組織學 Histology 台北醫學大學/解剖學科 教授:邱瑞珍 分機號碼:3261 電子郵件信箱:[email protected]

1 Special sense –

台北醫學大學/解剖學科 馮琮涵 副教授 分機3250 E-mail: [email protected]

2 學習目的

• 希望同學知道耳朵聽覺及平衡器官之顯微 結構

3 參考資料

• Junqueira's Basic Histology, twelfth edition, text and atlas, Anthony L. Mescher, McGraw-Hill Companies

4 Summary

• A) external ear: – , external acoustic meatus, tympanic membrane • B) : – , Eautachian tube, tympanic antrum, auditory • C) : – Osseous labyrinth: , vestibule, – Membrane labyrinth: semicircular duct, and , • cochlear duct

5 Ear • External ear – auricle, external acoustic meatus and tympanictympanic membranemembrane • Middle ear – tympanic cavity, tympanic antrum and auditoryauditory ossiclesossicles • Inner ear – osseousosseous labyrinthlabyrinth and membranousmembranous labyrinthlabyrinth 6 7 8 External ear

A. auricle – elastic cartilage covered by thin skin B. external acoustic meatus – cartilage portion: thin skin with sebaceous and ceruminous glands (ear wax) bony portion C. tympanic membrane – transmit vibrations outer : stratifiedstratified squamoussquamous epiepi.. core of collagen fibers inner : simplesimple cuboidalcuboidal epiepi..

9 External ear

• CG: ceruminous gland • C: cerumen • SG: • F: follicle

10 Tympanic membrane

11 Middle ear A. tympanic cavity and antrum – lined by simple cuboidal epi. (mucous membrane) • vestibular (oval) window closed by stapesstapes • cochlear (round) window colsed by elastic membrane B. auditoryauditory ossiclesossicles – , and C. tensortensor tympanitympani m.m. and stapediusstapedius m.m. –protect function and sound discrimination D. auditoryauditory ((pharyngopharyngo--tympanic)tympanic) tubetube -- lined by mucous membrane • near tympanic cavity : simple columnar epi. • near nasopharynx : pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi. 12 13 Auditory tube

14 15 Inner Ear

BonyBony labyrinthlabyrinth – a system of tunnels in petrous part of temporal bone, filled with perilymphperilymph Vestibule – fenestra vestibuli (ovaloval windowwindow) & fenestra cochleae (roundround windowwindow) Semicircular canals Cochlea

MembranousMembranous labyrinthlabyrinth – endolymphendolymph Utricle & saccule in vestibule Semicircular ducts in canals Cochlear ducts in cochlea 16 Inner ear

17 18 Vestibular apparatus

• utricle – (with a macula) oriented in the horizontal plane of the base of skull • saccule –(with a macula) oriented in the sagittal plane • semicircular canals – ampula (with a crista) oriented in the sagittal, frontal and horizontal planes

19 • macula – (1) pseudostratified epithelium : supporting cells and sensory hair cells (2) hair cells with long microvilli and one cilia (3) the gelatinous (contains crystalline )

• crista – similar to macula but the gelatinous mass is called the cupula, but without otoliths

* the remainder of vestibular is lined by a simple squamous epi.20 Macula

21 Otoliths

22 23 Hair cells

24 25 Histology of Macula

26 Ampula

27 Crista (cupula detached)

28 29 30 31 Cochlea

Scala vestibuli –with and lined by mesothelium •• membranemembrane vestibularisvestibularis Scala media (cochlear duct) – with produced by striastria vascularisvascularis •• basilarbasilar membranemembrane – with Scala tympani

32 33 34 35 Organ of Corti Organ of Corti – rest on • inner hair cells (one row) • inner and outer pillar cells – enclosed an inner tunnel • outer hair cells (three rows) are supported by phalangeal cells • columnar and cuboidal supporting cells •• tectorialtectorial membranemembrane – a gelatinous body attach to (microvilli) of hair cells •• spiralspiral ganglionganglion – bipolar neurons synapse with hair cells

36 37 Organ of Corti

38 39 40 Spiral ganglion

41 42 43 44