Mng Limlh Mitchell Esoian of SUPERIOR COURT That the Plea Wa'd Involuntary by Director Carl Zinsser, the Deli A
PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Thurs., Jan, 16, 1975 Board Backs LOSE UGLY FAT Esoian Chosen Eased Parking start toaing wtight today OR MONEY BACK. MONAOEX it a tiny Police Chief James Rear tabiet that wItt http curb your de don’s eased ban against Horace PUBLIC RECORDS tire lor etcett lood. Eat lett-waigh COURT CASES lett. Conlaint no dangarout drugt Shrine Leader St. parking has the backing of and will not make you nervout. No the Manchester Board of Direc ttrenuout exercite. Change your life HARTFORD COUNTY plea despite Golub’s statement tors. In fact, it has been praised Warranty Deed Trade Names . atari today. MONAOEX cotta. $3.00 lor a 20 day tupply and $5.00 iianrl|pfitpr lEu? mng limlh Mitchell Esoian of SUPERIOR COURT that the plea wa'd involuntary by Director Carl Zinsser, the Deli A. Sullivan to Robert L. Irving B. Singer, West Hart lor twice the amount. Lote ugly fat Wethersfield Wednesday night Henry Coleman, 22, of and that Coleman was under leading advocate for some and Gail Simes, property on ford, Aaron Cook, Manchester, or your money will be refunded with no quetliont atked by: was elected illustrious poten Manchester has pleaded guilty great emotional pressure. relief from Reardon’s original Broad St„ $30,000. and Peter P. Primason, West MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1975- VOL. XCIV, No. 91 Manchester—A City of Tillage Charm TWENTY PAGES to assaulting a police officer The assault charge stems Hartford, doing business as The tate of Sphinx Temple Shriners, plan —banning parking 24 hours l iq q e t t r e x a l l p a r k a d e d r u g PRICI,: !• II I LIA CI VI.S He succeeds Eugene T.
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