Butterflies of Southern Greece

Naturetrek Tour Report 24 June - 1 July 2006

Report compiled by Toby Abrehart

Naturetrek Cheriton Mill Cheriton Alresford Hampshire SO24 0NG England T: +44 (0)1962 733051 F: +44 (0)1962 736426 E: [email protected] W: www.naturetrek.co.uk Tour Report of Southern Greece

Tour leader: Toby Abrehart

Tour participants: Mary Buck Margaret Holmes Maurice Higginbotham Barbara Higginbotham Stephen Lewis Paul Huckle

Day 1 Saturday 24th June

We arrived from Gatwick at about 5pm and then had a little delay in getting the bus sorted out, once done and it was off to Kalavrita. 2 ½ hours later we arrived ready for some food and an ice-cold beer. A great supper was provided with some local Rose interesting

Day 2 Sunday 25th June

Kalavrita After our breakfast we set off at around 9.30am after finding our first few butterflies near the buses. These were Brimstones and a Southern Small White a nice start. Once in the buses our half hour drive to the plateau below Mount Chelmos gave us all a chance to see the area for the first time. Our first stop was at the “pond” only to find it had dried up this year, so we explored the meadows behind with, Black-veined Whites, a few Greek Clouded Yellow, an Eastern Baton Blue many Silver-studded Blues and a few Spotted Fritillaries and a few Escher’s Blues. With a breeze and good blue skies it was a good start. Another of our stops found us with more Escher’s and the odd Zephyr Blue.

Further round the Plateaux we made a brief stop for a fleeting Camberwell beauty, Southern Comma and a large Tortoiseshell. Birds here were good with Red-backed Shrikes all over the place, and many parties of Northern Wheatears and singing Woodlarks around the place. In the grassy verge a Purple-shot Copper and a few Clouded Apollo’s started to come out in the warmth.

After this walk we set off to our lunch spot, a leaking water trough. As we arrived it wasn’t long until we found a Chelmos Blue giving us all plenty of time to watch and Photo it. With a lovely Greek lunch laid out, the group set off finding what they could cloudy as it was. Several Silver-studded Blues with the odd Osiris and a Greek Mazarine Blue ssp Helena this being one of the endemics of the mountain. With the weather not looking great we decided to head down to warmer climes in the hope of finding a few more interesting . This we did with a stop at a patch of Onopordum acanthium with Cleopatra’s, and a Hermit but the best being all three Anomalous Blues species being found in about 15 minutes. Well feeling pretty good about the day we set in the building cloud to the river below Kalavrita, little was seen as the wind picked up (it being sucked into a large but distant thunder storm). Enjoying our walk hearing Wryneck and watching Red-rumped Swallows also lots of Beautiful Demoiselles were near the river, just stunning. We returned to the busses to rehydrate, as it had certainly got warmer. Here was a real treat, a bramble in flower and so many butterflies coming into feed at the end of the day, the best being lots of Grecian Coppers, Lang’s Short-tailed Blue, and a Sooty Copper too. Feeling that we had had a pretty good day we went back to the Hotel for a refreshing beer and then supper.

© Naturetrek August 06 1 Butterflies of Southern Greece Tour Report

Day 3 Monday 26th June

Kalavrita An early morning walk to the river to look for birds, Nightingales were heard, Cetti’s Warblers seen briefly, and a Great Reed Warbler singing in the reeds towards the bridge with a few Red-rumped Swallows and two Alpine Swifts - a nice morning’s start. A gathering of Beautiful Demoiselles near the river was sunning themselves and the butterflies were slow to move.

Off to the area of Epano Kambos today, starting off near a leaking water trough but the wind was too strong to stay there so off to a dry riverbed. Butterflies started appearing as it warmed up with Grecian Anomalous Blue, several Blue-spot Hairstreaks (most with the spot missing through predation we thought). Several Lattice Browns flitting in the bushes and one that had dozens of Purple Hairstreaks. The walk along the track here is very beautiful looking straight up to Mount Chelmos, birds were rather hard to find as they all hunkered down in the trees, but, Buzzards were around the hill side. The arable fields were full of flowers around here the level of spraying low and set aside high so rare arable weeds were aplenty. Once we re-grouped back at the bus we headed off to our lovely lunch spot by the river, much to see here too, with lots of Silver-washed Fritillaries around the trees and by the river were small areas of interest with Chapman’s Blues at one site and at another a male Melearger’s Blue, an Anomalous and Ripart’s Anomalous all drinking together wonderful. Then lunch was needed nearly as much as the shade while watching the river rush by.

A little after lunch we had a last wander upstream but, not for long, finding a small meadow with our first Hungarian , as we the wind-borne fur off the Oriental Plane trees was affected all, a soothing cool drink was needed. So it was off to Planitero, the source of the Aroanios River. Welcome shade and a drink was aided by the gentle rushing of the river below us. More to see with Lattice Browns, and a several Golden-ringed Dragonfly - Cordulegaster picta - in the first gushings of the river. As time was getting on it was off up the mountain to pastures new. The road took us steeply up until we got to our meadow, with many butterflies around, we found a couple of Tree Graylings and had a long discussion over the Escher’s Blues here.

Back towards the hotel we made one last stop at some brambles for our last butterflies a Sloe Hairstreak and a Balkan Copper, then back for a refreshing drink and supper.

Day 4 Tuesday 27th June

Kalavrita An early morning walk by the river mainly to see what birds were around. They didn’t disappoint - Red-rumped Swallows, Olivaceous Warbler and two singing Great Reed Warblers. A few red winged grasshoppers Calliptamus italicus and a fine Sloe Hairstreak trying to egg lay. In the meadows were Red-backed shrikes a Hoopoe and a brief Middle-spotted Woodpecker. Back for breakfast and then up Mount Chelmos again, in the hope of more treasures. Here we had our first Eastern Rock Grayling, an Idas blue in amongst the Silver-studded Blues, a Blue Argus and finally Mary got her Camberwell beauty. The on this side of the plateaux were exciting limestone species including Scabiosa crenata in large clumps also with Astragalus parnassi, Carduus tmoleus ssp armatus, speciosa, Valeriana crinii and prostratus. This bank being about the only place where the goats had not grazed everything to about three inches high. With the wind still fierce we moved down into the valley below calmer here we saw a Long-legged Buzzard and more Camberwell’s along with a few

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Blue’s. Following this was a quick stop at the first leaky water through with at least five Chemlos Blues and more Zephyrs too. Fading we needed food so lunch up on the plateaux enjoying views towards the Mountain and the steep side going down into the Styx Valley.

After lunch we set off down for Epano Kambos but started at the other end of the track, the heat was high and rather intense but we found some excellent nectaring plants with Clematis flammea, and a Rubus sp just covered in Coppers and Hairstreaks, they were alive with butterflies, Lesser-fiery Coppers, Lang’s short-tailed and Grecian Anomalous Blue’s most obliging. The yellow umbellifer Opopanax hispidus was covered in Metallic green beetles and a Silver-washed Fritillary, the heat getting to us it was back to the hotel for our last meal and with time to pack for the next day.

Day 5 Wednesday 28th June

Kalavrita - Arachova Change over day so our last look at the Brimstones and Cleopatra’s on the Jasmine. Once loaded, we set off at 8.30am to the coast at Egio and our ferry. Having arrived in plenty of time for a relaxing coffee, we then settled on our ferry for the 45-minute journey across the Gulf of Corinth. Along the way we saw a scarce Swallowtail, a distant Cory’s Shearwater and a very unusual Bat flying around the boat before heading off to the coast. A short drive took us to an area of coastal garigue but little was showing in the heat except a Woodchat Shrike, so off to the beach to have a chance to refresh ourselves in the sea, or have a walk through the Thyme. Along the roadside at Galaxidi where a few Freyer’s Grayling going for a drink by the sea one was caught for the group to enjoy. In this heat (as it was about 37ºC at the time) there was little to see only a few birds with Black-eared Wheatear and Rock Sparrows. After this, lunch was had in a taverna in Galaxidi, very nice with the accompanying Lesser Kestrels and view over the harbour.

After lunch we forgave a walk in the heat for the fresher mountains, so off to Arachova we went. Dropping everyone off at the comfortable Santa Marina Hotel, some of us then set off for an evening walk behind the town. This proved very productive with us finding 26 species in 1-½ hours, including White-banded Grayling, Persian Skipper and a Black Sooty Satyr. A good end to a long day, supper was very welcome with improving wine quality and we all retired to our rooms.

Day 6 Thursday 29th June

Arachova Off for our day up Mount Parnassos, our first scheduled stop was a small track in the hope of finding a few birds first, which we did a pair of Black-headed Buntings showed very well along with a few Cirl Buntings too. Butterflies were all around but the best being an Oriental Meadow Brown. Next stop was up the mountain trying to find thistles in flower but not this year, we did find a very productive site which produced a continual flow of good species, starting off with a great Southern Swallowtail some fine distant Cardinals and Silver-washed Fritillaries. Many blues including another fine male Meleager’s blue our first Amanda’s Blue, a good scattering of other species including a White-banded Grayling. After a while we set off to the ephemeral pond higher up the mountain, which unfortunately was nearly dry, this so, we managed to find Heath, Pearl-bordered and Queen of Spain Fritillaries. Lower down the slope were some six species of Helleborines, including two endemics to

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Greece. A good number of other butterflies appeared with Ripart’s Anomalous and Large Blue. Then as time progressed lunch was in our minds.

By now we were on the slopes of Mount Parnassos, the sun beating down between the clouds but a strong breeze blowing on us. Butterflies were around but difficult to see as they whizzed past, but the Blue and Mountain Argus were fine. A party of Alpine Choughs with accompanying Black Redstarts gave a good display across the valley. Mount Parnassos being well known for butterflies also has a very rich endemic flora too. Alas too little time for proper exploration of the higher slopes but a few good species were found, Campanula rupicola, C.aizoon with some bright pink Geranium cinerea and the pink Geranium macrostylosum. After a wander around we set off to another spring on the north side of the mountain. Once we’d watched a Fire- bellied Toad in the water trough, a few good butterflies were spotted including Hungarian Skipper, all three Meadow Browns and a Grecian Anomalous, with these a fabulous Orthetrum ramburi chasers. In need for petrol back to the plateaux and a sidetrack for a little walk in the heat, many Great Sooty Satyr’s a couple of Woodchat Shrikes and a Long-legged Buzzard was a good end to the day, then we headed back to Arachova.

Day 7 Friday 30th June

Arachova Off to Delphi this morning getting there by 9am having about three hours to our leisure at the site. It was very hot and humid, we all felt it today, but early on we all got to see about twenty fabulous Grass Jewels, the smallest European but very distinctive in flight and very beautiful when seen up close. It was one of the highlights of the trip for some, and in such a fantastic setting what could be better. After this we all wandered off finding Marbled White, Pygmy Skipper and more Southern Swallowtails. From the ruins many Rock Nuthatches and a few Rock Sparrows called and showed well, often to within a few feet, to accompany this were a party of chattering Alpine Swifts. Back near the buses at the Castilian Spring were Speckled Woods, Anomalous Blue and Tree Grayling were flitting about in the damp shade of the morning.

As we were heating up it was back to the hotel to pick up lunch, then off back to the ephemeral pools on the side of Mount Parnassos, this proved to be a good decision, with new butterflies being found including the Nettle-tree, Turquoise Blue and a this being in perfect condition, lunch was had in this lovely valley with a cool breeze blowing across us, just what we needed. After this we set up to the Athinaikos “Ski Resort” for the last walk of the day, once there a few Clouded Apollo’s a High brown Fritillary and some good birds with Little Owl being mobbed by fifteen Alpine Choughs and the two Alpine Accentors overhead. It was still very hot at 1800m so we needed a respite from this and returned to the hotel for the evening, in preparation for packing for our return to the airport the next day.

Day 8 Saturday 1st July

Arachova This morning was our last chance for a walk so we set off in the heat to the slopes on the southern side of Parnassos, nothing new today but plenty to see with a few more Dwarf species being found, Dark-green and Queen of Spain Frit’s, another Woodchat and lots of Red-backed Shrikes was a great round up to the trip. We

4 © Naturetrek August 06 Butterflies of Southern Greece Tour Report were all packed promptly and set off in plenty of time for our flight having a light lunch at the airport, only a half hour delay and then back to the sunny UK.

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Species lists

Butterflies June/July 2006 Common name Scientific name Family 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Swallowtail Papilio machaeon Papilionidae # # # # # Southern Swallowtail Papilio alexanor Papilionidae # # Scarce Swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius Papilionidae # # # # # # # Clouded Apollo Parnassius mnemosyne Papilionidae # # # # # Black-veined White Aporia crataegi Pieridae # # # # # Large White Pieris brassicae Pieridae # # # # # # # Small White Artogeia (Pieris) rapae Pieridae # # # # # Southern Small White Artogeia (Pieris) mannii Pieridae # # # # # # # Mountain Small White Artogeia (Pieris) ergane Pieridae # # # Krueper’s Small White Artogeia (Pieris) krueperi Pieridae # Eastern Bath White Pontia daplidice Pieridae # # # # # # # Clouded Yellow Colias crocea Pieridae # # # # # # # Clouded Yellow Colias crocea var helice Pieridae # # # # # Greek Clouded Yellow Colias libanotica heldreichii Pieridae # # # # # # Berger’s Clouded Yellow Colias australis Pieridae # # # Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni Pieridae # # # # # # Cleopatra Gonepteryx cleopatra Pieridae # # # # # # Eastern Wood White Leptidea duponcheli Pieridae # # # # Purple Hairstreak Quercusia quercus Lycaenidae # # Sloe Hairstreak Nordmannia acaciae Lycaenidae # # # Ilex Hairstreak Nordmannia ilicis Lycaenidae # # # # # # # Blue-spot Hairstreak Strymonidia spini Lycaenidae # # # Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas Lycaenidae # # # # Grecian Copper Heodes ottomanus Lycaenidae # # # Sooty Copper Lycaena tityrus Lycaenidae # # # Purple-shot Copper Heodes alciphron Lycaenidae # # # # Lesser Fiery Copper Lycaena thersamon Lycaenidae # # Balkan Copper Lycaena candens Lycaenidae # # Lang's Short-tailed Blue Leptotes pirithous Lycaenidae # # Osiris Blue Cupido osiris Lycaenidae # # Holly Blue Celastrinas argiolus Lycaenidae # # Large Blue Maculinea arion Lycaenidae # Eastern Baton Blue Pseudophilotes b.icrama Lycaenidae # Grass Jewel Freyeria trochylus Lycaenidae # Zephyr Blue Plebejus pylaon Lycaenidae # # # # # Silver-studded Blue Plebejus argus Lycaenidae # # # # # Idas Blue Lycaeides idas Lycaenidae # # # Brown Argus Aricia agestis Lycaenidae # # # # Mountain Argus Aricia artaxerxes Lycaenidae # # # Blue Argus Aricia anteros Lycaenidae # # # Greek Mazarine Blue Cyaniris helena Lycaenidae # # Ripart’s Anomalous Blue Agrodiaetus ripartii Lycaenidae # # # # # # Grecian Anomalous Blue Agrodiaetus aroaniensis Lycaenidae # # # # Anomalous Blue Agrodiaetus admetus Lycaenidae # # # Chelmos Blue Agrodiaetus i.onacriensis Lycaenidae # # Escher's Blue Agrodiaetus escheri Lycaenidae # # # # # # Chapmans Blue Agrodiaetus thersites Lycaenidae # # Amanda's Blue Agrodiaetus amanda Lycaenidae # Turquoise Blue Plebicula dorylas Lycaenidae #

6 © Naturetrek August 06 Butterflies of Southern Greece Tour Report

June/July 2006 Common name Scientific name Family 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Adonis Blue Lysandra bellargus Lycaenidae # # # # Meleager’s Blue Meleageria daphnis Lycaenidae # # # Common Blue Polyommatus icarus Lycaenidae # # # # # # # Nettle Tree Butterfly Libythea celtis Libytheidae # Southern White Admiral Limentis reducta # # # # # # Large Tortoiseshell polychloros Nymphalidae # # # # # # Camberwell Beauty Nymphalidae # # # # # # Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta Nymphalidae # # # # # Painted Lady Cynthia cardui Nymphalidae # # # # # # # Peacock Inachis io Nymphalidae # # Aglais urticae Nymphalidae # # # # Comma c-album Nymphalidae # # # # # Southern Comma Polygonia egea Nymphalidae # # # # # Cardinal Pandoriana (Argyrinnis) pandora Nymphalidae # # Silver-washed Fritillary Argynnis paphia Nymphalidae # # # # # # Dark Green Fritillary Mesoacidalia (Argyrinnis) aglaia Nymphalidae # # # # High Brown Fritillary (Argyrinnis) adippe Nymphalidae # Fabriciana (Argyrinnis) niobe Nymphalidae # Queen of Spain Fritillary Issoria lathonia Nymphalidae # # # # # # Pearl-bordered Fritillary Clossiana euphrosyne Nymphalidae # Glanville Fritillary Melitaea cinxia Nymphalidae # # Spotted Fritillary Melitaea didyma Nymphalidae # # # # Heath Fritillary Mellicta athalia Nymphalidae # Marbled White Melanargia galathea Satyridae # Balkan Marbled White Melanargia larissa Satyridae # # # # # # # Delattin's Grayling Hipparchia volgensis Satyridae }? ? Southern Grayling Hipparchia aristaeus Satyridae }? ? Tree Grayling Neohipparchia statilinus Satyridae # # Freyer’s Grayling Neohipparchia fatua Satyridae # Hermit Chazara briseis Satyridae # Eastern Rock Grayling Hipparchia alcyone Satyridae # White-Banded Grayling Pseudochazara anthelea Satyridae # # # Great Sooty Satyr Satyrus ferula Satyridae # # # Great Banded Grayling Brintesia circe Satyridae # # # # # Meadow Brown Maniola jurina Satyridae # # # # # # # Oriental Meadow Brown Hyponephele lupina Satyridae # # # Dusky Meadow Brown Hyponephele lycaon Satyridae # Small Heath Coenonympha pamphilus Satyridae # # # # # Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria Satyridae # Wall Brown Lasiommata megera Satyridae # # # # Large Wall Brown Lasiommata maera Satyridae # # # Lattice Brown Kirinia roxelana Satyridae # # # # # Large Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus alveus Hesperidae # Hungarian Skipper Spialia orbifer Hesperidae # # # Persian Skipper Spialia phlomidis Hesperidae # # Olive Skipper Syrichtus proto Hesperidae # # # # Mallow Skipper alceae Hesperidae # # # # Tufted Marbled Skipper Hesperidae # Oriental Marbled Skipper Hesperidae # # # # Dingy Skipper Erynnis tages Hesperidae # Essex Skipper Thymelicus lineola Hesperidae # # # # Small Skipper Thymelicus sylvestris Hesperidae # # # # Large Skipper Ochlodes venatus Hesperidae # # # # #

© Naturetrek August 06 7 Butterflies of Southern Greece Tour Report

June/July 2006 Common name Scientific name Family 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Pygmy Skipper Gegenes pumilo Hesperidae #

Numbers found each day 63 53 59 27 61 67 30

Total number of species 101-102

Birds fem = females; f = few; h = heard; l = lots

June 2006 Bird Species Scientific name 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Corys Shearwater Calonectris diomedea 1 Mallard Anas platyrhnchos 1 fem Sparrowhawk Accipter nisus 1 Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 2 2 f 2 f f 3 Lesser Kesrel Falco naumanni 20 Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus 1 1 1 Common Buzzard Buteo buteo 1 2 Hobby Falco subbuteo 1 Chukar Alectoris chukar 1 1 1 Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 1 Water Rail Rallus aquaticus 1 Yellow-legged Gull Larus cachinnans f f f f Lesser black-backed Gull Larus fuscus 2 Woodpigeon Columba palumbus f f f Feral Pigeon Columba livia f f f f f f f Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto f f f f f f f Scops Owl Otus scops h Little Owl Athene noctua 1 Tawny Owl Strix aluco h Alpine Swift Apus melba 2 20 Pallid Swift Apus pallidus l l l l l l l Common Swift Apus apus l l l l l l l Hoopoe Upupa epops 1 1 Wryneck Jynx torquilla h h Great-spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopus major 1 h Middle-spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopus medius 1 Woodlark Lullula arborea 4 2 1 Crested Lark Galerida cristata 1 4 Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris 3 Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica f f f f f f f Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica l l l l l l l House Martin Delchon urbica l l l l l l l Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris 2 1 White Wagtail Motacilla alba 1 Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea 2 f 1 f Dunnock Prunella modularis 1 Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris 2 Wren Troglodytes troglodytes 2 1 Robin Erithacus rubecula h h f Nightingale Luscinia megarhnochos h h Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros 10 f

8 © Naturetrek August 06 Butterflies of Southern Greece Tour Report

June 2006 Bird Species Scientific name 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Stonechat Saxicola torquata 2 f 5 Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe 15 f l l l Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica 2 4 Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis 1 male Blackbird Turdus merula f f f f Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus 1 Cetti's Warbler Cettia cetti 3 f f Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus 1 1 2 Sub-alpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans 1 Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala 1 f 1 Orphean Warbler Sylvia hortensis 1 fem Common Whitethroat Sylvia communis 1 1 1 1 4 Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla h 2 Garden Warbler Sylvia borin 1 Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais pallida 1 Firecrest Regulus ignicapillus 1 Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1 1 Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicllis 2 Blue Tit Parus caeruleus f f f Great Tit Parus major f f f f Sombre Tit Parus lugubris 2 2 Coal Tit Parus ater h f l l Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus f f Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea 2 Rock Nuthatch Sitta neumayer 2 f l l Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio l l l l l l l Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator 1 2 1 Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor 1 Magpie Pica pica f f f f f Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandularius 1 1 f f f Western Jackdaw Corvus monedula f Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus 15 15 Common Raven Corvus corax 30 2 Hooded Crow Corvus corone cornix l l l l l l l House Sparrow Passer domesticus l l l l l l l Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis 1 male Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus Rock Sparrow Petronia petriona 2 1 2 Common Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs f f f f f f f Common Linnet Carduelis cannabina f f f f f f f Eurasian Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis f f f f f f f European Greenfinch Carduelis chloris f f f f f f f European Serin Serinus serinus f f f f f f f Cirl Bunting Emberiza cirlus f f f f f f f Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala 2 Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra f f f f Rock Bunting Emberiza cia 1 1 Crossbill Loxia curvirostra 6

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Scientific name Common name

PTERIDOPHYTA Ferns and Fern Allies

Equisetaceae Horsetail Family Equisetum arvense Field Horsetail Equisetum telmateia Giant Horsetail

Dennstaediceae Family Pteridium aquilinum Bracken

Aspleniaceae Spleenwort Family Asplenium ceterach Rusty-back Fern Chelianthes fragrans Asplenium ruta-muraria Cystopteris fragilis Adianthum capillus-veneris Maidenhair Fern


Pinaceae Pine Family Abies cephalonica Greek fir Pinus pinea Umbrella Pine Pinus nigra Black Pine

Cupressaceae Juniper Family Cupressus sempervirens Italian Cypress Juniperus oxycedrus Prickly Juniper Juniperus phoenicea Phoenicean Juniper Juniperus foetissima Stinking Juniper Juniperus excelsa Grecian Juniper

ANGIOSPERMAE FLOWERING PLANTS Dicotyledones Salicaceae Salix alba White Salix purpurea Purple Willow Goat Willow

Juglandaceae Juglans regalis Walnut

Corylaceae Corylus avellana Hazel

Fagaceae Quercus coccifera Kermes Oak Quercus ilex Holm Oak Quercus frainetto Hungarian Oak

10 © Naturetrek August 06 Butterflies of Southern Greece Tour Report

Scientific name Common name

Ulmaceae Ulmus glabra

Moraceae Morus nigra Common Mulberry Ficus carica Fig

Urticaceae Urtica dioica Common Nettle Urtica dubia Pellitory-of-the-wall

Santalaceae Thesium humifusum sp Bastard Toadflax

Amaranthaceae Amaranthus alba White Pigweed Amaranthus retroflexus Pigweed Amaranthus blitoides

Anacardiaceae Sumach Family Pistacia lentiscus Mastic Tree Pistacia terebinthus Turpentine tree Rhus coriaria Sumach

Molluginaceae Gallium verum Lady's Bedstraw Galium mollugo Hedge Bedstraw Galium rotundifolium Crucianella gracea Valantia hispida

Caryophyllaceae Pink family Cerastium glomeratum Sticky Mouse-ear Cerastium candisissimum Minuarta stellata Saponaria bellidifolia Saponaria calabrica Petrorhagia illyrica Petrorhagia velutina Silene gigantea Silene italica Italian Catchfly Silene congesta Silene vulgaris Bladder Campion Stellaria media Common Chickweed Agrostemma githago Corncockle Dianthus giganteus Dianthus corymbosus Dianthus armeria Deptford Pink Dianthus serratifolius

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Scientific name Common name Dianthus deltoides Maiden Pink

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family Helleborus cyclophyllus Greek Hellebore Nigella damascena Love-in-a-mist Adonis annua Pheasant’s-eye Adonis flammea Consolida orientalis Larkspur Clematis flammula Fragrant Clematis Ranunculus bulbatus Ranunculus ficaria Lesser Celandine Ranunculus psilostachys Ranunculus millefoliatus Ranunculus muricatus Rough-fruited Buttercup

Papaveraceae Poppy Family Fumaria capreolata Ramping Fumitory Fumaria officinalis Common Fumitory Papaver dubium Long-headed Poppy Papaver rhoeas Common Poppy Papaver nigrotinctum Papaver setiferum Papaver somniferum Opium Poppy

Capparidaceae Capparis spinosa Caper

Cruciferae Cress Family Aethionema saxatile Burnt Candytuft Alysoides utricularia Ptilotrichium cylocarpum Aubrieta deltoidea Aubrieta Brassica cretica Biscutella didyma Biscutella Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd’s Purse Cardaria draba Hoary Cress Cheiranthus cheiri Wallflower Crithmum maritimum Rock Samphire Clypeola jonthlaspi Eruca sativa Eruca Erucaria hispanica Spanish Mustard Fibigia clypeata Malcolmia flexuosa Sea Stock Malcolmia bicolor Matthiola incana ssp incana Mycelis muralis Sinapsis arvensis Charlock Sisymbrium officinale Thlaspi graecum

Crassulaceae Stonecrop Family

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Scientific name Common name Sedum acre Biting Stonecrop Sedum tenuifolium Sedum album White Stonecrop Sedum rubens Reddish Stonecrop Umbilicus horizontalis Umbilicus rupestris Navelwort

Grossulariaceae Ribes uva-crispa Gooseberry

Pittosporaceae Pittosporum Family Pittosporum tobira

Plantanaceae Platanus orientalis Oriental Plane

Rosaceae Rose Family Eriobotrya japonica Japanese Loquat Prunus dulcis Almond Prunus spinosa Sloe Prunus cocomilia Prunus prostrata Pyrus amygdaliformis Almond-leaved Rubus sanctus Bramble Sarcopoterium spinosum Thorny Burnet Sanguisorba minor Salad Burnet Potentilla rupestris Rock Cinquefoil Potentilla speciosa Potentilla inclinata pycnoloba # Crataegus heldrechii

Leguminosae Pea Family Acacia dealbata Acacia cyanophylla Albizzia julibrissin Anagyris foetida Bean Trefoil Anthyllis vulneraria Kidney Vetch Astragalus creticus Astragalus parnassi Astragalus hamosus Astragalus depressus Astragalus angustifolius Colutea arborescens Bladder Siena Calycotome villosa Hairy Thorny Broom Cercis siliquastrum Judas Tree Coronilla scorpioides Annual Scorpion Vetch Dorycnium pentaphyllum Genista acanthoclada Spiny Broom Hymenocarpus circinnatus Disc Trefoil Lathyrus grandiflora

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Scientific name Common name Lathyrus cicera Lathyrus clymenum Lathyrus ochrus Lathyrus setifolius Lathyrus sphaericus Medicago arabica Spotted Medick Medicago arborea Tree Medick Medicago lupulina Black Medick Medicago orbicularis Large Disc Medick Medicago rigidula Ononis spinosa Ononis viscosa Onobrychis caput-galli Cockscomb Sainfoin Psoralea bituminosa Pitch Trefoil Robinia pseudoacacia False Acacia Spartium junceum Spanish Broom Trifolium campestre Hop Trefoil Trifolium repens White Clover Trifolium scabrum Trifolium stellatum Starry Clover Trifolium tomentosum Woolly Clover Trifolium uniflorum Trigonella balansae Vicia cracca Tufted Vetch Vicia lutea Yellow Vetch Vicia sativa Common Vetch Vicia villosa Fodder Vetch

Geraniaceae Geranium Family Erodium cicutarium Common Stork’s-bill Erodium gruinum Long-beaked Stork’s-bill Erodium malacoides Soft Stork’s-bill Geranium dissectum Cut-leaved Crane’s-bill Geranium luicdum Shining Crane’s-bill Geranium molle Dove’s-foot Crane’s-bill Geranium purpureum Little Robin Geranium rotundifolium Round-leaved Crane’s-bill Geranium macrorrhizum Geranium tuberosum Tuberous Geranium

Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris Maltese Cross

Linaceae Flax Family Linum arboreum Shrubby Flax Linum bienne Pale Flax Linum aroanium

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia dendroides Tree Spurge Euphorbia acanthothamnos Greek Spiny Spurge

14 © Naturetrek August 06 Butterflies of Southern Greece Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Euphorbia characias Large Mediterranean Spurge Euphorbia rigida Narrow-leaved Glaucous Spurge Euphorbia hernariifolia Andrachne telephioides

Rutaceae Rue Family Citrus limon Lemon Citrus sinensis Orange

Meliaceae Melia azedarach Indian Bean Tree

Polygalaceae Milk-wort Family Polygala venulosa Eastern Milkwort Polygala subuniflora Polygala supina

Anacardiaceae Pistacia lenticus Mastic Tree

Aceraceae Maple Family Acer hyrcanum Balkan Maple Acer sempervivens

Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family Rhamnus alternus Mediterranean Buckthorn Rhamnus alpinus Rhamnus saxatilis

Vitaceae Vitus vinifera Vine

Malvaceae Mallow Family rosa-sinensis Hibiscus Alcea pallida Eastern Holyhock Lavatera cretica Cretan Mallow cretica Malva parviflora Least Mallow Common Mallow

Thymelaeaceae Daphne Family Daphne oleoides Daphne sericea Daphne blagayana

Hypericaceae Hypericum empetrifolium Hypericum rumeliacum

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Scientific name Common name Cistaceae Rockrose Family Cistus incana Cistus salvifolius Helianthemum nummularium Helianthemum apenninum Helianthemum canum

Cucurbitaceae Ecballium elaterium Squirting Cucumber

Cactaceae Opuntia ficus-indica Prickly Pear

Umbelliferae Carrot Family Apium nodiflorum Fool’s Water-cress Conium maculatum Hemlock Bupleurum lancifolium Rorippa Daucus carota Wild Carrot Eryngium amethystinum Eryngium campestre Field Eryngo Eryngium creticum Small-headed Blue Eryngo Ferula communis Giant Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Fennel Opopanax chironium Scandix pecten-veneris Shepherd’s Needle Scandix australis Smyrnium orphanidis Smyrnium perfoliatum Perfoliate Alexanders Tordylium apulum Tordylium Torilis leptophylla Upright Hedge-parsley Torilis purpurea

Primulaceae Lysmachia atropurpurescens

Plumbaginaceae Thrift Family Acantholimon androsaceum Spiny Thrift

Oleaceae Ash Family Fraxinus ornus Manna Ash Olea europaea Olive

Convolvulaceae Ipomea purpurea Morning Glory Convolvulus althaeoides Convolvulus cantabrica Convolvulous boissieri ssp compactus


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Scientific name Common name Alkanna graeca Anchusa officinalis Cerinthe major Cerinthe retorta Cynoglossum creticum Blue Hound's Tongue Echium italicum Pale Bugloss Echium vulgare Viper's Bugloss Helitropium europaeum Heliotrope Onosma frutescens

Verbenaceae Verbena officinalis Vervain Vitex agnus- castus Chaste Tree

Labiatae Ballota acetabulosa Ballota pseudodictamnus Lamium garganicum cylleneum Marrubium velutinum Micromeria juliana Micromeria Micromeria nervosa Nepeta parassica Phlomis fruticosa Jerusalem Sage Phlomis lanata Phlomis samia Prasium majus Prasium majus Prasium Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary Salvia fruticosa Three-leaved Sage Salvia sclarea Clary Salvia verbenacea Wild Clary Satureja thymbra Sideritis clandestina Sideritis curvidens cretica Stachys spinosa Stachys swainsonii Teucrium polium Thymus capitatus Shrubby Thyme Thymus longicaulis Thymus praecox Thymus pulegioides Mentha sp

Solanaceae Potato Family Hyoscyamus albus White Henbane Nicotiana glauca Shrub Tobacco Solanum nigrum Black Nightshade Datura stamonium Thorn-apple

© Naturetrek August 06 17 Butterflies of Southern Greece Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Scrophulariaceae Figwort Family Cymbalaria muralis Ivy-leaved Toadflax Misopates orontium Lesser Snapdragon Parentucellia latifolia Southern Bartsia Parentucellia viscosa Yellow Bartsia Scrophularia lucida Chaenorhinum minus Verbascum olympicum Verbascum sinuatum Verbascum delphicum Veronica anagallis-aquatica Blue Water Speedwell Veronica cymbalaria Cymbalaria-leaved Speedwell Veronica hederifolia Ivy-leaved Speedwell Veronica serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Speedwell

Acanthaceae Acanthus spinosus Spiny Bear's Breach

Orobanchaceae Broomrape Family Orobanche rapum-genistea Orobanche minor Orobanche alba Orobanche gracilis

Plantaginaceae Plantain Family Plantago coronopus Buck’s-horn Plantain Plantago lagopus Plantago lanceolata Ribwort Plantain Plantago major Greater Plantain

Caprifoliaceae Sambucus nigra Sambucuc ebulus Lonicera xyloteum Lonicera peryclymenum

Valarianaceae Valerian Family Centranthus calcitrapa Annual Valarian Centranthus ruber Red Valarian Valeriana officinalis Common Valerian Valeriana crinii

Dipsacaceae Morina persica Centurea pelia Scabiosa crenata Knautia integrifolia Tremastelma palaestinum


18 © Naturetrek August 06 Butterflies of Southern Greece Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Campanula spathulata Campanula rupicola Campanula erinis Campanula topaliana Campanula aizoon Legousia hybrida Legousia speculum-veneris

Compositae Bellis annua Bellis sylvestris Phagnalon graecum Dittrichia viscosa Pallens spinosa Anthemis arvensis Achillia umbellata Doronicum columnae Senecio thapsoides Echinops sphaerocephalus Xeranthum annuum Jurinea mollis Carduus pycnocephalus Carduus tmoleus Notobasis syriaca Cirsium candelabrum Crupina crupinastrum Centurea solstitialis Centurea salonitana Centurea calcitrapa Centurea cyanus Scolymus hispanicus Scolymus maculatus Cichorium intybus Urospermum dalechampii Tragopogon crocifera Tragopogon balcanicus Tragopogon pratensis Scorzonera austriaca Scorzonera mollis Rhagadoilus stellatus

Nyctaginacae Bougainvillea Family Bougainvillea glabra Bougainvillea

Oxalidaceae Sorrel Family Oxalis pes-caprae Bermuda Buttercup

Polygonacae Dock Family Rumex acetosella Sheep’s Sorrel Rumex bucephalophorus Rumex cyprius

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Scientific name Common name

Monocotyledones Alismataceae Alisma plantago-aquatica

Liliaceae Colchicum pusillum Anthericum lilago Allium sphaerocephalon Allium atropurpureum Allium ampeloprasum Ornithogalum umbellatum Muscari comosum Asparagus acutifolius

Graminae Grass Family Arundo donax Giant Reed Aegilops geniculata Lamarkia aurea Avena sterilis Winter Wild Oat Briza maxima Large Quaking Grass Bromus sterilis Sterile Brome Bromus rubens Bromus madritensis Bromus tectorum dactylon Bermuda Grass echinatus Rough Dog’s-tail Hordeum murinum Wall Barley Lagurus ovatus Hare’s Tail Lolium temulentum Darnel Gastridium ventricosum Nit Grass Andropogon distachyos Setaria viridis Melica ciliata Stipa pennata Phragmites australis Reed Poa annua Annual Meadow-grass

Iridaceae Iris Family Gladiolus italicus Wild Gladiolus Gynandriris sisyrinchium Barbary Nut Iris pseudocorus Yellow Flag

Orchidaceae Orchid Family Epipactis subclausa type Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved Helleborine Epipactis greuteri type Cephalanthera damasonium White Helleborine Cephalanthera rubra Red Helleborine

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Scientific name Common name Neotinea pyramidalis Pyramidal Orchid Orchis pinetorum

Dragonflies Scientific name Common name Family Calopterygidae Calopteryx virgo Beautiful Demoiselle

Family Lestidae Lestes viridis Lestes barbarus Lestes macrostigma

Family Platycnemididae Platycnemis pennipes White-legged Damselfly

Family Coenagrionidae Coenagrion puella Azure Damselfly Cercion lindeni

Family Aeshnidae Aeshna affinis Anax imperator Emperor Dragonfly Caliaschna microstigma

Family Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster picta Golden-ringed Dragonfly sp Cordulegaster bidentata Golden-ringed Dragonfly sp

Family Libellulidae Libellula fulva Scarce Chaser Libellula depressa Broad-bodied Chaser Orthetrum ramburi Sympetrum meridionale Meditereanean Darter Stmpetrum sanguinium Ruddy Darter

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Grasshoppers Family Acrididae Calliptamus italicus Acrida ungarica Isophya sp Barbitistes sp Sago hellenica Tylopsis lilifolia Leptophyes punctatissima Tettigonia viridissima Metriophtera roeselii type Ephippiger ephippiger Eupholidoptera chabrieri

Manatids Mantis religosa

Antlions Palpares libelluloides Euroleon nostras Myrmeleon sp

Ascalaphids Libelloides sp Mantispa styriaca Nemoptera bipennis

Cicadas Tibicen plebejus Cicada orni

Reptiles and amphibians Yellow-bellied Toad Bombina variegata Greek Marsh Frog Rana balcanica Balkan Stream Frog Rana graeca Snake-eyed Skink Ablepharus kitaibelii Balkan Green Lizard Lacerta trilineata Common Wall Lizard Podarcis muralis Meadow Lizard Lacerta praticola Peloponnese Wall Lizard Podarcis peloponnesiaca Balkan Whip Snake Coluber gemonensis

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