A note from Ms Reid, head of transition year 6.

High School events Autumn 2020 for prospective year 7s:

The local high schools are having VIRTUAL events this year, so you can have a tour of the school and meet the teachers and headteachers who will be important such an important part of your child's education next year and throughout their time at secondary school.

Roundhay School - Saturday 17th October 2020 www.exploreroundhay.org launching at 10am but you can watch the video up to and including 31st October 2020.

Co-Op Academy - Friday 9th October an information video was posted. Thursday 15th October is a VIRTUAL question and answer session for your children in their classes in school. https://leeds.coopacademies.co.uk

Allerton Grange – Here is a link to their information video - already posted online: https://www.allertongrange.com/open-days/

Carr Manor Community School – Here is a link to their information video already posted online – your child has received a prospectus at the start of October - https://www.carrmanor.org.uk/open-events/

Dixon’s Trinity Chapeltown – Dixons have all the information you need on their web-page: https://www.dixonstc.com/admissions

Leeds East Academy - Victoria Clapshaw is happy to take you on a Virtual Tour https://www.leedseastacademy.org.uk/

Leeds City Academy – Leeds City have all the information you need here: https://www.leedscityacademy.org.uk/

If there are any schools not listed that you are thinking about applying for – please let me know.

Thank you,

Ms. Reid

Year 6 Transition Lead.