ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCH.COM 50 ¢ NEWSSTAND | 40 ¢ HOME DELIVERY THURSDAY | JANUARY 4, 2018 Starkville teacher arrested for child enticement to produce visu- unconfirmed reports he was es- Wednesday that McBeath is Columbus resident taught science at al depiction of corted from Armstrong Middle no longer employed with the sexual conduct. School during school hours. school district. She said Mc- Starkville’s Armstrong Middle School The Dispatch At the time, SPD couldn’t con- Beath was hired last summer to BY ALEX HOLLOWAY SPD, with assistance from has submitted a firm a response to the school. teach eighth grade science and
[email protected] the U.S. Marshal Task Force, public records Starkville-Oktibbeha Consoli- was in his first semester on the arrested 37-year-old Lacey Mc- request for the dated School District declined faculty. Starkville Police arrested affidavit on Mc- to comment, citing the matter McBeath is out of the Oktib- Beath, of Columbus, on felony a former Armstrong Middle Beath’s arrest. McBeath as a personnel issue. beha County Jail after posting School science teacher Wednes- warrants issued for enticement The Dispatch SOCSD Public Informa- $50,000 bond. He’s next sched- day for allegedly attempting to of a child to meet for sexual pur- requested information about tion Officer Nicole Thomas uled to appear in court on Feb. entice a child. poses and enticement of a child McBeath on Dec. 13, 2017, after confirmed to The Dispatch on 12. SHOWING HIS MOVES Fire destroys Holly Hills home in Columbus No one injured in the blaze; home was in the process of being renovated BY ISABELLE ALTMAN
[email protected] A house on Holly INSIDE Hills Road was destroyed ■ PHOTO: Wednesday night when a fire See a photo of engulfed the entire building.