The Light Beyond Death COMPILED FROM WRITINGS BY MAX HEINDEL The Rosicrucian Fellowship MT. ECCLESIA OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA, USA COPYRIGHT 2001 BY THE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP All rights, including that of translation, reserved. For permission to copy or translate, application should be made to the publisher. THE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 2222 MISSION AVENUE PO BOX 713 OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA, 92049-0713, USA Telephone: (760) 757-6600 Fax: (760) 721-3806
[email protected] COMPILED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA June 2001 Max Heindel, spiritual Initiate and messenger of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, was born in Denmark on July 23, 1865. He became a shipping engineer and eventually emigrated to the United States. By 1905 he had become seriously interested in the study of metaphysics, and spent the next few years consciously working and searching for spiritual Truths. When he was visiting Germany in 1907, the Elder Brother of the Rose Cross who became his Teacher made contact with him on the inner planes. He was instructed in the etheric Temple of the Rose Cross, receiving the occult Teachings that he eventually incorporated into The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, published in November 1909. He founded The Rosicrucian Fellowship in August 1909, and spent his remaining years, until January 6, 1919, writing, lecturing, establishing Fellowship Headquarters in Oceanside, California, and generally spreading the Teachings of Esoteric Christianity - the pioneer spiritual Teachings which will prepare all humanity for the New Age of Aquarius, when all nations will join in Universal Brotherhood. ROSICRUCIAN SYMBOLISM “Divine symbols which have been given to mankind from time to time speak to that forum of truth which is within our hearts, and waken our consciousness to divine ideas entirely beyond worlds.” - Max Heindel.