Configure 6in4 Tunnel in pfSense

Lawrence E. Hughes

18 November 2017 pfSense is a powerful, Dual Stack (IPv4 + IPv6) open source /router for x86 platforms. You can install it on a variety of platforms, including VirtualBox for building virtual multi subnet networks. It can function as a fully operational dual stack router, but it has sophisticated controls over traffic flows, so it is also a firewall.

Free documentation is available online at

Features (from website)

 Firewall with stateful packet inspection  Easy to use Web Based Graphical Interface  Installation Setup Wizard  Configurable Dashboard with many available widgets  IPv4 and IPv6 support  Wireless Access Point (must install a wireless interface which supports hostap mode), including VAP/MBSS support on certain chips.  Wireless Client Support (802.11 and 3G/4G with supported devices)  Ability to setup and filter/isolate multiple interfaces (LAN, DMZ, etc.)  Traffic Shaping (ALTQ, Limiters, 802.1p match/set, DiffServ/DSCP matching)  State Table controls (per-rule / per-host limits, timers, etc.)  NAT (Port Forwards, 1:1 NAT, Outbound NAT, NPt)  Redundancy/High Availability - CARP+pfsync+XMLRPC Config sync allows for hardware failover. Two or more firewalls can be configured as a failover cluster.  Multi-WAN Support  Server Inbound Load Balancing  Network diagnostic utilities such as ping, traceroute, port tests via the GUI (more with packages, such as nmap)  VPN - IPsec (including Phase 2 NAT), OpenVPN, L2TP  PPPoE Server  RRD Graphs  Real-time interface traffic graphs  Dynamic DNS  Captive Portal  DHCP Server and Relay (IPv4 and IPv6)  Command line shell access (Via console and SSH)  Wake on LAN  Built in packet capture / sniffer  Ability to backup and restore the firewall configuration via the web GUI  Edit files via the web GUI  Virtual interfaces for VLAN, LAGG/LACP, GIF*, GRE, PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP/PPP WANs, QinQ, and Bridges  Caching DNS Forwarder/Resolver  Can be run in many virtualization environments  Proxy Server (using packages)

* the support for GIF pseudo interfaces includes 6in4 tunneling from Hurricane Electric, which requires a public IPv4 address on the WAN interface of the firewall.

This writeup assumes you:

 Have installed pfSense on your firewall device (once this is done, you can remove any video display, keyboard and CDROM drive used during the install).  Have an ISP account with a public IPv4 address  Have configured your ISP Customer Premises Equipment (modem, router, etc) in bridge mode (no NAT, no DHCP, no firewalling), where the public IPv4 address is available on the customer side of the interface.  Have configured a static IPv4 address on the LAN node of your firewall (e.g. No LAN IPv6 address is needed at this point.  Have configured a DHCPv4 server on your firewall to allow a client node connected to the LAN interface of your firewall to configure with an address that can access the LAN interface of the firewall (e.g. / The default gateway of the client node should be the LAN address of your firewall (e.g. No DNS configuration is required at this time. You can point it to the LAN interface of the firewall for now.  Have connected an cable from the customer side of the ISP CPE to the WAN port on your firewall.  Have connected another Ethernet cable from the LAN port on your firewall to the Ethernet interface of a client node (e.g. notebook running Windows). The client node should do network configuration via DHCPv4.  Can ping the firewall LAN interface from the client node (e.g. ping

On my network, the ISP account looks like the following (as documented by ISP). Since my address is static and configured via ISP DHCPv4, I don’t really need to know these things.

IPv4 public address: configured via ISP DHCPv4

IPv4 upstream gateway (, configured via ISP DHCPv4

IPv4 addresses of DNS (,, configured via ISP DHCPv4

Verify ISP Network CPE Device Configuration

Connect a client node (e.g. notebook running Windows) with an Ethernet cable to the customer side (RJ45) of your ISP CPE. The client node should use DHCPv4 to configure the network interface and DNS. [ISP CPE] ==> Ethernet interface of client node

Verify that the client computer configures your public IP address as the node address, the correct subnet mask, the correct upstream gateway as the default gateway, and the DNS addresses provided by your ISP. If your ISP does not use DHCPv4, do manual configuration of your client node as per their information on connecting (e.g. static IPv4 address).

Check network configuration on the client node with ipconfig:

C:\Users\lhughes>ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name ...... : LEHNB10 Primary Dns Suffix ...... : Node Type ...... : Hybrid IP Routing Enabled...... : No WINS Proxy Enabled...... : No DNS Suffix Search List...... :

Ethernet adapter Ethernet:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Description ...... : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller Physical Address...... : 54-EE-75-98-A4-BF DHCP Enabled...... : Yes Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::4000:a636:10cb:36a9%11(Preferred) IPv4 Address...... : Subnet Mask ...... : Lease Obtained...... : Saturday, November 18, 2017 1:36:51 PM Lease Expires ...... : Saturday, November 18, 2017 3:20:49 PM Default Gateway ...... : fe80::1:1%11 DHCP Server ...... : DHCPv6 IAID ...... : 257224309 DHCPv6 Client DUID...... : 00-01-00-01-1F-E2-B5-17-54-EE-75-98-A4-BF DNS Servers ...... : NetBIOS over Tcpip...... : Enabled Connection-specific DNS Suffix Search List :

Try pinging an external IPv4 address from the client node:


Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

You should also be able to surf to an IPv4 website using any browser on your client node (e.g.

Insert the pfSense Firewall Between the ISP CPE and the Client Node

Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the Ethernet interface of the client node and insert that cable into the WAN interface of the firewall (e.g. em0). [ISP CPE] ==> [FW WAN Interface]

Connect another Ethernet cable from the LAN interface of the firewall to the Ethernet interface of the client node. [FW LAN Interface] ==> Ethernet interface of client node

Use ipconfig on the client node to verify that the client node still does valid private network configuration using DHCPv4, e.g. node address, subnet, default gateway, and some DNS addresses.

Surf to the pfSense web configurator from the client node: (or whatever you configured as your LAN IP address). It will complain that the server cert is untrusted (it is self-signed) – connect anyway (how you do this depends on the browser you are using).

You should see the login page:

Login as admin, using the password configured during pfSense install.

You should now see the pfSense dashboard in your browser:

View the WAN Interface configuration: Interfaces / WAN:

Click Save then Apply Changes

Now view the status of all interfaces - Status / Interfaces:

If you are using DHCPv4 for WAN configuration, you may need to click the Release button then Renew. You should see your WAN configuration (IPv4 address, subnet mask, gateway IPv4, DNS) appear.

The LAN interface should also show the correct configuration.

On your client node, you should now be able to ping external addresses right through the firewall:


Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=59 Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=59 Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=59 Reply from bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=59

Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 8ms, Maximum = 11ms, Average = 9ms

You should also be able to surf to IPv4 sites (e.g.

Note that this shows the public IPv4 from the outside of your NAT gateway, not the private IPv4 address of your node.

The firewall is currently performing NAT44 from your public IPv4 address to the internal LAN block (

You now have basic IPv4 service configured. Let’s move on to implementing the tunneled IPv6 from Hurricane Electric.

First we need to add a firewall rule to allow Hurricane Electric to ping your public IPv4 address. This is necesssary as Hurricane Electric will only create a tunnel if it can ping the public IPv4 address.

Go to Firewall / Rules / WAN;

Click Add rule to End of List (Add with down arrow button):

Add rule to allow ICMPv4 Echo Request from anywhere (if you like you can restrict this to just Hurricane Electric, or once the tunnel is created you can disable or remove this rule).

Click Save.

Click Apply Changes button.

Now surf to with any browser (from your client node):

Create a 6in4 tunnel at TunnelBroker.Net:

If you don’t already have an account on TunnelBroker, create one now. In either case, login.

Create a new tunnel by clicking on Create Regular Tunnel (in upper left):

It shows your public address. Cut and paste it to accept. Also choose the point of presence nearest you (it will usually guess correctly). In my case I already have a tunnel to this public IPv4 address, so I can’t create another one. I will just use the existing tunnel.

View the settings for you new (or in my case existing) tunnel:

You will need the above info to configure your 6in4 tunnel. Print it.

Create the GIF Interface

Click Interfaces / Assign / GIFs.

Now click + Add

Do not include a “/64” after the IPv6 addresses. Now click Save

Configure GIF Interface (HENETv6)

Click on OPT1 and modify it as follows:

Now assign the GIF interface. Select the GIF interface for HENETv6.

Click on Save. It will now look like this:

Now setup the Gateway for the HENET tunnel (System / Routing / Gateways)

Save, Apply Changes. Your gateways will now look like this:

Now use the info from TunnelBroker to configure your GIF (Interfaces / Assign / GIFs).

The Server IPv4 Address goes into the GIF Remote Address.

The Client IPv6 Address goes into the GIF tunnel local address.

The Server IPv6 Address goes into the GIF tunnel remote address.

Set the GIF tunnel subnet to 64.

Click Save, then Apply Changes.

Now create the gateway for the IPv6 tunnel (System / Routing / Gateways)

Click Save then Apply Changes.

If everything was done correctly, your tunnel gateway status should now be Online.

Now view your interfaces (Status / Interfaces). The HENETv6 interface is now present. There is still no IPv6 address for the LAN interface:

Configure LAN IPv6 Address

Set the IPv6 address type to Static IPv6. Enter a nice address (e.g. ::1 in the LAN subnet) for the LAN IPv6 address. Set the prefix length to 64. No upstream gateway is configured.

Setup RA Message Server

First, disable the DHCPv6 server for the LAN interface:

Click Save and Apply Changes. Now configure the Router Advertisement message:

Set the subnet prefix and any DNS servers and search list. Click Save and Apply Changes.

Test your IPv6 Connectivity

Surf to

Now surf to


Now verify your network configuration on the client node with ipconfig:

C:\Users\lhughes>ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name ...... : LEHNB10 Primary Dns Suffix ...... : Node Type ...... : Hybrid IP Routing Enabled...... : No WINS Proxy Enabled...... : No DNS Suffix Search List...... :

Ethernet adapter Ethernet:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Description ...... : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller Physical Address...... : 54-EE-75-98-A4-BF DHCP Enabled...... : Yes Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes IPv6 Address...... : 2001:470:ed3d:1000:4000:a636:10cb:36a9(Preferred) Temporary IPv6 Address...... : 2001:470:ed3d:1000:e50d:f0f5:72b9:8701(Preferred) Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::4000:a636:10cb:36a9%11(Preferred) IPv4 Address...... : Subnet Mask ...... : Lease Obtained...... : Saturday, November 18, 2017 3:45:24 PM Lease Expires ...... : Saturday, November 18, 2017 5:21:57 PM Default Gateway ...... : fe80::2e0:67ff:fe05:2f1%11 DHCP Server ...... : DHCPv6 IAID ...... : 257224309 DHCPv6 Client DUID...... : 00-01-00-01-1F-E2-B5-17-54-EE-75-98-A4-BF DNS Servers ...... : NetBIOS over Tcpip...... : Enabled Connection-specific DNS Suffix Search List :

You now have two IPv6 global addresses, configured from the RA messages, using SLAAC. You also have a valid default gateway (via ND Neighbor Discovery).

You can manually configure a global IPv6 node address if you like.

Note: currently you are allowing all outgoing connections, but the only incoming traffic is ICMPv4 (for HE to ping your pubic address). Further configuration of your firewall rules is beyond the scope of this writeup. pfSense has excellent firewall rule configuration for both IPv4 and IPv6, as well as various kinds of NAT44 (1:1, Cone mode, or Port forwarding). You can set up multiple internal subnets, with IPv4-only, IPv6-only or dual stack (IPv4 + IPv6). If you have more than one internal subnet with IPv6 you will need more than a /64 block (Hurricane Electric by default gives you a /64 block but you can easily upgrade it to a /48 (65,536 /64 blocks). With pfSense you can route various IPv6 subnets to internal networks as needed.