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Annualreport Annual Report 2012 ¡Celebramos tu éxito! Index Annual Report 2012 ¡Celebramos tu éxito! Index Message of the President of the Board Deposits by kind of Origin General Shareholders Meeting Deposits by kind of Currency Board Deposits by Agency Joint Management Financing Sources Internal Audit Unit. Body of Institutional Control. Risk Unit Management. Technology Management of Information. Deputy CHAPTER V Integral Risk Management Managers of Credits. Regional Heads. Heads of Areas. Risk Management of Credit Administrators. Unit Heads. Risk Management of Liquidity Risk Management of Market CHAPTER I Profile of the Company Operational Risk Management Social Capital – Ownership structure Risk Coverage CHAPTER II Vision. Mission and Values of the Caja Municipal ICA CHAPTER VI Management of Human Resources Our Vision Execution of the Annual Plan of Training Our Mission Personnel Selection Institutional Values Program of Credit Analysts Training Recognitions and Celebrations CHAPTER III Economic Environment Health and Benefits Peruvian Economy 2012 Financial Stability CHAPTER VII Economic Results System of Municipal Saving Boxes and Credit of Perú. Evaluation of the General Balance Accounts Profitability indicator CHAPTER IV Asset and Liability Management Portfolio Quality Asset Management Operative Efficiency Evolution of Credit Balances Capitalization Evolution of the Number of Credit Clients Leverage Structure of the Portfolio of Placements per Accounting Statement Placement Portfolio by kind of credit CHAPTER VIII Budget Execution 2012 Placement Portfolio by kind of Currency Structure of the Credit Portfolio by Agency CHAPTER IX Social Impact Portfolio Quality - Delinquency ratio Products and Services Risk Portfolio Ratio – Portfolio Coverage Social Responsibility Sponsorships and Events Participation Liabilities Management Evolution of Deposits Balances CHAPTER X Audited Financial Statements Deposits by product 5 Message of the President of the Board Annual Report 2012 ¡Celebramos tu éxito! Message of the President of the Board I am pleased to present you the annual memory and the financial statements of the Caja Municipal Ica corresponding to the economic exercise 2012 and in which are reflected the achievements by our business and organization and the policies implemented on behalf of our clients during said period. In the closure of this year, our relationship of trust has been reflected with our clients who exceed 148 thousand among savers and borrowers. Our financial indicators as of December 31, show that the total of assets is S/.858´335,560, placements reached S/. 617´454,069 and the profits reached more than S/. 9´000,000. It is important to indicate that our shares were also oriented to the sanitation of our portfolio, achieving that the delinquency indicator closed by 5.74%. A new promise of value in which the ratio of success highlights between our company and its clients, gave new impetus to our brand in 2012. The motto “We celebrate your Success” represents our commitment to work together; it reveals our attitude of optimism with entrepreneurship and with each one of its achievements, everything that we achieved together. We strengthen during 2012 our presence in the markets in which we operate offering a better infrastructure and greater technology. We opened new agencies in Villa El Salvador (Lima) and in the city of Pisco (Ica) extending even more the coverage of our services both in quality and in geographical scope placing us as a financial offer which is increasingly inclusive. To grow also implies we have become facilitators of development in the places where we have presence, offering 8 Annual Report 2012 ¡Celebramos tu éxito! financial services with technologies and proper models of valuable sponsorship to the different sporting and artistic attention and, to design saving and credit products that activities, for the benefits they provide in leisure, health and promote and generate progress for the populations that suffer competitiveness, to children and young people. exclusion and poverty.It is clear that we have created great We want to be greater as enterprise, but specially, we seek to be opportunities in these regions for the development of our line of better for the persons and the environment in which we live. business and the talent, skills and strengths to maintain our The challenges of a dynamic and competitive economy, also leadership. requires innovation, to deliver the best professional and human In the informatics area, we have developed a high level of talent with high performance; therefore, we select, train and efficiency and efficacy in the automatization of processes of integrate those who are in charge of leading the institution to the attention to users, as well as in the procedures of credit best management and sustainability levels. evaluation, incorporating in this same line, the controls related to management and control of money laundering. As part of our strategy of business continuity, we have implemented and we have successfully tested, the technological mechanisms to timely reply before any adverse event that might affect our capacity to render a good service to our clients, increasing the confidence of a quick recovery of our required services, before the eventuality of a disaster. Our permanent commitment with the welfare of the community gives us a distinctive mark as a socially responsible organization, because we develop an entrepreneurial culture and financial inclusion that searches not only the tangible benefit in business and in the activities of clients, but also within their family and environment. The Social Responsibility in the Caja Municipal Ica has been translated in the different activities that have guided our performance during 2012, among which are the promotion of culture, tradition and folklore. It has also been recognized, our 9 Annual Report 2012 ¡Celebramos tu éxito! We are conscious that these objectives will be possible with satisfied and committed collaborators. In this way, we continue developing policies and activities that promote their personal, familiar and labor benefit, as well as the promotion to fill better positions within our organization, with the corresponding benefits. At this time has elapsed, we know to grow with our clients, businessmen that manage small businesses, entrepreneurs who have drawn a new face to the Peruvian economy and to those who we admire with proud for their tenacity and perseverance to face the current challenges, with ambition and success. To end, I wish to express my recognition to the representatives of the General Shareholders Meeting for its permanent support to our management. To the Board, which I have the honor of chairing, for its determination in order that our company continues a permanent and successful performance in the efficient micro finance industry and with a high social sense. To our Jointly Management for its able management with vision and leadership that converts us in a competitive reference; to each one of our collaborators in all levels of the organization, for its contribution in achieving our institutional objectives and for making reality the personal projects and the future of families of our more than 148 thousand clients, whose trust is our most valuable asset. Presidente del Directorio Rvdo. Edmundo Hernández Aparcana 10 Governing Body Annual Report 2012 ¡Celebramos tu éxito! General Shareholders Meeting PRESIDENT C.P.C. Javier Gustavo Martínez García President of the General Shareholders Meeting Board PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT Rvdo. Edmundo Rufino Ing. José Antonio Carrasco Gonzales Hernández Aparcana Catholic Church Representative of the Commerce Representative Chamber, Industry and Tourism of Ica 12 Annual Report 2012 ¡Celebramos tu éxito! Directors Lic. Adm. José Alberto Tipacti Flores Representative of the Majority of the Province Municipality of Ica Ing. José Julio Salcedo Monasi Representative of the Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo (COFIDE) C.P.C. Jacqueline Diana Zumaeta Beramendi Representative of the Majority of the Province Municipality of Ica Prof. Cesar Augusto Ruiz Lévano Representative of the Association of Small and Medium Enterpreneurs (APEMIPE) Econ. Walter Primitivo Quispe Uchuya Representative of the Minority of the Province Municipality of Ica 13 Annual Report 2012 ¡Celebramos tu éxito! Jointly Management Mag. William Cesar Ferrer Jaúregui Manager of Savings and Finance Mag. Rosa María Higa Yshii Administration Manager C.P.C.C. Francisco Abilio Hilario Soto Credit Manager 14 Annual Report 2012 ¡Celebramos tu éxito! Internal Audit Unit Regional Heads C.P.C. Rosendo Carlos Espinoza Gamboa Lic. Adm. Luis Gilberto Gómez Uribe Manager of the Internal Audit Unit Regional Head North Zone Institutional Control Body Abog. Freddy Armando Liendo Diaz Regional Head Center Zone C.P.C. Julio Abel Angulo Sánchez Head of the Institutional Control Body Lic. Adm. José Luis Campos Raffo Institutional Control Body Regional Head of South Econ. Armando Giraldo Reyes Areas Heads Manager of the Risk Unit Attorney Miriam Pilar Salazar Martínez Head of the Legal Department Information Technology Management C.P.C.C. Javier Martín Muñante Chacaltana Ing. Sist. Carlos Nelson Ramos Montes Head of the Accounting Department Deputy Manager of Credits Economist Carlos Alberto Gálvez Chávez Deputy Manager of Credits Head of the Products Department Ing. Agron. Javier Luna Orellana Lic. Adm. Rosa Kelly Herencia Reyes Deputy Manager of Credits Head of the Logistics Department 15 Annual Report
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