Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New

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Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New RECORDS MASSACHUSETTS. VOL. II. 1642-1649. The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. In compliance with current copyright law, Cornell University Library produced this replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1992 to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. 2001 RECORDS OF THE GOVERNOR AND COMPANY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY IN NEW ENGLAND. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE. EDITED BY NATHANIEL B. SHURTLEFF, M.D., MEMBER OP THE MASSACHUSETTS IIISTOKICAr. SOCIETY, FELLOW OF THE AMEHICAN ACADEMY OF AKT3 AND SCIENCKS, AND MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN ANTiaUAUIAN SOCIETY. VOL. II. 1642-1649. BOSTON: FROM THE PEESS OF WILLIAM WHITE, PKINTEH TO THE CO.MMONWEALTH. 18 53. ) REMAUKS. This second volume of the printed records comprises all that is contained in the second volume of manuscript Colony Records. A\] the general remarks which relate to the first volume are equally applicable to this. The names of such as took the oath of freemen from 1642 to 1649, inclusive, have been collected together and printed at the end of the volume, and have an index immediately follomiig that of general subjects. The miscellaneous orders which appertain to the peiiod embraced in this volume are recorded in a book appropriated for that purpose, and which is numbered as the third volume of Colony Records. N. B. S. November, 186-t, (iii ; MARKS AND CONTRACTIONS. " A Dash (or straight line) over a letter indicates the omission of the letter following the one marked. " A Curved Line indicates the omission of one or more letters next follow- ing the one marked. A Superior Letter indicates the omission of contiguous letters-, cither pre- ceding or following it. A Caret ^ indicates an omission in the original record. A Cross X indicates a lost or unintelligible word. All doubtful words supplied by the editor arc included between brack- ets, [ ]. Some redundancies in the original record are printed in Italics. Some interlineations, that occur in the original record, are put between par- allels, II II. Several characters have special significations, namely : — @, — annum, anno. o, — mo, month. Roiot, — par, por, — pt, part ; ptlon, por- t, — ber, — numti, number ; p, Robert. tion. pson, person. 5, — ci, ti, — accon, action. p, — per, — c5. — tio, — jurisdiccbu, jurisdiction. p, — pro, — j>porcttn, proportion. present. 5, — ere, cer, — <a6s, acres. p, — pre, — fsent, question. s, — Trer, Treasurer. q,, — q,stion, esquire. e. — committe, committee. ^, — es^, f, — Apr, April. <i, — dd, delivered. capf, captain. h, — chi-, charter. ?, — Q, uer, — scual, seueral. i, — ire, letter. — m, — mm, mn, — comittcc, commit- V, — vor, — seval, several. their y"\ them y", then ; tee. y% the ; ; y, this; y', that. in, — recomdacbn, recommendation. y, — es, et, — statute, statutes. m, — -nicr, — fonnSly, formerly. ^^ ^c, — et ca:tcra. I?., — month. auo, anno. vinj, — videlicet, namely. n. — nn, — Pen, Pcnn .; full point. u, — Dnl, Domini. ./ — before y, used by Secretary Nowell ner, — manfil, manner, ft, — mark. mention. figures for a pound <">, — on, — mcntio, (V) ) CONTENTS OF VOLUME II PAGE THE COLONY KECORDS, 1642—1649, 1 MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, 289 FREEMEN OF THE COLONY, 1642—1649, 291 GENERAL INDEX 297 INDEX OF FREEMEN, 339 ( vii THE COLONY RECORDS. 1642-1649. : MASSACHUSETTS RECORDS. THE EECOEDS OF THE COLONY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY IN NEW ENGLAND. [The manuscript of the second Tolume of the Massachusetts Colony Records commences on the third page, at the place indicated by an asterisk. The first portion of the volume is lost, and the first eighteen "pages of what remains are in a very decayed condition. By the aid of ancient transcripts of the Tolume, made apparently very early, and by a duplicate leaf in the hand^writing of the Secretary who wrote the volume, the decayed portions have been restored. The volume is mainly in the chirography of Secretary Nowell, although occasionally passages, and sometimes pages, are in that of Mr. Edward Kawson, who Bucoeeded Mr. Nowell as Secretary in 1650.] IThe Generall Court of Elections, the 18"" Day of y' 3^ Mon\ 1642. 1642. Pkesent, The Governo'', M"' Bradstreet, 18 May. The Dep"° Governo', M"' Staughton, M' Dudley, M' Flintt, M'' Bellingham, M' Increase Nowell. M' Saltonstall, Deputies fsent W° Hilton, Robert Bridges, Elea: Lusher, W" Walderne, M' W"^ Ting, W" Heath, W" Hayward, Capl Edw: Gibbons, W" Parkes, John Saunders, Ralph Sprague, M" John Glover, Edward Rawson, Thomas Line, M' Nat: Duncum, Matthew Boyse, Cap? Geo: Cooke, Alex: Winchester, Cheesborough, Maximi: Jewett, M'^ Nat: Sparhawke, W™ M' Sam: Simonds, Cap? W"?* Jcanison, James Parker, Edw: Bates, John Whipple, M'^ Simon Eyres, Willard, Jos: Pecke, M"' Ema: Downing, Symon Edm: Hubberd. Edm: Batter, Peter Noyse, Edw: Hollioke, Edw: Allen, and till Govern', 'OHN WINTHROPP, Esq', was chosen Governo' for this yeare new bee chosen, and tooke his oath. Governo', tooke his oath. Dep. G. John Endicott, Esq', was chosen Dep'- & an Assistant, & tooke his oathe. Assistants. Thorn: Dudley, Esq^ was chosen chosen an Assistant, & tooke his oath. Rich- Bellingham, Esq% was ^ VOL. II. THE KECOEDS OP THE COLONY OF Rich: Saltonstall, Esq', was chosen an Assistant, & tooke his oath. M' Symon Bradstreet was chosen an Assistant, & tooke his oath. M' Increase Nowell was chosen an Assistant, & tooke his oath. M'' Israeli Staughton was chosen an Assistant, & tooke his oath. M' John Winthrop was chosen an Assistant. M' W" Pinchen was chosen an Assistant, and tooke his oath. M' Thomas Flintt was chosen an Assistant, and tooke his oath. Tresurer. M' Tyng was chosen Treasurer. Depntye. It was ordered that a warrant shovdd bee sentt to Salem for a new election of a new deputie to be ioined with M' Downing, because the Court is doubt- full of y« choyse, & M' Edmund Batter was sent. M' Staughton & M' Ting, Treasuro', were appointed a comittee to advise Goodman Johnson aboutt y^ amunition. Pressinge of An order was made for the ^ssing 4 horses, to goe w* M' CoUecott and horses. his companie (if they cannot hire w^'out ^ssing) to helpe them to carrie neces- saries to run the south line. Gloster. Cape Anne is to bee called Gloscester ; John Sadler is chosen constable thereof, and tooke his oath. John Sadler had comission to traine the men att Gloscester. Obadiah Brewen is appointed Surveyer of y* Armes att Gloscester. George Norten is appointed to keepe an ordinarie att Gloscester. Gibson. Richard Gibson was comitted to the marshall for his seditious practises, & vpon his submission & acknowlegement of his fault vnder his hand hee was dismissed with an admonition. Waterton. "Watertowne delivering in a transcript of thier lands, nott being perfect was lent them backe againe. Shawsin. Leivetenant, Symon Willard & Edward Converse are appointed to view Shawshins, & to certifie whether the land that is tree bee fitt for a village or nott. South line. Goodman John Johnson had order to lend six carabines to M'' CoUecott & his companie w* are to run the south Hne. 487- Itt was ordered, that the Treasuro'' should defray the charges of the elders, Charges. when they are imployed vpon anie speciall order from the General Co't. 20 May. The lawes were read over the 20"^ of the 3* month. Lawes. John Pemberton was boimd in 20" to appeare att the nextt att Pembleton. Court Ipswich. 488- The order for hempe & flax seed to passe att twelve shillings the bushell Flaxeseed, 12' bush. is repealed. Eepeale. The orders for restraint of wheat are repealed. 489- There is power given to everie Co't Freemen, w^in o' jurisdiction y» hath two admission. THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY IN NEW o ENGLAND o magistrates to admitt anie church members that are fitt to bee free, & to give 1 G 4 2. ' "' them the freemens oath, to ' & certifie thier names to the Secretarie att the — next Generall Courtt. 2" ^"y- The order formerlie for made -mriteing things before they bee Yoted, is 490- 1°*°^ "^ declared nott to conceme matter of forme, butt to bee meant of things that o Courts. are to bee matters of record. Repeeie. Phillip White, for drunkenesse, was fined 10', & for misdeameno', •w«'» 'WMte. 10' Richard Wayte vndertooke for "White. The Deputy Governo'', M' Staughton, Cap? Gibbons, Captaine Jeanison, Posture of ^''"^' Capl Cooke, M' Rawson, Leiveten* "Willard, & M' Parker, these or the greater number of them, are appointed to putt the countrey in a posture of warre. Itt is ordered, y' when anie person shall bee tendred to anie officer of 491- this iurisdiccbn by anie constable or other officer belonging to anie forreigne Officers duly to •' •' ODD receiue forraine jurisdiction in this countrey, or by warrant from anie such authoritie, hee or prisoners. shee shall bee presentlie receiued and conveyed forthwith from constable to constable till the partie bee brought to the place to which hee or shee is sentt, or before some magistrate of this jurisdiction, who shall soe dispose of the Hue & cry. partie as occasion & the justice of the cause shall req^uire, & thatt all hew and cryes shall bee diUigentlie receuived & pursued to fall effect.] •Whereas the country is put to great charge by the Courts attendance [*1.] 492- vpon suites comenced or renewed by either appeales, petition, {6, it is Ord- about ordered, that in all such cases, if it shall appeare to the Co't that the hueencry'. , hatli no plain? in any such action of appeale, petition, id, m any Co't, the said
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    Also Inside: CONNECTION Index of Authors, 1986-1998 CONNECTION NEW ENGLAND’S JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT VOLUME XIII, NUMBER 3 FALL 1998 $2.50 N EW E NGLAND W ORKS Volume XIII, No. 3 CONNECTION Fall 1998 NEW ENGLAND’S JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COVER STORIES 15 Reinventing New England’s Response to Workforce Challenges Cathy E. Minehan 18 Where Everyone Reads … and Everyone Counts Stanley Z. Koplik 21 Equity for Student Borrowers Jane Sjogren 23 On the Beat A Former Higher Education Reporter Reflects on Coverage COMMENTARY Jon Marcus 24 Elevating the Higher Education Beat 31 Treasure Troves John O. Harney New England Museums Exhibit Collection of Pressures 26 Press Pass Alan R. Earls Boston News Organizations Ignore Higher Education Soterios C. Zoulas 37 Moments of Meaning Religious Pluralism, Spirituality 28 Technical Foul and Higher Education The Growing Communication Gap Between Specialists Victor H. Kazanjian Jr. and the Rest of Us Kristin R. Woolever 40 New England: State of Mind or Going Concern? Nate Bowditch DEPARTMENTS 43 We Must Represent! A Call to Change Society 5 Editor’s Memo from the Inside John O. Harney Walter Lech 6 Short Courses Books 46 Letters Reinventing Region I: The State of New England’s 10 Environment by Melvin H. Bernstein Sven Groennings, 1934-1998 And Away we Go: Campus Visits by Susan W. Martin 11 Melvin H. Bernstein Down and Out in the Berkshires by Alan R. Earls 12 Data Connection 14 Directly Speaking 52 CONNECTION Index of Authors, John C. Hoy 1986-1998 50 Campus: News Briefly Noted CONNECTION/FALL 1998 3 EDITOR’S MEMO CONNECTION Washington State University grad with a cannon for an arm is not exactly the kind NEW ENGLAND’S JOURNAL ONNECTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT of skilled worker C has obsessed about during its decade-plus of exploring A the New England higher education-economic development nexus.
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