What Surprises Me in

As the sun sets over many Taiwanese Towns and cities, people everywhere head for the market known as “,” which usually operates from 6 pm to after midnight. These collections of street stalls, sidewalk vendors, and small canteens are a major part of the Taiwanese social scene. As an African from The Gambia, local markets similar to the night market operate during the day; it was quite amazing a few days after my arrival in Taiwan when I was invited by friends to join them for an evening outing to the in . I have seen them joining friends to be part of the amusement and socialization in other night markets in city, Liouho and Hsinshing Night Markets. Some of Taiwan's more famous night markets include Shilin Night Market, Rao He Night Market, and Huaxi Street Tourist Night Market in Taipei, in , Siaobei Night Market in Tainan, Liouhe Night Market in Kaohsiung, and Miaokou (Temple Gate) Night Market in . Unlike our day markets, which have all forms of goods on display ranging from food to consumer products, the Night market in Taiwan is an excellent environment for shopping, eating and hanging out with friends in the cool of the evening.

The larger Night Market take place in built market places while smaller or more informal ones tend to occupy streets or roads that are normal thoroughfares by day. The atmosphere is usually crowded and noisy with hawkers shouting and fast paced music playing over loud speaker. They are mostly frequented by youths dressed in popular fashion outfits. Night markets have a wide range of goods for sale ranging from fresh food, fruits, clothing, electronics, etc. but they are famous for their “ ” (finger foods) severed as carry over. Some night markets have only food for sale especially traditional Taiwanese food, while bigger ones have a mixture of food and consumer goods. Another surprising activity in the Night Market is the variety of carnival style games with all types of prices to win.

Typical Taiwanese are found in Night Markets everywhere known for their low price usually fried or grilled and packed in small paper bags. The most prominent because of its stinky smell making you never to miss the location of a night is the “.” Unfortunately I haven’t had a bite of it yet but there is a popular saying that the more stinky the better the taste. The other snacks include fried chicken fillet, other forms of tofu, gizzards, fish balls, oyster omelet, hotdogs, chicken chawarma, Pan-fried Dumplings, , Soup Dumplings, Taiwanese . Pearl tea with milk is also a popular drink; others include other forms of tea or fruit juices.

Fashion also plays a key role in Night markets. All forms of outfits are on display usually cheaper than those of the department stores. As a result, it’s an affordable across different youth age groups. Shoes are also for sale. You can also have your nails done, eyelashes fixed and also jewelry to suit your style. In summary, you can get a complete fashion make over from head to toe.

Electronics like mobiles, mp3, etc can also be brought although vendors may take

advantage of market environment to sell gray market or counterfeit products. While purchasing things in night markets, it is common for customers to bargain prices with the vendors.

All in all the Night Market in Taiwan is a one stop avenue to sample local cuisine. Do your shopping while taking in the local culture and nightlife.