OVERVIEW Memory Verse: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ .” Romans 3:23-24 (ESV) Preschool will memorize only “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”.

Nail: We belong to Him.

Week 1: The Story of Moses Scripture Story: Exodus 1-4

Week 2: The Story of Boaz Scripture Story: 1-4

Week 3: The Story of Stephen Scripture Story: Acts 6-7

Week 4: The Story of Saul’s Conversion to Paul Scripture Story: Acts 8-9

HOW THIS CHANGES ME: How can I live like I belong to Him? 1. Wake up every day and say: “I care about what God says about the choices I will make today.” 2. Ask your parent to bring you to church every weekend. 3. Open your Bible at home, look at the pictures and read it. 4. Make choices to honor the Lord.


PRESCHOOL Stretch Time Help children quietly release some energy and relax with some warm up stretches.

Upfront Game Name: If You Have … Supplies: Two odd objects that no one would have. Instructions: Start with all children standing. Ask children to sit down if they DO NOT have: an ear, a knee, an elbow, a tooth, a chin, an ankle… then say the odd object. (All children should sit down.) Start over and then ask for the second odd object. Memory Verse Romans 3:23 (ESV) “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”

Taught with motions found in the preschool take-home

Transition to Animation “Now children, we are going to watch a video that tells us today’s story with pictures.” Animation 2- 2 ½ minute art-based video, with Scripture monologue Memory Verse Review Supplies: Preschool devo take-home Romans 3:23 (ESV) “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Instructions: 1. Ask, “Do you know this is a verse found in the Bible?” It is found in Romans 3:23. Can you say Romans? Allow children the opportunity to try. That is fun to say, isn’t it? Let’s try it again, “Romans”. Thumbs up if that is fun to say. Let me tell you where the Bible verse is found, again, “Romans 3:23-24”. 2. Now we will practice our memory verse with motions five times. Find motions to memory verse in take-home devo for preschool

Story Hits Scripture: The Story of Boaz, -4 • and her family had moved from to anther country called during a famine. Her sons married women of Moab. When Naomi’s husband and two sons died, Naomi and Ruth, one of her sons’ wives, moved back to Israel. They had no money. • Naomi told her daughter in law Ruth to go work in a field to collect grain so they could eat. The field belonged to a wealthy, honorable man name Boaz. • Boaz felt sorry for Ruth and took good care of her by making sure she had plenty of grain to pick up. • Boaz fell in love with Ruth and wanted to marry her but had to follow certain rules. • Boaz had to be a relative of her first husband, he had to have enough money and he had to want to marry Ruth. It couldn’t be forced on him. • In the Old Testament that was called a kinsman-redeemer. Boaz was Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer.

Let’s Pretend Let’s pretend we are Ruth picking the wheat in Boaz’s field.

Small Group 100% RESPONSE TOOL: True or False. Volunteer tells the children that they will read a statement and if it is true they should clap their hands. If it is not true they should sit like a statue. 1. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: The story of Boaz is found in the Bible. (True/clap) 2. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Ruth and Naomi had husbands that were in wheelchairs so they couldn’t work. (False/statue – their husbands died) 3. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Ruth stayed with Naomi and was a good friend to her. (True/clap) 4. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Ruth sold cookies to earn money for food. (False/statue - Ruth worked hard in the fields to pick up extra grain.) 5. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Boaz noticed Ruth and wanted to be her kinsman redeemer. (True/clap) 6. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Jesus came to Earth so He could redeem us. (True/clap) 7. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Jesus wanted to redeem us because He loves us. (True/clap.) 8. Volunteer: Tell the children about how you felt the first time you heard that God redeemed you.


Special Prayer Time “Let’s spend time in prayer. So we can focus on the Lord, let’s fold our hands and close our eyes. Thank you Father for loving us so much that you redeemed us. We are thankful that we don’t have to pay for our own sin but can be free and Your child when we give our lives to You and follow after Jesus. Help us to live like we belong to You and to show the world how great You are. Remind us every day that we should care about what you think and to be thankful we can come to church. In Jesus name, Amen.”

Word Enrichment Supplies: Pictures of children engaging in feelings or actions that honor or dishonor the Lord (focus on the heart of the child and not only the external behavior), bucket to keep the pictures. If your room attendance is large, use doubles of pictures. Instructions: Choose a child and hand them the picture bucket. Ask them to choose a picture and hand it to you. Show the picture the group. Explain the picture, even making up a short story about it using a common behavior or feeling for a child this age. Wrap up after each one affirming an honoring behavior or feeling that shows a child belongs to God. Do not focus on perfect behaviors but on God honoring reactions. (Forgiving, mercy, generosity, thankfulness)

Activity Abstract Painting Supplies: Paint, brushes, cups for water, 11x17 story boards Instructions: 1. In box one, children paint a sad face that represents how Ruth felt when she had no husband and moved to Israel.. 2. In box two, ask children to paint a happy face that represents how Ruth felt when she heard Boaz would redeem her. 3. In box three, how do you feel knowing through Jesus Christ, God redeemed you and did everything necessary to make it happen? Children can draw a picture of themselves in the third box.

Wrap Up: Your painting reminds me of the story from today. Ruth lost something. Boaz could get it for her. Boaz did what he had to do to give her back the lost thing. This also reminds me of God. We were born with a broken friendship with Him. Jesus did what He had to do to fix our broken friendship with God. That makes me happy.


GRADE SCHOOL Story Hits Supplies: Flannel graph Scripture: The Story of Boaz, Ruth 2-4 • Naomi and her family had moved from Israel to anther country called Moab during a famine. Her sons married women of Moab. When Naomi’s husband and two sons died, Naomi and Ruth, one of her sons’ wives moved back to Israel. They had no money. • Naomi told her daughter in law Ruth to go work in a field to collect grain so they could eat. The field belonged to a wealthy, honorable man name Boaz. • Boaz felt sorry for Ruth and took good care of her by making sure she had plenty of grain to pick up. • Boaz fell in love with Ruth and wanted to marry her but had to follow certain rules. • Boaz had to be a relative of her first husband, he had to have enough money and he had to want to marry Ruth. It couldn’t be forced on him. • In the Old Testament that was called a kinsman-redeemer. Boaz was Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer. Small Group Younger • Supplies: Cross cards • 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Show me your card! Each child receives a card with a cross. When I ask you if God redeemed someone or saved them, you hold up your card. The card reminds us of how God paid for us when He redeemed us. (You should slowly hold up a card and model how to respond.) • 1. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Where do we find the true story of Boaz? (The story of Boaz is found in the Bible.) • 2. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Ruth was without a husband and she wanted Boaz to redeem her. (Show the Cross Card.) • 3. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: What did Ruth do to get Boaz’s attention? (She worked hard in the fields to pick up extra grain.) • 4. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Boaz could redeem Ruth and marry her because he could follow all the rules. (Show the Cross Card.) • 5. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Jesus came to Earth so He could redeem us. (Show the Cross Card.) • 6. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Jesus was 100% God so he could redeem us. (Show the Cross Card.) • 7. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Jesus wanted to redeem us because He loves us. (Show the Cross Card.) • 8. Volunteer: Tell the children about how you felt the first time you heard that God redeemed you. • 9. Ask the children, “How do you feel after learning God loves you so much that He paid for your life so you could belong to Him?” • 10. Why should you wake up every day and care about what God thinks? Why should you want to come to church every weekend?

Small Group Older Supplies: 3x3 Worksheet, pencils 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Each child receives a 3x3 worksheet and a pencil. Children should get up and start moving around the room asking each other for a response and allowing another child to fill in their worksheet. You may wish to review #4-7 before beginning. 1. Where do we find the true story of Boaz? (The story of Boaz is found in the Bible, Old Testament, the ) 2. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Who was without a husband and wanted Boaz to redeem her. (Ruth) 3. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: What did Ruth do to get Boaz’s attention? (She worked hard in the fields to pick up extra grain.) 4. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: How many rules did Boaz need to follow so he could redeem Ruth and marry her? (Three) 5. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: What was the first rule and how does that parallel to Jesus? (One had to be related through family. Jesus became human so He could redeem us. 6. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: What was the second rule and how does that parallel to Jesus? (One had to be able to make the payment of the redemption. Jesus was 100% God so He could redeem us.) 7. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: What was the third rule and how does that parallel to Jesus? (One had to want to marry the other person. It could not be forced. Jesus wanted to redeem us because He loves us.) 8. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Ask someone their name, school, and where they were born. 9. 100% RESPONSE TOOL: Why should you wake up every day and care about what God thinks? Why should you want to come to church every weekend? (Because it shows we belong to God.) 10. Volunteer: Tell the children about how you felt the first time you heard that God redeemed you. 11. Ask the children, “How do you feel after learning God loves you so much that He paid for your life so you could belong to Him?”


Memory Verse Review Disappearing Words Supplies: Dry erase markers, whiteboard or window, eraser Romans 3:23-24 (ESV) “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,” Instructions: Write the verse on a whiteboard or window. Say the verse together as a group. Erase several key words leaving the first letter. Repeat saying the verse. Repeat both steps until all of the words are erased.

Activity 1 Can You Find It? Sword Drill Supplies: Bible, extra Instructions: Seat children in group circle with their Bible. 1. Remind children how to hold their Bible and the basics of a sword drill. 2. Ask them to open to the first book of the Bible. When everyone has found it ask them to stand up and switch places with someone. 3. Ask children to open to the last book of the Bible. What is the name of this book? When everyone has found it ask them to stand up and switch places with someone. 4. Ask children to find the book of Ruth. When everyone has found it ask them to stand up and switch places with someone. 5. Ask children to find the book of Romans. What is the chapter number of this month’s memory verse? How do we know how to find the chapter? When everyone has found it ask them to stand up and switch places with someone 6. Ask children to find the book of John, Chapter 3. John 3:16 tells us how God redeemed us.

Wrap Up: Explain to children why it is important to know how to find the truth in the Bible. Give them tips how they can enjoy their Bible at home during the week.

Activity 2 Painting Supplies: Paint, brushes, 11x17 story boards, cups for water, dry erase markers and whiteboard/window Instructions: Before the children start to paint, using dry erase markers and a whiteboard/window, brain storm ideas for the following scenarios: 1. In box one, children paint something that represents how Ruth felt when she had no husband and moved to Israel. Encourage children to use colors and strokes that represent feelings. 2. In box two, ask children to paint something that represents how Boaz felt when he heard Ruth wanted him to redeem her. Encourage children to use colors and strokes that represent feelings. 3. In box three, ask children to paint something that represents how Ruth felt when she heard Boaz would redeem her. Encourage children to use colors and strokes that represent feelings. 4. In box four, how do you feel knowing through Jesus Christ, God redeemed you and did everything necessary to make it happen? Encourage children to use colors and strokes that represent feelings.

Wrap Up: It’s a big deal that through Jesus Christ we are redeemed (purchased back) for God. Do you really know what that means? It’s a complicated truth in Scripture. It means we belonged to God but because of sin, we lost our friendship with God. A payment must be made for us so we can belong to God again. That’s called redemption. That should make us feel really good inside and because of that , we should want to live like we belong to God. Let’s brainstorm how that looks. What are some ways we can do that? (Prompt them with words like forgive, mercy, believing the best…) Write their responses on the windows.

Let Me Get This Straight Supplies: Personal Bible is preferred, copies of Scripture listed below for children without a Bible, colored pencils (orange, green, yellow) 1. Turn to Ruth 2. 2. Go around the group and allow each child to read a few verses. 3. With an orange pencil, underline what Ruth did to get Boaz’s attention. 4. With a green pencil, underline where we find how Boaz’s was qualified to redeem Ruth. 5. Using a yellow pencil, shade the blessing of God redeeming Ruth’s life and future.


New Testament Mechanics Supplies: Bible, list of Books, timer, boxes each named with a book of the New Testament. (If space is prohibitive you may use sheets of paper or small blocks). If you have more than one set of boxes, color code them to keep them separate. Overview: You will begin to memorize the books of the New Testament this weekend. There are children who know them very well and will want to show everyone that they do. Gently remind them that not everyone knows what they know. Attempt to spread out children to each squad. Before you begin, you will teach them some fun facts. New Testament Facts: 1. The New Testament refers to the books that form the Scriptures of the Christian Church and records the life of Jesus Christ. 2. It consists of the second half of the Christian Bible, the first half being the Old Testament of the Bible. 3. The New Testament is the last 27 books of the 66 books of the Bible. 4. It has 7,959 verses. 5. The New Testament was originally written in Greek. 6. Number of chapters total 260. 7. The longest book is Acts. 8. The longest chapter is Luke 1. 9. The smallest Book is 3 John. 10. The shortest verse is John 11:35. 11. The New Testament consists of five history books entitled Acts and the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. 12. There is one book of prophecy (Revelation). 13. Two words occurring only once in the Bible: grandmother (2 Timothy 1:5); gnat (Matthew 23:24). Instructions: Divide children into two groups with a volunteer. Each group must put the boxes in order as they appear in the New Testament. Make sure boxes are mixed up. You may give each group a list if you asses their knowledge of the New Testament is limited or you may require them to do from memory adding a second to their time for each hint they need. Time each group and make it a contest.