-,'~ 15H CST • 16 THE JEWISH POST Thursday,~1.14,1977

\ The Lady is a Stock Broker and • . and • • MaImed Honored .. '...... 3 \ . I, Sadat Speaks,...... 4 by MAXINE GURVEY She had f!lISe papers. This family Ellen lost her parents and have beep sooner. a long,hard working day. And she c.JA Dinner •...... •... 5 \ still had to come home to prepare Ellen Rip~eir) is one of the top subsequently moved to Winnipeg relatives in the concentration The Ripstein's eldest son, Ira, Candle Contest....•..•..•. 6 Oldest and Largest Angllh/.ewish Weekly in Western Canada " dinner. She·reads for ,pleasure fhur producers in Winnipeg in the and are· still here. This is what . camps. She has only a couple of born at the end of that year is now WoocIyAilen Film .•..•.... 7 Candle lighting time Friday is 8:24 p.m. Shabbat ends 9:30 p,m .. By mail in Western Canada $7 .' 1'-. I . field of stocks and bonds, brought Ellen to. Winnipeg from cousins alive today arid she feels . in ''first year medicine at The whenever poSsible, and her Hyrnie Fox ...... 15 Vol LUI,No.16 WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, APRIL 28,1977 e 0 10 Days in Iyar, 5737 mortgage funds and complete New York in 1948, to be with her that she has no roots nor University of Manitoba. Their great~st 'lwrury is "sleeping in" when she can. . What's Kosher ...•.•..•.. 16 investment portfolios. adopted "family". commitment to anyone except her second son, Arthur, was born in ,'~, ',. ..,,) This vibrant, self-contained, In Dutch Underground husband' and children. She does 1958 and has decided to travel The Ripstein hous~A!lld is Qne :. l 1-,·If Private .perSon is a soft spoken, It was easy ·for Ellen to pass as enjoy excellent relationships with abroad for a year before starting. where an the family pitchs in' to competitive woman who knows her Aryan and pure German with her uriiversity. n'lake Ellen's demanding job acquaintances, business • business well, and gives excellent false papers as she is blonde and associates and with her children's Ellen spent nine year.s as a easier. CJC Slams PQWhite Paper service to her customers. She was blue-eyed. She was the only Jewish friends. She doesn't want many homemaker and mother. When Mrs. Ripstein is a person who M1M-:ru~::e!!:lfe~fitt the first woman in Manitoba to Arthur was in grade one, in 1964, does not dwell on the past as she is By JANICE ARNOLD . Quebec Jews should unite with minorities and create two seeking names of candidates for Criteria for. judging Miss become a registered 'seller as a she felt that she wanted to go back a very "now" type of individual. The Canadian Jewish~ews other groups in a common front classes' of citfzens - fran­ Miss . " . ,,'.' Folklorama will -be: (0) knowledge stock broker, in 1948. to' work. Initially, she did not She is highly organised and prides Montreal In a strongly- to fight the proposed cophones, and those who will Candidates must be over the age ofethnic;'andi national heritage; She is quietly aggressive in a low "receive much encouragement herself on her excellent memory, worded telegram to Premier legislation. Teitelbaum told The have an increasingly diminished of 16 years as of August 14, 1977; (b) 'person'ality; (c) poise; (d) key way, b,ut not pushy. She says She also has a facility for learning from her husband.• Yet he always Rene Levesque, Leon' Canadian Jewish News, "we status within the province . they must be single; they must be overilll. ·iiftptess!on created as she "is tough, but not hard". Mrs. knew that she could not be content languages and speaks several With Teitelbaum, chairman of have to muster all the support "As Quebeckers and of the ethnic origin of the the spon;, hostess oHl~r:pavilion. ' Ripstein selects and uses her to stay at home.' ease. Canadian Jewish Congress, we can to oppose the white Canadians, this is a position 'sor pavilion. . The· prize :for' Queen (Miss They both realised that some Reg and Ellen do manage to Eastern Region, says Quebec's paper." which the Jewish community The queen candidates will be FolkloramM will be a cash bur­ I' • things would have to be sacrificed. have an annual 'holiday and white paper" on language is He also expressed disappoin- cannot accept. We believe that required to' attend a' 'number of saryiof $500., and each of the prin­ , Her job is highly demanding and sometimes two a year. They have "discriminatory and coercive." tment in Premier Levesque in the Quebec government should social functions between July 1 and cesseswho are runners-up to the )-I • Post requires a great deal of time and been to Hawaii, Mexico, Israel, Noting that Congress "views view of the cordial meeting a ponder the consequences of the Aug. 14 and from Aug. 14-20, Miss Queen 'receive cash bursaries· of l{ ~: energy. She also devotes Ii lot of SpaID and Italy. " with dismay" the proposed group of Jewish leaders had proposed charter of the French Israel will be required to act as $200. \ '. time to reading and' keeping up Reg is an things to Ellen, legislation,. Teitelbaum wrote: with him last January. language, which could have the hostess at Shalom Square with the Applications forms are available "T: Profjle I~, with curren,! published material in husband, help-mate, companion ".;. . we believe that the Levesque Sympathetic most profoundly negative con .. Mayor, welcomin!1 ~uests, ex- by calling Naomi Globerman at the , •r' [, ,.I' the world of finance. and best friend. When Reg speaks deve1opmentof French cannot "He (Levesque) was most sequences for all Quebeckers," p\ainingdisplays and cultural YMHA,947-OO01. ~ I words sparingly. She has a razor No Casual Ties about "Ellen" his voice takes on a be advanced by the diminution sympathetic and evern under­ ~ There is no time in Ellen's life very special tone and even his '1 sharp mind that works like a of English and the severe en- stood the unique position of the ,I computer. She has courage and .. for. casual socialising, and facial expression changes. croachment on the rights of all Jewjsh community in terms of Peres' Palestinian Proposal i strength.. ' superficial relationships - and she Ellen wears many hats; wife, non-francophones proposed in spiritual needs and em­ " is not a superficial person. She mother, account executive with a London, (JCNS) In his first He h'ld earlier stated that the . On the other side of the coin she the white paper. The thrust of phasis-the premier appeared I .is feminine, poised, charming and knows what is important to her and world-wide organisation in the the white paper is not only to to reflect a moderate and under­ television interview as Israel'S ac- Liberation Organisation tough, competitive world of " an admitted clotheshorse who where her priorities lie. Ellen is so make French' the only official standing viewpoint. ting Prime Minister, Shimon Peres was not acceptable as a loves and wears elegant, chic "for real" that possibly not all bUlliness. They all become her. She language of the province, but to "It appears. now that the suggested on the BBC 'Tonight' . negotiating partner since its basic . clothes with elan.·Understatement people meeting her may be knows what she values, where she do 'so in a manner which is militants in the cabinet were . program the· opinion that eon- aim was to destroy Israel. in all areas of her life is her style. pr~pared for nor can they handle wants to be and wlih whom. discriminatory in intent and able to override the moderate federation (or federation) of Mr. Peres described himself as a I • A Realist suc~ open honesty comfortably . Ellen Ripsteill has come a long coer.cive in nature. philosophy of Premier Israel, Jordan and the West Bank, realist in foreign policy and Mrll. Ripstein is a realist in Ellen's -family life. with her way from the Nazi hOl'1'ors of t1ie "The Jewish community is Levesque." or at least between the last two, reiterated that the Government ! business and a realist about life .. husband and sons is a clQse' one. Hplocaust, the dangers of the particularly sensitive to .Teitelbaum 'emphasises in the was the best solution to the line remained a territorial com­ Ellen was born in Germariy and' TileY observe, and ~end Jewish Dutch . Underground and being legislation of a coercive nature, telegram that the Jewish com­ Palestinian problem. promise in the context of a sent to Boarding- School in holidays together in a traditional alone. She is a well established, whh:h candq little' tgenhance ,munity has always supPQr/ed the He made it clear, however, that negotilltedpeace settlement. ELLEN RIPSTEiN­ ) . England. While she was away at Multifaceted Woman way, They are as the sociologists .competent and successful person th~"f,r.~Q~l).Jl!llgu,~gel'p'ut ~\l.ch . "epanouissemlmt" of French. . . hiS' suggestion . Wi!S '. ~ot -Gov,l;!f" . school her parents and" sister say,a true nucleur family; mthe business world. She now has .t9; dlVl,de, the general cItIzenry of· "We are in 'ftin~accori.'l~Wit11' th~" . ntnent·policyebUt.hisown fayoured teen-ager in the Dutch close ties as all those close to her .c.t,,~"J'ictim.s :\' i, moved to Holland as life for Jews EDen did try to play golf during a family and home to call her own. Quebec," thl: telegram COh- widest use of· Ftench itt our remedy., " , ...... , .. ' .. ""'"""""'1<"'<" 'X"" ,...... ~.. ,.,. Underground for five years and were.!ost dining,the War. ,,' . Ask~d,cwhethel' :"Y'32i1~~-:'~i~O''i,;:t:''i''''''' (JrJ.~,t ; 'I I in Germany was becoming the summer after work. However, Her life is full and meaningful. She . tinues. "The inequities of .,;.the everyday life as citizens of this .. "Isi:ael'·Wdtl1d, " .' l.,.e";,".·, .... ~, ~. - \:I.l""f~"'r'"iL;'p' an"" increasingly difficult. found it "fun" - even, though it was Ms. Ripstein came to Winnipeg, she found this too exhausting after deserves it. pastcannot be ci:mected by the ,province, and have for many agree to the es~~lishment of a American World AirwayifliSt· of In 1936 Ellen returned to her new very dangerous. She did have stayed with her adopted family . introduction. of disc'riminatory years pursued this policy in our separate ~alest,I;'Ilan State:, Mr. passengers casualties and home in Holland to be with her many dose calls; she was, on and worked in their brokerage legislation. " . schools and our representative Peres replied: Not really ,He survivors in the disaster in family and continue her schooling. various occasions, questioned by firmaf!l a partner from 1949-1956. The Rabbi is a Convert To Submit Brief and social institutions." . could not see why Arafat should be Tenerife indicates that up to 15 When it became difficult (or German soldiers. She brazerJed her She found the cold climate here Rabbi Aharon Shear­ culminated a 10-year growing in­ Congress intends to make 'Coercive' Plan imposed on the flourishing West Jews died when KLM and Pan Jews in Holland around 1939 Ellen way out by yelling at them and difficult but really had no other Yashuv is now completing his first terst in Judaism. representati0Dt> to the Quebec Congress believes the white Bank when many of its inhabitants airliners were in ," . moved in with a family and helped demanding to see their place to go where she felt she year as chaplain of the Technion­ It was at the University of Ham­ government in the future and is paper violates the "letter and remairred loyal to Jordan and,'" There were at two look after the home and children. commanding officer. Fortunately, belonged. Israel Institl\te of Technology. burg that the rabbi's interests now studying the implications spirit" of the Quebec Charter of preferred King Hussein's throne to casualties: ~~~~ the her bluff was never called. . Fast Courtship Upon graduation from the veered towards general philosophy of the white .paper for all HUman Rights and Liberties, SHIMON PERES Arafat's gun, the KLM ai Reg Ripstein was a bit· taken Seminary in 1976, the and Jewish philosophy and history. citizens of the province as well and "severelv erodes" the 'aback by Ellen's straightforward Technion appointment is' his first Here he was appointed assistant to as the Jewish community. A tradition of equality and justice candor on their first date, Nov: 22, rabbinical post. the professor of Jewish history, brief detailing the specific con- in the province. Congregation Shaarey Zedek W55. But he obviously liked it - a Officially a Jew for only eight with whom he worked for a year cerns of Quebec Jews will "It is clear that the gover- WELLINGTON CRESCENT AND ACADEMY ROAD . lot! They became engaged on years, Rabbi Shear-Yashuv was and a half while studying follow. '. nment regards the introduction < '.', Dec. 20, and were marri~~.on Jan. born a Christian 37 yellrs ago in, Christian theology, , ,"""- '.", In an interview with The of the white paper as a step fi.' :,~; 15, 1956. If Reg hadn't had:a severe Germany. His conversion by' an By 1968, his desire to learn about Montreal Star immediatelY towards the forced francisation cold at the time, title weddingwoUJd Orthodox rabbi in Montrearin 1969 ' Judaism co\ud' no 'longer be following the release of the of the province, which can only BREAKFAST ANtfDIALOQUE'- satisfied within the borders'Of white paper, Teitelbaum said jeopardise the rights of Germany, and he wasa'dvlsed to Sunday, April 17th • go the .the Hebrew Union College in CANADA'S LOWEST PRICED Cincinnati, where he received a Speake,: Mr. Harry Gutkin of the Jewish Ph.D. Call to Russia Successful Historical Society . Olllrin" his studies at Hebrew Topic: ~'Journey Through Our Heritage" NEW CAR' the process towards On Monday night, Apr. 18, the· There was' a special category Rosh' Pina Synagogue was the with recognition going to three scene of a beautiful community girls, who have recently left the Sunday, April 24th . '77 AUSTIN MINI happening, climaxed by a suc- USSR, for their special insight. $pealefit': Mr. A.Paritzky of Treasure D'Art FRONT WHEEL DRIVE cessful telephone hookup with the They were: AlIa Belensky, Rina Topic: "Discussion and Demonstration of USSJt at 12:05 a.m. -one would Khitrov, and AlIa Lenetsky. Jewish Artifacts" . aIniostthink the warm vibrations Connection Made willed the phone to ring.' The event And finally after the long wait, Schacharit: 10:00 a.m. was the cultural solidarity rally the connection was made with . Breakfast: 10:30 a.m. sponsored' by the Winnipeg Group Vladimir Lazaris in Moscow. He is Dialogue: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon . of35. a lawyer who,., after applying to ..'-. , Although the community was not emigrate to ISrael, has not been well represented in numbers, the - able to work fo~ two years. H~ has quality of participation was high. had difficulty in receiving mail .. ,.;:: .. ADULT LEISURE 'ACTIVITIES '" The program included a pageant from his wife and ill son in Israel. by Talmud Torah 5th Grade that His travails includes several told the .story of the plight of Soviet 'arrests, the latest in relation to the ""onday, April 25th - 1:15 p.m. Jews. This was followed by a cultural Jewish Seminar that was / A M~ Prognun f88turing 99 * "haimish" rendering of music and disIQantled so cruelly and for- . . Mr. Mitch Parks original' poetry by members of cefullyby·theKGBlastDecember . 12 MONTH OR 12,000 MILE WARRANTY official conversion started. At his and a ~p of four well-kno~ Winnipeg musicians will Jack Cooper's class at Peretz He 'was' strong in his resolve and HQstageDrama Heroes be our guests. . , ·P.O.E. Price Shipping & O$aler Prep. not insistence, the final conversion in School, under his capable direc- very grateful for the call. He asked included ,-- August, 1969, was an Orthodox one. Hon. ,forhelp for his son. . . Shortly after receiving their B;iurl B'rtth awards for humanitarianism, the heroes of last month's ,',\ ..I terrorism in Washington pause to chat with David M.BlumI:ierg,·B'nal B'rith's president. The awar­ it He immigrated to Israel in 1971. Awards were made to the win- According to the operators, the '.~:'\ " From 1973 to 1976, he attended the • ds were presented during a public convocation of thanksgiving celebrated for the safe deliverance of If you are in need of tra(lsportation, please call the ners of the essay contest thattook second call that had been placed J\ Jerusalem Seminary f!!r Rabbinic place at . Joseph Wolinsky came through at 7:12 a.m. with no some 135 hostages held ,for 39 hours in three bulldings in Washingtol) by a band of Hanafi Muslims. • j Synagogue office b fore 10:00 a.m. the morning of the 7 235 MA'NST@IIT . Studies (the Harry Fischel In­ Collegiate, 1st place going to Ariel one to answer the phone. A future From left are Amhassador Ardeshir Zahedi of Iran, Mayor Walter E. Washington and Police Chief ·jl: program and we Will arrange to have you picked up , Maurice J. Cul1lnane. Unable to attend hut also receiving awards a!ld sending messages, were Am­ H' and taken home.' . Phone 943,3461 stitute). He nlarried an Israeli in Gurvey, 2nd. place to' Gina call will be made to Mikail " .. 'bassailors Ashraf"A. Ghoibal ot Egypt and Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan of Pakistan, who, with Zahedi ~~; - 1971, one half year after arriving in Freeman and 3m place. to Gerry Strugach, a Leningrad Refusnik. ~~\ .. , ~ Israel, and is the father of three Cohen. negotiated the release of the hostages. children. f 1...... -.~. ~~" .. " ..,.--I .. ,.. _.,.. l~"""",,~_ ...... <.,_"_=~.~_ .... ,'-...... -.. "-- -- ...... _-_ .. ,...... '.