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TUESDAY, D EC EM BER ts; 198t ■ - ■ jitanrt^rjelnr S m U tg IfrraUt f ' . Tonight-Stores Open to 9 a^clock AgostlneiU, John OataMe^ ia^wi||jmwi|||mw|||mwi||^ari||M!^| MjjU s XoaobM ed KMc ZltMM bod(o, nay. S, C , former raaidaate of Uila ian-American Hall on Eldrtdga j J i ^ut T o w n lo o p , wlQ BMOt at Um Rolmoa togrn, was a candidate for the B. Italifui--4mericans Street. At that meeting, the mem­ Deoadto; Raffaele Oe Bi- FunenU Homo thlo ovoninc at7:S0 8. In ctTll onglnaerlag at the Mil­ bers voted to abolish class mem­ monsi Modesto Zite; OI u I I'o A v w iio M to offer thalr lent roopecta to their itary Collage of south Carolina, In Member Drive bership in favor of a uniform $2-a- D’Um ^ , trustees. John Rota,.and For Urn Week BMs« Rlclwrd P. Brown, MO Wood* departed brother, Jamoe B. John* Charlestown, 8. C., Saturday. month membership with uniform Paul Cbim tl, auditors; Proapero Dee. It, UNH Und St., u d MIh BcuUah Humom aton, who baa been a loembcr ot sick benefits. Bonino, W k committee; and Jo­ will bo uni tod in morrlaco In tbo In his statement yesterday, seph Travigpo, aergeant-at-arma. thia lodge for 05 yean. A daughter was born at the Arturo Qremrae, newly elected SmOMHERG-GARUSON VWr wM ■nmA ee Nortb llotbodlat Church Sundny Hartford Hospital on Dec. 18 to president of the Manchester Itel- Oremmo said, no membership ad- attomoon nt S -o'etock.' Tho oervlco A S*C Jay K. Mohr, aon of Mr. Mr. and Mra John WUliema 41 ian-Amerlcan Society, announced miesioa'would be charged during 11,120 Lew lA-SS. fsatty will bo conducted by tho pOMtor, and Mn. Edgar W. Mohr, MS E. Falrview St. last night that the organisation the first three months of next , TV, PHONOGRAPHS e« UM Anitt tho Rov. John E. Foot Jnmoo W. Middle Ipke., ia open ding a 16 day which now numbers 300 members, ,year. EASr TERMS H ft I R o d R o ^ SmvIcb TOV BUT BEST AT Mtmehesler— A City of ViUago Chmrm McKoy will oorve no orfoiHot and furlough at his home. He ia proa* Both the Mary Cheney and Whi­ will conduct a three-month mem- Other officers elected Sunday ST Starkweather S t Gorald Chappoll wUl glng appro­ ently attending school at the F. E ten Memorial Libraries will close berahip drive beginning Jan. 1. A were John Andlsio, vice-president; priate oelocUono. Warren Air Force Baaa, Cheyenne, Thursday, the day before Christ­ goal of 300 new members has been John Oaraventa, corresponding SERVICE OHAROE $SM Potterton's Wyo. _ mas,. at S p. m.; and will remain set. secretary; Vincent Borello, assist­ VOL. LXXin. NO. 71 ara advancing, mainly pork piieaa. Holdbacks Spurn Waihington, Dee. 28 , , police to the capture jj!i a hotel The government reported to­ Ha aaid thia may pravent a further living cost decline for Daeeaabar room early today of the lest day that living costa declined when the bureau repoite tha OS' two of 18 esesped Michigsa in November, reveraing a camber living cost level late ne^ Cfmvicts. 44 »» ateady eight months advance month. Police Capt John Rlale aaid .All I Want for Qiristmas U. to record levels. "Wa'va had a UtUa Snniag ia the two men. after a brlaf strug­ Fire Deaths The Index, compiled by the Bu­ fooda in Dacambar," Clagua aaid, gle, admitted they are Robert "and tha axpacted lower clothing Pro-Reds Seek Dowling, S3, a burglar, and Roman reau of Labor Statistics, deelinad thrae-tantha of one per cent to 115 prices won't coma until the Janu­ Uriondek. 37, a payehopathic kill­ Clmm Nine NY-RON GOWNS per cent of the 1847-48 average. ary and February aalea;'* er. Michigan police had deecrib- Ai This Is atx-tenUui of one per cent Tha Index flguiv> emtouneeS to­ ad them aa dangaroua. Beautifully trimmed with matching lace. higher than Novembtr, 1853 sad day reSecte livliig coeU ea of mid- Thay am 11 other escaped from November.' the Southern Michigan prison at News Meeting IS per cent above the June, 1880 Youngsters It's tiiM to io n ite elMdil CiMeli yw r OutatSnding styles. Assorted colors. Sizes atari of the Koreen War. Between October and November, Jackson last Saturday, burning 34 to 40. But It waa the first drop aince transportation coete declined one- through bars in a prison sewer By im ASSO^TBD FBBSS February, and Indlcatisd some half of one par cent primartlv be­ with an ncetylene torch. Panmunjioin.* Thursday, Dec. 24 (fP)—^Time ran out at inlB- stabilising of the economy. cauae of decreesaa in prieea of uaed The Upoff came when cyuiatng Nine children were burned to death end one other wea night Wednesday on efforts to change the minds of 22 A m ^ - ChristnMM nst, thM dMek Ball iknpleyea Lsee Raise automobiles and lower gasoline Patrolmen Robert Matheny and can. war prisoners who stayed with the CJominonista, The 90- * 5.00 - » 5.98 Tha indtx dacllne knooka apout prioee. Lawrence Harris spotted a car in critical conditioij today af­ 1,100,000 railroad employaa out of Many groups of consumer itema vrith Michigan tieenee piatea,. ter fires swept two homes in day period for explanations to war prisoners expired hours tha panny-an-hour wage increase rose sligblly In November. They parked opposite the Wayne Coun­ after the Americana and other pro-?' ------they would have received had the included hoiialnf, medical care, ty Courthouse. widely separated sections of Red cepUvee chanted eonga shout- 1 ______our 9if^spall9l•d SBitetioiis! Our akrt buyors hovo index stayed at Itr 115.4 October personal care, reeding end recrea­ In the car they saw the two the nation. One blase occurred ed and linked arms In a wild dance I «W 7* e B ^ _r* ^ figure. Their wage rates are gear­ tion, «nd even a alight rise tai the half-loaves of bread, a bottle of in Marinette, Wis., where to drown out laat-mlnute broad-j I v J L O L O l d r ed by union-management contract price of beer. catchup and a litter of cigarette cast appeals to return borne. five lost their lives. A second Indian spokesman said that te indtx chahgaa. -It was the third atraight month butte. disaster place near i- kupt our stocks up-to-fftw-miuHto A rather sharp 1.4 per ceht de­ that food priooa dacUnad. There Capt. -Riaio and three other of­ aa midnight passed there was no cline in food plicae urns mainly had been slight dcclinea in Sep­ ficers went to a small hotel on Greenville." Miss., when a request for repatriation from pris­ reaponaible for the,drop in tha tember and October. U. 8. Route 40, leas than a Mock tenant house went up in oners ia to* pro-Red north camp. * Knows Son over-ell living cost ffidex. ' The meats, poultry and fish cate­ from the car and only a block flames, snuffing the lives of The U. N. Command said earlier This racoim^ak word to gory of prices declined 3.7 per cent from police headquarters, at the Ite broadcasts yssterdey snded ^ infiftMoos . . . variety ^ four children. efforts to woo home the 32 Amar- Amarican houaawives was tamper­ in the aiafie month between Octo­ west edge of the Iwaineaa district. In Marinette, tha home of the Will Return ed aomewliat, however, by indlce- ber and Novamber to reach iheir When they knocked at the hotel nS, 1 Briton and 337 South Ko­ Robert Degaynsr family burned- to reans who stayed with the Reds. tiona. that December pricea may lowaat level since February lk4f. room door. Dowling called'''out, the ground. The children were Tokyo, Dec. 23 (AV"-Mn. be a bit klgtaar. An aVeraga dScresae of over 7 Vho la HT" alceiring in bedrooms on the Second Interviews Halted Tha lAbor StatinUcs Oommls- per cent in pork prices, with bacon ‘Tt’a the police,” Riaio answered. floor of the house when'the fire The Communists who have Portia Howe pecked tonight aioncr, CWaa Clagua, aaid he haa Dowling opened the door started at about a a.m. The tether, pressed repeatedly for an exten- for a long homeward journey, advance iadlcqtknurthat food prices (Oentianed an Pnge Few) promptly. Both men were in their Robert, so, left the houM to caU n of the explanatioa period, a sad but devout mother who underclothea. They gave their the fire department. asked to Interview more Chinese names aa John O'Connor and Joe prisoners from the aatl-CTommu- knows her war prisoner son All Silk When he returned the fire spread one day will realize he made-a Be£k. both of Trey, Ohio. Riaio tee rapidly for him te enter the nlat south crimp Thursday. naked them for Ideatlflcation. house and save hie children. But toe Neutral Repatriation mistake in turning Commu­ !.t ... SCARFS Yea, 111 show you,” Riaio quot­ A woman Watebing the fire said Oommiaaion ruled that the expla­ nist. Jacqiiinot Replaced ed Dowling as saying. aha taw tba,tether try and enter nations bad ended. The Alden, Minn., housewife an- Colorful prints in all wanted He said Dowling walked to a the house by cUmbing to,|he roof The ccmmleetOB approved a ra- peete to spdnd Christmas with colon with rolled hema. i ! bureau, grabbed a 43 caliber Gerr- Slid entering through a window, quest from tha pro-Communtot her family. She to taking praa- man pistol from under n hat and but heavy amoks and flamea forced Amaricaas and the Briton to meet ente bought la Japan for har thraa said: “Thia la my identification.' him back. HereM Fbolo. AUted and Red news correspon­ other children. In French Ballotihg Captain lUslo said he aaiaed Mx-yaar-eM Nancy Otntoff, af FblfAeM, beaam at Tha Hen Don't Say Sweaters i / ' The children were identified by dents Inside their compound Thurs- M n. Hbwe Sew to Japan 13 d r a wrist and twlstod the ------la n aiightly teothleaa diaplay ef cheer In aW effort d ^ . in an effort to sea her POW $|«00 ^ a< Ms hand.. fire department and boapltal au- prove that twa front teacth not a fclppapataww aS ebe wna Say... VenAillsa, Fraiic*. D«» 23 (/P)—Louis liieqiiinot w )tiidi^ tberitlea aa.Michael, six;: Patricia, for Chttotonas. Nancy n veteran Amt craCer la town yaatetday Loudapeakera outside the barbed son. Pfc. Richard Tennaaon, In 2bkiMi''.iW MMdqRaiStts Uve: Gary, four; OanM, throe, wire encleeure broadcast 13 timsa K m ^ Wie faited. But aha todsy AS A cAodidAtA for th e French preaJdeney Aid hU plAce TIm Ikraa other offlcecn-^Sgt. BI- vtoil, also waa piBaaei over the euttcnwnt caneed by her new and Bteva, two, halide which to knewn In select dret gvadi ebclea ne "deg-enra' during tha day—four appaale each said tonight her M^e if not ahak- ^ 1 * 9 8 each on the 12th bellot wee teken i»y Rene Cotjr, Ah fndepehdent wood Ctorfc and Patrolmen Harold ta toe 33 Aasecicaas. 1 Brjton and mi. Ryan siM MeemaitSteka^irabbed Peuraato lleepitellaei «f-Itn feaspiMnaeo to n eochar speptol.. Thto^ Haney wntw Tennmon, 38, to ona of 17 Ti'sh-U-Knit Republidm. jAquinot, wh6 i i OveraeAs Minister, hnd bees p(tt **i8anML end both men wars tak­ _Tha iathev aaS his irtfe. Roat^ am hrwetsa-we* to m hb eamuaeaeiaetbsid wWith i» nthe e "•oreeis"hoTM*« ste ir bdapfed «y elder 7t South Koreana who were nrt ill up by RlghUata jRfter. intervlewad individually. AH of 'Americans who . today akautad. en tAbesdeuartanhg.' M, r a a haapIl i^ f wfllBRrstbh# J g u ; Tbo "Aeg-raf” hMnlo loolm Wm lirtvh the Bo-frant-taelh dovni a Uuk-mlneio xlHedMue- A must in your sweater wardrobe. Lanief withSfeV7rr^ tha ipralaat rates MM May found a blmdM bOSte oe tha face ^ pigtofl eM gesT^ tba 358 BeaUi Kareaiw Utewiew- You saw thia advertiaed in Lift. BIgM- Roth Mouaea of the French ed earlier elected to stay with tba fpaakor appoal at Pamnunjotn af road mapa and a laatbbr-covered «M hands' ffra. Degagner that they come home, AH tha Becauae you deaerve the best yeu'll Parliament havn been meeting Withdraws iaad pipe, 18 tochaa Wng, to the •uffared a poaiibla cbraMim concus- Conimuntots. always treasure your Tiah-U-Knit. Since Inst Thuraday In an attempt parked car. Riaio aaid the man re­ ■ian. boapltal antborttles aalA It liie broadeasu were greeted by Americana refused. Available bi gray, navy and whitt. SANTA MAKES A HIT to elact a succaaaor to Preaidsnt ported they atele the ear ia De­ waa ballevsd aba anfferod tba In­ prlld demonstrations as the prison­ Bond Bttle In Hotel Sises 36 to 40. Vtacant Auriol, whose 7-yaaT term troit Sunday, the day after their jury white groping' through the ers danced, sang, shouted and Mrs. Howe, a amall Blbto In expiree next month. Grand Jury Indicts escape. smoke SUed kouaa trying to and cbeerad In unison. _ her hand, listened to the news to­ On the 11th ballot this morning. WITH HIS GIFTS FOR Pehee Chief tucas Roha aaid the children. Only 17 Americana were count­ night in her hotel room. Jacquinot received SSS votes and both men signed extradlUen nralv- Then she opened her tdble. Mai^-lMmond Nnegelen, a So- Degaynsr said he awakened to ed inside the compound. The In­ s 5 e 9 8 era to permit their return without dian Command said three were in "Train up a child.T she r**d aloiid THE OUTDOOR GIRL claUat, S7Z A majority of 441 waa' legal procaadlnga. dnd.Jthe house in Saasee. He left to Family for Robbery in a aoft but compoaad voice, "la aaeded. j boUfy the are department. He aaid a nearby hovpUal and d'd not hear After Me arrest, Ualondak aaid; toe broadcasts. Two others ap- the way he should go and whan O w arim lii Fhtls I "I'm Urad of running. Pm raady to ha waa uaiMo to re-enter the be to old ho wlU not depart fiom Deaperate last minute attempts j go baek.” it " at a compromise which would per­ n Paigo FIftoan) Boston, Dec. 23 (ff) —Ax on charges of receiving stolen (OsatUusd ea Page R V it) Tha men said they had eaten money from the older O'Brien. Thia, sha said. Is ona of God's mit putting Auriol'a name before I nothing except bread for 30 houra hiubuid, wife and son i^cad-1 promises and 'T betleva God's the Congress apparently fell Tbs three are scheduled to be ar­ and aakad for food. ed innocent today to charges raigned in federal court today. promiaas ara never broken^ through. "I want steak for breakfast, and of larceny or receiyhig money "I feel sure Rtebard^-wUlJcealisa Jacquinot had|giropoaed that he plenty of coffee,” Dowling said. Mystery Letter The husband and wife were ar­ W hite Drew Up dnd Naegelen 'withdraw and legve stolen in a 9681,700 cash theft j rested Thanksgiving eve by FBI bto mistake." A cMrk at the hotel said they agents in their 820,(X)0 white Of course, ebe said, her aon vrlU Auriol In the field. The afternoon had chacked in about 8:30 > m. from an armored car and; be welcomed whenever be miglU Bcsslon te t^ e a 12tk ballot bad Tuasday. Guided Police were held in bail for federal colonial-type home in Wollaston on F is c a l R e fo rm been postponed for two hours Boeton’s Smth Shore. choose to come home. They, were among five encaped court trial *— probably in ..*T Would like the Cbmmuniate to (untU noon BAT), to permit tha The aon wea arrested the same know they haven’t destroyed our Boclalista to talk with Jacquinot. cottricte who abducted two dack- To Dead Man March, bail pf $100,000 waa day on the ftX T campus. The In- P la n f o r C u b a Jacquinot, In .announcing hla ion women ns benUgaa, but re­ family unity," she aaid. "I am conUnned. atitute Buspended him soon after going home to have Chrtotinaa. I withdrawal, aaid that be could leased them unharmed after a wild hto arrest but reinstated him two Official Girl Scout have continued with the possibility •0 mile flight to S t r a it in n Patchogue, N. Y„ Dec. 38 (PI— , Dec. 33 t*e—Itonner will go home and raSume a normal etolea Cadillac. The others ia tbU Boston, Dec. 23 (JP)—Three days later pending outcome of the life — and wa will get baek to nor­ tlMt he .might have won a fsw How did he die? What te hto case. aaeietint 'Secretary of State ballote latar. quintet were eaptuced Monday In name? Who sent the letter that members of a family were un­ SprulUe Braden says the late Har­ mal. as fsst as pooslMe.” KNIFE the shabby Southweat-aide home led authorities to his shallow grpve Paul T. Smith, counsel for the But Mrs. Howe said aha Is Stm “I Judged that tha time la grow­ der indictment today in con­ O'Briens, said he wlU press for av ry Dexter White once drew up a ing short,” he said, admng that his of aa ax-convtcL Bight were cap­ on Long Island? Why waa ha convinced her son by a prevloM nection with the fabulous aarly trial. fiscal reform plan for Chiba con­ 1, believed Ooty could get more votes tured Saturday night and Sunday burlod, poasibly aUve, la tha out- marriage If a victim of brainwash­ then he had. at Napoleon, Mteh.; and Jackson. of-the-way spot? $€81,700 cash robbery from a , Attorney ettos Pelicy taining proposals that “even the ing. * * A Stato Oorractlont COmmieaioa 2.00 Coty, a LaHavre I'.wyer, waa Thsse were some of the ques- parked armored truck* 21 U. S. Atty. Anthony Julian sid4 vrildest-eyed new dealw wouldn't HSi; three other children ntb ' Unconditionally guaranteed. Teated minister of raconetruction from Jaaayh tnnlri tldha prtloe . had to answer today months ago. A federal grand it to hto policy to agree to imme­ try." Nathan 17, and Ebon S n d .J^ Id- and approved by hiken, campera and 1M7 to 18a in the cabinet of (r anMnneS an Page FWaee) after dlg^ng up the body of a jury late yesterday indicted diate trials when a defendant to in Braden adds that the plan would yaar-old twins. • ^ craftamen. A tool of many uaea. Mas­ Premier Robert Schuman. man, 'ap^reotly a huntar, in a re­ Jail awaiting trial. She aaid her family may m4rt labor policy and the rearmament Gieorge D. O’Brien. 43, an ex- have bankrupted .the Chiban gov- her in MinnaapOUs. ter blade of tungatep ateel, steel Than was no aoIuUon in sight to of West Qermany—still were En­ mote «4earing not ter from iM g The older O'Brien hie been in ernmant, and aaya 11th huiir inter­ downatroke, can Opeher, ateel cap, the political deadlock, now in lu able to agfea on a candidate neu­ Island'a Great South Bay near conviet on charges of actual custody since hto arrest In lieu of vention by him kept Chiba, from lifter and senw driver, steel punch 8ev «^ day. As fog and rain tral enough to win alecUoa, even Mastlo Acres. participation in the daring 8100,000 bail. His wife has been paartag tegtolatlon to Implement (Caatlanad an blade, green acetate handle, 3 dimen- ahroudad the ancient palace of Ver- by default. News Tidbits An unsigned latter t o the com­ daylight theft. free on her personal recognisance tha plan. <1 tional emblem.! aalUaa, there was taik the mara- A 13th ballot waa scbaduled for mander of Wastover Air Phree Hto wife. Margaret. 43, and their because she must care for two The Mte-tUne Ambassador to . thon vnting^ would , contimia thia afUrnoon (10 a.m. B8T). C rIM frea AP Wirai Base, Chicopee Falls, Maas., gave aon, Gaorm D„ Jr., It. a Massa- younger children. Their son waa Cuba and Argantlna tbstiSed yes- I k the Chrlati Colorful Towel Sets POCKE^ PENKNIR through the Chriatmaa bblldays. Lanlal, who came within 33 votea the information that led aeariehen chuaatU ustliute of 'Technology terdrtt before the U. 8. Senate The waiTtng political parUet — , t o the grays. The letter anid the engineering student, were tndteted (Coattened on Page F oot) Internal Security gubeommittos. npUt on aiich iasuas as rallglon. Bulletins ^ Useful, handy and UghlWelght. "two (OMOnned ea Pagn FIfleaa) Sen. DouglaB (D-Bl) declares dead man waa In the Air Fbrce. BtoNn DAO BETTER Cannon quality in all color comblnntiona. 1 bath, on bfltr- • Mother Receives Wote Hto , taatlsaony about White, a 1 hand alte and l^face cloth. printing postage etampa in effort* Alive Whan Bnnad Pfeaanix, Arts., Dee. 33 (P ).. Probe of Beef Prices to make them "aa artlstte and eal- Brookhavea Thwa PeUce aaid former asstotant Secretary of tha Frank A. Nixon, erittanky ■ Christenas Gift ertol aa neeelbli." tarly today that a pfeliaalnary Treaai^, underscored a wathing tetoar ePVIee Prssidmt BMbnei f - l i OTHER TOWEL SETS $ 1.98. to $4.98 of Chim'muatot penetration in Latin Imported All W ool Gloves * 1 - 0 0 Grasa-akirtad Maori warrior coroner’s Inquiry showed the man From Missing Diplomat Nixon, wne reported. In, JwHqg. welcaeie Queen Flliabiitb 0 with was alive whan buried, and that America and a plea that Senate eonditteF nt St. Jeaepb'e IMW* Finds Few Profiteers danca aa young British monarch teavaa had baon atuffed Into hto 'probers look Into “toe Moscow- pitnl here anrty today. ^ HOSIERS In white and colon. Small, me­ and Duka of Bdlnburgh arrive ia Ixmdon, Dac. 33 UPy—A Christ- -evar, and in the dockyi(rd area of inspired conspirac/ to destroy our dium, large. Pair mouth. R atoa waa reported that Washington, Dec. 33 (#1—^Tbe ^performed, such as labor, rent. A « c k 1 a a A; Now Zealand. . . hto bead showed signs of "blows. ■ mas not# in the handwriting of \ London. country by spreading Oolqmuntom HEucxiPTER sruraik or a ir 51 GAUGE DARK SEAM NYLpN $l.00,Pr. Agriculture Department reported Buppttaa and equipment, aa well as Franch aokUfte In Parle try to Last nirt>t authorities aaid the Guy Burgaaa; Brittob diplomat who The lapse of (jl.me between the toraugh tha reat of this hamto- Mnatun, N. d„ Dee. 38 (P)-> 60 GAU G E SHEER DARK SEAM ...... $1.00 Pr. Biles, George Washington today it haa found no aridmee of aanagamant and p r^ te. cope with newlag stocks e( maa. apparently was ehet In i vanished 2^ years ago, waa de- Writing and the maiUng of the tet­ phere." A bellcepter epRt In toe air wldaapraad, above-normal profit The bureau aaid It appaara that OhrtotoMW mab ta postofftees and accident, that the face aeemod to Uvcrtrt at hto mothcr'a homo to­ ter auggcsted-the.^KwsibUity that Braden, In a prepared etate- A im feet today and toa '^6 GAUGE EXTRA SHEERjDARK SEAM $1.00 Pr. m akl^ by beef and eattle prooaa- failing prlcas for catUa, especially nilroad stations a a . pnall sorters have been partly Mown away and day. Im-aaid it waa the first real Burgess sent It to a friend here ment before hto testimony, eald atlS ia the forward i BEDSPREADS aon and diatributora in the past for the lower gradu, were caused continue strike for hlghar wegaa. that the body waa riddled with evidence (hat her son to still alive. to be reposted. the .Unltod Stataa may yet lose 8jee teat bafara ho ALBA PERFECT FIT NYLON $ 1.35 and $ 1.50 Pr. GIFT TOILETRIES Cotton Dresses two yearn. 1^ an increase in etaughter aa beef American soldtor of fOrtunt shotgun pelteta. Burgaaa and hto Foreign Office ' The f ^ that It was posted In a Latin America to tha Chimmuntota aately. Had Maay Cemplalate catUe poputetlon soared to new Harold (“Whltey") Dahl accapta However, the Initial eofoner's colleague, Donald MacLean, an dockyard area also suggested a as we did China.” He added: NO-MEND WALKING SHEER $1.35 «nd $1.65 Pr. with rosebud trim in mint malae Tha report culminated aa in- pOaks. It aaid the heavy slaughter sxtraditioB to Swltaeriand. to fact Sndlng reported no bullet w m a American affalra expert, disap­ poasibiUty that Burgeaa, if actual­ ‘This undermining ef our na­ emUBTMAg PUBOENIB \ FANCY HEEL NYLONS ...... $ 1.00 to $ 1.50 Pr. iTABU COLOGNE ...... $2.00 or pink. Sisee 6 months to 3 yean. * veatlgation atartad in September t r a aggravated to some extent by ahargea of theft ef $83488 ia goM and indicated that reporU of suck peared on May 35,1851. There has ly In an iron Curtain country, sent tional security has been counten- HeMeRorg, Oaimaay, Dae. S i 27.50 at tha direction of Secretary of dlatrees aaiea from drought areas. from Swiss airplane ha piloted been wide qwculation that they the letter to England In the care (dV-U. R Army hendqnartetS. **I^tomed to be Heirloomed." Truly a from Paris to Geneva , . . State MARY GREY 20 DENIER SHEER ...... $1.50 Pr. TABM DUSTING POWDER ...... $2.00 beautiful spread. Twin or full bed Agriculture Benson. He said there “Pricea of retaU beef, wholesale an Page Two) fled to tha Bteat to help the Com- of a seaman, who dropped It -In a (Oeuitlnned en Pa^e Fear) today auannoed toa roteaapil * siae...... ■ ■ ■ had been consumer and producer beef carcaaaea an4 Uve catUe Department officials aay aavan munist world in Its Cold War local mailbox. under Chrbtmaa cleawney eL TWEED BATH POWDER ,...... $ 1.50 2.50 eompiainte that baefbeef prieaaprieea had not coUega editors cicaaee far vtolt te against the Wert. The disappearance of Burgess 138 ------BABirSHOP geneTaUy feUowed-pnralltl trends,” dacUned...... la proportion r t to Bhan tha report Mntlnrad. “Certain R iiT a and will leava New York Burgees' mother, Mrs. Evelyn and MacLean touehad off the moat eenit i Children's Anklets CHANEL NO. 5^ COLOGNE . . . $5.00 drops laIn beefbaaf cattlecatUa prices inI 1863- lags Im the adjustmeate of Umaa Mr air. Burgeaa Baaeett, speaking' from intensiva manhunt in recent Euro­ Search Contmuing ai^lra dan. 7. Of 53, prlcas from month to month re­ Official aourcae In London indi- Oops her apartment near PtccadUIy Chr- pean hlstoryi Thousands of police­ iw am M ilai ENGLISH RIB ANKLETS NYLON FRIENDSHIPS GARDEN POWDER $1.10 Detecto Hamper But thetha repert, pmperedmopored by (he sulted In erratio month-to-nMath toto Kremlin haa asontly Sown to cua, aaid rtw eras “abaolutely cer­ men and eecrat agents throughout For Blast Victims Scotch Party Bucket department's Bureau v t Agrieul- variaUoaa la margliif, but aueh M ton 88 abllien dollars in “bam- tain'' bar aon wrote the letter Western Europe Joined in. If a REINFORCED ...... 3 Pr. $1.00 FRIENDSHIPS GARDEN FAMILY aiZB . t m Bconoialcs whkl^ auoe the ^Mriatiena have not been ater and alckla'' gold bars . . nalbto, Tex.. Dee, M (Ate-lt slgBed la hto name. bard clue of (heir destination waa IRRM IMI RAOR fU B r study, dbcland: i IjfNan neeueee Israel at meatlng ever turned u^hewever. It waa not Point PIsnaant. W. Va., Dec. S3 SPORT ANKLETS, W HITE and C O LO R S $1.00 Pr. C O L O G N E ...... $1.25 Ited or green plnid. Keep* food or drinks hot or cold. FI* In tha past and a n net at aU waa .kina far O "It to a .wonderful Chritemas I t appaan that nRsB Jniaaa of af U. N. Mtxad ArmtoUca Oom- party al Mrs, t . 'R preoant," aha aalA "It to the drat made public. The trial peterad nut (PJ—Tba Chiart Guard launched wb insulated. ^peculiar to the reoeaS altnatlen.f InvsaUgatka today as dragging NYLON ANKLETS. ALL W HITE ...... 59e Pr. DESERT FLOW ER H A N D LO TION $ I ;00 *@.95 baaf hava goneimly raflortai* tha Tha bureau said that in making altoslon of waging “guerrilla war- real aign wa .kava had that he to in France. PcUca. aaid thay wars I G A L SIZE $3.95 . . . . 2 G A L SIZE $S.S(S VentlUted, aMg-reeiaUnt Interior. fWcllnlag prieea for Hve cattle Mrs” aloag bordir of two dena- * * l f i S 5 t * I r a np nni trim rtM aUve." teat aeeB boardiag a traia fqr Farto opamtira eoa(UHiad foe toa podtoa ialoB. of two of toe six aean killed ia an COTY PERFUME SET ...... $1.75 lu BUi, hi ow.’cal Tfed «Mi OiM «Mttod. The I A friandint Mrs. Baaratt told re- from Rennes after a awret eroaa- 3 G A L L O N SIZE $7.95 » x Mtohigan Cbtwunlato to partars It vraa "quit# a hapw Iqt* ing of the English Channel. exidoaion that rippad apart an a« ’ How T alk . of veryvorv Miiviaal e prtOM on eomo *gntheVod bjr 'survey ampty petroletun barge bare, OLD SPICE MEN'S SET .. $1750 to $3.25 Detiseto Bath Scale teMUfoent into ntaO Sttompt Jan. 4 to eoavinaa Fad- taC containing onUaary Cmitot- MacLean's Chicago-born wife, of the lownr «hl fndga Frank'Ftaerd et ig n - 'BMMI the former Melinda Marling tad ,T ^ Mdlie of fottv meg SILEX 8-CUP COFFEE CARAFE *----- $3.95 Uagy to read. Weigha up to 330 lbs. iho4oani~ I nt «w HAZEL BISHOP JEWEL LIPSTICK $2.00 eeRfbqim MiMio to peeve gaarga i waa agfbv- -nw ra vraa ne indication In it their tvro chlldeiB-waqt tojlvn }n .Move tbsJWHAUea SILEX CANDLE WARMER,...... %}.2S "^ ' 8 ' them of conaMragr to o f n * « e Guy may ba," tha friand Bwttsartaad. derqe nikMurd SUnON BUBBLE BATH ... S9e ond 69e Heat raeistant giaas. ttta |mw, moart way to sarva coffee. and advocate vtoiNM overr In Septmnbei^ tote yaar * of U. Z. geiMi rta relax, i '/V CanMntaNrtFu>iibM vantehad. ' 'Tka apacolatlea 7.95 h u a ^ trudk. OMiei* and vru that thay had goat to Jotn tecturtag Co. B atrnekL «»a Oantomta of tba lattor were net a S , para tamrtronoUtmt new York MacLtan somaplaca bahlnd tot AJtosufheO (i8 « F 4 • bnak nt work aa lS-4ey atrlks Id data of tbs maaoago Iron Curtain. hfB pfrtnitad I lortoetidf* dart 888 petveta tefUM ooUoc- "Novambar." It vraa ^ e* nrvleaa a JloM ay Sight, haw-* « ■'J?- . N; V, -i' a?''

■■t ' - ■t.-- Ftt. ■!-, W ■ il•tJ^.' X- ' MANCmBSTEB B V I^ G QSRALD, icm rsR , CONN, w e p n e s p a y , DiB^iaiBn n , i m a a O f . W E D N E S D A Y . D E O a iB E R 28. 1958 HEBAU). T which, in tun, aatlhad the Bnkk< havea Police. Skaptteal «CHe*i P < d i c e m a i i ’ositiw iE O pen Myste^ Letter met at Maatlo Acres. 1ft mBaa from K iw a n is B0dnille*VaiioH > *nie D u ll* GBificidence in Texas hara, and proeaaded to follow tha Firem an’s W ork tnstiMtIoae in the letter. iSelp Clothe Plan for'Future In Labor Dept; Guided Police Just aa the lettor said they would,-they foimd a 4-foet ptla of 8gt. Oeorga Daat. of tha Man- JHMes DHve Starts Soon; Midnight-3 a. n ...... VWimftaera Neiidad New H s T ^ Dec. 38 —Tha To­ Openings for employment intcr- underbrush, tinder thle pile., and •datar Ptdloa Dapt.. was cradltad Sons 4» aeleoUd youagstenf: To Dead Man about 1ft inchea below the aurfaoe 3 a. m.*4 a. m ...... fMgrdChapman 1th putting out a bhue in a bacco Research Advisory Commit- vlewere and claima examtnere ta 4 a. m.-ft a...... Vfthmlsure Neadad ranging In age from two months Workers Are S till Needed they found the body, face up. It token at lift Oxford S t this are rocotvtag a totaLe to Ths Cennseticut' Agricul­ the Employment security Division f a. m..ft a. m...... YMnMaere Needed to IT yMrs, this wssk wlU recMTa rwotth (OobHbumI from Paga Om ) was dressed In a gray ^ r t ahlrt, morning. of eloOw to tural Expsrtmant Station met for of tha State Labor Dept, will be brown alacka and Mua sweater. ft a. m..Noon ...... Mr, and Mm Willard Small ChieT John MerSf of the MFD, Christmas gifts of warm winter ReckviUs, Dec. 38 — (Spscisl)—; AnxUtaty Omits MssPng fiUeft Iw open-competitive examina­ ••* »lif» *•» injuriM were due to the deoom* Meanwhile, the skeleton or an Noon.3 p. m...... Rboda K. Bockat, Auth Bogliech said firemen were oaUed to the Besides D r.^ s the eomnut- the eeeoad tisM Monday ettha » > Malliil. _h wfo dothlng from the Klwanla club. '■ tee Ths 'ToUsnd County March of H m regular SMstlng at loost Station’s Tobacco Laboratory at tion, Olemton A. Scoboria, state poled itate of the body. unidentified man was found |.. 8 p. m.^ p. m...... M m Harold Lord, OUve CSuurtier home, but Bgt Dent had the blaae Since Friday, the children, along American Legion Auxiliary, will personnel diractor, Ima announced. a»4 Mfeata •!<•■ •«•'•*- Oeetgo Froaeli, Jr., Dimes cAmpnlgn will be lAuncbsd Windsor. Hie c(Mnmlttea le com- !• 4» twytUii* *•» w »jr It wee learned early today that deep woods in the ThompeonvlUe, ft p. m^.ft p. m...... Ann Maison knocked down upon their arrival. with their parents, have been pick­ bo bmittod tom ^'and will bo held The lobe arc iocated ta lecat of- Iwck wOkml Wm4m ft p. m.-lO p. m...... Harold Glean, Michael Glean Bgt. Dent teas cruising in the ’Thomas Vhrgiiaan, Brum Wat In lust 10 mors days, and A(xord- at ftva prominent powers, Jan « Takat. aaJ WaaJw Saa». offlclali were looking’ Into the Conn., area by a rabbit huntftr yes­ ing their way through the crowded Doc. |ft at.S p.sa. ficas at tha Connecticut State Em­ , poMibility the dead man waa aa 10 p. m..Mtdnlght ...... Mr. and Mm Tftrk Strangfald area wheh 'alann 482 sounded, in< E d g a r Ctarica, Dr. T U ya s^ 'apointed laat May by the Station’s terday. alslaa of a Main Street cIoUiIm tag to tto county campaign dlrae- 1------MsntloA ployment Servlee and the Unem- te MMdwater bjr Artker. Volunteers may rcgliter at O vtl Difense Headquartem Munici­ dlcatlng the blase wfia on Oxford Moamr. Chartaa Burr, Dr. Rick­ Board of Control to oonautt with I am* Qia«a Drag Stona; airman absent withbiit official Medical Examiner Howard W. store whlch has made about ITftft tor Atty. Robert F. Kahan, tlwrs The Rev. and Wbra Edwin Brooks pl^rmeat . Compenaatlon ItopL leave from' Camp Kilmer, N. J., Oourlle said the tkuU bore no pal Building, Manchester on Mondays, Wedncsday% and Prldaya St. IfinScn he arrived, Dent ard Alton, Atty. W. Dnvtd KMtk and family at the Baptist Ckurcb the Station on policy to be fol­ > jM r bMoetowa dfagglat from 1-8 p. m. worth of hata, coats, tweaura and la still time for vohuitaora to sign lowed ta future reaearch on to- throughout the state; they pay since Nov. 16. He was not oth*. nMrita of vlolenoc, but Judging by a took the fire extlnftfutaher from hie footwear available to the club for and TlKNnaa B o n l^ prtaoi|inl ef ftp to hrip ths ares drive bscoros left this afternoon to spend the 33,940 to etart. Applicants should erwise identified. ” , belt tied to a tree, the man had cruiser and succeeded In putting about 3800. HoWstar S t r a o t i S i ^ . Oirlstmaa boUdays wKh tho form­ bftCCOe ba collaga graduatea or hava had out the flamae. n-sucesas. - A f Ke aeeeat tribuUona.” Kahan added that M miners for tobacco growers The spokesman said a further by the club. He aaid that the 4ft SECOND** Tolland County tho National prftplist Paul Prsuase; fcaoper of WRAFFED FREE SIGNS Irving C. P’reess'and Police Chief that it hurled a 4 iw SO toot Sec­ Machlnegun fire haft cut down an­ SHIPS** records, Patsy Vinca; collecter ef to'4wtter acquaint them with the ALL KINDS check would be made today. (Oenttaued irNm Page Om ) youaftOters includes a number of •iSMtas 'oundation Chapter has given Max Orlina have diaputed Hat tion o f deckplate 300 feet into the other man in thia Moodiest town of ■>i# straws, Emil Oeasay; keeper of Statlpn’a work. CIGARS — PIPES At Mitchel Air Force Base, on Oorp., of America claims that in­ shtpyard. lliey were riuken up family groupe, pointing out one nancial aid to paUenU atrteken growers eommlttae * ax- th polio. But due to the fact the wampum. Max Roths. ID'S SIGN CO. Long Island, it was reported that adequate police protection is prw but unhurt Sardinia, where the ancient code Various published reports have THURS. IfATIN E B O N LY Siftft grant interest in a new the lettef sent to the Westowar ct vandetu—blood vangeance — hapter never knows in January HoelreWioH Team Wins lArlhir Due Stortt MIIcIm I 3-82AS venting workers- from crossing Twenty-two other workmen placed both MacLean and Bur­ The High School's hlgh-ecorlag approac^to research bn curing. commander was postmarked last A FL Hatters union picket Uaea. were treeted for shock. takea 38 Uvea a year. gess in Moscow. Bud^peef" and Gala Pie-CRrlMame gtowl how many cases It will be called hpon to assist during the rest of twine, Dave Payne (uid Glenn Nar- Dr. A. E. Diamond, Saturday, Dec. 19, in New York Offictala of the company brought The bodies of Raymond Beller, The latest vicUm, yeaterday, .wu Warsaw. head of th4sStatlon’a Pluit Psth- NIoola More, 33, vmoae brother WONDERFUL & year, there are no local March kon Pftced tha local schoqiboys to at>. the complaint to a mayor’s con­ 84 of nearby Leon; Wiffiam Fletoh- Laat October, however, the So­ -an easy 48 to 34 win over Glas ology Dept. \ From results ob­ ilie letter said the writer had ference here, yesterday. cr, 3^ of nearby Henderson, find Antonio is on trial with a, dOMn viet magasine New Times as COLOR CAinroQNs a t Dtmea quotas set. others in nearby Saaaari on f Kahan ssM "Ws know roughly tonbury High last night. Payne tained from Dr. H. B. Vickery’s been hunting on Nov. 13 in Suffolk The company aak^ that two Otester EUiott, 28, of Point ini their disappearance “hae not the hooped 38 points nnd Nsrkon 18 comprehansiva study of the chem­ County. N. y , the eastern part of additional policemen he aaalgned ant, were recovered from a gaping cbargM of banditry and kidnimtng. slightest connection with the So­ Slsa Lose I ssaaels Orsla Motton, pnrktto wiw much wo can earmark for NicMa'waa riddled with bulleta laboratory rsosareh. how much fo^ In tho locals fifth success of ths ical chsnftsa tbst occur during FOR THE REST Long Island, with a companion. to plants 1 and 3 .during shift hole in the barge within an hour viet Union.” . This was the ftrat "BotnayB ay I *Wlekl- with no while yen .flaWk yanr season. curing. Dr. Dimond beUeves that ’The writer said his friend had been changea. Four men are presently GfiGT thR blAfts aa he rode hie mule cart Into town. Soviet comment on the case. scholarships to train spaclalista, PASTRAMI m4 COKE S s. J ! His ears wars cut off and hU ChrtBRMs -h iiita i tven how much will be nsoded to The locals led throughout, hold­ (xmtrol of moisture content of the “accidentally, fatally injured.” assigned to the plant. The fourth body recovered,- that » p.sk. SM ing 33 to 8, 38 to 12 and 87 to 31 leaf and of the . oxygen supply COME TOSS OAK Enclosed in the letter waa a de­ Thia request waa turned down of Sherman Cecil Randolph, 80, of throqt slashed. HlB dog waa kUled I AL8AKA HAS THAWf Slprta Thneaftay Ni^ht ftiift buy avaiUbIs gamma globuUn and and thrown beside him. a S C S s . to start validity tosU of a trial margins at the quarters. might IncrssiM the decomposition tailed sketch fchowfhg' where the but Chief Orlins said he would Point Pleasant, was recovsrad from Sumnary; of protsttas and cimtroi tha color Q^iee^ Stc^'ivi body waa to be foiuid. shift two of the four men to the PoUca said they found no appsuS East Hartford, Dec. 33 (F)—HU- n u n w cuMRD TmTSsnay— vac(Has, but polio is an unprsdlct- the river Just before dark. ent motive for the ambush alsriiH, NBSBY XMAft "U ALA M irr gA N B -eeler kbls spidamic diasass that strikes Rockville of the Icsf. - If-this were effected. 'Westover contacted Mitchel, two plants from beats in front Of Tha other ‘ two Hated aa dead mer Peterson of East Hartford re­ B r Pt. a more uniform flniahed product the personnel office. unless thf shoU ware meant to ports they’re having n warm apeU without pattern or proced«t. were John Wheeler and Harry warn Antonio not to talk at his AU wo have to go' by ia the fact Hany, f .8 w2 8 would result On Dec. 7. the Hat Corp., opened Bonecutter, both of Point Pleasant. trial. in Fairbanks, Alaska. Calhoun ...... i 3 8 Dr. Jiunea Q. Horafall, atation its doors for employes who wanted At least that’s what Peterson’s that-1863 marked the sixth con­ Their bodies were being dragged Dead or altvs notieaa are posted RFVfeMftoiMFVhHFRtoVtofttfRSfttf RhftlFlISMFRtoVl secutive year of high polio . Incl- Tajss .0 1 1 director,'discusced the possibility Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Dumas, and their two daughters, stopped Given On C.0.0. Deliveries to return to work. W. P. Morin, for today. aunt said in a letter he received Payna ...... 8 7 33 of “ahadclesa slmde” tobacco for 'Vice president in charge of per­ around Orgoaiflo. offering rewards dence: With aToeord like that, it for a abort visit in Dumas, TSx., recently while on a trip to Callfomlc G. W. Kenney, production man­ up to $8,000 In Ure for a score of yesterday. Staiger .0 0 0 Connecticut. A thin-leiried wrap­ sonnel, said aboui 100 workers She wrote: would be fooUiardr to expect light It w(u thb flrat tima Dumaa has been ta the Texas town that bears COX ager at Marietta Manufacturing bandlta stlU at large. R C U U N B U l Incidence in 1984.” Nartion, ...... 8 a IS per that could be grown without bis name. Located in H&ore County, the family falt'an addlticmsl havq returned but others stayed Oo., said it waa doubtful the cause Orftiosolo's city officiaU tried “ We’re having an unusually MoMr ...... 0 0 ■ft shade cloth could cut the costs of away in fear of injury while mild winter. Yesterday tha tem­ The Tolland County Marsh of. kinship because Mra. Dumas' mother Is named Moore. The daugh of the explosion would ever be year to end VendeUa, which Dimes headquarters Is at Kshan’n Kupfmia ...... 0 1 1 produettoin substantlslly. The (»m- tars are N(uicy, left, and Carole, What attracted tha aye of tha HARDWARE croaeing picket lines. they say “ ia slowly killing oft our perature was only 3ft below aero." BOYS a si IIRLS! OUer, g . : ...... 1 s 8 mittee felt this-tong-term research Mayor Freeae maintained this known. office. 13 Park SL, phone 5-33ftl. cameraman waa the license plate on the Dumas car, “DUMA” . Dumaa He said the last cargo la town.” They proriaimed a public H# m » also be reached-at his DelPonte...... 2 1 8 project should be initiated. owns Douglas Motor Sales, 333 Main St. Point, Shelf Honlwaio, was not ao. He claimed those who truce and priesU caUed on the The Very pistol, used for sig­ K t om MO SNCIAl Burke ...... 3 1 5 The committee euggeated that RANGE & FUEL OIL stayed away did' ao in the fear 8-compartmeat )anksr was “dlesel- nalling at sea, throws off light heme, 3-7804. Eiocftkol SappUM, late’’—similar to kerosene hut not male populace—to take sacred Carter .0 0 0 the first seminar for tobacco grow­ they and their families would be oaths they would leave vengeance -with the intensity at 30,000 esa- VFW Cota CeUeetara ers be held at the Windsor Labora­ (Uid Nelson Shepard, of West Hart­ 'were getting busy Signals before Tools. ostraciaed in their own neighbor­ considered especially dangerous. to the Lord. dlepowsr. VFW Commander, Edward tory ssriy ta the spring. ford, both shade growers, and A l­ they finished dialing tha number He said there may have bean some Christmas Showf Totals ...... 34 31 89 Cornor hoods and at their churches. He The truce lasted 1ft -days until THURSDAY AFTERNOON Maison, local March of Dimes Oiaatonbe^ From Dr- Gordon Taylor, assist­ fred Sheldon, of West Suffield, rep- they wished to call. *rhe telephoine did not enlarge on this. gasoline on the barge in connec- three masked man shot down n po- chairman, announced today ths ant to the director ta charge of. the reaenttag growers of Havana seed company explained the volume of The BOLAND DIL CO. MMhMo TunpHiospHii Eost Uon with the cleaning operatimi. NCG. 34tk ATSiftB FJL-^DOOBS OPEN A T Idft B F Pt. Police protection, he said, had Uceman. Since then killings have oommittas ia meeting regularly ta Kuias, g ...... 1 7 9 tobacco Isboretory, the committee tobacco. calls for Santa Claua (Uiused TEL M l-isU I Bothiag to do with it. ’The men wore masks and worked averaged three a month. preparation for the opening of the heard what research had been con­ Jamming of the intricate mecha­ in relays, with smoking banned in Higgins • •.0 0 0 Froooo and Orlins also took is- drive. Edgar ...... 8 6 12 ducted on pmcthml discsse 'prob- nism in the exchange here. TEL MlldMl 3^320 sus with ths company’s newspaper the area. ' ' He roports the miniature iron ogist, reported on experiments ta adveitiftspieBts which offered re­ All of the-vicUms were described Warner ...... 0 0 ft Calls for Santa While it tasted, though, kiddies lung coin (xdlectore. for years ths Overtork...... 1 0 2 er comes down with s rebound into kept the recorctod Santa Claus wards for the arrests of persons as “experienced workmen with ^ b o | of the March ef Dimes, U 4 DAYS STABTINO Sweet, e ...... 0 0 0 tobacco Insect cpoiated Te||ephone Co., asked the firm to time through electronically op< cidents occurriKl. white-haired man moved slowly Hartford F ir e ...... l«7 173 cancel because regular subscribers icted recording mechanisms. down the row of beds, stopping at Hie new coin eoUectors, Maison Carelaker Cleared assistant to tha diractor and waa The atrike, now‘34 weeks old, af­ NaUonal Fire ...... 7«H 7ftV4 mya, which will be (fUtrtbuted by responslbla for tatsgmting re­ fects about 1,800 employes of the each to shake hands and chat for Phoenix ...... t7 108 UM lM lM iM )nUM lM lM lM x5 a few momenta with the patients Uis VFW, eymlxiUse the major search at tha tobacco laboratory hat manufacturing firm here. U fa and ladanaatty las. Oaa. •)(irc.iiffpa In Death of W om an with investigations being carried in ths Allied Army HoepitaL Aetna L ife ...... 88 ft3 p^lom a of paying for tho care The employes union. United Hat, o 3ad BIO H R i a of exlsUng potto patients and at (m 1a the departments at New X3sp and Millinery Workers (AFL), Some of the men reached out to Aetna casualty...... 131 138 clasp his hands and kiss the ring Oonn. General...... 310 338 ths same time, working townrd a Stamford. Dee. 33 (F)—A pa- Haven. seeks a contract provision which future In which there win he no Members of ths Research Ad­ 2 TELEVISION LAMPS S would protect Jobe by preventing he wore. Hartford Steam Boll. . 48H 4ftl4 thoh^det’a report that tbe widow visory Committee iu« George E. ' Francis Cardinal Spellman had Travelers ...... ftl8 more polio poUenta. M LARGE ASSORTMENT S tha company from mo-vi^ any op­ CoOMMMlty Stag Stated of a bank preaident died of natural Ruoff, of East Hartford, sad Jean erations out of Norwalk. begun his third conaecutive Chriat- Fablle UUMtlaa Shepard, of South Windsor, rep­ maa visit to United Nations troops Oonn. Light Power .. 15 • The annual Community Christ­ cauaea brought the release late mas Carol Sing will be held thle yesterday of her caretaker, who resenting broadlcsf tobacco grow­ in Korea. Conn. Power ...... 37 ers; Ralph Lasbury, of Hartford, I $4 95 T. $11.95 I Local M an Held ’The Cardinal; Afchblahop of Hartford Elec. Lt. . . . 81 -> - evening at 9 in the center of the had been held for aevemi hours on HolidaySa.. y.dte Oefyday-All 8i,hu BeMf»ef-RT.o< ie„o * Ca.(nc. city in front of the Journal Duild- aa open charge. F o r T fie New York and vicar of aU Oatho- Hartford Gas Cb. . . . . 85H 3 ing and will be directed by Judge YOU BUY BEST AT , llca in the armed forces, arrived to­ So. New England Tha caretaker. Alexander Zlr O n Check Count Tel...... s m Chsriee J. Underwood. monllis, 39, was not involved ta day by plane from 'Tokyo and ) Invitation! have been sent to paused only to greet the 8th Army ftUnnfaeftnmg Oempanles the dentil of Mrs. Conrad A. Lundr- - Potterton's ^ S ^ FULL LINE OF THE BEST KNOWN Stagers from all the churches in 49, MUd DeL Oi^t. William J. Bridgeport, Dec. 33 (JPi—Dennis commander, Gen. Maxwell D. Tay­ Am. Hardware...... 13^ 14)ft Mtgfar 800 the county to take part. Other 130 CENTER STREET COJt OF CHURCH jQ Coleman, 30, of 3 Walnut 8t„ lor and attend an Army honor Arrow, Hart. Heg. ... 36 Lynch after the autopsy. Mra THE KNOWN NAA8E, BRANDS OF CHOICE LIQUORS groupe tavited Include: the High Limd’M husband, presldsnt of the Manchester, waa held today on a guard ceremony before heading Assoc. Spring 28 8chO(ft.Glee Onb, to* Biutor Slim charge of letulng fraduicnt checks for the 121st Evacuation Hospital Bristol Brass...... 14 enmR Springdale Bank A Trust TNI KNOWN QUAUTY S lN a 1900 M r t t n la T V Stagers, tha Ma|8c Grove Stagers, ca., hers, (Usd ,Ust January. IMFORTED AND DOiESTIG WINES after being arrested ia a pawn outside of Seoul Cheney Bros...... ft children's choirs and all others who shop yesterday trying to aell a From there he went to the 48th CoUins 83 vFWTf **EM-— fpi ^a-HM _ S• a. y . ffwaoM ' Care to join- Thing books wilt be Mrs. Lund’s, fully ctothad body radio, police said. • Mobile Army Sttrglcal Hoepital. Em-Hsrt...... 38 v w r distributed. Tha aoloista will be was found in the living room of her At the 121st he individually met Fsfnir Bearing...... ST horns on Monday night by Simont- -BEER- Detective Frank Keogh aaid he Hart Cooley ...... 43 Slanct Miss Carol Abrahamson. Miss About 300 hospitalised men; at the tis aflsr alw twtes had comptataed was making a routine check of the Landers, Fnry, Clk. . M Eirtelle Zyiowskk and ‘ Bernard pawn shop here when he-became 48th, IftO'-more. To each he gave Fahy. Leslie R. Denlcy will be the to police about an armed prowler. cigarettes and cards inacribed: “In New Brit Mach. Co. . 4ftV 271 IR O A D 'There -was no sign of di«>r<)er. ’ WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU SO suepiclous of Coleman who was North and Judd...... 23 i q - A i m trying to pawn a new radio. prayerful remembrance of Christ­ I T S e pcograni will he aa foUows: When an undastakcr aaid be WE MAY WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS mas shared together in Korea — RuaseU Mfg...... 8V MMVISION • RADIO S A L U a a d j^Blesr-This House." Mias Zyjew- Keogh said he questioned Cole­ Stanley Works com. . 43 SEBVICB foend ,bruiaes about ’’.er chest and man who later admitted he pur­ Greek aoldier Basil Vertoupoulis, 4ks. “ O Come All Ys Faithful," legs, poUcs picked up the care­ Lt. Hubert Heusera of Brussels, Tefry Stoam ...... 100 “1 ^ t Came Upon tha Midnight chased the radio at Leavitt’s Dept. Tonington...... 34 taker. lo Store hers with a worthless 328 and Inen from the Philippinea, ObaaMl a j«wm«rir 4» Kaw ■avm. Cleai\” “Hark the Herald -kngels Slmonltia said Mrs. Lund was South Korea, Puerto Rico and Tur­ U. 8. Envelops Com. .. 70 Titt ( SdD^ims ^UaVAM — J0bn cliGck. --—^ U. 8. Eaveltvo pfA .. 89 Cameroo Sing,” soloist. Miss Abrahamson; dead when he arrived at her home key. 3aasi£jyifc«~ (M) PBBBYr "Away ta a Msngsr,” “Ths First in answer to e summons from her. Ths detscUvs added that Cole­ Vesder Root ...... Sft ^beiperait. North End man, sought In Hartford on almllar Noel.” soloist, Leonard Lentochs; Tho sbnvo quotatlona nro not to ® saasSa-.'"’-IfaM. ”0 Uttle Town of Bethlehem.” charges, admitted unsuccessfully Beef Price Pcobe bo constniod ns netual markets. The last discovery of a major trying to cash‘>a fradulent 38ft SiW. (U> aiDK MCAD "Angels from the Rasims of planet came In 1930, when, „ <«> TV ASfwMy Glory,” soloist, Mias Zyjewska; check at a Jewelara. /■SANTA’S” WIFE RIUJSD “ “ Ilf/ - TtA astronomera identified nuto, Conduct^ by U. S. fie! aan-’^'^S%S!S=Sl>«^ *'** **** «SOS dlis. "Joy to the World,” “Sileht Night," which aVernges S.ftftft million miles W a U He was held In lieu of 31,000^ Fort Lao. N .X . Dec. 38 IT>— soloist, Bsmard Fitay; “Auld Lang baU. Keogh said Colsmata is wanted Jamas Price was plsying Ssata Vii: from the sun. S yn s.’* “ The Lord's Prayer.” CAU ^e vesTt vow waist emit 149 NORTH MAIN ST.— TEL MI.3-A910 In Bloomfield for alleged violation (Oonttnned from Fsga One) Claus lets yostsrday at a super- A srieafJi Underwood, unsccom- of probation. ■ i ■ ... * msrkst> surrouadsd by hright-eysd W A L L T I L E nsjiied. store groups ndiich sell through kiddles. By ‘ T Soeale. to Stag Carols C. MORRISON. TEL ML3>At92^ about 4.000 outleU in 17 major A policeman cante into the store, t Mountain l-aurel Girl Scout mstropolltan arSha and data from apoke a few -quiet 'worda. Price fersokalbed t Troop I will hold its annual carol R. LEMIRE. TEL Ml.f.3195 indvaUy fssoclatlons. took off Ms Santa costume, _ FLOORS, hie. stag tonight. The girls will meet at F. RARTLETT. HTFD. tt-0370 slowly paslod off . his beard, and The bureau said the price de­ BBS Main to. — TsL ia<»-RUf m Methodist Church at 6 ^ and clines were sharpest for the lower walked out. visit some of the coovsleacest grades of cattle, reilecting'large He went to Englewood Hoepital, DEC Jl JAN I?-) IN T v homes and the City Hospital. where he Identified hia wifi, Mrs. SiM i^ kk IT RIOS — WoAfTtn group -dt the Town Farm. The rejgulsr marketing pjfnctlca of eroaaing RL tW A few hundred ifiv/tji 1-, . will then join In the Com- etocklng largely the better grades. feet from whore her buaband had II mum y king. “ Betall stores;” K said, “have been Santa. v ; . . ? Diamond H ^ L lT n lB ” - ■ difficulty in shifting ^ i r custom­ S Toast The Season With ers from one grade dt meat to an­ DRIVE-IN other, therefore, many at the larg­ er -firms aeleot one grade of meat MWI IRim N )^ Hamilton which they handle rei^ularly; <*HLD raOTOOBAFHY 1740 - 478 M AIN ST—JweT- - tey-g-gm .“fj "When such a grade has bean (U4S1 adopted and customers have be- StMailMi EXTEND TO ALt THEIR PATRONS AND FRIENDS coms accustomed to It, retailers ; e ttk UiSS i i s ^ " T T i r forH ERI prs rsluctsnt to riiange. Such a Historic Marlborough *15. BSOW u.m r ___SO IftAS Diurt*s Egg-Nog change would Involve n radioel ad­ ,, ftv toHIll M — c litBtkr justment In their merchandising (Ml NlOi m s U il» (Ml M tf F ah H A 1 ^ ties MM tM.M I -t- and undRr $2001 practices and would tsar down UiU (Ml p9B®9Bl9 ORRMA IR 32 RRBMB . Made Fresh A t som# of their investment in cus­ Mil ^ D. B. FBECHETTB, Frsp. tomer goodwUl that has been buUt Tavern Hotel IHI Bt ______U>4t ( SI „ Ml)“ II . 84ft St. Tsi. m-ft-ftSIl The Dairy O f The vp through promoting'a atandsr- OTW YBAirS EVE UlU ( 41 XEW8 ft At hraaari, tft *>et" preinptly disad grade. , T., • , ; OPEN EVEBY EVENING to empteyad man and woetea— Look 8t this wonderful last-minute gift idea Fiiwst Ingredients , “These rtgldltiae iq msrketin|r OpdR House AO N ith t U n til 8 A . M. ^ OmUsM MshMsfeM U N T IL ft marriad er tingle, ttaammt end itt Kltehtn, Lonnscs. Diaiiis Room and at Michaels! A beautiful diamond watch made practices,” It said, “ niay hava con­ «>(Ml » ^ ! >.Jgg>-FrM Oirm sinilatsd cempaniei are new the tributed inItlaUy to the difficulty Bsr Open AO Dsr Until 3 A. M. (Ml iisB iB a ; Urgett' loan group ta the U. S. Very Merry. Christmas^ by famous Hamilton— and su^riaingly mod­ of producers obtaining ssUsfsctory Drop In For Codrtsils, FnO Count Oinntis iiSI k o r AMlinifg -v-with over 300 eSket thrmigb- erate in price! We'll help you "(iboose it, gift- pricss for low-gmds cattle slBce mao ORDER FROM SALESMEN out America. Pheiw firtt fee wrap it exquisitely— and introduce you quick­ July 1»83.” , or Snacks Any Tbne Until Cloiint 7.1. Itll CUSTOM 1-vitlt lean. Came ia.er write Ih: this connection, the report (Ml u - T mwiRsaL BMOTO Atttmil.tadsyl ly and easily to our Divided Payment Plan. Cited the advertlaenent of one NO COVER CHARGE— NO MINIMUM CHARGE OR PHONE Ml-3-6430 LIMITEO DANCE SPACE—NO ORCHESTRA F a r o (Top. 8100. Mi(Mle, |126. Bottom, 8160. Prices large retail stora effsriaff beef of and A Happy New Year include Federal tax). - top, medium and low grades. Por- Rftsftnrstlons acc^dod for dininf room and hdd for ( SI ttrhouae stsak was piiesd at tft BHRiSTNuaim eshta a pound for tbs top grades, depoMt of fl.W hfcr ponon which wiO bo refonded upon FOB A li. nOD FAMkLY M 7S cents ftar ths msdlnm. and 4ft srrivaL'Nst rrfnnddd if yon fail to cone. cants for ths lowwr grades. Opdn AS Dsy Now Yonr's Dny— An D ey C h ristn ss MICHAELS JlW Illtf Thus It would be natural for cus- WE WILL CLOSE CHRISTMAS EVE AT 8 tomera vO om stores did not carry > P t ^ Bast H sA pton, A N d re w T-8S58 I > < tart' jEWEi^Bs-RiLTiaunrrrafe', ;■ hmar grades to think their pricac Loestftd.On Tho Rotan, JMction Bostds 2 and t-A AND REMAIN CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS DAY had not declined In line with da- •'***■*'• fo r Battar HaUtW cUnas In entUe prl.ssa, Tha -r ^ i t r Cantor (HMsHkoroBEh AhTTHONY AND "C R ES" DftCfANTIS. Prop$. 988 MAIN 8Tr~MI-9-«8IG Apprsslsntdbr M Misatos Rida ' NBbiil iftlji tte

1 I A... /. OOUIIw WEIWI»P>^Y. DEXagena 3$a 19U lU N C terik IVEKING HiEBALD. COKN, WEDNESDAY.' •IWWrtBWM Family JW C ostoflivii^ Down, to thc! Sea For Role in Theft [ftsiiirA eform Show s D ecline m iD in o r ^ .V Hartford Man Pays OMI (OMrtimssi t m s r s g s Oas) F a h e A k i i i M t a i l f i ^ fine for Larceny freed in $8^000 bail two days after declining about 11 per cent, was his arrest ^ The mystery o f who turned in f n a V s f» O m ) Elijah Otambers, 20. o f Hart- accompanied by smaller drops^ la The grand Jury heard 81 wit­ the false alarsM from firs boges beef and veal, lamb, and cither nesses during the five dnys the and «««i *t tlmta atetUd fdrd, tharged with larceny in con. in Green Manor waa solved by the meat and poultry. government presented testimony ' own govonunant.'* nection with $167* in racaipts he ManchesUr Police Dept when a withheld from the Center Street lallattea 1b EadT ia tlM armored ear theft o( March ■aid a main nkaem waa "the Only last month, when the living 9-yesr-old boy, eonfronted afUr 28. 1982. the sixth alarm in 20 days yesur- ion of WartUn^on by ihrewd ooal-diatrlbutlng e o m p a-n y ha cost index rose to set a new rec­ worked for; was fined $80 and ord for a fifth straight month, Julian said "at least three men" day sfUraoqiiu admitted his guilt ■UlUul Inditrtduala and given a 60-day suspended aentance cleaned out the armored car of to Patn^nan fUrtiert Tureotte. groopa, who hold and propagate Qlague said he felt the nation’s in Town Court this morning. period of inflation had reached an everything but $70,000 in silver A fourth grade student at 21m - GODDESS Ideal antagonietle to repreaenU* Chambers, who pleaded guilty, end. while it was parked on a buay Chester Green School the tive consUtutionalt; govehunent waa also placed on probation for Clague said living cost declines square In Danvers, about 20 miles ster WM det '« ttrapigst and prirate' property and enUr-. one year by Deputy ’Town Opurt during the next few months may north o f Boston.. alarm 85$ at Elisabeth Md prlae." He aaid many of theae Judge John J. O’Connor. He was be expected since food prices The truck’s three guards were Quaker Roads about $;20 ysstcr- Satin and lace long weia, "to aay the leaat, aOclaliat- arrested Dec. 18 on the complaint normally fall seasonally in the win­ having a forenoon cup of coffee day afternoon. plunge atratdesa in leally inclined." of hia employer. tertime. X in a nearby drug etore at the time. Police and firs offlciala had pre­ Braden drat told of hia fight Police said Chambers, who Was The steady living cost rise has Not untn a policeman on near­ pared a trap at the boxes in the ■ ■■ ■ white and black. B. agalnat the White plan aeveral driving a truck for the company .been marked by successive month­ by traffic duty notified the guards aresr^A wonma living ia Gu home C, D. Sizes 34 to 42. weaka ago when Atty. Gen. Her­ for the third year at the time of ly increases in costa of rents and that the back door of their truck near the box saw ihe boy aad gave was open did they learn they were bert Brownell Jr., atlrred up a his arrest, pocketed the money ether services, while, food prices police a daecrtpUon m him. He / centroveray by aaylng White waa over an 11-day period, -from Nov. have remained fairly steady even made the vicUme the second later waa seen riding down Barry $5.95 though farm prices declined. Ap­ bigi^est cash robbery in U. 8. his­ Road by a amll carrier. Police con­ promoted dea^te FBI reporU that SO to Dec. 11. Al Gentile t e waa a Soviet apy. Probation' Officer James Duffy, parently the farm price drop is tory. ducted a house-todtouse Invcstiga- hia teaUmony yeaterday, now reaching the grocery store The biggest haul was the $1,- tloa and PatrolmM Tureotte came acting as Chambers’ counsel, said Music , for dancing at the CYO aaid he firat learned: of the that Chambers had had a clean level. 219.000 robbery o f the ‘Boston upon the right boy who quickly ad- upon hia appointment aa record at the company previously The low official living coat point counting room of Brink’s, Inc.. In Snow Ball on Dec. 29 at tha SUte miltwl be bad puUad the last four January, 1980. That record rob­ __ ador to Cuba in 1*42. Braden and had taken the money only be­ for the year was last February. Armory will be furnished by Al false ste m s heard during the past bery is still unsolved. ■aid he oppoaed the plan aa "com - cause of severe financial distress at The bureau’s index then stood at Gentile's orchestra. w eek.~^ metcly craay and cockeyed." 113.4 per cent of the 1M7-48 aver­ Two stolen cars were used In This orchestra, a New England Besldas'(getting • lecture from homSk the Danvers nbbery. The long He teaUfled that he refuaad to Granted Nolle age. ’That meant that what could coast favorite for a long time, has police, the 'tey had to face his rcverae hia atand when directed to be bought for a dollar ia 1M7-40 FBI Investigation shows the made many appearances on radio parents who. of both St. James’ and St. Brid­ to learn that It w M h er son, who Duggan fell or Jumped to' hU the one $28 check involved was In New York, four men were w# $ay7 Subtly dirgptd and sbapad and stiffanad good. Keith also said payment has The figures: Febhiary 113.4,' get’s Churches. TickeU for the sat and listened td thqse conver­ death from a New Tork building accused of pulling off the $28JM)0 sations, who waa responsible for since been made. March 113.6, April 113.7, May 114, dance may be obtained from any in IM . A docen daya after he had holdup o f Dancemaster and Mrs. the uneaalneee in the aertheast to do tha most for your figura . . to maka you George Buckley, 22. of 100 Dom­ June 114.8, July 114.7, August 118, member. been mentioned in aecret teatimony SeptStnber 118.2, October 118.4. Arthur Murray at their Park Ave. section o f town. ^before the Hoitae Un-American Ac ing St., waa granted a motion to apartment 18 days ago. the most onchonting gpl of tho ovoning . . . such reopen a case in which he had for­ Wages also have increased, al­ Police had kept a constant watch tivltlea Committee aa a member of though bpiployment and working The fbur, all from the. New York the peace conference. The five on the alarm boxes d u d ^ the late feited a $24 bond for reckless ^the Communiat apparatua that in hours havddeclined somewhat. The area, have admitted participating countries' concerned are Switzer­ afternoon and evening for seversl driving in September and was per­ oro our gowns for donping ond looking lovoiy. Two Ciudad Alger Hlaa, former State Later Deparimeat recently report­ in the robbery, police said. land, Sweden, India, Poland and days. The fine deacriptlig tha GODDESS mitted to plead guilty to a charge t Department official convicted of ed average w ^ ly factory earning N Escaped With Cash And Oeaw Csechoelovakia. woman watcher, who alas noticed of violation of rules of the road. from our oxquiiito cblloction oro otchod horo. p e ^ r y . in November at $71.02, a record F ou r. masked men held up the The Swiss cabinet, meeting for the kind of a bicycle the boy was stroploss Buckley, a sailor, forfeited the l / ' ■ , BMigMtd la M41 high and 74 centagteve November Murrays at gunpoint on Dec. 8 and thc first time today after lU con­ riding, resqltsd In soivtgg the mys­ bond because he had to return to Braden, who reaigned in IMT aa last year. escaped Mrith $500 in cash and firmation In office by the federal tery. Nylon eyelet braail- aaaiatant Secretary of State for his base and was unable to appear jewels valued by the Murrays at Parliament yesterday, decided to ette strapless plunge Ray Tissue of Surfside, Calif., will be looking for a new home Tha boy nlso adipKted be had Latin America, made theae pointa, in court on Sept. 12. Hia tend between $28,000 and $30,000. adopt a “negative attitude" to­ sounded false fire jM rm s before now that the sea has claimed his old one. Just before falling into the with garters. A, B, among othera, in hia atatementa to was returned and he was fined $14 Police said last night they wards Dean's proposal, a com­ in another cltyf witee the family churning Sea. the rear of Tissue's home leans precariously against C. Sizea 32 to 38. the Bubcommittee: this moinlng. Reds Seen in Hid learned the quartet sold the gems, munique said. moved from to Manchester, t the front of the house (top). The roof of the house crumbles under He waa convinced moat of the Cases Continued which Murray said were uninsured, "In view of the reserve imposed Police said thdjboy will be turn­ the force of the sea aa the whole house lies in the water (bottom). "diaaatarB and difficultiea" plagu Two men charged with driving For U. S. Truibks to pawn shops and fences for $3,- on our country by Hs poli<^ of ed over to J u v e i^ authorities. $8.95 ing the government in the paat while under the Influence of liquor Shortly after these pictures were taken there waa nothing left but 800. neutrality.” thc communique said, ( and preaent "m ay be attributed to were granted continuances of ,, 1 ______■ . , ; a few pieces of wood. This was the third heme destroyed in three Booked today on charges of as­ “it would be inopportune for us to Ralph Kinere topped all Nation­ the Bwarm of new .paraonnel now their cases. They are Stanley J. Hong Kong, Dec. 23 (B — An days by high seas. (NEA Telephotos). sault and robbery and acting In be repreaepted^at/ the (Korean) al Leaguers in tha number of M>erating, eapecially thoae having Brazauskas, 48, of 83 North St., American diplomatic source said concert in the possession of guns Political Conferenu." games playsd In 1983 although he Communiatlc or Socialiatic inclina- who will appear in court Jan. 2: today the Chinese Communists were Eugene Garner, 29; Joseph “This attitude appears all the didn’t psftlclpnl* !■> hll 111* clubs’ tlona in the field of foreign policy.’’ and Maurice A. Becker, 22, of want to buy American-made trucks .A^i-Recl FeeUng Engagement Gioia. 19; Rafael Sorriano Baez, more Justified in view of the fact (Pittsburgh M d Chicago) contests. . "Career men o f Integrity and in- .East Hartford, whose case was re­ and claim they have U. 8. dollars 20. and Earl Hickson. 19. that tha presence of a Swiss ob­ The big heme-run slugger ap­ thillgence after 20 or more yeari scheduled for Dec. 30. to pay for them. Full details o f the InvesUgaUon server could hardly influence the peared in 158 games, 41 with the r / o f loyal aervlce are being aum- Both men are free under $200 The United States prohibits the S e^ in Romania Conger-McCluskey Vvhich led to the arrests were not progress o f the conference or In­ Pirates and 117 with the Cubs. Ha marily dlamiaaed for reaaona of tends. export of such vehicles to Red made known. crease lU chances of success.” China. Britain recently took an em­ Announcement was made today missed two Bus games on May 3i: economy, while the newcomers of Also continued this morning 'Vienna. AuMria, Dec. 23 (JP h - However,' a polios officer said a dubious antecedents and ideology was the non-support case o f Paul bargo off the shipment of small of the coming marriage of Mias lead pointed to a narcotics addict passenger cars to the Chinese Recent local el^lona in Romania are favored aa they take over for­ Correnti, 88. of 00 Birch S t, who appear to give proof of a growing Anne Elizabeth Conger, of New who knew the four. The officer eign operatlona." is free on $300 bond. He will be Mainland but dealers here report Tork City, and Joseph P-McClus- said he was trailed and that de­ no demand for them. resistance toward^fhe teuntry's You C«R’t Buy BETTER Aato Infiarmncg Guatemala and one. other un­ presented Dec. 30. Communiat regime. \ key, ot ManchesUr and New York tectives later questioned each identified Latin American cotmUy Six persona pleaded guilty to The American source said he person he talked to. Last night the had seen instructions from the Pei­ Radio Bucharest announced that City. already are under Soviet influence, charges of violations of rules of 98.68 per cent o f the voters chose addict -met briefly with Hickson and Communist penetration - in the road, and each .drew a $12 ping government to its rpa spokes Written for NRABervlee Angela Sing" at the opening of the John Wesley Lord and the Rev. Rheumatic fever ite been called program. Following this the aec- men here deny a report circulated .Qardiner M. Day, Episcopal rector by airline sources in Washington childhood’s greq^t enemy. It ONLY 1 DAY LEFT TO TAKE I r ond and third grade pupils of Mrs.' of Christ Church, Cambridge. also attacks g rq ^ u p s and is one ' Herbert McCann’s room offered a that 2.000 or more returning Ko­ Rabbi Israel Herburg, president rean vets won’t reach home by 'of the most important causes of \ 7 GODDESS '‘ Christmas prayer, written by the of the Rabbinical Association of late Billy Prentice. Christmas because they must heart diaesM In later life. ' ADVANTAGE OF THIS Greater Boston, offered’ the pray­ travel by rail. In its typical form it produces ~ “ strof^oss Kindergarten children of Mrs. Ballerina length for­ ers of the rabbinate and Jewish ewetllng, pmn, M d redneea o f the Robert Olson’s room sang “ The A spokesman for the Army’s r congregations. Port of Embarkation said yester­ Joints, usually, skipping from one CHRISTMAS CHECK mal abpve, with em­ Nylon and lace Angels" and "Santa’s Helpers.” Mayor John B. Hynes asked the to another. The Joints recover broidered trim. White VL Grade one aang two songs and day on^r 'one of four arrivii^f plunge strapless. A. people ot Boston to pray for the entirely, but- permanent damage to gave a' Choral readinig, "1 Like To ships named by the alrltnea source and ice blue.—SI 7.98 B, C in black and . anchbishop in a Christmas talk he cairied personnel from Korea. Of the heart all too often reeults. Think." This group told the story ■dwvered on Boston Common. ’The white. Sizes 32 to o f the first Chriatmaa. Fem Xxrve- the''1,400 Army vets aboard that Both the . heart musefc which residents of Cambridge were ask­ ship, the Gen. R. L. Howse, which caueea this organ to contract and 38. land sang “ Shepherd, Shepherd, ed to offer their prayers for the Tell Us What Can Be." Miss Mar­ tied up yesterday, 70 per cent axpand, tHUa producing )ta pump­ GA U D ET’S archbishop in a resolution adopted will be enroute by air today for like action, and the inner valves jorie Lfeldholdt ta the teacher. by their City Council. $5.50 'Third and fourth graders from personnel canters near their of the hoart may be injw^. The Mrs. Theodore Hurt’s room gave a homes, the Army spokesman said valves which Ue between the heart - akit, "Christmas All Over the moat would be home Chrlstmaa chambera serve an Important pur­ CHRISTMAS GIFT ■ jT World." The following children par Panaina Asisembly day. pose-in-the-circulatlon of tbe blood. ‘ ticipated in the commentary; Billy The remaining 30 per cent, If they are damaged in such a McBride, Richard Trotter, Rose- mainly with homes west o f St. way M to allow tha blood to flow . Full len'gtlCTfbnnalr Marie OrfUelli, Susan and Olivia Bans Red Groups Louis, will travel by rail, with backward Into a chamber, which Carlson. David Foster, Kate Che­ varying chaqces of' reaching home it ia aimpoeed. to have lefU left, wlth’'^ all-over ney, Linda Smith, Carol Colburn ‘panama. Panama. Dec. 23 (An— by Friday. JMdrt. IBM Is subjected .to exi - spangles and spangled ■ r and Donna Sheldon. Panama’s National Assembly gave The Marine Corpa said about ■train:. waistline. White and The second and third graders unanimous final legislative approv­ 1,300 leathernecks aboard the Tlw greatest dMgar. from rheu­ matic heext diseaac, y ^ c h ia the •qua-S29.9S »■ aang "Go Tell It on the MounUin" al last night to a government- Howse elected to.take Immediate GAUDET JEWaSRS and "I Wish You a'M erry Christ, sponsored bill outlawing Commu­ discharges, although they were most serious complication of mas." Bveryone sang "*0 Little nist organisations Snd barring told in Korea it would mean they rheiimetie fever, is the result of , ITANCHESTRR D E C . 1988 Town of Bethlehem" at the close Communists and fellow travelers probably would spend Chrlitmas rented attacka. It ia known, Of the program. from public office. processing at Treasure Island. hc^ever, that moat attacka of The bill will become law as soon rheumatic fever are preceded two CREDIT TO REARER — UP TO $50.00* as President Jose Antonio Remon or three weeks, earlier by Infec­ Eden and Malik signs it. tions with certain kinds of strep­ Meanwhile, police said that a Airman Receives tococci (which are germs) such aa up to FIFTY DOLLARS* government brauckdown on Pana­ tonailUtls, sore throat, acerlet, fev-. Hold Conference ma’s Reds had produced two mys­ Security Clearance er, or infections o f the middle ear. f t e ; - terious lists found inside an inter­ Since this la the case. It is read­ VoM AfU r cepted shipment of 12 Communist ily apparent, that-^U these atrep- London. Dae. 23 (g>>—Russian Washington. Dec. 23 (m — The tocoCric Infectidhs could be at­ Dae. 84, 1868 Ambassador Jacob Malik con books from Amsterdam. One list ' A GODDESS contained 107 names of Panama Air Force aaid yeaterday it has tacked when they occur ' the ferred for 20 minutes with Foreign residents, the other about 20 given security clearance to Lt chances of bouts of rheumatic strapless Becretsury Anthony Eden today at names and addresses in cities be­ Thoipas Shepard, a 29-year-old fever would be lensened. the Brltisii F o re l^ Office. hind the Iron Curtain. Korean War veteran who called PealeUlia Stupe Attack Nylon and lace wir­ . ' J f A FOBsign Office spokssfiian said The police said the lists were the action the "most wonderful This conclueion is correct A Malik was making his first "cour­ being investigated but gave no Chlratmaa present I ever could short, Intetialvo course of treat­ ed atrapieas for the tesy call" on Eden since hU a^ further detsdis. give my family." ment with penicillin. If' It can be •YOUR GUIDE TO SAVINGSI full bust. B. C. D, In pointmeat last May as ambassa­ ’The anti-Communist bill covers The Air Force said noUdag of given early In any dxngoiha* atrep- white and black. dor hers. "totalitarian activities” in general charges against Shepard, who has bscoccic infaction, helps to prevent l^rchfiSM |25.O0u >^v6 15.00 PnrcluWM tl25.00~-SaTt $25.00 Malik ratuiTied here a week ago but mentions Communism spsceiff- said he was taken w fiytng duty the first attack of ihaumatlc fever. Purehfi968 110^ Purchaatts $150.00—Saig $30.00 Sizes 84 t o , 42. t n m New Tork where he attended cally. after hia brother. Paul an organ­ Futhermore, penicillin c m be PvTchaaM $100.00—^ # $20.00 Purehaaaa $200.00—Savff 440.00 tha U. N. Cknera; Assembly. Be- Its preamble notes that "politi­ iser in Cleveland for the United given with later attacka of strep­ Toib that be was unable to cal groups, totalitarian in idsolo- Bectrical Workers Union, had tococcic infection, or even period­ Parchaaaa $250.00—Sava $50.00 $8.50 Eden becauae of the latter’s ill- testified before the Benate Inter- ically wban strepteooecl are . at- . , . • • • * ' •> ' -‘v •

HANCaiVn^ KVBNINO HldUUL MANCm nOL CONN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER S . 1958 ICANCBE^R EVENING RERAU). IIANCRE^TB^ CONI^ WEDNESDAX, PECBMBER t S , 196^. "■'hSme ...... r ma ■pbbilii-NimEiifcer b f 1S6S. In both vatloa to be made about Lewia, it meant to do so, toat you have M M luUncM, It waatM th« kind of la that he jiever poaaeaaea « Hal Boyle Bome good to a season wMbre W lU T — t l t approach to national pcoblom* atraaglehold* without, aooner or every Christian' is reminded he should live as the first Christian w n u - i N c which la now bolnf offered from later; trying to uae it, taught. w« the White Houae. The biggeat Letter from Korea One frontline lieutenant on rest The foDmrtog prtCram siduiliilai fight Blaenhower and thn public leave wandered Into our preas bil­ art auppUed M ^ radio liiiMca. can enter together if juat ahead. let. He was a stranger but we maBts oad pta subjeot to Open Forum Recalls Harsh Period managed to-ltoa him up one good without Bottca, Comer meal, a drink and a hot shower. 'U o The 22 And Th* Thousands • LIQUORS * ' l ^ Y - « l o Polka Bop He showed us pictures Of his .•Sfepoe iwd War Smiles Are TIuOike averfreen grbwtha to serve as As Secretary of State Dulles re- To the Editor: _ lEdltor's Natai Hal Beyle, who wife and baby and said, "you have Take a b o W a Santa .. * at hy hia-miHre alwaya-tneoaiim the .CMrlstmaa treaar-Thay-cut eaetione given' me nW ChHBlnuPC"“ Hni • REER dWked yesteidiy,"“oifr IShormil The iuccese of the -recent used- from cans for stars. They saved toe Haste la aiue toy collection, sponsored by the tune preeent by tfene futme sad humbleheas destroyed any self a MJ>« concern for the 3Z pria< Mnw past, renewa at hie own la- foil from their cigarette packs for D•liv•fl•l^ HMMli m tl Commission on Mlsriona of toe pity we had at not being home ' who hade elected to etay stigatioa tbe foUowlog letter home , weeks to give their trees a stiver d lU - ^ 'i>aa-aMkMrd Revue WHAY-ier, ta Blue You're smart to pick up those «||N^onal interest in the few "lost beiii time, aad takea this way to and a time for condng home. So, uae kobOm aaaeaaaya^eOoaedoMa^ •jU. the toys were give» and the co- recall a period that deaervbs The American Chrlstmaa rations Oreot OUdenleeve M Jg^tll aaeea«r»yW^i«av«4ibaA ..ra9 rather than In the many ®P**Mlton o f some 30 workers who keep that light aliining in that ■HouHouaiarway siarway Mkir ^ • •eeatdA^dieeha’veoeOMe hS.' Amerlca’B remembraace): ; were, distributed to alt United Na- a^ti-r-Osiarr xuAe title Cory Wiio are not loht, 1 ^ in many long hours in repalr- tlona troops who shared this same old window. I ’ll be home as tof, cleaning and painting the ’ Christian holiday. A British cor- soon as a fair time comes -and 4iS 8> ____ Ml '4 ourselves believe that no ef- Seoul, Korea, Pec. 26 (A)—K I feel there Is a happier New Year Fred's Package Store '—gar. ta Blue T a a AS toya donated for this worthy letter to Frances: I respondent said’ toat he had never WHAY-aiU Polka Hop - OVead OIMaraleeve last minute gifts at Watkins ahould have been apared to cauMi in sight than many of us thought Wno-WMder Browa The Aaaode I seen his troops Cnjoy a better meal, $ lit SrSUCE ST— m iPHONi M.s.tt23 WTHT-Joe ahiMd -Mika Mritay entlUed to the t i i w 22 Americans repeated I would like to express' my Dear W ife: could be. either in wartime or to barracks. WDRC-ReoonI _____ WUtdog ] tell oewa dlmtc aW teiiese ^ a t they' still poaaessed iTatefu! thanks to the members The Star p i Bethlehem may have As usual at this time, the British Your loving, optimistic husband. WONS-Jaek Doeraoir jaot otberwue shone as usual .over America and Hal WWIWKWRKMEIIWXIIMIWIWIWI^ 4i41 — and elM the local n« iKc_ froft^Vmh to alter. Vielr choice. of the church, and townspeople officers personally served their WHAY-aiO Polka Hop *'trHAV—Hamtnon Chorus All rithia of republletUea ' alike, who donated such a large the rest of the free wotld this enlisted men-^-a wonderful custom. WWC-Yeu fat Your LMa diapatchea herein are elap ~ ISfofjMWrt has h ^ sj^red. They WTIc~Th« Womaa WTHT—^yiwuaa collection, and to the workers Christmas" season, buj It was The Argyll snd Sutherland High­ WTHT-Joe Qlraiid WDRC-DeSd Wop Closed at 5:30 ^ ^ e oven promlMdr Immunity rather dUflciit to see h e^ WOR(%-|taeord abep riui:l aerrtee client 3 f 5 r « 7 whoae spirit was the spirit of landers had a special'treat—two WONa-Jaek Downey WOMS-Nawt; Rports ca. Ine. ifroM qitlitacy punlahment, if they Op en Tonight to 9 hundred pudqtoga sent by their Christmas in "It is better to give The nights have been cloudy to * ‘{fciAY •‘tHamUIUmi CUmtus a Puhllahera Repi this capital Of a land of agony, a own Colonel - In - Chief, Prince.Aericgiis out of Die the local tradesmen, who welded days hasn’t even The meagre com­ mosphere of temporal^ .plenty in WTIC-Primt Page POrtei ■typo„—■poftaphlcal---- errora ------appeenein^ .- — —_ WTH".. .HT—Joe ------OIrand —Myslary Tbaatar rfiinut* gifts to find. Thoro aro still loadi of bright idoss at Wotkins Fr^ay and leertlacmenta and o'.her readlgt;aiatt ciViUsatloii lUid'beliefs iSto which toys, and the shut-ins of the fort given to Mary so long ago; a country that lives in perpetual |ln The Manchrater Evening MSep^ WDRC—Record Shop Stop they w ci^j'h bm into another church who made doll's dresses. Tnere is no small inn where her need. ► r " ' WONS—Bobby Bensoa WONi-Phmlly neater ’ for practical, useful, beautiful gifts . . all with that ’’carafully- We passed a few tipa around to Dlaplay aoertlalag eloaing howa: cttdlisatioh and another belief, it The collection of some 300 toys Joseph can take her. Tpere isn’t WilAY—Weetrm Coravaa * '9 u y -NIIs Walek chosan" look. You can’t go wrong. Every piece is in oood taste; Saturday . —r He Jonday ■ —1 • p.-“ ~ni. Trlday. included tricycles, doll carriages, even a manger to shield her from the Koreans who served our meal WTIC—Lorenoo Jonos w ric —Wg SSOTT -Por Tueaday—1 p. m, Mncday. doe? not really deserve our nuijor in the rear area, biit how can it IIT-Joe Olrand WTOT—IriuiteiT Tbaatar good quality. And wa'II exchange anything you give that doesn’t llTcr Wedneaday—1 S , '^ Tueaday, doll strollers, sport equipment, curious eyes as she bears her im i'“ ■ " ktteintion. salve your conscience to give a WDRC—Memory Lan* WDRC—Dead Stop * 0 ^ iFor Thuraday—1 p, . stuffed animals, pull toya and child. WONS—Wild Bill HIckoh WONS-PamUy naatar prove a big success on Christmas morning. Tor Friday—t p. in. A froaen roadside ditch has been package of cigarettes and a thou­ ^ I v d a i n u i L IFor Saturday, TlCgt ahould still gp to the fact dolls,. and was delivered to the ~ ■ - t . P Mansfleld Training School and the birth bed for many a young sand won—29 cents—to a Korean *'JfHAV-Newe T-NIta Wstrii I ClaaaUled daenm ;tluA^'i^t bf thousands there were waiter who is frightened by toe w n c -P a y e to Marry ribbar, Molly *dey of pubUeaUon Hospital Saturday along with 100 Korean in recent weeks. - Then WTHT—Joe Ulrand Qeodltaas ^ A m. 'bDly . that, against the un- personal gifts for the adults. the mother has had to rise and Chinese Reds and wants to send WDRC—Maae^, Tlltoe. era of the Qasatte Edwards ilM a b lf appeal the Oommunist walk solidly on, clutching her new­ hla family three hundred miles WONS^WIId WU Hlckok Wedneaday, Deceml I know that the people who do^ south? ilia- for those who arc nated the toys and the workers born babe to her bosom and hop­ Watab . . He needs at least 1,500,000 won WHAY-SpollIgbt Sporta will have a much happier Christ­ ing to find a refuge somewhere for WTIC—Newe You Top This b^atfy'inaladjuated and dissatls- to rent space in a Korean civilian WTHT—Jo- Olrand _ . . . . Tomer Calfbic7alfiii| , ^ His Biggest Fight nedj.tiia'bvbru'heJmlng majority of mas. knowing that they helped it and for her. Where there ia WDRC—News WDRC—Bepera.of tbs Gazette truck to send his wife and children, WONS-Haadel'd "Messtab" some child to have a happy Christ-- ■o much mjaety t^Ara are few hfs father-in-law, mother-in-law, WOI«S—Newe I No teak President,.BIaeiilvny«F Al^Orican’ young men stood fast mas, for if one child has a hap­ sanctuaries.' U tlS- «ac#8—not even the’ ^ k of diiSi-- ahd.fiim.-. , ... •unt, cousins and all toe other - rSeroaado pier Christmas, its smile will be The Infant Jeaus a ,.better relatives of Koreans have and v.ish feiaroTa'^rW Choru. ling with Soviet RuMih^^urpesses ^ a t ia V<* rMl.rOcord of the our reward for all the long hours start to tola world than many Ko­ WTHT—PVoW and Camtr to protect, to Pusan at the souto- WDRC—Jock.. . iiSssr Zsinuus WDRC-News; Moods tor Romaaea jin compHcated -difflcuKy tife task meeting bets'een democracy and that each worker put to t>n this rean baWea. . ecn tip of the peninsula. That la OUR MANY THANKS FOR WONS—Patlereon WONS-Haadel's "Messldb’ worthy cause. It the Prince'b( Peaea is look­ Jhe has now takfh upbn.hlmsetf;-' - cpthmufdsm 'which rook place in 'pSTS^ in American money. •J*a— . — **lraAT—hiT—Nlabl Waich Thanks Again,. ing clown, on us now from Heaven YOUR PATRONASE . . . AND WHAY—Supper SereaadrBereaSdr I It is the talh Of trying to'M il. th^'piiapn campa of K o r ^ - ^ What can you do when a number WTi;’—K. Cose Olee Club WTIC—Beinmore A Ohio Cborua Alton B. Cowles, —as we wAre taught to believe—' of people come to you, liopefiUly, WTHT—Ser. Canuaell WTHT—Pront and Center ta comprehcijjjlv.ft ‘ firogresstvCi Chairman o f Mission Commission, WDRC—<>; Lombardo WDRC—News; Mooda for Romance He must feel the aches that mor­ and ask you for - help in getting SINCERE GOOD WISHES Worai-Haiidal'e "Mesatah" , fdynsmic progiam oMeg^staOoh td North Methodist Church. tals still Infilct upon each other WONS—BUI Stem "Gf. The Senator their family out of Seoul? • s U - U:l Congress. ’ ■ , aa blindly as they once inflict^ They come to you for aid FOR CHRISTMAS WHAY-SuppM' Sereaade Yalaata Benefit 'Aftfir-. A m y Secretary-SCevens WTICr-l_Star WTIC-N4WS _ f The President has assumed that them upon his own immortal salt simply because you have been kind that the Army had no when h e fell by choice within the WTHT-Oeorge WTHT->Muslc for Christatas Stask with an unusual procedure.* enough to ssy "thank you" to them WDRC—l,owril Tbomae WDRf^Newe evWebce of espionage or missing A Thought for Today j reach of their ignorance and pan­ and to regard them a.s individuals. WONS—Dtaner Dale WoiW-Kaws SThis was the scries of White It' U ilS - \ 22.50 documenU at Fort Monmouth, toe ic fears. But how can you help them In their WHAY—Supper Seronode WHAY—Yatanta Benefit 24.75 -jHouse conferences with , party bants Claus came here in small real desperation ? Politeneas is nice Senator from Wisconsin an­ Holy sign, the Heavens prevailing W nc-N otee and Ouotea WTtC-^ews of Woeld flcRislative leaders held the last A holy Star doth wise men trail ways. The United' Nations ttpi but it doesn't make you a Robke- w r a r - j . Voaderoook w iiiT —Music for Christinas A hsndaome one-of-s-kind ovsl mif- nounced that he would re-schcdule WDRC—Faiaily Skeleue — iRO-;t ithree 'Ifcye of the week. Glory to the Highest shall shadow generally had a betterr Christmas feller or a General Motors truck WOtra—VUItOB Lewi. with'deep, wide moulded frame Genuine mahogany is used for this the open hearings on Fort Mon thee than they had expected, con- factory. And you would have to tiU — Check List « At these conference's, various R o b e r t J , S m i t h MAIN ------ipiier Berenade Renetll in genuine gold mctol leaf. Rkht Duncan Phyfe lycktail Uble with jncuth__he h«d nnre ahandonad. The Virgin child of prophecy._____ sldei'ing the' military emei-gencv. have the money of a millionaire or . ases of What ia to be the E i s ^ i n U o k ^O jIA t c d S^ManiriSetBr Lombardo aize for console table or serving Tts double lyre base and galleried These open hearings, he said, Special airplane flights brought the vehicle reserve of General ^ B fR E B T - WTHT-A.- A. Kl^‘Klritaftr----- ‘ Owl ihower program were laid before The morning breaks a glorious their mall and many last-minute Motors or both—to solve the prob­ WDRC-Beutah■Beulah . Jem table. top. ^xwiige Chain v/ould prove who was right—Sec­ REAL EBTATE — INSURANCE W o i^ M e e t Uie Star Ithe varying shades'of political be­ clearing, packages from home. lems of eli who seek assistance. TELEPHONE MltcheU, P-S3gl GROUND FLOOR —Fanback Chairs retary Stevens, or the Senator Judean hills clap their hands Santa Claus does come In some **

■ '‘-rfe''''' ------/-

COHHo WIBPNRSEAY, DECEMBER S8, 196S MANCHEgnM IVBNmO BMUOD. MAMOqpTgR. OOKM. WEDNESDAY, DBCEMBER 28. 1961 ¥vciai«9'; ...... ■ ijiij . ?- tft tsnm. It kaa.mdro.thaa H ^y, with Fifth Fruit Store Loi^ ^ tM ic Ckarckflfi Set Ipdia RM l]N»pi^ -M B ■ • ^ MOO boon n aui^set tor an naUst'o Time Runs Out for POWs; giirifitofififi P «y MfiB«»9 j 1 brush. Mrs Iteat to tax aoUaetdr, ' ’ mtj F n a ^ e i B ^ an odfieo w l ^ oho haa M d tar Zone Change B id, Back in Hollywood $ 1 ^ to Announeoment of Mashes on aovsrni yoaro. Holdbacks Spurn Appeals Ohrtotmaa D a y ^ t tho Romon New Dtlfti, m -K te . iV ip G r a n ts h y B oard Beaten, DeA 99 ;P»-Two teb* Catholic enufehoo In M a ^ w - School HMlywood, Dec. 2S iB — Hedy VUayn lAkskofi Ihusllt,' Prosidant brssr oomMonfisnt, MIm lAmarr, .on her fifth honeymoon, tnm Owl bera obtained 91.981 from an fill ter has bosB mode os follows: la back in Hollywood. night fruit store in the Back Bay At fit. James’ Chureb. of tha UJf. Oraoral Asstmbly, HsbCM, DSC. 99 {ife?EE)--Mr. DwUMua, HAnriaoa fl-fME Coventry, Dec. 39 (Speelal)- Tto Baarce and Grant MacbiiN Whan aha married Taxaa oil man parently remained inside the huts K. of C Party Head early today but the theft of 91JKM Mosses will bo sold at midnight said In Parliament today a Com- aad Mrs. Corimon fruBMl, who COAL- Involved Also to W. Ijaa Howard in New York yaa­ of the sum wasn't discovered until night on Christmas Eve., and at livs on Um Hobnm-llaaborough jra-^gs F __a BTS^Lm B b ^ request for o ohango at aoao ...... M K-hstc the prisnr.etp live The In­ munlst deputy was wrong la tm- By tale. Maky «. tayiani dtetributlng food and good tidings town motored to ooo thorn. The tor their Bradbury Lane property Wny to Finance tarday aha indicated she waa about four hours after a holdup. 6. 7, 8.- 9, 10 and 11 o'clock thtte wort hlddon motlvos praeUeo of doqwotlag s tr q ^ of rood, about n mUs wwA Of the yil- IfeO tfiS MAtSi ISigM to abandon the film capital. dian Cofnmaad said 19 were in- Nick Papnndreau, 91, of Win Christmas morning. AU Chrtetasidom to again csls- to tho poopto. from ReMdontial A to Industrial 24 Hoiir Dtihrary ftfrloo ______cacont.-Ainsrtcaa nnlao for '-■(St- tofiftng tlw~n»nusn marina An­ Tho robbers took 9100 from the Replying to Rod doputy loodor in Sweden. Csmbridgo, Maas.—Lonlus Du­ tha SMO.OOO bond iaaua mada. re* the paM SO yeara, be waa a atock an agent, and Mrs. Lants, of New dnwa fomUlos and friemte to- ploco tostsod of hanging otock- teiy ochooL 1. During the period* hi which drew Condron previously had been cash reglater, 94 from Nick and HIren Mukhorjoo, Mn. Pandit or in nffocUon and I rotherly In Italy, wbsro tho bonso at tb« inga ‘IIm Frnnkels ore Monning t ane Evans, 99, chief copy bditor at the tend wee zoned for residentlsl ieantly. clerk at Cheney' Broa. Ha waa York. The marriage was Lee's sec­ said: "It is wrong to imply motlvos gsnsrous and wealthy Ssiint Nicbo- Houghton, Mlfflto Co., snd sssocl- member of St. Bridfet’a Church, ond. idenUiied as leaders ot the non- 99 from Angle. M d ^ no othor etoaalon. CfiiristniM OMete really wonderful trip, 'nay oxpM t use, sndfor at least a dacafie after, ' A balance from the conatructlon Korean prisoners.» The victims phoned yollce. to tho Amsricont whan thsy And yet tho celsbratlon of ths laa are bsUsvod io rest la ths town to viait Venosuela, Son Juan, nted with tto publishing firm for no one has elected te build a new j **a leaves hia wife, Mrs. Alice Hedy said that after a Christmas praise our troopo In Koroo.” of Baris, thtey did not use Christ­ Tho singing of carols te one of 89 years. Died Monday.. the Bowara -and Varplanek. Thomaa McCavamgliT three aona, honeymoon here she planned to Correspondents ..also - identified Thkt was .about 2:30 a.m. News Tidbits" Cbirth of Christ did not b*cemt ths oldest forms of mhsie. As Puerto Rico, Port nu Prince. home to the area. She gave thU commentory on live in Houston. Her. voice waa from photographs: About 6:30 the etore men called wldaiqNSOd oustom until after tho mas tress. It is rtported that they mrly os 199 A. D. tho Nativity Haiti, La Quiaro, Oaracoo, and Clearwater, Fla. — Frsdsridt 9. The Industrial land use te t chools could be used for* that " pur* Harry McCavanaih. of the U. S. pMice 'again and excitedly told Caned froHi AP Wirofi AmSrican public opinion; were introduced ot Chrtftmss Kuhn Woodring, 71, who for 80 consistent with the historical use Navy, .and Jamaa and Joeeph Mc- husky from a cold.' Ctaude .Batchelor ot Kermlt, "Anybody who hoa Uvsd in 4th Oentury. woa cetebrated with song, but it other poria of the WeM litolea. poaa. Miss Lamarr formerly was the Tex., Richard Tenneson of Alden, them ”91.500 wai taken from the AU • port of Christmoo ore the cotebroUons ia World War I. by was not uvUl ths middle ages or Ctoral S a fety IdsfitMled. ymrs was acUvS to public utlUUes of ths land to the area. ' On the basis of the apparent low Cavanaph, both of Manchester; America knows that tho Amorlcan tho American aoldlers. management to Pennsylvania. two al’sters, Mra. Tiipothy O’Oon wife of Frits Mandl, Austrian in­ Minn.; William O. While of Plum- safe, we didn’t even see 'm do It UtUo groan trooS,'lhe green gnr- the year 1931 that they were used The newly foroMd Choral So- 3. The change is consistent with 994-828 TEL. M -I-SlSt ieonstruction bid of 9410,859 sub­ dustrialist; Gene Markey, film merville. Ark.; R. E. Douglas of It (the safe) must’ve been Nswspaper teleiraph editors of temperament is mercurial—It goes Isndo, hoUy. mistletoe, the Yule Legend of Ckristmoo TrOo ctety, previously mentioned, is R ad ^g , Calif.—Thomaa Ray­ studies made to date which are In­ mitted yesterday _aftarnoin by the up and down in such a starUUig St religious fasUvate around, the mond Ksadail, 78, former editor- MAIN ST. MANCHESVBH of New York City, and two broth­ writer-producer; John Loder, han Angelo, lex.; Howard C. unlocked.” Canada obooM* Queen Elisabeth'II log, the Christmas bells and Christ­ The legend of the Christmoo trss NaUvity scene. Many ef the me«ts up of coiqmunity oingera, tended to permit oddiUonal re- IWadhami and May Gonstruction actor, and Ehnest Stauffer, a re­ os newsiest igure In 1988 in fashion that thoos of us who eome and hM no connactlon with ths publisher of tto Redding Indmn- BtricUon or Industrial and/or com- Co., of Hartford, builders of the IS*' ers, John McCavanagh, of New Adams,of Corsicana, .Tex.; and L. from ths slowsr tempo of ths Boat mas carols. Ptrhaps tho mCot bos to do with Winfred, later moot popular today wars written sort operator. V. Skinner of Akron, Ohio. Canadian press-conducted poll. . . onelsnt of aU to the English burn colled Boniface, who prsochod to the Itth Century, First in nsm eatary School except through dent and n catcher fo rlto Calca- msrciol uses to the ores. classroom Vernon Lydall elemen- York City,. and Batrick McCaV' Western diplomats In Vienna, Aua- find It difflcuR to uBdsrstaad H, cooperation. Its first public ap- TThite Box ebriy In the oentury. anagb,'of Long Island. Indian guards said Otho G. Bell and somsUmsa we are left won­ ing of tho Yute tog with tho occom- Christianity to ths psopls of Qsr- popuUrity is. "Oh Come.N AU Te .tary school now under conitruc- Antkoay Beaaer Liquor Clerk Shot tris, say new wave of Jewish per- pznUMOt of music aad mtrry- psnmacs was' loot week ot the rn to MlSeoiirt. Died Monday. Monrtissjer Evening Herald itlon, and additional eatimated Funeral services will be held of Olympia, Wash., W. A Cowart dering how a sRuation chaagoa so mSny. A pagan custom wag to Fslthfui.".I. A close second is cerrespenient, Mrs. Bdturday morning at 8:30 from of Monticello, Ark., and Lawrence aeoutloBs apparently almsd. at mokiiig. fun and toasting. sacrifice a young man each 94Ui PTA meeting, when osvfral favor­ Ottown—WilUsm H. Mbintyre, OevqntiT « )ooata, the 8*robm elementary Man Hangs Self ' crushing all opposition to Com­ quickly.” h ^ h t ite Christmas hymns wars sung. S78, noted busiacM man and eporte-Chorlco L. Little, telepbene PO- Gifts For The Home the W. P. Quish Funeral Home, 225 Sullivan of Omaha were in the Plans for the Knlghte of Colum­ Dead in Holdup Btartod by St. EtoaMs day of DMember at a certain oak OhinrstaiM oifte M ool will cost an Sstimated 9478,- munism Is sweeping Soviet Union’s Members of tto socisty are Mr. maa, n foriner president of tto old griao2-«99L «74. Main St., and at 9 o'clock in St hospital bus second annual New Year’s Eve WBAHIEB HAl/rS BBSOVB Tho first to onoourago in aong tree. They believed if the sacrifice Following the custom of ths Bridget’s Church. Burial srll| be On Play Gallows lenneson's mother, Mra. PdfUa- European satellites. faded the sun would never shine sad Mrs. Frodsrick W j^e, MIm Ottawa Senators wbea they were May Revlaw Hans party, to be' held at the State Ar­ Long Beach. Calif., Doe. 29 OP) Big Four Alked Control Council tho Joy of tho •ovtor'o birth was WiM Men. who tognn their wor­ Marjorie H. Martin; Mrs. John E. in ths National Hockey Lmgue. < Attar the bid openinr yesterday, in the East Cemetery. Howe, flew to Tokyo to try to mory from Bp. m. to 2 a. m., under -A liquor store clerk who shot Leodon. Deo. S9 Wt Biting St: Froncla of. AooIsl. the- monk again. Winfred fearlessly rushed ship of tho Christ Child with tbs Horton, Mrs. Eieanor.Caacy, MUs Friends may call at the funeral persuade him to come home. Ten­ for Aiwtrla agree to reiaz restric- Died Monday. several town offidala {nesent d ^ Griss Valley, Caiif., Dec. 23 (JP) the direction of the ways and sad killed three holdup men dur­ ttoas which have made It dfficult winds and driving alost today who patterned hte life after that in on ths ceremony and stop­ prsMntaUon of gifts, the in­ Cters E. Porter, Mrs. Fitwd A. Hagerstown, M. D,—John M. cidad to arrange a meeting be­ home tomorrow from 3 to 5 and —A gallows he had built for a neson wrote his mother that he means oommittee.of which Antho­ ing tho laat four yearo finally lost hsHrd egorta by Nsens tonam to ot Ohriat, ped the saerlfies. The oak gredients of mince pi* v’wv oup- Fogil. Mrs. ChsriM N. Flflmore, from 7 to 10 p.m. and Friday from for ’West tourists to travel through Tha oocred rites ot the church MUter, 41, prominent Hagerstown tween the School Building Com­ stage play took the lif4 of Richard was not going to return. ny Bonner ia chairman, have been a duel with one oarly today. Ruseian Zone to Vienna . . . First rmeb the wreck of tks V.B. In ite fail Wtroyod all ths pooed Ur syraboltee the gifts of Mrs. Edward A. Foote, Robert H. buatosM exscuUva and n former EMERGENCY mittee, .the -Board of Kducatlon, 7 to 10 p.m. B. Looser yesterday. Batchelor recently wrote his completed. Lynn O. Fetster, 66, was found Novy plaao wbleh wnsksd atop were couched In LaUn and ware so growth around it but a fine young the Magi. The e ru t. gmd; the Horton, Robert Price, Albert A. htonUi under jGov. Lodge’s new UtUs Undsrstood that Urn average president of the Peaasylvsals Shoe • OR. MIRIHR and Arnold Lawrence, architect Looser, 34, was direttor of an Japanese wife that he waa going Ward Krause's orchsstra will Shot to death in his store. Beside orders shutting door on State car o deeoloto Iceland glneler Inst fir tree. This - Winfred said he ^ c e s . myrrh; tto aromn, frahk- CooUdge, and WiUinm O. Seyms. and Leather Aaen. Died Tuesdto- for the school, to revia# plana and amateur the/kter group. to remain with the Communists be­ hia hand waa his own .38 caliber Thnnday with alan flton petnon acarcely know w ^ they would take os the new emblem of tocenM, Tho two oldest daughters of Mr. provids the music, decorative hate abuses products over 999|909 la moont fit. Franclo to crodited with New Torii—Sidney Roeen, 98, of SfRVICi try for a cost reductlmu.- Deputy Coroner Shirley Brattin, cause "I.have the ideas of a Com­ and party favors will be provided revolver, fully loaded. Nearby woa savtags. aboard. Christ. HoBy flpngrs sad Mrs. Gardner Q. Shorey, both CMengo, assistant general aalM Soma doubt has bean expressed, Funerals who called the death an accident, munist.'’ anqther gun, an automatic, which Koglng the nativity scene In real students at W tndl^ High School, for gueets, and arrangamente have Iffaln 1994, He filled a manger Thus the first use of ths Christ­ When the ninva of the fiovior’S manager - of Oahrert DteUUera Bowavar, on the feasibility of said this is what must have hap­ With the end of the explanation been made so that the bouse com- he kept for protection. It had mas tree is attributed to Germany. -birth spread abroad, oproys of are mambsra of/ the Oles Ckib Gorp., and former Winnipeg, Man., CALL ‘chanjging plans and asking for new FhUip E. WaddeU pened: period all of the Americana become iftlttee will set up a canteen at not hetui fired. with hay, brought to It a live ox Kris Kringle was the name of the holly ore Mid to have been hung there. aso. reproduciiig HttflEfil Ml lawyer. Died Tuesday. bids. It has been pointed out that The funeral of PhUlp E Wad' Looser constructed the gallows absent without leave. In another which sandwiches, coffee and oth­ Detective Inspector Harry P. man who went about asking boys as symbote of glsdneM. Holly Denver—Lao John Bockmon, 80, M I-9 -4 5 4 8 an upward trend in the building dell. 59 Cooper HUl St., custodian set and placed a large mirror to 30 days they will be listed as de­ er foodstuffs will be sold. Ar- Finch said it was apparent Fels- liSRfmilSfMRiPSXIiSRIlSKIW first Ohrlstasao when Chttet was -and girls in Germany if they Jud probably ia tbe oldest dMoration CpI. Richard Kaofo of tho U. S. 'market might well offset a 930,0W of the West Side Recreation Cen­ reflect the scene so he could make serters; 'k born. . ... Air Force, 1s homo on o 32-day district manager ef tto Sinclair rangemsnts have also been made so ter waa killed by a bandit who Tho fiOfitom of ro-enacUng- tha been good. For the good ones he of -which we have any knowte^. Refining Co,, and oaoociotod with WILLIAMS „ reduction in Jh e plans. ter, was held this afternoon at 2 sketches and designs for cos­ that parties may be seated In a ahot before Feister had a chance The tree is smoctetsd with scmm Isnvb from hte sir toso in Califor­ tumes. He arranged a break-away Under terms of the armistice all Nativity, startqd by fit. Francis, carried a Melt lull of presents. Um company sine# 1919. Bom la , It appaarod unlikely that the o'clock at the T. P. Holloran Fu­ unrepatriatsd war prisoners are group. to fire. Finch said the klUsr ap­ New Oermaa Toy of good will and rejoicing. The nia. Ha te the son of Mr. and Mra. Buritogton, lown. Died Monday. OH. savicE architect, the Board of Education, neral Home. slip knot in the rope as a precau­ to be held in the neutral sons The Armory will be beautifully parently .fled immediately after persUts to this day in European English hoUy bM thick. gloMy Mnurioa J. Ksofa of ths Hebron- lead the School Building Oommit- The Rev. Paul Prokopy, pastor tion against accident. until Jan. 22 when they-are to be decorated for the event, tha K. of the shooting as nothing bad been homes whers a ersche or ralnlaturs The Christmas, tree, laden with green Icsvfis snd bright red tor- Andovor Road. taa would recommend to tha Board of the Zion Blvangellcal Lutheran This morning, with the noose released as civilians. During the C. Joining with the CTO in ar­ tsiken from tha cash reglalcn mangsr peopled W lth»^U41k^g- gifts, was not known in England rim. Tto American hoUy Is Tho Chrtetmoa Evo servioo at S t of Directors that the bids be re­ Church, officiated and John Munsie about hia neck, and his sketchbook 30-day period they can still ask ranging the decorations, as the The body was discovered a ureo, repreaentlng thh Holy Fam­ until; the early ItUi century, when Petor'a l^riscopal Churdi. Thurs­ nearby, he stepped from the box ily, to let up each Chriatmas eve. Queen -Victoria, in 1941, had one duUor and lem thorny. jected. « presided at the organ. Burial was for repatriation. CYO ia sponsoring a Snow Ball customer-who stopped at the store . Hotly was orlgtoally believed to day at 7, will to a caadls light PRACTICAL GIFT FOR HOME After the bidding yesterday, b i J ^ EafI Cemetery. on which he had been standing. Dance on Dec. 29. to buy cigarettes. ' In Italy there Is o n r in aJmost set op In Windsor Oastle, Charles scnrico. to which all are invited. Ghrisksst fw GiaftelItU Sereiec ' Bearers were- Herbert Phelon, The trick knot failed. Looser The Communists -want the pris­ avsry horns. Dickens as tets as i960 rsferrsd to magic. Thorny holly hung in Bny CkMlae. chairman of the strangled, hia toes dangling Just oners kept in custody until a peace The ticket committee, under the the houM meant tto husband School Frqgiana HeM School Building Committee, asked Jr., Nell Cushing, Nicholas Angelo, chalrmanahlp of Francis Mahoney, NATO ENVOY DIES From, this now spprocUtton sad to the Christmas tree as. *^a new A program took place Monday n m F jf. William Pagani, Thomas Martin above the floor. conference decides their fate, but parUeipatton In tbs Nativity German toy." At first, Christmas would nils through tto ymr— WaitU lewptlea 7.98 WiMo/Aor General Manager Richard Martin Brattin said that when police the Allies have refused to agree. has been actively engaged in cel­ Lnxembenrg, Luxi smooth holly meant tto -wife would forenoon at the Elementary School, If the additional 980,000 could and Edward Brown. ling tickets, and additional tickets bourg. Dee. 28 (A)—The loag- sprafig ths spirit of song and post- trsos were Mt up in homes, but to which paronte and otben to- lifted the body, the slip knot fell A few miles from the compound ry which owspt tbroufto EnglaiM pventuslly they wera oosd in rule. SECOND OONSREDATIONAL GHUROH ReoMybonch-styteHcMnpar—9erbo«iorboc(raeM.lM oome from the Capital ’ Improve- apart easily. He said the roughness arhera the Allied broadcasts were may be obtained, by contacting any tlino PrinM Mlaloter of NATO’S Mistletoe terasted wore Invited. School cloeos incnts Reserve Fuad. Mdrtin re- member of the Committee. •amllost Bwmber, Pierre Dnpong and Europe in ths form of carols churchsa also. today for the boUday vSeaUon. in cMeOitod colen. Rno quoHty—tirong poiis ro- plied tta t the money might be oTOf the new rope apparently pre- made Gommunlst explainers won and tolk songs . m pfiWi fiSfii Hfiifirafiw is— SB 408 for kitchen equipment; and day concealed the body of a promi­ under a 1950 exchange agreement, Tho spirit ot giving oteo . bs- wtordscomted n-lth strings qf pop- Wood Bros., of Springfield, asking nent physician who leaped 140 feet During that time they . hqve icans, the Briton and the ^ u th esmo oaaoeiatofi- w rw 'tho teg- cim and cranberries aim illumi­ for each white, waxen berry on 1 ?'MW" FRYER Koreans capered in a weird dance, waa dsUvtrsd by ths U. 8. Navy and ef a 4tM oshtory bishop n opray. 91,000 for stage curtains and to his death after he killed his Omaha, Dec. 23 (P) — Joseph talked with 3,173 prisoners and today. nated with candies, in little tin REO. 24J6 flriperies. Kuykendall's lawyers have fiown have won back 138 or about 4.3 per shouting the Communist "inter- of Asia Mlnenujaaed St.,Nlchalaa. boldera clippto onto the branches Tto mistletoe is ths state em­ wife with a carving knife. natjonole” and other songs to Etgbt Bid on Construction in a witness from Arizona in an cent. a friend « Wr pop^ Who gave of ths tree. .‘Riis woo heUeved to blem of Oklahoma. •V. ‘J ’' NOW ...... l i l l i Eight Arms bid on the general Dr. Marx Sterbeow, 43, an out effort to refute prosecution testi­ The tape recorded broadcast to drown out the loudspeaker. Ubsrolly ksfi ootoaUy ef hte mWay to in tho Iota IfilO’a ChristMM Gsrfis - construction contract. They were standing authority on children's mony in Kuykendall’s first degree American prisoners in the North "Do any Americana want to go to tho floody. Ho Was eapectaUy Mr. SplOM stated thht on Christ­ Tbe ChrtetmM card, now 107 FrOnch-frlot porfoctiy. allergies, and his 27-yeat'-old wife, Camp was made by MaJ. EMward home?” Cbrdon shouted as the fond of ehildnin' aad ahowared iWndhams and May, 9410,855; As­ murder trial. mas Eve of 1998 to Walked from yean bid. originated in England to No-icerch "cold woH" sociated Conatructlon Co., 9421,- Mrs. Marcia Sterbeow, had been The withess' is Newton E. John­ Moorer of Tacoma, Wash. Hia first broadcast ended. them with pressato. Charter Oak St. to D ^ t Square 1846. It was paiated by the Mnder 000; Bartlett Bralnard Ca, 9427,- estranged several months. ston of Tucson who said he oper­ voice booming from the loudspeak­ . "No!” the others yelled in uni­ Parents who gave gifts to tbsir qithout seeing the U^ts of s —wo cannot new recoil hte nnmo— ^i,..iyBm toiwlomstool body. Detective William Bazajou said ers sent the prisoners Into a son. children enjbyad telling them that but Um practice of aendtog cords DOO; Hartford General Construc­ ated a night watch service for aingte tree, wWek today shine S24-S29 TEL. Ml-9-«lfil ' Draining spigot.. Holds tors, 9427,000; A. F. SqulUacote the physician slashed hia wife with private customers. demonstration described by one ob­ Then the British Marine their proseata Bore from the In almost every fipiqa, ^ te frtenda grew bv tern oad the knife yesterday, nearly sever­ server as "an awesome display of shouted; Bounds, rad no dobbt Mfrsachad MAOr ST. 3 lbs. tot. Card. AC 0>.. 9427,842; Buzsi and Sons, In his testimony late yesterday, Tho widesprooS uie. M ths 9487,000; Bonviciiii Building CO., ing her head, and then sped to the Johnston said he had never before the ccdlective mind shutting out “Do an^ British want to go grsnter proportions to the United Mississippi River Bridge, nine what it fears." home?” Chriatmas presents in America Cfiirlstmsa trM te due to the inven­ StetM than any other cmintry. 448,000; Frechette and Floryan, miles above the city, and Jumped aeen Cecil McClendon, thq state tion of Thomas Edison. Next year, 181,200. ‘ witness who said Kuykendall of­ Indian guards stood outside the He answered hie o'wn question sometimea come from S t Nick, Early canto are now aatiquM over the side. compound gate as the broadcast with a loud "No!” but usuaUy trom Santa daus, who the incsndsMent lamp wiU to 75 and may to found to UtUa ohops. ' Bidding for the finish hardware State Police, alerted to look for fered hls~ money to ''get rid of his yoaca old. The colored bulto have contract? were Bidwell, 94,811; wife.” began. Before the broadcast was made Is truly >raaticaa. He is boUeyad They become very Mnbornte before AUTOBfATIC the body, said it might not appear done a lot for the enjoyment of Kuykendall is charged in coh- "Now ia the time. Come forward the Indian Command asked the Al­ to have edms to America la early Ihi turn of the etaUuy and some- Builders Hardware, Inc., 94,389; for several daya and inform the guards nearest lies to delete from the text a worn- colonial daya with Dutch oetUsrs the holiday Moaon, and have re­ Umm WOM .nahleaed of podded PERCOLATOR Tull Bros., 95,280; anfTWrT. Glen- Baujou said the woman left her nection with hia wife’s (leath here moved the fire haxard of the •cy CO., 99.297.50. you," the broadcast said. Ing "t'this is your final opportu- who*' callod S t Nicholas "Sinter moire silk and fringed with silk, to @2.95 downtown apartment, took her June 18. "Have Nothiag To Fear" nlty.” Klaps.’' To other Americans who lighted candle. addition to flowers and tto usual Bids for kitchen equipment came ttoee-year-old boy and two-year' McClendon hat tesljfled that at You hava nothing to fear—I t could not prpntomce the words, he Tho—first eoBsmunity trae ap- grootlngA Pom— Universal—Products—Corp:7 old dau^ter to a nursery school, the time of Xuykenaul'B~vll«g«r you really want to come home, Indians were planning to screen beoame Santa Claus. psorad in Now Yqrfc'ork's Madison 99,408; .. Consolidated Kitchen and went to her husband's apart­ offer, he waa employed by ‘Tom now is the chance for which you prisoners not interviewed individ­ Not only did his name change, square Park in itit. It waa< a bai­ Hot footiirss ot Mglror- Broducts Co., 910.229; S. Blickman, ment with a friend to pick up some McKnight rn fir, 80 . feet high, dscoratad Inc., 910,243; Peter U Madaloni, have been waiting," Moorer'a vtice ually during ths SO days btfore hut hte appedrance changpd also. prieod modab. Automat­ articles for a party. . McClendon was brought back continued. Jan. 22, From j! the nttontuatsd. ” pale and with 9,000 colored bulbs. This 910,580; Grayson Elqutpment CO., The friend. • Mrs. Mae Meyers, to the stend-yesterday and testi­ We believe that there are aome Gen. John E Hull, U. 8. and again originated to Germany, ic—koops coffao worm 10.818; and Peters A Co., 911.- waited outside. About 30 minutes fied that he worked for McKnight bensTOlrat bishop, he became the 11.95, among you who desire to be re­ UN Far East commander issued a roly-poly, . apptewheeked. Jolty whan an artist, whUa studytag after parking it. With later she entered the apartment at the time—he said it was laat patriated — who want to return formal statemsnt declaring that in jf lssiag istost'. Santa Claus. He Set aside his there, saw the bMUtlfuIly d o ^ For stage curtains and draper- with Bertha Rivers, 93, who had- March or April—and that Mc- home, but' who are being forcibly 30 days oil prisontra in asutrsl Slissiag trains?' esnonieal robes and pastoral ataff rated tree. This practlca haa now cord. S-cup size. AC. tas,i Wood-Bros., 91.500; and G. Fox arrived to apply for a Job as maid. Kitight lived in TUtfson on the prevented from expressing your custody "will be entitled to their bMome world-wlto. They found Mrs. Sterbeow's body “River Road.” Nothing ia mote ~ This Chrfstm su, ghrs your {amily toe most priodsss gift of and put on. Instead, a brllUant rtd and CO., 92.044. 'ree will by fear, threats and freedom oo civtllsns.” kriteUng than -o wsteh that suit, lined snd trimmed with Norwich, Conn., waa among the Low bids for hardware, kitchen in a pool of blood in a hallway. Johnston, who was present dur­ stroogarm methods of certain ot Hull also exproosod "profound oil—too gift of security. Throu|)i a planned system of soviilgs mine qr a Isos axpenaivo fur. first dtiea to this area to dscorata equipment, and stage curtains State Police found the physi­ ing McClendon's testimony, said your fellow prisoners. admiration aad respect for the In­ won’t IcMp good tiase. To |xo- cian's car, motor still running, on tset ths aeourosy sf ywM watch with U. S. Savinp BondsI Where S t Nicholas .rods about ite paMtisil homes each OhristnMa ^ a l 918,219. under questioning that McKiUght "It is clear that your ao-caUtd' dian troeqw" who hove guarded the en hte famous gray boras, Santa season and aaoay people from this The 9410,855 general construction the bridge. Freddie J. Trosclair, 29, went to work for him In February, representatives arc withholding prisoners In Korea’s demilitarised hovs it iaspsetfH at least eoeo LEVEL DIAL told police he saw the driver leave tt^s smsy, W s ssfs, it’s gumrmnUsd! Buying too first Claus had rrindoer and a aloigh bld, 915,219 for other contracts, an 1953. He \testlfled McKnigbt -information and restricting your sons since last Septembor. a year. WeH do this far vou^ with which ha could gUdo throui' timated 921.000 lor cost of school the car, step on the railing and moved to Johnston's property pm. You'll bo omsssd ot how bond in your savings phui wifi be the easiest Oirislnus shop- BATH SCALE rnishlngs, and 931,000 for archi­ plunge into the river. which was “riot over 3 milM" tho oky ond over the chimney to] anwh better tout watch will ping you’ve ever done. And your ssrinp plan is gusi’ante^ ci til# world* fctects and engineers fees, temporary from the Blast River Road loca­ ■Mb teo after it jopeaned end oiled. biaurance, oil for heating during tion where MOKnight lived prior to work.--For too U. S. Treasury has already worfcsd out « After Santa Claus osCtlod In If lepelra are needed eeir e y r t America, he te supposed to have I 6.98 construction, advertising, legal and to the time hc\came to work for A SIFT YOW CHSO YMU filW Y awvsM will pot things right. ^oqmpletely sutosBatie usings p lu for A plan toft mofiei ^ther services, bring the estimated PW M other Knows him. you. creased the Atlantle' to Europe, An exoollont Scale tor cost to 9478,074. MOM aWNpft __ yoo uvo ssodey, and ol a good 39b interest toldng his new pustoms with 'him. ' Bonds totaUitf 9450.090 have been Sou Will Return 8ao ns ahont fstiing the I, whence they spread and are stilt your bath. Eosy-towood -furebased by <%ase NaUonal Bank KIDDIE PHONOGRAPHS ^ new Elgin DursFowsr . spiooding to psrto - of t|« lovdidialr ItebbarHiter- associated-biddersr------— ^^thKoy«a Drops Moinl|icia|i t e your watch.' Pajndt SaringaPhir ChHfltloii worid. 'vM I ' ' 918 a Square Foot (Centtaned from Pago Om ) $ 8 .9 $ AU thsao customs ore woya In piottomi. Rubber fool. On the basis of the construction Head of Assembly 1 / ymt mark for m company, go to tot pay ofice aoio Which people hovo sought to ex @2.95 250 lbs. No oiling. Architect Lawrence figured Mrs. Howe wore a black dress and sign up for toe Payroll Ssvinp Plan. On this plan, your prooo their deepest, toost oignlfl- the school would cost 915 a with a white flower on the shoulder YOU BUY BES'T AT F.E.BRAY cant spiritual raporienco, the square'foot with site improvement and black shoes. Her dark hair haa London, Dec. 33 teeur e ^ t i slmsscs for you aad y9i(f-filBily7 wiMjM jhiiur to Chrte- "ieiid W youfteW.. j moSfa* true Atthb low price, yodfr^ of Direetpra appropriated And the 58th psalni. 18th verve: "He hMh d e l l v ^ ^ y s ^ “1948 tioVe - Hated(Udm ■ Kftn DtrDa Bon"tor* Jahi toa PayitE S tTfiip P l l n l t o e t e ^ r w ^ tiaa iwbpio aS over the -ImrImC Wfi. lileaiWe cirafa»t wTraut d iife wont sovoro^ for ontor* Ww^lees after etedy by various Bong) as chairman of tha As­ peace from thi battle that was - rejoice la colebratiog the birth of SHONiV for wsri. bitorou, ie. feoti Se«i»r lentpiog-Jocki fine toining, losl-ssinuta against me, for there were many sembly Prealdiun. He was laat Christ; Bonio strong supporters' of the with me." mentioned on Aug. 14, 1953, when In Graeco It Is mors of a re- SSONfV for iumltwro, Mela Nyrdy teoHiew i . . plus iuppte 0 1.95" plfti.^ Doluxo qualitjk ichool building program have as- Pieping Radio said Communist #auir who herded- three women tellers 19 years ond In Sweden th# foeUvltles ore oteo doos oil ndxkig. iigbf fythlas, win mast tonight at 8 ernment at home. into a vault and.ssoaped with more • montok-sovo.. m t of a rollgtous Mturo, and tho cels- —weighs i«st 3 tbs. a'doek in Orange Hall. Election of U.N. TVuateeship OouhoU peti­ than 989,000. $7JO $15.75 brotlon bogina on Dm . 19 with the dfricera fbr the enauing term will tions detailed today soma of the Dressed iii Army clothee, he Lucln Footlvol In tho Irntd of tha riNSNCI CO.. INC. ld # a i to PlikMfilc E v ^ Pits in drawee. Hoqt be held. posed ao a customer, pulled off the' ‘nbahsrtdwtoiimlyntortypio ilezamzlMofm vinos fealsaad MANCNISTM (Ufficulties the French have .in hSwte Noth tto■ tJwoueh toy Smorgoabordi Lucia who was a rest. Oiftbqa. ACM Mm. Fm.. WMl IW. tJt M S-at WHtTI AND tkN ritory. eludad SUte and Military Police ysowanl.Ttoto through tho otreete with a circle •W fitO I • • sla Hospital in Hartford on Dm . alerted within mtnutee of the ipwtaattliitokatSwtysarPfosisdnyf ImMmm m m H m Om o m e U te m o ad adt SAODll KVPIM^ a to Mr, and’D te Charlas Cac' Because the Cameroonians ore of buritoig condlee on her head,- @ A dIsHncHvo fiMMa on untqvii sHl box. 6no 22x44* loMi among ths U.N.’s 90 miUion crime. cbla, 114 Boltai 8 t Lsst March 19 a man threatened Towel, two l'5 x 2 5 * ;f^ Tow^ enqi |wo 12x12* Wash Q oSm. M O O C R E V E N SPA ir trusteeship wards,, they can bring two of the same women and g male ^ John Austin iQile, aOn of Mr. ond to the top intepiaUonal orgjuUaa- enqtloye with a Jar of sulphuric « ¥ • tiM Gift m t H M rllj-w ith • vortoly of Iwmiy Aotfoe to MsmI wMi any Imihroom motif. JLowSa FOR Mrs. C b ^ es jrQ b K U


CUPTOMAMIAC Amw«r to PrtvMuo S e n s e Gstfing Abput a ^ a in !$ OefInlUono ‘J l i I r - y l t > » * ^ A C M to Brlde|room: A wolf who paid MRaniain too much for hla whistle.—B. V. again, it cwMhi bocb mmWa. 87 Lair ’ p O ' " . . 1 * v) a V •<®‘ ’ 1 Popular Raynor In Tarheel Banker. I kn«k» that work ia a atlmu« ■MOM of ©OWN TalavlBlon: Summer atock In an hw; It’a 4bo% who hava Inva in .j travol 1 Ptactlul iron lung.—Boatrlce Llllia, quoted thalr hearta Ufet ..at* tba doara JLPul^Ue _ -3 Toward tho by Kdward B. Roberta. and t*al fttpa ff"**"— nf riiaiihlad , vthielM Luxury; Any bar# neceaalty— aboltarad sldo I know that my life ia exaietly • "Shank’s - — '' SMoaiu t i with th# taxaa added.—D a v a -13 Winglika part Crown in Tha Ba;turday Evening what I mak^ it; only-aa I let travol on other people i^d other foroaa 1»> IS mRt’pii*''''*- IS Indian ituraa Pofl^ For a aaeioit. <864 wHs, every | C h arm in 9 Pair For Womon tracks Mixed company: What you are lluence me d« I fnllow them. f A f l m RACES, buck, To pibk up (tailea gifu 14 Soon lUncIfTom’s happineaa for Tau end Youra ia U Hawaiian 33 JewMi month 40 Ho gets about In when you think of a story you I know that It 1 live youth, I light aad faefttaRsd iaiong tkst IriB please bsyonA l^ m r s to homo 34 "Ship In a plane can’t tall there.—Richard Armour am young,g, if I Itya happlnaaa, 1 the .aantlmwit of ROBERT i .' the daalrA lisas of modern aimpU- aptta -ofrvNMdr hurribd M M M onal wikath BM fiTL.IM a. MS Stain itrast j ItHalpod S Prayorondlng SSSimpIo 41 Wooded in Tha American Legion Magastna. am happy;ir;.lf 1 attempt worthwhile clty ar* a trMB new item at nEwiNa'iypf^ I I Thawing ICltyinMaino 31 Malicious 41 Try Wife: A dish Jockey.—Suntime. thlnga, I ahall accoiripltah them. MARBUOM*S 840 Maim gOVet and 883 Mala Btre-st, KITS 7 Pronoun burning 43 Love god Night Club: A place where they I kiMW that thiB iMrId la not Do your aniall frjrlUta to make priced at 33.08. Matching LETTER with apoolB- of UtfsadL' gatoasrs. SCWrong . gingemasd man .with you,» ber 31 Got about • Cripples 37 Splashed 44 Whine take tha rest out of restaurant and man’a only abiding place, alae RACKS at 81.00 are Ideal for Uilmbla and assortmaiit t Opposed 30 Pta name of 41 Poruvien lut tha din In dinner.—Readers why the human aapiratlpna which Tore Chrlathtak for tree deebn-- Stockings; .grkb ' bags or "socret all attraetively gift bogaid begin rapidly on tiona? . After you have the cook- at 31.19. I’henthcriarsMBlWOrtS toot 10 Sturgeon Chariot Lamb Indian igaat spring from our haarta and remain ps!’’ remcmbrancss. MtNIATCRE •Ifs 30 Lampreys 47 Chest rattle for a time uMatlaflad, \ lea cut out, drasa amall cord loops HIIKRICANE LAMPS to gtvs.a NETS in sippered leather cosea. 33 Burdtn Into tha back of tha heads before and bandy SPOOL RACKS, #ome U H o gets about J! 31 Mistakee 40 Whirl ' Mr. AatorbUt wanted to hava a soft glow of light sr* 31.00 wm- 33 Property item M POMeesive baking, an the little flgures will lsto with rod caitdls. CANDELA- with covtra, also BOBnNMACKS, with Andy portrait painted of hia wife. The unimaginative brothir of St 31.00. limited supply of NEW 10 Liking 30 Deft pronoun Hia friend. Mr. Ootrox, recom- be easy to bang an greon boughs. RAS that a hostsss wUi use often 31 Covering of a well-known artiat waa aortiaddiat SLANT n e e d l e PORTAMJBS atced nmnded an artist. gfor candlcUgbt dinners or buffets 1 1 Jealous of tha way paopi* talked O'reatlnga bt OhrlatnuM to Beiga only ia availabla. 37 Ohaerve P-r 1 1 r AatorbUt—la hit work lifelike? In glowing phrases M hla brother ars 12.30 for the doubis, 38JSO for Ootrox—Lifelike? He'll do a And all GOOD WIBHBS for tbs triple and tbs low provincial 30 Automobllt but never gave him a thought. Ha Firs Bah part A ( it portrait of your wife so natural Joy and Happiness are extended candleholders ars 31.78 a pair. Do ■ f i - O had reached the ataga whet* ha . to you by Wio CMnENBY BROm- Tou'll help allay ftar of 'naah 33 Patten that you'll Jump every time you paid scant attention to convarsa- \ see the table model WELCOME » CawrmiWMUMoo.lM. d •' ' ' A A EBB r e m n a n t gALEBEOOM. fires (hiring the Holidays VlUi one together look at it tlona concerning hla brother. ' UGHT at 38.08, aa Old English raproduction and for quaint charm of the .new glass IxUls' fitlad with StCemmenda 9 He nearly want to alaep one day esrixm tetrachloride. The fire bell Coorgo—I won the thada aa a priza at a bridga A r Price Tag Popcorn snow men are fun to the HANGING U Q H T marked party and don’t hava a bata for HI” ISAttock aa an enthualaatic admirer of the may ba attached to the tap of your 30 Assent H p It'a clearly marked—Tm nearly artiat raved ^ ju u L o n about hla make for youngsters' Vinter par­ 32.78. Christmas trss ss a prsoaution to 37 Horae color P sold paintings. ties. Form tha popcorn into tho evsnt of a tpotk irom Junior's S3 Musical tr fr Until I face the facts: balla in graduated sixes. While It's not Um early to start plan­ electric trains or exessriv* best OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB In larger type I see the Coat Admirer—But what I can’t un­ -Boxel Gift Tewels OUT OUR WAT BY J. R. WILLIAMS directions P derstand la how two brothers can they are still soft, stick tha baUa ning your trss-trimmlng suppers ssts the treo aflam*.. Tbs best For favored friends or your pwn 40 Get about in IT" M ft In sinaller, "plus the tax.’’ logethec with wooden akewars. especially if a few friends are .melts the fusible metal. j^Uriiing US-OLP/IoONT Grtfe OP- —Ned Wadllnger be so dlaaimilar. Tou’r* an tail > sweet home the BOXEO GIFT AU. WE COUtP DO 1 and your brother it quite abort, Use gum drops for tha snowmen's Joining your family to balp with the hhemlcai oyer the trss to ex­ TOWEpl at the MONTGOMERY HVZa‘5 OUR TRUE dtORV, E6AO.X 1HE mP. MASOKI 41 Wager H features and button#, and stick dseoratlng tha evergreen. Make tinguish a flash firs to a split sec­ WAS WALK ON OUR * 9Cpr6/}^^^KfXB'6 «0M8 Theae Things I Kaow ian't he ? WARD COMPANY are s perfect HANDS AND SUCH-10 UNCLE AIW75 — WE H6AR[> 43South , P Brother —Tea, ha frequently Is. them on with a bit of sugar syr­ the menu simpla. You aould have ond, say tha manufactuedrs, ' SHOW OFF-ID SKLSt ^CHRISTMAS/ BT IT 9r I know that this day will never solution to your last-mlnifte buy­ VOU LUST ALL'iDUR MONE'i; Amoricen up, or with halvas of toothpicks. canned baked bean# heated to a ing for Christmas. Guaranteed BUTTHESE KIPS-- KNEES^GRAMD/ C animal $ come again; It ahould therefore bean pot,«rlap atrips of bacon, cole Flower* f*r Ymir Chriaimwi Table $0 WE OSClOED TO be the beat day of my Ufa. I grew three aquaahas from a to pleaxe, there wdil be no need PLAy^ANTTV.'- 4Sltevolora Hnaio la a Gift slaw,' reiishes and hot rolls. FAr A t this aaason of 4M yaar, frsah for exchanging due to wirong aise 40 Milky ligulde P I know that true happiness ia a single atem in a 4-H Qub project. PORTABLE RADIOH a# aeon in dessert hSve fresh fruit, a preview flowM* .nontrast aofUy wttb the WE'Vfi SEEM thing within and that when I be- Jeanette Davis, Dadevltla^ Ala. or flt. The CANNON ROSE MAKiNS MOLLV ■lltoock i t h e BtlOOET CfBNTEE. 91 Cen­ of your Christmas cockles,. and harsh gUttsr of tinsel. The JOYwE QL'EEN SET at 32AS Includes 1 lots of coffot. rL O w iw SHOP M Oburcb Strest WCEATH6 AND, IS Song foe one 9T i b CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER ter atraei at* glfU that may be Bath Towi^l, 2 Face TYnvela and 3 PeDOUNS lOWatckaMiid choMit.in a few limited shopping has Tabls Artangsments and Cor­ Wash Ciotha in ymir choice of sages that 'radUMa an au.a of » M » V « r b M Hifh prieet R R Ft minutes tomorrow; they are eo Belle-Mlan*eer Hosiery yellow, blue, pink iliac and green. IN6SA (M.) light for JuM about everyone you Tbls 'proportioned HOSIERY fragrant msliownssa. Tel. ML Or aeletrt tho CANNON ROSE IS Allowance tor If remembor at phriatmas be it boy from BITKTON’R 841 Main Street 9-079L ■ TRIO for 81.45'in pastel' ahadea. waste ja MiApytUR Op, or girl, coHag* student or home­ ia. a satisfying solution to your The Jt’VENILB SETS o f Bath /B COATS, AkkpTI maker. For the 'family chauf­ last minute gifting problems. In Here's soms handy kitchen Towel and Wash Cloth wrlth col­ BUGS BUNNY feur a CAB RAPiO would be a J A C K E T , silk and service weight, BELLE- arithmetic; You'll get about % orful animal chenille ' applique 4 r p u i welconM aeieosaory for listening RHAHMEEK stockings are knitted cup diced drained pineapple and would delight the small-fry at pleasure in the New Tear, 8 0 2 3 to conform to leg and ankle lines abmt cup Juice from a nine- Create loveiy linens wtUi these 34-S3 <1.'9S. In a plastic cylln^r 8 not by pressing and shrinking over ounce can of sliced ptnesppla, beaotlful deaiimx combining cro- FINGER TIP TOWELS available Matrtm's dress and Jacket two­ rhated and embroidered rose mo- Episcopal Church TM BaTir Braatl Nut Frtritcake some. a shaping board, so the ankle at 31.95. The PERSONAUZED Tbraa cups Braxil nuU (3 pounds fabric is no thicker than calf Easy Christmas Sundae: whole Ufa Work the motifs and edging SSTS marked "His’’ and "Hers' CHURCH and LOCUST STKEET9 Pattern No. EII23 Is in sixes 34,' fabric. In three legsixes the BEEV cranberry aaues apoonsd over to whits, sad the sprays to simple unjtkanad^ 1 pound ahalled) l.pound 88, 40. 42, 44, 48. 48. SO, 82. SUce srs suggested for a couple's flrst grattkmJdta^TR. t pound seedlaa# with the purple ^ g to g . tor, email vanilla ice cresm. I f you like, you stitches and soft colorings. Christmas: twro Bath Towels and 88, 8t« yards of 39-lnch; % yard may heat the sauce when you take Pattern No. 8357 consists of hot- raiatRS)-.3 >eup > (8 ounces), diced, oorttraat. women; MOOITK ^ R h green twm Wash Clottar at 3S-9S. edging for the women of medium it from the can, adding a little iron transfer ior 2 pillowcssea and mbiiaa gteMd fru^. one 8-ounce Jar -Pattarn No. 8023 Is in sixes 34, ^ CHRISTMAS EVE, 11:15 PJB. roaragipibio- (harries, drained, 1 height and the - ©CCHES.9 with brown-.akgar and cinnamon to it. full top sheet, color chart; com­ 38, 40. 42, 44. 44, 48. SO. 82. Size red edging for tho tall wroinen; also arid then India tt over the ice plete 'crocheUng Inetturtiona and Candle-light Service and Holy Conimunron envatOSt'ilimavored grtatin, 1-3 38, 3 yard* of 45-lncb. Two pat- - The Inquirer cup orange JUlce, H cup atigar, 3-3 the C LA m C , the outstse stock- cream. material requirements. Senior Choir" ' tfirns. asnd TV III Cnlii*, your nemt, cup anaulinu^ i^assea,, 1 t**- ing for largest legs. In Mw hulldsy ~ (EtSFCBr^s Begto i f T035)" spoafl.'lpDdlia, :1 taWeapoon gratdd For these patterns, send 30c for shades priced at 31-38 fo il.ftSpick 1984 Diariea aad CSaleadar Bedlis address end the Pattern Number aqrh. In coins, your name, address, to ANN K CABOT, THE MAN­ AMD — ^ orango nd„%' teaspo«m aadh cln- up at least one pair with glamor­ It's not t:p soon to be thinking nifoneg,nag, «lov*R M -tea- sixes desirsd. and the pattern num­ ous black seams vr black heels. of the meW^YEAE. Be prepared CHESTER EY-ENINO HERALD, fiuth Miiieit -THE evSOBTIMA CMKP. nanHNi, ber to SUE Bt^RNETT, ‘n iE 1184 AVE. AMERICAS, NEW spasR aach 0 UW‘<»* ahMAT* Sea the non-run mesh for its to reooril the evety day happen­ Nx3%-lach leaf MANOHRSTEB EVENING HER- YORK $4, N. Y. Doubting Hire Most Realizo CHRIS1MAS DAY, lOiW A.M. line R O*n -xani wearing qualities. . • ings with a POCKET DIAEY frem Presenting the complete Anne ALLEY OOP Persuasion BY V. T. HAMLIN loaf V pans TVrux3t4x2 .\LP, 1100 AVE. AMERICAS, HARRIHON’S 849 Main Strest Marriage Forever Chaages pan, -or 3 NEW YORK 84. N. V. Cabot Neeolev.'iirk Album, pfrec- . Dgytiine'Celebration of Holy Communfbn (nchea with two ■strips of waxed Ever have tfoubla with your w’ho also carry the EVEftE.VDV -Uons for puppet ipRtena, bas'ic em­ dOMV'.ooR air I Basie Fashion for '38, Fail and CALENDAR REFILLS. For home Can a marriage that has gOM to Combined Junior Choir and Boya’ Choir PKXiTHMCiNaSUrMHIilAaOUr paper, *xtamttegw^*PM'inches WlnVer, is a complete guide in yeast breads? Then watch to see broidery stitches and grand de-' ^CMTHOWnOS m SCARED V EUGIACE..HCXV above rint. Set aalda. w or offiee.'.gtvo HIM gifts now for the very .brink of divorce ever he APFMt Whi. planning a praettesL new-simple that your 'dough is at about 88 signs ar* printed in this issue. 28 OFYOURLfLl RARDHEGO, Put Brasil nuts id 4i large mix­ degtoes during rising. If the doug',1 next, yes-'a uasfttasaa. cents. the sanKreigain?. B4PAND 1 OL' PIS10L? A FUUA HOLES? ARMORED TRI ing bawL Flnely.'Cniah griAam wardrobe. Gift pattern printed in­ DOamwtNT side Ore book. Rend ^5 cents today. iSitoo warm the bread t# likely to Tiiat ia the qudstlon raised by a <§) crackers wlGif''‘a' rolling pin;; add hav# a coarse tealur* and a "yeax-' Make the most of appl'ca at holi­ I SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27 to BraXU mita wHh ralalns, glased tv" flavo.-. If the dough is tO(^ cold, day lime.' Such a crisp, crunchy, Oavar Y«Mr BMMay BvRet wife who writes: "My husband.and frniti'and -maraschino eherrias. comfortable fraiti With CHRISTMAS COOKIES. 4:00 T. M.— Eeatival Service tnd PageRilt Are Yon Still Wrinkllag the bread may be on the heavy side 1 w«re on tbs verge at getting-w For Young ChiRlren—Jonbr Choir ' doften gelatin in orange Juice; Your Brow and low to volume. Serve a n ^ s linr . top-favorite OCPCAKES MMI L A T U CAKES divorce when we tame to our place over boiling water and stir ______way when^gbestii drop in—or for from the PINE FASTEV. 454 lOvor what to give HIM? Why senses and decided to forget the 7:00 P. M.»(Fe4tiy4l SePvlee and PAgeant unGI gelatin la dtsaolved. Add aug*- n*L a GtFT CERTIFICATE from Oeotar Strest anS let yoiu- gue*U c ! Aro Ymi StUI PYaatlcMly Lookl.g i fnjH until it glca; , pisca r ott i on ^ a feast their eyes and . appetites.appetites, past and stay together. I love my For Older Children’'—Hoys’ Choir , ar; atlr until dieaolved. Pour mo- the NASSIFF ARMS COMPANY. For tha last-mtout* gifts that laaaas into Urge bowl of electric 1018 Main Street made. oiu. for toxy xuaaa MS-p — 'nd it.i Let PKinr^AViNMuMi'-STOIlgCPt _ huataMhg^- J::,B*n*stiy IMlieve Sunday Jlohiing 8drvlc» «t 9 A mMer; add gelatin mixture, va- will b»‘ qwich Iw choose and slow wrlth Basic Ro^< or .’round'out thk tefrssbmenta«it tawL t that he loves me. Do you think _ any aihount redeemable a f anv to ba forgotten? Tha JOHNSON p%: ~yj. 'M V j M 9 niilk. oranga rind and apices. Boat time. He gan personally select Dip. that our marriage wriU ever again r. M. vTK Pel RfL on highest-speed of electric mixer PAINT fXHdPANYam aFT 499 KfTs Main a. To maka the' ftdq'uefort^com-} DwaLcblleettog mgs ar* im be------tba-— way --it------used— to be, before we IQMbf J^ROMtOfc lEB. hla favorite SPORTING' 009.0.9 - 1 18 kiinutbA Add to Braxil nut-fn«'t to round out hia present equip­ street auggests LKAFT aUTS .as ;pan(mcnt we allow # ijuaffer to a lhenlthwaad taouid ba avoided »■) •g!‘*ad_on (tlvorce? V ^ \ mixture; blend thoroughly with ment for Hunting, Fishing, Ooif a rewarding paatima for young aad naif, pound of. R^uefort an^ a half badraoam. 'O f course. It won't be the same. ”No, I didn!!t writo • fottor to Sinti Criuo! Santa Claut spoon.' okL Sinoom-.,. no special artisWc talent o* dieess to Xtshd « And the real threat to your hap­ or the .accompanying Wearing nor training Is needed, the gift Is tot caroloto and wroto a latter to mo!” Turn Info prepared pan. preSe- room tempMatur* to nattan. Next Ar# Tan SUM Undecided? piness is in thinking it might be. Apparel. There ar* two floors immsdiatsly a new found Joy and We work them tdfiflVef'Yriith a Ing with spoon. Fold waxed paper of quality merchandise from which .If you have adCHtional "eleventh For if you do, you'll ba disap- CHRIS WELKIN. Planeteei Thistle’a Terma BY RUSS WINTERBOTHAM hobby. The TIE K iT enables you woixlcn spoon snd then. fores pointeiL BOOTS AND HER BU001B8 UnbcHcvable over (;aka, pteaa down with handa to chooae. hour" gift a)Kq>ptog to do, why not ^ Tf doairad. garnish with addlttoiwl ______to turn out a diatiiictive hand-L.JJmaigh.Ihrough A . jllM______, f lev* to ' malts uee y iP T c iaMHFICATEg for «my vBitytvm.wr THEY'LL BE painted nccktis tha flrst tlms you ismodUi. After tbei «.*# thin wlih pdsaible. and being disappointed ^71tArPi!ECI0l«Um.E maraaehlno cherries and. allead Cooksd shrimp and cooked snap amount from the Electrical De­ wmi youABOutD. RELEA^DAE w vt Brasil huts. Chill in ragrtgerstor 0 try; overythtog: you need at 31.98. | cream or meywuiaie* -the amount part Fhcn you don't achieve it. aeoept MUSICIAN! ME<9 WITH r . beans, when combined with a Tbm the COLOR A GREETING drpenda . ^OONA$WEVE U^IOENTEETAlHIIIE to •' hours. To. store, wrrap In alu- Theey ar* redeemable at any future the teet that any human relation­ WONT BE a u x o t i j savory cream sauce, mSke a One et 32.00 has 18 unique att-purpose {tog spread (m; e dip—end add ship — even marriage—ia fdrever ^A«LyooroF : rew...nothin6 mlmnk, foil and keep in refrigera­ supper gesserole, Season the time for roctplents' chedee of EA6ER'aP6N00r tor, A '- card# ready for you to hand-deco-' dashes of Worcestershire eauce end W AFFLE IRON, CORN PQPPER, changing. beach OP tOUR BurTHEBE^rK sauce with Worcestershire, celery rets with Oolnr-Tex penciU to 8 I celery salt. W * serve our best fruit fWttJL^lP&L thJ final tost malMMl a n melted,. Continue ## buying with only one more’ shop­ frosting will hold Its shape whe'n New Yanr,; neither of you .'really wasted a ■■■■■ eta* Sea the BLOUSES AND PRISCILLA'S POP The Ambush BY a L VERMEER d'lraeteA . If daalred. light Or dark ping dey b^ero’ Chrtstmss, be as­ forced through p pastry tube. Now mVEATBRS at TOTS I f TEENS, divorce. MICKBY FINN A Timely Thonfht I corn avrup may be subatituted for sured that THE LITTLE SHOP tint the froating the desired shade Tiny ater-ahaped cutters mr« 854 Main Street. They are beauti­ In short, ypu'll be looking'’ at LANK LEONARD molasses. 817 Main Street has a gay. color- with a few drope of food coloring. available and are useful at holiday ful and practical. You’ll find every the gcKXi aide of the marriage you HEV! MAYBE ful HOtmBDRESS to thrill every If you're not using a paatrv tube, time, Maks-pimiento atara v/ith *i=e from l-4x and 7-14, aaaorted have, Initead of feeling that the .T W e V ’R E NEu,Pmvi NAPA i » w m a t r i nunjusTim ry-jawmio iliM w ar F W BMM feminino heart on ymir IWt. Priced thm th* frosting with a little more them-f*r toa^ng greanrvagatables paatH Shades and' deep' tohea In marriage "la a failure aimoly-be. ^ IM THE S oumrm or caasaroloa. (mRPim Jvmmuoat J XMBUtPHU AS .» — The variety changed it from 'What It was. CELLARL miaiita»im!< rwmeoir, 4 Dom m E A sctiedula of your .tavorite Enjoy today and plan for to­ -I- TNAnouoouLprrFwpy na positive! anp M FACT. POR PC mTurns! y>nw PUyjTMNKWE FLABH .BCLBS, far holiday pic- of clear sparkling colors ia at once Canned fig or plum pudding are Glaas cooking uteiisiia soaked to SONMV. tura iMppIng fgo'm THE FALLOT radio and TV programs can be morrow. That’s a better recipe for, MM,PM! AM NWSURE f AS LONGASI KNOW MtiNCEOF pc y KNOWPCfdCm SNOUIPPUNOME MORNMO! appealing. ''Know. too. that ex­ time aavers for holiday dlniiers. a solution of laundry bleach and M T C D ^ C e n U r Stteot. changee win, be gladly made. But give them a ho’nem'ata touch kept near your set Aa a handy water ylU emerge free of atub- a happv marriage then looking VOUJOSTDMTMASMe jlNATNEGOBIDTMEf ipmi nswwM IV ins WTEK! j T saipwushoumt NMCNKSPHAS! reminder. back wiatfi'llv at ■yesterday. THAT >00 SAB MM T«ACK,IUnHP f For lasPminute ahopping nothing by aervlng them with herd eauce born atalna. fiMimgttamt "flilsi the M)|!,’ better than cam­ (All ri»hfa reserved, NEA -MMOOHmEUAStfS? Remember to store your plum made with pert white and part ?)nM-MOBMtyl era SuppllefC' EMd. ittoU'll And many brown auger. After weabing e foundatlcm gar­ Service, Inc.) ^ MMOMONt A t piidding to a 000! place, -tha Ittwer ment. hang it over a rod or.Jay it ttav* 80% on Bug* photographic kegMsorlea at Fal­ ahelf of your rei^^rator IM a Have a 9’xi3' RUG gift, wrapped lot's 'that ,wtH take only • it min­ ■|hx>^r- car« of house planter Ih- flat to dry, (Hrdleo idiould never good ptogo. for.lt. ,Jlf your pud- be bring b y ,their garters. for a wonderful Christmas aur- ute to sele^,. but you’ll be thanked 'dtog i# a very larM one, you can nfeiAni. Drtivldl’ng them with plenty prim^and S A ys 80% aa a apecial by the hour. Ingtraction-in GrIUt cut oil-the amounT'.you will need dfau^^t, water, and air. CbUrir^'a Bicj’eles holiday “bonus" t* vou from the ' ■-'rr— ■■ , for a' meal, and heat it ia a dou- MaitdoliR, Violin. Piano For an orange *g g nog, break ' BICYCLES and happy mainorica MANCHESTER CARPET CRN bid bnUar.; Chenille Rohes of childhood remhin insepMsble. Is VRE, 80B Main StdeeL Many Accordion and'Drams an Mgrtate jmm cups ^ orange he ahadea te flra the tranginattoit. Tulcewd b m vlTOrohw with you'r-child reedy Yof a TRICYCLE, decorato r -colota-and patleriia to ■.vauaMs (Uwf^^pmsh.: and' ^ Barvs at nnoo. When grating, take cafe to re­ WARD COMPANY arc a Joy to Orchestra For Hire VERV! 50MM THCT RUEriK ^ rmOYIMe WfcAPttKAT Street "‘‘House of Santa'' .dtab KUO with your dholco of border . HMK THE BE»r OUR move only the colored portion of. behold, to slip Into. lit sixos rang­ aaodela » JUfAtiam And. ip black, groan, gray or maroon. TESTED ay PIM M MODEL M MUkEsf IT. UAJORl 1 PROW^UOT OH.OW.'SOUNDS ) s ‘AvV ing from 10 U> 44 and prtcod from iscEunsrscMiOEVife THEM. TWS TEST m iC M lE D TO i g l AW EMWte.lCN ' 0»e . _ makes irf Ri m UiAmzs beat They are reventbl* tao.: DUBILOO /TW$MEMI3 cousnuT CEUTERGNE5MK- TICCANPtUtAL VTO BUILD (M E L W IT I WANTRO fo r a low 34.00 there are Dustera as to the n s ^ of your growing '^NeSENtailDDEVELOr « 4 E BUKDERS R .^lAWCIIHS SUE, ^ WSTMAS/^ A fyuiatmaa” Wiah well aa full length Robea, some youngster. Mtagnalne Racks I TVPEttMPMrWK HACETOPOTMAT.'" 'T FroSrttae PINE PHARMACY belted and fitted with turn back ■ For: thota laat mminute shoppAr MUISIC CENTEil EMSTNSa0DEL5! A a ^ a v o R 844 Cenfet' Strpet for every happl^ cuffs and interefUng pocket and When, resting eontainers gUed BKM rS, m e , 743 Mato Street 184 MIDDLE TPK. WEST TiSwiCIAUS- ness at this .Christmas Season aiid collar trim. with liquid on rugs, plaeo n ll|invy suggasts Maple or Mahogany TEU ia-4-4S48 throughout the New Tear. sheet of paper bcjaeath Ui« am- MAGAZINE RACKS as ri useful. iSif^pa Here’s how you, can anchor ...... ■ MAiK a-L tsiner. This prdteitta thk (DA%*t danoyaUva gift idea.' Roomy A ' stiff bniah or xteel wool and throw niga: wind throa preservliig a / —T».-w— HAire • m COR" from apHla. f ' enough to ba really practical and a gofd:' Bcrubbing powder are all Jar rubber, rings together with Ughtvanoush to ba: carfled from that la nqoeaxmry to clean brick-jthnad and sew them to the Fluffy-suBs bn a barely damp 'room ta'Aoom they are taggsd work,' I corners. spong*.irtU frAphon heavy-textured frm wISjfK 24 Hou? sofa ujtoblatsta. It also wipes Aip sticky amud|^ on llght-flntihsd iklad on n Ambijlanc OUTFIT wood Fork. • egg atatoa S'.'f’,T! ' Tho’moro your homo' fte a ^ , Is •JnaUhjMML PUNT '3-Z3 opened, the higher the oparaung r Yttnfart and Color Familiar Name BY MICHAEL OTNALLEY THE KTOR MARTHA R'AYNI Meetint Steve. flost. So plan to remove a whole At KSMPn, INC, 743 Mato BY WIIKON SCRUGGS day’s food supply at one time. Btraat you will b« able to obeok aoMTTiaa«7euii , NOW VOU KNOW HiB ¥OumhH§iKTtOlnmON») SO0H,XM Off the. (iniuteiht names on your ‘aaOeyANBNTMTTIN© JUarLM ARBALiON aLMB-TD TSKB HiH Tb THB I^STEVEJAMESOf/a 'S YOuRa MOrsoRK, iffy M iv V0U POa60TANDtJRrTN«uekB../^,,rt;k I 8HLIpaer Socks for the Family Christmas nst when you aeo the IDMB-ANOaoOD* CHMgtWMFWWaMrAND VIC. Burvout»---- ' - - COM0M1DDINNBRCOM040 ID DINNBR L , FROM OUR Outfititfit the entire - family with 'complete assortment of HAS- N H * MNOWB 70U A M aoNa’ iANQUBr. Hi thousht LMBMIC. ■A ye It; rTOMORBOW AFTERNOON.,. WHY l o a fuTMCKv waa warn colorful "RIPONS," the all S0OKS Ml nTCry traaglnahlA ahapti: VOU wawB anu. our OF ' VOU COMETDO^OAV, IF S t '^*** TH»d-.Hi wool knitted aUpper pock, from the round, afou*, oetaipm, kidney TOWN P ^E O lM P R iE gE O THAT HE MINTED TD FOK YOUR npaiON ~ YO/O LIKE TO. BOYS’ Bhoa DapartmenLbf C. E. HOUSE or ohioiig, and the prtoee rang* . NNy iq «iP 4 ^ OVMt.^ * SON. fed Main Street. Cbmfort- from 33.95 to iie- Zorn* hair*, • C4amfa*aly ,(4oky Farm they are a hinged tops {|||^>r(mmy atotrafp ifhmra are di’a^ty tb>a space even to M V for aowv D ^A RTM Em ; An# ■soea4wrle*, .>,'i-AU eorerod te ■ ■■ ■ ' “ laotlc, the ^l^Hskteg'Rteasaa riwuld not b4 ||iNh>»te 4 ittat mAtkg.Ai* esMiy removed With gold.„too|i .silvptWaM F ite stool wool tope tW a isR ' ■ h i . #40. 'HW • j- -i*,5,\,J|,. . ,s„ .. , >. ....

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANr” =’«»TER. CONN^ WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 23, 19?8 NANCHIfiSTEB BVBNIKO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 23. 195S P 4B O i‘' ie’s Drive-In Cagers Trounce Nassiff Arms, 95 to Windham Crushes Hig^ Quintet in CCII. Contest, 62 to 41 'i'. National League Rookie Delight^ at Trade In d ia n a Drops Wide Open Top Scorer, Pby»5l|lkEr9il^yolde Rrid Initial Game Two Sides to Bo wl Games, Thread City Qumtef ? IV.I — H a s Honors to Junto Oregon State UpM StS; Look Bothr Ways, Take Pick No. 1 Ranking Team; DmcI and Forman Set New York, Dec. 23 (Jf)—James Rec Results New York —(NBA) -rlAl'a see. Indian* Suffer Fourth ! (Jiuilor)‘ Gilliam, who took over Wildcats Win No. 6 Pace in Rec I^ g u c ; thstr, sUda riilaa. Tbt EngliMcra a rt YYliare were we now? waak up tha middle,, where FeadiUc L obb in Five StarU; Schoolboy Scores second base for the Brooklyn New York, Dec. 23 ( ^ —A- . Caawrs* (!•» _ ' BA’s Sign Two New p a r Pis. Miller’s Turn Back Oh, yeah. It waa a year ago, [ Wyant and Company will mpvt be- I Dodgers last spring and handled change In the ratings of th e . col­ and Uwre was thin billowing' hind Bob Orders. West 81, Morhardt and Johnson I _____442) I the Job like a veteran, was named 4 Wasaales. f ...... • 1-J i* Cameras^ 70 to 85 lege basketball teama appeara to 4 ferver. f ...... J (VO 4 haxe of cigar Bmoka and behind Oeergte Tech 19. / I the National League rookie of the I Davis, f ...... I .OMermnn—Bobby .Dodd’s Ram- > Hit Douhle Fifnres Players for Saturday j year today. be In order today following top 3 tion of America gave the tA-year- victory without a loss. iii Totals ...... l l M4_ro Hartford Courant ... 8 1 .780 Dame. The Mountaineers won’t Bristol .... 0 1.000 I, Etbriot*,;tbridt*. e torto, former VllUnova lU r and i old native of iNashvllle, Tenn., II Mlllsr-i («> „ ^ Naaslff A rm s ...... 8 3 ,900 artist peering through the man­ HaU...... c ...... Newcomer The Hoosiera from Indiana p a r pt* m ade. nimbus and between puffd be able to cope with that fast at­ a veteran ABL backcourt ace with rotes, nearly three times that of found the task of beating 12th 1 ArrsrI, rl . . 3 1-.1 Harm's Cameras .... 2 3 .400 tack, aparkad by Hardaman. m s Mtriden ... 3 llohomhsl, If ...... 13 3.4 elipping in acuta contradictions. * T Bridgeport, and the University of his closest Htal, Harvey Haddia, ranked Oregon State twice in as 3 Demkn, r ...... 4 34 Miller's Restaurant .. I 8 .400 and Turner. Went Virginia ia slug­ Windham .. ,667 ' Dluingar, g ... St. Louis (Cardinals southpaw many nights too great a task. Af­ 14 Mayflower Restaurant 0 .4 .000 The pontifical physiognomy be­ Middletown Connecticut's famous Vin "YogT' 4 rinslrv. f ...... I M longed, of cmirae, to pundit ex- gish on offense, toe. Oeergln Tech pitcher. Haddia received four ter whipping the Bgavera 76-72 In 1 Johnson, g ...... T 4-4 84. Went Vlrgteln IE Manchester Tokabaskas wili. Join , the British r - t - r traordinaiY HanV (Jraysoh, NEA Totsls votca overtime Monday night for their It Toiais 8* iJ ii Frankie's Drive-In incraasod ...... <... 34 1481 a American Club in tim eldr the Sat- Gilliam, most valuable player In sixth triumph, they hawed last their first place lead ip the Ree sports editor, a man who can By BAL TUBXnrOTON MaaekeiNr (4I> n - \ \ rx: 8eor« at hall lima, 31-35 Millar s. COTTON BOWL . R ui^ay night engagement with New the International League In 19.12 ; I e-**^-* " night 67-51. Senior League last night by go livid In a trifle. The intrepid Grayson—‘Bmna is an old Bowl Windham High dominatfd play Jobiuoa.uoa. f ...... 4 4 while with MontresI, but not even Pranklr's Drivs-ls lit) trifler had to be Murray Older- from beginning to end in WiUt- tauUttbsch.itttbsch. fI .0 Britain. Business Manager A rt Meantime second ranked Ken­ r Pis. thoroughly trouncing N assiff veteran wit’ a team that's just Col», r carried on the Dodgers' pre-season tucky's Wildcats won tbelr own Arms. 95-56. In the opening con­ man, NEA sports cartoonist. mantlc last night and potted a Laws. . Pongrats announced the new f D'Apic*. f ...... t 1-3 17 The subject of debate? The an­ gone through a Boetbeastern Oon- ac^sltlona last night. roster, batted .278 in ISl games. tournament with n 78-99 declstna 3 f'orman. t ...... t test. Miller’s Restaurant defeaM ferebca schedule undefeated. There eomlncing 83-41 victory over Parrctl.rctl. c_ ...... 3 He drove in 63 runs and included over LaSalle nf Philadelphia as 3 McQuernry, t ...... 3 nual melange of New Tear’s Day Manchester High. It was the Hob-nthal. . There will be more nmvcomers I Descl, c ...... in Herm's Cameras 85-70. can be nq better endorsement. The Waicik. a .. in his hitting, six homers, l7 they stopped the Explarers' Alt- * * • Howl games add prognostications Tide la deep with hard-runniiig fourth toss in five starts for the when the locals take the court. 3 Boras, a ...... 3 of same. fllv»r. «... Pongrats said wholesale changes triples and 31 doubles. His 17 Amcrien 'Tom Gola for the greater 0 l,eonara,>a ...... 3 PlNKlr HOHENTHAL, making backs. Alalwmn 14. Bice 18. locals who are now in tbe cellar Morhardl, a triples led the league. rt of the contest. The defeat was 3 Finney, a ...... 4 his debut in the league last night, You’d Uilnk that once around Oldcrman—Die toughest line in of the CCIL. Boa«. a . ., are to be made. 1 nustnmacHIo, g ...... n would be enough. You can't stay Foriln. a •• "Every member of the team in Thp Dodger second baseman Is CSalle’s second' la eight games. poured 37 points through tha nets the Southwest will ' 10190011194;# Paced by Billy Disslnger and the second Inflelder to win the The Philadelphians were Med with 11 ToUls t» 17-24 M to lead Miller’s to victory- Hohen- in shapt raising only the UtUe 'Bama’s ball-carriers. Kosss John­ Moe esquette, the Whippets com- Totstx ...... 14 ISd! 41 ■nlform last week was Bottfled rookie honors since Ihe award was Dayton for I9lh place In thic NassM Arms ,. Del Purgatorlo is a brilliant long teammate, Ray Jablonskl. Bill 'The second contest found Nas- ll! relar.ed late in the game. Mean­ now rolled up five straight wins, tions were asked when the James th e , middle, the Bruins will as­ game improvement of the Seon- SUN BOWL the Army ramp who he feels will Crosby .. {{I Total* ...... "ijij TiS ~M8 TSs power' solved a traffic-stopping w l^e Nasaifrs In losing, moved qualified as sportsmen and' gentiy- sume bail control. Eventually ers. Bud Wilkinson is great for Grayson—Mississippi Sou them "cheating" ao that inside men Caplo. a ...... 3 9>13 10 ’ McCnmb bio 34;; North No. I <•! t while,...... ClllI "Hsgen . scored 28 for xone defense l i ^ night and pulled E. Sullivan Memorial Award ballot men. could get opportunities to score. kelp the club. Their names rang Snari ... S 2 133 117 10.7 353 Kenftirkv In the consolation tack to third place behind the did hot include tbe names of-Mai cash in. If Cameron alows down,- getting n t^qm up for a game. beat biggies .'.labama and Georgia, Totals ...... li i]Ljg M a mrrv tune in Pongrats ear as ; Stcrk^l . 4|| n, Brnwn Rrnwi) ...... ](xi 3f, Ri i t^enitjcKy. away in the last q-jartar to stop a Hartford Courant. 'Tve never met a finer young- there's ehifty PrUno VUlsnueva Oklahoma has\(i trifle s p ^ edge stumbled only once ia 11 games. Dlasiiigtx and Bob Capla ignited fleorc at half Um*. 23.ell. REKREE .. I l l game, 13th rsnked UCLA defeat- Whitfield and Wea Santee, Amer 1 R Brotvn ... ;IP5 ■*“ Ftfrkv.e.-uher “ITS- Atmng laRalla-team, 78-60, in Ih^ ■------_* __a—a______Ijm yx. UCLA^ow -Maryland, urin Peppsr-4ted - Buefcy- ym dndr p4gJad,.qf89naa U u t .aaw. New Britain comes here with a WlccTijniw 72-67 after as far tourney final. Berliner. "I've had Whitfield to tbe■ Whippete— . take a 15-9 taad^ Total* ...... 577 RS R5 an IXIU DE8CI took scoring honera MED year. 14. MkUgaa Stele fi. incentive to upset\ the nation’s McElroy are rated top profeseional behind 14. points. high flying club that has averaged Sffiith .'IMhoilUl Km. UCLA took the ' dinner In my home and 'was proud materiaL Mlsstealppt Bontbeni 8«, Manchaater was bald to four hoopa. "in ^ *462 1496 Only ttvo othePs of th« top in this contest with 25 markers. So. what did the deer old Ams' OEANOE BOWL top-ranking team. Dklakema 19, Francig Scores 34 better than 100 points per game. ■ Maihi#«nn ...... M 114 41.1 314 Tout. crown by edging Duke, 72'^. Matty Forman, Jerry D’Apice, and ’ I of it. I've {raveled with these boys. GRAYSON —Marybuid's Terra­ MarylandMsrvtead 14. \ . Texas Westerp IE - It was wans in the aecond canto. The lineup includes Burr Carlson, > Spppd ...... « 87 18* ranked BO—North Carollaa State In a game billed m a baUlt of KeMtals teur AthleOc Union do? Attempt- to know them pratty weU. Tbe locals found tha net only once By DK. PHOO ALLEN , {.riNimis ...... R4 Ken Ptnney also hit for double fig­ pins merit No, 1 ranking in the SUOAB BOWIX Olderman—Those rawhide kids Mel Kleckner, Tommy Byrnes and UluHInP ...... S*2 TemiHe II'th Shiitiem (FfirfeiU (No. 9) and Oklahoma City (No. the All-Americas—dlff Hagan of ing to scconnt for lU ridiculous i Whitfield has been graduated while adding a half donen foul In Second Big Test Kansas Coach IM 296 ,*5)—were in action last nlgbt and ures with 30, 17, and 15 points re­ country, if only because there’s Grayson-n—WJiat could w the from the southwest srs tough. Eddie Rosmhrln. Written for NEA Service Jnhn.vm ...... 13?) Ij; Kill»,wn ...... !hi 12.1 309 Kentucky and Tom Gola of LO' spectively. For the losers Frank list of nominees — two divers, two: from Ohio State, and so is at tha that mammoth tackle Stan Jones beat cMlcgs material in the'coun­ There'll be a tendency to minimise Miote. Otaainger hit well on sets t Hnujrh ...... Hedse ...... R7 108 291 hath came through with victories, Salle—Hagan cams through with Nothinc to tend awny'for awimrasra, a woman hurdlw and mercy of the hnrd-hended AAU and ons banders. A well-built high Question: A lot of high sch KiclirtUs^r 98 114 S3 297 N. C. State (6-1) defeated little Toro was high man with 13 while in the lineup. In this clash of try Is gathered a t West 'Virginia. their ctianeca. and they’ll be play­ . Raleigh. N. C., Dec. 23 ( P i- The Brooklyn Dodgers sustained find a xone defense effective. ToUla 474 5* ...... 118 liW 117 .744 ley Miller and Tommy Deneen col­ just a little too big for the Soon- little Georgia Tech boys back to 10, Mlsdsalppi Sbntheni E tha brightest stera in tha OCSL. his small band of Rio Grands baiL season. The lone calcimine Job was N orth .MetMiHliKl Na. 2 to check the high scaring Beve He hit for 28 points while 6oia of dur own atock. governing b o d y , T*mpi,ton. the long-time SUmford to break it up? 2TS TetsI* ...... «rs 527 Ml 1343 lected 11 apiece. Isiadtng 89-17 a t iatarmlaBion, ketbaU sharpahootara tonight administered on July 11 by the H. Holnua Fracris, who connected for 84 flnlihed with . 16 ,fter being held ameered its greatsat stars and at-i coach, th*.that u*ithwith aailIi .h«the stuff aaboutKah. tha Yniippcta wert net content Answer: Never dribbir. Quirk, 'lyler ... IV'. ------points. Oklahoma City (5-6) Forman waa the big difference. Tukedoa, Cnlawaya and aO tractions. make their second start ia ns 3 Giants' rookie righthander, Allan sharp pa<>ses should be the order Bonham to nve through the flrat three The former Holy Ooss eager who Santee in newsprint there hasn’t They unleashed a savaga attack Worthingtoii, who simultaneoHsly PeTry Del Purjtfttorlo R..a«li .MrlhodIU •> (P.rreill turned hack Southern Methodist fom ul aeceaaoriea. SANTEE, THE MIUEE. it devel­ many days against n tep-naUng of the night. They keep the sone ninjitwll :Si r.lchnwiml ...... 108 ton quarters. plays with Manchester in the East­ been even n defense of him from in the third stanxa that built the club. set a record by becoming the first shirting and moving, koii alw.sys I ^ Amlrrri'n ...... 11!> 87 131 . 69-39 with Arnold Short seoriag Nonetheleas, the Bxpiorera from ern League didn’t arrive until mid­ ops, wanted a camera In Europe Bill Easton, his coach. Mental Fitness May Be Factor margin up to 26 potnts, 49-3E Only pitcher in modern baseball history Cincinnati reeled off 176 double­ get a' free man when doing this ** Perkin*...... SO 110 103 303 * 87 nolnts for a new school nurk. Pennsylvania made Kentucky Sght way in the first period. Once in­ last summer In place of. a. lot of "X fear sU ambitious young taro hoops wan acorad by tha In­ Bavo acored 84 points ngninst to hurl successive,shutouts in his plays in 1953 to top the National and he has a m Ide open shot on Toi«i» 490 612 428 15(10 Totel* ....;...... 317 M7 318 933 The N; C. State-Rio Grande for every point, remaining In serted in the lineup at the start of smaller prises. WhltneM ran-out. coaches are too wrapped up in juns in thnt ptriod. Pnquatte lad North Caroiinn State collaga ^ t first two starting assignments. i'ealer C'«*RS4*t Na. I Z:-B f.nllierss III game, wax part of a double-head­ strong contention until the tide REGAL M Perelto ...... 89 UH n Ifl-18 flrat quarter lend. Frldey night, Christmas, but will just who is Daniel J. Ferris to he and Bill Fortin. Moo Morhnrdt nnd bounds on the other side of the j Zawi«to»-*hI ...... H ~ Herb.' ...... 111 103 The Wildcats' margin was 32-37 resume Tuesday night with the the AAU, now snys precisely noth­ the Browns-IJetroit (Jons cham-I—except maybe for a fqw better Raynolds Coliseum. 25 Mclnio.ih ...... no ing wfll come of investigntiorts saying that Sants# would be Dr. F. C. "Pheg" Allen pionahip game Sunday. ; breaks." Gene Johnson did the scoring, spUt- court. The latter w hipped the ball I ...... — *-8.1 101 goals in the last quarter by Jim St the half and 45-38 after fllres usual doubleheader. Wake Forrat is the only team to a player who broke tree In the ; Pasiann* ...... 89 Young gave Santa Clara a 62-60 quarters, but Hagan snd Com- that, in n tnessure, arejitiU going barred for life if the mysterious tke Univereity ot Kansas, s Professional football with its i. The aix-foot-one 195 - pounder Ung six hoops between them to 'Which has defeated State, thia confusion and took the shot,"Tne ,'I'"""** 4.77 '473 Its 1435 Total*' COMPLETE 46?r "529 1498 decision over St. John'e of Brobk- pany.wcnt to work m ea.mett as ketbaU tekee ever clock docs SI. nrlil:ers (4) Il•lvar4'■ <•) lyn ih the-other contest. .< the final quarter opened*and soon ’’Whitfield'a Stockholm Incident "If the AAU had anything to do rows dojwi to a "battle of emo- „ eonridered the highest paid locnlE Francis acored seven points In 1 3iacN>#Iy ...... , f^2 M D. Cowlfs ...... 79 93 171 with collegiate eligibility it could day as editor er tbe "KefOree" HNOMCE the player in fair terr . P rio r ...... M tt9 Undefeated Brigham Young out had Kentucky sailing toward its has bean common knowledge since tions,” the p ^ ^ ace ^ “ mTiTiSdSSl HeldsTli Mnncheater plnyara aaemed to tho last minute of play 8g^daat T#dford 88 Sport Schedule RADIATOR 9 7 95 284 never have skipped over Avery Is festered In play under n strain. They were not oclvcs the ball. ISi#ivan i,,. M Bolin ...... 84 170 lasted San Francisco 68-61 for its sixth win without a loss this season Ust summer,’’ testifies Harold sa^tev. wuMute M — ..mm 9 e I MRUUlit broiich xMiiGtGri&£ *11 Jjl State to take scoring honoau from 'Sullivan , .. 9 2 Morton ...... so Brundage's fist statement that H w HeraM. relnxcd, hurried their paeeea and Q. How tall is Bob Petti ; M cC arthy • ...... 104 137 85 98 US$1 Seventh win.' Michigan State's and its 114th straight bomt-floor Berlintr, Pacific Association rep- *ONB DAT A TEAM if not u p ' surAnco compojiye ji thrice- State’s Mai Thompson, who had ann State’s scoring star? Crandall ...... 105 84 88 277 Tomgbt. resenUtive of .the AAU. "We went athletic scholsrsMpi’ professional-' Questtemt from raadire wU made them bad nnd ahot while out WE WILL BE CLOSED tsOOmiR ... 109 90 m Spartans also remained unbeaten, victory; Hillnaki’s vs. Pioneer, 7:15—Y. SERVICE 25. A- Pettit is a six-nine package of Toul* 469 538 506 1303 ...... winning 82-51 from Pitt for No. 4. Lou Tsioropouloua was Ken­ over thoee charges and there was ised the holders," he points out. bo iHWwered by AUei*. Provtouo- illy. G i^m aihM, -thra the next I ,tockholder ia n glft- of position. Thoy couldn’t shoot ia In the -first hnlf Fraacia was Total* .... *«0 *45S North Ends vs, Quey's, 8:M—Y. nothing in nny of them that could Johnny Lattnsr wns left- out of ly H w Herald festered baseball ttae. they all ke:^ up and; company, tho snmo class with Windham. scoring power. Other major games saw Iowa tucky's. workhorse. He held Gola Saturday, D9r. 86 closely guarded by S tate 1-8-1 M. Msiy'* (l> Slate defeat D t^ e 69-59; Rich' to an ineffective status until the • CLEANING hsva profesalonafilsed Whitfield the Sullivan. Award group beenuse "Umpire" eeites by Brnae they walk aU over you.” | The jayveo club trimmed the xone defense.-He was given mors CHRISTMAS DAY Nelwin ...... 104 119 109 ltcH#r H«inca (3> BA’s vs. New Britain, ♦— the nominating commlttea felt Keardea and football "Keferoo" As an example, he pointed out How much longer docs he intend Eldon ''Kip" ReoulskU the Cardi­ TItnm.* , ....:...... H — mond take undisputed possession Issue waa settled. Arittoigh- ' snd Snntee." __ Windham jayvaea in the preHmi- freedom after Intermission. Ho nal’s brilliant . fre.shman center- Bloodfood ...... 96 121 B#rx#n*kl ...... 85 80 9.7 358 BEEUNEE Aim EVEBYBODV that college football players are oertoa by Bed Oraago. how the Browns trounced the Phil- to play footbiUl? "I just don't aary, 61-58. Next start for the In- Luca* ...... 105 too 87 .101 of third place In the Southern Grola got 11 of his '18 points in Monday, Dec. 88 • REPAIRING know,” he said. "Each year after tried 26 shots and made IX. fielder, spread his 15 home-rvins in H sn rrn .. ..-...... 104 90 ...... f7 104 95 297 Conference with a 74-67 victory the last quarter. else who knows them will tell you not amateurs. Then it turned right adeiphia.-.Baglea 37-13 on O ct 10 dlnaa will ba against MldtUatowa Dtek Hemrtc, on# of Wake For­ and SATURDAY, DEC. 26 1953 over the entire circuit, hit­ Wslihrr ...... 98 HI Simmon* ...... *7 98 84 389 Quey's vs. Silk City, 7:15—T. around snd nominated Papa Hall. and then suffered their only loss of the season cloaes I sit down and. next Wednesday night in Mlddla- Clifford ...... —-.104 219 ClThtH";.,...... ""W 107 113 219 over West Virginian; Arkansas Immediately after the game, Hillnski’a- vs. Whits Glass, 7:30 • RECORING figure out what I'm earning In est’s nO-tima greats, wan. ssaily ting one in every National League rally from a shaky .start, to whip played before about 10,000 fans, Maybe the boiu-d figured that the season. 42-27, and one of the lown. tha big dlfferanca betwwiw tha park. That performance, however,; Toisl* ...... ~ m ^ Tdtali ... •T, worst in their history, when they football and in my other work and RE-OPENING MONDAY. DE^ 28 W. Jtsme* B-. 3 tit .;.*...... ^i74 IfS 473 134* Washington of St. Louis 68-50 and Kentucky Coach Adolph Rvpp tag­ Tuesday, Dee. 89 Hall's high jumping countcrsqted Deacons and tha AAU champs. was not. Pearly,as remarkable as HtMla Hhnppc (1) J ged LaSatle the toughest oppon­ Prompt aarvlM far all makaa his hsifbscking sins for three Maxim Prepares met again Dec. 13. make a decision on nsxt year. PLANTER FORD A. Aerto ...... 9* 131 Goodin ...... 83 81 84 248 1California' go tw’o extra periods to courant vs. MayGowers, 7:15— 'There'a one thing for aure, He sank 34 points and nceouatod his feat of 1951 of hitting for the Benito ...... 121 HU Const* ntin* ...... fm 84 93 275 : nip Hawaii 73-70. Bob McKean's ent of the year ao far for Ken­ Rec. hi our specially aUffat ratta> years at Florida Because of the mental angle, for 18 rebounds wbilo tho Cats’ cycle in the American Association Bolin*ky ,...... 116 127 Pound ...... 92 9ft ins 293 tucky. CKRTErS The Hall case is as amusing as Graham finds it hard to compare though. When I atert getting hurt New York — (NEA) —W)Utey J. Aceto ., ...... 84 114 Pum#ll ...... 107 basket on a follow-up shot and a Miller's vs. Nysslfrs, 8:30—Rec. lacjrtpair tepautasaat. For Moore Bout two tailor centers, Frank McCabe whilq registering a total of only E. P.genI ...... 114 11.1 M 81 282 1free throw gave California its And Kentucky Athletic Director the Ust of candidates for the Sulli­ teama the Browns have played a lot or not playing good. Pm Ford, the Tankeoe' southpaw, ia and Don Panwell, acored A total NINE homers on the eeason. JaO«r Man . 80 84 184! Wednesday, Dec. 8f , going lo quit" winning margin. Bsrnie Shively, announced the High' a t Middletown. van Award. since they started winning cham- laarning the'gardening trade. of nine. CARTER? Though several oj the league’s Totel* .... 331 384 Total* 380 M7 444 m i tournament, a big aucceas Rnan WORK OLOTHES But the smirching of the distin­ Miami, Fla., Deo. 33 (F>—Former pionahlpa in' their first year back This year has been one of hjs hitters doubled and tripled Re- Green Manor vs. North Ends, world's light heavyweight boxing ia 1946. worst for lajurtts. He suffered a dally, would be continued ytar 7:15—Y. guished athletes, Mnl Whitfield nnd * NINE BBOOBDS pulski's number that year, ''Rip’’ '! fk. IftnrE t (t) IsAhaiaB’B after year. BROWN- For Psinten. Wea Santee,, isn't funny at nlL champion Joey Maxim begins . Ha calls the Lions "a mighty mouth cut that required 15 stitches ...... 102 »S3 IIS11.1 111 T-rrinr , ...... 92 M M, 276 Pioneer vs. Moiiarty's, 8:30—Y. training today for another ahot at was the only one to hit fqt^ the i M J97 332 . It would be a fine thing for nth- good team, vary W6ill balancmi. and broke a toe. Loretto. Pa.—fNEA) CHEVROLET CO., Inc. circuit ‘ Fn all eljjlit 'AA parksi Hildebrand iivi 'Mki 104 R3 P C A ilD P E "C iipeB teia, PlWHitieis" -the tltie heW by Archie-Moorer - Hindi# 111 102 iflO .Iii rliX n'; Ijocat Sport The Philllea’ Richie AShbtirn Bight National Leaguers hit for P E A U r K E letica if tome of those AAU badge- Stokes of St; Francis' holds nine 110 108 97 315|pirh,!y*...... 9i im played the role of ’’apoiler’’ twice wearers would suspend themselves. They will meet in Miami Stadl' aa good as last year” when they COLLEGE BASKETBALL achool bnaketbaU records. 311 MAIN STREET j| 'rae University of Texas has 1 ...... M J03 the home-run ryc.'e In 1953. Gii laearporated um on Jan. 37 in a nationally-tele- defeated the Browna 17-7 in the In one week in 1953. The little speed Hodges, Roy Campanella and Nearly all of them have been Kentacky lavlteltennl Tournament made seven postseason football | Total* ...... IS i *492 *526 1572 ; C h a tte r mercbimt sirigted with on$ out in around altogether too long. vtsed fight which promoter Wi H. National Football League cham- GH Hodges of the Dodgers was bowl appesrsneet. Their record la r*nim«nlt7 BawMbI <1) Tout* ...... 494 474 499 1467 Duke Snider of Brooklyn, Ed 3 U lAST CENTER ST. Peeples JrX predicts will draw ploaahip game. The game this year Kentucky 78, LaSalle 60 (C5iam- Bawklnd ...... 116 R7 ~ the fourth inning on August 1 for Mathews and Bid Gordon of Mil­ R lm iiov If u tha last major loogusr to Mt four five Wins, one loss and.one tie. Yaconn ...... 115 W R4 ^ T-. Five days later Ash- 154%, Stamford, Conn., outpointed clal approval from the National who have been with hia club since til Diet*...... 96 102 101 299 entii-9 Iqcai team following last burgh and the Cardinals’ "Rip’’ Boxing Aaan. yesterday following tCast Rucklnt ...... » 114 R4 Verona ...... 96 104 M 292 Saturday night’s loss to Meriden, burn l9d off the ninth with a single Repulski hit atf least one homer Pierre Hernandex, 150, P a r 1 a, It was started, also hesitates about SanU Ctera 68, 8t. Johaa (Bkn.) to spoil a no-bit bid by the Car- MxAwiaoa^Taaiajwiifcara'wfc******-*—’««fc«*wwfc«*w««oaa«M«*4*wtaus*» Franee, 10. an ekrlier report that Moore faced comparing this year’s Clsvaland TbUU 320 317 4U 1481 | TolaU 430 473 434 1339 a' team spokesman aald today. in every NL park. / WR possible NBA suspenrion. 60 However, aeveral Of the players dlnala’ Harvey Haddix. Del Ibinis Loa Angeles — Billy Peacock. team with those of former seasons. NYU 86. Utah 8U te 67. r KiasMSel LsISeraa (41 Question: What is a common may. be re-hired for Saturday also singled in the ninth Inning of 130%, Los Angelas, stopped Jesse WtllUm C- Hartaelt, prealdeut ’T think it la aa good as any of Ohio Untv. 63, Buffalo Univ. 58. .Noren ...... 100 .117 1.12 mistaka made by most big men night’s game against New Britain that game In which Haddix poeted Mongia, l|0 % , Denver, 9. at the Flertda Federattoa at Bex- the othera aad itefinttely it is the k : C. State 93. Rle Grande 77. Ander*nn ...... 102 99 i02 «t the Armory. In the shake-up, a two-hit, 2-0 shutout. lag, aaa4maeed tbe bnu't bad been beat balanced and best offensive­ Benwm ...... 107 W 89 Just starting out in biuiketball? appravad a caaference wttb pra- ly." he aald. "But it’s hard to Say Richmond 74, West Virginia 67; I S3 Coach Fuggy Bell may also draw his ralease. It waa rtport S l -— Matt Fownan and Jabw n obmtahy PEt Slow Tirti a i^ n i aad NBA efflctels. about it baliig ihe besL If we win WWOLAmiCJUaKETBAIA .Itlayad in .tha Rac dnsidt « a 4 ii^ A atatamant by Col. HarVtyX* the ChantplatiiUp a lot of people RUTH MeINTOSH 110-I8S 836 drew their rsleaas from NaasifTs H9e«! SiDw I r - SERVICE - =8^g;.W teeattva-aea ataiT of t ' ...... leourae: New BritbUrSi. BUkcr^" (HaHc paced the Women’s Bqivling last Saturday night. NBA, said Charlie Johnaton, In former years, tha Browns ford) 58 ^• League last nlgbt At the 'Y, Other \Mii N M'l \N AM' n : Moprffs manager,' advised :tha won four x^’aight nbampioashipa Meriden HnU (West Hartford) Bouml to Oonto NBA and Florida federation that good scores were: Kay Paretto QUEtmON DBPABT9IENT; dUR^SERVtCE DEPT. in the oid 'AII-Amertca Conference 59 WINKLER Proudly Aiinouneos. . . . 129-322 and Mary McCarthy Ilf; ’’Moors stands ready to bdk Her, and 'c I 'n.' ^'o nromoter has otferad to !i ANOTHER NEW MODERN STORE MOTOR SALES batter, as well as locker room stage the match, Johnston aald. facilities and there if plenty of o M.d ■: ! iini' un "*n behalf of National. OommiS' 4*1 MAIN 37— NEXT TO POST OPHCE JIMMY QLENNEY, former vehicle perking space. More fans, FroRi Christmas Eve sioner Abe J. Orerae aad NBA WHi. I f OPENED AT Manchester High basketball play­ we believe, would also watch the e I il .i.c rt \ H I' President Andrew O. Putka, this er, is home on leave from his Navy games at the achool and a better macts the rules and by-Iawa of the CENTER ST, MANGHESnR, CONN. BOB OUTER’S PERSONAUY SEUCTED duties. Jim is stationed at Charlea- brand of baskstball-wrould be offer' e ( I r \\ ' Il i‘ ■ NBA," .Miller’s statement aald. ton, N. C. ad on tha spacious playing surface. Dec. 24 Until Monday J "Pubiiclty released in reference to a notalbis suspension of Moore NOTICE With a Complete Linp of Original Equipment UNDER AN EASTERN Ldague PINKY BORBNTHAL made hU waa In error,” Miller continued, baseball rtiing, Waliy Widhblm debut in the Rec Senior' League i AiitbmoUTe Parts and Accessories . . . Machine Shop Work Moming; Dec. 28 TURNPIKE “Manager Jr^naton’s stetemant USED CARS was not allowed to pliv with Naa* last night and droppad In 37 points 'laavM Moore In continued goi aiff Arma In. tha Reo.^ Senior for Millar’s R estaurant Pinky i AUTO BODY WORKS ftanding with the NBA." WE WILL BE CLOSED | The HNMpUAUTY, VALUE. SERVICE 1952 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR $1415 League last night. Widholm per­ stauted tbe season as a member of \S, I Ml,Ml, 'riirt)|,ll,,' standard tranwtsskin. forms with New EriUln. Leaguf the Univerafty of OonnacUcut During the 1954 racing senaon at thoHMtt iiMMie WbiUer fomoiu sin^ 1917 nilea state no league player may varsity team. — - i xOifP Jbfesroom W ill Oulfatraam Park there will be It play in the to*rn of a league entry. aUke racea, A total of $337,500 In 1K1 ONEVROLET » 0 N E ORAY $1156 PHONE M ltdiel 3-7043 added money will be distributed. FewergHdt. w m 0e Open Sidurday, 1MI NNTIAO " FIm I O il AboHt OrlgliMa Maek. Close-O ut 7 i R.P.M..AU ELECTRIC ■RREliMtor Sabirb Dae. 26 1947 FORD liiM t Ritriai Ximr, rabnUt angtae, imr palaL PHONOGRAPHS f | r WlRtor D riv iii 1949 OLDS CLUB OOUFE 79 VERY LOW PRICBI ■ YOU Bl^ BEET AT • ' > IttfieHESnR TIRE I I OTHER VERY CLEAN CARS TO CHOOSE Potlerton's' ■ I R EO A m N i RROM-^SO M fISOO. 129CINIIRST. coaoecHwett 241 NORTH MAHtST. -w MANCHISTIR P ffiiiirto n 's JV9 IROAD ST. ISO CRIMES 8TRg|Ti . . COR. OF CHURCH ■V. - .y. [ -- I IjaaiiiiHii I ■ f '

. ■ / - -


RolldlBPw-Oaatnetiag 14 Bdp W—trt fl— M 85 Arttetea for Sate 4 5 —,------Jaote. 61 AparlBiSBtta—Ftatoi^ B( for Btte 71 Jitil Break Pair SsBis Sforas Win dpip AH gpBClALlZING la custocn hoDt ga­ TWO WQMBN for waKraaa wort. IIAOSTONE. Stone tar walla. USED O L B N W O ^ I^a wtOI «S SIX-ROOM afaBte. pU hot I N c i U i dual-control rages, Stanley overtiead doors,' ^Experience net neceapary, tisura heuBS troiiu, Oraplacaa. ate. BoL eovaralls Has bean ogaiBed oeet had, fuU cellar, emtraSjr locatad. Sstnrdsy, Otksrs Omn THREE^ b o o m heated spartmwit fo r 6,: r. Oapohla onerlencad instruc- cMBtaeU, block tile cefUngST al-. either 7 a.m. • 3 p.m. or 8 n.m. tan Notch Quarry. ML 96iaiT. for new m 849. Barstow’e, Juet for adnlta as of Jan. 1st. RenUI 87,500 full price. W.BOO eaah re­ Held in Indiana teratkaia, addltkms. Call Frank to 16 p.m . CaU M r. Baaaatt. H L North o< P.O. Phone M I. 9-T2M. bte to Ruaoia AU chain storoo, lactadtog ’. Oordner Kmo SdiooL Mltoh- X GOOD BUY! Window ahadaa, ITS Ineluding utiUUeo. Box H, quired. Exclusive with A C B Contois, ML 84Sa. 9-831T. Bai^B6)ue Hut. Realty. MI. 0-3302. feed storoo, wUt bo open for venoUan bUnda, shades revarssd, USED WASHDfO machines, raftig- Herald. . « (ram Page Dm) Chriatmaa Ut. JMvartiieneiits tor I /t bustnoos aa usual Satunlay, the rOR 8AFB and OourtMtis Auto AVON COAOEUCS offers offpor- bUnda re-taped. Arrow Window eraton, motors, vacuum ciaansrs. BROOKFIELD STREET — Eight day after Qhristmas. Many laaea la a i m I G iA^PIBD ADVT. tunity for ■Utde Co., 269 North Main 81. MI. TH&SB ROOM apartment, heat WAMTBD thiA-TalkDate haartng found tboro was "laxity" Driving Insdructioo with inoured ALL. R lN D t o f carpentry New and used appUance paits and and hot jrater furnished. Just room colonial, two flraplacea, four other local stores will also be DBPt. H oero dual control car coll Larson Driv- Reaeonable ratea. latebell servicing 9406T. many other articlea. Stuart R. badrooma and bath aeoond floor. and "inadaquato aacurity ipoa* open, but there ore otoo a ntim- mUas from the Parkway. CaU Have WaMAigtoa, Doc. 38 i/h—Tbo The. colofful Ir-**' 8:1S A. M. to 4:M P. M. Ing SchooL Phona MItchcU borhoo toST—Boy's Bulova wrist watch, M itchell 8-7398. aalary desired. conetrueUon. WUl design to suit. (ABC) on tha oosumption that %rith expansion bracelet, vicinity up, Chriatmaa wreaths 81, cem e­ COMBINATION *'Ben|^" Combination Bangs driveway, front ferraca, hot Savon membani of the Gallo family died after this car was hit by tried to fill it with kcroocne. lar picture windows to the SOwi lAcated on Main St., comer Wads­ aaefat talks among tha world The children were IdsntifhMI oa Hollister school and Green Manor. tery baskets 81 each and up; also WANTED—Auto machanic, new WINDOWS and DOORS "Weatlnghouae’’ Lsundromat worth. Phone Ml. 04770, MI. water oil heat, screens, . storm I«t|sl Notteg a train at Palatine, HL Killed in tha accident wara': Fred Oalto, 17; house and bring tha children to randi-style homas land thamaalvoR hoUy and mistletoe, polnaettiaa windows, Venetian blinds. 83000 Haatl OravUI ooprao, la ona of atomic powara will opan up undar hia wife, Violet, SS; dhd their children: Audrey, 13; Elaine, 9t John, I ; Eddie Lee, 0; Harvey, Jr, 5; Cur to decoration within and without. 'Gilt to 14 year old boy. Finder Motorcycles— Bicyclts 11 car dealer. CaU MI. 8-5101, a "Emeraon" Televtslon Set 04010. aafoty. ^11 MI. »-6ni. Liberal reward. S5c each end up, at McConvlUe’s, for Servlca Manager, Carl. TRIPLE TRACK and caah needed. Price 812,075. Will tha tour Naw T c^ artists who tha sponaorahlp of the United Na­ Evelyn, 10; and Carol Ann, 1. AuAwy died after being taken to Us Lee, 3 and StaDa, abm t 15 Usually they are outUnad wttli "Westlnghouse’’ Vacuum w i w "oPaSKjgTms tions DlaarinAmaat Oomatiatlmi In Tha house was a 3-story frame months. - BOY'S 36" English Mcycls. Excel­ 303 Woodbridge St. MI. 8-5047. DOUBLE TRACK Also Included Sealy tnnerepring sell or lease or lease with option win appaar with tha Manebeotor Resurrection Hoepital to Dee Plaines, HI., near the eccident scene. atralght rows of bulbs to OM cMoif, Open 'til 9 until Chriatmaa. WANTED—Man to work in gaa Mattress and Box Spring, "Mo­ to buy. The Eacott Agency, Li­ lau January—rSbout a - month (NEA Telephoto). otructuro located on Vaii Clave and (ha central figliro wlthliL Annonn cements led condition. Ml. 9-4463 after 6 station, part-time hours 0 to 10 p. Saborbhii for Rest 64 Maaalah Cherus In its aaooed pra- varias from an Uhumnatod Chris* p.m . $18.!I6 and up hawk” Ruga, Lamps, Tablea, censed Broker, 20t High St. West. away. Ava. on 21arinatto’a west aide. FOR SALE—1000 Christmas trees— m. also Saturdays and 'Sunday Manchester MI. 9-TISI. aantaUon of Handal’s "Mtaalali A prtlimlnary axchanga oif riaws maa tree to soma other aeoao. Kitchen cabinet. Inlaid and a few ROCXVnXE, M Grove ft.. Hill­ Baitoy of Johnstown in June, 196S. Cauao of tha fire haa not yat Victim of Crash FOR HOOVER vacuum cleaner BOY’S 26” Bicycle. Very good con­ your choice 81.50. Dairy Queen work. See Van for Interview at side House, two room furnished Sunday, Doe. 37, at 7:$0 p. m. which could be carrtfd on ty Am- The archltectutal Uaao of aMWF .uJes and service call LaFlamme West Middle Turnpike near Broad PARAMOUNT other articles. Uauw Ornirol rowwiimee for a S o* Noted Editor Di^s Hie Srat wife, Gertrude 2(arto bean datarmtoad. dition. Reasonable. Cell MI. Van’s Service Station, 637 Hart­ Phone Me Immediately apartment with private bath on Mlaa Or avail haa studiad music baaeadora, or parhapa by Sacratary of tha naw housas sot the pattoim N u a n c e Co., Watkins BuUdlng, Street. ford Road. No telephone calls. ENGINEERING CO. at Eucknall UMvarrity, LawtS' Cafaldy, died Nov. 1, 1960. The alarm was turned In at 5:45 for thalr decoration. Tho eokxitol 9-7339. ______^ ^ HARTFORD'g-0358 bus line. ChUdren accepted. In­ Sobarima for Sate 75 RnUM a m g 4*A. JNItO*. of Stato Dullaa and Forolgn 2(lnl* In Pjpor Condition 45 Oak St. MI. 9-6868.^______quire first floor rear. Apartment burg. Fa., and Eastman School of In Pennsylvania a. m. Spaetatora who wara seams bettor with eaadtoa ia CHRISTMAS TREES—eU Balaam, 41 Oak Street AFTER 7 P. M. 66-6890 Ur Molotov at tha projaet^ Berlin among tha first to arrive told fire­ 16. ROCKVILLE — Brand ntw Cape Music, RoclivaUr, N. T. Whila at conferanca, might aarva to clear AD MYSTEBY SOLVED windows and soma doeeeathto t h e g i f t of Heart, g for your BOY’S ELGIN bicycle 38" Mf. wide aelectlon. Also wreathe and Tel. MM-8177 See It Day Or Night Cod, finest constmeUon, contain­ man they heard a muffled explo­ 2(ra. Phyllis TwingeUo, 33, of Joved one at Christmas. Help him bougha. Reasonably priced. Testae WANTED If you hava no means of transpor­ Eastman, aha knd tha prtvUage ot tha air of mlsundaratandlnga if any Newport, VL, Dec. 23 UPh-Tbo r schema tor tha main aatrance. 8-0593. ing 3 badrooma, Jarga Uvlng room, ringing tha soprano solo part In Johnsiown, Pa,, Dac. 38' (F)~ myatery of the claaelfled ad which sion and that fiamaa shot from Hartford, who was aeriously in­ The conteet conducted by tha to a new and thrilling experience Frees Lot, 639 Center St. and 86 Months To Pay tation. I’ll aend my auto for you. dinette, excellent kitchen, 1% Siroel, MaaelMUrr. a . parmlit... list, o g ld a ls said. Perclval Slieldon Rldedata, $1, tha windowa of tha house. hbailng voices and sounds he Adams. COAL TRUCK DRIVER No obUgatlon! Wantad to Ront 48 tha cempeatUen that won the Prix Tha Ruoalan note conditionally intrigued tho nation has bean jured in a truck-auto accident on Garden aub and th# YWCA hfis BOY’S 30" bicycle, IH yeare old, hatha, full cement cellar, baaa- da Roma that year. She has ap- raagaslne and newspaper editor oeived. Firemen srapt aa they told stimulated much tntereot, and lias forgotten. Hearing aids 838.50 837. After 5 p.m . Sloan, 25 Chester HBIARING Aid batteries, cords, ra< A—L—B—E—R—T—•—S WANTED—Two bedroom unfum- ment garage, hot water OU heat, agreeing to talke aald President and loctursr, died today at hto nowtmen how tlmy found the bod­ tha Vfilbur Qrots Highway yeator- knd up. Personal Hearing Service, palra for aU makes <>f hearing paarad. in Town Hall, Naw York Biaenhower’a propoeal for on into* Last week the Newport Dally many mere cottages and Igiga' Drive. MI. 6-0719. 63-65 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD iriied rant by three adults. CaU beautiful doom end woodwork City, on eavaral All Bach pro­ home. I Express oarried an ad which aalraos reportod receiving querica Hie llamao gutted tho totorlor abraatons and undetermined in­ lighted to look Uko a huga Chrm. young chUdren. TransporUUon typea. No jo b too emaU. Pater pairs Call Coughlin. Mitchell Apply To Mr. Sheridan LOcust 34163 coUect. Mr. George. Co. Building. Tel. RockvUIe 0-4048 DuUes aald yastorday tha svortd ternal tojurtaa. *fumlshed. Mrs. Lela Tybur, direc­ Pantaiuk, 60 Foster atraet Phone CaU RockvUIe 8-5706. tha LeagiM of Compoaara, The Na­ Bom in Bradford, England, he from many places. of tho house. Nalthar tha root mas card. 5-7707. • MAJOR APPLIANCES or 5-4710. Chicago, DSC. as (ST— A 10- might ate a "racsiaion of-the hor­ Tha accident occurred after the tor. Phone Mitchell 9-11767._____ MItcheU 9-7808. ______MORIARTY BROTHERS Jtut In Time For Your CSuistmaa tional Aaan., for'American Cem- woe educate^ at nelMols ia Wilkao- Now It bocomeo known that the nor walla ooUapatd. Flraman Princeton Strset to ngatn ofeteoa WASHED SAND, stone, fill aiid story building weighing 15,000 .poaars and Conductors, Tha Amer­ ror oCatomlc waitara'’.in 1966 aa a Barre, Pa., ‘whera he started hie ad was placed by Verae Leevltt In fought the Moaa under trying con- oar in which Mra. TwingeUo was a with color and many of tha now RAY’S ROOFING Co. BuUt-up Shopping! Biniiicss Property WAPPINO SECTION, RoUU 15. raoult o t Amarica’a ialUativa in re­ CABINET MAKINO. Good worii- roofs, gutter work, roof, chimney gravel delivered. . Loam gj per ican Music, Festival Programs, newspaper career. Me was editor behalf of his small son, Dudley. dllions with the temperature two pasaenger stopped oa tho highway, houaoo on the hill In the Waraaoka Antomobilcs for Sal* 4 301 Center Street yard. Vuesdorf Construction. Co. refrigerators for Sals 70 New eix room colonial house of tons is to be moved 130 feet In viving atomic talka and Ituarian manahip. Reasonable ratea. Beti- repalra. Free estimates. Ray Hag- whet tbs City Council terms the which ara broadcast over station of the Wllkeo-Baire News from The loet Wilber turns out to M below aoro—cMdoot waathar of near the Denting Street underpass. Road section are vary lovely. The MI. 9-7408. Was Now finest . construction, l% hatha, agreamant to partieipato. * State Police said the driver of 1848 FORD super deluxe tudor. mates gladly given. Moulaon’s enow, . MI. 94216, Ray Jackson, Hotpolnt Double Door $529 $398 STORES AND Offices will be built brecseway and garagat Large lot. heaviest single moving in hi* WNYQ and also Composers 1890-1900 and the WUka*Barre Dudley’s pet raccoon. tho aaaann la this locality. Judges reaUy hava a.ttok.oa tbiir Anthorittaa aaid tsro major Evening Leader from 1900-04. the ear, Morris WUllams. 3S, also Badlo, neater. In good condition Wootlworklng Shiv. Pilgrim MI. 3-8325. CIGARETTE Machines, rebuUt, 850 Hotpoint to suit tenants In s fast growing Ready, for interior decorating. tory. The moving j% Is ekpect' Forum Coneerta at Columbia Uni­ Wilber’s ttill miaring, too. A Mass to a tenant house kOtod hands. PART TIME school bus driver. Ap­ versity. movaa mutt now bo worked out ia He oIm was managing editor of of Hartford, had halted the vahlcte -throughout. Color, jet black. Only 3-0095. up; also waU type candy ma­ Automatic Defrost .... 669 369 section of town. Ideal spm for Owner, Manchester, 20. 9-0450. ad to raquire flva or six months. detail: four young children and badly 1485. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. ROOFINO, Siding and carpentry. ply City Cab, 83 PumeU Place. drug store. CaU AC8 Realty Co., Sbs haa sarvad as soprano Nature Magaaino frean 192347 and The busy executive asked his burned another today to tho Delta because its lights had gens out. Tha Brooklyn Dodgera’ 1$ aoh* MANCHESTER Welding Service. chines, 830 each. CaU Hartford H otpoint The council yeeterday autbor- 1. Tha International atomic agan- Alterations and additions. CaU- 7-8716. Push Button Defrost.. 389 269 for fun particulars. MI. 0-3393. liad paymoat of $160,000 to i soloist at tha Rlveralda Church, tha American Forestry Magaalna sacretary where his pencil tvaa. Plantation commuraty of Scott, Williams hod left the car short­ oaeutlve vletortoa from Auguat T T^iRimRiit Y o n Buy a used ca r Portable equipment General Inga. Workmanahip guaranteed. BODY AND Fender mechanic, ex­ cy which Btaanbowar propooad in from 1912-23. Ha belonged to many ly before the oixtident and was not WASHERS • Wanted-Real Estets 77 tha 35-yaar-old building, which la Naw York CUy, for flva yaara. a UJf. apiaeh Dac. 8 must ba blu* Secretary—It's behind your ear,. about 16 mlloo north o f OroonVUto. to August 30 incluaivo, compriaed See Gorman Motor Sales. Bulck welding, boUer and furnace weld A. A. Dion; Inc., 399 Autumn pert for work on Ford and Mer­ Critics claim that the la ona of aHGtlonnl cltihft. injured. poUce said. The InvcaUga- the longeot 1058 National LaaguS cury in Ticemderoga or Platta- ARGUS 35 M.M. camera, with case Bendix Gyromatic 819 289 occupiad by a printing company. printed so that the United Stotoa Boss—Come, come. Pm a buqr DCMty Sherift ^oek Hondrlcka Sales and Service, 285 Mam Ing. MItcheU 9-1658 or MItcheU street kUtcheU 3-4860. and flash attachment. CaU. MI. H e for Sate 72 OONSIDBRINO 8ELL1NO tha most aaUtfying ringera that Rldedato married Mrs. Vivian H. man. Which carT aald they wars the chfldrea of 2Cr. tion to contlnumg. winning streak. -street MItcheU 9-6671. Open eve­ 9^7hUgation to you. we that her trmtning la obviously WINDOW SHADES made to order GREAT EASTERN MOUTON LAMB jacket. sIm 13. Hotpoint Deluxe ...... 689 895 colonial, attached garage, amesita wW appmlae or make you a cash such weight has aaver bean movad like to tea, with what kind of and inataUed. Venetian blinds PART ’TIME help nights and Sun- Hotpoint Pushbutton .. 369 399 bafora although ha aald bulldlnfs sound, and tha quality of her voice management, and sritk srhat oaf* POB A GOOD Used car or a new ROOFING AND I Tyfllaf Btfitanw Btall * ’ ' hrovy. Like new. Price 835. yst’4. tor proparty. See ua loid a m cu is wlUi R ocket-' xis. 86 hour I '• Avattvi iisTv vJajwnvnvc 5 ^ OEagUaM OV Xftml XSo M Te alven ■WILUIGB jaLriTt-JUid Intrttti.______f or srar of any ■contact A1 Catalano, at the Estimates gladly given. Fagan CONSTRUemON CO. over 35. Apply R ed's Servics Cen­ ~ (Others At Proportlonets naw altos. . Tha public la cordially InvUed to atomic materioto eontrthutod fo r price. Suburban Raalty Co., Real­ BRAE-BURN REALTY attend this Chriatmaa praaanU- ‘cheater Motor Sales. Mitchell Window Shade Co., Route 66 at 24 Oak Street ter, 184 Blast Center 8t. SIBBERT STEEROMATIC car­ Savings!) tors, 541 Main St. Phona MI. Phona MItchaU S-«278. Tha city bought tha buUdlng In peaceful uaao. 8-6134. Bolton Notch. MItchaU 9-6678. riage, G.E. portaUe ironer with Fully Guaranteed With One Tear 2-8215. 1050 fo r $6iKl,000 in acquiring Uon, which will b# bald at tha 2. An onasrar must ba srorkad South Methodist Church, Dm . 37. -i. RE-SIDING SPECIALISTS table and chair, china closet MI. Service Warranty. CASH WAITOfO for any type real right of way for a aupar-hlghway. out to whatappaara to ba a modi* 1848 CHEVROLET Fleetmsster DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, Female 88 3-6658. Subject To Prior Sale. THREl^FAMILY home, S years •ststo you have to aelL Fiiet and Gunloek aald Uia printing com­ ftod Sovtot proposal which p i^ :tudor, radio, heater. Motor com- copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, AppUcatota of aabastos, plaatie Sitnatioiia Wyated— old, oU hot water heat, aluminum sacond mortgaga money avaUable. pany occupants will eentinua work tha Oarman braakthrough and aMy rapreaanta tha Kramlla’a "now 'pletely overhauled recently. New MARLOW'S guns, etc., repaired. Shears, Insulated aiding and wood shingles, Furniture Department otorms, one tenement empty. Also listings wanted. CaU The with tha axeaption of about two later Sad bis homeland to bocoma approach’’ to tha problem of atom­ >brakea Original jet black, 1595. knives, mowers etc., put into con­ apeclallatng In Life Time aluminum RELIABLE Mldddle-aged woman Building Msterisb 47 RanU, STD, 8U. $58. 813,800. Carl­ Jolmaon BuU—fla* plate line of inattumenls. Rental Ready for immediate occu­ ___ MBsafo CaafiMT 2961 CHEVROLET club coupe mower sales a—* service. Motors Nails .k eg $8.9^ appUed *to purebaaa price. Rin>> Indaiiandaat party caucused and rotary .0? Stato Dultoa appaan WhUs Onltos diaeuasod the atom- ^adlo, heater, looks and runs good. pancy. •TflfllflBdD lsM flksn chose Jacquinot, a S5-yaar-old .pol tuned and overhauled. Pickup and resenting (Jids, Selmer, Bach, well launched on a high preaaure 6c outlook bridaly In a apaach with ^ ‘ I ' • tOrigliud jet black finish. Good deUvery service. Gibson’s Garage. KITTENS GIVEN away to good NATIONAL BUILDERS Itical vatoran of many Froneb 'som e opUmiam, bowavar cautious, Hesting—Plumbiiuc 17 homes. MI. 9-6831. Pedler and Bundy. 2fatter's * Gongs MflfcBfs' drive to win FVanch approval o f ■tranaportation, Douglaa Motors, MI. 3-5013. SUPPLIES Studio, 177. McKoe. MllehaU cablnata, including Gan. Charles controlled German rearmament axperta aaid tha gulf between the 333 Main. T. J. CROCKEMT, Broker PLUMBINO Shop ai, your door. . For Connecticut Bred 630 Davenport Avenue *7500. ' Da OauOa’s wartime government In by appealing to tha French people baole positions of Ruaala and tha FURNTTURB Refiniahtng. antique No tima loot New work, altera- New Haven, Omnecticut 244 Main StiW * ErflcbloB Grhdsrs exile. over the heads of their poUUcal United Statoa ramaina as wide at CHEVROLET deluxe fordo». furniture a specialty, chairs caned Pankeets Visit Telephone STate 7-3507 BECKER UPRIGHT piano, excel­ Phone Mitchell 3-5416 Veteran oboarvara conceded the leaders. aver on tha baoia of the pooitiana b\ pimmacidate condition, radio, heat- and rushed. Anson F. Tborp. tiona, coppar piping, fUturM, hot MocIiIbb Optrotwri water automatic heaters. Young* RAYMAR AVIARIM_ lent condition. 03 RusaeU St., 20. Residence MI-9-7751 naw candidate soma chance For the second time in two they have taken in tha eouraa of ;er. Beat model, best price In Phone BQtcheU 94736. 3-SM4. alactioa. this month. Tha real gain, aeeord- i A ^own. Douglas Motora, Sn Main. town sinks sold. Ertimatea gladly Route 44-A, Bolton * ASBCb MflCllflBllBS weaka, Dulles has painted for tho GONDER’S T.V. Service, available given. C. O. Lorentaen. ML Dismond*—Wntebc Just before Lanlal’a withdrawal, French a stork jrtetura of Westorn ing to this vlw, Ilaa only to tha Open Wednesday and COMPLETE Prof«monal Ludwig howevtr, tha Sodalists said they fact that activo talka may soon 3941 FORD Dump truck. Good run' any time. Antenna conversions. 0 - 7 6 3 0 . ______c- Jewelry 48 WEST SIDE— Six large rooma. Europe virtually undefended by Ehlng condition and a good hoist, Thur^y 9 A. M. to 9 P. M, drum outfit. ExceUent oonditioa, would ooBtinua to back Naogalan tha United States unless they a Six rooma, garage, hot water oil yasterday when he said. In an ad- S done on any furniture. 'Tleman, S to n g e 2$. to become a well-peld . . . Electoral Congraot of mambara of dreaa delivered at the National foolproof ollminaUon of atomic TURKEYS, Tender, deUcloua, 14 to heat, acretns, storm winitowa, »49 FORD CUSTOM tudor, radio, 1S9 South Main stre e t Phona the National Aatambly and tha Preas C3ub,' that imless Germany weapons. heater. Beautiful maroon finish, MItcheU S-5668. MANCHESTEUl- Package D«Uv- 17 pound hens at tSc per p! Be sure and sea this P rcoflng Do m , Will Be CLOSED aea traditionally abovb polUica. wate, pewtor and furniture. home. Furniture, Lamps, AppU- one. 2(rs. DorSiy, 1^ Arch St Hope and Helen H. Hope, proper­ today by tha lUto Dapt of Labor habits, sooner or later, will rule you off the road. finiabed. CaU G, Flckett, Man­ December 28 and 20 PubUe DoriMriSa Leek Break ty at 55 Ruaaell S t indicatad. ” chester. M I, 3-0063. ances and TV. MeRWNEY IROS. Aat4_Acccnorlen—Tires 6 JOHN J. HADDEN NICE CLEAN warm room, walk-' January 1 oad t NCwspapara, and Frenchman Agraamsat to Bpy Tha report ahowa that a total of In one yeou* 600,000 drivers had their licenses suspended or revised— F or tha BEST buv in SEWBBAOB DISPOSAL OO. •varywhara. coatinuod ebonia 886 claima for unemploymabt in- VENETIAN BLINDS Open DaUy 10 to 5 Ing dlatanc* to all stores and ISS-ISS PMul 8 t TOL MM-«SM Eatato of Ida Picktoa to Mau­ every third one for intoxication. Speeding and reckleesnaaa were also h i^ SIGNS OF ALL buaaa. Tel, 20. 9-7SST. demands for aa and to tha dead­ rice E. G’Nefll, proparty at 169 aurance war# either being proc- I BELOW W HOLESALE Bonds— Stocks CaU M1-5-4S8S 7:30 to i:80 P. 2L eased.or paid at the local office of FINDELL klFQ. CO. lock, They tormad Pariiamant's Adams B t on the list. ’ . j - DESCRIPTIONS Mortgages SI parformanca ohamaful and humlli- Marriage Uaaaoas the State Employment Security * Winter Tires Half Price 645 East kOddla Tnmptks ating. Dlviaton. Last week tho total was I Also RacondlUoning ATTENHON Ladleol Sllp-oovsrs Robert Aides Buckler, 39 M e* Remenkber—driving is not a right; h is a license:whidi if tdNia^ can TRUCK LETTERING F1R8T AND Sacond, mortngoa and drapos custom mmf*. Ro-up- 157, i Buy one regular price, get bought for our own account. FasL Tapes and Cords by Yiard In Ulla, a aoisy mass maating ahaU Rd„ and Joan Beverly Toth be wididrawn. Respect it and continue to drive—safely, sanely. ' Mitchell 9-1850 holatortag. Beautiful fabrics, m the nubile oquara last night da- Andover. Dec. 31. ■' Gf tha 155 claims, 385 wara filed toe half price. Four treads to confidential aarvioa. Manchaatar prints, wripoa, aoUda Expertly by women, accordiiq^ to the rap<^. bveatm ent 'Ootp., 266 Ma mauidad that the aactlon Daputiaa Antonio 2(attet, BronxvUle, N. tooose from, plus famous NATIONAL '■ASH xegister. R ln n flnimad: $5 down, $2 weekly, m the Aaaambly InlUata oonatitu- EigKty of'tha claima wara Imtlal, Street. P bm MItcheU 8-0616. TO RENT L: Andrews, Now York which indl Pennsylvania Lifetime road HonsehoM Services iqp to 8ses.00. Seven a tp m u aub one year to pay. Call Start The New Year Right! tlonal raforsia to provont a aty, Dec. 38. indlcato that many Bazard guarantee. Take SIX Offered IS-A totals and grand totals. Good Mrs. Pinto. IOtoba!l 9-TMl curranca. iptUa of unamploymant working order. Apply Harold Of­ Let the Jarvis ReaRy Co. sell your hresent home -»Tn— ------. ifiontbs to pay. FOR YOUtt Rug clvantng and Business Opportunities S2 fice , 18 BiaaeU S t IR a 1M% iMitiM labor troubtoo Ughligbtad tho shampooing eaU Man>^liaatar Rug or find f o u a new bhe. Take advantage of oar food for an and to tho IteialaUva I COLE MOTORS Shampooing C o., kOtsball 8-4182. FOR LEASE , ALMOST LIKE new lat^ Lionel I r HaRtiM ttir yean of experience and bring your real catats indacisioS. Poatoffica workers want { 436 Center Street Work guarantoad. WUl pick iqt train sot. Santa Fe train, 100 ft on Btrika In Paris and many other Slow OOWH-LIVit ARSJN TOUR HANDfl and deUver. high gallonsge service station at track, i automatic switches WANTEI TO BUY^ preblems to no. olUaa, parhapa feeaebadowihg a * MItcheU 9-0980 wiUi an 8’ X 8’ tobla. 8800 value Two saitca of officss each outbreak of tha social strlfa WEAVINO of bums, moth holts located on busy highway with fo r 8100. Should ba seen to ba on. f'htch'air but pandyaad Franco Boltoctao, aaU-chaig. and tom clothing, holaery runs, good neighborhood tradetrade. F or preeiatod. p b ^ MI. 84797. with 4 rooBis sod toUet fsi> CflNM ifl far yoflr 1 fi4 eoleedois ledoy •oot A iM ia t « yaor goan hlaa. 830.96 any handbags repolrad, stppM ro- information write the INSUMNCE 8trMrinf radar anS navigation Lat us danMnotrato. Bu«toM placement, nmbroUaa repaired, duties. For complete lafoiv fijorkars at France’s aitporto still coat Oda Motors, MltcbaU men’a ehirt collars reversed and out, balUng plana service. rqdaeed. Mnrtow's little Mend­ ATLANTIC REFINING H A I M o -T V Stovic* MENCY sMitteB see Fnafc m ter at Joffiulnot. a i tawsrar, rantorsd ing Shop. COM PANV .. L 'OM waa’ ol lAUB. new aaotoe auacan- 27 Btaikwealftar Bt JARVIS Rcslty Co. ““ down. Otovratot, Fbrd, FLAT FINISH Holland window P.Q. Box-147 'tteMattanat AswtolW.P* Oodpa, Plyaolith. ahadea. mada to intaSure. AU iSEBVIOE OBABOB «SJS WRITE lOX L THE SAVING lAHK Ikui Raynaud gavo ___ feun______a £!ast Hartford Conn., or 854 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER PoM oaify la 1964 buttkal PoBtiao, Bittak, Old* metal vanaUan bUnda at a naw Telephone Hartford 8^782 jM . SW. o r MANCHESTER Fotforton's S174JS, Gals Moteae, low Mloe. E on mada whila you THE 44ERALO Tri. Hnrtfmrd 2*4080 or lll*3m i2 ■ ba rangaad to Sght ifea <3a* 180 CENTER STREET A nytim e Ckuy 00X.OP^ CHURCH ^ tbG fronts • ’. t . f R* govfiMr irengfoi ...... iiiiiy — ■■■■iiriiiii ■V • -V , rg.)— 1-f

- V ' ■ {

■■ '■ ,...’ ■'•'■ .;.'-,v ’ ■ 1 I ■ 1 t '^'4 itei^jT* rii.J'i iS^If^Btfr Bn^iiEg lf » i^ Gift to If8 __ . ^ M Tkfl|t4| lfir‘ «it Tha (Rri Saout oCfleo, 9 tt liatn m ■< ^ 3 'rQBgt* tha stwinsrs, outlined some T W a and Mn. CtariM STln^yUMI ABk- S t, rtoMd thti nfbwnoon for tha sauroSo o f InftrnmtloB' to bate In what would laid* Rd., a Juaiar at Battva-Boidaik C h ri^ u u hoSdhya and win not SeminarTold ‘*‘ ***—'■ **9 what uasa sbould bo fletent buffer C « lf , School, which U affltUM WRh raopan Intll 10 a. a t Monday, pism oA' tweesL.aeMa. Tnfta CoUeta, Madferd, ICaaa-, I# J fit 4. ■ ■ . u r n oooFArtiyuRAi. Amarteu b a quostloB and answer psHod Ha asked If a street would suf­ C«ll«rt. H^jdnxfTtld, at homa for tha Cdulataaa hoU- Vi* III* O f Preparing daya. that followed the ^talh, Atty. Ray- fice. Beth WUeex and Blaket aid «n4iiiC th« ' A dlnnaf party waa held at' the hsend. lehnsoa, who has appeared they fsH a street would net be a boKW with tMir {wrenta Roaamount Raataurant In Bolton, c ^ lo a . Tha aantial Chrtatinaa Sunday Zoning Plans aa: counsel M ■any abaing eases fufricim t transItieri'erdtnatUy but Olf. Cater and < aai: R ofar Praaton, aanior, aon of Saturday nifht, In honor of Mr. ARd who |ywr»d*M a k iA b or of might under a m e oondlUons. wmmimmmim. Harold L. Praaton. 31 LiUay achool profram o f tha Church of and Mra lU d atd Muake, who ware a t , and Sharwood A. T ^ A y a ll, tha Naaarana will bo bald tomOr* racently atarrlad. Mra Muake la Speaking on “Land Vaa Plan- n ar-St_T ■ nt - Uw----- aStiwIj.—■flia Aft%m^ ywhaaaksiaaa ttra—il nM ARi - . j anior, aon of-M r. and -Mfra.- C^CU tavitaUMi -- - - ping for iTut: H. TraadwaU. 411 Cantar S t m Gamma nobfl«. a i*. Mr. MUo Wilcox, member of tite New all Intaraatad, Muake, formerly of Mancheatar Havm Planning Commlasloii last and now of Atlanta, la field anpln- night outlined Steps In preparlng- YOla LXXnt, NO. 72 fdasillled AdartMMg a Page MANCHESiTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24. 195S PRICE PIYB ORNii Iflaa LauratU StelU, 91 Waah- aar for Glenn and taraon p f that a plan for future Ighd use from ITWENTY PAGES) Inston S t, loft yaatarday with har city. Information on aatating usee and Last Miniite Suggestions LfSS couaina from Hampton, Hr, othDr intiiTUG and Mra. touia Ballmann, for a Alumni of Taft School, Water Wilcox spoke at the third in a SUOAR motor trip to Florida, to apand the town, will hold their second an* series of seven aeminara being held holidaya with Mr. and Mra. Carl by the Connecticut Feleratum of V ictoriou s ...... aaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaao* nual dutlnx party at the school on 22 U. S. Holdbacks aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* Zlmmarman, of St. Pataraburf. aaaaaaoaoaaaa Dec. so from 4:30 to 0 p. m. A ll Planning and Zoning Ageneiea at LESS alumni and their families are In­ Whlton Auditorium. About 30 ffsa Robert C Andaraon, aon of Mr. vited to attend. ... Manchester plannlhg offeial* at­ n UOUM Coty Rests FILLING and Mra. Carl H. Andaraon, 55 tended as well as oSiciala from Union Closes ...... other communities and other in- News. Parley, • aoaaaaaaaoa««aaaoaaaaaaaaaao< ------Birch S t, baa arrived homa from A /3C Phil Burgess, aon o f Mr. •oaoaaaaao' tuthar Oollara, Wahoo, Nab., for and Mrs. Philip L. BurgeM, 39 teraated persons. EXTRA the holidaya. taut year at Chfiat Hudson St., la now spending a 15 Wilcox told the group that after On HoUday a’hat has been develops. In a com­ DRY , maa time ha waa with the U. 8. day leave at his home. He is cur­ Panmunjpin, Dec. 24 (/P)— Twenty-tipp Americans who dis­ • a a a o a a . 1 Army in Germany, rently stationed at Fort Warren munity has been tn ap^ out. plan­ •••aaaaaaaao* off owned home for Communism failed to show up today for a • aaaaaaaaaaaaooooaaaaa aaaaoaaA Air BaM, Wyo. ners should determine what can be Faria, Dec. 24 (JF) — • aaaaaoaaaaaaaoaaaaaaoaaaaaoM news conference they had requeited to Mplain their choke. a a a a n o B developed in the future. France's new President, .71- The 6rst step in determining Insteadj-three Koreans—also eonvarta to Communiam—ap­ year-old conservative Sen. At Chapter Galled Berid this, Wilcox said, la screening out peared. They eeid the Aiwerieane*" ' "" land that la unbuildable for any had changtd thsir minds aheut 1 . .. Rene Coty, drove triumphant­ SPECIAL Hospital Notes use. It may be wet, irwaupy, a ly into Paris today. TIm ns- lUSINESSMEN'S cemetery, sanctuary, park area; 1lM Koreans denied raporU thet tioh'B iiresry Parliament Patients Today: 151 there may be legal or other reasons fear Instead of belief jn Commun­ Pup Hauled 7 LUNCHEON ism was holding some of the which elected him Went home ADMITTED YESTERDAY: why it cannot be uaed. to B Chriatmsi rest and pros­ Mra. Dorothy, Seaton, 152 Henry The next step, Wilcox au,fgest- AnmiluGwas The Town Is Decked with Lights and Tinsel Six Others $1.00 St.; Betsy Stders, 91 Tanner St.; cd. is finding the requirements for “Look into llu matter end see,” pects of a new year fraught SERVED OAILT they urged Indian custodian Out of Well Plain to havo your Xmaa Nila Bengaton, E, Hartford; different uses. Such requirements with strife and division. Pah David Allely, 407 Hanford Rd.; might include soil conditions, ac­ troops. City, generally unknown to the party here. Call as now cess, apace and other facts. Paek for Trip Rbak Lose Livec GIngar A h Ml-«-411tE Lnslie Ann Dutton, S4F Garden public no relation to the per- Dr.; Alexander Berggren, 76 Pleas­ Pick out land suitable for Uiese- The ,Americane packed for .iBy „ Anchor fumera waa elected last night for ant St.; Elmer Swanson, 59 W. uses, Wilcox said. It is a good idea Christasea Eve trip back to thsir a T-year term to succeed Soclelist Club Chianti Middle Tpke. ' to choose industrial sites first, the mala prison oesspound la the neu­ Vtowent AurioL The new chief lAlmh raUMMIT lecturer pointed out, because the tral aont. leaving the area where Carlsbad, N. M.. Dec. 24 c h - dlere who have chosen Commun­ cfplUl.. ended a week's vetiag go on to decide what it should ism will he reunited—33 Ameri­ sea anchor baited with breac the iong>time bow o f thk- blSCHARQED YESTERDAY: Plus Tax and milk and hoisted the two- deadloek unprecedented in French Mra Jdssie Wlnterbottom, 31 EM- used for to provide the I^st 2.98 cana. 1 Briton. 337 Koreans, They history. secret p^ice (MVD) and fiix raund SL; Alhrrt Keeney, 19 Essex development of the community. were separated when 350 Koreans month-old pooch out of a dry Prerlously no awrs than two of hifi henchmen were shot St,; George Wheeler, S. Windsor; The speaker said planners should attended Allied explanattona and water well. ballots bad been required to nemo seek a’ balance of uses, asserting the others balked. by s firing gquad yesterday Mrs. Beatrice^ Torrance, 194 E. Gift Wayne Gregory, 36, bald the a chief of etete. Thirteen ware after a secret M ay trial. Tbe Middle Tpke.; Mra Valeria Polk, that many communities in this The priaeaere will obaerve reps, and W. W. B^urr, S4, a flash held at a two-a-day pace before area have already expmlehced Gold and sUvsr finishtd )sw «)(y in ssrrtng. pins, nsek- CSirietmaa with a special menu of tl^t to do the trick. Cety—first proposed on the 12tb Soviet Supreme Court foup4 125 West S t, RbekvUle; Walter beef, chicken, pork, fruit, wine Miareckl, Broad Brook; Mra what happens when an imbalance Is^ , braeslsU. Also simulated peade and sparkling - Few AbxImm Msnsiate ballot—received the neceheary ma­ them guilty of high treason. develops. rhinsstons. * and beer futnlahed by the 0 >m- Thera ware a couple of enxieua Broto, 54, held the Soviet Theresa Angelo, 50 Pina S t munlsta. jority of the mere than 900 mem­ PINEHURST OPEN TQNiehT, Wilcox and William Blakey, a V momenU when it looked as It bers o f the National Aisaembly and Union's highest honors and tdd DISCHARGED TODAY: Paula member of the Connecticut They planned epeclal athletic their try would be unsuccessful— been elevated to the No. 3 Kngi* PhlUlpa. Willimantic. •vents Christmas sftsraoon with Senate. . Development Oommlsaion who ar- V, $ | .0 0 ^ 5495 each just like others during tha peat 10 T ^ end of the stelemate may Un poet of first deputy premier WEDNESDAY, DEC. IS, UNTIL I;! Lived in by the sport-set and book-lovm glikef Red-supplied equipment — ice days •peed the projected Bsectlng o f the and interior minister after Joseph Plus Tax ^ te ^ ^erican f^tballs. Jave- Their angle principsUy waa the All through your busy day, this Ship^n ShOwe •_____ ^ BQr Four foreign ssiaiaters la Bor- Stalin died nine months ago. Throe JlM^a.O w ia and other gear.------heea< and mlMi. What else would IIB. WaWfK mpWIBBa In MSetow m onths‘hrter,"'in" June.* ' 'Premtor stays ever-lovely: shi^ Mils trimly tudted.i. Tht 33 Amdrlcana will m n d the a ~hungry pup that age go fort Georri Maleilkov'a government v - next 30 daya at the maw com­ Mid they exp^ aa early Soviet Wt hiVR piMty of 12 to 15-lb. fm h Ro- back pleats easy-free. Rounded two-way collar There ehe was, Si-feet-down in reply to the Western note prepoe- rested him aind denounced him as G ft Books Fen* Children pound; They, like all other pris­ the middle of the oollapecd nylon oners who have refused repatria- lag a Jaa. 4 meeting new that the a traitor to the state and Com- fine litde pearl buttons. Perfect-wafhing combed Illustrated books, activity books and story bookd sea a a c h o i^ gadgm buUt Uke an presideolial election le over. muniam. bart Farm tarkays aad M orrairt raaCy-to- tlea. are due to be released Jaa airport wIM apek, only with a cotton broadcloth...white, placid pastels. Sizes SO to 40. for older boys and girls. 33 aa clvillana. Obeenrota ware certain the deep The execution announcemsnt botlem to It. They started to raise parllamcatery dtvletans ravealed Little (^Iden Books ------...... Each 25c However, their eUtus at that the startled pup. About one-third today was the first disclaeuro that a a t b a m s. NOTICE lull ene af many naw Ship'n Share stylet I time la the eyes of the U. B. gov- by the long stelemate—over such Berta’s trial had bean gring on o f the way up the lO-inch-vride Bustled Books ------^...... 60c to $1.95 •rnawnt remained undetermined. burhihg domestic issuee as labor atnoe Friday behind locked doors. * Big Books ...... |i,o o - shaft tha atruggUng little black policy, church taSuence and espe- In Waahlagton, the Defense De- and white mongrel almost |p>t The hearing opened two days SHOP TONIDHT AND • Boxed Actfvity Books . .fI.OO gnd J2.00 partUMat said the Anwricana wtU claUy the Americaa-baeked plan after the Soviet press pubU«htd outs to rearm Germany within a 6- Both tboM ttoris will ho otoiod. alt remain in o , -n eenrlee until thm. Gregory, a machinist, and- l^irr, IcdfbtmeaU against Boris and an­ hut no further .decMon waa an- netion European army—would be nounced the names of the six oth­ who spent four years in the Navy; repeated in 1954’e leglai|sUve A ll DAY THURSDAY aeunced. hastily lowered away. Tha Urrifled er defendants. . The papers fit A spekeeman mid open eervicc wrangling over those taeues. the same time startou btssttag iay Satuntoy, Dae. 26, li ordar t o pup calmed down and the Tim Sr^ Mat will rpme when what a maaaa their pay will centuiue to hoisted her almeat to the top. the seven as the vilest kind of, Ofoa Tharsday t ajn. to S iMn. sccomulate. tbs. AassmMy Is asked to iiimfirm betrayers and reportod that mass . The pup began etruggUng again. Lanlel'e succeesor. 1 A Peetagen statement mid that meetings thro-ighoUt the country sm ootli iiGw line But Burr reached down abwt two \ Ooty g o t' 477 vetiea—486 wore were unanimously exiting for their fiva aar amployas a wall aaniMl M i- needed to Meci—on th4 decisive Closad Cbristoias Day (OeeMeead ee Paga Two) fCentlswed ae Piqge Twe) ballot. Mar^-Bdmend Neagalett, fin past cases o f ’easmrtM you've acquired “Secialtat end former governor gen­ tralton, the bodies have bodn Opaa SatorUay, Daa. 25 day aftor tta straanous bam iaf basi^ eral o f Algeria, poIM 339. cremated and disposed of wUhoot m your • ' . Heegelen had been runner-up ob' further announcement.) 16 of the previous votes and led on The eight-man tribunal, under France Is Told U. S» two o f them. But the 100 or so Marshal Ivan 8 Konlev, a World aasf baton Ohristoias. .front-panelled middle-of-the-road legislators, who War n hero, pasoed sentence after held the slscUve balaiice of power “ the guUt of all the accused waa riaiwiwwinwngKKiiKKKiwi 1»etween right tad left, refused to completely proved in court by the evidence and also by orSl sad- to the European Army won him wrtttcn confeasiona,'' the govera- Warnerettdl Communist suppqrt. ment newspaper Is^ tia said. Army VIewa r*to**wn V Htraid Nbotoc The official announcement aaid These Ootir'a vtSws on the European As ChrMmas Day drew near mere and nier Tha Merry Orlsteiae wish at lower W t la exteeded hy the Erwte J. BABY SHOP Washington, Dec. 24 army, to Include a united com- Army are not even publicly known. ownen atnmg lights or placed wraaihs la wladews and teatght the Meeaeya. 7 Harhmatacfc St. The church at lower right ie a diaptey Beria and those who had conspind President Eisenhower gravely nwndjwd la one uniform______troops___^ town will ehtoe brightly. A few ef the maay bedecked heeiee are creeted hy George O. Btegham ia the yard af hie home at 44 Nerih with him tried "to put tbe M M i-.. He waa U1 when tba Senate debat­ try of Internal Affairs above the told France tate yesterday the _ , , ------/. Italy, ed the peoject, and has ntvsr taken •wn here. In the upper W t lights eutlinr the enMre ceateer ef the sa Atty. Harold Oarrtty, 141 Pltkta St., ceaeeatratee the deeera- lilwJW HALCcw Celcyleied lo kaap your evrveteme Carters Sleeping ITnited RtntM ivill nkann,.>iu ^•toorland and Lux- Kenneth O. Merrison heeie at W. High SL. feetasea of evergreen tieaa at Wa deerway. Tha “Seasoa’a Greetiaga'* shlae forth from pi^y and the government for r a stand. Though he. has been In ngun tIMi end kM wHh ab-se- u n u e o otMteS win rMppraiae embourg. Originally proposed by purpose of seising power" Parliament nearly 30 yean, he la decorate the George Kraeee heete at (Ml Hartferi Ed., (eppsr riidit)< atep the Jands Maek oa Ceeter St. ----- aimed "fo r restoration o f captp 0Mfte persuoiien. Simply divine ilw its baalc Edropean pollciea un- fVance, it haa been stymied by la- known chiefly as a member of the Lim ber YarGi Bag leas the proposed European toe French ParUa- Ism." woy it smoetlM your hipe . . . Rm- consefvative; •'free enterprlee" In­ As early as 1919 Beria “ occupied I tens your tummy . . . yin feels Mce Fits baby from 3 months to 8 Defense (immunity (EDC), ** dependent party, and an advocate tbe post of secret agent" in Aser- nothing enl Adc for Wimter'a* new yoaro. Oolors: 3Cint, maisa, pink providing for Germin rearm! of coeetituticmal reform to Election Result House Painter bsljiui, acting with groups “under >r blut. ament, ia set up soon. ' At . the time of hie strengthen the executive and Christians Hopeful the control of Britlrii intelUgenae front penaNed Warneretto*i it's pin- eliminate the frequent changes of wUl S « money prkedi The President expressed this Cqty's position on KDC Waa not On Waterfront Admits Slaying organa,” tbe annauncement said. It ILEHOUSEsSON view in a eUUment aa the third PUbUcly known. The 71-ycar-old governmsnt. added: As President, he la supposed to # 4 3 4 ~ wOndsrfwHy tssdsrtshls RgSK , move in an extraordinary cam- kwyer, an Independent RepubU- "In the foQowtng yean up to hie *3-»’ have no control over pAicv. The arrest, X.. P. Beria Continued and WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS , stepJq flfdle el. Wareor's own twswey -paign directed by Becretery of can by party, hae been latereeted post is symbolic of the continuity StiO Unkno'HH Peace Truly Near In West Haven ■ 'Nr^h pre-slMvnk eletllc. Temsiy deWsw- Bute DuUes to can- the EDO ptonarily in constitutional mat- extended his aocrot eonnectiooe' The Happiest Christmas of the state and bv tradition above with forelm InteUigence services.'’ > ieg Hont pens'! el dewmtrskM^ rsyon issue dIreeUy to the French people! t«rs. He U dMcrihsd as favoring a poUUca, Rla duUea are largely — ------■ '-satM.nhM*: lOtke, smalL medhmi end and win their support Of IL revision o f the present conatltu- New York. Dec. 34 MW—The Na­ , West Haven, Dec. 34 m — Po­ After Beria became’ InterMp tion under which France haa ceremonial and soc'al, though he By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS *al Christnlas Eve fesUvities and lice say an IS-year-old botise minister, the announcement coee> c l o s e d Im d i-lM whke m * ...... Watm Slacks Aete After Election muiri select n n«4v Premier when- tional Labor Ralatlona Board aaid Bieeahower acted little more changed govemmenta so often la Christians the world around .t** **'<•«*■ toe painter has confessed he shot and tlnued, he promoted his group ef MHtMnapeMie4lM *...... $5.95 liPls In red, green, hrowh! recent yeara. ir the Assembly turns the today the outcome of a neck-aad- killed Mrs. Joseph Kennedy, 40, plotters in tM MVD, trisd to eMr than an hour after the French cabipet out of office. Even then l<»k^ forward today to one t^we spots auii fmjMkeHtehed edhen Kq ...... fSJS navy ^ gray corduroy and The presidency, however, la by neck longahere bargaining elecUoa as she screamed hysteiicaUy for wqoL Blscs 7 ^to 14. Parliament, on the 13th ballot, the Assembly has the'last word— of the -moat. joyous observ- bWrtied the world'a faro^ae- the I elected Ben. Rene Cety to be the « flfurebead Job and theo- would not be known until Monday, help during a $60 liquor atore (CoetiMMdl s c page Feer) 1 ^’ rej^ally Coty'a attitude toward ancea in yeara of the birth of faithful preparod for the birthday ALWAYS-RETTER BUYS ease. UA.Pat.OI. now President of the French Re­ (OsetimMd eai M gs Mlae) with final results hinging 00 dis- hr4dup h'ere on Nov. 31. irom $^.9a.$4.98.$5.98 public. EDC might not have too much peeitioa of 4,405 challenge ballots Jesus. They were buoyed b y ^ to* P^nce of i ^ e . Detective Ueut Joseph Harvey b ea i^ . Obviously, though, he te In ftia 1_____ e ' Union troops struggled on In their lUentlfled the youth as / Robert Thue the Bret Important foreign among 31,344 cast In tha 3-day ■ *5^ j ^ hopM for .pea^ against the Communist-led OMs’ D i ^ , Sad Fleer Pi*Uoa to exercise considerable balloUng. Blander of Bridgeport and said an FOR LESS MONEY! policy atep on the American gov- mfluance both through peraonal ^--'justified or npt---flincO th o , Vi«tininh rebels in IndochixuL Brit* accomplice wax being sought. •rnmant foUowlng Ooty'e amerg- When the counting of jmchal- start of the Cold War. Ish forces stood guard in Malaya BuUetiiia pMUge and guiding the formation longed ballots ended shortly before Hxrvey refused to'identify the al­ •Boe as a Bgure on tha world stage of new governments—a task he Although ofllciale were skeptl- against jungle forays by Red Chi­ leged accomplice. . ' ■ ^ -w as a aharp raminder that the News Tidbits 3 a.m. (EST), the NLRB said the eal. millions In Shirope truly,, felt nese guerrillas ancT in Africa's frosi the AP YYlrcs Christmas Eve wilt teckls for ths first Ume imme- Blander was scheduled for a United Btetce Is counting on EDC «a tely after he takes offtee Jan. , Chlkd from AP Wirea Independent International ‘ Long- the threat of war had ebbed 'with Kenya colony against attacks by Mifitite ■ to provide peace and sacurtty for IT. ahoremen's .'issn. ■ votes ahead of the newly formed and indications that the Soviet men. OB a charge 'of murder. He'was TRAIN CaLiSHBS IN RIVEEr December 24 i EDC la a propoesd 6-iiaUon ILA-AFU government was paying more at- In Korea, a apacial ’ airlift flew held without ball. Ancklaad,‘ Mew Zeatead. f HI (C teMaaeB ms Page ) Sen. Hunt (D-W yo)' questions Harvey quoted Blander as aay- day. Owu. 35 (F)—A teaia Agrleultuna Pepartenent whether Intet-unlon rivalry, flared into tenUon tq the welfare of its peo- tons of last-minute Christmas sporadic pitched battlea nlung-Om 'Je'stTiaus UU& to'tptokdiiif"Un set. nununlsl go^»el~abread: •^OTTOXTl!^ K Staten m m S H hoT o the vot- torn country. Special services. In screams made him panicky. Then crashed Into 1 • V ^ ' H i WtilinOtKiGHs . ..have gentrally reliefiM the ,nnir niace. Heaw nolice reln- Plan Tnslittaiwl Oetobrathms his mind went blank, Harvey, quot­ Christ— t aw n in g aed. ■aept - until.... pL deciinlttg prices for uve eattii .. lag took place. Heavy police rein­ The end this year Of the Rght- eluding more than a dosen Masses “VV 1ST MidcHt TmipHw M U M 33I forcements quelled the diaturb- IBE in Korea and the release of celebrated by visiting Francis Car­ ed him. easnaltlea a n tooSoi. 't Thrse Tfaw York heart apeclalises xncea. The detective said Elsnder. taU ^ ■ # Genuine LratherT^- say development of Mgh ttkXMT thoussadk o f Oommuniat-held pris­ dinal Spellman, Roman CatlmUc . AjiVe.. $1.?B to I4.9B Chsrlas T. Dottds, NLRR re­ oners also brightened homes Archbishop of New York, m a i^ and sloider, has been "in and out - I«1HE DOC IN FIRES « Don *t Look for Snow,. presauZe and heart diaoase may gional director, said he did not be­ of reformatories, -since he was EUlagtea, Ma., Dec. 34 not be InSueneed by overweight. throughout praspemis .. America. rED TABLECLOTHS £ lieve either union would call a Here, as in other lands, traditlon- (Continued on Pnge Nine) nine." .Blender ivaa picked up Flamea swept toreugh twA- Monday: Moradng OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE UNTIL 11 Billfolds TYoaxilry Department strike at midnight tonight, when Wedne^ay in connection with a frame fane houses to seetoeeal With ehanga compartmant and paa«-CBa«, (^ lors: Navy, Just Button / Overcoat more than $35,000 believed an 60-day Taft-HartlSy ‘'cooling- Monday night holBup-here in which Blisoouri early today, kiNtofL Mack, green, red. Gned fer Red Uhtea in week's off' injuncUon expires. a liquor store proprietor, Dome- niae n— toero ef the twe fieetor OPEN AU DAY GHRICTMAS search of oversees noall in Ban The old ILA, ousted from the nick Recchio, waa robbed o f $75 by Uee. vietttee e f the CBftete, Dec^ber 2S Francisco . . . A 33-ysar-old In­ AFL for failure to rid Its ranks of a gunman wearing a towel around roes Eve tregedtee trare cMh* $2-50 ^ $5XX) W ® A8BOOIATBD PREiHt 21940 when a hlch o f sa danaM dian is convicted and eeateeced to Former Red Prisoner Don't look for a Currier A IvaaTwas reached. SS^t w m racketeers, staged a 5-day strike his face. dm . Five etijweiiieeee wan to>{ Cbrietmsa tomorrow In-the Man. for 'murder last March of last October—wjilch waa halted by Arrested in. connection with tbe Jnred. ;'V ' I ■ „ ...... DAN RIVER ROS|BUD EMBRbiOEREO when It dr(9pq^ to eae degree be- Plus Taut oheeter-Hartford area. two Amsriban woman in American the Taft-Hartley injunction. The S p e c ia ls "^ low kero. Presbyterian MIseion at Dehradun, > PILLOW aCASI s ...... 5 ...... $ | .3 5 P r. The weatherman says thara is December thus far, la promlslag no-atrike order was extended later Recalls Christmas 1952 (Ceetonied ee Pnge ,13evea). V. 8 KEEPB dOnrAWA India. to the ILA-AFL,. WsMYteg iin, Dm . 34 an outaids ehanoa that a fsw snow- b* » g anawlese. State uudltera reveal failure of THE ENOLAND LUMBER 00. SEAUTIFUL.BvIBROIbERED Bahaa may fall hut It cartelnly Only in 1937 has a eeasplste Dor Seek Representative SeenlMF ef State PeU w «ede|t> CANNED HAMS . „ u 1 5 pc Metal Set won't ha a White Chriataua. town and State authoritlM to Rceults of the election will de­ (Bditor'a Hotel Joseph Fisa- .7both dictetorahlpe treat their en- ■neipe tied-toe UnHod 'Itateg-' P I L L O ^ A S E S ...... | 2 .9 8 P r , cembtr gone ^ without any re­ check flnanelal resources of emies. Lingerie Purchase 'He looks for Inei^aaiak cloudi- cordable mow. And there haa bron termine only which union wilt rik, 43. ie nee of eight heroto wfll rotate ite eeetrol e f GRteeC aeaa tonight and coneldcrabic deceased veterans is ceeting Dse- repremiit Now York-New, Jersey Oaecho who ernsliiB Wirengk the I know now that today's Reds wa nei aH hat e sasaO pertteR CHENILLE. BATH SETS ...... $2.98 Set none ae fer'thla month, In burial sx- learned a lot from the Nasis. They EVISGERATEO TURKEYS cioudlneas tomorrow with temper- Jpewhere on the woethsa aceae. longshoremen, but aome' 40,000 Iron Cknrtoto to fw eisni la West Makes Men Blush ar;to^Bpdky« aad B e a la ^ ’' THE W. 0, GLENNEY 00. BEADY TO COOK—la to 18 LB8 sturea |n the mid SOe. psBss for un-naody vets . . . Oon- Germany iao4 enmoMr. Hero's know how to break a man's will. toe tei *15®* It looks like Santa Ciaua wUl Bad necticut SI othsr states ehal- They never broke mine,,, but not Simulated leather tehle top. chair aeals an4 haoui, Cray FINGER^tlP TOWEL SETS, Sef of 4 .. il.M dry sledding ever meet parte of tha (Coattanefi on Page FIftoon) his story nC Ohristeaae Eve a I Up paased In 18S7 year aga ia a Goaaaaalat prie- because I was some sort' o f hero. Albuquerque, Dec. 34 UPh^tt motel with re^. Table, folding typ^ and 4 chairs. Bspa- ms going to midnight Maas nation on hia annual tour o f the allewtag eenvlMad murderers and They never brdke mine because you're a ipan, you can't be a cenv- GOOD LINE OP CAPONS AND CHICKENS ratsly— CHATHAM lbc% WOOL BLANKETS tMUgiit had hotter bundle up. The United Btetsa tonight. •a eelL He wae released freai ard and buy lingerie. % n [THE MANCHESTER LUMBER CO. ethsf criminals to anteal In f sdsral prison after Ntolte'e death. God was with nie. . 86(fiV-AO.M!t temperature wlU ha about ten de- But he'll find anow-oovorad aiuaa couna. Dorothea Lea, a lingerie isldj* y - Clisirs:|2.9B for $i0.9Bw-T«Us " $12.95 to $17.95 below freealng' about mid- Piearik It aawTe tola oeoatiy, I was a member o f tbe A ir PteaaBfiY. ovfr Wide aectkma o f the Midwaat Spekaamaa tor Btotlen WNHC- anti-communist underground la girl in a large Albuquerque de­ GHOICE RIB ROUT Lb. 't ; a gaeet ed toe Craoade fer partment atore, knowa If aepwiq ISe XE>j WOOD IOC % w 6 6 l blahIcets and Reeky Mouataia regloas. TV aaya Pidmel OoeitounieaUons No Herald Freedom oagportlag toe werk Cxechoelovakla and I knew tbe The eUg^t snow we ntay get to-i There's not eaougli snow for a OnfnmlsBtiia hae jn a t o d pmniix- does. During tbe past few wtlRi THE MeKINNEY LUMBER > ‘> ’ 5*o $22J0,, af Eadte Free gter^o.) CUch secret political police were she's been wife, mother, gtrt fm pil Pottery asonrow la now in the form o f a fast sts|gb ride in other atetea ^ to tolitoBI lif i^grmria oa Tom orrow after me. They got mo when t was a tom ovar the aeutharn Up' of and pnmmcte ter a Mnste Christ- and teen-age daughter to msaaFvC ^ SEALTEST lOE CREAM 2 Plate S5E CHENILLE BeO^PRIADS; . . . $5.95 to $I$.9B 9tohB*lB « '« 9 4 • SMB BMnIght By JOSara PtBABlK hiding St my sister-in-law's apart­ man buying Us ftnt bit ef ' X « SUFFIT 00. ANY FLAVOR Uudaoe Bey, Canada, The storm la- BMS appeared dim today. Jap; 3 , . Lhadmi OaRy lYorisr ment, and I waa in their custody meviBg isathiis t hut wee*t Mt The Msnehester EveBing Hew Torit, Dec. 34 (F>— I opent •ilk or nylon. . I Hew But Santa's a varaatllo traveler last CkriatSBaa Eva in a Red' pris­ until last April. “Men are so baiMtttl," toe satiL B<—« * n » ftoUB- rflwiYhww meet- Herald will be pol^ At first they took me to the *9^* 'a MijOaiH^ Mifiimry. on ceU. togothw with a eaint "especially the first tisie. But UEg $48 BOX OF OANIY $2JI ■trawhofry and peasant daidikk ______r hetwtoa P r liii Muitster lishsd tomorrow, CkristBiss Prioon was nathing new to me mftM jail w..ere the Hasis had sure aren't cowards. E E WILUS & SON. h«.<^ ^ e e u v r^ apieada, relMh, etc. Four aide diahee and een ter. Clm *tll aed Soviet AmbqMSdor Day. when the cammanTets srrosted beaten me up 10 yean eariior, the "The first approeto aiwnys to hewaL Black wrought iron frama. ir * diameter. Jacob MsUk. me an Jah. 9, 1963. Fd been former Gestapo prison in PUaen. ths hardest. They «NM|y asar tlw Jepofr'o mlatotor W'^uotleo The Herald wishes lis through the Gestapo torture They tried to^Mroak me there, but counter, circle It a £nr Ubm r aeg A NERRY OHRISnitt TO AU. Greas Stamps Ghres With Cash Salas plodgoo ia HatlonsI Diot to pro- readers a very Merry chombera too. That had been I prayed and God was with me then, with very red faeei, am: to U. 8. If Amorican truiqe 1943, when I eras a 'krombor of and they never leamed.the names " T d Uke to buy Mumw aay nmro JapuMte ’into diristmas. the antl-Nast naderground in TMgro’s finaalf Csechoelovakte. 1 knew how £

7 *■