40/40 Leaders Region’s leaders to watch Section B $ 1 NEWS Sept. 24-Oct. 7, 2010 Vol. 15, No. 26 Survey says: CRE www.ncbr.com market same as ‘09 Everitt Center finds industry expects ’11 to be slightly better Page 2A Engines and Energy lab to grow Marriott foreclosure sign of hotel times Properties stay open, and EECL director, said the addi- but recession tough Details finalized on 50,000-square-foot expansion tional space is needed for class- on nation’s hoteliers rooms, laboratories, offices and Page 3A By Steve Porter rebirth in 1992 when Colorado Discussions are being finalized future growth.
[email protected] State University professor Bryan with the city to expand the EECL “We started the lab in 1992 Willson moved in to create the by 50,000 square feet, with a new with just one professor — me — FORT COLLINS — The old Engines and Energy Conversion addition planned for the facility’s and now we have over a dozen Fort Collins power plant on North Laboratory, is about to see a new front-yard area. Willson, a and tons of companies working College Avenue, which found a chapter in its 75-year-old history. mechanical engineering professor See ENGINES, 35A 2010 not yet a bounce-back year Who THE EDGE EmploymentEmEmpplplloymentooyment ChangesCChanghangges SinceSince thethe RecessionRRecessReceecesesssion BeganBegan Plans and brands 1 are change with times Sage updates look, .999 Northern message to reflect new business model .988 Colorado’s Page 13A 1974-1976 .977 1980 ? 1981-1983 SPECIAL .966 1990-1993 2001-2005 Illustration by David Badders REPORT .95 2007-present Precision Wind moves to Boulder .94 Wind-energy needs SOURCE: MARTIN SHIELDS precise forecasts for .93 best financial results 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Page 19A months LONG WAY TO GO — This chart was presented by Colorado State University economist Martin Shields at the Northern Colorado LISTS Business Report’s Mid Year Economic Update in July.