2009 Annual Report American Red Cross Chapter Mission

“We thank all the members of the American Red Cross for their help during our stay in the hospital.

I was very injured in a bus accident at the end of April. My two children needed help and comfort. Now my health is much better and I’ll leave the clinic soon and go back home.”

Anonymous Client

american reD cross Mission The American Red Cross was founded in the by Clara Barton in 1881. In 1905, the United States Congress gave the Red Cross Charter, which mandates that it provide relief to disaster victims and services to the military.

The American Red Cross, a humanitarian organization led by volunteers and guided by its Congressional Charter and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, will provide relief to victims of disaster and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies.

Although chartered by the U.S. government, the Red Cross is not a government agency. Donations of time, money and blood from the American people make our humanitarian work possible.

Silicon Valley Chapter Founded in January 2009 with the merger of the Palo Alto Area and Santa Clara Valley chapters, the American Red Cross Silicon Valley Chapter provides services in the cities of Palo Alto, Los Altos, Moutain View, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, San Jose, Milpitas, Campbell, Saratoga, Monte Soreno, Los Gatos, Morgan Hill, San Martin, Gilroy, and all unincorporated areas of the County. The Silicon Valley Chapter has 1,200 registered adult volunteers and 1,000 youth volunteers who contribute tens of thousands of hours of service each year, which make it possible to serve the nearly 2 million residents of Silicon Valley. A Message from the Board Chair and CEO

Without question, the past year has provided our local American Red Cross with challenges and opportunities. We proactively embarked on a merger of the two separate American Red Cross Chapters in Santa Clara County (Palo Alto Area and Santa Clara Valley) into a new County-wide organization effective January 1 2009 – the American Red Cross Silicon Valley Chapter. The new Chapter built upon complementary strengths, leveraged economies of scale, avoided duplication of efforts, and increased the breadth and depth of American Red Cross programs and services to the community. It turns out this was a timely and fortuitous decision, as it was just in advance of the extremely challenging economic climate!

Despite the large transition, our talented and dedicated group of paid and volunteer staff continued to provide critical and life-saving Red Cross services to Santa Clara County. Every day, we are inspired by the dedication and hard work of our staff - which includes our Board, volunteers and employees – to ensure that the American Red Cross Silicon Valley Chapter is efficient, effective, and responsive in meeting the needs of our community

We have only just begun to realize the synergies and potential of our newly merged and reinvented organization to provide even more programs and services in the caring and innovative ways that characterize our Silicon Valley. We appreciate the generosity of our local community to help those in need during times of crisis. The American Red Cross Silicon Valley Chapter remains focused on preparing every family and business for the emergencies that inevitably arise.

Patti Fry Barb Larson Chair, Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer Programs and Services

“We just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you so much for all of your assistance with yesterday’s fire. This was our very first “disaster” and needless to say, we were not prepared for the aftermath. I know that between running to and fro on Gladys and talking on cell phones we were often a little hard to pin down, but we really appreciate your persistence, your dedication, and your presence. Thanks to you, for the next couple of days we will have a roof over our heads and some clothes that DON’T reek of smoke on our backs and that will never be forgotten. Thank you for your service!” Anonymous Client Disaster Services - Respond and Prepare When a disaster strikes, the American Red Cross is on the scene to help people recover. Last year, volunteers from the Silicon Valley Chapter responded to 71 local emergencies, providing housing, clothing, food, mental health counseling, and disaster health services.

Last year, the Silicon Valley Chapter provided free presentations on emergency preparedness to over 2,300 local residents and distributed nearly 48,000 disaster preparedness brochures at community events and presentations.

Health and Safety Services - Train We are the premier provider of Health and Safety training in the community, offering basic to specialized education in first aid, CPR, AED use, water safety and more. Our goal is to equip everyone in the community with these skills. Last year, over 37,000 local residents were trained in these life saving skills. The First Aid Services Team treated 3,700 patients at different community events throughout Silicon Valley.

Youth Services - Empower The Silicon Valley Chapter has 35 Red Cross Clubs in elementary, junior high and high schools, and colleges. Youth volunteers from 8 high schools provided over 400 free, confidential safe rides home for 577 teens on weekends during the school year. Programs and Services

“Thank you all for your wonderful care packages I especially look forward when I see it is from your chapter because there is always neat stuff in there and a lot of stuff to share with my room and 34 other people in my platoon.”

Anonymous Military Member

services to Armed forces - Serve The American Red Cross keeps military personnel in touch with their families following the death or serious illness of a family member, the birth of a child, or in response to other family crisis. The Silicon Valley Chapter served as a liaison between 200 local military personnel and their families, delivering emergency family messages.

Historically, Americans have shown their support to our troops serving in times of war by writing letters, mailing care packages, or by showing support for a deployed service member’s family. Our Chapter’s unique Operation Care and Comfort exists to provide support and comfort to “adopted” units of deployed U.S. military service members serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and conflict regions, by sending care packages containing needed items. Working with our community, we ship to these units on a monthly basis, until they return home. This year, Operation Care and Comfort sent 88,000 pounds of supplies to members of the armed forces stationed overseas.

International Services - Reunite The American Red Cross International Social Services program links people in our community to their families around the world through the global network of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Last year, the Silicon Valley Chapter caseworkers handled 21 international tracing and/or messaging cases to help reunite or deliver messages to family members separated due to war, civil unrest or disaster. Financial Donations

The Clara Barton Society No name better symbolizes the spirit of caring and active volunteerism than Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross. The Clara Barton Society consists of committed donors who gave $1,000 or more to the Silicon Valley Chapter between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. We are grateful to the following individuals, foundations and corporations for their generous support. They have helped make possible our programs and services, which ensure our community is able to prevent, prepare for and respond to disasters of any size. Due to space limitations, we regrettably cannot list annual donors below $2,500. Please accept our sincere appreciation.

Visionary’s Circle Pacesetter’s Circle (cont) $50,000 + Hurlbut-Johnson Charitable Trust Harman Management Corp. Ipvalue Management, Inc. Mr. Willard W. Salmons Maquet Cardiovascular LLC Synopsys, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brett G. Galloway Mr. Scott Cruickshank and Bobbie Humanitarian’s Circle Benefactor’s Circle Lopez (cont) $25,000 - $49,999 PLM Lender Services, Inc. Derry & Charlene Kabcenell Mrs. Shelley C. Brown Mrs. Barbara Raven Foundation Estate of Ronald Cole Lyon Samsung Semiconductor Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Duhring Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lyons Sandisk Corp. EMC Corporation NetApp Spansion, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geschke Structural Integrity Associates Wells Fargo Bank, NA Brad and Sue Herrmann Mrs. Geraldyne Witkin Mark Lin Pacesetter’s Circle Lockheed Martin Employees’ $10,000 - $24,999 Humanitarian’s Circle Foundation Alpha & Omega Semiconductor Inc. $5,000 - $9,999 Chris and Melody Malachowsky Mr. Miguel Carrillo Agilent Technologies Foundation Timothy and Elaine Mathews Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman, III B.T. Mancini Co, Inc. Mr. Michael A. Brown and Mr. John Doerr Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Barrett Ms. Susan M. Bockus El Camino Hospital Brocade Communications Ms. Jody Buckley and Mr. Mark Entrepreneurs Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bubenik Horowitz Estate of S Kinoshita The Erla M. Coleman Trust Mr. Peter R. Nicoll Hewlett-Packard Company Mr. and Mrs. Yogen Dalal Palo Alto Community Fund Foundation Financial Donations

All American Red Cross Silicon Valley Chapter disaster assistance is free, made possible by the generous and voluntary donation of time and money from Silicon Valley residents and companies.

To make a donation: call (877)-727-6771or log on to www.siliconvalley-redcross.org

This list of donors supported the American Red Cross Silicon Valley Chapter between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. If you find an error, please accept our apologies and contact the Development Department so that we may correct our records.

Patron’s Circle (cont) Patron’s Circle (cont) B Metal Fabrication Michael Maida Bozzuto Insurance Services Monouthic Power Systems, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cotter Mr. Mandar M. Munishwar Ms. Jean Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Inho Myong Humanitarian’s Circle CTT, Incorporated Mrs. Jeannette E. Nielsen (cont) D W Morgan, LLC Northern Drywall Mr. and Mrs. William Reller Del Conte’s Landscaping, Inc. Contractors Association Rotary Club of Palo Alto Chugh Firm Pacific Gas & Electric San Jose Credit Union Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fisher Mr. Terrence K. Pang Derek and Valerie Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Fox, Sr. Alvin and Adeline Parker Sita Foundation Frank, Rimerman & Co. LLP Judge and Mrs. Richard W. Rhodes Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Cal Stuart Frenzel Richard and Emily Levin Foundation Town of Los Altos Hills Mr. and Mrs. Sai-Wai Fu Mr. Joe Rosa Mr. Jack Tramiel Glorious Bible Church Santa Clara County Office of Wells Fargo Mr. Benjamin J. Hemmen Education Zonare Medical Systems Chiming Tsai and Suwen Hsu Silicon Valley Realtors Ivymax Mr. Lane Spencer Patron’s Circle Mr. and Mrs. Pitch Johnson Starlines $2,500 - $4,999 Mr. Philip Kurjan Mr. Kris Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Verne Bruce La Eleanor Swent Donald and Elizabeth Allen Fountain, Jr. Teamwrkx Mechanical Altos Foundation, Inc. Lipscomb Real Estate, Inc. Jeffrey and Catherine Thermond Asian Americans for Community Lytton Garden Residents Assoc. Ms. Hsin-ching I. Tsui Outreach Magnum Drywall Mr. Dave P. Whipp Financial Donations

The legacy Society The Legacy Society of the American Red Cross honors and recognizes those individuals who help to continue our lifesaving work by making a gift to the Silicon Valley Chapter in their will, trust estate plan, Legacy Society member Anona Roman and or through a life income gift. former Board Chair and Planned Giving Advisory Council Member Pam Hedblad.

Weston and Jeanette Anderson Pete and Arline Harman Heidi and Bill Ordwein Rich Andrews Margot and Michael Harrigan Dale O’Rourke Adrian and Monica Arima Pam Hedblad-Aquilina Rex Painter Carlos and Ann Avila Chuck Hess Geraldine Payne Jack Ayre Harold Hoge Joan Platt Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Benningsen Carol Hoskins Bert and Ann Raphael Janette Boehm Bernice Jackson Barbara Raven Margaret Boryan Robert and Paula Johanson Scott and Julie Render Shelley and Steve Brown Ginger Johnson Anona Roman Lin S. Chuang J. Michael Kasperzak Joyce Ruys Claudia and Bill Coleman Ann Kato Willard Salmons Diana Conklin Robert Kelly Christina and Duane Sands Don and Miriam De Jongh Nancy Kirk Norman Schwartz Shevlin de la Rosa Zetta Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Horace Shelton Peggy De Shazo Ronni Lacroute Norman E. Shiller Charitable Trust Sue Dibble Bernard Lacroute Alice Smith Elizabeth and Larry Dietz Barbara Larson Larkin C. David Spence John and Terry Dolan Tinsley and Betty Lee Fern Swanson Shirley and Leonard Ely Larry and Kathy Lohman Annemarie and Pedro Szente Gabor and Elizabeth Erdelyi Dr. Joanne Loomba Darlene Thaxton Dorothy Fern Monserrat Martinez Oskar and Barbara Thurnher Robert and Patricia Fondiller Audrey Matzen Zara Van Wichen Patti Fry Hal Mickelson Christopher Vinh Alice Fuentes Jeannette Mihalak Dennis Volkman James and Maureen Fullerton Kathleen Miller Lawrence Wallace Pilar L. Furlong Hoyt and Nancy Nelson Curt Weil Chuck and Nan Geschke Urdene Newfarmer Gerard Wen Robert and Joan Grant Alicia and Merrill Newman Diane Wesson Loretta and Bill Green Joyce O’Donnell Mary and Wallace Wilcox Bob Grimm Eldon Okazaki Kathleen and Graham Wright Janet Grubel Tammy Okuda Ruth Yoshioka Margaret P. Haneberg Omiydar/MirDjalali Trust Financial Statement

STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES 2009 PUBLIC SUPPORT AND REVENUES Public Support Monetary Contributions 2,146,085 United Way 68,495 Special Events 151,569 Grants 22,800 Total Public Support $2,388,949 Revenue Interest Income 37,001 Net unrealized and realized gains on investments (395,399) Program service fees 1,011,135 Inter-Red Cross Revenue 1,225 Other 29,087 Total Revenue $683,049 TOTAL PUBLIC SUPPORT AND REVENUES $3,071,998 EXPENSES Program Services Armed Forces Emergency Services 221,092 Disaster Services 1,045,109 Public Education and Health Services 1,616,828 Community Services 475,954 Total Program Services $3,358,983 Supporting Services Fundraising 836,932 Management & General 233,908 Total Supporting Services $1,070,840 TOTAL EXPENSES $4,429,823

Net Assets Beginning of Year $5,335,291 Net Assets End of Year $3,977,466 Change in Net Assets ($1,357,825) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 2009 ASSETS Cash & Cash Equivalents 474,164 Investments 773,489 Inter-Red Cross Receivables 195,079 Receivables 59,820 Inventory and Other Assets 40,002 Land, Building & Equipment 2,639,485 TOTAL ASSETS $4,334,880 LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities 152,336 Inter-Red Cross Payables 56,091 Other Liabilities 148,987 Total Liabilities $357,414 Net Assets Unrestricted 3,689,326 Temporarily Restricted 262,940 Endowment 25,200 Total Net Assets $3,977,466 TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS $4,334,880 Board Of Directors Jean H. Mordo Former Executive Vice President, The Scotts Company— International Jim Morgensen Vice President, Property Mgmt. Group, VeriSign Patti Fry - Chair Bruce Entin Former Principal, IBM Global Former CEO, Siliquent Inho Myong Services Technologies Product Engineering Manager, Tyco Electronics Catherine Peterson - Vice Chair Larry Hebb Former Vice President of Investor Senior Vice-President, Northern George Papazian Relations, Business Objects Trust Principal, Naviscent, LLC Khashayar Alaee - Secretary Gloria Hom Swetha Prabhakar Recreation Services Manager, City Educator Emeritus, Mission Freshman, Stanford University of Palo Alto College Steve Rasmussen Skip Mancini - Treasurer Susan Hoerger Owner, The Milk Pail Market President, B. T. Mancini Co., Inc. Director of HR Compliance Stanford University School of Shyam Rangole Arra Yerganian - Immediate Medicine Former Vice President Past Chair Information Technology, Sun President, Level III Services, Inc. Veena Jain Microsystems Math Mentor, Santa Clara County John Dolan - Immediate Past Education Instructional Services Norm Robinson Chair Emeritus Staff, Stanford President, Dolan Capital R. Michael Kasperzak, Jr. University Management Principal, Silicon Valley Mediation Group Lance Sapera Shelley Brown - Executive Retired Navy Committee Member at Large Daniel Kim Former Senior Vice President, Senior, The Richard Slavin, M.D. Human Resources, Ariba, Inc. Physician, Palo Alto Foundation Mark Liao Medical Foundation Lois Adams Stanford University graduate Community Volunteer Alice Smith Yvonne Lin Attorney Ciara Balagot Senior, President, Rivermark Moms Sherman Tran, M.D. Bobbie Lopez Physician, Spine & Sports Dennis Boyle Independent Apparel & Fashion Medical Group Partner, IDEO Consultant John Turner Eddie Correa Ray Mack Contact Representative, Social Demand Planning Manager, Cisco Vice President & Sr. Relationship Security Administration Manager, Pacific Capital Bank Kelly Davis Commercial Banking Group Jeffrey N. Williams Senior Vice President and Founder and Principal, The RegionalManager, Heritage Bank of Jack Maxfield Alchemy Team Consulting to Commerce Community Volunteer Business Helen Duong Norita Mengu Geoff Ziman Lease Administration Manager, Senior, Andrew Hill High School Community Volunteer Boston Properties LP Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement

The American Red Cross is part of an international organization with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and societies in more than 175 countries around the world. Begun in 1859 by Henry Dunant, it is unique among voluntary service organizations because it is founded on a set of seven principles that all Red Cross volunteers and paid staff around the world are asked to practice. The seven principles are:

HUMANITY - The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in dedicated to preventing human suffering wherever it is found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. IMPARTIALITY - It does not discriminate concerning nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress. NEUTRALITY - It may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of political, racial, religious or ideological nature. INDEPENDENCE - While subject to the laws of its respective countries, it must always maintain its autonomy from the government so that it may be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement. Voluntary Service - It is a voluntary relief movement without any desire for gain. Unity - There can be only one Red Cross or Red Crescent Society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory. Universality - It is a worldwide institution, in which all National Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other. Be Red Cross Ready

Preparing for a disaster before it strikes is vital Visit us online to learn how you can:

1. Get a Kit 2. Make a Plan 3. Be Informed

Contact the American Red Cross Silicon Valley Chapter for more information about disaster preparedness training, emergency preparedness kits and creating a family communication plan.

www.siliconvalley-redcross.org 1-877-727-6771 San Jose Office Palo Alto Office 2731 North First Street 400 Mitchell Lane San Jose, CA 95134 Palo Alto, CA 94301