Alternatives and Design Evolution
The Waterside Environmental Statement: Volume 1 Chapter 2: Alternatives and Design Evolution The Waterside Chapter 2: Alternatives and Design Evolution Figure 2.1 Images of the Existing Site INTRODUCTION 2.1 This ES Chapter summarises the main design alternatives considered by the Applicant and details the environmental considerations (including opportunities and constraints) that have influenced the design. Following this, a narrative is provided on the evolution of the selected option for the Site, focusing on key design modifications that were made during the design process. Environmental considerations which have influenced the design evolution process are discussed where relevant. SITE AND SURROUNDING CONTEXT Site Description 2.2 The Site is irregular in shape and currently comprises a retail warehouse towards the southern, western and central portion of the Site with associated yard space towards the east and north. Ancillary car parking with access from Fulton Road is located to the north-west corner of the Site. The Site also contains a small access alleyway, connecting the Site to Fourth Way towards the east. Photos of the Site are provided below in Figure 2.1. The location of the Site and its surrounding context is illustrated in 0. View from northwest on Fulton Road View from east of the Site from Fourth Way 2.3 The Site is bounded by Wealdstone Brook to the north, car parking, Fourth Way, a warehouse and a vacant Site to the east, Fifth Way to the south and Fulton Road to the west. Beyond the Wealdstone Brook Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC), lies a mix of light industrial premises and residential units.
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