Congressional Record—Senate S 3263
February 28, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 3263 ``Senator Brown is correct that there has not been President Clinton's deficit reduction Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, with that a significant amount of litigation in the states in- terpreting their balanced budget provisions, and plan which cut the deficit by $500 bil- understanding I now move to table the that this is a factor that weighs against the argu- lion over 5 years. I might add we made following amendments and motion and ment that there would be an avalanche of litigation that very difficult decision without a ask for the yeas and nays: The Kennedy under a federal balanced budget amendment.'' single Republican vote. But more needs amendment No. 267, Nunn amendment Mr. HATCH. I yield 5 minutes to the to be done, and if this amendment No. 299, Levin amendment No. 273, distinguished Senator from Louisiana. passes there will be many more and dif- Levin amendment No. 310, Levin Mr. BREAUX. I thank the Senator ficult decisions to make. It will not be amendment No. 311, Pryor amendment for yielding his time. easy. No. 307, Byrd amendment No. 252, Byrd Mr. President, my colleagues, amend- I cannot vote to kill this effort amendment No. 254, Byrd amendment ments to the Constitution cannot be today, here in Washington. Our States No. 255, Byrd amendment No. 253, Byrd passed by the Congress alone. It is a must be involved. They should have the amendment No. 258, Kerry motion to partnership arrangement. The process right to bring this measure up in our commit to budget committee.
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