JK Reports 387 New Positive Cases, 5786 Recovered So

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JK Reports 387 New Positive Cases, 5786 Recovered So K M (%,'(%)($$& '#$&*$!(# '"+!!!+,'&"" $#&''"# Y )&,"' & %&$($$!' !, &$&'' ( '#($&'' &*&'!$&)"%"#' C JAMMU, SATURDAY, JULY 11 , 2020 VOL. 36 | NO.191 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 JK reports 387 new positive India most attractive global market for clean energy: Modi B63E=@:27B7AA31C@3031/CA3 cases, 5786 recovered so far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Glimpses of Future 2 Obituary JAMMU SAtUrdAy JUly 11, 2020 KRIYA & RASAM PAGRI MASWAR/VAHARWAR OBITUARY With profound grief and sorrow, we A year has passed since you With profound grief and sorrow, we inform the sad demise of our left for eternal journey.
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