Status Report 02073-FY18 Hennepin West Consortium Perkins Application Perkins IV Consortium Award Year: 2017 Contract Number: 02073 Status Report Number: 01 Submitted By: Cynthia Muna Submitted Date: 10/15/2018 Status Report Type: Annual Performance Report Status: Approved Approved By: Jeralyn Jargo Approved Date: 12/21/2018 07/01/2017 06/30/2018 Report Period From Date To Date Primary Contact Ms. Cynthia Muna Name:* Salutation First Name Middle Name Last Name Title: Postsecondary Contact Email:
[email protected] Address: North Hennepin Community College 7411 - 85th Avenue North Brooklyn Park Minnesota 55455 City State/Province Postal Code/Zip 763-424-0943 Phone: Phone Ext. Fax: 763-493-0565 Organization Information Name: Hennepin West Consortium Organization Type: MN Perkins Consortium Organization Website: Address: 7411 85th Avenue North Brooklyn Park Minnesota 55445 * City State/Province Postal Code/Zip Phone: 763-424-0943 Fax: Ext. Goal 1: Designing & Implementing Programs of Study: Goals, Objectives and Strategies Goal 1 Narrative: QUESTION: What activities were conducted during the grant year that supported Programs of Study (POS)? During FY18, a rationale for a needs assessment plan for college, high school and business needs was created during our regular meeting schedule and retreat. Areas needing improvement will be addressed in future grant planning and through Perkins V. As part of our needs assessment, HWC invests in articulation and concurrent enrollment as the primary vehicles to create a pathway from secondary to postsecondary. HWC secondary disperses a majority of their funds in Goal 1. The consortium supports a portion of the regional articulation coordinator and the website administrator along with programming and hosting of the articulation website.