Kitchen-Klatter (Reg. U.S. Pat Off.) MAGAZINE "More Than Just Paper And Ink" Leanna Field Driftmier, Founder Lucile Driftmier Vemess, Publisher Subscription Price $3.00 per year (12 issues) in the U.S.A. Foreign Countries $3.50 per year. Advertising rates made known on application. Entered as second class matter May 21, 1937, at the post office at Shenandoah, Iowa, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published monthly at The Driftmier Company Shenandoah, Iowa 51601 Copyright 1978 by The Driltmier Company.


Dear Long-Time Friends: Jed Lowey is almost all of the time in dress clothes at the office, but this is the rig he I'm sure that I have never written a wears when he and son, James, go off on one of their frequent fishing trips to the mountains. (Juliana wishes he would always be fishing instead of being at the office, letter before in these particular so she wouldn't have to wash and iron white shirts!) surroundings. I'm sitting in the waiting room of our dentist's office. James and trips since I last wrote to you. One of the the very late summer so we were looking Katharine are getting their teeth cleaned trips was to Chihuahua, Mexico, with my today and I'm grabbing this opportunity Community College Spanish class. summer.fmwa,d toIt "'""•was spectacular! th• '°"""" T - · to jot down a few lines. There were forty-two of us and we mountains were still covered w1 · w Usually when I write a letter, I block traveled by chartered bus. In fact, the and the Animas River was a · , . g out a length of time and pour myself a big whole trip was arranged for us­ torrent due to the run-off from the~w cup of coffee. However, things are so including accommodations at the Hotel melting in the mountains. t • hectic these days, I can see that several Victoria in the city of Chihuahua. This is The rest of the time we s "free" hours aren't likely to come about an old hotel that seemed to me to be the at the ancient Indian ruins in the near future. archetype Mexican hotel-the kind you Verde National Park. This-is al One of the major projects at this time see pictures of in travel brochures. we were camping. As most of y is to get James ready to go to summer It had lovely gardens, tiled swimming am very interested in archae camp for the first time. He will be gone pools, fountains, balconies with pots of was my cup of tea. Actu for two weeks. This camp is located in flowers cascading over the edges, palm Indian ruins aren't high on the Jemez Mountains about eighty miles trees and the wonderful slow-paced things to see, the beautiful 1 of from Albuquerque and is in an area Mexican atmosphere. The city of Mesa Verde makes it a worthwhile where we do a lot of camping, so James Chihuahua is an interesting place. It is a experience. will be in familiar surroundings. The very old city whose major industries are We especially enjoyed the trip to the camp stresses wilderness experience, cattle and mining. There are tpurs out to ruin called Balcony House. It is not an back packing, ecology, geology and the mines which we didn't have time to exceptionally large ruin, but its setting fishing. James was particularly take, much to my regret, for I think these makes it unusual. Believe me, it is a real interested in the latter! tours would be fascinating. I hope to challenge to climb the long ladders just to Because this is the first time I've sent a return to Chihuahua when I have time get in to see it. Climbing out, we followed child off for two weeks, I have had to and get to the mines we missed. part of a prehistoric stairway cut into revise my thinking concerning packing. The other outing was a camping trip to solid rock. I couldn't help wondering how With my washer and dryer I've never had Mesa Verde, Colorado. There were the ancient people who lived at Mesa d tremendous supply of clothing for the thirty-one people on this trip, and believe Verde ever had a moment's peace from children-certainly not two weeks' me, planning food for that many people is worrying about their children using those worth! Thank goodness, we have a a challenge. All of the women who were stone steps. factory outlet for children's clothing so I going met at my house a month before On the home front, I am still paid the outlet a visit yesterday. The the departure date. At that time, we gardening. (Jed refers to it as my major purchases were in the underwear planned the menus and then divided up gardening frenzy.) I have many pots of department. It then occurred to me that the food so that everyone was geraniums and petunias on my patio and this vast wardrobe would never fit in a responsible for several items. This these have to be watered twice a day in suitcase, but a friend was kind enough to proved exceptionally efficient. People this hot weather. So far, my vegetable loan us an old foot locker. who worked could bring the canned garden is doing very well. It is the largest I might add that when my friend goods and snacks, while those of us who one l have ever grown. Of course, we brought the foot locker, she laughed had more time turned out the homemade have our usual collection of weeds and heartily and told me not to be shocked if cakes and breads. We all furnished our bugs, but I have been keeping after them. half the clothing was never worn. Her own meats and drinkables. One insect which does defeat me every son had gone to camp last year and as far One day of the trip we all rode the year about this time is the dreaded as she could figure out, he had changed narrow-gauge railroad from Durango to squash bug. Nothing seems to touch his clothes only twice. Silverton. Jed, James, Katharine and I them. Our local paper has a gardening To backtrack in time, I have taken two had taken this trip several years ago in (Continued on page 19) KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 PAGE3 THE TRUMAN LIBRARY A Sunday afternoon was reserved recently for visiting the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, with friends who have lived in the area for years and never visited this interesting and historical place. People arrived in cars and chartered buses filling the parking lots to capacity. Entering the library, one is immediately impressed with the enormous Thomas Hart Benton mural depicting events of past history of Independence. Visitors browse at their own pace throughout this handsome building. Historical papers within glass cases require some time to peruse. In the last week of school this year, the two fourth grades of the school that Katha­ Most people are fascinated with the rine and James Lowey attend pooled their resources and put on a play titled "The Insatiable Dragon". All of the other children attended and as many oftheir parents beautiful gifts given to the late President as could. To make it seem really "grown up", they mimeographed the program and Truman and his family. Unusual, indeed, as each person entered he was handed a copy. Their text used many quotes from is a hand-carved dining room suite from genuine well-known plays, and this made for more thanJ"ust a play by little kids. the Philippines; hanging above on a James was the "Insatiable Dragon" and Juliana fashione a costume for him that made him look determined to get his prey. All of the other children were in cos­ balcony wall is a magnificent Oriental rug tumes too, so the play made for an exciting event all the way around. The school given by the Shah of Iran. The gifts are budget didn't allow for hiring a professional photographer, so James drew the numerous and beautiful and virtually above dragon on mimeograph paper. There was no earthly way to get a genuine everyone pauses after a tour to gaze into picture from that thin mimeograph paper, so James did the best he could given such conditions. VerY fortunately, we have a new girl, Carole Booker, down at our a glass case in the lobby containing solid Kitchen-Klatter plant who has a real talent for drawing and calligraphy. She went gold ceremonial swords and daggers over the dragon painstakingly and then it was ready to send to the printer. encrusted with pearls, rubies, emeralds -Lucile and enormous diamonds given by the Royal Families of Saudi Arabia and Iran. A NOTE FROM LUCILE IOWA'S FEATHERED FRIEND A quiet walk to an enclosed garden Dear Friends: What does Iowa have in common with brings one to the final resting place of the It isn't often that most of the space I the states of and late President. Silk flags from many usually occupy is taken over by a dragon, Washington? The Eastern Goldfinch, of countries line the walks. People, who had but this was the only way we could make course. This feathered friend is the state smiled and whispered in the library, the magazine go to~ther. bird of these states that represent three immediately change moods and silence Even though I haven't been anywhere diverse areas of the -the prevails. I always leave the library this summer, the days seem to have gone Midwest, the Northeast, and the Pacific impressed. by with great speed. As has been Northwest. On a recent spring morning, we were frequent in recent years, a hard and The goldfinch is four to five inches in shocked to read of the theft of three miserable winter gave 'way to a spring length and is smaller than the House ceremonial swords and two daggers that also acted fractious. Nothing Sparrow. In fact, the bird is a close from the Truman Library. Thieves had seemed to act "normal". relative of our native sparrows and in gained access to the library through the We've had lots of company and once wintertime resembles a sparrow since front doors, smashed the cases and again Betty Jane and I said we wished summer's bright yellow turns a dull gray. removed five of the most valuable people who come from far parts could The male goldfinch in summer is easily objects. A burglar alarm sounded but the somehow make the trip in the winter and recognized since he is the only small thieves had left the building, fled in a thus spread the activity that goes with yellow bird with a black cap and wings. waiting car and were gone by the time the company all through the year instead of The female is less colorful than her guard arrived in the lobby where the being crammed into three short months. mate. She is a dull olive-yellow. She lays display cases stand. Well, I guess we've been lucky to have three to six bluish white eggs in the nest The items stolen were appraised in any company at all what with the terrible that is made of grass, moss, and 1959 at approximately $92,000. Experts price of gasoline and so many highway thistledown and is located in a small tree now consider the value of the stones and disasters that it's a wonder people or bush a few feet above the ground. gold to be worth $1,000,000 in terms of venture out at all. One of the most interesting facts today's rising market of precious stones I've had to spend most of this summer about the Eastern Goldfinch is its and gold. A recent appraisal indicated with my head buried in figures, and I'll bet dependence upon the thistle. that one of the diamonds, which weighed this sounds familiar to practically Goldfinches do not nest until early seven carats and was flawless and of everyone these days. I received some summer when thistles have bloomed so perfect color, was worth $300,000 alone. very discouraged-sounding letters this the silky down can be used in the nests. It has been theorized that the stones will summer . . . and I certainly understand Also, thistle seed is relished by the birds. be removed professionally and sold; the them. As bird watchers know, the goldfinches gold will be melted down and sold as But no matter what, I hope you can still will flock to winter bird feeders that scrap. scrape up a 15-cent stamp because we contain thistle seeds. The tragic loss of these valuable and truly need to hear from you. So, if you are walking in a meadow or historic items cannot be measured on a Faithfully always . . . near a thicket of shrubbery and see a monetary scale for an irreplaceable small, yellow bird, say "Hi" to one of portion of history vanished in a daring Iowa's state symbols, the Eastern early-morning robbery that police Goldfinch. -Joe Taylor estimated took only 45 seconds! .,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,. -Harold R. Smith PAGE4 KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978

people here on earth for companionship, BUT He expects us to learn how to take A CAMPERS' care of His creation properly and to learn how to get along with other people. God WORSHIP is love. His love endures forever. LOOK AROUND YOU TO SEE THA TTHIS IS HOUR SO! Can we become "steadfast" in doing what God asks from us? Scripture: Psalms 8. by Hymn: "O How Glorious Full of Mabel Nair Brown Wonder", or "Let All the World in Every Comer Sing". Leader: May you always camp Where the water runs sweet, Summertime finds many families mankind, God has given the right of With plenty of shade and grass, call}ping out over the weekend while choice. If we chose to incorporate into Where we'll tread trails of hope, others may be vacationing or traveling. our lives those guidelines which Christ And friendships meet. Either situation offers a fine opportunity taught, then we can truly live in harmony Prayer: Open our eyes, our Father, to to pause for a special, informal worship with God's world. the simple beauty all around us, and time out-of-doors with various family When God put us in this world, He open our hearts to the loveliness of all members taking some part in the passed to us a responsibility to care for mankind, if we but try hard enough to service-and why not ask a fellow that which He had created. But we must care and to understand. Show us the camper to share these moments of decide if we make that choice, if we vision of a world made new and help us to meditation and song with you? (Whether accept the responsibility. All nature is keep that vision always before us, to do we've stopped at a roadside park on a calling us to preserve, to keep and to our part in bringing it about. Grant us wooded hillside, or gathered under a tree protect the "beauty of the earth" which wisdom and peace in Christ's name we near our campsite, or around a campfire we sang about. pray. Amen. in the evening, we have always found We take pride in the great strides some fellow campers or travelers who we have made in education, in were happy to join us in our worship time scientific discoveries. BUT are we so together.) smart? It would seem that people who Treasure Call to Worship: (in unison) This is can put a spaceship on the moon, ought Hunt the day which the Lord hath made; let us to figure out a way to do away with rejoice and be glad in it. pollution and with the despoiling of Prayer Poem: God's beautiful world. We should put Here's a new way to have a treasure Maker of our planet, Earth, every effort into conservation of energy hunt at your next party. It takes a little Of moon and stars and sun; and water. more thinking on the part of the players We come in awe and wonder It is we who have failed, not than mere directions. Maybe that's why At all that Thou has done. God. The seasons come and go year it's more fun, too! In humble adoration after year. Storms and drouth may Place different objects at a number of Our voices now we raise come, but sunshine and rains follow spots on the way to the treasure. Then For the beauty of the earth eventually. The beauty of the earth is write clues for your treasure hunters in We offer prayer and praise. -M.N.B. renewed. The question we must answer the form of riddles. These clues should Scripture: I Chron. 17:23-25 and is: "What are we doing with God's suggest where the hunters might look for Psalms 95:1-3. world?" the articles that mark the treasure trail. Hymn: "For the Beauty of the In the beginning, God created the They should also be placed near those Earth". (Have someone sing the main world and God continues to create objects. part of each verse, then all join in at the today, giving life to all that lives. Part of Here is one example: "On a nearby close of each verse to sing the words: that creation is the knowledge that He tree, you'll find a tablet you can't write "Lord of all to Thee we raise,(fhis our gives to scientists and to us. Let us use on." The clever player will look for an hymn of grateful praise.") our knowledge to understand this world aspirin which, of course, is a tablet you Scripture: Read Psalms 136: 1-9 and in which we live, to appreciate it and to can't write on. 26 as a litany with one person reading the care for it in the way that is part of God's You'll be able to make up your own lead lines and the rest joining to repeat plan for His world and for us. riddles to suit the object, but here are the words.for his steadfast love endures As we look at the beauty of the earth some suggestions to start you off: forever. around us, let us be aware of our 1. A boat that can't float (gravy boat). Meditation: We have but to look responsibility to care for it and resolve to 2. Eyes but can't see (potato). 3. Legs but around us to see the beauty of the world accept that responsibility to the best of not feet (pair of trousers). 4. A face which God has created. Every tree, our ability. without features (a clock). 5. A ball every blade of grass, every flower, the Hymn: "All Creatures Bright and without a bounce (ball of twine). 6. A creeks and rivers, the soil, the rocks, the Beautiful". plane that can't fly (carpenter's plane). 7. birds and animals all speak to us of God's Leader: As we look at the world about Full of holes but holds water (a sponge). love for He created the world and then us, we should be reminded of the 8. Tongue but can't talk (shoe with a put man into it. It was our Great Scripture we shared a few moments ago: tongue). 9. Only one eye (needle). 10. A Creator's pleasure to place in it mankind, For his steadfast love endures forever. mouth that can't speak (jar). a thinking creature, with a soul capable Isn't that a beautiful thought? Doesn't it -Evelyn Witter of loving and caring, of worshiping God, give you a warm feeling of being loved? I endowed with that which could let him look around at nature and I know that live in harmony with the works God had God is steadfast. He will not change. He Keep your words soft and sweet; you created and in neighborliness with other has given us this beautiful world to live in never know when you may have to eat men. But to each of us creatures of and to take care of and He has put other them. KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 PAGES

their distinctive flavor to salads. Appetites are often dulled in extremely hot weather and I call this period our "salad days". A large chefs salad with two or three types of lettuce, ripe tomatoes, cucumbers and radishes, slivers of cheese and ham, make a cooling meal to tempt the palate. Iced tea with lemon or fresh mint quenches our thirst and fresh fruit is available at most meals for dessert. As I watered the flowers recently, I thought of the labor saved by building flowerbeds next to the house and filling them to capacity with potted flowers. Spaced closely, weeds do not thrive. A five-foot-tall poinsettia dominates one corner of the bed. Interspersed with natural rocks are sultanas, geraniums, the old-fashioned lily that was a gift to my mother, Frances, in 1936, and various vining plants. For balance, a Swedish ivy hangs from the htp roof above the flower­ bed. Care is simple: a fine mist from the garden hose and liquid fertilizer, as needed, is all that is required to keep the plants thriving. The August moon is often called the by Harold R. Smith Sturgeon Moon, for it is during August that salt water varieties of this fish come Heat diffuses over our valley these Au­ by the owner, about the placid surface upstream to spawn. Yet, the Indians gust days, flowing down the distant hills and in our imagination it became a huge called the last full moon of August the like water that flows in the small stream sailing ship. Barefooted and sunburned, Riding Moon, for it lighted their trails as that bisects our village. we went home tired but happy after they migrated to other areas. Occasionally, hot stagnant air is those excursions. As I look upward on my nightly walk trapped by colder air above and remains Today, I use a family friend's elegant around the old house, I see the moon is for a few days until dispersed by strong pool. The water is clean and pure; riding high, attended by one sparkling winds. Scientists refer to this phenome­ chrome ladders aid one in leaving the star. The clock chimes midnight as I close non as thermal inversion. The air grows pool and a cement terrace is smooth to the door to the house. The sound dies still. People with respiratory problems the feet. An umbrella, table and chairs away into silence, seemingly trying to tell describe themselves as "breathless". are nearby. My friend and I sit on the me that the summer is also quietly slipping A recent violent storm brought gusting terrace and visit while admiring the view away. winds and rain and the next morning of distant hills and woods. In spite of the revealed a world of fresh, clean air, elegance, this fine pool lacks the simple sparkling sunshine and polished blades tharm of the farm pond of my childhood. of grass, leaves and twigs. When dust I even miss the frogs and occasional settles on the wild Sawtooth Sunflowers snakes! that dot our country roads, and the air Friends in a nearby city invited us to an grows oppressive and stable, nature Italian Festival held at a hotel-shopping simply cleans house with a shower and complex. Along with several hundred strong winds to correct the situation. guests, we strolled around the area and Our village post office is often a enjoyed the national folk dances of Italy. clearinghouse for news. This morning an Dinner consisted of antipasto, baked elderly gentlemen, picking up his mail, lasagna, garlic bread followed with commented that "dog days" had indeed espresso and ice cream topped with an arrived. I had not heard that expression interesting sauce. As darkness fell, the for many years but did remember that grounds were lit with myriads of tiny the term was used to describe the hottest lanterns. Various singers and dancers This is exactly the right time to en­ period of summer. I do recall parents performed and Dick Contino, the joy a reunion with your own family. It warning children not to swim during this famous accordionist, played a medley of is the perfect time to feel as if you've period for fear it would hasten various his hit songs. As we left the festival, I had a reunion with the members of illnesses. In spite of those warnings, my wandered over to a huge tub where three the Field and Driftmier families as best friend and I would often walk to a young boys were stomping grapes in you read the pages of farm pond and swim. Thick algae time to the music of a pianist. I won­ "THE STORY OF AN brimmed the edges and huge clumps of dered how they would ever remove the AMERICAN FAMILY" cattails grew at the water's edge. Frogs purple stains from their feet! slid off the banks and disappeared in a Our garden continues to bear with Written by: Lucile Driftrnier Vemess swirl of muddy water; harmless water abundance. Large tomatoes turn slightly To order: Send $3.00 per copy to snakes glided into weeds at the edge, white in the hot sun, but the cherry KITCHEN-KLAITER seeking a quiet refuge from our laughter. tomatoes ripen quickly and fill their vines Shenandoah, Iowa 51601 We paddled a small rowboat, provided with dashes of red. Marinated, they add PAGE6 KITCHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978


Dear Friends: When I saw the picture Lucile planned to put on the cover of this issue, it brought back such a flood of memories I asked her if she would mind if I wrote the "cover story". She said she thought I SHOULD write it since I was the one on the horse and knew the background story for the picture. There is hardly a town anywhere that doesn't have a saddle club, and during Andy Brase, the Johnsons' grandson, with "Cricket" and "Tonto". the summer months they are very active with their horse shows and trail riding. Kristin's Paint pony when a large tree ran the races without me. This picture of Kristin and me was taken was uprooted and fell on him. Several Finally, my love for you and my longing 23 years ago when Frank and Kristin and months later Kristin wrote a tribute to to have my daydreams come true I were members of the Chariton Saddle Paint which was printed in the June, 1960 conquered all of my childish fear. Club. It was 6:30 AM. on a bright August issue of Kitchen-Klatter. Since many of Toward the end of my sixteenth day, just before we started on a trail ride our readers have never read it, and since summer, I dug out my saddle and spent that I shall never forget. We were headed you have seen the picture of Paint and an evening removing accumulated dust. for the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, a Kristin on the cover, I thought this would The next morning I rode you the mile to ride of a little over 50 miles. Kristin was be a good time to reprint it. the mailbox to get the mail. Surprisingly on her pony named Paint, and I was on enough, I was able to control you even Frank's horse named Poison. Frank was though you threw three fits and backed driving our team to the chuck wagon and WILD RUNS MY PINTO twice into the ditch. was not in this picture. I don't recall now Somewhere, Paint, you are still "Paint," I announced, "I can be just as why Kristin wasn't riding my horse, running. No storm could have killed you. stubborn as you can!" Bonnie, since she was always a little The big black oak tree that was so And from then on, I was. Oh, yes, we afraid of Paint and never really trusted savagely uprooted by the wind couldn't had some battles royal, but at least you him as she did Bonnie,· but there must possibly have crushed your spirit. Some­ were mine to command. have been a good reason. I do remember where you are still running. With the end of summer came the that she spent most of the trip riding in I remember the day Dad brought you beginning of a new term of school, and as the chuck wagon with her dad while home to me. You were the most a junior, I found myself involved in more someone else rode Paint. wonderful birthday present a ten-year­ and more activities. Again, the cobwebs My! I look at this picture and can't old ever received. It was love at first sight began to gather on the saddle, and again believe how fresh I looked at the start of as far as I was concerned. you were sadly neglected. the trip, and how beat-up I must have That summer we started breaking Toward the end of September on one looked at the end. I'm glad there wasn't a you, and what a job that turned out to be! particularly beautiful Sunday afternoon, photographer handy to take pictures You would buck and rear, making it my thought for some reason returned to then. I have never been stiffer or more almost impossible for me to manage you. you. Before I knew it, we were actually tired and sore in my life than I was when I think you could probably feel my having the wonderful ride that had so we finally rode into the fairgrounds. We tension and fear each time I rode you. often been the subject for my were on horseback for a long day and a Dad's advice was, "Show him who's daydreams. We wound slowly through half, and they just happened to be the boss!" But, Paint, I just couldn't conquer the timber on a trail of fallen leaves. We two hottest days we had all that summer. my fear of being thrown, although I never crossed the meado~ and rode swiftly up As I recall, it was 101 degrees at noon on had been. the hill, stopping to rest at the top and the day we finally rode into the Then school started and I was too taking time to enjoy the view of the valley fairgrounds. I should have had better busy to do any riding. When summer below us. After descending on the other sense than to go in the first place, since I came again, I dashed away to visit side, we followed the road home and had been on my horse only twice that relatives. Somehow there just wasn't galloped a few times around the pasture. summer for very short rides. To put it time to ride. Mom and Dad gave me a It was a marvelous ride, and I'm glad I mildly, I was in no shape to ride anywhere beautiful saddle for my birthday, but it have it to remember, because it was the farther than to the mailbox a mile away. hung in the barn gathering cobwebs and last ride we took together. We dropped out of the saddle club dust. It seemed like it was too much Then came the storm. It was a terrible shortly after this ride. We had joined trouble to walk out into the pasture to storm. The rain fell in torrents and the when the principal interest was in getting catch you. I didn't have the time wind blew the porch right off the house. together with our friends to have trail anyway-there were so many other Hundreds of trees in the timber were rides around the countryside with a things to do. uprooted and one great branch pinned picnic at noon. But about this time horse In my daydreams, I was an Indian you to the ground in such a way that shows began to be popular and we were maiden and you were my fastest pony. Mom and Dad knew instantly you would not interested in this kind of riding. Wildly and freely, we galloped across the never run again. In 1959, a tornado passed through our meadows and over the hills. Our race But somehow, Paint, you were really farm which did quite a bit of damage to was with the wind for the wind alone not hurt for I have seen the rainbow and I our house and some of the buildings. The could catch us. But in reality, although I know that somewhere ... somewhere ... only livestock that was killed was loved you, my fears remained and you (Continued on page 19) KITCHEN-KLATIER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 PAGE7 RECYCLE AN OLD BABY CRIB by Monica Brandies A ten-year-old boy gave me the idea at fair time for recycling an old baby crib. Our crib was older than that boy! The last two babies had sometimes slept up or downhill and often threatened to come out from the bottom, but we hated to throw it away. "Wait until next spring," I said. "Surely I can think of something to use it for by then." So it was sitting in the comer of the basement in the fall when we brought the boxes of potatoes in from the garden to our newly built cold room. The basement oozes a little in rainy weather and boxes once wet on the bottom are never the same. "Could we use that crib some­ how?" I asked. Potatoes, apples, yams, pumpkins, onions, and gladiolus bulbs keep well through Father studied the possibilities. There the winter on crib shelves in cool basement room. were a few old boards left from our fallen chicken house even after he had in place. We started with open Chickens are great proponents of recycled that into the walls of the cold cardboard boxes woven through the survival of the fittest and the strong are room. He put the springs of the crib at slats. apt to finish off any that are weak. their lowest level and covered them with Empty canning jars became waterers After three weeks, by which time our boxes of winter vegetables. Then he put when inverted on special caps from the chicks were nearly full-feathered and the sides down to their lowest level, put farm supply store. We used plastic egg able to face most of the unexpected boards across the crib sides, and thus cartons and old lids for feeders, but dangers of the now-warm outdoors, we made shelf #2. Boards lengthwise of the regular chick feeders would be a sound were glad to move them out of their crib crib, braced on the headboards, made investment and soon save their price in "nursery" and into the chicken house. the top shelf. scratched-out feed. We raised ducks in the crib in the Father drove long, sturdy nails through Our "brooders" were once-leaky, five­ summer. They are more civilized, don't the worn screw holes to reinforce the gallon buckets. We cut holes in the try to fly out the top, and therefore don't original crib connections, although bottom and inverted each can on two need to be roofed with an old screen vegetables do not jump, wiggle, or try to bricks set on edge to allow the chicks to door. When one got caught in a spring, climb out like the former tenants. The go in and out. Sixty-watt light bulbs on the others allowed him to recover. But weight of the shelving seemed to add to extension cords were lowered through with twenty-five ducks we moved the the old crib's strength and it became an the holes to about twelve inches above crib closer to the floor drain. They do inexpensive storage compartment to use the mesh. As the chicks grew, the lights insist on slopping even in a waterer. We all winter long. were raised to keep the chicks from also switched from quart to half-gallon By spring it was empty, but not idle for being burned. jars because ducks drink a lot. We once long. As the boy at the fair suggested, we It is advisable to always have two raised two ducks and twenty-five chicks raised our chicks in the crib_ Since then, brooders in case a bulb burns out. It also all together. With the mesh floor it didn't no more baby chicks have been raised on divides the chicks into two groups and matter if the ducks splashed. the cold basement floor, escaped up the prevents crowding. Chicks tend to panic Only once did we attempt to start stairs, or fluttered frantically while I tried easily and pile one upon the other, often chicks in the chicken house with to change the papers under them. tramping to death the ones on the brooders. On the second night of that First, we removed the board shelving bottom. flock's short life, we found every one and covered the spring bottom with We ordered fifty chicks and received a killed; whether by rat, cat, or whatever hardware cloth. We could get hardware generous seventy-one in the mail. They we never did find out for sure. cloth only twenty-four inches wide, not arrived in good shape, but three were Babies do better in cribs, and so do quite ample. (Thirty-six inch width would killed when they fell through holes we winter vegetables. Ours will be useful for have been better and given some overlap had missed. many seasons to come. to curve up the sides and eliminate the Cleaning up our chicken "nursery" holes we tried, not always successfully, was a snap with a thick pile of to block with wads of newspaper.) Four newspapers spread on the basement and a half feet was sufficient. Such a floor under the crib. The soiled papers FORGOTIEN piece cost about $4.50 and is useable for were then placed on the compost pile or, I made myself a shopping list years. We could get only 1/4-inch mesh, simply, between the garden rows for Of things I had forgotten, but bigger, even up to 1/2 inch, would be mulch-fertilizer. And it was quite a lengthy sheet - We had problems with crowding as the better. Even day-old chicks have a wide My memory is rotten! foot span, and droppings go more readily tiny chicks began to grow. We know now through larger openings. that fifty chicks are the limit for a But when I reached the grocery store, For this new project, the side slats single standard-size crib. We also lost a To buy I wasn't able; came up to their highest position and few chicks because we bought an My shopping list, you see, I'd left could have been well-covered with assortment of types; the larger varieties At home, upon the table! chicken wire or even cardboard stapled grew to be twice the size of the bantams. -Dixie Jean Ray PAGES KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978

A REWARDING changing clothes every time they went to EXPERIENCE their tents. Jenea was one of the most clothes conscious; how she rolled up that by many clothes in her sleeping bag is Donna Ridnour beyond me! The leaders were more like Camping out in the woods and my friend's son. I had taken an extra pair sleeping in tents? Not for me! When I go of slacks and a pair of shorts, but when it away from home, I want someone else to was so cold at night that I had to wear my wash the dishes, cook the meals and jeans and sweat shirt to bed, I gave in and make the beds. Up until last year when I wore the same outfit for the two days at became a Brownie leader, those were my camp just as the other leaders did. feelings. However, when I started as a Not only did we have the best dressed Brownie leader, I also took on the troop, but we also had the cleanest responsibility of their outdoor camping. troop. Camp Neyati has shower facilities Now the time has come for me to begin but the water is cold. Liking extremely packing for my second overnight troop long, hot showers, I argued with myself a camping experience. This year, though, I long time before I, with towel in hand, know what to expect. headed for those showers. When I Last year, I had no idea what to arrived, all the shower stalls were expect, and so I started making plans occupied. Other than when we were all with a great many misgivings. What swimming, hiking or eating, there was would fifty girls do for two days? Would seldom a time when the showers weren't the first graders get homesick? What being used by the girls. Now I know why would the girls eat and how could we Katharine Lowey climbs a rickety the showers were cold - who could prepare the food? And most importantly, ladder to look into a deep cave at the afford such an electric bill? where and how would they sleep? ruins near Mesa Verde, Colo. This year I am not dreading the Needless to say, the Brownies, my pending camping trip, but looking daughter, Jenea, included, had none of like it was thickening. The girls were forward to it. Last year, camping with the my fears and eagerly awaited the first day going to spoon the batter onto waxed girls was a rewarding experience and I of camp. paper. Luckily, one Brownie licked her came home proud of the girls and, yes, Several weeks ahead of the appointed finger and yelled, "These are awful! even a little proud of myself! This year, day, the other leaders and I met to They're bitter!" Immediately, I however, I am taking an air mattress and discuss menus and activities for the two­ remembered that no sugar had been warm night clothes. My sleeping bag may day camp. We were going to Camp added, and so we took the skillet back to be pretty, but it is not soft and it is not Neyati, the Girl Scout camp near the fire, and stirred in more milk and warm! Glenwood, Iowa, which provides sugar. Not until after the girls had facilities for swimming, canoeing, and scraped each cooky up with a spoon so it THE COOKY JAR hiking, so planning the meals was our could be eaten, did someone say, "But I biggest problem. Deciding upon foods can't taste the peanut butter!" No You may talk about your vases, which were adaptable to outdoor wonder our cookies hadn't set - no Just how beautiful they are, cooking and acceptable to the girls as peanut butter! Even though the girls had But to me there's nothing nicer well as our budget, proved difficult. to eat their cookies with a spoon, they all Than a well-filled cooky jar. By the time we had all of the suitcases, seemed to thoroughly enjoy their meal Ginger cookies, raisin bars, sleeping bags, food, and girls loaded into outdoors. Jenea, who eats sparingly at Some with walnuts, some with spices, the cars, I was sure that the whole trip home, couldn't seem to get enough of the Orange cookies, chocolate bars - was the biggest mistake I had ever made. all-in-one-pot spaghetti. Why, I think they all are nice. However, when we arrived at camp and Later, as we all gathered around the Yes, I've seen some handsome vases my visions of struggling to put up tents campfire for snacks and singing, I Brought from near or brought from far, were dispelled by tents already mounted couldn't imagine why I had dreaded the But there's nothing that is prettier on wooden foundations, I began to take trip. Than a well-filled cooky jar. heart. The girls quickly settled into their The big experience was ahead - -Author Unknown assigned tents and eagerly ate a hasty sleeping in tents. All of the giggling and lunch so they could spend the afternoon storytelling died down about eleven swimming and canoeing. o'clock, just before the rain started. As All too soon, the time came to prepare the rain pelted against the sides of the TRUE FRIEND the first meal over an open fire. We tents, the screaming and crying began. Her house is always cluttered, began by sawing wood. Once I learned The girls who had been telling ghost Her ironing never done, the knack of using the saw, I was stories were frightened but they were Her meals are sometimes skimpy, surprised at the pile of wood the girls and sure that they would survive. The little But her face is like the sun. I soon had cut and stacked. Surprisingly girl, who I was certain was going to be Tho' she's always busy, enough, the girls easily started the fire homesick and cry, was sound asleep. She often lags behind, and our evening meal didn't take long to Finally, however, everyone snuggled Unorganized and flustered, prepare with the exception of the no­ deeper into her sleeping bag and was But she is always kind. bake oatmeal cookies which were to be soon dreaming of yet another day of fun. And when you're having trouble dessert. A friend had told me about her son And don't know what to do, I balanced the big iron skillet over the who came home from camp with his She'll lend a ha:-id or let you talk fire grate and into it the girls dumped the suitcase neatly packed with clean And listen 'til you're thru. butter, milk, and cocoa until I said, clothes. He had worn the same clothes She'll never breathe a single word "Stop." When this mixture came to a for the whole week. My Brownie girls Of what you've had to say boil, we added flavoring and rolled oats were just the opposite for the two days at But calmly reassures you and cooked the mixture until it looked camp. They presented a fashion parade, There'll be a brighter c;lay. -Unknown KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 PAGE9 LAZY RADIO DAYS the unusual voice of Andy Devine without picturing in your mind cowboys by on brave, big horses? Seeing a jar of Jean Holt Vaseline often calls to mind the attractive voice of Dr. Christian's nurse. Listening to the radio during the forties Reminiscing about these old-time radio was an unequaled pastime. The magic of favorites brings memories of little girls hearing the voices of Fibber McGee and carefully coloring in their color books Molly, Dr. Christian, and the soaps was a and eating freshly popped com, while thrill never to be known by Jet Age adults in the family worked crossword youngsters of today. puzzles or embroidered or did the A lazy summer and early fall day ironing. Just as earlier generations thrilled to always began the same around our house. First the work was done, then, if the silent screen and have memories just as dear as I do of the forties, I'm sure there was time left over, everyone played. today's youth will have their own favorite Housework came first. Since memories of television's earlier days. everything was gone over lightly every Just recently my nearly grown niece was reminiscing with her friend about the way day, it was easy to do. There was no they gathered ~round the television set question of sitting around half the day early each morning to watch "Captain thinking about what needed to be done; During a visit to California in 1948, Leanna Driftmier and her husband Kangaroo". Each generation finds its the work was done first. Mart, were interviewed on natio;;;f own fond memories. It wasn't drudgery, though. The radio radio by Tom Breneman. Mr. Brene­ was turned on and work was completed man's morning program was one of with ease between snatches of news, the most popular radio programs of the 1940's. Leanna, equally popular melodic music wafting throughout the "SUGARLESS COOKBOOK" Midwest pioneer radio homemaker, Dietetic diet? Overweight? You'll love these house, and even a quiz show or two. thoroughly enjoyed having someone sugarfree cakes, cookies, pies, desserts, jams. Following housework, the evening interview her. Some without artificial sweeteners. $3.50 post­ paiq. Ideal gifts. 2 books $6.25-3 books$9.00. meal was begun, even though it was still Order now from: Addie's, Drawer 5426-8KK55 well before noon. There was no question imagination, still room for an occasional Eugene, Oregon 97405 of running down to the comer for a fast smile at one another. meal of a milkshake, and Summertime lunches, especially when fries. Every meal consisted of a meat canning, were usually quite simple-a dish, except of course on meatless tongue on homemade dark Tuesday, a vegetable, a salad, and bread, sliced tomatoes, fresh radishes dessert. Dessert didn't have to be fancy; from the garden, and oatmeal cookies. KITCHEN-KLATIER in fact, it usually wasn't unless it After lunch it was time for "House RADIO VISITS happened to be somebody's birthday or Party", and even young children laughed ~~ HAVE BEEN COMING - company was coming. Frequently it was with glee at the tricks Art Linkletter R floating island, raisin pie, or canned fruit pulled on his guests. And the children he TO YOU FOR OVER and cookies. interviewed were a looked-forward-to SO YEARS. Radio was as important to us as jar delight. ~ rings and sugar when fruit was ripe or Following "House Party", except on Now heard each weekday beans were ready to can. As we sat very rare occasions, everyone that was over the following stations: around the big kitchen table, Mother home took time for a nap. You didn't took charge of the responsibilities and have to go to sleep. You didn't even have KCOB Newton, Iowa, 1280 on your .~ the radio simultaneously. There was no to pretend to be asleep. But you did have dial - 9:35 A.M. fighting over what we would listen to on to lie down and be quiet for one full hour. KSMN Mason City, Iowa, 1010 on l'3 the radio, no squabbling over whose That was the way we avoided catching your dial - 10:05 A.M. ~ responsibility it was to snap more beans. polio. At least in our neighborhood, the KWPC Muscatine, Iowa, 860 on ~ Everyone worked until there were no most reliably considered way of avoiding more beans to snap or no more apples to the deadly polio was a daily period of KWBG ~~:~:c:a~:~;·: your ; peel or no more peaches to pit. rest. dial - 9:00 A.M. Somewhere in between responsibility Evenings found the whole family in the KMA Shenandoah, Iowa, 960 on ~ and the pleasure of listening to the radio, living room together, gathered around your dial - 9:00 A.M. Mother was able to strike a happy note of the big brown box, listening to "People WJAG ~orfolk, ~ebr., 780 on your ~ content among children who in today's Are Funny". What a delight to listen as dial - 10.05 A.M. ~ more modem Space Age would likely people were sent out to the comer of KHAS Hastings, Nebr., 1230 on ~ fuss and fume at the atrocity of being Hollywood and Vine and sometimes your dial - 11:00 A.M. R required to be in one spot longer than a even beyond that to play harmless little KYSH Valentine, Nebr., 940 on few moments. tricks on others, and sometimes on your dial - 10:15 A.M. ~ There are exceptions even today, I'm themselves. We never failed to be KWOA Worth!ngton, !"finn., 730 on ~ sure, as there were families during the amused by stunts Art pulled on his your d1af - 1.30 P.M. forties who never canned. But look at contestants. KOAM Pittsb~rg, Kans., 860 on ~ what they missed, and what the modem Other evening favorites were "The your dial - 9:00 A.M. ~ children of today will never know about Lone Ranger", "My Friend Irma", "One KLIK Jefferson City, Mo., 950 on ~ sharing and loving around an old radio. Man's Family", "Inner Sanctum", your dial - 9:30 A.M. The most attractive feature of the radio "Dragnet", and "Father Knows Best". ; KSIS Sedalia, Mo., 1050 on your was the living that people could do to­ Do you ever see a photograph of diaf - 10:00 A.M. gether while. enjoying the listening all at Arthur Godfrey without thinking of his ltJ the same time. There was still room for long-time tea sponsor? Do you ever hear PAGElO KITCHEN-KlAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 saying, "Frederick doesn't have a New England accent, but I think that he has A LETTER given me an Iowa accent." If you listen to us on Saturdays when we talk on the FROM Kitchen-Klatter radio program, we shall let you be the judge. FREDERICK Last night, Betty and I attended the Annual Meeting of our local chapter of the American Red Cross. It was one of the best meetings of that type we have Dear Friends: ever attended. The roast beef dinner was I am writing this letter to you on a good and expeditiously served. The beautiful summer morning. Oh, but this business meeting was brief and to the is a great day to be alive-cool, crisp air, point. The guest speaker was excellent. singing birds, and flowering shrubs In the course of her speech she said, "In everywhere I look. This would have been the past fifty years there have been more a great morning to go hot-air ballooning dramatic changes in the customs and except for the briskness of the breeze. It Frederick's and Betty's granddaugh­ habits of the American people than at ter, Isabel, recently celebrated a is too dangerous to go up in a balloon if any other time in history." Betty and I birthday. Isabel's mother, Mary Lea the wind is more than ten or twelve miles were discussing that fact at the Palo, presented her with a beautifully per hour. We had an early breakfast this table this morning, and we agreed that decorated cake with four candles. morning, ana now I am in the study the speaker was correct. writing to you before leaving for the In our lifetimes there have been almost standards. One boy said, "When I was church. revolutionary changes in the way the just a little boy, I learned in this church Yesterday we were visiting with some American people live. It seems that whatever I did for the church, I friends from Iowa, and I was taken by unbelievable to realize that every year should do it with dignity and with surprise when one of them said, one-half of the population of the United perfection!" Another said, "This church "Frederick, I can tell that you have lived States changes residences. When we has taught me to appreciate good things. in New England for many years because consider the millions of people who I learned that if something was not the of the way you pronounce some words!" travel all over the world via airplanes, and very best, it had no place in the church. Since I have always prided myself on my the millions more who own and drive Leaming that has made me believe that good Midwestern speech habits, I was their own automobiles, we realize just nothing is good enough for me unless it somewhat taken aback by the inference how differently we live in the 1970's from also is the best. I must not accept the that I might have acquired a New the way we lived in the 1920's when travel cheap and the shoddy. Whatever I do in England accent, and I argued the fact. was limited. life, I must do well!" Even as I argued, my friend laughingly If you are like me, you find it hard to As I listened to the young people kept interrupting to say, "Right there! admit that you personally have changed speaking from the pulpit, I found myself You pronounced that word differently!" any. Most people have a tendency to thinking, "All of our efforts to impress For the life of me, I could not think of ourselves as being very much the our youth with the fact that God must understand what she was hearing that same persons we were years ago, but always be given our best, have borne sounded different to her. that is not so. Society has changed, and fruit." We maintain our church Finally, Betty came to my rescue so have we: we think differently, we dress beautifully. We insist that each person differently, we eat differently. who speaks from the pulpit, or sings in In matters of faith and morals we hope the choir, or lights the candles, or ushers, we do not change, but it has been my or greets, or does anything else in the observation that most of us do. What conduct of a religious service do his or once we never would have forgiven, we her part as perfectly as possible. It is my now find ourselves sometimes forgiving! opinion that one of the vital roles we What once we would never have church people must play in our society is tolerated in the conduct of our own that of maintaining standards of children, we now find ourselves excellence. Customs may change, but sometimes tolerating in our the need for high quality never changes. grandchildren or in our neighbors' If we permit our religious practices to children. The honest truth is that we do become less than the best, what else in change in many ways, and if it were not our society can be expected to be ·the so, a great many of us would be living out best? We are the people who must hold our days in mental hospitals. As a matter the line against moral and social decay. If NEVER LOSE HOPE of fact, one of our biggest problems is we do not, who will? Many years ago, when I made my first by knowing when to resist change, and Frederick Field Driftmier, D.D., L.H.D. when to go along with it. trip up the Nile River to the interior of Earlier this summer we had a special Africa, I noticed how the Americans and A book which radiates an optimistic Youth Sunday in our church. After the Europeans living and working in the most faith which is certain to lift tired spirits. usual presentation of awards and primitive territories always dressed Dr. Driftmier conveys interesting in­ graduation ceremonies for the Church formally for the evening meal. As one sights into ways people can discover School, we had three short sermonettes American explained it to me, "We feel the spiritual help they need. preached by three of our high school that if we did not dress for dinner in the $3.00 poetpald seniors. The young people spoke very evening, it would not be long before we Send order to: well, and I was pleased with the content would be permitting ourselves to lower Frederick'• Book of their talks. Without exception, each other standards. The further we get Kltchen-Kletter young person at some point in his away from centers of civilization, and the Shenandoah, Iowa 51801 message spoke of the way our church deeper we get into the jungles, the more had taught him to appreciate high (Continued on page 22) KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 PAGEll

have to have an inexpensive, but good, .... MARYBETH car. Needless to say, this boy was I ecstatic over the presentation of a one­ REPORTS year-old used Chevette. We could not come right out and buy it for him as a -- surprise because it was a close fit for his father when he sat in it and we knew with Dear Friends: Paul's height he might have more •I am surely nodding my head in trouble. As good fortune would have it, agreement with the sage who stated that he had a smidge of space between his we never know what lies just around the knee and the dashboard when he was comer. And I'm also happy that by not finally seated in this lime-green buggy. knowing I couldn't anticipate nor quake The car was purchased and one more with dread anticipation as the unknown finality of his leaving was put into its unfolded. Let me tell you what has ordered place. Things continued to fall happened in our family since I last wrote into place and the morning came when to vou. he would start out just as I dreaded it Very high on the list of expected Paul Driftmier is very proud of his car. would. Fortunately, his father and I had events was the graduation of the girls to leave for school before he was ready to from their respective schools. unaware of the possible complications of go, so we bade him goodbye. Everything proceded quite according to getting a job a Jong distance away that we He kept in touch with us each evening plan with Katharine in Houston. Our trip didn't have the heart to introduce any when he was checking into his motels. there was swift, but pleasant. The possible difficulties. Phone calls to He had never driven such a distance, and weatherman cooperated with secure a job application only indicated I, in typical motherly fashion, was not at spectacular weather and it wasn't until that he would have to be there in person all convinced that he could do it. He our return flight into Milwaukee that we for an interview if he was serious about managed to cover all those miles with hit winter-type weather again. working there. One thing led to another nothing more amiss than a light brush Adrienne did get her salutatorian and the weekend we were in Houston he with a big semi-trailer which could not speech written before the hour of its was flying back from Orlando with a job see his low, little car and scraped some delivery. In fact, she had her four­ promise securely in his pocket. paint off one door and fender. Paul minute piece well learned and her One of the seventeen points in the thought the mountains were magnificent address went without a flaw. After program of success which the P.M.A. and he found Florida perfectly beautiful. graduation, her birthday was celebrated people urge you to memorize is this: Paul is being trained to drive the by her classmates with a surprise 'What the mind of man can conceive and monorail which is the train that runs from birthday party-graduation combination. believe the mind of man can achieve!" the Disney World motels and hotels to The young people had scheduled a swim­ This boy had to have considered this the central part of the park. He wears a and-pool party since everyone knows very seriously and mentally prepared green and blue jumpsuit and a colorful how beastly hot any graduation is, but himself for succeeding at getting this job hard hat with a bill on the front. He loves Wisconsin burst forth with another because his reports from the interview the work and the other young people surprise and the temperature was a chilly were totally unlike the Paul who had who work in the park are extremely nice. 44 degrees that night, so that was the applied for jobs in this area. When asked I have included a picture of him taken only alteration in their glorious plans. what he thought he could do at Disney in the driveway the morning he left. You The unexpected element in this period World, Paul replied that he could do will notice the ears-out haircut. All of time was relating to Paul. I wrote you anything they asked him to do. The Disney World male employees may have last June that he and Adrienne had person who was interviewing Paul was no hair touching their ears or collar. He atttended a "P.M.A. Seminar" (Positive sufficiently impressed by him that he looks absolutely great this way, and the Mental Attitude) and of the two, Paul asked him to stay another day for further surprising fact is that he never said one was, to my motherly eye, a little on the discussions. word of complaint that he had to have reluctant side. Well, he listened with Fortunately, my sister's son, Jim, has such a "square" haircut. If that is what more of an ear than I had seen revealed. worked at Disney World for two years the "Disney Look" requires of him, he is Following this seminar he was home and he has an apartment in Orlando more than happy to oblige them. from college, and we were discussing where Paul could stay. Well, happily, he He will be writing you, I am sure, with what he would do this summer. His came back home very much elated over tales of his exciting adventures. We experiences selling (not selling) vacuum his success, and from that moment on were, of course sorry he missed his cleaners door-to-door last summer gave the wheels of change were in motion. sisters' graduations, but aside from being him some distinct ideas about what he One of the requirements of sorry he is so far away, we're all delighted did not want to do. We were also employment there is a means of with the turn of events that have given discussing the extremely high cost of transportation, other than a bus, to and him a real taste of success. going to college when a person was not from one's job. This necessitated some Sincerely, ~/la. particularity motivated by intense considerations on our part as to just feelings about what he was aiming what he would do, and even more toward. When offered the opportunity of important, how would he get to Orlando? 1HIS IS MATURITY: "stopping out" for a while from his He was counting on driving the rusted­ studies, his father and I were more than a out hulk of an automobile which had i o be able to stick with a job until it is little surprise to hear him announce that been slowly disintigrating on the finished. this was exactly what he wanted to do. concrete outside of our garage. To be able to bear an injustice without He further announced that he wanted to However, when the man next door, who wanting to get even. pursue his many-years-old desire to try happens to own a car dealership, said, "I To be able to carry money without to get a job at Disney World in Orlando, wouldn't let my kids drive that thing to spending it. Florida. the end of the driveway!", this more or And to do one's duty without being He was so enthusiastic and apparently Jess settled our decision that he would supervised. PAGE12 KITCHEN-KLATIER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978

PARMESAN PUFFS 1/2 cup water 1/4 cup butter or margarine (If using margarine, add 1/4 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter butter flavoring at the same time.) 1/8 tsp. salt F:CiPRS! 1/2 cup flour 2 eggs 2 This. grated Parmesan cheese VIRGINIA'S ELEGANT PEACH PIE MACARONI-BEEF CASSEROLE In saucepan over high heat, heat water, butter or margarine, flavoring, Crust l lb. ground beef and salt until butter melts and mixture 1 cup flour 1 cup chopped celery boils. Reduce heat to low; add flour and 1/2 cup margarine 1 cup chopped onion stir vigorously with wooden spoon until 1 This. sugar 1 1/2 cups water mixture forms ball and leaves sides of 1/4 cup pecans 1 1/2 cups uncooked macaroni pan. Remove from heat. Add eggs one at 1/4 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter butter 1 10Yi-oz. can cream of mushroom a time and beat vigorously for one minute flavoring soup after each. Drop in 6 to 8 mounds on a Combine all ingredients to make a 1 10Yi-oz. can cream of chicken soup greased cooky sheet. Sprinkle with crumbly mixture. Press into pie tin and 1/2 cup Kitchen-Klatter Country Style Parmesan cheese. Bake in preheated bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool. dressing 400-degree oven for about 40-45 minutes Filling Chow mein noodles or until golden. -Mary Lea Palo 1 cup peaches, mashed Brown beef and drain off excess fat. LOW-CALORIE 3 This. cornstarch Combine the beef with celery, onion and YOGURT HERB DIP 1 cup sugar water. Cook slowly for about 10 minutes. 1 This. lemon juice Stir in the macaroni, soups and dressing. 1/4 to 1/2 cup finely chopped cucum- Put in a baking dish and bake for about 1/2 cup water ber 50 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove from 1 cup low-fat plain yogurt 1/4 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter almond flavoring the oven and cover top with chow mein 1/2 tsp. dill weed 1/4 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter butter noodles. Return to oven for about 10 1/4 tsp. garlic powder flavoring minutes longer. -Hallie Paprika 1 3-oz. pkg. peach gelatin SUPREME CREAM CAKE 3 cups prepared fruit Combine all ingredients except papri­ Combine 1 cup mashed peaches, 1/2 cup butter or margarine ka. Sprinkle paprika over top. Chill well. cornstarch, sugar, lemon juice, water 1/2 cup homogenized shortening -Betty Jane and flavorings. Cook over moderate 2 cups sugar CHICKEN ASPIC heat, stirring, until thick and clear. Stir in 5 egg yolks peach gelatin. Set aside to cool to 2 cups sifted flour 2 medium-sized broilers, cut up lukewarm while preparing the fruit. Peel 1 tsp. bal{ing soda 1 1/2 cups diagonally sliced celery and slice fruit, using "fruit fresh" 1 cup buttermilk or sour milk 1/4 cup diced pimiento according to directions, or covering with 1 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter vanilla flavoring 5 hard-cooked eggs, quartered cold salt water to keep from darkening. 1/4 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter butter Salt and pepper to taste Drain and spoon into baked pie shell. flavoring 1 envelope plain gelatin Cover with cooked mixture. Chill until 1/4 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter coconut 1/2 cup cold water firm. Keep refrigerated until time to flavoring 1/4 cup sugar serve. Toi: with whipped topping or 1/2 cup coconut 1/2 tsp. salt whipped cream. 1 cup chopped pecans 24 This. vinegar (use more or less ac- This is excellent made with nectarines. 5 egg whites, stiffly beaten cording to your taste) -Evelyn Cream butter or margarine and 1 Tbls. lemon juice shortening. Add sugar and beat well. 1 cup chicken broth DELICIOUS GRAPE SAIAD Add egg yolks one at a time. Sift flour and Put chicken pieces in pan, cover with 1 3-oz. pkg. lemon gelatin soda together. Add alternately with milk. water and bring to boil. When boiling 1 scant cup boiling water Add flavorings, coconut and pecans. point has been reached, reduce heat and simmer for 3045 minutes. Remove 1/4 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter lemon Lastly, fold in well-beaten egg whites. chicken from broth (save 1 cup broth). flavoring Pour batter into three layer cake pans Let cool and then skin and remove 1 6-oz. can frozen grape juice which have been greased and lined with bones. Cut chicken in bite-sized pieces. 1 8Yi-oz. can crushed pineapple waxed paper. Bake at 325 degrees for 30 You should have about one quart of 1/4 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter pineapple minutes or until cake tests done. Cool. chicken. flavoring Supreme Cream Frosting and Filling Combine chicken with celery, Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Add 1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese pimiento, boiled eggs and salt and lemon flavoring and grape juice. Let partially congeal; then stir in pineapple 1 lb. powdered sugar pepper to taste. Grease ring mold or pan. and pineapple flavoring. Let set. 1/4 cup butter or margarine Pack chicken mixture in mold or pan. 1 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter vanilla Sprinkle gelatin over cold water which Topping flavoring has been put in a small saucepan. Put 1/2 cup prepared whipped topping Chopped pecans for top over low heat and stir until dissolved. 1/2 of 5-oz. jar pimiento cheese Cream together the cheese, powdered Remove from heat and add remaining spread sugar and margarine. Add flavoring. Fill ingredients. Pour over chicken mixture 1/2 cup miniature marshmallows between layers and frost top of cake. in pan. Refrigerate until firm. Unmold or Combine and spread over first layer. Sprinkle top with chopped pecans. cut in squares to serve. -Betty Jane KITCHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 PAGE 13

CREAMY WHITE SALAD the 6 cups vinegar, 2 cups water, 8 cups INDIAN CORN CHOWDER sugar, candies, cinnamon and an 1 1-lb. can chunk pineapple additional tsp. of red food coloring. Bring 1/2 medium onion, chopped 32 large marshmallows this syrup mixture to a boil and pour over 2 This. oil 1 envelope plain gelatin drained cucumber rings. Let stand 1 #303 can cream-style com 1/2 cup cold water overnight. Drain the syrup into a kettle 1/2 of 10%-oz. can mushroom soup 3/4 cup scalded milk and bring to a boil, pour over cucumber 1/2 of 10%-oz. can celery soup 1/4 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter pineapple rings. Repeat for 3 days. On the 3rd day, 1 4-oz. can mushroom stems and flavoring pack rings into clean, hot jars. Pour pieces, including liquid 1 9-oz. carton whipped topping boiling syrup to within one inch of the 1 soup can milk 1/2 cup chopped blanched almonds top. Seal and process in boiling water 1/4 to 1/2 cup dried chipped beef Cut pineapple chunks and bath for 5 minutes (start timing when pieces marshmallows in small pieces. Soak water covering the jars begins to boil). Saute onion in oil until tender. Add the overnight in the pineapple juice drained Remove from boiling water and set aside remaining ingredients. Heat slowly. from can. for 24 hours to cool and complete sealing Serve. Next day, soften gelatin in cold water if two-piece lids are used. Makes about This recipe came from the Mesa Verde and then dissolve in hot milk. Add 10 pints. -Evelyn National Park Fairview Lodge. flavoring. Combine gelatin mixture with -Donna Nenneman pineapple-marshmallow mixture. Cool. EGGPLANT CASSEROLE Fold in the whipped topping and BIRTIIDAY CLUB SALAD almonds. Pour into mold and refrigerate 1 large eggplant 1 3-oz. pkg. lemon gelatin until firm. Unmold on lettuce leaves. 1 small onion, chopped 1 can tomato soup, diluted -Dorothy 2 stalks celery, chopped 1 cup salad dressing 1 can cream of mushroom soup Dissolve gelatin in heated diluted to­ 1/2 cup cracker crumbs CINNAMON CUCUMBER RINGS mato soup. Beat in salad dressing. Let 3/4 cup grated Cheddar cheese set until partially congealed. Add: 2 gallons large cucumbers 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup cottage cheese Soaking solution (see below) Salt and pepper to taste 1 cup grated carrots 1 cup vinegar Additional buttered crumbs and 1 cup finely diced celery 1 This. powdered alum cheese for top 1/2 cup finely diced stuffed green 1 tsp. red food coloring Peel and cut up eggplant. Cook olives (To make sure olives are Water to cover eggplant, onion and celery in boiling not too salty, pour hot water over 6 cups vinegar water until tender. Drain well and mash. . olives and dry between paper 2 cups water Add undiluted soup, 1/2 cup cracker towels.) 8 cups sugar crumbs, cheese and eggs. Season to Refrigerate until set. Cut in squares 10-oz. "red hot" cinnamon candies taste. Pour into greased casserole. and serve on salad greens. -Dorothy 3-4 sticks cinnamon Sprinkle a scattering of bread crumbs 1 tsp. red food coloring and gratec:\ cheese over top and bake at FIG SQUARES Cut large cucumbers into thick slices 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. (1/3 to 1/2 inch thick), and remove the -Dorothy 3 cups sifted flour seeds. These can be peeled or unpeeled 1 1/2 tsp. sugar SUPER BAKED PEPPERS as desired. Make up a soaking solution 1 1/2 tsp. salt by ONE of the following methods: I lb. ground beef 1 cup vegetable shortening 1/2 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter butter 1. Salt Solution Method 1 to 2 cups cooked rice (brown rice preferred) flavoring 2 cups pickling salt 1 tsp. celery seed 7-9 Tbls. ice water 8 quarts water 1 6-oz. can tomato paste Sift flour, sugar and salt together. Cut Combine salt, water and cucumbers. 1 can cream of mushroom soup in shortening and flavoring until crumbly Let stand 5 days. Drain. Now the cucum­ 1 egg, beaten like pie crust dough. Add ice water a little . bers are ready for the next step. Salt and pepper to taste at a time until dough holds together. Chill thoroughly. 2. Lime Solution Method 6 green peppers, halved and seeded 2 cups pickling lime Kitchen-Klatter Country Style dress- Filling ing 8 quarts water 1 lb. dried figs, finely cut Combine lime (this can be purchased Combine all ingredients with ex­ 1 1/4 cups water as pickling lime in grocery stores or can ception of green peppers and 1 1/2 cups sugar be found in larger quantities in lumber dressing. Stuff the peppers with the meat 4 tsp. lemon juice yards, just be certain to tell the salesper­ mixture. Spoon remaining meat mixture 1/2 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter burnt sugar son that you are going to use the lime for into bottom of greased bread loaf pan. flavoring Set green peppers on top of this meat pickle-making), water and cucumbers. Milk (for topping) layer. Drizzle Kitchen-Klatter Country Let stand 24 hours; drain. Wash three Combine all ingredients except milk in Style dressing over top, or spoon a half times in fresh, cold water. Return to heavy saucepan. Simmer, stirring teaspoonful of the dressing into a little crock and cover with fresh, cold water. constantly, until cooked thru and thick­ Let stand 3 hours (NO MORE), drain depression pushed into the top of each ened. Cool. filled pepper. Bake at 300 degrees, and rinse. Now the cucumbers are ready Divide chilled dough in two parts. Roll for the next step. covered, for 2 hours, then uncover and each part to 1/8 inch thick. Line jelly roll tum oven to 350 for an added20 minutes pan with one rolled crust. Spread cooled Next Step to brown. A faster baking time could be filling over crust. Top with remaining Combine 1 cup vinegar, 1 This. alum, 1 used if desired, baking, covered, for 1 rolled crust. Seal edges and brush top tsp. red food coloring, water enough to hour at 350 degrees. The stuffed peppers with a little milk. Make a few air vents in cover and the drained cucumbers. freeze well, unbaked. Add a little longer top crust. Bake 25-30 minutes in oven Simmer for 2 hours. Drain. Discard baking time when cooking the frozen preheated to 400 degrees. Cut into liquid. Combine remaining ingredients: peppers. -Evelyn squares. -Betty Jane PAGE14 KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978

CIHCKEN ALTA'S PEACH SALAD inch bundt or tube cake pan. In large mixer bowl, combine sugar, oil (a slow-cooking pot recipe) 2 3-oz. pkgs. peach gelatin and eggs; beat one minute at high speed. 2%- to 3%-lb. frying chicken, cut up 2 cups boiling water Sift dry ingredients together, add to bowl 2 medium onions, sliced 2 cups applesauce and mix. Beat in all remaining ingredients 1 green pepper, chopped 2 cups fresh or canned sliced peaches except nuts. Beat three minutes at med­ 14-oz. can sliced mushrooms, drained Dissolve peach gelatin in the 2 cups ium speed, occasionally scraping sides of 2 cloves garlic, minced boiling water. Add the applesauce and 1 tsp. salt bowl. Fold in nuts. Pour half the batter mix well. Lastly, add the sliced peaches into prepared pan. Carefully spoon pre­ 1 tsp. oregano and stir well. Pour into a 9- by 13-inch pan pared filling over batter; then top with re­ 1/2 tsp. basil or a mold. Refrigerle until set. maining batter. Bake at 350 degrees for 1/4 tsp. finely ground black pepper -Verlene Looker 1 16-oz. can tomatoes, juice and all 70-75 minutes. Cool upright in pan for 15 (cut up tomatoes, if whole or in RING OF COCONUT minutes; remove from pan and cool com­ large chunks) FUDGE CAKE pletely. Drizzle with the following glaze: 1/2 cup Kitchen-Klatter Italian Filling 1 cup powdered sugar dressing 3 This. cocoa Place chicken pieces in slow-cooking 1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup sugar 2 This. butter pot. Combine remaining ingredients and 2 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter vanilla flavoring 1 egg pour over chicken in pot. Cover, and 1-3 This. water cook for about eight hours at low setting. 1 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter vanilla flavoring 1/2 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter coconut Combine above ingredients. Drizzle Could be served with cooked over cooled cake. -Betty Jane spaghetti if desired. -Betty Jane flavoring 1/2 cup flaked coconut ELEGANT STUFFED EGGS MARLBOROUGH PIE 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips 12 hard-cooked eggs Cream the cheese and sugar. Beat in 1 unbaked 10-inch pie shell 1/2 lb. braunschweiger ( cheese) the egg and flavorings. Lastly, fold in 2 cups tart applesauce 4 This. melted butter or margarine coconut and chocolate chips. Set aside 1/4 cup melted butter while preparing cake. 1/4 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter butter 1 cup sugar flavoring 4 large eggs Cake 2 This. Kitchen-Klatter Country Style 1/2 tsp. salt 2 1/4 cups sugar dressing 3 This. lemon juice 1 cup salad oil 2 This. vinegar 1/4 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter lemon 2 eggs 1/2 tsp. salt flavoring 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1/2 tsp. dry 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 cup cocoa 1/2 cup finely chopped celery Combine ingredients, blending 2 tsp. soda 2 Tbls. finely minced onion thoroughly. Pour into unbaked pie shell. 2 tsp. baking powder Slice eggs lengthwise. Place egg yolks Bake in 450-degree oven for 15 minutes. 1 1/2 tsp. salt and remaining ingredients in bowl. Mash Reduce heat to350 and bake for about 30 1 cup hot coffee or water and mix until well blended. Stuff into egg minutes or until knife inserted in center 1 cup buttermilk whites, mounding high. Sprinkle tops comes out clean. Pie will have a golden 1 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter vanilla flavoring with paprika, if desired. color and will cut like custard. Cool 1/2 cup chopped nuts Mixture can be made into a sandwich before cutting. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. spread by chopping up egg whites and Delicious served warm or cold. Generously grease and lightly flour a 10- adding with other ingredients. -Evelyn RAISIN-SOUR CREAM CHIFFON BUSY PIE AS BEES 1 1/2 cups raisins 1/2 cup sugar THIS SUMMER? 2 Tbls. cornstarch 1/4 tsp. salt Then turn to the 1 envelope plain gelatin 1 cup milk Kitchen-Klatter 2 eggs, separated 1 cup dairy sour cream Cookbook 1 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter orange flavoring 1 tsp. Kitchen-Klatter vanilla flavoring for helps with: 1/2 cup whipping cream, whipped Picnic ideas 1 baked 9-inch pastry shell Jams, jellies, pickles Coarsely chop raisins. Blend 1/4 cup Company meals of the sugar, cornstarch, salt and gelatin. Add raisins, milk and beaten egg yolks. Plain foods Cook in top of double boiler, stirring Fancy desserts, etc. over moderate heat until mixture Over 1 500 tested recipes. thickens and coats spoon. Cool. Blend in sour cream and flavorings. Chill until it begins to thicken. Beat egg whites until $5.00 per COpy Uowa residents, please add Sales Tax.I stiff with remaining 1/4 cup sugar. Fold into gelatin mixture. Fold in whipped KITCHEN-KLATTER, Shenandoah, Iowa 51601 cream. Pile in baked pastry shell. Chill until firm. -Dorothy KITCHEN-KLATIER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 PAGE IS A DAY IS LIKE A CHEST OF DRAWERS

by Euelyn Birkby A statement which has been credited to Lucille Ball suggests that one fine way to cope with the struggles of daily life is to pretend that each section of the day is a drawer in a chest, another way of saying we should live life in compartments. Miss Ball's suggestion that life should be treated like a chest of drawers has an appealing quality. In the morning I first take out a "Get Up and Eat Breakfast" drawer. It is a good drawer, for I can get out of bed, have legs that work, someone around for whom to cook breakfast and food in the house to prepare. I wonder For the 16 years the Birkby filJ!l.i!Y has lived in their Sidney home, the lane has come why I grumble so often when I open this up to the back of their house. When the new garage is completed, the driveway will first drawer of the day? be brought in from the front so visitors will, at last, come to the front door! The back patio is plain now, but a new idea may bring a change at the rear of the house Added to the joy of having energy soon. Shaded. by the huge mulberry tree to the right, the back yard is a pleasant enough to get started in the morning is place for summer visiting and eating. the setting for our summer . A choice is nice to have. We can eat at the the table these days. pleasant serving table. Incidentally, I'm dining room table close to the long The most difficult drawer for me to trying to get a prettier tablecloth or two windows of the house which face east. If close is the one which should be shut into my"ForCompany"drawer. Through we are up early enough, we can enjoy the when I leave the office and head back the years other needs have always taken beauty of the sunrise. Even if we miss toward Sidney and home. After working precedence over nice table linens. dawn, the new day is delightful. The hills on the Kitchen-Klatter Magazine, or We have been especially grateful to stretch off to the east in undulating waves helping with the radio broadcasts, my have Craig with us. After many summers of green fields. Distant trees rise like mind is still going lickety-split even as I working at Philmont National Scout sentinels to signal the horizon. The entire stop for groceries for the evening meal. Ranch, and last summer's research work view is peaceful and relaxing. Robert and I pull out items from our at the University of Wisconsin, Craig Once breakfast is over and the dishes respective day's activities to share as we decided to have a more relaxed summer done (tucked into the dishwasher, eat together, but the drawer for the before going on to medical school in the washed or stacked, depending on the working day should be closed eventually. fall. Relaxing was a misnomer. After demands of the day and who is around to In the summer, my evening drawer taking a short trip to Colorado with two help) the first drawer is shut and the may well include some canning and college friends, Craig returned home to second drawer of the day is pulled out. freezing. Robert goes to the garden and find a house addition project going full Which drawer is opened next depends brings in a bucket of tomatoes, a basket tilt. on the day-if I am home it can hold of cucumbers, or extra melons that he For as long as we've lived in our "new" anything from laundry or pickle-making fears are beginning to ripen too quickly. home, we've wanted to add a garage. No to sewing on a mountain parka. Miss Ball encourages keeping time ever seems perfect, but this turned Making mountain parkas is the latest activities in the compartments and not out to be the best time to carry out this project which our three sons have letting them overlap, but this is a dream. No need to go into detail on all encouraged me to undertake. These difficult requirement for me. Especially in the work Craig has done to get the space windbreaker-type jackets come in pre­ the summer, it seems that a lot of little ready for the garage, but he has been cut kits ready to sew. Many of the drawers appear in my dresser. The one extremelv busv and helpful. recreational equipment companies carry marked "Family Comes Home" is A very special space in my chest of such kits. I recommend them to anyone highly appreciated. Bob came home drawers is rapidly filling with road maps who has done some sewing, with the from his teaching in Springfield, Mo., and and chamber of commerce brochures. If caution to follow the directions step by spent several happy weeks with us all goes well, this drawer will be opened step. The only problems I've ever had before going out to Miles City, Montana, and used for a trip to Montana to visit came when I jumped ahead of the to visit his brother, Jeff. Craig has been in with our third son, Jeff. It will be a special planned procedures; out of sequence I and out ever since his graduation from occasion, for our entire family will have can mess up the simplest of directions. Morningside College. On one evening the pleasure of a few days together in The second drawer of the day may we had a "get-together". This event was that beautiful state. Jeff will probably not contain work with Kitchen-Klatter in not fancy enough to call a reception or an get home again until Christmas, so we Shenandoah-a busy, happy, productive open house, iust a few close friends and are hoping our plans will proceed without drawer full. I usually leave home at the relatives came. difficulty and our summer visit with him same time Robert goes off to work. This I had made a chocolate bundt cake, an will prove to be a satisfying one. habit of leaving with the other members angel food and a lemon loaf the week One more drawer keeps jiggling of the family goes back to the early days before the celebration. These were safely around in the back of our chest. Robert of my work when I left as the boys went tucked into the freezer so when the day has always wanted a screened-in porch out the door to school. It will seems came I simply brought them out to thaw, for our house. Whether it will materialize important for me to be at home to opened up some canned punch, added at this point is still debatable, but what is prepare breakfast and serve and eat it­ ginger ale and made the coffee. With my a chest of drawers for but to keep even though Robert and I are the "family special crystal dishes and a pretty white important sections of each day and to group" which most often gathers around lace tablecloth, it made a simple, yet hold a few special dreams for the future? PAGE16 KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 A VERY SPECIAL PERSON THE JOY OF GARDENING In August of 1954, Mary Lou Mika by began working for Kitchen-Klatter. Now Eua M. Schroeder completing her 24th year, Mary Lou has the enviable record of being the longest Long ago, I learned not to plant pole term employee in our business! beans in the garden with the intention of In 1962, when the new printing putting up supports when the beans machines were' purchased, Mary Lou needed them. The supports simply never was chosen from the staff to be trained got put in place in time and the beans for the technical task of setting the type sprawled all over the rows. It was the for theKitchen-Klatter Magazine. About same way with sweet peas. I'd plant the 1964, she began helping with the maga­ seed very early, as one is supposed to do, zine layout work. When the decision was and promise I'd put up a trellis. Now my made to publish the Kitchen-Klatter husband puts in sturdy steel fence posts Cookbook, Mary Lou efficiently set the at intervals along the row when the seed type on all those recipes-no small is planted. It is much easier to put up a accomplishment! -Photo by Evelyn Birkby Mary Lou Mika is seated at the photo­ string fence or a commercial net for the Mary Lou was born in Friend, typesetting machine typing copy for vines to clamber on. Nebraska, the oldest child of Mr. and the Kitchen-Klatter Magazine. Weatherized netting makes an ideal Mrs. Emil Mika. A year later her brother, trellis for plants that need support. Leon, was born to complete the family. two vacations Mary Lou has taken Simply stretch it between the two posts All four grandparents had come from the outside the United States. San (or more if you have a long row). The state of Bohemia in Czechoslovakia and Francisco, with its cable cars, Fisher­ netting will not rot like string and it will settled in Saline County, Nebraska. Mr. men's Wharf and Chinatown, and not bum the tender plants as wire does in Mika found the years difficult and the Florida, with the Everglades, lush hot weather. In late fall after frost has weather dry, so, when he had the flowers, beaches and varied wildlife, are killed the vines, the netting is removed opportunity, in 1942, to move to two of her favorite places. from the posts and stored for winter. Fremont County, Iowa, he packed up Asked if she could do anything she Flowers m our circle garden and the family and moved to Iowa. wished, what would she choose to do? borders that made folks stop and look Mary Lou was ten years old when the Mary Lou commented that she would are: mum asters called "Mumsters", family moved to the town of Farragut, stay right here at Kitchen-Klatter and "Sapphire" browallia, "Alaska" nastur­ where her parents still reside. After continue to do type-setting and layout tium, "Party Pink" fibrous begonia, graduating from high school, Mary Lou work. It is refreshing, after 24 years with "Fiesta Gitana" dwarf calendula, worked for two years in the office of a the company, for her to present such a "Red Fox" celosia, "Hercules Blend" real estate and insurance firm in positive, enjoyable approach to a difficult coleus, "Scarlet Dragon" coleus, "Baby Shenandoah before coming to Kitchen­ job. Doll" dianthus, "Foxy" foxglove Klatter. Mary Lou's dark hair, sparkling brown "Rainbow Mixed" gazania and the many When she is not working, Mary Lou eyes and petite stature are enhanced by varieties of petunias, marigolds and enjoys sewing, piecing quilts, reading, her love for bright colors-red is her zinnias. All summer long we made note traveling and visiting her parents in favorite, followed closely by yellow and of visitors' reactions to the various Farragut and her relatives in Nebraska. pink. She cheers up the office with her flowers. If a small sample of a new flower Her pleasant apartment in Shenandoah cordial smile and her pretty clothes. gets attention, we will grow it more reflects both Mary Lou's interest in To Mary Lou Mika goes a well­ extensively next season. sewing and the various places she has deserved compliment for her 24 years of A reader writes, "I am seriously visited. A short trip into old Mexico and a devoted, competent service to Kitchen­ thinking of investing in a small journey to Canada's Expo '67, are the Klatter. greenhouse that I can operate during early spring. I would like to grow my own vegetable plants and flowers for the yard and garden. Can I heat it with an electric If you have a collection of past issues of THE space heater or would a small oil burner be less expensive to operate? I have been thinking of a 6- by 8-foot size, but my husband thinks it should be larger. We do not intend to sell plants. Any tips you can give will be greatly appreciated. We want to put up the frame this fall but will not cover it until spring when it will be you have valuable resources in magazines which keep serving used." you with useable and helpful information. Owners treasure their Space does not allow an answer to all Kitchen-Klatter magazine collections. Start yours today. the questions but I1I try to reply in a forthcoming column. In the meantime, ask your county extension office for $3.00 per year, 12 issues pamphlets on home greenhouses. I'm $3.50, foreign countries sure there are government bulletins available. Also, send for this catalog: (Iowa residents, please add Sales Tax.) Stokes Seeds, Inc., Box 548, Buffalo, KITCHEN-KLATTER N.Y. 14240. This firm offers several sizes of small greenhouses at reasonable Shenandoah, Iowa 51601 prices for the home gardener. C® KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 PAGE17 "COOL IT!" ALL With a "Sit-Out" Party ABOUT by Virginia Thomas DOGS! August here in the Midwest usually means hot weather, so if you entertain 1. Superstition says it is a dangerous this month invite guests to bring their time in August. (Dog days) favorite lawn chairs and come to a "sit­ 2. An all-American food. () out" party. When guests arrive, have 3. An expression of exasperation (Doggone!) them place chairs in a shady corner of 4. A dishonest person is described as your back lawn, on the patio, or around a crooked as (a dog's hind leg). flower garden-whichever spot you have 5. Eugene Field wrote about it. (Ging­ decided upon as the best spot for your ham dog) "sit-out". Carol Smith was honored at a baby 6. A homely person. (Dog-faced) Instead of the usual party shower during the final week of her work in the Kitchen-Klatter office. 7. Describes a weary person. (Dog­ refreshments at the close of the The packages hanging from the tree tired) branch held fun gifts: baby soap, tiny entertainment, have a tea table (one of 8. A tattered book. (Dog-eared) the folding-type, double bridge tables cereal boxes, rattle, rubber pants, works fine for this) set up in the area. etc. A large gift from all the em­ 9. When it rains in torrents it's raining ployees was presented to Carol. The (cats and dogs). -Evelyn Lyon Arrange on it a punch bowl, iced tea (or new baby will also be welcomed by a both), a large tray of assorted cookies, four-year-old brother, Justin. bowls of snack crackers and dips. Inform the guests that this is strictly a take-it­ Who am I?" The other players try to easy party, so they may help themselves guess the identity of "It" by asking to cool drinks or snacks whenever they questions which can be answered by wish. Have snack trays or stack tables "yes" or "no". They cannot ask if it is a handy so guests can set down food and certain celebrity until after several drink while participating in games. Since questions have been asked so that clues this is a "sit-down" party, the games are can be established. People chosen may all played while taking it easy in the lawn be any famous celebrity or they may be chairs. limited to television, history, or radio. Hand Puppets can create loads of fun ENTERTAINMENT at a "sit-out" party. The hostess provides Shouting Flowers: Prepare the flash a puppet and it is passed around the cards beforehand. These are the large­ group, with each guest to use for a short size file cards. On each one, glue picture skit. Write directions on slips of paper of a flower (cut from a seed and nursery indicating what type of situation each is catalog). To play the game, divide the to perform as a dramatic incident, such guests into two groups just as they as 1V interview, 1V commercial, etc. If happen to be seated. The leader then you have more than one puppet, several flashes the cards, one at a time, while the persons might be called upon to do a players must call out the name of the puppet show, such as "The Three flower. The first one to call out the Bears", "Little Brother Interrupts correct name wins a point for that Sister's Romance", etc.-with all Farmhouse, player's team. (Be sure that all players performing from their lawn chairs, of Townhouse, can see the card as it is flashed.) course! Church, or The Band Concert: This stunt can Sit-and-Think Quiz: Schoolhouse be hilariously funny if everyone gets in 1. What stands on one leg and has its the mood, especially the band director. heart in its head? (Cabbage) All around the town, wherever The director assigns a musical 2. What asks no questions but re­ there's a tough cleaning job, instrument to each player. To begin, quires many answers? (Doorbell) you'll find Kitchen-Klatter each player is told to tune the instrument 3. What crusader wrecked saloons Kleaner on the job. And doing with appropriate vocal sounds and with her hatchet? (Carrie Nation) its job well, too: reaching deep gestures. Then the band is ready to 4. What city was the center of learning dirt and flushing it away. Once "play". The director beats the time and in the ancient world? (Athens) over and clean, with no suds or hums a lively tune. All players join in, still 5. Who said, "Give me liberty or give froth or scum left to rinse away. using the vocal sounds and gestures of me death."? (Patrick Henry) If you've been doing without their particular instrument. The leader 6. Which president said he did not Kitchen-Klatter Kleaner, can direct the total band to soften down, choose to run? (Calvin Coolidge) you've probably been doing or cease playing, as he points the baton 7. Why must a fisherman be very extra needless work. And, since at a certain player who then does a solo, wealthy? (Because his is all net profit.) it's so economical, it doesn't the solo player coming right in on the 8. Who have been our last ten presi­ cost much to discover what a director's beat. The director can also dents? (Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, great job it can do for you. designate a "section" to play, as Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, F. D. trombones or saxophones, etc. Failure Roosevelt, Hoover, Coolidge) KITCHEN-KLAiTER to come in on the beat or playing as 9. A dentist reminds us of what kind of KLEANER directed means a reprimand from the candy? (Gumdrop) You go through the motions ... director, possibly a penalty. 10. With what sport would you associ­ Kitchen-Klatter Kleaner Celebrity Gala: "It" starts this ate a "Jack-knife'? (Diving) does the work. armchair game by saying "I am on 1V. ******* PAGE18 KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 A MOMENT WITH HIM MEET OUR WRITERS of the school year we had decided to be married during the summer. Combining We mutter and sputter, a career and a marriage was not difficult We fume and we spurt, but I did not plan to combine a career and We mumble and grumble, motherhood. Therefore, after four years Our feelings are hurt. of teaching junior high language arts, I We can't understand things, retired when our first daughter was born. Our vision grows dim, Although I missed the social life of a When all that we need is career, I felt that it was more important A moment with Him! -Selected to be present for our daughter's first Organizations: Make money by com­ tooth, first step, and her first word. Two piling your favorite recipes into a years later, we were blessed with the cookbook. birth of our second daughter and life Cookbooks Are Our Specialty Donna Ridnour became even more hectic. BEST-WAY PUBUSJ-llNG, LTD. In the meantime, Duane had become BOX 779 As the eldest of seven children, I feel I the Sidney high school principal. Our IOWA CITY, IOWA 52240 Phone: 319-354-4048, 319-337-9121, 319-338-7194 have been surrounded by children for as lives now revolve around young people long as I can remember. My brothers and and the activities in which they sisters, quite truthfully, sum up my participate. Our vacations consist of the childhood when they say, "Donna three-day senior trip which Duane and I couldn't climb a tree and she could burn chaperone each year and a few days as a a whole meal while reading a book!" family in Des Moines where our two Climbing trees, wading creeks, and daughters enjoy Adventureland and a playing in the haymow were not my idea motel pool. of fun, although on rare occasions I did I realize I am one of the newer writers participate in these country-style activ­ for the Kitchen-Klatter Magazine. It has ities. As soon as my daily chores were been a fascinating experience and one done, I would disappear to my room which tests my sometimes rusty skills as where I quickly became lost in the world a language arts teacher. I am hoping such NEW TO MARKET A perfect carrier for household items, frozen prod­ of Zane Grey, Emily Loring and Nancy efforts will keep those abilities ucts or fruit jars. Holds six quarts or eight pints. Ideal Drew. sharpened. Surprisingly, it has been for gardening. This carrier has removable fold-down My first eight years of education were difficult to write about my family-come handles attached by a Rubber "O" Ring. Patent pending. Price $4. 75 postpaid. Send money order or gained in a one-room country school­ to my house and I can talk for hours check. Checks must clear before shipping_ Allow up house. Country school did not prepare about our activities, but putting personal to thirty days for deliver. Richard Agar, Rt. 1, Sibley, Iowa 51249. me for the social nor academic activities thoughts on paper is not as easy as one of a consolidated junior high and high might think. school. I often think of my first social Today, I am still surrounded by studies teacher who forced me to give a children as I take my turn as Scout current events report in front of the leader, church school teacher and super­ entire class. My voice shook as much as intendent, and grade school room my knees so that I'm certain no one mother, but I can't think of a more could understand a word I said. I'm very rewarding way of life. I'm looking forward Halfway There grateful to that teacher for getting me to to the next years of being surrounded by speak in public, for otherwise I might still even more children and young people as \/\/hen you take that great­ be hiding in the back row of life. my daughters grow up to become career smelling out of the oven, Instead, I decided to go to college and girls and mothers. you're halfway to a tasty meal. to be a teacher. It was my first time away But only halfway, because a from the security of my family. I'm lucky pizza's not a pizza without a that I chose a junior college close to crispy salad alongside. home for my first two years. I'm sure that And not just any salad, either. I would never have completed college \f\/e're talking about a salad top­ otherwise. By the time those two years LIFE dressed with Kitchen-Klatter were over, I had learned a great deal Salad Dressing. The Italian Life is a mysterious road about people and a great deal more Over which we all must go. would be the natural choice, of about myself. I was confident and ready course, but that doesn't neces­ It may be on the mountain peak; for the university where I earned my It may be the valley below. sarily mean one of the others degree in education. wouldn't work just great. The Although I had always said I would It may be long and winding; French and Country Style never return to my home town to teach, I It may be rough and smooth. are both creamy, rich and flavor­ readily accepted a position in Sidney, As time goes on we ponder ful. All three are just-right Iowa, only six miles from home. I soon Which one to take - which one to blends of oils, spices and vine­ realized that college does not really choose. gars. None are too sweet, they prepare you for that first teaching The years come, and the years go by, are never too spicy. Mix 'em, but experience. I learned more from my you can't match 'em! Life - with its joys and sorrows - students than they did from me that first But after the clouds of yesterday KITCHEN-KLATTER year. We look for the sunshine tomorrow. Now, my dad says he knew that SALAD DRESSINGS something was about to happen the day I We have only one life to live - If you can't yet buy these at your store, came home complaining about "that A life of courage and duty. send $1.75 for each 8-oz. bottle. Specify And it may be said at the end of the road Country Style. French or Italian. Kitchen­ terrible basketball coach at Sidney." And Klatter. Shenandoah, Iowa 51601. it did. My attitude toward the coach, It was a life of love and beauty. Duane Ridnour, changed and by the end -Letha Scott, age 95 KITCHEN-KLATIER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 PAGE19

JULIANA'S LITfER - Concluded furiously to get the Andybear cleaned up column and each season there is a new for their arrival, since this is where they remedy for squash bugs. The current like to stay. (I might add for those who one is a spray of garlic and soap. I've tried don't know, Andybear is the name we it but I can't see that it is any more gave to another house on our property effective than any of the others, and this we use as an "overflow" house.) I'm not means not effective at all! going to go into detail about their visit • BUY DIRECT • 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL We are also getting some remodeling because Kristin is writing a letter for the done this summer. I have been just wild next issue and she will tell you all about Body Aids $79.50 up. Tiny, inconspicuous All-in­ to have some more storage space. We their trip. the- Ear; Behind· the· Ear; Eye Glass Aids. End don't have a basement or an attic or a Frank's sister, Edna Halls, is getting dealer markups. large selection of fine quality usable garage, and this leaves my closets stronger every day. I still hope to get to aids. Low battery prices. Write for FREE litera­ as the only place to stow things such as Roswell, New Mexico, to see her and her ture. No salesman will ever call. Terms arranged. camping gear and the like. husband, Raymond, before winter To provide this new storage space, begins. I~------~ LLOYD HEARING AID CORP. DEPT. KT I we are converting an extra bedroom into Remember in the June issue I told you 1128 Kishwaukee Rockford, Ill. 61104 I an extension of our breakfast room. It about the ugly duckling none of the other I PLEASE RUSH FREE LITERATURE I meant knocking out a wall and adding a ducks would have anything to do with I NAME I closed cupboard at the end of the until one of the white drakes finally went ADDRESS extended room. At the same time, we away with her? Frank just came in and I._ _.I CITY______STATE __ZIP __ decided to get rid of the old, moldy tile in said he had seen the black duck on the I I our two bathrooms. When we are other bayou and she had twelve little through, the bathrooms will be all pure black ducks swimming with her. I'm spruced up and I will finally have a place going with him now to see them, so until to store everything! I have to keep next month . . . . Dorothy reminding myself how nice this will be ----::.\ WAITE YOUR v.eot>" OWN when it is all done. Right now my house is ol in chaos, but at least my kitchen is intact. GRANNY'S RECIPES \ I don't think I will ever have the courage Grandmother's the finest cook on earth; __.- COOKBOOK! to tackle a major kitchen remodeling. She told me long ago. ~ Later: I'm pleased to report that James Bread's no good unless you add some and Katharine don't have a single cavity lovin' A Special Offer to Our in their teeth. However, now I have to To the dough. Readers! make appointments for them with the And when you're baking pies, she said, We are now offering this spiral orthodontist. It sounds like we will soon "A pinch of faith and trust, bound book of 60 blank pages of qual­ be starting on the tooth-straightening If added to the shortening, ity paper ready for you to write or paste business. Neither Jed nor I wore braces, Makes a flaky, tender crust." in your own favorite recipes. Keep it but it doesn't look like this will be the Compassion by the spoonful in the bat- handy next to your radio and copy down those favorites! case for our children. ter of a cake Cover is hii?,b quality stock im­ Sincerely, your friend, Makes it come out light and fluffy printed with 'Favorite Recipes of Juliana And the finest you can make. (write in your name)". Makes an un­ Now these things can't be purchased usual gift. Order now at only $1.00. In the store across the way, Send to: Drlfbnler Co., DOROTHY'S LETTER - Concluded Box 250, Shenandoah, Iowa you are still running. -Kristin But Grandmother keeps them in her heart 51801 The only horse we own now is Little And uses them each day. -Unknown Buck, the pony, which is very much Dare to dream! It is the first step to­ ward attainment. pampered and has everything his own MY PRAYER way, since he gets ridden only once a year. He won't do anything he doesn't Do Thou this day free me from: want to do. The last time Katharine Fear of the future; OLD FASHION Lowey was here he got tired of carrying Anxiety of the morrow; CHINA DOLL her around so he walked under a low Bitterness toward anyone; KIT: Hand branch of the cedar tree in the back yard Cowardice in face of danger; painted china Laziness in face of work; head; arms, and brushed her off. She got right back legs; basic on and he walked right over to the same Failure before opportunity; ~em for branch, but this time she was alert and Weakness when Thy power is at clothe~~16" grabbed onto the limb and hung on while hand. tall $13.95 P.P. Little Buck went on his merry way. We Assembled: And fill me with: Undressed; have two horses we take care of for our with patterns Love that knows no barrier; for clothes friend, Peggy Dyer. She lives in Des 16"" $21.55 P.P. Moines and she and her husband spend Courage that cannot be shaken; Faith strong enough for the dark- Dressed: their weekends at their place on the hill in small ness; print cotton, about a mile from us. old fashioned Strength sufficient for my tasks; style. 16" We have had a wonderful summer so $28.55 P.P. far. We finally got the com and beans Loyalty to Thy kingdom's goal; Wisdom to meet life's complexities; Cata­ planted the first week in June-late, but logue 35¢ not too late. We have had a good visit Power to lift men to Thee. from Kristin, her boys, and a friend, Sue Be Thou with me for another day, and Doll Co., Box 331K, EVA MAE 1931 15th Street Elwess. I had only a few days' warning use me as Thou wilt, San Pablo, Calif. 94806 that they were coming, so worked In Christ's name I pray. Amen PAGE20 KITCHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978

"ZUCCHINI COOKBOOK" Make lemon pie, pineapple cheesecake, jams, cookies, pies, cakes, breads, casseroles with zucchini. $3.50 postpaid. Ideal gifts. 2 books $6.25-3 books $9.00. Order now from: Addie's, Drawer 5426-8KK23, Eugene, Oregon 97405.

Light is the task when many share the toil.

This picture, taken many years ago, could almost be titled "The Driftmiers are getting ready for a blazing summer day." If we awakened to a scorching summer day, we knew at once that a six-quart freezer of homemade ice cream had to be produced without much delay. The old back yard of what for many years was the Driftmier family home (it has now been sold) was always the setting for this ice cream project. Someone dashed to town for ice, while others stirred up the cream itself. Of course, getting to lick the ladle was the great moment of the entire procedure. At this stage of the project there were not too many gracious moments, so that is why Mother always went out to the back porch to see what was going on; and surely her presence was needed! EXPERT In this picture we have Alison Driftmier (Walstad) licking the ladle clean. At the right is her sister, Emily (OiCiccol. and almost completely Maybe not an expert cook ... obscured is Martin Strom. Juliana Verness (Loweyl seems to be the yet. But she's an expert eater, general in charge. and she knows what she likes. Oh, I'll tell you that those were great summer days in a small Iowa What she likes most are des­ town where so few exciting activities were available! -Lucile serts made with Kitchen­ Klatter Flavorings. They taste great, smell great, look MORE HINTS FROM THE dry. It is very handy. great. Success is assured, time -Mrs. R.W., Hubbard, Nebr. after time, because the same LETTER BASKET ************* Kitchen-Klatter quality is in Do not sift flour before storage as it will every bottle and every flavor. To prepare okra so it will not be so settle and pack down, therefore causing Because it's concentrated, a "slippery", wash and slice in pieces as more flour to be used than a recipe needs little goes a long way. And it desired. Make a layer on a cooky sheet. when sifted flour is called for. The never steams or cooks out. Place in oven long enough to heat and correct way to measure for sifted flour is Please YOUR experts. Pick dry, stirring occasionally. The length of to sift, then spoon lightly into a one flavor, or several, or all 16: time depends on the temperature of the measuring cup, level off the top of the oven, at 300 degrees let heat about 30 cup, being careful not to shake or pack Vanilla, Raspberry, Orange, minutes, then check for dryness. At a the flour. -L.H., Tulsa, Okla. Blueberry, Banana, Almond, higher temperature the time would be ************ Pineapple, Coconut, Cherry, shorter. Chopped onion can be added To clean and polish furniture, make up Butter, Lemon, Strawberry, for flavor. Okra is now ready to add to your own solution by combining equal Black Walnut, Burnt Sugar, soups and stews or to cool and freeze in parts of boiled linseed oil, uinegar and Mint and Maple. plastic bags for future use. Experiment a turpentine. Mix well, apply with soft cloth little on this to make the okra right for and rub vigorously. This is especially nice KITCHEN-KLATTER your own tastes. for antique furniture which needs to keep FLAVORINGS -AW., Fayetteville, Ark. that old look. -M.D., Shenandoah, la. If you can't yet buy them at your store. ************ ************ send us $2.50 for any three 3-oz. bottles. Both of our children are through A canning hint: a pinch of black pepper Vanilla comes in a jumbo 8-oz. bottle, too, at $1.50. We'll pay the postage. Kitchen­ school and I found I have an unused added on top of each jar of tomatoes Klatter, Shenandoah, Iowa 51601. music rack. I put it over a register in the when canning gives them an unusually utility room and hang wet things on it to good flavor. - EH., Owensville, Mo. KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 PAGE21 It's a TEAPOT . .. it's a COFFEE-SERVER! GENUINE PORCELAIN -with CURRIER &IVES "Homestead in Winter" IN RICH COPENHAGEN BLUE Only $798

"''''''''''''MAIL NO-RISK COUPON TODAY""""""" AMERICAN TREASURY, Dept. CPTA-2 Caroline Road, Philadelphia, PA 19176 Please send me_ (CPTA) Genuine Porcelain Currier & Ives Teapot(s) with rattan handle & 22K. gold trim at only $7.98 each plus $1.50 post­ An exceptional American Treasury by-mail Exclusive! age & handling. SA VE - 2 Teapots only $14.98 plus $3 postage Our distinctively beautiful, Genuine Porcelain Teapot with rattan handle is a & handling. collectible as lovely to look at as it is to use! The rich, all-around Copenhagen If after receiving my order I'm not delighted, I Blue design depicts one of Currier & Ives most memorable and nostalgic may return it within 14 days for refund (except scenes of life in 19th Century America, "The Homestead in Winter''. And postage & handling). Total enclosed $..--. PA residents add 6% sales each Teapot bears the names of both the famous scene and the world­ tax. Check or money order, no CODs please. renowned artists who created it. CHARGE IT: (check one) Exp. Date---- With its graceful shape, curving spout and special finger-grooved lid (for 0 Visa I BankAmericard D American Express easy removal), this hospitable tea or coffee Server is truly a decorative D Master Charge Bank Number___ _ charmer to brighten your prettiest company table. When not in use, display Credit it proudly with your other favorite collectibles on cabinet or wall shelf - Card# the rich Copenhagen Blue blends beaut,fully with any other decor. And we defy anyone to guess the tiny price you paid! Address ______Apt. # ___ ORDER WITHOUT RISK! Genuine Porcelain Currier & Ives Teapot with Rattan handle and 22K. gold trim - only $7.98 each. We can't imagine a City _____State ____Zip ___ handsomer gift - and you even save on extras. On our no-risk promise, if Canadian Customers please send orders to: Mai I Store Ltd. Dept. CPTA, 312 Rexdale Blvd., Toronto, Ontario M9W 1R6 you're not thrilled in every way, simply return order within 14 days for full (Ontario & Quebec residents add sales tax) refund (except postage & handling). But to avoid unnecessary delay - Mail 8144-008 _Coupon Now! © 1978 American Consumer, Inc., Caroline Rd., Phila., PA 19176 •••••••••••••Div. of American Consumer, Inc ...... PAGE 22 KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978

devotion. Insecurity, which intensified Adrienne's with age, eventually reversed the roles played by Hemingway and Fitzgerald. Authors Hemingway lacked most of the self­ by confidence he exuded to his public. Adrienne Driftmier Fitzgerald battled his insecurity with alcohol and lengthy periods in which he did not produce. Hemingway, in F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest comparison, attempted to dominate and Hemingway are two of the most impress his friends and his literary popular, yet most controversial, audience. Fitzgerald's adulation pleased American authors of the twentieth Hemingway as it suited his need to century. Mathew J. Bruccoli relives their dominate. careers and details their unusual Initially Fitzgerald's friendship was personal lives in Scott and Ernest, The very important to Hemingway. All THE TWO Fitzgerald and Hemingway Friendship. aspiring authors sought the good will of Many biographies have been written acknowledged writers in order to gain AND ONLY accounting the precarious relationship recognition, and F. Scott was a very between these two talented men, but Mr. popular and influential man. But, as Oh, sure, there are other laun­ Bruccoli is the first to take an unbiased Hemingway became increasingly dry detergents and bleaches. stand, to carefully study all available popular, and Fitzgerald increasingly Famous names. Well-known, be­ correspondence between Fitzgerald, intoxicated, Hemingway found him cause they spend more for ad­ Hemingway, and their mutual friend and somewhat more of a burden than an vertising than we'll ever see. But publisher, Maxwell Perkins, and to trace asset. how many do you really feel you their initial interdependence but Destitute, Fitzgerald died in can trust your nice clothes to? inevitable estrangement. Hollywood in 1941, leaving what appears You KNOW about the Kitch­ The two authors' personalities were as to have been his finest novel, The Last en-Klatter laundry twins. You dissimilar as their literary styles. Tycoon, unfinished, and a debt of forty KNOW Blue Drops Deter­ Fitzgerald was a very emotional and thousand dollars unpaid. Hemingway gent gets the dirt out thor­ tive man. His novels (my favorite is wrote a faulty account of his experience oughly but gently. That it's low­ Tender Is the Night) reflected his with the unfortunate author in A suds and biodegradable [no gum­ romantic outlook on life. He was not so Mouable Feast thirty years later, but ming up the sewer or cesspool). much concerned with action and events does not accurately describe his feelings And you KNOW that our All­ as with developing character and in the early years of their friendship. Fabric Bleach is safe for any interpreting relationships. Hemingway's Mathew Bruccoli has written a fascin­ washable fabric, because it con­ works have a reportorial quality, a carry­ ating account of a very psychological re­ tains no harsh chlorines. Yet it's over from his years as a war lationship. Not only is Scott and Ernest strong enough to keep things correspondent during World War I, the interesting and valuable in itself, but it looking sparkling new for years. Spanish Civil War and World War II. His also adds color to the fine novels written Maybe some of the other dialogue is often sharp and direct, and his by both men. products do all these things too. narrative serves more to relay But you KNOW ours do. information pertinent to the story than to FREDERICK'S LEITER - Concluded build to emotion. He developed a new deliberate efforts we must make to look KITCHEN-KLATTER style marked with abrupt rhythms and our best. Once we catch ourselves Blue Drops objectivity. thinking, "What difference does it make Fitzgerald began promoting since there is no one here to notice?" we Laundry Detergent Hemingway's first stories months before feel we are in trouble. and the two men met for the first time in Today, we do not have to be in an Paris. Fitzgerald was immediately taken African jungle to find ourselves debating All-Fabric Bleach with this new American author. He was the question of dress. When parents ask able to identify with Hemingway's me how Betty and I dealt with the casual The highest form of wisdom is kind- intense commitment to literature and his look in clothing when our children were ness. disciplined attitude toward creating. in college a few years ago, we explain our Fitzgerald labeled Hemingway "my kind house rule. We used to say to our Anyone who angers you, conquers of idealist." There was also a strong children, "You may dress like the other you. -Sister Elizabeth Kenny element of hero worship in Fitzgerald's young people when you are away at school, but when you come home just •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * remember our request: we dress for ! Kent & Connie welcome you to : dinner in the evening." I used to say to • * our children, "When your mother has ! come eat at the : worked hard to prepare a nice dinner for • * us, we can show our appreciation by £ WISHBONE CAFE : coming to the table properly dressed." ! Shenandoahi. Iowa 51601 : The children agreed with me, and their ! Ph. 712-246-9991 : mother was grateful. We still live by that rule. ! We welcome clubs, tour groups and families : Sincerely, ! to join us while in Shenandoah. : Frederick • Open 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. * ! Closed Sundays : The sun, as with life, always sets. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * Still, the sun always rises again . KITCHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1978 PAGE 23

"Little Ads" If you have something to sell try this "Little Ad" department. Over 150,000 people read this magazine every month. Rate 30¢ a word, payable in advance. When counting words, count each initial ft1'f.~1tllBiggest Towel Bargain in U.S. in name and address and count zip code tJNWOVl·"l (Of TON OR R..\YON l\\\nttt'J hl·.tu!itul as one word. Rejection rights reserved. 50 YARDS LACE $1.45 Pa,1el ( nltn\ RRA.r\JD !\ll-V. "IOI ''H.'c11nth <.o T1'""el" ·- fro SJ 4

Don't Pass Up The Great New Quinault Everbearing 10 Plants for $1.95 25 for $3.95 50 for $6.95 100 for $11.95 Great-tasting! Heavy-bearing! A wonderful new everbearing variety that's well on its way to be­ ing the greatest performer OF ALL THE EVER­ BEARING STRAWBERRIES. You won't believe the size ••• they have been found big as tea cups! Plant this fall and harvest big, red, deli- cious Strawberries every few weeks all summer long! Order at least 50 plants to try them out. Why Be Satisfied With PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY. Ordinary Strawberries FULL 1-YEAR GUARANTEE When You Can Have The All House of Wesley, Nursery Stock is guaran­ teed to arrive in good healthy condition, ready GIANT ROBINSON for planting and to thrive for one year thereafter. If not, just RETURN THE SHIPPING LABEL They're big! They're juicy! They're sweet! And so within one year of receipt and you will receive a big you can expect to pick quarts from just 30 berries! refund of your purchase price. GUARANTEE IS They make excellent jams, fresh desserts, and freeze VOID UNLESS SHIPPING LABEL IS RETURNED well, too. The Giant Robinson ripens fast and pro­ duces lots of new runners for a bigger patch each year. ------CLIP & ORDER TODAY------A 9 x 12 ft. area will produce all the berries that an HOUSE OF WESLEY, NURSERY DIVISION average-sized family will need. Don't miss this chance Dept. 1944·45 to own a Giant Robinson patch at these low prices. Bloomington, Illinois 61701 ORDER NOW while you can get 25 plants for just $1.95! HOW CAT. These are strong, healthy plants with well-developed MANY NO. ITEM COST ~ crowns and roots ••• all indexed virus free ••• for 567 Quinault Everuearirt,t St1"awberries $ superior fruit, double yields and increased plant vigor. _-J Don't compare Giant Robinson berries with ordinary 754 Giant Robinson StraWoerries -· varjP.ties. Pos,dge and handling .SO Illinois Residents please add 5% sales tax --­ HOUSE OF WESLEY, TOTAL ORDER $ ------NAME------Nursery Division ADDRESS------Bloomington, Illinois 61701 CITY ------STATE - ZIP-----