125 UNBELIEVABLE “Anchor Text” !

(All with Page Rank *7* and Above!)

Brought to You By: Dario Montes de Oca

© 2010 www.DarioMontesdeOca.com

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ------FREE GIVEAWAY RIGHTS!

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This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright

125 Unbelievable Anchor Text Backlinks and all of its content are protected by copyright law.

The copyrighted information contained within this product may not be reproduced, distributed, or copied in any way; including Internet, email, newsgroups, or reprinting.

Any violator will be subject to the maximum fine and penalty imposed by law.

Purchasers of this product are granted a license to use the information contained herein for their own personal use only. Any violators will be pursued and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

All earnings and traffic statistics described in this product and shown on our are accurate to the best of our knowledge and should not be considered “typical”.

As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your background, dedication, desire and motivation.

I make no guarantees regarding the level of success you may experience.

The information contained in 125 Unbelievable Anchor Text Backlinks is strictly for entertainment purposes.

Because of the rate at which conditions change I also make no guarantees the listed in this product will still enable backlinks on their web pages.

(There’s a bonus for you at the bottom in case some of them do decide to disable backlinks ;))

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WARNING:

Use these backlinks at your own risk! **Only use a maximum of TWO anchor text links for each site**

The reason behind this is because…

If you leave more than two links on each site, the moderators (website owners) will take notice of them and in all likelihood BAN people from using these sites for backlinks.

You do not want to be banned and you DO NOT want to ruin the site for everyone including yourself by having the moderators disable this very beneficial feature on these sites.

Therefore, it is VERY important you DO NOT place more than TWO backlinks on each site.

Drill this in your head and remember it.

Got it? Good.

Now for the cool stuff… 

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These are the same backlinks that moved my websites to the FIRST PAGE of in a very short period of time.

You may or may not experience the same results simply because…

It really depends on the amount of competition you’re dealing with!

For example, if you Google “Dario” you will see my site on the first page. At the time of writing this I’m still working on getting my site to the #1 position for that keyword.

But for other keywords I’ve targeted I shot right up to the #1 position on the search engines and stayed there.

It really depends on your competition where your website will rank on the search engines for your chosen keywords.

Once you’ve decided which keywords you want to target and which web pages you want to rank for (articles, blog, “money pages”, capture pages, etc.) then you simply go to each site listed below to place your two anchor text links.

Scroll down to learn how to do this…

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. How To Set-Up Your Anchor Text Links

You’ll be setting your two anchor text links on each one of the sites listed below by using a code, mostly HTML, but sometimes BBC.

These are the codes you will be using (You will need to enter and customize your own domain and selected keywords).

HTML Code:


BBC Code:

[url=http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com]YOUR KEYWORDS[/url]

NOTE: Remember to use only TWO anchor text keyword links at a time for each website below!

You can make two profiles for each website and still target other keywords on that site.

For example:

I go to http://www.Bakerina.com and I register for a profile. This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I will then target the keywords “Dario” and “Affiliate Marketing” for my campaigns. The links on my profile signature will look like this…

Signature: Dario Affiliate Marketing

If you want to target more than two keywords on that same website, you will then register ANOTHER profile and then create two more anchor text backlinks.

You can do this for each profile you set up for the websites and use different keywords on each profile on the same website.

Just remember to use only TWO anchor text links for each profile you register.

You don’t have to use your “real name” for each profile you register either.

I use a site called Fake Name Generator to come up with a new name and email address for me.

I then use that information to register a profile so I can place my chosen anchor text keywords on that site.

After that it’s simply wash, rinse and repeat. ;)

***Helpful Hint:

I have found that having the HTML and BBC codes pre-written on “Notepad” is extremely convenient.

I switch from Notepad to my web browser to copy and paste what I need to get the job done. This is highly recommended. 

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 125 Unbelievable Anchor Text Backlinks

What you need at this point:

• A username • An email address • A first and last name • A password • And your HTML and BBC codes with your pre-selected chosen keywords and domain (written on Notepad for ultimate convenience)

The first four you can make up with Fake Name Generator or use your real name and email.

Just note that you will be receiving email messages to that email address to confirm your registration for most of the sites, which is why it’s convenient to just create email accounts for each username and keywords.

Now, for each site below you will be looking for buttons where you can register a profile.

These are the most common to look for:

“Register” “Sign Up” “Create an Account” “Login” “Forum”

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Once you’re logged in look for something that says:

“Profile” “Edit Profile” “Settings” “Modify Profile”

“User CP” “Edit Signature” “Edit Your Details” etc.

In some cases the only place for this inside a forum will be under

“Visitor Messages”

This is where you can enter your HTML and post a message on your own profile.

In other cases you will need to “Create a Blog” where you can then use HTML to anchor text your keyword.

Look for anything that will let you enter your HTML or BBC code.

Each one of the sites below (at the time of writing this) allows you to anchor text keywords on their site…

So here you go:

125 Unbelievable Anchor Text Backlinks…

In order of Page Rank, starting with PR 7:

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Page Rank 7 http://www.telligent.com (Scroll down and click “Register”) http://forum.filezilla-project.org http://www.tripit.com http://www.ballhype.com (Edit “Home Page Name” on profile) http://network.nature.com http://forum.kde.org http://boxesandarrows.com http://www.mrqe.com http://eventful.com http://www.bungie.net http://www.fastcompany.com http://www.hastac.org http://www.istockphoto.com

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. http://www.gothamist.com http://www.programmersheaven.com http://www.centerforsocialmedia.org http://www.climatebiz.com http://www.dipity.com (Scroll down and enter HTML "Comment" on profile) http://www.seriouseats.com http://www.articulate.com/forums http://www.educationarcade.org/community (Click "Community") http://wpsu.org http://forums.silverlight.net http://mybookface.net http://www.tugzip.com/forum/index.php http://www.slideroll.com (Click "Community Forum" then Click "YOUR USERNAME") http://www.campaignmonitor.com/forums/index.php

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. http://www.connectusers.com/forums/cucbb (Use BBC code in "About Me")

http://www. forums.winamp.com http://www.myhosting.com/forums (Use HTML on "Visitor Messages" on profile) http://www.community.invisionpower.com http://www.flagcounter.boardhost.com http://www.codechef.com http://www.livestrong.com (Start blog) http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk http://www.southparkstudios.com http://www.livescience.com http://community.michaeljackson.com/us/home http://www.perlmonks.org http://www.1up.com http://bleacherreport.com

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. http://www.codeproject.com (Click "My Settings" then "About You") http://www.javaworld.com/community http://www.inthesetimes.com http://seekingalpha.com http://ostatic.com http://www.extjs.com/forum http://www.jamieoliver.com http://punbb.informer.com/forum http://philanthropy.com/forums http://revision3.com http://telligent.com http://www.sportingnews.com (Use BBC code in "SportingBlog") http://open.salon.com www.maths.tcd.ie/~ellmang/canoebb/index.php

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. http://www.cfd-online.com/Forums http://www.tuneupmedia.com/forum http://www.entourageedge.com/forums http://www.msstudentlounge http://www.mania.com http://www.dcist.com http://www.londonist.com http://www.laist.com http://forums.phplist.com http://www.mac-forums.com/forums http://www.xanga.com http://forums.mozillazine.org http://www.mybookface.net http://forum.developers.facebook.com http://www.tumblr.com (Click "Link") http://www.gather.com (Click "Share" then "Posts")

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. http://www.google.com/bookmarks http://www.tumblr.com http://www.xanga.com http://forums.cpanel.net http://www.folkd.com (Click "Add a new link") http://multiply.com (Click "Post") http://myweb.yahoo.com (Click "Add") http://www.zillow.com (Click "My Zillow" then "About YOURUSERNAME Edit") http://www.dopplr.com (Click "Add a trip" then enter HTML in "Add a note")

(Page Rank 7 – 80 Links)

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Page Rank 8 http://www.brides.com http://www.xoops.org/modules/newbb http://www.zotero.org (Type your keyword in "CV") http://www.joomlashine.com/forum/index.php http://dev.netvibes.com/forum (Click "Forum") http://www.winamp.com/ http://apps.exploratorium.edu/cgi-bin/yabb2- cooking/YaBB.pl http://phpnuke.org (Click "Your Account") http://processing.org/discourse/yabb2/YaBB.pl http://www.forum.bytesforall.com http://dokeos.com/forum http://cutephp.com/forum http://forum.joomlaworks.gr http://www.acrobatusers.com

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. http://my.telegraph.co.uk http://www.the-scientist.com (Click "Community" then "My Profile") http://www.ted.com http://www.blog.ted.com http://www.livejournal.com http://www.vox.com http://forum.joomla.org http://www.mister-wong.com http://www.politico.com http://www.reddit.com http://my.opera.com http://www.dotnetnuke.com http://chronicle.com/forums http://digg.com http://www.propeller.com

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. http://www.blinklist.com (Click "+add") http://www.statcounter.com http://www.blogger.com http://www.linkedin.com http://www.librarything.com (Place HTML comment on profile) http://www.idealist.org http://www.dailykos.com

(Page Rank 8 – 36 Links)

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Page Rank 9 http://www.openstreetmap.org http://opencube.com/forum http://www.bloglines.com http://worldcat.org http://www.flickr.com http://my.msn.com (Favorites box to "Menu" then "Change Details") http://www.excite.com (Click "My Bookmarks Edit" on profile) http://www.spreadfirefox.com

(Page Rank 9 – 8 Links)

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Page Rank 10 http://www.google.com (Google “Google Profiles” and edit your account)

(Page Rank 10 – 1 Link)

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNADVERTISED BONUS

Sometimes, the moderators of high page rank websites will get so much spam that they decide to disable any kind of linking to their site.

This is why I HIGHLY stress you only use TWO anchor text links for each of the sites above for each profile.

At other times, a website moderator will decide to disable that feature simply because they want to. This can happen to any number of sites including any of the ones listed above.

…Which brings me to my UNADVERTISED BONUS.

Here are 15 more Page Rank 7 anchor text websites that you can use for powerful backlinks: http://www.hi5.com (Use HTML code comment on profile) http://www.friendster.com http://www.30boxes.com http://www.help.com http://www.indiebound.org http://www.self.com (Click "Blog" then "Write New Post")

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. http://www.mydd.com (Click "New Diary" 8 hour mandatory wait period) http://www.community.elgg.org (Click upper right profile icon/use HTML code comment on profile) http://buzz.yahoo.com (Blog "Write an entry") http://www.museumofhoaxes.com http://rhizome.org (Use BBC code in "Bio") http://www.good.is http://www.hotelchatter.com http://www.letsgo.com http://www.openleft.com

(Page Rank 7 – 15 Links)

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Recommended Products

There’s plenty more where these backlinks came from.

Not only do I use each and every one of the websites above, I also use automated systems and scripts and programs to automate and catapult the traffic to my websites.

The programs I use make my life a hell of a lot easier and save me a TON of time (and sanity) because they do most of the hard work for me, automatically.

Here are the products and services I highly recommend for to you consider adding to your backlink-building strategy:

Link Builder Pro – They’re offering a FREE version of this software but I’m not sure how long it will last, honestly I was surprised they were giving it away. Click the link above, download the software and put it use right away to start seeing results quicker.

The Leading Articles – I publish dozens of unique articles every single day thanks to this program and all it takes is a few minutes work. You can literally build hundreds of backlinks within weeks with this software. Click here to get a special access code: http://bestmarketingblueprint.com/1449/how-to-use-spin-articles-to- increase-website-traffic

Brad Callen’s SEO Link Vine – Put simply, this thing rocks. And it’s a heck of a lot cheaper than many other automated SEO services out there.

Angela Edwards’ Easy Backlink Builder – I’ll just say one word here: NO-BRAINER. $5 a month is a STEAL for what she offers. Subscribe to this. Like right NOW. I’m not kidding.

This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. There’s a software program I use that Angela recommends to her subscribers. This saves me tons of time and sanity, but you can only learn about it by subscribing to her monthly packets (which are already well worth it, and it’s one of my “secret” weapons).

Paul’s Quality Backlinks – Similar to Angela’s service, slightly less page rank sites but more of them. $8 per month is another steal and highly recommended.

Final Thoughts…

There you have it.

I hope you got a lot more out of this than you expected, which was my intention.

Do me a favor. Email me your comments, testimonials, and feedback. I want to know what you think.

Email me at this address: [email protected]

Share this report with others in your circle or tweet about it.

I’d love for this type of high quality information to reach the people who need it the most.


This product was created by Dario Montes de Oca © 2010 www.BestMarketingBlueprint.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.