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No. ^fc GENERAL AGREEMENT ON sma/22/iM.i TARIFFS AND TRADE * Febrœry 1955 Original: English



Request by the Government of Cuba


With reference to his notification of intention to negotiate under Article XXVIII, the leader of the Cuban delegation has submitted the following communication:

"In accordance with instructions received from my Government and with reference to my note of 3 February 1955, circulated to contracting parties in document SECRET/22, I have the honour to enclose herewith the provisional list of items appearing in Schedule IX to the General Agreement, that my Government wishes to renegotiate under the provisions of Article XXVIII before the assured life of the Schedules is extended.

."The Government of Cuba is prepared to offer compensation in the course of negotiations with the contracting parties with which the concessions were initially negotiated, and to consult other contracting parties determined, in terms of paragraph 1 of Article XXVIII, to have a substantial interest.

"My Government will have no objection to these renegotiations taking place in Geneva, starting at the end of March or early next April." StiCriET/22/Add.l 2


~",""'~ NOTIFICATION BY TH.-, GQV^xdki^.T OF CUBA '• v''

: Provisional List of Items appearing in bchedulë'IX to the • ! General .'Agreement for ^negotiation under Article X^VTII .,


Cuban . •• •• ;••;• . uountries with which Tariff Description'"" concession WSE initially- Item No, negotiated

10 Common or ordinary glass:

D . t Articles of adornment or fancy Czechoslovakia 'articles adaptable to lamps ' : manufactured in Cuba which are of the technical-scierrtific- industrial nature of ordinary glass.

11;.-.' , Ordinary color le se or, artificially colored glass: ...... -; • C . In ornaments or fancy articles. • Czechoslovakia

72 Nickel, aluminum and their alloys: Aluminum hammered into fine, leaves,. Canada y::.

95 - Inorganic salts: . Sulphate of ammonia; sulphate of Chile (Free) aluminumjr phosphates and super- UnitecUbtates phosphates of lime, nitrates of •/••-• potash and of soda; sulphate of potash, muriate or chloride of potassium, not above 97/J pure, and monoammonium phosphate.

152 in continuous rolls, folios, or sheets, white or colored, glazed or calendered or not, with or without water-marks or prescure-marks, not cut to size or painted: F iianufactured on a base of bisulphite Canada or sod:, » without ground wood pulp, or with a proportion of the latter not in excess of 3^,-j weighing not less than 60 nor more than 130 grams par square meter, such as sulphite bond and paper commonly known as paper for books and illustrated . SSCiitïT/22/Àdd.l Page 3

Part I (Contd.)

Cuban Countries with which Tariff Description concession was initially Item No. negotiated .

246 Milk: F Malted. Australia


All- the items in Part II have been negotiated with the United States only

Cuban Tariff Description Item No.

10 Common or ordinary glass: A In containers of all kinds for industries, not constituting ornaments, D Articles of adornment or fancy articles adaptable to lamps manufactured in Cuba which are of the technical- scientific-industrial nature of ordinary glass.

11 Ordinary, colorless or artificially colored glass: A In tableware, and other articles which do not constitute ornaments, plain, pressed or moulded, not chased, engraved, gilded or painted. B In tableware and other objects which do not constitute _ ornaments, chased, engraved, gilded or painted. C In ornaments or fancy articles. D Glass utensils and apparatus for laboratories and scientific uses in general, flat or curved, plain or engraved, solid or hollow, except ampules.

13 Glass and crystal, plain or curved: B For windows. C Ordinary or reinforced, not polished on the edges or ground, beveled, engraved or annealed.

19 Manufactures of cement, with or without mixture of other materials, hollow or not : A In roofing tile, plates and sheets. SiiC:^T/22/Add.l Page 4

Part. II (Contd.)

Cuban Tariff Description Item No.

36 Wrought iron or steel, rolled: B In bars of all shapes, including rods, rims and hoops.

63 wire : A Of one millimeter or more in diameter. B Of less than one millimeter in diameter.

64 " Wire covered with fabric-or insulating material, -.. and cables for carrying electric current: C All others.

72 Nickel, aluminium end thoir alloys: il Aluminium hammered into fine leaves. G In other articles.

91 Simple bodies: A Sulphur.

94 Oxides and Oxyhydrates: A Of ammonia, soda, potash and other caustic and barilla alkalis, including anhydrous ammonia, with the exception of caustic soda and soda ash. B Caustic soda and soda ash.

95 Inorganic salts: . C Salts of ammonia (except sulphate); silicates of soda or sodium and potashj chlorides of potassium and calcium; sulphates of potash, soda, iron, magnesium and barium (barytes); salts of copper; alum, oxide and carbonate of magnesia; hyposulphites and borax. £ Carbonate and bicarbonate of soda and sodium sulphide. F Sodium chlorate and potassium chlorate, 0 Nitrogenous solutions, composed of ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate, urea, or-of any combination of -these materials,-in a solution of ammonium hydroxide; and sul;hate of potash magnesia. . . Page 5

Fart II (Contd.)

Cuban Tariff Description Item No.

98 Chemical products; not specifically classified; acetone and wood alcohol and scale-removers: A Chemical products not specifically classified, when in large containers or in bulk. •

100 Pharmaceutical products and insecticides, not specifically classified: D Disinfectants such as creolin, lysol, bleaching powders, including hypochlorite of calcium and similr.r substances.

108 Starches, dextrins and glucoses: B Other starches and other industrial feculas not specifically classified.

109 Prepared and adhesives: A Albumin, fibrin, gelatine, glues and other albuminoids in whatever form. ... B Mucilage, adhesives and sizing in powder, paste or liquid, manufactured on a base of dextrin, starches, gum arabic and other similar products of vegetable origin.*

113 Thread or yarn: A In skeins, spindles or in other forms for mechanical manufacture . . of fabrics of all kinds, cord or braid, T. 15% B In spools, skeins, balls or in other form, for hand weaving, embroidery or sewing, including thread or cord for manufacture of fish-nets and hammocks, and the cord or cordage of cotton for the manufacture of pneumatic tires. C In cordage, rope and twine, not braided, and made-up fish-nets and hammocks of net.

120 Napped fabrics in blankets: A Unbleached. B • «rtiite, dyed a single color, or printed on white or> unbleached material, including napped cotton fabrics which contain not more than 5/o of other .

122 Knit fabrics: E Stockings, socks, gloves and other small articles of double sewing or fine work. SJC.uZS/22/Add.l Page 6

Fart II (ContcL.)

Cuban Tariff Description ,Xtem._No.. 128 . Fabrics for sacks to be used as containers, wicks and other articles not specifically classified: A Fabrics of cotton, plain or smooth or twilled, regardless of the number of threads and the weight of 100 square meters, for the fabrication of sacks, provided that they are-imparted bearing in indelible lettering the name of the national industry to which they are destined, the lettering being so spaced as to appear on the material for each sack, in such manner as to occupy the greater part of the surface of both sides of the sacks.

129 Raw, thread or yarn: G Nylon or other"fibers obtained by artificial synthesis, manufactured on.a base of organic chemical' compounds, protein substances, glass or metallic substances, in continuous filaments, or cut filaments or fibers, threads or yarns.

137 knit fabrics of rayon, nylon and other .similar synthetic yarns: D ' In the piece.

138 Tulles of rayon,- nylon or other similar synthetic yarns: D Plain. £.:. Figured, F £imbroidered after weaving.

152 Paper in continuous rolls, folios or sheets, white or colored glazed or calendered or not, with or without water-marks or pressure marks, not cut to'size or painted: A îaanufactured on a.base oi screening or other ordinary pulp, and of straw, weighing not less tlian 30 grams' per square meter, known as brown paper, .wrapy-ing..paper or "screenings" paper. B i'.anufactured on a base of soda pulp (Kraft), weighing not less than 10 grams per square meter, commonly known as for packir C Manufactured on a base of bisulphite pulp, weighing not less than 10 grams per square meter, commonly kno\jn as manila paper, paper and paper. D Manufactured on à base of bisulphite pulp, weighing not less, than 10 grams per square meter, used for wrapping fruit; and paper. SKCUiiT/22/Add.l Page 7

Part II (Contd.)

Cuban Tariff Description Item No.

152 F tianufactured on a base of bisulphite or soda pulp, without ground wood pulp, or with a proportion of the latter not in excess of 30>; weighing not less than 60 nor more than 130 grains per square meter, such as sulphite bond and paper commonly known as paper for books and-illustrated papers. I The paper specified in Sub-Item IÏ of this Item, not containing flax, pulp-sized only, commonly known as writing paper. J hanufactured entirely on a base of cotton fiber, or on a base of wood pulp or cotton fiber, commonly known as . K Other continuous papers not made-up, not specifically classified, L The paper of Item 152-G, known as .

155 Manufactures of paper: A In sacks, bags, pauches or other similar articles made-up of paper of the kinds covered by Sub-Items A, B, C and D of Item 152, not printed, ornamented or stamped other than with the size number or manufacturers' trademark. F Paper on reels, of any of the classes dutiable under Sub-Item 152, for wrapping, covering or packing, gummed on one side, regardless of its width, commonly used for fastening boxes or packages, not printed, ornamented or stamped other than with size number or manufacturers' trademark, M Toilet tissue, paper towels, handkerchiefs and napkins.

156 Chemical papers: A Having one or both sides covered with a coat of white lead or barium sulphate, kaolin, talc, etc., called artists' paper, "couché" or chrome paper, commonly used for or lithography. B Impregnated, or coated with grease, oil, wax, paraffin, stéarine, rubber, glue, etc., whether or not printed, typographed or litho­ graphed, commonly known as ; and tarred paper, reinforced or not with open-weave fabric of textile fibers, commonly used for baling.. C . S Gilded, silvered, nickeled, coated with- quick-silver, etc., in sheets or stripe, including paper or coated with aluminium, whether plain, fancy, colored or embossed. SL'CiiST/22/Add. Page 8 •

Part II (Contd.)

Cuban - -•- . Tariff Description Item No.

X56-Ï .Transparent she sting of cellulose-or .of any cellulose derivative, plain or of the original color of manufacture, cut to size or in rolls. I Capsules and bands for bottles and tubes, including synthetic sausage casings of all kinds, made of cellulose or of any cellulose derivative, plain or colored, printed or not.

159 engravings, photographs, lithographs, chromo-lithographs, oleographs, and any other class of reproduction not specifically classifed: A From one to three , including articles printed with bronze powder (counting the printing in bronze as three printings and un- colored embossing or relief work as one printing), excluding printing in whole or in part in metal leaf. F From eight to ten printings (counting the printing in bronze as three •printings and uncolored embossing or relief work as"One printing) excluding printing in \;hole or in part in metal leaf. G Of more than ten printings (counting the printing in bronze as three printings and uncolored embossing or relief work as one printing; including all articles -..rinted in whole or in part in metal leaf, or on cigar-bands, regardless of the number of printings.

161 Cardboard, pasteboard and bristol-board, in sheets or rolls: A Ordinary or pasteboard for corrugating, with a thickness not exceeding .01 of an inch, manufactured on a base of rye 'straw or other simil.r straws or sulphate pulp, provided that it is not glazed, colored, nor covered with paper or mineral substance. B " Ordinary paperboard or pasteboard manufactured oh a base or wholly of waste paper or newspaper, in natural color as manufactured, including those known as "chipboard" and "newsboard". NOTE ; Paperboard or pasteboard manufactured on a base of mechanical • '•• 'wood pulp in combination with bisulphite pulp, containing not less than 70$ °f mechanical wood pulp, shell be classified under Item 161-B as paperboard or pasteboard made from waste paper or newspaper. C Ordinary paperboard or pasteboard manufactured on a base of or entirely of wastepaper or newspaper, but colored on one or both f^ces, or covered with white or colored paper not of a fancy nature, including those known as "chipboard" and "newsboard", also colored or covered with paper. SxiCliùT/22/Add.l Page 9

Part II (Contd.)

Cuban Tariff Description Item No,

161 D Fine and heavy Kraftboard, not specifically classified,- manufactured principally from sulphate pulp: and uanila board or imitations"of ; manila board manufactured on a base of a combination of sulphite wood pulp and mechanical wood pulp or old waste rope or bagging and coated or lined with white or colored paper. fi Paperboard coated with white lead, kaolin or other "similar substances and all other ordinary not specifically classified, whether or not covered with white, colored, lustrous or fancy paper, F Bristol-board and fine cardboard manufactured wholly of sulphite pulp or fiber of flax (lino) or rags, colored or not, coated or un- coated, or covered or not with white, Colored, painted, lustrous or fancy paperj whether or not embossed (stamped) or with any other kind of work. • • • • * 193 Tanned hides without hair, "splits" and similar hides: G Patent leather, in whole-hides or sheets. 197 Men's boots, half-boots, shoes and slippers of all kinds and forms, ornamented or not, and with soles of leather, fiber, rubber or any " other material, 24-1/2 centimeters insole measurement, or Not4 iinglish measure for men, or 36-1/2 Spanish or French measure, and over,

240 Compound lard, that is, a mixture of animal and/or vegetable oils and fats in any proportion, and hydrogenated animal and vegetable oils and fats.

246 Hilk C Condensed, evaporated or concentrated, with or without sugar and cream, E Milk called modified or "humanized", by any process, in powder, to be employed exclusively for ill and -convalescent persons and for the artificial lactation of children, provided it comes in glass or tin containers, holding no more.than 16-ounces net and with the use indicated on said containers. F Malted. G In other forms, including any kind of "skimmed milk", provided it is not of tho kinds comprised under letter "^", SiCïffiT/22/Add.l Page 10

Part II (Contd.)

Cuban Tariff Description Item No.

286 Coffee, chicory root arid chicory: A Coffee, in the bean, green. NOTE; At'such time as the production of coffee in the- Republic of Cuba is inadequate to meet the requirements for local consumption, the Minister of Agriculture of Cuba shall so declare and for the duration of the period covered by such a declaration, coffee produced in Puerto Rico, if dutiable upon importation, shall be admitted into the Republic of Cuba at a rate.of duty not in excess of 50 per centum of the lowest rate applicable to coffee of any other origin, but such rate applicable to coffee produced in Puerto Rico shall in no case exceed #16.00 per one hundred kilograms.,

288 Manufactured Cocoa: A Cocoa ground or in paste form,.cocoa without mixture; chocolate, "... ..bonbons, tablets, candies and sweetmeats of which cocoa, or., chocolate forms a part.

289 . Sweetened pastes, jellies and gelatine; marmalade, quince paste, caramels; sweetmeats and candies of all kinds and chewing gum: • --A " Sweetened pastes, jellies and gelatine, aarmalade, quince'paste, caramels; sweetmeats and candies of all kinds, not specifically classified. .

314 ••• Tires of rubber-or •synthetic rubber, or of these materials Combined with fabrics, for all kinds of vehicles, and inner tubes: B Hollow tires, weighing lest than 8 kilograms each, except bicycle tires, or more than 62 kilograms each. C Hollow tires, other. D Inner tubes.