K K M Egypt's ousted Sports: I think I'll be in T20 World Cup National: US First lady Melania visits Delhi Local: Ju Progressing Towards Corporate International: M Y squad : Kane Richardson.......................... 9 school, attends ‘Happiness Class’.................. P7 Placements....................................................................... P3 president Hosni Mubarak dead at 91.... P8 Y C C Glimpses of Future JAMMU,WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 , 2020 VOL. 36 | NO.56| REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail :
[email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 epaper.glimpsesoffuture.com 2 civilians injured in India and US to start negotiations Pak shelling along LoC in Poonch Press trust of india for "big trade deal" : Modi Jammu, feb 25 Press trust of india Two civilians were injured when Pakistan Army new delhi, feb 25 India, US have finalised de - shelled forward posts and civilians areas along the fence deals worth USD 3 Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch dis - Describing Indo-US rela - trict on Tuesday, officials said.The shelling and firing tions as "one of the most impor - billion: Trump after talks has triggered panic in border areas in the district, they tant partnerships" of the 21st said. Pakistani troops lobbed mortars and fired from century, Prime Minister with Modi Narendra Modi on Tuesday said small arms targeting Kirni, Qasba and Shahpura areas Press trust of india along the LoC, the officials said, adding two civilians increasing the bilateral defence new delhi, feb 25 and security cooperation is a suffered injuries due to splinters. On Friday last, at very key aspect of this relation - India and the US on Tuesday fi - least seven residential buildings were damaged in ship.