Pastors and Sexual Misconduct
FIRS T MINISTRY Seventhly Adyentist MinisjtetjiaJ, Assc^Jfori and has been published since 19287 Association Secretary James A. Cress Tending our own spiritual fires Editor Willmore a -Eva Formative theoughts on nurturing personal spirituality as a Assistant Editor for Management lulia W. Norcott Editorial Assistant Sheila Draper leader Professional Growth and tnterchurch Relations Bert B. Beach Nikolaus Sat*elrnajer Clifford GoWstfiirt, Peter Prime, Joel Sarii, Kit Watts International Editors: "In the beginning God . , ," French fotw Graz Inter-American Division Felix Cortes A big-picture historical review of the creation-evolution South American Division Zinaldo A. Santos dialogue among Seventh-day Adventists in recent years Consulting Editors: Ben Clausen, Raouf Dederen, Teofilo Ferreira, Ron Gerhard Pfandl Flowers, Michael Hasel, Roland Hegstad, Kathleen Kuntaraf, Ekkehardt Mueller, Jan Pautsen, Robert Peach, Angel Manuel Rodnguez, Penny Shell, William Shea, Russell Staples, Richard Tibbits, Ted Wilson, Edward Zinke Pastoral Assistant Editors: John C. Cress, f redrick Russell, Maylan Schurch, Loren Seifooid International Advisors: Ale|andro Bullon, John How has the postmodern paradigm affected Adventist Duroe, Andrews Ewoo, Paulraj Isaiah, Anthony Kent, Ivan Manilich, Zacchaeus Mathema, Ivan Omana, David thought, belief, and worldview? Osborne, Peter Roennfeldt, Bruno Vertallier Reinder Bruinsma Pastoral Advisors: Leslie Baumgartner, S, Peter Campbell, Miguel A, Certw, Jeanne Hartwell, Mitchell Hensafi^©ktorma.OsfeorB, teslie,W!ard, pao.Smlth, Steve Vyillsey Advertising Editorial Office A to Ki$ Ministerial Association Resource Project Coordinator Cathy Payne A response to Miroslav Kis©s eight-part series on pastoral Cover Photo Getty Images misconduct Digital Illustration Harry Knox Mark Carr Subscriptions: 12 issues (double issue for luly/August): United States US$29,99; Canada and overseas US$31.99; airmail US$41.75; single copy US$3,00.
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