Warn'mumdisbursements for the |Mist Year Is As Among Those Present from a Distance the Program Opened with the Alnv- Session Until 1911

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Warn'mumdisbursements for the |Mist Year Is As Among Those Present from a Distance the Program Opened with the Alnv- Session Until 1911 VOLUME XVII—NO. 46. THE 8T. JC»«8 NEWS. THUE8DAY AFTBKMOOM. JUME M. 1906. 5 84HM. EVHT8 ALLENS. 8MTNDEA0 KMNK PEfEI amHEV BK CIS mED AS <»KI» HUKBIKK PAHMKII .%WAY MmilL FIGURES SESSION THK W’KKli'N IIAFPK.NINiiH IN ATT. WKLL KNOWN BEN4#AL HKM OHIIEItEKIT IN BATITJC <’KKKK. JOIINH HIICIKT4'. DICNT IH Bt'RIHD TODAY. DKFE.NUAXTH IN W.U'Ht'METrK Ailuii Hiiiith of 601 t'asa street. The Junior of the ConEreMatlonal dle«i In Uatle Greek. June 21. He PINANCTAi. MTATKMKNT FOR Peter dbAlley died At hie home In PINAE Tl> TfIK VAL.r.%Tlf>MH society were entertained by Dr. and BANK C'AIM-: PAY tTAdd. Bengal Tueeday after an lllnem of went to Battle Creek to meet some of THrRBDAY N10HT. e*' TflW.XHilIPH. Mrs. James Hyslop at a lawn party his relatives whom he had not seen for DIBTRICr NO. POVH two wooke from a oomplIeaAlon of last evening. The young iieople had forty years and aleo to get help fur dieeaaea He had been in III health a mem' time playing games, after the cure of a cancer from which he for a year, but wae not coadned to which refreshments of ice cream and w SIX v«n Tinv it had iieen a great euKerer. hie bed until recently. cake were sert'ed. He was bom August 31, lS4i. at Mr. dhadey wae bora In Bame. KET8 OME M FIVE YEMB Elkhart. Indlunu. He served all dwitaerlaad. May It. 1S47. When The members of Ht. John's Hun- through the and In INTO aevea yeare old he eettled with hie MBm^KBOBirr kfpim tkd jvbt narenta la Welland. Ontario. In lt73 day school enjoyed a vary plaaaant returned to MlcliliHM||^ was married nrmtATK foh mevr ybah nt* FINK OIKBN RT AI>M> X.UtlM KICPRIWevrATIVE: picnic on the church lawn Tueeday to Miss Eva Ayetv o^H|uton. Three he nuMTled Inzalm C. Rainer and fonr BBINNUC .AHOVlfKNTh. CTLIJIMHI iKME POR IT. year later name to Dnplaln. where he TMOdfAII K. ORRm. TCI ifTATK BUABD. afternoon. Each ntembar was taken children were bom to one eon for an automobile ride and garoea of and two daughteee. The eon. Teddle. joined the DIecipIs chnreh In lt7t. died when a child. ^He la survived by In lt7l Mr. dhadey bought the farm \*afious kinds were played. At five Onv where he reeided till hie death. o'clock supper was served. Hie his wife, two duttgntere. Mias Marjo ­ 4'o«unlllf<t«a .4ppolM«d Mid Bills He* rie. and Mye. Charles B. Atherton of «f«d br Um PM. He wae the youngeet of eeven chil­ CBvfH Coast lo FMal dren. of whom three tarothere aad one 4’ei%rt|i Hoard WIU Be la des* The Sunday schol claaa of Mrs. Ida Muncle. Indlaan. three brothers and one half-brother, aad four sisters and eleter. anrvtve. He aleo leavea a wife, H. Kawson of the Methodist church two danghtere. Mra Charlee Halmy n%ih. «lau all llie Rest of Week. will give a strawberry and ice cream two grandsons. The funeral services were held at of Riley and Hre. Luoeoe dtnrgla of festival on the church lawn to-mor ­ The annual meeting of Hchool DM- Fowler, aad one eon. Channcey of row. Friday evening, to which the The case of the Wachusetts Nation ­ his late home Mon^y morning and trict No 4. Blnghnm, will take place the interment madeNn Ht. John's rem- Bengal. He wae a kind aad devoted The annual commencemant exerria The iioard of 8uper\'l«ur» U in aes* public is cordially invited. al bank of Fitchburg. Mass., against the second Monday of July, which will huehand and father and highly ee- Sion this week to equailse the vaiua- George A. Mteel. of Oregon: E. P- etei*>*. be July 9. es of the Ht. Johns high school wage teemed by all. held In the Methodist church Thuf^ tions of the various townships. This Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hicks enter- Waldron of Hagtnaw, and Uobert G. The tiinclal annual financial state­ The funeral le held this afternoon. meeting is held once in five yeara so Hteel and David H. French, of Ht. ment of the diatiict's recelpta and day evening at which time Dr. Thom* ialnr<| the Coffee Pot Club at their Intermont In dt. John's cemetery. as E. Green deli«*ered the addraas. there will not be another hut>weather home <'orner of Rrush and Walker Johns, which was transferred from warn'mumdisbursements for the |Mist year is as Among those present from a distance The program opened with the alnv- session until 1911. The liusrd also streets Monday evening at six o'clock the Clinton circuit court to the Gene­ follows: are Paul and Nicholas dhalley of Wel­ elects a representative fur this county see circuit foF trtal. and which has Ptaaarial Watrtnmi. Ing of the Pilgrims' Chorus from luncheon after which a few hours MH^IC WKKKH* HiCMMlON Tf» BK- land. (mtaiio, and Dome Shafley of Tannhauser by the chorus of the hlgli upon the state board of equalisation. were pleasantly spent with cards. «»ccttpie*l the attention of Judge Wls- (K District Nn. 4, Bingham. Watertown, brothers of the deceased. The board convened Monday, all t»e- ner and a Jury for the past six weeks GI.X Jl’KA* t. Ilet-eipts: — school under the direction of Mine ink present. The l iiairman named the at Flint, was settled out of court Sat­ Cusii Imiuiue July 1st 1906..$ 192.7 4 Wolkenstein. After the InvocatkMl followinic committees: Mr. and Mrs. J. Hhumaker enter­ by* Rev. Von Wagoner Mr. Clyrde Hav* urday morning by the payment of t'oHinii*»*l«»iM*r Tot«usrml Explain** Ilie V..te«l Tax .................................. 12.000,00 ^ Hi)ualtzatlun: Supervisors t’ratner, tained nearly two hundred members $7,600 on the part of the defendants one mill lux .................................. 2.131.94 erance rendered the violin solo, "Tha Illnicitam. SlelKht. Victor. <'obb. l>u- and friends of the Congregational so ­ to Hie iiank. liii|s»rtniifx* *»f Tlil« Work to Frimary intiney* ............................ 3.4 46.00 Witches* Dance." in a very credltabl# plain, <*lark. St. John*. I'eiinell. I>e- ciety at their pleasant farm home in The case has been one of the hard­ TulH*>ti ............................................... 623.4$ LMff manner, and was recalled. Olive Tuesday afternoon. The time est-fought legal liattles in this couiitx TmclH*r*> of the County. Fine tnuney* .................................. 141.9$ Dr. Green was introduced, and for <'lutm. Sli-kles. Ksim-\ Hunter. Wa- was pleasantly spent in social Inier- in recent years, and has l*een con ­ Normal, account state ............. 600.00 nearly two hours addressed the audi* tertoun Jarvis. <>vi<l. Smith. I.<eiian- 4-ourse and ut five o'clock sup|*er was tested point by point in a manner N«>rmal. account county .... 200.00 ence. hit subject iieing. "Left-Handod on. I’lii' ii. l>alias served on the Iswn. Hie guests return- (By c oin'r Townsend.! Men," which *ienionstrate*l the great care The teachers’ institute will be held <»Hier sources ............................... 270. $2 WEXT A FLEKIXC; IKIRSE Treasury. M -*onkey. Hath; Trav­ tiTK to this city i>y the 7:30 and 9:0 which had Iteen taken in Hie prettara- (lutsandlng orders .................. 1.492.9> Dr. Green is an exceptionally* easy is iit-ngal, .Morrison. tlrtHriibush. *» I to, k cars. ut .St. J«»iins high schul building, be­ speaker, and his manner pleasing. Hon of Hi** case. The l*ank had loan ­ ginning Monday, July 9Hi, 1Smb6. All TIIEIE ShL\H EIJ4IE. .Vpproprlatiun- Palmer. .St. Johns: ed varliius sums money ut different Total ....................................... $20,921.90 His udtlress was interspersed at fra- '^^riTItli. I.*"(.ar. »n. .Smitit, We-tphalia. teachers **f Hie louniy* not attending times to Hie .Ht. Johns .Mercantile till- summer seaalon at one of tlw iior- Expenditures: — (fuent intervals with humorous storlaa. Itnildinif. ami Hroumls. <'Iurk. .st. company, a con. ern in whlcli the de ­ Teachers' salaries ................ .$11,442.70 His thought was based on that por ­ Joiiiv (‘-dtii. I»upialn. Jarvi^ «>vld. IN PROBATE COORT mul Mclisois «j>r the state should have Frank Clark Ha** an Exciting Eiuxiuii- tion of scripture referring to the 7 h0 fendants were directors and which maile Ills plans t*> attend the Institute Janitors' salaries................... 1.1$$.96 1 i.iiiif Hifen. <*arp«-nter. Itl- failed in 1S96. paying I'J tents on the Water, gas and telephone .. 242.26 icr With Two Maramlcr** in left handed men of the Tribe of Ben ­ I'l h. MuKie. At Intei'vuis during the past three jamin who were restrained from going «l*tliar. The bunk sought to recover month' n«Mlcv **f this Institute has .kuiidry «*X|»enses .................. 440.02 l’‘*or. t'arpenter, Itlle>. Kl::h Haglt-. M.\'iTi:ns i»i.si*4».Hi:i> or i»i ici.m: ''*me $30,000 and interest, ttn the the­ TuiH*Mi refunded ................ 6.20 HU HiahIcK. to war «in account of the peculiarity )*• niiell. liewitt. l»een given, henre all teachera of the THK P.\NT WKKK. ory that it iiud loaned the company .Sundry supplies..................... • li.Sd of their physical organization, but .\L«»ut 7' < !,iims liavc l»ef.i re* civ«'«l ctiuniy have had ample opiKirtunlty money *»n the strength of its state­ to make their plans to attend. Library lMn»ks ........................ .. 201.4 7 who later saved their tribe from de ­ ii the h<i:trd. ami tiodr allowance .\«onzo Webster, guaiaiian of An­ ments filed wltli tile i*e«-retury *»f state, I*rinting ......................................
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