Unforgotten 3
Unforgotten 3 An outline for a six part serial by Chris Lang Series three of ‘Unforgotten’ will once again explore the fallout from, and the investigation into, an historic murder. It will continue to mine some of the themes of series one and two, but the primary theme of this series, will be the increasingly public nature of serious criminal investigation. So this is a story about public opprobrium and shaming, about trial by twitter, facebook and blog. It is about societal rage and self righteousness, and about why we are now so eager to accuse and scream ‘guilty’, ever less concerned with such inconveniences as evidence and due process. Reflecting events like the murder of Jo Cox, the trial-less but very public excoriation of Greville Janner and Leon Brittan, and the media frenzy surrounding anyone connected to high profile murder cases, ‘Unforgotten 3’ asks uncomfortable questions about the threat to justice that comes with the increasingly transparent system we now demand. On a human level, it will delve deeper into the notion of what sins are forgivable – not so much by others, but by ourselves. We’re all fallible, we’ve all done things of which we may be ashamed, but which of those should we forgive ourselves for, which should we not, and how do we make the distinction? So although the story will once again spin off from the discovery of an historical murder victim, there are some key differences in series three. Firstly, all of our key suspects are close friends. Four men who met as bright young 11 year olds, at a south London grammar in 1968.
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