oni am ing noise Without which a all a.iiuuintnn.os in her home town hints tor the b.cui temfnlne sillipli Inlimat. Pill. Its fashion knowledge but grieving .1 h- -r rid on the Straw would lose half .... d. luc iln- gain I.I v it Hie al dt ivoi 'I'., finish the stoi hope-hop- e Arieluil l el c.niphteil ís ol lo r ami All mas- lie may live without usual Jo Daint) reslliuellts tlie loss allot Arrived :t the Alvai.ido, the deceiving ... . .ni..,, w m, i. was heartily en- - . loss but what Hie rque jócletí legreta ie contingent ye) there aere IpVO-pass- ion Mieaes culine you. He may live without joyed bv Iho billowing s pearcn, tliough the) ire cons we lisaure I Mia aome men initiik. but pining'.' in Lha Qbidys K II v. Margal.! M 'anna. hope of fl . oil nt visits eyleielvel;, Hi nil - ed by the Well, the raen dwelt man hostess d this ,i '. Amy Chap- o rl.-.-- But where is the that ...lines. Mrs Hurh. Hook wlib-- . the beautiful Un' Ibuquerque uu. without dining ." the sum lain, St ell Aimljo, Haeel Kleki Lioa Angeles. envelopes and has the queerest uual-il- Margaret Henefry, Katherlne Kele- - bride-elec- uiiSged ,.- - Never 4a t stick-t- o wlien .li week'.- Madeline I lood- - el atatc-.- Meredith. Willi her, Julia McGulre. ly feted or molo heuttii "lteálly such a M 1 a lllc in tin throat unnecessary, if charming wisdom: so f In VI i rtb. and Ma ud Heaven They was y" Pearei 1, inline. liate atten w. May lated than 'Bee nrfnlra mires i. ..i' il,.. I ran. mill! v . the Jo ot a r chai min honu chaperoned bs Missel night Of girlhood ii. ia-- l v looking mn-ne- r Ke. h r that last her exnla a lull on I ) citing. In .1 in Keleher, Tler tion." un- - living and loving hinges the 'rtda Jennie vied vriih one mother in crowd, th nn n TUerai Vv vv In. will rrienda lelb.w of Hie ami world over r. a a in) Mrs II Helm i Batelle Kellj an.l Hi evening hour Women the of Mr iiur bee honor lahed from be veranda. t.- - ami reason l tin ar lulu repartee laughi- exit Use the appeal heart leave Kay with brilliant and vnd the ladies made laughing a well cOoked din- nstltuted 'hi Wva-- ng, sally. by dooi Is made beat iv ith Cards ollowe.l by al llumill liamiuel at the i Into the hotel a dttfereiit looking has become all srt. - was a brll-l- d :i en Mi . n arts ner Su ,1 i ThliradttJ evening This l: murmurs of dinner daiuc. in our i T with wilh a science, and It Is taught elaborate supper. elaborate event, and though MoOaffgy. pioinrnenilv Identified win. 1. ' " n,"KX Js m"!1' clubs, discuss m ll ne center lor ...Is. lu our prettj the beau-lookin- th.- Cnlvemtyi lit.- oily, was the only Mb, studied . .ml nnual ufinlr ot soeisl oi this toilets. That'll nil vt-s- B the ol elabor.te In periodical and dull.-- " i pt, , being uni.p all pievlous efforts in Hint last event of the many in honor Allgeles papers pleUS-- ' .1)1) . ed - u ty, di ed I...S to do with aiiangeineiil n was Hi" was brilliant!) bea ( science has - itliil Is i eprc-- The banquet table in Miss f'earee. and ... . bilí had- a ili- A .lOlule.l Hh.l . - KI1U", r, u an.l " us mag- It was by th Pea) ratnei in. t "' ivhl.h tol ..f horseshoe tltul. attended nm description of the . - uaaton. - In .ve. lip. IM I. The follow loesvic o.,. .v- and iv.n : limited a body "i mil ulle decorated nn.l plentifully Hook bridal party, the Ag ...... the Worn -- - I'd sails and w i Peane-Hoo- k i talsen.fTom nnat that a snip woo supplied with tlie good things lo eat. relamía ol who er' wilding - h-- !. natl ms. ih" kiooih. - "elitb society nr.- not "mu. filled lth Bt Tho vv ami Los Angelí Times hii'h and cmnplelelv v i.,r ul.l.'h- - til. Altai,-- - o io tutted. town t" attend the the was a pa smtla. i - i s o lo, in Si ,iv..d tarts' see. there lili.. ..t tho" - II. miIi it was much in evi f..t- - th.- lo. el tal set. The dei .si night John's - h IpPI vov !.' V- r Value of System in House- , sugl '"' lb edlng wen- on an elaborate Be-a- KniBcooal hui. h, Atbuqile! une. per. "The Uum trefe oí 'lil- donee nd enlivened pic orations l ' ' ' gu 11'iollSl.v ,. s oi os kJMBPlea ami Mi work." and Mrs. anwwai, . , og ThS fOl" roses, potted ferns Hook . ... . M , ,, ' .' ,,s ireaüy The toasts eonaiaffng of pink go..u . . jl o, , II .1' ilí' .1 through- .laughtvr ot Dr. pre i nted tne n...... " . b'V Witt) .mil sv ri rhom as palms, us. ;.i.undailil Rebecca lar.f. . MM flam. I Sleal ll. and upon perfect and - r ' The purhus n.i mis John P. Hear.e of naturally, lo- s Mesan Iv elche Iho H In. out the S! uois was "Shall DogiaeUc Sct. ia. BrigH White. were bpeh wile ma nil. The wedding discussion. j Storlz, us, W W. ' il a I I'Spelld. d )i and ramDtton hall thrown S I. -I- s. afforded u i. F. I. Be a brilliant Alhunuerque bus be Taught in our Ho. h. I'.n l it it i i Assoc .lion M nnrt converted int ball t'oottl of th,. most Mrs. K.O M. K ., s ed In little church was ItASh and iricitdP wi.nare Hahn and 'la ii , .il . auUniltd proportion wWl.a Petle.'t tni Mrs A- stroiic The - Mi.--: hantfled the afflrjngtlve and v Iw ii Rap- fjooi ior dam Ing Th.- o music was crowded m 'he door with car, Is a the tlet - p. a lbright negative. Ihe toMMr w a . lev s mingly bj Albnoiieioio's beat or- area's rrieiui while considerable the M Mi - W. W. Sllong pens." as rurnisned - palm ot viCtOTS i I by 'l 1."- Angeles pe..pu won ng off tbe - night, lowed toast b viiss Parson tne uní number . oetn- Thursda; present fd eha stra, t me.i ai.o,..&. de, f'p ,1 hud barge of the part) wse Interestingly 111011 o-- . ii.ltai The Wilde stun Caniiehi dancing. affair "The Class ol ltt,' as the name in ni syinoiv won mar the isa oi mi' ....v. cards ami '" - golden and hel eye arc feature Mi-.- ami Mrs In lliiui. llivan Mes dancg ntuai Po large veíanla her hair ...irhii. , .... , Sil HE . Will. 11. in ...,.i,ii,l fect ' al- - tit ImproVis.-- supper loom, and bine. Pink - her favorite eolor. and -' Vu" r. fresh- - if whom going t" Lillian Spit. ule. gracelully was an f Ifnltn WHS boa 'I llght- - t .re, ..v. tor own heuutilul .".a.". .... f ,. .... i i ' ". '"The Wide World." and was attractive in di oration ami ilo n her l e o " " iho a instruct;.,.. Theonh leu ol I , ,. s to his alib- lOUS buffet Flipper I.. II1K bride's costutn. ..I white, it was MM vv,.s Mrs. Ufull, decorated In a abundance did cumplí te msti. ine the delli lb- - culinary Une being naed " A perfe. tiv appoinl. il pink wedding ti. un tin- changing r..u... Ibe saine '1 le, I "Tlo large number served at small which had nothing Wr-l.- t in .t the "'""..i." i.... I Till' MS les w ore present .1 well as .i,i..s The suii'n-- hour was rllliv ti gowns oi in "ii Inoior and US the fl.. ot gl ad ids, th.' last detail whatever to do Willi cooks .hi...... r..... a,',.i Hahn. Me- members ot the faculty and hoard ed i th. strains of music, Which pretty brtdeenn i" enough m m Mesdames lb. - b ii ..i utmns. afolen ere tm as. as ever bc.utt.u. is. l vlder. nf The newly elected offi- . ontir.ue.l .luring the inteltlllSS ll. of the ehur. matt Ke. m an BtortS. smitlo resents mind from the ' - year are as fol- - -- itoUnctlj ap- elabórate I,,, the ihs- - Whii Fligu- eers for th suing but not least" is life, which can be al. tice-presi- d. last of social The ceremor the KpiSeopul binas ot Ibis ..u President, Tom Keleher, plicable to this finale .' u Hong. 111 I secre-tar- y, enough tor v t. by Archdea. on rcguided long So. ol ns nl Miss Lillian Rnttg; - Hook-PraH- e wasMng. -- tin- charming bi Hal, was Missionary lei W at tin- 1011 in honor of . The i - Katherim Btrlokler. bililta - . r. n. i . art- Wroth; f li" Bo J Alou- William K lor oi I ig'1, M..I list bur. h met with Mrs William chairman ( Photo by Walton who wns favor.d mov- Mrs F.o rest .Mnv. AlbOqUer- - Misa De society foks Johns chureh the blidal uarlv Mr and MXl wrighi. at her home in old exei uti.e committee, Vloletta Keaice" angrojn tin- sang give a tare ell concert to Muss was one of th brideainuida at the ing to the .liar as estoH the ,., i Thursday aileruooii. Tnlto, ,. Katherine Strickler pink gown evening at the Chrlst.a.i In wtiiiimuor-- heuutitul ...11. '10111 c,.wun'a "Itoac irllav . red lw tt '..,, ...... the v .11 M0iul.1v ail. in. bridal eh. .ins problem was "i...... !....! . is i.-r- Ho time ri to be under th. as, on ,,l,.,l..r 11 hurón he affair SO lllletesllllg Mrs steward and Mrs. ami bat Worn on that moment us ..lip , the r"gt..n "f .lav. Maldi ... t so ...rióos libases and Luther eWhere between A-- tl,.. API .,',. eyes bearttUIUI. ami n ush.-r- I'helns, .lilies' .... . Carl w right are to give a Juvoutlo manner, and charming. Her lire n. Hie The r Pred i vivacious in , in Ught .:ml (Task .i''l muruay nigh, prog,..,,, Ih. Highland M a . 1 ...... I .' ..K.. ..v Sht is a great tavorlte Tim H Brown of Los - .. Methodist I'lMllinilllE 111 II 01 '.."..B."eni not horn" n.nJ Schwartt, - KwrWrS j - ' s ." are given that do in univusal ,- av-o- ac. litngland of Al- log the nortB.wcilencrc ui the local world of fashionables, and few axlaiis The lllg - We- ;. uuul AutP'lcii and Ar'hiu elude hej uatuc lU the list of sucst. . THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. MAY 22. 1910

, e Cite Albuquerque rap nf Is'i w Muxlm run. rlly cu ti 't have inn manj of lr pot 0 her product, Hon m uir kkh win morning journal mil... I hi' problem. The Society uii nt pullet, rained at coat In Uii .Offlrlal New. n( New m ... rai ..l.h..l tiy I he hi. k sum, enables da to lira right mi;iII.v mill hung the I lid 10. kIkii on I iOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. tha boef iruat n r downy plums tinned from I'n D. A. MACPHICROON Preeiileot Muffs the pillow on hiii Um yry - V working funis strwrt ra JAM BLACK hard chiten Th pupils of tin' formar, the tntudci WILLIAM K BROa IN i,,...,. Tin' strutting lord "i tna barn M Kindergarten class, win contribute BOWDKN U.ner ii.i supplant "iiii IiIb proud adorn, music mid Mrs Oartwriaht's Juvenile nter i matter it ti mi ut the expenslvi quetalcontl ol th iIiish, in expression work, viu have poscfrice, tl All. ii iu.t.ih- N If., under sol ' n "Bttey" program, devoted entirely if Coiurran f Mur.'h i on tin. hurrlt .un- daoa oí my tu those famous poems of childhood, hi iiU'i .n Hie In tl in TIIK OHMM. .Inlll'sVI Is THR laily'n Without for Which .l.i mi s W liil. "inl) Riley in I.MMIM, 1.1 CI III II N I ' 1 I It HI" N I 11 HI Illl IlilMM IM noted. OrmilllTIIK HM'IIIIH (V PIKTI I I. TIIIC A Ml 1MI III I " III I II K HI rlHI. - i i v. u i:i . was tin ne m- ni i. ni s Aim .i. ni primp, nun ruiiii iny reception tendered - ' ri i i'akii mi. i 1. 1 un mi. i,i tin. christian church, ill or camp, play tennti nil ni vvhen ara raQaol on ta i flah, hunt, knork-a-bo- ut HI ll- -l tío- ladlea who furnished uta mu clothes ora II KM. Ill RUTHIN. suraoce again! Utfytttlon oakllng and All aboard for the following hotel, Summer Raaorta, ate. You can "ear ortoátlOB on the following advertised lIIj I.. in ICS m, inr special aarvicfla srhlch Kc J. inf OaIIjt tie mil eM month too si. on conducted, on Tueaday eve 'i I l)ii- In our i fen-er- rcxoi'ts and will lie furnished promptly ut tha Morning Journal Ulflce. rlernlotl.iii IIiiib stir other impel nut only ni'' hen nina in the hurch parlen The hotels - la lrsrNew Mr. ii... lh.. nlr puiier la hm business, we bsws no business v,ih- - reception committee com- .1 I'l ,e..r M..i. r.rr. ill. Ihr ' poned of Mm, .i 'I Wear, Bv, w i: i .".i r t i i limy conserve iiut luí .'n hi Hryann, Mra. Wataon, Mlaa "The Me k Jiirie.l I. - higher rlr- - Wton, enlallon ruling Hum I. Hiinrle. la une MrK, Carna, Mrs. iMruHHiuiat, Mr laaac Iher ltaper in New Mexico " The AruerltuB mid Mr. v.nt Cleave. Mm. i:d- - IM.e. Barth New.iMtne. ward Mn ki tt. MImh KIhio Sm'kett mid 41 HI III I Hill r MM Httiril mihm Joaephlne Clement conatltuted ii.. refreahmenl commttte Tin- Til. i'i our. in i,in iplendtdly ri n- -

;i adea. op n I ha i Vofai fó'THotel oí.. Mra, earn : IlKhtlefJ and mi . lm" TlMjrCftt 1 leONO BEACH. OAIa W$ Th' Oktabi AdOTi to Vi m uembem citMtS 1 t ': rooana of comfort " V li i f battling i Mmnlj dellght k,' l:,'''"w In luí- ii Re J, A. Stout '' jy The anrf i' '". "V Plaño mi Violin limt Itlehl ttroe ;j V ' ful. Uro guarde alvraye In attend- - .mSZ ''.) ..'rr-ti- k aWKMH i rt . 1 r Addrí ' ySa lio .. t 1 uiu.iMi ríTpí' 1 ' ! iv In STANDS itff batli bouHoa, but a stono'a throw from V - L Jñ'Z'w ' 7nl j - i NT. . Tin- Ii 4 1 ' till 1011 pll v iiiimi 111 . rigid Mandolin I'lnu II 1MNUIH ij Hi'' lirui al Ion. JgS I' K V f'il dial W. íleon, Mrs Cam! in:i,Si'o,,,;iu''Vaim.cii'u'i'..a-V- 1 ríe iijHáil PfY1'. I I A ; -l I f V -- I fZ!J AAA rlo-- e Tin cornel ílm I pint liuiiis ilwai- - lo luiré. 'In ii now ,MSS, -i- n i.ii.iii' I'l I'J And Hon will, I t - .., II. lili IT B .1 iV' I 1 I . j...,.- - ...o. MllWMIimM TBV.ur '. B ' H to weak a renl dinner party wa one i .il I . i i i - g íl "I , n t i.i Ill l.lll forth ti "i iin dtveMtuns, nt which Miss Mar-- ii íi MfP-- i II UtMINO UelUK .i Mil ,i'i and Mtiater Qeorge, children of l Mra, MUI NT IN IUOH1 held UK bel Mr. mid rSmlthen al tha Al M'OlUiO Vnmdo, M ins IN nil SUMMER being un umpl in ri host mnl IionIchh. Adelaide Uubn mid Mta Mnrjoile B vri s n l. Hint If si ikiim .in. Htcun Melé gueata. The table im Ideal Honor! " . f .ii Thi' at ri mi I in tin' world, New prettily deoorated mnl oav'h child wu Spend Vour Summer ' RATES Iayni. ni;i ml. .. made happy with a clutter or rosin l ion EUROPCAN PLAN) UH individual f ivolH. pi rioualy diriiiir ii Md.idid one, Navar before havi Or u Trip lo NEWEST Irhl liONti VOH, Tlie ONE OP THE i liiHlltutlotiH of tin AAA in educailonal Mrs Kudlng tins returned to her Beach I'aniillsr, AND FtNMT HOTELS li I pontatlme hum lo reullae thai itui'v bean ao etfeotively orepar. lioiiu- in Siinin P niter u vieit of Huntington Boacil, IN LAliiruillim the aevcrcly aii'l Kintliiiiti- - but M eome week' duration with Mr and I I )W P4HIT BEACH, Itttrllrctuul j 3BOAQWAY AT SEVENTH Mm. ( will bo lu id.' of flclenl am w ll. Halm sin we accomt I II 1 ITT, BEACH the bluahim Juna an. LONG STREET by ulster, Miss Adelaide BAIjBI , lit mu panted her or tiny of a DAVIS. oilier aeaaon. abd mi Hahn, who uiit remain a Ith ber dur 'Hie On at siiinnirr COOPER Lr.SEtt n-- . 9k h iiik the tlahna' ojourn in Europe. sort- - on Hie I'aeilic SL"-fB- r.J II resil) doean'l muke mui eclioolH a they oould be miywlu-r- lu Blectrlc Kyetom, Tree Auto l!u- - Meets All Traína Mr AAAp, i, an- i i n Tin- of mui Mrs Wliliameon l I t uro uii,, ut ii'idli In tin' H mu.. ttandard work IStlol - SANITARIUM LOS ANI.i nounce tin- uls- and informa is riaing roRiartoblyi olafpg are engagement of their III Pfncbol cnae. Tin- public linn ter. Miss Olive Corbln to Maneo n B. tion write, HOTEL HINMAN bj Un. Battle Creek Sanitarium Methods on ii taught moal iglilad loatrtioton i decided rindlna. Rothenberger of Dowagiac, Michigan, mi (.i:i, BUMMÉR HOMK, beau-tlful- ly Unit be more eol wadding n nt IDEAL rim aaouredi real Tin. win occur June the Q, P. A. $12.50 WCCi'i UPWARDS. BEST of city; close U lllliiuiK'iii home, 717 Smith Edith SPtTSIAL PR fumlahed; heart J I.iiiin ha been expelled trom I'ui.ii'. work la being dona, mui there m Pacific EQUIPPED INSTITUTION WfZ'.J OV BATTLE to shopping and theater dlatrlcts. an uxrliiHivi' wolf (lull. Tin- fi'itive iJectrtc It, it. SUMMER CRi-Et- t. EVERY LUXURY AMD COMPORT. WRITE TODAY K'it SUMIIBR i ' mu C R and intereattng folder. ame of golf 1111111111" many hasarde, i v i.'i HCRIPTIVE COOKLTi PRl ti:s -, a cttarmlng "tea," with iiie hsnni HINMAN, Tth and I imicroti St- boilen well the I RATES V BAY 5IMSSON, BtTACrt. CAI. THE bul apparentl) Ullla I one ihey don't ItltUtloim which for amount of Ihiniil which Is the cup lo HH' l!r. dames A. t'orric. Mgr. cure to rlxk. futuri of N'. w Mexico, Wa huvo a thai oheert, and is decidedly condu- -

ifl Mr. Ki rn l by SUMMERS COOL entitled to credit at ternoon the uadlaa Aid Society of SANTA WINTERS WARM Ú lt lenAi In Umatlon ol lb war dapartmant. We tin' Chrietian at for aelng able i" reappear church the Butler Ton KUea i aUfornla'a Elncat Beach Enjoyed at .i i Ii liiime, 4t9 stt t. Mrs. the Bpntiiitiit after H PAmpaign for have i' tiioi ml univeriiltv will. South Third laaac Rariti and Mrs. winkle aaatated the ulnl on tin ihlli-o- i the hoeteaa in pouring mui lervuig of ' tl, ki t ut Hint LONG lrnU'AV' riitli nt BEACH other more aubatfl lai refreahmenta. r driving and motoring perfe tit Boulevard. J llaga which in koíhk tpped bath home costing HOC fUhlAg from effec-ti- n' Miss Si. ii7. it íh .ii . i ti, a lively aim it tivea, to Lillian returned home 'i' DftUy t'xciirHitms in fish In gin la Country maintain lust Monday evening vary auo tIeaMt-Oayn- reaouroea of the after in the rniaun coi inl year um teacher in the Arteala iiemtandiuK i"i tkm reaaoti UmiI i1 are aplendld normal HlHll Kill. I'd Miss Sl.ll will spend hollín ae poaatbie promlaa oi t ron- - output aaaurei IntaUl-traine- d her i." atlon in Albuquerque, utile principle, thr most novel and A A g I i M and efflalont KICHHlollll I1M li'.i l"ll Mrs, omoleted. rioderick Siover mnl children VISIT miles south of Loa Angelei ; s,"i mtn- - win leave in the nurse of a few daya utea rtdem L iclflc Electric Railway from sixth The New Mngland aenMora fear wa ior iin- r,i. is, where they expert to ' I ..Hi Nl Ml AH I - en. .ii o broke bulidio Uattieehip The Great Canvas City L, t'.VMP, Hocrct I Ollg lit at It ( hanilM r of CoitlHierce, I ong llt ;u il -- II E i) O I A it E K s zrr' 11 Illl) In to be rVHted ill I inoinv Mist Pauline Brcmirrta of .ww - m Ifteig f.hools, mid the and enjoy the dry marine dim- aUgtareh) would Jtk to hove II ited TOrll t'lty, Ik in clt) a stay :hool ayatem. conaidor the ior on New Bnatand exclueively, ,'t tWa Wek, tin- Kins! ol Alls Sam- - ate never dampness, al- - For Fishing and Bathing any .

Nil IIHC n Game and fish- - i--. Wi.vsniiM vi''"" - BEACH i. tni.s Mjs prank McKee and lililí II ' ' " NEWPORT t nil II mi h been in-- rn fi CTJ III' lll leave i for tbi Rogue in(j plentiful, hotel Mi r. I iniaal June accomoda com panted uatoalona. wreck Mexico acht River Valley, Oregon, The Mill he THE BEACH FOB SUMMER HOMES aovrthouaki ml will tlofls good. Mothing like those The Newport Dredging Company vni of eruption f n that have put on the market a number moonlidht Camn lots, at Newport. unit id' ttu itiiiiii tlon ol tin launch rides. cholee the liiirst the A A r Von CAN BUT. a lot and HAVE A t ommenc ground with water free plan to HOME Hl'lI.T AT Ai'TI'AI, COST. Think of that, anil can have same go to cata na now. Deer. furnished for thla summer, WRITE i Trout, Recreation inn hiiiidiiiK Monday even! iiiuke thoae mlnta, popularly known ( at June-- j - honor of Miss llailvs ml. I. i k6tl IT sro'l'T'S CAMP, i Hours Hide i'l I.os Anelih Located the inr- matter, alan about our BIG PULE divvy up i . t i t i hi aa4dee companlvai with 0 é é lion oi 'two .i ii ii in ii :i ii sireanis. liooii louu, gooo Deas, eieur siriun . HUUSJS t;uwrisT. the iwttaumer, The mitih lo be gel-tii- n liXNNlNi. COMPANY ii iiriiiiht i n iinoiss. Trout arc often served at our tantea, im is & CO. I I R. HYNES - I'm ill. Ircirli Bldl i ' ii I i: il l It be made the lirsl fifteen the mu lor nut I Ion ol He Wit In. Itl uiii Lám ingflee. Cal. jieopie answering this ativertisemeni trom earn piace. iror rree iniormaiion i : s l N I PI HIT, CAL. anil literature addreKH.Ht'OTT'K CAMB, r.iiL' SUmaon Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. THE LOTSHAR Los Angeles HOTEL CALIFORNIA EL REPOSO SANITARIUM IN TIIK MIHST i TU : l!l'SI'i:SS ANH AMIS ! M LN I' HISTI1I RANI II ANB IIIALTII KLSOKT rt i A Modern It nun,' House of Eighteen oi hi. u In every room. SPECIAL 8UMMEB ill; vi lDRE, CAL, clean, aunnj room Binglo or ensuite, nd Modern. Long distance telephone mi llVel'ilKe outh or i eutrn day up. No In Uta city. A for cloaa in. bj day, week or month. KATES 50e per and bettor accommodation moderate pried sanitarium i B. W. o fund ' liberty Hint 1033 s, Under management of HOPKINS the scientific treatment of diseases nine Street, LOS n.i;i,i PhyslctanB anil In h,iii. for ionaer H I iiht'irnia. of throat and luntts. graduate nurses In constant atten- mil Mils it. LOTS1I HL Prop. - to dance, Tent hOUSea, Mission bur- ii HOLLENBECK HOTEL iharmngly arrayed m u'hite ami house, Theodore 1. Kanouse. Stpt. i li l vi B a. t . t i.i u i Los Angeles, Cal. .IND. S. Ml l't IILLL t'y i troon, which color are vhomrtn í;'.j u . Slvlb Strei'i, l.'is iio Col Vilas Chllders as Hi of her wed N I U M I H i I i I Xlli.H mm I dm lor ' ilS FIELDING J. STILSON CO. pt lalni UATiX: i i lemon si on to $1,50 With private bath icrson Try a Morniiui Journal Want Ad a day : :! pcraoita ! wd lo gl.50 lo IÜ.00; arsons PAID l r AITI l sj I &0,000 i ' Hi i. ni howe, mnl the honoren mirsi das $:i 50, $t ,",i j IMI a week Near s:: on per S2.50 15.00. a Ui ii.n. lo Los Exchauiga h i ii ; an tllpu rmielved larger basket rilled poatofftce, paaá door ail Mciuhers Vugclcs stock i notn delightful i'ii from a Specialty. Thr Uliestn of this depots I ion u iiii, stock "HfturllOOn" were Missis I'lllldrl'S, storage. Kct p Hile, idierlLenu-ul- BOS It. W. Ilrlluian Building KdUh and Aumn Chllder, Erna l' i - guiwoii, Lux. Bal I LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA a oonegi protimsor nas atiaineo Inspect Mildred Bessie I Illl I I VI it t nl celebrity lo i niiipui tnj ilrldae. Katherlne Btrlckler and I 'm nu i l. Ori na ii Stephanie or Roswell fraer Tor Uh A Hope, WANTED Men to learn assaying. Opp. Poatoffice. i left i S ' civil and in in riK engineering, Our I I ' Itr-- I SI per day LOS ANQE us place you In a position to com- I" in. in hotel in city. Saturday t i: t it. vi UN STBEET. mand 1160 to a month. Indi- r,l'iil)lld home, Twelfth and Rom, in $5' :: at .iii.i at ill till' rosea ol rich shade vidual Instruction by teachers of -- afternoon Red nlabed I. V. to in of business Hut a in LiFt lie. Ii were used In lavish profusion, the rioss all theater and heart district' few minutes years' experience. Well known Shoes appointed Bradt and ti of ail railway stations. The cars to all suburban plans of amusement, tha minim; world. "r also auto- table being perfectl' ami 1'iop-- . teach Jqlttisun. mountains and beeches puss the door. BEAUTIFULLY furnished and mobile ami electrical engineering modern in every respect. THE VAN M Yri CAPS is FAMOUS THE Shod work "ii steam, gas and electri- WORLD OVER and ta UNEXCELLED IN CALIFORNIA. GET THAT cal machinery. Half rate for May. na ro THE COMPANY BOOKLET OF INTERESTING VIEWS AND SUMMER BATES by writ- National Assaying, Mining Barth r Mann b, Booth, m WM. FARR Muya, School of it in. ii, in.. ing K. I. POTTER COt c. H. KNAP PE, Msnager, Van Loa Angel, 2110-1- West Host and VYilk. raOA. Wholi sal In and Otvll Engineering, 1 a A retail dealers Seventh Los Angeles, Cal. Fraah mid san vicat- -. Ba nesga s street. Mr Mali, i ot 111 West Tilers, ípcehill). I r and hogl the A I i. in entertain for miss Oladya Child- - ittle LOST R H E U M T SM AND STOMACH TROUBLES Wedneadsj blRKest inarki t i rires are paid. rs neat nfternoon Found Health and Happiness, al M arriata Hot Springs, Murrteta, ri.. - America's finest sulphur mud hatha ami swimming pool. Booklet ai In I'al .lllllil'S I I.' 'I Outing Suits There aft sr, n or b) wrlOng. Prtta GaeSlther, Pmpricior. II. , ol Mlaa ChUd- - CHICHESTER S PILLS bureau tíuen tiler foi nesi seek in honor lilt Ml. A For Men if Hi. in linns lea ror " , .)( ' i",..'.ffiri..j4(y .it ii i noon at i. h Mis. '' o'rt and i rnl- - Be J 0IS V d will be hosln i . .i i r r "o r I air li .i ulher llwr THE PERCIVAL Women rueelu. A i II I !...lil s.TI'R 1 Ml HI lliiM Illl Ml I'l I - A . r. Hotel 1 . Rci s.i lest Apartment P0loNEAK rn-me- V7 NEVER YEARS 30 Gove r-ei-. FUmV SOIPB, DRrGUISTSIfK)HNIKf Ninth ami Hill LOR ANGELES flH LING nLIILUI TMESrN0B0 Th.- largest and most perfectly I'ltS, CHILSlAINS rtLONS. BURNS. f.TC .V.'.UIIBLI MOllSL-Ol-- D 5LVC Mrs Hopping or mj ILL E Carl appointed apartment house 01 IT 01 'LL Of,TlliN ON HtQutSl Khaki Tin I. 0 su ' ' I. i. rali d their in tile west CCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES i" is. 1'ihlav . . Bl t ORB, Bronrietor, 2S Crns mlitatina nniv .i. " - -frrri ' j .1 ' err MM. rli trl.lllls Cancer Cure Ni3i.f Corduioy . nlng spent moat N 1MI i St. i no ai in pi ii ina Bhgti five, ami Sur Pani:,; Mctiiod . k ,' v .nú a nis wen n rrai- - No Pay UNTIL CURtOi Park Apartments Hotel Alvarado Fustian I i is VM.KLI a, l lull Kin sts were Hie r.riplrnts Ha Fraud Nu X Ray t'oriier and Miarailo sirccts Cloth hois iiul the hiidi and eel class, luxiiriouslv furnished UIGI U 8, t i s I nr. i I no , appointed. phone i. a. i rom the friend Private In m is iT.M ri:s ithm iu'sinkss Army '. il lIQcent private park. i mil n: s. t s"lni ri Perfect OENTBR, In artatrocyatio residence Itioni for liome life. A rtrl . ovariookln v. t Lake Duck I L.I We-- i S. Park. ienlh Slreet. Sp. nil Accommodations and rates to -- I b on llni'i i r would go broke - Rati application people in Albuquerque and vicinity. Canvas Win. II. Corwin. Owner and Manager HOTEL CHAPMAN HOTEL WATSON ti i sR ii irR in m i ANY BREAST I in tar Made to LUMP IN W OMAN'S Filth imnI Wall Strmns, I , Anteles. LOti t,l;l v Plea sun t al I loner Measure II ) ou lu Not a ilimn-ii.n- n hotel, ton ,,nlv rooni Cat. Llllop, I I l I -- I elghl minutes aa on three dlffer- - Men's Catalogue No. ST; C. ; Women's It up car lines A pint MAY - t'MNKH snd eni borne holel. TI. No. 23. for- I very ! leo UltUMH r KiRji, modern in srny. Write - Autlres Oi S R CHAMLEY. Ualn lr,,,. us for 'rim- rates i "ii III be sin pi is. , The Wm. H. Hoegee Co. Inc. M4 W. Central Ave O 74 7 S. (tasín St. IOS sNGf ICS, CAL. . rule utK !TH Try a Morning Journal Want Ad LOs I mail this to SOME MK CAKtfl t l E COXM i n ij ANuLLLS, CAL. I

sr THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. MAY 22, 1910. r WE DO WHAT WE ADVERTISE Golden Rule Dry Goods Co. Another Great Bargain Feast For You $5,000 STOCK WOMEN'S MUSLIN UNDERW'R


Quality, Quantity and Prices that Speak Volumes for their Economy. The Greatest Muslin Underwear Sale in the history of this store. SPECIAL Muslin Underwear Bargains EXTRA n mmm m a Muslin Skirts Muslin Skirts Muslin Skirts Muslin Skirts extra well made six rows Muslin Skirts embroidery Muslin Skirts, tucked and em tucking, deep embroidery flounce, and lace trimmed. broidery trimmed val looks like you pay ) up to ues up to $1.25, slight $1 .50 elsewhere--You- r values q.uu Your Choice - ly soiled, your choice 59c choice - - 75c $1

Muslin Skirts Muslin Night Gowns Muslin Skirts, extra special value, made Special Values in night gowns with deep flounce of Cluny Lace, very great variety of styles, desirable, values up asst. sizes values up to $3.50. .39 to $1.25. Your Choice 59c Your Choice -

Muslin Drawers Muslin Drawers Corset Covers One lot muslin drawers, spec Muslin drawers, embroidery See our corset cover- s- ial value lace trimmed and lace trimmed um Special bargains sold vp to 50c pair. brella flounce values up at 29 cents and Your Choice pair 19c to 75c, your choice pr.125c 39c


ffiCOOfcOOCOOOC XXX)CXXOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXT0;XXXXXXJ prayer meeting i...,,ii" 'huk sér ica ai nils i. ,i .. uuuuunt m Dacca W. HICKOX lauréala scrimm nl the First Methu f COMPANY nt 'Lmi i. no prayes mirtina tin Madame Corrix New Mexico Pioneer .1. mkn Club Cafe wees on account "f revival nt the 1GEO. "Diamonds," "Amerlcsa Watches." Itepshlng IIjs Ik In n.) Methodist church, Corre, ting Ers Troubles, sad M onogr in Kngravlng. 1) II O T VI I s s I II I s HKINT lift CO, hi O.NT ST. 420 W. GOLD AVE. sr. PU ib : v. i t thf.ran. o P P o It T I . I I V t Biersf Rae, .i. . est Values Paetiaieki Pastor. taasoooxooooc ÍCorner Sixth and West Silver.) she I nou liM'altsl on e- -l Sunday school at a. ni. Eng-lin- h Central tvenue, opposite Porto Ol'-tu- Open May 12, 1910 scribe itt ll a. m Herman sen-le- e Itii'o House told Town). e ut :'.:io u. m. There will be nu hotira; ll a. in. to Ml p. in Everything rirst Ctasa, venina service CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. (.1 Hi Invite you to give as trial. SAnsFACTION ARANTEED Ever EVAXG. i: Ranges, m thi mission. Mora. Bnuss Fitralahlng Goods, Cutlery nmi Toóla, (roa Í719 South A i no St.) Tells Pateare and Past, i.ivcs Upe valves and i Ittings, Ptn niblng, Healing, i in and Copper Work LUNCHES. SUPPER AND Bee. t". Krctachmari Pastor, dvice in All Affairs ! Ufe. SIN CENTRAL every o prepared to show you that we can and do give wi sl AVEM E. PHONE HIS PARTY Herman Services are held We are DINNERS morn i in; it 10:1,1 o'clock Truthful in her predictions. '.' I mat- to Sunday school at reliable lu ber advice. No Furnished Order ter what trouble you may have the best values this season in the new.'Spring Suits ev- II Kill LAN H Ml IIKMHST CHCKCH with yourself or others, conn ! Cream Pallor in connect toa (118 South Arno.) and she will gUldS you to sue- - Permanent and Traoaten! cesa THE Colainbtu a Paator. ami hepplnces. ' V í ni- - dark, Always er seen here. solicited. (Residen.-- 716 H Edith St.) consult the best, as n CAFE Residence phone, It is the cheapest In the end. cu iü3. It Is better lo not consult u Black- Home Restaurant II. A. MAM'III.I), I'rop. Sunday achool .it n.L, a. in.; revival service at it a. m., serrooa by p.av. Palmist or clairvoyant at all Joel !" Hedgpeth. children'! aervlca than to consult one who is not Suits at $10.50, $12.50, $15, $18 .'! RfdVlUS ut p. m., addressed by Bro, lledg-peth- : aide lo help loll with Our Is the Best Place to Eat senior Kp worth League at before you enter into auytttltfg P m testimony .uní ninsíii cation oi Impórtame In business, love HOME COOKING service; evening evangelistic lervlce nt or marriage. Tou ahotlld eon-su- it berries Palm- p in , aermoh by Uro. Redgpeth; the master mind ol are fully guaranteed in every respect as to style, guaii!y istry e.nd Clalrvoyancy. I No. 207 Wesl Gold Millinery ipeclal music at ho(h morning and g Don service. The public cordially StrUggls with a burden you can 10c per box TRY US! divide. A troubled mind be- durability. ti Invitad to attend these services, and and I all Ch flatten people invited to cu-- I gets a morbid conscience. operate with us In the evangelistic Sympathy, Consolation a n il nil our MEALS 25 CENTS Timely tin- is rlncirm '"rl being pul forth. St ri kes Advice heals Worst Mis. Coverclalc lo HlwWIiy laach avenlng ncxl week at I o'clock. wounds lie advised ami re- customers have had a lieved of anxiety. Our Hart Schaffner Wallace Hesselden out her entire stock at 50 cents ARMY, Gl CONTRACTOR BAJiVAnoN TESTTMONI M. M.i:.L (Headquarters, 807 south Broadway! had a reading by Madame lo pay us tins ' Figure alld H'H kuiunshln enunt. We guarantee mora for your money on the dollar. Trimmed hats.: hull, .'(ti Silver Ave.) 'orrlx mi March when she & Marx Suits. any Siiiuj.iv morning, meeting Informed me that i wqui. dis- than other contracting firm lu holiness pose my a v Albuquerque. " clock, sumiiiy sein.i.i at i p oi business in few season. , KfltTfirn hfltfl ui nw nlnmae , " days, which h oi no Intention OfflUC ai (he Planing Mill ' r'""',' open air senil i s it p. m. Bat PHONEslrr,rMl. ol doing, hut I did so on April flowers, fancy feathers and 1st. E. A P . of Iilsbce arc undoubtedly the best high grade clothing for lh Our prices are ALBUQUERQUE FOUNDRY cmtKTIAN SCIENCE. IkfaUame CoftSfg revealira -- to and oír Hie my rel- tc h- - uurary Bmiétng) death of infant right. i everything in mi iAt money in existence. Moderate prices always. always MACHINE WORKS Subject ative that i heard of a tea Sen lees tit II Soul hours seeing ,nd Sundaj at a. alter her. and AliBVQI I E, school 1:46 in. 1 Hoi NI. MEXICO ncry stock ruaiuvuyPneitivrl iiiLiat Wednesday that would receive money Iron ami 'tis-- listings Testimonial mectlna al I I o m Reading room open Monday. shortly, ami which did re- U u binary Repairs. ceive within a short time for go before July 1st at any price. wedneaday and rrldny, front tu i p in. iihirh had lo sigh papers (or Plumbing & P u she told mi'. Atcl sin; told Standard Heating s o, my l l'roiessoi ;iis. ni ni take a rum- ( me sister Who liad M l Ol.lVl: IV VITIs l HI l!( H STERN COM SIMON mer course Chi- was PAN at the university of lira, (; m llryaut, snpt. murdered, thai a mystery: Ward's Store 111 eniriil Are. cago Professor Roberta n got ft we pever km-- whether she Sunday Kahyoj ii .'to a. in., preach- to i It) Prompt "'"I Careful Amotion All he mist iitiiinic ins absence. ing II it. m'. nuojbct: "The True committed suicide or foul mur- I H ilera der bud I ii pktyed, The Central Avenue Clothier Homer H. Ward. Mgr. hurlh"j H V 1'. V. t:0, I1'. I. Fau-- i ll ink ai. . MliS. J W. Kl'l.l.V ii rin MANY GRADUATES OF ett. president; Preaching vun j. m I4( aubject, ..i tin- day, TuesdAj s I7th St.. Douglas, Ariz. 315 Marble Ave.. Phone 206 LAUNDRY THE ALBUQUERQUE BUSI- p in., llterory contest; We'ilnesdayi S ( Fa II. WHUlns, Pastor NESS COLLEGE SECURE p, lu.. prayer meeting. (I It A NT A, M. T.. Bdi1,i WHITE FINE POSITIONS (II All CIII'RCII. GOOD dt( Nd,iondl ' Albuquerque Try a Morning Journal Want Ad flOSI SEAT SALE FOR WAGONS tei. ii. ii. lanes. Pastea. Telephone No. 181. ana surplus Sunday acnonl at 10 a. in ; Mrs 1. uapuai 3id!,uuu.uu TOOOCXKX XOOO(X XXXXX XX X aXXXXXOOOCXXXXXXXXXOOCOCOCXXXX) Black. auDerlntendent, Chrtatlun Bndeavor prayer meeting ai 7 p. m. PLAY MONDAY We offer to Our Customers Modern Facilities for the prompt Our ICE CREAM IS PURE business ourse lust September who Preaching service! 11 ft, in. and s have accepted poaitlona during tin-p- p. m. and proper transaction of their financial affairs, and such And k 1 to ent. Wo fnrnllh It In any quantity. or- ist two weeks are; Mrs. Clrac Her . ? ders loin Ited, ntann, secretary of the rd of edu- Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver liberality of treatment is banking. Miss VIH as consistent with prudent cation; Helen Bchelko, stenog- Tableta olear the sour stomach, Au- rapher, Attorney Blfego Haca: Mr. sweeten the breath mid create a Prospects Good for Large - . The Matthew Dairy & Supply Co. Ll l They liber Khodea, atenographer, the a.. healthy appetite. promote the dience ai Presentation of Your Cordially Plume 4 1700 N. 4tti HI. T, s p, it. it.: Miss i .ii ma Coen, flow of gnatrlc Juice, thereby Induc- St Account is Solicited atenographer and bookkeeper, Jno, ing Kood digestion. Sold by all drug-yist- s. (XXXfK)C)0OC3O00rxXXXXO00CXXX X xxxxxxx s Elmo" Elks' To UXXX Lee Clarke Co, ; Miss Marjorle Bena-dii- at Theater gtenographer. Mayor Legterj - morrow Eve'iiim, .Miss Mabel Oleson, stenographer, DOOR, WINDOW AND OTHER SCREEN WORK TO Territorial TIt assoclatlori, all in New Mexico. Miss Bva SCHOOL FOR RHODES ORDER AT THE CHARLES ILFELD CO. Mubea is with the Bradstreet 'o., ThS seal sale iililiii opened yes- Kansas I'lty. Mo., ami Mr. Charlea terday morning at Matson's Wlndes is kkei per for the Kemp indicates that the presentation of "St, Elmo" at SUPERIOR LUMBER AND MILL CO. CONTESTANTS the Bills' theater Monday night will Wholesalers of Everything lie by (UDerc(o(Uor$l)ipCoday groeted a large audience This LAS VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA is the dramatisation oí Augusta J. Bvahs' (Wilson) book yvhlch for marly fifty years ST. dOUN'S CBUHI H, University Will Open for Young has been the most (Cor. W. Lead and 41b St.) popular novel dealing with .southern In Hie ivriil Unit almutil not lit., TV'...... I. ...,,i....l.. COLLECTIONS ninriilng - B. Rector, ' , :. rtfelvs pii.r, lli- Archdeacon tv. Warren. Men Seeking Valuable Schol- , Fñr yuXl' PATEKT8, ttKAh ESTAT Wil AND LEGACIES E. L. ih..i thn I'OHTAI. I Kl.iOiiUAPIl shipped at tin shrin si h ls CO., ivin aama Residence o 0 v. Tijeraa, - Avoid bad debts. Does anyone owe you quickly four nmi :. 1 Su-p- the romanee of the story is bewitch- money? We collect am: i, ei ulll-s- ilu iiipi.r win i. ii,.iv, by Trinity Sunday, arships August Under ing and the religious spirit fervent. your ' ""tes, rents, wanes or any .hist professional or commercial Hi.t. lul Milxniiiir. Till lili'iiliu ! Holy v a. m No. la. communion at The play win be beautifully staged anywhere in the U. 8 and can collect y our accounts where others Sunday school 5'tna1U111 II no III IKD snot ami paator'e üibic vision of President. and presented by an excellent com- - ' Petter than yourself, your attorney, or your collector. Write for Thi ni va rawara win i, pat A i lass, tor adults, ft! It, puny, thus adding to nl-- ! . pian mr collecting. Business and professional, men send ui WASHBURN CO fur (h srrrit Mini eoarlelloa nf iny- - Holy communion a charm the i . and aermoni it claims tor collection. All unv- - an suulii Minium 1,1,.. f in. " ready popular tdory. Although till Patents sicurnl and sold. leanl mnttera M m, Subjeel: 'brlstlan Kaith Utl- - s. iiiIiik J.iiiriiiil from lh gaaf. sehool at the Uni book has been dramatized, but 11 wbere in the V. are bundled by our attorneys and representatives, Ileal - of ubiorllMirs Unchangeable." The summer few It) (.old changed ami v. New tin- Rhodes months, the company estate handled anywhere in the United Slates. Se- jouanaii co. Ki :!&. rsity oi Mexico tor tour of this Abstracts furnished. puiunma filing servlca and sermon, August I. The promises to epoch In cret and police service. Promoters, auditors, adjusters, collectors. llam- Subject: ' W is ItellglonT" scholarship will opn mark an th: hat contestants for 'this honor are: Har- history of dramatized novels, ases collected, stocks and bonds. If you have money to invest on good Music. write us. Any legitimate business promptly to B. old Marsh, Hubert Bewell, Karl Kai attended anyiibcre Processional hymn, J Hopkins. is S"Of In the L'. S. or foreign countries. Communion aervlof, Colllngwood, aten. The scholarship valued at Ml Bowel Troubles LOCAL OF 11, BOO a year, it Is good Use T)r. Hell's Anti-rai- Is NEWS INTEREST Introlt, .1. it Dykea and as for Relief THE NATIONAL MKnCANTHJi AGENCY. a we)l es- i Those i three years, it forms prigs almost instant! ous. Is also Hood (. Hot i:.:. .Milwaukee, Wis. iffertoi i , "Hoi) Holy, Holy," ll B, Shelley. worth tin' ilillieult work required to terna lly for all kinds of pains. Hold n B. everywhere Nunc i 'emití lis. Anon. win president McQueen Gray 111 give school his per- -- Good goods always atten- Recessional hymn, C. I" t'obb. tin summer ATTENTION nltract sonal attention, dolim much of the WOODMEN tion. himself. MEDAL GOES IMM i i IiATli i ii,M'l,l'l loN. Inferior goods nre often sold, but Pictured (Corner símii west Copper.) TO EARL STEVENS FOR 1 they tu ver bring te and '.'.V i h Small Vinouul fresh tuslomers itei M, MaiHlalarl, Paaanr Vou would not suffer one day for the store. ; EXCELLENCE IN DRILL Karl) mass, a in.. hlh mass uve limes that amount, Then try W e carry a fine line of vehicles and .i mi ai rmon, 3ft m.: evening ser--1 Sutherland's Kagta Bye Salve. We ha roess. i d . I Of ii 11 111 i' nmi conferun j o'clock; III Or et e tin- i ll y I Mil Hilarante it to cure. It s painless muss ever) niornlngi 7 Friday The quality in one Una cumpels Ilia i :i; ami harmless, The handsome gold medal aqulpula i tai a, muí ; offered Summer merchant i enlng servil os. so, by Major D K. Phillips of the Wood- quality in the other. hi ep Pena m. raiser of no a, as a) men of the World, to the best drilled It matters not if you nre looking in i r yesterday mi FOR business. BAt III H III VH1 III itt III. VARIED PROGRAM Woodman In Albuquerque, was for a Runabout. Phaftoá or Surrey vi iti. ii it Johnson, il .1 tv..- son T Job (Cor Stover Ave, and tth St) AT CHRISTIAN awarded in Elks' lodge room Fri- WS have the article alld wu huvo the Albuciueroi i.ei iv Tomtiwalnl. Pastor. C0MCERT day evening to Mr. Earl Stevens, hu harness to go with it. Itealdence, tOft Copper Ave.) nW MAY 97' '" ""' declared tin- most proflclcnl Albuquerque Carriage Co. No prohibitive prices, either; wa CI ,, i,, ;(X,. i ,.. organisation Clothes tnUnill nre satisfied with a reasonable insr-gt- was a in oi Naa Mi xi. left laal nigh lilaos ib sil tu,, n and Purke close second alld II will pay you pay you we" lion at I :!0 a. Sun, lay In received honorable Cor. 1st and Ti jet nnd inf i. .is Vegea. in school mention. The as to come mid see us. You have just been read- school bslldins Immediately after Un ing Is (he splendid pro members of the drill team were in mass conducted bs the glsters oí i. ti is to be rendered at th tun uniform and the drills were very OQOOOOOOOOCXIC o I.,' given at the Christian pretty. Music and dancing followed in ing about this week's t s i but o Mav L'7: the drills V M M.i Hu ll I'll kiuiii u 1ST CONGRI (. mONAIi III ItvTI Pan I. Ollt ItULE ON in. M. Is Cornel Broadway and Coal Avenue, Amerh an Songs. Pine lar anil Honey i4 issue of the Saturday Key . J, Manh, Pastofi a Since v. Parted Ulltson Have been used for generations lu NEW YEARS Sunday SCl at I.". .,. ni., II. S. 1, If Love Were Not , Johns treating coughs. tr. Bell's Pine-th- I Is Tar-Hon- to wish everybody health lid Hie sn l.lthgow, superintendent Christian i In ml, (he Fragranté i contains both combined y Evening Post can be . and happiness. We extend that seen ranch m ir lniporiii, Kan. Kmleavor nl p m Preaching by the Rose i.ytton with other valuable Ingredients Look pastor ii it a in. ,i evening serv- - Mr Foeest Carte rlghl for the bell on the bottle. He sure i greeting to you now nnd even you get I!. li s If you not in all sum- It.'.nlllii; Pigs Is Pics It! lr have bought lumber their cool and Mrs Forest Cart wrlght. from us before we trust you lowing nr.- no- musical selections for Indian Songs. Never hesitate atsntt iiMm: 'bum-berlain- 's show keener discrimination i : i Sky-BIU- Cough mery freshness at our Walker, ink oi the probate tin morning serviré organ prelude, a From the Lund ol Ho- S Remedy to children. next year and fill your lumber court, yesterdu) Issued a Ucenas ta Prelude ni K PUit," Iteae anthem. Waters Cad man It Contains no opium or other nar-COtt- ' needs here. will be better I ... y , Mm It O.mI is i i, t ii. preps . and can he given with Implicit murr) la Mise Jim Koto ol Hous- ,', Sb. lb qflal i. ol The Mo. ai Low .Cadsaaa for you your ami store. ton. Teaes and Wilbur Shelb) of Port feretory, Adagio Cantahlle." Beetho- Mr QUtwright. confidence As a quick cure for for building l coughs coldsj of course New w aj m ind. ven: duet, ni no- Redeemer, A siy t. !i I ncle Ned's King: ami tu which children for us. Happy o ni i C. v are susceptible, it is Year to all. lira Dtaoa M ist raon and Walter mi, Mesdames Frank ami i 'bu nu unsurpassed. The world H Sold by all druggists wide styles Campbell l' fl last venina fot lina MUlei hymn poatlude, The Son Aunt Lacinia . .Mrs. John Strum, mist Vegai Mrs Maataraon Uvea al Wat t Hod floes Forth lo War. W hiting Dorothea lu-- niece Mrs. ( i rt weight J.C.BALDRIDGE reus and Mr Campbell, her nephew, st.inici scier. organist Pan ii UftNING OF THE SUMMER H - are here. AAA Impersonation A Woman in a S MS sol i ii FIRST STREET PTR8T MKTHODIST RftSOOPAI SESSION OF THE ALBUQUFR- - Try one on before our (Lead Ave and Ird street). QUE J(Xf0 VI Herman s.,:ig$. BUSIMESS COLLEGE iptlon Mm at :i ., In. k lor lb,' FVank Oti. Pastor, paraonage, a. still W i, Nat bt telepboos ItMMC il n il ..I Ml M S mho Third st If ion t:eed a carneutrr long his IS a, A. h. I, ii Ui, be le CONDITIONAL mirors. Rundai school .it m.: l. lich s, STUDENTS Hesselden: phone S7T. I'm i "i t i, ai sniH'i mt. u, b ut Rpworth t Hark, Hark the Lark league at 7 p m . Chester T Preach, iir Cortwrlght. Tbcy will las I n ,, in 1, Ran n fit: they will in, ml, nt Mrs Hugh C"iUnS, IteadiM The In mn ami new I.iss. s w ill b- - organ- - Tile k lb, K i , I : ... All'Utllelllle lilísimas inllei;.' mi hi- - Hamuel Klalr and fursai i'art-- be Shadow .1 vnnu hed It a sptoSMjtd w ill hp 11. u N. will hf lime lor conduct evening school during uní. t I.. H ol k. 11 lu- I'artw right "' oían miik. t,iii k ni Mrs those who desire to take up stell-"-taph- li the summer, as yyell ,is v. wear they pure tin tic. a the the da hool ate ll nsti ii ii ii a ni. and s a in Morn- s. Songa. ,.i bookkeeiiinK course to This win enable FIR5T QUALITY a. Tb, in, Mariner. ,8 illard conditioned students! ing subject 1'ie Fad, less Crown ,,ii. int begtra School will be in session in ilio itr. obllgecl t,. Work in diiv Stth-Jec- b. the ;t Bventng l..i Mat;r s. i Ho Sea Tr tb,. - VAOOl. i: Mi Qui en nt of the ale lliinll. lo Kerre torenoons i.nly from to ItiM- time, to pursue their studies durin; ol Nea Mesii left lAst The ' milis 'I;. cselitaly Mr Cal tw right KVenmg school will be ausamer I'nlveralt) í conducted the th. months. The same recu- evening for Clayton, N I y hSI ' Mas ketch Anu k ill same aa usual, ami a prsparatory de lar courses will lie pursued as during I..- Kill dettVel an a. bins i lit tile Uuabaal partment mn oe maintained during the other months of the year. Full in- -- Mi Brown . cartwrtght the summer condi-r- a FIRS i PHI in i i HI . tr for the benefit of formation on request (Corner Silver.) Mrs lirown Cariyvright Honed students SUITS S18 to S30 Filth and -- v Writ. ,.i ,;iii for Hugh V ( I'a-to- r. infoimaiion at BERNALILLO oon r. Win EaaeiUsscl one, to J i: i;,.,.deii Mgr.. pboaeNe COUNTY Servb ..i a m .it v P. ni. this When rr. Hell's has S:'T. FRANK REISTLE i Molida) nlnj M.iy I ni eoagregatloa will join in a "ilion Serv--i been tried with sotlsfattton for over CNtRAVER and ELCCTROTYPCR OUTING SUITS . lh( I'ii-- i M . w wassMM coto $12.50 a K Iitircli liTe ,it A , t i.-- ; lAwwuci sisvta un In mi linns homes for touch of rheumatism, ora t inga .Will i ti cue in cut ral School I hi t!i, tl .i sermon will be ti.ioi in lauréale coughs, t olds, croup ami all throat and of neuralgia, ing. Albuquerque, at ,, preached to class of whatever the trouble is. rr the graduating bronehial troubles. You cm get It Chamberlain's Liniment drives away JOtli. and in t, r $13.50. $15 and $18 tin I F.n- - rmain sesi..n foul limb s.ii..., Tb. Christian ii bell ou the pain at once com- - I a: litre. Look for the the ' and cures the Weeks Saturdays in, hub d n il'.ii'ir will me. t ai : ' m Sunday t,,,ltiv plaint quickly. Hrl application gives ccouum. principal ,'. - Fourth ward school .tl S a m ji- rcuci. ooiu uy an urugists. school, w ill t , condui assisted lv John Cluett Sbirts $1.75 t Iti M ( M' fornla "on. ii nam-- no ... Milne, prim Ipal 11,1-- s. h,...t" ,.i CtlRJSTI N HI Rt II -r binidri ,1 I ISMUW Load Tl.e best paddle horses be had Miss Ida Elder, who will 1 lo city W Moih-- conduct tll South Hieadasi jicnuc. Phone 1'. the are at V Trtniblc's. 113 l School with practf, . t, ,, hin-- I n jfctfoarj ' i Walter lli.. I'uMiir. street. Phoce . A. B STK. TP sul.. rint. mb ,,t Morning mu n t it 11 u t let It Ser ,iil think! Kitra choke, briaht FAIR PRICE latter w ill si i. a moniiis in in. oi in th. pastor, subject .r..,, ali-i- u Sit !? Mou- - lm.rna rar,t arf,; Ovt Rnerrlfc pes want a cab Wilson Biov. Sim U v. - call Tale, ...$1.00. ilaud, MaW atid w. rid, tut Ni i fht ii rid L lwtojusv Cut. Cvatf aud lblrd. jVtf'IMI "I Ubl IIVwWIlv phoue t W l. Trimble go. 11 i nit ALBUQUERQUE MOANING JOimNAU SUNDAY. MAY 22. 1910.

fire boxea of the two eountrlei (fu r.ct (be Internatlonal-t- v umhuy STRENUOUS DAYS IN lie r uniting throne!) the space íe Big Auction Sale Jhe two ret tf boxes, it a let-b- mistake i i ' t"1" rt HaiTiltiered Brass for a Gift or for THE COMBINATION TRIO box H Is no seen o Hi" right and sent oh ti way, Monday May 23rd at 2 p. 111.. Suit, Parasol and Bay . . $9.50 congress i Th village hi' ii popiilutian "i The Home I lout Hi" "ii Hi.' V rm Kill i I ii' will sell at public auction all ill "Made of a warranted pure linen"'. Although we the furnishings of the Golden A new shipment of genuine hammered brass Jartliniers have ii ni. ."i oí ni.' imtr.iii:: only shown this combination for the past few days, it has OLD GUARO oft lee 'ii' Canadians, but Ihej Rule Rooming House, so well and Fcdestals. many sizes and shapes to choose from ihomseKew enthusiastically pre- ry trilling to avail of been received and the indications f i in unique arrangement ami uso known to the people the city. It wlH iri from - $2.00 to $7.50 a great demand for Iter post of fleo that ih This furniture consists of all Priced dict them. in Capitol ctweon Insurgency kinds, and e. The Man men in the ourae of ciK and Troubles at Hume Re- ferent hobby periods ,r their youth name of this house being "Gol- Manage ware mink with the erase." publican Leaders to Nearly all will recall the daya that den Rule" and as some object Lowered--- vil,- spent in enouirlns; neighbor-h'óo- d Our Great Suit Stock Must Be Keep rauly busy, for aw varieties), 1i' houra at to the auctioneer's bidding he iutattng ami counting, aa woO as many other tasks they somehow solemnly promises not to bid on Morning journal Bureau, 1 themselves duty bound to 019 Sfurisey Building, perform, a piece nor allow anyone to bid la, l. nearly all nu n at V. May 20. J This that Some of in Miss- í the greatest values Women's, gome t in in their life wot stame for him. These arc strenuous. Jiiys for th' collectors is anId to account for the (iu'.fd in eottgrwafc leaders popularity ni' the Official (tamp Coif J. M.SOLLIE. Auctioneer hi 'i'"' postofflc dovuted band tn house lectton ,ii tin' United states es' and Junior Suits we have ever offered in n ilciia.i'tiiii nl maintained in ronnertion nd .si nali' are helnv; kept busy, offi- I11 Un' capítol vilh the pi, sl il museum. The insurgency and say oo.tiOO NOTICE! home, cials of tlie department o vuiiles al every t see tin- - mu-aeut- n We ara now fully equipped to the history of this popular garment section. Mill Ii Uale, of men call year SAnilliirn stAfap tfolloctioh. yuur electric light und power wlr ng The postofflco de.'inrtniciil museum ík nut by any mean a now Institution, The Albuquerque Electric inn many notable additions have been Co. sen- yea Supply Tomorrow starts the second week of this lull ioi Bast Central. sational value giving and time demands that i luiteau a battleahli ait C. V. OLSEN its nloát Interesting tentut'4 we make quick clearance. nt i,, in PRODUCE strong against Senium Julius inn the officals ohnn HAY, GRAIN and nam's stamp i olleetion. I it. . Seriudoi of faesai Pun Kick tlint siifhl, and many "hobhy Ists" SENECA rot l IKY Wli STOCK nliki is in gr. ve politic! .i ipardy. it. l UEME11E8 tV'i-- spend ho.urs poring over oon Kvell SvllfttOr lit'hry la, OKI' "f c, Is Uncle Sam as stump collector 501 oiiii i irai si. ri mm :i moat síkiiuI success He not only ;7 l Is lili r- -. in I, lo loctlttfi. May I'l'lO Result August Prices has a complete si t of his own stamps, 1,'f Sen lor l Mia un "i-- St 1C? ,s luit a rumple!" collection from ever; ARTHUR E. WALKER lvw, the siii',i'"-- oi uufrrti'lniy country In - !f - other stamn Issuing Ihi llilllgl "Vel" Ills Ill :. ixll lol" l'e- world as well, collection I'Tre Insurance, Bocretary itlutui r,. M dingo, tils Pluma i! Ciuici' of mi Is valued by the dopailii nt :ii $;op. Bnlldliqc Aaaociafloii. 44. inn y not lie. rifttlriiMi. tmd stamp 'JI71 --t ouirai Aveuue of Kansas Ihm tin Indefatigable, 000. hut deal'T Women's Suits Misses' and Suits curtís r figure man Junior siubbt on hla trail. Curtis' atrnngth demand sum II placed on Hie 01 ii market for B. H. BRIGGS & CO. tale. éwí 'if The fact thai fn.h Sam's atomr Druggists .collection la absolute!; complete Is proprietors of 1 '"Vnele : statement difficult t bompi ehend, Pliarinacy, Lot 1 -- $18.98 values to $17.50 Lot -- $5.00 values to $8.50 about loe to those who hav been colloct- - AlMirmlo t or. Gold and I'olltWafly. t: hitDP.v ,,;ill ors themselves. losl l'ir-- Highland Plinnnacy, Cor, o Itrnndvray. HiI d' I a' I 1 Lot to ti'll of Illinois hna lOntered were collectors In yeai Baal Central ami at Lot values to $25.00 values $12.50 mioii. Th" if. remember how many Lot values to Tntvney in Mlhnea were In í i $15.00 Tliev largely relafi there their alh Lot values to $29.50 gloried in the possi s- -i 1 Lot values to $17.50 v j S.000 speciniens. The NEW RULING AS TO 1 Ü ma nv new vario Lot values to how 1 Jar" $37.50 Lot values to $20.00 ii Lot values to $50.00 Lot values to $32.50 the kind which II POSTMASTER S

SURETIES Half Price and Less than HaV Sale Infants' Dresses this Week Will be the way we will clear out this lot of Mothers can save a neat sum attending this sale. cars ami a tidy Lcallrr.Uon toda: j Issues Or-3ust- house dresses this weee. The group divided Inoil ".Ilni Ala.iin hfi'lf oioJUlilele. The ,f P ! man' th" .h dded ere th. v et t. In Regy-)rde- r Children's long or short white t der Amciidii five lots for easy choosing at the follow- in mmereo pother V-- into llA hitler fjghl l! nv ihi-- ? latio'is; Frai Mill I; ing price. dresses of fine Nainsook French EiiK- - '' "!( r "" Hundred, Dollars Re-- I ward any ease of Catarrli that in Open land membera, i spe, for Still ',' liaunot he cured by Hall's Catarrh India linon, i if. :i re looihlg for ' lfc-33- lawns, batistes and 5 Cure. , LOT c LOT 2 69c K. J. CirBNEY C, n ( Morning Journal Pirca n. Values to $1.75 in yoke and French waist styles "'! ! W'c, the undersigned, have known 61 J Muneey Buliatng, Values to siíb '". F. J. Cheney for the Inst 1.1 years, Washington, I'. May 2u. Í him perfectly honorable Two-piec- e house dresses prettily trimmed "'''"iaiiil believe Postmaster General Hit Heook lets Two-piec- e yoke and waist bmldlng shi in all bpalnesa transactions on, i finan--? house dfesses eially to carry out uny Obllg-- ; laaued an order amendtnEr the postal of lawn percale in nMillj by tl aide and J1'! tlotla made hy his firm. regulations so as to permit post mas- per- with dainty laces, embroideries trst' eiim-l- l LBn" WAIiDINQ, KINN'AX BdARVINi at first second ofMees of good quality dark haJl ters and claaa shepherd checks, dots and rj liotinda Wholesale Uruk'ists, Toledo, O. to use- - of approved jbondirrjt - make and edges skills with afílalas tl eebe Hulls Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter- hompanlea as sole sureties on their cale. figures. insertions Ptln Queh, ilt I hall)', acting directly upon the blood bfflelal bonds. It has been the prac tU office o fhoy I and mucoua aurfacea of the system. tice heretofore to accept corporate clust- i ri cents wide hems, hemstitched, Testimonials sent free. Price sureties for one-ha- lf the penalty on dor, ay and Lhe Sold by all Drugg'ata. per bottle. ,i poaimaater'a bond, the other half LOT George II. Take Hall's Family Pilla for being personal, in the majority of LOT 3 98c 4 $1.38 er tucked or ruffles. From in- alter the cases where postmasters give personal Av a result sureties tiny also furnish corporate r. i. Values to Values to $3.00 regulations Kngland aaya tin- united Slates is sureties Indemnifying their personal $2.50 fants' size to 4 years. regarding the trans Kills, a lett big a navy, reatlsea regu- 1 building too she bohdamen. The change in the ler mailed at the fid- ii milu i,n,k a cheese box to whip her. tlie necessity for two in of desir- i in- lation obviates These are of chambray Made the always Canadian offb " i nch' Sam wants a three-rin- g circus. bonds, and is in the interests of sim- -- Oo Here is the way we have lotted them for easy choosing trsvelB miles b so we can handle tin- Jap noodles and plicity. It overcomes the difficult) blue or grey also shepherd able nurse's striped seer- I'll Ions lo Man s the China chop suey, the pretzel boys experienced by postmasters In the) '' and the French Bumoahu if neCert-"aat- larger cities in obtaining individual check percales. suckers or ginghams. LOT 1 - 23c Values to 50c The Hera was a cheese box bondsmen for large atnouhlá and "(whin it started. We made a rush them of the necessity r plac- LOT 2 49c Values to 75c I villi the rain, and the report Is still ing themaelvea under obligations, to " I sounding. MMie lo w alrdoine will serve those who k" upon their 111, lids to LOT 3- - 79c Values to$1.25 The postmaster general has also LOT 5 -- $1.98 Values $3.50 approved a new method of fixing tin LOT 4 99c Values to $2.00 penally of upatmaaters' bonds which This lot of House Dresses is made of a fine soft finished ha result a LOT 5 -- $1.29 Values to $2.50 'I mat' rial reduction nniiemciit was peif in th- - e!nof bonds, especial most riilisfiitclciry anioit the aer i)i ly in the large city ...flic s LOT 6 $1.79 Values to $4.00 pro id.., I. the black dress sateen. I ii. ler tlie schgBjuié formerly used the I'atrons of the dm fjUg Will never he Voted dry Ullder such conditions. Tiie i ,'in is an Instruí penalty on po master s bonds In aOlue aai do their rmsUiffl l,v was more Hum u half mil- , , tlve show. Happens day and nilil. lilt kliuj on.. all. Ti, nn lion dollars. Under Hie new schedule each id,- .,f Hi,, line, open in, the maximum penalty la 0t),uoa. '"bl'i. The dilanr.' Pel cell ill i..,oslim t Ik (1 in wliieh furnisher adenuata protection Ruching Specials o til, government in vleiv of lhe fuel Infants' Poke Bonnets that every subordinate employe hold- ing n position of financial responsibil- 500 boxes new Ruchings just received, put up in 3 and 4 ity is also required to give bonds lo 40c and 75c Reduced from 75c and $1.50 the government. box all styles and colors. Both of these changes in the prac- lengths in a different assorted tice relative to postmasters' bonds are Poke Bonnets of all-ov- er embroidery and directly in the interests of the post Infants made Cord edge, tourist, crepe lisse and lace ruchings all at 10c masters and the postal serviré. They Dandentie are in line with the postmaster gen- 1 box of not a box. with embroidery edges. and 5c the less than three ruches in eral:;' policy of introducing business lawns trimmed lace and Grows Hair methods throughout nil branches of and we tan (he service. The postmaster general has issued fraud order against the name of In PROVE IT! I,, Verhe, 1404 Jefferson street, ami A table full of Ink and Pencil Tablets and Box Paper la to the hair what fresh lock box 'hi.",. Toledo, ohio. Under DNFRIT. rain and unsliinc arc to this name nr. i., a. Badger advertised ot roots, in- himself as an astrologer eapahie vc at', oi. It goes tight to the proving them. Its exhila- the general characteristics Half Price to Close Out the Lot vigorates and utrrnrrihrlis Of persons horn umh r tin- su:n of the at rating, stimulating ana prop-Crtie- a idiac in which the late of birth I'll cause the !iair to Ram abundantlv ami would reveal t lie past, present beautiful. It at once long, rtrong am! and future. For i tllll leading u a iparkKng brilliancy ami fiaVety nominal remit ta nee w IS asked. m.uih'ss to the liair, and a few week-- ' It was fOUnd that I , Made, r was Phone and Mail use ivill rause new hair to sprout ail not an astroh ;er and that his reud- - Agents for thj over the cal. Use it even day for a were not made up according to Orders Prompt- short time, after which two or thic- the rules of astroloio . His readings Home Journal consisted of twelve forma, one for time a atecfc "ill be luACWM to ECONOMIST ly Filled you uch sign of the aodiae, printed in Patterns THE Completa whatever growth l pe riling, and upon de-ir- imitation re ceipt of an order for a reading il wan Dr. Badger's practice simply to select 4 A ludy from Si. Pul in it.ibttantr. nt folk.w: one of tlie forms and semi it to the IV hp. i hPKH artaa iMmli'ilne ' correspondent n troroeoope eere aa aaaM u my iwnoier every BOhanM IS ever, hair in fact. east, and person born I) oonfldrnlUI." By 'Tlie tatemaat aras masls in the denee milimilled tbut th, are some thiiiRs more daatntC ud in or II Ii lily hMMi mf lap. same "sacred Wholly and the par- under the sinn received the ii cdrculswi be th,- i i fraadull nt thai live; Witness a tale thai Is told of nn Anolh- - from Nrwrlt. N. J. mu aliarlas, rscalved that inn e. aas nn be- same renoiiiK. - ties operating it had no intent "Miste 'wen Mtaa Uaailailaa .po rommonieutlotui and r.mlt- m y enjoytna occurrence daring me eartho,uekt m I Th, scheme eras in every déte, .(i an fee ot IttTbr. lt'lini I flri irte,l to Ule a similar t., ni es tlf I II eaeh. tie yond obtaining tin $'. i pi i bj ss Die Chariest oa, s. severa! years ajto renr Htile hatr.ava to those conducted various i u i:, úgtt has n arrested and extensive biixlni ami operatiiiK t. Iuuk uil ttycHiie hair city, nasi rullful mail order astrologers against whom - I Hid .11- - largest detective ayate tn oa sarth and a resident ,,i the shaken wini.: mi:, ,.fin w,,uid lo hate." prax lit under l:l!i. i. ni B. Kittrei has been reap 'ut bi OCtiVeS In many ins In- , fraud oril. rs hav en Issued in tbo fcavisjg ir,.nno dot as , ll to lion of the B;raad i post master ,,t oocorro, a. .m. that his duties reoulred him past. i point, different iities hroiik'hoiit the entire Gallegos vas n atly to he NOW at all In hree ais-- H Ckarlta remain mere do what mlcht for driiéts Dr Paggrr advertised under arorld; that had "thousands of eases i. eg hi- - ano i, by appointed postra est ai Conant, ih, Mitlerers. sent sizes, aWCt tt Sl.uii the name of Ur. la Verne, soli, lung a Fraud onie vii slcnad eaily ,,i misnimi people t..r srhasn N, .. Ousdalui ouaty, If., to succeed non out of the danger and confusion Iter bottle. correspondence tmm tin- sick, when ilia nwl assali r ;e,e nil Ot iri iiiK I he rewards i iiKil'K (nun .r In IJi.OUO v. restgaed. OoraeHua to ih,- grandfather in New .. e pay J. Oallegoa, youngster's n reply ems received to such adver- International l. lion anil re oil, red mat renta I hoy's ar- Dandrrine - bureau Iüind was n. une, lor the olflee nl York. Thre, days after the than .inv other one MCpaawMI regard- tisements It. Badger sent the corre its offlcaML fi. . inn. Ires or, .mi p, r hour for all work aenl from this N. M.. man reeelved poiui'-n- sal Ilobb.s. Kddy roiiiuv. in the rival the Charleston tins I a in he 1 1. Off) allow yoa per rent of all less of kind or brand, ami it js a much cireiilar which T. Field, sui ndent. at P. ind pia,. ot G w. Rogrera, reetgnesl. telegram from his lather: "Send us claimed lie was a special- we allow you to I greater iik than all of the other hair that noted boa US, Denver, Colo., further tine rewarda also pt Mrs. U i' ri, ii. poetmlstrseB at your earthiiiakr un, take hack your ist": thnt he knew "tbo disease o! Of e Th, , nt all ease you send us." The in tin world ror.ioiatd. : ti ill. II. literattara tw.t Oraaid Caayon, Arnu, wa ,n Washing- Wouiuns Hon.. Companion preparation op.-- u.-,- both s xof like an book'-- k.--I" the ex, Insiv thai - ive th,. Iui,r, thai the caneara addressee offered ton for I days past, üe legali , Bjssv h b. w as "endowed wnli a ision un- mu in iiiialsiasi ot a lot ins city and it was im- i Ftje th, iei,i Cameron Inttodliicad bar to President le monkl ) nt lhe II, ill the, r hit n't. I will a larr known to other ph sieians" : ami that illK miSMillK heir ann plied that such ajpency outi fvrnisli Car1 free liy reoirn an'. "3e Tall the house cat's lad off. Tb he had his while life in curing ii sftjss j large un, unit of work. At IsM .a. .,nda uii, free l.. lhe spnl fi lósala, Tiif i," era's uih htm i Now, why I ,a ur-stt- a re- - be cat Conn l. r 'H'S aaSJei thai were pronounced iin meals printed m i riding new panel h same lime, he was ndWsed that n KNOWLTflN D ANDLRÍ.NE CO. - I ..r--- IfssrsiissjnkeML b) other :h."sleisns.'- II asked c rrri-te- ot I- - was neeesoary. for llian 0'J Chicago. III. in R'ihstan-- otnted ret ?wr ler mltlanee th.- aildr.'ss,-.- ' to writ.- him coneern-Int- ; Anyone an-- - i h hadKe. red. ntials and month- S,e.,kin of vnieanoes. earthnuiikea All new s today al the item, Hi erctiona were vn nhh I Ibelrname a 3.1 addiesi isd , , - vib his troul.l, him I .. ly ,r would he fur- ami great convulsions of nature, lively good randevIHe and .i show 1 la or at amp lo ear i?- - and atsureii that erlli(f til, nivel ment n d i. tier rewards" other no' tb-- j - eU reaneegbei worm ad coriespolidtlive would bw held let1st, OUua. aoid iuiui . liisb'.d. it snnaraM Hum tu- ii uia ge to that there while. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. MAY 22, 1910.

club ami made arrangements for r- - I fectino thorough organization. I"- - ISlTAIL BIG COMET GOOD ROADS MEN I .similar club will orggnlged LETTER SERIE OF wtihout in nil precincts ul the i Habit i in promoti Cured conmy, tin ..i.jt ins in Drink harmoB) I i;" purty and ta present mmon froM Ml H political Issues IN CAPTIVITY START PETITIONS dm may arta. The beat of feeling POPULAR SAYS The Neal if.'. .i t l.i ñu i i ing lit at n Ik In Cured Me" In Three Days THIS WEEK JL Has Fiery Ser A Purely Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless Medicine. Originated, Compounded and Adminis During inherM helm bition This Fa tered by a Thoroughly Competent Physician. Taken Internally the Daytime ASKING COMMISSIONERS iuc 1. Maflnti if Business de- Twenty-fiv- e Treatment, at Our Insti- J. K, Kollirl After Sun Spot Only, and Doses Completes the Simple TO TAKE STEPS FOR BON al Company by tute or in Your Home No Hypodermic Injections and a Guaranteed i i Many New provide for unds sufficient to defray The dos allow, the chicken show and is if a Perfect the expenses of tin1 club was named Bond and Contract Given Each Fatient. Agreeing That G' all attractions for the bin fair Territorial Comnlissi as follows M l Springer, Demetrio Wiies other not in Days Treatment Will be Free. Quintana T. Archuleta, H Qleason took a bach seat yesterday, iirn it Cure is Effected Three the lie Money but Wi íat and i B Halan i' I Murphy was wan fnrni.tih announced thai the fair of Neal dent ol Ihi- AltiU(iicriiic Itcpuhlli Sli'lll III Hulted in alley's for use during the b Strong Endorsement the Cure Mr While gave aome excellent tremendous volume of vtra bus - event tin fall It u.i Stated Uli I 01 Of adVlCl "II he uatllKHtlon the 111 HM, club, and mude .1 tralghl from the boulder parti talk, which aroused ni. nk enthusiastic up ti-- U'lill.. .1,.. night. Air 11 I lnating th. street parad, Iowa's Richest Man F. 11 Schwetitker i i in.ui. has pre- "The fair association clared that ti republican party jyy crucesSitv pared copies of :i ! tlttOB I" the would carry th looking an. hots Ibis v. Mr. F. M. Hubbel1. Des Moines. Iowa. sal count) commlsslonere, to be circu-lilte- d majority In Its history at the bbsI election and he urged the republi- thia weak, looking tq the first w cans to el togethei .uní in sett Is dit- - innj and In n n e heard that sov ati'p toward securing ' bond ISSUl Oi 11. ie 11, Ii any existed, at this time other fairs re a iter lit uní,!. IITü.ooo roada and count! ii. expressed the opinion got bum. t The ci, IT: for food that tht 1Í1I ily must wonderful party was never m better ahupe mid in Mr lllack. hut If you will notice, V rn drink habit nd if it ,vll kurveys. ri petition U follow! f' f a -- with U tin nil 01 gitllzallon its tail und the fair e la- remained do the same for all drink Ing men To the Honorable Board -- i Count! that. Thi- - Is lint a sn.. I Commissioners: im-t- would bs i "We. tin undersigned cltlgen and mark, the are now being t'-- .e taxpayare of Bernalillo county, do Sheriff Romero hfeston forts m.nli furnished I - w days until he would return t" drink. the business world should ri'HpiM tfully request your Ifontoys ha citiiectiiin nl sun spi Us. recommit! hereto that snd nth made I d h.m to invest in did not see him for aim iiiKe an iiiiimuig men ( i. . . : . . I Innovation, ti "i about throe i r i hi.iiv t.iki immediate itepa ariorl speeches all latest next to Moure from rnngre authority fur . ii luiiiity Bond Issue of 1160,000 for tha purpose, of building roads, mid likc City to San Francisco ipiitc an (ill raotloBi U ' -- fiiciii-11- lane iniag ai when he came to my office elzod from the business and sot ule,, for 121,000 foi the purpoae of a lmihir Kp&uoiofi of 1 ranged with one or nsjiy, and CHALLENGE - y to .ecp US pi world of the times. ui all land in idle oounty." CUP net essary all the while. atori -- urv) hi ; always been ." Cure in the early part of the year in dosing I lake great pleasurti A copy of thiM petition win coate the aTOWtttg demand." thing nee de elope 01 In It is tin in recommending him in his new llfil l In ui, says the New Men luminaries erhead afe upright citizen an absolute iaet that man BfOBltd lo U'i'v man in the niuniy thai I ih sample of everything, -- t he has been looks better: la much heavier In to inn rarorapie of tha in xi week 01 Men prompt" ixs Increasing remarkably, that consioeratlcn " las t rulnuti The onlj t; ejttOJf habit all " eight, and mt! civ a clearer brain those w lio may lut'e occasion to hn h .un! get your neighbor o "Inn it iwing especially fatl In th the liar CONVENTION pari of territory," said bar, ere shooting Stars. tBOWn him. and a better end nine active mind any social relations With him. The miorn r these prallrnlnaf) step the "Respectfully nrc over foi Intendent, "and the town Of common." submitted tha sooner tha crusade "F. ÍÍ. HUBBEU." llniiil road Mill conic down tu brass y alone furnishes nearly an ii Tcrrltorj win JUNE 7TU Call for copy of All conf- Thai tin territorial g I rnnds MIRAGE" FOR or write today free book and contract. correspondence strictly 111 11 hftS not 11 great deal (if NEAL CURE. J. money, bul that 11 will do everything idential. Address. THE W. La Fountain. 512 North Second street. Alb- It ciin la ShOWTJ by the following cl-- 1 1 N. r from the territorial engineer' uquerque. M.. Phone 321. "May II!. fSlO 1910 A BEAUTIFUL Mi r i! HchWantfcer, i N T Armljo Pailldlng. A lliiiuticrntie, FROM GASOLINE " , BLAZES 'ear Sir "I lia i hel r- no him Who Make hip to Home 01- - letter ol May 11 and In reply to Same KEEP FIREMEN BUSY FINE RAIN ON RANG IE PROGRAM ieg to advne you thai we have not fvp nf Plrifii- - Mlltil'il COK vet 111,1 il an, stlmate of ib,- prob- HE able expense or the construction of New the North fourth street road lo the i an b " i e ni llanieeroua l luid Cans T i a es l i - COUnly i lie ni number ol the "Paclfl oo in yeaterdaj Morning, lino. Chill lately haVl Moio redi SAYS MORLEY ! FOR FIESTA OF SAN AT PASTIME TODAY seen vary Utile indication of a

,, .i-- i) io , o..i-,ii,- ,,,, i avenue, lave good roadu luillt. and. thSro-for- e, mo. Hinm hid .antral narrowly we hgVe not gum (BtO the road pi Cup convention which convenes I capad destruction yesterday morning, i( stttajll FELIPE OE NERI Work in your count) in detaH i am Tuesday June with the meeting nf blaze originated from a ' stove, which was quickly fed by s the beautiful itntVersity annual, dt Unable in Mali jasi what pnnlnlonH .' ,,, - Pilgrimaif delégales a the hoine office In l," W ,,,.,,1,,,. thrown on I he by to in- UcQui Men Now Predict Pros- iriners' the good roads commission win be fire caied Kdward Dundas v Angelen, tin- t a in place the Pastime billing to make with tin- people ul and iireNenta ion of tic cuRiomer the The custom AlbUquorqui regarding Ihi construí tlog of roads in youl nt.V, MS ClU aBd Klnlier, Jr., of Clovls Uontrnr from what he expected, The ing In blue, and IS an know w lutvs a verj small amount of r. unusuall ale - alii represen) the New Mexico agency. ! timely arrival of the fire department, tractive oblong sham'. The dei on May 26 in Honor of Pa today. Tin- Him will be run in mono) to expend, the total appropria- generous use dition t the tegular program, wl tion bslhg mil, about forty thousand li imii lie remembered thai ihe Maw '"ol of chemlcaU, mooii Hun is accompanied iv a aplendld dollars for the eiltlN territory. "Yours very truly, v t ii on con-- rh second blaxe shortly d: UK U "VBHNi IN l 81 I vs. Hot, the annual I incurred Id OUIMK - i ii destroy-- tin- I city eVonltig In It will be shown Knglneer," Hut for ihe troph) cu)i ii.r the lam- alien and partially ui Onmpqs, The ri of Keg" last rom their ranch at the "Territorial A - I 3:15 '''.'lock. lApcri est percental f busineai dons on Jd the residence of J, Johnson, l,U anta, 'i he faculty, The 'Iuskcs. Onl western it v near A lor ililce. Ho- N"Hh Second street. upled by i '. verrlty Dqye, Fraternities, iirganiza-l- , An apoilcallon d b) the count) allotmenl made hv Hie home " , sii.iii , a - v ..ri',.,1.. iu i . ,;. Mr. Hchwentker agency , onane., peraior. .or. tloni Publications, Athletics, 1'oren- . uní, ni, s oi en ill i la ci a II, will ifllec i i ai "" a tine all over til "ii" I showed 400 per con! on the alloi- - "nam nil .1. Dramatic, und Nonsense. The '' had rain le forward d it one i in COUntry, said Mr. Mo mpnl "r f'" v' " Mexico, or I'1'"1" i. Il beautifull illustrate, and the;"'1" mem office of good roads it W :''"" H ':,st Wgnt, "ami as a result ti Ington, ihi' ih I l'i00fl it big leather IB New '"ount art work eapeolally noteworthy. 'ly asking thai government Ha An w 111 eacelient condition ai Mend Mexico s cap ami tin' territory will appreciation of the late Dr, W. fan LOCAL AND PEHSONAL an exi.en h. i, to .,u over ih Bald BUI "in day. while raking hs 1!. Tight, president both cattle and sheep men are happ y, r hours in honor of the St sllil.illi.ii ni in advertising all over the cmin- - former of the jtweity-fou- and iidviev us to what ' K ne tf aS the result of thiM i oln e II III i II. . . .. to .ion, with the highways, urn) ' ' ' The In a most M .. ' ' "' Hie bast method anil most avoBotn-MW- l con'4'tition iirogriim one. tin- ' " coot spot. plana for doing It, This Kfl attractive it includes annual Is sent tin- "nii" oí Me home I'liec ..i I. on y hen nl nXpeOSe a Ho Th, Mirage waa made ;, financial Season." Mr- .Mol b said that with special music ami fireworks in William (popping, an empfc govern Be tour rn the rosemlte with SCHOOL EXERCISES I PU plaza. incut. tin- of iohti B. Lahlnes, who spent a ie Ihe the groverv In all its scenic inner through cork Business 9 Rlchlleu store. attractions and to the Manager T. wnn me cross outiii. .Vav a. m., high mass by three i AT Robert Bewell asslstaed iweeaa turned from a vacation Spent in Marl, .. trees with CASINO WEDNESDAY i w parish priests bj Charles H. Lembke and J W. Mil- - punching the festive steer, as well assisted on im itation by denu, i ll various little ide trips, ail making a - l..i- 1. ,,i.. ii,,. ii,..,- .. v, ...ii.. iu liked among the cowboys and that father Albert ami Pena Blanca, who splendid to which the dele .i,. gee REPUBLICAN outtni work of Harold B. Marsh. ed - the.v were sorry to him leave. Mill deliver Ihe panegyric to the saint. Edward tlrunsleld m New CLUB .ui' treated b the hum,, oti 4 p. m. City arrived in Albuquerque i'ii" Pupils oi Olatrld So, 1.: Will Iiief.-nn- d his Capable Procession around the The III Is a Render staff ol'V-rs- . 'a ornla trip prize leQi I piara by night to visit Interesting ltogmfn Parents assista lit s b 111 toda ml tr priests. religious with his mother oily m Importance 10 tin- winning children, etc., has been ill. mid I'lifhiN in. 1. Kve! 11 heads Hi' art staff, the usual beautiful and un- trophy, Impressive In ussihled li Kgmoiit Arena. lCliSaboth parade honor of the lieorge W Campbell 1 int. and FORMED IN OLD Ihe pupils or the Duranes, Mesa Lane and Raymond Oladdlnig. The me- HALLEYS COMET MINUS Hornby of the Vglley ranch 0 iiiud dd Albuquerque schooia, com- chanical work wa done bj 'ho Morn- 4:3 P upper Pecos, arrived in the ell prising sch, ml district No. I.'l. will ing .tob rooms Lathg iW TAIL VISIBLE LAST NIGHT Amusements tot Hie children for Qight Hi.- 1 hold Journal and on business. in- Included in pig sale of woni-1- closing exercises at at prises; creased pole climbing, chicken muslin Will the Canino pulling, races, Attorney underwear which 'li e 11. .11 park Wednesday sack wheelbarrow races. Pells left las OWN iccur at tin ihdden Hule Dry Qoods afternoon Í o any Mure Thursds cordially Invited U CALIFORNIA GLEE o'clock just above tin- point where the iscs The lollowim The speakers of Hie cvellin. sun set, although a trifle higher ah. 00 clinic A. B. Stroup, Hie Nestor E horizon than had boon predicted Tomas Werner, whose a Enthusiastic Mectim; RAS NEW NAM FOR by and Santa Kc who were for seve Greets ihe observara. w ill 11 T: here be delivered beta ci Jays 1 The comet was not visible until af- p. m, investigating car robberies, Speakers Last Niht; Similai CLUB COMING ter the sun went down, when it showed last night. ih n u iUinma hiel clearly, although apparently minus ih" officers mi this division, wiutol Clubs Be La to Foi nied in Eveiy THE THIRTIETH some of its tyii. a large number of Junta, 1;. .1. snow den. his assHt Saturday night shoppers viewed the ant, went to Cruces ami W, C Precinct in Mi - X'lllHll. At the Hi stal a ml Cou'itiv. comet ami it was Ihe bailing topil Uf Kenned; wenl to Aroarllli . Ti xa CARNIVAL lhuns In Hid Albmiueriiuu last nigh lls.'i Maiden formed the 1, Ton ii Republl an Next Wednesday for Santal . .Anita Uiaya, Mary Bs (Ibuqucrque Hrhooi. I I M . I I S

I 111 .11 - ,1'C.ll e- -l Primary children , lul. 01 ihe l'niversit ol ralifornia. !How4iAjax"CuresWeak Sell- ad which in nir a big ho "1 Albuquerque lasi spring, will appear in concerl at Ho s theater hen next Wednes- day evening, The atti 1. tlon will be . . under ihe auspices Ol Ihe Santa I'e Puny Men rallroud and Will be for Hanta Ft em- ployes. ..iihough sc.iis not occupied by Minn CITY BAND WILL GIVE 8:15 on the night 01 the performance Hi. may be takajj Bj Ho- senernl public Th- - V ol C. boys or. line musicians HUStOn, Hi BAND C0NCERTPR0GRAM Sail. and sweet staffers und will get .1 ghtd christened in IN ROBINSON PARK' hand in AlblMtUerque The , tub is un- .. Hlb-barr- si t It deSpi der the direction l..sier II. i. ie lied am! a - "ii of Oeneral Buueiintendent tor you 1 1.' mail .ing j

be en 01 Santa Ce employee hy the yog can do is I., get busy and remove the cuse of niiir ailment 1 librarian at the renting room at 9 before It is UM lato, Don't make the mistake of dosing yourself ... nday morning. Ik PLENTY OF GAME IN

11. V SOCORRO COUNTY SAYS Thai's the THE TELEGRAPH EDITOR ition of Ajax rntific device for infusing electricity into Hie body v t.. tht rgy and activity of every weak organ. It ' lacreases it 11 1.1. ano makes a man of yoa in every way. see 01 weakness can exist whore there is ptentj public. that ,it turn on the power to t leni the glOWing ele RR NERVOUSNESS 1 rses through the n -- very aeaki pari fc VVEA turned on The man does not Ice win, Dm .1 Usui 1; sir that It is the li, 'i intelopc Vi lt Hi BATI 1 1S , bigii character quality of "Ajax' lrpartnanas bsmUi prin. a ci, and Mri--l- . ui, ruepensary ) frosa t.v 00 up. I OS 11gcl1 - 5 -- tai. '"Upon and bring: or mall It to me my s ,me and cod drat I'lpMvc naaaser hImmii h K for - about Ajax. ng Natur- w This book explains many seciets .' I i lh.- - ' StaBBC v y Us,. ml cure of disease i ..mi mil. mall cupon now t Bsrt'BI or IVi rs. ihr Coasaltatloa City e. m to s p. m.: Wtdm-sda- and Saturdav untl


HNANC E Lots Of Bargains In These Columns E alls' nr.íTÍ( MI ..

un Street. ERSONAL FROPERTY LOANS STORAGE t FOR SALE Real Estate CENTRAL New VoiU. Alay 2 l. MOM I II I (1 N WANTKU flano. household goods, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY On FurnHurc, IMftiv b, i n vunti etc.., for the speculative advi Wnitoua n ii'l oih-- rhftttU; alto n HMiuri- Stored mfely at ri as.inalile today was the revival of hihI Van ti"r ' tt w an Hitn rates. Advnnee:i made, Phog r,40ji i: s.m.i:- - Two itorj and Parcel Delivery the placing of Ameriet anil aa hli;" " lfi0 o, Ioani ar Quickly The Security non e and Improve- - build ins mi largo i" unci Tlnifl OM , waltreas, girl im Object m (he mart utrl'tly prlvat, miinh ni CO, 4 rtn pi l' ANTRO rook, Parte, Th remained (o one year (Ivan. (1 n In ra main In ur ni' Offices, loom and tracks, tor only $i,3E9, " rumor sin but positive predictions il I'nr r iti - uro iii.'iiai'Hi. fall tirunt Block, Third ireet and Ceu tor storage; building alom cost mon oro heard n slack market circles lifltl usi t i - ii ii 1'ireiim. piesmsniuj mo KVflHIP than double the price, T tlckata to and fmni íh innm f th , n that formal lonouncements oh the -- i Hunsnker Thaxton, Phone 66 222 W.Goltl 1" r mm hoi "tun C4impah COL BlIRM'S subject would u ,. I ,,n,l 4 lamí ... EMPL0YMENÍ .'III WeSt Cold incline next week, Meantln lo rotlt l illa - )'ltl' A'I'i: ni'I'M 'Slg could i had for those vague n OPRN bvuninos 210 West Silver Ave. ti..n 10 i t i t rat rat AtsSSM mors frote Hie hanker and railroi SALE sueiiest bungalow in official! supposed to be more near n, five Inrge room and attic! PROFESIONAL CARDS concerned In there. Along with u BUSINESS CHANCES ,i buffet, i kooaea, artlsMo fire- - Male Ivnnd rumor rame the ravlv 1. ealllcd CCtlittg; panelled : -. United as :tt- stories iinii sin is Kteel was iT.Yti PKlt XVOItl tnseiis isaifteij hard w 0 O d floors he lifted In Parle, estimates as to tl H'ts In SU leading papers In the 11. K HELP WANTED Male ' tine heichhorh I. Crank amount of the alleged bond sales send for list. The Daka Advsrtistltl Assayr, were routed materially abo' L,o WANTRIi Man tor dairy work! Paris e AgenC7i 427 South Main trtet, 'Mining nnd Metallurgical Kngln ri 1:140 and wash house, stable and rtal, I'cautilnl lawn. Lni too 111 USI he ii I milker. B those advanced when the subject fir hi- 'i i', les. Cal ami k's rai l w. to stocjt attention; fool iroiu 860 feet deeu end watered Bv Aeouln in rear PVnii end Dairy. d I'mh Avenue. ram market I i SALK Mali Interes! In Sunny-Hid- e Pout off o ' 17.1 or M office ef T - 1,011,1 shade trees. Tliis beautiful home is situate, ,,n West Central avenue ' : Tiu- report of the iaris sail Inn, 'Id Town; reason leaving Ci krnm r; m i i, fi y B s II Kent South 1'hlrd Streat w i i and the house atone annoi be duplicated for the price now , iii were the principal influence asked. y; eh-- I; A Uoetae, an'ii:i) U'rlle tor Albnqui rqttO business here. I t advancing were without eííe I S. stock, opportunity for sale Pol ea mln. Ion Schedule, I'repai a Ion oM loroltrn exchange till 'SINLSs n OSl 1 mi the market, flee. I'rankl d ute, h id. 3?la, W, D. AN - of exchange on London rose again ITiei ,300.00, $128. lilghl work In the mien air. It IKY r s an do1 $K0 t, $ II Attorney at Law. the highest point touched since 11 liase print It per hustlSI in ,i. ,nth. Address ItnheK Hopkins, SIS Office In Kirst National Dank Build tnir, Albuquerque, N. M We io pleased to show yon and give mil partli JOHN M MOORE i;ll.l fOMP.WV, Juo W. Wilson Jno, A Whit rh 4,. FOUND WILSON W.1IVTHJ, it soiri when hills Attorney!, at Jnr tier the Impress! Rooms Cromwell RutldiBj would In1 in liben KUWAHU A MANN -- sales Toda Attorney at Ijiw a in po cent the Room 2. NT. T. Arm I Jo nidg Pbnno l iiiph price of the TO LOAN 10 I 'CI! week paid one llul Alboouorque, N M. of the expert mo month, HAVE .!' on hand to loa J)INTJfiTS. There is not li Inn iproved vaiho land. OeStreh net I one of tl pelt in exptal tl Kerr U Hern I tl tl ir. FOR SALE Livestock Hit J K KRAt'T nal Increaei t.miO.Oiiii li ana Lake Ci 'P Dental Surgeon. by - Room Harnett Hulhllng Phon shown th brink statement. ITrie La Salle I'opli i., USAI.I-- Three hordes, liarnes hy $9,000,099 In iii Copper ni wagon. 13 K. 744. Annfflntmenfn made mtl ait cash, however, left Miami n (NTH ml pxnenses io men iml Carfleld. a of in i martin increase the siirnln Mohawk ... I, post siKll' a nd dlslrihllte salnph 11 SA LIO ienlle i Ittlng and dm I'llVMt lWS AMI sl llPt'ONI WANTED Agents ' $3,R86J"S In spiie of the expanded Nevada Consa Salesmen I W hoi, sal,, house. Slea.U work. II uu: potiy : S. Kdlth. 1) posit liabilities and la sufficient to Nlplsslng .Miiir lor A. I. HOUTLE, M. 11 li'., I'hlcago. i i plain the easing of the mone; market, North Unite SI. I.I, Ills M A X Monroe, president, i: salí horse and hugs! Practica limited t Till ease of the loeal mone to ceil genei VVK 10K1,Y and expenses to trust-woith- j Lridresa il. i!. L. Uornlnr Journa '1'iiheretilosla. market tWvel - 10 is a factor, ais,, in the persil 11 ai Cnexcpfled sp poo pld lo and liistrth- Tloms: to IS. In foreign exchange. hfand new fen a(e sampli s for big w holesate house FOR SALE Miscellaneous nnoitm Statu Natl. Hank Blot r The stock market clow .! $35 weekly r ii Emery, B la. Cbicngo ii, VRTBJRIN Parro i .1 1' : er seed ' or WW. and at n reaction from the hit Quill, linental Jewel mother HELP WANTED molasses and water make splendid .1 H Y IHC. 'losing storks: W LNTKO -- PI Female 11 send 2r cent Mils Chalmers pfd :i feinne drink: Clruül Amalgamated copper for Blatter. 1'. A. Mintcr, Corslcatin, Phone 71 Ooidl American Airrlctllturfll .... ml I'ltls, t'op. Tesas American Beet Sugar l'liUSAi.K flood Reo Run-abou- t, American can and oil In fine condition. Price very IjQgQOtt American car and foundry Let. and Mm nhle. Apply ' IiodsotiH." J. B. GOOD American Cotton Oil American Hide and Leather ululated Accountant and Auditor American Ice Securities .... t of American Linseed Will tali sets Atneri, ají .or, imot Ive f4AMPLK ganen RtratQpr. fTRD Oirl for Phone ? lllqh St. American ftmeltlng and lief rk, ! 'il N Ninth si. dn pfd fjouls o,ii. Si. .1 I!. B American Steel foundries . WANTED Positions American Sugar Refining i E. W. HART American Tel. ami Tel. . . himseki ib iti urnnl Ofi Architect nda LEGAL NOTICES Las Vegas, N. M. Chicago Rogl'd of Trade I I VI H it'll NO II 'Ol! ft f.l.K ago, .May (I.- - Practical 04721t Not oai I and, Rook keeper. andled oast I Atlantic Line of iT. III. Sn Trv a Morning Ad Baltimore ami Ohio partmeni the interior, FOR RENT Dwellings Journal Want Bethlehem steel -- - . . . . Brooklyn Rapid Transit LEGAL NOTiOES t SeÑTÍ wo room furnlH S) $44H- - ....-- Canadian Pacific I Central Leather BIDS v wri Hi, do pfd RBNT Modern rtvo room 1907, for X NK Sealed hi, Is will l.e leee'n POR for of New Jersey ,i u e of bungalow in itood neighborhood; no An Hudson Signs f Central ;mil SK I -- 4 NY? 1 - L ,,f the clerk ha i 'besa pen ko and Ohio . of sick need apply. X OJÍ, Journal, WALK 'ownshlp 10 N., Ttnng -' ouniy coihfrttwiloiters lull 'hfcago and Alton in i and harnesi dill Meridian, has filed notli 8 ounty up to la o'cloch i'l; RENT house; ood Chicago Great Western Kjon "f Monday. June fith, harn; ÍIH tier month. C. A. Rey- V V ". .hoillial. 1I0 pfd he COtlrl house in said CO nolds, phone 2ti7. F'OH i; i mi. tired Chicago si.i: V. Wall Paper and North Westeri o li tent-houa- e, lultdlng tin- appro. to VOii RENT Three-roo- m II pon) and harness Sinn. Chicago. Mil- and si. Paul i nicely furnished. 1 L' 2 S. Waller. SfUlre, Indian School RENT 4 -- rooms in furnished I KOR SALR iiui' ra Rroa HUDSON Fourth on file house; bath, cas nt iter t ieatmns nt. Apply I 4 N. 1 lit'.l 'onsolidated ounty surveyor, le PUR SALE Furniture $ for Picture Street and Corn Produi omnleti d undei el IR i; RNT I'm nisln-- am )W fíi n i'or six-roo- Delaware ,1 hath, tías stove, eh PTmSAJ - mrsn k Ave ' Arn Frames Copper t" ion in Highland; no sir house, mission table and chairs, Ir pfd Am Pool; gas fann- I N, M. see tl. s. Uthgow. Journ eases, and foal raime, Mill, - ing etc, i Rast 'ioi,i. Provish M N lh n. oT cm: RENT Nine room residence on Implements, 9'4l43'44l'99'l enkneas1 Uh L' i : Oood plano'i $8 cash 1st pfd fFlrsI i' Meal A it sal mid small pnyflients to still. H.'i'ií ANTA FE TIMETABLE ftolilh Second stn el. ral E small lloldlni i lamí So, 1270. U I - I Serial I.'1087 Nut nal and. FOR SALK- Entire furniture of five Norl I i " MlTII'i: 1X)R PI I BLICATIOV. leelrlc K room house No sickness; parly irolnu' Rast, MB W Lead.

Wecklj Bank : 'lK S. .1 'Ilea p. W'eher plallo, ill New L' ,1 York. Ma good conditlonj Majestic range, al- if ha POM ITION, later Harv, clearing house NOTH l: Pi most ncu; watnill liooli-eas- e and Marin hows that the han old tZZ.SIX, Small lloldiie, ( laim V". SIMM. desk COmhlnedi and Other smaller Inter 1.75 more than lie- tlremonts o ko OL'.I.H Sol ' ,1 laud. nterna t lont final Kdial nrtti les. II" V. Pacific Ace. riii! il I'nnip in under 1919,1 f March Department or the Intel (In SJffM) January I. f iti; RENT-hous- e; Ilitpsrl K onat ish am, nded State Land Ifflce, sn WKgTItOITND ArrlTi. :i mnilr r lTtia-eaf- a last week, Of Kehruary 21, N !l 3 ( 2 7 Mexico. April , v., I fdllr,,, ... do pld ...... I 11 l:9 e h- u Arlington, ...,o. net n:za statefneti . Notice hereby given i..., Com .114 and thai said roof will Y. Vi A e.u lt:M9 Ielede - nn mod Imitnt i: RENT- - Alonn N; :,...... l'6f.p IUe .14 fore Alfredo Moll 05 a. prat- lowing- ela . CEuiorais Bali...Uil9g Louisville and Nasln :. LK N. rssi N on tuition rif hip Intention lo POR Minneapolis and St. Louis at Bernalillo, s' KAN I HOI 'Nl. I no, o Lcyhii. proof In support of his Minn.. Si. I, and Sanlt St in viz: Demeti S'o. s. Bbnesss 4:,"p I I a ml 17 t, 'til .Missouri. Kansas an, i Te - . in- trsctfl Seel on of the No, 4. Chinaco USalted :3Dp .:, i i i fir, I 4r,p li!' vi i, us No. K. e 'i IJSprSSB ..... T:9 do iifd ' i 'J , gxprsss ... M i'j W N M 1'. M lie tin- art .' hruary Ko, lo. overhia-- issou Pacific (,47)1,800; liicrease. les National Biscuit mu Letal tenders. names the following wltnegsea to 4711). ano Hint said pro 1:1 PBS Tralm. $2.076,780. an II National Lead T94 prove his actual continuous adverse made before Register mi s.M.i". li,,. kash Nn. $99 M.'xl-'- BMSftSS ll fcnd specie. Ií48,731,0p; Increase, twenty al Sania Pe, N, M., on Jt :i 0, N... Ill, Kl Paso PSSS l:im of Mexico !. possession of sold tract for hous range Water front ami reservi 4 Nat'l Ry. r,i l.ftOO, i 05 i i survey viz.: heir hton W. Ni. HI". Knn. lly i'lil.... New Central . year next preceding: the of Lerarlo Ihi'l, i a order 129. s. street 4k lip York Reserve, Ml'.ílO.SOO; increase. N'. Jih SU. Knn. Illy fill New York. (Hitarlo and W. the township, viz: iyolso Jaramlllo, ,,f Chlllll, N. SIT. 300. 4 SjMSsl Amurillo. a I Keiipe Jaramlllo, Jaramlllo, tracts I. '. and 9, See sad Norfolk and Western required, $298.3841 5ÍÍ; in- Federico STOLEN ,:M 7 I Reserve Jose A. Cotízales, all of I'jisn Silazat. . ni. Vatios gj North American crease, $l,888.27(i. Ma mi. AII'U'iae'OM inwp Pacific N. M. saket ha ycii Northern Surplus. $2S,82S,97S; increase. $.-- 7 persons protest ses olles' w il VM BAUOOSi An. Pacific Mull Any Who desires to ,' li l: KNT 3.", B.0Í5. allowance, of said proof, lo prov,- his iielual eOntlnuntls ad- deposits. $24,384,-400- ; against 'he HIS. ele, HIS "v Stales any rea- verse possession of said Intel for or who knows ef substantial fallí h llll ', Increase, $8,722.330. son the laws and regulations twenty years next preceding tin- sur- The percentage of actual reserve of under shed ii PlttshurB Coal 20 '. of the Intel lor department why such vey of the toWRBhlp viz.: IvplfnOio LOST FOR SALE the clearing house hanks today Woe not I'c allowed Will he Qarcia and Dotiaeiano n in In, both of intnln i: Pressed steel Car .... t 8. proof should jt. - N, M Ii street. , Pullman palace Car 16H given an opportunity at the ahove- San Anion i". lift .' iflT I:, It pini' Cinder i (urn The statement of hanks and trust ,. .... :,ii,l tilaee to cl'oss- - Any person who denlres to protest ('OR RENT Railway ste.-- Spring of v,.rk this oirl .,1i receive !'., al companies Oreater clalm-nn- t. Hie ,il Blllll proof, i t 1! cad i o e; .. examine the witnesses of wild against allOWallee nn ,,f th ward. reporting to the cleariiifi house in or who knows of any Biilistunlinl rea- II. Mi Mill 2 slory md Republic Sn el How ami to offer evidence rebuttal Street, of by cjolmaul. son under the laws and regulations IT ANO PET STOCK itii do pfd $ .1 TH.noT. Mil met v that submitted I! REÑT-- POULTR Co if, Loans. HANI KL R. OTERO, Register. of the interior Department why such Lock Island $x77.i;no. eler-i- , do pfd 89 li , I (Published in Albuojoeroue Uornlng proof should riot be allowed will he ' T S .1 s lor ha'elliliK Horn $...7on hrleh. hath, ' Specie, $128,437,808; htci above-mention- I 8 N. M.) given at i t chleK, us in town: lilual" o walks, corner St. Louis and San Kran. $ Journal, Albuquerque, mi opportunity tic he fin, lights, cement 08.499, cross-exftmi- D i time place to 1;. ds Leghorn, close In. St Louis Southwest! a S1, and FOR RENT Rooms Island and Lull' lot. (fourth ward, l.eual tenders. 121,488,899; Inei ihe of auid claimant per J. W. Allen, 1029 N. do pfd Small Holding Claim No. (18. 013094 wltneases cnls ok. $o.s.-,- 6 -- room modern brick, coll $878,909. to in ol Sloss Sheffield Steel a. li $1,I24,809H999; MUM I POR PI RlMC.VnOX. and offer Sildenee rtdiuttal RENT Furnished offices oi Righth street. foundation, larse oellaf, Total deposits. by ' ereta Southern Pacific ase. $7,897.909. Not Coal Land. 'hat submitted claimant. i; room, cheap, iii Central. fin: Kggis im hatchiiig; corner lot. South Htgfc 9$, Railway MAM i.L R. OTEHii, licgister, he, sai.l III. o I; Min- o- Southern Deoartment of the Interior. K 'i: KENT iTurnialied (lymouth Rock and 4 bath, elec- Office, ftr.T- -J i 92.1014 room brick, do pfd Ureetook Untted states Land liu.,1, in: leas. .name io person oi irraiil outbnildliigs i 'opper . i.iiisiis uij N( w M,.NÍ.,, May I9t8. 3ZD s. Kdlth street. tric llehls. Tennessee , . employment, 41 ird. T, Pacific cansas y - . hereby Won (hat f, lawn, tor lot. xas and . Notice is the Nicely furnished rooms, IP 'oo.ket steady. Nam ' FOH RENT WANTED To Buy Toledo. St Louis and ,.,., lhtln:iUi has filed n '1 freo hath, by day. week or month; 9j,8M do pfd . if his intention to mal. final Highland House, 204 8. n buj hile COt High I IB 1.1; southern eoi.s. ...ja,,, line of hi claim under reasonable, wanti To I'lilon Pacific v ave. Pilone 99S ton rags ' - tilt a pound. dO pld M4 na,K, town and hirers. ,,,! March Central at 7 nd i.j : r SI. ma' cnited siatcs Real T.W: stoeKei-a- " lito, via: AUaarlo Gutierres, POR RKNT-- Sanitary ant modern Journal ffice Rubber -. I4 0 ealves, 1.89$ r 1891, .'JT rooms Rio Crnnde, 619 w. central I'nlted States $6.1 ,;, it, MISCELLANEOUS Cnited Stales Steel H srestern steers, $9 l"tPTn Istat 470), and .hat said p. f will 81 It RENT .Mod. m u,s and gK."ic Ii do pfd home cooking, Loom and board, TO XII- - Pout Sí '"nXa 2 $99; marWH "'on II lili AHI (.iilNt. ,'. I, copper M ', p, r day and un II oi, In ! Ctah ...... sales, siAyf nor. fornla voti III w mi 10 it. formed Several Virginia Carolina I'liem ill', steady. Bulk of tris. Atonaclo SCO, 1. ota kii.I bouae to - "fio. Ouettrrre. RENT N'lccis furnished rooms. on to go and What to Rend - and ...teller.- $9.46 ' M .. ('''I: nlierc Wabash ,pa'lers S;lh,;,r, X. for the tract lern, or en ulto. n.- - .11 st Hie Los Amn parts or tn Itanonoa 17 light. i:,'- - "- i"- - li s Strictly olnnle five e imps t" nit '' ÍÍ aTr? ... and . T ir. x.. i: w do pfd n . ',I'U I i" in Kofh, r block, N. ios Tom tat, W. Los ,i - u Mrs. r first Si. h"mes . . ilu.1 - market.... Il.iu...,. .Mary land Biln- Twp. purveyed In ' ' Western nd st. Angi S, 'I , "id S III III lil oil WOKtintilloUSe Kleetlie . 6 4 'nncha need Muttonr. I4.ZÍ4M.7S; Cali- - i,-- , ,, - l,i. a completa gllldS to southern n lamo.-- . routvwing wnses m POR I: INT 'm nished rooms for Money to Loan Western Colon '. few lie names iim fornia. Wheeling and Lake C.ri. IW'ers end yearHnga ,4.7."i',i prove pis actual cofttlnuoos adveras I nood poll.v and Tnlal sales lor the ,lu 91,199 western ei,s. $4.26 h.25. ixwsesoion "f an Id trait for twenty WANTI e "I A. FLEISCHER Of buggy for k, p. by responsible -- preceding Ihe gurcey Nicely .leheil in liwurin tiar-'S ears ngl POR RBNT I ' I I. ixrmi KMi Mr , 4 pa r( Address Bond Steady. Total sales, pal (Id, au, filiwtwfc. .ihe township, viz: Pcveio Martines strtotU in",!.-- n. h. 1: I. $$86,94)0, C.itlle Reeelpln. Pnblo t'bav, s. .lose M. Marcs. lienttO I'll. St WAÑTEO l our watches to repair, lie. Chicago May X. M. v ' avenue. ::'s del lined J90; mártir-- Ileeves 19.990 .Lucero, all "f "asa ttabizar. 11: -- 7 i avenue, now. ill mrii Cllileil States Stendv. t.. protest l'i l!l'T loon cent IS) Hie hid pin call Sinee last s 70 Texas steers." 9.0 west- - Any person who deal red good for riffle or irterl lld :. 7 .; nst of said io WANTED Misceiianeous IU FRFRCH 1LE em steers .".' 19 .a,'.ers and 'a s.i the allowance - i'., 1H West Hold. ftf who k STOWS of am substantial rea- t órf 94.9O09.99: eoesnnd ior reglllaOolH FOR RENT vvvN'Ti.'ji iWír"i'néirrr"oo.i tuion I'.o-to- '"on laws and n h I1S Moiios W( o. , $51 under the PILLS. ? t . II $roR RENT The second floor t - 44 e.Kes 50T7Í 1.. I...L I ii.ii,, ft it liv VI This proposli Address t; . .lour- A 'loin 7. H ' i ill of BtroM hiorg, S2 Ifnff If '."'.'.r ...... f .í....!i.i.,.i. ...i w - he ill the A SSAlgS m. d i 'opper steady to sir, us Liiibt. !.4iw """ room : tu v ly r, papered and 'I' :..: given t v at aDOTO- - painted a. Is ' Am. Zinc, Lead and Si $9.99 B I he.vv. $9.301 nn i.opoi unit the repainted; two bnths, two loil-,- 1 W N I'I'P '. lekol I.. ,iis .s 'in novel. ano o Titmrmm- - r,,r ron I $9 r moni h irltti Jour-1- good mentioneii nine pi. is i" 111 rtalSSt eonddi.,11: 01 t'hleat;,, M I... Arizona Commercial 9.70: roimh. i" said claimant, all that M.midiis heavy. $i nicy. nmlne the witnesses of etty wat.r r. nt v. re on blS .lust th Atlantic , t.10 1 I h. : t -o , to offer evidence in rebuttal of lv9y he rent ind 4 orb. tup ano .ok i r n ,,,i, ,,, - and 'this propoeti Ion ror fir Isss W nr.- ...sur in, It i,k bv .1 Ihe city unit llivcJtlKH- - S'TRO I'."., -- Oiat submitted claimant. propositi It,lt. f!e,-e- i - rooming hottae or hotel. Apply lit. CMlMUSi '.'"'' Sheep fn Ragtotar. pays to Insure I'orttrfleld i'". 'li Hfbsijurfju fcr 1. H. O'sTiefrV Í4W ".iluniet Arizona i... c. .. we'n.l ,.M.tNrRt. i: ..ti:;:... " strong Uro. Sold ii and : It IU iiuHN M UOÓRB BMJUXt 00 Calumet and Hacia $4.009)6.90:vi..yearlings. $fi.5fefi7o THE A! fillQilFROUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. MAY 22, 1910.

Maamrc puraphofnulla. Dlmmltt lake I hi largest of (In- - bottom less cluster TELEPHONE SYSTEM la now owned by Ih fin nnd reath. be. Impiwed. bCnOUd LArCulLUlf . . club ami has nlrendi i - Prices Have Borah rtltnenl L Batter t n:,SmZÍSJlS. ? A "I " MeXlCO till cnol llllllerv the TO BE FINISHED iiLi it firm sctual riring f""- KEEPING PACE tionni guard, ? ,i iii" drill featerdaj afti moon. Tho fb-i- nice- 2 members handled the pfree Sections. These ly ,ni there were no accident. The t Been Arranged in Several batten I making gr preparations IN A WEEK WITH ROSW ra n mía ..i Oovernor Milla amo t Til- - greatest mtwlln underwear I Distinctly Better than Usual. 1 iii.- LiMorv of Hi" Oolden iiui" art Are r Thursday, The OU Blfi SW UP HROARÍ Mod Mt com next 207 DISTRICTS 2 Oolden Bule i famous for hh apsclal :ii.i and careful bnyer honld o( RETURNS T ? 000 1 Embroidery Veiling Curtain T 'x Goven lor Jurry to Help Gi eet t Wool Shearing and Buying Section Section DEMING'S ANNUAL Rouiih Ridei; Section I One in Retuini t Season to be our the The following prices will 1 -- AT 20c THE YARD i dian School C AT 22 2c y Pecos Valley; Woman's Club ? prevail in this section for Fe S y a! Santa 1 cov-clistinc- tly veiling, about Holds Election. SCHOOL EXHIBIT T 2 pieces only Corset 50 pieces this week only: y ? All .Imiranl) er embroidery, 15 different designs, I SgefdsJ ' 'k Morninc (Special llUpnlrh fo lha rnlm Jonmul agtll ? AT 90c t K M-- , !0 I''-- t b ns; the RoWiL Kg) GREAT SUCCESS new recular shades, Good value at 35c Qualities up to $1 ,25, ? II gl direction ol II ' UH . nil rli In, romp" ? engineer representing Oté W Hern price In III imainlng y the yard, AT $1 .25 Ble ti ii ' iniii ni uf i 'bu iiiiiI D:il yf in. Un- - Raawell Telephone eompa This is oui $1 50 number, installing i' ,1 I ".lit t AT 90c $:2.(i(io ami win have nn ultima) Unique Work Being Hone by ? y urn llv ni It.iliu ph At presentí u plcti llll. I. Eldi b pieces all over embroid- AT $1.95 will be eoulnned for I .'mil nhoncs, nl City Schools; Furnishes Per- - Notion tu- - it"- The regular price on this hut win in readiness when II ery, The usual price on wrll grows t" even) timen Us pres- Exhibit, Ifl I manent "III. I lien The new board is I w n number is $2.50, ent size ( oiHi Inrn-ea- t Sue irro on ul les, two quality is $1,15, r In t this (Inert be the Section thnt nin found Incomplete. Curryi i Mr. II I mill In title, Mies declare. ggsMial I Marstag couti m system Derssas4as Isral1 Ann. Morn nnd Valencia AT $2.45 t i.nii ii immon battery "flash light plan." Demiag, N. M May ;o The un-nu- Ihlee illHlliilM relll.illl I" he L AT 20c ? better known a the Bandoval cotii AT 70c in a Cal With It installation will come i"i school Mbibll wa hold today In fiom. fii.ini and This curtain is hav four ntimorator aach ho itoKwiii phones thnt need no ulnrm ihe school building, it i roprooonta Bar- i'1'iilik. Vim- men are at work pul- - yoar mill to send in oi mpletian card. 3 pieces all over embroid- 3 dozen Hand Carved the of the wmk ror ttoo entire county, enumn Net and 3 -2 yards f ink Chave eirhi tinu in thi new board ,.i Un- grade. ThiH Ides wag pul In y i l nil heve still to report, Quay, Bio al- will require ev. year In i for ery, Oui reputar price on This is in execution lint Hha, Boogeveli and Ban uan, 7 retter number loni regular price $3.00. y nn- firsi time, and n ih r mean hi informing parents of ISddj Mini Tort (in. is r on. " "i the fni u this quality 90c sold 35c, ii,. Rovwell Lumber com puny, has whni ih being done mid ol awakening t ways at DOOR PANELS Ii ToiUl l". Wagner nn Interegi in (.Mil bought of 4. in Hi" Mnilcnt pride In their c"i llll II. ii in Lumber company and hni In the The the work. Thl minimi exhibit w il) at 35c, quality tint i In- hind- inoi" leave Sunt I'e i taken the management nf iiIho of furnishing Ih chool f memiH on mi Important bulno ill III. Prom ness In who h Ii" holds nn interest Ax ii Baoh sells at 50c, with :i port nl nxhlbil there they will go to New in i " regularly y with lili I f nclated i' dehor select h win Ribbon Jde Mr Wu'i Arl or work from In f ley, prominent con ting White Goods AT $2.25 f thro piece of wo homecoming, H i raetorn, ? tniiti. nl exhibit in Vahlngton, I ( ' y Section 40 pairs only, These cur- ? It In I it Ih yts il I, l ii- -f tllillK he nl" In I'ri oliiir i in nul l gsnontl egcelience "mi Section ? Upon Pome- - statehood catta AT nicely braided in complain! of vim. Corn l 22 tains are nahl. s leming i t (he nw;i- rrora Ne ? rny, a warrant wn Issued from mid idii X of A. J. Welter yesterday .ii fairs moni ha AT 19c Battenburg, in either ecru Justice rourt 35 piec silk i Ibbon, for (he iirreat "i Mi" Mars r (May, 1 chumim; Inr with giving bonus pu- i ,. l.)" expi nt or white, qualities up to wg on .i'ii hiornlng Ti full 5 es wide. This Our 25c qu lily of Peisian i ñera Mr flay grreated the inspecting wi the t.r gl veaterdny brought todhy ihe Ing expedition, '1'errlioriiLl Amlili pair, train Kennn imil n hli I cnu T S3 Intereai mol orlde f it- here insi night, Her hearing if el Mtractively t'hurlPN Saf lot Incl !S Moires, Polka toda'. vinca in thl work) o Lawns, India Linons and for i nn Inaplratlog to tin' CURTAINS The one Is peculiar Mr Pomeroj displayed f ( Print-- , SWISS , n Ihe teoi hers ullke, n Dots, ngeables, riinii n iioardlBg houaa nd Mra. claj hlldri and ? i long way solving tho Batistes, run rom to 85c, Swiss Cur- in o oi a in charge ol gmt towards 1. Millet is expected to re Re:-,- These at 45c member firm managa-n- n ed Wai and Plaids n hotel, Upon claim Mra problem which veaes the I: in. I y the that public everywhere. tains, values up to $1 pair 'h, alienated Uo nlfei Hons nl Mrs nt ol school ular pi 35c and 40c 31 to 40 inches wide, Pomeroy's husband, Mrs, Pomeroj hai Vis., thnl of hrliiKlnw together Hi' i ? school, th teaoh-ii- caused Mm. Clay lo slun n contract bj management ol ihe 'h I .Ii mid pur-uf- a the tetina or which Mr. Cla Is i" force, in.' children the a ppolnted ?: Mm Pom amy 11,149 as damagea oi in Ilverse ?z sty i - due, with stipulation therein thai elements, "i eatahilshing a lo r iin- gyro mhy be- - Mm Poemroj i not to mention Mra. dstatanding and loser Olay'i name in arty divorce proceed' twean them, t inM the may bring. mis poemroy gl in passing through the leges thai ! pay this sum, Mrs Cla 1'tiitlnt'. one Ih l L til" Moi riiiv he r r note and secured II with n variety ol hulj. I.UIKllI AiLMllii mil agnrtgag "ii Oklahoma property. Mrs. to mean oí drawingo, Physlolog I Posnerov further clnlms thai upon In soology. hotnl hh 1. 1. iii Ferguson & Collister every vástiga 1 1 ox r found that n' prop- ngTttph) in short, neartl erty wns not worth ii" much as repre branch in ih curriculum in gppoo 1 In tiers of estad and had Birsd been morl prlatolj rcprosntod the Ingurance ítggr i wall oi tá, JL. Jk. .. Jk. JL. e. A . A. kwiVJU ,aAAJ A mo;. i. ii i" "ii these claims thtil Mn drawing thai adorn the pow LiiimK mili . 7 . V . Pomeroy had Mrs rlai arrested. The nvary room. Children, even ol tho ggatnal the Londo VVV ix sn Interesting and unique hiwe'i exhibit ucouruto draw-lag- s csntntcl grade, ration for; on bj pody, . , money thai the people will raise document, having Lian drawn ..i un bono ol ih tnf in u n( Phll tdi leí inn buildings "ii Hi.", gyotpid I, in eontael with the big men in Ihe phhr Mrt Powi II i attorm y Dye .v Dunn, also show dm w lags ol various plants In by ciflaens orlil CMÚ gatttng iron (fibscrlpUone for it till such time as ILonil fir. liri ihe of tm Vcgn. oan igguo bond to pay for nnd animal, and many difficult 11,000, muí Qurci I'll Moml, ,JlinK6ttl, the li'tiehor'N WOULD SALE them valuable Ideas, And these idea: the boajd To SÍ0P a. building. Investor have MIIAItlM. M urvivti point or" clovorly lllústratéd, ir.n l'oi' i:.'."!'. Instllllle lot n .vrir ii. I onfity will arc not only in rep ird to heard irk, Kastein i - IhO Ilhcrnl sn "M- i:. a single the working i su, tigteed to loan district a si to tu inke Instance of Qovernm MUI , hoin qonvene in tin- Norm ncnooi hill also as to cessful store irk. wool growers ol Idea here un- upon i a islm; Several prominent .mi of a ver) original and clever thli evening on Bo i'" i X" building, in charge of Mia Loon i mi say. ho wo vet, thnt it was amount conditioned the section the have com of of the . hi r, of il' ipiirtion This this "i lrrttor Phe location the farm ii ml iill l.'ii OVt MexL Loguu of Union. aUt(id by Mlas Lon te for us that the meeting of llalli shearing soma oí the waol I b plan, i advi nr il h Ihis pa per a to mancad and shown minute picture Central on Monda; uní Cobb, n west side lein hrr. MI ten. OF ALCOHOL IN ,i latton weie held at th HUM emnlng in. hni u if dechired her Ly cm gnywhor A. en. hie (he hi et the i cnuirc- - is which have been from from thcrd win i i :'l who are planning i do fchodj were ilmsc of Ihe fh! At .,,,, I i i shearing and bu.t god id, it w ill burrs thai Hint th,- students eould find thant In (tUlomohllo, mi work the coming veer, will he te- - míe intereafed In the hoard's mini, ch" will long mil tlih in-- tag sas son be iiruwn pasted into theli appropriate zones ii.ttond. a noon deal of valuali!" the L. good - tin enlllK. liii",l to Kxamhiilionn for it year, The grower raeelvad such .o :i ktrgs map oi kne world. An- üowevt'i, much of Ihis for us taxing inter til h i gpltallxatton Increaeen, Oarttfleutcs will I'" held on June 17 stru. price lust year that wall map illNirHiiiiloii oi - bol row ed build with, lhj ither show th" i i i nandec m ,' n of Ailui- DRUG STORES may recovered from a study of the time Hiii year Iwfors (jiinn up nuil ik. re by. m; Icinu lone ii .I!' loday M proceeding ol th" meeting, The chr of the law i km. feel la Tlllle Swanaon, wool itl dui Thes i ih. i thair throw o from hi riding was principally Interested Ihe lei immercfii uh thai thjp nan afford i" walwthl yeai IIS severely shaken up whil maid's work I attended all hut if three months, and speeulate c little themselves The rio- ihint; mage makt I, specially iiupor-tio- n In vvhoii together n ii.'ti (tip mil to tfpper Ijts "i BhaVrias will no! be hurried th iilugtralton of very diffi- The recant ele I In "I iiiLiii" thl loin 100,600 sharna (Trent im nml il ii now be- - Fe Pharmacist Makes an tnnt. faulted least. Ih" Inivern hell'e. hecnuse ii wa iii Aon bs Santa Ihe I ilectlon of t I, C Henry, to wall s cult subject, moi Indian School t Ii, Hint h Bpltta has oaahic the deslr "i power " ii was play for them la- - " of Ih Natir nal im nit, for presi- - I. Boston and student, Miie contmcneem Interesting Repoit oí Mooting Plfl ue New fork, ol v.. they were taught D. i. tho pre hs bus Stead ok, nnd ihe r. s. Indian tool TI omjni n SUMNER FEELS donl U ii""! editor of si Uottii sre well n nted ihgj FORI i sec- Hi. lesson without realising that : "1 :iml a .1 In K.I Sumner Ind ivas chocen em on the loeal marKH The clips "i i" ha arranged to nip cc.rli of or 01 National Association - war i". Ing Utnght, I'M W. Fo as chocan ireas- huh imri "i Hi" i n "i n great WCI e al llileil L 111: S.i lll:i :i n, to the pueblo smelter of h Amerl f. in i" a singla Ittstanco. Th ir- in.i Dr. w P. I. 11 el local mrtnnc bs W qugllty thin year, som Thai H II pel int. inli'lil of hli: Instruí loll can ft. ami it. eompany thl eek mu Richmond, Virginia ite, the rigated qi New Moglco are i .. surgí vice-p- bain sgtni good other poor. The sections .1. K, Clai it dellvei forecefpl the directors arc confldcnl of good Fe i evident Mo n .iii Cerent coloring on tht h Th, re-- el inniii splendid wherever the she oi si teaming with ki nl advice return JUBILANT OVER last hni ire ted. The first mi I 1 it"i I k - o i" alfalfa or the gtudenti 'nil he WMuie leading a sin de J Welbprn and J. Hni eould ttiiin fractious e.ii t" gpecUl ni'iinua to tii" Mi mivz JmirtuM Ke, lim;. on the ranga t in diploma ii" gn ol T. 11 pi ent nal esiate feiire.i pasture; inn the i" aater yenterdn on the ranch Ranta Po, M, M Mai 21, "une of luiiiLi iiLi not iL vet wi ii a ,n,i.'Oi .uní literary Min n on tin Mora road, PclipQ Gar- i . I out nnd won ti 'I cia, I hodght lessl) lied the live ubjct for discussion at the The eei Ir lllty lie lend Office ind carried who had the E county itiu Revival Oasaratign, tall tho mnllenee. Many irabl. haltor around his wtIki dragged annual i omention ol ih" Anient mi FF the seal decision has Mo- . hiidi.'ii nf ihe hooi arranged creased tin pert of in i oviva meeting nt the Baptlt dlspla) around ti pasture u.v ihe frightened Pharmaceutical A i. iiitinn hii h Investor! tti iini Immen He iimtnined ih" nl man is now in cor ch" .iiniinne animal. fracture recently atiende, I i IUeh!:t61d, V'a iii:lniv The slnglnu "i V-- " four rib and was othoxwtso badly people here relativ. cr" if BeiKrs, of Chicago, prove i "i"- It .i 'in nn bruised, was the sale of alcohol in Irog four stole build ttrninged where Urighl eyed throughout country. It was tin- - urns. his every :i He la leading In stands Snpel ll Prlday iiIkIh while engine n'.in. ihe Bill Creating New District With sold u hoi cundía g ihe niiti'L il portli ii "i ii" work The youngster '.orne .limetil.-- putting an extra mui driven by ISngi-ne- opinion ol ihe phurmnoigt ropreseni-tn- There ar slfns of another spurt in I They nlso Holtl I t wrnty-sevei- luu Ir Phlletus II M Oowell. of lhlr OWn ninke. din Ing h Bplitcll was naundlng a sharp i slut. that whiskey Headquarters There Has a sldewalt la doing the preaching PL tule pogi carda altowlttg toliooi pert for curve near t'hapnan Biatlon, Fireman ami oilier aloohollcs BhOUld it". Le The I ralf st on. Th renea the faculty mot eariou clae If, T Bialey, who leaning m Clear Track in Congress! prop mui considering the newness I n Th.- money t i I. Matrti i "nn ami so lie tTrlvcd i. n. he- - I going o hi The best mouth reeOI'ib 'l I - cgi'lnsl the ler was enuirhl ' I i Is r ii i n eiiiiri contlnu from tin. turned Into the libran tWeen the rob and tender and badlj Plans to Get County Seat. ind a halt feet. grind and pvery ii.i some ii" fntid Im th shaken up, lesultinK lo dislocated '',r al" Vt Wa the nocla ration "I Local men are becoming Interested elded. 'ti Wednei III" til: il ol Ho th.- . hoots PROSPECTSGOODFOR hli and minor ITpon arrival "rniteisi i, J. IMsel, I this citj in the t of the communion ii r a M .li li, i agsinai ". m hrul. the nil who 1 secretary nf th board of .em i eiiy government because ,.i in this city he uas hurried t" SpiM ial t'orrfopendr lie lo SI i il iik Jnarnsl I Pain on. i oc iiii"ii ii" tlli III l"ll Of lili loeal hosnltnl n hero the óracture was Phr.rmacy of the territory of N'ov ihe near approach oí Incorporation. alleg N. M., May Jil. Lo-C- court nil da v n Was ii mill mi reduced. Today he resting easily. Mf'1" and who was elected a mem- - I'ort Sumner, The Rockwell Lumber company is eil nutei lor 11,0011 The defemlati REJECTED LOVER M'tto Irrlffiitlon wnier limits eases the exerutive eoni.'lllttee of the interest in th" land office mailer gott'ng Ms buildings up. i in i oii'ii "ir-'-i- i mi u ounl "f eat National ol Hoards of All hands are pleased with gave QUICK ACTION ON will he heard hefora Judge Parker at Assotiallon reached a high pitch ibis week when greatly tie unaccounted for, and the lnr Mon- Pharmacy which met ai ta sama Ihe wry !n which pumping sta-tlo- n Tes-lerd- the opehing ihe district coutl the i i 1 oo telegrams were received showing tfal h plaisjtifl i "lOL fot C. A, V. time as lite American Pharmaceutical is doing its work. The big pump working nil rtaj day, Hpieag ynd Herberi y the court was Clark, attorneys fag Pablo Lucero AaaoclatloQ in Richmond. ih,- hill had a. clear track through that raises the water Into the high m 01 Hurt. the rase Julin WOUNDS UNCLE w ill ask i,,i permanent injuni tlon "Tho druggists admitted that r.ho- - congress and wa.s being speeded as line is throwing a lot of water where i cegrllngs arho was Recused stesllnf against Jose Leon Qhrales .o prevent I holies are sold in some drug stores rapidly ns possible by Delegate An- il can reach some of the finest land. bast Martin Hedlllo After was for ironi his taking iv ter Illegally from an Ihroughoul the country,'' continued drew, This bill originally T!ie copious rains falling In several nit da) wm k on the i sai RedUIn II Mr. KIs. her. and meiiiln rs of drafted so as to plat e ihe oi l i. e ir direction Inspired o the from town ' o calí, "ipiii, neai t hapuoeros on i.iieer have teatlflsjd il: was not nin hut were loud in denouncing the new distiiet at Clov', hit I ihe tin bop that the unusually long thai o belonged la W Wife The Jim OF GIRL e, more eenira.l location ,,i Port spell noi IHE tin the pi.ti th savins the drug Sumner of dry Weather is about at an was Instructed i" find defendant gota a., plane for kind ol caused the committee io which 11 wa end. guilty: Hgrt was on is that bul business, am proud to ray thai referred in iniignss to make the The reorganisation of the local pre- "1 the COW from him fri ni arivtng Mow-eve- r, the "luirte stealing ns in place. st , whiskey is not Bold in my drug store change favoi of this cinct im forced a reorganisation or Bed II In. Knights ol Pythias Talks to his sheep i lultei i 's hand to a Mr. n. II ill it is Undo id here the the p. An.-ty- hit asklniC il: ami body file tlesp, ratelv ami rtl thai loeal political Inns. .. In nee. 1 Of It WOUld gé( even a sual- - originator oi the bill. Bdltor Curran, has ailed a meeting reptihii-ca- n M ' lull t L i Uog of the I III News, will : : " low ln my plane. of the .Minis receive the im ihe 28th tot put pose Th '.iiii:'it i .i:"., l,ii the i high time that the druggist registership. This is one morí evi- effecting SOUTHWESTERN WILL I'nited States should awake to dente of the good feeling be- ll Red vil of aicohol -hand Un g over tween Ihe IWo tow lis, their Automobile .timers. The drug lar.- should In county seat matter being one Una. .Mi ri 11 ll In .! Mu, tima BUILD BRAND NEW Arteaia to Hope, twenty-tw- o miles (ge. msmll llOt be made a saloon, not any .lay oi the recant evidence. The b uinti-ari- e ti r I as egaa N m Ma .'I "ii Mail and passenger serviee et-ee- .The ill the week BAUCh less on Sunday, of the ne-.- district fixed to luil, lMnt)l I urrri...,l ,"r lit llr,.lt I. .IMI..II he Commen STATION AT VAUGHN an Sundays. Leave Artesia & a. m If IL. H .Mr. gischer made n report of the begin at Ihe Texas line, inn west .n n. miller MMnll Red luto Taca "ounl Le hastnegg men Leave Hope L':30 fi. m.; $3 round trip. , i i M. i the between the ami fifth Hi" folk .III. M.n uní. i "in. ins in. uh net i Cham i meeting of the National Association line fourth New and excellent equipment. S II I ' of ihe Board of Pharaaacy to townships north t" the line between I I'l l' i 'omina ii.l. r II Brown "f the Jnttrnnll the 'I AS. M. TANNKR. .Manager loved Lodge or (Siifrlal l MnrnlBI members of the hoard of pharmacy the fifteenth ami sixteenth rangei Knight "i Pythias Orand May is Artesia. N M. Cleburne Tesas raí well attended bj Vaughn. X. M.. I. It of ew Mexico. lie says, amona ...her east. N. M. P. at., thence south on E. I to dividing line between I i he representative i It) .a- - ol hoth on good authority that the hinifs thnt line the At i K "in making a report of the boards townships Ore ami six smith, thence Journal Want Ads Get Knst mui Las gill ler a i s v. in soon -- in eoaatruct-iii- Results John T 'I .1 of pharmac) at Richmond i váani lo east on that line to the Texas bound ltd It l.uvth ill. a handsome station building here point begin- Kheu. iinilli"! t man) persons thank each ol the members of toe ::i) ami north to the of irk followed by gad locate ll a short dlstmn e west of hoard or ih,- privilege oi iatending ning. It will Comprise two and a I in, MatiSMJ I lull Who did in- i H Holds building. meeting, ami for taking on my third million arrg, ihe greater pait -- r rest lall. lt RJ th' old . The A 1.41 k" I ruled on aa del Hr R ll sit ml other Vaughn yesterday with shoulder the hard work of the board f which hi ) in from ihe ftoewell dis- - uas visited I fully how ! CUi CANCER Mi ni., realise Inade- The lest from Ihe Santa I','", ne (ave a mis covering .1 liitht rain. inc. tli.t. quate my report he ..f I'e This fact shows a i. doctors. the hlstnv "t the an iiornim Idea A di Ided ). milling boom is on In mutt ail that district what i.d without th knife. Thre s was done a; meeting, it will be to m spacialiut. Seventh year s Los Aagelts. first pi .mod in ".ins. At Vaughn all portions thai but "i convenience resident i Iteslilencea in w ill i t a ir enters and Sanatorium for ih as Rani i as Vega as eoniprehensive report in tMf Section. M'h" district will in- Slut ni of th,. ,ity are under construction. I an and rSecttr ttvatmrni ol ttncrr the near mure. Kenna i tnti-rua- J as the suitable location rol i". v n m . clude tai. and on the south, iitil uiniiTt,. ttiiiiors scienti&caliv and Praaier ol Carlsbad, ' As on west. idem p. i tonally Mr Bi oa n I SMOd new narils the meetings of the ami Vaughn the tieetMl i,h the yr.W GEKMAN . has lo, ateil here. the i I VI ... andel .. hoard, win i ay that I Is d a 'IMie of Hi., lan I office K 1. ill's. Jlrrast t timará remove in 7 dar m advoeat of locating ihe AliB)-l- l building and will estahlislt a rin at mtaont Hint ! s great ileal and mail, a o, w t uríical uperation er pain i also sdths ih m hate ami whan ho . imti bat Foi Sumner clttwhei the count) seal first lass billiard roxoi I i , say el the NKW un- - susaaaer to urtng oiisldt r our slim ii ominas to f nil matter and makes the creation OUR i..' !'.. Beard has Itoiit appointed to Un- ETBOD& FEE Jin any skia caiuerl lile up I.. spirit oi reciprocity I county seat at point ihe matter before ths iitial oanvi fill ,.: 11. U. J nsen, :is ihis io i'n neal errs Pay hen cured. Write tor book . in. pl.oe an)! i i l Mi)' oda i oso- tnui "i Pythias in June, weald ariiestlv ei onimeiiil session oi legislature a certainty. lihrarlan ut the Santa Fe - The They he o. hi- - to have Ihe that we mal. some ra. Ileal "llantos Tío- de hero are Betting in dead German Remedy Co. ta nimosi rc.lin- - rooms. . Rtiomi 221 and 225 San Building .I muslin of n ti. ni started. Domi Mt tint; III- Men earn in ths attempt to make ready Fernanda .tk lulu' is apparent that ceanaag Q 4th and Main Su.. Loa Ancelea, Cat g in mot thoie it ri J "it one of the tor the nchaelrear sscnl nium! gr. he H ml ! liar itl Ihe tr, Shi neis' matinee at benefits to derives from paper, the weekly Index." bag Is New Cure u. h 111 l used in er. i i these gatherings the coming ill the board the use of all the BOOK FREE