
Common Name Cornell Lab - All About USFWS USGS NPWRC (BNA #) Resources accounts Other Other #2 Comments Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 578 Ducks Unlimited Fulvous Whistling-Duck 562 Ducks Unlimited Greater White-fronted Goose 131 Ducks Unlimited Boreal Initiative Emperor Goose 97 YES Ducks Unlimited Snow Goose 514 Ducks Unlimited * * Greater Snow Goose Ross's Goose 162 Ducks Unlimited Brant 337 YES Ducks Unlimited Cackling Goose 682 Ducks Unlimited Canada Goose 682 Ducks Unlimited Boreal Songbird Initiative Hawaiian Goose (Nene) 434 YES Ducks Unlimited Mute Swan 273 Trumpeter Swan 105 YES Ducks Unlimited Boreal Songbird Initiative Tundra Swan 89 Ducks Unlimited Wood Duck 169 Ducks Unlimited Gadwall 283 Ducks Unlimited American Wigeon 401 Ducks Unlimited Boreal Songbird Initiative American Black Duck 481 YES Black Duck JV Boreal Songbird Initiative Mallard 658 Ducks Unlimited Mottled Duck 81 Hawaiian Duck 694 YES Laysan Duck 242 YES Blue-winged Teal 625 Ducks Unlimited Cinnamon Teal 209 Ducks Unlimited Northern Shoveler 217 Ducks Unlimited Boreal Songbird Initiative Northern Pintail 163 Ducks Unlimited Boreal Songbird Initiative Green-winged Teal 193 Ducks Unlimited Boreal Songbird Initiative Canvasback 659 Ducks Unlimited Redhead 695 Ducks Unlimited Ring-necked Duck 329 Ducks Unlimited Boreal Songbird Initiative Greater Scaup 650 Ducks Unlimited Boreal Songbird Initiative Lesser Scaup 338 YES Ducks Unlimited Boreal Songbird Initiative Steller's Eider 571 YES Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV Spectacled Eider 547 YES Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV King Eider 491 Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV Common Eider 546 YES Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV Harlequin Duck 466 Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV 307 Sea Duck JV Surf Scoter 363 Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV White-winged Scoter 274 Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV Black Scoter 177 Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV Long-tailed Duck 651 Boreal Songbird Initiative Sea Duck JV Bufflehead 67 Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV Common Goldeneye 170 Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV Barrow's Goldeneye 548 Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV Hooded Merganser 98 Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV Common Merganser 442 Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV Red-breasted Merganser 443 Ducks Unlimited Sea Duck JV Masked Duck 393 Ducks Unlimited Ruddy Duck 705 Ducks Unlimited Plain Chachalaca 550 Western Management Mountain Quail 457 YES Plan Western Quail Management Scaled Quail 106 Plan Western Quail Management Quail 473 Plan Western Quail Management Gambel's Quail 321 Plan National Bobwhite Western Quail Management 397 YES * Conservation Initiative Plan * * Masked Bobwhite Western Quail Management Montezuma Quail 524 YES * Plan * Merriam's Montezuma Quail Ruffed 515 Ruffed Grouse Society Boreal Songbird Initiative Conservation Assessment of Greater Sage-Grouse Greater Sage-Grouse and 425 * YES Sage Grouse Initiative Sagebrush Habitats * BNA before the split Gunnison Sage-Grouse 425 * YES Sage Grouse Initiative * BNA before the split

Spruce Grouse Spruce Grouse Continental 5 Conservation Plan Boreal Songbird Initiative Willow Ptarmigan 369 Rock Ptarmigan 51 White-tailed Ptarmigan 68 Boreal Songbird Initiative Dusky Grouse 15 * * BNA before the split Sooty Grouse 15 * * BNA before the split Sharp-tailed Grouse 354 YES * * Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Greater Prairie-Chicken 36 YES * * Attwater's Prairie-Chicken Lesser Prairie-Chicken 364 YES National Wild Wild Turkey 22 Federation Red-throated 513 Arctic Loon 657 Pacific Loon 657 Boreal Songbird Initiative Status Assessment and Conservation Plan for 313 YES Boreal Songbird Initiative Common Loon Status Assessment and Yellow-billed Loon Conservation Plan for Yellow- 121 YES billed Loon Pied-billed 410 505 Boreal Songbird Initiative Red-necked Grebe 465 Boreal Songbird Initiative Eared Grebe 433 Western Grebe 26 Clark's Grebe 26 American Laysan 66 YES Black-footed Albatross 65 YES Northern Fulmar 361 Black-capped Petrel YES Bonin Petrel 385 Bulwer's Petrel 281 Wedge-tailed Shearwater 305 Christmas Shearwater 561 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Manx Shearwater 257 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Townsend's Shearwater 297 * YES ** * Cornell - Neotropical Birds; ** Newell's Towns Black-vented Shearwater 521 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Audubon's Shearwater YES Wilson's Storm-Petrel xxx* * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel 569 Leach's Storm-Petrel 233 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Ashy Storm-Petrel 185 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Band-rumped Storm-Petrel 673 * YES * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Black Storm-Petrel 577 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Tristram's Storm-Petrel 673 White-tailed 353 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Red-tailed Tropicbird 43 Wood 409 YES Magnificent Frigatebird 601 Great Frigatebird 681 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Masked Booby 73 Brown Booby 649 Red-footed Booby 241 Northern Gannet 693 Brandt's Cormorant 362 Neotropic Cormorant 137 Double-crested Cormorant 441 Boreal Songbird Initiative Great Cormorant 553 Red-faced Cormorant 617 Pelagic Cormorant 282 Anhinga 522 American White Pelican 57 Boreal Songbird Initiative Brown Pelican 609 YES American Bittern 18 YES YES Boreal Songbird Initiative Least Bittern 17 Great Blue Heron 257 Great Egret 570 Snowy Egret 489 Little Blue Heron 145 Tricolored Heron 306 Reddish Egret 633 113 Green Heron 129 Black-crowned Night-Heron 74 Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 161 White Ibis 9 Glossy Ibis 545 White-faced Ibis 130 Roseate Spoonbill 490 Black Vulture 411 Turkey Vulture 339 California Condor 610 YES Osprey 683 Swallow-tailed Kite 138 White-tailed Kite 178 Snail Kite 171 YES * * Everglades Snail Kite Mississippi Kite 402 Bald Eagle 506 YES Northern Harrier 210 YES Sharp-shinned 482 Cooper's Hawk 75 Northern Goshawk 298 Boreal Songbird Initiative Common Black Hawk 122 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Harris's Hawk 146 Red-shouldered Hawk 107 Broad-winged Hawk 219 Boreal Songbird Initiative Gray Hawk 652 Short-tailed Hawk 674 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Swainson's Hawk 275 YES YES White-tailed Hawk 30 Zone-tailed Hawk 529 Hawaiian Hawk 523 YES Red-tailed Hawk 52 Ferruginous Hawk 172 YES YES Rough-legged Hawk 641 Boreal Songbird Initiative Golden Eagle 684 Boreal Songbird Initiative Yellow 139 Boreal Songbird Initiative Black Rail 123 YES Ridgway's Rail YES * USFWS ** * Light-footed Clapper Rail ** California Clappe Clapper Rail 340 YES *** *** Yuma Clapper Rail King Rail 3 YES Virginia Rail 173 Laysan Rail 426 Sora 250 Boreal Songbird Initiative Hawaiian Rail 426 Purple Gallinule 626 Common Gallinule 685 YES * * Mariana Common Moorhen Hawaiian Coot 696 YES American Coot 696 Limpkin 627 Sandhill 31 YES * * Mississippi 153 YES Boreal Songbird Initiative Black-necked Stilt 449 American Avocet 275 American American Oystercatcher 82 YES Working Grp 155 YES Black-bellied Plover 186 American Golden-Plover 201-202 Boreal Songbird Initiative Pacific Golden-Plover 201-202 Snowy Plover 154 YES * * Western Snowy Plover Wilson's Plover 516 Semipalmated Plover 444 Boreal Songbird Initiative Piping Plover 2 YES Killdeer 517 Mountain Plover 211 YES YES Northern Jacana 467 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Spotted Sandpiper 289 Boreal Songbird Initiative Solitary Sandpiper 156 Boreal Songbird Initiative Wandering Tattler 642 Boreal Songbird Initiative Greater Yellowlegs 355 Boreal Songbird Initiative Willet 579 YES Lesser Yellowlegs 427 Boreal Songbird Initiative Upland Sandpiper 580 YES Eskimo Curlew 347 YES Whimbrel 219 Boreal Songbird Initiative Bristle-thighed Curlew 706 Long-billed Curlew 628 YES YES Hudsonian Godwit 629 YES Boreal Songbird Initiative Bar-tailed Godwit 581 Marbled Godwit 492 YES Ruddy Turnstone 537 Black Turnstone 585 Red Knot 563 YES Surfbird 266 Boreal Songbird Initiative Stilt Sandpiper 341 Boreal Songbird Initiative Sanderling 653 Dunlin 203 YES Boreal Songbird Initiative Rock Sandpiper 686 Purple Sandpiper 697 Baird's Sandpiper 661 Least Sandpiper 115 Boreal Songbird Initiative White-rumped Sandpiper 29 Buff-breasted Sandpiper 91 Pectoral Sandpiper 348 Boreal Songbird Initiative Semipalmated Sandpiper 6 Western Sandpiper 90 Short-billed Dowitcher 564 Boreal Songbird Initiative Long-billed Dowitcher 493 Wilson's Snipe 417 Boreal Songbird Initiative Woodcock Management American Woodcock 100 YES Plan Wilson's Phalarope 83 Red-necked Phalarope 538 Boreal Songbird Initiative Red Phalarope 698 Pomarine Jaeger 483 Parasitic Jaeger 445 Long-tailed Jaeger 365 Dovekie 701 Common Murre 666 Thick-billed Murre 497 Razorbill 635 Great Auk 260 Black Guillemot 675 Pigeon Guillemot 49 Marbled Murrelet 276 YES Kittlitz's Murrelet 435 YES Scripps's Murrelet 164 * YES ** * before split of Xantus' M; ** Xantus' Murrelet Ancient Murrelet 132 Cassin's Auklet 50 Parakeet Auklet 594 Least Auklet 69 Whiskered Auklet 76 Crested Auklet 70 Rhinoceros Auklet 212 Atlantic Puffin 709 Horned Puffin 603 Tufted Puffin 708 Black-legged 92 Red-legged Kittiwake 60 Ivory Gull 175 Sabine's Gull 593 Bonaparte's Gull 634 Boreal Songbird Initiative Little Gull 428 Boreal Songbird Initiative Ross's Gull xxx Boreal Songbird Initiative Laughing Gull 225 Franklin's Gull 116 Boreal Songbird Initiative Heermann's Gull 643 Mew Gull 687 Boreal Songbird Initiative Ring-billed Gull 339 Western Gull 174 Yellow-footed Gull 243 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds California Gull 259 Herring Gull 124 Boreal Songbird Initiative Thayer's Gull 699 Iceland Gull 699 Glaucous-winged Gull 59 Glaucous Gull 573 Great Black-backed Gull 330 Boreal Songbird Initiative Brown Noddy 220 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Black Noddy 412 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds White 371 Sooty Tern 665 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Bridled Tern 468 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Aleutian Tern 291 Least Tern 290 YES Gull-billed Tern 140 Caspian Tern 403 YES Black Tern 147 YES Roseate Tern 370 YES

Common Tern 618 YES * USFWS Status Assessment Boreal Songbird Initiative * Great Lakes Region Arctic Tern 707 Boreal Songbird Initiative Forster's Tern 595 Royal Tern 700 Sandwich Tern 405 Elegant Tern 404 Black Skimmer 108 Rock Pigeon 138 White-crowned Pigeon 596 Red-billed Pigeon 644 Plain Pigeon YES * * Puerto Rican Plain Pigeon Band-tailed Pigeon 530 Eurasian Collared-Dove 630 Spotted Dove 586 Passenger Pigeon 611 Inca Dove 289 Common Ground-Dove 645 Ruddy Ground-Dove xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds White-tipped Dove 436 White-winged Dove 710 Mourning Dove 117 Yellow-billed 418 YES

Mangrove Cuckoo 299 Cornell - Neotropical Birds Black-billed Cuckoo 587 Greater Roadrunner 244 Smooth-billed Ani 539 Groove-billed Ani 612 Barn 1 Flammulated Owl 93 Western Screech-Owl 597 Eastern Screech-Owl 165 Whiskered Screech-Owl 507 Puerto Rican Screech-Owl xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Great Horned Owl 372 Snowy Owl 10 Northern Hawk Owl 356 Boreal Songbird Initiative Northern Pygmy-Owl 494 Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl 498 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Elf Owl 413 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds

Burrowing Owl 61 YES * YES USFWS Status Assessment * * Western Burrowing Owl * USFWS N Spotted Owl; ** USFWS Mex Spotted Owl 179 YES * USFWS ** Spotted Owl 508 Great Gray Owl 41 Boreal Songbird Initiative Long-eared Owl 133 Boreal Songbird Initiative Short-eared Owl 62 Boreal Owl 63 Boreal Songbird Initiative Northern Saw-whet Owl 42 Lesser Nighthawk 314 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Common Nighthawk 213 Antillean Nighthawk 619 Common Pauraque 429 Common Poorwill 32 Chuck-will's-widow 499 Buff-collared Nightjar 267 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Eastern Whip-poor-will 620 * * BNA before split Mexican Whip-poor-will 620 * * BNA before split Puerto Rican Nightjar xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Black Swift 676 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Chimney Swift 646 Vaux's Swift 77 White-throated Swift 526 Magnificent 221 Plain-capped Starthroat xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Blue-throated Hummingbird 531 Lucifer Hummingbird 134 Ruby-throated Hummingbird 204 Black-chinned Hummingbird 495 Anna's Hummingbird 226 Costa's Hummingbird 251 Broad-tailed Hummingbird 164 Rufous Hummingbird 53 Allen's Hummingbird 501 Calliope Hummingbird 135 Broad-billed Hummingbird 430 Berylline Hummingbird xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Buff-bellied Hummingbird 388 Violet-crowned Hummingbird 688 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds White-eared Hummingbird xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Xantus's Hummingbird 554 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Elegant 357 Belted Kingfisher 84 Boreal Songbird Initiative Green Kingfisher 621 Lewis's Woodpecker 284 Puerto Rican Woodpecker xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Red-headed Woodpecker 518 Acorn Woodpecker 194 Gila Woodpecker 532 Golden-fronted Woodpecker 373 Red-bellied Woodpecker 500 Williamson's Sapsucker 285 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 662 Boreal Songbird Initiative Red-naped Sapsucker 663 Red-breasted Sapsucker 663 Ladder-backed Woodpecker 565 Nuttall's Woodpecker 555 Downy Woodpecker 613 Hairy Woodpecker 702 Woodpecker 474 * * before split Red-cockaded Woodpecker 85 YES White-headed Woodpecker 252 American Three-toed Woodpecker 588 Boreal Songbird Initiative Black-backed Woodpecker 509 Boreal Songbird Initiative Northern Flicker 166 Boreal Songbird Initiative Gilded Flicker 166 * * before the split Pileated Woodpecker 148 Ivory-billed Woodpecker 711 YES Crested Caracara 249 American Kestrel 602 Merlin 44 Boreal Songbird Initiative Aplomado Falcon 549 YES Gyrfalcon 114 Peregrine Falcon 660 YES Prairie Falcon 346 Monk Parakeet 322 Carolina Parakeet 667 Thick-billed 406 * YES * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Maroon-fronted Parrot 292 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds White-winged Parakeet 386-387 Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet 519 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Olive-sided Flycatcher 502 Boreal Songbird Initiative Greater Pewee 450 Western Wood-Pewee 451 Eastern Wood-Pewee 245 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 566 Boreal Songbird Initiative Acadian Flycatcher 614 Alder Flycatcher 446 Boreal Songbird Initiative Willow Flycatcher 533 YES * * Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Least Flycatcher 99 Boreal Songbird Initiative Hammond's Flycatcher 109 Gray Flycatcher 458 Dusky Flycatcher 78 Pacific-slope Flycatcher 556 * * before the split Cordilleran Flycatcher 556 * * before the split Buff-breasted Flycatcher 125 Black Phoebe 268 Eastern Phoebe 94 Boreal Songbird Initiative Say's Phoebe 374 Vermilion Flycatcher 484 Dusky-capped Flycatcher 631 Ash-throated Flycatcher 664 Great Crested Flycatcher 300 Brown-crested Flycatcher 496 622 Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher 475 Tropical Kingbird 358 Couch's Kingbird 437 Cassin's Kingbird 534 Thick-billed Kingbird 604 Western Kingbird 227 Eastern Kingbird 253 Gray Kingbird 668 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 342 Rose-throated Becard xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Loggerhead 231 YES YES Northern Shrike 671 Boreal Songbird Initiative White-eyed 168 xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Bell's Vireo 35 YES * * Least Bell's Vireo Black-capped Vireo 181 YES Gray Vireo 447 Yellow-throated Vireo 247 Plumbeous Vireo 366 Cassin's Vireo 615 Blue-headed Vireo 379 Boreal Songbird Initiative Hutton's Vireo 189 Warbling Vireo 551 Philadelphia Vireo 214 Boreal Songbird Initiative Red-eyed Vireo 527 Boreal Songbird Initiative Black-whiskered Vireo 607 Gray Jay 40 Boreal Songbird Initiative Brown Jay xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Green Jay 187 Pinyon Jay 605 Steller's Jay 343 Blue Jay 469 Scrub-Jay 228 YES Island Scrub-Jay 712 * * before split Western Scrub-Jay 712 * * before split Mexican Jay 118 Clark's Nutcracker 331 Black-billed Magpie 389 Yellow-billed Magpie 180 American Crow 647 Northwestern Crow 407 Crow xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Crow 589 Hawaiian Crow 648 Chihuahuan Raven 606 Common Raven 476 Kauai Elepaio 344 Oahu Elepaio 344 YES Elepaio 344 Horned Lark 195 YES Purple Martin 287 Tree Swallow 11 Violet-green Swallow 14 Northern Rough-winged Swallow 234 Bank Swallow 414 Boreal Songbird Initiative Cliff Swallow 149 Cave Swallow 141 Barn Swallow 452 Carolina Chickadee 636 Black-capped Chickadee 39 Mountain Chickadee 453 Mexican Chickadee *84 * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Chestnut-backed Chickadee 689 Boreal Chickadee 254 Boreal Songbird Initiative Bridled Titmouse 375 Titmouse 485 * * before split Juniper Titmouse 485 * * before split Tufted Titmouse 86 Black-crested Titmouse 717 Verdin 470 Bushtit 598 Red-breasted Nuthatch 459 White-breasted Nuthatch 54 Pygmy Nuthatch 567 Brown-headed Nuthatch 349 Brown Creeper 669 Rock Wren 486 Canyon Wren 197 House Wren 380 Pacific Wren 623 * * before split Winter Wren 623 * Boreal Songbird Initiative * before split Sedge Wren 582 Marsh Wren 308 Carolina Wren 188 Bewick's Wren 315 Cactus Wren 558 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 23 California Gnatcatcher 574 * YES * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 690 American Dipper 229 Golden-crowned Kinglet 301 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 119 Boreal Songbird Initiative Wrentit 654 Northern Wheatear 316 Boreal Songbird Initiative Eastern 381 510 222 Townsend's Solitaire 269 Kamao (Large Kaua'i ) 460 YES Amaui 460 Olomao (Molokai Thrush) 460 YES Omao 460 Puaiohi (Small Kaua'i Thrush) 461 YES Veery 142 Gray-cheeked Thrush 591 Boreal Songbird Initiative Bicknell's Thrush 592 YES Swainson's Thrush 540 Boreal Songbird Initiative 261 Boreal Songbird Initiative Wood Thrush 246 Rufous-backed Robin xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds American Robin 462 Varied Thrush 541 Boreal Songbird Initiative Aztec Thrush xxx * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds 167 Curve-billed Thrasher 238 Brown Thrasher 557 Long-billed Thrasher 317 Bendire's Thrasher 71 California Thrasher 323 Le Conte's Thrasher 230 Crissal Thrasher 419 Sage Thrasher 463 Northern Mockingbird 7 European Starling 48 Common Myna 583 Eastern Yellow Wagtail 382 White Wagtail 236-237 American Pipit 95 Boreal Songbird Initiative Sprague's Pipit 439 YES YES Bohemian 714 Boreal Songbird Initiative Cedar Waxwing 309 Kauai `O`o () 535 YES Oahu `O`o 535 Bishop's `O`o 535 YES Hawaii `O`o 535 Kioea 535 Phainopepla 415 Olive 310 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Lapland Longspur 656 Chestnut-collared Longspur 288 YES Smith's Longspur 34 Boreal Songbird Initiative McCown's Longspur 96 YES Snow Bunting 198-199 McKay's Bunting 198-199 Ovenbird 88 Boreal Songbird Initiative Worm-eating Warbler 367 Louisiana Waterthrush 151 Northern Waterthrush 182 Boreal Songbird Initiative Bachman's Warbler 150 YES Golden-winged Warbler 20 YES Blue-winged Warbler 584 Black-and-white Warbler 158 Boreal Songbird Initiative Prothonotary Warbler 408 Swainson's Warbler 126 Tennessee Warbler 350 Boreal Songbird Initiative Orange-crowned Warbler 101 Boreal Songbird Initiative Colima Warbler 383 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Lucy's Warbler 318 Nashville Warbler 205 Boreal Songbird Initiative Virginia's Warbler 477 Connecticut Warbler 320 Boreal Songbird Initiative MacGillivray's Warbler 159 Mourning Warbler 72 Boreal Songbird Initiative Kentucky Warbler 324 Common Yellowthroat 448 Hooded Warbler 110 American Redstart 277 Boreal Songbird Initiative Kirtland's Warbler 19 YES Cape May Warbler 332 Boreal Songbird Initiative Cerulean Warbler Status Cerulean Warbler 511 YES Assessment Northern Parula 215 Tropical Parula 293 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Magnolia Warbler 136 Boreal Songbird Initiative Bay-breasted Warbler 206 Boreal Songbird Initiative Blackburnian Warbler 102 Boreal Songbird Initiative Yellow Warbler 454 Boreal Songbird Initiative Chestnut-sided Warbler 190 Boreal Songbird Initiative Blackpoll Warbler 431 Boreal Songbird Initiative Black-throated Blue Warbler 87 Palm Warbler 238 Boreal Songbird Initiative Warbler 438 Yellow-rumped Warbler 376 Boreal Songbird Initiative Yellow-throated Warbler 223 Prairie Warbler 455 Grace's Warbler 677 Black-throated Gray Warbler 319 Townsend's Warbler 333 Hermit Warbler 303 Golden-cheeked Warbler 420 YES Black-throated Green Warbler 55 Boreal Songbird Initiative Canada Warbler 421 Boreal Songbird Initiative Wilson's Warbler 478 Boreal Songbird Initiative Red-faced Warbler 152 Painted Redstart 528 Yellow-breasted Chat 575 White-collared Seedeater 278 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Olive Sparrow 325 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Green-tailed Towhee 368 Spotted Towhee 263 Eastern Towhee 262 Rufous-crowned Sparrow 472 Canyon Towhee 264 California Towhee 632 Abert's Towhee 111 Rufous-winged Sparrow 422 Botteri's Sparrow 216 Cassin's Sparrow 471 YES Bachman's Sparrow 38 YES 37 Boreal Songbird Initiative Chipping Sparrow 334 Boreal Songbird Initiative Clay-colored Sparrow 120 YES Boreal Songbird Initiative Brewer's Sparrow 390 YES Field Sparrow 103 YES Black-chinned Sparrow 270 Vesper Sparrow 624 YES Lark Sparrow 488 YES Five-striped Sparrow 21 * * Cornell - Neotropical Birds Black-throated Sparrow 637 Sagebrush Sparrow 326 * * before split Bell's Sparrow 326 * * before split Lark Bunting 542 YES Savannah Sparrow 45 * Florida Grasshopper Sparrow; ** Grasshopper Sparrow Grasshopper Sparrow Status Assessment and 239 YES * YES USFWS ** Conservation Plan Baird's Sparrow 638 YES YES Henslow's Sparrow 672 YES Le Conte's Sparrow 224 Boreal Songbird Initiative Nelson's Sparrow 112 YES Saltmarsh Sparrow 112 Seaside Sparrow 127 YES * * Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow Fox Sparrow 715 Boreal Songbird Initiative Song Sparrow 704 Lincoln's Sparrow 191 Boreal Songbird Initiative Swamp Sparrow 279 Boreal Songbird Initiative White-throated Sparrow 128 Boreal Songbird Initiative Harris's Sparrow 64 White-crowned Sparrow 183 Boreal Songbird Initiative Golden-crowned Sparrow 352 Boreal Songbird Initiative Dark-eyed Junco 716 Boreal Songbird Initiative Yellow-eyed Junco 464 Hepatic 655 248 Scarlet Tanager 479 432 Northern 440 Pyrrhuloxia 391 Rose-breasted Grosbeak 692 Boreal Songbird Initiative Black-headed Grosbeak 143 Blue Grosbeak 79 Lazuli Bunting 232 Indigo Bunting 48 Varied Bunting 351 Painted Bunting 398 YES Dickcissel 703 YES Bobolink 176 YES Red-winged Blackbird 184 Tricolored Blackbird 423 YES Eastern Meadowlark 160 Western Meadowlark 104 YES Yellow-headed Blackbird 192 Rusty Blackbird 200 Boreal Songbird Initiative Brewer's Blackbird 616 Common Grackle 271 Boat-tailed Grackle 207 Great-tailed Grackle 576 399 Bronzed Cowbird 144 Brown-headed Cowbird 47 Orchard Oriole 255 Hooded Oriole 568 Bullock's Oriole 416 Spot-breasted Oriole xxx * Altamira Oriole 56 Audubon's Oriole 691 Baltimore Oriole 384 Scott's Oriole 608 Gray-crowned Rosy- 559 Boreal Songbird Initiative Black Rosy-Finch 678 Brown-capped Rosy-Finch 536 Pine Grosbeak 456 Boreal Songbird Initiative Laysan Finch 639 YES Nihoa Finch 639 YES `O`u (O'u Hookbill) 335-336 YES Lanai Hookbill 335-336 Palila 679 YES Lesser Koa-Finch 424 Greater Koa-Finch 424 Kona Grosbeak 424 Maui Parrotbill 311 YES Hawaii Amakihi 360 Oahu Amakihi 360 Kauai Amakihi 360 Greater Amakihi 360 Lesser Akialoa 512 Greater Akialoa 512 Nukupu`u 600 YES Akiapola`au 600 YES Anianiau 312 Akikiki 552 Oahu Alauahio 503 Kakawahie 503 Maui Alauahio 504 Hawaii Creeper 680 YES Akekee 295 YES Akepa 294 YES * USFWS ** * Hawaii Akepa; ** Maui Akepa Ula-ai-hawane 640 `I'iwi 327 YES Hawaii Mamo 640 Black Mamo 640 Akohekohe (Crested Honeycreeper) 400 YES Apapane 296 Po`ouli 272 YES House Finch 46 Purple Finch 208 Boreal Songbird Initiative Cassin's Finch 240 Red Crossbill 256 White-winged Crossbill 27 Boreal Songbird Initiative Common Redpoll 543 Boreal Songbird Initiative Hoary Redpoll 544 Pine Siskin 280 Lesser Goldfinch 392 Lawrence's Goldfinch 480 American Goldfinch 80 Evening Grosbeak 599 Boreal Songbird Initiative House Sparrow 12 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 560 Java Sparrow 304