HOLINESS THE JOURNAL OF WESLEY HOUSE CAMBRIDGE The end of theological education – is wisdom the principal thing? Jane Leach THE REVD DR JANE LEACH is an ordained presbyter in The Methodist Church of Great Britain and the Principal of Wesley House, Cambridge. She teaches and supervises in the field of practical theology.
[email protected] Cambridge, UK This article invites reflection on the theological purposes of the education of church leaders. It is conceived as a piece of practical theology that arises from the challenge to the Wesley House Trustees in Cambridge to reconceive and re-articulate their vision for theological education in a time of turbulence and change. I reflect on Wesley House’s inheritance as a community of formation (paideia) and rigorous scholarship (Wissenschaft); and on the opportunities offered for the future of theological education in this context by a serious engagement with both the practices and concepts of phrone¯sis and poie¯sis and a dialogical understanding of biblical wisdom, as Wesley House seeks to offer itself as a cross-cultural community of prayer and study to an international Methodist constituency. ARISTOTLE • DIALOGUE • EMBODIMENT • ETHICS • FORMATION • PHRONE¯SIS • POIE¯SIS • REFLECTIVE PRACTICE • THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION • WISDOM www.wesley.cam.ac.uk/holiness ISSN 2058-5969 HOLINESS The Journal of Wesley House Cambridge Copyright © author Volume I (2015) Issue 1 (Holiness & Education): pp. 21–55 DOI: 10.2478/holiness-2015-0002 Jane Leach Introduction What should a theological college inscribe on its walls? This is an immediate question facing the Trustees of Wesley House, Cambridge, where I work, as we construct a new academic building.