2005 (Pdf, 4.7
2006 Global Citizenship Report Vital Responsible Ethical Global Governance Integrity Technology Product Innovative Reliable Operations Speed Agility Supply Expert Privacy Trustworthy Safety Collaborative Employee Citizenship Diversity Engaging Customer Relationship Accessible Social Meaningful Profitable Public Leadership Optimistic Forward Growth Inventive Essential Report About this report Table of contents GRI indicators* Scope 1. Introduction . 3 2.11-2.13, 2.15 This report describes HP’s HP’s global citizenship priorities . 3 3.19 global citizenship activities L e t t e r f ro m C EO M a r k H u rd . 4 1.1-1.2 worldwide. It charts HP’s progress in fiscal year 2005. H P p ro fi l e . 5 2.1-2.8, 3.7, EC1-EC2 Letter from Diana Bell . 7 1.1-1.2 Reporting year Global citizenship . 8 1.1, 3.6, 3.19 All data are for HP’s fiscal year 2005 (ending October 31, 2005), Economic value . 12 EC3, EC5, EC6, EC8, EC13 unless otherwise noted. 2. Governance and ethics . 15 Corporate governance . 15 3.1-3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8 Currency and measurement All $ references in this document Business ethics . 16 3.7, HR10, SO2, SO7, PR9 are U.S. dollars, unless otherwise 3. Product environmental impacts . 18 3.19, EN14 noted. D e s i g n f o r E nvi ro n m e n t . 18 3.16-3.17, PR6 Measures used in the report are E n e rgy e f fi ci e n c y . 22 EN30 metric, except where stated.
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