Candidates Square Off for Union Policy Board Spots Forum on Bosnia Stirs

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Candidates Square Off for Union Policy Board Spots Forum on Bosnia Stirs WWTrffiWWJMWTOWWW!^^ ^JIjPilljljlwW;;!)!^ .•••••.•.•••.••.•.: • ' MWWMIWHHMNHH. BicN • • : t Wocdsfock partidpartf,;::gg Wv^WB&M"x%^i^r'.': Established 1956 Volume 37, Number 44 i Candidates square off for Union Policy Board spots By Chad Sirovina secretary, make up the Helping Wright, UPB building committee has been active in student govern­ sure that the things she has worked Operate the Union through Stu­ chairperson, for secretary. ment for about 1 1/2 years, sees on this year are carried through. On March 31 and April 1, dent Efforts party. The goals of SMILE include the job of the chairperson as get­ Dunstan is opposed to the students will vote on who they According to Dunstan, the improved security; improved food ting people motivated and repre­ chancellor's proposal to ban smok­ want to represent them as chair­ HOUSE party wants to improve in service with longer hours, lower senting the UPB to outside sources. ing in the Union. She said that the person and secretary of the Union three specific areas: safety, envi­ prices, and expanded menus; and "You can take advantage of $400,000 loss in revenue was the Policy Board. ronment, and student services/con­ increasing student input in all as­ the position and learn something, reason for her opposition. This year two parties are com­ cerns. pects of running the Union. or you can sit back and do noth­ "I think a lot of students will peting for the positions. Their opponents are the Stu­ The positions of chairperson ing," Dunstan said. stop coming," said Dunstan in a Arlene Dunstan, the incum­ dents Making Improvements in and secretary are the only two Dunstan's previous student recent debate between the two bent chairperson running for re­ Leadership and Education party. positions of the sixteen member organization experience includes parties in the Fireside Lounge on election, and Mark Schroeder, who SMILE is made up of Mike UPB that are elected by the stu­ SA and FOCUS. March 23. sits on the Segregated Fees Alloca­ Folkerts, Student Association trea­ dents. According to Dunstan, who is Dunstan said that she was up­ tion Committee and is running for surer, for chairperson, and Tom The incumbent Dunstan, who running for the position for the set when Chancellor Schroeder third time, she had originally went to the SA for advice on the planned not to run for office. Union because the UPB has com­ "Tim Wilmot (Union Direc­ plete authority over the building. tor) inspired me to run again," she However, once she talked to him, An affair of another sort... said. he came to the UPB in regards to Dunstan also said a reason for running for re-election was to make Please see UPB page 3 Forum on Bosnia stirs heated debate By Eric J. Pledl On Monday afternoon, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee students and faculty were provided a glimpse into the complexity of the events now taking place in what used to be Yugoslavia at a forum in the Wisconsin Room. Although there were many opinions heard, the most heated comments came from audience members, not the panelists, who were UWM faculty members Dr. Donald Pienkos, Dr. Abbas Hamdani and Dr. Neal Pease. Those in attendance were vocal, especially during the question and answer period which quickly became a forum for the opinions of whoever had the floor at a given time. There were few questions asked. The presentations of the panelists which kicked off the event were primarily aimed at outlining the historical events that brought the region to where it is now. According to Dr. Pease, Professor of Eastern European History, this is not the first time that there has been a Bosnian v^»JW< crisis. As far back as 1875, as the Ottoman Turkish Empire crumbled, Bosnia-Herzegovina came under the occupation of the Austrian Empire, and, he said, a larger conflict was avoided. According to Pease, the Austrian Empire did this to broaden its presence in the Balkan Region and MI also as an effort "to try to put down, what even then Austria Hungary L I. " perceived as a mortal threat to its own well-being, the ambitions of Serbia 'Post photo by Bret Holmes to encompass Bosnia and Herzegovina within its own frontiers." Jasmii m brand of funky jazz Another larger conflict was averted, although not for long, Pease Wedm Eighth h itne i hen said, in 1908-09 when Russia allowed the Austrian Empire to officially plays i annex Bosnia-Herzegovina. In return, Russia received other conces- Please see BOSNIApape 3 University seeks compliance with safety efforts By Eric J. Pledl do not obey signs and flagmen Milwaukee, however, insisted block, adding to the danger. the other side of the street in who are directing traffic. that the street remain open. "It can be a potentially dan­ front of Lapham Hall to dis­ University of Wisconsin- Two large buildings such There have been no inju­ gerous area if people are not courage jaywalking. Pedestri­ Milwaukee officials, con­ as these going up simulta­ ries or mishaps so far, but cognizant of safety concerns," ans should cross at the inter­ cerned about the safety of the neously mean that there is al­ Kurzawa said that there is "a Kurzawa said. sections to avoid walking in the street. campus community, have is­ most constant heavy construc­ lot of concern" among UWM But he admits that is a hard Kurzawa feels that people sued a warning to motorists tion activity in the area and officials that something could thing to control. have adapted well to this situ­ and pedestrians who use Mary­ there is very little staging area happen. "Who knows if it's anyone ation, but many pedestrians are land Ave. between Kenwood available on the site. Kurzawa said that even in the university community still walking 500 feet in the Blvd. and Hartford Ave. According to John when the street has been closed who is doing it," he said. street rather than obeying the Officials are fearful that Kurzawa, of the UWM Plan­ for short periods of time to The sidewalk near the Hart­ signs. construction of the new School ning and Construction staff, unload trucks, some drivers ford School must be kept open The University Police De­ of Business Administration on attempts were made by the ignore the flagmen directing for the loading and unloading partment has been alerted to the east side of the street and university to.close the street traffic, often driving blindly of school buses. Farther down the problem, but, according to the new Architecture Building during the approximately two around the trucks being un­ the block, however, UWM put Kurzawa, they are, not able to on the west side may cause years that it will take to com­ loaded. He also said that Mary­ up a temporary fence near the monitor the situation on a con­ stant basis. serious injury to people who plete the projects. The City of land Ave. is not flat in that work site and another fence on Page 2 March 25, 1993 riefs Paul Kramer and Friends to Service Milwaukee Psychiatric Hospital present chamber music recital commission offers education programs "Paul Kramer and Friends" will present a free chamber music recital Milwaukee Psychiatric Hospital's Outpatient and Community Services at 3 p.m„ Sunday, April 4 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee OKs plant site Center will offer several community education programs in April 1993. They Fine Arts Recital Hall. Earlier this month, the Public Ser- include: In addition to Kramer, professor of oboe and chamber music at vice Commission of Wisconsin ap­ "Largely Positive" Support Group, which is a free support group UWM, the concert will feature The Veronika String Quartet; Marjorie proved Wisconsin Electric Power promoting healthy lifestyles for larger people. The support group meets from Fowler, soprano; Toba Kramer, piano; James Przygocki, viola; Trischa Company's request to construct a fa­ 7:30 to 8:30 pm. every Thursday at Milwaukee Psychiatric Hospital, 1220 Seaman, cello; Kimberly Ashford-Hawkinson, English horn; and Kelly cility at Oak Creek Power Plant to Dewey Ave., Wauwatosa. Kennedy, oboe. manufactiireacommercial-gradelight- On April 1 from 7 to 8:30 pm. at the hospital's auditorium, 'Evil: Getting For more information on the April 4 recital, please call 229-4800. weight aggregate product from fly ash to Know Your Shadow" will be offered. This presentation focuses on the produced at the plant reasons and functions of our shadow side. Wisconsin Electric will now be For more information about these and other programs offered at Milwau­ able to market up to 70 percent of the kee Psychiatric Hospital, please calll 258-2600, ext. 344. Mount Mary College to sponsor Oak Creek plant's fly ash and can then mix it with sewerage sludge from local 'Beach Bash' March 26 municipalities at high temperatures to College students who are braving another cold Wisconsin winter are produce a lightweight aggregate. The Students of India Association to invited to bask in the warmth of hospitality at a "Beach Bash" dance at pelltized material can then be sold for Mount Mary College on Friday, March 26. It will be held in the North use in concrete and masonry applica­ hold annual India Day April 3 Dining Room from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tions. The sights, sounds and tastes of India return to the University of Wisconsin- The dance is sponsored by Mount Mary College Student Association. Milwaukee as the UWM Students of India Association holds its annual India Day General admission is $3. Guests dressed in beach attire will receive free celebration at 6 pm.
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