
T hleT1 1 . VS 'I'w in Falls,, ldaho/99thli year, N o. 225 T h u rs djay^^guscJIjJ^ a 104 ~ ^ 50 c'cncs

G o o d m o)RNING r i [ant could W i v v n iiv R r i m i rm g e ft s p n o f o a tii o n Today:'i: Sunny J rebound ' and hotlot. Breezy By Rebeccka rMeany takingIng respon-.- "I to-day Inicniciion hasis beenI so served, -Vi^ ai timesies. Higli , TItnes-News8 vwriter sibilltylUly Tor his stressful. I've tried, to m ake ' Krum m willUl be I' on two.years' |O T i 'am ends witli whoever I roiiadon. pay a S35 vra. 95, low < :------■ action:ions and Is f r I needed supervised proli r Burley ’" ' I L . , , . TWIN FALLS i-a: - T h e liigli workinrklng to re- I I • to... Itliinkl'mgolngiobobea bet- per month supc.ipervlsion fee. par- ' Page I A2 sdiool foocbilball coadi arrested' formm his be- > 1 ter teacher itnu a betterler person licipaie in fiveve i days o f .sIierifT's T O i * . ' lasi m onihI In coniicction w ih a havior. I ' (because of tills)." work detail andn d have his driver's X d Vcility J I l ' \ ' tlomcsUc baltery bai incident will . "MoMost itn- i> ' W M agistrate Judge lUuicuidy Slok- license suspendL*nde Wedne:lesday to sign a ‘10-year f " lease oion 15 acres in. die former Sim plelot facility in ord er to ex­ pandit:its Swiss cheese manufac* luringg capabilities,( ’Hiee deal< gives a much need- ed boo!lost to bodi th e city an d thef Salt LLake Cliy-based Boyerr ■'■ r Com papany which is close to fi- ' Weddings past; Rcir L cIci-s naii/iniing a deal (o take over share photographshsofearly m anagiIgement of th e facility. / Sevei.'era! factors contributed toI M apc Valley bridesies and Gossncner's decision to expandI grooms. into Magic'Valley M bui Burley Page C8 M a^or)r Ion /\nderson said pan - lips between city andI ly olllcials w ere ke>’f O i r r r x x ) R S: s s excellent for the ciiy ofr y. Inu it's also e.Ycelleni for vo-couniy area." AndersonI Please see B U R l^. Page A2) itain issues

^rstlicense-^ r cloning Idalio’s deep beyon ' Scuba diving is am1 natural fit H H R v - - ' linans for m any Idaho lakilakes. Associated Press • Page Dl ■ m fSi \ NDO.N ,7 ad iaiu -g n in m d1______irsl license for human1 S l ’O k T S . . -• cloniiung Wednesday, joining? Two sistersI whow did not want to be Identlflcitiried'cry after finding out front ther died at sea, at the Generaiwal Hospital of so u ilill Korea on ihe leading; }m a survivor that their brothe ■ N.6ua,U0m) miles northeast of the capital,lal, iSanto Domingo, Dominican er nearly two weeks at sea,, 33 missing ml- . ed g e of t sieni cell'.researcli. iri Republic, Wednesday. After i iv'^ grants wereB ftfound alive but more than 4010 oothers who se t out with ther imed dead. w hichil iis restricted by ihe.Busli1 Hamm lem were missing and presume adm ininistraiion and whichI scieniisis believe may/ lit'*” Somee migrants onnjoumey tha lived on brea;astmilk S';„10 new treatments for ai at killed 55 li range•of o diseases. o l^ n p ic TheAs.oclrtilated Press______survivevivors Wednesday, u Hriiisli license w ent to) Tlielie boat liad almost reached niggle for better■ liife Newcai.•asile U niversity re- s o c c e r NAGUA. DDominican Ilepub- theI Puerto Pi Rican island of,‘1 M igrants stru searclicliers wiio iioiie eventuJilly; team past lic-Migrdntsats who survived on a Deseclsecheo t\vo days after It left Dominican migrants lost at ssei e a while trying lo crereaie instiiin.producingt G reece; sm;iU w oodeiden boat for nearly tlie norlliemnu coast of llie Do-fl Nearly 40 oMhe 86 Do), survived on breast milk, accks described on minloiilcan Republic when its en-)- to reach Puerto Rico,isess s told stories ot desperateate passengers iniodiiiliabetics. • Wednesdayy Ihow liiey waielica— Rimrt:c-Rillt?d.-Thc-capialn-abnTF-1- passengers. Witnesse:TDoara. ------^------Somi pa.*>scngers> attackai a woman for donedied ship, geuing on anodierP throwing otners overoc '______nounciiced in I'cbrnary diey h ad1 •’ O l M M O N her breast mmi ilk a n d how o thers m igraiijrant boal and saying he . , I cloned‘d an einhryu arid extract- uld return wltli help, • FLA.j-'^ 0 SOOtni edllle^e stem cells from il. died fromI tidehydration on a would 0 I00mi Empty casts: Fislicihermen journey diatat leftI 5 5 dead. Hle en never did. M e — • V 0 SOOhm Mail'iny scientists believe stem1 ■ . o n in S om e , on>n the irlp simply lie 'Hie boat drifted out to sea . o' lOOKm , Ocem : liolil vast prom ise for ireai- looking for salm on • . cub; . Upper Salmon Riveliver c e t began to loseosc dieir minds arter and1 bybj the third day all of tlie 11 army of diseases from di­ food an d wivater v ran out, a sur- ^valerler and food - chocolate,le \ '■ '• 1 is to Parkinsons. Stem cells> • shut out. today’s ededuonal vivorsald. peanuim uls a nd sardines - h ad runu, HAITI .' l-'-JiB ' ll can po[Kiientially grow into any! says. :. 'Hie passengers, who paid of iiuinan'iissue and scien- "A lol o f: pipeople just jumped out. ’H 3 SanJuon "I' Page A6 oir.” .said I'au;ausilna Sitniana. o n e about)ui S-ISO eacli for tlie trip, hope in he able lo directI I o f39 tnigranlmis who survived tlie sharedired o n e coco n u t diey foundp. ■ ® V . ,o-SaSo SSlank cells lo grow inio spe- journey. Eighight o f th e 55 vicdm s floiiiin;Iling in die sea, but panic Domingo “ ------... cific cel;ell t\]ies needed for trans- J r Tp died .shortlyly aafter their rcscue. soonin set S( in. ic /• D' plant. C o m i n g ^ 'riie migragrants’ 30-foot boat Man^lany people - m ostly older h h ,1 ;i S ,■ II Stemin L'elh can be found inI . ; , d by fishermen on men-n - b egan dying o n th e flfdi;r ' c II r i h h ...... adults.;s. but scien tists believe Close harmon lonles- Sdai' 1.1inly a b o u l 30 m iles day,f. llie ill same day some.of iheJl ...... terd ictlo n st)f select countrUitriesatsea tlieymmay noi be as versatile asi Blackllavvkheac ■e it departed thc vil-, men;n began 1 demanding that A nnual m igrant Inter ' those! ffiiiind' in einbrj-os. Tliey^ ' jm o n o n July 29. 'nie* wom,cim,cn. even tliose w ho w erc iiiii using cloning to create !To7tS,l, ^ ' B.OOG pooplo 1 107;____ ! thc Cassia Countmty Fair. Dominlcnnsns had set out for notI laciating, la provide breast ■ Haiti inl>r>’o from a paiient so In w ealthier Pui?uerto Klco In search milk, Dominican Republic acni cells exinicted would Frltlay In «.»» 3.053-1 . j 1 i ofworkoral:a better life. \vo 1\vo lactadng w o m en on'ercd S C uba [lerfect transplant m atch, TheTlmes-Ne’News “We coulduldn't make it with theirIr breast b m ilk to passengers,d 4.000 ' lerapeuiic cloning uill InI w hai m y husiusband earned so we Onee who refused was thrown . |. I'l i the lm‘ininediale future be a vital1 ■n 2.000' V INDKX had to tryy sometiiing,” said overbcirboard by male passengers, I ■ ■ I 1 I ____l i __ I — ; tool inn lianiessing die power off . itana said, altliough some Classified...... C0 10 Odales de Jesus.Je: 29, a survivor Saiitar o J l i L j i —)7 L - -90 TW -00 '01 •02 o; '03' sieni ocells lo treat some of the ----- M m o th erL‘r hn Ma'rris; pro- ...... E l D octors w(were treating die 31 died.d. le . 1------— ------I Community ...... SOURCE: U.S. Coast Guoid fessorr (of bioethics at the Uni- Comunidad ...... versliy;y iof M anchester said afterr th e lielicense was announced, Crossword...... " lliisi decisiond is a signal of ourr DearAbby...... i Chaiimber leadsIs effort to societyty's com passion a n d con- Horoscope ...... I cern fcfor those threatened by/ diseasese." Magic Valley...... ■.'.■■■.■.Cl k eepp stagecoaclchinT.F. Brllatain's ProLife Party Money...... lam entnted th e decision a n d .said1 Movies...... B 4 By Virginia S.s. Hutchins . home. . Tlie it wjisIS considering whether itI ^3^ TImefrNews8 wwriter______wmUMK buyer's name could1 sue.s ‘ Nation ...... ^|CM7i|j[g , and tlie pricee Regu^'ulaiions o n cloning andi • Obituaries ...... ------..02 TWIN FALALLS - You can’t rc- /||j■jQ EX weren't dis-:e stem Clcell research vary around1 Opinion...... A6 place losl hisiliistory, say local folks U jB closed. the wovorld. B; 'In is the only'i w ho are iryiirylng lo keep a n im - The sale by Furopepean c o untry th at licensesS ' ' Outdoors ...... '. portant 1\vlikvln-Palls relic from - leanetie Mey- clonlnj!ng for stem cell researchI Random facts ...... ,. .E2 leaving Idalioilio. ers ofo fIVvin Falls, w idow o f llie a n d ihrhrce years ago was tlie firstt Sports ...... B l So mey'ro're mustering a last- mann who\ bought the stage- In tlie1 Vworld to d o so w h en Par- pn minute bidid to buy a historic coachsich's rotted a n d ru sted re­ liam enjnt voted to alla\v regula- Weather ...... ■ ■ ■ ■ XX ^ stagecoach1 o:once ow ned by piv- mainsins more than 20 years ago lors to10 licensc the method for West...... C2.4 otaJ pioneersrl.B. I Perrine. andsn1 spent sU years restoring it,0 stem ctcell research. . , . . M ,8 The stagecgecoadi has already wass nnalfi by Saturday. Beforct, eoKtmmny^vm.^ SoutlLidi Korea followed in De- World...... ■e ______been sold - to a private Ttocas tlioi-I, Meyers ^ had told several owned by I.B. Perrine, has beebeen sold to a prl- cem beiler. Countries such as Swe- collector whtvho plans to add die localol peoplep about her interest^ This stagecoach, once ow ind Japan are expected to3 lelllng the stagecoach, which . A group led by the Twin FallsIlls Chanbar of ™ coach to ai pprivate, conlrolled- insellli h vate collector In Texas. A similar Ic^glslation soon. atmospherere mt u seu m Inside his Please see STAGE, Page A2 raise enough money to buy It tback. , 2 Commerce Is trying to rah

. (

• c A-2 . TlRW»f(«w*, TwinrbiFUs,l

To Ul 01 0.00* or brigtii nnd loiisiy dny HiQhB n • O ' ■ - i hM«FaM 87 80 0.00' Joionw 01 SO 0 00* s r , s s s s IMaHalad iVa 43 iVa _ CTrm=LVj=»ij Sunny tKit. Mosily eJenr ond Anoltier biigtit and StillI dry.dr] sunny and Wnim with a ft moa eomtqriotMo I o tow Paitly ctoudy and Sjprauaoo W SS 0.00* To'{«y:Moslly ;;unnyiy ;i;ind wJirrn wnti n li(|H1 t)'00-ro:ul*oty.-it li bioozyoii.mea toasly day worm cloud# oioumour>d pleasant Ho linnos. Hicjha lowm.■I lo rtiiddio 90s. sSm '’ ' u M 0 n* High 9SS Low 61 BG/ 6 0 g Stanly US 3? 0 00- Tonlght:'B r t ^ Precipitatiction Humidity Barometric v .v\ i Sunrise and middle 90s. Pressure Sunset # Hi«h 01 VMWdey OlOJir Y#«rOi/iMrtivti tr x 'tpBpmbararralar n ,TMay Sunriaa: St 8:43 AH StmMI; •:«3 PMI TP Pollan Lcvali High <«S) Y»lfnt«y-a Low SS Month tsOttf 0. SUNVN VALLEY, SURROUNDINGJG M TS. nIUSlJISi’ flStntSMll VM>toDil* 7.:7.20" 13% Sunday Sunrlta: Si 8:4SAU Suntal: 8:38 PMI S)«Brnr«lrofflOel. ItoS.iosael.30 Monday Swulaa: Si 8:40 AM SunaeU 007 PMI AtlamvU continuenuo ttiiouuti itio woflkond. SKios will::rs i .ro .t ■o * PioeiOiWoo vaW mtouflii U pm yoeiocclocoay tunnyly toitoday, becoming partly cloudy thisIS oottornoofi i»iwwfoon Phases M oonrhirlse U.V.INDEX .p.lation IB unlilioly. ’ a n d M oorlonset 1-0Low ModaralaMloh TodiredayHtflhi Tflla M TonlBKI'i Low*>we 91 ta 41 ' J. } G. I' Today ' MeenriM:. 3:M AMU« Moon««! 7:17 PM BO3 0 IS E LottoUunthino ond heateateipoctad" au&is Augsa033 AugM $*pO Friday , Mooniitt: 3:SSAU»M • . Mooniat: 7;S# PM ■ ^ ^ DayWeather, Inc. ■ lo lini»ti out me wuek nnOinO linger NewMoen - FIritQirt Oir. Full Meen L«il Otr. . SatunUy MmnuIm : 4:8«AMU4 Woenaat; «d2 PM tlw tl.0l>n( Ilw ltKl«H tNj^ ^ thtougti the- upcorritnj) weei^eekond. A; #ST ?SV T S^f!T 1 ^ ‘ llgni (olieghing U'tOlft lihghhelyat ■ time* E B H l H S e GZ Teday Temoriow Silurdty Today Temerreo Today Tomoirow ' ' • Today Tomeriew ■ . Todoy Tomoiro* i«idi> OO rs n es 7S t< a«c««*D asTSpc as7spcuiMato. » •« M te IU" UK’KISO MB. I-IJ. KI m «> IW fj m * jfiSBt NORTHERI;RN UTAH Bort« MSI m 5 m MU m M M (U ^ r'nom 107 07 raioo »4 rm: A«uUM M 48 « S7 40 in 0» , Worm, moullytiy iiur>ny and ...... !ii j •>'0' ni ^‘l VI IU V. Ul I’.iffi.ifyl iHi.T Mr M ft, >■ ,n I. oH^' ^ ^ lorm f^o-ToT nworum------KrBB-mc'»T"wTS“ iS. uan VI iJ. n« /» M >. k..,,ruw«^, ee 00 m ai ^ n 0 |) ^ 79 n • OS 7ft ' ttio noKi Dovorivoroidoys A £uo*«..on 93» & M M *u SS'M w- «#MKm,r£ SS73ti 83 7 tn rWra ■ Ngtit broojo> IS likely ni GOtfO'ng 07 6: » te ra re (U » w , • Of»ee • U A. ' llmos. « M |!« ra .M pe D 113 M w IM M W £19mi4 ' 01 77 tu eon (C is ;????“ ISS2? I *7 ^ IU w I .. « w >h :r,i 10 -M w ra «> -n •• , .■ ,K x ;~ " . s s « H w M U B l«rg M Kcmo an 70 «n M 01 >n Tri AM M n K M 7S pe .agi-’lT. J «) r,/ (t II. »,/ I* XIA-|MT> > IU tt. ,K ISI IB Mt M i ™ ™ ^ M’trrm fn M 4S to 70 4S Hi V* •i~imn IM I,' nr. M tu Ki IM in u loniWw w. i i s r Sftw*. ra » mi 68 so »■' Tuxn M 77 me or 74 nv uUnbi 77 WrWrm^ 04 43 K S< « pe W..««igW.0C M W ». 1*1 f«Bi M >2 44 ig 03 44 IU M SO «g Item'vMu M n N eo 78 u ^ fJlt.lM. »IVj ntii:i. 73 i").. O 40 su Ot SO tu U3 &5 «u XUKU>KU>< 'W UIVV^'*1- no«t>u>g IIS'J( lAllUim /ll-U..|a;-7-.. ti K -, C7 BieNina.WA 07'7 08.tJ « M M W 04 es tu m2i^ 5 0? tu (M 01 >u 00 Ql tu 'Wa , #1 &S cc n « »u w L ..' SoSm W0 ^4S»uS8 47 tu s a s o w UMu M U M SS 0 01 tu 03 02 (>C 00 Ob Ih ' P'onta 4 03 u0S 03tU OSOItU NmvOrtMTi,O -a' ee m' Slat* exirsmM:e> iO4aiL0a«i l.«w;'37al Sli 738 >u 88 3 9 u U U w OMta•honaOy (H 00 oe (M h k WMtn«rH»y;iU'Unnvunny, pC'paili/ eloutfy, mc,mosily HouOy.ly. cc- etowl/. Vr)lv>-,ilw«,Mr 722 33 tu 73 3S tu 70 40 tu Oiiiwu in inurKt«i»lijim«. Bii.tlxn.tlxrMH(.i,iii.n, sri'tnow, n nuiiicrc. wwtmj,,■nc), m,mitiii>o wu 1,‘J V !•; It, ^t, i>c

m i m s a m Today Temoiiow , Today. Tomoirew K ^ t I ?i-'ss: s isz i:;:,Lxn WMw 74 e§* ' BSHI kS criuiuclUiUaA n» 44 w ir> 4) , Took EaiMmnon 77 « iu n 43 iu Vitfcoi, Valid to 6 p.m. today Vatlarday'a National Eiliamaa * V ^ . Occruded LMMmnoo* 77 4S tu 77 43 w wUwnpag . M 43 pe 04 k - HitHIgn: ».-“jn't>.u»iVJ.r, c-oi vrui fJl 4J n 41 Lov»;f».l>-(lP,.M<

been evident.•nt for a long time. 'IWin I n I-iills, a grcat-gnindson ofjf cleiir. Jusl Siiid. appearitriuice in restored condi- ______"We’re extrxtremely disappoint- LU. IVi I’errim*. Siiid lltey hiive reii-I- ’"nie buyer is delermrmined to. l-mm 1H(M to10 iiboui 1913.1.B. tion inn die mid-1990s, llie ren disjiliiy iii ihe'Uvin I-alls Chamber of)f Commerce< execu- less if dieil m oney is niisLnl beforee lodiiy. the future o f th ee c coach is thm uglioui Milt>4iigic Viilley. In its iiirporti Eric Lee o f -IVvin I- •I iind M agic Viilley Mall its I Fiilis. who ' live Kent JusiISI Siiid Wednesday. . die relirelic’s pinnned I'ridiiy depar-•- very unclear," Ire siiid1 M WLtlnes- rc-stored state,r. dieth stagecoiicli is a symbt hnndlud ilic sale for Meyers, Buyers for ibol oflW iii 1-iill.s' cenien- or sometiiing like a lure,;. Byli Wednesday- inornuig. a pojiitlar symbinbol oflW in I-iills nial cel said nol)ody liure svcii-•enied itiier* restored stage relehralion; iippeared at iigecoach doiVi com e sevenil.•rill people hild ciilled lust of- He didn't com m ent furfurther herilitge. Jerom e’; csicd in bujring. .So., heiio .Siiid, th e aro u n d every te's Live llisio iy Days; .*ry day, an d Jusi sajd feringlg Ifund-raising help, moneyy . H venjriw iiij-iills folk;jlks.inan- ____ :Aiid it’s on e ofol our. direct links__b e e n .p i ------stagccoach is e^^cctct pul-lo -use (luring dntfi - :ted 10 leave -h e can’t blamiime her for not pass*' ' or bodlodi, iiiul he's iiivioiig o d ierr iige to strike a deal w wiith the back to Mr. I’erriiirrine." Iust siiid. h o rse a low n diis weuJc in.sldi.side a n en- ' ing U{) d ie oj and mule enthusiasts' opponuiiiiy. But he folkss w ho itre willing to ju m p in:i Texiis buyer, ihey wouould still Kandy I’errinrrine, the greiit- jiliiy diii closud semi*(ruclc br lays: iind been pulled in bound for sjiid he didn’i:ln’i learn about the quickly:kly lo ciill him at 733-3974. need to arrange or build bti d i- gnindson. saidII heIn pliiyed on die pjintdes Texas. pen d in g sale t u‘s in .sevenil Miiglc Viilley le uniil I-riday. “WeVe hiive an opportunity to1 iiiiite-conirolled sionige{eandu,^- i deieriorating siistagecoitch as a lowiis. C ‘rtuu news sparked:etl consier- "We’red isaisappoinled we didn’t save th . O n Siiturdity, iis last pub- ; die slagecoiicli, but every-- hibit space for lhe 120-yi)-ye;tr-ol(l __ child, Bui eveiun to t those outside lie iipjie ----- .— nadon among several-al'iWtn *1 I-alls— gei a crack illal Iit a litlle bit quick- -b o d y 's lieaRince,. die. su tg eco ach ...... y's goi to participate in die:• stagccoiiclrMHiieivhtriiMiJ in town, o f his locally fainrampits fiimily. d ie carried;l members i of a wedding leaders, • in clu d in g 'U'’IWin J-alls er," h e said, pc Viilley ill order to gel it t '"Hiere iire ceniiitily popossibiu- coadi is recogniigniMtble. Its like- p arty bcbehind a pair o f Belgian Centennial Commissicssion mem- lust and oihursoil iniglii get aip bac*^.'"C PerriniiSiiitl.I tie.s for it, but I d o n ’t n ’l kiH/lv ness is in plentyity o f lociil history geldings . bers, who say dicy ihouliouglii dieir o th er cntck. ButJt howh sturdy Ls th e fouiida-- wheilier lliere iire aiiy proirobiib/Ii- books. . inierest in'buying thete coachc has lu st a n d1 11Handy Perrine of tion oi Hestoiorer lolinny Meyers died of those hopes? It's nott tics for i t - t h a t ’s lhe dilTei[Terence," Since iiKikingng iis first public i n 2(K)l.

publiciiy is a deterrenti only for die netneck and iirin, which ap- - re.solved before the sclioihool year groiind zero Io lo build up his any repcpons iissociitied w ith ihiii rt some people.'le.' pearedx;d to befroni grabbing, she.* stiirtLti. i redibifiiy iindI be a posilive role ty jie or fc Ciill or an;^jKjlice coiiiaci Krumm ------"IliLs senietiience .should .send it siiid. ___.Kruim u’s-ultiiiiate-I'atilatt^witli—imodelASionu-sai hie.ssage Io •IlielMililicllu ,.. peo'pliT------"Tliis saidi------wiih-Kru Continued from Al . ■ his is a serious cit.se," she; ihe'Uviiil-allsSclioolDisi«stricire- The police ri who need lo10 beI deieired don’t added, rejiori detailed nied theie re(|iiest .sityuig il iniglil k I, noting ihal il appeiiredI niiiined unknown WednKlnestlay. (iinipbell’s injuriiiuriL*s, Slitting dial interfere greai deal,- she sijid.I. “We“ boin pick-up lhe,le, p ap er aiul read to b ete ; piiri of ‘'ongoing inci- re with Krumm's ciise. Superintendent Wileyy H1 obbs she "h ad a ver^/ery large bruise Kruiiii made mistakes thaiII iniglii. Il about it," .Siokiokersiiid. • deiiLs."-S." mm Was originally wasn'c just him." could not be reiiched forfoi coni- amund her neckck iuuli hild Slated charged;d wilh one count of If K rum m1 vviolates the lenns "Wel^e Iniervlewed two prior• m ent. • Krumm's attorney, Mr. K rum m triedried to choke her felony domestic t battery and ley, Laird of probationI lihe could have lhe victims,;iis," she lold the court, Allison Westfall, a s| Slone. iLsked tlie courtirt forfi a sen- su sp en d ed ja spokes- He also pushedid herI down onio mistfcnun eanor ctiunis o f driving jail sentence im- Cityly > A uom ey 1-rilz W onder- woman for the Deparununeiil of the stove and put - lence tliat would addresIressthede- posepecialisl Brian Ilbbeis clear wjls because of die public- Kroeger Siiid. .said dJuring u r a p;ess conference " n ie ciii/ens of I leybui )urn are newfacioryon tinihesiieiLswelliis said Gossissuer is exiictiy th e tviie_____ ity a n d his resignation,n..diere,is tl a...u_'ji'iic^maintiiijiiijuryriO;CaiiipbellT=Wcdiies( lesday.diauwas held to tui-___really.glud:dialTyou-picket deierreni efft'cL" ked-this— uiilbx* p o n lo n soi of f other existing -- ofcom pa)any the city Wiuiisloiii- w as above h e::rc7 r I ebrow, Kroeger n o u n ce Gosstier's( pliins. .spot," (Jeorge Andersonon lold structures.'Ilie pliinlpla is expL*cied tnict. 'Hie judge agrc'ed butut ssaid Ihat said, ’niere wen /ere itLso injuries on AnderJerson also praised die co­ G ossner CliO Dolores W/lieeler. lit to bc-gin operaiioilions by October "In lou openiiioiition and fonviird diinking Since lhe closure o f lhe juring iheir plant I wils he Sim- 2005 iind will ememploy 30 to 40 aniii/xidI lihow inaiiy people Do- week. Out of Malt.laie raie%: daily and OlMihldiiiidoka Coutllyand die ciiy piqtpliini in th e fall of200: Circulation 003, the . workers, lores iintnd Greg IPowlcy, vice Diinlcl Waiock. director. . . .Sund.iy S7.(K) perXf week, daily only o f Mcybly b u m where the fiicility is loss lo die city's liix biisiiise hiis Sevenil officialsals pniised CJoss- president S.'S.IXtpcr week. SaturdaySal and Sunday l0CaiC*d.;d. Both could hiive stood forced initior cuts in spei 111) knew on a first iiiiine jiending ner for being a1 fiunilyf:u business biisis,"’ni;llbbels Siiid. C irc u la tio n 'p h o n e-• lino,li nro ""ly S.'.J" .cek. Sales tai includ- in lhe WilW iiy of the donation. o n sevenil service.s, incli icluding thill treats Its w orkers fiiirly. CJossneier C hief 1-inancial OHl- open between 7 nndid 10 a.m ed in all nlnivc rare«ates A SI5.(Kleliargc "It’SilCI it difficult thing to ^ve'up wiihdriiwal from the cot-•ounty's W lieeler siiid iln eccive your “-Ml he levied forIIr :ill rettimed tliceks, y our tax lhe company’s cer Drew.V Milleri itgreed with ihe only. If you do not recc lax base on a hope iind a joint anim al control iigreeieement philosophy is thiithill "the cream pniise die paper by 7 a.m.. cnIt the num ber dreamII." ," Ander.son said. "But this m onth. lie family oriented com - rises to th e top,"," indicatingit that pan y receiL'elved. for your aren; mation that hopto p e and dream b ccam e a Wliile IK? property laxe: x es will th e best emnployees pi have "Doloreires cares iiboui our kids Burley-Rupert- „ TUe TiinevNews:w. (Ul'S 6,11-OHO) is jre 1°* real today." • be niiid on the BuHey-o\ P a u l- O a k le y ...... 6! -owned worked up througliiigli th e riinks. as m uchh iis we do itnd when , 677-4042 puiijjUied daily at11 1.1i.'»:!-aiff]cidSi.w,. Ileybu'burn Mayor George Aii- land, |)ersoiiitl property i IWin Falls y taxes One such empinployee is Dave employee:L^es have new babies she ..oo «n .. Twin l-olK. hy Ucc c FPutilieaiions Inc,, a dcrsonII saidSa lhe city's gain Ls O il- on ' equipinenl iind Invenic a n d O lhcr .'trens ...... 733-09JI7! Mibsidiary of U c El niory at Larsen who began;anwiili Gossner wants the : Enicfpriws, ifom la'sI's loss,1 referring to Goss- lhe*new i plant will go to leni to bring them inio I'criiidii'aK paid lo Hey- lOyeiirsiigolndieJiew h ey d ep art- th e ofllce.' lid at Twit, i-aiu by n e r’s decilecision to open a new fa- burn 1 and Minidoka Count] :e." Miller Siiid. "It's ihiU Subscripcion rates[C.S Tl.e Time>-Newv nty iind m ent a n d ls nowV diedi m ariiigerof , kind o f coi.•ornjiany.” V orncial city and clIilvinMn Heybum rjiher dian cx- associaled liixing districLs. Hciinc delivery: daily and .Sund.iy. 'icwspaper:r pununnip Id .Section Ci Us. the Logiin cheesese ffiictory. 'H ie Go:lossner announcement m existing plant in South- Gossner plans lo denv M..15 per week: SatuitbyI andan< .Sunday '>C-IOK<)rtl.cldalu)ilu)C»)de, Thursday is P«Tndan( Mnolish "Wewiintpeopkiplewhoniiikeit isn't iheoitinlygood newsregiird- only. J2..V) per week. Maillail NuhM.rip. ‘Icsisn.ilcd:d .av the day of the I ' ■ 'I a ciireer not justt a:i job,"j Wlieeler ing lhe reirecently donated prop- legal notice* will be T h e I lioni mii\t l>e paid in udvani;i le Tim es-N ew s^^^► information Line Siiid. "A person wallvalks in die door eny, Buritriey Ciiy Admlnlsinitor availnble only wlicfc dclivci a nd theysee th eco ease Mnd changc of : com pany grow. Miirk Mitliition said. maintained. Mail rates: A P,0: Box 54K, Twin ^ im d they grow witlividiit" Cilyofliifficiiils iire close tt) sign- ratet: daily and .Sundayf $<$A.(XI per PjIK. i,|;,|,u K.1.103.13. ■ ■ 735-3:3 5 ^ ^ g2^ Buriey Commiiiininily Develop- ing a deiil11 \wilh a siniiller coinpii- week, daily only $4.0(1 per:r w>week. .Sat- r»«.»fc,hi«t)l O 2004 Lottery and Weather ny that isis iinterested in occupy- urday and Sunday only^ $S,0«i'. per itogleWw!* Information arc exisiing facility al the site. Milton siiid. De- T im es-N cvews telephone direrectory ;just a phone call awayl ^ 'pW S T W wj liiils weree not iivailable prior to J os 10 20 33 81 Circulation I PB|i:3s reach in g ' an iigreement. bul (Daniel Walock, Circukmladon Director)...... 73:733,-0931. Ext. 1 Lottery ' ‘ • *•-' Mitton didlid .sav dial d ie com pa- j W ea th e r w«t.AuB.ii ny would b Clossifled Advertising JbL*ginopenitions.soon lg Information Information , „ afler die dt (Dcby Johnson, Managtl a g e r ) ...... Ext. 2 09 00 12 23 20 deal is sinick. N e w s ...... E xt. 3 J Press ------Vmira-A•Ncu’s n-poricr Chip R etail A dvertising (MikMike Sm it, A dvertising DiretIrector) . .Ext. 4 » ----- a_7_8_ 'f7wwpsoriVI can be rvachcd at ihe Ag Weekly (Janet Goffioffin, General Manager) ...... E ... xt. 5 1 “a- » iieiifs/ut/jciJcr's M ini-O v^sia bu- Publisher Stephen Har ...... Ext. 249 ^ • Mon. Aug,ug, 1B 0 7 0 ft'du ar 67/'77-l0^2. Exi. 630. or by In te rim M a n u rin g EIdltor dit Chad B a ld w in ...... 73S-325S . . . o r o r check out o u r website: am e-m «i7 niII cihoinpson&magic- M llcycom .

i k ■ ■ 4 ...... - -...... - , TJiuThursday, Aucut 12.2004 Timet-w-frtwi.TWfn Fafli. IdWw —

N a t i o n

o g » p Deaths riraise M Q Guidelinei worries overc | H | | " I Yottur own Ol\y m p ics address p:’ a m s e t uup , a competition forfc your kids stomach treatmenti t SSunday l in Familily Life WASIUNGIDN (Al»)) —- Doc- ^ I staplmg tors cannot be arresiiL'sied for . ^ properly prescribing narcoiic n The Associated Press painkillers dial aa* tlie hesnreat-i>e> l | ment for millions of snsulfc'ring All obese M assj patieiils. according lo I'c. iii'w Sr~~Friday & Saturd guidelines from pain spe woman and her 8-ml-montJi-old ipecialisis August 13"' and : fetus died of complicj * and die Dmg liiilbrceiiumeiil Ad- )lications 10 c„. r-.-.. ministniiioii. inonilts sifter stomnchach-stapling Sue, the largeigest and most complete Tyranno:nnosaurus rex skeleton'ever-' • The guidelines, wriitrim.., liv ■ T lit’ L(Ull)uijliiHj' D aisy is tlic I surKcrj; Jiri apparvntIt firstfu Uia't Is found Is showniwn a t a C hicago m useum In 2002000. Anew study says the riyiagic W i l l e y ’s leading pain spL't ialisls tc ..leading to warnings .a s .about the ' teenage T. rexex typically went through a signisignificant growrth spurt. wilh the DILf\. com e'list' hi "nvtetgilgift & lunnc..dea>r 'slSlu'p. CCHHCSC’C! ' •lisks of pregancy soonion after the 'many dociors JiJsiiaie t , surRery. scrihe the nowerful drugs,5ts!'Xi; ' Arcipelafla^o B ath & Body « R u lpph l Lehrm'ah A rt ■Jlic deaths niLse cohi ohcernsbe. T v TS are heavily regulated Ivbecause' Time&;& A{^ain C an d les • M adee ini Idaho Items cause most of thehe 110.000 -■ •J-"-"aimosauru US saw diey can he abused hvacliadciifis. people who have gastric, ya or ' - _ Hie new doaiine'iil I ______!fl)0 ______^__ • year in iljLs country a n '= ?irexp hlosiye:grov»wthrspurt/• steps (focittrssliould'iakeikeioen- ^ „ in tiieir child'hearinglg yyears, say * •!jure llieir naliemsIts eel • ■ CII lO. OO(im-^H:))()iiin r —^ duciors- at Uriuhaiham a n d jvjEW YORl)RK (AP) — T h in k H M appnipriaie meiiical cartare wiiii- hakeikcs Boulctard Nortii Women's llospitaf in Bosion your teenager;e r is growing fast? A out aitraciing n i i \ sc-riiiiiiiinv.'llie • 'Ccniciinial Square * / > w ho tried to Siive die moUier ne^v stu d y sayssa> 'lyninnosaurus idea is lo get iietter painain ta-at; . * ,' • ■ • • . 7 3 4 -2 8 7 7 an d t)ai)v.,'Iliey reporteirtedon Uie rex launched’.‘d into an explosive . .m en i for Americans. cjise.inaletterinnuirsdrsdaysNew groMli spurtin in its teen years, ■■'Ihere are m anv misciiscoiicep- r lingiand Journal of Med I packing on anan average of nearly lions ahoui Dl-A's rolee .... iliai Briglwn»*siirKeoh Dr. Ldward “ SpouhdSlfdii leati U) iiiiwarnmfeii lear li.*:i dial li. W liang caa* said.sal ^ l;i! Iiavc an c‘.sir;inl J. lep h an t's grow th T. rex rex was oiie.of llie largest , m en ih rjn e. a dofeci-.son ' special Uinliday. left afier liie intestines ateau at a ro u n d d ie m eat-eai-ealers ever to walk ihe arranged in the! bypass sam e a g e a nid d weiglit. that ani- land wwh h en i( diwi oui so m e (55 0 ® the right ariswer foryoi operalioii. m ai lives p a st sage 50. ■ m illionon years ago. At an ele* Scientists hhave long won- phant-liit-like 6 tons, ii sireuhed © /f^o m (£■ ^ o t _ dered h o w tJieliic huge dinosaurs aboutIt 44( 0 feel to 45 feet long and www.iccu.com 1 1 t * K got so big. Dlid id they grow slowly m easuriiured about 13 feci tail at Storms lu 4 ^ for a long limmc, e or very quirky die hip.lip. . —* off coast CBS’VSIVallace receive^es sum m ons lo NEWYORKK(AP)— t "60Min- Uniousiiusinc Commission in- of Florida , utes" corresp.‘spondent Mike spectorsors interviewing liis driver, Wallace, who MIAMI (AP) — , T 10 was placed In who they du said was doul)le- handcuCTsandlid taken to a police parkedd outsid_(^dico restaurant, Twin F ------Siorni- Charlcy-sircngi Falls " fl“'"'-d“ prcdiicrln'a:d; inio a hurricane Wcditdnosduy ^ y f i:disputt‘ \vidi city ‘"laskeske'd vvhal's'goiiigori. a n d A c o m mriunity L walking for betterb health after pronipiirig offici arcement inspec- diey kepi:ept lelJlng m e lo get back order visitors out of pan S ' “ 'S- I'O1C , wonders why in dieJ car,"cji Wallace sidd in an ' I-lorida Keys, while Ti onyone thougligilt diat he, at (16, inierviewlew on WFAN’s "Imus in 'v i a Uireat. .Storm B onnie chugged th c Mornorning" show, ■"nieii iJicy W alking is orone of the easiest andj imost profitable fn , Wallace wns''as' released after arrested i the Gulf of Mexico on ed m e und took m e lo th e forms of exerrccinci.“ irdcrly conduct. 'IlieTL ward die already wci^:t ^ norida] JT ■ with disord3^,,, ;TLC inspectors saw it an- comforfable clothing, andc desire. ______Pai^nindle. ______aid the dispute otlier v\way,, .saying Wallace — begaivas-hc-\va Ilie National Hurrican ivas-leaving-Iaikc's— approachachcdthcinspcCTorsTmd— ler issued a hurriconc wa ‘ R estaurant lateate Ibesday after becameie "overly assenive and V n picking u p a t{^take-out order of disrespec Ihe middle and lower I pectfuJ," interfering with ' C oo i m m u n it y WV a lk CN Keys from D ryTortugas ti moalloaf.'^ theirabilibility to perform dieir du- Wallace .sawiw two Taxi and ties. • Key. A w atch m ean s hui S a t u r dlay, a A ugust -- 9:00 am ^ conditions arc. possible)lc witiiin ^ ■ 14 5 . 3G hours. Ilurrlcanc watchesw /^ T U IC C o l l e5ge c of Southernn Idaho ’. L were posted for westerncm Cuba I n iw and }:imaica. and a huih urricanc specialY M e e t in tile EXPO CENTER Pari'arkmg Lot JW w arning w as issued forrth th c C a y - man Islands. Charley was forecasttto tc h U o r W a lk in g' C linic A T ip s —-8:45 a.m. pass close to tlie low er•Keys Kc late ^5 )3 |k today. ■ Free n T-Shirt forr AU Participants[ • s '. ^ ■ Bonnie was cxpectcdd totc reach ------northwest-Florida-tlils-mc ______-Eor m ore irr.aformatioa^CallJIJanet.K eegan at ' and a tropical storm w. -rST-Pianei^ W a lk TwinTv Falls is a commurlunity partnership indue and hurricane watch wenv e rc in e n $ 0 E T C uding feci from the Alabamata Iline to M i v f wMH . ■ M v m c!, , City< of Twin Falls, anc3nd College of Southernrn Idaho the Suw anee River, tliee MN iam i- •flevoMng credll. OAC. based luinicane centers:rsa id . Wi Peterson juury Twinn F a l l s B u rle y S37PolcHnsRieRd. • 75-1-9010 1528!8 004crlaiidvr.78-3.«8 hears tapei . V _ _ _ ^Around fjere it's always plajblay Ume.______J of mistress IlI:DWOOD cny Calii:alif.» (AP) r I s ^ ADVi/ A N C E i ------^O nly daysfanerXaclTeJP eterso n — S w ------A t r D> » A Y “P A S S ------*— disappeared. Scott PctP eterso n k told liis mistress "wc coicould be I w onderful togetlicr .... forfc die TICKKETS I . rest o f ou r lives." accordlnd in g to a UNLIMITIilTED RIDES t taped phone convcrs’crsatlo n played in court Wednesdasday. SALI E N O W ! I Amher Frey, rcsumlniling her , /^•C>s testimony al relerson's5 murderm ’ ( p p p K ;k us how t o g e X trial, co n lin n ed d ia isliee rccord-rc UNLIMITED \ ed llie calLs at die requiq u e st o f policc after discoveringItJiather tli; , , f f i I jhts & Weekends lover w as n ot only m arriciTied, b u t BROWI . Plus get 1C0 0 0 ginning a t 7 p m . / suspected In tlie dlsappealearance m mm a of nl.s pregnant wife, La(U c l.o „ .anytime m inutu te s f o r j u s t Christm as Gve in 2002. On Dec. 31, die samec d a y h c lUSEMIENTS I *39.95/1•/m o. attended a vi^l in Modes:iesto for his missing wife, Peti’c te rso n cjilled Frey '■sweetie" ancand lied ( :ARNIVi near thc fAL I that he was standing nea See our selection of lilffel Tower, hearing fircvircworks In tiic middle of a hugeIge New $15INADVANinmptgnwion fcnminitAilawnecftti iRiu«ufS<^)«ieo(ouniBiw'*f«tiO>e«mw Ptomoticoiiwwa together and I could ...!! couldc A tutiMCtIdclurQ« CuitOTKtaieKOnUHlVill• Msmuin NQ^tlndWN•m)n1nulnl'l'«MlrvMJMondty tnnugn Foin 7pm io6S9im voteWUfSrunUvM&jKln i Nnn tnd WHienj DMuict »MiM M txJ uang|«utCKM»PBmonm va Ofl«tmi»eii»»ityogtYOU Oungt nm UMg (Ml 30«/r 9uunN S.iWxKlCWwmtUiIrxMr iW PnpM carc for you in any andid every< 1 Witttu Stro fo Qiuit^ Klurnj w!W 30 aOm uiV mmnJWi wa Jcl^*on h« inl11« t« w Cuiionnnmponwie!oiciufgo Idt o> Wft'O U wrvo way. For tlic rest o f ou r livelives." jQiNnxriK ;uC«cl ID in uil^ mrnnHiM InI A S30S MKHiai let M SI&oMwit cnrat ImiMmiywply n irMMImOfln RuiTWtgcnvoa.t*I, tto. UrtfuijB t«3 tun mjy ««»,, ndua»io

. N a t i o n>/ j A V o r l d . - brces pisan majorir offensiive in Iraa q Bombibing at WesttBank I NAJAl; lrj()-acj (AI‘) — U.S. troops Uaglidad Ui on Wednesday, klkilling m C h C C k:point p kills Pii’alestinians ' prepared u mimajor oflcnsive to root least le six Iraqis and woundliidlne nine lilitiamen In tlic holy city ot o ut Shiitv mllltl otliers, a hospital official sosaid. Tlie KALANDIAA CHECKPOINT, ity fort!r Uie attack at the Kalandlat orNaJof.troininining Iracii security forces explosion ex shook die m arketct In1 K han West Bank (/\P)\P) — A West Bank checkp(point nortli of Jerusalem, W cdncsdiiy loto join tiie assault. In h Uani U: Saad, a b o u t six miless ssouth of assailant deto:etonatcd a large 'but opcpologlzed for the Palestln- Dacjouba. signofdicopoiiperation's sensitivity, th c H; bomb near a11 bbusy Israeli. mDl- lan casiisualdes. - military saidd Iraq’sli prime minister In Najaf, thc Marioci oes said lary checkpoiiJoint Wednesday, llics 131 w oundcd Included 10> m ust ye. W ednesday they Jut: tralnir nlng Iraqi killing two Palesilestlnian men and Palestirtinlans and three IsraeliI . Fighting persisted in the vast se security forces in preparadoidon fof a wounding 133 'people,n mostly border];r policemen. ccmctcry nuarear Najaf's iioliest siie, major m a.ssault to root out-tlief le figliters. civilians, inI an a attack that Al AqsaAi said thc intended tiic Im m n Ali Shrine, w here U.S. , Speaking of. die' timing I I g for die prompted mrere Palestinianr com- target \ com m anderss saysi Malidl A nny mill- planned pli m ajor assaiili, U.S, 1 t was Jerusalem and that S, M arine p lain ts aboibout militants the assissailant hastily set off the ■ ■ ■ H H ' tioincn luyui1 loto radical .Shiite cleric Maj, M; David Ilohtlian saidJ iinterim respon.sible for s Mu<]tiid:i ai-Siit•S;idr have been lioled • l‘riine l*ri M inister Ayad AUawi ‘ br scores of bomb- 4<1 pouilUnds of explosives by rc- \ i m .ikes i„|,s over th e iiiistiiii; four years. m o te control' near - thc HH h H -lip. .Giinbaitleytle^ between tiiilhants .ihersi.steni]y lou^oiiglit with Sunni Mtisi ha>lave criticized th e Initji troopiops as in-, «*<>» ol. its ballJiillisiic Slialiab-3 ll lla^las since been modlfled : holedhc lip in the fity, ' sulu|licieiitly tn u n ed o r arm ed.id. missile, w hichli.was,m alreiidy ca- (olmpnirove Us range aild accu-. H H m P I M any n r tiie insurgents bdicved re* Militiamen^ w ere once agiiir;iiln firing pahle o l rejichiiiilling U.S. forces iii racy, sp o n sih le for Tor the spaie of on•II U.S. iroojis from a biiildiiIding ju.st 'h e M iddle luistast and has since Defeie n se M in ister Ali i P m i p l H kidiiaj)jiin^s. liom Iio bings and slii-‘wi upgradedud In response 10 Slianikl;khiuil said last week that I iiif; attacks att cccojilllion forces. lr:i<|i On)n lUesday, U.S. iielicojjteiiter-giin- Israeli missile de'developmcni. tlie moilodificatlons were In re- tr i<«io ' forces a nd civilia/ilians. iire h;ised in the shihips p u n u n c le d th e mtiliniltlstory nieShahab.3,)•:), wliich Iran last sjionsee to efforts by Israel to -I. -I*. «f volatile city. •»)10 imiles wesi of Uagii- hoi s and 30 successfully testiested in 2i){)2 be- inipnm An Iraqi Insurgent almsms an RPG launcher In the holyoly city of loiel with rockets, missiles i\ ive its ow n m issiles. ______,______ninlitn.catmons, killing 20 peop:ople, the -fo re providing.;ig-ii-io-tlie-clilc NodeJetails on the changes, in- Najaf oh WednesdayrFIgFighting IrithTcItyhasM teffiiBffidlts :"l:lireivherirrMa roiulsKle bonil) ex- miliilliiar>' Siiid, in o n e o f thele 1clo.sest H evoliitionaryy ((iiiiirds. Is ihe eludinglg tlie new range. Were seventh day. ploded near' a iiiiirket north of stritrikes yet to the sluine. country's longest;est-range ballistic jirovidecled.

fiS ings and valutues in progn"ess 1 as T&n as dfessinj.jor.f m r s & (f I SB(ONHlOMIESAI,LE


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For and aboiout the Latino community muinkladI Co/>Comunidad editor. Pat i Mamrtantonio- 735-3288 Rupert]Baptist clhurch Fieesta offeirsfuiifo])r differei^nt gener'a t i ^ 1 Aspeytia [I celebratites anniveiersary TImei-NevNewe correspondent |

RUPERT— TJic FreecWUJBlip. W . , V.... TWINN FALLS I — As die older tisi H isponlc Missllssiohary - ' 1 ' . ' geneniliou io n w atched live per- ft am rch will celcbraccses Iits first . y • formancences at tlie 'IWin Falls City I • year anniversary at 6i p.m.p.i Fri- \ 9 Park bandand shell, younger people I day; Aug. 21 an d Aug.. 2(12(i Dt lhe I fd - llie car -slii)w ' a n d , Rupert.Squarc. brea^din‘■'><1 Idds 10 tc lhe songs ol ‘*»eir hancands full as they'had 10 shortage o f superb Uitiijitin-rock lexas legendss 'Willie Nelson, organizee'e eniry forms, judge en- ^Freddy.Gonzalez, 14, from Hansen,Ha freestyle raps as Antointonlo Saldivar. 14. from Twin Falls,Fi waits his turn at bands, from Control Mlachcteto ad Doug Salim ara n d Slevie Ray nd direct .crowds during the tl Hispanic Heritage Fiesta.Ita. Gonzalez and Saldivar wereere the final two In the competistltlon. Kinky. But, for th e last 30 years, Viiuglm. the hoppippiiig competiiion lhai only one — Santana —-hassus- hi The band coizoiisisis of three 'esicd carCiir iiydraulics. Aboul 60 lolow rider m ag:iziiie based in I-os set u p in th e micmiddle of the decibeb." talncd mainstream stardordom. Gar/as: Jolo (25). ( guitarist jrl'ies-■s were iiwarcletl to Angeles. A Calif. The maga>gaziiie pifrk. w here cars: werewc lined up Oneofdiehe people who attcnd- Soon. hi.story may addId anoth-t H enry Ir. (2(>)) and (iruninuT lowicier•T cciirs. bic7 cles. m oior- covered ci liist yeiir’s show, alstilso, 10 test sound presiressurc levels, ed die ever'eni wus Galon's son. f>rJe.s andind (nicks. c r nam e 10 iJiac lisi. Ringo f22I. "1 lov-c (lie are.i." Sofarezzsaicf. s Aboui 15 to 20 cars■ars panicipai- Roland Nevuvarez. who m anages L-ouple alstVwas respon- "1 • After 10 months of bubuilding ■ Tliat last nsmim ic Is real; "My "1 don'i feel oui o f place hereere." ed in ihe so u n d -o ff clotliing stoilores in Seattle. Wash, ir making arningements on (he cliaris. the TwTex-M ex *oved ihc UiUeailes. and lie s'We lor n "I feel iU hom e here becii.‘cause fompeiiiion. Nevarez hasas b een here for every brotJier act known as LosX)s Lone- never knew .iiiyllybody with iluii g ^Street Customs repre- of ol the same kind of peoplele iancl - f h e sound level:vels will var>’." ono of die At ve Alibie Soliirez iind ar August celebrations, ly Boys has seen its self>elf-iitled name." lolo oxjilxjilains, "Il's jusl •'*eniaiive an*ii from w here I w as.boiborn." said loiinySchidtzctz o f Hex.sburg. "I love it."t." he said. "I look for­ M anila Zemeno. iioth ol ac CD m ake it all lhe w ay to INo. 13 iiiiiii/jng he gre\;rew up to l)e.-a. '»«“ *el Mai added Zenieno. w ho w as rainiised xvho w as helping! with wi measur- ward to ihis r." San DiegoL'go. Calif., lo lhe event, in ds every year. It ^ v e s o n BiIlbojir III ilK'^ „..|lkL.(l through Ih r lhe Valley tif Vida ' Latina J;;:,-;' ■!-nside ipers mch say«. "Technology look ovover for press after h e heaie:im d ieird em o , Ucjith anid d iemerged wilh a siun- o n e . ol th I e J B H B k n tim e, an d people forgotot \w here ihey vvoiiiuiIld up recording niun newvfiliu. Pil priirison’s empty concrete pavil- pa’ • real music cjim'e from. dicir debut at Nei:>Jelson's Sludio. Hui "Qxinindim" in is not about 101ons. Is a loose adapiiiiion of 1die ^(36% ^i i s p a n i c s his longlg battle u ith non* nij'uiuiw ay Unixilian best sellseller. ^ W . l'n lym phntiiri n n f t[y. "fj'('■■■imntfini »'uHnr. - n v a city p;irk with soc- ' in11 Ihis1 way’/ M aybe they beha lencc. "Ifs' in lhe bio,lood.~ .he lold . it was m e scetie in 11)92 11 in lliis way because diey do lUllii It l l l l l l It 111 dy riot a nd nolice mas- h:n At a workbench thickck w ith I'im. tiive nothing." sawdust, the older mantn takes iMaiiuei lounuu a cneese craie. “ :*H-uniunR'iHnmate5. " i been------^ k die m ovies reaciiing a wri Into his h an d s a dcllcaie> cicurved planks to size.zo. soaked them HhlnkU miien aboui Carandiru. 1he inching certain neiinil- siiyiiys. n o n e h ad th e nonjud unidad piece of wood. His arm:m s arc gasoline to0 rc'iiio v o 1I16 ™ ™ , l o u d . n rt TtmifSfw. s." says die director, 5B. m e m ottled w ith age. b u t hiss fitfingers «nd wjisheb ed tlie w ood in points. : nental approach of Dr. Varel ;niphic disturbing im- wh move with ageless gracc•0 jis{ he Tl'f'-’*-' '".O'’tonUis laier. he .R™P k'ho listened 10 inm ates' colorlloiful ?ixoie"(l9»l). about iui lak gently rubs away the: rm at735^207 ' ' Velazquez. 87. peers•s over< ' ^ steel bifocals, knowinglg Ihe [_!!; young artisan has a w ays,rst0 ti go to match tlie master. Kno\now lng his mother was riglit whenien sh e y said that th e passion for thara un test audltlvo- m MOV-':''" ( His son. Alfredo. ' gratis con Harryry Lelbevleh. Que ^ { ^ c ^ o ^ A Becoming a luthier - ^ ■ maker of stringed insirumijm cnts k I p u e d e sc r real{zaci 2 O8 . 7 3: 3 . 3 3 4 0 f M >ER-ViaK^F tars still b ears gouges from fi O pen 101 0 a.m.-7 p.m. f1 l Inscribase para el2 t \poquefe Alfredo's boyhood dabbling."g- , ,1,,,, ,, Still, M anuel could raisene conly ^ ■ s f T i T j T n T 2 Baslco o Aumentaclodo de la televlson .OAAITA#GR Lj a faux fuss: A fter all. AlfreIfredo's I de coble V reciba3 unau pelicula. I um en t fascination for tlie insirum K polomitasysodag3 gratis*. was "like father, like son.” GriGrow- ing up in Puerto Rico, it seer to M anuel tliat everyone pla •toKtibojo pofo Aug 31, 2004200 .t-PnUECTMUTUAL TELEPHONE the guitana. His brother iilU‘< ^ ^ R upM t Burtoy 436-7151 878-^5 ■■ I ' )pirSIO - I’ iiKC A - 6 'I'hiirsday, AAugust 12. 2004 '______TI'hc Tinic,s-,\'cws ------..-I*-!------E d i t o rUAL i THE SAME’; ^ m w bom pocoor. .scholarship to llar- ly IdiUioans. "’Ifwetaka k c a fish hy de-w a- W _ " vard, conMini)at inVieliiiuii. chance to .tcnngastxtitxcam, we're scared l^ B “ ■ ?JM Congress;ss, governor, a good so l-. ■ h o o k a majestic »? death,"I," 1-enihi County r a ( e o l w 10 miswerecl ji posl-Sepi. ■ Chinook)k «;jws where liis aliegiiince whlle,^ Imon f^, . maysjiyafish- !‘»Afo\ for am bition. A few \veek.s No judge shoul ram our readers on this . Jipiizer and the altorneys {•:LSt)\ P0!5® policies:lcs.'n iese Issues ...... seasons arc >S ing season for now. Now I w onder what's only a few enilofCilifoniia. Con- belong in d ie poll)0llllciilarena, , 'J '" " '” annual regu* anCin d o th e r i ^ u e s . licui. lowii. New lersey, 1101 die co u n s. BuBui even if Ihc li'ippoiied « lo ilim. larities in th e ------_ hatchery fish • K deide Island. V’erm ont and U nited States einliinbniccd tougli “I"I rep o n s he wants out iifter Clearw ater could also wisconcousin, as well as the cor------' imti-global w:irmirmlngpoUncs ber.no mat ter who wins and South I'ork•k o f th e . •amount to a poniidlie counsel of NewYork, result is, at besi, a 2.S percerceni —:md odier induidusm al co u n - ." “ i, “:tion. ir two Ihings niiike m e S alm o n a reas. threat on wilwild salmon. If an- filedI susuit af’ainst five large elec- cut in annual vvoridwrideie tries did d ie sam e ifhe'schiuiged. it fo r I ia tc h e r y , trie uiiliLitilities lo force them to greenhouse emissions. • would be oflset ur die liming o f terror . Jen-s ' 'Hiis spring, thee INational Blcrs cast uestions duit aren’t ;ide- and hook wild reduceice Iheir greenhouse gas 'H ie entire cut w ould be off- oping countries jo HI Oceanic and Atincmosphcric chinook. ai answered. ■. >sions. Having battled set in a few years by normrniiil Tlic IniergoverncSSud ‘I75S Administration againain pul Uic s-ilmon mslcstead, the odds of emissio re's no Intent to benefii age sm oking and Mi- world economic growth,1, vw hich Piinel on C lim ate,leaiangeh.-,s ( kibosh on any hopiopos for a monaJily m;may grow for that teenage iideni In a re-election year, crosou,ofl, th e AGs ate now — reciulriiig m ore pow er;r -— re- projecteddiutgret Chinook season inn summerf vvildsijecms. yeenhouse nidge,sholould s;iy more ihiin "we ing global vwinning. . suits in m ore em issions..Global G emissions vviU moi cy. which , Bui ifnshiihins isn’t piissible norelhtmtnple doifiplay:iy politic.s" iit the D epan- ■ 2001. The agency, L'll, n ot really. Tiie m ain etiiissioiis are now risingg abouta over die next cenit ;ry salmon, ihcn , j iiiltiry under mmtofllH om eland Sc'curiiy must approve thc IdjIdalio Dc- for halclicrv I this suit Illicit produce is 2 perceni annually. ' "business as usualual a s u m p - should likewise :ially after doing a vinual partment of Fish andm d G a m e ’s a g e n c ie s sl: icity for the people who ‘Hie only way to reducece lions. WrtUiiUy jOl I allinp or halchery 01 llie increase campaign^njidbyannounclnK ■ application to offer:r a lim ite d ■ “ 1" ™ “ 1^“ it. Liven a n am aieur tli'eni .slinriily is to have a:i occurs In developii□ping coun- "ncw'tlTri said chi- fish. Tliat wor'on t happen, how- lawyer i: ireais j'tisi after the De- chmook season, sa er m ust suspect the suii’s . worldwide coopeniiive plaplan to Ules. . . mocnitlcic convenlion and jinilsing nook runs were simiimply too as biolp;>logists dori’t want legal groundsgro are weak, ’llie do so. T he Kyoto Protocol,ol, ne-. S p liz e ra n d h isasallies can I “Uiepresicsident's leiidership in the - -...... lo w ...... a larg er p o o3l h o f hatch ery fish, pressi relrelease says tliai the ease- fiotiated in 1997, was o nle e fplan. . chiinge nny of this.his. nieirsuit- -- waragain;inst terror." • ' ; ...... Fair enougli. B u t la:laslweek. p e sclcnliOiific belief is that wasfileclli^d in federal district Pul it w oukl n ot h a v e a g;tu!illy u iiudnly jiUows thenlem to adver- And it. wjusn'tw sjiid ofi" tlie cun'or state hatchery officiaicials con- hatchciyfish':h w ill m ingle w id i co u nI “ui“undtT the federal com - reduced greenhouse emtis- is­ dse diem selves to people1 w h o in answerLT 10 a question. It wils firmed th a t m ore thlhan a 2,200 «^d saTmonn to create a so* m o n la\^law of public nuis;ince, sions. Thev would have don'i know better.er. IHere's C on- said In preirepjired renuirks. II p rovkiesa right o fac- continued rising even if tht Chinook, almost all11 ofc diem called weakta k e r s tm ln o f w hich pi the necdcut Attorney:y CGeneral Itniiikc}ces Ridge m ore siilesniiin ,ocuib.air.aiid.vvaier______U_ nited States had.adoi>ted;ed ______W chard B lumendii ------raiscd-|n~hatcherie5ries^werc— chinook-salmImon. despite ihe- -uoiuo c idial.sounding^___diaivguarcudian. more, pollduil Jier-__ tion einanating from Kyoto. U nderniiriing Kyotoito'sef- .ofi': viini tluuin public] serviini. given away to areaea'tribes, fact there isn.n o g en etic difi-er. res in o ther slates. Public fm iveness w as the "O ur lavreult isis a huge, his- S:ime widiwi failing lo divulge the jnoor. ence between fo o d b im k s a n d th c pi en them. in!knntm ce is a well-established unwillingness o f m ost devcevel- toric first step town)ward holding full contexext o f inform ation on po- Officials froni loca]ical towns . thickckci of regulation S ddoctritie o that is com m on- oping countries — companies accounniniable for teniial terrjrror sites later revealed iis showed some obviov;ious frus- has led to palt^ wild X S:oked in environm ental prominently, C hinn an d IndiaIn die.se pemiclouss pipollutants diree 10 fourfoi yeiirs old. tration with the iss\issue at a salmon pojlo p u la ito n s a n d ciLses."liJ." In Olher wonfs: the uiil- — to join. With m ass poverveny, diat threaten o uir r ncjilih,n econ- How doiloes pusiilng ilie presi- m eeting last vveck Inin Si alm o n , h a tc h e r y fl!fish giveaways, iiies havliaven'i tiroken any they’re m ore interested inin omy, environm ent:m and quality dent whileile holding biick tlie iniih If there are fish in1 tJdie river That soundsd s. lik e a b ro k e n e.xistinging law; the altorneys Ken- faster econom ic grow th ihilhan of life now :ind inciincreasingly In K've iuivorone confidence in "We that can be clubbbbed, re- svstem. I-orIf itJie millions of eral honlone to create "new law" in slower globiil iw um ing.g. the future. Tlie eveijveniual clfects dont play,y polidcs"?1 ------movcd-ai«l-gi«?ciniwyw£iyrwlw“ «°”^‘^*Pcnt:nrpn-salmonTC“ ihrouf^'if^-njudge's-dcrision: ------■" Fhcirrefusnl'was’oncTcrreason— r:r(vvlIlbe)'lncrc.T5l].TSlngltsUfnia ------;Mnybc-l- a re n ’t th e y s u ita b leI fcfor a lim- covery, tataxpayers are t let’s skip the legal the Senate w ould n ever hiiveha' a n d heat-relatedI illillnesses. wheiiandid how, a nd iniiybe tfuii’s vanis out. A source close lied fishing season?i7 hooking noth■ thing in « itu rn . ies. IPthesuil sutTcrrU, , nitified Kyoto, ln-1997. senicna- eroding .shorelines,ies, floods a n d vvhyliewa lit have a ineaningful ef- lors piissed a resolution 95-095' odier natunildisasiMisters, loss o f folU dgetetolls m e die relationship ______feet om n gglobal w arm ing?'H k' disapproving die Kyoto ap-ip - forests an d o ther,preclo.isre- pi |.« H Ridge :ind die Wliite "T* answ er i;is "no." Agtiin, skip legal liroacn.'lhe other reason1 Isis sources." sn’t w hat it used to be." ies. Sup])ose. just for fun. thill even m odest reduciioiions in Actually, dils con lis gig. 3urt sim ply shuts dovMi U.S. greenhouse gases migliiglit_ slderable dlstonion d is die salary diing: Hmes-N^ew8 Ihe ii— 17-17A ffossil-fueUbumiiig result in higliiir energy pric ' f risociaied ' Pressquoies . . ricc*s,' n b 'o n ek iio w sh oOW w m u ch d ie n i , w . S Stei>her»h«n Hartgen ...... Publishoiihor pow err j)lj)Iants owiied by these m ore reKuliuions, slow er: ececo- w orid will warm , e> jlleagues" as saying Ridge mOmU- Marring som e magiciil techichno- is polldcal self-pror tes." Nol w hen die aver- lion tonsDtis o f annual carbon logical I bre»akdirougli, lovveivering juclRC ouglit to req t o-HouKVj;j>l:iry-lf;4r>7,07r>.------—:------riloxirtcrcicrcmmsions.-s.'iyiinrar------U.S.trtilSslons w oulu re*quiquire torneys ^ n e r a t 10 pf ay court ~Noi vvhen 1 ------torneysys ^general. We’ll ignore some or all of die following n dieaverageWiushing- ng; costs and defendtm Siiliiry is S‘\0A2O. Not — I etter ih e econ touglier reguladon o r higlic L - ;ononiicconse{|ueiice.s. 1 ilier from d ieir ow n pocS ciiX re’s . Now. cl ; niitioniil mediiin house- kv, d o the arithm etic. H ie 1giisoline priccs to foree &[rivers v a n am e for wlisii.thcatlomcys tin hold incon>me is S42.‘t09. lls need dils historicalI eveiii,Q\ but why ‘ attorney; How many animals leys genenil say these i into sm aller an d m ore fuel-lel-ef- general arc m aking1115 or them- RirsomiTieone bom into public g barbecue at tfie companitallies produce 10 pereont Ificieni vehicles'; restrictionsins on selves: a public nui: to die during crossiSSingiQcintfO f park, play ® canic ^ luisance. housing, >v: nies, dress up like . o f totalal U.S.Li C 02 eniission.s. 'coiil-burnlng power plants:Its: en- —^------■------two jobs to send him to Oitliollc For many years now,IW, 1 have pioneers if you')u w ant to? Ifyou Well, the United States gener- n Ktaiion.and its price . inthaikindof eopardyjdy just for departm ent hlustoiinmlaiier- as mailed to K). Box 546, Twir dire.1t level.el. nieaded regular was to bloom on thi (Herencj the fun o f it. W liat is theh e point. inlt to d ie 'llireree e Island Falls. ID 83303; faxed to (2 their own igain. we're supposed to cents less tlian vve are pay- . folks? Now. four animlals als hiive Crossing Commim ltlee lifroic - I ' n - n 734-5538; or e-mailod to Ic lies don't leU" believe this I can’t lielj) but w onder • /\u g 4; Bui leadcdership on security is losl tlieir lives to this uniuimeces- they can do diislis re-enacimeiil. lers&maslcvalley.com. on'KK sary spectacle. Hie imaglage of I'm sure dial ha;lias jUreacly been vyliyvvewe are paying more liere r . 'Ilie lilies m ustIt haveh; caved lUdgc’sJob,b, l b date, that leiider- lliese m ost recent victimilm s will do n e this year,r, b ut I’m sending they are iliere. Into peer pres.sure I ilnspire'd. It is fodder for n ot soon leave m y mind,ind. ’l\vo a copy of this letterlet to tliein )»liNE[iUHU:K |a|):inese to surrender nndnd tiger lilies and blooloom ed Uk'i ; com ics. Ii crejites fejir beautiful gentle giants,s. eC7es anyw ay I in v itele any ; of you iwtnl/in Falls endlngWorldWarlL diem . Bui vvhen du llrecdon. And il raises of polidcs. w ide witli fear, nostrilsIs 11;nared.. w ho a ^ > e w ldill i mi e 10 contact _ 'llie bombs dropped on3n Mi- w ere no longer in s I ■ legs nailing, fnmiicallyy fi(figliting them , too.' roshim a a n d Nagasaki saveavecl were free lobloom w happened to Tom Remerlember that A-bombs Jm as God In- iu d „ .„ licledier t he's bc-en had or for their lives with no ho]ho p e of Let's try to p ut niiiiiy Am erican lives. We w e were tended, , he's ust had at it, is opponunlty lost: being rescued from theie wagonv dangerous exhil: ed prolonged war In :i wiir vve did n ot ask for.or. t'.laybe this Is a Ic sser"' ■ Drgovemmeni.foriiUof d iat will tiliim aiely dmag g iilieni any m ore lives.s. hI u m a n o ra n i- • ope everyone will re*tiieni- If there h ad not been aa PPciul Bloom as God Inteii“t i = y „ u l o througli a terrifying expexperience inal. are lost. ber iliaiiiai onA u^. l)andAug.H. I larbor. there would nol luiluive and forget the peereer prcs.siire. ------to a to rturous death. W i; \Q ISH.'i.tw. two bom bs were Miy? , UNDAWAAG beennlliroshinia. PATRICIA COGS’GSWELL MIlllBamwrLs a columnist for llte I can undersiand celetilebnuing IW in FoUs droppec:ped in Jajian ibiclngihe Tiike a inomcnl lo remei:iem- IW ln Foils PhiltulclphuIlia D aily Neu's.

Doonesbury By Garry Trudeau ’IMallard Fillmoree By Bruce Tinsley ■ AfefS/S CMXV m HSfUHOKS BUJS\e I I rI t ' / o o c M $ A.y y THgaiWMr eof/tusM ■\ \ CMOHW I k

•^'aN TN ok^' c o w w e i x / g i - y / 1 r » Feip ^■ ^1 '^A>ne ’' J \ m 7 ' 9 o s : . . y s 'Thursdiirsday. Aucuttl3,2004 TMn Fallt, Idaho A-7

O p i n i o n — Pi^ioneer treek Bush casists large sshadow asis father Y o u n g people p learn LDSS h i s t o r y on the trails, h(»rtlyalct.T hisfiiilnitilterwon I T ^ I gearings uuj p to ru n for gpvernor llic presidential eleielection r~ ... i\ 1 7 t- at-x of Florida,Ida, there were early pri- ► Satiaturday in Religg io n in i m I sal w idiGh George U O U GJ WEAD maricsin; in big stages w here . W. Hiisli in h is inoftlce l<1th on 1 A S nam e recu fill d ie ’H teyundeiderstood d ial to get -SI William Henry H arrisonMilr.and )i ainvaves discuss!issing how die dirougliI this,th d ie Bush daugli- Andrew Johnson jr. all die died a.s Kerty a n d Bushh childrenc afi’ect ters woulduld have to stay calm 2002 Lexus ES 30000 2 0 0 3 P o n tia c BeBonneville j 2003 Mitsuiubishi Galant ES< young alcoholics. Others*-•rs died the campaign: nonc o n e seem s to n ot1 taketa) it all too seriously, _ Loftthor. Lofiaoa w Miton!! LooboO.}. 11 Ir.,I feet tite children.■n. die m orere dieytJ figlit It. dte . sliot wiiile h unting. Calvit‘Vin * lnl9S)7.1calletIled dten-'i'exas tigliter ihthe e m p o n dicm . If it Cotjiidge Ir. d ied iilier ilevdevelop- Gov. Busli to ask s k w ' hether h c has beenn a a n u rd e n to m any *■ V ■ Inga blister on thc White»c w as going to runjn for president, children1 beforebc diem , dtc*y can I louse tennis courts. I IelewaslG v National polls showedsh< him «akc heartirt fromI d ie president. * - years old. ahead. “I’ln n ott goinggl to do it." Afterall.it, it mI ade his life. Maybe 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix I ^as 11 years into ntyty sstudy h esaid . it will m:ik(i:d(C theirs iis'well. -rlx GT ; 2 0 0 3 S a tu rIP^ta7n^°° n 2000 VWM Beetle GLS Loodod, Ronial I w hen [o|in I; Kennedy jr.Ir.dis- i "Wlty not?” 1 as I askod. Wlien ^ y Q s i I a . e s o : appe;ire'd over the Ailaniitline. would the planetslets ever again D oug WeadWe Ll author o f All Prices do not include tax,ta title, or SI33.96 deu Chills went down iny spinpine. b c so aligned? HisHii b rother was Presideiidem's ChiMrvn." d ealer d o c fee. Prices x ooii7d thru 7-27-04 — LetTER—^: Give educators, pareiirents Ifso.ybudonotu>t un d e rsta n d . cause o fI somsoi e score o n a it'st. I . their due on ISAT sc

------d a a s ; “ f i ■ ------m 'c o p p e r a niABS d d FLAMEGUAlA R D M CEILING FAN PIPE GASWATEl CECEILING FAN TXW7 series. Fnt 52'-tlides. 3-Spttdttd rrFtumo reveisiOle motor 2'jndJ'donn roa V2-,IO.pricedcer 10 lenjinI HEATER ■ ' 30-yejr Imiitea iwunty ■” HMuCeSf'SiOtJCCKC'deni3i hres in^oliing tAvjiUDie Ajnf kits not mcMeai 3 J 't to pi’CeJper IQ lenginigw 7.99 tl,imm,Idle mipors o Iront ploHuCtS like gjs pjint tni.inmnei. sohtnis ere TXI07 Polished Drjss. ojh oUdes 3ftS39.99 ASSOIUIIIPin , Aiiimmam SteellOurner Bl Fjstrecoierv /t’s Where Yo rxiorwMe. ntvuK3sneaDUdes 3S.SM.M ;• I ?■« 10'. priced ptr W lengthngth 3.21 6-yfj' iv.vfjnfvifV oni Ijn* jn j ojffs txio: Brushea nickel: mipie buaes «19.99 .S 2~» W. pnceaptf lO'ienftnrn - 4.48 FGlfJ03iT3U0V JOpjHon i • 2S9.00 l u H e e d i y ^ ^ Ffor What You ^ n irxt07 Brown stone, im e bUaes 64.SU.9S 3'm io: pricea per 10' lengmh 8.48 FGIFS9iOT3m’ ■50a.Mion ■: m .0 0 ______m s m - m 'd m ncoju.

I ] . ULTRA' ,« ■ LOW . ROUHD VITREOrows VICTORIAN C H IN A L A V N ' 3 ' f U O H . CST743SK1.2-pM«. Gtoix Hushing 13S0WH 19'rounH. sell-iimit PEDESTAL.LAV I T0ILE7g ^ system—cne. ol tht test Hushing loilets : SHOWEER STALL ivrM concMloa lioni oveillo ■eilloa. LilOOWimuml«l.2e-x22-:2r.WtliU0nly (Toil,(Toilet sejt not ineiudeS) (Toilet sutnot includ^l Reoui.v oom of tmi.\tca,\tcaPom tionyou te\\of‘in;; oior, consioer Aau3Gl3SS Chionie hmge■ wiiire iFitijrtj'ts not inciudeai 2 1 9 ^ 8 TSmSCBH neguurponi U.9S 3l3232A-iVHT jrsn J o iitr 199.00 5 — 9 6 6 8 ^ 0 TSNOtCBH Eiona.i!ed DOxM I9.9S JI3637A-WHT 36'sr^Oner j 219.00


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t W o r l dD - - ■ ■- . S u b sc rib e . Call 733-0931 Departrtment G cim a n s loclok fo r b eea u ty in tth e ir lan^ig u a g e Pg

S ios~Ai^gelMileTTImds Cnu:erinan word. ings pondered —- especially< potato pancancake. One coniesiiinl al-Qaidi playUilnessL-ss of Italian, tiie nasiil "We're "V getting peoiile to Uiii:link when two or ihree snsmall words wrote thatL UieU smell of kariof- ____ o n f e scnsiiiililyty (of I-rencb. die pitler- aboiboui lhe beauty of tiie (>ermaHim m erge to form o n e bigbij one such felpufTer con;:onJures u p childhood ; of a kitchen full of patter o fr l’(I’ortuguese. And then langiiiguage." said Kolf I’eler.r. a as ~vergissnieinnicliclll," wiilch memories ol 'M asKk-.” a fem ale SIiq)ln.*rtl.1 stateme] lot. guests, there's thele I;harsli. inllnite knol o f coinDinpelilion organr/.er. . "Uy“1: means forget-me-not. iilx poppy, is learnliiK all Itiv IIAMIUJW;. tlcnlerm any — A vc-c'otiii»iK a Kical senior planner of t] icnplc-artrconfronied w ith thell' (juesiionable-from-a--a-iinguistic ”fricdcnr"-^r-o r-p e n c e m s his fji- • )f die Sei)l. 11 spired dielie M ark 'IW ain-screed— pcnj lug. MaKKii' traiiicci uUacks siiys llic M: I'or point «)f view." salsaid lUidolf vorlteword. H am burg ill- •• llieAwfulful G erm an Liinguage." ricliiicIiiiL'ss o f Uie lan g u ag e.... I'c Uld very xocnl lookloR. k*r- llo lierg clialriiian of ol tlie Ger- One entniitra n t offered "feler- ‘"Jl Qiiida cull was snsm aller (h an Uui ClernL'rinan is tiie tongue o f loo[)<) Ilong, lhe im pression o f Ge Contact us (or liiturinalinii man Unguage Sociticieiy anti ii abend." whivhich means leisure ^ iiivL‘Stl(tniors'believeeve. conslsUng Goetlte and ar Thomas Mann, mannan h as not lieen positive." mtUc Rim to Rim Walk/ onlyoriiimandil\n; are conlesi judge.'"’nierere ■arc no cri- (line iifter aa lianl1 d ay’s work. “It hree o f th e sui- 'llierc is pmpoetry. Verbal splendor 1-ntr.ints Hi — 30 perceni ai ? « « ScptcinbiT IHth. cide pilois, u courou rt w as told hides an»i(Iiid syllables jam m ed Iron:rom foreign couniries — suiui)- leria. Wliai is a beautlutlful word? Is alwiiys salesaid." the entry reiids, "** Wednesday in thehe Tirsi public like train11 n LCO TV 20 -OR SMAUER f , ' . . . ■ in brief eeiiell hiembers ^ ■ 1 | ] \ J o n . t • ------rageaged against u n W M £ THEATER \ c 'f e i v S; rI America in discuscussions wilii M i SYSTEM ' I uiher Muslims' in Hamburg, I . w/punil/PUnOlASEOFANriCOTV»-0» BCtHOnPLASMAWje-OftWOtR I I (hey kepi ihe plot>1 toK attack the ' I H eXPIRBS Brai/04 I Uniied Stales secrei. ■ l l — E lowever, lhe Jusiusilce Depart- H - 1 L .- ^ - menl cautioned that th ciipiives H n I m ay have w antedd "to"i Influence ■ ______P 4 _ i _ _ I ------^------as-xwU-ns-lnform-in-inthdrinter------H ------1 TI----- rogations and rmay have H - mi I 2 -Y E A R P i f i t " I vvitlilield informatication or used 'H IH I L A B O R WAIiR R A N T Y I "counterinicrrogaii>aiion tech- ■ W k I I niques." I MIIS sc COUPON EXTENDS TNE MANUFACTICTURER'S WARRANTY (Uuislly 90I I i l f DayB)TOAFULI2VEARSFHOMORI}RIGINAL OATE OF PURCHASE ‘Ilie nwv evldencencc emerged ■ 1 HU • PvntuueimetUtnftrilmRtqund’Aiiiii>aM»0ni)cnlumlntrteitfrS44M I . at Uic retrial of Moiviounir cl Mo- i M4 • AM SMVkT to mar SM « Onw « Ar MMAj*«jjA MM Suuwon • Sm Jim A>rO«t«

Rumsfeld halls5 pprogress H HH I H I toward Afghan1 eelections IRE 5,000 BTU 115-VOLT AIR* SONY32-FDTRINnMrntON* WEQA’* TV WITH HI-SC■SCAN . SONY 46” 16:9 HI-SCJCAN» PROJECTION TV lONER WITH 3-SPEEO FAN &I ADJ.AD lOeOI'* CHASSIS. HIHIGH DEFINmON CAPABILITY.Y, U H * J - I - . KABUL, Afchauaanlsian - “ "“'^10" WITH HlOH OEFINITITION CAPABILITY. THERMOSTAT TWINVIEW™ 2-TUNER: PllPIP, ^ i TWINVIEW"* 2-TUNElER PIP, TRUSURROUND*>« Halfway Uuougl) Uie Uii deadliest \ . . ; „ S— r S •4.W»y*i, OicsclionConlri ^ . TRUSORROUND™ 8R8‘S< i- - ;- :; E S •OuwkMounllnniiKWionK 4 ^ SRS* SOUND & REMIMOTE year yet for AmericMcan soldiers in j ^ AND REMOTE _ . (il*r~ Wldatwrtd Vidao Amplitwr • HO---- ■FAD05If.«7A-0 7eEH K M B W i l C i i r Afglianistun, Defensijnse Secretary . ^ Donald H. Rumsfelsfeld pointed J fl C«nlfol^'8n^0tion^-%iv*^la*'’‘" •ik ' I s o r r s $ 1 3 9 9I 1^1 PulWown.' ______optimistically Wcdmidncscfay to a S C a i l HITACHI 51” 16:99 WIDE SCREEN - revival In com m ercerce and rising )NY 34“ I HOTV . M H ■ H H 4 PROJECTION TVI VWITH HIGH DEFINITION registration for OctcIctober's dec- s * 9 9 9 5 CAPABILITY. MTSrS STEREO/SAP WITH lion as proof thele icounlry is Kl l»15!5 9 9 ROUND & SPLIT-SCREENH ■ | @ 1 2 T U nI r ^ I p ”"'** making progress. ___ RCA52"16:9PROJECTIOTION ^ e ^ S S S S m iounit Enlmncamanl • Paianlal Lock* Despite a conUnuinued Taliban l||l||||(% \:3M- TV WITH HtOH DEFINIT10T1DN ■ —^ H I ^ ^ ^ ’Noanzusr'"! vtha-OarK Unlvarul Ramola • V«tual- insurgency, growingng electioni vi- - a * CAPABILITY. SPLIT olencc and a boom 30L 10,000 BTU 11S-VCLTAIR■R rL r l’~^rfTi^^ SCREEN 2-TUNER PIP, ONER W ITH 3 COOLING SPEED!EDS 5 L PROGRESSIVE SCAN. * 1 5 9 9» trade, the Pentagons : « a t ------AND ADJUSTABLEf i j ____ _ DOLBY'VIRTUAL AND ...... daylong visit.-said:I: "I"E ach'tim c 1------.v — L l J UNIVERSAL REMOTE B a SONY 57” 16:9 WIDE SCSCREEN PROJECTION HDTVV -— w m a r a ' THERMOSTAT------•^DW rn^WHOCP • INT6L^UFCLiFOCus" c o m e I no lice the ama/ing M .G.VV«^A,,0,,_Blt,OT»lConi 3 l3 WITH MTS STEREO/SAP\P. TWINVIEW™ 2-TUNER Coni|>on«r>Ilnputi-Suby>OOls>CiS«* Ouipui »3SC -r-----—— -ssi:,' PIP, TRUSURROUND* SISRS* AUDIO ANO REMOTE progress ihat's belni.•Ing m ad e — i f t ' • «a"cM10WL • 9 fl ECf*"**" luies Slick* Madia Playtiack • Dolby* D>gil>l (he energy o n diele istreets. Uie |K . I S O N l new stores, kiosks,i. c::cars." - rei,i„.,i * 1 7 0 1 * 1 2 9 9 nii?iTi R um sfeld also notinoted Uiai Uie ^ - ' $ 1 9 9 9i United Nations haslas.sald moa\ l ______HITACHI 42-10:0 PiPANASONIC 42' 16:9 IQ IIQB B _ SHARP 13- AQIAQUOS” LCD iW.l'il'lM _ HITACHI SO’ 16:9 LCO th an $) million peopiople have reg- ^ (; WIDE SCREEN PLASMA ~ UILT-IN CABLE “ * iHrTACkCHlj WIDE SCREEN HDTV WITH istered to vote inI Uillie country's S'iISImT eIVJ. HOTV W/8UILT.IH ATSO 170V170* MTS STEREOrSAP W/dbii>, ■— MONITOR W/OUILT-IK QAM/NTSC TUNERS. HH _ f l T T q a VIEWING ikNOLNOLES & SOO:l S VlrtualHD” ft AOVANCEO p?esldeniial electionion.Uiis.Qcto.: ____ .l.^.:?t__NTSC.TV.TUNER _____ .2-TUNERSPUI.SCREEN____ H k ___CONTRAST' RA'RATIO ■ a i l 3 k----HO OIGITAUWIKOOWa------& VlrtualHD’* lOSOp PIP & SURROUND SOUND B U ^par V,a« ICO TffT.’.i A^!l:^;\|l ji! SPLIT-SCREEN ber, Ihe Tirst vote sinesince Uie fall of . y-'PiljBi^ii'Myj w a »lj ■ VIDEO PROCESSOR • CablaCARD RtaVy • OOE* /Moniioi aiTK ^.;^?:T .vJ. •D>g $ 4 7 9 •MulliplalnpuUCOulpvl* -• Sc'nn. Ial>lni) A • XOMI.HDCP Inl«i1»cs ' 9 . . . DDE* Sound Entuncamanl ...... 20W S^aiiett Inc'udodr”* ■ • • »T•TH42PX25UP J __ . iMuminalai) Ramolt Russian officials3ls asl< < 5 1 ® ^ 5HASP1J*ICDT\;0TV * 5 7 9 I U k i u l i l -n ^ (3 ^ Panamo^* $ that Yultos gett nmoney ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 4 9 9 * 5 9 9 9 V 191 I M S E H »979 I"”"***™'!3 * 2 9 9 9 MOSCOW — Ilussia's t e largest 24'*TVW/TRIUNGl>AL2‘ s p RCA 32" TVrv«i™ V ' iSSBI^ ______PANASONIC 13- oil producer shouldiId have access 13 ” COLOR TV ON-SCREEN0 DISPLAY, HI 1 C / I ) _ MTS STEREO.tEO/SAP,. iP anaawofye*i TV/VCR COMBO WITH to Its frozen bankk aaccounts to K T - a r WITH TRILINGUAL 3 PICTURE MODES i , TRILINGUALA1.0SOS I ■ r TRIUNGUAL W -g W . ON-SCREEN AND FULL FEATURE K ■ . UNIVERSAL\L REMOTEF ON-SCREEN DISPLAY. prevent openuionsIS 1from being REMOTE C; * FM RADIO AND disnipted. enenjyr onicialsof .s;iid r x D IS P U Y , AAf UNIVERSAL REMOTE / r r . i INPUTS AND I?- k • From W And Cwpnona W ednesday.as Yukoskos received a . SKIAMm iL j 23-KEY REMOTE Ch*nn«l Tuna, • Rtoill l£ B c'-AudtoLavalar. IBIB^TTTmTJI'IH Jacks-Co«un«. t . w ‘ 5 4 9 yan, head of ------i r w ______* 1 6 9 . " * 1 4 9 Uie I-ederal flnergyy AAgency, said SUPER SLIM SONYOVDWrrK HW.I'ffiPB S H i l ■ moSSe 1030 3y i p 14" FU T SCREEN a d rop III nroductiuitiun by Yukos PROGRESSIVE SCAM PROGRESSIVE SCAN. * TV/DVD PLAYER COMBO0 could be cleirimenuinial lo Uussia DVD PLAVER WITH I S O N Y . l DOLDY' DIOlTAUdK £ 7 V P SCAN OUTPUTPUT. VIRTUAL VJUP3 '------^------• OlOUTPUT & REM0T6 ' SURROUNDI &&T TRILINGUAL P P S B S Sm i WITH MTS STEREO, . and lead to asiibstaistantial cut in playback; OOLDY* • OVO-H/C0'RW'MP3 ■HEAiM M l.fll i Ami* • P p u m p s 1.7 m illion1 barrelsbi! a day, . OdH>I Ool-Zoom SHARPI Dtgiul GAmm* i MJ‘i‘r i i|W IMJLi ^ \ ROTATING 2.5” LCD OPTICAU400X DIGITAL IHITACHH I DVO/OVD-R/CD/CD-R/RWrII . NouAKcnorr.r. i M auritania 1 MONITOR ZOOM. 2.S- LCD SCREEN . ^ i P i MP3 PLAYBACK, DOLBY*f‘ — U.S. ally Mauritaritania briefly ^ . & BMD SDMEMORY CARO ' :m DIGITAL SOUND & • tre-ccow«aoKTeuiPii«». ■ REMOTE arrested a promineinent Islamic K ;. ' I m ComhtiMliont 01 0>oA MOKFItKli.*P,iilfPCMDM)h . ■ " 9 I l l s SIX.OAI Ellocl. S Eooc tal Jouna • inug* SlK»>u«r ------S-VHS Playback • Sioilal Aulo opposition figureI! VWednesday. “ ‘V ^ I •MuR>ln<«g<0.ipl>y. Trackino ; two days after thee g(governm ent ^ $ 2 1 9 .said it iiad foiled:d ani alleged 1 7 “ army*lcd coup plotloi linkedI to a * 4 7 9 ® * 1 2 9 threat last monUi by extremists FRIGIDAIRE ------______PANASONICs 10100W»8 ■ ^ ^ '_ | SONY 4IHW. HOME ROPER by WHIRUPOO UMUMile*! home theateiATER SVSTEM |S 0 1 ^ Y « | THEATER SYSTEM WfHI-FIM to strike Maurilankmia "wiUi an POOL , . . l514.S CU.FT. ^ WITH RECEIVEI 3 VCR/PR00RE8SIVE SCAN< iron fist" over its tiesies w ith Isniel. EXTRA URGE REFRIGERATOR- _ _ ssATELtrresire SPEAKERS. ____ ; OVO COMDO. RECEIVER. CAPACITY WASHERSR . I?I s “FREEZER ■ ■ SUDWOOFER,(;R,OOUIY* ■ CENTER SPEAKER. 4 Police arrested prompro inent Is- WITH 4 AUTO. WASHiSH WlWITH GALLON HH _____ OICITAL/DTS & l . j SATELLfTE SPEAKERS A iamist Mohamedi) )ileniil Ould CYCLES & 3 TEMP. . r DOOR Dt STORAGE :V e« ot. ' 1 3 100W. SUBWOOFER COMBINATIONS 1 Mansour, .secretary*iry-genenil of • Pnim Pmtt Cycle • 2.Spa> Wnnlcmwt^SM^K'con. ^ B | '■ S S S S l • « » » » £ I—_ _ _ I WathlSpin • Sal> Cl«ul«.>i DANBY01 DESIGNER ■ ■ ■ ROPER 5-CYCLE ID DUAL 400-WATT Trains collide heihead on H jH H UNOERCOUNTER 3.23.: CU. FT. COUNTER ■ ■ DISHWASHER WITH HIGH COMPACT i M il 12-INCH 3-WAY 3-LEVEL WASH SYSTE REFRIGERATOR ' SPEAKER In Turiolellne R oad E< i\ OVEN wnH AtrroTIONS 1 •Saak*8cAn*FMiF*dM TOOLS I I TOUCH* CONTROII SETTINGS • EWctionlc Voluma. Diti,^ Tn SONY S2Wx4 XPLOO* T h e oU ier train wwas a traveling .B POWER CO RECEIVER 7 3 5 -8 6 0 3 * 4 OEFROST OPTIC wrrH c o m d controls. from Istanbul loAdapdapa/.ari, ofli- 4DSMII i| 4 # Lighl"'o“»! ' MIKUTS PLUS". S a S t SReHCATOPTIOI OK, MP3 PLAVER. FLIP.OOWN cials said. Cof* m l J 9 1 DusmessBS, c ontrnucroR i Off sc h o o ls c a lu i-soo. detachable face. CAROr e AUTO COOK SE' ---- »AD2SCDLMated DMiwnd CauMd By Owr I REMOTE «. XM READY — comim pliedI from au •CutlomFUa’*M«mo>yCO wiwire reports ' . lHR,H,K>orl Tait« • ilFWUAM Uamofy Pr*. ?mnuuSD3(»i«n^ 800.7J9.Mff * 6 9 OOlTWtUt. »R Xf« OP TM OVrCMNCa. Ti^ ..I..EQJ.MD.,.aa& s ssTrSttsr.fflasw ssi’a INO. » vou PIMO AMT OTKtfl LOCAL STOI I 7 s i £ „ s i4 7 1 9 * 1 0 9 tlFUHD THt OmRXNCt PUM AN ADOR ICK POUCVi OeuilMwBy Du* Ta Um u m I* H« DMtMi PiMM. W* Rmmv* Tha Ta 'roStSSTrJa^JSSmS^ —► ComlniIng Friday IN£[SIDE MLB ...... B2 . • The Athens OlyOlympics fire up Movies ...... 84 v/ith the openingIng ceremony. jPQ)Kns 'I'hc Tim cs-N cvc w s Thursday, AugI g u s t 12, 2 0 0 4 S c c t i o n B

M orning LiLINE Pro3 s e c u t o r s S p o r t s Q u o t e H a ^V1MI>'^GYlFUP reqi[ u e s t A nd that’s ju st women : delsa y i n accommodater I . . u-s- V ^ relatives on ShaK’s shutoout ^ a n t c a s e . lm ^ . . . payroll. W ' . . . . The Associ “T^— 'G reecicer3-0~^^ DENVB'ER — Prosecutors in > thc.Kobels B ryant case asked th e • ------s------judge-to- Olympic cuser J championship Games. sexual acti:tivi- „ . n.uimi- BUHLCy ~ Entries ara re now "Ybu know ' . lies «w as •'“ •Borant being token for tlic Burleu iey G olf ^Mia — she d o es ' t' -* *'. “extrem elyJly harmful" to the Coursc Mens Club Champi- Ch; that to us InI p practice." team- prosecutioion's case. She said a onship. held Aug. 13-lE1-15. TTie m a te S h an n oon n Boxx said of strict gag; (order Issued by Dis- entry fee is SIO, and all11 partid*-p Hamm’s faked-o1-out opponent. "I , V.: trict Judgeje Terry Ruckrie^e has pants must be pre*rcgt:cgistered know how shee feelsf — I w ould -r':-'- preventedd diei prosecution from onorbeforcAug. 12. be nervous seeliseing Mla ru n n in g , , / • respondingng. Piirticlpants. must plaplay an y dovvn at m c oncne on one.” ' T here hihas been "an absence two of tiic three days,r's, along 'I’he A m erica[cans completely . -i.. ' of balanccjccj in die Information with at least one otherr p artid - dom in ated . Ev(Even though th c ' vs'-.-, ? • released."!" E aster wTote. "T hc re -, pant. Stop by thc clubhoihouse to Greeks took theile first shot, itw as lease o f this t information 28 book your tee tim es, o r•call878- ca: also their last.'t. Tlie U.S. leam days prior>r to trial uiU have the 9H07. w ent o n to take'■>. c '■ and Impaclact the ability of the !r shutout. ion to obtain a fair jury Rupert Country Club'Cl re-establish its su- ne." hosts golf scramb sr disappointing • - f - r ^ ' The defcjfensc tesdmony from "ble S S Mic ; 2000 Olympics T ' the d o se d hearing diat was ac- ...... llUPliRT------T he R Rupen ■ iuiil2003WforldlIdC up.'the'A m er-’ cidentallyy released Including , C ountry Club will liold a J leans continuee Iifirst-round play ; - _ ... th a to f a n1 eex p en w ho indicated p erso n b e st hall scr.n cramble Saturday agalns:inst Brazil in th e " t ' -' that the accuscra< had sex w1di Saturday, Aug. 14. Tlie ent enln’rcc onlyOI^plcspspon that b e ^ so m eo n e! else' after her en- Is S40 p er person, w ith : play be’roJe FrtFriday's o p e n in g r***'Ww**' ■' ' counter vtfiivith Bryant but beforc Included. Tlie format Is t IS one ceremony. she w as CXTxamined at a hospital, f;ross a n d o nc net best ballba^.Slgn In o jh c f ^vo,vom en's' g am es, trpmt There wiwas n o Im m ediate in* up by stopping by tlic goll ?olf shop Germany beatt DC iin a 8-0; Brazil Q re ec e'aa EftlchtaEl MIchallldou, right, fightsfl| for the ball with Mla HammHa of th e U nited S ta te a duiduring a dication vwhether the judge or call 436-9160. The CVI event is defeated Austristralia 1-0; a n d w o m e n 'ss QroupQi 0 prellmlnsry soccsr’ nm a tch during th e 2 0 0 4 Olym]ffnplc Qamea on Wednesday.r. would holtold a hearing on the _____ ^opcn,to.all.golfers.______------Japonbeat-Sw/cdcn-l-O.-On-die ed ------prosccurioiiornnouonorwhen-hc— ■-— m en's side, Argt j^enilna opened ■ la-yatdsfJ shot to die left o f goal* nnecklace. W hile sh e vras takingtai run widi her ISdi iic. Jury selection is Wallock cruises vvith a 6-0 winVin over Serbia- keeper d to begin Aufr 27. ic off, th e A m ericans exploiilolted games a^ the Amei Ml Montenegro: Tlmisia tied Lagijunlumczl, suUably hum- dche cemporary man-advantmt^e whelmed a team1 diat ch qualified In Jackpot tourne)I6y . Australia 1*1: MexicoM« and Mali- bled pull ulled her shirt-up to aiand mtjved quickly, with1 ) comci m on attii^ ' ^ ■ —even possible consiinsldering the source “ tc IS announces winners3 '8 In W isconsin, ju:just not in thc IB B I. sand dunes and1 moonscapen The Associclat- BURLEY— The BurleyyLadlcs Ll middle of sumnT im er. As Steve i|S ] tuif on the Unks-st3-st>de course . ed P ress t Golf Association held theiiheir an- Lowery walkedI uup to the 16th along Lake Michigan deal has abc 1 nual ' Club Chamamplon green, his frostyI'breath bi was visi- VTW . "I think-it ad*is t.to the sus* salary of *S29 S T ou rn am en t A ugust 3*4.•4. The ble vrtth every ststep. ’The m ost . pense,” Davis Loveve ] in said. "It mUUon andid could be worth up new club champion Iss JoyceJ popular placc wawas next to the 1 m i^t be good fot3r tth e experi* to $40 milUcUon ifWUislorlng Injured It In San Frar•randsco." month withh a com hamscring Zendejas vras the firsts t :NFL »iuse of a com righc tralalnlng, Kremchek sold. “H e did n 't com e biback earlier thac bodierere d h im chroughouc kickcr to have a perfect seasonset I n^ the latest setback ' The ' Reds said Griffey w as b e c a u se I th in k h eewas w hoping the 2001 season. s He then kicking field goals (17 ofo f 17). ; One of injuries for the hulurt while making a slidhiding he would be ableB totc gee over spent two longIc sdnts on the ;atch In right field la Three have done it slnccn e e — outfielder. cai last this and plnch*hltit cor ne'd be 15-day disabibledllstwithatom Vednesday. Griffey h« Gary Anderson of theMinmirmeso- y will have surgery We had able to do somethirhing to help knee tendon3n and a com right noved over from his usu taVtldngsinl9g8(35of35), chc CincinnaU Reds me isual th e ceam ," h e said.!• hamscring inin 2002. :am medical director spi:pot in center Held for tlthe The new injury w Wilkins o f th e St. Louis Rtom an s in t was similar Griffey wei?enc o n th e DL tw ice ;ame, his first actio n in n eaiearly co o n e Griffey h a d c 2000 (17 o f 17) a n d M ikec e A \ ^ - lothy Kremchek said :d o n his left again last yci/ear for a dislocated day that an MRI exam fotour weeks since tearing; hish side three years ago dcrjagt ofthe Indianapolisis ColtsC KenQriftey lgo. B ut th a t righc shoiildiIder and tom ankle Griffey had ruptured -halam string. one was a partidial cear th a t In 2003 (37 o f 37). Suffers tom ha CINCINrscring last week in San "He h a d a co m p lete r u piture tu healed without surgeirgeiy.Krem- I see ORIFFEY. Page 82 Jr. w ill mis! so n b ccau h a m s trin g in a lo n g Ur All-Star out G riffey ’ Monday, tl said. Team . D r. T im o tl W ednesday sh o w ed G? nam stn n g h is h am stri ■ \ j \ -

6.2 T Im e » ^ , IWln hinhint, Idaho Thunda)r,AucuitU.12,2004

S p o r t s

Sweeiney clulbs homeer to leaid Royaals Socee: e r _ ^ ______CHICAGO-DaiTfUTcllMaydld- ' • Continued fromm BG l ■ u m o njn die island o f Crete. MoreV n't :ill«mm m Is playing so well diatt * boos thr(Hi(iliotu thu gii ' dial,’’ Greek coachcoi Xjmdii Kon- quesuotions iuv bound to resur- ■ ■ jm siandinidou saies lo a 4-2 ‘ crowd at kickofkoff in die seaside. fiiiiy renovated "WiUioul socccr." winin Iover th e led l>;inkriio Stadi- said."V ■XasTCiijgere------:------on1 Wednes-1 KanBasCltyslIT shortstop Andres Blanco divesfes to stop'a ball hit up th e mlmlddte'by Chicago’s Carlos iQodur-Lqi . I " C K J d a yly n n ij^ u . ' Ing th e eighth1th Inning Wednesday in Chicagoago. Blanco recovered and thnhrew Lee out at first. ‘ Stu . 2 ). inovud inlo Ih u ' Mr g u i d e t o life 1C' rotation red its tlie 'llgcIgers ended a tliree- C u bIS S i5 , Padres 1 ' Horida Marlins 1<0.. You ‘Iliosday bccjiast? Javier'ierVcsa lead ihey woiivouldn't re- Ledcwna (2(2-0) pltclicd 5 2-3 s rctu m from u stispcnsion Z or^ Patterson homered to gam es in tlieir seriesar Mianliantiljya : . R e a d1 The 1 Tim es-N ews every day — . ,linH1A — PiPitcher. four hits and four IU)IiiBis in tlie National LeagueU ^amesX f for liildng bl. Louis* Jim Randy Wolf hom ered twicivice, giv- ■' f 'ii .■•J first live innings, andIlhL'Boslon tht E xpos?, DD’l ’B a c k S 3 Ifdmonds om •with a pilch last ing lilm dirce this season■on. and a . . ^ k J Hed Sox heat the T:in m . W m l dl. allowed one run and five duew seven solid innings^10 I'l lead . . IJevil Hays M-4 Wee Brian schnrf. ■ m d \valked o ne an d 'sm ick ' der-s . grandd slam capped die PliUadelplila Piiilllcs lo f-M arathon • niglu. ix 4 victory over die Colc ve ru n s in Montrcjil's six-jix-run outburst in Hoston scorcd five e victory puts die Cubs two Rockies on Wednesday nlii id diird in- founh innii hoih the second and t s aliead of die I’iidres for Wolf (5-7), who has Sfot - c RFlun t • Race W alk'; » W a l k nings fo ra 13-1 lead andindcniisc>d {^eiidedtJieAi g read a in die NL wild-card reer homere. w ent 3-for-3>r-3 and ' streak 10 six witli a ^1,3™ to its fourth win in five gam es. b a ‘;ks losiiigst i scored diree runs in bccoxom ing Forages 18 and overo 'Ihinpa Itoy lost for tliee lI illil lim e 7-3 victoiyW/ednesday ed niglit. joluil'attcrso die first m ajor league piicliiclier to. ' in 12 roadgiimes. rson. acquired from n«#lrfAi homer twice in a gumcsliic Arizona in Marcli, f look a gers 11, Reds 1 Ince die SatUTjrday • August 217 • 8 am Pliilllcs' R oben I*crson didiid it on Indians 3, Blue Jayilaue 0 shutout into) thct seventh and CINCl■JClNNAll— After finding .' June 2.2002. against MontJ ^ w on for tiie fint fir time tn more out diat nucal. O n linine e roglstratJon: www.spcpondoro.com- hat Ken Griffey fr. w ould, Jim Thome also homom ered , . ClJ-Vl-LAND— C C SSiibadiln tlian four momsnilis to help Mon- miss thithe rest of the season or call DebbleTucker a t 77; 3 4 -2 3 3 6 pitched seven stronglg innings; treal extend its \ twice. Q iase Udey hit aa ddiree* ts winning streak to Wcdncsdicsdav, th e Cincinnati Reds run homer and Jimmy RcRollins t., and rookie (Irady Si/x‘m Si; o re four w ereshu ihut down Ijy JeffWcaver in added u two-run shot foifor die L o c a tio n : drove in thego-aheadImn ruj widi a iiie Diamonondbacks fell to a an I M•1 1loss to die Los Angeles ihway 30 at 4800 N - sicrifice fiy in the sixth,th. leading major leaguc-v Pliiliies, w ho lost th c firstirst two e-worst 35-80. be- Dodgers.ers. ____ gam es of th c series to Colorilonido. ’ \ etween Buhl and th e Clevx'liuid Indians-tlIS-IOU3-2 comingdiefirsirsiieamtoreachOO “An MIUMI show ed diat Griffey • \ I victory over die Toroni H a g e rm a n •onto Blue losses. Arizona.la. outscored 43-16 Nvas monlore seriously injured dian *■*1 J I— . ‘ i lays on Wednc*sday nigluIglit. during its losin}ling streak, has lost originalljlally suspected w hen lie Pirates 8, Giants 6, I 'iA M an liiw ton hom ea'dired for die 25 of 29 and 4313 o< f 52. hyper-cxi-extended his right leg last 11 Innings • North Indians, w ho have w on3n direet In week inIn SSan Francisco o n a play a roiv an d Ini'proved to prnsiiUiiGii—craigw'W ikon. Braves 10,.Brewers E 3 in ihc ouioutfield. It \vas Ills first ac- ' ihit a tw o-run h om er in dieh e l l d i home in one-run gmnes. 1 nearly four weeks sincc | Inning and die Piitsburglirgli Pi- in. the eigltdi inning afte gills hamstring. . hit in th e riglit elhow l>y mii^dlSSSv " ijsi rates oeat die San Francincisco >r added a solo slu NL West-leading Dodgers (Giants 8*6 W ednesday ni^iIglil for tliroivn by Jitsiin Speier. )T die sevcndi time in nine , Sabathia (9-6) gavec'up i IWO Hnmplon anil dieir fourdi suoiglii victory. i. Jose Hemandcz had a Ray Durham's two-mn ho nm s and live hits, struckck o( u in v o P“ S' 'I loaded triple and a two- _ j City_of and wiilkc'd tw o,to fpvcive Cleve- 10*3 We - in d ie nindi d ed iLfor Sana FranF ------amer, an'd-Slia\vn Gtecn" \cisco. Barry Bonds was givei land ils seventh winI In in ciglil , ■' Uie mfirst carccr ivro- nHrJi^r a*, 1duve*run slioi as Ix)s i I ( homer game for inientlonn] walk lo Icud ‘ooff 7 r . . games. rorLanochc s built a n 11-0 lead after ] Even withe lOdi, bul die GianLs coiddtid not ^ Sponsored by ^ thouI Chlppcr uic.opof) o f the fourtli. [Ae <3 Jones, w h o salial o u t n u rsin g a score after loading die basesses. ’ FOODS' Tigers i l , Athletics bruised rightIt h: a n d . A tlanta OAKITVND. Cilif. — Dmitri bounced back;k from1 a 3-2 loss ^ S 'a i nnals a i 1, Marlins 0 Young hii a three-runm hom: er in 10 in n in g s a:aniglit.earlierio MIAMIMl — Jeff Suppon al- and Wilfredo Ledezinn1 mademt die win for ihc I5th 15 Ilme in 18 lowedjusijust l\vo hits in eiglit'plus i early lead stand up Wedr'ednesday, games. innings.s. E d ^ Renteria si^ed ___I ------giving the DctroiHllmnmn ra n -ll'tl------afa'rieslliom3mashliaTw6'hils“^lrome-Uiedie only run and die St. | win overthc; Oakland AtliMliletics. for’ilie Braves,i, includingii a two- Louis CarCardinals extended dieir Omar Inlante droveL' inii: diree run single afterter a brief power winninglg sstreak to seven gjunes i A * nms and Hondell Wliitelie :home- oulnggin(hcrifOfifdi Inninfr Wcdnesdj;sday ni^ii by beating die

» WinslowV ' ' ' . Continued from B l . Hogers last yeararwidiDeiroii. - for dieB sjsame amount but in- exceed his fjither's accon;omnllsh- But a scriesics of talks that eludes a a lildicr signing bonus m ents. W inslow Sr. sayslys tiiati at began over llic'weekendtlic be- and base:ise salary. thi:> point; his son Iseven/en belter tween Poston)n und Browns Last week.w< Browns quaner* dian he was. W haIt •president Johnm Collins culml- back IefJeff Garcia ‘ Implored Gaim er The Browns movedJ up u one nated in a dealillUcsday 1 night. Winslowiw t to get to cam p, saying, spot in A|)ril's draft lo selcct.sel< tiie Posion is a reno\ynedre tougli' "You arere g going to get your rich- former Miami star withwit the negotiator whoio along wldi his es no m;maticr what, buf you sixtJt selection, sendingg died sev- brother. Carl, represents re odicr need to 3th think about die team ." P l enth overall pick and ai a prominent NFL:*L clients ( current* Wlnslo^'iIo^v has a reputadon as a second-round pick to DeiDetroit. ly in contract holdouts.ho! fiery con:ompetitor, wliich has brings ta,arg£ted admzi'tidng. i' appart-tunitie6y! The team and WinVinslow's Winslow begiegan his 12-day causedliiriliim problems In die past agent. Kevin I'osion. wcwere re- holdout on Julyiy30whenPoston 3 In hisis Ifinal season widi die portedly S12, million1 lon S22 rejected tlie Brovrowns' inidal offer Hurricaneanes. he made headlines f E x p a million apart during diele negoU-n — a six-year, S40Sl m illion deal for a post{ostgam e tirade foUo\ving a n d e d O u ttdoor c Sectico n s , ^ ntions. with Poston seellecking a that matched wwh hat W ashington a loss to0 T< Tennessee in which hb contnict sim ilar to the! six-year,sb gave safety Seanan Uiylor. die N a called hlihimself a soldier and Previe/iew for Preview for S54.Q million deal that heh c n eg o - 5 selecdon. com paredred die game to being at tiated for widcout ClCharles llic deal WlnsInslow agreed to is war. H e 1lai later apologized. B o w Hunting H Upland Gamele B i r d ' & D e e rr IHunting -Huns, Quail, Sage: Grouse,( PGA Published:A':August 26th Ciiukar, Doves & Pii'heasants ■ Continued from B l D eadline: AugustA 23rd Published: Pi Septemi bl e r 1 6 t h S o m e o f th e answersa will be could teavcave Wliisdlng Strolls for around a lot of big lourna- to available Thursiirsday. w h en th e a strait [ jaijacket. He is two putts DC eadline:. Septem• b b e r 1 3 t h rnents. and also has die total first round begiBgins u n d e r a 30 aw ay fronrom winning two majors package.'! Ix)ve said. “Youkbu don’t percent threatat of ruin with thisyear-ar — M ickelson m ad e a n Previeww f o r ■ nave to hit It long, but yyou pi have highs in thc2 mid-GOs.i Thc 18-footer!ter at Augusta. Els missed ■ ... ' to hit it solidly in this winBlake Street N. I geles. The ball traveled 733-827s . TvvIn Falls I estimated 535 feel on ihi BjlTrii' T h u ^ , Aueuit 12.2004 Tlm n ^ewt, Twin Fall*, Idaho .

S p o r t s

S c"ORES ANID STATS ' p - S S p o r t s i n B R I E F —

B a s e b a l l .. r MhM 290IOOM-1 3LP RupertCi holds fonr diyrpid cjuicer at die Mayolyo ^ ■ WHA-: j<)^ c m iii)cp- ______G o l cc ^ American L u^ i T ' S O N T.^• V. fssn K fS 's Inlc in Rochester. Minn, MTtaakOT AniMi2g-siWMi(mm u n m a g M POA Tour Mloney on Leaders' d a y * n (gJlt h t golf scramble , S largers head coach Martyrty EMOkMn W L Pa * Mihwaukee a t Atlanta Maa, RUPERTRT' — Tile R u p ert’ Schchottenheinier, Brians fadier. Nw-im 41 637 21 SiiLiM C ountry Q i n 5:30 pjn. A a n so 2 M IMAcn i a u b will hold a day- madade die announcoment after , , , , 3 EffaE# ■ tI2 h ix m olf scramble -Friday, Wedednesday morning's jiraciice ------. Si. -4M s — s s} — ------i-PGA Championship, ------;a.?r— :i;^sisa Aug.2o.smstarting at 6 p.m . Reg- at TTheriiome Ucpot-Conten I rounl.THT,12pjn. » « 0 I .' 9s»w«<*«a 2» &74it7i istraiion I is is S35 per person. Ihele younger Schotteiiheinier . . , , : 7 DMiMH I I S4ML7I J42JI} 9 14 o S S b ur-person teain for* hasIS lieen absent since Mon-m- 22 t2]H4»4« m aL A diniJinner is nrovidetl, as day. o«?=SSS ' Mi Ms I ja (: i b a l l • Preseason, Atlanta« a a a • • I! isr-ss, ! ly. for what the club was lulligans for th e event, ciillli ,I a m M -s=»k-- i' • •. Baftimofe.ESPN.6il*6 pjn. Son], to KiMTM.au ;i n i n S w cU asm uU lling personal reasons. Helie SSc s g s ; iiS S S T ' 21 i S2.17Z02S Prizes willill oe given for long undi WlOhWcn ' 7-311<-4)«S(4)nO)• DSWivFlMcn ' 2 idenveni .surgery Tuesday. W I Pa (B I . •• Little League WofkJ!'Id Series, IJ uinm (Irivc andid i closest to tlie piii Ho iis in liis third year tis die . ial,ESPN2. . Q ^ O Iy irtp S S S S U . - J JSS S S SI '■; f ‘ West regional final, "P'". MAK) itunHMer t • cS S compeUiioitions for both m en Chuiliirgers' (|uarterl)acks coach, • IKK « ( hn 17 UAtWa 15>■ triaw4 and womenie n . M oney niised will alterer serving in a similar capac- a., S S Si: ■;\ h ‘ • ep-'R- ll*vaa 4 9 1 0 U04W d 4 1 1 0 iisccawitMi 1 ^ • Tampa Bay alB osiwsio n.isP N , , - Men's so(xer, Iraq vs KUna2IOD llOnOtiats » > I l S S be used .Dllto im nrove d ie staging lly ron, his fadiers Redskins I^»4 1M »sn««kav,m> II v SIT7J4B .area arounc 'bran.OttMM} Portu^l,h^BC.tC.11.J1. gjj. Lind the pro sh o p aiul Ktalfiirin2(Kn.. l i s jn . Jf morc:information. * San Diego a t Chl(»gi SS*i3SS tj*QAMo^^ cago Cubs, r * ^ lob L m tz a t 43G.‘)I(»H, ^ 6iat 3 sign free agent [ ' S ' J I i i rituac 4 . SS”"”" WGN.12dOpjn."■ . 000 ___ - uSUo*" J I 2 9 esiey Person .:i iponsors tennis . r«rpib,(M«nnMant-maBDn T iiiis “ ™ =i« MIAMI — 'H ie M iam i Heat■at s:!!-ss?5 ? 1,0 Jo' «■,;& S'iiU f.i-r. -iS^iS- . IS! SSS tourney^ Aug.A 13-15 > : ■ IA 1 9 9 0 (2n.KnM|2l|l^WM«ai(TO. c-i.(4i:9-MCmMC e?!Si,rt?ci5pS^*o.i.OMMIlCe- ' '9K4WiSliMla !’ II TWIN r/\LLS FA — 'llie Miiiilc sraiiingiiiJui,WesIe\’ Person or,)n <}>pm II S25S ValJeyTenniim is As.sociation will be Wedi.•dnesday. OMdlBMm tcnPnndicB ^ S .ffllB ^ S O ' w3o5*D!ruoS).5a!S - !! sissafiSEass■uCiyi.oii^ AuMf $711I . • . CPcraiitlEQiMiBDSe- ■I’ tMo«w - lio ld ^ g a toi tournam ent Aug. 13- Ilic ’111 33-year-old Person, iui \ t I t .•I’l C y r r ' It i! H 2 5 15 at thcJ College C of Soutliern 11-yi•year NBA vetehui. gives the , s s s s r " ' ’' ’" " ' i s s s s ’a w »■“' ^ jj_; ! ! “ ' t Tcme(l«yH|aClr>M|Ctnl1.1... ssr 1 !■ !iiii^ ! i i ' r » g“”' Entry formsms may also be picket! die;'He lias ii'veraged ll'.'> UT>im M)T 0 9 1 Um 2)22! CMS,19 I 0 9; ! J! i!s,a“ I! ------0 ; 0 HBP-i>rZioinoWMM>,jMMmm acinPn 2C20 m 'u u p at ElevaiL*vation S pons o r the poiniinis, 3.4 g-hounds anti 1.7 w. ' ' t> U nt «4 41 J7I ~ 5?-U», TVvin Falls. ' iLssistlists iriliis NBA career a n d is Sll t l*T«m-HaM.St«iOMn;rnt «.fm04«Y S S S ''" - T r a n s av c ^ 'm N s “ a lifeifetime 41.n perceni 3-point 411 S«(najmr6MtmTM.PM( s r I a 477 !i! I9St T-239A-1UM140.9H1 TM.fcairW- t-243A.29JIS(43«) B uau Jerome barbecue,ba , ^iukjiKJitT, Me is cum rntly ranked •enih :unong active |)layers CmMOmLi '* , YANKEES 4, RANOElKIERS2 W L P9 MAJOR LEAGUEEl£ADERS I SfSSftS scrlmmagage announced U ™ 0* WWVOBK ■ TEJWat BAAVES10, BREWS 3 AMERICAN 1£A :liree*poini tield goals m ade. Ml - S( ll tl Ml hU UtMtLKS ATIWA IE—Tlie Jerom e I ligli O Jt M M 12S iMmO 4 0 0 0 ASm8ra&4 0 I 0 Ainu hi BATTW-SuUiSaa., Hou^B*.M lwiSomio«lfS£SS;” b-i»- ieromc- HOMtn U sr 411 411 19 JMtM S t I t Mjcel r ! 5 ? iwt. SJO.Boa9jtt.Oax: •SLfMra.&ail». ScllOOl BoO Crana M M 4n looster Club will be SdOIortlng News names P e e ^ u ia j4n 477S S|9Si M agta S 2 0B I 0 00 BM43B UKmnS’-JiJ? §ra“ 5i??SS“a s s i s r s . sA s n b n t)2 2 0*KlAN0AWl£Tie3-fc*..«MMoru, hosdng aI bibarbecue and foot- . UMiAm U 'M 47} 2t uaw l 2 J I 9 ^Americans choices WMOhM •n . ImtM K S S . S K S JLHShMMlNm * iS aS w Y S o ro eIm el'S pS "■ scrimimage m at the Jerume "IM w I ~ pa « Si sr; t S i B l iia ^ High SchooloolSiiturday. Aug. 14 . ' U).o s /\NC:i:UiS r - 77,[- Sfjtyr/- iMAfQMl 17 4} SM rjsss EHHsSl I n SS!i* J ! i ; K . I H S £ r(Xni.enmH. towMnwrwiawtiiacr S S K S - ScrimmaKL-ge is. set to begin al ;■ iNc'ii'x released its 20(1414 ^f i M assx. s s g i,i\i s s p “ -5g?g ;. with barbecue to foi* pn-se•season /\11-Anierican picks Cemia . ji a s44? JBm p 9 0 0 0 OWteuS VOMnM.toarMlVM.Unvni •m t u eo XM304 3JS Taoa 209000009-2 GnnvEn OOOO HintisWP JfilO -«**»«. Ow«M.O.Sl»«.s s H “ » i s r lOon. Cbsi is S7 for Wcdtdnesday. 0P-Nf.»n2.TIM>«*Mt.M anaaW N^ morUjre infonnation. call 5S.'i:b'*?sv»,0i« A'uww.', GcrMn . 1 0 0 00 0 I ioe-WMtM7.AMiiia-B • C oach Dielil; in jiVn* - £ Oj,« -"jaj > .» c t5 4 .. a s ? , U^SJt 10 0 9 OIUJCOIMMKIS-S^n, .•hlat53B*2774orUjin .I'M.'jscm:sir,i -..j.. ---- DwM^^Oani M ' S S S S 5 1 S 3 " ' I>au<..nioii.. Booster B. Club Chair- jV":/ A.«xw-M J'; V . Heu>M(PaMMiaNru4a(VZ«t 1 2 3 1; : : ■ ! . S “« s a *s a r S9MCAMM m an.at30»-::)H.2774or30H*2(i()H. n :x .' If In ilOfKH (IV Mr Mt M J a CKm« .1 0 0 VScauLM 4201 7 9J ] J NMltfll.J oaMMOlSim 0 I 0 JOmM 11.32 -> I1 0 2 H0U{(Wl3-Kli.».DOn.fe USATriatfathlon qualifier : I 4 urtm.ba)a2«.r«m.TS f S S u - « Owxnr-. - OmiOotm umpwi,Hoii».Uny'iiwij,roi* ' vam. O m a . SMM N ’>! i. •« -1 - a , „ r : : :1 I I 6T01BIB«B-C<««»4tt«n ■will be helheld In Eiiimett ^ ruM'MS' « » » ■ 0 0 I efl(«wtt.BWim.2S.I$uMii4iS«M.M.F^ inllW M M dnFOr^ JWI^SVW- ^wr.»■.■wl*r^.» T-2M- SPRHVtlOOWK DUCKS MWViio. io9jwoe£8 cncHMWWT1 U>«tn.Nai>a.T»nWiM.Fnta>m Oay C*M*. Wis, IW, 714,4 77. jRxcav\Umnoa.M. Ui JwiKiWMeMaaaiHPM^*G,«sS2f u ia 'l'lolion ' includes a 1.5K SlSBpn • t h H A M M W4.4I2. limO'fClTYTHWOERBOl.I!ais-STWixp s\vim w hichch unll be held at the s. xsci tnnu S I I 0 n«u3tt r r Ill AMrClRtM RcMtMAHP^ u * t lannin Qjack Canyol I?«»ns«w- E Vl/a.« S'C«J.« ______AL Boxes ______sf«»rd 3 2 11 iMiits _____ s r ^ 0urs-s«ta«.lin«•, V- |C8 3 v5R7b~3'o'?'o'"SS[i’'‘I . I t miUJES U , MCKIG oemoiT OWLMO :K,E84 a S “c S ', S ‘S SMr.MMm2l. , »»m«MCT(m»rh(«ri»>lnatMMraioi Overl(X)ai;Damaleuratlileieswill 0«>: Sto i i > Ul vcMr 9m. « ( II tl Sno^ib llll o ^:S! a !! 1.0079. 111. Pi>T«a»U«y^^^^ « « » , S 1 J J Byfimd14 4 I0 10 Mn>l 4 10 1 VnlSMit ‘ ■ E f 5 r S " ’-“ “ ° B L ^ com pete inn tlthe event, ’llie ages C Stau' ] I t 0 Katyl J S 1 I 2 I MTOia 5 I 2 * PC(M«i; J •• i.(».» ri!o“ »«.,«n 1 1 I 2 SAiCS-UR>w^H»>m.)l.lH.FCeran LW£WOOODlUCCUM-« JOO.» 3S.I4W ’'.ii-.' AnCiu 0 0 0 EOwiAS C L ; a S Cinientt. 4 0 10 P iraSAS2 a : 2I T«ui.I3.IUMn.UninMSS.(»Mi.T«W <|ttPat>a»<»Radrg«n range Irain[1 teenagerstc to mjLsier ;u 5- ?s a J i l l ' B: rliii ■ ""S ':P 0 0 0 S222 5; S S SKS ' ■ 'SiliS?!! S i J i j i NAT10NAil£AOAGUE . homHSSrc^Rsiise*5£»Sr physically diallcngeddn individu* ueciM) t 0 0 Otfuetfi 1 I a 4 0 9 0 eATTWC-BcmSaiFrKasKS U3.C 3 S3) cnma. ut.tcnus«0i«9 . SSf. S !! a s,!!» . > I • i m m iiiii m K i i f f i i i H E ^1^SSLtn*> event will qualify (lu fpr tlie lJS/\ -♦ — ------TVintlilon-NaiNaiionaI-Agc*-Gr«up— start opener ------— K i - i - V ------K ! i i - ~ S S £S ^ f « v . .MWTOU .... ± f r s n t ! t « ^ OKS.M.BMFH«M)«>u- ' aiam piomwiiips ilji held lasi ye.-y in oacii Tom Couglilin m a d e W - ! ! J i ixaaMTMnnnii:!^ SsiiSSIigaS* NtnvZeaJand.nd. iliai ;iaiinouncemeni Wednes- LMumWM S2JJ 2 i ] i.SSS'Pei. « S S f S s i^Dpawm F o rm o rcf irinfonnation o n the , i)iit ad d ed that thc- Uwa IMO ' 0 0 i a ; & » '■ • S ! ! ;;;; ia^iis». U4- MM t 0 0 0 I event, contaiIta c t Boh U-'ibowiiz ipe'iiiton for the starling 1 ! a - i ! ! ! ! ! o « « . ' " " “ “ “ s ii”:ss"s;i.°l31.B»t.lfl» ciic»eiAn80«wu-«w* ° ° ’ Mrr*vitl9-lft4 « 7 7 wwdcsjum at (208) 340.(10*0B44 o r on lin e at • between I' die two-iinie ______;:; g o t oSSuS-OwMr iUMMNM.corr 3 Sr;.,,sw >«,. ___ _ lat 14 2 2 9 .MKjgrmrinaa bleibowitzf*'n£*'micron.com.- M'''PI’and ^ llie No. 1 pick in lasi 0«|> 1M2 9 ] 2!! ' s s s H y s ; ; Aprilsii's draft rem ains liglii. 'CHOTicnd 11^90 0 0 0! i [W«eti 1 OOOO .4 g . HaknCamaa.li.EanmiSi “ ^ 1'” 9 3 Golf RaRanch will hold . ' 'am erwill play inio tlie sec- 0 0 I nw>l£S-JMwiPB»/(MO, (|uarter. with Mimiilng Mi;)r?-}AMon « »«* EXPO* 7. DIAMONOBAC1 0 0 9 «.7,[»ce4n.lMtagMa.7.>ui S S S - ! E a Awm. rm TMTMBraL ft : .Awi««.i.cnr9Mw«,i.(w SS.*"”' benefit goll{off tournament nm nillling the olTense until at SmM Unc* TM. MMO U & y f l LUwwtSce.' Fnia«9.9.il4nM>eij I-2S4A.».7IH«9M» '* “***' ■ Uccwi- 4 0 10 MtnniI 2120 3 MJcniHncrMak.T)waWMrMhM HOU^£Ut(J.amCiranM.J!iBTInm.. ? f r lS K S ! £ ” ? '*srsr- '9 lEKOMf-: — n i e Snake Iliver ><-'asi I i Ihe middle of the third ' 0 AOnaia 4 0 10 EOnvd:d 4 j 10 T-2MA-4904(41100) prMWH.a.naB.siUM.]aS.M M U t WOAWORABtflS-SyiO« 0 c» ™ , £1^5 2,2nd Annual q»«nener. lesse hilm erw ill finisli, ■NOUNS 3, UUEJAYSZ Araaa. It. Eanena. Sl lAOi 1' TcnoKTo ^ ^ ^ aevtuM ^ S i i i i S^2010 ! CUB35,PADRES19 1 CgMilrBEin3i.SwFtMaaSET ■ M em ber/Giiuest ut Invitational OWKOO^-^^OCMO _Al HM OnaeaKlMt/^D.BAtnii dawMi4^ GolfScrambkible & Pig Roast will PIcafcabo Street among OMuSi'a 4 0 2 0 QMrt" 0 9 ^,... be held Satur WMCf 4 0 0 0 VUMU 1n 1 i - . ^ i n i S s a 4 0 9 0 S i " & ^ f o u rr t to be inducted cciaib 4 0 t I Ktfw* I 0 i ill 'SFiin^Sr i ■tSmiewmi^ Ulc 93 Gulf F um 9 0 4 1 1 9 Muwe 4 0 p Nm i It 4 0 0 0 sseufi> 3] ! ! o 122. IS7.4l3.U<«LM«/9anS sf ■fssrsSSiO«iB. ' FUnOAPAKTHCRS-SfWSCa«90UMWP 30 1? g * ^ H»^IM..7JC.2B.la.Pwim CarcM , pereonwhlch’ich \vill include green of Fan-ime on Ian. 2li along with 2 0 0 1 Uami i ica.MmB ! , v .ICWTWKfiWOEAS-V^ Cun« 2 9 0 0 s l i i i S l snwEOuis-iuefiBmMwt Sm fees, cart, dinner,dir and dimce. Donnina Wcinhrecht. Alan SdmO.S«lF(VOn.l7J B9M4 £ s i L r "■ s's,!!!,- .a i 11 kM.i7t.oi>ra.pBcu7\.ist.(E S r E T Z r MduwimMnnw. D inner a ndJ danced; Ls only S25. Engen•n and Thor B. CJroswold, , . , ScnDMga 000001090-1 ’ Onv>.IS2.CMnn.n£ain.l! Mom Tlie public LS w'elcome.V Streireet was thc gold m edalisi . ^MM<^-ra^2.eim«nj2 HMCa. 147 ,.S9«o«Mj.. proceedsof LOfl-Tara r. Omim ii 2S-viml SAVCS»(bi««.C>airM.U.ai(dgnciMMv nnaacifloauai > of diis event will go in SupiiperCi al llie |y‘)H Nagano s a S S 3 = ■ • •' ' 2B-L»ia ^ Wtac 1221. SSaM |H !*P-.»r«“ <»* to d ie Lindaa M[V orrey CSI Schol- Olympipicsand ihesilver medid- CS-VljiwiO^iSF-SaiS^"’ ^**"'' 2 . v . u i r H .(I m n. » J SI .* I *' c^Ctara^sri'A}£^Sc arship Fundn d a n d th e Elk's ist inn dovvnhill ai ilie UH)4 TcnrK Tudw T141 O' 9 < ign project. , Lilleha JUm- 4IJ4 2.2 4 , , , PloneerLeagu Joa* HighvraySign liamnier Olympics. She 4 a a W-WitaPO-torna f FitiMLfrI 12.92 I t 9 _ hSST lm 1 e s 0 ] M 3 »aMW e * MAMKi Pleasercspc:spond by August (>. won WWorld C up dovMiliill titles 5e«t t2JI 0 0 2 g* Tickets arc availableava at tlie Elks in liHl's , 10 0 0 0 01 .i S S S ® '’®' & •? I § ° s °s SrTtaAaMjMPna yS an d 19‘Jfi. t-w«MLiftoc Lodge at <11212 East 200 SouUi. Hie SIMMWPI 7 9 2 2 2 ,e bni.sli skier rebounded 2 ; CARDINALS tMARUKSj w o ! * 0 0 0 I Ptt OB lIS.^S3SimSS^«daShHSiT’ Jerome, l^rr more in informadon, fmm aa broken leg lo make the vSm L s i ! I 9 0 J 0 l ^ Mwei*(6*ei| 9 4I s r .ffissssas • I W>-2*iiSo2 " QMraiivMtsu) I J xMauaBM call M ark Wal)Valters at 308*4240. 2002 0Olympic downhill team, WtnAa 4 0 10 pwnd 1 «a •IFnllh. « » LMH 10 10 UMoai*11 9 0 0 to ai 0 .N«r»9DM,i». Linda M orrcyrey at 324*0020. or Hmv dcdown die slopes and into 4 0 0 0 rn m m Ft»»x»..a»- Uie Elks at 324*0200.324 rerirem ^4 0 0 0 r-2l2A-H.ltS(n») !ment. Tinisliing Kith in ■ frojC iyiii) r 4• '» « SSSSaSRSK . . her Iasiisi c'ompoiilive nice. ”4 Snxraa i i4 0 i 2 !1 CmiDS i i I on - ftaaltaoSSSoiwMi l22E*-2HMiU.M») RVttti 4 9 0 0 jeoom‘ f1 i l l Wednesday's late SCO f c S ” i I' ■ Sprinter Ed\Edwards ilo T o MARINERS 4. TWINSNS3 3 cSi^S) I I' : « 5 c5SI^!;^o«,1 0 9 0 UHCSOTA 9£ATTl£E McnMM iJSiSSSS. suspendedId fori two years Westt Valley falls In TWAMY^^ ^ ^ N«TCN <1009 •rhU «: ... !!!iSSJ'l * ' - . . , CCIWCCTalF*l)ZB»99 Fttt 2 0 11 UcCrr> I 0 < 0 0 2 0 O tndi 4 0 0 0 D4itu«>t> 4 I 22 ‘ NMial.liaui2 nrvaaaww- Edwards, whoI'ho h ad m ad e tlie N BliKNADINO. Cillif. — U n a 3 9 9 9 IMwlti S!!! 1 ! H siLir " t^ it 4 0 0 9 nsmaia ) I I 0 Op)aiiaP)DnUtntl i o 1 0 0 9 0 Ha»n«aOjaFah lortlmvsi Region champi* " «» ???? K Sl MCMM m a ; *KBfe> tM“2fUna«. n Anti-Doping Tunuie J I I \WMC 1 I!9 .U. ' " » . , , Bme 0 0 0 9 Um»> )3 9< I 0 PnwaOgM ip g:ime lo the Retlmond I SwnW.IM I 2 0. 0 ' 2 iMawcMEfiBiraiMnaiinwcn nouncedW LWl,?.„e?fr Si", a* i!!!sa.-il84 W4 CavaaPiM ' NOnTHMOO.UOi-Amuc* 1 team out of Redmond. s li HaraaCrMfah . ion gl X4* Pirto. Mmnl Mtt*SJeTccS^ The ruling;hadbcenexpected ha washW t 0 0 ® ® OMCym£Tw.wy»aiKB>iWfiuiMnm since tlie Interr W ednesday aftenicKin. n s r S S S S ri WMFcaaOffMn ematlonalAmateur ,i^„0. David Day. the grand- TMN 4a« 111 pIr?. m i l a r ' - ’” ? s J J * J ’ E-Kc>lM|IO).JKC««n|210P-lilm«uiMaal • uaM aS»9 •aravMat Athledcs Fedcederadon rejecied ‘ ^ / ' ' l06-Umnaa4.SMMi2S.Kbn )f Reed and Rudi Day of Si4«n WTM « I MMi n ta Ml ^ l m (4) HR-THncf iiJL KMto [ll). Mywauana her contcntionion tliat die banned SS“’»'KS-V lM«ni-Hent, Tkn TML rM. JM Northwest Laa^ Falls, will play for th e MBJT) 8fti*B«>.Sccon4Uiti,f«a«;T>WO ’ ' PEW3HV>MA-Nw*IMcM>•laiDwan*^ I Stim ulant nlket lerson, Nev. leant in a UMMI m irgeMaidrmaenKvrMci tered her systeTstem inadvonenUy I"'* T-2aiA-ll,e«n0J3l| UuMMUM 7 19 4 4 I tt oa wtiSaSwi***”**” *" _ through contaritamlnated gluco.si sed giim c against Thou* ‘ PIRATES S,ttANTS S. U lK M - RD1t>M«e«ontaa A kU PuoU I 2 I I 9 > I g » ,^, » » „0 nal Finals. H ie g am e will s s s i u t i n 1 7 2 1 ' n«(XSjilOCOU£GE-N4m a-ft-. residentandmiI member ofthe HSI *. 3 0 WP-U«M track dub, testosted positive for die iESPN2 at (> p.m . loday. T ^ 1 0 0 0 N 1 9 1103 ■eUiMiftiaBiaiMn IJ xs;?a£rfiSrTKt S S ' a OB i0W*i«DeiWwwwiicaiioS’eoliir ^ 8 3 IHCim eet in M artinique _ nMKitita SMI ] ) I 4 J J T-207A-M,*»5w 7) Eani(U4mni » 22 SN laaMaSff onA pril24. NBA BBoard of Governors ■ j & !!! *? <0 ORIOLES 11, ANOELS 3 IIO 3~ SOVnCASTEin UUISWU-Ki^-KarMRor BM.HKnE AHVCM^5 sissssas’n p Jl? oves Nets sale 'ttihn . !» « Scottenhelmilmer will rejoin UM Cncn; n« BMZ m ! ; ; S '. l l » » a 1*1 f'l m s s CIT i W ll-nSfY — -nie NBA Nnfntfi 9 2 11 OViaiil i 0 ^ Er •!! Sa i 00 ’:!i! a w ' ““ re»i£-HBna*wwa.niMmni t e a m a f t e r sisurgery BoardI of Governors oil J !W 5 S S K S. Ii 0 0 0 esday unjuiimously ap- ROYALS4,WHrTESOX23 0 0 9 t 0 miall to il PMI 0 9 Kncaoa, SAN DIEGC■GO — Chaigers Wcdnc.i KANMCmr CHCMW 0 0 M «ie 1 0 2 0 OMMidil 0 I tMrriMMeaMMIcoKAJi quarterbacks’(S’ conch B rian d die sale of the New ttr h H mi » "!!!! I=5ia:^“ DMMd 4.9 I I WHana4 0 0 ll » ' ??J§25'a^? aocrcHanot S dio ttcn h elmm ce r will rejoin th c J^-’^scy’ Nets I to an ownership A M * 4 1 1 9 RUn«i 4 ’!!!0 0 * " S i TOvaON-N«aau«Mf.Smmnwwiu. club for SatUTC;urday’s exhlbldon groupI which w plans to m ove the 0 9 0 ^ 2 2 ? O M ia■ iij!! 9 to NewYork. !&'! M ii as',.!!l 41 121 tWJfd 5 1.2 9 ^ a < 4 90 0 0 EnmaSpciM raotw^SSip— game against5t dIhe Indianapolis to Himiff 4 0 10 ftiwoa ] I I Colts after undi RMM3B 4 0 10 Mrtrl 1 0lii I S r m " ndetgoing su^ery Con^ijnpled frtn staff and wire reports U < 4 0 0 0 UtDH 2 9 0 I Nae»a«iM«n^umn4 Mam itffCTflB-t^ “ * ■ S S S T lT|M«Ban I B4 TlntM^twi, IVvlnwin M il, Idaho Thursday. AugustWtU,SMM

S p o r t sS-'., w m m TFall spoDrts praactices getj undier wayy The TImes-Naws ______ty runners, Call 73'734-2681 for ctU and Gradrade 8^rls Uiat did not Infoform ation. m ore information. bring a pliyPhysical for die 2003- ♦ TWINT FALLS— H ere iire: t lhe 2004 schoolool year must have a )(||fimberly IVIIddle Schoolol storting dates a n d Umt^s forr tht e Mlnlco new physlciiskill. For morc-infor- ,. area'sarci higlrschool sports pi n questions, call Vic Football *— Equipmentlent .P^°' l^otbiiil— Friday,,... Ai,„ iA -,ia mation or « leckout Is Aug. 24*25 from 4-6 1 grams as provided. More will at 878-6613 or 878- published 'Iliursday as prov!jvid*^ W o lb 'L ll , p.m,m. Practice begins Aug, 266 ata u - y cd. ed. .C oaches c a n report diiiiwir practice. For more■ InInformation, 3:3030 p.m...... ’ 'Starstartup tim es a n d d ates by cii...M contact Coach Perrii Volleyball I’racticc'^Bcglns^ n s 8899.' Declo^Junlunior High ' 4lg. ' 16 \vith.,«c*vcntli graders ing 1-800-65B-3883. ext. 2 viinlco.Migh Football . and leaving a message. Al:Akn Volleyball — Mli 11 , Seventh and ,fronjm .3:30-5 p.m. ancf elgfit " '. ^‘^0; School volleyball trtryouts will, .eighth gradea,de football pads nnd gr;idjldet^ 5*7 p.m. at die gym. (Sill wW coaches are encouraged to sei g. 16 from 9* Ucimets willvill b e Issued Ibesday. ,-7 3 4i4-5724 - for m ore Inform ation. it)'rin rosters; schedules, last yea begin Monday, Aug. lon. 11 a.m. .iind 6-fl'• 8 ' p.m ; All -Aug. 24. Elglilglith graders will get' pliiyer sCiils, and any other I •’ interested players aiare encour- their padss atai .7 a,m .. xvitli sev* T F.C middle sciiopis formation. Either'call thc abo‘^ove. to'jiitend, wid/idi a parent endi gradele {: pa'ds lssucd at 7:30 . * * Il^ll^ rnuinumber,'fax Information.’ • m eeting sch'edulecLafLafter tiybuts. a.m.'at theleDlilS L football field Soccer — TVyouts for th thc c -.73*173‘1-553H. o r e-m ail lo Jpa:WS; Call coach Kris:Ciirlhrlstensen; at Practiccs-willwill begin We.dnesdoy, - 04 r\vin Falls Middle Schoolio o l' ■ ■■ ■ i'-yary and Robert}ort • oillsul their ei{uipment at 7:30 a,.ii,a.i MJ- . . I • Volleyballlall . — T ryouts' for f^otr jart and any odicr jschdols)ols 1-riday. Aug. 13. Practice begi■gins soccer — U(Uoys soccer • grades 7-8i willw be held Aug. 23- Jl 8;30 a.n). iind continues at 6 iryuuts will be heki Ai;Aug. l(j-17a(' '24, starlingng at 3 p.m. In,the IU do not have a sanctionedned ccer program are Invited, [i.m. that day. Biist M inlco Middle; ScSchool from DII IS gym.in. Practices will be fo^c led. Part 0o f pop Clculture S in<) H-IU a.m . imd 6-fi p.lp.m. l-of.'fur- held aflerer school starting actice will begin Aug. 23 andind VolleyballV( — 'IVyouis start in m es will be played duough ~a.mi.m, l-ridiiy. Aug. • • •' iher inforiniilioii. c;call. Dennis Wednesday,ay, Aug. 25. Players Sami Jg h l|iHiiesiil436-l747.^ need to haviliive physical reports diecse n d o f October I'or more Information, conr.on*. "irm is the braiiins behind buiBuriey ^^— rliandedintoI to-play. For moi;o in- •’o Florida-fir . Raft River formation,1, callc the school at ‘“ci::i Sasha Pavlovic at 733.-9411,Ill, Bf)ys soccer — Uoys varsi Vinenee Gibson at 735*0176, oro r football video:o g a m e ^ind junior varsity soccer opeiJens Volleyball — ’IVybuiU Aug. 17- ___ - -— . . -M arlirk Goodm an at.733--I699____ Madden f( .vith pnictice at 5 p.m.. Frid<(lay, Aug\ug. 13. Call Wes Nyblade, f(,rf school gym. All fnterc [Middle School ^ ^ est Mlnico Junior High!h By Jeff Price em ployees,:es, in clu d in g p ro d u c- . mnore ot Information at 677-3313iy_ ers are welcome lo1 attend.a For Crosscounjuntry •— Practice will ” ®' Associated Press wrwriter ers, prcp ro g ram m ers a n d 'iwcIVyouis continue at 8 a.m . MoiIqi ). more inforniiition,. please p call start after Au|Aug. 25. VoVolleyball — TlieW cst.M lnicoJco desig n ers.rs. S ince It w as ac- day.lay. Aug.-16 at Uic hl(^i school0 coach Cami SchunuuiiJinn at, 645* FootballI *—— Practice will start Junkilor High School volleyballlall MAITLAND, I-Ia.•Ia. — T h e re q uired, Tibfiburon has generated Cross Ci counuy — Athletes;are a after Aug, 25. prog3grams starts tryouts at noon)on . arc no briglii siadiadium lights, more thanan S1.5 billion for EA. asktisked to meet at 9 a.m. Fndi Volleyballill -— Begins a t 3 p.m. l^csiesday, Aug. 17 and continuesues N o rab id Tans. No N( snarling said Bryar'a n N eidcr, EA’s vice Aug.Vug. 13 at iJie high school tnicack; twin Fails Higii . Monday, Aug\ug, 23 onWWednesday. coiiches orcolossnl]ial players, el- presidentit a a n d stu d io CFO. Call::all Mary Miller at 735*3033* forfi • Cross country — T h e bigg ther. iggest obstacle for the mornorc informadon. ■ '..pnictice runs from 2*' Jerome MiddleIVIi School team to tackic cach Yut. lucked aw ay InI thc sub- Maddt^n tc ' ,. day. Aug. 13. Adilctesles are asked FootballI —- Prricticcs begin W-**- i putting out a fresh Qe( urhs Ilf central Florilorida. in this year Is pt )eclo to meet at'the back ofo f die gym. August 17' at at 3 p.m. at Jerome nlit t tailiis^nlc 1 ^ ^ WsHdHM ihird-floor studio.0. IsI the*un- game thatlat appeals to those .(Icp ■ i^otbiill — Equipmiim eni check* M iddle Scho< ToJ*yli45-7.H-9it; ^ Football — Tlic first practl< :hool. Players need a I____ 2L questioned Mecca:a’for'{ football »vho aJreateady own lasi year's mout is from 9-11 a.m.m. ‘Iliursday signed waiveliver from the school i"” " — well, the video*;:*o-game ver- edUion. or Dccl{) Tooiball 'is at 3 p.n- Vednesday, Aug. 10. Geiir \villII I: for varsity players. So|Sophomores and a mouiouthplecc. Contact Today. r so m e o f M adden'si e mr o tio n for T h at leaveaves the team with a uppe thc game and signetned Mad.m. ('all lanlciIce 12.00-2:15 to <1 n am in g riglits>deal. dc staff of gamiime testers, who play "‘ner ^ S h r c k ! 2 {~ d Tlburon— the gamec ; an average of 40 own at 326-3122 for more In EA initially h ired T 7.0^0-?°9:15 founded by Slevent-en Chlang. hours ii weweek for more than ‘ormirmation. I Jobn'Schappert andnd lason An- two monthsths. looking for bugs Today THEY S H O U L D H/!HAVE LEFT HIMALONEI • derson — toproducejco "Madden and flaws,s. This year's game GOOlcoding 1:00*4:00 N O T E M O h ^ ■ r c S n T H E 7:00-9:30. — I 9fi" for Super N lnniniendo and had roughlyhly 13.000, saicT Phil CrossQ i coiinlry — starts up iitii » BOU , Segii Genesis, two0 \! g am e sys- 1-razler. o nene of Madden's asso* 1 K I Hot»n R»afo*a JRNE :io p.m. on Friday, Aug. 13 a K y Wiii«m DaiM ! lems thai becamene outdated dale producluccrs. lliee Iclahd Id School of the Deaf ancnd i2:30*-“iS;45 SUPREMACY wilh the introductiot lion of Sony’s Wlih thehe games success BUmlInd inick. 5:00 iT h e Clearing I JRROUND Daily 7 0 0 - S i o PlayStation.. com es a visi /isible spot In today’s FoDtball i^oi — pnictice 'will b e ^ rn M I -2>l0 - 4 50 - 7:00 - 9 1Q ^/ "These were tidesdes tliat no- pop culture.rc. In lh e m ovie Hun- atR R p.m. p on Monday, Aug. 9.. body really 'wantecIted to do." away Jury,;ry, John C usack’s ' Volleyball Vol — practice beginiln» 12,?o‘'.“^45 M Chiang said. "So we were like character tisu ses the gam e as a n ai HH a.m. a, on Monday, Aug, 16. 5:00 •We’re new, w e’ll1 d o th o se.' excuse to geigetouiofjuryduty.lt iB sS fS 7 .lS -S ;a Q ____ SE hoping-thatwed bee )c able to get also regular!larly gets mentioned UimlImberly’ Kevin Kline Ashley Judd3 . 1■ m ore w ork In th c futifuture." on "MTV’ C Cribs" and ESPN’s ,• 'H b u ro n so o n bega:;gan produc- "SportsCentiinter." Footbgll ‘Ot — Practice beglni 7:00 * 9:30 I li D e-Lovely.’. .Kim nB M C i ( iu s \r ■ iThoJruoStoty^JCoje^^ ing Madden for tlthc newer "In Madtidden. you arc the Ig. 16 at 7 a.m. sy.stems. and werei ththe first de- coach, the Volleyball — Practlcc foi ^ B ^ 5 P / DJi E R - g f l n S le players, and the , yo iHVNOBiBmDi signers to infuse thle e Ggame uith spectator, yN I r : = | » OlQHal5urrotii>d

1 ^ llnrji'l'niirr'■ ^spioEn-m nnsI r Hli e y t f T ” ” ” ” J m H v i i.LAc: 1-: ______1 l i i i .3 <”-*)!,0 .sm . Jin 9 : 1 5 — * I^^21i!SIS£2!i22!d2SL i T s r a tM o rin aean m i l i . R a B O’I T C a tc h T hat Kid (PO).0)o r R uw ott O o Wild (po> ■ snow* Frldoy Onhinty 11:00-1:is*3j0 . ^^^^^iisjot^rM W imowru^umnwMoIjnj^^ . i ifl® M l ! IT STARTED OUT LIILIKE ANY OTHER NIQHT | AUGUST 13, 1 14, & 15™ ^HMTOMCRUISt JAMIE rOKX I : H coll.ATERALH/ WWM W' Toaiiy 1?1g'S-3*5.B50.aa0 1 I

^ CS' Fun...i...Food...Entertaini n m e n ti ^ ■ NIGHTIY I B F|C I A T W (® M A N C S ' Livee UITS$6:60 KIDS $1.50 ^ New business: ISIDE Conim uniw ...... C 2 anractsmorcjobs. ...r..C 4 Page'Cr c 5 ^ y } i c ' LLE Money ...... C5-7 1 A/4\G Vai /UsuMNfCi/y lulitor.: Troy'i Foster, 735-3204 T he ■rimcs-Nc\l e w s ' ' 'riiursday, Au|ugust 12, 2004 ■ S c c tio n C ' AROUN] a n ch aa rg ed w ith Ib a n k; rob b te r ie s .. By Tfoy, Fosterer I ■ I Seventeen minnlnuies later, die fied asjii1 friend of Eversole also ’ ' X ?ent TJme>K.v,sv.,writer • ■ The latest: An Idaho FaiFalls affidavit says, a nm an fitting die confirmelews writer ' ' Scharnhorst is schediieduied to he sentenced Oct. 255 ata 10; 30 ^ r u p e•irr r — Police Chief Ken a.m. in U.S. Districtt CourtC in Tedderss iis resigning, according Boise. He faces a mam axim um P'press release Issued penalty for each coun)uht o f 10 . . Wednesdsday hy clly ofiicials. years in prison and a SS250.000 reresignation follows dii; fine. July suspension of Tedders ee o lher city employc»cs pendingg iinesiigaiioiii of allc*ged Buhl budgets mononey B j B ^ H II and ediical violations. for arsenic study R’ddersi> \will use accnied v-aca- J M ' lion dmle e to rem ain on'die’city's BUHL — -niccily’spc> proposed IBU9 ‘ ^ payroll uiitiiui Oct. ti, the release S4.8 m illion budget for o r: 2001-05 'f t f m said. Hec ^submiKed his resijyia- Includes $25,000 for a s tion Aug.g.5. , the city water system — W A M A Tedderers re(iremeni appears siep in a process nec lo ! heen prompied Iiy die comply with pending investigai■adon. as lie was recen(- arsenic ihanclates. ly electedL‘d president of (he Idaho .. Because'm ore fundin} to Chiefs i)f I’oiice Associadon. He be directed to inec( (he 1 not1 respond to a phone - ment of l-nvlronmenlal Quality 'e left a( his. liome study rc()uirements. i sday seeking comnien( members saicl they wen^ere on leparture. ----- ^— to-ttim-downa'Buhl-GI ------IiTirsejepai^itereleaseWednes- of C om m erce relihy who help pay I ^ Kegional Communi for il. Center. SIIICOMM is I famous singer and song ■ • FHday from 5 lo 7 p.m, jn '. ™ n ^ JXS - The earth in "H ie only jieeople o r w ho would Buhl to p ay $-17,531 for? (cr will continue to campaign ? and tlie sky was ’ Ketchum at the Warm Sprinjrings suu'dieir uixes1 gogc up are those ■ ■ .q next year. Last year thelhe cost to moving ji John Kerry ond other Democ- ast we knew: The about to lumtmbie down as nipt ' Lodge. wlio make ovei)ver S200.000 a (he city was S22.052. s at the following locations: of Rupert suspended niilied in th e 'IWin year," slie sjtid.I. "which,"v 1 miglii "Titat's a 110 perc(.•rcent in- oday at 10 a.m. in Burley at Learn moro: hiip;//idaho-derdemoc- add. includes mlie. e. h ’s noi like all employees July 23 irk W ednesday w ith * tmo; ding investigation into crease." Ciietzen saltlaid. "We I'f s C ‘y } Wild Rower Cafe. rais.ofg and www.jofinkerry.cry.com - ricli people areeaualnslaUpoor af ercent in- ^‘•■*•0"' Oem ocr□cmt and world-fa- Wii ged criminal and ethical budgeted for a 3 perc ______I people;" crease, the same as wcfeget." g mous, singer/sir/songwriter Carole ' I ations involving the po- I>aulauia Edmonds-I lollifield, a Health care, the ecoiL'onomy, As for die econ.onomy, King had A public hearing om n tliel Aro- IC lines ofldalio (fepartment and 'held at 7 More thann 200 showed up. |ong-tin-time ’Avin Falls Coimty :md love for die United SlalcsasSti memorized Uic 1 posed budget will be h< elorcs Crow. II- .. lioyees from al least p.m. Monaay, Aug. 30, [iS, chairman of tlie Democrlocratic I’arty rhem ber. said well as Idaho should1 bh c llic s'ah-' » other city depariment. ' i s i s r sbounty , Democradc her part Nampa, who chachairs Uic House 1 lall. 203 S. Broadway. larty saw a huge increase in focus, she said. he latest: Rupen Po- I>;irty.s;ndhcbe believes d iat such its cauc As for healdi care, shshc'cn- ilcveniicamlTi^i'axaiion Commh- ■ The aucus tills year wiih more Chief Ken Fedcfers no u t Is a sign o fh is than 15 couraged (he gadierir■rinti lo A ccordm g'Uto K ing.'Crow ' »ce Ct nlavs a strong tumoi 150 participating. 'Hiat's milted nis resignation, M unicipal band p partys resurgi.rgence In the Re- sevenn tiitim es m ore dian in 2000. check put (he Web sl(ee ofr De- bad sjild die depilepressed state of submi: lomy is just a sign and a a preliminary investiga- p u b ican bastion of pjiililps;Ips said. mocrotic presidenti:tl can(andld'ite *bc Idaho econon final concert tonianight lid c:row said she tion le led to thc suspension V ® SQUth-cenlnil111 Idaho. 1 But It tl diougli Democrats ap- lohn Keny to find ou( abcIhom ills of Ihe limes and < ■I'WIN 1%LLS — J Til iat 10 doaiioui it. of one ne additional city em- Ih c I\vm -O h, Uils is more about tlie pear mem ore energized this year, il afi'ordalile national healdiihlicare didnl Imoivivhai ee. Tails M unicipal B:indJ uwill iicr- DcmocraUc Pjirty Pi Uian Carole didn't't hihurt that IG ngshow ed up. ilan dial pnivides catastrislropliic . Dude, llial is is not going to ployee form its Onal concert King showinglg up."i Phillips said, .she hachad spoken earlier In the lealth insunince for all chchildren '!'>•■ Pr">'l™'lem." King said. ■ Wh/hat’s next: invest!- sejison at 0 p.m. toniglit;lit in IWin peiiow Blaimline C ounty D em o- day atu DDernocnitlc Party gadier- under the age of lit andidadiilK : In closiiiB, KKingn instructed gaiion:ons t)y the olfice of rails City I’ark. crat Alan BlinIInken. who nm for ings InIn CGooding and Jerome, widi average incomes. her listeners to10 read several Idaho 10 Attorney General 'Iliis concert Is provi f weryday.keepan Lawrer mvidcjl in Uic U.S. Scnalilate ag:dnst Incum- King,ng. a New Yorker' who Having rubbed shotloulders sources evei rence Wasden and an part by 'Ilie Magic CliCliords of bem Sen. Liirrirry Cniig. Il-Idalio, bou^it^11 ia nmch nordi of Redfish-- many (imes wi(h Kerry7 in ills 9P™ inind andd liIn (he e nd vote indepeipendeni agency are l\vin Tails. ’Hie selcciltiCllons for i„ 2002. conciiictirred w ith PliUlips Like Inin the late 1970s, took the Ulaine (bounty residence.cc. King tor Uic bcsl perso:rson; nearin; ring completion, and th e c o n cert will iIncludc in „ „honc ininterview. Blinken tact ofof ssaying Republicans and , said she h as heard him Siisjivdiat Andasafimsiiiisliing touch. K in g _ fjnai1 r(reports. which.coulQ ' "Colonel Bogev," "'H1C ie 1Im prcs- suid in th e last las election cycle, Democrlocrats are w orried about '■ sociidized medicine viirh sui -o: pulled h e r audierlienee In close so lead u I to criminal charges sario." "Beautiful Ohio,”0, "Hymn iti;,j,o was thehc only state in the the samiam e issues. w hat C anada and Svvedei5cn m“ ' - I I ' ‘"ng f vyiih her the and di disciplinary actions, are of Brotherhood." "AAnchors union tliat actactually saw an in- “ifs 'sni not about us a n d diem ," vide Isn’t in die lmm I"for h er m ost fa- expect jcted wiinin a few Awelgli," "l\ib a 'llg e r Ba{Bag, Hie crease in Deimtm ocm ts in its state KingsaitKild. "It’s about us. We're all fu(ure for (he U.S. So, for foi now. mo” '‘■>™ ■liipesiry" 'P album . ks. Sound of Music," an howh 10 «; ihelr milk." said Bob meeting is open to the uiy industry, om- out. exc*ai(ive director of ing will co ntinue Uirou{ougli Aug. Board spoklokesw om an Lucl ^ouhllc**^ address die nec>ds of adv:dranced clalssaidWednes. life. ited Dairymen's Associa- Willitssaid&atlat In die first round students. The board Lss Im die Dolores GossS t ' 2 W heeler, [j'''' Today’s schedule: o f d ie ISAT diatdiQ counts for thc process of making Plato L dJilux "It also speaks very , president and CEOofGos-snerCI S,?v'ofof die Mini-Cassia , area • 3»0() liast to HBOO NcN onli cl.TSSof2006,oi, only 3.8 percent of districtsCIS for aliemadve assess- lngsoft\v|irc available to.distncts dli i;oods Inc.. saididWc.dnesdaydic V • O n 3675 Nortli froifrom 3G00 th c s(a(e's sophphom orcs failed all :s. around die state. Willits Midsal dial planned processii /iding dairy Instrum ents sising plant al die com pany to expand a n d liasito3700Iiast Uirce areas o•ftlie f tl test. A bout 21 .WiUiLslliLs said the locally devised sysiem can provide b odiilireme- i [onnerI.Il.Simpl

V ' ,C 2 T1mt»4towi,1MnFWbMI*.Maho Thunday,Ai«uttl2,:12,2004

M a g i c V'/a l l e y /W e sST' Search1 reveals]letter sugiggesting Wolf killiIs COW in GrandC Tetton park ' M OOSli. Wyo. (AP)I*) — A ' tiient near Mloranor Junction in area sininee 1999 with virtually 1 lureford calf w as klllecIled by a the northeast>l corner( of the no iiicic;idcnls regarding livc- strife bbetween 1Hacking; (couple wolf in Gnmd Teton NiNational park, stock, onDfilclals Siiid. I’ark, th e first .such atlacls n ot college-cge-education and plans to park since the pre'duiortors were discovered Ihc ll carcass been ini\•jivellng near ihe gnivJng search warmni in (hule case( of a niiike clear wlwho UTote the let- enroll11 'at j a medical school, rehilroduced inio diee Yellow-^ Wednesday monlornliig. herd onn a dally basis to hunt m issing &ij( litlcu Ci(y:ity w om an ter, b ut Markark 1 lacking's first Prosecu.•cutors filed' court docu- stone area In the; 1990s, Mike Jhneiiezlie/, fedenii w olf a n d killI elkc o n die east bank o f n:vcalvvijvererevieivingse- edhlmlm in a psychiatric ward, on th e [ilk Itaiich gni/Jn(jn g allot- Wolves have'c denned ( In the frc(|uentIt lh e lilk Hanch. . “1 hatu coining lioniome from airity-caniemm im ages from th e . , work iK'causc it iiurtu n s to b e ' tis'vchiatrlc ho:liospitiU w here d ie y , th help ' from th e .securiiy- liome in our aparimcinehi.” the believe Markk 1 1 lacking dumped p>nera;ra company FutureTech,, l e s H m police docuinent. ireleased his wife’s Ixidy,dy, a technology ex- “ 'vesug:dgators have started re* Judge rule Wednesday, (iiiotesi frfrom the ecutive sjiid. • • . viewinging Images taken by 1(> . f i t O v >^eracre letter. '1 can't imaginene life wiUi 1 lacking has ha: been charged motion.-”n.-lriggered^video cam* Barzeeunltill lnsiinu->iu-Kx; /\t5ci-K :y, li->c. you if tilings don't chanlange. Igof with murder,r. a accused of shoot- eras- at. ai and‘ Urouhd the soinc'one I d on’t knowIW I w an t to ing his wife afiafter an argumeni UniversiL-rsily of Utah Neuropsy* Call for your Home or Auto * sp en d .tliu rest o f niyly life1 'With, provoked by Inher discovery that > chiatrlcric ' Insiiliiie, ivhere to be triediin ^ - Insuranco Q uote Today! ; ‘' unless changes are inacnade.“ h e 'h a d been!n lying al)oui. his Hackinging worked a s an orderly. Serving our Clients with kidhappin;m '.. f e l 'Honesty and Integrity - ^ S e i o S in c e 1 9 7 8 V (VICES sAi;r ij\KH criY (aV1‘) i») — A judge has ruled Wanda .J. •Leonard .Jamesi SlS lcgcrs o f lu n . 'Satlurday Jay at die Beaver Jacquelluelinc Lee Conrad of siill is Incompetent lo Inh e tried Itrome. inenioriiilserserviceatio- Dam Cemen leiery in Beaver .(Jooding,ng, cclebnitlon o f life al in the kldnajipli'ig of liVuili;^.:ibcth a.in. today at th e I'intI'irst I’resby- . Dam. Utali: fi : friends m ay call 1;30 p.m. p.n Saiurday at' the Smari and has orderei —terian Church located ired her' ' — •I '.riic Kohcrcscson I'aniily itednt26'2E. from 6-(i p.mI.m . Friday at the Churchh of < the Nazarene In back K) the Utah Stale Hr Ave. “A" in jerom in et (Hove- I’ayiie Mortuatiary, 221 W. M ain (Jooding ( Hospital. rO C pV• ■ invites y'.” — : ciised of kidnapping Priscilla E.AreIlancan o o f Buhl, T ^ ' th e I I’Icasc stop by out officco ami pick-up • rosary recited at 7 p.m>.m.iodayat • JL-/.)eath not then-14-year-olil girl at111 knife- t m y o u r .Supipporc Ribhon;; the Church of Iini TICES — — poinufroiiuhur-.Salt-I.jik, 2002, andm Ik olding ^ "Support Our ) Poplar in Carolun RandallR; Adrian3n Dale Slane her captive for ijlne iiionll Buhl: with a menioriiorial service ,7 T ^ . .Vd & Killniorc - Jc[c ro n ic • .124-4.S5.T - M ass at 10 a.m . I'rid;riday a( llic O'Callaghchan .w i iNMDlili. D i — Adrian Djile fore the three were! found I W W- O ur Liidy of the ValleylleyQ llllolic LASVIiUAS. 79,ofWendell,dledAug. walking along a streel inn s \S. Nuv. — O irolyn n b an Sandy. C hurch. 1122 W.. I.iI.indL'11 in Kaiidall O'Culiillafih an . ffll, for- '■ 2 ™04.- ' at die Magic Valley Ciildwell (Wliite Mort[ortuary and merly of ’I\vi lal Medical Cenier in Authorities said Milch :i \vin l-alls, Idalm. S '" ,.'\ills. . A m m gem enls will self-proclahned p ro p h e.‘t.w t.' ant* ,------Crematory). died&ilurday.ay. AUjj. 7. from ap- de hy I*arke‘s Marne Val- ed th e girl for his second \ parent compliplical.onsorhcan leirte Hthemamajority of seif-madeie millionaires ladyn Ibdd SmithJdi of Hey- surge^. ■ incral Home of ’l\vin Bar/ee and Milchell charged with kldiiappin|ing, ag* bum. funeral al 111 a.a.m. today a service v made it in Real EsIstate -■ will bc hdil III g ravaied sexual as: at tlie Mc7 l)urn Firstrst an d Sec^ iO;30 a.m . today, tod at Sl. Viator . ^ mm aggnivated burglary an> ond Ward Chapeltel of The Catholic Chunlurch in U s Vegas. « a n MMolls ( Cliurch of Jesus Chri:hrist of Litr A grave.side j tempted • ■ aggra’ L> .serwcc ivill h e BOJSii>ii —- /.-HI a g e 51, kidnapping In lUi/Jibeih'} ter-day Saints, 530I VillaVil Drive: i,eld at 1:20p.m. p. loday ai the of BoiseIsc and formerly of ajjjiearance. Chances are you didn'tt know you could. viewing from 10 ununtil 10:45 Southern Nevada Ne Veterans- Jerome,(, diedd Sunday. Aug. H, ‘i'hird Districl Judge; Judith)i ^ a.m . today at th e cliui•lurch. (Has* Cem etery InI BoulderBi City. 200-J, Inn Seattle.S' Wash. A mill- • Alherton said 'lUe.sdayay th at mus.sen i-tinenil 1 lom“"'‘■‘J* AmmRemenlenis are by P:ilm lary gniveavesitle service will he —Biir/eo,-wlio-lirst-was mieu le d -in - i.siern.' held'jit 22 pini.'~J'jiday,j Aug. 13. competent In January, ren LorraineNolteoflUrm'ipm.ti.. 2(X)4, atIt ddie D ryC reck Ck-mc- ' Incompetent, biit ijiere nenil a t 11 !u n . E-rid; Boise. 'IWnity L u in c rh n p iu n George J.I. Roessler "substantial ])robabiIity' pert w ith l*astor Dtjyi(uyid Poovey SMOS/ IONLNB — G eorge J. p a i _ i , f m ay b eco m e com ]ietenlII in i the* H H M H H H p officiating: friendss tmay call Uncssler, H7.7. a resident of Raipn1 tCasad foreseeable hiliire." from 6-a p.m . todayy a(at I lansen Shoshone, ddied u Wednesday. BUHLL -— HiUph Ciisad. fM.a A lh erto n ordered an< _ Mortuary Hupen ChjChapel and Aug. 11,2004,4, iiat iJie Shoshone residentIt olo f Buhl died'IUesday, evaluation .on Aug.’ 10,2(M) o n e h o u r before thle e services in R ehabilitationon a n d .Living Aug. 10,). 2i2t)04. at th c (Jooding Dr. Geralil Burge of the Center in ShosIloshone. Ctnmty.M’•Memorial Hospital In hospital tesiified. that it the church. Our # / priLliorily is Ibdl . A m ingem enents will be m ad e. CJortdliig.lg. A rrangem ents will heenpen —somc-of-thc-proccdnrc.V'- "she saUl sh e xvas a.skcd1 nottv to ^ilK J T H A B O U T speak about incident eve v en ts ■n?” - THE'TRui (related to th e kidnapping) bitl ^ G A I D S . ^ —O UARIES^ " S h e h as m ad e il clears ' " V j ' H E A R I N d ie first day she. objcciei:led to ^ ' For obituary rates andid Information,Ir call 7 3 M 2 7 8 MondayM( through Saturday. Deadllridllne Is 4 p.m. for next- many treatment procedu liMfinj; .litl pufckise is .i I day publication. Tho e^allm address for obltuarfes Is Is obltsOmaglcvalloy.coni. Deathath notices aro a freo he said. ^ ' Ttio hoiiom line is, .i he • ervlco and ean be placplaced until 4 p.m. every day. To Ti vlow or submit obituaries onllonline, or to placo a me»- Berge said Barzee still siun .mil one tkil often ______aago In an IndividualI onlinoon guestbook, go to www.trw.maelcvalley.com and click onI "0"Obituaries . " ______-ongoing—rcvelatiunsll-tie ______UA ■ 'limFTnilTnn^leMliorn her own religious beliefs.•fs an d ------t.'iko57q;rOTtTlontT)l'iir diose she- shared with I^ I pressureil to oci (luickly. Mitchell. You should never feel p M a r y J . L e w i n til your I'riends .md t.imily • Berge said Bar/ee bell L . ll' po«iblc, consult with M ary 1. Lewin. 95.95, pa.ssed • I past threeiree years. the late l^.ra Taft Benso ip.ire priccs, he sure you away peacefully at the I presldeni .of The Churcl M ■■ ■ members. If you conip. h e lio m e o f .M aryy is1 survived by two s lo .ipplos. noi l(.'mons lo her son. Hay Le\vin, jcsiis Christ of Liiter in IVvin daiiglilerslers. Iris (Kenneth) Mor- n '• are compiirinj; '.ipples li Fidls, M onday. Aug. 99,2004. ,: Sjiinls. gave Milchell "the imenl to serviro lias kepi risofBoisiloise and Ix’slle (I liirold) S he w as b o m Aug. 2 10 the kingdom, esiablis iis '. .ipplos," Our commilmi Duchanninne of Poison. Mom.; a illshlng MUdbiiMitoUl,fl I) us i'or .ill Ihese yo'.irs. in Wliatcheer, low him as the head of lhe chu:liurcli." tay (Phyllis) Lewin of A, fU& yQij cHniinji b.ick to i daugliter of Jacob C. Strong ‘Ilic co u p le had been ext *l\vin Fall:■alls; 11 gnindchildren: L'xcom- M M b A n ’ - a n d Laura A nna (M cGuire) mtinicaied from the cliurcireh, as StdleA.' ^->great-git-gnihdciiildren;and 11 'MMMIOMML . Strong. After gnidualiiating Irom are* all mcinbers who advoIvocaie TMaFjbtDCSn jaj. great-grea;reat*gmtidchildren. ^ n o p m t high school. Matyy mt arried ' '4 ^ . ^ B P l jrolygamy. o n H E J l i Cecil "I’eie" Lewin Julyuly9.19:i7. \ g ' ' She was preceded in death ' Phone: 2» 7 )U m ------1 fm W m 4 S O : in Oskaloosa, Iowaw a. T hey husband: a grandson. moved to soutiiem1 hIdaho in ' L uiceSScoti; co a great-grandson: Subscribe. Cali 733-0«-0931 • . 6Ma«i*»*«iKBtDn lEAR (4327) l‘J30 where I’elebecan:ameanilU ^ an d five/e siblings. F'loyd, Kay- 8 7 7 * 4 8 6 * H E road telc'grapli openitoatorforthe m o n d and ai Glenn Strong, Union I’acific Hailrc In Smith and Blhyl Mu- 19<14. diey setded in Sill X, Idalio, until I’ete's der nvlng will be held frdni 13, 195H. Mary worki . to n oo n Siiturday. Aug. e. M ary becam e a waitress at the Boston’on‘'r J l ; i n Wliilc thcri-, I M. at Wliite Mortuary Shoshone, ihen In in 1967, "'cmher of thehe Senior Cltlwjii - V 'i u S.‘1, by b th e I’ark” in ’IWln HEARING C«ELOIiI moved to Jackpot,, ^Nev., to Bowling Leagugue and Ijowled and nd a gniveslde service, l f C C * ^ l» l l& AUDIOLOG work for the U.S. Pos[»ostal Ser- until she w as; 92 years old. willbeheliheld at 1 p.m. dial afier- ' • Soutlit vice. She retired in li)1973 a n d She has lived/ed at Bridgevie\y u m m InII tlthe Shoshone, Idaho, itlitm Idaho's Prtfrmd Hearing Clin moved to Boise, Idalio.ho. Lsiates in 'IVvir kvin I'allfi for the Cemetery.ery. 2508 Addison Aviftve. Easl-Tw in Falls. ID (208 733-0601iOl or 1-800-922-4442 W a l d e ntl Ingram Offices also in Burley.Bl Gooding & Hailey Ibion BobSchroBder W alden Ingram wa: aw ay peacefully at Sl. e y RlekHall Jim Gibs May 19.1914. inOs\vegi/ego. Kan., or\yin 1 lospital on Aug. the youngest child ofo f Adam 3.2004, wwii ith O pal by his side. ' a n d M inerva Ingnim . He was;as pre-ceded in death 'riie family movedd tot Nexv ■ by his parents;par two brodiers; M cxico to on area laterter known one slstenlen firsi wife, l-velyn: P f H u - INGSri as Wlieailand. VW alden . ■jwl and gnlnd^ndson, larod Krohn. rGESAVI dropped out of schoolool in tlie ; survived by his wife, OFF ANY I nindi grade to helpI w die ^^■■11011IllQgMBMH lit-* Opid: dau( farm ing. I Ie quickly leailearned to laugliter, Ulleen (Dale) Complete ■ \vork an eight-liorso team >9K'. Krumm1 ofo f l\vln I-'alLs. Idaho; Adlustable" hooked up io» two-rovrow lister.' a n d son,n, W\ ayne (Liiure'll) In- | gram of]f Filer, Idaho. Also , A rL b w A s 1 0 0 1 From .1929 to 1934 h:ie e TWs.5i>MI><; Full X'Long, I ternationjll "m" with'Ith steel / Leona (Shi:Sharky) Bidder, Temj)e, I wheels. He married 1 ------1 Ariz., a nid d Linda : (Joe) Musso. 1 ^ ^ Q u e e n | Sm ith o n Dec. 2H. 1936. 301lc„dor,cdAJ A ngus catd e to M ontrose.se. Colo.< 1 Iu Is also sur- t , ® & Ais si k A b o u t \ M In 1947 diL7 movc>dd i ti o Filer. SP'i"R';r. N.MM. livelyn was vived by many grand, m L . ' - 2 ' * sless Remote 'v J. ’aM l Idaho. ’Ilieir daugliter,•r, mI ieen, diagnoseded wldi cancer great-gramrand and great-great • was bom on Dec. 30,so in4‘i' passeded away in May gmndchlldiilldren and nieces and I After some di^cultieslit.;, they lSM. n.cyhadid been married nephews.-s. ' sold this fami and reiurlu m c 'd io ■18 y™-*- , Services':eswere*' *ldonS;iiur- 1 New Mexico. Tlieireir son, On Oct. 26,>. : 1SII5, W alden ‘Ini'’ \ug. 7, 2004, at I W ayne, w as b o m Nov.V. 2. 1955. m arried a Ion{msllmc friend. Wderclle-1le-Pomeroy Funeral iI C H ^ m Uicy returned to Idaho Ida in Opal, the widmiloiv of Evelyn’s inn >Baton, N.M. I’asior | /Inxwell, h u sb a n d of 1957. W alden fam ied1 for fo Fred cousin, WilsonI W ood. m™ . I Y o uir r A djustable Slee uglily enjoyed Waldens ni and Rosa Kalbfleisch.:h. 'Uien He thorougl e e p H eadquarter! diey purchased the fam'ann diey singing for thele .Lonl.. Me nl- ™ " ' P ';™unns R*rry, Idaho, ofTi- " : had previously ownedtd north-i lended churchh alli o f his life ''""•■'I- Burial took place at I £ u e r to n ( \ east of Filer, lliey farmmied for wherever he lived. li\ He and It Cemetery in Raton. • CwnnBEss )2)/rect I many years there andid raised Opal attendeuth, Twin Falls 733-33 9-6 Sun 12-5 | re'd A ngus cattle, 'Hie last fewV years y saw'de- The GideoiIcon’s or die donor’s ^ | One coupoipon pur purchase, not valiiio3 3 1 2 M o n -F ri 9 - 7 S o tSJI/O-l ^ hi July o f 1980, th ey'sliipped sh dining heallhI problems.p Hc choice. id on prior xalex, iMpire.s 09/Jt H H M H H I i, .1 4 <4 TF TTwrtdt]«(toy, AuCMt 12, ^ Tbne»Newiw*.TMnU«.kWw C-3

. . . ■ M^ G i c V a l l eEY/WEST- A g e n ccies hoss t Heeyburn ssets indvustrial elilectricall rates By ChipI ThThompson' c factory at thc fonner plol Co. (or industrial encig;j,gy ■ What’s next: The new .Energy M anaK cm ent Ls ioining^v}| ||°y mplol Co. processing , rotes that was part of thee set-s schedule will applipply to all current r«t«Ite: 2.8 cents per kWh ciiy of l\vin Falls and tlte H cyburn's "City Council ticment of a 2001 lawsuit.it, Industrial users whichlich lease fa- tiow rste:: 33.51 cents per kWh tooth National l^rcsi (oi"i.Sra li ' I’x^CSITssU™ a resolution Wednesday in „ w ed in die Mcyerfi ■ The latest: After theB shut-s ciliiics wilhin the (ormijrmer iire safety festival from 10 illing elcclrical rates for — down of the Heyburn SimpleI , Simploi (acilily. now« ownedov by ' Cu«1ntom er charge lo n oo n Friday al H annonlo n S liuilding, will be ial users. — "— A u r n S ^ d ^ ? plant last year and thq imm the city of Burley. current chaharge: S195 per " n iis will be a fun w.iSavio a.m. to 4 p.m. Ai ously. die city h ad a ne* f i S f L ° and until 9:30 p.rr month ■ leacii kids about basic fire ci rate vdth Simploti hs _ ------JL _ J now cJiargege: $18,86 per month ty and prevention." said? Tor Infotmadoi ■n'om.aUonDckL,kat733.9554. idustrial customer, that tions (i, witliin. a few inonianihs. cm ided to a n app<*an*al before .th e . Larrondo, a prevention le compromise resulting meaning m that it would hc1C die council w idiin 10I days.da ' Denemand charge clan wilii souili-cemral.al IdahoI nounces , 20011awsuit over power first fu industry to pay d ie: rnew • ‘Ibft, agreed to,0,clarify the-, currentchaharge: none BLM.“il's also a good chanilanccfor Govemor annc wliich S lm plot claim ed rates.. rii wording and leaveive' discretion . new chargege: $5 per KM per . • . ustoworkwitJtourcooneipcraiois community contractsco w cm unfaiifair. ^ , , In other council business:tss: vvith Dayley. month and help leach kids thc (i 1C differ- nnisE — . Gov. Dirit „™ ‘' the >1; donation of the *Discontinuation of delJclin- ‘llie council is scheduledsc to ■- • cnces between structuro t facility to the city of qucncy qi notices; The couiluncil. hear a final readingng o f th e ordi- Large, high-^ o e d users would be w ildland fires." Kempthorne an,innounccd this “ npio" “ ijm m u n ity Ci)l- Uuriciyon on July 30 and plans to was vv .scheduled lo hear u1 fifihal nance and vote oti ot it during .eligible forbr discounts'which 'llie festival will featuret.r.. week tliat,36 Coi niracis tolalliiK pasu portisrtipiisofthesite tovar* ' readingrx< of an ordinance tolo di is ' their August 25 mec:leeiing. -i- could bringng'rates'downto c)us slaiions for kids to . laboratlon Conti awarded to 26 ioas. IndusJustries, the clly. n eed ed continue c( the. deliveryy of; R‘c*s for city parkirk use: C oun- those charjargeo to Simple* h unds-on about basic fire $168,215'were a> fire, p rt- counties acrossiUfcstalcaspart dl it; Blalilislilish a fixed nile sched- delinquency dt notices for utilityuij . cil ', members continued - <------vention.* of GcneratlorIon of die dilltl uie for the th sale of electrical .'cicustomers who arc-late laying discussions over fees fc< and de- difficulty, eestablishing which. ' . Wildland smd ciiy fire en power. bills.bi ■ posits charged for wiiriic at 'lhe pdrk. locaiei o r u se o f city evenUi woul>uld cjualify as com* ;nis hailed from , Slmplot,Jot. w hich will o peraie a Blit ntft noted that so nme u of. parks, specifically li; of IJluc Lakes -on Ellz^iS S s ; : '"!S?SWip,cni y liy commer- merdal. i^ty frozen foodlooi distribution center die di wording on die resoluilution cial groups, Boulevard, along with Sir in s«tid he didti’l see rts'councU was ai thc site.ite. will c o n d n u e to p ay bad hi been changed and heic wasi Councilman Rm Bear. Cliildren will be ah Roeky Uaker, ning /\rts in the Park IHatjic to iiMj recipient of•S4,S05foritsArt $4 tht: negom(otiuted nue, City Attor- concerned c( about passing'lg the said lie wanted to creatc cnifls relallng lo fire , commercial activity, firewfc- Advcniure projcajcci while the *»ey Stevieven ‘IXift said. New ordinance oi until it couldId b e ponion of reni:il fee ly and play games lo rein s said that becausc Bo» and g Li 'c Club of Magic companicjnies will bv charged ac- stniiglitenedoui. si city for maintenanc liic fire prevention niessaR ance and im- available for « ile Uiat______^ Tl— Valley rccchrcd-$4-$4,999.99 for its- -cording— to— the— schedule------— ^At-is5Ut*-^vas-Ti-linc-ivh ' For more information, should be considered Cultural Awarchcjness Project. approvedL'd byI th e City Council. gives gi City Clerk Linda Da>Dayley But A nderson ai M egan Liirrondo o r Jc al. Jessica pjJJj.dls-based Snake Burley;y City Administrator -didiscrcUon over who wo.voul^ much of the da’inat a I ibckenbcrry al 308-4197. *'■ Iliver chanter ofdf die Association MurkMllulition said lie hopes that qualify qi for hardship" excn:cnip- comes from dailyily users, not . »ayleysaiiaid dial reservsitions . . fo rd icE au catiojnofYoungCiiil- n a numberiier of industries at the lions ii< and extension of timem e to from those vvho pay pa; a deposit 'V™reased subsiantially Registering CSI studiildents dren also receiveIved a $4,999.99 site willII someday s be able, to pi and fee to reserv'e.■thefadlllie.s. tli since tiie constructionco of addi- g et extra opportunltk pool d ieircir pow| er usage in order " ^ rt said hc worriedi ithat Currcndy the city ciianies a ''ooai; leatiiturcs at the city’s lltles Is Uic diirdirdyearCommu- toquidifyffy fo rlo w ern iiessim ilar ' som sc e vvho arc denied exciiccnip* S^r> per day fee for:)r private| par- O verside iiurkl a including picnic TWINFALLS — Studonlljnts reg- nliy Collaborati»ary.------J reso]ioluiioir was tabled will liavc additional houlours to maximize dicirr tresources, cx- schedule,lc, but no objections established e^ for gmniiiig tlieilem. Non-profit andid 'ciiaritable-----pendinR funird ie r discus.sions. visit the school's businesness of- pertise and fundnds in order to were voiceliced. Upon further discussioiion it groups pay the depn said anoUierpoteniial Mayor M George Anderson1 a n d vvheUier to charge;e a higlier fee . new spapersr's M ini-Q issia bu- process of retpstnilion wiU wi b e th e m ost o f Uic; ininnovative pro- tenant is closecl to signing a deal council cr menilicrs each timenean for commercial uscr.s us which rvim a t 6 77-7-4042. Ext. 638. o r by open from 8 a.m. lo p.m^.m. die grams they hahave at their' lo occupyipy part of the fadlity exception ex was requestedI andi make a profit fronioni cvenis or e-mail at cthampson^‘’magic- c ------nexj tw o &uurtiays,-Aug.-141.-14 and— dlsposarisrln“rtarnrhclplng- t -and-wouldiuld-likelybegin-opera=— that-anyono-donlcd”would th ild”ho— sales'oii'piirk’propoipOriyTbEirliad J’alleyxdhi7~ - - - 21, and unlil 6 p.m. week);ckig-moneyy event in1 Utah Business OUlce, Informi•mation Funds for thehc Community ■ Ofhcc, Admissions and Collaboration Coi'onlracts are rc- L ^ A K H C :riY (A n— T h e lion (i( cities including U is Vc(^cgas. Both sides say ihtthey’ve made Figures ftfrom the Salt U k e Records. Advising, .Centeinter for ceived by the statestf cach year Outdoorir Keiail trade show. Denver, D' New Orieaiis andd 'Or- progress in niakiiiiking Utiih- a, C onveniionin and Visitors Bu- New Directions. Financial:ial Aid, from Uic federalJ CD epartm ent o f w hidi plumps u n an estimaiedS32 limdo. la Fla., had hauledi Salti recreational econotnomic super- reau estimmate the five-year Fcjreipt Student Advising,ng. Stu* Health and Hunu m a n Services' JniHion annuiUIyam into S:Ul b ik e Dike D: for ilie show, power, partly by creating agreement t \ vvill geiierale m orc dent Disabiliiy Servervices, Temporary AssAssistance for City’s ecoiicoiiomy. is s(ayiiig pui In the end though, trade tn dialogue over anI inventoryir of visitor speni■nding than even the Sludent Information, andmd thc Needy Families & C liildren pro* for al leastasl an o d ier five years. show sli officials decided to kee:ee'pii ■ Utah's outdoor gems!ins. city's 2U)2 COlympics. Over five CS[ i)ook.ss'on en- -/=vT,K____liolding-cbaricrs! ntiuives-iuid-disiribu-—up-ofmirietHntcrests-to-tac ur rallssucs;------^------; ^Members"give-G rire.’’ H en ry said.d. ■ Wel ptolia- tols-liaviiave lashed out againsi Utah's Ui land u se issues. additional Voilioo0 ssquare fee(, Af(ertliea; announcement. Salt . , bly do •the sam ime with this utaliftirrair failing to proiec( wild- Sincc then, tlic commitn itlee on lop. Like C o uiniy n Mayor Nancy for district’s thircltd scliool." , ... liinclsa'hdrid p rom ote recreation. hahas been steered by his replailace* loosing the conveii/eiitioii w ould W orkman e>expressed relief, . The board anda Ubmy ||,e groupgro threatened (o m'm ent, lam e duck Gov. OicDIene have heen a big: blowbl to the "It's som«nothing vve had to ciiarter scjiool clashed on sevcniiral fronts, sucli |„ave townwn, and oiher conven* Walker. my. work for." shshe said. as w hctlicr Uic cl'charter should NAMIV\(A1’) — Schoolll boardb( reimburse Ihe didistrict for its • members have approvedJ a jplan studenis’ participaipation in acdv- m ^ for the district's tliird charter ch: Ilies in oUiertradildilional Niunpa V T l*oup %J HealIth nursesi s plan stitrike Canedidate’s school, wiiile cutting tieses wiUi schools. th e firsl ch arier afier a rock}ckyre- Bui Henry pred•edicted this re- SliATl'LlTLI: (API — G roup 'Hiey will announce deia.‘tails jiroposal would cosi:ost workers C A ti ii lalionsliip - with its ladonship will b10 e (different. 1 lealdi nurnurses and odier med- ThI'luirsiday. s u d i as vvhetlierler it thousands of dollars.irs. fined JIJ administniiors. “Tlie struggle wvvie’ve h a d w ith ical work(irkers will announce wilvill he a n indefinite strike;c or Group 1 lealdi Chic:iiicf O penii- _ ‘llie new Idaho Arts CluCliiuier Liberty Charter.>r School has plans'lliurlursday tu gu on strike, tarargeied walkouts. ing Officer Scoti Arnistroni! A fn i* P I School approved o n 'I\ic!\iesday been well-d(•documented." ' I'edemIal lawI reijiiircs health , .C!roiip .( llealtli an d its eem r - said com pany olTicialcials arc dis- AVI.conduct will focus o n Ihe arts. . Henrysaid. "If diethere's anything care workc:rkers to give em ployers •' pl(lioyees are figliting over healealih appointed that workc irkers plaii to p„ovo. UU tali (AI’J — N adian In a separate decision',an', Uie we've learned, it'sI’s Uiatt yoti h ave 10 days noliceno before striking, be,jenefit changes. strike. en, d ie son of die Re- board jeilisoncd the LibLiberty to choosc your bataatdes. We have Tlie strikeke will involve nurses. 'Hie company wants workerkers "Regardless of unitmion action. S ' candidate for Charter School lo handm d. its to divorce ourselvelves of Liberty medicalI assistants, social 0 to pay more for health carc. cai Group . Health physicians, pl govemor. has been / creat* Charter School aman d get o n wlUi workers,. dicrapists d and odier Grjroup 1 lealth employees nc oversiglil lo tlic recently ci now jiliysician assistants,ts, nurse su- j- ^ 5325i forj disorderly con- ed Slate Charter CommissiiIssion.- life.’* front-lineic 1hcaldi care workers gci’Ct health benefits with SSS CO-c pervisors and ath oili e r team Nampa board membericr Dob ' Legislators apapproved the at Groupup Health facilities palays for office visits a ai n d m em bers vvill b e a t vvi 33. Provo, pleaded Henry earlier expresseded his charter school >)^tcm in 1997, around (he (In Puge( Sound re- pnirescriptions and no preiremi- for our patienis." /\rmstrong A con(es(I to the inlraction. concerns about the districtic t tak* providing slate fundingfui for In- gion. unims. /em ng. which wa.s rereduced from a G ass ing a supervisory role for thc novation In teach tes in g . But In July,f. min ore dian 90 p ercent SEIU 5 lias taken the fighiIt to Group H ealdi Cob|:□operauve.a Umisdemeai•anor charge of Icwd- new school, noting thatlat thc skeptics cornertend charter' of2,200GnGroup Healdi workers duhe Jiinvaves, with radio con;oni* nonprofit based in beatde.pro-Sei „„s. a , hhis i sentencing last board has had problems5 work-w schools havc.goncne beyond dielr — membeibers of Service I-m- mtnercials urging people; to vides healdi carc cov(roverapand week, hc alsoso wasordered to un^ Ing w ith N am pa's oiother original mandate,tc and use tax ployees Union Ui International pniressurc Group I lealth to baiiiack services to 540.000 membersmi in dergo counsnseling and was put charters. m oney to fu n d wlwhat amounts Local 119999 voted to author- do'lown from its health benefilefits Washington and1 n o rth e rn on sbc m onsnths unsupervised "'Hlls board has a hlstoritory of to private cducatioidon. Ize a strike.ke^ prciroposal. The union saysi die d Idaho. probadon. Scores __ _ Plant _ Continued from C l long tim e com ingIg w ilh th e cur- dme. Stoneme said Interim Super- T 1 h e b o a rd ' m iglit deci<:cid e Continued from C l owner o f B &8 B Dairy near Ru- said die board is researclarching ^ ^ t state of die ecceconomy At the Intendchtit H J arv Lyter, w ho is wiivhedier to allow an election1 irin a "One of ilie a*ason:;ons w c didn't pert. possible models for pcrfoirform- dme, he saidaid hc si^ports also die board'sboc operadons and- sececdon of die ’I\vin Falls Schc:hool expand in Logan (Utali) (Ut is be- ThLsisverery poslUve for diose ance-based teacher pay tbe campus's currtirrcnt offerings pcrformancm ce officer, \vill m ove Difdistrict where many studerients cause the ruralI areasi arc dairymen whk-ho arc* closer lo Bur- system s. of four-year progrigram s. th ro u ^ i his olTicei to to Gooding to be able alt Falls disuictxict will picscnt infor- /Cbii)ivalski can be reached at 735*73 opm ent leaders havilave targeted costs, r a ' n ew m adon o>n n dieti district’s dropout 32c^231. o r by e-rnail ional benefit of die grams from universities willSbea scripdon for (‘I dairies as an induidustry diey An adcliuo superintendent In Ir llie mean- prcvenUonJn program.j kkc■X-oivalskiGPniagicvalleycom.'I- w ould like to secc (grow, and compariysdtdecision to move to Gossner's arriv^ vvillill helph in Uiat Burley .is cs its reputadon. Many cfibn. dairymen areirc familiar wiUi the ____ "lliere arc a lot ofofopportuni- c Gossner nanimc'and know die Chief _ tics for growth of daidairies in tlie company torir its quality Fife said. Continued from C l dty is waidng forbr final reports been usedd dd iroughout d ie state prcrosccuie die case or appointint a Mini-Gissia area."" saids Dave he has been;n trying to sell his a com pany for five Eolations are being invesdesdgat- both the attottomey general to Invesdgaligate internal ediical spcpedal prosecutor. Anthcihon ’niomas. CEO andI presidentpr of milk to tho w h id i has years, so haviiving l( move to Bur* . cd by an independent age idem agency. and nolle)liey violations, was soliaid. Glanbia Foods Inc., i bodi cheese plants in othenher p a n s o f Icy is a greaeat opportunity for retained by die dty. City At IC suspensions brought inin asi soon as die city Walker V a n d AnUion arc boi a n d Magic Valley. "Gossiissn er could liim. n ey Kelly Anthon said. orcneccssarilyrclaelated, Anthon was awarere ofc possible miscon- parart .of Ling. Robinson ar c^’alker law firm, so prosccudcItion help spur aadidonallal grownh in ’TWs com][npany has die best' C idng die need to prcsspaper's: MA ini Cassia bureau (erviews with city empio)iloyees Andion said theite independent criminal charges cl should be e-n.•mail at clhompson&rnagltgic- cosis 40 lo 50 percent:ni by having a t 677-4042.?. Ect. 657. or by e- have been conducted, andn d Uie agency, a policc agtagency diot has filed, (hatIt ofiiceo would eidier valialley.coin. dien) here.’’ smd BratJrad Fife, co- rrurilattarrirnm y walquist&lec. n e t ' C4 TlmM^«wi,TWInF«ll

subsidee BOISI: (AP}iP) — A police o m - reconiiumiieiidalion that all Adai . sistent command of b u d sm an report r released Onintymty law enforcem enl agen-- multi-agency pursuit I BOLSl: (Al>) — Idiilvfiiho’s gaso- Wednesdayr i:issued a second cies (levelop (l< a multi-agency/ County, regardless of line prices luivu dippc[ipe9-page-repori. agencyicy - agreeineni - llia(-willI - discussed by the varioib)iis ageh-' S l / v t A x L ..___L__ Jhis.year.______>.______^______jy icludjng esjaiing ji_pryyi(»is _ .createle iia clear, uiiined, a n d coti-• . cies. sh e s a i d . . . ___ ;C nide oil prices lopp)ppedS4r>a h'lurel for lhe first limle e tlthis week •• and mnge from Sr> lo ; m ore . tlian two m onths iig5 Sun. Closed Tliose guidelines |)ui |)i pres- the Hepublican Nationsnial Con- • sure'seasonally o n rehi:elineries to veniion in New York lai blend differeni fuels lo10 mi eet re- !• montli. gional clean air retjuir[uiremenis; K em pthorne .said his pliphysician h e said. Producing enoinougli fuel w as pleaseself-singled-ouuas ------HORG1/2 mile east. with the riglu person, Uut now, it is bellevecved dial ^ ^ an. expect LEO(july2323-Aug. 22)-. Work- UARIUS (]on.20-Feb. 18): ■ respo,,. Sale Time: 11:(Kt;00a.m» bind somediing special to c( M orm on pioneers w ere re ichMrwtlliyClowrWMl lller pressure may parkle against social liack- ______your birthday and sible for th e killings. ]ohn111 D.1 Lee AUTOS u it-rvLni, ^,tve-you-iluii-il-lean:-s«y-look^*ffl?'^'ji_jiml_tniU)e_tlicjiiaLj)I.. dem o n stratio n s ot love. • was thc only man triedrco•convicr= ------ig89-Oia5moUilesiir-w »rougimr4~db5?i?a?:dan, has all the options, rmd them selves the own private show. With ARIES (Mar 21-Apr.pr.nr lyiqi- ). 1If y,,.Singles .J., may fiiK ' ed a nd executed in die killkillings. nice Interior, 12f>I2fi,0<)0 itilles, Luxury model, oione owner - 1979 Chevy imeone's amorous attractive powers, ii is a Scoisdnle Suburb;urban, fun Ume -1x4 drive. -100ra V8, automatic, air, pb, you are looking for a r a ca.su.ll j^.„,cj.s, andI die d happily mar- lim e lo m eet new rom an- p.py pv ir.iilcr contrnltrnis, tJH.OOO actual miles, nicee uniti fling, one may knock c ndidates or bedazzle nevv teS v S r riedwiUiieedllJ tim e o m for love. iV‘-•■• ’di ^ake it from SPO' SPORTIITING - GUNS - TROPIPH Y M O U N T S ' door. If you are in a steni is. 19<)0 -I>M* liber}berglass boat tvlih sleering cor:ontrols, boat trailer, and tionship, this is the.i limi o IO (AUfiLUg. 23-S ept. 22): ‘^^'ijVcrp im under the yoke iCES f (Feb. li):MRr. 20): W// 2Shi) Evlnivlnrudc boat motor with clect.•ctric start - Winchester experiment or bring hon -n Duck out from < -iiioiJcl 12- 122 gaugeg, pump shot gun withh hammer - Remington lo in c a tifi „ f ;„„j jjp,sp en d quality Ume a ‘‘ , break‘ from the harsh, to surprise your partncjer.- l\irn world. Homaniic drciinis 9 -niodfl 72A- 2212 c,caliber uoli action rifle - L\cecel '410 single s h o f shot one. E'lan a special T - / gun - iLMihcr gurgun scal)bard - 7 point bull moosem< heatf all mounted on th e love liglit tonight; inanlic dinner for ‘‘‘^cfliglliglu this evening, so fliid a • wliliii l9S3mct;iletal hunting lag - .S point buckck deer head all m ounted TAURUS (Apr. 20-Ma3 on*, ir r-clii.-inomcnl ro- er for muiual billing and ^ R xvlih;i I942nict.iletal hunling tag - 5 point elk: antlers-Cai olem an camp your n ose h as b een pres sto w -fish in g; lailackle-hunling knife ipades can prove lg. Scented candles and firmly to the grindstone,S s leeis sei a seductive inip. LAWN - GARDEN - SSHOP will DC w elcom e. Ciet ii CraliMn;in 11 )i|>hp riding lawn nunver. 30' cui, !■ “Sfe..,pt. 23-O ct. 22): IMt ,------Ul. eleciric start - Magna with frieiids or coworli JCDC ffoni tinele rcrotoilller - A.O. Smith 1 hpp 1lawn pump - Echo gas king skills to work ■' BABBELS CLEANE'J t R S clKiln ww - 8ft SI hoo k u p v^Ui a favoriieS o i S , , : ; ' n siep ladder - picnic table andtid bencnes - lawn furnl- 7ur sphere of inflii- A U C T IO N is di'Bionc tiiwd at rcmovini;UK s^pi’ls- uiro - rakes, luteliwes, shovels - saw horses - oorganizer boxes - some tic companion for some 's m agic in y our { {Jri’nc lit uJI the “olJ /iiViuli"' hdJiungitig . h ;iiid io o ls -s inmall a l t.-ible s.w, lianky-panky. :niy of admirers to' CALENDAR uiit in )(Rir cinirl.' APPLIANCES GEMINI (May 21-Jui 3ine. Love is in thc ■ UCA 1'>.9 cu llft nlelrlscrator freezer equippedd for Ice nJaker, almond Your horizons have ex|i . ThfOUQliAuDust17. pot ').9 cu ft upright deep fretreeze - Roper auiomatic and Uie diings and peo| TUESDA tlollies ivasUerr "illihke new) - GL automatic clotlithesdryer-Kenmore 16 attract you m ay b e infli lOcI.. 23-Nov. 21): QulstandSDAY, AUGUST 17, 5:00pm deep freeze - Hotpolnt 14 cuJ Ift refrigerator freezer - s have been build- hulandingH S Collcciion ol Roseville. a ler refrigerator (works) - RCA nimlcrow.ive - Zenith 25" by an altered viewpoint.' - S irks could fly this G rv wlih lemote - .Magnavox radIidio phonograph console in die mood to build p IIS McCoy ♦Ariliquo Toys & iict th e unexpected KU^j oriable sewing niaclilne with1 aseiving laule - Lowery Changing tastes may i Games • ShopStmlli • lord organ and bench - 13" B&V ly require co n iplanions at are con- a v TV - Magnavox color sp en d in g on fun. :LAAS AUCTION BARN Kelvinainr olderseveral t small electrical kitchenen appliances - vacuum CANCER (June 21-Ju 208-324-S521 BABBELS color console TV \ IUS (Nov. 22-Dec. To find o Once you gel your laskI'steran'' '^'’sAGniAIllUl FURNITURE L* who shares your ^Id out morc. click Auctions CLEANERS Super Genie choic pleted. there will still bet:' . . m . m r ; 21): Somt'oiiL- L- liultwood oblong dining tablejle, 2 le.ives, 6 tnntching r best bet if you’re 3n www.maglcvalley.com 228 S hoshone St, E. console. TV - including sev 2 captains - 3 piece bebedroom suite, bookcasc rom andc interludes. Ifr yci,, I valui'sisyoiirli cleaner :lioii. ’Ilie d oor is jjl twin Foils, Id a h o 8330 esser ami chesi of drasvers - largrge BroyJ llll his and hers, a mate, escape into :i I AUCTION SALES REP ;ir siro plaid hide a bed - U n e ce.cedar chest - large brown ■ love interesls a n d E-mairJill j Hollon 735-3222 733-2258 i l S Very nice largeover In stutfed swivel rocker - bio:londe desk - end tables - ail: jliollonQmagicvallDy.coni S rawer cliest ol drawers - very’ nnice special m ade large E, patfdeil chairs incl 1301 ne.id lioaril. dressjng casters - card table - foldinglg chairs dresser-regular sl GLASSWARE on Household’ couch - green ngove Uosevllle candle holders - IS place setting of Marie \IJCTIO 'B etty H^rrlso I iiall tree - drawra pieces - palmed plates - cakeke |)lates - berry bowls - Iniffet on rnllltig)leces ( - candle holders - relish) dishestl - candy dishes > tem wate - W.S. George disheses - Corelle dlslics - salt Pair of niaiciiingNoicresi I piece or two - assorted^d gl.isses - mixing bowls FINAL SAMUELlEL OSGOOD ESTATE AUCnONA A g i e china will) extrasei t S a tu r d aay, ) August 14, 2i ^ Candle Wick pleoANTIQUES ~ COLLECTTIBLES 2004 M t m South-JEROME m friiit bowls > stemihain urnaie mantle clock withh wind up key - old $11- Location: 281 CetttennlalCt Drive - Htyburtt,rn, hlu h o _ „216 West 500 Sl ■ and peppers - Notlear drop vanity lamps - silver' pniaied items - lady's old Fniiii c.xt 2 1 1 it-H-il., <{ii•id 1/2 Illllf Mllllll nil HlllH'lt’ilt-iliirlcv Hwy. to o n e, then 2 1/8 miles west1 - {lunch l)uwl 'sei jewelry - kerosene lamps - oldu gas| Iron - old bean pot USAiicllori Ytirif. !n\hU\i,ic foH us AU(.UCTKW SKiSS. 5 miles south of Jerome, ' Aold N magazine racks - old pockckei watch - Itand tied ’ AUCTION TIME: 10:00 A.M lieauilful Iiigrahaillts - handm ade afghans - oldId pictures and frames - UNCH BY COATES ■ ■ verware - pair ;nte>priseleai lard press and sausage5estuffer-3 l/2 galmilk nery Wards cradle butter churn Continuation ofl>f lust 3 Samuel O.scood>d auctions. UKE r lidairo rofrigorator w/iop froozcs f hais - costume jev •n -o ld gas lights. Lots of thethl same quality or itemjms. F«fl‘dalrz NEW .APPUANCES: Frigid> * Frigidairo mlcrowavo • Konm - crock |«ig - 7USEH0LD old MISCELLAANEOUS I 20 cu. It homemade quiltsjkware set - Oneida silverware a dQiro smoolt) lop oloclric rangoosllnghouso • washor & dryor spud liasktfi - Ente e set - Rotters silverware JEWEWELfir & GEMSTONES u. It. up-right froozor • Whito W os cks - luppersvarc - Idaho booksks - utensils - wall decor can-Montgonier. - assorted wall clocks - picturt s/8 Cirat Dl.imond Ringg (Appraised(/ V.i 1ik- .ii $-l.,itnvnmera Equlpineni - Abiaslvv iitaiitaicrlal • 2.monor • Amorican Flyor wagon • liroOman pt ianlom s • soddio • fortili. nan rail • camping goar^< Colon3-point hoisi • induslriol vacuuranes • ^ER; LUCILE~SCHf Because of/inamancial problems, the go!:oid»atch. odor • wood onlers * harrow • on 3- tools • whool barrow • ladder m U E: Mrs Scl,n>e to the highest bitb id d e r . ___ ■L Parking avallablo In b a n U ir T; ^JCtlONEERS Salomana^gi CLERK NOTE: Ttiis Is lust a ^ iflM'<1/ Ustinxli of the many ifrtin up (utfat uuctlnn. Gafy Osborne Jo e Benneiett U m ar Loveland B ra^ NAi Gooding, Idaho H agerm an, Idi Tcmu: Caili or bankabki« cli«kcli day ol %alc. All l l c i m Il»‘.j'. nn uar»nty. IVlMsser E Idaho Rupen.Idaho US Auction win IIOI: Iw mpomllile ; for anv accIJcnts on pmjwfty. m * _AUC(208) 934-5350 (208) 837-65;3523 (208) 438-9863 ucaoM Cart VanTossoll Koim Couch PPaul Couch Lyla M asters tlansen Gi - Ruport. Idaho - 53M1-4122 or 431-4123 (20e) 431-3405 (208)431-9300 (20(208) 420-7321 es 731:1616 • 539-5350 • 53!539-0111 • 431-7355' Office; (20S) 434-SS;'5555 www.us-fluctionc3noor8.con^ (2 l iW.mbauction.com 3-43I-73S5 • FAX: 543-5227 or 934-6977 (208) 733-8700 > wwv S >77 ■ww.mastBfsauctio'n.com 6uhl, Idaho G< (208)543-5227 (2 MMW Jim Christlar Mobile Phones I______I I Ringside Phone 208-43 ■ /

4 o HusintX'! ULu/itonj . Mr^nia S. Hutrhhis NE) 'is733-093I.Exf.242 . Thc'Fim cs-N cw-W S ■ 'I'h u rsd a y . Au;;iSust 12, 2004 P a g e C -5 B riefo te guards E Y S u jg a r w c s O E ( i n M one ork ers c o n tna c t undiaimed ------By M e g an HIntJsids . plres Julyuly 3 1 ,20Uti, covers iibout Aiiiiilgiiniijifed Sugar'ss lt!gal1 negotiatini; councincii. said union I 3 n k TImes-Wows writwriter______1.500 woiworkers at Anialganiaied counsel. c John Lemke. wasI’as not members hiivc "mbced"r cmo- D utch Rabobai factoriesies in 'IWin Falls. I'aui, willing v lo discuss die tern>rms o f tions" ab o u t tlieI.'final fii contract. U l U Lperty ' f i r m 'I'WIN I'ALLSli-An.alBa,ilat. ta iinil Nyssa. Ore. Of the I contnici. but said h e■would wi 'Hie union had1 autliprizaiion ai * to buy credit' fi ed Sugar Cp. Cc announced o'**--2H3 work ill th e IW ln I-alls speak s on speciFics laier.er. this from lls iniernatioiItional board to The Times->»-Wew> ' ______^ week\ "w hen th e dust settle: . . TWIN FALLS — 'Ilielu IDuldi Wednesday lhalhat union workers I”?.!}'- ... tie.s." strike If employee;/ees had voted I’aui faciory em ploys :W ."W e're glaci lo have that:at over d o \« i th e contract [JON — Tlie state is banking . coopcipcraiive ants in Idalio and’ act and funlicr . IIAZEU workers. ' with\ so we can conceiiirali led. safeguardi:ding unclaimed prop- Rabobank announceuJ nrecent- ‘•'“ "••n' Oregonjnappravedani.iv i '"!i.o''"'o rale o n negotiations failed. y new contract rcjire- th t e up co m in g har\’cst." I.e lundreds of people and •ly lliai U \vill acquireire 1-arm four-year comra I.emke "I think somee membersn are erty for liu ■ sc u ts months 1 'of toiiglr said. s ' hiippy luid relieved/ed to gel it over businessesics w hose last kncjwn Credit Services of Am\merica. 'Ihe local cha|liaplersofllieDak.. „eg„,|a,l, iatloii and difflculi 'and The sugar beel har\x‘siL'si be- with.' Wiesmoree said.s: "Usually addressesrs arei in M a ^ c Valley, onc of thc largest agrlci[riculture ‘•‘fy- Confectio oijciy. lohacco rcluclanlanl iriide-.offs, b ut il is ginsf. ill less ihiin lit) days.^'s. and in negotiations, n iolio SiaieTax Com m is- ’.forSGOO W orkers and Cin: .. nobody feels Tlie Idal lenders In tlic country, foi ..nun Millers volrf clearly! Inin the best interest of Ihe t coinpjuiy...expects:is lo like tliey won." slon is loo ‘lUesday on thehe jiroposcd con- ooking for those folks, m illion.’ . ". oiir owiier/grt)wers iuid pnK-uss\ sUgiir ijceis fromII iim ore -^— :------and liopln rtf 'vliicii wasWi dniftal as a „(,r ing tliey'U call to claim ' Farm Credit Servki vorkers," Amalgamated lhan t 200,000 iicres this yeaiear, - Tiiiics-tScws business bus writer- Uie-prop- S o n o result o f leclomitJil mediation talks i^ujiarlVc Amcrica operates Spo Presideni a n d CliO Ralph Ken Wiesmore, llnaiicialial sec- Mcgmt ilm d s cant;i IwL n 'achai-at erty. . )5unolaimed • Wash.-based Nonhwcst ■ ■ iiurtonn said^ in a siatement ri-tar>-, r for ih e union's Lociiic:a-2U3 735-3238 or nihiiiliiniis&inagiC' It stuff!|J f^P rtp er^ Credit Services, w h lchil ’lihasof- nie new conlontract, whicli ex- Wednesd.L'sdiiy, ciiaptor c and part of tlie ununion's ivillcy.com.' for which {Ices In Burley a n d 1\vinin 1Fiills. • 1 d a ll o Hazelton, .Rabobank announcedrcditwill. T V yT illr- « business- buy all shares from tlie'Ile-nearly V IIIK Q l 7 " 0 1 ^ 't-' Ketchum 51.000 • FCSA stocklKkliolders k and mKcHfkers atftfact chheese ma b een u n1- ­ . ______I under the agreement. \ able to;o executives expect toI’bc'apl b< °y,c;lpTh°mpsip so n I • I find th e rigrightful owners, sudi a s. ------proved.byjicaa.year.— - __ ,pa>Toll chchecks, contents of safe _____ Spokeswomen for d ep o sit bboxes, tax refunds, Rabobank and FCSA 'Lid’d.'csai , hljtjuhn-1— It didn't take long stock clivlcl/Idends. worker's com- there will b e n o staff oricir leader- fo*" fronom Gossnei; Foods pensatlonn benefits a n d th c like, ship changcs becauseco c f tlic Inc. 10 realize,e .tlie Mini-Cassla . Tlieldal:a ho Legislature In 1997 acquisition. area was (he icici:ieal location for ex- I state law governing pansion. unclium cd property. Now after “No layolTs, no closun'^™5, n o O n April 2fl.G. Gossner President : ■ property that'st] safeguarded by • changes really in tlie way/avFSCA and CEO DolorestresGossnerWlieci- th e tax commission remains d ocs business w ith its cll iiin 35 The new faciacility Involves a one of the.largestthe Sw iss'eheese prodiJducers In the United States,s, tannounced plans to open answcliegu"a n Watch forf o th e r tow ns In countries.______huge investm enient In ouiom atcd p,ni.««ainf8lng.pIantaLthB.former.Slmplo]ln't.slta In-BuHay.. _«______com ing wc veeks. - __ . Ifl Uiia Rodrigues u/III felt it would be belterbe to locate tlie ------Hazelton Women realtors’ u plant cioscr to10 the company's Mary Anders.rson ■>-®oviglldo Ab(bout G ossner Fooco d s , I n c . Rodriguez • ' Logan, Utali heaciijidquaners. ■ Jerry L. tour Seastrom . Richard Roemer OriginaUy Gossossner had intend- • Compo:npohy history: Founded In two plants. siie. Boyer Senior PartnerPar Carl Andreasen TWIN FALLS — '1110c SouthS ed to expand theiileir ImperialViiUcy. Utah's Ci Cook said. Elaine-BIrd, Joshus Rudolph s Cache Valley in 1941 by •, Lauro Ruiz . Central Idalio Chapterr o f th e Calif, plant in retresponse to grow- Edwin1 Gossner.Gc who began mak- ' Once that lease is signed. sigi Goss- Ren Brady ■ About the planne Jerry Salazar Women’s Council of Re:Realtors Ing demand foro r die com pany’s |„g high i ner will sign a 40-yeaiyear lease with ' Robert L. igh Quality Swiss cheese Bryan Sorensen \viU hold Its m onthly mmeeting e trademark Swiss’Iss clieese. Hut a andyviihi Mlni-Cassla plantn t Boyer. Copk said. Boi:Bolh leases irv Brutke viihin five years had built up ■ -Lena Ooal ■'______------a tn o o n Friday.------nuinberofconsidisiderations — like- -wnarwas Oians------clude-options-forrentrenewBl-which------Ernest-M;— vrasratnhe-ttmerthe-iaTgesr—“ •■pian'ofactlonrGossnerpiai< , ' Standiee Members and prospespective a w ork force trairoinecl In food pro- gwiss5.cheese ch factory in the lo demolish some existing strstruc-' extend the ternterms to 70 Bushhorn members will tour Seascastrom cessing and tJiee b aslness friendly I. producing pn 24.000 lbs. of Thomas Coltble tures at the former J.R. SimpInplot Terpening Manufacturing. 456 Seaseastrom atmosphere of' IdahoId; versus Ciili- cheesese fldaily. Co. facility and construct aI newne Lease amounts for• BoyerBo; and • Stanley K. fornia — led tlie1C comi pany to opt g , iggg Ruben Toledo St.ln1\vlnFaUs. 66. Gossner and his family ■factory on approximately 15-5 . Gossner are still bein)eing negoilat- Douglas - Ijc avail- for a new facility A catered.lunch will be z Ity In Mini-Oissiu started:d .GossnerC Foods. Inc. with acres. ed. but Buriey CityI AdAdministrator Carmen Este able after thc tour. Instead. ■ . , . , an emph;nphasis on making Swiss c Mark Minon said BoyiBoyer will pay a, Jesus Fernarian- Construction is expccted.to be . Javier Vega "We liad fullull Intentions , of se aand a year later added pera- - small amount to thehe city< which dez Araujo completed and the plant oper TeodoraLVega^ adding on In Qililalifomia." Wlieeler cll,®®!®dar ® and Monterey Jack to er would be put backI intinto the site in Ricardo Garc Federated Dept. said. "(But) it's, im tibnal by Ocl. ,2Q05. Wheeler imponant to have ,u.|, lineij-. of products. Evcntuoliy ie the (orm of improvem/emenis. Felipe Gutlerlerrez hanvanlsiisanda said. The first Swiss cheese Stores 2Q profits;S f a l l a com m unity tliai ister and others were added int as Milton estimated thathat Gossner will...... Gome: weiihousen state that w ants ti product could ieave.thc plant n time over 30 varieties car- pay approximately S5ward Brenda slipped 3 pcrccnt. civen tlu lirable for military plant ; locatcd in Burley. and associated taxingld iunder the Gossner label.* struction ' has been hired for W ednesday, sen d in g sti lljty, comparable to Ihosese of0 Olher Popoca Michelle M. S 'o 'k s De.cl»pmcmBl0(3iock Grant of up but mostost sales are 'private construction ^ of ihe new facility lower as oil priccs rosi the Mlni-Cas- J®sus RamireIrez Witt “ to S500.000 cou:ould be avail- label" —— Gossner cheese is and | Rowley said he expects• theth powe'' suppliers in the downbeat outlook fromn uC s c o gjiiQ fgf renovailo 3lion of rail lines packagedged and sold under the firm ' to hire local workers whernanev. sia area. . S>«tcms Inc. weiglied on i anti certain otherher infrastructure names of cr possible. • Economic Impact:I: TheTl new fac- wIfliat i to do nology shares ond invcs s of various supermarkets ^ improvements.. BiBurley City. Ad- and other • About the lease: Salt Lakee ' tory will produce ann esestimated started having sec ther retailers.' Gossner * nam e on Idaho's un- ministrator Markirk Mittoni said. spent nea City's Boyer'co. is close to sigsign. . S l-8 million impaciton or the Mini- i thoughts about tliis week': nearly $60 million on milk C proper^ owners list? The City of Burleyrley will pay for In 2003. > mg a deal with the city of Burkuriey, Cassia area, according«ihS to Idaho terest rate hike. )3. with S25 million credit- >i your property, do one Mn the renovation of the waste ed to eas which owns the former J.R. SirSin,. Commerce ond Labor,=ar.Adailicna|. S S ' " * ' A sales warning from eastern.Idaho dairies. v lich is estimated Gossner c plot Co. facility, to lake overr iy. the 35 plant jobss erare expected tionai Semiconductor C< ier does not have contracts P 800-972-7660. Ext. imately with indiviidividual dairy farmers or management r of the site under[)er a (o spawn another 35!5 JobsJ< in the which was dovirn^dcd 7623 or EExt.j 7627. dairy coop:ooperotives for its other 40-year ^ lease for the l&acre,e community. • brokerage firm Smith Bar ______I • Wrtt* toto the Idaho State Tax , ' added to the pressure oon n tlic ___ Commissicsion. Unclaimed Prop- technology sector. The seiseu-oir ^ llon. PO. Box 36. erased mudi of thc prev ) 83722-0410. session's gains o n th e NosSa” Zionss Bank pilicks up klocal laidI off wort•kers ars'i • SendMiihmall to lostancf- composite index and led !s In July.ly, Woshinraon Mutual Biink Bii — w hich o perates sev< rest of the market lower,S l l - By M egan H lnis evcral Brough sold. found^ax.ax.state.ld.u3. « Tlm.m.w9 writeiIter announceciced the closing of its brbranches in M agicValley—\—will He vrould not elaborateeli o n • Log on t compiled from staf•tetfand D a A H o n s Banknk said Wednes- close by thi Banks w as o n e o f the sbct ccm- added nine empm ployees in ©ther stateites' unci^imecHiroper- Salt ULake k. City-based Zlons ployees pl< hired by Zions Ba wireJ reportsrei Please see BJ«BANK. Page C7 8. C4 Tlme»Mm,-MnFinFtfl«.kWM Thurtdty, Au|u*t112,2004 12

M o n e y S o m e t hhing l i m issing? — l A / e ars abl« to eust(utomlza our market loports. If wo'll try to Include it. V V you'ro Inte rested] In Q stock, mutual fund or com-3m- P lease call Ramono JonesiS a t 7 3 3 0 9 3 1 . Ext. 2 6 2 , withn Employiyers shoulddn’t be thei only ones modity that’s not ih our>ur report, give us a call ond your suggestions; asking qquestions cduring inteierviews Joh npplicancs uiarc asked I i ‘ T7= ^ I pljuinhinhig process is. I low ciui V O ^►TED inany.quustiuns inin ;a n inler*. ^ iloyces make suggestions? view, but lhai docsijesn't mean \ On K'"i:ie course o f il, you Ilnd oui ' ilicy shoiildii'i be readyrea lo ask w in ^ ' !iher they are ihoughlful. m ore lh an a few o f' theirthi own. 1% ^ . ;v, 'n-iiijoB ssil:;lious, enirepreneurial." BES5T C E IL L P H ( QucsUon: I’m begileginning lo’ ' Kenneth uya.sy asking ibese q uestions "It look Tor il new jobb after < four M Bredemeler kvs yon care aiioui lhe job. . years al the currunint one. and iu n v’ you’d yc fli in. a n d iiol jusi I’m mosl concerned;d abouti the ^ I a h o uUl l yyour ow n welfare." Keary P]PROVIID E R .^ iiiierview process. 1 do line talkingK alwurma y ' 'I't'ysiackupup againsi them? - ow n skills Jind lal'enls,iiK builal- nils showows you caip.about v\udlud lhe aj)j)licani should ask • Choose UnliUimited Incom ing ( ways gel ■slumped d bow you’d III tn." if sheie i can talk privately widi s o mI'eoiie e o i she m ighi l)c work* o r . prospi'ciive employSA*' "Doyotihiiveanyquei : what tlieir biggest ing wiwilh. "to see if ihey’re M o b U e t o Mocieiy for atanimals W eekend Callalls! > ;;;cr";' Human itesdiirce• fM anage* m eni in sul)iirhan Wasvashingion. , There aiare.faMoo many.abandonloned animals-in our • N ationw ide: LI o n g D i s t a n c e ! \ & said Ihis applicani should slv noi animallal shelters, but stan oui asUiig ahouit)ui benefiis you canr> tb e part of the I See 0X1lur selection and work hours, .althrlthougli_she ______; solution to this pnjroblem!^ ______^0nly_$59.90-:O - p e r m o n t h ____ . I t could in the course o ffa < n in ie r- g r e a r n e w view or even wall imlil im a job You cacan sponsor one of thesee needyn animals in offer is m:ide. V ~ A s k l phonnes like th e "She should b e a litlllitile sirate- < N 1 0 M gic.” Ke:iry siiid. "SheShe should r Naw 8 s ta te X . No!> k i a 6 5 8 5 ! ask questions ahoiiiI ththeir busi* -ness, about iheir proi)roniability. A d o p t-a -P e t is a 11Tlmes-News feature that aboiil their slabiliiy.y. VMio\ are ■ iheir compeiliors andmd how do ^ 'H.. 1 runs the third FridFriday of every month. ■ The more sponsors - ^ U S C elUular. we.have,.the.m ore ____ ------A U T H O -R -l-2 E Cb-A-G-E-N-T ------homes we can find! The Tim es-NN e w s : For mo're information, or TWM FAtFA U S TWTWINFALLS HAtLEY Y our guide tt< o l i f e MaglcyWeyManFOodCi>dCoiM .7»«40 lynwoodShopiShopping Cwitar • 7SHB8S 400KM8bl*7»-19M to reserve your space, call '» W l fT4■ ;.v.c .r» 'i w t«9W i;i 1 I'M ft/xirtnc'eri P.(A:i«nil«n»UW15tr.*-g* fwec<^.c<^fr(IW vt I.) UM r. IK41U^-} ir« In a ts »n «4'V H'lwc" trt 0rw>niieten5'Mi(«» SnStimU'Stun i 18,29-2.17 AT1T«n _ l j « ..nn , -. a 77.u a nMOpi07«a(4 -S8 ______‘T .. S4V.J, a » - .2 7 To.insi 293959 29 16.54 .1.37 SPDR 52494'1944 108 16 -.06 Inlol 60551Tt 22.16Z -.38 AlUlne .a tiU - i J I» I l^ne* I .RodnSkur__2SJ0.*U4___ -3 'CffS*"im ., alJ3 -W Kf4on 101 4i» 'At •>« “ » Nais«mi18249660''1343»24 -2.22' S«miHT<’ 25929.1294 29.59 -1.27 Moosoh 521264 I 27.41 ^ O t - SnRi2000 C446I I .S.1C «. *OP«t 299 .oeK 09nr« I . a n .49 LbMMAniaOlSn s tt s .09 W»rfBt « » a -»J» c»l- 9W 1>U .04 KwSwria 36 71 .07: 1 s T ^ .? S j ! “ .S *9'"* 2' 468 104 88 -.14 ApWMan 396433I 16.26 II -.64 ,27g .jO’lO Dgtu | . 6 44 -a U ^ D _. 8.18 fj* s»«o tsru4e» .04 •oorvt :*f .« Dt JOJoe »S2 .31 Kms j a 4714 .» 2 t» » .19 MuMc ... eat -0111 DobtenCm.I t.17 .,07 LivM .. »24 .es SMM . aJ7 -1J7 u c - gH . « n .37■17 tktng I 162 <05 Smtcn 1741 .78 : i r -icF> D«i*^ .64 Su)Wt 2J(]I0 73 . 21 Calpins 362 «37 «li;4 Attiyin 1085185 .1,53 .104 RoWiSinaj 25.90 .524 .5 .254 AdrfCm _ ]12t .1,11II CWtf I 706 -17 ■ ■ E D SaB«l* 1S» v»«s ca u u .« O.BW/1/ 078, .02 K(.1 72 a 71 .17 117 S*M R »16 .41 gun 2, ll tb y i . 76» .64 UCIkeii40o9 1 1848 . 07 Sw-sa. 4515 .lee Ufurj 11 14W .01 (M»»r» JU Jl «07 .0' KntAiT' dl3S8 .42 20 49 .1.99 *106 lAMGWg 5.91:.91 .60 .113 Omtools 7.73 .1 »/Tr^ tfiil .» [)«.<• 1. 39 1615 .115 .77 Schufllnll 230:30 . 23 .11.1 SRSU>3 46S . >3 •nevtni: . »»4 .12 UOIPhri _- : a a *1.18 sn « in .U214S . 0 • 148 43» .IS in«<> 1SX .01 10 ESSMl _ A47 -til UflVCm - ..IJ s-MSn 7M . I t . ______IMM « a .31 Or£J« Ii I 27.00 .1.75 .69 Hjlhiamn ^'30 ».22. .10.6 XOMA 345 I'la ♦ *154 1210 * " *“ .04u ' ErtiLrkI »46 -CO kLiawi : ;------iSsS—Ti 24» .11 D..Urti-L'^Ijfr^W ------^ « -7SEZILI» M Aurvun . .. 712 .08r £I « a i5 ~ a » 2 - .37 UigriPl _- ■ 'I J T " ^ ' SacriM -d31j4 -1J3 1 . wrer>/iiei a w .10 MvnK IS ' 200 .TS iMCcrp 80 S3»4 .'36 ^ 172,4i” l ” L osers;e r s IS2 on wMt) L o s e r s (s ' - ta t CO »1 i .IS Df«TVrv I1»I .err unPw un a n >2 (S2oni4on() Losers (Kon2 oauoAe) ' . isio >4010 ■»C«ta9. . 4U .11 DniwrI 21 : 2176 .(4 61 TOfO .OJ U8I Ctifl %Cha HifliB nlit e t Chfl SChq Hiwo la il Ci ^ 8>ak« i n -02 uwwsttl _- '! • ShSat 12a Q J t lfl»2 -14 Udp«. to » rs -OS• S “ *“ *0 :'x ^ i S S . ' K ; s11 ;Om Mi i 4880 . 11 H m n* . ! KtJW U» .» Unr«ltt » 4J:4 .»*2 S^K su . 10 • Ha'^'Ontiiri 5 ! 64 -387 -40.7 CyektCtiy 4 26 -.59 -12,2 AfP«tComwt2.03 --.71 -25,0 AMrton _ 18J8 ^4 EfllI «I8U .51 Uun 32 4 M>vt(9ylCe JIM >04 Dotfiftjl M ElolM ,. * n -vt UcSUtA AMTlTcr uef .41 OrfliffM}!ffw tib a s .13 u i)W tn sts .a S0GCX ' 141 .ot ctuvue 11.29 1 .4 20 .27.1 riAPaDj* B3233 ..S3 -11.6 KuUeks 526 -1-1,76 -251 ■ - i * SyW"* 1M *a • » W fl ,'7n .57 »rrlJ4 M4l .07 UyD I4J UCO .ISO 5“ •" fiaiSomisS 1348 i: -222 -14.1 EiCOlM U 40 -1,45 >11.3 InloHiQi 2.10 --.68'-24.5 7 I(MoPlrm 1703 .18 U*«rai 23J ; •» S»y-aS« 172 -01 AltU* 1 IJ 47« . a DuPcnt 140I. 41,11 - a UnM 4S 1919 .21.J, S | ^ 72 3611 .U AC.rfilc-, ? 14 E<>ie«!>16U 1111 .10 IMUr 22t aM *11 SS:.»2S ;S ' -.66 -16,1 AP..Cn« 40 1806 -IIII EronTI I . 24 n .ia «4«Wr 3 * 2 SntWM _ ISO -J2 K-voa di»4r -J» /« 1 « 191t .I t UtuUd 3.’’ Jl» ..(S « SdWcim . S04 O l f- A£en 2«i 110 .cen c«snr> 2470 .t t UAftW U SJOt .21.21 S«wrrCc140 a«6 .01 <■D iary D iailARY ' ■ D iaryVf Ar.T«t 1040 -t».9 E0 ' 1.404 Advnvctx] 350 A(ivane4HJ' *r SW(»I a ?7W .-42 M*vil XU • » CTr»J»-• ' i m . r uxwit . lie ;;; ^11 fc";j=s ss . ..m !r, :} E I nm ' SCO .02 UlPtur . , I SO M l 41(0 .48 ...tefw u . 5U . 0 fUCCc iCnfCtl JO 1838 >01 1 1.814 DoeiinaO 509 Oodinod It FSNm. 2280 -106 McM> IN : «£» god|ud ' 179 Unchangod 92 Unchanged i r : s0 FoMtf i SOL e210 .42 MrMW. iiS I *2 si*ne»e_ ds.« - x VrEc *9 U13 .CM tXoW• I so a j i .O UOM' 48 J4II .0} ;J t •'![? ssvw'OTp a « -01 -OJ S«P1C JJ 4701 . 14 TowhssuusJUS 3.397 Talal issues 951 Tolal issues II FrriThrdia *7Sn >S UAtOs I“ - 1.M -.u vnce Xf u n .4: Eaue> 3J X2I .11 UOUt • U 24K ‘-IJ- IB Sun-iWll? «C« .36 NowHqn*n» 20 Naw H.sns 6 NewKighs «OI*0t s * - 7214iis ,-74•'!!'4 Frrur I 121 .01 NPSPlm . I • JffW 14« .C« EiiJC^wIM I » a»6 .13 Utue \ _ 7.90 t(tHC 3101 -11,1 Fmtv I . . »37 .I t HakK . 4 • " SfU-m 349 .10 I fcr-ica liWM .01 *GE»Mr«»Mrsiwj24t .01 le c sn lf- dU« -.«i:f, SartU. 2X .T)7t .01 NowLCtWJ22 EiPtmCetcCent r» ,.1 0 U ^glS 2 77.-9 .32 • 1,706.861,110 Volurtw 30S.441.460 Volumo . 1,70 ' 4AJ«qOn;4iaS7S .09 tiMI •» s r ** g r-“;:s ;s>4 fam i .. til . a tMtvD) .• I’’«• :« - 20.4t •!.» U«v4(glOI1 49C« *'1 .49 aa> .71 ______AHCC . ca« -Jt :l ftrnfttI _dl7J7 -138 N«UM 1 , • » U ft . » EOS »itn irco .10 UjrircntOl MH .(9 ArtilM 4eu3687 .100 I 111? . i n -15 ■■ JJC4 -a EiwOK(J l(C use . n U*hVt 34 4SU . » 0 F»u4« » a .te Hfrtii _• 1 .*■" s ,« w n a a -SI swirn Or -os MKT, l a . « 6 Ireun*T - OWS -iJ IMM4(i I Vfirr 8'«e .(C eu t rg.«.l .. 772 .11 NMCng _ d TTMTai ft«S ^t7 *««» 14 4311 .jr £rt»£p»i3;Proro V3t .01 UvwEl 1311 .44 SifPtn.J41- 32U .03 5^W«^W#el^ •TO 82-y.k 1™ •!» ' J40 OJM .Jl t r wr- 77!7 iftn .U Uuco (4 JOM .■U .J4 Jt79 .51 Hlflti Low Hima______U st Chg SChg SChi 1 NMtrIn* _ S T . g s :S Aau 32 -ca E « ^LU K104 a»s . » MuC(>;«..;4is .is S3LH3L s r - :i I Aranwt » a U •«* ENSCO0 I >0 r»4 .u Utnsr . tfU7 OO 2 « «o.^53«>3 9,146.62 Dow Jones InOuslruUs 9,93632 -6J5 -,06 -I.S:-I.S3 *7.18 Atvinot 043S -11 1 < Cjrmr OS 37 a -U NtrtPn I <5 2.570.74 . Oow JonasTranspoftaiionon 3,04969 .5.02 *.I6 *1.4:•1.42 *17.35 *»"' JM -01e < Ctmttw 4te .11 IttoUln 1 V IK StSS .17 97 »70 -!0 S ^ i J C .m 3.2>2-'5 5 GvtPrtMt . »M «M tHtSM ■ 01 i>^ KSTs-sss •” a " • » Suo 12 aa2 -14 26615IS 234.66 Oow Jonof UliliMS 285.07 *1,09 '*.36 *6,816,81 .19.81 • «} OmwMi . tin -oe thw n 1 .!» wutos U 4048 .11 6798.1212 5.520.43 NYSEComposiIo 6,278.60 -16.51 -.26 -2.51 19» .15 •“ JSS. » jiS :S ’T2X MIS .It Ut«r* 311 4981 .101 2.51 *12.73 “ ^ 1 Jf8 c 0 « .. CO 3477 -M NMI • Tani«n _ 142 I*l0im 7S7e .JJ td t a XX .02 Uma 1» 4100 .15 n 95085 Amoilndoi 1,211,55 -662 -.54 0.2J3.24 .25.68 6 ^ 9 cc*r«y™ 4981 .48 Uo&a 02414 <0 .IM '»• A.iyi tjfti ,j7 ejacnilJ:iit22)LX44 . a UtnSmc 140 • .10 i U 1,646.59 rjasdaq Componio 1,782,42 -26 28 -1.45--tl.W1.03 *5.68 DEASyt tSt -16e C ClUflSa UTS .171 IMM . loa V .31 0*15 •'» W I7?J .13 EucrtUIOkWlOe 4SI3 .11 M»TK,n M 4«a .04 a 97421 S4P500 1.075.79 -325 -.30 -3.2!3.25 *9J2 (WUnffN. 6642 .12 MfV* 23- 36 13 - 01 7 . tuargi . 880 .18 »m£n ' 37S I u -l« :S!a^S-;S 'S 12 453 94 Rust«l)2000 526.63 -3.20 . -.60 -S.44S.44 *12,66 » •* » , ^ TirOrtnn .dl049 .47 A ^l M UOO .4t riRNOSMS ._01in -MJ U0i$y 4B u a >07 14 9,372 84 Wdshiia 5000 e tt|««E . 1010 - a OmMint- a aiSit 32 4jr) .U F«nMw20U«20e 7211 .201 Uy9SW »t« .U UolsrM .11 iiU ;kSI IMeem _ 2U 1 -U77 H HjnCtn t n >a (kiyiPh 037 S .112 TntdCV . S142 -84 ftPPlCieJ. 44U .40 rt -4-40 I6t7 .12 IJ i5!o f.12 i ; r ' EtaKm 0418 .ISS HrtJOi 20> »42 . 07 OcnnSin t » . » QiMh 46 N » .01 r«o0s3 S' S4' 4410 .tS2 KACc til4 . a r..hd x.*}io .97 BmkjAul.dttll -JJs H K/dM 80> a77 .a Op«m _ IJJ} Tntekn _ 0.41 .JS Bmug 130 43K .4! rn flnU 0 oa 417] .06 fOCHTi 1td']40' .2?, 2 TtiM J9 1B.S4 -U7 101} .4, unwm .aiSJ7 .2i8 J T.P« 8S« 7871 .10 YTD »«uil 24 SOS . 22 V UC»MC . a7l .02 OraOt ll ttC*rJW 8113 ..a faneajOJ J 24 aw .» N4tC»r 149 M42, .21 ■ ■■■■Dlv.PE_>..l/_ChB_%^fl . NameJ Div PE Last - Cl J leos a a .48 om m _ ;14* -Jl H*?** uc« .IB fifM *40 14a .09 NeOnd172» 4141 ,Q. -01 TVwrrcO 2418 .07 * 0 iPmi 0481 >24 t«Er» 234 OanoG S 1947 .Ji J6 4573 .21 N«$«M| _ IL4I ^ 122 WC«I IU 79a . » Albonw .76 21 2420 -.15 *6.8 HomeDp I .34 17 33.09 *.28 *. -6.8 cNer 744, I'll1 k kMnU 47t .J4 Mfltrp a o i -C2 tknr 54* 3114 .44 rotrafriaAIU' aos .tl 3407 ..JO 20 Wjp, J4t 3180 .42 AllianlEoyi 1.00 16 25BO • .08 .30 Idaeorp I 1.20 .13 27.93 *23 ♦. -6,7 csosrt 146J .488 k krcien* _ SSJO 037 PHCSra _ eiean -i,ie «n *i8 EWSccfilCW 7?4> .JB fa tn > <3aa .X KYC«v>icc i»«o .30 . » TlT•w*f^ n e t .24 AiiiftniTenI ;.. 14 58.69 *.41 .16 imoiianii I 3.68 -.Ot -. -43.& C^xMe . 3142 .118 8 * tnnnd 274 . 04 PSSWH It o .03 UPTuOn . n7 t .132 Bn&it 44>«uu .11 FrMljellJleiia 6SW .til HMrrv » 4oa -14.14 To^ Itll -TJ AfTM..C« .50 13 25 03 .,15 .2 J Koyecrj)t 1.24 14 M.S0 *.St ♦. *4.0 CaiSePi . 4al -to9 ' * M»S(e« 34U . » PTEKHU 804 I . n a to -40 lk»4« 31144 . » (UCG ato 322 .83 Mf.nCcrpma UOO -12.52 Triraoo. 2701 .» AooCoro r k«rn4l S13 -IS Pao«l » H M4e - a Urelogli _ 184S *J0 UHCe 1J44K9I .14 FnMcaMn.•itn.diuo WpA22f aeo •» I .60 12 2502 -.05 .45 LoeEni I .72 25 46.43 *.58t. *6.4 C m iU i. 30.n .1.77 * UoaHR SB 49U . 4$ .to TnC«II teo -01 Ncr«s« 401 rrco .is ^ ' I n CO 19 31.07 -.36 -5.4 SconPwi 1.420 28.77 -.11 -, *5,8 •'«> - « J Ocr,W<. 9X .07 C « r^« 1S0> • « HWWNR . US ^•18 i7» . 1.B8 19 39,31 .50 . U Sonsioni 5 .60 13 19,44 -16 -17 JtOO .. .. k«BO»* -a ib ll •*« . PoUTli CO ies8 1( -27 VMcelnrt - lu e . m -J> Uno^PKia 1614 .45 1 isa 7tt . « P«Ta« 48 a 3( i8 . a VwBjn 18»2 -11 »U( «)• a«3 .1] C« W09 I9t9 .IB Uotse^a l a 390< ^ Utofl 117 ai7 .01 . 1,04 .16 26 05 *.1S -1.3 SkyWest $ .12 11 142S *M «. - 2i:o 2 “ -3' “ B>M»f - JI.IO C*l»-n>r 4n .14 K ^ t R SIR -oa .40 23 40.49 -.38 .8 9 Teradyn 1 ... 57 14.24 -1, I M 18 02218 . a 1824 II . 18 1780 . 87 OVrSd 1 12 a s .S' C«>WVMCM 4676.113 rM9« IX a t* •“ . a lA»lerc JJI 3Sa -IS. -III s r - ^ :SI HMBgrIt _ Lit ^te Ptrtgnw 104 1 -01 VeK 440 .01 .74 IB 40.50 . 63 -13.7 Tuppwre 1 .88 IS 16.98 ., J mtruno . 3ta -01 P«rnten SU * - a vvjrwta _ atJ4 .07 ly.-'f** W 4!» .40 CrtV<> 14-144 9t» .02 hKMi 74* S2U . t a 1661 26 31.51 .,10 .16 USBanerp I .96 14 28.68 .. o.i«Sf (te a v . .JJ GtrUeC K80 32n .11 hL$M 32 H81 .41 a « :S; ^ SSS - dtf } kafMM S . sion .11 PMWtn 12 a 21 i t .81 VM9* l a - a Ck/«K, j«m :s ,;o o»mhi;4• 1241 4ia .49 twv »4 SOS .a '3»ll]fOiii s u . a oxM no 4>n .,27 r iMMc a 6.,74 WMEi 1848 - 87 Olhcu n , i»» . » 1 ij«l a 3TJ2 .14 tSS3 .31.31 l(« 4168 - a H*ifi2 1,141 16 36.61 .,07 . J WeOsFtgo V 1.921 15 57.57 ♦57 ♦. -2.2 C07M JW 2 i» .141I Mil *> . 3789 -» PlxrSwn 1910I! WtSa.1 - 1.B *JJ CPI 64 !)(« .10 OtnMinn O l utmu» . 3401 -u HewitnP .32 20 19.52 -.43 -15.0 Z«nbep 2 1,28 15 58.67 ..14 .. -4,4 tVsgten. . 328 .40> tKwegn »i . 4t»l .84 PunirSy 1149 II . a WKiard eo ao< -48 CVSCo Jt MW .te Ganii«i«i1!i _ Un/rPrc«X 1S7I -07 co7« e .. » 4o - inI R$t«f .. 8 0 > a ... 177SII .82 _ asi -A UMfM 1741 .10 OwGrOCu) ISO . a OtMOl .. 1721 *tt! Wlk _ 4.77 *JJ P a ^ ^ t eo »41li .21 WtttPe sso .10 c*o«n u a .17 oipjflf M 3240 .IS POtECp . a a .t2 Ccmaa .. 770> .10 ■ s a - a wtrtiM 2tt .13 CMUn 1440 .I t CMM uM 4134 .tos PPO i n sea .ti ifO tho S2S mott octlva ttodu on tho N«Now York Slock Exchiflo«. dm 40010 rrmod 00- *«! * 1« ; ^11 icusm .. aoo -41 C4iGa' .a 1100 .16 GUnSiailV«11S4*XU .23 PPLCOPIW 47t» .:I 3 JSSrUSSliS Hara w tJ I JOAScA . lOU . a PreOie . 17M 1; .(0 XOlU - U t *.lt C4ilp*« _ I d .JT Qc(>«SF«aF«» ats .se P«U4«I n w» .32'Ik'. S «« S uwoom*I mo NsMldq NaUonal Mwkelt ond 100OO moat octlvo on Amorican Stock Exc I ASUntn .. s n .It PiemA .77 . 03 nam JO 27,19 -IJt CweSe U B P . « OeMfVMa_i2» i2* 1070 .OS Pm*» so » a -4s VttM, 72 4717 .a I futxia «fo 1.11S larooit. Stocfca In bolflold chongod 5 pofcont w moro In prtoE122:------c«roito »i3 . a I * MkKi . 24K .92 a r . ISSt le .21 V4«0I . 2742 .27 C4(0» II t?M . » Ccwsgiug iu II4S .08 PwBtnMS » n .37 v*>»ir*l| 3218 .a Oxtitn . ISS -02 , J9)0M JO 3t,7S *1« 03 ^ .e a s a .81 iwimA] . 42SI .12 C««»« 1] 4414 .OS GMrwiSlOInSlOOWiS -te V I»01 -36 I JrvrM- ,. »W -87 OuMcDn Set U CvtntRi 2841 .40 CanffttrV IOR .07 Pxaflca a 77IB .47 vkmx 114 J463 .ce N«m«:Si»: Siodtf aro lltiaO alphfttwtlcaily by tho10 company^i luU namo (not Its abbrt\brovtation). Co»«Ma . 27a . « * r at Iho boQlnnlng of oach lottora' IM.^ Co«rCi . 1081 . » I « KUTnc , iOeS2 .117 OuMlSft. 101000 .12 2cm ISM ‘ 71 Cama <0 4U9 .Jl OuOM 40 MO .46 PipiCe R 1177 .es iny namoa mado up ol innlola appov ai I Kanan m ii.7e .11 fVMd) dl Can*l«4l nc« -BO so 90 »M -74 PvtEtn a ise4 .40^ VMcri 24 263 .Jl niu.r....A.urrent annual dMdond rate paid on Bloclock, basod on lalott (tuanotly or tomlomlannual ^*ryt«Cp - je -J6 tC31 -27 877 . 12 C«MMC0 - 144} -tM HngrM•W - . 0U4 ^ p»09,( 1249 . 02 nkm. unloaa ochorvrito footnolod, C e e ^ » Jim - a WwO ^ 40W sea .113 p«rani79« aes .31:S S ' .SS :S SSS,' : 1321 UR .so MW( l lh 2407 -03[JJ veten 24 9 40..to L*it:Pilca^leo (lock waa irading at whon oxchan«ngo eloaod for tho day. Ov|Ta a X77 . a HMtfn I I.IJ i.u eoe? .11 p«M> ta im .4e^ VM»m37.2ie6 .(u Cha: ja a ot pain lor mo day, rjo eftanoo matMIcatod by.- mark. B & s m 0«Cng 1S> 1411 .21 H>4n 2424 I77e .14 PK«(0 too n u .M:S V«rtt28« UOl .Ot ------Narrw Dl» LMt Chg ft CfWUI 1 12 24 17 . 04 HMOI124 '»104« -14 RanpCp _ ,10 U124 a a .7? PMM tTJ 4199 .18.IB mwMix a a . s FimdNwnHomo: Namo ol mulual fund and lamOy. WC 1913 -02: gs£ i.. a :S' l a a -13 naoounjt7tiaot .91 Oi»mrM}20'W87 .10 HKPlKT1 1«7 2410 .» P«l 40 isn -IS• IS VOOVMItO 4446 .U B^hNalalot ateol valuo. or pilco al which fundI mo k l bo aotd. toM»PK 42 8 00 - 08 g - a RMiMT tea esoo -te enrrMiMtdii^^ hkmi SM .18 Pxwa 180 4144 . .0404 vaMKi 52 11S3 *41 Chd’ Daliv?allv iw channo In tho NAV. ' S E T . ‘,S " cn«w tea » n . u h«u n4i1141 M81 .07 PKMti a a u >• a a wn^ 211 MV .47 ™ ' iiS T« S«r*ni IH d S lt-127 oa>r 07 UH -Jl hmm1 .. -Ull . a n o o .to ISU -is• IS W*uni7ti 1701 -11 •toekFoom■ooMms oe - pe grMMT nm ee. IM - L0UDU in iMt 12 moe. d - Nm 6 2 ^ lew dutlni S S S . : S E SS ” • 3 SI “ SPon I72.inie -oe . OMMnd ki CMMn t. Slock o S S 2 S S :S , Oif«Sl»2W a js -M Het*4W1 Ti S s s ;S ISS* s s :'i «M notM. *«Mnd utat wa aryual dtS uw taSooU ... 2.“ .«, I BCOM .. a >0t lodgunrt t QmOwita s o -«2 HMcnnn 270 .4S Pnnrfcl 41 32H .CO•“ m.n.iu JIM -w 7.!^?^ 1,«4-When O..W.T CO. 11440 .280 |■Srflna 27a 1181 -13 I4faiw 1*18 I« |p^pM*^Ovldend, e - UquUa suioin .. t a . n iMai .. 43«3e2 -es SPFna lea 27.71 .06 CaaO100 4441 .W Hm«i I . ■ 4Sa -101 PnS**>« 318 .02;S SS'S'S2:5 5SSSS- OMnd er ptU « pmMng 12 me*. I - A/m 'f?gg£d C ^B - 173 I.”' OiKaS J4a a.«7 .02 HMdlODTrOls 32 CocaCC le x a .4o hm»oI i12 s 4387 . 21 PiUM W u n .IS My MAdMOtnO cr (ODLI - PMd M yew.r. 4««WMid‘ecMBed. deterred or no eeaen OMNtwlOa 842 . 01 NAPatg . t« -s u?s .f*: r.i! :j? Csw - IX -X I 18 90 . 37 PStO 2» 4102 .34i K .. ■“ S£S,-K1 ax 's » .1JS :S gSllM 4Ba lies - n N M o . 1 Co^« H 1221 .02 MCC« ■432 -oa PigAwtoo2ite >04 «Vf^ leo eise .o< ducMonMn M MdwMon. p -M dKWinuil (lie unkn IZmeapkj* Own» 1344 .e t si»SPG«t2a Ot2 - a OdSff 40> « Otc«M » 4B1I .ei 4 - h berMup*n«ieysrr» DSUniiii 31 gwn s ^45 p^Epwisoa Crtfd iu a u .01 um! inIW 770 . a Ounur tSI 407J .03 Ey Aa or eeewaM aMumed By Mich cemtMmpanlee. OncnE 40 tA49 .ee is Cej» 31 a .14 “SJT 'lS fl “2JJ 5 UJ UtHTi SOM “ oas »w .71 CoTpSa 000 . i » n n72 a3« .IX RPU 16 isse .21,ji wtui R «J4 .» X 'a'srs.rsirasi E^cMOm « .01 •SMAoa . 088 .142 PMiCar* I li .13 mtgriM a48 .» Pind Peotnom: • - e««pul e«ni * n uS l K S ^PnvWui day* »««. n • No-towtMdtund.p- t EVUCkfiei 1S7S .06 0Aioomrit«Ma l9 .14 pwBtCe'n e My iMrtiuiKin eom. t - RMwlOempBon lee cr cortbrtgenl Otierred sataeeelowlm^r K (Ua^ » .02 0fl1000042a43w O .18 prrtffriaj* 73as2 .111 vrsfc*g 17S . a cSSwiTS 3 " W0«*> 40 3t01 .01 IMCa . 281 .».» XoCnsir O 1731 . a tatf.t-BK- 8W« (»>UM e> tpN. t - (Ml p wtf r. Ii-CraehdMdwM. - 1 too 4tu .O fWf)iMniao7in .o» E.«mei8S liss . « iSNUioneM7st a . u Pnron 7719 .ot WhMflg . 235 -04 ConMCon .. 1710 .It »*• 100 >00 1335 -a 8oufco;ThoAwocloctotod Pr—a. Salop flgumo OT urxiunoffielaL OirnUen _ ito -J7 SNW0OV23H15«e.a a ProCtol" ’7n - a WMml 12 2tl -07 CvCd 12# 4117 .» _- XiM -2.1S FtMM .. 4U .08• 08 ^MMl « 37.12 -W ------1 0«Mtonc .. 8» .02 iSMtaooOlt»S3a i9 -is RaaOyan _ s.S.M .JO Wintwi. , n .0) ■ Thur*hur»cnano«W«j:' ' ' IPlalnum tBWTHlfoTu.' rJ V M»c ri'UREs Ss ss'” n:r « ^ S 5 r LM SM. Chg. rn q,.no< «Ml*d. n.a .not avadabK = continued frim cC5 s m eetingg llie financial services ------ju7 231 ““ail NEW VORK (AP) - K«y cuiianev ••cm if businesses tiirougliout Im* * ^ ‘?0 64 2S 84.47 - 90 I•tlM WednoMty, comptted ~.0i lala■.' TiitS222. v Nampa and CaldvJdivcllmdsmi..n P, ^ aro*' n New Ybih: In Idaho TaJIs. t nd Idaho and will serve l4 iiH i i”*’° OolwvK EatwioaRM Pv*.0« ' ■ -">p-y ) signiflcandy increase >M »lo 8o« K;«"|1:b7 IYen . noSl 111.42 said. p Im ™ f!a o8“ "T his iS n ol. a real lypic-al “‘"P™leiradon '' in Uiese impor- W i l K SSS 8i«t«l<»ne . 12017 1 2025(5 ihlnK w e're doiiiB, arkels." President and . i i S 1 li il yi.El iCansdonoout. 1.3252 1.3192 Illi." hu said. c h lu flicxecutive . Oflicer of Zions n IB.OOOTue'iuMt 12.101: •Mei«snpoM> 11 4290 114180 l^ la J T p T M V -= B.S BO ‘"rills w as a nI ofopportunity w c uankSco,rot I A nderson added in a i » = a n rafffi"” ...,.. saw Io pick u p SOIsome, real p o d , .s,a,L.,ni..n 3 - 1 ’,I ]«.: cant* par b .■nt W ednesday, 140 —2 Aug ItS.iois.to 11500 114.25 11442 —03 F o s s i l f u eL u S qualifiL'd commLTnerctJil lenders. jIjl.bank operates -133 full- 3 30 113 55 Vll » 111 ” - » rNEW YORK (API —Future* l.sikng on 11 nsioii reaffirms service I:brancnes throughout .a.up.,7 ■“ ■' H ii?“ Yola E.eftange WetfnoKUyay ^ Zions Hanks cot s l ; :'l!l «07 loo'oo 105.85 105.U5 ^.55 ^ cotnmittnent lo Uialiandid Idalio. 11010 .-00 S,000bu minimum; ew uo«r‘WEETcS81e‘“ “ “ ' IIOV'II .00 Aug 039 042[4 r‘ ^ 7 “~^ 7 .05 S i SWOO 100 00 lOOOQ.100 00 —OS 11,000 bU.;doawtp«tid noo 10000 0040 0040 -e o :Sep 44S2 4490 4330 441)0 's;s ; S S! S “'»?!5' “ ®2'54 7 '_ 7 j 5 ' ' ‘” ®° /uao ■ l i Jan S68 7S S72 II 3.000Tua tu m 3.331 - C s :| Chees(s e ______liOl .72 Mat 578 57D gn^.121,303,up244 r^ 43 50 43M 42 50' 43 8*'’ i S ’l - " ! S i » Continued from C5C5 m enis tluh e G ossner iiiLS m ade to a ;8 . g S8»“® r3brre'?3*’77 45 7777-io b i il^ Ifi? liaS i?.-’S S JSS? 5 ' 33 w ho have dt.*cp rocroots in the com- their vet'endors. Gossner Vice 130 W» M« M »-tM __-Api!-! ilM -41 25 -4070 -4t 2S— ■{»-* -8S-a -75Tj 5 - s s » , ‘S - ,i S s s ; - V .-M- - miinlty. ■■ l^*sideni(It Gret; Itowley said ex- 120 B035 6000 . 00 35. -.10 JJiw 40J0 40 45 39 95 40455 .35' "Cm amjizcd al. al ilitjir c oncern ' isiiiiginfriifrastniclure was anotiier 1.00 01.00 eroo oi.w -.25 j \ and,how much:h i they w ant lo factor in.ci.choosiiig tiie location, I,15 0115 01.” 01 15 -4 0 !S« 39 30 39 01. 39 30 39 «t ted tlie pn.-sence of iho sr sr.?ir",fr.*Ts .MM Mj5 .40 *“jg “"® / ...... 5820 —.10. C0«1 ,..., _ 393(1' - w : .-m ake this work.":." sshe s;iid. Me cite it70.73.ut>0 10 . r 7 I ^ l l i e ciian^e of of| plans h ^ coiii tiearby wastewater- v treatment; , IS- h ;s . .75 21’35 2lio2 107 b»?'i«Si^5 B710 .JOO • Doc 2120..21.2020 20 02 20 0/ . 07 • t»t5,350.Tuo'imtei - 11,120 CDec 38 35' 3fl9o' 3000 3800^ . ^ , llte company Umiime and rnoney. plant andid niil lines. said. CoConsinicdon o t anijcipaKI te d grfuvth in Idiilio's' iyi^7 .034 Ma, 2000 209i or.o iS ' ; - 3!SS5 Ihe new plani willwill be on a “fast ilai^ jnd^dpstry JLS positive-factors ■ ? .M - irack" in o rder 10to fm eet,conjm it- in th e dcc l i i - ” i l l ” ^ 1 4 o i l Sw 2002 2002 ■».Jui . : _ 37s;s' 47 BO 20 70 20 00 - 03 Etfwito.24'i»245Tu«>.'»tal«'3»0***° .>.Aug .... 37 33 ■ .^ -^ 1 1 !§?§BO 20 70 20 00 . . 02' .Tu*;toi»»n. 14 15 . .07 • • Tuo-0 u>«« 15,020 womi 1.545 , ! D*e's' 30 55 :‘36IKI 'jfi 10 .' 3006EH 12 16 . o r IOOten«:Oalanp*ftgi ■ M ee i t a l s /M o n e y Jun ! . 30 40i t W m F O R M O R E J229 ..00 ^ 0 10200 102.W1 Dec • 3(i15 mm l i l l j K ^ S S —Z Dee 3520 3551) 3520 3558 ■ Om: 34 30 35 13 34 30 35 13' ■ ^ i/^siioMi Tu« 'tialo» 223.207 ' 'Mai.akeMeAjfj^^ 3 b S i!i liiji is! • M«y 10200 Ifl300 1 OuoWWn* tram SWIalrUfftCo. ft Jui 'lOOM 10050M 1W W Ib2.M ^M Sep 11700 117(10 11200 1t700 y Oct 110.30 itHUO 11350 11(141); ir • cur Om 110 00 120R2 11540 12023 s ■ | S | l i J»n 120.10 121 05 11030 120 54) V.iiWy lH'iiti* ?,030.ua B02 _ JJy o|S2nS!a ; ii • SMI ------Pneo6 Tim noMo gio-op-nno ixHir' goWtpolrnonmWW M05 50OH < HIILIONAIRE HEESE I l K t: !Uank USA 4pm Wod U05 20 of Jun’' J 103 80 t05 33 102.40 t05 33 is; ^BIDT SSiiiSHiiSS: Jui 103 30 10458 103 00 104 50 Aug 103 00 104 83 103 00 104 03 r-I’v-uM i»aj. 0 . ^ t . OKm'iii pocaseas on me Clwaoo Merean. ,, iHK (AP) —Fmuiet tiadng on in* NV ! • W IIS i ^ l E l l Low SMB. Cfto. [S ,0>a>,«,'.,0>=Ji!i J ^ l004§ I07B3 10040 107«3 » . s r P o x / T A ' r O E S . m Z i M ^T'uesUlotM.535’ ■'® wcckV I), ------——— Oet 402.0012.00 402 00 394 30 300 50 -4.50 Hi STARItTSSEPIEKIWBER 6 ; s ; ; s x ; " 5 i >220 403 40 399.30 397.00 —140 L 7^"niS. U,T'‘‘' CHICAGO (AP) - useUSDA-Maioipoiaiomat. II.70 401.70 397.00 309.40 —4.40 4 I ,;. kol* FOO »^,(«l>nopO»lpOmlsToowlay WuM«l» .sA'AJ!0 00 40090 400 00 400.00 -440 £ c.m.,..lo..A.,uiisS S .0 H sH ; rs,ss?!.?“r “'" a = 12.50 402 00 401 00 402 CO —4 40 C Dahid 5.toit>(amwg»4g» (non Sue A) 3.50 ?“0 ...... 404.40 —(40 >Nov 12005 122 74 12040 122 74 !' nutsal NotkolAh* lOjfx«WMIbcanont 12 00...... 400 30 -4 40 Dec E 110.50 120M 11600 120 04 . B s f P H (J 1250. I00coonl000« 18 30 406 30 800 30 400 30 —« 30___ J > ------G i u i n s ...... IMIeaS^IBtiKnbAfliiiiiiiino.i ar.Al 5 M '------10 it>«»l0«a?0 coun). ICO • .412.60 -4 20 t. ------cwT'* “ ® 12654 ^ ,«<< nt un nAl. OAl«0 5-iO*jr4mbaosaos(nonSiMA) ' May 120 34 r«iit r>j«;ro iub flutwl Noil.ota)i» Wa«fVaU>«)lon50H>caitoni70 if l ...... ■ 4p 70 zi-lo Jun 1 . 125 24 .' .' eouni 0 00, 100 eouni 0 «j fin na» D(il«(l&.10lat4mM0t b50 44Bb0;4550;||3| Aug' ... '• .’ ‘ . 12039 • ij50.«>eailoni 70 eouni, .... Tu«‘«ulo*40.41B ^.«u.e)J7.. . . l«es> 7 Wi«eoiiMi100 counl. Nw»Olalij 5C ao* Iw Sus Al 0^22.545 h rw H 4 n » « . B^Si^nSJ’srw'SPn., Wl mi 210.091 1 »o»y,h,i^ 0 00 • anont Scio AWaarunO'on . B.OOO troyyQZ.:e*Mtp*rtreyoz oz.; ’ C . . . ^ 6510 -195 S” K 61^ H i? - 2 0 674 5 040 0 S527 -195 E 1 "^75_____ ■ ^ s S S “ _ S jliUGAR.< : ,“f ------0»C 077.57.5 077:s oabo 6lo?'3loo ~ f Sugailuluiaaliaa.ngonlDs ^an I ^ ...... j u g , . — .. 10 ofll b 0500 650 -10 5 Ao! * 6170 01M 6130 OUB ^ cw a ...... 002 —102 May>• 6043 OOCO 6033 0033 - s s s s s s35 - in^ eiop) SUQ/SKTOFttfl'lf' ao 078 0 0G4.5 004 —19 0 JJun 0110 6110 6040 6051 I • ^ ' B j U l pa, K . Sap OUO0 0 600 0 007.0 007 -103 JJui 6000 0 100 6 055 0 0B5 • ssf.;;sK ?,= ss 53 7 08 7.M -0 3 O** «'<>00 0 070 2 070 0 oro -17 9 A iS 040 040 .... ^an ...... ) -M < > ^ 5 ^ 0110 Ot” ono ‘^i?® ' Mnlil'tiiimo*'' ^ 7 ®2®11 0?0 B20 . Io4 May ....■ ■ '■ 070 ^17 7 N^ 6 ^0 0 ^ ’0 ^ 030^I' - ‘ Dl 4 no (tionclyl. (^, uOO 0 04-»■ 707 8 00 . 04 . Dee 6 503 6 520 0 41)1 0 499 - :: 682. ^ 17,5' Jan J. 0 090 .„0.090_a.C34.C 634 - = = S ~ “ S2 “ ; ' » J i ’ a ;s ; ',S : g - . ij_<:(^??M_„ToaiJala»ja.iaa__ -Mai_MaQ__C4W fl4!a 0433 I .IOo-n«,. i t i ,.o •.lay 5(;30 5630 50H 5611 I liu>hoia;>UOow..!,| Jun . 5 011 - S f l g j o g =i” I r.iiNNI,Al>OLlSlAI']-W*U Low S4RM^ o ,. iSZ ISH i Sw 5W10 aC(« 5 00 5 010I . ;^3 5.000 ^ mjnkrum; Mnu w ®S^, I p p .-” «™«»^''josoT fl to Jm N » 21.30 21.30 H*M"laO<«iletcaied 17.741 oil so 307 . d DSJ 0'i50 0150 0 060 0 060 - i i i i i i Jan . 6 20H> • M..I 3f,b -Ji ‘aw 357 3!)3 -0 Tu«C»Ml«»t01 .0 2110 21 .0 JS"oS?S'%^("m wJo’n ®"‘® “'’®' *’ . r«b ^ , 0 171 . M.i» j/0^ yo-aty 0 71?5 3(j: iT ? Tuo'i open ml 0.13414 London lalelie siiSihot to 400 ofl i6.200 M«. M .. I oonI - ^2 ^^K&jjI|jEGpj| Eno»»»'0)t0 M 500.0flt0f 2C0 A ‘i sn ]ttb<.caiodS7.74i oil S0 307. MayW 5.3n . 3Uti ^ t apotwonm WedncaWy to 519 . Ji ------hl^------»s ■’ LlVE.tEgrocK ._ S jg ------Aug .. • 5 359 .-32 POCAtCLUO (*Pj -- l(JIdAfto Faim Ouieau Inlot. NEW VOOKnK(AP)-Spoi if nonlariou* metal S CIIICAnO lAP) — rulitinMiAUinuolno Ol. me cn-ejl- tnounU.n Liyawoek RepRepon to. WeOnncMy. C>««< WednnKinetday 0S ■ SS5 : lloUo.wl o( It.iOo.V/BU . UVCSTOCK AUCTIONON --noiBu.O Liveiioek A J ^ ^i. . 78780 cenltpsilD. London Meui Nov N . 559; - 5«4ao »8. Company «o TuoWay I a DDee 5B50 5 050 5B27 DU27 whbST COWi 50 00.05 00; r>MVWBvYle«)e>tle«>» 105.00- Coppe. .$134t134 00. CainoO* luU platp, U.S. OMh- Ji 5.000 bu mkilmtfn. unit pM bu>M|>M . lieoO.liolillvcMitlos»IOT.» 10000.n0.00, nation* Feb 5(M2 , n..p M 75 —7 25 ftlockor ilMts llOOO-t:O.t35 00;i-gmr>oit(e«fe.Wii1 n^A, built 7lm>Oi05>0500.11000. I^|t>1 le«d«l Gok). S303»3 0S 05Han«Jy« ,rm«n (only OiJy. J,S ..11 : to. »l«k». hoilo.e no 00. quoie). o.* . aio355 -4 l1iM,«lil.a>«fvi,fVa, iloekeow,«atl paui tVs, Gold . S400OOOOItoyot.,NVMe.eapolTu. OO S Tue Mvanoi p>o» (V'«. (wOoitOotlimOtiVAinomaikt . S>ivai.M5C0l5C0Hsn«yAHann«n(G^)iMit, lamM. canxi ’ auoie). U U u U ^ ^ ■_... •Inacly lo li,gl>er §Uv«<.S0510l519l'0y0Z.,N.V.Metctp0IWed 0 ■ I 31 5.000 bu minimum; eanti pec buiM Ma.eu.y • t30500.pef70lbllatk,NY.UOi K 1Tuv'aulet 108.421 ' si ; Ono S24 :. ;>J4 7i J70i;-20m 7i75 —3 75 CHICAOO (AP) — Fului'uluiea Itadng on Iha Cluea. Plalnum •. $04*043 00 iioy 01., N.Y. (eoniipci). ^Tuo.'* opsn ml 378.400

«?!E!_S!!L?2J umip 9w4 CQCwUttFilt: MCpOp iet(Bt -09 FMmMB: LjtOxGI 9U I 3198 -IS SncrtT (OOS VcyOlOt 1265 .07 WcAMpIiS; -01 JA»E) *AHI>ln«1: •• *'«a '! .07 IgCr. 1EI4117-29 «ti>Qt 234 .10 Uucc42lt] . lOSO .01 Jnan SU .18 Uo>«an$untunWlitM: Toft I0S3 >01 PuinmriwnFimdiU: SmiDi Omy AIWA: &CaTi D*K«iicr -M *“J •.01 ifvai tn •n si«v«Bp »o«)0« -01 DM0 90S UaiC«>S2l78is .;s S.4s',;» BTsI1402 -17 j«hnH*nceckA: Ol>iFhsinlainlli7 )no 1043 . 01 (Vrep l u s ; :S! E ; ’i i i •“ ( .o DmiFuMtA: stuual »47 S5« -07 SmC(A*p813 -07 IMuMSSKtnrkIi PMCOFvndtA: (VIK 2 *M DnMFundaB: WSip I0«1141 c«rd) <91 «oi UMcJS n109 n . .03 ElKHA X94.139 OCMi i902ISO: -12 T«M 2(2 -10 rnS.Z 1919H .08 l»OuA loa OTCr 'ii:;!! sw :f-v s -« B: NVV«iO»1S >07 InMprtMCIC;:iC; EqM) 15(0 .01 IMWo£l1107107 .- a Fmdn 44« -08 CiiTi aK : 14* .07 n«n«A H53 -19 Vna 5UCVII262 -OS 009 .01 Cctsin 2214 -31 OMnyFtMi 2ioe -10 nM«v>pii49 .03 vm‘ S :£ S IUS0Crt48 "tT'" ‘590 -« ■ :% S7 Wvir^‘V^07 dJS^WI^S io> *01 HMnnii987 .i«; (^MMyai;s : : “ t ii 1791 -06 TotfM 1083 . 01 ptFvnda'vnaa; SSoi . « « -0? T-w.tfy•tfyBtevM: S»ft«k;.n15tl -W 8-07 (frvwC»u -07 CaMlacl>«CM*; r«>4p 259 -09 SwrJ2 210521 - 06 PIUCO FvAdt B: IlS&rCeWle2463 -I* SffliinBtmeyC: 01 R«yc*Fii.:.'’f« 3 . ? '’- *1^.'*1 2435 . 01 STF«n 1049 .01 in .C8 n ^ l -OS 9>hSSpB47 FWMtySpwtw: >An* 1S4(948 . 01 HE4II »73 -IS NatlentFuftiFuMlMA: MiCOFundiC: l>l>rS».>r$».1144 .10 SMinO»t>nl: SM t4M .OJ STIffyr 105* .01 1637 .( 1«2 .02 MaD 1338 -.11 9M£Sp1033on . CAW/inl244 -01 OeUmtnSacn4(l>*)ni]: UlMln»a; OlFdPiAn9■An9n .01 IVuaCi:i14 .11 C«t,l. S»noM#l9 .12 ie« m o ox -01 sw»7t 019 ••'* EakKn a a -09 HYIAn 107«074 nEtfqi10t2 -3S ItWPAnn toa10 -01 itNincpii49 .Q p>«T>i<"^"i i'5« 'tr •“ SnTrrOllCIM .01 A»*.«p MJJ .C I" .« MirO) » » -21 TWMI 1091 S. -?S n, T.10P.-C4M-10 177 . 02 ^nws 13U -09 TmeSSpl09l SMnin 7447 .19 OuarMiruMuwi: l*9gUaton:Fd »lV»iAnl9 s t'S ioi ’‘“Ci.nas: -os : ■” s h : l ; ; i171 i K ji^I 4^u -m jg74p»l nrUufllOK Sw H7;S72 . 07 C«nTrl125a -10 H)Cc»>An9>An9S0 -06 MtCOFundiO: flutwOFiS i s ; ” PU.»;IT5 .w US(iip ion .01 mss *:? 5tf*flnA,«e. avipcSS UAIAfinlMS .01 Bml 120<20< .01 MTrp 93 59 - 07 Ne«eqMtltMtOenn PuWond: W5*S :« 1329 ivUtfrn .’OB* .03 BOo»p.O« .» -i " Mu*Rnt3W -01 Cte*»eam>452 - a 'Mt'MI S8I9 -n mv: BMvaeaSC -M O-nCaSwEatoOn'-li •SUsoCrtA:'^ It 139t- VWBin 359 -01 . He s s ’” is S s ■ . KYWkunnCB -01 Mr XXe» .37 LongMPstnef*: foaa ».97 30 .46 Pty«MtunM: IMiCC isri 107# Mibn 1S?T -ot bA: ^ P w i a n -M o«iw1 M31 a -02 OIU 1047 . 0, JjoCpi. «UneF«^ vntMn;7ii .o< i-n i a a is » ’.s S l l in S i i ' S2i"^g -09 W p^i ScSs lilS .« »"'*C '?» jv. u£«oi.ior -01 incvT ism -• b” I » SfiOp a S -09 p«t« » ' s r s T ; - . ! :s a“i».ss;!! a r s,M .02 FAMApnea tacnr 1255:” > •** W»p^oo*'-og S ^ p ilwB92 LMmbSfyln: Nwbwgwll”i . - “ kkCVApaei -14 iRfdaibxr M g r - H s s f e s . - s SSfkO I74« -01 nMm(M>lMrA: nmtaarFAB: . UdCpApai:01, -H ISOonai 13(» -02 0«w» 3764 37 . 0: Porfa*|>36e6 .01 M«»n- s :s £Sa’,S„, SIM) B51 .. 1MCPAP20U^ • MOt ftio -09 MtrtartFdtOUB: Lo>«Ab6MA: UehotnOn a i ? ! ! : ! SS.1Z.,63 -CD TBWMP10 74 FMnyWiUWI: UQivMiiga -04 CMtspnaiW89.27 AMAp t3l2 -06 MOin“ i? 53 2 ' ~ •“ K,,;;; -« S .S ;S rvuAnwFdtY: HaiMFdtCKC; ax)*>p70 NonnM«il.r I I ; i glAp 17T6 .02 EnwdnHTI -13 SK 13.;” !!» “»i ili-S ;s ■» si l : s l S i . r H " SyLr. i ! : CetiOd IIS. ... C»*(Ciar!«rs .27 De.GlAp1290 -IS TmsI 7 i*Jkp104» -01 -IS St: fc»dCp»p19i7 -M NuMiOOnoir^ •“ • w « o . s , ' s y : s B s f i: - -I l S'l's S u3 ^ ^ s i i S f si '- S ! IS ,’, S ;S! "SSUHI9S -13 LoWAteene: MMOdd 914 9 -01 prte.Fu.«).A«; C ^ l 'S SuOpi:75 -W 'JwDiKamFundtBJ IMC»r<12M -09 ^ '01> ' HwlMHUU3 tA, i ^ S 1319 .M 0*kA>*oeF S K ! 5 ;S r “ H Ji - ■=:?« S c ..1 S ,'" S S ■ 1(2 .01 Bin«p 7SJ VthMOkGK 2 S S a ; K ; S ss,’.a!S :? »p*W¥£scoui»»«; Urji, :!J ^ ( ^ e - -S'^Vln11vT.-0< CotCquplOW .« L'™', ]J* , i ; » ® , s S 5 i: S ;n:;: ®iii » » - KSum S- -« SSS : Z n ' O«MI>A1905 . 09 ss^i»4, ■n .02 T«ailaM13SB .49 ►'>“ a74 M : S i H K tH S r is B is :« £«' 25 *S ss ;!J » . !iS :S .-Vfiip . 'aSMf K14 .» ^SS--JI !KHS:11 .0 Ffu^ampFmk*: “* • S^,'SHr" S-ll S piMAdnartl; VMn 1192 .C; -S ; i“ :? 'ST'jS- <9 .01 AOEAp 209 .01 '52SS?«ia '-m ’S "fSUnc"!? »Anl3S3 .09 6MWB11124 .01 ScMnS7n-51 VanguanlMPFM: l^D 38U .16 ■" s s r ^ s AtnnMlI -24 o ,^ „ ,>u .CQ TttfiAp 15® :'d • " f f i p ’JJS :?i ^ ai,';s ;s •■ l l S l l i ^ ^ - « .21*"’ ” “ D^Wnll2\Vx :°w S ^ ’S •” 00 17« -M GntlOplOii -BJ "JS' S ; " n 3 r : : I SEsJllg ii S E , 912 -09 « EOW"'"?*<■2482 -08 MDcn]n 994 .06 STIClMU:iMUe: C>AMCll032 - 03 “3g ^ ^ ^ io V o r I 'Z UsOSl 1177 Vtn«l>i054] .•a«n11».01 UdCi*in120 -IC » -» WTucnt4W -01 mFuMtl ^ i f l i iA«nniOB6-30 SCWn 22 01 • IC II -s smc au . £S?n 1(” . i f ! ! t S ' io^ fnS :si ■■! S'' Stn 1355. -01 TDWn 1024 -O' ' 2 « • OUaOiCkrflTSS- (MiAoaas -06 CcrOiK 1231 i l . 'SS “dC»n416« tl# SetwOfi II S '^:S S SS« -a TifB>i»(piar4 ... 291 •91 .19 WnTAplOM ..01 S . S . . S 'lF ii K.0«M002 . 01 TSMfi »15 -O: ' CaMAVimCIA: F.*MHd*: B2 ... tmrnAp 2M nWAp 1949 *2IW • " I**'"'® ,* *® tM^.I5»H.n)0?9 -0# WEaAp 969 - 0> ; Hn»p »4« .12 UUiMIOM -y . I 1074 NHe«na21 -12 1WJSS"'9W " - ’* -13 l^ijj p»45 -11 SnCpSlin;72l-16 Uuaaif >tAJn1069 WVStrAatMU^^ 'lisi B iS:s Snii S T 'S * : ,2 X, 55 ;SI KlWnl024 . 01 atUrsApl2I2 -CD "■ ac=?^.. a s s i ” B r i UUTin25 15 . 07 nMn|)ii20) .(d SsSlIii: ■” n ,0? tia Sw ^ :S S : 5 S ! :S S f f ^ W**r.«ISI.08 ______!-» w'!s.« a js AB30 -41 So«*0' -O' i i H t s i i >59 WFd 140S -82 S»Mp 4 IMTdrdt: "••• SM .<>■ i - | . tssi"^s:s •>^0- ^ 'sS ^ I'h T '-II s2Sl.V «An a il .03 SeT«M 1» .0» S :S ! : S r i IT 1651 114 JsssisS TiWCI 1050 -B2 s i . , . ! ! : ; a1'.^ .0 g]0g .11 WTt«K4tt“ iii S. I s s ;S SZ.S Tn n a 730 -O' S .K . ■ SSr,S!!:;1 is S ’1 i“ &*-Xrp1575 . « &2n2508 . 21 Wrnum: g -» 9>miAa9: .07 gSJ?,.,|S C»8» - a D^O*" 997 .01 S,i!i! ;S iiijiis ■"' g ■ 'jsy'Ti .0 !S ■” Sl'ir.o S S?"S2 ’Sl »'• •- i •"' §,'!S ii i s f ; ! p l i gSfp*! 5 15^:a s s --s ’s r t r - , . a?!i a » :« ssf"",?;; ^ S 5 o « J« -31Z MK* IX !S :l! gav ia :S SlS: UAn “ ti iol UcCiPVI 240 -o; ■ -0 KA 2708 - 07 ‘*>c» «SB -06 - i:« Sf!S:S SSS is'S H in BJis! s : s S i s kiCqn 824 -08 SrCeCt S a -16 > -07 TltKApl40| .01 KMMp 4H ' i J iu i ,m QnMpSSS >14 VMfn 43W 15^ :si S . SZ«,?,S ^ ilg‘ il itottf 74« - a Lrf:pa«p ra a -OS■ Govun in ... i«.coSKniBeB-IH .H .Wrt«ptl47 . 07 wtWna57 p a a HTdAp 79S -01 *’mP»ti irpin«r SnCwV SM -0) i: Tc«xp-1042 .01 IflmA e«l J?*.?! F iin ^ T a * JmtAwankiili,” S 'iii is »„?:II!* -01 ncqp 1999 -10 toSSX'!SH “^ H ?£-" ® ;!!%;»;: M.WT: M«ep 991 -04 EaMOfti;10P.1S32 -» Crorti 4483 ..IS 2 ? ^ I-. S il:s S iii3 ;S ?Sc.»„ -,. ssrsiii?:S ! ■S:S,‘'’S f - „ ■ wY1768 s - a h>Ap 1082 -0* JeliFundiFu«iCl| Tti^MiA: S SS ? i is S J * •“ 31 -02 imfiftlt7l .01 kUStcnlia2S ..01 UOtunUt: UCpG>na89>BS -K u«naLynchl: KHOFindainda: H>OpApM32 - 27 liY^l > *01 Uurfif S» -Ot l*<9Mpl04: « - f IflEf. I ! S ’2J w’-C 'aB)S: .11 EUC«I aoB -o? nACBPi.ioi111000 MMAP1969 - 0< teleaadF, 5Sivn7«iS is ii K.Wfl '«t -0-01 w S p a i# - a ika«* toe?87 ..01 KM loS .01 OTCn" a S * MnkiMS: TiEiAp 179 AmShSp:ASP329B -ce iS6^<34T .10 It^z ,! B iii - Vsuti t:c» -cs CskfiMClnte:• e: Ctfiflp 8H -01 l*nuu 30202 KTtI lOSl .Ot OMMtnasa.-s.itj ?Sri!S :f, r55oi *9J2 *a 1083 . 01 U5G SMg52 >01 .MCws.". 13 :SI 'S a5 '?r-„ ' -10 c^M 2 (0 munkiseiei ..01 MCcossioia .01 Pmn teaa --01 I'U* 5U4 . HWWp 972 MMIS: VUMp 7«3 -OT CcnflAi:UlAiaJO .47 Pm» 144 - 09 ^ Z L ‘rAp «M -08 Stgjcuni,cunl4)U .» aTCpSai47S -08 iaW.s.";;s :s; ■" DwOd 4W -' S:S1 SffffiVSl K ’S!!-09 ... EnMi 14 04 -.17 J«nMMAOM«Mm B: U»eC>BI.I2 .03 CanednflH.V1I4M -06 PuMiFiKidaD: SnMltMt Te»P 208 .« IMU I .-.J! ftS.®'JS •” Kftf,'12'M Ka4m 4S7 ..02 SrKpStnlit}.96^11 Fo 1290 00 AcMcflpli30bo -02 UarantMare: HW 9!953 .01 (>M)1 1717 .01 ««G.Ap.Ap 1199( .17 ThMMFMe; LTCOV«n"'9a g a SK ;S KSSSSi :i I|4 tyvoj 1130 -ot T«40i)p107474 ItStCS 9M .. StO^nlOOt . )a .33 AmCMItH -M tnOu lO;loa »a£ap i9ii -09 «oApAp i 1352 . 04 l«Cti«tpl234 . 03 LHvyl irdnZlt- DnOS a a -00 iAxSkf 10.1044 . 01 M l 997 -09 FOMAB 1 1ST is -., ■ srsfff'.^.o; i^SinoTi ” >SK .:. SSSpSjl S?"i?Sn . .61 l^Cn lio -K 'oI553‘*1?« 1 1149 . 03 HrfteiSHO -24 IflCpCAp'SCpliJ .06 ta-nE i iii 1“ ' t

1 ...... - e n t d m ti i t t a .C^iletmial h'jlitonViryjn.j/mS. H utdins- 735-3242i42

i'uKC C:-8 ■ 'I'hursday;; A u g u st 12, 2004 ^I'hc '^rimcs-Ncwsvs

— gtc ^ a ll sera]ipboaka

fs Slill - tl-that " season w ^ w h e n engagement, e r > \vedding_L . . . a n d anniversarya n n o u n c e - I m e n is fill-n e w sp a p e r ' co lu m n s in biglig num bers; |, j i SIShare old photo? A nd last wtel« newspaper office at m o re o f m arriai•iagespast. • . . 1 3 2 F9!rneld'St.'W.Fi li}TMlnF^lls ■ So today, wwe present j r w f f B W W K i '

■ - ■ — Virginia'a S.t Hutchins — ntnt CMIIMII el « MOWUD and•dMTRIU Ml lUUM eOWUN A lbertirt ‘B o>f Conklin and his new' wife,wll Anna Cook.Conklln, strllrike a rare.pose (or their wedd>ddlng photograph, shortly befcbefore 1 9 0 0 In : th e Hagerman Hai area. Their photograptrapher was J.P. McMeekln.


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ftMSC(• cMini ol tumec rniiniN ai im> r^tIt Dewitt ‘Dee*}' anda Addle Smith LaHue areI picturedp In th e ir 1 9 1 8 Twinn Falls weddingng iphotograph. Addle Sm ith’sI familyfi had come from Now_I_____ . Brunswick, Canada,Ca to settle In iWln FalisIls In 1 9 0 9 . w h e n .sh e .w a s------11 years d. Dee I LaHue, at age 18 In 193912, had left his family andI home state of Missouri to travel by trainI tot TWln Falls. 'H e'h ad heard aboutt ththe new area opening up hereire, and lie ven tu red o u t to find 8 new begbeginning as a young man,' sailaid Bea Petersen, one of Marjorie Belt and Seth rwaves at the Radio '^E nSB li! the LaHues*' daughters.dt Dee LaHue workeded first a s a nu rsery em* R ondevoo on Twin Falls■alls' M ain Avenue In 1 9 3 7 . The ____ The couple w as In------onTn> e ai n d th e y b o u g h tI a.a.team of horses. From 19133 to 1918, the brothers , sin g 'I Love You Truly’ly' ito his b^de during the weddiddlng. S e th died a t Anna1 {P(Pugh) R oyster. ‘M other lovei trod to garden and se w m oreI thantti cleared sagebr[ebrush on the Salmon tract ammd plowed the land for $7 . age 92. says his sisterIter Thelma Brown of Twin Fallsills; Marjorie now anythlnihing. She mado this Wedding' dress,'d says their son Don RoysterRo an acre.. lives (n Calirornla. of Burleurley. ‘During the DepressionI shes made and mailed manyI gradua-g( tion dresses dre: to nieces around thee country.’i JFpp^7 | ^ ' i'.r-

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rM« cMiMii 10ON Ronmt n a MWrMMMmtNDuninwiMirM. Frederick and Claraira Wegener,1 married Feb. 1 8 ,1 M agic Valley s e ttle rsI JeiJennie and Louis George HillIII pose(: for their Lauraira IRutter Pugh and Qrover Pufugh marry In TWln Falls In tho 11892, pose for their wedding photo. Thehe couple• owned the Wegener's wedding picture In Carnlambrldge, Minn., In 1905, lmm

Corps 0D f Discoverry lives on Tlic om-of-staie vehicle TH' V'-' llie M useum o f Idalio's pariparking; i lot indlcaicd tliat th c placeJCC was not « well kept local sccret.ret. My , iaho’’s k uu ck sported tlie only Idaliialidll- cense pljitc. aiid 1 was 1500 milesn from hom e.

-,DivSi;ri i d e i G\ iN\';V','/VSqur Mike Cothern

ivelers ^ ^ Lewis and Clark, travce.Avere. ______orUdH __ fromH u much earlier time,)f w cele- o'ur focus. A m u ltitude os, f c a n d T N * brations. ru-enactmcnts, i roadside markers undoubtt Diverss explore dot tlic route. Also, m anyo tn ne go tional museums like tliis om to Krcjit iengtlis inteipretlngSl;: area Wii^atersand people, Jiiilfacts, ancllandsc ofthe expedition. It .soon becamc uppanST= discov(^erwhat •• tiu innoun however, that ru m o rs abouto n e o f Diver C hris HuddliIdleiton clowns beneath thaI sisurfaea at Bear Laka on thala litaMI daho border. Museum of Idaho havingon the top Coqis of Discovery hii)iis just m iglit b e true. : : lurks bbeneath ■ Ueforu seeing anytiiing musc-ab tlie actual expedition, tlie ipscmu o f By Bill Studebakeiker I urn's visitor catd ics a glimpseiastcm Tlmet-New» correirretpondent ' H Native A nieriam life In east'jrs ar- Idalio beforc tlie explorersIition’s Scuba divinglg is a gravity-assisted H rived. Wliile tlie cxpcdltifmscv- sport. If you .doidon’t Uiink so, suap 45 H success lilngetl on help fromsishone pounds of lead1 aroundai your waist and H eral tribes, tlie Lemlil Shoshcly Uie go jum p in a lakeike. You’D go dow n. Well. H cave what werc probablyrm s i o f m ostotyouw U l. biggest conuibutions in tem u But diving isn’tn ’t th at sim ple n o r is Uie H food, horses, and guidance.}ht not intention to meresrely sbik and sw im w ith H , Ofcourse.tlieCorpsmightishone Uie fish. ScubaI didiving is a serious and H have even fotmd tlie Shoshcplaced skiU-micdspon. I witliout tlic help of Uie displat‘ no*?- F o rm o sto fuIS, s,! scuba diving is associ- - H Sacagawea. llie museum-crrolo ht ated wiUi coralII reefs,1 tropical vratcrs. H ors her by documenting herwding r and m argarlia vacaUons.va' It is. It could H ■ centuries ago and provldiibutes be. But it doesn'tI't rnecessarily have to be. H background on recent tribu71 SouUicm IdaKoTinias many good placcs W — bestowed upo n her.------delves ,odive. Thc tour from diere del' But Orst Icamling ini to dive properly is an • f f . ■* into m any aspects o f tlie exj essenUal, parUcultlularly If you w ant to dive fs* ■ . dition. One room hou; inUiecold\vaters(irsofldaho's alpine lakes, i i j examples of watercraft used3Mie attractss ca person to diving is H Ihc explorers. Featured arc one-sixth scale replica oficls t o f I kcclboat and life-size models W a nt t tto Learn? | a dugout canoe a n d a pirogu ^ o t l i c r section containsand i - -DIvTMiScrsa'Sli'6"Rlain Avenue North, , H — amplcs—oftho—plants 1 used a Twin Rills. Phone:me: 733-8203: ' ■ animals encountered andad us in g Roeky MountainIn WatarV Sporlt, 112 N ■ along the route. Sy rcadlm o u s 1050 N, Paul, Idaho.Ida Plione: 6704204 ■ quotations from thc famoth e se ' Katchum Dive Advanturei^A* 131 South ■ journals, tht? visitor sees rough thc " seco'rid Avenue;B, ketcfium.P ...... " ^ -• flom'and fauna partlydirou ' Phone: 726-5424 BatiBathanI Studabaker gats Instrutruetlons for tha next diva atIt 'EBear U ke along tha Utah4di Lewis and Clark's eyes. Joniy. ThoCoilegaofSoiSouthern Idaho Outdoor r4daho border. Lxiimples p f tools,' weapon Pweram. PO. Boxiox 1238. 315 Falls r “ m cdiclnes, k id prim idve. fl ■ _Avenue..Twin.FallsQlls_Phone:.732-€696 ------j | | aid items arc scattered throug CSI affiliated pers'ersons orily. ChecK'em — our-thc-exhiblrr‘ReplIcas“ m aps arc displayed, ranjrii □yage . I------— ------from tliose Uiat Lewis and Go j miglit have used on Uicir voyale ex- , to revised editions that thenued c various and oftenin inexplicable. It could plorers drew later. Also featur• doc- be Uie under^voterter reality where critters - are actual correspondenceT doiey. ' and plants foreignsn to land dwellers hang um ents rcluUvc to d ie loumlarge ej out, or the sense>e iof transformaUon, of ■ In addition to tn e ! larjmu- . metamorphosis.. VWhen you don scuba amount of Uicsc classicaltruck m gear, you becomele ssomething other than r scum samplings, I was stru'i w as alandlocked h umm tan. by t\vo oUier things. One; w thc • For many, it’si thcU personal transfor- Uiat Peyton "Bud Clark.on U o f m ation - th c beco^coming, Uie m astery o f great, groat, great, grandsoninsU* fins an d breaUi - which is singular to William Clark, chose Uiis ivinsi a te Uiis sport. tution to display his priva But all Uiat cran a r be pointed toward collcction. ;rous doesn't necessarilyily explain how you feel I am sure that numcroiliked when you put on mask, snorkel, flns. oUicr faciliUes would have Iliki It’s a oxygen tank.-regu;gulator, and in Idaho U-S to use Clark’s coUccUon. Som it’s of often 7 milligramsns of neoprene to help B 9 testament to thc Museumihem ' retain body heat. Idaho that he sclcctcd thei Being alive andid well under water for H i over all oUiers. tru« halfannouris.inaj1 and ofltself. apeak cx -' ^ Thc second Uiing Uiat strutng in perience, an eventntofsclf-control. me was thc people workingltors, i RecenUy a groupup of newbies took a se- Uie m useum . For so m e vlsltoi ries of classes Uirotro u g h Rocky M ountain placcs like Uiis so m etim es sarc Water Sports in PaiPaul, Idaho. _ ___ litUc dry w ith Uielr focus,c c ^ - -- Rocky'Mountairain Water Sports Is a - facts and figures. The Muscuihad newdivingbusinesless esuibllshed by Bing Theiha International fla| fndloitlnin | divert below floiti on thela wateri to warn boaters anti\i jijat-eklars. of Idaho the day I visited ha Parkinson. Bing isIs an Idaho native. Hc tw o w om en volunieering’“sh- thi was raised In HallelUey, attended th c Col- nessless o f Uie shadow y an d op aqique water. I’m sure made the cstaollslO.K.. lege o f S o u th ernm Idaho, and begim InIn lowland waters, such asI B£ ear Lake, ment proud. ' diving whUe a teemBnager.Ashesay8,“The ass yyou'enter from shore, schools st of Thc women, JUI and Kath Ve Deen diving every carparp scatter, and as you des( the w ho later I found b u t w ere s io f creaireamy bells of cutthroat trout tr glide ters, had that knack < The m o st populaular class Parkinson of- overlverhead. matching the proper amount ( fers Is Uie O pen WaiVater Diving course. FoFor the properiy trained dl' there assistance to each visitor In Uils class, so>on-to-be o r dirors leam a orere rm any g ood diving spotsI b o r near needs. They described Uieir rol host of skills necescessaiy for safe diving, thele I M a d e Valley: Blue H eartUl Springs. os "spreading Uie spirit." Tliese skills will allodlow new divers to par- Reded Fish Lake, Alturas Lake,9, andi Bear Their educational procet,j,en UdpatelnmostrecBcreatlonal dives. Lakeake. WlUiln a few m o re m iles o ne can w as also n o t a one-w ay street, b out ■ rprislng to leam Uiat driverive to Blue Lake south ofVWendover, was caught off guard whe,-Hi. many of Uie worldsla^ largest reefs are ac- Nevalevada or Sea Base west o f!Salt Lake asked for my Uiou^ts aboiilv-rt' cessible to Uie diver dlv whose skills are City. certain aspects of the oqpedlose suited to 30 feet ofv)f water. In many tropl- OrS r wiUi a litUe m ore d m e aai n d miles, Uon. This discussion evolvecan't cal waters, at 30 feele et Uiere's a plethora o f oneplcs. Idaho’s flsh. Cray- thle e i O p en W ater C ourse ofl The Lewis and Q ork exhibit e offered by 'alls. flsh, oners, a n d tunles tu are shades of Paridiridnson. has Uie potential to Uie Museum of Idaho is a must to o p en up iree-fliUis o f th e E arth to cur see for anyone n ear Idaho Fallicov- gray, am iy green,n. a n d cream y ^^4llte. three u rio u sa n d A nd while Uie C oips o f Dlscovhere Andyes, there are9 hugeh German brown, advtiiventuresomepeople eiy feature m i^t not be ther: the cutthroat, end rainilinbow trout In Idaho’s IfyIf you think ofscuba dM ng(asatropl- a much longer, fm sure Uiailave Ui' lakes and rivers.. TheyTh slide Uirough Uie cald sisport done on vacadon.. oc r If you museum will always havlust shadowy water ases easily as Uie lam prey constinsider It mortifying, it^ n ot» someUiing note%vorUiy. It^Jua eels. ThereThl are qualitfr (Qvlng prosogram sof- Uiat kind of place. — W hat Idaho vratciIters lack bl clarity and feredred bl th e M a ^ c Valley Uiala t perfect Dive Inatrtiotor rB Blnf Pirklnion of Rooky MourtounUIn Water Sports teaohaaea Souba oors what the varlousI nichesn lack In flashy your»ur skills a n d secure y our cocomfort If skills to looilsI In Paul. M ike Coihem Is a n outdoord. flsh are m ad e u p foifor by the niysterious- you'nlu're due for a new worid. tryy diving.i w riter who Hues in Casileford —■< ------•— J ______0-2 TImM-Ntwi, TMnrIn FFalit, Idaho Ttiiiruity, At«u*tltl2,2004 3 9 OUTDOCX)RS '■ -| ‘Coi]lU ght . . . 80(10 fine fish^ he! mmi em bers o f die expedi- d o n e >n enjoyed flsh. as well as Sl C L A R KK ‘ venlsinison u r buifitlo w hen il __J ' q U R N-A L S3 TakeJ a dive! in to CJS I scu b P l cam e to mmeals; e 'lb catch (Ish. the )alesso] Tm en usedd wwhat William Clark ctillctri)"Bush drag,” Il m ay have sh a nd a net, Uiat I'WIN FALLS — T „ :____ been a barriarrier made of brush, or bnisli -jije College Trail macachlne group riverver trips Uils m onUt. .. Maxwell Ave. o r caUlU 736-2265 stretched1 acrossac d ie creek, trsipping thi:he fish, ofSoiithurn IdoliuOilOuidoorPro- . . , • A raftin g trip o n th c Hagei{cr* for m orc Information,in. gnun will coordinclinaic scuba ROStS pICilcnic next week ,nlan a n scction of. thc Snakolcc diving; lessons nt theth e 'IXvin Falls TW IN F/ FALLS — T h e M agic Rivciivcr Is set for Aug. 14. Th Sign up tor persorio n a l . City sw im m ing poolool for people Valley 'Itall•all M acliine A ssocia- four-)ur-bour trip includes som ^ - ••QroatFalls v ^ N . a W , wilt) sign u p for thle e course,c said tio n xvillill host a Dealer Clas:lass III water and an abur protection coursese V'-’ Bill Sdidcbaktir. oui I Lew lslont * Mont outdoor pro* Anpreciaiicilion/New Member danc□ncc of scencry. Departuru re ™ n fa lls — A Personal Portland Lo' g nun director ul CSI.SI. Picnic onlAug. Al 18 at 6:30 p.m . at willIII b e at I p.m . a t th c boat ot Protection Course iau{ lUglltbySlU Oraffon Idaho SX = = ^Uxact limes the Mcidcricr Pavilion - in Hock launlunch below Salmon Fallalls ' M urrell will be held fromfro 6:30 to iuul days will C reek Park,xk. 'Ilie group en co u r- Dam. am Cost is S30, which in- in 10p.m.Aug. 16; 17andindt9atUie ' Wyo. Outdoors i""be set by the ages any oi one Iniereatedjn die cludiu d es b c vcraKCS. T\vin.FalIs Rifle imd Pi!Pistol Club, .rtf . ^ “ Ih brler siirdenLs »;« who club'to attend. aif Tlie meal'ln- • • A A 'seven-jrulc c an o e trip o;on 253FlfUiAve.W., sign up for eludes ban-amburgers. hot dogs, thele SnakeS River between Banon- Tlie course consistssts o f devel- liiv cIhsk. wliicl) canran be.sched- fish, sidads.ds, desen and punchr buryory Hot Springs and Sligarar's oping handgun .skillsIls and thc ; tiled sifter 3 p.m. or during' ihe For morc i e information please Hesoi-•sort is plan n ed for 11 a.ir.m. laws pertaining to UiUielr legal d Clark’S I.st-L o u l^ evening o n indslI daysdi of the contact De I. .u . . . . Lewis and I Denise Alexander at Aug;Jg; 15. l»articipants will vislish use. Completion of ththe course .... TrailtoI to the m outh A location 20( xyeok. A m inim umloffouranda of 326-3162. ;00 years w hhere er Blue Heart Springs amind qudlllles un individualjal to apply-. * of thele (Colum bia a g o this w«week • ------iiKiximum or six siuciiudenis Ls w- Uox.3X. C a n y o n 'e m p ty Into tliithe fora conceal^ weapoijons permit • Riverjr ({uia'd per class. All i m.rrliiUfilirlifi Ul uqiiipmiim Twin Fallsiis hosts river . snak.lake River. A n ab u n d an cc o f from Uie sherilT’s omccice. cnocihock out vmw.lowisandclork.com a nd inslniction willall Ib e ])rovid- . , . . . uierfowl and a Blue Heroio n M urrell is a ctirUfiedcd National fd . Cosi is s:«» j)lusus admission. tnlSIs w eekend' Sokcry. arc..visible-QiiJlie:iiiFrip.-. JUflc Association instruirucior. : • -- —August-lSi-15rl004— rills dny Scrgeai•ant-Floyd bccame-veiy------rectoiliupoul. .-I'WIN FALLS F/> — T h e IW in . ‘nle ie SS25 fee Includes all equipip-’ Cost i.sS50 perpersbison. To reg -; sick a n d rciiremained so all niglit. i le wjw as seized w ith a c o m - ■ For m ore inforniHm ailon, con- Falls I’arksa tand nccrcaiion De- ' mente n t b u t n ot lunch. isier or for more infoiformation, •, plaint someniewliat like a violent collck.:k ,. •.lacl Sludebaker ill.1.7J2-6696 7. or partmentt i and Idaho Guide ' DDei eadline to a-gisier for eitheler call 32/1-5960. . . ■at\%'souidoort!'rsi.e(liedu. • ■ Scrvice arere co-sponsoring two tripp isI; Aug.13. Re^sier at I3f.36 -- compiled from staftoff reports - P a tric k G assI A ugusi; 16.180416 - Ctipt Lewis tookik 12 m e n & w e n t to th c ‘I P o n d & C'rek reJ b etw een O in ip a n d thle e o ld V illage a n d Blind huntingh ftfor antelo]>pe can bee success!J IP I , , Couglii upwipw ards o f BOO fin e f is h . . . - W illia m C lark Question: "I liavcivc anxiously r .— A ugust2b2 0,1 8 0 4 - S erjeant Floyd asIS b ad as h e c a n b e n o awaited ihe archeryery antelope p u lse & noU'oUiing will S lay a n io n ie n iio c n h is S to m a c h o r :______season in order to trytry h u n d n g a ^ A s k 'I'HE...... wW ater hole-hunting f chery ' ■ bowels.-rrTa—at-first-Blufr on th e S.-S. Seijerj.-Floyd D ied wiUi a — h’ew .species this year,ear. W lial are from a blind-by arch groat deel o f lhe rules about construction cor M QI'FICER I of.C oiiiposure, before his d eath h c Said to m e, "1 M telope hunters canin be very successful.u l. I n a m going ai\ a n d h u n iin e Trom a blindI o n a V Gary , aivay" I"| I w a n t you to writiite m e a letter." We w ater holeV III o n th e to p o f th c biufT 112 act, last year archers> Iharvested m ore anteItelope b'lricdllimc /2 Miles below a Small A n sw e r W ater holiliole hundng K Hompland ^ river to w hichich w e G ave h is n a m e . .. from a blind by arcl;irchery aiite- in unit 46 thalan rifle hunters! -W illiam Clark lope li.unters canin be very “— ------successful. In fact,:t. last year should com*ntact your local BLM (JoiinuilI e.\e.uerpts o f rhe Lewis and Ch~lark Expedition, edited ardiers harvested more in ante- or U.S. I-oresrest Service ofiice. by Gan- E. MtMoiilion. will appear each Tt'Ihursday. Copyright Lee lope in unit 4Gi llth a n rine A nother' concern cc a b o u t a n te- propc>peny.‘' Similar to duck hunt-u- prosecuted, Enterfmsi's.)■s.) • luiniers! ,, lope blindJ hunlingI is hunter ing ;bl blinds on a public marshsh The Rsh and gamim e rules liiu iic rs sh o u ld1 beI aware behavior andmd hunting ethics. As theyjy a re “first-co m e-firsi‘ih about archcry silll-iil-h u n iin g there are niles about(Ul consintc- tht* popularliarlty of arcnery ante- .servetlved.” from a blind are similarlar to oUicr , ^ (»»> o f liuntfnp blindsidsonpuW/c _Jope huntingn g ^OH's so doesjiic* _ Sotrtom e hu n ters also unlatvfuilyliy __ big pimejiuntliigjules land, blinds that areJe not: com. competitive'i? pivssuh;; tb l6ca"te‘ develorelop water sources to attractct land management • a JW TRAIt-AT-HEEMINGW AY-^- pletely dismantle)tied and goodhuntinj!ingaa'iis. anieloelope. In many areas ranch-h‘ pvem construcdon of Ihundng R'tnoved al the endI of Uie hunt- Some huniunters consider Uieir ers ususe pipelines and watercr Blinds and use'of maieri ing season are unlaiiilawful a n d privateate iirojieny and vvill troughJghs to d istribute their caiUele — ------reiiuia* a special usese pennit| by “s'ake dieirir clitinr on several acrossoss the range. SometimesBS _ Giry Hompland is a nmi o h a l lhe Rureau of Umdul Mjinage- water sourctrces to block dUier hiinteitiers unlawfully turn watercr coiisen>aiion qfpcerat’ thei/i Magic m en t o r U.S. Forestest Service, hunters frommhuntinginUiearea. I into) tritroughs in areas devoid ofof Valley Regional OfficeiC(.' of. the Hunters should alsoio Ibe aware Everyonec thattl builds a blind catUeUe thereby using all .thele Idaho Depanment of FishE a nd (iityfin^ pit blinds or>r disturbliigd o r h iin is frorrom a blind must un- ranchecher's water. These sye crim-1- .Came.Contacthimatl2t{208)324- th e soil is al.so a violatication of fed- derstand tliat t temporary inal 1 atacts and subjects caugluIt . -ISSOorC’m a iliisa n h ee F Fish an d oral law. If you have h. any ImnUng blintinds constructed on baitingdng antelope or destn^nglg Came Web sire at hitptHfis- hi — .(liie.stions about these•se ntles you— public..land.id.are. "noi-private— ^iraier«cr control siruciurcs-wiU bete handganic.idalio.goi‘. ■ Rockies - M a g i cc V a l l e y .A n g l e r ' s G u i d e ; ' , 4 ‘Unpluggt;ed’' g ^ \ ' v • o Malad River • 'I ^.Hl iDi' ' o Big Wood River comes to J t / . • .j ^-1 © '•I''Uttle Wood River Silver Creek Pomereliele ' JjilWB O Magic Reservoir TheTime»Wewa im ______------© - BBrg-LWRiver. r g ------^The-Hemingwsy-ftsy-MemoHalrlocated-orre^and-a-la-half miles east oif Sun ALBION — PomercLeLcM oun- Valley Resort, willwli now.serve as a new traliheheatl for access to the c m . Warm Springs/Trail Creek • tain Resort announcess UieU 200-J Proctor Mountain Hot ^ tain Trail System. ' O .MMilner il Dam - • Wild Rockies Unptipluggcd About 1.570 yardrards o{ new trail has been built Moutiiain Bike Itacin lilt by Sun Valley Resort to C.J. Strike Reservoir S u ,S -""C-StOP0 Proctor trails from this easilyIly reached location. Ths o f 1 o C.J 'Walking Series.-this Ssi a n d Sunday at. Pom crdleJlc p c a l i ‘'=11 k'Hlnihlhd tlie Hemingway Memorlal11 lbust and drops down an \ ToPocaMo ® South Fork of the Boise Saturday's 'Mouiitaiiiain Bike easy switchbackick to cross Trail Creek before3 cconnecting with the ' , O OleOierkes Lake Cross C ountry has liet^il^n n er to Proctor Mountaintain Trail System. -• advance classes.iUae features ft ^------= : © PerPenny/Oollar-Lakes— ------. - liglit. twisty tn u l^ iro u g ■ r t D i F s s s Salmon Falls Creek'Res. poves of trees and open; S ' a S 51 tim descents an d challiallenging Idahoo^ntelope herds J u p C T O CleiClea^Lake climbs. Billingsley Creek • Beginners ride twoI lalaps a nd SI start at 11 a.m . look I r l y ^ Lak strong, sayY officials Lake Walcott • Sports inaJce tluee la] N.MV,I.A(A1.,-l’)--\\'ildlifebiolo- Uliile Tho Magfe Volley Rsh r«preport Is for the wook. of Tliursdirsday, Aug. 12. Updated condition! betd n ai 11:30. le-Stansberry describes ions from Silver Creek Outfit- ride four P^ts say Idalioilio’ hunters can the ai ters ano Blue Lakes SpoSporting Goods are listed for farrfamily fishing waters and major rive . • l>ros and cxj)crts rid antelope , population rivers in the Magic ' laps and start dt noon. cxpect an juiiekItelope se.xson o n . around J 'Valle>/Wocftf River regionjlons. Check Idaho DepartmentIt oof Rsh and Game regulations. for restrictions. 1 Siiimon as ."not neces- /Mso .on Saturday iss ia Tndl ' ' ’’‘I' Prc^io^ious years. Bul in sarily he;lealihy," he said that "the Malad River: FAIR. Moinioinings arc midday appears■arance on the river. . Rsh andmd Game stock these wa- Walking and Runningic evenl. com parison to)la?i la? war's lo\vpre- long dovownivard trend in num- ewelleni if you want to rfind fish Big Loat R^er:ir: ( GOOD/EXCEL- ters regulegularly to ensure the n i l s Is a "wildflower" evei■vent and cipitadon lewis,fis. die late spring . hers experienced e> the last on ine top. Use parachutchute LENT. The Lost}st is fishing belter success!ss ofi children and begtn- you m iglit cross a snowci^vdrifi or ^‘’‘1 ‘■'2‘rly summemer nuns the state couple ofyearshavestabilizcd."ol - adams. PMDs. and comcsmparaduns and better as str the flows drop and ners alikeslike. tivo. R egistration is S20 S2i and experienced:ed diis year will He attrilrihuies this to a loiver ond soft hackles on me■he :swing. the weather stesteadies. The water South ForkFM of tha Boiaa. QOOD. starts at tlic lodge at 7:3i':30 a 111 spread antelopele fanlierf from es- number:r of antelope lags being Uttle Wood River; POOR.OR. Be level below thehe ' dam is 170 cfs. Terrestrialitrial fishing is at Its peak. • and walkers start at 9 a.mfn labtished sourcescesofwaier. given ou}ui. I luniers Uiat d o rc- the>e early ana late orir you'reyc Below the reserservoir njmphing is hoppers.TS. beetlesI and ants, and llio M ountain Bike DoDmmJiill "WcVi; Iiad aa decentcl amount coive a'1 lag i are achieving iii^i wasting your time, Useie variousvi ' the norm, andd tlthe most produc- middayy emergerser will do the trick is Sunday at noon, uiUiII a prac- moisiurc. whic■hich m akes lu in t- harvest n nopper and beetle patter■tterns and live way to fishsh i throughout thc early and late. Dave's and Joe's tice runs on Saturday aftcJtcmoon l"S » H'llc more n difncult Hiose:e hunling hi the desert . small parachutes. day, When thee CCrane fiy is out hoppers,rs. alongi with blue ribbon and Sunday morning.Tliisliis nasty, because die anteinielope won't be lowlandsds of Southwest Idalio Magic RoMrvoIr: POOR.IR. IIf you this can b e a Ifui fun (ty to present beetle,. parachutcpa ants and various I -mile course goes ststraiglit concentrated aroundaro iradidon- can uxiicpect jilenty of aiuelope want to catch fish firstit li£light is skated on thee si surface. Trico ac- soft hacklacklcs. are recommended, do\\Ti Uie m ountam losin(jing 1,000 ''■♦'“ c r holes,Ics." said Ilollie and. iis seasonedst liuniers know, best. Throw in seal bugg slow sinking lines. to 11:30 a.m . o n Sunday.- Mountains and archeryf hunters who often Spinners. Hoppers, antsits everyI fesfew min- fish as well. DroiJrop Shotting . tubes, butbut the brown uout being bikers are required |o w ea demess,f\rea.die perchedi on tree stands higli younger largest single wildirildeniess area in above dm uies a s the fish switch1 fromfre one plastics for bassass and night- caught howhos are worth It. Twilight mets and riders l7andyot he ground. A rchers \vill res. Pof ' Uie lower.,48 slates, sia an telo p e spend idi < insect to ar^otner and fronfrom one crawlers and stirstinkbaits has is the tim«lime to throw huge sueanv need parcnial signatures Jl day w ailing for an an- ' Insect's life stage to anounother. worked well for)r ccatfish. ers such a morc information coniactactlody ‘numbers havee d declined over, telopeio<0 cross Uielr target, Ch as deceivers and wooly th e p ast several ye Blc Wood River: QOOD.. LowLo flows Wann Springa/TVi/Thill Craak: buggers.s. Burrows at 673-5525. ^ years. "I’alienirnce. patience, patience Brett Siansbe^erry, a wildlife bl- and know are becoming the norm1 oron-the OOOD/RUR. lo*Low nows and plen- Laka Walc<^ co tt: POOR. Rsh the iwing your equ ip m en t is ll ologist at Flsh5h a n d G am e's key.” Rob Big Wood, The cold mornir)rningswlll ly of smaller, fishish are found on shorelinene 'd tributaries.t Rsh fish. Tryy crankbaits.cr Carolina rig-. hunter, you have to cause of a highigh number of know yo waning and they need to putp ' ' . small hoppers i arand caddis and ging plasUiastics. and late in the day. ►"our equipment. You antelope tags givigiven o ut in Uie have to ki dovrti some calories. £xpeoi-t»id-stHlkmedipd Is the afternoon when the! oilother Lake*: QOOD. A (great place for Still only 1 Read the Computer.arc thougli. lisually tcmpltjyed hy those ly 11,000 over Lower Gran- Long-term hablabitat changes hunters u bugs nave called it Quits.s. TThere is the kids. Come9 b;by the shop and ite but peoplepeo are catching a few using {(rearms. In this and Technology pagage arc also to blamtmie. Stansberry approach,h. hunters Riui a good a good cliance you will run Into we can set youJ u|up vrith everything figh eariyriy anda late on dries and - every Tuesday in jTh h e said Uiat “In Uieic last : 20 lo 30 vantage pointp< from whicii to lo- Pink Alberts in the afternocmoon as you ncM lo get!t tlthe littlest an- - grease lining.llnir Look to thc Oc- years. wiUi all the tht wildfires In cate thee antelope and then this fair weather bug makeakes ifs glers on the wateiater's edge. Idaho schutes} RiverRi> for a better action. Times-News th e area, Uie oververall quality of attempt totc get ah ead o f it. Bul ny (KMJtiOnAI upMteS on ••■V VWooc, Silve< CtM«. warm Senrgi. T^ilTra> Cretfc, Penr>/OWlar U>>«» ana Vw D« lest,i UIII SkMter Csroner ot Uic habitat hass declinedd over wiUi tlie! antelope'sa ktni sense SiwrCrwk Ouirine-j.il laoo600733 sear O' <30a> 7»53a3. f»y UluDOotei ai.aii otrw' ueldk« Soortmg dme." Manmadele iimpacts have,, •spfsraell,, hunters1 .should avoid also causcd habiiailliat degradation Biding direIrecdy upw ind so Uiey } ‘I 10 occur. }>» said.!• w on't be didelected. TilThursdiy.AufuttU.2004 TlmeiMS^towi, Twin M il. Idaho M3 ------— t------\ -C o m i c s

Claulc PMRUtS ' ' By C h arles M; SchulzIz Fof BettoorFofWwM.l e - . By Lynn J o h n s ton n - - - I A COULD N6VER 61 1 Aftwoa Hft6#W BOTWKieO " '* * '^ 1 'Dces^THAP/^fj ’vgey) UKg ?B b Y Y w U R E , t H 6 NICEST Nl [ANDTMENIEN 5 H e 1 I UIHATISTMI5, Meiao HUCH yftT.coNNii MAD AT YOU. I'M HAPpy 'O ee olpba '• e v e rR /M E T ., y KISSEDD /iME. AN OBSCENE lApraeeuneiHe: wisoc’**• 5f2.^W^25Qf?SSJ.^ V^ROWNIE CHARLE '5! PHONE call?! fHe expEAieNcs. *TMe. m'SI t W W T I ^ '^ ' ^ ■^!h I . ^CONPlpeMCtt...^^^MITF’9^^^1 ^ Q g r TS ^ y / s ' s . I m H H | H ! ^ E DItbert ' By S cott A damss Blondle ' • ■ .BBy ; Dean Young & Stan Drake 9A6, WHAT ARS y o u POINCiiso v w ^ IfmAOTocoMEOiSOVBSHEHB'VOj-'/el j I9E6VIv o u a SA300H' v o u v g s o r . LOOK. . . CAROL3L ACCI- , , UJI^T??!??l YOUR PAY i KESSINMYSASMSWOtnC'i>K£HOP?' »OARO«VEOEPg/Eav.^ g 7HATNEMEW LAS68 STUO PIN5E3 I'VE. ' OENTALLV SENT:NT THE • • -IS HIGHGHER THAN | , N£Vg« LAID MV - w IZ A P ip? ■ i 5ALAR.V SPREADLADSHEET mNE?7l?7I ^UTYOURE { ■^HumsoN TO EVERYONEE IN I THE . LIKE A.. SUOLLEN DEPARTf^ENTI■' ■■' . APPENDIX. ■ 1

■ S. E i S i i B.C. By Johnny H artt PJckle* ■ 'B y Bnan Crane I VO '^OO KEEPn l/0H.iW R0T£TM 6\ri,f7 I'W MAK»Ki& ^ . l \ ( s o e s s TMAT MEAKife r e - p u is e WRt-nM& CHE<5S»• WROWfiCWrcON L ; ( m istakes HKE \ "^ voo'R£ AiA&pextRotK I TNie ONE. t U3Rom^ j [^ P X R l& U T ^ 1 I Tt HliHTj------? -THE UiRotiS AMOOJJT ; —_ ^ C i ^ __ ^ PAfeA-MEPlC’Se's FiRir-DOT-y------

%e{^ \ T 7 iT \ I 11 ^ f ^ icnofT7fi>VAJt.'C \ j / / I ^ DlcnOtlAK'< \

— Mt 1 = Qarfteld 6y Jim Davisi Dennis the Menace By Hank K etcham1 16 tHl& WH6R6 THEfH6 SRPER ! ^ CONVeNTlON IS BEIM ElNGrHElP? I / ^ Vj M i ( } ' ^ rni;iA 3iii.Y cnicLs■S Bv nil Kfun.- j j ? ,

0 ^ 0 f t P M o \ ^ 6x_ I Hi and Lott t ' By C hance Browne m rReipewiosr ?Li.. -.i VVOfJpef?FiJl.,WAPh FPlEMC? H s ^ V t ^ A 0ABX COULt?Lt? HAve/ r" ------y VOO 0 L U S r t ! p og=»-g

“Jeffy took the m uzjzzle off the hose." SYTALKlDOAfZ/C//... 8-i-z ’ . /■ .»■ - g a a u frie "MAKSARBrTOESN'r SHE TALKS TOD OFTET ^ N . " ; The'Wlzard of Id ■ ' BylBy B rant P arker & Johnny Hart Rote Is Rose By'Pai Braay ------j^W^-THA»Ks-T

Hagar the HorriUe By Chris Browne _ ZJts ____ ■.BvJilT1 Borgman anfl Jetry Scott

i/aueiwES*'’ '[jw »/no r^TlEANlir^?iAP|ECe I S(/rwHflr«CTrTHE H S P F ^ (74fm ;s'iue^'(3!Eu FEB>IN^C?B3jmc:H ' ■ «)7S" ^ ae/* ■ 6R86STHCNirrwp‘cy ANPPlfiWWWTVeNT?- i HA&AIZ . J TOPO 1 te-- . FWfTUSCPN«yNIH.WE P ■

Beetle Bailey By M ort Walker Luann By Greg Evans ^j-O -v/ PONT SOOAWAYAPTER ^ \ T 1 I I C'MON, B E E T L E / 1 oc. stop looKiws. hereT^5 MY 0 « ' ) I • THIS CAB SAs’S: M It :fc50 5Js

3 U Oi:>N'T ANSo y o u i . \< ^ . / Hett,U*iw N K \ . \ : ^ > fr v / o / j K ^ w et w . L W O f f t i | a p I f e E *i*)«i>Wiies'a ) ! V N 5O-F00TER W r t l ' , p ; AU-Uosei;esoemusehi^ \ Jii ‘ . ' / i ' y A •“ O w e / \ I L l 6 H n n I ■ ? T I , u i i L U * ; JM. V i \ f o o v . ■ ‘X'n**^Sr

71m Bom Loser By Art Sansom & Chip

"Z Z 7 LUNa\lK^v£^\£fM (i)T C b? ^ H£R£'i '<00R OPOeK. w f r j 6R£^r! IlLKM(We^BOML |:^^Twwtx£-'iaW E y^OF'tDURCHlU!^U! N iL U N C H O■ ^ C ^ ^ ' M M1.U) n ||S j| f V a hrvcjwmd y ‘ " ^ 5 w m t» _A 1 I I

| k N^oiiix UVY.„ j - r t / / ^ ! i2 tnm.l «. 1' ■

IM TlrnM^Naw*. Twin MilFMII.Idtho TIIuniU7,At«INtl2,:2,2004 otrrpooB)RS

M '


r _L

Top, Seth Warreirren. 26, goes over one of thethe falls on a ■ BK b i serlQi of waterf.terfatls known as ‘the teacups'ips' on the Kern B b K V River In the SierraSlei Nevada. Right, Marlann!nn Saether takes one of theI teteacups' falls. ' i . Qauglne rIth: In such situations It difficultlit I b e c a u se . ____1 _ ------mosfhazardrll*rlle'uni6en'beneath'th'e~W at»ifer:------—

The Lo» Angeles Timeses______

he paddleIlers scout the wataterfall, their f i T kayaks as a: bright as bitsts of candy iic * + G against the tli Sierra Nevada’la’s sculpted p gray granite. BeSehind them, watersr blasts Into addlers kncOW the ris]sks o f m nnning the biig rapids i iave a plan for every stroke kayaking. "You have lo) be.b 100 fall’s spnty an d I twtwisting his body use it toJ sslide over the turbulent - the mountain allair through a mIssiishapen rock beforeX* I even get wet." Warren perceni coiindent." HoycDyer ex- as the kayak goes3CS over the drop. flow. 1 lee focuses1 on the granite sjiys as his brij^it oninge boiii plained eariier. livery kayaker ka I Ie limds sofdyly. " "I tried not to walls, hardly ht looking al the spout, then hamimmers down on thele rock ledge s throtigli the first teacup, feels a little liit nf Tearr on o il)o Ihink 100 m uch.":li." lie shouts u p w ater aroround him . a n d paddlu.s' ® paddlesles flasiiing like the blades water— that’s jiariof thee,e excite- as explanation. ' tow ard ththe incline. D U ti o fa winedndm ill. ment. "But if you siart thithinking As diey diink kal about kayaking, His hoHoat Ups over th e fall, below. But Sethith Warren's eyes are a on Phil as dndiey aiialy/e die options. aljniit the mistakes yoi,/oil can W arren a n d Boyei>yer perceive pat- rides u p|) tdie rock a n d stalls, die the hIiumaii. u t weaknesses that make, y ou’ll m ake them1." ." terns. "I’vc n m aa d thousand falls," bow almimost out of die water, Boyer’s hands. plaguedle decision makingemerge. Hut confidence can be dan- Warren says, "am’and they've got- The rivtver Vvhips ' th e stern le m istake W arren is about gerous. After tlie wliiie-c-’•coaled ten m e ready forur tthese ones. around.. Boyer: twists hard to . water’s pressureJre \%t)uld n ot aIlo\v Joinommlt was discovered experimenters learned;1 iabin it . Warren is righi. Hoycr.HS. Isa iwo*llm(Ime white- release of die t ;hi. VcJire of pnic- com pens;nsate, but by dien die c craft. A inomcm ,|ccadesJes aKO in a series of exner- _li.iim an^’^insiinc(.,i.t)..elinilimitiaic^___tic;e_h«y.e_prcpc — water rafting-world chuchampion.— after-ihc'survi'rvlvore-dccidcdno , cparcd_Jiim_to_kayakJs.js.juiting.ovcc.ihe.drop.------i. IS. In o n e o f the first social' risk, they began id ask whyI'hy (Jne confront bigger an Wiirrcn’s hom e is a vann hihe drives give up, tlic ' and more deadly teetering.Ig. U p u sh es over die e curreni shifted sciencece Ilabonitories. jirofessors answer is overconfidenceic e '— a risks — as long as jicro.ss llic U nited Stales ; as those risks in- edge andid falls, roiaUng clock- lies on be- sliglitly and ih lite co ats recniiied luim an compensatory insiinci half pf a sports cl “'u PSI’’’'-'? I" Cl Ihat crea.se incrcm eni:JiiiJiUy Uui if die w ise diroirough the air as it builds ^ clothing free, exposing5 lhc.*,dcndd friend. nts and preseiued them pops up when humans company. 'Iliey speak: Inin diei sort it took four me IS cnive risks suddenly beci)ccomec?qionen- speed, then tl smacks inlo a Tien Using tools to ,^vrtwo aliernalive.s; a triidi- control but are confrontc patois of surfers, car nted by liallymore deadlydly his instinct to. ledge, boijouncing (md beginning ' earn less remove die bodj3dy from ihc kayak. . ,|„„a|I i„.insurance plan, in which random cliance. m o n ey th a n m any fast-food fa: . In anodier ins rely on patternsi m:m ay expose him to flip. DoBoyer loses control. Tlie jf •remitim is SlOO and. all Boyer's (ronfidence in his workers, can finish a jug of easily surmount his abil- to danger, says BarBaruch I-ischoff, a kayak cocorkscrews. Mis head S'olcKI 'tabelongings are replaced, ilies m ay b e so liigli liecau ch eap w ine ih less ilianm 220 m in- North Carolina ause lie profi>ssor of socialcial and decision barely missing m the rock, ho ia amid rain, sleet or a lewnew type of insunuice in has so little control ovei utes and kayak nearly m iver th e sciences at C5uiic*gic*^e Mellon Uni- plum m euets over die falls.Upside .eveiy da y an d liigli winds.kmyyaixisdmm. 1 ,vhichI subjectssu pay only a S45 river’s .dangers, In a series« 'Ilielr Uves arc th c envyvy o< f river stream , a sma! us o f ex- versity in Pittsburgu r ^ .. -dow n andnd lands th at w ay in the "Ji" ..W ?*•' ptcmiuirlum. but if llieir belong- neriments. professors tested ti Asariverrlsesire!>lronil,500cubic water, aricionados woridwidl*.t. rivertwd crcatedcda-holc —ado- .|„™ , 40 missing die insunuice liow people respond ty rarrandom fc-et persecond (cfs(cfs) to 2,000 cfs.il A vlcioious twist propels his Today they stand oyer oyi "the pression in the the river's tototti coropani tany wilj flip a coin. If it events: .Subjects were showlown re- may become niamarginally :more body upri)riglit. . . teacups." a largelyr. vertical^ \vJierewaterdanlangerouslyre^. comess upu| heads they'ii pay the su etch of California's Ker p orts o n 12 stocks a n d askisked to risl^. Bui die sameim e river may be "I mlsscisc^it!"hescreami KemlUver. Iates,asifina\vi\vasliing macliine.___ claim rbut-iails-pays-nodiing, bij ------because, whcn'ircomcrj c n o run:----- Tlie six odier 1 —predict-dic-stockHnarker 15 choice r is superior Sub- confidence in iheir predici Ihey are sure tlie /re amcim ong th e approached the lictions. seeking out pattertiem& it appears M om erents later, the men die hole only s«- jects receieceived 50 percent coverage Hesearchers found that if tl: nation’s best.nit7 also3 krknow die onds behind hi fth e a v - die flow has onlyy incieaseclincrc-in pause intI die chain's final pool. him and saw his Jy fgj. 45 perceni of tlie pfenii- erage sipck buyer is askc river could kill them anyvnyway helmeiDash ind sked to mentally Skepdcsics know diat die -ShoiddId we do it again?' Boyer ^. n the backwash. Ho u,,, utgy subjects , tjvenvlielmingly predict, say, .the price of A pproach from the• lelleft, then had been pulled of Wal- risk has sumioimnuited a Upping asks as Uthey pull ineir k ay ^ led from his boat liy j,,bs<: dietin SlOO insurance,policy. M art's stock over on e year,' charge hard to tiie riglitgilt, Boyer the river’s for ar, m ost point an d Is nowow exponendally onto stominc. force, n i e o th e r ivhy? BccauseBei most humans in- will adm it ignonince. liut \ says, m ap p in g o ut thec runn with boaters direw ri Jt when morc dangerous,s. "Sure," 1V^ftuTcn says. He looks • 5=8.5'y>* sUn'ctivcl]ively seek to eliminute risk confroiiled w idi a new liigi hands lliai have becomome rock, ropes attached, ligii-fly- Boyer concentnntrutesashe-ap- up. scamnning the immutable !d, blit *e swim- rather' than thi merely reduce it. . ing Internet offering and lc ______w ate r and kayak. ______mer did not > tl lots o f proaches th e bi{ibig fall. Others rock andd ever-changing water. l_gr!ib_fo!_lhcm,____vvarrerrren's-natural ipsdnctrlike---- meaningless tables-andd W arren. 2(j, watches‘s aiTda lis- apparendy airea I-charts;— nave-wamed-hin:linrto-puslrhis "Thcse-fafalls-are-a-no'brainer,------ra d y im conscious. Uialo f o fpeople choosing be- many will make prediciictions boat high onto die ten s In tendy To a point.nt. Me recirculatt die rock wall and he says. TlThe men s t^ climbing. . lated for four min- tween1 Insurance ir plans, is to w ilh unw arranted confldeidence. ; "Don'i overexplain die llie rapid uies. each cycl ycle holding him uimlnauiatc tlie river’s risk. But For. his pari. Hoyer.seer to me." he finally cautilutions. "I u n d e r for 20 se •ems as “““'"ns this desiiesire is so strong dial the confident as the ^anite « w on’l ije able to run it." e hc him to surfaoace briefly, then slielitesiest of> cues cjui encounige teeters ato p the fall W anvn lants tJie last yejir for wliichI comco pleic people die on cr t think I ciUm. m oderately ct is to choose the padi about 1 th e w arnings Boyer 1 statistics were collectedJ by Amer- challenging nip: L-r mc;n- Earle's aiul Reveal's SCCh'asoital color pliolo- apids as on liTOC, that seeneems completely riskless. tioned 1 . eariier. Insteada d h e lean Wliitewater. a riveriver-sports expert-only w ill j i l graphs illustrale complpleli' botanical dfscri;>- waterfalls, file „,hcr: than,[ thc avenue that focuses 1 on not focusing advocacy group, at leastist ‘17*1 pad- river’s ever-chai ng a n d liangmB crc- containsins smidi. potentially risky

T h J cz M M o a d o f D o v e L o a d s i c t s AOOKtSS . 1 r ~ KKent > Dove " F e d e r a l PAYMCNT CHECK ENCUNcioseo . cDell laptops & cQ uail Loads G a m e L o a dI s s CHAXGITO: VISA hMAJTEXCAXO AMERICAN EXPXI!KISS DISCOVEK 7 1/2 or 6 shot 7 1/2 o r 6 s h o t: sioHATum______Lease retieturns, fully refurblshsh e d J , ACCOUNT N0.EXP. OATE|TE______B ox ^4” B ox I Wict I TOTAl, ~ iCKtENWORlO:rN((XPEOmONANDin PIANIS ______1 4 ’”’ C ase C is e ETOTHOTTOa?------EcOlltlCHQM{llS PttAStADOtS.its.00| TOTAtDOt I______f ' Commumty Editor Pm . Mar,u rv a n to n io — 7 3 5 -S 2 H 8

Thc Tim cs-Ncv e w s Thursday, Aufigust 12,2004 . S cctio n E

Minidiloka Faa ir a n n oD u nces^w in n e rl « g = M e e tITNG i OF THE PRR E S ID E N T S ^ IIUPURT — 'nif annuinunl m ar- Sludcf aiid WiiUy (uid Jun S(ud(^r ' kot animal sale for ihc MMlinidoka Sheep Quu-*• Hr:llrlcc; HwtT.ipluiilni .«nnv«timi; ■Ariliii Hansen; Hluc. Ji.OIG.HO;i.HO; Siar% C ouniy Fair was held Ai SI.‘JGO; KnniKnnit t'onii! J-cfiy lYujiiiKin I Aug. 7 at iMiui Miiccke-JlliJlliinntnntirJinmploii; __ l.MiirilwtliIwili.Brlcci.Uluc.Top.l-lLUook;______lalmc«t.flaii»c(u.lllucLSl.lJS2U..2a cok.r„. _ ' lhc“ Miiiidoka' Countyn ty Fair- " i«?rAS^6U uiiiui(i]lmMcOill S2.S00.llU:H):l\MvcyCf:iln h m \ — y g rounds. • K>-Ue -IlnKir. i«»tllhic; llncnt- auunpioii ' llrndyy Hiiwkic:Hi Hcd; Sl.iiZU; St-eoml Imdmi llailM-n; Ukic; Sl.U^'J.fiO;■.f)C; Horl- W A ibial af 2G iiuad c liewMindlolinUfmUcy .Uwk w:i l):ilry, d o r t e r nine; $f.70; Slim Ferry CJtfUUmI Uiieiklc: iW ; SI.H :7_W. M.w J*ni- ’ • Clic)’imiia ll.ivvki-s; IHuc; Sl.a5i.;iS2..iio‘. " y k (wrought in a salu lolal ig o f lhun|K>rt diii'i' IkirlzunDnlty . S53.G26. in dair>’, a loinoinl of ?n ; Ked; '* sr>r>G.25; VIckJV ' U;icxl}iilOtimn; lllt.ie; SL'.fi20.2l)i Ihill live- ^ 1 Uilljj 1 (ni/4i; Ilka-; S'Hai, UiiilpdxlUccirtc L ' . • Mock iicad were soid for ..a i,o,ai or ‘'T E S 'liS ™imil; llliic; W‘it.25; lljiil- • DlUcinn HiHrtli: llliic; Sl.74:i; Ihiite lrrl);n- Kclscy/iickson; Him-; SI .1125.(10;U;i*rcmlcr i*i ' • Sl 13,210. Pdulliy had1 fofour e n - wiiii«iiii-op.i»iI. Inc. ' ' • 11(111 Irisumncc irics a n d a .sale intal o fS f : I.825. , kijij innBliam:i: illiic; H SS71JUJ: WIiJlc- lacd I'lnI'lrtli; He.l; IlcWrtc l-ll llo.ik; Hliik Kidd;'IlIni-; Sl.'lTlt.lU. .Mi(.Mid U'ay • D;ilry Sheep liad 32 enirics ivitl Sl_'V;i(i.r.;UI.c%.StJm7il)'nr« ■vl.has„lc. iixii; IHue; $-ir>-l.7r.;\Vlilii- lltiiinI CUI'CUkrvpIc: lliuc; &.l,IHU.7.'i;,Sli(ickry __^ lil.r>(i: liuni-n lotal o f S2Z,Glfi. T hlere' e n w ere iv-vui Cnmf: (nl;it«i; Sri5r>: llanium Uind (kiiimrySioi■SloK'iindIWM;\ ‘ I-r:inclsto'Miu(lnc/Jlkii.-;Srjri;i.;iri:i.;tii;Avi- \ seven lu,rkey entries wiiliviih a sale iU>‘HJ'x-''<>iknndI'llSAucdmi u.s 'IVnllli* II iiimai«ll):ilryS>Mcnis . k* Ilanii-r: Hwl; S1.3(i.'iiW; Hi>ck>' ' U-sltc Miinlnc/:; lliuc; SI.>IIUl.:iO;IO;\VlUli- \ loial of &I.200. TIte.ai iiui; lied; STiiil.'.'K'l-iiriii .MlnAK«inonilc\ i>l' .Mcliss:; .Skinanus. liiiic; SI.Ii ■ / niised mucii more in salesal lh an j^ayNort l.in-mui:iiun; Hud; S(vl2; Wjidc MmiiUiiinA^InAKnin.inik's , 3'i;- I . ZiillitlKiT lli'ins; Ki-d; Sl.4r.r>.iui. Ikirlron i;v‘ans(;r;iiniiildl\V-.u-ni S.S-.I Iheir niarkoi value. ;Vlci Monas; lUuo; SU'.IMO;; H.Hori7^.n individtialresulisareli! Ilf: Sli;!.'.; lYiiji^i Miiitinl l);iiry Diiirv .l(y:inllnillni/.i;ik-d. Sl.litCilniwlnvm- _ ' I.iMl«iy Miinlcs; lliuc, Jl,;!77;ll< seller; any prize, salo ppri< n c e a n d aumIh c;().l)r.l)jct)jc |iilinv-; Hliici Sl.l: lavlu'Uo CiiiiHimiwItem-; llliii-: Sfilll;. IIii|>on II-.rl/ijiiD;tlr>- Aiilinnl rJinlc Uiiidc<■ |uU ■I III i^.i r . Siir.ili(iilli(iilk-spa*: Hliic; CmiuI Cliiinipion.' I ’. Im m e d la^ p a st president of thetl: College of South- ..I), S(»l»kl.T |c.miy.SUHin;Hliii'.iii'.jr>in.w;i;TOn'»(:fi.in sj.riKxnuru'.liirirxin Dairy ’ Hcn.k I'lillhps; HIiK-; SI,:!(ri; IX ,• ‘HidWtMcciiS*-*.-*! liiKMM1 Iiallaiis.-n: llliir; Mlnidiik;i \W.MKlvvTinli.Warn'ii ;ind (i;iir.irdkmd ;iin imH ern Waho Foundatloation. meets with Todd Blass, tlthe new president, at s Jtiplfl. sti-pliaiiti- in; IIlliii-; S-WS.SI; C-A-l. ijniniyllifl'Iifl (.iiiux-is I recent retreat heldeld for board members. Anyone ' Oilii'trli' lliciKimIII S. S<'|i;>cllcr; llliic; H.-vnc S;ik- e wanting mote informa- 1.70; l-lliplfS CJl;ulle lI.iwlinKS; Him-; Sl.l 15 II) .,5 “""'""'“ ...... «ia-;$-IW.7ri;-|lii-’nmi-.- 1 lof« SLMiSl):,(;r.O./Jcilisll.tiik IUvx-sKK-k tion on the CSI FouiFoundation can call the office a(); iI.lll.r>0; I 'llHH'lylcf; Hwl; liina-s; HItic: SI.'MMii); rirsi (Uiiii- s - - !l!i;sssis.ss:iK.iivmci-s |!ii-ii(i(iu Vimntt fl illaialWliiicsidi-iDniry Illu.-; $r.l(.; Kl.K-pr.T Ikirni-v' lliui-; $1.7.|TJ(). lackstin < IlH'. . . (iincii'if S1.»1(.,W; Swr>lcrr>’Huiljlui^^ I’l’lK'' •' Ilniiiii-f lliiriiiiiii: llliii’; 'Dip,iip Avi-fiim- 'ItiiL'klnKimdimdTcxld .m;IK,ri. ^ , Klmlailyl.ily llitnics; flctl; Sa.IHWi lO; lUi|a-n /ilii . Dairy ' " ______t.-.NU;illay.-rket Broilers linir ___' <:.'>iil-hmko / Hyiiii siwkjnB Him-; $U7r,.7l): Iln onMniciinn MHoi HMHMioj>; Ilka-: Sl.riOJ.m); HuIm- :l|iiri/on .iKjk la-. llcH-fW (Uiiittipltm; (ji%fin|y ' Kindi; ll«l: JWD. lll; Slw ' ’lh.-siir SliKkJnK: Hluc; Sl.tiJ I. I lo Kalii- KliiMy; lll.iio; SSH-1.20; M dSi-c(indhxik.SiiJon siurm lloiiHoll: Hlnc; S2.51I; 11011:1117.-1 Mi>- y r ’\llnll"kMlnidnki. ■ , . s;.riah IIuIwvimhi; IIIIuc: llnco'c Stiow- io(\ ,'I’roBlwl,.k. ‘'’‘''••""‘" “■'KcrM.c. <• llmvllii; IU1K-; SI,:i;i.l.lUI; .MIki- .. " t i !^ / ■ 4 Iind Doris.H.HI H»i H;ii>li.irl liitro; Hnl: SI.l!U; Dairy n..i.ivc Iu|.>ipim-I» i:>lc'a ilr.nvIiovvii Iiik: HIui.-;SI l^l(I.Moas;iiilii Ilry Cold J n lohtiny M.Mia-i Hiiic; Turkey Hiislncssl);ilrDairy (^itKiii|ila'f IiijTi'r:r.'rWia-: Cnind (awm- llcldiHiimU.m-iiln«; HIuc; SI.W)2.'KI: ,Vnokl. „ lltiKk V.I11 'IlisscU; Hlia-; Sl.ll.'!:*; \'ni ..III: Crtiklt-n piim; SI.OSO; |ja .s»« D;ilr\'S>iji|ily Diinillc! Ni-.bll: illu.-; $r.1lll..|ll; .Swsili 'na-s hud.mai , I^tlll•rwJn •|;iyl:ir Um Hisstll. Hlu.-; liiji lum lliipcn . 'lordiin lliirHimviiln): llkic; SI,-)Mi.|(l. I krri- SliMvnun SI.(Mr,..|l); I I.irt/on D;ilry V.iiiL'c iiiul llirmiylrjjvc; liliic.uc. Ili-wjov (Juuiiplon; "'I' Oidry ' Nk-rccdcii Vlncvnl: Hluc; Sl.Vii .r,'i I .IU). E S S f e ^ ^ T ' Wa S)UU:OrvcrVliic. Ma>Mi.i CJI; Ik-d; OvxT.ai uv i“llrtnMili'iK; Ilkln Sl,i;!l; Iloi|. (icnc (- mid .Siux-iic llrkc Icssica V.itwiiru-.iliiT. . K S k 5 Q |K '. _ Siifiih I’hillip-.; Him-; $Sr^ll-();I); .St.Stilllilukii MirnMiuiii: S-ISO; .Mccni(XnlnlkHHli •niiiD.ilcy Ilka-; SI.i>;il.20; U-onaidoud tk-liyy.Miulln .M '^ P Cjiilniiiio Cliniidliiidlcr; Hka;; Hcmtvl- , M-a'lHtiwiltov\-iilii» HliiK SU77..K). Hiipcn ;iiid.N:l>ii)|ii'iMuliinl'll-linvicpimfr^iiCVHrauhtii I'jiiin •Brn\vnirrBrHliKTltn!»7.l«rrMim:---- jl _ Cjist-y .Stlinilll; 'ID; Macnii' >UiiticOrthitKin: illi " " S 'g ,,,,, ‘ lake Wla-ck-r: Hluc; Sl.2(il). .MikeIikc and wniilv irniy. lliui-; Sl..V).V;ill, llorUuti' , jjDons H.III Kiifii Si hmlll; IHuv; lloi'fw-M M l llcKik; • .. •’■'‘‘"‘•i' OHlmiaiu ..... ■ DusllnWliJi:uiis;Hluc;SI.'l72.2():!(l iiMiMtux- IM-.fk-C...Oii,ln.-., aiataii; Ilka-;-l.(vi:i.lU). llotl/on .j,.lilt'c ’ I«.,rti«0rn™crtrln. '"15;,^^,.; lilaU Wixnlwiud: HIiic; SUIli.lU): i rsfiisfirj;:— rOm'ili.-; !!!;;!-; $l.‘t:ill,Mikc aii(i' ,,/' . IhiiKll=-ssa;;:ia5!;:UlHoJIWQJliJuiilipL__ »iock-l__ - Commanders Converiventlon July 1 0 In Idaho Falls. The' aw ard was______„ . on; $.1.(117; iv.ivvj-(inil IkikoiaI CoColT: llkic; I.ip luninr J SlKivv. nrmid Doris H.in ...... " " ^ presented by Charleitries F. Price Sr.. the Headquart' Scolt tJIrfih; Wtii-; %'M -Dp. Ini', (>inirlliiiKir% ki die s;ilc Uakidc W .Sti'lliiiriii! and Oml.i KcKloiiiit (U)^MI (himnci;(rdfl Ilka-; S')r.:i..VI; l)iiiiii.i mnian'iv. |.a-l fiiikcr. I «< C CiiMoiii. .MamSp, Mn'manilsr »l Boiselise. Carl Is a member of Boy ScoutSi Troop 68 spon- at .Mcdlcid 11,Icc /\iidLTMin:: lllia-iIII (hvrall Sliovv. CUIcspiomidind II'cni' iki (iMIIlT ikitky. SprinkJi-r Slioii, hiian ld;il>.iII c;;iJvii-(;; sored by the Immanilanuel Lutheran Church and Schchool with Rob Werner .man:S3;i.'>l;l.(:.(;iiMo.'Moins iJd)',! ciii.Dml Coinilcl; lltnc; SI.0.'i7.IK): niiil7.tnK. Ikifl HKi-r Uiiiil :iinl Uvcsi Ji-\sirn UVNidw.-iril: Kitl: $T>07.J(Ii7.J(l; Zions . D.nid llordcn. Wiif;kif;$l.(l.'yuiO:l!iiitolf. lIiiil/iinDalry I Ikilik- Hocky .Mouniidn Auromimlcs. limIm'Imi as hls Scoutmaster.Eer. Call will a tte n d th e Universirslty of Idaho this fall. ritviikin IJiid-wryy ^'ofllia-i:(^ IIIucl Sti7J: kn:ic Liuricil'i .Mi't-Jill nnd Ikavvr Nkii'hincinc niul ------^------• I lolllc VS'rlRlii: iiliiK $.Vfl.7o; fiiivrsttiit Inc." Ion llfcwk-ii; U«l;l;SI.-)(ll.W:Mal>v)-I'ia> SI lariiK IUvr(%lvrtsldc Datr>-, Hull luid Cunnlc ('4Udc. Cj - LETTERSe 01»F THANKS.S-— ...■ Peopie make trip dow[own 10 be nifllc‘d a n ddioK&I’sMeat ll Goldforilhr ii.s outsianding sup- return rc to what I believe is thithe Trappen and Brock i ckVhcllockl. |ThcLcnc>soii ol Tftanks coiumi: v.iit i Culling (Kirk andid JennetteW ein- p o n o f myim yself an d ilie Idiilio best bi group o f people* 1 have'e Your .sales a n d se under possible Is c re ic to n „„bl,sB lent.!ers of up 150 v^OfCS inuister)inWendcidcll for donating Nationald GGuard. e^ever worked w ith and for. • th e vehicle w e pureurchased 10 I w ould like to express in smy the cutting andI wWl rapping of tlie 1 have.• wiworked for M eadow STAFF SGT. GUY KADDET)EN from you w as the besib ever. . Ofgonlatloi appreciation lo everyonelewho- \\ beef. Uons Ihanking contnci.toiS Gold forr aapproximately r five 2/I16CA V a n d w h en th e timme e com es for of suoporters m ad e m y irip down u n d er frs. Jer to KlLEYKOSKlJ m ontlis; wlwh en 1 w;is onlered to TWin Falls anoiher vehicle. 1 a:am going • indlvfduals i play fooii)all possible. is :‘>3nkm5j3ijt)iic .ig e rc e s G ooding active dutyuty for deploym ent to back to Rob G reenen iNissan. and busmessisses’loT exifaorainari scfv- 'llje wiruiers of the heef r e fra in e Inici. M ead:adow Gold h as gone T.T.R couple compliment>ntS T h ese are p eo p leL* w e can trust 'ce, I were’ntcrcsa LeeofGoodiii’J]"8 Employer hasIS been far and abcabove w hat w ould b e ' — n o h y p e a n d n110 o |garbage. For more infmifomurtJon. can 7330931.- and lames Wert ofWendell. car sales staff L,'s. supportive of: d o f any employer. just excelleni servic-vice. £*t.288 - speciai litank you lo the Lo^ .f soldler ■ “ rSp;i°,reciate the su p p o n an d 1 \visli 10 diank die sialT ai11 RobH KIP AND JEANNEINE To express grgmtltude of a ocrso''.-)! 1 lai U anch (Uon and l-milylilylcke) My faniily andid 1 would like to the friendslidships dial diey have GiGreen NLssan-1 iyundai (Roblb DREWREY rainer than pufiiicpu nature, dan Hie ofVVcndell for donatiuR die[lie beef publicly acknowlcwledge M eadow given us,i. aia n d 1 can'l w ait to GiGreen. lUielt Lad«un.'lVentI T\vin Falls TimefrN(>ws> CClassified deDnrtmcnt at 7330931. £.1£«t.270. — Coommuntt:yevbnts'S — — Buttons & Bows hold!lids >>■*>'• lor seniors^■s> 10-10:30 a.m. nouncedJ iisAug.il! IGwlnners. ElE lem entary School will luhold auction orchids an d get new 1-or m orc>re inforniiuion. call Square Daiice Camp ( . for juniors. 11-1■11:30 a.m . for Firsi.UevUev'ClarkandllileyBur- re;registration from «:30 a.m.I. lito 3 ones. Avid growers,.*rs. novices or. 423-4122. O Ui sophom ores a nid d 1:15 lo 2 p.m . lon; secomond. Kuby Grimes and p.m. p.i Tliesday, 1 -7 p.m. Wedn'dnes- new owners of ann oorchid plant KLTCIIUM — Dliciontons & for freshmen AugLUg. 20. Fees in- Sam Smtm u in ey : third. Jodi d:i day and H:30 a.m . to I p.m . AiAug. idso are welcome.• . . Local firee department Bows will sponsor a PSquare Sq elude $5. book dadamage fee for l-aulknerarr a n d Louise Smidi: a n d 19. 19 Tliis is a poduckuck. llic dub „ . Dance Camn out, FrFriday new students onl'mly and $15 ac- fourth. Hose Ko; Mary Keed and All studenLs must meet Idiilio Idii provides die drinksnks. Acicndres Otters sanifety tips through Sunday at'lhelie <1-U tlviiy card r required to Cecil Davidividson. in-immunizadon requirementsIts to , should bring a sideide disli. salad I'WIN Iv\i(\U.S— U.S.a.lllilar Camp. 19 miles ' north irth of participate In nnyny inierscholas- Itefreshnihments were served, anattend school. New siuduidents or dessert and tableible service for a n d represi^seniaiives from the K eichum o n 1 llgluvay 74.J. ticactivily. llie club3 pplays at 1 p.m. every mimust present dieir state binlih ccer- dieir families andd friendsfi who T\vin l-allss IMre D ep arim en i Food will bl! providedi l)jiiy tiie All stu d en ts hav lave a S3 assem- I'riday att thtli e G ooding City I lall. lifltilicate and iminunizatiiition are all welcome, w illlio sta K:Kids Safely I-‘air from - •M l Lodge kitchen, ’n te; cocost is bly fee. llie ycarbtrbookfeclsS20. 30aFiftliAviAve.W. rLHrLTOrdsat dictimepfrugLstraticaiion. Tlie latesi informirmadon about 2-5 p.m. tododay at th e II..S. Cel- S75 per person. Call 736-:36-3802 Future Farmers of ofAmericaisan Due to funding clianges,s, diet Uie club's first orchrchid show in lular store.e. 799 C h en ey Dr.. . for more informaiion.•n. All optionalSIO .A llfe1 fees are due On Hagermainan features sdsdiool district \vill not proviovide T\vin Fidls schedultJuled in Sep- Suite. B. square and round dancers:ers are rcpstration day. imy noon-Ume transponatiiation tem b er at th e Boysioys and Girls C hildrenI will le a m - : iIh)ui invited. Elementary bnbreakfast is 50 Afrlcan»I, LatinoL music ^ for kindergarten studentsts to Club. 999 F ronderr Road,R( will bc wireless safeifety aiul will receive cents a nd lu n ch is I is Sl.05. Break- IIAGERWRMAN — Valerie Met- tiniheir home or daycare oror to available. free coloriaring_books and Registration dates seiset fast for middle aman d higli school zger will1 perform pi African and sclichool. For more informatnadon and di- crayons. ’H:lie i fire depanment *.!>.* students Ls 50 cent;:nts and lunch is Liitinomusilu sic o n d ru m s a n d th e • IRegular transponaiion foror all rections. call Marionio n o r lohn at wjll prbvid< . for Biiss School Distrii“ l e t S1.25. Adult luncl de safely lips and ncll is S1.90. All (miiar fromom 2-3 p.m. Sunday at siistudents com ing for a regulgular 734-7272. deiiionstratliidons mui advise par- BUSS— llie DlissSchool3olDis- lunches should b 1 bu prepaid nt tlie tlagerncrman l^ssil Beds Na- sciid io o l day will not change. ents on hovow to use ciiildren's trict is regisiering siudenienis al regisiratjon time.' e. Tlie cook will tional Momonumeni Vtsiior Cemer 1For more Information, c m g e rjirin iin g in kits, (iOl li. MigJiway30. b c in th e cafeteria Hansen libraryf yiy a rd ' s a i e l> n a a nd nn rin during regLs- on State StreetSin in H agerm an. tinhe school at 934-4941. whichwillbtbe distributed byU.S. Hegislnuion times, datestes and tration to receiveive all lunch Admi.ssioision, is free. Metzger planned for SatuItu rd a y Cellular. m o n ey * fees arc: will also describede: die ori^ns of M,Vl.V. Orchid Society llANSEN — The Th. Hansen For morere information, call Elementary grades: fronrom 11 For more Inforformation, call drumming.ng. C om m unity Libraryiry is having a 733-8000. a.m . to n o o n an d 1:30-3•3 p.mj . tlie sd io o l a t 352-'! 2-4445. For montore inform aiion, call •*?losts orchid auction yard sale from 9 a.ma.m. to 4 p.m. ^R iP pIV Aug. 19. 837-^1793.I. ext.(a 5224. :TWIN FAILS ~ Tlie Mailagic Saturday at thc iibnibrary. 120 W. HJUS a Middle school: From 2-31^3 p.m Gooding Brldg€[ge Club Val/alley Orchid Socicty wiU hchost Maple, Aug. 20. Fees include S5 b • Arch / Heel PaPain • Toe / Joint Pain g Elementary I'sis annual' orchid auction at 5 Proceeds will bce usedu: toward • ingrown Toon.cnaili • Toenail Problems damage fee nnd SI3 acti3ctiSi°y announces windinners Gooding t i.m. Saturday at 3253 E Canytnyon upgrading a n d /o r: replacingrc| die • Corns / Calluslusct » Oiher Foot Prpblwns card. GOODING —-Tlie 1 Gooding VKliiregiStlister students K ’lace. library's aging pubmbiic acccss n„olhy 0. High School: From 9-9:30 9>! Duplicate Bridge;e (a u b has an- GOODlNiUNG — Tlie Gooding Any / orchid ow ner is invited G. T o m iin so n , DPM edio computers. 1120 Miinuiiu1:1 * (iiiUillilK » ‘),<-l->SlH) !Y -J' I I . U Tkm»Mnn,1WnMthB a.U iho Thursday,AuiMt 12,;2,2004 . ..

M o r n i nJ c G B R E A K

R(Relative’s 'cutting rremarks1 cleave< mlarriage

I DEAIEAR ABBY: I'm w riting In rc- 1 subject. Underder no circtim- DEAR\R QUEEN: Something ~ — sponseise 10 “Tlie Girlfriend," w ho 'A D stances shouldd slshe allow herself tells menc your mother-in-law ______Is haviriving problems because of to be drawn intono ian arm m e n t. If had a ruetide awakening when she y comments from her 3D V m o th er criticritlcizes Tier cook- found oiout w ho rules your roost. — P riendls motlier. ing. she shouldlid : say. "1 tried so ■ ______I kno^ovv all too well tlie dam- hard lo pleasese ;you. I'm sorry DEAR,Jl ABBY: Your response to age tliattliai can result from such a III ' ybu don't like it.'it. ’Ih e next tim e ' '"n ie Glijlrifriend" was riglit on ______situaticuiqn. For 15 years, I en- Ilips we have dinnerier witli’ you, w e’ll tlie mom durcd;d potshots from the ______come to yourr hhouse and you 1 hojiele ^ ic C om m ands th c rc- h h m o thher-in-law er from heU. She can cook or takeke ius out." Do n ot specL shithe deserves, and walks endedxl iun talking to m y now 16- him 10 be. ystericalorcriiical away If'if "Roy" doesn't make it *9 M »' year-oli■old d a u g h te r (her — WISERNOWINWH 3e sutprised w hat plain thiihilt she must be treated ■------gnm ddiddaughtcr)-,tiie sa m e way. DEAR WISER NOW;/m ‘ iank you wn-accompmpli.s(i if you re— witli respspect...... — - — — '-iizzE slie ha««: 26 Final doflt** eak in her defense, perhaps hurt my feelings. I \youldlid never . _ QUEETEEN OF MV OWN W liat youou said is true. A healtliy • 'f Sj Acu AC»»'Mp>A)«* 32A*ft«.4nd !51 Aoihi«» Dc ts! n{no.more ready for mar- •.'think of criticizing hovlow you -HOUSEHOLD,!D , COSX\ MESA, m arriagei;e is a parinership. in — ■*.>;,• M OwoogOB* wcw Beoi«y •53 6uiop«an ' ria g c than th his motlier .\vishes ■* fw*K» 4 fa Afwwetty An? 34 HacKnoyoa dress." and then changnge the CAUF. every senL>nse of the word. ' f *•->« , » 6ex>ioe<*l Ecx> quality '64' Pi#.|9t7 . . , • ■ v*- ^.-.n cyoo eyo 35 AuclwnMi RuMuinrukiis A •# « Aatronaul Astr 30 Andyol .• • A n • A‘ £a CT *«rv>M: K<3 M Leuo 38 Signal tor a 662 Bounaing To cnentertain thc ma&ses on . ___ :*•_ 69 G Goc ool*^______broatrv»r____ w hite to deei) pinpink. maraschlhino cherry is almond ...... 40 Womon'8 e (oman Coliseum's opening XAI ------R eader K ^In n Garnett asks, extract.' ' a.'rv.*ctcni POWN 0O\ »l««pwoar “f in A.D. ao. gladiators ....o;. "lusi who. is the lady on the I.Alfrctred Wight wrote some of ?? 1 OtsroM) Dt»r ■ slaughn^hiered 5,000 animals, • J Ijnkag* L»nk - p h o n e that says,« , ■'If you’d like to tlie best;t stories ; about animals .V • g 3 Enc Enc E H n o p E n i i Pro'curiiuring exotic animals to sl*>K nijike a call, pleasiL'ase hang u p and a n d vetererinariaiis. Perhaps you y ’ -msomv^ • Mp< ' P'’ni lojPjO K pBHl iTcT ^ ^ slauglui!;luer In gladiator spectacles try again'?" ’nialiat’s t’ lane .Barbe. know hitlim butter by his pen ' .V' S C M t^ ' 4 Somo Son Fi»n«n'’ ]»■[' l !jP |" t me a major undertaking, ^4n3rTn» S MM l«IPHIUCllH|cj lingo She's Jilso th e "At the tone, tlie name Janames Herriol, author of .V ' M 6 B B«siasoo l"|tJtMNjO|TM ral species w ere rentlered irrett voice, and the "All ’niinjings Briglit im d Beauii- poR*iti I extinct.ict, including th e N orth voice on a greareal n u m b e r o f ful." Animaiea ttim E n ji IC M OINI aIi W .• -s. e Anir Ea £ gij* 0 o Afri^an elephant.t Olher messjigess :mdjl voice mail Log cal^abins seem like tlicy’rc Sf ^ao* ru«a ot ot 19971! r i T L L F is day in history:.On Aug. means "pride" or "reivanJ *• '>o«N* 9 Walof-Slonng Wall < L |0 |l|i systems. Beforee 1; h er d eath last ihe es.senm ce of Aincric.nna, but _> aSvo.*f pinnis plnn m o lH lc U T M *|i 877. 'Iliomas I^ison was w here vve got oitr word,rd, ’ath- year, she adiniiteiilled tliat people tliey orijniginally came from Fin- ^ KxSMMUn 10 Silwry^gtay Sirvt . t UpS l l i ujl a m az»d ec i' as anybody when he lete." find her messagsages annoying; land andd Sweden. In th e 1630s. •' ’Alf* It Class* Clas n * K |i |o iHolEli ^ h e a r di"M "N ary had a'U ttle Lamb" a SI M Corvott# ,Cor\ A ll| A|M|OMOIH)j Not counting (he pplastic even her motlierher would slam Finns ammd Swedes began set- M y*rf> , t2 Siwesieu< ol . “ ]*]v )tp M e T L 7 i ng from his new invention, lawn variety, there areire five down the.phoneie andj say. "Shut lling in and a around Delaware • S««rcno<« valuivaluBDies I P j'l£ l» ls W D |e |i honogmpli. flamingo species in theL* vworld, tip. Jane!" and spreaead die practical home *e &W t3 Iflnn e Greek, word "athlotr ranging in color fromI nearlyn T h e m a in flavor, fl in a design too thi e new land. ^ ■ 1E3The1T i n i e s t p i f l'M

»C T3w >rrriifTrtSK H r« B r m E I KBIBB tjmm I b m i I B K I H S K ~ 5 o ~ a k - ^ l U U l M . a— o m a a a ™ Eamai i COLLEGEOF- . ^ /s/Jo so p h M. Hilic ------• ... SOLOUTHERN IDAHO lillogas,- CV-04-2686:------^------jrWTn'FairsTTd'a'h'o”— . C ase No. CV — ------■ c ... . ill. personal Roprtiprosen- Tho nature of thi COMMUNITY L o h rman a n and i l;oRoy~ electors of soisoid district laiivo the 83303-2349. 20B-734-. 2004-0003428 ' ' ------^------:------COLIOLLEGE DISTRICT • Craig whoshose lerm s ox- ond filod withh IheI Clork claim ogainsfyou Is torfo 2552. ' NOTICE OF HEARING pouonal injuries sus ' piro onDecember Oo 31. ol tho olectiolion at tho PUBLISH: July 22 In the Manor ol Ihe NOTICE OF PUBLIC3LIC HEARING NOTIC 2 2 ;2 9 . lained in on outombili*Ki?" ^ m C E OF TRUSTEE 2004. 'lomlnating Norr peti- C o 11 o g e Blusinoss u August 5 and 12. 2 nbile mons and Complaint Intorost of: Noiico IS hofoby givenn byb tho Planning and ELECTION EL AND tions mayla y bo p ic k e d Offico on or be 2004 accident. can bo obtained by BRUCE ' G. MILLER, Jr. Zoning Commission lor Ihoino City of Twin Falls. DEAIEADUNEFORTHE up at thehe Collegei ol p.m .. V/odn • INtHEDISTRKRICT Any limo otter Iwent'onty contacting either Iho . Docoosod. I Idaho, that a pufillc hoanngig wwill bo hold on Augusi .RUNGWGOFNOMWATXG Southernrn IdahoI Busl- Soplombor l .ZOM : ti COURTOFTHEFE FIFTH (20) doys followingJ th thi e Clerk ol Ihe coun or Iho TO ALL INTERESTED 31. 2004. a Tuesday, at thoho hourI ol 7:00 o'clock. IPETTTIONS ' n 0 s s O3 f f I c e i n t h 0 you have quo: nr JUDICIAL DISTRTRICT last publication of'h ihi is ottornoy for iho Piainiilf. PARTIES: i P.M ., in ino City Council Chonhom bars. locaiod at 305 . Nolledllco is hereby given Taylor AdmlnislrotionAdn nood further i FEOF summons. Ihe courSnn " you Wish logal You will ploo'so lake Third Avonuo East, Twin Foils. Foi Idoho. 10 heor a thatt a trusteo eleclion Building.|. A/ condidaio tion. conta(SE D FOR may onior a judgmonTioh' assistonco. you should noiico i that on Monday, roquost Oy; w illII bo t hold in tho shall bo0 aa qualified Masonat208-7 YOF againsi you withou'out ' immediately retain an tho < Iwoniioth day of SHANNA VININGVIN C o lle I.S furlho'r notice, unlosi llogo of Souihern elector ofof thet districl. John M.'MasoBBson. Clork ™™n°“fX CV.04-2« ik ■ attorney to adviso you September, ' 2004 al Roquosts a Spocial Uso PortPormii to oporoio anln- Idah'aho Community shallboaca condidalo for ol tho Election 1-2668 prior lo thol time youyoi in this matter. 9;30'■ o'clock a.m. or as homo daycaro locaiod at 369369 Buckingham Orivo. Collo(liege D istrict. Twin a specificc position pc of Iho C o llo g o of Snuthnrri S< ANOTHER SUMMn)n sued response on Iho Plainlain- COURT OF THE FIFTH lomokoobloclionthoro- ( O FT H E ST A )o m an . lill's ollornoy at Rober than 25*1 an existing vohicshicio salos business GRANT FOR PU B UC REVIE:VIEW IDAHO. IN AN ‘’V Morion P. Don ibert. JUDICIAL DISTRICT 10 i should appear at tho located ot 1070 Blue Lakoss BoulovardB< North the Plaintilf. iin n t h e L. Ja c k so n . P e d o rser•sen OF THE STATE OF t THECOUNT hearing to mako objec­ RUSS LIVELY ONBEHA:HALF OF CLEAR SU B3JEC Ji T: Proposod use of ono fodoiodorally funded TWIN FALn ty Oislrict court in amand for and Jockson. 161 FItth Flttl- IDAHO. IN ANO FOR tion, t II any ihoy have, or aunty. Avonuo South. Suiteu ite THE COUNTY OF f, CHANNELRARADIO Blockck G rant Plon; ■availability of S Sta tale Plon for C ase No. CV-0. Twin Falls Coui tilo written siatem ent of Requests a Non-ConlormlrtgIng Building Expansion public.ilic.reviow. oN o. 301..P.O, Box 2349149. TWIN FALLS Ihe (| som e with ihe Clotk Permit lo expand an oxistirsting non*conforming NOTICE ^ CREDITOi Puilding locaiod ot 41S Parkk A'Avonuo. PURPIIMPOSE: T he purpose Is lo rocelvi:elvo comment in ihe Matter RON & DONNA1 MATHEWSM; on Iho i oro l tho ho proposod uso ol funds duringJ FodoralFo Rscal Estate)0f o Requests o Zoning Distnct:t CChange and Zoning Yoarir 22005. Tho Block G rant Plan bolnboing reviewed JO SE PH MIC w Map Amenomoni Irom Ag lo0 M-2M lor approximoloty will bo: IICHAEL . bo: ._____ HILLEGASAS. 1 'A acres tocaiod al 3251 E Eos ast 3700 Nonh wilhin . Tho Low-lncomo Home Enor.norgy Deceased, t tho City's Area of Impact. Asslttanco Program JA SO N NEWHCVHOUSE ' n NOTICE IS1 HHEREBY GIVEN thai Iho:he under- * . 7 . . ItO F F Requests a Special Uso Porn’orm it'to con'siruct and PUBLIs u e HEARING SCHEDULE: A^public pul hearing signed os boon, COOI operate an indoor rccreationon facilityI which would will bo i bo hold on Friday. Augusi 1.2004104ot9:IWo.m. ed Personal SRe o IS S : . ith Terrific Deald s In The Classinfieds! indude an indoor go*kart trockock locaiod at 615 Blue in roonxam 2A on Iho 2nd lloor of the PetoPeti T. Cener- tative of tho i Lakes Boulovard Nonh. rusa> Building. B All written com tnentsIts iconcerning nomod ostaie.;.AIl°po°: 733.0931II . ext. 2 NEIL LARSEN. MAC EVANS,F4S, DONALD NORRIS this PloPlan m ust bo postm arked or deliv Jelivored on or sons havingg clolms Fax 734-54-5S3S 677-<77-40« C (GENERALPARTNER FORR NNORRIS RANCH), A boloroire Augusi 20,2004. a g a in s t th o si LEEP.SCHMIHMIOT , ,, c e o se d 'o ro req eld St. W. Fax 67:677-4543 , / 7 ^ \ Roquosts a Zoning District:t C hongo and Zoning AVAILULABILTTY OF PLANS: T h is1 PIPlan will be prosont their Falls 230 East Me Mop Amendment from R-2 ond ir c lo lm s Twin Fal : Main - Burley 0 ond R-1 VAR lo C*1 for ovailablable lor public review at: , within four moni 77 acres (♦/•) (ocated on iho) northno sido of Kimberly Tho D( jnihs after twinadSmagicvjicvalley.com Department of Heallh & Wollorc Buslf’o ss tho dale ol theJ firstII pub- I------Rood between 3224 East oma n d .3300 E ast In tho OffKw.u t. Peto T. C enorrusa Building.. 2rv2nd floor licolion of this n City's Aroa of Impact. 450 W Stato Street, Boiso. Idoho. said claim s will rheTinies-N Ew s A com plete description iss oion file wilh Iho Twin ;,rx^ EE3ti Palls City Planning ond Zonir over barredI. Ci laim s sning Administrator at SUBMIIMISSION OF W R nTEN COMMEIMENTS; Any- m u st b e p ro seBontod lo City Hatl, 321 Second Avonuoluo IEast. 735-7267. ono mi may submit written comment regregarding.tho J o s e p h M. HiiH illogas. f e Any arxl all persons dosirin-lirlng lo com m ent m ay p ro p o)osed s uao of Ihoso lunds, Fornorms for this 'i i i. P e rso n al a p p ea r ar>d bo heard at Iho api al R epre- I n p J —^ a p ^ n l o d llmo. p u r e«so s t or a copy of the Plan may b sonlhllvo of Ihehe P e rso n s r>oedir>g special aaccommodations o at a from I thitho B usiness GHicb, 2nd floor,.450 4£ Vi Slalo c/o Benoit. Alei public mooling aro asked lo coniaci.thoi City of Strool. lexandor, ol. Boise. Idaho, or coll (208)334334-5730, For Horwood. High Vat- Twin Falls at 735-7287 at loastloa livo-(5) working moro0 i informotion. contoct Lindado Stokes! ot doz. LLP. PO B da y s prtor to tho mooting. Box 366. (208)33)334-5734. Dopt. ol Kooith & Welfo(eiforo Twin Falls. 10 63303- /sA ^M ar N. Orton 450 VI/! W Stale Slroot. Boiso. Idaho • 2nd 366. a n d filed v Iho Community DovelopmonI OIrocllrector PO BoxSox 83720. Boiso. Idaho 83720-00:•0036. Court, DATED this 1: PUBLISH: Thursday, Augustst 12.V. 2004 PUBLIS I doy LISH: July 11,12 and 13,2004 of Julv. 2004. i i i V. \

TTiursiursday, August 12,2004. Times-is-Nsws, Twin Falls, Idaho E-3:-3 K anB O IBBiK i ■ o> Coun prior to tieorln( ms^mm irlng. - Child Act hps been liledId T h e jb o v e -n a m e d vedlock with the Do- Siailstlsties, and ll Shall ‘i l ?’ 5; C ase No. CV-'o^ Should sn objecilocilon by the Departmen! ol9l Individual le furiher I/-04.3285 YOU WITHOUT FUR- F naied court within 2020 b e so made or filed, th lartment ol Health and b e e IIgnedandwlt. a r -■ SUMMONS THER NOTICEE UN-I days afier son/iceolthis this • Mhe Heelih and Welfare.t. . notified that he Is enti- bi.ii »l C rebtree j e s s e DEAN B Court win b e requeste» te d The' m'orlls of the pen- ' Vellaro, Bureau of Vllal n essed»d belore a Notary N BOLLAR, LESS YOU RESPCPOND Svm m ons on you. If youyou II- ' tied to be represented staiJtatletlcs. on lornjs Public, Plaintiff, • 10 se t such obloctlontcon(e) tion will be exam ined In by legal counsel. II he Is . v * c. Your failure to WITHIN 20 OA'AYS. fail to so respono thtno o . lortHol a te later timo.10. InI an evldenllary hearing ivailable for such so regiaglster cen result In p,,n. ,eu. READ THE INFOR}RMA- court m ay e n ter |udg-o g. ig . financially unable to. nurilurposes Irom tho your bi S.IZABETHA^ that event, timely nolleollce on September 22.200414 retain ari ottornoy. he being barred in , q I ANN TION BELOW. m em against y o u a sd e - Surevu of Vital Stalls- y o u r m 8.2004 BOLUR, ol such trlol dale endon ai 11:00 a.m. in thee may apply to the Court, tic- i malntalnlng an TO; ELIZABETHI ANN/ m anded by m e PiatniiH Ics of the Department actionjn to establish IN THEOEOlfffhiCT Delendani. tim e will be sent to suchsue M agistrate's Court,t. prior to the heerfng, for Hi 11^ BOLLAR In the Complami. persons who havo> ap-at Cassia CountyCourt- ll Health and W elfare, p a te rrnltyol n the said COURTOFTHE OF FIFTH NOTICE: YOU'pu HAVE . You are herebyy noil-i Sensed with tms Surn-jrh- 1- appointment of counsel, saidSold f a th e r Is fu rth er child er I^L DISTRICT BEEN SUED E ; peorod or otherwls« ls o house. Burley. Idaho, Said lather Is further pQ.n end consllluies a JUDICIAL 9. If’ P"'*'' *Pto de* mons is/are copy/copies)les lotlfled that he shall primaa lade case of 0FTHE8E STATE OF A B 0 V E ■ N A/ M E D fond mis lawsuit, an ap- of tha Complaint, Order tllod dem and for noticeitlce. The following Indlvld-]• notified that pursuant to . mall' DATED Ihls 23rctIday da ual shall personally nail the com pleted (orm abandoidonment pursuont IDAHO,INANDFOR IN PLAINTIFF proprlato written>n re- to Attend parent educa-ica- ly 1 6 -1 5 1 3 o l th e Idaho ,o0 tLth e B u re au of Vltel to secti :OUNTYOF CpURTMAYl of July 2004. appear at lhe heoring:-• Code that he may reg- ctlon 16-2005 ol THECOL e n t e r sponse must be»filed f non progi'om, Joir>! N FALLS JUDGMENT AC > Voorhoos LaMuro ULP-LP - JOSEEFRAtNDAVfLAA Ister his claim a s father — ______TWINF AGAINST with the above dodesig- Temporary Restramingling /s/OonnIs S. Voorheoslees- Father of Child . of a child born out of ]|NANCE NO. 2797 NOTICE OF TRUSTI — — ^ o n o l^ o( the firm iTEE'8 SALE T T I E ■ AN ORDINANCE• ( OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ------^------On tho 3rd day of Novem ber,, 2'2004, at the hour NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Attorneys lor Polltlonei)n e r' , Bth day of December, 2004, at tthe hour THE CITY OF TWirVIN FALLS, IDAHO. REZONINGNG NOTICE OF TR ll 10:30 A.M.. of said day. (recogn TnUSTEE'S SALE A.M.. of said day, (recognized locattlmalloci REALPR0PER1RTY BELOW 'DESCRIBEO.;o, ... PUBLISH: July292 9 . O n th o 17ih day of Noviovem ber, 2004, at the hour I",1 j'’;the Office ol First American 1 60 3rd A venue NorlhrTwIn Fell fice of First A m erican Title ^m Coi prny; PROVIDING THEE ZONING CLASSIFICATIONON ------A ugusrS'and 12, M004 04 ol 10:00 A.M., of eald dayday. (recognized locol time), '" O * Salls, in the S County "Hs 260 3rd Av« the CounN THEREFOR: AND40 ORDERING THE NECES--s- if Twin Falls. Slote of Idaho. Avenue N orth, Twin Falls, In thocountythe SARY'AMENOM In m e Office of First AmAmerican Tlllo Company.' “'T" alls. S tate ol tdaho. MENTS TO THE AREA OF IN THE DISTRICT'T 280 3rd Avenue North.!1. Twin Falla, tn m e County First American Titio Com pany■of o Idaho. Inc.. an-• . COURT CF THE FIFTI laho Corporation, os successor mericon Title Com poiiy of Idaho,ho. Inc., an' IMPACT ANO ZOh3NING DISTRICTS MAP ANCNC of Twin Falls..State ol IdaIdaho. • >r tnjstee. will sell .J r h ? DAREA OF IMPACTANOMD JUDICIAL DISTRICT 1 public auction, to.tho highest bidjidder. lor certified , irporation. a s 'successor trustee,eewlNsell THEREVISED. Flrsi American Tllle CoiCompany of Idaho, Inc.. a n /? ’ auction, to lh e highest bidder, for cenifiedi COMPREHENSIVE/E PLAN LANO USE MAP. . OF THE STATE OF ' Idaho Corporation, as susuccossor tnjstee, will sell Jf"®,*inds.’or the equivalent, which Isis lawfulI money of ,SLPh, "?,^ h® • , IDAHO, IN AND FORu n QI p„(,||Q Quction, ]o tho hli 10 United S tate s of America, all Ihe equivalent, which is lawlul.1 moneym of ' W/HEREAS, MelII £and Pnsciia Moeller t>ad madeIde > highest bidder, lor ceilillod ’■ all payable at tho nS 5nit«riid S< tates of America, all payableable at tho oppiication for a re.rezone ol properties located-at THE COUNTY O F ­- funds, or the equivalent,It, which\ is lawful nionoy of mo 'ol sole In compllanco,wllh Seclection 45-1506(9) TWIN FALLS ■ lie in com pliance with Section 45*1^06(9)45-' W ashington SlStreet North and 128 Cosweli;eli tho United Stales ol Am<\morlca, all payable at me jaho.C ode, the following descnbeibed real property. MAQiSTRATE Ituatod in the County of Twin.Falls do. tno lollowing doscribed realal property.pi Avenue West.Clty I ool Twin Falls, and an amend- time of eato In complianceic e with Section 45-1506(9) ,ll.,S,.»oll».ho.. :ed Area ol Impact and Comoro- DIVISION nd described e s lollows. to-wit: n Iho County of Twin Falls. Stateto ofo Idaho, rnom ol the Rovlsec ire- Idaho Code. Ihe lollowinging descrtbod real proporty. f " ? ‘ hensive Pion Landa Uset Mop: and. . C aso No. CV-04.3569 ot 1, BlochA..CABTER MINI BAI nbed a s lollows. lo-wit; ; situoied In tho County of-Tjf-Twin Falls.-Stato of Idaho. ’ ANCHES SUBDI- I City Planning-and Zoning Com- ■ ' NOTICS r i) 'ISION, Twin Falls County. Idah< Block 3 ol FIRST AMENDED) PlPLAT Ot: WHEREAS, the C and d escnbed a s follows.M .to-wit: , . VISK aho, according to m a g ^C VAL ;ny ol Twin Falls. Idano. noid a • CREDITORS 10 official plat Iherool recorded 'ALLEY MOBILE HOME SUBDIVJDIVISION.. rnlsslo'n ior tho Clly 1 a ■ Lol 2 Block 126 TWINI F-FALLS TOWNSITE. Twin ' ed^nflookioof to me plat Public Heenng as rerequiro(l Oy loi^ on'the 29in doyloy- - . In the M atter ol thding lo the-County AssessorsAs: WHEREAS, the CCity Planning ana Zonmg Com* appolniod personal roprop* office, th o a d d re s s o f 4' Ifico. the oddross ol 226 Fafnir D f 449 & 451 3rd Avenue ®''‘'=0 > address of 1207 Twin Villa Loo|.OOP, Twin rri'SSion h a s m adee i retom m enoalions to. m e Cily resenmtiveol me above>ovo W est, Twin Fallsrtdoho.10. isI som etim es associated laho. Is somoilmes associated,a will, , a u , . . i n a m e d d e c e d o n t. Al propcroporty. mo. IS sometimes associated wi y ol Twin FaliS. loano. and. ■All with said real propeny. arty. City Council lor m e City ol Twm p e rso n s having claimslin'd Sold salo will bo mao S aid sa lo will b e m ode wiihOi cov o m w or '=“w“siA 'S “, a ' nade without covenant or ' ;ale wili b e m a d o without coveijvonont or, Falls. Idaho, held a aI Public Hearing to consider me against the docodent• o warranty regarding uile,le. p o sse ssio n or oncum - J^orrtorronty regarding title, possess his estate oro roquirec ranees to sallsly the obligation s rogardmg title.-possession or e 2nd day.ot.Au0ust. 2004. ured bfoncos to satisfy lho"oblobligatlon'socurbti'by and •od bv and NOW. THEREFORERE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THEHE to present Ihotr claim:iim s pursuant to Ihe powor of si ursuant lo tho power of sale confe 0 salisly tho obligation socurod )f sole conferred In the deed to tno power ol salo conlerrod in itithe deed CITY COUNCIL OF)F THE CITY OF TWIN FALLS,S within 120 days altoiIitof of tfusi axecuiod by CHCHRISTINE A WELTON, I trusi execuled by BRETT A tho daiooltho firs execuied by ISAIAH E DA^>AY ANO IDAHO: an unmarried person,)n, as grantor, to FIRST BERA ANN TITMUS, husbenend and wife, as c o rtn Iv 'hat m e loilowmg descriood real publication of this renlors, to FIRST AMERICAN TIT EY L DAY. husband and[W wl ife , a s . SECTION i. Tha n \ f AMERICAN TITLE COMFIMPANY OF IDAHO. INC.. 9,™"'! riTLE COMPANY ? f/, :OMPANY pfopeny located aIt t' 703 Washington Street Nonenc notice or said claimsI wllwill a n i5jQho Corporation, a s s F IDAHO. INC.. an tdaho Co to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CON 15 successor trusloo. for the " :orporaiion. as P,p daho^0. INC.. an Idaho Corporatiration, os ’28 Caswell AvAvenue W esi is the suDjeci ofI a be lorovorbarred00 . bonolil and secunty ol FinFirst Security Bank. N,A„ I'J"'jccossor irustee, lor tho bonelitIII ond secuniy ol C laim s m usl e ilher b« r trustee, lor me benolit and secuntysec of Zoning District Chatlange and Zonmg Map amond-Id- os beneficiary, recordedId [December 27. 2000, as Irsl Security Bank, N.A., asi bonellclory,b re- w eIlS FA p^esoniod to the under arded A ugust 29, 2000. os Ir FARGO BANK. N.A., succescessor by ‘ ’'O'" f’"*C - Inst'rumont No. 200002C020004. and assigned to Instrument No. 30. Inc os A parcol ol la n d bibeing a portion of Lot 31. o^ signod at the'addross D00013329. and assigned.lo W ith Wells F argo Home Mongago. I oss WELLS FARGO BANKHK NORTHWEST. N.A., 20M WELLS FARGO ' Sion! accoroing to tne plat there-re- indlcatod. or Illed with ANK, N.A., su c c e s s o r by mer{ y. recorded Ju ly 18,2002, as InstInstrumont O/chaiaro Subdivisic tviin s u c c e s a o r In In terest to First Security Bank of f irger with Wells Twin Falls of recorded in BookIk 1 of Piais. page 8 l ; rocords ot tho ClorK ol Iho Coun. srgo Home Mortgege, Inc.. as J14470. M ortgage Records of Twi Idaho, N.A., as bonoliclliclory by osslgnmenl re- is bene IC ory by 1^“; f,,r m Twin Falls County,'. lilocated m the SE ’* NE '4 NEME - /s/G reg J,Fuller lor Jule sslgnment rocordod Novembe laho. Jule cordod December 10. 2C2001. os Instrumont No. b .r 9. zooo; as AMED TO P' Section 8^. To'rownship 10 South, Range i7 M iller. Personal sirum ent No. 2000017469, Mortgio«joRo«,a.oi iBOVE GRANTORS ARE NAMI n a \ '2001022709. MortgageJO Records ol Twin Foils 1"® ™ WITH SECTION 45*1506 (4)(A).A) I IDAHO Eos’' Meridialian. Twin Falls County. Idaho A C ounty, Idaho. TwiniVln FoilsI County, Idaho. c/o FULLER LAW 10 REPRESENTATION IS MADE^DE THAT rt>oro partiinicuiahy doscribed a s lotiows THE ABOVE GRAf^TOTORS ARE NAMED TO THE ^^1 ABOVE GRANTORS ARIHE NAMED TO S 1 me soum oast corner ol said Lo: OFFICE OMPCY WITH SECTION 45-1506 RE. OR ARE NOT, PRESES E N T L Y COMMENCING ot Ifl .0: COMPLY WITH SECTIONON 45-1506 (4)(A). IDAHO SIBLE FOR THIS OBLIGATION,)N 31, Thonce N onh Oi00'3915' East along me East . PO B oxL CODE. NO REPRESENTNTATION IS MADE THAT ODE.- NO REPRESENTATIONf I! f s W S ? Twin Foils. ID 83303 lault for which this sale Is to bo)0 trmado is 1 ! " ® 3 8 . 0 00 I feoi to the TRUE POINT OF■iV • THEY ARE. OR AREIE .n o t ; PRESENTLY HEYARE.ORARENOT.PPRESENTLY ESPONSIBLE FOR THIS OBLIG/r^ATiriM failure1 toto pay when duo, undor DoodJd o ol Trust BEGINNING: ' . RESPONSIBLE FOR THISHIS OBLIGATION. ^^^SF To ^ 1. Noto. tho monthlymo poym onts lor Principal.al. IInierest ' THENCE North 89-2I-20W West 135.00 feet PUBLISH: August 5,■'< 12 Tho delauli lor whichI thistn sale is to bo mode Is . The deloult for which this sole Is is to bo mode Is Tn-W nniinfi and 19.2004 e lallure lo pay when due, under unds ol S362.16. due per rpontnnth for mo-’ t h e n c e North GO'S)'39'l5'^E asi 90.00 loet. ___ tno lallure 10 pay when,dudue, under Deed of Trust I’J®. April ihrough Juno. 2004 andI all subse- THENCE North 89'2I-20 00- W esi 39.23 leol. IN THE DISTRICTr , Noto, Iho monthly paymenients lor Principal, Interest 3lo. th e monthly paym ents lor Pri Id im pounds'ol S860.87, duo peiKSKSS! ’s S m onts until tho daio of sale orr roinsiate*rei THENCE South OO'-JD-4010-.West 128.001001. COURT OF THE FIFTHH-'h and Im pounds ol S495.48.,48. due p er month lor tho '[ )'20'00‘ West 5.00 leet. onths of February through.May Ih a monthly late cnarge accri.:cruino ot THENCE North 89'2 JUDICIAL DISTRICT:T monihs ol February throurough Ju n e, 2004 end all llh intorost accruing al 7.5‘!e por ( THENCE-Soum 00-.0'40'10- Wost 100.00 teei 10 ,-i . IF subsequent payments; uruntil Ihe dote of solo or ibsequont paymonts until tho 0 ES O F THE STATE OF 2004. The point on tho Soulh1 ImoIII ol said Lot 31. Instotement. v'ith a monthly lote c luing 10 a ccru e from March 1,200 IDAHO. IN AND FOR)R relnsiatem ent. wilh a monlionlhly lato chorgo accnjing ba lan c e ow ing o s of lh>s datelie on the THENCE South 89';9'20'00' Easi 159 29 loci aio-.a $34.43. with Interosl accruing ol I8 'O per annum,ll «u,.-. '■g . THE COUNTY OF: 01 S i 9.62, with Intorost occaccruing at 7% per onnum. iS s n secured by said Deed olII Ti T ru st IS *'’® South Imo ol saicaid Lot 31; TWIN FALLS and continuing to accrueue from January. 1. 2004. Id continuing to occruo Irom JaiJanuaro i. 2004. Pq >'39'38- Eosl 28.20 teoi. 10 principol balance owing a s of t 43, plus accruing Interest, coscosts and THENCE Nortn 45'3 MAGISTRATE____ The principal baionco owlrwing o s of this dato on Iho ^[1° P inhi.Jiiaorm s I novJ due THENCE North 00'2)'39'15' East 118.QO feet aior'o )llgailon secured by sold Dei . All delinquent amounts aro no ------obligatlon-secured'byly ss o ld D e e d o l T ru st Is laaa ol T,os, Is »iihvith occruing late charges andId irinterest' East line of saidjid LOI 31. to me TRUE po in t ,, C a so No. CV-04.1626>e SS1.810.13, plus occrulrruing Interest, costs and 100,330.95. plus accruing inierierosi, costs and j". ^ Ivances. All dellnqueni amountsIIS am now dun UfiPeKJ “ ndd accruing0< ta x es, assossm onls.s. trustee'stn OF BEGINNING, NOTICE TO ' advoncos. All delinquoni»ni am ounts ore now due, f'*''®" advancod Containing 0.64 acre:ros gethor with occruing loto charge ■ney's feos, a n d ony amounts adi CREDITORS togolhor wilh accruing laKlate c harges a n d Inlorost. lis forecio- SECTION Thatat the1 Area ol im pact and Zoning ipaid a n d accruing taxes, a sse ssd n s .S E !»v.0ssrjIho security associated wiih this fi Z, In tho Manor ol tho; h 0 unpold and accruing taxes.es. assessments, trustee's sm ents. trusiee s III or cau se Disirtcis Mop and thom< Rovisod Aroa ol Impaci onenc BS. attorney's foes, and any amo hat the bonoliciary elects to soil or Estoto of; JOHN C.C.' loes. attomcfy's fees, andlId any omounis advancod ' nounts advancod TkI llsfy sold ■Comprehensive Planlan Land U se Map for tne City,of protect the security ossoclatod w property (o be sold to sallsf; FREDERICKSON, to protect tho security assossociated with m is forecio- P^®' wilhtnisloreclo- S J ''S ''' ^ ” Twin Falls. Idaho,. bbo and the same ore hereuy O ecoased. su re ond that tho beneficialdory olocts to sell orcouse re and that the benoliciory olectsIS 10i sail or causa o a K ™ , , amended to reliocict m e roroning a n d change n' 0 trust property to bo sold tc ust S. 2004 .• NOTICE IS HEREBYBY th o tr u s t p r o p o rty to bo-80td be to-sattsly sold 10 s a lis ly sa id S I V a SlERICAN TITLE COMPANY OFIF IIIDAHO C o p p r e h e n s iv o PIPlan designation of the rea. GIVEN thai Ihe under-lor- obligation, iligation. ' property above desciscnbed. - Doto:,no: Ju n o 29.2004 INC.. on Oaio: July 13, 2004 a M Ricky. Trust Oflicor PASSED BY THE CITYCl COUNCIL August 2 .200-:J-: ■ „ a l FIRST AMERICAN TITLE,E COMPANY< OF IDAHO, f '5®''’RST AMERICAN TITLE COMPArANV OF IDAHO. /S/Mayor Glonda Thohompson August 2. 2004 INC.c. • .. 7023.29094 ' RepresentaUve ol them e 'NC- First Amoncaiican Title C om pany of idano ■ ATTEST:' Deputy Cil^My Clork Jody Hai> abovo«oamod o«tolo.,10. By: Elishlo M Ricky, Trust >: EhshlaM Ricky. Tm st Olficor' ^-18123/7023.26894 Trust Dopt,1. 1-1-206-375-04S5 All persons havingn o . FA-18141/7023,2890S ------PUBLISH: Tnursday.ly.August 19. 2004 - claims against tho saidol(] First Ameticon Tlllo CompjW . I , d . h O ■St American Titlo Com pany ol Id: ust Dopt. 1-208-375-0455 PUBLISH:: AAugust 19. 26. September■ 2 andi 9. ■______'■ - docoased oro requiredred Trust Dopt. 1 •208-375-045! 200 4 .1 ------n o t ic b -oDFTRUSTEE’S-SAL'E f ------th s PUBLISH: July 29, AugustjslS.'l2ond 19.2004 **.^BLIJBLISH: July 22 ,2 9 . Augusi 5 amind 12.2004 ------witrtin four (4) m onths On m e 10th day of Novem ber. 2004, ai me alior Iho dalo ol Iho llrstI r s t ______RERESCHEDULED NOTICE OF . of 10:15 A.M.. olsaicaid day. (roeogmzed local publication of this TRUSTEE'S SALE in mo Office of Firstrst American Title Compony, WIN NOTICEOFTRU:RUSTEE’S SALE y. nollco or sold claims will NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S5 !SALE Oniho29lh9ih day of S e p te m b er. 2004. atat Ihoih hour 260 3rd A venue.Nlorth. oi Twin Falls, m tne.Coun!', -beforovorbarrod.Id • Tho following-described-ed-property-wlH-be-sold a t—- O3n n Frtdayrthe-22ndF day ot Octob£ibor. 2004. a tm e o n o i2 0 ’A:M::m .. of sold day. (recognized localocal time), of Twin Foils. Stole3 olo Idano re- public auclion-to the high Claims musi bo pre- ighost biddor. payable in hourour of 10:30 o'clock a.m. of saidI dday ot the Twin In tho OllicoCO ol First American Title Corr'o m p an y , . First American Tnh•lllo Company qt laano. me .r of lowrful monoy of Iho Unitedtod Stotos. in the olfico ol FoilsIls C( ounty C ourthouso. Countyly of Twm Falls. 260 3rd Avei.venue N orth, Twin Falls, in tho C , 4 Twin Falls Tlllo & Escrow, ho County Idaho Corporation,. asa succossor trusiee. wiii iui'L'l' Colom an. Rlichio & 3W. 905 Shoshone Strool Stalelie of< Idaho. DAVID A. COLEMA^a n ; a member o f . of Twin Foils.Ills. S tate ol Idoho. First Amenconeon Tlllo ot public auction, toJ itme highest tsidoer. tor ccrti'i.n; Roborison, 156 2ndno North. Twin Falls, ID 83333301. on 11/24/2004 at IholdQ> Idaho Stole Bor, a s Succossor■ TTrusloo. will sell Com pany olol Idaho. I Inc.. an Idaho Corporati lox 11:30 am. (rocognized'locc )raiion. o s lunds. or tho equivoliroloni, which IS i.iwfui money o- . Avonuo Wost, PO Box ocal timo) lor the purpose ot publpublic oucllon, to tho highest bidddder, for cash, in succossor trustoo,tr^ will soli ot public auction.ion. to the the Uniiod^iatos-ol iho ol loroclosing that cenainIn DoodC ol Trust rocordod lawful 525. Twin Falls, Idaho ^ul monoy ol the United Slates,s, oll_payablo at hignost Didde3der. for cash or cashiors checkeck (cosh, timo of sole m compliphoncowiin Sociion45-I5060i ------83303^0525Tandlilod 12/01/1987 os-lnstrumont9nt Numbor93108B.-ond 'the'tlrnrm'e of sale. thVfoilowing didescribed real oqulvolent).). Inir lawlul m oney ol lhe UnitedDd Stoies,S Idaho Code, tho folio ro-rocordod 12/10/1987 a Mowing ooscn&od real propery with tho Coun. 7 os Instrumonl Number propeisporty. Sllualed in the Countyy < of Twin Foils, all payablo'ai>'ai tho time of sa le in compiianclance with situated m tno Count)niy ot Twm Falls. State ot Idano0 DATED Ihls 23rd dayInu 931S61 a n d e x e c u te d by AARON FERIANTE Slolelie ol( Idaho, ond descnbed as iolllollows. toiwit; S ection 45-15 -1506(9) Id ah o C ode, ino loll ^ AND MICHELLE J. FERIA lollowing and descnbed as loiiioliows. to-wit: ol July. 2004. ^lANTE, a s Gronlor(s), In T owiwnship n 9 South. Range 166 Eosl. Boise doscnbod realred propeny. siiuoiod in the CountyCoi of . Lot 3 in Block 3 o U an favor of TWIN FALL; I MEADOWS W EST SUBDlVh ------/s/BonnioFrederickson .L S B A N K & T R U S T Morldliirldlan.-TwIn Falls County, Idaho0 — Twin Falls.s. Siaio5 of Idaho, ano descnb:ribod a s SION. TwIn Falls'Colouniy. Idaho; according to.mo10 Personal Roprosoniotivoivo COMPANY. AN IDAHOO ' C O R P O R A T IO N , a s Soctiorction 22: Tho South 220 leet of theho SE1/4SW1/4. lollows. lo-wil.■Wll; Benoflclary. to STEWART T official plat Ihereof.. rrecorded m Book^i 1 o' Pi.vt iTTITLEOFBOISE,INC;.- SUBJEIBJECT TO Highwoy Disirict rightIhtolw ay. .. Lot 16 m 3IOCk Bid 63 ol TWIN FALLS TOWNIWNSITE. P ag o 5. m th e Olliiilico ot me Recoroof c- s .to , PUBLISH; A ugusts. 12 Ihe Current Trustee ol rocoiicord. covoring the.folloW- EXCEICEPT ■ Twin Foils County,Co Idoho. C ounty.. Ing rool property locaiod a n d 19.2004______ed In Twin Falls C ounty, T ownship w n 9 South. RongeJjBj6 _ e as I . J 01 s.e_____B y jo asoon.of-the-autcmaUc-sUy-provisK n . vinons-ol— -Th.9-Trustee^-Sale — sta to ol Idaho: ______- - - .: ‘ — Meridiciridian. Twin Falls Couniy,-ldaho- 0 U:S. Bonkmpl•u p tc y c o d e 'l'l U.S.C.'362.‘.IKoo10 ongiriol filing, payotl. romsta;iaiomeni. or any^lhoVc^uT^ _ IN THE DISTRICT THE EAST 0N6-HALF OF OF LOT 18 ANO ALL O F S o cction ti( 22: A parcol of land lo c a te d In Ihe solo wos disciisconiinued. a n d pursuant to provsrovislons tions of which the Tru’ru'sioe IS not aw are ol, ana ma; * COURT OF THE FIFTH LOT 19 IN BLOCK 16 OF FILER TOWNSITE. S1/2SI ^SE1/4SW1/4 moro ponicularlyriy described a s ol Idaho Code3de 45-i506(A) this sale is resch*icheduiod would cause tho cancincoiiation ol,this sale. Furthe' JUDICIAL DISTRICTJ TWIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO.II ACCORDING loHowsows: O F THE STATE OF and will be conductedCOI a s allowed by me expirationexpi il any of tho^o conduidilions exist, this sale may be - TO THE OFFICIAL PLATr TlTHEREOF RECORDED COMMIMMENCING 01 the South ono-ququaner cornor of or terminaiiomon ol the elloct ol lhe slayoy InI th e null o n d void. T he IDAHO. IN AND FORR IN BOOK 1 OF PIA TS. PAi e successlui bidder's lunds PAGE 11. RECORDS OF Socticctlon 22 and being the TRUEUE POINT OF mannorprovic3vidod by that section. shall be returned,. ando ino Trustee and or it)o THE COUNTY OF SAID COUNTY, BEGINGINNING; TWIN FALLS Tho Trusloo100 h a s no knowledge ol o more}re panic-i B e n o lic io ry s h o ilII inot bo hold liable lo any Tho Trusloo h a s no knowlowledgo of o more panic- THENCENCE North 89'54'00’ West olealong the Soulh ulardescnpuo3iion of the above relerenced real C a se No. CV 04-3625=> ular description ol the obovt real prop- succosslul purchanasor(s) or sidders. at me lOvo roforonced real prop* boundijndary of tho SE1/4SW1/4 foir r, a distance of erty, bul for' )28 Is som etim es ossoci- THENCENCE South e9'54'00' E ast paisarallel with the . Falls. Idaho.10. IS somoilmes associated withwitt said Section 60*113 Idanono Code, tno Trustoo nas been GRAVES, ated with said rool property. rty. Soulhjlh Iboundary ol the SE1/4SW1/4/4 lor 0 distance rool property,ly- inlormod mot accordurding to me Couniy Assossoi<; • Docoased. Bidders musl bo prepare:ired to tender tho trustoo ol 989,}89,77 foot to 0 point on the Eos NOTICE IS HEREBY ost boundary of Sold saUsalo will b e m ade wimoui covenii/enani or ofiice. the addressS iol 830 Van Buren Stroot. (he full am ount ol th e bid101 at m e sa le in the lorm ol the SE1/4SW1/4SE of Section 22: warranty rogiogarding tmo. possosslon orr encum-or Kimberly, Idaho, is GIVEN lhal tho undor- cosh, or a cashier's check s som oilm es a ss o o a ie d withh ock drown on o sta le or THENCENCE S outh 00'13'40- E ast along ali the E ast broncos to saisatisfy the obligation socurodd b'by and said real proporty. signod has boon ap-P' federally Insured savingss InInslltullon. Sold sale will boundsmdory of the SE1/4SW1/4 of Se< poinled porsonol ropre- Section 22 for a pursuont lo the powor of solo confoned in tho dood Said s a le will b e made without covenant o' be mado without covenonlnl oorwarranty, express or dislanclance ol 220.00 feet to the TRU1UE POINT OF ol trust execut'cuted by HOWARD HEPWORTHtTHAND wnrronty rogordiiding title, possession or senioiive ol lhe obovo-'0; Implied, regarding title, pc , p o sso ss lo n or oncum - -BEGINSINNING. JU D Y HEPW,PW O R T H , h u s b a n d a n d wifiwife, os encumbrances to sailaiisty tno oOiigation secured oy n a m e d d e c o d e n t. All b rances to satisfy tho obllg V’ bligatlon secured by and SUBJEBJECT TO; A 25.0-foot-wldo courlunty rood oose- graniors. toI FIIFIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMFDMPANY and pursuont to the pipowor ol salo conferred m me p e rso n s .having claimns s pursuant to the powor ol3l i sa le co n lerred In that montnt alongal the southerly and easier . against tho decedont or torly boundaries O F IDAHO,3, INC.^,I a n Id a n o C orporatioiition, as dood ot tnjsi oxocuiected by MATTHEW L MORITZ. certain Dood ol Trusi. o lthho a cdescribed parcol. Iho osiato aro required successor trusirustee. for the benefit and secuiecurity of a sin g le p e rso n , a sI gigrantor. 10 FIRST AMERICAN otJ Tho dofauli for which m)ls is Isalo Is to b e m ade Is: Commimmonly known address is 243136 East 4300 Fremont Invinvestment & Loan, as benelliJoliclory, TITLE COMPANY COF IDAHO. INC . an Idano " to prosent tneir clolms''S Failure to pay the monthly pa ' paymont duo 03/01/2004 Norih,nh. Flier, Idaho 83328. recorded Novilovember 8. 2000, as Inslmmennent No. Corporation, os succc:cossor trustee, lor mo benefit wllhin four months aftorer of principal. Intorost andd IrInipounds and subse- SoldSold sals'wlll be mado without tho doto ol me first pub­ ut covenant or 2000017419.9. and a ssig n e d to WM SPECI/iCIALTY ond security of WELELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.. quenl Installments due0 ttlioroalter: plus lote warranranly regarding title, possessioslon or encum* MORTGAGE,IE. LLC, a s beneliciary. by assignslgnmont successor by merge lication ol this Notice or charges, with Intorost ci ■ger with Wells Fargo Home0 1 currently occruing al branco:nces to satisfy iho obligation so por annum ; togeth ethor with all subsequent pursuaisuant to Iho powor of sale conforrcirred In the dood r 2003016316.16. M ongago R ecords ol Twinvin Foils 20, 2002, as Inslritrumont No. 200200S188 ovor barred. ' sums advanced by benefit oflclary pursuant to the of Irustmst executed by GREGORY JOJOHN WINKLE County. Idaho,ho. Mortgage ReconJs of'Df Twin Falls County. Idaho Claims must bo pro- terms ond conditions of sol sold Dood ol Trust, and and1 BECKYBl RAE WINKLE, groniintor to FIRST THE ABOVEVE G R A N T O R S ARE NAMEC.IED TO THE ABOVE GRA^ANTORS ARE NAMED TO> sentod lo the under­ any supplemental,modlfic llficollons therolo. The AMERKERICAN TITLE COMPANY, as1 titrustee for the COMPLY WITlVITH.SECTION 45-1506(4)(A).). IDIDAHO COMPLY WITH SECTCTION 45-1506 (4)(A1, IDAHO3 signed al mo address principal balance owing os of this date on sold bonolil Indlcatod, and filed wlih lOlil and security oI RAYMONDID E. BAXTER CODE. NO REPRESENTATION Rl IS MADE)ETHAT 1 CODE. NO REPRES.•SENTATION IS MAOE THAT obligallon Is $26,621.90. pllplus Interest, costs and and' DEANNADE J. BAXTER, husbandd iand wife, dba THEY ARE.:. OR C ARE NOT, PRESENTLYFLY RE- T H E Y A R E , O R Al tho Clork of tho Coun.^ expenses actually Incunod Ir ARE NOT. PRESENTLY • Id In enforcing tho oblige- BAXTEol |property taxes, and/or 19940C14006265. Mortgage rocords; oof Twin Falls the failure lo0 ppay when duo. undor DoodI of Trust the foiluro to pay who 343 Monroe Slroot ossessments, anomeys' leo hen.duo. under Deed of Trust loos. Trustees' lees and Countymty. Idaho. First Amorican Till•|tlo Com pany. N oto. th e moinonthly poyments for PnncipalIpal and Noto. tho monlhly payaymonts for Principal Interest Twin Foils. Idaho 63301" costs ond any olhor omoun>unt advanced to proioct resigne cdated April 9. rolo. the curreirront rate Is e.99‘^<> por onnum.um. and Irom Seplembor 1-. 2C • ATTEMPTING TO COLLEC 2003. Tho pnncipal baianeo JUDICIAL DISTRICT ECT A DEBT AND ANY 2004,4, which* Appointment of Succoi:essor Trustee continuing to0 0iaccnjo Irom Fobniary 1, 2003.03. Also owing a s ol this datea onc the oeiiganon secured bv/ O F THE STATE OF INFORMATION OBTAINEDED WILL BE USED FOR w os! re ret c o rd e d April 12. 2004, In ththo Mortgogo due oro C nqinquoni a n d unpaid taxos for 2001’001 ond sold Deed oi Trust Is J THAT PU R PO SE. AND TH Is S87.269.69. plus accruingJ IDAHO. IN AND FOR THAT THE DEBT MAY recordsirds ol Twin Falls County. Idaho,>. oe s Instrument 2002. Thu p.Inii.Inclpal balance owing a s of this dato Inlorost, costs andi as d v o n co s. All delin q u en t BE DISPUTED. THE ABOV THE COUNTYOF lOVE GRANTORS ARE No, 2004-007725.200 • on tho obllgallcatlon secured by said Dood olI TrustTn is amounts are now duo.JO. togothor with accruing loto CASSIA MAGISTRATEE N A M ED T O C O M P L Y WWITH SECTION 45- Thone dofaulifl for which this salo is110 lc be mode Is S 5 9 .0 3 2 .0 i.. pplus accruing Interest, costsISIS and charges and interest,it. unpold and accruing taxes, DIVISION 1506(4](a) IDAHO CODE.IE. NO REPRESENTA* lallurere totl pay: ' odvoncos. All^11 Idelinquent amounts are nowlow due. a ssessm en ts, trustee'! TION IS MADE THAT THEY lo's foes, ottomoy's loos, and1 C aso No. lEY ARE, OR ARE NOT. (1) Monvlonthly paym ents, collection chailarges and late .together withh accruingo late charges and InteInterest, any a m o u n ts ad v anneod c 10 proteci the secuniyI CV 2004-0027'M PRESENTLY RESPON3NSIBLE FOR THIS charges-ges through July 14,2004. all Inn tlthe amount of unpold and accaccruing toxos, assessments, imstee'stms associated with this n OBLIGATION. ils foroclosuro and that thoI ORDER, NOTICE. AND S2.067.:167.33; and the unpaid principal balancebi owing fees, attorney's9/s fees, and any amounts advaidvanced benoflclary elects lo sellse or cause the tnjst propertyI SUMMONS FOR D ated July 2 6.2004 a s ofif thisth dale on the obligation seciecured by said to protect the10 i secunty a sso ciate d wilh thishis fore- to be sold to satlsly saidsa obligoiion. HEARING N am e and A ddress ol the' CiCurrent T rustee Is de edd of ol trust lsS1S.247.45. plus> liInterest, late closure and thattht mo benoflclary elects to0 sellsi or Date: July 8.2004 STEWART TITLE O F BOISEISE. INC. charges In Iho Inlerosi ol: v e s and loreclosure costs. .cause the trust■ust property to be sold to sallsfyIsfy said FIRST AMERICAN TI1riTLE COMPANY OF IDAHO. ADRIAN ISAAC 9196 West Emerald, Sullei 1(100 DATEVTED: July 14. 2004 obligation, INC. Boise. ID 83704 , DOMINQUEZ /s/OavIdavid A. Colemen, Successor Trusustee Oate: July 29.29.2003 By: Elishia M Ricky.. TrustT Officer PHONE: (800) 281-8219 for.lor Information COLEM d.o.b. -1/06/2004 .EMAN. RITCHIE 4 ROBERTSOION FIRST AMERICRICAN TITLE COMPANY OF IDAHO.10; FA-17807/7023.2853939 A Child Undor Elghtoonn Stewart Title of Boise, Inc.IC. S u ccesso r Trustee Anomeymeys for Trustee • INC. First Amorican Title Cc By: Bov P eterson, Sr. Trustst (Officer Resldln( Company ol Idaho Years ol Ago. Iding a t Twin Falls, Idaho /s/EllshIa M RlcRicky. Trust Officer Tmst Dept. 1-208-375-r5*0455 A Pollllon under tho Term ination of Parent-° PUBLISH: Augusts, 12.19<19 end 28.2004 PUBLISILISH: July 22,29. August 5 andd '12,2004 PUBLISH: Augilugust 12.19 and 20.2004 PUBLISH: July 22. 29.!9. August 5 and 12. 2004 •)• ------E-4 TlmM'Ndwi, Tw{nrin Fall!,I Idoho Thund*/. Augugust 12.2004

c ^ i i m w ■ m i n i M i eaiiiiiiis^ i i itiw r a im c°aiiI— g ' a m n ■ k ^ l y u i M Ordof (Ctiildfen). tf you I moyclafm. o$ wish to sook tho odvlco e s t a t e h a v o lo u r (4) niomtnt isIs sen/ed with this ad dross ro and tele- 3. Your signature, mail- m rr(onths Irom Iho dato of Summcnmons. II you wish .Pt*ono nunumber. the sig- — o» or foprosontaiion by ing a d d ro ss ond te le- thi ------SUMMARYRY OF ORDINANCE an ottornoy in this mai- tho first publication of > .q sookook the fldvico'ol or rtature, mo-nalling address phono num ber, a r.lh e ihithis notico to preseni ,opros ORDINA(ANCE NO. 2798 tor, you snould do so re s e n ta tio n by a n “ f’o •oiopl'iphcno num ber Ison, D. Elmo '0 Signature, moiling ad- thI h o . r c l a . m s l o i n o ' rney in.this matior. o* your atic 1^,-., - an ORDINANCE OFDF THE CITY COUNCIL OF promplly so lhal your, d r e s s a n d te le p h o n e P< itlornoy, RESCHEDULIULED NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S'S SALE£ THE CITY OF TWINJ FALLS.F IDAHO, AMENDING3 - wntton responso. tf any, Personal Reprosenia- vousushoulddoso P'oollol o mailing or On NovomI number ol your atiomey. tiv amber 30. 2004. at tho hourr ol 1 ;00 TWIN FALLS CITY CODECC §10-4.3.3 BY PERMIT- mptly so that your dollvory Olac copy of o'clock PM oloh said day. in tho lobby ot First A '® 4. Prool ol mailing or TsI win F alls. Idaho written 1 «lAmer- TING 8.000 SOUAIARE FOOT LOTS ALONG and other legal rights ton response, il any. VOur respo V f S ' '« n Title. 26C260 Third A venue North. Twin I delivery ol a copy ol 83303-1768, 6S or.be maybe’ bo Mod in timo and .I'ltsatto m i Iln Falls, ARTERIALS IN THE-R.1.VAR R ZONE; AMENDING1 protocled mey, os desig- \aat)o. CHARLiRLES C. JU ST. ESO. Attomeyy at Low. t w i n FALLS CITY C youf response to plain- forovor for barred. otherlor legal rights "^odobov CODE § BY An appropriaie wnaen tiff's attorney, a s desig- i 'O’ O- o s S uccessoror ‘T rustee, will soil at public auctiuction to PERMITTING SALE! OFC ALCOHOL TO BE CON. response requires DATED this 11th day protecteoctod. ”0 detorr ® naled above. ol August. 2004. the highest biddor.bid' Ior cash, in lawlul moneyey

    'i!’l BY PERMITTING SALE AL- • admissions or denials OF THE STATE OF Ar>swo eot; COHOL TO BE CONSIISUMED ON THE PREMISES 's MEDIATION ORIEN- .5 11. It m ust contain . i®' . of tne soparaie allega->• TATION DATED SEPT. . 'HIDAHO. IN AND FOR ' nd Soptombor,,THENCE Eas;ast along Iho South lino ofo f i s a id IN THE C-1 ZONE IFL' LESS THAN 300'-RESIDEN- liono of the Complaint issions or denials ?• 2004 8. SEPT. 13 AND SEPT THE COUNTY OF a«‘"’'ssi ______S octlon a dIsti■stance ot 136 foot to a polnl; TIAL PR O PER TY : AMENDING A TWIN FALLS a n a otr3raio alloga- in THEEDISTRICT [ THENCE In a Northerly direction parallelIol w llh CITY CODE §10-4-1212.2.BY INCPEASING THE m ay claim 1 5 . 2 0 0 4 . Y O U R - } ol the'complaint COURT COMPLIANCE WITH £3Case No. CV-04-1060 ol IT OF THE ■ th e W est lin10 o df « said Soctlon a dlsiance»of of 160 SIZE OF ACCESSORIRY BUILDINGS IN THE AP 3 .-Your Signature, mail­ SUMMONS ' . . ano othcothor dolonsos you - FOURTH Ini; ZONE REQUIRING A 5 '• T H I S O fl D E R I S ctalm. QjSTR ^ SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ing address and tele-'• REQUIRED OR THE CAROUNA ACEVEDO. . "’“.V Osterly parallel wllh iho Southuth lino 1.500 SOUARE FEEEET, AND BY DELETING pnone numijor. or the sur signature, mail- THE STATE ® C O U R T MAY H O LD PtaimiM, ' 3- ^ our i Ion a d ista n c o o f 136 (eet io a pn). notice to tho public ol tho NOTICE TO TO:rO : Augustine Ferrer Helken). worranty regardording tillo. possessions or enciincum - principal provisions ot' Ihis III ordinance. CREDITORS . Y u are hereby notiliod ihat in ordo You a re hereby non- dor to dolond brancos lo satisatisly tho obligation socurod by i ond DATED This 3rd dayo( ol August. 2004. IN THE DISTRICT i iwsuit. an appropriate written rosj . In tne Matter of the tiecled that in order to iti'slawsi jsponse must pursuant to the powor ot sole conlerred in tho /s/ Fritz Wondorlich, Cil\:ny Atlornoy COURT OF THE FIFTH' Estate of EUDORA dolt }d With tho above designated cou (olond this lawsuit, an tiled « ourt within 20 D eed ol T rustsl oxoculed i by D. Elmo Ison,O h ,a rt Section 12: Thol ihls’oi/ordinance bo oKoctivo upon JUDICIAL DISTRICT \WEBB PRESTON. apc alter sorvice ot this Alias Sum m er O F THE STATE OF ippropnato written f^aysatte o ns on you. II unm orrled p erse rso n , a s Granior(s) wilh Housohisehold possogo ond publicationon by summary. Deceased. res ail to so respond the court m ay'ly enter Judg- Finance Corportloralloh III a s tho Beneficiary, un IDAHO. IN AND FOR esponso must be V0“ ' under PASSED BY THE CITY•Y COUNCIL . NOTICE IS HEREBY fileol Trust Tru rocordod August 8, 2001,l()1. a s August 2.2004. THE COUNTY OF GIVEN / to Iho creditors desi Comptotnt. Instrument No. 2 TWIN FALLS losignated Court within 'tie Coi }. 2001014254, in the records ototTwin T /p/Mayor Glonda Thompnpson Augusi 3,2004., of tho deceased that iweiwenty (20) days aller A copyspy ol tho Compioint is served witMih this Alias Falls Counly. Idaho.Ida MAGISTRATE . ody Hall LLOYD J. WEBB serorvico of thi5 Sum- Summon:nons. It-you wish to sook Iho advlco oc ot an THE ABOVEVE GRANTORS ARE NAMED=0 TO DIVISION has been appointed mon oy in this manor, you should do s ' C a so No. CV-04.3376 i io n s on you. II you tail “ Itprnoy I 5 so promptly COMPLY WITHFH SECTION 45-1S06(4)(o). IDAI August 12, 2004 Personal Rapresonia- loJ sosc respond me Coun ®o thatIt ycyour writtoh response, it any, m ' t h a t 'PUBLISH; Thursdoy. Au NOTIC£ TO , m ay b e Wod CODE. NO REPlEPRESENTATION IS MADE TH live of'tne estate ol tho ma>>ay enter Judgment mtimean} and other logoi rights protected,id, T H E Y A R E .. OOR ARE NOT. PRESENTI CREDITORS 1 MTLY ------deceased by tho Order agaigainst you a s dem and- An op'propriaio opp wniton response reqoquiros com- . RESPONSIBLE.E FORI THIS OBLIGATION, I.e. §15-3-601 ofc the Court issued ed I3 0 with Rule 10(o)(1) and othor Id .irto ie . ORDINANCNCE NO. 2799 In the luiatter of ine > d by tho Plaintitl(s) in pHance w Idaho Rulos Tho dolault for which this sole is lo bo made . Augusi 9. 2004. and iheC10 Complaint, o( Civilll PrProcedure ond shall olso includiIde: the failure to pay LJi,™ ! a n ORDINANCE OF THE T CITY COUNCIL OF E state of; PORTER H. , lay tho am ount duo undor tho cert. that creditors ol the A ) tillo ond number ol this case. Promissory No ,h » t h e CITY OF TWIN FAI■ALLS, IDAHO. AMENDING PRINGLE. ' A copy ol tho Com- l.ihetitli Note and Dood ot Trust, in t 2. II your5uf Iresponse is on Answer to tholO 11 Froo at 1-800-923-9106. Irom which Iho Northeast cornorner ol said Soctlon 14 On iho10 99th day ol November, 2004, a any inslanco whoro a poisorson. firm or corpbrotlon indicated {ind Illed Wllh k, . desires special public si boors North OO'Og s r East 2G4£645.03 loot: THENCE ol 10:00lO A.M..'olA soid doy. (recognizediroVaTlimo)! k PUBLISH; July 29.29 Augusi 5,12 and 19.2004 safely son/lcos over Block Bli 2, ot REGAL SUBDIVISii >. the - to omploy tho sorvicos oisMhe l City's police porson- SION. Twin lollowing doscriboIbod rool proporty. situatod inn thih e nei to bo in ationdanco ili( IN THE DISTRICT IoIor 0 distance ol 260.83 lootot to the Northoast Foils Coumounty..Idaho, according to-lho-pla iiieroat..shali.tllo.a.rflquost___ slai-lhereot.-r-County ot Twin/In-FallsrStnto-ofldaho-Tari 'a n 'd lor such sorvicos With'the COURT OF THE FIRTH . , COcorner of Iho W2/5SW.1/4SE1/4:i/4NEl/4.ol Section rocordodtd irin Book 9 ol.Plats. pago.38.-r< :he Chlol ol Police stating .-records ol— described a s lollovHows lo wil: ------' tho nature ol the ovorir. the JUDICIAL DISTRICT 1414; THENCE South 00'05'34-• W est olong the East said Countilunty. Lot 44 In Block 3 :ho opproximoto num ber b r ' k 3 of BOWDEN TERRACE SUE3UB- police ollicors roquoslodd toI bo in attondonco. the OF THE STATE OF boundary bo of Iho W2/SSW1/4SESE1/4NE1/4 ol Sec- This Trusrrusloe's Saio is subject to any bankruptcybi DIVISION, Twin F lion 14 ior a distance ol 162.C n Falls County, Idoho, recorderded approximate loiigth:ol^ tlllmo such sorvicos.aro IDAHO, IN ANO FOR l‘o 2 .0 0 loot: THENCE tiling, payolayoll, roinstatomont. or any oth'Ithor condl- In B ook 11 o( Plai3|ats, pagoSI. THE COUNTY OF ScSoulh 89'01 '50' East (or a dislaistance of 130.39 (oot__tlons olwhlwhich tho Trustee is not aw are ol. roquirod or.aro desired, anand 0 wriiion agreom ohi to o!^and.that_ ..This.TnjsieoIsJLS-SolQ.is SUhJflCLln-n-hnnkrtip!<;jpicy— pay-iho City (or such spec TWIN FALLS------tttra O point on ihe E ast bob o u n d a r y o l t h e would causouso tho cancoilalion o( this sale.le. Further, liling. a payoll; { 'Oclal sorvicos a s provided Case No. CV.2004-3a27 W3/5SW1/4SE1/4NE1/4 w: ol Seci I; a reinslotomcint or any olhcilher olsowhoro therein, iection 14: THENCE il any oli( IheseIh' conditions exist, this saleaio may bo conditions ol whiclhich Iho Tm stoo Is not aw are thc SUMMONS AND South So 00-06-05- West along IhoIho E ast boundary ol null and voi I that Tho Chiot ot Policc. or.1ir his/her d o slg n o e . m ay I void. Tho succosslul bidder’s tutunds shall would c au so thee ccancellation ol this salo. FurtheIher. approve or deny such n NOTICE OF ORDERS 'htIho W 3/SSW 1/4SEU4NEl/4 .ofot Soction 14 lor a bo returnedn o d .a n d tho Trusloe and/or the) Bonolicla-E II any of thoso cot request, or increase or ' BY PUBLICATION - .dlsiance .diS of 169.10 leot; THENCI conditions oxisl. this sale mayly bo.b do c re ase the num ber ot5t personnel assigned tor . MCE North 89'03'36'- ry shallI nenol be held liable to any su(iu c c o s s tu l' null ond void, thehe succosslul bidder's (unds sha ■ DEBORAH MAY’ ------‘ WW« est (or 0 dislani:o130;36 foolDOI to a point on the purchaser!: shall such special socurlty assicsignmeni. ier(s] or bidders, at tho Trustoo’sl’s Solo, lor be rolurnod, andd liIhe Trustee and Iho Bonoliciorclary (C) When osslgnod lor dui . CVENCEK DIFIORE. E Ea ast boundary ol the W2/SSW1W1/4SE1/4NE1/4 ol anydamoginagos. July on such special socu- shall nol bo liablelie I10 tho successful biddor lorr onyon rity asslgnmont, police ollli - Ptamtiff, SeSection 14; THENCE Soulh OO'Ci0'05'34- West along. Tho Trustrustoo has no knowlodgo ot a monoro panic- damages. ' illlcors sholi bo doom ed lo . vs. 'Ihc■tho East boundary ol the W 2/5S’5SW1/4SE1/4NE1/4 . uiordoscrip bo on regulor duty undor3r the gonoral supervision «ripiion ol Iho above reloroncod3 roalr prop- , T h o T ru steo0 hos h no knowlodgo ol a morinoro ot tho Chlol o( Police ani JO S E P H JER R Y of Section 14 for a distancoc e o l 1 0 4 .7 0 lo e t: orty. butI lottor purposes ol complianco withfith Soction particular doscriptii ind any olllcor in charge Iption ot tho abovo reloroncodI roolroc undor thoir rospeclivo cocommands, and shall bo DIFIORE. THTHENCE North 89'06'21* West ost parallel with Iho 60-113 IdaIdaho Codo. tho Trusloo hass boonI In- proporty, but lor i or p u rp o se s o( com pliance with will entitled to any and all bonenolils providod by law or Dofondant, SoSouth boundary of tho SWi/<'1 /4 S E 1 /4 N E 1 /4 ot tormod IhoiIhot occording to tho County AAs ssesso rs Section 60-113 Ida Idaho Code, tho Trusteo has booisoon 'ordinonco for such porsorlonnol as members ol iho NOTICE: YOU HAVE SfrSeciion 14 for a distanco of 130,.30,35 loot; THENCE olllce. thehe .address ot 107 Davis Streeoot. Fllor. Inlormod tho add Iddress ot S13 Marble Strooloot. Police Departmont ol thea CClly. oxcopt that iho rate BEEN SUED BY THE NoNorth 89'01'48- W est for a disiaritanceol I30,35loot Idaho, isIS somoiimossi associated with1 saids roal KImborly,'Idaho, 10, is sometimes assoclalod withwitl ol pay (or such spocial sesecurity sen/lcos shall bo ABOVE-NAMED 10to iIho TRUE POINT OF BEGINSINNING. SUBJECT proporty. . tho said real propoiiporty. PLAINTIFF. THE TOTO: A 20.0 foot wide easementnt IorI M eadow Viow Said sole sot lorth horoin. Tho payy tor1 oach omployoo thus ;olo .will bo modo without covononant or war-. S a id sa lo willlli tbe mode wiihoul covonantIt o r em ployed during such dmi COURT MAY ENTER Lano Lai along the most easterly'ly boundary ol Ihe raniy rogarcjarding iitlo. possession or encurr mploymoni shall be at tho jmbrancos warranty regardinjling title, posse ssio n s or encum:um- police otticor’s actual rotolie oi pay with a tour (4) JUDGMENT AGAINST before bef described parcol. ANDD SUI B JECT TO: A to satisly/ thttho obligation secured by a n d puisursuant to brancos to sotisly 20.0 loot wido sanitary sower llni :(y tho obligation socurod by andant hour minimum to bo paidid ot timo ond a hall. Tho YOU WITHOUT FUrt- 20.' lino easem ent, said the poworBr oiol salo conlerred in the dood ol trtjst ox- p u rsu an t to Ihe1 powor pi ot saio conferred In ihi easement boing the North 20.0 I ' the Chief ol Police shall report3rt to tho Finance Dirocior THER NOTICE UN- eas .0 loet ol the boloro ocuied by>y FRANKF N JEW SBURY. a n ununmarried Deed o( Trust exoiixeculod by Jom os R. Marlon. < doscnbod parcol. TOGETHER W n. a tho namo of tho person.in. (Irm. organization or LESS YOU RESPOND CfOS I WITH; A 30.00 loot m an. o sI gr.grantors, lo FIRST AMERICA!AN TITLE m arried man,I, aas his sole and separate W I T H I N 2 0 D A Y S . wldwide easomont for a sanitaryry :sower line, said COMPANY or requiring such spocial NY OF IDAHO, INC.. an Idahos (Corpora- proporty, os Gra5ranior(s) wilh North AmericarIcan security p'orsonnol, tho ne READ THE INFORMA- easement oas being the North 20.01.0 lool ol Ihe Wost lion, as sue names, ot tho omployoos - successor trusloo. lor the benenelil and -Mortgage Compan;la n ra s iho Bonedciory; under• thothe so employed, and the hum TION BELOW. . 371371.26 foot ol tho SW1/4SE1/41/4NE1/4 il Section socuntyolol FirstF Security Bank of Idaho, imbor ot hours ol employ- 0, N.A.. os Deed ol Tm st recojcordod Seplomber 18, 2000,1, atas mont ol oach. Tho Financince Dirocior shall thoro- TO; JOSEPH JERRY t4.14. The Trustee has no knowl}wledgo ol a more bonellciaiy.iry. rocordod M arch 2 1 ,1 9 9 4 . o:a s Insinj- Instrumoni No. 2001 particular doscrlphon of the abovi :000014438. In Iho records ot Twirrwin upon bill Iho porson. lirm1 Olor corporotion employing ; DIFIORE: pan lovo releronced real • mont No.>. 1!1994005030, ond assigned to WASH- Foils County. IdahoIho. Tho Bonolicial Inlorost ol saic proporty, but Ior purposes ol < said such personnel (or the omimouni poid to oach plus 3l complianco with INGTON4 MMUTUAL BANK, FA, suceeilessor by Dood ot Trust wow as su b s e q u e n tly a ssig n e d lc iSeciion s 60-113 tdaho Code, tho10 1Trustee has boon merger will d Id tho cost ol workers' comi;mponsotlon charges and wllh Washington Mutual Homene Loons. -Washington MutilutuaLBank, F^successorlc d d o n o inis lawsuit.' a n inlormed mfoi tho addrosa ot 629 Mee r.to __olhQr.adminlsirativo.cososis.-Any-Iailuro of Iho.------i^eodow View Lane,-* Ine.,-succeicceasor In Intarest by m orgenir to R oot • W oshlngton Mutiioi:uai Homo' Loans. Inc.. FKA PNC Twin Foils, Idoho 83301. is somo ’NC porson, lirm or corporalioition billed tor sorvicos ot ' o p p r o p n a t p w n tto n Twii metir^os associated Mortgagele Corp..C a s bonoliciary by assignijnmontro- Wortgoge Corp.'ot.ot American, recorded Fobruory ivilh tho said real property. Said s mry such personnel to make9 payment| thorolor shall response m ust be filed wilh Id salo will bo m ade c o r d e d McMay 27, 1994, as Insirumcnent No. 5. 2003. os Inslruirumeni No. 2003003273. Tho y/iih th e a b o v o d e sig - Mithout with covenant or warranty The conslituie a debt duo soleijely lo the City. Ity regarding title. 199400962J621. Mortgage Records ot Twrwln Foils Benotlclal iniorosiosi ol soid Deed o( Trust was _nated court within 20 sossession pos: or oncum brancos to:o satislys tho obllga- County. Idah w as . tDJ a o y evont that Includod M ICfl Sfllfl' fit olcoholie Idaho. ' subsequently assignedas to Select Portlollc lon secured by and pursuant to tl silo bfikfiiagasoDPuMfiPifiPfiiifioy ar PUfilifi rioht-ol-wav days alter sorvice of Ihls 10(a)(1) and other foos.80S, costs of Ihls foreclosure. 0 n 5% or guardians ol said minorors, sholl bo jointly and >. and any and all advanced to I to protoct Ihe security associatiloted with trom Fobruory 1.. 2001.2C togolhor with dolinquont I d a h o R u le s of C ivil lundijnds expended by said BenellciaIclary to protect Its this'la'roclosulosuro 6nd that the benetlciary el ont severally liable for a civil penaltypo In Iho am ount ol elects to taxes plus penaiiloiHies ond Iniorosi lo tho dole otol live hundred dollars (SSOO Procedure and shall secuocunty intorost. and interest accrccruing at tho rate sell or causeJSO tho trust property lo bo sold tolo satisly sale. 30.00) for sold incident. olso include; dose Tho City reserves its legal)ol options to eloct any lescribod by tho Promissory Noiete (1Irom 02/01/2004 said obligaiioaiion. Tho Benollclary ol 1. T he title and number to th f elects 10 sell or causo ihe trusiusi othor legal remedies whenisuch s costs ordamogos 3 tho dato ol salo horoin descrlbirlbod. The Benotl- Date; July/9 9.. . 2004 property to bo sold tc ol Ihis c ase . clary d to sallsly said obligation, exceed tivo hundred doioilors (S500.00). Tho iary oiocts to sail or cause tho Irusirust propeny to be FIRST AMEP/1ER1CAN TITLE COMPANY OFF IIDAHO. Dated this 28th da;doy ol July, 2004, 2. II your resp o n se is on old sold to satisfy said obligation. Datoiated; July 2 6.2004 INC. accounting and billing proirocoduros oro set torth /s/Paula Peterson.m. Trust Olllcor lor Charles C, above.- A n s w e r to th e C om - FirstIrst American Tillo Insuranco Cofflom pany, o s Tnist- By M onine0 C

    'Hiursday,lay, August 12,2004, T1mM-N«lews, Twin Fails, Idaho E-5 ' ^ ^ l i l W M I igaUIMME MW K an BBEaraalU liU I ing aro asked 10 contact 7:00y-i o'clock. P.M.. In ,imo IN AND POR THE t I n A M n vbhicleses moy be' RV park (not to exe PASSED BY TH&CITVTY /S/Deputy Clly Clork COUNTY OF ADA tho Clly ol Twin Falls al tho ih City Council Cham- p„ g, Jody Hail. 735-72B7 at least fIvo bo orsons nooding A M phli lintained. 6 monthst for on-S s COUNCIL August 9 ' C aso No. SPGM bors. locaiod ot 305 sooclal SiN5TSim SA "",!,": (5) working days prior Th sial accommoda- p i^ i,eriC ITY C O D E loaded or unloailoadod (but construction qqLO qnon- 2004 0400057M Third AvehuoEoet. C o t s tor a /s/Vico Mayor Lanccco PUBLISH: Thursday, ■ (0 tho mooting, -r^ 1 al a public moot- BrpEHMTr. I otherwise rosldential lota li SUMMONS Twin Foils. Idaho, to nt^ are o J to sower, minimum al threo Clow, August 10.2004M August 12. 2004 In tho Manor ol /s/M ayor Glonda hoara ^e- request by: ^ h o C ^ Thom pson iV or^,!nTon f o T N j R " Iblo sorv- oiid 0 m f la im miu im fij .------NAOMI BLANCH ROBERT A. DURHAM 735.72P7287 at least five SAsVnB^i napproved llltoen tl5l RVa i LAGRAND Roquosts a Vocation of rs) work IT ia llO T S Ices, except In 0) U C NOTICE PUBLISH: Thursday. 9? s P t I'S5cd5Tn ° J bv mn ireslden- vided Ihat all RV'sa ' S . DOB; 04/04/19Ce Augusi 5.2 0 0 4 • 9700 pj, so.lt. {^/.).of K r S la Zoning connected Ja cent SSN; 519-27-0067 public right of way oka /a/LnM"oMVrN"; Orton, ator mnv ized sewer and ^ NOTICE IS HEREBY)Y GIVEN thot ot 7:00 pm on a Minor, Thursday, Augusi 12. .Bovorlybo Circle. Commu 1 JSfliar the 23rd day of Augustst 2004. at Iho Fire Station in 0 2004______,mun,,,Dov.,op. emoorarv services,' THE STATE OF IDAHO A comploto doscrip- ^.ont Dir TWINFALLS. flP P X m 0 IflU the City of H agerm tin.1. tthe Board ol tho H agerm an SENDS GREETINGSft NOTICE OF lion llo is on lllo with tho — Firo Protoction Distnctn \will grant and hold a public 6 PUBLIC HEARING Tw In Fails City hearing on the proposese d budgot of the District f o r . TO: Leo Vor» UcJon, tho Twin Falls City Planning puBLIS X ;iiy.Q £JW IN FALLS ■ nalufol lather of IhoQ Nollco Is horoby given am 10-7-1618 , the llscai year boginniming October 1. 2004. Tne' o s follow^' HQ.TUInC E Q£RUBLIC HEARING nbovo namod Minor,r by tho Planning and loi S l■»dny. i ; A u g u s n S . total aniicipaled revenu'nuo lor the year is thc sum ol Zoning Commission lor Socond So Avonuo East. 2004 iY..AUfiUST 23,2004 6:00 P.M- 5100,480,00 a n d Is as Ifollows: Child, UALLCQUNCIL CHAMBERS YOU ARE HEREBYY Iho City of Twin Falls, 731735-7267, , ' ______ATIONAL ' ’ REVENUE 1 Idaho. Ihat a public Any ond all persons ORDINANCE OR fN RESIIJIDENTIAL iSJBJRQjftVENUE EAST, . PROPERTY TAX S 66,673,00 NOTIFIED IhQl 0 Poll- TWUJ EALLS, IDAHO tion lof Guardianshipn hearing will bo hold on desiring d e io commont NO. N 2800 LOTS: • , 6.000.00 a m o B .c a 'm p — Fof. l hR-OiireLirposo ot Haanng Public COmm< h a s boon fiioO againsi August 31. 2004. a mtmoy appear end bo AN ORIORDINANCE OF Motor hon IT f EE g e n e r a l o b l ig a t eEDBOND c 7,807.00 n Tuosdoy. at tho hour ol hoihoard al Iho appointed; THE CITY Cl COUNCIL trailers, campersca and 1 lncrt!nafl.ln FUEL FLOWAGE F S100.480.00 you In tho District Court E FO R J O S L IN F IE L D , MAC of tno FoUrih Judicial • ■______OFTHE,■HEaTYOPTWIN. other simll The iollowing IS SOIll Ilorth a s an estimate ol the' GIONAL AIRPORT beyond tholoiimiis, lir probable amount oiI monoyr necessary for. ail * Disirjct of tho Slato ol — prescribed by/ IdohoId Codo Section 63-131,1A, Idaho. In and'f.or ihoJ/ NOTICE OF TRUSTiSTEE'SSALE , ------• purposes to be raisec:ed in said Fire Proiecti'on ® Orviho 9th day o{ Novombmber,-2004, at the hour The prciposeded (eos excoed 105% of ihe feos :ol yeor beginning O ctober 1. C 0 u n t y, 0 f A d ft, b y • NOTICE ^ collected or areire new feos. Notice is herebyu oi *'SC0l V ol10:15A.M.;ofsaidday,{ro{rwognlzodlocal timo).' jh o folic hn H ending Sepicpiember 30, 2005 lor whicn. Potnionor. Marvolla following appllcallon{s) havo bbe o en filed to th a fth e City CouncilCo ol Ihe Twin Foils. Idaho. Bovorly; artd a in Ihe Olfico of F irst Airiorl: appropriation is to be mm, ade. • 260 3rd Avonuo N orth, Twin spnato tho public waters of tho Stsstoto of Idaho: hold a publicIc hearingI for consideration c hniH^ OPERATION AND SLSUPPLIES TO m a in t a in YOU -ARE HEFIEBY; of Twin Falls. Stato ol Idaho. 1-10401 ■ proposed leeI lmincrease, said hoaring to b e hoii DIRECTED to lilo a wrii- lEPT OF INTERIOR Iho City Councilncii Cham bers, located at 305r Tlt 2> J P'RE DISTRICT St00,41,480.00 '■ Firsi Amorican Tillo Componpany of Idaho. inc.. an ^2 Done by tho order ofif Ihc11 Board ot tne H agerm an I ton answer or writlon'■ Idaho Corporation, as succot EAU O F RECLAMATION Avenue Easl...Twin T Fails. Idaho at 6:00 p,m,. motion in dofenso lo tho « 08sor trustoo. will soil 7,cn Nn CURTISf RD STE 16& ,m;. on P rotection O istticUCI. tnis 2nd day ol A ugust • ° a l public auclion. to the highotihost biddor. lor coniiiod o n ic c ir August 23.2004304. - • 2004, said Petition within'' funds,: or tho oquivalonl. whic IE ID 83706 . : i The City of T*Twin Falls has proposed 10 incre iwoniy (20) (Jays' ol tfio ■ /hich is lavrfui money of (s) of Diversion; NWNE S+f-'FO InMhal Clork . • 0 tho-Uniled S talos of Amoffarfca. all payable b l W g g f f i F0+S-R456,. the Joslin FieldBid fee schedule by' an' am ount 1 uorvlco of Ihis Sum- ' NEVILLE County . oxceeds one hihundred live porcont oi tho cun ■; limo of salo in complianco wmwith Section 45-1506(9) < ■ j ™ ; p u b l is h : A ugoait; orand 19.2004..' ‘ • mons; and. ’ |Idaho Codo. Ihe lollowing dos CO SNAKE RIVER. Thtiutory T e0 ICOLUMBIA loe. Tho propostlosed increase wouldhavo the folii YOU ARE FURTHER I described rool property. a t^ p S ' •' siluoied in tho County of Twinvin Falls. State of Idaho, "so: IRR , " -ing impact onI cucurrent lees; - . NOTIFIED Jhat unloss \ IRRIGATION STORAGE •FEE ® 'and described a s lollows. to-w Fuel Flowage8 *'9®F< ' NOTICE O F TI you do so wlihin tho , I To 12/31 201000tM=A ' • . . CURRENT RAT TRUSTEE'S SALE ® ■ SEE ATTACHEDd ESI hiBIt’a u ln U f l :ATE . 50.05/per gaiiori' . On the lO lh day of No limo horoin spociliod. IRRIGATION FROM STeRAGE-B- PROPOSED RARATE S0,06/per gallon 'Jovomber, 2004. ai inc nour ■ Thai part ol Block 13 of MOORMAN'SMl FIRST of 10:45 A.M., of said d:day. (recognized locai time), Ihc Poiilionor will sook ADDITION. Twin Falls County I To 10/31 20100(H>fA % INCREASEE • 20.0‘lii Iho Ordor of Guardian- ( mty. Idaho, according to pfPOWER STORAGE , , . in the Office ol F irst AAmerican Title Company, • mo plat thereof, recorded Inn BookB 1 of Plats. Page Tho increased:ed revenue is necessary to helpt^p fundfi 260 3,5, Avenue North, stiip against your tntor- ; I To 12/31 201000-AFA- Increasing airpirp'oft m aintonanco a n d op e ra i Ih, Twin Falls, in mo County • 35. in tho Olfice of tho C ourounty Recorder ol said , om jrallo n of Twin Falls, S tate of' laIdaho, c sis a s prayod in' said { POW ER FROM STORAGE- costs. 3 Counly. moto particularly dostlescrlbed as follows; ni/n’i ■ First Am encan Tlile' CCompany ol Idaho, inc., an ' Polition. , I To 12m 201000AFA- • At this hoanngng all interested persons may app ' BEGINNING 01 a point 5 leoleol Wostoriy and 105 riw niS appear corporation, as; s successor trustee, will sell Tho nature ol Ihis i Diversion: 201000 AFA and show.cauj > feel Souiherly from tho Nonhiirthoast comer ol Block i® ause. il any they have, whyy saids 3, public auction, to tne0 1highesi bidder; tor cenificd' action agam st you Is for Filed: 06/11/2002 proposed increa:reasos should not bo adopted. ' 13 ol Morrman's Flrsi AddilioiIlion; Thenco Westerly, i-hic « lunds, or the equivalentmt, which IS iawlui monoy of Guardianship Ola , Is application is for tho wator kmknown os Ihe Dated this A\ugustuq 3.2004 ' parailol with Iho Nonh lino10 1 ol said Block 13. a .p ™ ® ? the United States of ArAmenca, ail payable at thc minor Child. Idaho Codo’ distance 61 126.79 loot; Th( or H ead- which is stored bohlridnd Palisades . Sociions 15-5-102. 15- , Thonco Southerly ond . ■, II Is to bo usod for power ani time of sale in compllancince Wlih Section 45-1506(9) > ' parallel to the East lino of saidaid Block 13. a distance ,1' m d Irrigation PUBLISH: Thurslursdays, August 12 and AugustUSI ia . Code, the foiiowm 5-204, 15-5-207 and I the 1.2 million acros oncom pasassod by tho 2O04 ving descnbcd real propeny. ' ol 9 feet; Thenco Souihoasierllerly a distance of48,44 „ siluatod in tne County 01ol Twin Fails, State ol Idano. 15-5-404, , feet 10 a poini I60 loot Soulh oka Project, WITNESS my hand 1 ulh of tho North line of rmits wiii bo-subjoct 10 oil prior w ater rights. ' - - . and described a s loiiow!iws, to-wit; said Block 13 and 141.6 leoteet Wost of the contor EXHCHIBITA and Iho soal of said \ sm nay-bQ.tubm lttod based on Ihoih criloria ol ATF4990402962 lino of Monroo Street; Thone10 iEasierly and parailol 962-BO ■ . Township 9 South Raran g e 15 East ol m e B oise Coun this day of• .wjih the North lino of said BlocIlock 111.6 feet; Thonco i2n203AvJdah&£odo, .July 2004, I cpfotaU .againtl,the approval of tl Meridian, Twin Fails Cot:ouniy, Idaho Nonhorly and parallel to the3 EiEost lino of said Block f this applica- noticiICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE J. David Navarro. Cloik .. lu tt.b o fliatLwithJhe Diroctor, Dec Section 9: SWU4SE1/4IA , .a distance of 5S foot to Iho POli■01NT0 FBEG1NN.NG. y, N ovem ber 30,2004 at the homhour of EXCEPT ihat portion ol said SW l'4SEt‘4, more Deputy Cioik ' •• Tho Trustoo has no kno ucca, Eastarn.Ragion. 900 N S inowiodgo ol a moro e,TraiHf,.ldaho.Falls'iae3402 togolhor wn °J:; 10:30 o'clockk /V.M.,A of said day. in tho ofiiceliice ol* particuiariy d e scnbed asa s lollows: . particular description ol Ihe1 abovoa t rolorencod roal 0 & Escrow Corp. located at 3 PUBLISH; August 5.12. [ I.S2S.00J or i>ad3 application or at 311 BEGINNING at the S‘5 6 ' Wesi along the Soutn ' tntormsd fhal according to lh< trusMO. will sell n o t Ic e ' o f mo County Assessors J Jir- S B E k lE a OUo/:tor :elf a t public auction.' (o (ho hlgh without covenant or ' ' ' ' order. Slate of3f Idaholi check or local governmi•nmeni Soulh line of said Sectic:tion 9 lor 104.63 loot lo the Idaho. Ihat a public. warranty rogarding tillo. poslossesslon or oncum- check, or cashh oqulvolentc in lawful monoy ol the1 Easl line ol said SW1/4S'4SE1/4, brances lo satisfy tho obligati noanng will bo hold on „ gation secured by and IN TKTHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE■IE FIFTH United States,. all payoblo at the sam e timo ol)l sale,sc THENCE Soulh 0 0 '16"6 'ir East along said East Mondays, Augusi 23 . pursuant ^ 10 Iho power ol sa le0 conferredo In the dood JUOICIAI:iA L DISTRICT OF THE STATEEO ( F IDAHO, the following descnbod dei real proporty, situatedIted m line lor 436.70 le et to thcIhe POINT OF BEGINNING, ol trust executod by TRACH and August 30.and ° iCY N BEUTLER, an IN ANDiND FOR THE COUNTY OF TWIIVIN FALLS the County ol>1 1Twin Falls. Stale of Idaho,3. ond a SUBJECT TO: A 25 fO(fool wido road ngnt of way un m a rrie d m on. a s grantor, to Tuesday, September 7, If •.to FIRST AMERICAN Caso No. CV 01 3567 descnbed a s folklollows. to wit; along tho South line ol Ihme above doscnbod tract ot ...... 2004,-at the nour of TITLEI COMPANY OF IDAHAHO. INC.. an Idaho -NOTICECE O 1 F SH ERIFFS SALE A parcel of landnd located in tho Southwost-quar?uartor- land, — ...... G;00 o ’clo ck . P.M ., In Corporation, ^ a s'su c c e sso r trustee,trui for the bonelit KEYBAiBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIiM A TIO N . a ol Section 13, ToTownship 12 Soulh, Range 183 East,Ei AND EXCEPT. m e Clly Council Cham- and ? security ol A m e ric a's WhWholesale Lender, as National^ai EBanking Association, Boise Meridian,3n, Twin Falls Counly, Idaho,}. saids. A p a rc e l ol la n d .locatated in tne SW1.4SE1 '4. . bers. located al 30S beneliciary, P recorded July 2,1996.2,1 as Instrument Plalntiiilntiff. parcel being a1 pcporiloh of Parcol R-42 as shown)wn on Section 9, Township 9I South,S Range 15 Third Avonue Eost. No. £ 1996011521.and oOS s s ig n e d to CITI* vs Iho Misceilaneouoous plat of the 'U pper Rock CreCreek E,B,M. more particularlyriy described a s lollows Twin Falls. Idaho, to FINANCIAL, ^ INC..proviou8lyily doing business as MELO) & SO N S FARMS, LLC. an IdcIdaho limiiod R a n c h o s‘ 'a nid d more 1 particularly describedlod a s COMMENCING at the SiSoutheast cornor o< Section hoar a request by; Commorcioi F Crodit Corporal)ration, as bonollclary liabilityy comc< pony; LARRY MELO. anin -individual;, follows; 9; MAGIC VALLEY by ? assignment recorded OctDctobar 21. 1996. as YVONNEINE MELO. an individual; NELS a point on the North boundaryary.ol said f e n c e ;______thoJifiLorjocond mooi-_Xidate ol sale or reinstatement.nt. wilh a monthly lale d/b/a 0^3U.S. BANK; COMMERCML.E.Q;.QyieMENT_PatceiR:42; ____ ------.THENC£^um-67Js:i(■-i8-'Easi.^8i83 leet-aiong ----- ing dato. II Ihat occurs. charge , accruing at S25TT7. wiiwitRlnterost accrulrig tEASE”CE~CORPORATlON, an Oregon corporation;cc THENCE Southith 8 9 '3 3 '1 7 ' East along tho NoiNorth said lence; no further public hoar- al „ an adjustablo rate, tho curroirront rote Is 9.75% per FIRSTTRTRUST NATIONAL, entity statusus unknown; boundary ol Parc'aroei R-42 for a distance of 431,131.50 THENCE South 89'54'SC'56" West, 92.16 leet. mgs will bo held b n iho annum, and continuing to accriccrue from November CASE• CFCREDIT CORPORATION, a D1 elaw are feet to the Northotheast cornor'ol parcol R-42;- THENCE South 25'23'43'46' West. 48375 feet, to issuo(s>. 1. 2003, Tho principal balancmco owing as ol this corporalioalion: SILVER STATE BANK,, a Nevada THENCE'Southith 01'50'19' Wost along the) EaslEt me South boundary ol SectionS< 9:- Any and 'all persons ', dale.on S iho obligation secureured by said Deed of corporatloation; a n d FARM CiTY ANIMALkL SUPPLY, boundary of Parcarcel R-42 lor a distance of 176,176,65 THENCE Soum 89-54'5l'56‘ V/ost. 1031 91 leei to ' desiring to commont Trust '' Is S58.660,46. plus accnccruing inierest. costs INC., onin lsled on this Ranches, ' roadway easement paralralioi, with and ad|Oming tne ond Zoning Adminis- soil or couso Iho trust proportyrty to1 bo sold to satisfy 17th dayay aof Juno. 2004.1 hovo levied uponu{ all the AND SU B JE CT T TO ! a 25.00 loot wido a c c e ssis aiand South boundary ol tho abovbot descnbed parcel, trator al City Hall, 321 . said obligation. right, title.litio. a n d inierest ol defendantsIts'M ELO & utility e ase m ennt t along'lhe 1 East boundary of tlthe This Trustee's Sale is:s subject to any bankruptcy Sccond Avonuo East. Date; X' July 7.2004 SONS FAFARMS, LLC. MELO a SONSJS FARMS, belore describedod parcel, filing, payoff, reinstaiomimoni, or any oiher condi- 735-7267, . FIRST[' AMERICAN TITLE COWOMPANY OF IDAHO. LLC. anin K Idaho limited liability companymy; LARRY THE TRUSTEE:E HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OFO F A tions ol whjch th e Trusteelee IS not aware of. and mat Persons nooding INC. ^ . MELO., on individual; YVONNE MELO,>, ant Individ- MORE PARTICIICULAR DESCRIPTION OF■ ThTHE would cause the cancoiiaillation ol in>s sale. Furtner. special accommoda- By S Monino Cole. Trust Olllcer)r . ual: NELSELSON MELO, an Individual;I; SANDRA. ABOVE-DESCRI:RIBED REAL PROPERTY., BLBUT ll any ol those condition:cns exisi. mis sale may 00 tions at a public meoi- FA-17753mdr . MELO,, on individual; MARIA MELO. anin individual;i F O R P U R P O)SES S i OF COMPLIANCE WITWITH null and void. Tho succocosslul bidder’s funds snaii First American Tllle Com panylyol 0 Idaho , LISA MEL^ELO. a n Individual; JO SEPH1 ^MELO. an IDAHO CODE., SECTIONS[ 60-113. THE TRUSTSSTEE b e returned, a n d Ihe Trustee Tr and or me Bene- Trust Depl, 1-208-375-0455 individual;jal; MELO DAIRY FARMS, a Washington W HAS BEEN INFi•^FORMED THAT THE STREE^EET liciary shall not b e heldId liable lo any successful goneralII pipartnership, their successors,rs. estates. ADDRESS OF;;2597 2> Rock Crook Rood, Hansensen, purchdser(s) or bidders.,5. at m e Trustee's Sale, for PUBLISH: July 22.29. Augustst £5 and 12.2004 legal reproprosontatlvos. agents, assigng n s a n d ali ID 83334. MAYY SOMETIMESS BE ASSOCIATE^TED any dam ages, • othor porsilersons or entities acting for. by/ orc through WITH SAID REALEAL PROPERTY, Tho T rustee h a s no kncinowlodge ol a more panic- any of therthem (hereafter Individually andI collectivelyc II lhe successfissful biddor cannot provldo thele b bid ular description ol the abcibove relercncea real prop- NOTlC>TICE OF PUBLIC HEARING referredd ]olc as tho 'Delondants'). In anda to the price by meansi ol ono of the above m eans off papay- erty. bul lor p u rp o ses of BUDGET of compliance with Section ,ET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004-05•05 followingig ddoscribed real and personalI proporty.p a ment. tha salo willwl b e postponed lor 10 mlnuHnutes 60-113 Idaho Codo, the ih< Trustoo has been in­ URBAN RENEWAL AGEtGENCY OF THE CITY O F TWINflN FALLS, IDAHO descriptionItion of th e subject real property' isIs attached only to allow the0 hihigh bidder to obtain paym entItina in formed that according toic the County Assessors Public nouco is hereby givorlivon that tho Urban Renowal AgiAgency ol the City ol hereto asa s {Exhibit A. situated In Twin Fallalls County, form prescnbed3 hiherein above, if the high bidderdens olfice, me address ol ®1776® East 4500 North, Twin Fails, Idaho, will holdlold a public hearing lor tho considorotion coi of the Idaho, unsuccessful In obtaining < payment as directcacted Buhl, Idaho, is sometimim os associated with said proposed budgei. includingiing gonoral revenue sharing loilor the llscai porlod Exhibit3lt At • D escription ol tho Real P ro p e rty within 10 minutes,;es, m e sale will bo re-held immecmodi- real property, October i , 2004 • Seplombimber 30. 2005. pursuont to proprovisions of Section 1. A Mortgortgage executed by Melo Dairyry Form s in ately a n d a n y bidbii by the high biddor Iromn th e S aid sa le will b e matlade without covenant or 50-1002. Idaho Code, soidid hhearing to bo held at City Hail.-oil. Twin Falls. Idaho, lavor olI KeKeyBank. reconlod In lhe recoro}rds of Twin provious sole, will bo rejected, an in accordanelance w arranty regarding title,le, po ssessio n or encurn- at 12:00 P.M., on Monday. P ly. August 16. 2004, At.said heoreoring any Intorestod Falls Couniounty, Idaho on AphI 8.1999. a s5 InstnjmentIr with Idaho Code0 45-15024 01. Sec, brances to satisfy the.obobiigaiion secured by ano porson may appear and shoshow cause, II any they have,». *why said proposed numborir 1999-006505. 1! the roal propeperty m ore Said s a le will/ill b e m a d e withoul c o v en a nnt t cor pursuant to the pow er off sas, le conferred m tne de ed budget should or should not Ibo adopted. particularlyany described a s follows: warranty regardirrding title, possession or encuncum- of trust executod by JIMJ L,WIERSMA ANO SWSW SESEC 2 TW P 10s R 14 EBM., Twin T Fails brances to satisfyIsly lhe obligation secured by' anand PATRICIA D WIERSMA.A. husband and wile, as PROPlOPOSED EXPENDITURES • County,, Idi Idaho pursuant lo tho poworpo> of sale conlerred in Ihe deedeed grantors, to FIRST AMERiRICAN TITLE COMPANY ----- ^Ttio-lollowlng is an ostimalo iQle sot lorth in said proposedd budgett of the total Tho Rool)0l 1Property or its address is commonlyci ol trust executeded by Monique Doane, a singlIngle OF IDAHO, INC.. an Idahol( Corporation, as proposed oxpondituros andmd accruing Indobtodness ol' thunty. clary by assignm ent recorlorded August 6.1999. as Bond Fund 322.261 1.444.678 989.655 Townshiplip 110 South. Range 14 East oiII tthe Boise Idaho, THE ABO'30VE GRANTORS ARE NAMEIMED Instrument No. 19990147!(750. Mortgage Rocords of Capital Improvomoni Fundd 999.485 511.022 702.248 Meridian.n. TTwin Falls County. Idaho TO COMPLY wIITH m SECTION 45-1506(4)(a). ID/iIDA- Twin Falls County, Idaho. TolalProposod SECTION}N :2; The Southeast O uaner olI theth Soulh- HO CODE. NO3 REPRESENTATIONP IS MADIADE THE ABOVE GRANTOrORS ARE NAMED TO Expenditures 1.373.84S 2.013.700 1.750.103 west Quart!jortor THAT THEY ARERE. OR ARE NOT. PRESENTL4TLY COMPLY WITH SECTIONDN 45-1506 (41IA1. IDAHO The Realial PI ro p e n y or Its a d d re ss is cecom m only RESPONSIBLE• FORF( THIS OBLIGATION. CODE. NO REPRESENTNTATION IS MADE THAT ES'ESTIMATED REVENUE known asos 4000 North 1350 East. Butuhl. Idaho The default foror vwhich this sole Is to b e m adedo iis THEY ARE. OR AREE NOT. PRESENTLY The estim alod revenue foror tlthe Urban Renewal Agencyy 0of Iho City ol Twin ,83316 failure to: RESPONSIBLE FOR THI!HIS OBLIGATION, porlod O ctober 1,2004 - Soptomt Falls. Idaho, for ihe fiscal port amber 30.2005. Is as 3. A Dood3od of Trust executed by Melollo & Sons Mako principal ancand interest payments as sot lorthlort: The delault for which ththis sale is to be m ade is lollows: Farnis. LLC in favor ol Donald G. Prouse56 and Ann on said D eed olif Trtjst T and Promissory Note, Th'The mo failure lo pay whon didue. undor Deed of Trust Estimated Rovenuo 2002 2003-2004 2004-2005 Prouso., roroco rd o d in tho records ol TwinTv F alls original loan amouilOunt w as S96,429,51 together•wlih will N ote, th e m onthly paymrmenis for Principal and Actual Budgot Estimatsd ' County,, tdaho idi on May 17. 2000. as IntInstrumonl Interest thoreon aoti t the rolo of 9,00% por annum,n.as a Intorost of 53.505,39.. duec per month for tho . Tox Levy numborr 2C2000-07543, tho real propere rty m o re evidenced In Prorrromlssory Noto dated Februaryry 53, months ol May ihrough}h December. 2003 and General Fund 105.500 50.000 58.000 panlcularlyirly doscribed a s follows: 1999, Paym entss are a in default for Ihe months18 cof Jonuary, February. 20044 iand all subsequent pay- Bond Fund 322,281 680,000 560.000 TownshipIp 110 South, Range 14 East off thetl Bolso January through1 ondar Including Juno of 2004 in1 thitho m ents until the d^lo ol sal>alo or reinstotomoni. wiih Copital Impr, Fund , 561.225 260.000 427.000 Meridian.1. TTwin Falls County. Idaho amount ol S775.85.89 per monlh and continulniulng a monthly late charge aoaccruing at 5175.27. witn Total Tax Lovy 989.006 990.000 1.045.000 SECTIONS)N2: SE1/4SW1/4 each and ovory monthme thereafter until date of salisale interest accruing a t 7.25'*5*. por annum, and con- Tho Sheishortfl, by Certificate of Sole, willvill transfer or reinstatement,t, ThoT principal balance a s of Juntaxes lor 2002 and 2003. Toial Ami from Othor dants In1 ondan to the real property at tho10 timo the accruing inierestIt thereontr at the rate 0' 0,00%> porpo The principal balancS owirwirig a s of this date oh thc Sources 966.613 1.023.700 705.103 execution)n 0or ottachm eni w as levied, Thirho Sheriff annum. In addilionion to tho above, thero >s also duidue obligation secured byy isaid Deed ol Trust is Total Estlm alod Rov. 1.955.619 2.013.700 1.750.103 will give potpossession but does not guaraniintee clear delinquent real propropony taxes, plus penalties annewal Agency ol tho abovo dosciescribed roal property, at public auction,a i to and/or roasonablotie attom1 py's feos a s authorirodId inIr obligation, City of Twin Falls, Citizensins are Inviiod lo attond the bubudgoi heoring on the higheste st Ibiddor. for cash In lawful mom>ney ol Ihe th e prom issory nole no socured by the oloromenien- Date: July 7, 2004 , Monday. August 16,2004. at 12:001 P,M^, ond havo tho rightght to provldo whiten United SlotStatos, to satisfy said executionon and oil tioned Deed of Tru:Prust, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE.£ COMPANY OF IDAHO. or oral comments concomingling tho ontlro Urban Renowal>1 AAgency budgot. A costs, Doted: July 28.200S004. INC, copy ol Ihe proposed budgoigot In detail Is available at Cityy Hallh lor inspection Given1 urundor my hand, Ihis 19th dayly ol July. Alliance Tltlo & EscEscrow Corp, By Monlne Cole. Trust OIII)lficer dunng rofiuiar ollico hours. 9:19:00 A ,M .-5:00 P.M. 2004, By: Bobbi Oldliold,Id, Trust Officer FA-17691/7261.22041 DATED This 3rd day of Augusigust. 2004, Twin Fallslis CounlyC Sheriff Phone No, (208)1947-1553 94 First American Tltlo Comptipany ol Idaho Gary Evans, Financo Direciordor /sAWaynoe TcTousloy, Sheriff Tnjst Dept. 1-208-375-045455 PUBLISH; Augustist 12. 19, 26 and September 2, PUBLISH: Thursdays. August]ust 5 and 12.2004 PUBUSH:H: JJuly 29. August 5 ond 12.200404 2004 PUBLISH: July 2 2 .2 9 . Au£.ugust 5 and 12,2004 • \ E>6 Tlmes-News, Twin«ln IFoils, Idaho Thursday, AuguigusllZ . 2004 . 1

    LOST Ihree lodders on AQRtCULTURE.. A CLERKERICAL DRIVERSIS QENERAt. MECHANIC- MEDICAL RETAIL Hv/y 75 en 8i^. Ploaso '' Temporary Needsd comc puter iiiorolo Noodod..w w ith CDL Calls Caretttkor/H notdod. . clerk/yard porson. PUBLIC NOTICEE 539-5614-______206-645-2221 ’ od.I. andor upbeat perso- tion call111543-0367.- R anch. 3 bdrm.bdi 2 balh ' Apply In persosrson at------T he W olkor Cenioitor Hoovy lilting & week-k- Actions plannod andnd LOST Video cam era Big C onA gra Cattle ' noilty.ility. R esum e to PO I hom e provic)vidod. Saia- JS C Customtom,------G ooding ID. 8333C130 ' onds roquirod. Applyliy taken by your govorn-rn- Smoky area. July 24lh. F<»dln8Comp.„, -******* ry& otheror bonofits 1907 HighlanddA tv ve. E. 934-8461 a t D & B Supply ; mont oro contalnod in Please cail 208-733- _ I® includod,. KnowledgeKi Beiwoon 8amn ••! 5 pm.----- Call Julio or MariiyrIvn 2964 A ddison Avo E. ■public nolicos. Thoy nro Ecfjoi Oppcftrt/AftmoM) LLECTOR RichI ThompsonTl qj a g . irrigi ^ Twlr» Foils, EOE* 0800 REWARDII » Tiputor oxporlonco ' Tru ------934-8461’ pan ol your fiahi to know •Action Employer Com p^ rucking heavy oqi MECHANIC ------SALES------and to bo mformod ol LOST Waliol al Swen- qDrug screen Is required [oquirquired. Toiomorket- Driversjrs neededll operation1 roq.rt Sond To work in lheI ByEly a re a' . MILLWORKER sons Ivlorkot on 0-5-O4 2h|Q O u tsid e sa les what your govornmont . prior lo omptoymtfnC g oxp. prolo.rrod. FT/PTvovarious roulos rosumo'toD Box-95060B WagosOOEDOE. Job opening availabi ' Ploaso return. No _ ,1. Counter person is doing. As solf- Jlory plus bonus. ovoilabliblo.' Bonollts c/o Tho Tlmes-NewsTirr Send resumeme to' at ConAgra Cattle . 1, quostlons askod. Coil H Boih posilions roquirod)d govornmont chargos all AGRICULTURE I' ^^3-213-2128 lor appt.* a v a llalabieforFT p o Bo k J48548 Carney BrosJro s .. Feeding Co.ln Moili 208-736-7080,- ^ _i„ ■ oxp o rien c e in Heavy'V citizons to bo inlormod. V et T ech CONSINSTRUCTION posHiOn Is, ID 83303’. lichard lo Pull bonoliis, 401K pic^ ..,1 duly truck parts. Groalat mis newspaper urgesos STOLEN Lorgo roword S i, . . 7 " ' " / Avo insuranco. Ploaso c bl or 208-645-2221 bonofit package. Saia-a- ovory cilizon to roadnd ollored (or informaiion ConAgra Cattle noodc 100 S. J e ro m e GENERAL Ely NV 89301 — ry DOE. Conioct Los)S 6222 or • ConAgra Cattle and study those notices3S. loading to tho rocov- Feeding Company MustJSt have valid driv- o r callnil 324-3511* Now hiringI lor lo upcom- lax 775-269-622 at 1 381 O Stroei,I. W ondvisoinosoio ery ol women’s an- •s Iiconso. Call ______ingboanharhan/ost: email aulobody:jdyshopi Feeding Co. n Hoyburn’ cilizons who sook)k tiquo dresser and night Full benolils, 401k r s l.g , —^ -Forklift Operperators Oyohoo.con.com- A d r u g s c r e e n lurthor information lo stand. Pointed light plon, insuranco. ■ ■ ■ -- EDUCATiit io n .Mill O poratoi ------roquirod priorr I10 SECRETARIAL T oxorciso Iholr right 10to mint groon with undor- , 208-645-2221 • CONSTNSTRUCTION GOODIDING • Joint -G eneral LabiJib o rers MEDICAL employment. ECE/A./AA’ Part-time access public rocordsds iayor ol pooch color. ConAgra Cottle E xperi>orienco concroio SchoolI Oistrici C 0231 -S om plers NA’s o r CNA ------Word processor/ jrkors. Pay DOE. -NEECEDSYOUI -r . .C o m o Jn lorir orientationa ^ noodod for 24Mhour h NEWSPAPER receptionist and public, mootings T h i s_f.u,r n 11 u r o . h.a s ______Eoodtng Compony_ ___ SAP DELIVERY Is an '*26-4.6-4417 Ivmsg-, Middkdie School: .’andappllcjllc a tlo r is a t care, ASAF . tor Logoi office m usli IMPORTANT• boon'ih our fomliy for son at; • SUBSTITUTES n| generations and wo’d E o je ct M gr. for 1 :0 0 p m N ' bo exporioncod in • P lease ad d ress all legal EOE/AA Employer CONSTNSTRUCTION " I/O East ' Would you like lo.oarlarn Word processing & ■ advorlising to: love to h av e it bocft. CDrug screen IS ^°mlJ SR G ra n t ihrough Fridt extra cash doiiverin mlng carpenters. c|om sr"""’'can Statltng Soilo A,* f'fg rocoplionist skills. . G This WOS stolen from o required prior lo • • jmeniary: , at; Amarlcar LEGAL ADVERTISING poiionco proforrod... f t - St J______The TImoa-Nowa, locked garage at 3170' SpeciolEd 1025Shosho>hone St. #3 = = = = = havo excellent Tho Tlmes-News '2 030. 0 - 078-5715 or To«he7 I bul not commitmoni" ( grammar prolidoncy. P O S o x -5 4 8 ------— ^ET-3600-N^aouth-ol------o r iT e o c h o r Twin FoFalls* . MEDICAL «ASKING QUESTIONS ' ^•57^5______AitjoPositions- p, , ------• Idaho Home Hoo Punctuality & reliabilityly ", Twin Foils, ID , Sugor Factory so/ne- ' C onduct public opinion CONST■NSTRUCTION Prefer:r: Associates/ I HEALTH &F& FITNESS Hospice Is nc r J . ' S s r r L'IS , ossonlial. Sond B3303-OS4S limo during week of ^ ^iMt^ns currently looking foi g. July 12lh thru 19th, ^polls ovor Ihe tolophono. F r aiming m i laborers Oogroo00 or P a ra - INSTRUCUCTORS accepting applica ’Of rosumo 10 94962 c/o) Doadlin’o for legal o d s;. iirailow — dopondabie,.mol.vaualod ------T h e Tim es N ew s------3 days prior to publica-a . - Any information will be ABSOLUTELY oxporcporelncoproforrod. "ProlossBni)nalConiflcatlon- -Mustbo'krio ___ g , 3 ° Cmm.73^^97p4*. a M _B«in^^joi Proforred ,Thl«.ir> P« PN'« poopio in Iho area3 Kto PO Box 548, _ _ Jio n . nonn oi}.VVedno5.-5. k e p t c o n l.id o n tJ o l,-.___ iGinri;,' deliver routes as in • nooBO call 208-731- 5-o-Apply-at:------training,, a*.o'erobicsT ~ Please call Gic a s Twin Falls, ID 83303* ’ •. day lor Sunday, noon ■JSTRUCTION 507 ic , Indopondont S7.00 to $9.00 por hour CONST • oiraroasollolhodllhS 'lormoroinlc SF^ORTSWRITER on Thursday lor Mon­ Idonlial Labor. Call Goodino' ^i°p. Contractors Casual vrork onvirofOTOnt Rosldor ig. ID. 03330’ .fitness.' • ■734-4061, EO 3/ day. noon on Friday for Fioxiblo ovonlng.^ay. 731-96I - 9 ^ or .’31-9625,* . • I • on an ns-riooaod basiasis If ygu.enjoy high school Tuosdoy and Wednes­ ______■ Please sendmd rosumo ------— ' Call today for moro„o $por(5...we havo lhe» ■ day. noon on Mbnday and w eekend hours, c c 'INSINSELOn EDUCATICriON 0' inquires li mis ■ „ loB lor toui. 15-30 hours p'prwbok: Alcohol 'u - ^ i „ I MEDICAL ' inlormation about thi: lor Thursday and noon )ho1 co u n selo r, for Kimberly School& District . L eslie-Martin. Mi Part-Timo RNIN ffor’ ' opfMrtunity: 735-3302102, ' ‘he Tmos-Naws Groat port-limo • L ifosilosiyle Changes needs a f ----- Is sooklng a — - on Tuesday for Friday “Ai.C0H01.ICS a fuil-limo bilin- - 8 0 3 1 5 lh / • job or socond job. • couns« ID 83338 * Hoine Healealth PROFESSIONAL ir and Saturday, Holiday ANONYMOUS C jnsoling. Must h ave gual (Spaipanish/English) Jerome. ID ( part-time Sportswrltor deadlines may vary. II Close to CSI compus CADC^DC cortillcation.' leachina * ProfessionE3 n a iS . Data Entry Clerk. Mu^ust ' to work in an exciting.I. 11 200-733-0300 S For F moro Informaiion q you havo ony questions prrr. Cail 734-5230-. p ro sc h o i NSURANOE;E Ploaso applyply ja t ty p o 5 0 w p m , w/Ith it doadilno-drlvon ’S 721-0565- Call 736-2853 ai.U n as______147Jrta1tLE call Ruby, logal clork. 01 al . *************** CUSTOfTOMER SERVICE secondid language ------P-«wonal.l 735-33S4.- irs and Iholr Account AeAssistant Twin Falls 733-2128 lor appt.- gam er gam e results AH itilvvrlimiiK in — 5SS Cash ol Burloy o a r n e r i oking for a Call 20^733-B6i J Hubjcv! to the pAUTOMOTIVE ' >fforing an oxcoliont 5. Piease Call Wo are looki I PROFESSIONAL — by phone 4 in porson. To: Dylan Garclo & 23-4170 oxt. bright, onorg Schoduiosaro Lot Toch. Full-time. pT/^ OUS______DjiwJlQPinoniQl.dlsobjl!i . _ . jQ nnllor.G arcIa:______-bonQlits:Applyran418— ra'iToflpircatlon'------aon-to-assist jjmy------Tsomowharlioxiblo------You have been .sued by !tlonts: Id ah o KrrCHENHELELP assist guosts withvilhspo- RESTAURANT TECHNICIAN lilod a written response LAS Schwab. accop aavertmvr innaiutiie. ^ , l3u”S ™on C redential Twin Falls Car<' Pat Woimor. Must bo depiepondobto wage S6.96/hr./hr. No Happy Landing Rosos- 10 work as part ol aI Have you lorgolton to 1^ ery day from Twin , Clork of the Court Musi hove drivers lOlAssistant and hardI working w experiencenocestcessary tourant at the Twiivin loam in our (eod man- pickup your birthday n, .PailsAlrport,’ . , _ Fitih Judicial D istrict. iiconso. G reat opport- School Ollico individual. OnlyOi seri- . .. _ . ufacturlng faciliiy In pholos? Wo have unity. y, Cail Robert 208- 36-4727- OUS n o o d to to opply. Dorm housing Is a — Rupert. Idaho. Court somo photos wo aro 3 RESTAURANT Twin Falls Couniy 316-2142 for inlo.- tion m ay b e Apply al: ablo for out of 1 La Caslla Moxicar sure you would want. __ led up a t: Twin Fails Carc:are C enter w orkers. Dorm hi Rosponsibllitles ol this 427 Shoshono Slropt T hose con bo picked AUTOMOTIVE AU ------OI din in substilutlon mi^ih«?, -„2 A' Rostaurani seekinj North Ika County 674 Eastlanlond Dr. Ing (s lim ited ancond on porsonloreooi poslllon include: opor- up at the Tho Tlmes- Exporioncod lube spon District Offlco Twin Falls,s, Idoho I 0 first come, f I,? ating oquipmoni 10 - Twin Fails, ID 03301 News Classilied Dopt.* te tl ch n ic ia n s wanted. bundle ». f i r s t p o s i t i o n . 5 s h if t- (200) 735-4172 mont Avenue or call Cineiln d y a t s e r v e b a s i s .• oorrn Di por/wk.. 4 nights 1 doj” manufacture feeds ,, ...... , C Ca ar W ash noods moll- slluualions o l require rt. ID 63350 734-4264.t. EOE*E housing rates an consistent with quality and served a copy ot’* Place your ad vatod v< sales person usoo I are as Approx. 34 hrs./wk your response on Iho ------follow s: Also, seeking luncfyl; and safely practices, ® Online... Entry Ei lovol poslllon. , vohicic MANAGER . . • T riple room witl- completing record Plaintilf’s attorney ol; S ' S i t tim odlahwoshoi iVoU’ l/OK CfMJ Apply in porson. “ 7™ EOE SWOManooor bathroom : $84/mc keeping entries for W OOD CRAPO LLC ‘ No phono colls. In te ro s ^T w h h 11-2pm..(^on-Frl.Appij Richard J. Armstrong o b o L d i o r rnmL®J n « DOUblO'rOOm V 7,Z food m anufacturing. TDK Auto Service shouio l w w K S " complex in b a I h r o o 1 In p orson 111 South 500 Eogio GatoTowor 1004-2005 K E ° • Pork Avo. W. Kon.*. offering outsianding I WWW. 232374 Addison Avo. E controiilroclor Informa- *s^cjioo[ •S148/month __ customer sen/lco and 60 East Soulh Tomple. (Next to Kmsrt) tion1 lormlor HI _____ porlonco help magicvalleyicom nrt * D o u b lo rooffliw w lth- RESTAURANT providing maintenance Suilo 500 Tw in Falls, ID 83301* ThoTI0 Tlmes-News. EDUCATiOlON no t ro q u iro d . Salt Lako City. Utah 2 Fairfield St. W, Morning P ^nmni lAr O U t b 0 t h r o0 oO m : Looking lor bright, ener­er- assista n ce a s needed, ri/irl itlnvf your Cfi Pre-school oriented. & co S98/m onth ng For further Informa- • 84111 CAREGIVERS •win Falls, tD,‘ Aide needeided at skill n eco ssar\ getic lun. hord working (001)366-6060 chissljlcd Une cull ('loodod rg< in vorlous I,— —— * Acom Learr • Singlo room withMlthout Individuals to be panart Hon. Contact Cargill Cilclc on I/a- a i irning Cenier. petitivo saiaalary and b a t h r o o i }le a t 208-436-8815 ' A copy of tho Sum­ a ro o a o l th o M ogic DRIVERER Coll 208-7:733-7055’ benefit. Fax re: o m : of tho team. Flexible , Cfa.Ns(/Iwlsrtl(oii.» Vj • : rosumo to . cidn/mnnth mons and Complaint Valley to provide in Horvesi/est truck driver. ci crrpirt 90 EOE- siwmonih ^ sc h e d u le s . Apply In W ith s o m o 8 5 .0 0 0 CfAN------200-345-8990 em ployees in 60 coun­ c an bo obtained by con­ homo care services. Soriiblie oxperionco f S 'S porson at tacting eilhor lhe Clerk For moro info, please proforroerred,_539-5494- ' I I Pre-employmentnt drugQ Maxio's Pizza tries. Cargill Is a ioad- — — oftho'CoortortriB'atton— -ca1l-2O0«731^6322-or— = ± = r : .t t ;------““testing is roqulreaired for 170 BIuo’L'aKos-BIvti:*j;*------ing-gtobal-marxotor------noy lor Plaintilf. if you 208-731-6321.- DRIVERER apprentice safety senslllvo pc — processor, and distnb- wish legal assistonco. fSA cuico ------:------' f “ Ck< drivers dr noodod AppiyalJ!J ^ L E lM t” !!; CONT(NENENTAL ons, Subcontracfraifod RESTAURANT utor of agricultural . * • PREGNANCY CRISIS CASHIER. CA fortheh 5th St. N. LOANS you should immodiaioiy ' 10 hon/ost season. 437 E. 51 INS authorized modlo d lc al Now hiring DriversllI food flnanciol. ond y KHTEH FRES TESTS. * • 200-430-5234.- . Burloy,, IDIt 83316- A Nalionai FinanceFir prolossionals porfperform , Days 4 nights industrlol products retain an attorney to ad- Port time positions Always Conlldential. F — ^ --- Corp. tho pro-omployrr5ymonl • Make up tollO/hr Cargill Is an Equoi ■ vise you in ihia manor, 734-7472 o.vailablo.i Evonlngs DRIVERER------FARW------• Twin Foils Counly Dis­ rapid drug testing onon 1 S u n P lease moli your | m |H | | « H ' S o d o xxporienced p O Incentives lbs., to stand aar n d SALES ri only 1 back leg. Ro- S 'oralors. Cali O W alking OlsiD istance walk tha majorityrityol REPRESENTATIVE th wardl Call 532-4453 ^ m m v M M48* (rom CSI Cor2ampus Ihe work shift, at Position Open =7;==------O S to rtin g Tlr or431-4834.* August 3181.10 5 ^ ^ ^;==------= : FOOD SERVI Time to climb ladders £ Ag Weekly/ UnlJn lted W ay of S oulh DRIVERS C o l n c l d e0 -w 11 h nocessaw . ' LOST male Ausirallan Farm Times Central Idaho, GlllrvtTn^ruiit Wondoll Schchooi Lunch school HoHours. Hours of work aoro Shepherd; hair mostly h a s on Immediate P.O. Box 65, Tram i» Flexible Schea^eduiing primarily 6 p.m. to fiininUagSMtTIm- whito. w/somo black, opening for an . TwIiw in Falls, ID, 83303* Local driveIrivors. CDL roq.. OSchoiarshipsips 3 a.m. includird in g iDdlOPutTlMignli brown, gray. No tali. 2 iAdvertising account PorAnnMpft avallobie .w eekends. f difforeni-coior. oyes. ' CONSTRUCTION,^ *°"ondO ;k up an ittbtictlliilntdlnfl ud No collar. 358-1969.* Tho Ideal candidate Insuro“ nTSk J”-™, at - Wo offer an oxcoiie 9 a m ^ a n d 2 tolccoBpiteflLPitwlwiy. will have soles Call 2O0-::ob-=24.=b ,5.- j; ary bonofits packa£k a g o LOST Mini Oormah experlonce and on ■ Shepherd by Jeromo RMaareh OrGroup which IncludeI d e s agHcuiluroi F i @ M n ! ""I 782 Foils A Goll Course. Female, ERS GENERAL sAvo. medical.dome background. ...is accepting . * Plaza) vision, life Insu black, curled toil, b a se rCandidates wilh college 1applications (or ’V T O I of tail white, phone »'s O P G u n ♦ G eneral[K"®" L c?SSe)^?3&«601* ance, 401 (k) rotir-otiro- d e grees in business, thoho (ollowing position: tumxoi • PMdlMnlnti on coilor. rabie shots, oonviMACAOiMT ♦ Housekeo ' * m o n t. e m p lo3 y y eo e agri-bustnossor IR oof T ru ss ix„h« a i stock purchas choke chain. Wo aro advortising wiii be 3’s Finest Stole ♦ Consiructi,d“on° Sd^i!iP,ui|.ti, coniiii li-timo pion. paid holida)idaya • RitoMAfl»rJi«tDD(TD lost w/out horl 737- .preferred. II you would Fabricators milled -CDL* ♦ Clerical p, tralnin Drlvors opening (or a1 jojourney- and vacation, 1493 212-5274- ^ likoto work for tho FrankUn Building lining laciiity. ♦ Forklift Dri Supply Tuflton Ro man diosel me^®P' Compen- Co 132 Fairfield St. W ' old. Short cropped newspaper, e Franklin Bulding TOPto f GUN PU jrly with Twin Fails. Idaho■ho ears, F. 'Mondy' last '■Send your resum e to: Supply Truss Places LLf& overtime. Hourouriy rate Attn: Mary Karrer depends on qu soon Monday evening Riant, 515 W. Main o fS lu d i Icanlleo. quaiilica- oromollto running soulh of 4323 m»Unc£om tions and oxpeiiperionco. marykOm0gtowJqy.C0i Je ro m e, (d. grai ior Avo. Contact; N 245 0 E ol Filer. Area PO Box S48 IPloaso apply in 731 Call Todayl Twin Falls, ID "S I-7300t' J a c k s o n Truclu c k in g The Tlmes-Nowa is a 4 ml. N of Curry C ros­ porson So Hobi (208) 735-5259 83303-0548 k Hobla Espanol 735 Ovovorlnnd p.o. Box S6 JeJer ro m o , Dmg-frt>o WorVploajloco* sing. if (ound or seen, No phono calls' 420-7307* 420 678.4( pioasocaii 735-2221.* ianet.gonin®le«.net‘ i< •4040* ID 208-324-311-3004* + - ThursdajIday, August 12.2004, Tlmes-N

    .10 SERVICE TWIN FALLS.LS Excop- RUPERT 1 bdib dr m . . fc JEROME nowly reno­ ^ frTEWSPAPER I c a n y o n s id e ' '■‘' “ Ji'i; Earn oxtra SS In ^ I w lESSAGE tional 3bdr;)drm . b rick - S600/olfor. I0x5()x50' tnr. ^ BOi .jgT B W H H g vated 3 bdrm.. 213 E. )roperty? home. Newiw ' windows. house. Coll 208'’08-532- K !^C ST(n^a your sparo llmo. "o o S n u u r i . S0,»ng“"oQgf,., pjjy I Avo H. S600 733-9658- y any foes until c entral air,r, ( g a s hoal. 4908or206-678-078^3312,- ■ U * ™ ™ ™ ^ ! ^ ■ Ilyouoroahlgtiiy’ ' ttt; KIMBERLY 2 bdrm .melivaiodsell-stonor . ? it's sold,1. ForI freo Infor- P d llo l sto1 v i':“ ] '’” " , TWIN FALLS22 bbdm W hy sta y In a Hotel f« about avoiding Lawn spnnHIcnxiofs, woior , ,7®' a p I . N 0 s m 0 k - 1 EMPLOYMENTr looking to earn Routes Available ^ Ing in tho o* to n d o d porloItolv 'ng/drinking, Rols, req.i. somo oxtra money timouhariare a n d real es- sohonor. Gro )OlDisi o f tim e? Com ploto Ruport Area « tate scan ' Would consider appro- In your sporo limo. ams.wriioto: borhood. S 3 500 • furnish9d lownhous SALES leral Trade . 734-0922 ov priato porson(s) to5 O u tsid e S o les Rop.>. Ihen this could bo a 10 East 100 South iltora on the goll courso, ll R oute 419 K St-F St. mmlsslon, ' 6022 days 5! rj bdrm,. 2 bath. 2 i--\rci ' Provide limited caro ol noodod In Burloy. Sunun groal opponunlty R oute 420 F S t.-A S l. Joromo. ID elderly couple in ox- ' Volloy oroa. Fnx: for you! Now accepting ''Wl®-.; t w in FALLS “ , chango.for partial rent.I. Rouio421KSl.-FSl. 205B0. Fixor Upp5= , , TWIN FALLS 2 b - fosumGto20&-344-«51S I The Timos-Nows Is Route 422 S. A St. - roglstrotlon for the orcniiic Nowcorpot/pi Call 208-423-5827- ifa looking for Individuals 2004-2005 school I Ihe , National Forocios< ft B Mn Avail. S e p te m b er ll Emoll mnnooor.twlr\tn Onoldo 9lh St. S - E 200 d Information Pfoo y, 361 3 N. 270 0 J E i No :l Interested In soiling yoar, pre-school ?j J83‘ RICHFIELD ? bdim. 1 IlsOomorlcartclassI 9ih Sl. yO' l-80M76-7060.‘ , (S88) 453^k^Jt ^77 pots. S360, 732-5 liods.com’ newspaper . thru 6th grade. ’ bath, garago,>S6003 R oute 426 K S l. -11 , 1042 TWIN FALLS 3-41-4 tbdnn, W ... — subscriptions as St. E, Mtnico Jr. High Co:oll I 324-3444 for r ------j, IdflO ^ mo. Call Kirk at 734- TECHNICIAN Indopondont • 12lh. _lnformatIonj^^ In ^ 5 0 2 ^ No Moneyoy Down 2 bath, dbl. doliglolightful. 484T or 308-8741.• Immodlolo oponing for Controctors. II you .Homoimos, rom p, S 37.500. Call alubo&tlroioch. lor a M a ssages 8 i Trolnlng Froe RocIcpon. 208-423-5073.- 3 • • I ® oro inlorostod In this If you live in any ol Pnsic L!______BUHL 2bdrm./3bdm lull'sorvlco Iruck shop. is ^ Swedish trainln- b UHL 3 b »53-4177 ----- SHOSHONE Charming • JP; opponunlty. thoso areas'and ore q p . Ibdrm. 2 baih. ■* s baih. mobllo home:8 CollJacKson Trucfiing .Fri.7-10pm& 3400 en lim. 2 bdrm. 1 batn homo ploase ca llJ o n I at iniorosled in deliver- sq . ft.. M olon . Id* lOe no pots, long lorrr Qt 324>3004‘ 11.10-5:30 pm. Stans v n llo v E '’OS. on large cornor lol _ 208-735-3302‘ ing Tho Times Nows. 09/, n ^Blull. Groat a S450.'S500 * dop. Cr )n0/04-l0rl2wks, room r. do Roatiy' rm, New exterior paint. ploase stop by our 0--^. rec. room. 7 Canyonside • 208-543-6342. TELEMARKETERS no spaco available, ^cr„s’s2 Call S550 20B-788-941V SB.00 gonorous ROUTES " I Burloy oflico lor an AHvn 5220.000.-Call 1 LOCALINVESl CALDWELL 2 bdri dvan^cpd Classes: 306-803838 loavo'rfig.' tj pays cash, last c ~ TWIN FA L L S 1 bdrm ,'- commlBStons. applicolion. , • Sna," |2!,1i spacious all ullls bifsi g AVAILABLE I any condition. homo. Smoko iroo- prolosslonol working — 230 E. Main- ^ ithol'ogy ' an. call rent lor help733-l35 onvlronnjont. Groat •. 731-2033' For inio call 431-7387.-} PUBLIC SERVICE TwinTUI Falls Initllulo FILER newer 3-4ba»n (ull-timo opponunlty. S N R A N a tiv e lc jr r - TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. 2 MESSAGE otHEN ENROLLMENT r—• A V / ■ 90" courso,•so, ond oil bath, 2sided(irop lod '2 bam AC. DW . ablo, good wage^ & Motor Route 600 20580. or call mo "TheTho Story Gordon ^ i 1C. A ssum -I m astor batn w.'sc'iroplace, jgo ovon range, toncocJ working envlfonmont. National Fraud Pros’roschooi:"- W horo ' 'A• X ■ an. OAC.I ., tub. 2 sinks, and ■ Pasturo/corrai spacf ”” yard, not tub.'2'carga- ______aooijLai------J ------JEROM E------______Inlncmntlnn,-.^!^ —n■ ■imnll.ittr^ns^. ______^ ■ T'l p o ssib le . No inaoe•"'Cl-' 'age, S8SOmo - dop C hnrm oc Trollors R ouleS19 ElCenter, 1-BOO-876-7060/ creairealivo r^mds grow. I1 IW looso/monlsnih, Callj siding gas' ra • peis. inic-nTel^hoio 4S2 S outh Park VV. 100-600 3rd Avo, E. T Tues, ond Thurs, ' 208-735-05 -0 8 8 5 o r l d is h w a s h e r,' mi 3 ''° " S750 1st. la- TWIN FALLS 4 bdrm,, Twin Falls. ____ 100-600 4th Avo. E. i 9:30 to 11:30 am. aj A II 420.3213;>.■ I wave, roiriqeri' ' , and S500 securityIty ?t)ain, all appitancos ------No phono calls^------. S50.00 mo.,NW -I— l\7| , c 1 - - newcajpelS4m( i i/I A I L t~ » " f a l u K r ...... ------snop. & more, S700'- “ Route 527 i arooolTwm. I— IVI WOODWORKING 1. Almosi GOODING 3 bdrm^ '>ic.~208^733-8l90.‘ ,1. 100-600 E. Avo, I. r ,, C alUIII Ja i n a 733-1308.- Y O Ui rf A d T o S o C r 's s ''; A tlrod P re c is io n Mlll- BUSINESSES = = 534.900. bath dead end siSI . fwiN~FALLS lof leasei ID 300-600 E. Ave. 1. sprinklers anc. r c o S work. In Corey. ID AVAILABLE PAREmENTS I _ •1971- • yaroSeOO. 934.887070 ■ or sale. Beautllul 3I sooks fulMlmo load & T U C paiio. Coll (or in(orma- M A L T A 1 9 9 5 barm . 2 bain, 2 cai o SHOSHONE GiveGlv your child T*nt l lion 206-732-32-5383.' 45x28. 3 bdrm.3“5 2 k1 n GOODING 3 bdrm dollvory/shop help,.7; Route 413 Cooper Norman Pro-School Pro with a T l M r « 1.2 bath. batn, country. S50500 garage. spnnKier sys- salary negolloblo. paid ES-NEW S WENDELL 92 thnrirnnm VaullOd COliingS.IQS. tox- mo. lor aop. 934-B560 torn. AC. gas (ireplace 200-500 S. Apple Business Brokers (un li learning J a w l a c r o s b?Q tu ro d w alls, k.lc holldoys & vacation. 200-500 W. B. St. & Advisors expeixperionce whilo at C L ASSIFIED S 2 bath on 3 a kitchon GOODING deanliL 2337 Stadium Blvd 208-623-4564’ Shop and outlwtbuildinSs® "PP'®' )d. 'mas- odrm. launary,,ga 3. Si 100 - S700 dop work! t i E P AVRTM f Er^ mature land g a s N o'peis’smoKing, rets PUBLICSERVICE ” R0UIO414 Keys to S uccess ^36^ I r so a k er tub. sepCh j door. heat. S500.837-6522 vmw.cnbba.com Call 208-536 '23' foquired. 734-6652,' • . MESSAGE 100-400 E. 3rd A QQc. S h o w e r , M u s HAGERMAN 3bOrm'2 i rk 100-400 N. Beverly 208-733-6581* . _ ,, ’ 08-539-190! Don't pay lo find work H v T w i n z i r ______moved, cioan1 a>and m Garago, shop TWriN'FALLS NW 3 before you gel tho Job.lb. in Falls wEfjDEilL 3 bdrm,. 2 good cond, S37. }n R0UIO415 ' TWIN FALLS 734-5538 b a th , 3 6 x 2 ood S '™ , For Iroo Inlormatlon ‘■i ' 208-7C x24 shop. Call2O0-645-2292295 ' e!"L°00 8°0 aboui avoiding om-n- 200-500 E. 5th Sl. • STO RA G E-91 units. Bo-ISo-P oep D aycaro - twirM nad® SIOO.OOO. 83837-4100.- smoktng-pcis. S750 • ( . 3 prWaio oUices. shop one “ dep Non-smokin? ploymsnt service■ e 200-500 N. Dorothy and Pf»-School magicvisvaKoy.com r ------Call 2 0 8 -5 3 9 -0 9 9 - S505 oep, 1st, last, rot 10 with overhead doors. ICCP ICC approved. o , , scam s, write lo tfio l u r l e y ^ s i 2y J E ___ Avail 9 15. 735-9409* Fodoral Trade Com­n- Routo416 high iratlic exposure. Call Cali 733-5097,-, S W I ' JEROME 3 bdrm mission. Washington.n. 200-700 7th St. showing good return...... j i 208-6/377-4543 ■ . j i i i i loncod yd S700 • BAKERY - Fran- p.-,, SSOO 300 No c c0 is - TWIN FALLS Ouiot D.C.. 20580. or callIll 100-500 N. Apple teglsuationforall n sm P l TWIN FALLSLS Farm lor ^ R E N T A L S !is noignoornood. 3 the Nallonal Fraud In­n- c'hlse, good c ash flow' grades; HOLLISTITER now list- solo. 72 acr lLS 208-4 1 0-5220' 0Of udrm, 1 3 4 bath. acres, nice ------!____ J 73 4 .u o r formation Center.r. Route 418 and Investment, Pre-6tn p„ grade at mg. 3 bdr'drm, 2 baih on homo, shoi ‘o f'c e d ba ck yard, FILER ^ o P & m a . THETIMES-NE- 1-8OO-076-7O6O.* 100-600 E.D St. imonuol Luthoran over 1 aa c r e , c o st o( chine shed.^'734-fl4l8- 7: ClosslfiedN E W S I JEROME 2 Ddrrr 549492 garage. 5800 mo = 100-300 E. B S t. • FLOWER SHOP • new was over . i .. School now opon, 527° ■■■■■■■ Departmented mo. S500 dep CaJail SPA CIO US 4 Odrm, Business. OQuipmoni, Opon n n house Is 10, S a v e ovor k e n t 324-79-14 Of 308-012121 • 3 Dain nome. stor- . . ^ 917-«Q5E5E!BBS • If you livo in Ihoso - Inventory. 00.' now'oniy" Classified Serv JB-19,2pm-7pm. ervice JEROME 3 Ddrm.~ T' '*9e garago, 'encoO H a re as and are KIMBERLY Wo ore state' )0. Home has U jdm H Representatlv ; yd.noODOiS SiiOO •STORAGE/ WARE- atives bath, secuniy & rc — interested in being a occrodltod, wilh vaulted1 ceilings c with are available ft CUTE 1 Ddrm, house pon floor plan. CAREY Now c le from S650 735-219-1 eve- PUBLIC SERVICE new spaper HOUSE building. certified teacher. groat ope nm h n m « 8:00am - 5:30 !__ appls large yafo, olfico. scaios. highway , ing room mas- 2 custom :30 p m JEROM E 3Ddfm. rolric MESSAGE c arrier... roll now at Iho Bost 3U m '.®*2 M onday. Fric Ing- pets OK, S450 mo Poderal omploymoni P loose c o n tac t i& SuperGood '9- 'PIS. 3 b Friday orator .ma stov School in the Aroa. * oatabio val- )ve Tho Mgmt 733^9* ' Information Is Ireo.3- K athy. D istrict Mgr. 733-7820.- package. pa Call ^a’h. IJnboat mciuod. No puis smc • M ulll-uso building on l _ _ line Co. at Call our,ofdc Romembor. no onele 73M 3«- J ' 208-520-10-1971 Real- -ifKroc S 590 m o, Ca:ai! fwiN FALLS Sm~ ciin promise you a 3.44 acros. scales. tflng L e s s o n s fo r tors welccIcome.* S199,500 4S45197.500. in Twin Falli■Lire 539-3221 tor into.-, railroad siding, com- lommuto to 733-0931 ext. i . borm house nS-s Incj! federal job. For froo ds small ciassos. HOME INS 5000. Coll to bo a carrier ROUTE 865 of c loans. Irom Portoct 735-315-3270 or e-mail SQ, ll. custom 734-9059 orr 420-6210.- 42 lodolaultod. Call ■ ehurenerenBaamnoicvailey- ‘^“uu * sc Pleaso contact 100-200 Carnoy Sl. .com- home, )n on 1 + acre. 3 r: ------Kothy. District Mgr. 300-400 Cosa Grando (8(800)901-9301 orvisil ' „ www.wobuyloans,com* havo9po^5220,000. p s: u n s u p c r v i s c i WALKING ROUTES —;______451 Main Avo. ised. tiicn wc have iltc 1000-1300 Blake Riividuals wiio relied no-obliflation quote. D. This homo n emptyty, J570,000, o u r f o m n iit i ROUTE 883 1 h a s a nlew e ' kitchen, OwhorCarry, TWIN FALLS 40i3-700 Ridoway Dr. (208)733-382f, rry/loaso , nitnicni 10 cusionicr servivicc and circulation n e w t llo0. . now vinyl option./SI­31-3153.* jjrowih to ;tp RT705 1000-1200 Wendell = w indow'S. s. lo rn t lawn . apply. Papers are early mn 400-499 Asponwood iinrnini! delivery. St. ■ ^^5 r sprinklerr system and k Dr. ROUTE 874 ■ ■ much morloro. Call Alex Tiic Timo> 400-600 Cypress 500-900 Foils Avo.W. ■ nes-News has iiidepci 539-5758>8'or Fll 420- ■■■■■ opporlunitio.'' icndeni coniracior Way 700-900 Wendell ■ tios in many areas liirin R T706 lUAL HOUSING 7 ibin,3bod- Vai lev. (ntyluuit liie .Maj;ie ------2600-2000 4lh Avo-e- -“ FILER II EDU^ION I S >PORTUNITY Doth. 1.437 ^ 2700-2800 Polnibfush real ostaie adver- squaro foot.I. .:.55 acre, r' n i Drive ROUTE 553 tT" T T T T T T T " siing" 9 In this new s- —^ _mmm m m S169,900. 208-731-2C Call J R T 722 100-200 Ramsey paporipor is subject to C n i i 2711 o r208-731-734-0696- L I ■ —1 Jeni al 208-733-09.^» l CXI. 302. 2700-3000 Elizabeth 200-400 Hoddloslon _ tho3 FairFo Housing Act I j f * 2600-2900 9in Avo E - Road______C »ich makos It lllo- ■ ! Classifieds itoadvoniso-any -- REALTY, INC. ' ^ 5 1 8 , ^ E B ------AT 732------P loose c o n tac t ^34-0400 ^ 100-400 Elm S l.N Amy District Mgr. profori9forence llmiiatlon 208-73 discrimination TWINFALL 1100-1300 Heybum 208-735-3347 * |(It pays lo read the " , “i" LLS”2 homos, r ' U H L~&~j 'Ee ' R | O M E m m . . Ave E sod on raco. col- 370 n . Eln•lm:S92500, ^rer.m onul :ight/£iilh fin6 print. or.. religion,re so*. i4124tl nulaciurod , J . ^ v j A o m RT781 salo wilh L— JThe 1800-2000 9lh AveE handl.ndicop. lamlllal S78TflSOO S'* I f lo m financing for}r qualified c hcTimraN.'nii 1900-2000 Poplor itus, or national Must Call Twin Falls. gin. or on inten- , 208-644-12 ono buyers. 2 indand 3 bod- Avo 282 ? 208; room unltsIS Must V/i^l* RT 769 733-0931 slo°n,')n. to mako any 731-0545>or«}ua-faB5a 0 fom ain in our 0 |- su cCh h p r e le r e n c e .’ our parks. Vlill. 2000-2150 ConcortJIa I Call 208-543-8 It US online and ctcheck o u t Way Illation or dIscrIm- a m D o ic n Routes Available EBuriey 677-4042 1^110atlon.' Familial BUHLFREEC T , M a 1990-2199 Filer Ave. Burloy Aroa (iagic Valley area I E. statusItus includes chli- j ' w id e m o blie ile h om o, hom es, R T 770 T T T T T T T T dronin undor u the age ' . J M ust b e moveoved. Call R oute 402 01181118 living with par- H, «S 208-543-5497,97,* Click on Real Estaiate. 600-1100 Asponwood Burton lo Pork Lano ts or logal custo- • BURLEY -96 FleetwoodFie | W16lhtoW20lh ^ in; pregnont vrom- .—.-rsxs-. 600-1000 O'Loary il ,'e oQ7n Broadmoro 114 4 x 6 6 ft. R oute 405 B ? iand i people se- TWIN FAL Way Overland to Hllond ™ Kb™ 3 Ddrm', 2 bath, bat high R T 778 curingring custody or sq.ft. 5 be E ie th to E I O th III iS fn n lS S li 0 In Burloy 2100-2200 Alta Visla UBERTY CHRISTIAN chitdroIdron undor 18. homo Bull bo moved. 9 ^ ' R oulT467 ACADEMY Hardwoo( Dr _ Ovortond to Almo ' ’’lilad'hnih’ S15.900/0(|0iffor. C a l l . I V f 900-1000 Doi Mor Dr 821 E. Avo. H . ThisI neno w sp a p er will kitchon. t E 19lh to E 27th • o ': r .3 r : c ‘570.- • I p ! | l RT 786 Jorom e. ID no tI krknowingly ac- rooms, ci I 208-324-1100 coptar3t any advertising 10 1. S l1 6 9 . 9 0 0 . MOBILE HOMEME 14x70. 800-899 Capri Or. II you live In any of nside/out. 1500-2199 lor roalrool estate which O w n o r Motlvotod M Like new lnsl< Ihose areas and are Now accopling Is inn vlviolation of the '734-4541/1/308-3428* Contral AC.■ Sot S< up In , , Falls Ave E. Inlorostod In deliver- pork. SI 5900.>0. Financ- Jamic .M K l onrollmoni for'04-'05 la wV. . Our C roadors I— RT83B Ing Tho Times Nows c Martin Kelly Runyon S 100-500 Polk St school year aroI heihereby Informed TW IN FALiLLS Sbdrm *"0 avail. 773e 3 6 -1 7 7 3 Canvonsidi Mark E. Jones pioaso slop by our K-12 thaiallIt all dwellings ad- 1.5 batn2 2 car oaraoa 'oa^e messageag e- isidc R(.‘ali\' {'xjldweil Baiikfr RohcnJoiK.'S 100-300 Taylor Sl Burloy olfice for on RT 839 v e rrllsed l l i In this large yaiard, fence TWIN FALLS. S u x e f . Cunis Ri-ali\- application. aBIblo based, Christ n e wwspoper s are spnnklerss 1100' Sq ft. 2 b e d r o o m , , W /D , 200-499. Fillmore St. 1263 Overlsnd Ave.*| ^ '300-499 Taylor St. Centered Cuntculum a v aallablo il on an S99.000 12601 Blake some furnlturturo. nice RT 840 e q uual al opportunity St.N. Call'ill 736>6030* shop, carport,}rt, 2 cov- 100-499 Pioreo SI ” AcAcadomic Excellence basis.3is. To complain TW H fP a i.L T 5 4 bdrm.. ©rod docks, sprinklers.spr 700-800 Flier Ave. R e a d T h e Character of dis

    I JEROME nico cloan 2 TWIN TM FALLS 3 bdrm,, TWINN FPALLS 1 room- HORSE AOHAXA moro. FREE a poirirofLoprab- 0 FREIGHTLINENER'89 Custom hsrvestlni £ bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, 2 2 both, gos hoat, con- motestes wonted to shoro P r e t t y'_9 J yrs.,J5.2_ bits with.hu.hulch_Call. manure truck,JSk,J90 Kir- _ Groin beotsj. bear I -All a p p ls . S 4 9 0 m o. -■ tfol tn oir. garogo. $650/ largohjo'houso. No smok- hands, trailtn or barrels, 324-426S,* . byt)od,Coi!212->12-1110.* roasonablo rotes ■ 324*2744 420*1011.* month. m COII308-1317* tng/dru/drugs, 731-0763* S2500.2C 208.423.5^60,■ f b e e B oor, ..,, AKO roo. MASSEY FEROIR'QUSON Tracoy 200-312-24 TWIN FALLS ciito 1 : « JEROME nwo. cloanTs TWIN fw FALLS duplex, 2 HORSE SHOEINGSI $SU mole, 10 mo, old. very 135. hydraulics,lies, oood Pioaso leove a msj>sg * HOT TUB Grondoo wilhIhI- bdim. appls.. mostI bdrm,. 1,5 bath, all bdrm/1 b< balh.S475* ot o u r bl tids & othor cond. S4500, JD 4640 ozonaior. 500 gol.I. ' UtilS.S450. 736-1773* barn. Call fur good w/kldi , appiiancos, SS70, $300dop, S: W/lyrloase B fVN olher prrcrrcos, Gooding dogs, brindindio/whito,' -now tronsmlsnission, ^ 7i*»a $750. 208-324-89444 TWIN.FALLS. oasti ' 420-1011 or 324-2744,* S4S0 S< mo. 212-1670,* | •f . • • C ail20B-934-S576,* B-! Purebred,. darkda brlndlo Irosh ongino,, nowno< rub- ^ i ^ ^ | | | « | | or 280-1458* ' sido. Llko now 3 bdrm. omalo, Pit bor 14.9x46S duals,dl 3 • JEROME sm. 3 bdrm.. -**********~ i IagpGRICULTURE HORSEc T b A"ri” p"H /w h ite , foff w 2 baih. All oppls. Incl. W/D hookup, S495 TVITWIN FALLS Froo 2,5 mo old. rem otes, groat s ------HOTTUB. 8x8, now ------i C i r c l of . J 2 - h o V s o pup- 2.! “!oo'’°i M .ceyoiirad ir , ' No smoking or pots.• mo. 603 D N, Flllmoro, ViVacation with 1 yr. h t lo a d , ta c k G ood w/kidi0 • cJep. 600 Buc- 312-416S Of 312-4198 DW, D ovon/rongo. PiPloasocall ieite,- 3 years,' old. very sweet,et & loving, case 4690, 4WC I Limiiod quanlily n.nuin 73G-0322.' and 436-1294.* rolrig,. fO W/D. g a s lire- TwinFin Falls 733-0931 b o a u tiiuful, i dark gold good ® insido hp with 6 way $399.00 ------.pioco, pl, gas hoot. $750 , , ^ OVOfO. AwAwosomei Caii III ' 735-0966 ‘ b la d e , S10,OOQ T3?l Economy Repair QuoNty, P rice &, + +< dop No smokinQ/pols Burlelurley 677-4042 208-324-:j-3633.* oftor Spm. 208'731-3318*SS m l - 530 Bluo Lakos Locatfon Lyle Ly 731-6509- • Th • -MARE Gr,^oy 3 yr, old FREE GoldenIon Retriov- C PAUL Poioto storag— ‘ 733-9444' rWIN FALLS NE. loca- 1 = od, 1 1/2 yrs ^ . 7 0 7 ■ ™ .m a r o , ViVory gentlo. 150,000 cwt. Joni lion, 3'bdrm.. 2 bolh. • > '• lacks, good to old. needsd s a g o o d ' buill, humido-coli,fn®Q°s : DESKTOP PC 5. * * * * * * * gas ga heat. A/C. ig. 2 ^701^ oro moving I 90 AMD 1,8 Ghz. 40GB.N Call to loQso your ca S1200,Call homo, woon •, CFS, 6' coniors, 2: car garogo, S6S0/dop. ]3- and sho :on'tcon go with C ly d e's Pipe■ Ro I Repair por hundred wolgi256 MB, DVD, LANI- 1 bdrm,:2 bdrm/2 baih ' "73 mEQUAL HOUSING ' 734-74^7 or 420^»25,‘ 12-1416, Hand lines, mainrtoln linos 500 W 50 S. Call 30loht S340, Coli 206-423- Of 3 bdrm/2 baih ^ 300- 9241 boloro 9pm,' OPPORTUNITY ■ T0DAYlFlrsl2 /e a r Old gfoon- FREE guinea>n ninf mnin------"and WhOOlllmos. Imi - - - d530or430-8580:*- All rr-iil ustnio ndvor- ! months ronl FREE bdrm duplex. $6*00.' 1 nare. Sl.OOO/ rough color,“ I smSIims (ovonlnllioriolI Iield), .* Pavilion computerD ' li-jiruj jn im s nows- ******* mo,g*' S250 dop,714 p, iq 1 year old im- old to o goo;S o d h o m o s wlthCDandDVD1- . . Boia Cifcle, 543-8800 USTOMERS . ollor; e y . [jiipor 15 subject to . 734-1600 “0 '0 M int m a ro . Coil 208-736-’36-6740.*' GAS PUMP Poci»ocir.'2: H llilP H^ i m ' drive, Inciudos print- . llio f-'iiir Housing Act . FAWNBROOK _£!.Of 539-0648.* •' irlgg ond ors. copier, sconnor). ' ■ wMicti' mnkc!; il illo- Truly Truckle pREE Kitten:n'nR' i In'nn ' ^ '‘95 and 17* monitor. SSOO. APTS. TWIrwiN FALLS small 1 ' ^ ^ ariingmaro. 15 hairod, 1 sh p, used 2 (Jill to ndvoniso ‘Qny 647 Fawnbrook Avo, bdrm. bd Smoko Iroo, ' ' y ^ I 5 r S S " ?SI ,000/0ll0r. Call 208-324- hrro^pro'i'." H . Call 734-8959,* •« ' prolufcnco hmilation Handlcop accessible S300*d0p,431-73P7,- S3 S SE E R V I C E Coll 208-5 hoso all mount*'Inlo^o" CUSTOM . .V d iS c n m m a tio n . Equal Housing . t w i * FREE LABt XX pups, 5 con. S325, 731-5n-5061.? BALING • tjaiiod on raco. col­ rwiN FALLS Tho bosi AHvidvertlse In m in i a t uURE f HORSE wooks.FoUs __^pportUhlty^_ 2 2t bdrm.. AC, S460. No or, ruiigion, s o k . broke to rido. Qroal bird d'P''S: .Stacking Armoir. nightstond & cufiinj c u sto d y Of TTWIN FALLS nircrowavo, rofrigorator, next wi s. All black turo m ixes, oats onlortoinmeni contor. Foils A pts. Closo to 1 winner. Movon- Would makem groat wilh colvos.- ) . ■ f.tiiidion undor IB Coll lor prices. camp = 037-6251* CWT, Dolivofed > Iron heocfboard. S3S0. CSI. AC. appls,, on np Livestock, projoct hh( o r s o . P o in t w/whito WF. 8 r e d ij s ■! 'Jo pots. Capri Motol. 208-28C•280-0882.* pony. Ex — Hamilton Sood for allt Great shapo! • ■ Tins nuwspapof wtll silo laundry, oil stroot ixcollent for . . . 208-733-6452* ild. a lso c a n s. •ATHER 734-3S07or42O-^ „,j 208-733-4566.* ■ noi knowingly ac­ • roosters, block or HOT WEA 20-^869 Jl 208-731 377-1 cept any advertising ».iiss;s<,i TwsWIN FALLS furnished rod. HandsomeHo and nfo 734-3330.* AND I9V PII I or20» 7:)l -2htJ‘’■I BEDROdM SETi 5 pc,1 lor fOHl ootato which 2 a 3 bdrm. townhom os ,f®°room w/. kilchen pfivi- younoig, Cail< 733-8300 PAINT FILLLLY 11 month YOUR PCTS PI ^709^^1 J* Oil brand now. still in IS in Violation of Iho SSauoupio&495monih '<>fllegos, smoko froo, momin’olings or ovonings.' old, oxc. 4-H4- prospocl. _ g g jjjl Professional^ boxes. List SU99. low. Oui rcaOers ^ o l P h oosont Viow S200/mo, Cali 733- r; . . ' ° >ntlo, S400. ^ II sacfilicoS450. T ow nhom os 0443or208-599-0920* SrEIKOAIRV 2S3.67S°9. ALFALFA Isl Mand 2 M ' f a r r i e r 420-6350,' afo noroby inlormod =ERS. opon Hoil- •9477 or 312- 1.II all dwellings ad- SORRY NO PETS TWIIWiFTFALLS MOTEL 312-0669.* cutting, no rain,:in, small BEDROOM SUITE- hrouoh sprlrgors. ° boles, sell any amamount, i vcrtisod in this 208-734*6e0O.* ODoily o ond weekly some0 Ireshli Honors PAINTmoroire. reglsiofod Butch Shields_ •Exquisito solid wood nowspaporaro r- - -— rates. Ouiol, clean. avail 41 » ^ Call 208-539-603'6036* 20 yoars oxporlonco .417-425-5659’ brooding $ . sleigh bod. drossor, available on an ^TWIN PALLS . allcallofdabio. 733-8620. ' IVO YOUR ALFALFA Isl ~^tino'.cui Accepting now clionts mirror, chosl, 2 night- ’ oflual opportunily ' d o s. boaulilui ''O'"omowhen small boles. S70TS' Perfornionco horsos''®' s t a n d s . H e ir lo o m O.-isis. To complain Expoct to bo II . jroat hondio, your aroi.fOOUt, 324-5494 or 420-7>0-7491 .V & all broods.'.®? • . .quoiily.RoyolHeritago... Impressed ^6 ——— Houi-in discounts. > of'discrimination 06-404-3237* temporal ALFALFA now c collodion. VoiuoI Call HUD Toll-free Spacious 1 & ------—— ;— your car faro a i l BtomMffl gross, bright grooiiroJiTi 731-9766- ’■ ■ S6900 sell S2300, Caii • -nt 1-800-669-9777, ...... - 2 bdrms. Quiet - - s m ■CALF HUTCH. - P>o'o««lorS lP iffl’’’*'’ - theoutsideto 206-420-6350.* building wlih galod m e 3 ea.r., 2 bam. ’’g n .f ' h S h ie ld s . turo and anirr ■ rain, 2 slMi^g Will Wll s6if~ ' ’J," I - The Toll-froe tele­ m country, no smoking -n^y-nn smoil om ounissiitiii llll . Grow your phone numbor lor • undorgrouod If:, S i r f i f c S , ” axpononce, in tho cor — I BUREAU lg, S30, Oak parking.'357 Bluo ®fJsr insido pels. SS25/- Mn?, sr 3 now clionts . su c co m b ' 324-5082 or 308-0)8-oo73, business! file cabnot. S15, Roll­ Ihe hearing impaired mo,-f dep, 543-6971 * . IS 1-a00-927-8275.- Lakos Bivd N. ' ' s sa ; n c e horses. quickly on ?h0£toTiotlhe ALFALFA SEED5 ------ing olllce choir,-625, 544-2432 * HANANSEN 2 bdfm..'1 tT IT i Houi-in1 adiscounts. summer dadavs ’ Also many grassosisos ond Advortiso In Tho- Living room choir.I -■ , b30th, a t extra nice, in ^ 7 0 3 ^ clovers, Former-foir-formor, AG BuslnosB SO' brown. S2S. Sioroo ACK RUSSEL>tL te rrie r will delivor. Roy C i stand, S25. Side table.i TWIN FALLS col:ounlry, pots/horse QUARTER^ HORSE 10 PUDS'foadv v ay Odor- Sorvico DIroclory i|-|-h |-|-|-|-|r|T|c|oMio>.-t3H n o i I';"?™ ”* mon 208-465-5285280* To find out mure calliry 510. Coramic lamps 1st shots, aca d o ra b le —-—; TURN OFTHE 423 .LOOSA goldlng ^Xs'm o'^ 'r7iaritf Ciassiliods ® all (2). $10 0 0 .431-1313,* iy nomo is Poco "I®’,). filly. 5800/or sgstvggso 53'539-7003* a l f a l f a , d ry I .TwI n ' f a l l S Includes CENTURY CHARMI 0: 1 ton 208-733-0931 oxt 2 1 am 12 yeors old. r for boih. Coll ____tesiod; «l 240- 1 CANOPY BED, dork1 till lurnituro, color TV, Laundry, storage, ^ 0 & like 10 leoch 208-326-6/6732* JACK RUSSESELTER- bales no chemlamlcol or 800-658-3883^ iron wlih boautiiui Spacious 1 & 2 • W .O .garago.OIC. s in training. I ilko Q U A R T CR-E F H n- B-g F rogisiofclofod malo, mtio rain, 625-I- 3)3k 3«B ««' 2' acconts. Four posts 1 block Ifom CSI. '04-' in se broko, boles, no chomiomicol. I— with canopy atiachod, ifona bul I/ovo REGIST J24-3149, 11,110 rain. Coil Do , 05 CSI School torm Irorii S375. TWiFWIN FALLS lUo gr^osjroat outdoors, 1 years, oxccMio"nfh°o,U Doibert I—i New, novor opened. ' lease. No drinking, 833 Shoshono N. O Ofllco ond rotall need disciplinedis< & lovo, for c asull a land moun- LAB rog. yollo)1I0W pup's at 200-483-3683’S^Sw an S149. Coll 420-6350,' srnoking.dnjgs or pots, 404-4677* 3 I 392-4.526 so . ft. ,| y oIU u havo h 0 good tom nding.;3. $1000. Coll Parents provei,vonhSnto- Valley. Idaho,* COUCH w/ motching Coll 208-734-8903 or ± Several locations, homo Ic } ovoninos.' rs. Coli 208- 67l678-1113.* CUSTOM BALINGNG------208-731-9214.* olor mo ploase 670-4143 0 I rocker rocllnor, Ro J WIN.FALLS Well ------_ ^ H n m m a c K ------call 208-108-404-3237,* Q U A R T E>^'horses--m R «ni-dachs(is c H U N O — « -Y o a rs oxp. Biglig BolesB ■ ''•T r? clinor on bolh onds of ' TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm,' kept! k 2 bdrm. 2 baih. ‘Monagomoni, ------omalo 2 Flrlh Ranchos rogisiored. oldor Black7yr.ir.oidgeldlng. Pups, 1 Iom Vs66‘ ^ MERCHANDISE couch, S600 736-1C20* near CSI, all ulil, in- 4-piox. 4 Ail a p p ls Inci, <208-734-4339,* fOQJ 1025-5931 Call 208-431-186 yr, old moro. molos, Cail 8i = CRIB w/mattross & bod- ■ ------ciudod-pius-HBO-and— V 0. Groat kid's -Gfov 10 yr _W /D-K-VM CAm8mb«f— TWiF(VIN-FAttS-2-pOfSOn------^ trvory-flonllo:-----or731-3726,*3* HAY~1srS2ndcul •y—' ding sot', vory qood Showiimo. No smok- ship, s S525/month + ©Mi Ji, W .iiaoaH ?it> S3T- BIRTHDAY >ffico w/reception e100d/6flOr. Call Coll S 39-9•9724 1938 mINI-DACHS ingi'pols. S450 SlOO dop <3 Avail, 6/ 1, Incont- ' nrni H S H U N D 1:'; ; T cond, SlOO. chTid oa- ireo. on Bluo' Lakos, 9nR.<;44.344-2810,- Hvry. 46to to Gooding,* purebred pups.ps, Shots, FredKtppes543<;JSb73.-" PHOTOS S0I& lloor fan. SIO oa. _dop Eves. 734-0414.’ J\ivos. 208-733-8869’ S46 >461 mo. -futllilios. 131-1609,* HAY 04 crop. 2nd2nd cut- Have you forgotten t '208-734-1391 in ovo.' :a1i 208-734-1093 o r AQHAk sorrel SC maro, 9 QUARTERR HORSES S250. 208-431 TWIN FALLS 1 bdrm . Cali 5 old. Two Eyed o horso .troll- p u r o b ro d PUPS pui 1 s t cloon and no rain,ain Call p h o to s ? Wo h a v ' pots/smoking. S375 + TWII >ddoughtor. 1 ors; ono3 Ilull horse shots, S250,pups, isi 324.93,oor867-8;7.8744 * somo phoios wo ar. oloc. hoat furnished. Gro n ,_ ' left rotum^good cond.. 3rovo Business Park, AO^A^bA bay gelding. 2 bum per amind a 5 horso 208-431-97( --J-— suro you would wan: S450/ollor, 324-2079.* 735-0473,^ ______Roll 9766;' HAY 40 acres ,0'ol "0W Thoso can bo pickoi BUHL2 bdrm.'api. Ronl 7 =leliiil & office su ite s. s, “pBueno Chox gooso nc based on incomo. TV 644®/* M IN I-S C H NNALiggft A soodingw/so paco lor roni. Call paporod 1 S300 Cali POMERANIAl Carved bod. $350 TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm, 1 spa rod. sadly musl condition. 'A N C u to h a y ailalla 2004)4 ccrop. Ook ormoiro. S3503o! ( liv in g r o o m s e t . •5;<65 - S350 dep. 1/2 , baih, W/D hook- 208’08-733-5737- sell. MakeMal o|lor. Coil 208-543-484830, Ploase AKC ro( Avail 0;i5'2t9-03BG.* hne lrT SmOil bfllOS. 1isl Sl cut- English pub colloo 50. ta Toak,Scondinavion up. garago; ond cor- TW»NtU F A L b S o ffic e s Shelii1208-720-7683* 20: loovo a moi lirtfl 580 por ton.on. 2nd bio, $75.300-2425,*to- dosign, Lorgo book­ CASTLEFORD 1 and 2 p port, 1 block to CSl 2ndind Avo. S. 800 sq It, BAY mnare. an 6 yrs. old, SADDLE Cir S suiting, no roin, case, end tablo. bodroom apis avail. c S-irclo n(Y), r 14 h o m o w ith p RUGBIIOIotnoler c am p u s. No drinking. 539-O »4539 0rB37-4532.- ^ ?clos, very ve genilo lor in good c ^00 420- per ton, 2nd cut rr- lolophone table. now’ Rent based on smoking. s drug or pots, ^== ownor, S200 .»,ii^® Heavy cotton crotchet ------‘ k id s .s io SIOOO, 308-4458 S300, 208- woodcortiflcoti Bright colors. Exc“ Y Lists lor $1500. . incot’ic 208-S43-8833 734-8903of731-9214.* 7 ^ „ 4-6077.* or 208-733-I3‘5923* 8626 loavo mS' $110porton.3 Moving & cannot Equul Housing « cond. S12S 324-3067 TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm.. POMERANIANAN PUPS 1281 after loom,' toko 11. S500/oflor. Opijonuniiy.- , )D MARE, rog. STO CK / 1 b a th . S450 SSOO h a y alfalfa, 3rd cui IL Call doytimo 208- (/white painl for TRAILER '( ^•2966, p p v 1, ■I 736-2101 or aflor GObOINU cTo'an.'' riicb dop d Pets ok 212-1678,* TWIN . 14 years old. in saddle g 6pm 208-732-8833,' t odrm units tor low fV l f ' ,. v14 In Royal King m oni. bumimpor hirch, RATTERRIEIlER pup- 3x4 cutter boles, S incnmo. -62 and oldof 2 2 baih wilh AC. Dw! ll racing sa d d le . Coil 208-54544-2461* Plos, groot poiporsonali- p o r ion. H&H All orciisablod. Wesisido q REFRIGERATOR S30I? MATTHESS a box sol! o v o n /ra n g o , ro frig .. TWINVIN FALLS 5000 sq S425.. 20208-324-7975- WESTERNJ eVnKTci e 0^*®* ‘O'"'smiiy pots, Parm a 208-707-7£ .Coun Apis. 934-4906 y ; s a d d l e s 3m os, 208-537 - - 1 . Washer & Dyer so100 S159 Quoon pillowtop, w /D , g a s flro p lo c o . Itt shop,sti 13 ft. coiilngs, ^-.h Vb m V 537-6503.* h a y C loon 2ndd cicn3p, S300 or toko oil sot lo brand now. factory ■ L power, high MAC ‘89 alumi- (2) olmost r * loasuro. For SHIH-TZU pupplos.pu no rain. S90/T. ( dop, Nosmoklng/pots, traffraffle area, nogoiibio FRP, 4 horse, rel & 1 plo; T Coll $500,200-436-0620,-lo r warranty. 420-6350.* GOODING clo.w, sup- d irato dressing inlocoii20EOB-735-1207 culo. adorablIblo. por- 208-423-5047 ny 1 bdrm . ond unil. Coll C Lyle at 731-6509.* tornorms. 420-3500 or REFRIGERATOR GEK. MAffRESTrboTior .& tack, hoyrock. or 208-420-10-0235;* sonoiity -f SSO5300, Call Onlyl' lg yard, loose, S340/ f v '31-5508 ■ room,a t ______$105, Stove. $70, MliE. $239 King piliowlop. TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm,/ c o n d , S 11 .0 0 0 . L M 208-423-9000.'PO-' HAY E x co llo n i ho mo .dep. Call 1-666- 1 I horso crowave, SIO. ArmolMi- n e v e r u so d , fac lo ry 1 bolh. 900 sq. fl„ w/D TWINVIN FALLS------^ i S aSS:■08-788-3060,* k 73^ ^ pups. 7 hay! Orchardgros! S7B-9l5Uor934-4454‘ ^ 'Oil. Immod, 3000 sq, ■■■ - , - SHIH-TZU pi iross/al- re, $150. 735-9379.*lOi- warroniy. 420-6350,* h o o k u p , c d rp o rl, n o Avail, ' weoks,AKC,vevotchock folfo mix. No rc s m o k i n g , l o t s o f ft,1, buildingbi with IWO 14 T'*-*-* /3 yoar.y broko lo °;g®o‘;{-- R E F R IG E R A T O F and first shoislOIs, $350 Stored in bam . 59 M/iTTRESS n luxury . HANSEN Spacious 3| sto !. ra g o $52 5 m onth. ft.1, ovofhoadO' doors and r. oxc. condition. ' W hirlpool, S ide bl Uiiim unit, a p p ls, r tilui. S600. Coll ALBINO PV'YTHON IV. ondS400, 734-34-7163.* Call 934-5576* )R queen double-sided CQII601-589-3034- fonconcod storago. Eloc------Side. Llko NewlI S90Cby pillowtop sol. Namo )805.* m a k o o i l OAT HAY. S70 per voncod back yard, — rlc signs Included. 539-080- l l o r . C a l i Po^on. Call 208-734-5060,*'00 brandl New, novor Sf)50 monih * dep. TWIN FALLS 2 bod- 3580,' k -nc n f ff H Cail 208-326-329! room , bath, stovo. >019 KImboriy R oad. FOUR FOOTSHOEIHBFO< WASHERmRYER sol used. List S1199. sac- TWIN FALLS COZY « 1 N PIT BULL m fraS l 208-731-3295,* rolrigeralof. DW. W/D.-, 20-1739 or 733-1739,* Accoplinipling new clients, ' S225,-6as-8tovo rillco 5599,420-6350,* 2 udrm, appls, W/D •' rim miniaturos & TERRIER;1; Ilomalo, 15 m m m STRAWTMoSgbo hoow-up. oloctric no^ pots. S525. Coll TWI^VIN FA L L S lo n c o d Wiilirim ?. ono S125. 208-420-1299*o. MATTRESS King slzo ‘ 206-732-0895* shohop With 3 offices toachhch ho fses to pick w e e k s oldId, Brlndlo, BEAN CUTTERER 1 stop. Call Dustin at 2 hojii, S450. month. _£ ot. Schedule now Sw eoliS l5050 679-2675* c o m p le te will-vilh extra 219-9845.* WASHER/DRYERS ro waiorbod. Ilnor, hoal- CLOSE to downiown TWIN TV FALLS 3 bdrm.. ^:.450 .4 sq. It, 1824 upfeot, £ - i—■ condlllonod Konmortro- or. padded side rails, :ommprclal Avo. , lor•Iho lhe season, BASSETr H O U N D Win -Rower (co(contor or T.S.C . H ay Retrlev; t bdnn unii, appls. 2 2 both, appiiancos. rlevlng /W hirlpool b ran djro s SlOO/olfor, 734-3533' waiot/fawn c are m- g ;i000/mo. 733-8548*' Is 539-2512 or puppios, , tAdorable. delivery):y) S2500, Coil Con at: garogo. S625, No pels, 01539-1027.* . long oors.s. AKCrog. 13‘ Massoy’ discdli wilh 208-280-0839'!j'. S125 oa, w/ warranty MATTRESS SET, Full, r:liiUi‘d.S325.m o- Cali c 208-734-0217* C E ____ 2 0 8 -7 3 6 -4 8 0 5 01 GELDINGNG 0 years old Cali 208-40-t04-6688 * COffy fiarrow.f ' L : f W A N T E D corn silo Orthopedic. S99, QUIET neighbor- silage. 208-280-2604‘ ° ^ Brand now, 420-6350.' hoo d 2 bdrm unil. TWIN ' I FALLS Clean ^61 sorrol,1. m ust seo. Coll B L A C K — A h - r A , . Coil 200-734-7! already choppoc appls. W/D hook-up ^2 Mrm.. 1 bolh. Com-. r 208-733-’33-8350,* , wolkor Hoiound pupp- COMBINE CB: b Hays. oorly chopping da S MATTRESSSET, pioteiy furnished down ota u w otof/law ncaro in- ^ ANTED 1-2 bay ga- GELDINGNG 8 yoors Old I 0 s . S 1 22 5 . C 0 11 boon, grooi condition, coi ' Nood ImmodiaK ■ Queen, Orjhopodic, cludod. S425. mo. 10 '' tho dlshos, AC. WD, " ^847 * hydraulic bollIII iunload- Call 206-316-0970 ■ S 1 09, no w wl t.h No smoklng/pots, age with studio apan- sorrol,I, nno e ed s a job. 15 208-324-78- gf EaUi CLOSE to Twin Falls ^ -lent above or bolow. h a n d s hi 3.6862 or I warranty. 420-0350,* S595+ oloc, 735-0473.* ?;?.? s high. Approx. bORDER 1 m m m ^ E L mini-storage High School 3 bdrm. Joii 801-388-0394.* 1200 Ibs,ibs, Lovo to work pu p s. 5 2 5 1 SE MOVING SALE Roclin- tWiN f a lls Cloon 2 ^ [ i g i B factory direci, hot sum- 2 Dath, aiovo, W/D TV h a rd . BoBeauiiful must 208-544-261 c o m |T h ,„„,'low H oi- U o S mor deal through Aug,m- or. olmost new wash- hook-up.garagD. bdrm,townhouso. b ^ Z0a-733.B350.- b OTB e r H h e a d e r , 31.Call208-123-M22.'jg. or/dryer, bodroom to n c c d ba ck yard. loncod Ii yard, W/D ^61 136-9391,* APRICOTS & APPL 2.* sw eet. 8' couch, Call S7S0. month - dep. hookup. h AC. No pels GILDINGNG dark brown, pups, roc ,mont 10- * u-pi.. i — 208-326-5058.* ThoM gm l 7334}739‘ S450 S mo. I-S450 dop, a p p r oox x 7 yrs, tali, block/whltoto, ready to DAIRY Equipmt v ln F a lls f o m a l o . gonile.}. S600. Si PalomI- go, 366-7;7713. Dia- 15-20 Kgallo Ion fuel picked, senior 'citlzonciti: NOW TAKING furniture Coil 2O8-20O-2985‘ trlondly. 423-4898. HAZELTON (2) Ibdrm lose to CSI. S300-f no Paintlint Filly, coming m ond L StoctocK Dogs,* lonksondepoxi on consignment at 1 bath apis. S285- TWIN , FALLS cloon Ig, /2 1/2 ulltllllos & S290 2yrs,Gor{ T ecf w a te r tank:inks. Cail FRESH IDAHO PF S255 * S250 doposll. 2 S bdrm,, downiown. w/ dop. o p Inciudos own Oihors2C 20B-539-6253.*>3.* DUCE Com . poacrS J I THE TIMES-NEWS__ Tho Village Exchange W/D, AC. pfiv'alo pork- bathath. W/D. AC. boico- males left. , ^ located at Simpler , Call 20B-42Q.6210,- ^ iNGS Two oldor . Tails doci c k o d , 1 s t FORD ‘73 LN7S07«rn' gf contaloupo, & wator-wo: C lassified Ing. no p o ts, S4S0 i- nv I • B D dP S melon, Opon Mon-5on-Sot. D epartm ent ^ Timos Village. 640 JEROME 2 bdrm, 2 dop, d 208-420-4434.* 208- silting horsosl shois. S350,0 , 420-3449* V-8, 5spd, 2 Sp Addison. J F 733-8737* ■ Groat for , AKr- PTO. longwhec . 734-0634 or 731-141•1460.* Classllied Service9 baih.singlowido.S410 fS forchiidfonl Coll H m - rrf lijv ' i TWIN FALLS Duplex 2 fwTiWIN FALLS Fur- 208-539 ch, Nice PlCKUNG CUCUICUM- R epresentatives , OCCASSIONAL tables ♦ dop. Lincoln Coun, bdrm,,k 2 bath. Ground nish ishod apt, wilh W/O e . 3300DO S, S Joromo. 5250["N tS r, f'""s25oi'"I. BER S. yollow squisquash are available Irom* Bernhordt Consolo no dogs, 543-825C,* lloor, |j 1 cor garage; otc tc. 1 block from CSI. u A ie , i,jr ,<==;"?==■ 4'S5 w S Headh . lor & zucchini. Call Ci • w/mirtor. round cock- jERW E clean 2bdrm, Available A nowl Plooso n o c .INGER PONY a 5013 or 825 II Chris 0:00am ■ 5:30 pm. 0 drinking, drugs, JD chopper. UkLiko nowl 948-OS53or736-19^^924* M onday ■ Friday n tolllobio.2ondioblos, basemont apanment, call c 208-726-4941 5^0moking or pels, CSi irson f'J con. S i500 g a T ijF C F ' Pp U G p u p s $40OO. n. Pd. S579S soil S2300. All utllitlos. S450 *dop. Loavo L 0 mossago* sch

    ._PINING_TABLE, dbl. .WrANTEO Af -93 or newer BURLEYEY Friday 9am- RUPERT Fri pedestal, oak. very or- Spudnik Spi 22 fl. self- 3pm.. LotsLo ol house- am • Spm, 1 T h u rsSday, * Aug. 12.2004 nate. extends, booutl- jnioador uni' bed. '03 or hold Itomsiton and home storage unitsaio.u ,______ful. movod In can't fit. nowor, nov LL 22 It. self- docor.r. microwave,ml lols Clothing,, collectiblee POSTER BEDROOM $525.208-734-8577.* jnioador unl bod. 20 ft. of curtalrrtaln. and misc. and lots of r ABRIDGE* Bobby.Wolff SET 7 pc. Brand now. DISHWASHER o Butcher dump dur (grain or beet) 1619}19 Albion.* G reen Storoci r - ■ t eHE ACES ON comploto sot Includos topportabioSIOO.Bar- t< sod boo w/holsL 14-16 It. B U R Ll Eg ^ T S M u r d o y W. Hwyrf 25*^ — ■ bod. nlQtitstand. dross- b»r Hydraulic Chair dump dui bod w/hoisi am"? w or/mlrrar,chost. Brond Women's clolh- TWINFALLSUS------« o ld o r . $ 1 0 0 , R e tro [with (wit o r w /oul sides). K3 -va / s ciothos. toys. Frf. 13th 7onomlonoon, "W/tat’ji t ’s the good o fa lie ifit N O U TlT H ■Mil r-.A now. still boxod. Worth .Chrome . Kltchon Ta- Soil206.431.S546.* Cal S4000. sacrifice Bhold, and lots of W indow air■ condiilonor.o s e e n thrIhrough? When I tell a lie,e, rno A 10 7 0 5 4 bio 4 chromo barrel WAr’A N TE D B unk b o d . miscollor}llanoous. and mlscijcolanoi,. ^ $1^,420-6350.* choirs, SlOO S43-4504* . wo< Jon tell it from the gosp's p e i ■ V J 90 8 Atooden w/mottrosses. 2764 Fein■alrmont Drive.* iterr JO. R A r«»e STOVE Whirl- EQUALIZE^ E HITCH for 8Wlijw ing sol.trampollne. c a s t l e in. Dr. S ' l™ « l. Sometimes Sl I can’t even t< •LEFORD Sot. ^760 Don . X S s3 pooK Grool shopol a cam per trailer. S125. 3ood cond/lair prlco; onfv 9am-3pm. flm Post TWINFALLSLSSaL onlyl i t m y sself." e l CaII?0B-734-7S45* • • CalIS43.5578or i 733^33.8838 Anytimol* doling - cabinets. Oam-2 pmI.. DVD. 1 CD. — G ra h a m G reere e n e W E S T EAST SLEEPER SOFA. Bas- 30B-6509.' . : w a F 'ANTED corn silage, househoehold. furniture. VHS. DVD3 ployor.( So- - - ■ A J A A Q 9 8 3 sot. quoon, S300. p ilr e a d y c h o p p e d o r clothing,ng, misc. ny shell syslystom. baby PERSIAN RUG 9x12'. ,alr« 10 G 5 3 V K Glldor rocllnor. S200. reds i and navy bluos. lorly Chopping dono. 3600JOO N 900 E itoms. clothithos. otc, m J V Black motal futon. Beaullfull i S600. Call Nei'leed Immedlaloly. (6/l0mlNi1IN of Castleford)’ 13 2 6 1 1thAvoE- th h Toda:day’s hand features formt•mer ♦ 51 7 4 a ♦ 8 5 2 . S100.208-734-0917 . 208-734-0577,* Call:alI2O0.316"O97O.* F H ~F~iR nFri. 4 S at. TWIN FALLSL s r a s s a , >h J u n io r W orld C h a m ppion io AQloy.'i .1. A J 4 2 SLEIGH BED solid p :trlc carls, Jacobb J Ron in fine form. Whe POOL TABLE, regula- WANANTED Louvered tall .6 - S pim, m, Ook table 8-6 Electr I’H .wood quoon plllowtop lion i sizo. Soars 3/4* gali)alo w/ hardware for w/choirtairs, waterbod beautifulll carousel< East ralrather aggressively doubleIb^e:! sol. Srond now. In box. sla i te top with balLre- 'OS05 Chevy fleotslde matlresress,.saddles. horso. somi ^ h r e e! hhearts for takeout. We:V e s t t ^ 5 Usi s i 199. soil S399. tum i ;S215.537-69S6.* pick>lckup. Call 543.5676' holsters.)rs. desk.i 4 misc. tire lumlshir Q '7 4 2 Call 420-6350.’ „ Scurl.S!aT • wentfoifor the jugular, convertir R E F R I G E R A T O R , WAK lo so u th o f Flier apt. SO y ra ♦ A K 10 . ANTED old military ef.vStevens Ave. In on, 503 AddddisonAvo* th e clout>uble to p en alties b y passin{ . SOFA bod, S60.1'Jl0ht- white. « Hotpoinl 22cu: nedals, mo uniforms. . c J l V c V"e- * 8 71 I0 • . Glands (2) S IO 00 . Full ft.. I $350. . nslgnla. Insi documents. nrCrMkSub.- TWIN FALLSC S Fri-iS a i SUli;11; Ithe contract looks likely'1ily lo • sizod mattross, S50. '' Waterbod.vg complolo 1. &s souvenirs. Paying Patio solo. Aug. B:30 pm -2om.Dlnotte. oi , g o o nle e down, does it not? TheTh Vulnerablei.Neiihcr - ' Ca1l20Q>308-242S.'' with < 6 drawers, $150. . ilgheat hig pricel Paul ’3 andId '14. 1 9 am to 4 W /D . b aby. b y sports/ spadt-jot-jack lead to East's ace: wiwill Dealer; East ------SOFA'Broyhlll formal.- . Sectional. Gulldcrafi. Nut'JutUr>g 208-733-1691* pm. Monklon's and wom- householdJ itoms. i fire- u p fnllo< . . .. z ______o n 's clotlclothes, suitcos- wood. Schv ■lowed by th e r e tu r n o ff tlith e oxc. condilion, S 400.2 • tan, ' 2 piece, $500, cttt; hwinn bike, J ® ” ® W eigih bench with ANTED-Shelflold os BUZZuzzles. purses. computerr desk,c skis spade; tlthree (suit-preference si]sig - T h e bidding: Broyhlll wineback V >trawborrios'p Cream jot steam cfiairs SOI $150 soil •weights. ' $ 100. . • sam oven, books and clothlihing. 2091 nal forir ia club return^ for a rui Call 208-735-9474.* ilo n ew are collection and manvlany othor things. C andlowx»d oo AVO.* .N o w Ih 'iorth East all lor SSOO. 736-0588.* *: >r Olbson Strawberry Bahind ^ the defepse c611ects-lw'Iw o . I A . — REM. 700 300 MAG. Flo FALLSLS Fri 4 Sat; clUbs,. and£ East leads anothc SOFA Elogont curved. , Molds dlnnerwaro^ luat offoM Front SL 8am-2pm 1 6 x 2 4 s c o p e , e x tra s. Call:oll 206-733-1550.* - ‘.'i,':'' 2» Pass :i<1 V Dbl. ivory w/ombrolcfory < Saturday Only. houses, Fi s p a d e}. . Even : if South ruffs thi All pass doslgnvSlSO. Llli $550. ; Generator 5600 AMTi?n~g-n irtgRAtr PI‘-“ “ * a WATT, Both like nowl is. pottery! . with thehe queen of trumps, declac lar- ‘ cfialr. dark loai. vory , :,4pm,Furniture.' mtn. bikes, Call 208-866-2487' :R |R '5 5 Pickup or '49- Kids itemtoms. Christmas BBO, disheiies. jewelry, e r still1 nen e d s to ru ff a c llib ih dlum- u n Opening lead: Spade cond; $385.733-3050* J 51GMC /C hevy Pick- . (roe hoiii Icjaek ■ . ' ' . ■ TIRES LT 285 75R16, yn r lousohold itoms, 'm u sic , cjoier. o o oxer- my. andid thus will gvpntiial|v lo.»;<» . SOFAhldo-a-bod. ^ IP lor 13 yeor old boy & m uch,.:h, much moro! e lse biko. lat BF Goodrich all lorrain ,0 o restore. , Father 373SB ‘n t m p) ttrick. , queon size, good TA on rims from ’01 wn IS B uhler Rd los. cook bo< B ID W ITH THJh k a c e s cond.. llghi color. i vantstobuyold ahwHwy 93 S.* m ore. C aihOnly sh ----- How ■ a m o nd. d. Declarer took this wit tioh>-S200. Outdoor < ko now. double bod, Abunbundancool TWINFALLS ivilh . , ♦ A KK 10 S, ny’s queen; shifted to th glass toppod pallo ta- ^ n a ltre ss. box spring treetreasures. Bom-lpm, S'""-? t h e * 8 7' r>. f bio. S20. 734-4738 or t ind Irama, Top quality. 13434 KMaple. family yardd salo,1 6 in- h e a r t ei{eight to East's king and] hhi is Call 736-92S2.*______I :."20..734.75;3.- HEVBUfliURN Fri.. Sot.. terior doo)ors. door ace, theilen finessed dummy’s heaile a rt S m ith W e st N(i $600 fimi. 208- ^ 8 2 i, forccd to concede a trierick 436-6469.6om-7pm* & s a t.. 8-3pm.b-: -Worn. lUK.rtow.r P!“yets of 4-WHEELERS '86 250I MiJltifam- misc. 647 M egan Cr I YAMAHA '98 W.irribV 20B-432-5427.' Bel£elg. mode. 3* mag Somethinthing lor ovory- TWIN FALLS iCrt.- S 1 .1 00. '84 1855 350 cc. Rack and skid ullages. 0am-5pm.■n, beads. 14th 6am-4pmS n ffw iri t w in FALLS Sot.r5?Jiy! on S B O O / O l f o r . 4 . . IBLUE GIANT pallet uto. Comes w/full p la ie in c lu d e d . Wiil 1st 400 South* com puters ai lOls cor Bom-lpm. Sofa 41 lovo. lov • whoelors, 539-744S' )ack. $250. Call L'"P'nprovod modified ■ andrnisc. . bod. skis, tools sacniico tor S2500' COMPOSTUMBLER 7 arrels, S375/oflor. JEROMEIE IFriday 7am- St. sowing machineine.'iruck bod. bikes, tool30ls, CR250 '00, oxc cond.7 oiler. 208-735-138-f Disc clothing. LPs. hous 1 8 bushels, used ^ 24-9494o r 731-6057.* n o o n ..Lamps Li bar- TWINFALL.L S Fri. 4 rock, bike 4 mls( ouso- extra top ond, neverr YAMAHA '98 y2250" onco. S7S/oflo'r. Call ^ , sorgor. barrel Sat.. 8am-i»-2pm. 10* 18SHarrlion{in St * itoms. loys.otc, otc. roced. S2500/o(lor. STOL 9mm Astra 1 _ _ _ 1134 PIninvlew Dr r. Exc. SteOO, Suzuki 208-654-2602.* ■ ?est Gorman police I saddle, youth Craftsman ii or* 208-733-0310 pm * •99RM250 Exc os, hammock. full size ho tw in FALLS 5 RIDING Lawnmowor 9 pisiosioi. Holstor & exira 1?°® ^ t w in FALLS s a t. Onl HARLEY DAVIDSONj S2t00. Call 200-736- . desk, comput- ond fram« e k i d f l Sun. Movingl' F eam..noon, Hugo mi Ranch King. S650. APRICOTS AP & EARLY >^00lagozino included. camping oqulpi 'O'*- S p o ris te r t2 0 03 •2836or731-9196* 250.208-300-1698* Icrowove, TV. adull clothe; Call 208-324-7267.* APPLES A Easy picking. $250 icKB,.&.mlsc.______m lsc-2525.D’ nnrlS n r • washor. w custom , only 122? Y A M AHA 'OO R o a d TORRO 32'fidlng mow------DreamAcreaS Orchard, r er m M iN G T O N T O O ~ ® 187 Rafr ,-'.air-compre^oorr ----- mil05T*lavo-redrPoid-i 9tai. cuitorrrpainfantf . ' S Fn. 8-2pm turo. antiques,rd cro T s - draw ers, lo or. IWln boggor. Call 208.733-0127.* ao.oi1 0 6 rille, brond now. (off B o"brr„°R5.,- b B 5. dross- ,340 p„,Pnrw 212,500 w/extros. ■mucn'moro S9-150. r d s a l e . ers.c a rs4 misc. '^“ r " havo holmot and ioain-• Call 20a-736-0666 m ulchor. SSSO. C all B Bt G ProduceU-pick, nev lE-Frlday-onlyl— Cloihoisrou ust go! M eodows-Pr.-:------20g^4'-7789.* • r5\)% ,?«r2"0B-32S.-3f^ ju lo sra n d — Everything must ------— ^er 9rOSkm g-S i -ItS S O ^ G arden is ready. S35C >pm. G u n s. 12 mlsc.747M ai , YAMAHA'02F.ri. Call 208-326-3302.* tIS121 I or20e^20-0539,* lauHco St.* 956 Blako StSt IN* TWIN FALLS Sal. only!onl Selling duo to hooiih cl,'9 o m -2 p m . Bunkboc.beds, problem. 2 yoar warr- lOOOcc, only 3,000 ' KE ™ iN f a l lS s Fri. 8-5 4 TWIN PALLS Sat miios. looks now k e l Ly 's o r c h a r d r SJMMITCREEK _ l. • Ireezor. Lois ondI LoLois anty. 543-9061 Slovo.' — uU-PICK. - peaches. 1^.' family yard 0am-3pm. Misc. S6200ioMof. 731-2066' -UING Tony Wk:kel. coffee ta- 2297/2330 Longt ofstuiii'i _ . HARLEY DAVIDSON'. pipoars and nectarines. Jl, • 2291 KIngsgote Dr.' ! YAMAHA'112 TTH225. 10 mllos W. of C ostco.. '01 Sporty- Mint WEEBER WEIGHT 1‘ S a & r s ' J is ^ n 'lS e FALLS SotSatonlyl TWIN FALLS Soiurdtjrday condition, S6.000, CallI Like n e w L o ss m an BENCH. SlOO/Ollor. 6 m iles north. Coll ,Ji . 500 mi. Headlight, tan- 208-543-5330.0pon U E SO I. Aug. I ■ " ' ‘O'®;Bd. lots of 1 ife 7:30-4. RodocoratiniBling. 20B-736-1932,' W as loft In s io ra g o . f " 1 = 0 ^ 1 5 . “ Id clothing LD»s 01 booutiful housoholi light & h and g u a rd s. Call 208-733-0355 or J10am i . 6pm dolly. I arh to Spm. I’®']! Dorn ^ to io things to be sold hold, h a RLEY-DAVIDSONI S2500/ollOf. 404-8311 hardening. Call ri«.hi,fnina - all aoos newbo °'P-J’”,. couniry accessorie Linda 01733-5302;* PEACHES 220a-673-539t. FJ? SSf, nan mi-c®:- nllure. appls.. clc ,,rn '93FXLR:20K,S9OOO/' or744.1276." dina ladios monfiwome - k X f -10 man tont. furn olfor. 2O a-0 3 7 .4 ii7 .' ------WeiDER-PRO-9940-2—^F a rm ers Com er 202 S. tiwlcl l?wa®trh“ 8*e® ------S ia .2n d A v clolhosi-and cralts. .— YAMAHA '0 4-V 2-450. —- n^f^277678-5T30T^»= station wolahi ma- _ ind pallo fumi- TWIN FALLSS Fri.I Bom - j,ids bikes, comfc g^OBucKlnflh-mD,I o r HONDA '86 ZR 50. ro-- ,S5,300 or Desi ofler. Chino, S225. Welder PEACHES PE 4 NECTAR- WINCUCHESTER Mode — built molor. now gas lososonroels, 1pm. Hugo30 moving blonkels. hous'bow, EROME: 5261 or 420-8867.*' Boggotls Rlverviow tESat. 14th, imuchmoroiro. ciothos. careeror cloth-1 4 ,h 2519 4th A veE 125 hplorco outboard, Orchord. Bring own GOLFLF MEMBERSHIP ^3,? to0 2;2:00. multi- 747Ea«tlaHand.* ■ o s 4 s q u a re di -rgr;; HONDA ’92 XR 600R, 'Gl t w i n FALLS SaturdS fisnlindcr, ski pole, . container. 543-6987.* Cleoie a r L ak e s Couniry family. 868 E t^ l Main.: tW IN FALLSe FriI flnm CiOthOS & lOtS Ol nmc oxcolleni condition. H 281 Coawoll AviAvo w ' 8-ooon. M isc. itomi . S5000. Call 208-829- AIR HOCKEY TABLE PICKLINGp Ic cucumbers lub. $3400. Call JEROMEE SlSat. 0-4, Bo- Spm. Fund S2000,208-326-3172.* 4212. loavo m ossago* an n a 543-4690.’ by itoms. k Carnoo women's small an Brand nowl Soldom a ar n d string boons. No IS. lots ol misc. solol Lots ol c medium clothing. HONDA ■<» V,lk,rio. BOAT 14-aluminum. 9 1 9 1 6Ih th Ave / Eaet? 131 Qrandvl usodI Only usod oncel pesticides pc or chemica- r ------136 M orolond.* BK.1500cc.now tiros, 25 hp moior. clocinc . E xcollont con d itio n . Is. Coll 208-543-4895.’ k 827Qar. b ik es. 1 7 It 186 Boroh Ave. tShonos'^®' BOATS! BOATS! r , i s s HO NDA C R SOO '9 7 , 3leman canoe. 4. Moving TWIN FALLS Sot.Sat. 7-4. 1605 T arghee Drive.- Boats Irom SSOO. Soa BED Ouoen sizo walor X20'Shade clolh.ta- Ranchos. S2500/o(lor. Call 'H umor lishing boat bod wllh drawers and M ^Sa lo. Fumltulituro. oloc- Toys, kilchon he irday 420-1419.* > and chairs, claw- JEROMIE E! S a t. o n ly ! tronlcs. clothithos. toys, hold item s, clot S149S. Lots to all other occessorios. " i lo o3t t tubs,t oak walor 8am-4pm choose Irom, ...... Porlocl-condlllon. .pm. 3 fomliy household ltus. every roomlll Desk. Iile cabinoi“ 'Jl- lools,)I8, Farm all tractor. c h a ir , moi 1206 7 th Ave.e. E.* 204 Rllmore Sl niilos. winch 4 from & M otors COMFORTER King stovo,IVO. microwavo, new clothes, me * toys, clothes, much rea r rocks. Like now. size down comforter & a craddiddlo. kicking gym. 13 kE. 44W S* TWIN f a l l s5 Fri.,F Sat., TWIN FALLS Sot.>at. 8-4. much moro. . S4.SOO. 734-3438.* 536.6323* king hand quilted bod baby- ^ . ■■ Sun 7-30 10> 5 SUPER Antiques! Oak d< dining Washington Stroot outh' KTM'03 125 SX, excel- pproad. Coil 324-2958.*.. • 1553 E. 4000 N.» omy, tE Saiurday SIZE SALE. -’ Coiiecti- s e t . w in g c h ah a i r s S outh, 1/2 milo soutI ...... 155 jm-1pm Appll-- bios, tiros, memoro. New solas, compuieror i ilesk. of .water tower r - lent condition,-like :a m p e R 8 1<2 It, siiac ' CONTPUR CHAIR AIRSTREAM travel -mTHTHL Fri 13 & Sot 14. a n c e sI. . furniluro. f» • thingsaddodid daily. eteg ere. lam psp s . old TWIN FALLS Saturda now, hardly rodo. must in, sell-containod. Old­ w/thormonic heat & ’ family salel Toys. . ciothos. sell. S3000, Call 208- or but in oxc. cond. trailer, singlo axle. EAv. R 2134HIghIoniind Avo E dishes, holiday d274.' Oak r Stacking oak< filingfii cab- off Elm. ,CIawloot tub. lotslot; /offer. Call 324-3602* Opon bow.SI 400’ of lor. dresser/m irror me decor, clothes JEROME. Fr WANTED hom e :. Fri. 4 Sat. in e l. o ld oak a k buffet. Clinton Ln. #48a 449.*4 moro. como and soe. offer, 208-324-5614.* 3125. dosk/chair $50. 111 sizes ond more. 6am-noon.n. C Canon copi- H o o s le r to p . :®®- SUZUKI '96 RM250, usodpionos. In alls ST a SS: 3035 E 3200 N.* carp8lS20.431-1300.* Ci 945MIInorSL* er.3legalflllol file cabinets, p ic tu ro s m on?ro‘’ o S ? t TWIN FALLS Sat. ' oxcoiioni condition, MERCURY 2 2 iroHmg Call 208-736-7001' 94S I. I golf clubs,», babyt items, miss this ono!or 717 14from8am^on0 noon. H S1B00. Yamaha'93 molor. About.10 hours ______lots of misciniscellaneous. AUuruo In bb a c k o ff YZ80, Good running actual uso. S300 Cali A 7 601SthAve.E* 0 1S M adrono oa e r o a a hold Items and sml r I , biko. SBOO. Call 208- 2O0-326-5394.- . 2584 9th Avo. E l 878-4143 evenings.* n KIMBERLYILY Fri. 13 to S .» t o o lh S c t MIRRO CRAFT 12t:. l)!pW «P Sol.14.0ai0am lo 4pm. TWIN FALLS.S Friday TWIN FALLS Sat. o t., Aug, I ■ SUZUKI '02 Katana aluminum. Johnson, 1 school salo, and Saturdalay 8am- l4.Bam-7pm.-Sv-Small ■ RECREATIONAL\L 750. like now, 750 t s hp. Botti oxc. cond. 8^1 P j l & S W C lean cloil-lolhes. desk. 2pm. Multifilfamlly. lurnituro. clolh)lhing. ^ — —.... * milos, black/silver, SIOOO for botn 01 will and babv men's suits, misc. ; [ S5.500/Otfor316-0S38- separaioly. 731-312V f ! « hangingI llglight, primer. Kid's, adult, ai *1.. CHECK THE 1 U s s 'k L j* speaker boxos.boi ciothos. andId lo ts o l 203 9th Ave. E KTOHXRTr’fl'I'TSTt — r SERVICE SUZUKI '02 Marauder. iWii 503 Taylorlo r S t W est.* - m iscellanoous . . . TWIN FALLS Sot. ^ 800. Black & chromo. '.alum, boat w/2003 I KIMBERLYLV Snt nniu 736 Grondvlovil P*'- 8om-2pm;Bi DIRECTORY' Loss than 200 mil Now Morcury 115 outboard • G r C i ' 8 a m - 1 pmpm.FHottub TWIN FALLS.S Friday clothes, bassinet,et. high DAILY condS4900.731-6401* motor. 60 hours on e a t V a l u e ! DW. b assinet, only. No earliirlior than chair, traxed Bartlarbios. and Ilnd local molor, Ironi 4 roar live Panasonic phone system w Panasonic DBS _ YAMAHA'03,T11-125. well. Sinus saiolhio n wilh 26 phones; a 72 port Pan oxersoucer. 0am. Clean 44 quality Beanie Babies,, sportssp businesses that can Cabinet (Part #43050) with for ISIneoming mdtor'nlly Goldwing cords. 4-oak diningdit help you, loss lhan 20 hrs. groat ready. AM/FM/CO, /ith CPC A Processor carded for illy clothes. outdoor rec. G Christmas gilt. S2300- tolephone lines and 32 dig lulpped with 1 - namo brarirand baby 4 helmets w/J4li4M.boby, room ch airs, 22-i -lw in TO molorguide 54 ib. digital phone sets. Comes equip /offer. Call 733-3400,* VB 43320. 72 b u tto n DSSm 22 button kids clotheshes, misc. hampster. bool»ks,toys. bods.975, 1005 Ihrust trolling molor, ISmiF Console, 7 - VB 43225, 22 A dvertise Inn j______lournam ont 1 100 Large Display spcakerphon ndard Non- ZMStDSage' SSORIorAvevenue.* ponwood Lone.* tones and 19 - VB 43220, standi depth/lish finder, stand display speakerphones. All noved from PAUL baturBiuroay only. TW'IN'FAL'LS■5 Magic TW H PALIS Sat. < the Service All In w orking order, just remo< f Read The up conveniblo lop with scrvice tlic first week of Ju snwe needed a 0am-4pmp m . L o ts o l V alley Pulobileile Homo 7am-4pm. Mullliifom fi i- D irectory Side curtains, bow f Ju n e 2004. (Due to expansion n a m o bQrand r a kids Estates Annuiual Yard lyl Fumlturo. clott- larger system.) ioth^g. Please Call C lassifieds cover, moonng cover, clothes in goodgi condi- S a le s , Fri. t3-Sat.14 13 oloaronlco, toys. I trailenng Jarp. EZ tion Safa/lo la/love, toys & at Bam. SouthIth. Wash- pllller, 4 misc. 7 33-0931 Loader trailer. Call $2800 00 conta ^ 3 3 - 2 8 9 1 aby Items. in g to n to Ph<•hoasont 529 Moodowvloi E v e r y D a y ! i t a c t Ernie Wills 2 0 8 - 7 3 ext. 2* 208-423-4226 or cotl M700W RdWost. Lano* 358-1298,* e-IOTtmtfNcwt.TI, Twin F«ll*;id«he Thuraday.y. iAuguit 12,3004 ------NU.W A'BOas'Sth th EN GIN E g o o d , US0 d CHEVY'95 CHI 4x4, 3/4 T. MAZtZOA'6eB2000, QMC'90 wheel, nice set upjp OM 3,1 «-6. Inil.llB. SK '90 Suburban, FORD '92 A TTTTl FORD'Bg Broncim c o ext. cab. PS, PB. air, compmpletely rebuilt, ev- new tirei S11M / [bUICK '86 Font fu lly . B Inside, $4,500. CallSll- lion available. 208-- C[ Ires, runs great.,., good shape ; w? li - Eddie Bau.!. tull CD/cassette.*exc. me- erytything new. new needs p ^M2n l7lfi R\jnaveryv Call 733-4043 to iee.‘ 543-0979 days.* chchanical condition, tires, s palm. $2200. offer. Cell: loaded. S3Mi). Ca ia.30mllo6agallon, 16-20mcmpg. 308-8030.* 2458 or 208-^ ''Saoo/O ffi1 1 208-735-170a*. NI8 8 EN '0 2 TohBtB FT E N G IN E S 2 - F O R D any reasonable offer. - Cairs,ir208-537-9967.* J . f : . . 08-404-6057. 7 3 5 - 3 3 1 I 9.G hp. outboardd wwllh s io sp s 6. Q ood buyllyl 390. complete. 1 good Call 200-324-5752.* 531=57 97 Yukon SLT,' FORD '93'3Aerostor A 200-5274.* FORD '01 TaurusI SESE. gallon tank. Like na SAN '02 Frontier. efiti v 1 — * sliver, lovi/milesl ie s , Call 324-0780.‘ and 1 bad. S350, Call ^ ‘.96 6-10 89K. c«wiwcab, 4x4.815,995 aos-sa XLT. all the Useo once. SlOO ■3 208-423-5212.* . ’ Sharp!6fi 35 m .p.g,. 200.7 539-9865 or wellmain legal. 4 excellent conditionItlon. otter. 208-73S-1636 Pn6W LtR'«4 32'3 3.788-2225 d.r.* J 0 8 ^ ” • bunks, 1 ’dbl. Solid but S4.200,734-0546.* s ^ = WWeyOlono.com* sgaso. Call 4 ns good, 41K. new tires. S0,OOC1,000. POLARl'S (2) ‘97 1050 lO! needs Inside work.' ■lace your ad I GMC ’04 208-326- Cell 208-733-9179*'9* 5gH R if e W ‘98 4 x 4 .l/2 to n AQ GETTINQ 3375 or 734-40^ personal waier craftseral siOOO/offer. ext. cab. AC. V8, CO O o lin e ..'. low mllosK..Tu;°rdrr G E O '96 MeUO onlyonl; I with tfaller.S5500/OtfiI/offer, k i t '72 8 1/2' Cam per, player, leather seats, . N.Now you c a n E sta tes n n o e d s j o s e l l , c a ll733T‘ifla'I'todni/ 88 a u fC K '9 7 PaTi.irk Avo- $1,295. Call 208-788-788- ' Call20B-S39-2609.* 39^ Fridge, queen bad. hy-y? 6hEVY '72 Suburban. PV/, nice truck. $10,5- Log oil lo Call 732-^2-S935 Latharthom'i ’OOK,)K,flreat 2225 dir.* mSTa drauiic locks. Ugly but POLARIS -00 Virago, “I 402 big block eng.; 00. 00 Call 420-8737* D C H E R O K E E 1-800-Carr n M n » n * Condition. $6500 OBO '99 Metro. 90K9 0 ic ^ i i solid. SSOO/offer. Call G RAND ( 80IIM 308-61 j, man, like new, a AT, 53300/olfer. Call oTTicTTfevV -013/4T.HD WW. .94 vg8, J$2,495. Call ~ ’ ” 2 or greot little cor.-65im mp( pg m’aae . 200-734.0305* aMiMf* I 308-6306* hours. Give packa( _ 420-1419.* 8.1 8.1 It. Allison. AT. 43K. “ »«■lg lc v a l le y .c o m 20B-786-:98-2225dlr.* WARNi ______S2475.326-8856.* deal >1110 vests, lubeubes. PROWLER ‘86 Sth 733-9335 after 5pm.* S i ? j a HONDA'88 Accordlord. ropes, knoa boori3ord. wheel. AC. washer/, CHEVY '78 impala. 4 J l wd plate your D ^CHEROKEE When purch '• door, hardtop, low mi. 5 DAI aT6U N '82 pickup ’B3 ■539- SSOOO/otter. 320-234!2349' dryer, microwovo. ael- ass(/?etJ l/nc {rOIO?irodo 4W 0. Exc. vehicle, mo S300S; Sl 100. call 206-539 “■ Orlg cond, Llko new Toyota To pickup, good aci! ,z r." in “K fTgy up for mobile park. d c k o n ilw SlOSOOOaytlme thot tho title i PONTOON BOAT 'S I*: In/out. 208-731.8481.* body.‘lift bo kli. bod rias 7746 E v e n in g fiame olI thethi seller. Coll 200-423-45! 0010 S400oat irt very good con V. W ITH 'JSl ts of new pons. signed bill cond ., ove. Sell-contained. 30DGE '96 Ram 3/4 TIRESiS30.5x15x16.5 AC.totsc 00 0*011 HONDA '97 Preludelude S3.000, 366-2S84*-I*- S5700.208.734-7709* CUSTOMERS iroot. m ust sool showing-Z7oS tho SiiTSJ ton. 4x4.'$7,995. Co" mbol^uddors. r.c'°p!on 2°°-3°8-'3ao.- red, (latest body style] SEA-DOO ’01 5.00,0 hwy. BekJw wholesaleisaiO’ . • •- SE R V IC E ExExtras. Groat mpg. d namo(s) original mllos,'Si^alloy , S7250. Coll 300-6414*414* sido/outslde showers. , $14.000/Offer. Call ^1008 ,Call208;436- gK ?os;ross of tho , wheels, 5 spd I Efil Sleeps 5. IncludesB Advertise in 2dO-599-3540.* ______. now purchos:hasor.,The, posl-trac. AC, 33,PS Pw !' JEEP '97 Gro^d^hyr-ihoT llii' hllch. S4100/Offer.f; the Service ooG J E E P '99 7 7 W ro n g lo r , bill ol sololie m r ust 1^0 e le c tric m irrorsKs'.tll,:' okee LTD.’S.2 V8.V8 , 733-48^1 or420-2195.* ~ Directory catcab, long bed w/HomI,' ;VY '79 Blozor. Sahara1 hardht top, 0OK. , signed, dated dal and , foctory alarm,n nico PW. PL, powor seots,}Ots, “ uSe^SHELLS- TERRV'7719------6500 mllos, S24-.500. 3d cond. New on- 4*iift.,CICD, $10,500/ show octue:tual mile- intorlor. S4000.)0 Call hooted leather, 4x4 - ______— Klt*.moiLlruck*.- ______7 3 3 = 0 9 3 1 — _ S•543«tt4e4T)r539=0936,* g poini I08-420-6425J_____ age a L iha o eJ tlm,fl-OL___ 208^234-5000^- • - AT. 87K, S9000. Call ; -Soloction-Quallty-Hy'J ” 208-324.0900.* . It 1 yr old. S3500/- -77577 . 208-420^386,’ -LowPrlces- _ ext. 2 . FOR'ORD '73 F350 Crow • offer.jr. Contact 423- 0010 (Grond Cher- r„'®auo^s! o T 2 ■ 208.312-1525*' Cob. Strong 460.4 sp, 4050Bor308-0315.* c ok°o LinLimited. 4.7L pioasoconta ill 208- J E E P '00 Wrangler 2 'I___ __ trailer, sloops 6. good d ENGINE 400 Cummins 4x4. 4xi Exceptional work wCcuv xc shape, now localasso door, hard top, goodlOOd BLAZE '74 8‘ Vof.’ e r.y shope. no air/ awning. I. 13 spd. trans, 200K on horse! nor Change out du- 7y'96 Suburban, .-u n ifo w f ...... cond;, ski rack, tintednted good cond,. S600I CaCall S3.800. Loavo messa- I- overhaul. S3.500/otfer.- n is 501. LS p a c k a g e offor. 208- CHRYSLER ’95' S windows. ColHormoronoro als.PS.FV lbod ...... K a sa rJ — " I ...- A C t PW-:-PL—€ — , 423-4497 or 420-36S61656* ge. « 736-2914* ------K-E ^N W O R T H * 8 4 GN/BP. QN Call 404-467. "'5®> 5condition, runs—------: ---- irir6TS12500/oflorl o r ------ng, good mlloage. - •' NO> C red it? t 3 H■ I■ ■ ■ ■ condllion. 52600/ L E E R '02 com per shellm5ir WILDERNESS '9S/GL.- cabovor. 350 Cum- 3236 323 or email; • Jwotfor. 677-2130- {. mins 10 spd. Irons. cli 500/ollor Coll BADCD C red it? ^ l O I O ^ Q E Call 208-731-190 Fits 99-04 Ford F2SC250- 27 ft.. Northwost Edi- clieo«3flv.r».n«t • . ---- JEEP Grand Cherokee>koe 2 Can take 20'bed enn -731-3322* Call 733-13-1881 today. CHRYSLER'96 I /F350, Fold down Jrorfront lion. 12 ft. slido out. 2 ^RD '09 F-250 4x4. ■othom's 6 Con- .g0_ eiyllnor.nor. wiridow. Interior llghilight, door, loaded, like now. , $2,500/ofler. FON- 460; iV; PS . AT. AC, cab CHEVY/Y '01 Tahoe, 4x4. i.oflo.r - cord LXI loodod, V TANE '90 45- spread ana a groa 93,000 miles, loaded.dod. overhoad storbgibge wasS1 5.400 now and 1/2 loppor, runs low fnlmllos, vory cloan. - ' I a u t o mM aA T I C cond. S3.750. Ci^ L„h 487-2200aftorS;30,-10, * h o n g b rs. S0 OO firm'irm. 514,400,732-5315.* axle $5,000.200-1933 good. S4200. Call . Must51 soil! 515,995. PONTIAC\C '0 3 A zto c, TRANSMISSIISSIONS 733-2907 oves,IS, and - - Call 2O0-423-422616 oro W ILDERNESS '00i FREIGTLINER '9 4 FLD 350-0107 350 or 543-9226,* 733-707051 or 733-2323,* For solO,3,28K. 2 Loaded. Spocial $35!S359.95. 420-7255 days.* LEXUS *98 E S300.00. ool d riv e . For. Most Amorlcai leather, loaded. Greotroot coll 358-1298.* ______Northwost Edition. 24'. CONDO 430 Detroit. 9 pORO o S ’91 F -150 4X4. F O R DD '93 Explorer CHRYSLER '00'3' 8.5' queen & bunk bods. • spd.. 3.90 rears, g” rt. 4x4. m onual 5 208-934-5243,* cles. pons, li -^^■| Gorgeous car. OVERSHOT ’75 8.5 Standard transmls- Sport, ninHuSnH O nly S I O .4 9 5 . Must sell. AskingIng On loaded & vory nice, : LP124.5 tires, 95% | q , runs groat.S3000/ TOYOTA '9 cam por. Filer. Oi sion, oir. oxcollont spd.ru nM ^Runnor. '""S”"™'!omy 208-768-2225 dirE l___ S12.000,Calla 11 obay,com . Eba;bay Priced bolow bluo 3 premium steer. 80% condilion. roni 83,500. Coll offer.•. CColl 736-5039.* 133K. S7200. S7S low ol Tr. ° I caps roar, brakes 50- 20 nisslon DODGE '89 Coroirovan, 208-308-0742.* search.‘OvershoIhot booki S i o ,6 0 0 . C all 200-678-4801.*B Fb-R-p-D'94 Explorer, -0"!^°s.Cal 60%, well malm., too ===; S S^4-6760 i ' R uns good. $600/ MAZDA '98 Miata. con-iorT campor 1975'Pics•Ics, 208-734-4864* ORD '9 2 F-250. now V-6. 4)4x4, 150K. cloon TOYOTA '0 many part to list, I '00 4 Runner tor etilmaUnates. ♦ Call 208-736-603. j a s d o s e ,, o -m ail. S80C000 WILDERNESS SIMER. motor wllh worranty. clothh interior.i Auns SRS. S18 veriiblo. good gas • S14,000/oMor. Will , DODGE '02 Noon rod. mlloage. good run-un- bid. SB25 'buy now'crw. O N '90 2 9 .9 'bsm 't 5th :lutch. tiros, brakes, good.d. $3500/ollor. 208.700-2:3-222” dlr.^^'‘" BUICK '84 Sk, Call 420-5581 01 ' consider Irade for clut AC. C D , now tires tin & nlng. nice funning,ng. ‘ Of whool. top living room, ; portal. 208-431-5480.* S65(56500/oKer. 280-1900.* 934-44i4401 or 539-0389- __ f —_ ____ owners, runsuns good. ,i —- 420-3427.-______lots ol storago. queen 7<»s rnll finis, 35K.Ww llh S5900.358-0567.- 3'96 Explorer, ^ 1009.^ ^ sizo bod, reasonably ) MUVA 7 4 45 II. equip, ORD'93 F-150 oxt. FORD^ inR -■ assumed warranii :ob, 4x4. $4,995. Coll Loadeclod, oxc. cond. oil ■ M M 208-543.8006. f m .p.g., S7.500/(n/niM? MERCEDES '75 boau-au- TRUCK CAMPERS■* p r i c e d , v e r y g o o d 1 trailer, w/hydraulic tall. ‘ SSo I 2 to choose from: 208-788-2225 dir.* lo a thhor. e Must soo, .tro vaention CoH 2O0-731-549:Sp. tlful450 SLconvort-ort- , '' cond. 734-2192 msg.* lold outs, 90% 18-ply — .'Cockmo lot B«tro- - Iblo. bolh lops, exc*a x e " l990W/ostom M il or 744-1276,- CHRYSLEF.ER '9 7 Tow n ' /"onoy? Tno eiasa J llres,hydraulicwonch,' FOFORD'94F-250 :iasjii.paj EAGLE '91 Talonin 4x4. cond, orig. paint, ol-ol- V^ildornoss. 198616 . very good condition, Dio:Diesol, only S8.495. FORD'i> '01 Expedition, & CountryItry LXI. load- con nolo you soii.inososoii.i nowor m otor and Lance. Both lully nd tur- woys garogod. specialclol ly $10,000.Call 208-308-788-2225 dir.- loaded.ad. S17.995. Call od. S7950150. Coll 324- . iiomjyounolono292'I'L®'’ b o ; r u n s vory, good,g( wire wheels, $6,200>00 loaded. , 2O8-539-5039* •...... FO3RD R t ’95 F-250 Powor 208-78786-2225 dir.- 60S6 Or731-0877.- 73 lor quick cnun' 73 . $2500. 3O8-0P3O...... — - - ' Sort Harbaugh - 10.- quick sale. 726-3700.’.50.*. Slrdk'o diesol. 4x4. _ _ M otors ...... S trc Downtown Wendellell 7'x14' enclosed rno^- )xt, cab. good cond,. — • uns strong, books Q flH 536^323- torcycle trailer. S3000. S — Call 324-3795.* >9,500 sell $8,995. • CHEVROLET'99 J26-3375 or 734-4040.* W ^ Silverado LT 4x4. ex- FORC3RD '95F150.4X4. L )) M (2) 6 It.. 8 rt.. also 8 ft* ■ slido In campor, your tended cab. iealhor, 1/21/2T oxtondod cob. .1 ^ shell, liner, loaded. Gociood cond. Runs 1 COMMANDER 25 fl^ lor choice S150 each. »J L'„ CaIIJorry733-5611,* ' 78K, S14.500. Call groairootl 191K. S9000/ ■ ! b i satvago, 440 Dodge 308-3296or308-3123,* olfoiIfor. Call 208-733- ongino. 4)^w Onan?fl°n tRAILER7'KlO- with ; 222o8kforShawno,' gon. set. 18 (I A&E&E ramp, tube constructl- CHEVY'64 pickup 6 cylinder. 4 spd, S950. FORC)RD '95 F250, 4x4 ■ awning. Exc. for bus3US on, NEWI S675. Cell 5 Coll 420-0125.’ auto,uto. 74K. Like now. convorslon. 733-3429.‘29.- 2O0-733-3196.* - CHEVY '75 truck. 400- 8600. 208-423-9117.- AIR CONCICRETE I HAJVDHM KTTCHBNAN DODGE 7 9 Sportsman. /M A N \ JVFI STORAGE engine, low miles on FORD)RD '95 Bangor. 5 COND.D m o r a v c BATH Good condllion. Sleepsops closed, single oxie. 12' now engine. 3/4 ton spd.pd.. 111K. shell. 4 35- x6'x6‘high, SI 050/ M agic Valley 5. S2SOO.200.735- ___ Sx4..ullllty.rack-lnclud:____8ju_d'lu_dd.o.d.tlr.o8^flr.oat______Pb u c t i o n ------l732loavema86ago:*‘lo:*— otferrCalh731-102Ooi— HWTOOTH------s S a S S l ------H.&.S-INC. od. Brown color. CB S condond. S6000. Coll 423- - -JT " ’.'"""mo repair Kitchen and Batfath” o r a g e — HOLIDAY RAMBLERER 200-734-4471,* • ~ stereo, sunrool. Ask- 6200200 or 420-1266- , SHEEEETM ETA L rSsldontlni: irvleo andropoir. (oufi, idollng. rem odel specloli!illsts (Behind Shilo inn) '99 Admiral. 34'. 1 Ing S2200. Good old fORDIR D '01 Powerstroko S = f X S i i Commorcial patjos ,drl»owayi, dri Caloilnglolto tho Covering Magic 208-73M l)53' — 5 lid0.-Oxc. cond..-low Iruck. Call-208-679- posi•350. Lamono. 38Kr- ~nnof wner - Volloy. Mini Coss mllos. lully loaded. 2 4 2 9 o rs o e a l 1920 J Ext 1 sldewolk :Xt. Cob. Rhino. $25. 208-7*733.8046 or 190^074*1 area:732-5618J8* 1 ownor. S52,000/of)er. Street. Hoyburn, ID.- qqo00, Coll 208-324- 24 hr* ^ TREE Coll 775-664-2569,' r«..308_-0444! .. p e n n la S3 r l W . CHEVY '83 4WD, AT. 387?'877 or 208-420-2440.- I z l z L r “JtaWJVCARE ------SERVICE ^ ROCKWOOD '92 22'.>2'. ^TR A NSPC RTA TldN PW, diesel, $3,600, lie'88 4x4 Jimmy. . , I HANDYM CiBsa C. For sale or All original. 82S.5601.-. hos boon 1 lifiod. runs ^M OTIVE 1 CONSTRIT lU C n O N AUTC K&K Hondyn trade for real ••tato. CHEVY '88 shortbox. goodood. S2850 or ollor. ' p, x r =.s?r,?i=.e« A+Jim's'Tree SOK mis.. Chevy 350.S ...... ‘slepslde. 4x4. GMC ColU:oll 208-352-4369,* 4 5 DEGI:r;RPFQ Homoropoli rnd Service 11-12 f^PG.. AC. ml- mi­ 7 7 3/4T. 4x4. IHC -72 q m C^ II or Como in C arponiryo a r , ning. Topping, shaping. crowave. roar bed. iC '89 S IS . Straight Call a ® ^ Pioaso check your ad Scout 3/4T. 4x4. Ply- bojl'o d y , S 1 7 0 0 . C a ll 'OfLO'.OW prices on S '.“ '“'s-rXhinn cleonup.WlWill • removal, shrubs &I goneraior. trailer hitch. ;os. stumps. Spraying >cn. lor accuracy Iho tIrsi mouth'46 Coupe. 208-^OB-423-4034.• _ Nanamo Brondsl “ f S S i i . ______Mealth.problems.fofca.------js;------loniiizerrlawn------dayllrvns.-The — pro|eot-cor-Alao-Ford—1C '01 , 1/2 ton, oxt.” M agi iiT-idTB •' — Free-eslim otee: salo. S15000. Call rimes-Nows will shortbox com per sholl, glc valley - - '= - 3^ 3'! T'__ ooroting & thotchlng.I. ob, 4x4, S14,99S. A u i 733-8513- __ _ only bo rosponalble 208-438-4425 of 5.““' 208-678-3476 all 208-788-2225 dir’ 226 Mai [ h m d y H WM tor any errors report- •■ 1^ l U l W J V C A RRE 208»431-3253‘ E odonihelitatdoyol c FERNATIONAL '69 73:r33-33efl* I |c O J V T^ R C ^ T O R l CHEVY'92 Silverado. coul, bikini and hanj— ...... ■ ■ Plumbing, elect ■ publlcallon 4x4. long box, TW454 „ J Lawn mowing 4& I TREE ■ Please call ip, Rhino interior. CD C ARPENTRYl R M agicc V alloy drain lino cloai 87K. S8.500. Nice Old- Xoyor. i l i boautllul truck. ROAD RANGER, 28n ft. r Twin Falls 733-0931 er pickup. 208-654- D esig n 6 & Gonoral ^ general ropairinn/^AiX "' maintonanco.doani ' S K S SERVICE Sth w heel, wiih hitch,ch. oxt. Sor 2790or208-431-2123,- . I Senior Discounts»ts. a ll = 3 1 0 T O U C H good shape. Call Burloy 677-4042 ' lomo'd’oll'nn 'N S b io T sM841* m ReasonUblo Price!:es. R a y 'e T fe e 208-861-0551.• Thank You' CHEVY’93 ® 4x4 1/2 ton. All Your Home ^SSdonSS Williams 736-2 exi. cab. Good cond. ISCD iprovemonts. . 208-736-4284* S e rv ic e $5500 Can 308-6396* \ B k \ >a TQO SMALl ms. bonus p ------I 420-7365*_ _ _ Removal, Trimming, ^404 280-1601 5 4 baths, HANDYM.'M A N i = - ; = Topping. Shrubs,, 1 UOOZjflfflBBB cCHEVY '95 short box. I |H | 1 If no an< I 4x4, AT, V8, cu sto m Ask OFFICE Slumps. Itwured. g^S 2;31S 2*| Plumbing, olocti Q Call2llB.739;g571» wheels, bodllnor. I lE E P’62 flatbed ,7„';ni';«’ CLEANINO 5TH WHEEL ’04 40'.•2 2 AXLES 2 sots for mol- 140K. ABS brakes, M***x4, 1 ton, dual CARI I droln line clooi bdrm,. fiberglass exte­ ^PEN TRYI FENC. S r aiX^WJVCAR ble home wllh tires, tow package, sharp I 2- •/oxtertor. install ct..»ln link,ink. vinyl & I ‘ Fall cloan up. , TREES & STUMPS 673O/008-443-1O3O.' window:iws. doors Olc. boib wiro. n tM .n r l Wo do it ail.Free )ldslbid OF MAGIC VALLEY( 25 rs, oxporionco work. Froo» .0 s a i , s . i H A J V Dit m l A i V Pyno Proporty Mgm A^RCtlC FOX 03, 5lh . anil. ISA Cenifled, Ernosto Call 208-93' [ J f LLC 720-7345.' wheel, 2 slides, donim ■53W915- WORK (B358-01ID188i'736-3927- , ,. interior.oxcollontS ON YOURR = = Tlm Abbott 734-7919) cond,. S24.000/o>fer. ■ FURNHrrrURE 1 General homoB rojropairs. PAINTINGg |__DjnjjOaayC00771* Call 2O8-S43-O709.* CLKEANING REFINIST csxTT M /' Inlorlor/oxtorl(torlor. i: MARK I S t a N G plumbing, polnjointing. P a ln tlIng n i I TREE COBRA -92 Siorra 22',2', & drywall. 16 exceliont condllion. TOrinnrA Inlorior/Exterlorr TIUMMING ;(»nence 35 yoors oxporienct must soe. S5.900.o! H ouse^r/pers Northern,■nUghte T X S KO. ' 5 4 3 ^ 1 or 643-4372.-2.* Oally-wo( m c r a f t ' Jo h n 735-5175179* ' H usband & Wifee Forreat'a tree I team.w. FRANKLIN‘97 Sthth Comr r s r ' ' Rostorations ' — ' Company resesidontlal 0" site touabi-wookly. a FrooEstIm .clrteal, b ° ° )” 7-’2°7c.ll»M' SHo6s-Sllppets»Pons Eaglo Series. 30.5'. i5r£o«T->. Plumbing, oloctri Froo Estimotos, 736-9411/421 welding, roollr ; = Vells-Sllp'srQonors w/14 'slide out, S8500. Insured. Id. 212-5418* = — ^ ^ = i romodols.S '" ”' PAINTING5 Nopklns-lnvttatlons 208.532-4299altor6.‘ Long&RoundCovors *YMAN Any repair neoc !S Tables & Chairs JA Y C O '9 5 28 fJ. 14' COMIS M r « ^ PoorsonHomoWa W d te ® r e p a i r s slide, rear bdrm.. front , 210SMain733r8838' I roval lob Joel734-9438 J tntorior/oxtorioior L- kitchon. AC. good . act price! I" condition, soon in T.F. ™ .7i'Sd“„L? I w/pressuro washer Sg O!i f l .0 ropalr and GomrnlraiI repairs. HOMEE Electric water hoat WINDOW Sl2.000/olfer. Call11 In-homo 719-371.4477* I.Cuaror.lood r p c ors now /can rofurblr»; WASHING to fix yo - REPAJRI sh. Froo ostimaiosl)Sl LAYTON ’94 5th Wheel yourptoblom o'T-.iJi.T ai or somirvttocoNlE llscount, ...... w j Rellectlons\Vindow with slidoout. receiver 736-6074 o r Megei^UH-flz•^23^004*1 ^ Washing hitch on back to tow (cell) 41 ROOFING^ Insido & Out boat or 4 wheolers.>. - HANDYI G reat shape. SI l.SOO. ^ 1 p i S•o sh ' Call 208-733-8465.* ’ Go'directly toO I CONCfC R ETE I ^ C L ES/UVUP A removalal L ic en se # 15375-B-2 Wo do whal youc3U con't Certified Bonded & Working towards rrom orffrm rsTFT _ Salazars SolutionsSol Tony-734-332: colleoW wheel w/ stereo. Tan-s www.lDWheelelsForY ou.com 3322* lnsun)d - Resldontio Q u alityy IConcrete wo fix probroblems ' Commercial, Call S c o tm Mark, dom axle. Microwave, o c Orlvowo' STO P for vehicles voys. stops, Froo Estimitimotos, ADDreviolioni uin“ lio-ai«( ia R easonable rntesiB, 208-420^lfln» spare, corpet. HookJ It's your onlyf { patios, < 3, concrete odd iobs rom(jmodollng, eonlution. Matrn sut« Howoooi. canoo, aaiiboai' up. tail gale Includ. Ex- I ropalilalr. slobs. removal ol( y* coilont. like new cond, I on the interne'i e t . ol dobris. roaoott wiil undortiai<«tand . 7 3 7 -0 0 0 0 ' ipeoODoat, Pind'iho ono 26 ye« W e do It all +• m ore your act compioiBiv, S 55500,208-320-3613.- Je ff 32 w 731-6658- ol your dfoomalntho 320-2535* Ruben 20B-7a•7 3 4 -6 ^ * I .1 out, OawfM t TIK ClaMllioda, 7a3-'D93l ...... _ _ 1 Thursdayday, Ausutt 1 2 .2 0 0 4 . T1met-I^^ w t, Twin Fallt. Idaho E-11.

    I Twin Fallss Con Pdulos MidnightN Mactdness • Twin HONDA '09 Civic. n Falls Con Pa^aulos MidnigIiht Madness 2.door. $7,995. Call 208-7ee-2225 dir.* MfeRfcEOeS ‘03 6240, 20.000 ml. Upgraded 17* w hoela & rim s. 6 disc CD. silver w / tint- a ' od windows, Loodod w/ all tho extras. Must sool $31000. Call • 208-733-75B6.V ? MITSUBISHI >95 Ml. rago new llros/battery- /bolls, woll sorvicod. runa great. CD. AC S2.500/otter73S-9S13*.

    runs groat but noods • somo work. S650/of1or.'i ^ Call212-6269.’ NO Crodll?” ^ BAD Credit? • Call 733-1681 today'. Latham 's . 1-800'CanLoan* INOTICETO Classlllod Advonisors Pieaso chock your ad for accuracy on Iho nrsi day II run^. Tho Tlmos-Novi/S will only be rosponslblo for errors reported maiidiif on Iho first day of publication. Pieaso call: ' Twin Falls 733-0931 exl. S o r - Ls Builey 677-4042 Thank You' ' - i p I B S i K ^ OLDS '9 3 C ullass Su> A) _____.premo.fr.BodyJn floods.- I Ls _ f f l cond. Runs groatl $1200/ oftor. 200.280- 0656.* H R ^ < OLDS '95 Achlova. 82K. m n s good, groon, ■ f c 3- S3,200/offor. Call 208-731-2462.* S’ OLDS '97 V6. S2.500.riN H ^ *90 O lds Cutlass $350, 208-733-2633.’. OLOSMOBILE T . 2 > : ■ Aurora. Loadod. Llko now. S14.500. Call ll^r> ■ 208-543-6677.* 5 : i ' s ’ PONTM C 'SO Bonnev- illo, 2-door. Roal nico carl S2500/ofror. c 2O8-934.03OO.’ ■ _ o PONTIAC '88 Bonnov- lllo SE. Loadod. S1695. Call 20B-731-0470.* PONTIAC'00 M ontana. 50K. fantostic lamily H f ^ vohlclol S e a ts 7. good- cond.. woll malniained; ■ h'99 Ford I nowor tiros, oxc sound« § w i : s y ^ . $12,000. Call! u r 20^04-9623‘ m Expeditioi ;SU&ARU '91 Loyale, Stotkt2S4T4U PN |W '04 IM azda ^ * iSZtLrunsgroatGreat; I -0 2 *. M Pasaooocaii I M azda j E xtra Cailb 4 x 4 ^ * 4aPB 076 after 5pm* SfMh/532i 'tOBARU 95 Legacy ' ro teg e >13,98 I Chevy S : Wagon, 121K. car & ' ongino In good cond..i I 2U .h.hoose hom! . no«da trnnsmlaslon. ^ Malibibu Classic ^ 1 6 , 9 S1.200. 208-733-1301 ‘ ; ^ $ o m li n or300-6383.* hoose from! SUBARU '9 7 OulbncK ,9 8 8 stotlon wagon. AWD. ------Jo a d o d r-d lrT -S se o o — 208-324-0667 or 1,988^ ■ 308-5139,- > ? v — — r — SUBARU '99 Forester AWD. S9.995, Coll 208-7Be-222S dir.- IH b IIMbS>>NbWii C lassified I F I D epartm ent alax Classilled Service Representatives are available irom 8:0 0 am -5 :3 0 pm i f s ' —------Monday-i-Friday------S l U l 0 ^C alt our offices CarJ In Twin Falls^ S ’8 2 M e r c wnr y Gtand Marquis 4 DR S«Sedan ’02Pontiacl 733*0931 ext. 2 or i Grand AM SEI 4 DR Seiiedan '04Chevn>linM Impala 4 DR Sedan Che;Iheap Transportation . , I- Buriey 677-4042.‘ #1378908, tY 9 0 0 '155892D.POV.swer Locks & Windows cn /IA A 2 To Choose6 From,Fl Midsize Luxury * . g WAS $1988..B ...... m w n1.388 , WAS $1048818...... HOW^t ‘TOYOTA '95 4 Runnor. %988 WASS17986988...... HOW ^1*14.988 ^ 5 spd. 164K,good ^ '93Cbe¥iDleile t C a p ric e C la s s ic LS 4 DH condition, aunroof, DRSedan '0 3 OkbmolililifleAleroV6GL4DRSeSedan ’01 Ford RangerRai 4WDV6 Edge ExttCab3.0L 2^ C I Miles & Lo'alliBr „ _ ' clean. AsHlngSeooo/or #1341A,LowM n a o 2 To Choose FnFrom, Like New s . n O O O «22839A.Lo»Low Miles a Loaded ■ bost ollor. Call 208* O WASS6988..8 ...... :m w % 733-4222 ext. 3112,- 4.988 WAS $129888 ...... NO W% ^i 888 WAS $16988) 8 8 ...... ,..:.N0W‘ 1‘14.988 ^ '98PontiacEc Bonneville SE 4 DR Sedaidan ’DSChevnlel while, 4 door, air con­ let Cavalier 15 4 DR SediMian 'OSFoidCniCrown Victoria Ltd. LX 41IDRSedan 57 ^ #1382A, Pricee S lash ed ir Locks & Windows ■ ditioning, automatic ■c a o o s n n o o «156«A.F“IIFull Size Loxury Car transfnisslon, CD play­ o WAS $8488..! ...... KOW% 8 ...... MOW ’ a or', c lea n , econom ic, 9.388 WAS $10988 ’9,988 WAS $18588>88...... NOW n15.988 i 5: runs groat. 61,000 scortSE4DRSedan m)loa. $5850. Call ' t ’OZFonlEsGi '01 ChevralelletM ainiuV6LS4DRSeSedan WOievTOjetl i C a b t S S A lomicaUOoor *_ !t1S00Sa«mdo«iniV8llegC 2O8-32O-1206.* .5 #P1405, Hconor s o n o o '29024A.Sponporty Step Side VOLKSWAGEN'74. , ^ WAS $8988i ...... HOW *0,988 0 , WAS $119888 ...... HOW^S 188...... NOW n i vory good condition. ’9,988 WASS21988 19,488 I S2250/olfor. Call 200- riiile A le ro GL2 4 DR S e dlan a n 'OSCiievrolel 5 4 3 ^ 1 or 731-3658.* \ ’OSOMsmobl k!tM alibuV64DRSedanlan H1Clie«niel2SIl2S00flDSanado4WBVSCrewC1C a b lS 8.lL • 2 To Choose From,Fre Economical A O oor lisrount - VOLVO '99 V70X. o n o o 1 n n o o '230477A, HogHuge Discount AWD. S I 0 ,9 9 5 . Call WAS $11988. 8.988 WAS $129888 ...... NOW‘IDW,988 WAS $25988188...... NOW ’2^1,988 : 200-700-2225 dtr.* • ^ >02Fonl1^uilurusLX4DRSedan ’00 JeenG iaj^ Cherokee 4WD U rarak)4DR ’01 Ford F-3F-350 Crew Cab hwer»i t r o k e § g ro o ll AM^/FM/Cass* ^ #P1390^oadedled Sedan lily Sport utility . Roady lo rostorol a a a a « 8 9 8 3 /\. Family i o n o o Ready to Haul - Trailer Hauteu $1000.200-733-2044* '. g WAS $ 1 0 9 818 8 ...... NOW ^ 88.988 , WAS $14988.B ...... :...:.N0W.n212,988 WAS $27988188...... N 0w ’2t^ C a n ! Con Paulos Deairir ^ 733-0931 oxt. 2 n twInadOrnoQicvaDoy.ecm S . Blue Lakes • ■S FREIE£ h o t d o g ss 1534 J 7 3 5 - 3 9 0 ^ I WUIM Ioi lUirtlllton puipcrjw only Piic« plut1WU1.W1.& 55 & P e p s i! w w vw.conpauloos.com «2‘iHid0C(M0l$199 ‘OnttWinwHHOM:Aa. TwitTwIti Fsll*. Iitsho Thursday, Aucuitin tU 2004 r r — ^

    ; • 4

    I- . .

    I'RIEEBAT intere: i n ZER U p t o A s L <. O W A s to l ig;6 , 0 j loin

    n N E W T n e w i ^ ^ N E W I ^ N E i n r l H 2005 ■ 2004 ^ B ^ ■ ^ ^ 2 0 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 0 0 ^ ^ 1^ ^ 2 0 0 4 f f l n K ^ n m ^ u m i z H i s t a r t i n gI At i starting A t $ 6 , 0 0 0 i v ICm SSIH $ 1 2 , 4 99 5 $ 1 5 , 7 81 ! 5 OFF $ 6 , 0 0 0 . 4 D o o r. 4 Door. Auto, A /C . ' 4 Door. Auto. Power, IB A /C . P o w e r Equip- o r A u to m a tic T ra n s AM/FM CO Sunroof. Alloys ■ I mont. AM/FM CD ffl , $ 2 2 9 C n t hIth- - O F F s i r o r ;:;n,h . $229/Zn,onth for 66 m onlhs. Starting at for 66 months.:hs. for 66 monlhs.s. Starting at I I 5 $ 2 3 , 4 3 5 H u r r y IIn! n ! Selectionln ! $ 1 5 , 4 9 5 > 1 O v e r O v e r O v e r IH O v e r n from. 8 to choose from. , 2 to choose from. 18 to choose fror 9 to c h o o se from. g I n w o i c e ftJHJS • OMOtS • M402S <014003 i n v o i c e i n v o i c e i | Invoice | .?an ea s^BSBBn

    NEW I N E W NEW NEW NEW N E W I I j ~ n 'e w i 2 0 0 4 la 2004 _ 2004^J ^ 2 0 0 ^ ^

    Passenger Var O v e r $7robo n Auto, Power. A/C, Auto, Power. H Coupe, 5-spd, Power, 8L V on, A uto, P o w e r $ 8 , 0 0) 0 0 ” I $9,000I I $ 6 , 0 0 0 OFF m A M /F M C D B Sunroof. Alloys H Sunroof, A lloys ft Doors. Alloys '' OFF S tarting at I O F F I OFF 15 to choose fror IR f' Storing at m 16 starting at I 1 % ' storting at $ 2 3 , 9 4 E I I I '■% { R 15 to ch o o se from.r l 8 2 9 , 7 8 5i $ 1 7 , 7 8 5 I O v e r 9 O v e r i O v e r ^ O v e r $ 1 9 , 9 8 ! •S«05l J j; 17 to ch o o se from.I. I S249 mo. for 66 months. I I n v o i c e I I n v o i c e I I n v o i c e • M40I3 ?|______iWOM ) I n v o i c e :

    I N E W r N E W T N E W T " n e w " ^ “ f n i E V U “ r ^ w E w T ” I N E W ;i N E W 3 2 0 0 4 . 2 0 0 4 I; a o ^ B n 2 0 0 4 ^ ^ 2 0 0 4 ^ ^ y ^ ^ 2 0 0 W ^ _J^^2004^^ Ja 2004 -.g ;

    H eritag e, AJC','c ; Cruise. Long Be I EBSfil ^ O w e r I'l O v e r 4 M . ?. 4X4. Auto. A /C, S Ultimate Package GSP0ck090.4-D05f $ 7 , 0 0 0 ® _._$8,000B J $ 7 ^ 0 0 y ^ , o o o • ; 5 - S p d i AM/FM CD SAVE SAVE T I F F ^ OFF OFF ' ■ % ’ $ 1 1 ,1 3 7 $ 7 ,1 0 2 .. ’ Starting at r OFF U 22 startinQ at LI 30 starting at $ 1 3 , 4 5 1 O v e r . O v e r ’ i u g w j: ^ MOW SlB9mo. for66monUianUis. . $23|43C0 ] 1 $ 2 6 ^ 9 2 5i I $22,987 • M40a2 D $ 3 6 , 9 8 8 i $ 1 8 ,9 8 8 R •SS4004 f l .J7

    ■J I jj 'J III [3 i f fi l W g E l i i ; 1 9 9 4 C hew e i rolet 1500 X-C-Cab tin M ark VIH -- !SAVE $2,045! v s . Auto, Air. Tlti.:i. CCruise. C assette 09254B1 ...... : V8, U aW eul^^cllL, Local Trada tfe0278D ____ ’ $ 4 , 9 ^ 1 9 9 5 F o rrd d B ronco 4X 4^ - SAVE $4 ,0 0 0 ! 1 9 9 6 0 l d s mm obile A uroraI •- SAVE $2,045 XLT Model, Air. Tilt,rat, Cnils« H534025A ...... *' .. .. $ 4 ,9 9 5I V8, Dual Power Heetef‘ B $ 4 , 9 ^

    1 9 9 7 F o rm d F-150 X-Cabk 4X4 - MUST SE 2002 FordI EI sco rt SE - SA'!AVE $2,045! V8. Loriat, Leather. ier. CD, Rare Side #564117AJA...: ...... $ 1 9 ,9 9 5> .^uito. Air. Certifled UseJsed Vehicle M50886 ...... $ 6 ,9 |^

    2 0 0 3 M itsubishi l s OuUannder - $199/m onl 2 0 0 0 H o n dla s A ccord SE -- 1SAVE $2,045! 4-Door, AWD. LSS Model,h Automatic. Alloys,. FactoryF< Warranty «9268 ___ $ 1 3 ,9 9 5' Special Edition. Power(er Equipment. Tilt. C ruise.,Alloyo*19«)29A Al ...... '. $12,950 2 0 0 2 G MRC C S ierra X -Cablb - SAVE $4,000 2 0 0 1 H a n dla s A ccord EX -- iSAVE $4,045! SLE M odel, 5.3 V8. Power Equipment, OnlyrS239 S: per month B564171A . $ 1 7 ,9 9 5* V6, Leather, Sunroof.F. CDC C honger, Rear Spoileror HI94006BI ...... ’. .. $14,959

    2 0 0 4 F o rm « Escape XLT 2 0 0 0 H o n dia s A ccord EX -- SAVEI $2,045! 4X4. 3.0 V6, Auto.>0. Air. Power Equip, Warronty,Ity, Only $259 per month M925{259 .. $ 1 9 ,9 9 5' Leather Seals. Sunrooloof, CD Chonger, Alloys. Ffactory ad CortiHod M204015A ‘... .. $ 1 4 ,9 5 0 .

    2 0 0 4 S l lIverado v i 1500 -!- SAVE $9 ,000! 2 0 0 1 H o n dia a A ccord EX rT SAVE• $2,545! X-Cab. LS Model,ll, uunder 2,000 miles. Factory)ry Worranty W564106A...... $29,995 Leather. Power Windovlow s, Locks, Tilt, Cruise. Fioci-octoiv Cortinod A50865 ___'... $ 1 5 ,9 5 0 2 0 0 4 F o rrd d E xplorer XtT:T - SAVE $ 8 ,0 0 0 2 0 0 3 H o n dla a C ivic EX - SASAVE $2 ,045! 4-Door. 4X4. CD.), PowerP Seat. Auto, Air H9257 $ 2 1 ,9 9 5 Auto, ^ r. Sunroof. Pow'ower Equipment. Factory CerCortlfiod rf5b854 ...... $ 1 5 ,9 9 5 2 0 0 4 M itsubisbi l s EndeavIvor - SAVE $5,01 2 0 0 2 H ondaia A ccord SE - SSAVE $3,045! All W heel Drive. 3.83.J VS. LS Modol. Air. Aulo,0, CD.I Promium Whoolo #9261261 ... $ 2 1 y 9 9 5 Coupe, Sunroof. AM*FII.FM CD. Pow er Equlpmant.It. Low1 Mllos ff50882 ...... $ 1 6 ,9 5 9 2 0 0 2 C hevrolet e i Suburbslan - SAVE $7,001 2 0 0 3 H o n dla a E lem ent EX -:- SAVE $4,045! 1500,4X4, 5.3 v'a. a . LTI Modol. Lonlhor. Loodod,ed. Local TrodoHS64116A ___P“ ' $ 2 4 ,9 9 5 Sunroof, Power Windoidows. Locks, Tilt, Cruise, FacFactory Cortillod M603B8 .L.. . . $18,950

    2 0 0 4 F o rrd d E xcursion - SAVES $10,000! 2 0 0 2 H o n dla a CRV EX - SAVIIIE $3,045! XLT Model, ReorAliAir. Third Seat, 6 Available1 Iti«9274 ...... $ 2 9 ,9 9 5 4X4. Sunroof. Power' Equipment.Ec Tilt Cruise. 1 Owner,O m W arranty ff60394 ...... $ 1 8 ,9 5 9

    2 0 0 3 F o r•d d F-250 C rew C ab -SAVE $7,00 2 0 0 3 H o n dla a P ilo t EX-L - SJSAVE $2,045! 4X4. U rio t m odel.il, 6.0L€ Turbo Diesel. CD, Lea.eahter. Loaded NS74166A ."®P'$31,995 .. , V6. Leother, 3rd Seat,t, FRear Air, Alloys, Factory CeCortlflod H60399 $ 2 7 ,9 5 0

    BLUE LAKES« MIDDLEK M l D D L E- f K A U F F S L DOWWTOIII I IM iHIIHllHHI WIW reCTIIIffaBIIII IJIIH B IH B l ■usuiiujjm Enig n r m i y K ?

    Mutt financ* thru FordForti Molof Cr»dll. OAC. 8»l» ptiet do«it)o«i r>ot ineiud* tsii* lai or S287 d«sttr>r doed» !•*. All piymtnlt fieurad tnvolM m«y not tafiKtKt i««tMi1 dwi«r cotl, Wholtttit bit«dad oion Kailiy Biua Beak whoittaia piieti,;•, Zero down enapptovtd ZZ,' .dth »%CMh d^Ortr>cl«*ctul(y90to7ldoor msnlhnrumIruincing paymtnli do not inciud* tii, llll*.III*, or< dee Itl, 9.0SOAC, otdtt. D««t(r nUIni r«b*l*b*U tnd inctnlivtt on ali btiow involct'})ct vthiclti, Prieaa ds net Meiuda tax, tllla.till o'S}S7daaltc doc laa. ~